readingandsiamese · 2 years
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Happy early Lovelace day! I've wanted to do a selection of stories based on that one Anon's ask about avoiding enemies via kiss forever. So me getting this prompt for Blade and several of the other ROs is fate!
Keep reading for the story.
Shepherds of Haven belongs to Lena Nguyen, @shepherds-of-haven . So does Blade.
Warnings: kissing, minor flirting, making out, minor angst, Skeezy alley.
Blade would be like “wut” but then the MC would grab his collar and make out with him and he’d be into it. Afterwards he’d try to maintain some semblance of dignity by covering his ass, but be all flustered, like: “That’s an… effective… distraction tactic… good…………………………. work…”
-Lena Nguyen
Effective Work
"They're right behind us," Nira Rookesby said as she ran through the streets of the festival, following her Commander as closely as possible.
She could move at a fast pace, but she wasn't quite able to match Blade's long-legged gait.
"If we don't lose them, we won't be the ones to dispose of the artifact. They'll insist we hand it over," Blade said as they paused at an intersection.
The Battle Mage looked around, threw money at a vendor, and grabbed a scarf and cape in exchange. She tied the scarf around her brown curly hair and tossed the cape at the dark haired Ket. "Here."
He put it on with a small grimace only someone who knew him well would have caught. Pale blue fabric trimmed in an elaborate silver lace wasn't exactly his preference--then they started moving again.
"I'm not certain adding accessories will be enough to disguise us."
"You look extremely different in light colors," Nira said, smiling mischievously. "The blue offsets your eyes."
Blade huffed. "We need to blend in," he said as they ducked into an alley. "Become part of the scenery."
The two of them looked around the backstreet. The alley was quiet and dark and chock full of couples that were kissing. Five separate pairs were huddled together, leaning against the cold brick and in various stages of romantic liasons.
Blade and Nira caught each other's eyes in disbelieving silence. The Elf Mage gave a little nervous grin, her cheeks and nose coloring.
"Well… When in Capra..." Nira said.
"What-" Blade began, but he was unable to finish his sentence.
Nira had pulled him down towards her, one arm around his neck, one in his hair, and she was kissing him. Fiercely. As if...she truly meant it.
He wasn't sure about the Inquisitors, but Blade himself momentarily forgot about the artifact. He was overwhelmed with the scent of her, jasmine and ink, and the soft feel of her lips, and the warmth of her body pressing against his.
One of his arms went around Nira's waist as he kissed her back passionately, nearly desperately, without even thinking about it. His free hand was somehow on the back of her neck. Someone, or possibly them both, made a desperate little sound, but they didn't stop.
Movement at the mouth of the alley. The Inquisitors must have passed them by? Blade finally paused to look, though he was secure in the knowledge the two of them could handle the opposition. It was merely another couple.
"Don't stop yet," Nira murmured, turning his face back toward hers, and he obliged.
Their safety, her safety, was paramount. As was securing the dangerous artifact. Indeed. Yes.
After what could have been minutes or hours and still didn't feel like long enough, they broke apart.
"Um…" Nira started, blushing deeply as she reached up to carefully fix where she mussed his hair. "Sorry… you said to blend in…"
"No," Blade managed. "Don't apologize. That... That was. Effective."
It was with great difficulty he removed his hands from her person.
Nira looked at him with her extremely green, perceptive eyes. "Effective?"
"Yes. Nice. Ah. Nice distraction technique," he added. He hated how awkward and formal his voice sounded. "Excellent job, Captain Rookesby. Commendable."
"Nira," Blade said, though he had no idea what else to say or why he had a tight, painful feeling in his chest.
Nira bit her lower lip. "Yeah. It was really something." She withdrew from him, moving back several feet.
Nira Rookesby, normally an open book, had shuttered her feelings. "Let's meet back up with the others, Commander."
They'd lost their pursuit and...that...had happened. The artifact, one the Inquisitors should never have, was safe in their possession. The mission was nearly complete.
The Elf Mage turned quickly and walked toward the other end of the alley, weaving through amorous couples.
His lips were still warm from her kisses and it was all he could do to stop himself from touching them, feeling seared.
So why had that excruciating sensation in his chest grown worse? Why, instead of success, was Blade merely filled with a feeling of loss as he watched her walk away?
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day!
In 2 weeks!
It's crazy to think we did our first Lovelace Day challenge almost two years ago!
