#loving inna hours
disastercg · 2 years
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“The little architect, dreaming up her own world,” the entity hissed. Its phantasmal body of cosmic dust and otherworldly mist slithers around the curse-breaker. The obsidian floors underfoot bubble, then raise Inna on a precarious network of slippery beams. “You never had a solid foundation underfoot, did you?” it laughed. “Watch where you step, my dear. It’s a long, long way down.” 
𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒   |    𝖺 𝗅𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗋𝗂𝖻𝗎𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇  ;  𝖺 𝗅𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗇 𝗂𝗇𝗇𝖺 .
inna isn’t cursed with vertigo, and normally is no stranger to walking the metaphorical plank. but when she looks down, her worldview spins on axis. she’s reminded of something; she’s reminded of her home. where she grew up most of her life. those windows peered out into the fields and forest near their home. she would sit at the table for hours, all alone, looking out those windows and drawing the world around her. over time, she imagined more things there. she would draw those too. from imitating reality, to envisioning a new one.
as she looks into the abyss below, one foot lined behind another one on the beam high up, she’s home again. and now those windows she looked out of every day so fondly, are boarded up. she can almost see her father’s eyes in the darkness.
Blackened sludge poured from the entity’s abyss of a mouth, falling past the beams. From it rose the form of her brother; at first a healthy warrior, then the beauty of a Cursed Blood first bitten, and the inhuman stare of one who’d succumbed to the curse’s bloodlust. All the while, he begged Inna to save him.  
she didn’t understand why it was happening. from shock alone she teeters on the beam. she missed that face. her surprise and relief poisons. she’s afraid. 
“you look horrible,” sweetly, sadly, she tells her brother as she extends a hand, hoping to brush away the sludge, the wrongness of him, the very thing she came so far to fix. “yo-you aren’t yourself.” she was oblivious to how true that was, “you should have stayed put like i said. i’m trying so hard to fix this.” he’s begging now and she ignores it to continue a monologue, feeling all at once too deep in this, yet far away. “i don’t care what father said, i can do this. i will do this-- look, i found the wizard and i’m making progress.” she reaches her palm further to touch him, but it seems like he’s farther away every time she tries. “you should see all the things i can do now. i’m not the same girl. just come back h-ome,” her voice breaks, she recovers because she’s afraid to sound like a crybaby now. “why’d you leave? where i can’t reach you or save you then?” she finally snaps at his continuous begging. she takes a few bold steps forward and swipes her hand out with new vengeance, trying to scoop him up.
“It’s pointless,” the entity giggled. “No matter how far you extend your hand, you’ll never reach him. The gap between what you know and what you need to know is far too wide!” The golden cracks on the entity’s maw splintered further, as if it were split lips on a twisted smile. “If you found him, would he even recognize you? It’s so easy to corrupt these little beasts when they’re dying of hunger,” it said. 
it tells her the thing she feared most and she responds with violently shaking her head, as if trying to shake the notion away. her heart breaks with each shake, and each word that comes after. “shut up,” her fear is taking a backseat, frustration, not fear but sheer building terror, and a fair bit of anger. “you don’t know what you’re talking about!” she snarls quietly, becoming a little less human herself, out of breath, wisp of angry air escaping, “you weren’t there. he promised me he wouldn’t.” he wouldn’t leave. not when he promise. he wouldn’t forget her, or change. not when he promised, damnit. “you’re not him. you’re not my brother.” her voice is stronger than ever, “you don’t know how strong he is.”
“Or I could give you a cure to his affliction. Wouldn’t you like an easy cure? I’ll even let you study it to duplicate its ingredients, since you’re so desperate to save these pitiful, cursed things. How noble a wish yours would be!”
it stops her from the anger threatening to explode. a moment of resilient silence. how does it know her dreams? her fears, her future plans, her weak spots? it doesn’t seem fair. 
she’d be foolish not to consider it.
so foolish is she when she opens her mouth and with her typically soft and quiet mantle back in place, says, “i don’t need you,” she fists her hands at her sides, “i can save them by myself. my brother and anyone else who needs me.” she wraps her arms around herself, hiding behind oversized knit what she thinks might be doubt in her heart, “you’re not even real. just like you don’t know my brother, you don’t know me. you don’t know how hard i’ve studied or what i’m capable of.”
everyone is so quick to dismiss her. even herself sometimes. but not this time.
she closes her eyes, squeezes them shut until her eyelids are uncomfortable, her teeth gritting in the process. she’s leaving this place, if it’s the last thing she does.
she springs out of bed moments later, sweat drooling down the sharpness of her cheekbones and coating her neck and chest. her eyes go crazy in the night, scanning her room for the frightening sight that had just plagued her. but there’s none to be found. just the messy sanctuary of her room within the tower of rest.
it was close. too close.
with a sigh she bolts out of bed, grabs the book she had been reading before bed, and knowing she won’t be sleeping, heads to read it out in the common room. ignoring the way her chest aches and her heart won’t stop overbeating, her nerves and fear still clinging to the vestiges of her.
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mbat · 5 months
ohhh bread. i could write poem about bread
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
Protective Ghost perhaps ?
Love me a protective hulk of a man and clapping my cheeks like a mad man 🫣
scary boyfriend privileges for real
warnings: mdni (18+), unwanted male attention, insinuation of assault, smut, unprotected pinv, est relationship, masturbation (fem), fingering, creampie, rough sex, dirty talk, slight breeding kink, lil bit of choking, possessive!ghost, rank kink if u squint
"Hey, where are you?"
"Just at the house, Is everything alright love?" He can sense the panic in your voice through the phone,
"Everything's fine just, do you think you'd be able to pick me up?"
"Be there in 10"
He ends the call, leaving you to listen to the echoes of strangers in the streets, standing alone outside your office building, you didn't intend on working late but something had come up and you told Simon that you'd just walk home after work, it was only a few blocks to your shared flat.
At first, he blatantly refused the idea, arguing that he'd just pick you up even if it meant waiting around for a few hours when he already had plans, you argued back stating that it wouldn't be dark considering the sun wouldn't set till later, and the walk was short. Eventually, he gave in, agreeing to your terms of having your location on during your walk and keeping a finger on the pepper spray he had placed in your purse.
Everything was going fine until you actually stepped out of the office, ignorant to the fact that there was a football match that night, and the pubs would be littered with drunk patrons, shouting from every street corner. The echoes of their voices made you nervous, the fact that you didn't have your scary boyfriend to protect you made it worse, a small panic setting into your nerves as you picked at your nails.
You move to the curb to watch for his truck, eyes glazing over every pair of headlights that made their way down the street, tapping your foot in an effort to ease yourself.
You turn your attention to the shout,
"Yea you, whatcha doin all alone out here love?" A man standing a few feet away begins walking towards you, even from the distance you can smell the alcohol on him, turning away to ignore him.
"Ah c'mon then, just tryna have a chat"
"M'not interested, sorry"
"Inna chat? Don't worry I won't bite"
You take a few steps back as the man gets closer, invading your space as he continues to speak,
"Don't have to be a priss, just wondering why a pretty lil thing like you s'all alone"
"I'm waiting for someone" You nervously dart your eyes around, willing Simon to appear,
He stumbles closer "You gotta boyfriend?"
"Yep" You cross your arms over your chest, walking backwards as the man continues to get closer
"Bet I'd treat ya better, wouldn't let you walk around all alone" He drags out the last word, staring directly at you,
"You know, I'm just gonna walk, have a good night" You turn to walk down the street, moving at a rushed pace,
"I'll walk you home" He moves in tandem with you
"No that's alright, I'll manage"
Your body freezes as his hand makes contact with your arm, tugging you back a step as he grips the skin, "Why've you got to be such a bitch?"
You try to pull your arm from his hold, "Excuse me?"