Just for fun, I whipped up a new generator with romance-themed prompts for anyone who wants to use it! Click the link, find a prompt you like (keep clicking, there are a lot, like at least a hundred), make a piece of fanart or fanfiction based on that prompt, and feel free to share it by tagging @shepherds-of-haven and #lovelaceday! I'd love to share anything you create! ❤️ Or you can just share screenshots of your favorite random prompts! That's pretty much it, this is just for fun!
You can use either the first year's Lovelace Day generator, or the new one I made this year, whichever you like!
💕 Lovelace Day Prompts (2022) 💕
💘 Lovelace Day Prompts (2020) 💘
Note: a few prompts in this year's edition suggest steamy scenarios or mild innuendo: nothing explicit, but words like sexual tension or strip poker may appear.
I hope you decide to participate, and have fun! 💝
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readingandsiamese · 2 years
Chase's turn for the kiss prompt! What can I say, this one spoke to me.
Shepherds of Haven belongs to Lena Nguyen, @shepherds-of-haven .
Warnings: kissing, nsfw references, Mageism, a real jerk OC, authority figure abusing it, some spoilers for ShoH, another skeezy alley
Chase would enthusiastically dip the MC in a grandiose gesture and make out with them in front of everybody–and if the Inquisitors were to clear their throat, he’d hold up a finger and prolong the kiss just to rub it in.
-Lena Nguyen
Alley Encounter
Kienne Rosen replaced the brick in the wall of the alley, hiding the tome she'd placed in the hidden niche. It was one of a few secret stashes that Chase had shown her, and she figured he wouldn't mind. Frankly, she was lucky she'd known of one in this part of Haven.
There was someone behind her--she whirled, hand on her gun.
"I come with peaceful intentions, Sunshine," Chase Trinaeste said, smirking.
Kienne let out a breath. "Chase, you shouldn't be here."
"I shouldn't be near my own cache?" Chase asked.
The red haired Mage glanced at the mouth of the alley. "There's a pair of Inquisitors tailing me-"
Chase's smile widened. "You started date night without me?!"
She shook her head, red ringlets bouncing. "Chase, this is my mess."
"But getting out of a mess caused by thievery is my thing. Did you steal from an Inquisitor's raid? If you did, we're going back to one of our rooms right now."
She bit her lip to stop a smile. "Try to be serious for a second. I'm not stealing, the owner gave it to me right before she got inspected. It's a spellbook."
Had there been a flash of worry in his green eyes? If so, he'd covered it quickly. "You really intervened in an Inquisitor matter?"
"Not exactly," the Mage replied. "I was already in the clinic when the Inquisitors showed for a random inspection. The owner gave me a spell book since it was the only thing she had that was questionable and it wouldn't burn in time."
"Putting yourself in danger and risking Spike's ire. A woman after my own heart. So you said they're following you?" Despite the flippant, playful tone in Chase's voice, Kienne picked up on the edge under the surface.
Kienne scowled. "I'm helping a licensed healer, but the book isn't about healing. Now I hope they'll leave her alone, but they heard me go out the back and a few followed. Stupid hinges."
"Count me in," Chase said.
The Inquisitors in question were coming, based on the stomping of boots.
"We need a reason we went into the alley!"
"Alleys are known for mugging and killing and pissing and desperate liaisons," Chase suggested helpfully. "Hopefully not in that order."
Key sighed. "I'm not going to mug or kill you or squat."
Chase grinned and pulled her to him. Make love it is, his expression said. He gave her an enthusiastic, bend-her-over-backwards, kiss.
The Inquisitors headed for them.
"Excuse me," one of them said.
The Prince of Thieves held up a finger, indicating they should wait. Despite herself, Kienne was smiling through the kiss. Slowly he let her up.
"You there. Bright eyes. What are you doing in this alley?" the more aggressive of the Inquisitors asked.
Kienne didn't react to what he called her, but she saw Chase's eyes glitter. The thief was looking over the man as if memorizing his features for a later date.
"I'm sure you can figure out what we were doing," the leader of the Thieves Guild finally said, putting his arm around Kienne.
Key made sure to blush; it wasn't difficult. "We're heading home now, sir."
"Did you flee a scene we were investigating a few minutes ago?" the man, square jawed and balding with bushy blonde muttonchops, asked.
"No, that wasn't us," she said. "There was a crime?"
"It's possible," the quieter of the Inquisitors said, not sounding convinced. She was thin and looked perpetually tired, possibly due to dealing with her partner. "We were doing a routine inspection and someone left, not responding to our hail. You wouldn't know anything about that?"
That one was more polite, more cautious.
"Not us," Chase said.
"You look flushed and are breathing a little hard like you might have been running," Muttonchops said, looking over Kienne.