"Just tryna be nice"
"You're hurting me" Your body is in full panic, your mind racing as the man's stare pins you down, his grip firing you backwards until your back collides with the wall.
"You know it'd be a lot easier if you played along"
His words make your chest feel hollow, your eyes moving to avoid his gaze before they land on a pair of headlights in front of you, the slam of a car door breaking your focus as you let out a sigh at the sight of your boyfriend moving towards you.
In a flash the man is off you, Simon's grip around his collar as he pins him to the wall, the back of his head hitting against the stone as you gasp.
"Get the fuck out of here"
The stranger's eyes widen at the sight of the masked man, Simon's large form dwarfing his as his arm holds his shirt tight around his neck, Simon releases him, the man gasping for air, sparing you a final look before rushing down the street.
"I'm sorry I-"
He cuts you off, "Get in the car"
You spend the short ride home in silence, not even bothering to turn the radio on, the tension in the air palpable as you let yourself out of the truck, following behind Simon as he makes his way into the house.
You flinch as he slams the door behind him,
"M'not mad at you" His voice comes from behind you
"I know"
You watch as he storms toward the bedroom in a fury, his fists clenched as he breezes by you. following him through the room. Your eyes are glued to him as he sits in a chair, alone in the corner facing the bed, his legs spread as his hands settle on the arms of the seat.
"Take your clothes off"
You do as he says, nervous fingers working to remove your shirt before reaching for the belt on your pants, tugging them down your legs,
"All your clothes"
You stand naked before him, his eyes roaming over your form, his stare making goosebumps rise on your skin,
"Get on the bed"
You sit on the edge of the mattress, shuffling your body backwards as you rest against your arms,
"I want you to touch yourself, and keep your eyes on me"
Your throat dries at his words, your eyes looking for some sign of sympathy but there's nothing behind the mask, doing as you're told you snake a hand down your torso, settling your fingers against your clit, cursing yourself at how wet you already were.
You work your fingers around the bud, keeping your gaze locked on him as pleasure blossoms in your chest, your heels digging into the sheets as you find a rhythm.
He doesn't say anything but you can see the strain on his knuckles as he grips the armrests of the chair, his pants growing tighter with every moan that falls from your lips. You're teetering on the edge but it's not enough,
"Simon, please,"
"Your fingers not enough?"
You shake your head, "Need you"
"Need me to what?"
"Need you to fuck me, please"
He wastes no time in standing from the chair, practically tearing his pants down before his hands grip your waist, flipping you with ease so that your chest presses against the mattress, your cheek digging into the sheets as he presses his length against you.
He groans at the feeling of your weeping pussy against his length, his palms spreading you so he can get a better view,
“So fucking perfect, you gonna be good for me?”
You wriggle your hips for him, “Yes, all for you”
“Good girl” He drags his palm along the length of your spine, settling his fingers around the nape of your neck as he lines himself up, teasing his head through your folds, collecting your slick before inserting himself.
He bottoms out with a grunt, his pubic bone pressing against your ass as he leans over your form, caging you and forcing you to take every inch of him. You whimper below him, begging him to move as he holds himself still inside you.
He pulls himself nearly all the way out before thrusting back in, forcing a yelp from you as he begins pumping into your pussy, your slick gathering around his shaft as his cock splits you open.
“So fuckin tight love”
His fingers dig into your waist with a bruising grip, holding you still as he thrusts into you, you can feel the coil inside you still burning but it’s still not enough,
“Si, please, need more”
His hand reaches around your neck, pulling you from the bed so your back is flush with his chest, his fingers teasing on your pulse point. He snakes his other hand around to toy with your clit, you clench down on him as he makes contact, his rough fingers circling the bud.
“Can’t cum unless it’s me huh?”
You shake your head, your eyes squeezed shut,
“Tell me, who does this pussy belong to?”
“You Si, fuck”
“Not good enough” His hand constricts around your throat
You struggle to find your words, his cock driving into you from below, “It’s yours Lieutenant, only yours”
“Much better” His hand releases your throat allowing you to gasp for air in between your moans, your orgasm threatening to erupt from inside you.
His hands knead at your breasts, teasing and pinching the raised buds as his fingers work in tandem with his strokes, you reach behind you to touch him, to grab anything to ground yourself , your fingers settling on the hem of his mask.
“That’s it love, soak my cock, show me how good I make you feel”
Your skin feels like it’s on fire as all your muscles tense, Ghosts moans fill your ears as your pussy clenches down on him, his hips stuttering for a moment as he fucks you through your high.
When he feels you come down he pulls himself out, groaning at the loss of contact as his hands find their way back to your waist, flipping you onto your back and slotting himself between your legs.
You wrap your limbs around him, holding him to you as he pushes deep inside you, his face is inches from yours, his eyes glued to where you meet.
“Gonna fill this fucking pussy, maybe i’ll fuck a baby into you, s’that what you want? Want everyone to see your stomach grow with my fuckin seed? Let them know who you belong to?”
His gaze turns to you, his dark eyes staring back at you, you struggle to form a response, your hand moving to tug at the hem of his mask as your hooded eyes watch him. Like he’s reading your mind he tears the mask off in seconds, revealing his face to you, his rosy cheeks and plump lips, the way his jaw clenches with every thrust.
“I’m yours, only yours”
His lips crash into yours, swallowing your moans as he kisses you, rough and messy as your arms snake around his neck, holding him to you.
He pulls back, his forehead resting on yours, “Fuck, squeezing me so tight beautiful”
“Cum in me Si, need to feel you”
He watches your eyes fill with lust, your soaking pussy swallowing him as he bottoms out, your heels dig into his back as he spills his seed into you, coating your walls.
“Fuckin hell” He holds himself inside you as he finishes, his softening cock holding his cum deep in your pussy as he leans in for another kiss, it’s more tender this time.
He pulls out of you slowly, pushing up the bed and lying back as his arms tug you to him, your legs tangling with him as your hands find their spot on his chest.
His fingers thread through your hair, “S’not your fault love”
“I know I just feel stupid”
“You’re not stupid, you shouldn’t have to deal with shit like that”
You give a small hun in response,
“I would’ve killed him”
“I know”
“Like terrible, awful, excruciating pain kinda murder”
You huff a small laugh in response, knowing that he was deadly serious as you push yourself from his side, your palms nudging him over,
“C’mon go get dressed for bed”
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he-goes-down · 5 months
Hiiiiii!! I was wondering if you’d do a Axl x Reader fic we’re Axl is feeling down so he steals one of the readers plushies and cuddles with it until the reader finds him like that and then makes him feel better somehow then they like have happy, silly sex? Btw love your works sweetheart…💗💗💗
If you cringe from the silly things you have permission to slap me
Pairing: Axl Rose x reader
Human Nature
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Warnings: fluff and smut, unprotected p in v, silly sex
Second person POV:
It had been a few weeks of you working busily, this meant you were in your little study at home 24/7, only coming out to eat and go to the bathroom, occasionally Axl would come in and bring you food and peck on the cheek. You would be so tired after work you’d sleep on the little couch in the room. Which Axl would also walk in and put a blanket over you, kissing your forehead. But then again some days you had interaction with him at all, like from you working as he was out of the house and sleeping when he got home, ect.
Though you hadn’t realised how hard not seeing you was affecting Axl.
He’d walk sometimes throughout the day, when you were on a call with your boss, into the lounge put on your favourite show, hoping you would show up and watch with him, although he did watch the full show anyway and record it for yo. He also walk into the bedroom and lie on your side of the bed, head on your pillow and smelling your scent that meant so much to him and made his heartbeat fast. Sometimes as-well as scrounging through your perfumes, dresses and makeup. Trying to relieve experiences of him watching you as you got dressed for something fancy, but always falling with the makeup and the dresses being a bit too small. Although you and him did have a few times where you put him inna dress and did his makeup. He wanted those times back.