"My kisses do that to her every time," Chase replied with a charming smile.
"My partner thought the person who left might have taken something illegal with them," the female Inquisitor continued. "A Mage weapon or a text."
"I can't even read," Chase said.
Always so flippant. But not entirely accurate; he could read now, a little, and improved every day.
"It wasn't us," Kienne added.
"I'm sure you wouldn't mind proving it," Muttonchops snapped. "I'll search the hedgewitch."
He moved towards Kienne who refused to react to the slur.
Chase stepped in his way. "Books are big. I'm sure you can spot them easily enough."
He spread out his arms and turned.
The Inquisitor looked like he wanted to slam Chase against the wall, but his partner said, "Now you."
Kienne took off her cloak, shook it, then spread her arms and turned slowly.
"Doesn't mean you weren't there. You lot stick together," the man spat. "We're searching the alley. If I find that book, you'll regret it."
"If you don't find anything? Who regrets it then?" Chase asked in a genuinely curious voice. Kienne elbowed him.
"You got a problem, boy? You shouldn't even be with that-"
"Careful how you finish that sentence," Chase said in a sing-song tone.
Muttonchops squared up to Chase. The Inquisitor outweighed the thief and was taller, but the thief looked unconcerned.
"Help me look, Reyse," the female Inquisitor said. "I don't want to be out all night."
Finally, Muttonchops pulled away. The Inquisitors searched the alley with Kienne and Chase leaning against a wall the whole time, but nothing was found.
"Let's go," the tired woman said.
"You're off the hook now," Muttonchops --Reyse--said. "But I never forget a face."
"Funny, neither do I," Chase replied. He said it so innocently, so blandly, that the man allowed his partner to pull him away.
Kienne let out a sigh of relief and put her arm around Chase. He slung an arm around her, too, but he was still looking in the direction the Inquisitors had left.
"Chase. Leave it. He's not important."
Chase turned to her. "You're right. Get your book--you're welcome for me showing you such a good hiding place--and we can finish what we started."
"What did we start?" she asked and then he was bending her backward, kissing her again.
A Week Later
Kienne had grabbed her breakfast tray, ready to head to a table.
She glanced up as she saw her squad rushing toward her. Well, Cybele Minte was hurrying towards her with Justyn Hattoc at her side. Daren Corby was close behind them, scowling, followed by a seemingly reluctant Ysa Ull.
"Did you hear?" Cybele Minte said in a rush. Apparently gossiping gave the elf the ability to move quickly.
"What?" They were off duty, so Kienne wouldn't chide her for gossipping.
"One of the Inquisitors was arrested! He got taken to the Chrysalis for questioning. All sorts of magical stuff was found in his rooms, like he'd been hoarding it!"
Chase walked in and waved at her from across the room. She held up a hand to indicate she'd join him in a minute.
"Please try to have some sense of decorum, Cybele," Daren said. "I doubt Captain Rosen is interested-"
"What was his name?" Kienne asked, thinking about how her green eyed thief hadn't stopped by much in the last week.
Cybele shrugged. "I dunno, good riddance I say."
"It was Alistair Reyse," Justyn said.
"Oh. Make sure you eat up, recruits, we're training later," Kienne replied before she headed for Chase and put her tray down at his table.
"Hello stranger," she said, sea-colored eyes locking onto green. "It's been awhile."
He smirked. "Have you been pining, Sunshine?"
"Did you hear about Inquisitor Reyse?" Kienne asked directly. "Arrested for harboring magical artifacts?"
"Sounds like poetic justice," Chase said.
"Uh huh," she said. "Did he have any artifacts?"
"He must have when they searched his place," Chase replied. "Or they wouldn't have arrested him."
"Remind me to thank you again, later," the red head said.
"For what?"
"For everything."
"I'll never let anyone get away with threatening you, Key."
It was as close to an admission as she'd get.
"Where did you get magical artifacts?"
Chase just grinned, smug like a cat. "Who said I did? But to answer you, it's funny how easy it is to find forbidden things if you try really hard and are around a bunch of Mages. Don't worry. I'm sure that if someone did plant things, they would've had a Mage check them first. No need for the Inquisitors to get hold of anything dangerous."
"If not weapons or books, what would it be?"
"I have it on good authority that the Inquisitor had a floor full of quack cures for impotence, fake love potions, and premature baldness charms."
Kienne started to laugh.
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readingandsiamese · 2 years
Okay last one folks! This time it's Red and my OC Anawyn thrown into the fake kiss scenario.