You were finally done with half of your big project and your manager called to say that the rest if the team will do the next bit, meaning you could finally relax. Stretching as you got up from your chair with a big sigh, you head to the door of the study and opened it. Right now you needed a hug and some love. Searching for your boyfriend in the living room, not there, in the kitchen, not there. Heading to your guys bedroom, that you haven’t stepped into in ages. You saw your boyfriend laying on your side of the bed, cuddling one of your favourite stuffed toys. His eyes closed, his face implanted into the back of the plushie. Holding it like how he’d hold you when you slept and cuddled at night. Your heart sank seeing him miss you like this. You went over to the bed side and sat next to him, lightly snoring as you gripped the plushie tighter unconsciously. You began to softly rub his back and call for him. “Axl honey…” you said softly. Squeezing the plushie again as his brows knit, thinking that you were calling him in his dream. “Baby…” he whispered to himself in his sleep. “Ax.” You said shaking him lightly and kissing his cheek. “Hm?” He groaned as his eyes fluttered open. His heart nearly jumping out of his chest when he saw you. Throwing the plushie to god know where. You giggled at his embarrassed state. God you missed this man. He didn’t know what to say for a second but you just kissed him. He kissed back with desperation, taking you by the waist and pulling you to lie next to him. He broke the kiss and just held you close and tight to his chest. His chin placed on the top of your head. Squeezing his eyes shut, as he squeezed you. “I missed you so much.” He spoke and adding a joke saying “ I can’t believe you left me for 3 years to go fight off in the war.” You giggled at his response, he always did that even if you were gone grocery shopping for an hour. “ I missed you too.” You said softly. Both of you missed each others bodies, romantically. Missed cuddling, missed staring into each others eyes, kissing, holding hands. He began to leave pepper kisses all over your face. Making your giggle at the ticklish feeling, you felt his smile against your face as you laughed at his actions. “I missed this pretty face.” He said kissing your forehead. He took your leg making it hook around his waist and bringing you closer to him. If he could he would crawl under your skin and live there forever. He need to be in you.
You felt him becoming hard under you as he thought of another kind of being inside of you. You breathed in as you felt yourself blush and wetness beging to pool down there. He kissed you and then kissed your neck, nibbling on the skin. You laughed again at the ticklish feeling, this time it sending shocks through your body and you began to grind on Axl’s tent. He gasped at the action. Now his hand going to your hip, giving it a squeeze. “What’ you think you doing huh?” He smirked as he gave light chuckle. “Nothing…” you gave an innocent smile, “Mhm.” He playfully rolled his eyes and kissed you. Both of you closing your eyes as you faded into the now lustful kiss. Soon you were both undressing each-other. It’s the Axl Rose effect. You in only your under wear and him as-well. He unclasped your bra, breaking off from your kiss and putting your bra on his bare chest. “I think I need a bigger size. Don’t you?” He looked up at you after inspecting your bra. You chuckled, taking the bra from him and throwing it somewhere. He laughed as well and began to kiss you again. Axl’s hand moved from your back where your bra was to your hips and peeling off your panties off your legs. His fingers going back up your legs, his index and middle doing a walking man movement on your skin before he gripped your hips, and his thumb rubbed circles on your clit whilst he grinded his clothed hard dick on your pussy. Your wetness spilling over onto the fabric of his underwear. “Your boxers have a bit of a stain on it, I think you have to take them off.” You said smiling as you kissed each other. “I think so.” He responded and took of his now lightly soak underwear. His dick lightly slapping your wet cunt as it got off it’s restraints. You sighed at it and Axl took the queue to tease his tip on your folds. Purposely missing your soaking cunt as his tip moved up and down your pussy. You whined, wanting him in you already. “Ax, please.” You groaned, your back arching as your body ached for his dick. “Is this what you want?” He queried as his cock slowly entered your tight pussy. Your hands sprung to his back, clawing and scratching as he thrusted into you unprompted. He groaned, his hips bucking into you, “Fuck” his low curse rang through your ear as he thrusted into you more harshly. Making you moan his name, and with that praise he fucked you even harder.