Warnings: kissing, maybe spoilers for ShoH?, It's mentioned a puppy was almost hurt but he's fine, chasing scene, Inquisitors are jerks
Red would inwardly know there’s no way that plan would work, but externally go along with it because he’s been dying to kiss the MC!
-Lena Nguyen
"Ana? What is it?" Red asked, concerned.
Something Familiar
Anawyn Tallmadge and a young girl ran around the corner. Ana couldn't correct herself in time and ran straight into Red Antiqua. She had been going fast enough they both bounced backwards.
"They're right behind us!"
The girl hesitated in her running and looked back to check on Anawyn.
"Keep going!"Ana called, then looked at Red. "They're after her. She used magic in public, but she's just a scared kid. They've not seen me, but I need to stall them…"
The little girl--possibly Caine's age--started to run again.
"Who is after her?" Red asked with a sinking feeling.
"Inquisitors. They could take her to the Chrysalis…" Ana bit her lip, then pulled him to block the alleyway. "Red, kiss me! They'll think we've been here making out this whole time."
Red's eyebrows raised, not sure exactly what his ex had gotten into and fairly certain her plan wouldn't work, but he pulled Ana closer and kissed her anyway. He'd been wanting to ever since...he first saw her again and she'd touched his face, actually.
Gods, it was like he remembered, but better.
One of her hands clutched the front of his shirt and the other slid to his lower back. He put a hand on her autumn colored hair, the other around her waist.
Too soon the thud of boots came.
"You two! Move! We're after a dangerous fugitive!"
Red and Ana did their best to look extremely confused and shocked.
"I'm sorry?" Red asked.
He moved out of the way, pulling Ana with him.
"A fugitive?" Ana asked. "Here?"
Red couldn't see her face, but knew from experience she'd made her purple eyes wide and large. Added to her freckles, it gave her an extremely innocent look that had been used against him more than once at the Circle.
"Did anyone run past you?" The first Inquisitor demanded. They looked positively bloodthirsty over chasing down a little girl.
"No sir," Red said.
Ana shook her head. "Not through the alley, but, I guess they could've gone past us, to one of the next ones? We...we didn't really notice."
Red glanced sideways and caught her faint blush. He wondered if that, at least, was genuine. That was the case with his own flush.
One of the Inquisitors cursed and said something about lovesick kids. They did both look younger than they were. Was this actually going to work? The pair started to talk together and Red and Ana stayed, waiting, just in case.
Eventually, the Inquisitors went back down the alley in the opposite direction from the girl.
Ana sagged into him in relief and Red kept his arm around her.
"Thank you," she said.
"Anytime you need me, I'll be there," Red said softly.
She looked into his eyes and put a hand on his cheek. They stared into each other's eyes for a long moment before Ana finally asked, "Especially if it involves making out?"
*Yes, especially then," Red agreed easily. "So Ana…?"
Anawyn smiled at him. "The little girl threw a shield up to stop a dog from running in front of a cart. It wasn't a good one, but that's impressive at her age and she did save the dog. Of course some Inquisitors saw her. I helped her avoid them, and told her to come see us at the Shepherds. Then we ran into you."
"Literally. That was brave of you, to help her."
"I had to, she didn't mean any harm. I hope she comes back."
*You want another 13 year old to join the Shepherds?"
Anawyn grinned. "She obviously likes animals, so she'll get on with Caine. I'm sure Blade won't mind…"
"Maybe if you ask him," Red returned.
Anawyn tucked her arm in Red's and they headed for the Shepherd's compound.
"Red? I'm sorry I made you kiss me," Anawyn finally said.
"You didn't make me," he replied, then stopped, facing her. "I wanted to."
"You did?" Her purple eyes looked into his.
"Yes." He brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face. Red opened his mouth to say 'I'd like to do it again' when he was patted enthusiastically on the back.
"Ooo, you two look like you're going to kiiiss," Pan said. "Where've you been? On a daaate? Ana, if you dump him this time, he'll never recover!"
"Pan," Red started, but the man was on a roll and he and Ana just shook their heads at him and headed back inside the compound with their friend.
Back home. Funny, it was home, now. And Red suspected Ana had a lot to do with that.
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readingandsiamese · 2 years
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Shepherds of Haven still belongs to Lena, @shepherds-of-haven .
It's Trouble's turn! Same prompt, different person. (I seriously did keep getting this prompt, lol.) Inspired by an anonymous ask about this scenario.
Warnings: kissing, making out, Trouble being himself, mention of someone wanting to hurt kittens (but no actual kitten harming), mention of a pleasure house, foul language.
Basically he wouldn’t process what was going on and just do what the MC wanted on blind instinct. Afterwards he’d be like “uhhhhh okay that was awesome, but did it actually work?…”
MC: Who cares?
-Lena Nguyen
Best Friends
"Are they safe?" Saima, the so-called Hero of Haven asked, meeting Trouble outside the tavern.
Trouble Alder nodded. "One bag of kittens safely stowed behind the bar. The owner owes me, they'll be taken care of."
"Then we should move. Or we'll be facing those thugs ourselves."
Trouble's handsome face went from satisfied to furious. "I don't care if that rich kisich owned them, he was not going to drown them in a barrel!"
Saima lightly touched his arm, hearing boots approaching. "I agree, but his guards don't, so…"
She tugged him down another street.
They'd encountered the man holding a squirming, mewing bag over a barrel of rainwater. He said that his purebred had been visited by a stray and the results were unwanted. Saima had suggested they take the kittens, but the merchant insisted he was going to kill them. While Trouble's response had been to argue explosively, Sai had just grabbed the bag and ran, pulling Trouble along. Then the guy had set his guards after them, but at least the goons had only seen them at a distance.
Trouble stayed close to her side. "We can take them!"
"Yes, but those guards were hired by a rich jerk with connections. He'll report us. If you get reported again, Blade will kill you," Saima said in her usual calm manner. "Right now they don't know we're Shepherds. Let's keep it that way. Besides, I'm the one who stole them, so it's my fault and my job to make it right."
They darted through alleys, then Trouble cursed. "This is a dead end, Sai. There's nothing here but…" He trailed off and his handsome, tanned face turned red.
Saima looked around and saw the source of his embarrassment...a pleasure house.
"Okay…" the Mage started to head for the door, but Trouble stopped her.
"Uh, what're you doing?"
"Trying to hide...okay, nevermind, I hear them behind us, Trouble, quick, kiss me!" Saima said, pulling her long black hair out of her usual bun. Then she tore off her tunic top and cape, shoving them behind a barrel.
"Huh?" Trouble said.
"Kiss me now!" Saima insisted, tugging him to the side door.
Trouble blinked at her, but she'd leapt up to put her arms around his neck, so he caught her, sliding his arms around her, and kissed her. As soon as he did, the world around them faded.
In fact, he probably would have missed the fact the guards had spotted them if Saima hadn't pulled away. Why had they stopped kissing?
Boots thudded behind them. Oh.
"If we go inside," Saima said in a sultry voice. "That costs double."
"Uh," Trouble responded. His brain had short circuited. It took a second to respond. "Here's fine," he managed.
"Okay, outside it is," she said, and kissed him again.
"They're not here," one voice said.
"I could search inside-"
"You'd like that. No. Don't waste your time. Let's move. This is stupid, anyway."
Eventually, the boots faded away. Trouble tried hard to care, but honestly he couldn't think.
Several moments later, Saima stopped the kiss.
Trouble blinked. "Uh...that was... amazing," he mumbled. Then louder, "Did it actually work?"
Saima smiled at him. "Do you see any guards around?"
He grinned back. "No."
Trouble realized he was still holding her, and face flaming, he reluctantly lowered her to the ground and removed his hands. She took her arms from around his neck.
If he'd enjoyed that kiss a little too much...well, she was a beautiful woman! It didn't change that she was his friend.
The Mage grabbed her tunic and cloak and put them back on. Her long dark hair framed her face and he absently noticed how much... softer it made her seem.
"Trouble," Saima said softly, in a serious voice. "It was a stupid plan, but I'm not sorry."
"Yeah," he said, running a hand through his hair and trying to ignore how right that kiss had felt. "I know."
"You know?"
"Close friends don't have to apologize, Sai! I know it didn't mean anything, because of course it didn't," he said and then wished he could stop talking. "I mean why would it? We're just two badasses saving animals!"
She looked at him in that way that kinda reminded him of Blade--it was probably because she was Ket raised and had mastered the expressionless look that showed things without showing much at all--but this time he couldn't interpret it.
"You're okay?" Trouble wasn't sure why he asked.
"Yes. I'm with my best friend," she said in a voice that sounded almost...resigned? "Are you?"
"I'm good. Great."
Saima shivered as the wind howled down the alley. "Let's get out of here. Just so you know, next time, you can strip."
He pulled her close to him and they walked together. Two close friends against the world.
One of whom was going to immerse himself in cold water when they got back, but they were just friends. Really close ones. The best.
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