“Axl- fuck-… cum- I’m gonna-“ you moaned loudly, sounding like a broken record as you came over his dick. Mumbling and sighing as he was still driving his dick in and out of you. His thrusts getting more uneven, as your orgasm made your pussy even tighter which made his dick begin to squeeze out an orgasm. “God baby- I’m gonna cum in you.” He groaned and panted lowly before he shot cum into your aching pussy. Sighing as he came down from his high. Pulling out and letting his cum spill out of you and onto the sheets. “Shit. How do we explain that to the dry cleaners.” He joked. Kissing you, always smiling against your lips, just happy to be next to again and joking around.
“Hey we should do this again sometime, give me your number.”
“Sorry, I got a boyfriend, his name is Axl Rose.” You stuck your tongue out at his remark.
Always time for jokes.
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 3 months
Dad's Best Friend ft. Kishibe
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dbf!Kishibe who's been your father's bff for over 25 years and loves you more than anything in the world: Coddles and shows you a gross amount of affection, like you're not a whole grown ass woman. Let's you plop in his lap evertime he comes over for a drink, ignoring your father's taunts bout your neediness. Dark eyes glued the tv, absentmindely rubbing circles on your back as you nuzzle into his neck. Ignorant to the sheer will it takes you not grind onto his soft cock. "Okay there, sweets? You keep squirming.. Won me ta hold you closer?" You nod, warmth spreading through your body when Kishibe tightens his embrace.
dbf!Kishibe isn't big on conversation but thinks it's adorable how you ramble on about any and everything to him: Just random shit. From your favorite celeb gossip to simple girl talk, you keep his attention for hours. Only his girl can get him caught up on the most recent trash reality tv shows that he never intends to watch. Unless you ask him to of course. Kishibe lends a honest ear, asks questions, and provides commentary when needed. "Baby, I can't be the only person you got to talk to right now. Its 2am. Know I have work early in the mornin." He groans from his end of the phone. "Yeah, but I haven't seen you inna few days. I miss youuu. Wanna hear your voice." Kishibe sighs. He knows that's only a half truth. Also knows he won't be gettin off the phone anytime soon. "That right? Think you just wanna tell me what happened on the next episode of.. What was it?" He teases. "It's called Baddies! See? You never listen!" Kishibe rolls his eyes. "Uh huh. That must be why you on my line right now. tsk. Go on and tell me what happened on ya lil show before I go to sleep on yo ass." "Okay, okay! Geez.."
dbf!Kishibe has always treated you like his princess, but you're older now, and very aware of his Queen treatment: All begins when he notices you real down for a few days. Doesnt wanna pry so he starts wakin you up to compliments and affirmations through text. Even as a man of few words, he thinks it's important you know how smart, kind and pretty you are. You're worth simply can't be measured to Kishibe, and he needs you to understand that. Doesn't care if your dad's around or who hears how special he thinks you are. "Fuckin aced my exam!" You exclaim one late afternoon, slidin through the kitchen after gettin back from uni. Kishibe and your father wait for you, posted at the breakfast bar. Kishibe arms squeeze tight inna hug while your dad opts for high five and small tickle to your side. "So fantastic, sweetheart! Knew you could do it. Always been too smart for your own good." Kishibe chuckles at your pout. "Know what? Let's go out. We gotta celebrate our girls milestone." But your dad scoffs. "Milestone? It's just a test, Kish. She takes em all time." "Dad, it's not just a test. I studied hard as hell for this one. It's a large chunk of my grade." Kishibe slings an arm round your shoulders, holdin up your exam papers before chiming in again. "Come on, old man. She passed with flying colors. Our girl could be a doctor or some shit. Never know. I say she deserves some special treatment." "Then you take her. Work drained all this old man's energy. I'm goin to sleep. Great job again, y/n. Proud of you." With a kiss to your forehead, he's off to bed. Kishibe doesn't let you wallow though. Pulls you in close to whisper in your ear. "Three's a crowd anyway, sweet thing. Go put on somethin black and tiny. Let's go do somethin fun tonight."
dbf!Kishibe only pretends to be oblivious to your little crush on him: He doesn't mind his gorgeous girl's longing stares or subtle flirting. Teases the fuck out you by purposefully acting clueless. Wants to see how far you'll go with your little infatuation. And it's a full time job. So Kishibe finds any reason to sleep over whenever he can. "Babygirl?" He calls for you naked and wet through the cracked bathroom door. "Bring me my towel, please. Left it on the bed." You comply, not realizing the treat you're in store for. Jaw dropping seeing his pretty dick for the first time. It's not hard but it's still so thick. A nice medium toned flesh colored shaft, mushroom tip dark pink and flaring wide. Its fuckin perfect. "H-here.. Here you go." "Thanks." Kishibe takes the towel, sexy grin appearin how your gaze never wavers from his cock. He's startin to stiffen- and drip more than water from your lusty stare . "Careful, honey. You're wakin the beast. Can't do that when your dad's around."
dbf!Kishibe loves to spoil you rotten: Takes you shoppin, gets your nails and hair done, puts gas in you car. Whatever you desire is at your finger tips. All you gotta do is flutter your lashes and pout your full lips and Kishibe is bending to your every will: "The fuck you need this for?" His words a nasty growl when you interrupt him workin on your dad's car to shove your phone into his face and show him a skimpy lavender lingerie set. "Thought you said pretty girls deserve pretty things." You whine, stomping your foot when Kishibe scoffs and bends under the hood to resume his task. "I'm not buyin that shit for you to show some lil fuck boy in your class, y/n." How dare he! You were absolutely repulsed by your first taste of fuck boy and only have eyes for him. "Not for anyone, Kishi. Just thought it would look good on me. Don't you?" He glances up, eyes raking over every inch of you. Fuck yeah, he does. Plus, Kishibe just can't take the soft vulnerable face you put on once he meets your gaze. Or the thought of that flimsy scrap of lace wrapped round your frame. "Fine, y/n." He takes his wallet out and tosses it to you. "You better get one in my favorite color- nah. Scratch that. Get one of each. And do same day shipping. I want a picture of it on you by tonight."
dbf!Kishibe does random pop ups when your left home alone for extended amounts of time: Knows your father works hard and promises to take good care of their little girl when he's away. Though this time, you don't expect him anytime soon since Kishibe texts he'll be comin by late tonight. When he finally does arrive, his idea of surprising you with your favorite dish doesn't quite go as planned. He let's himself in with the spare key and tip toes to your room but your not there. After a quick search, he finds you in the guest room and is stunned into silence. You're tangled in the sheets on your hands and knees, hardly covered in that damn pastel purple scrap of lace, slowly fuckin your puffy chocolate puss with a pink dildo. Clearly you hadn't washed the covers from Kishibe's overnight stay the way you inhale them, arch deepening and puttin your most delicate areas on display to his greedy gaze. The little show you put on has his girth raging stiff for you in record time. "Uhn! Oh, Kishibeee! Uhh, uhh, uhh! Stuff me till I can't take it. Need your fat cock to ruin me, Kishi!" His ears burn hot listening to you as he stares intently between your beautiful brown thighs, mouth watering for a taste. Swollen cock won't stop twitchin, precum already drippin in anticipation. "Yeees! Feed this pussy that dick, give it to me! So fuckin wet for you, know it'll slide right in." Your brows pinch, nose scrunching as you fuck yourself a bit quicker. Little puss drooling from the stretch, squelching loud from the swift pumps. "Wish you were here.. Ahh! Don't wanna -mmm- wait anymore. Want you to h-hold me down.. Fuck me like onahole, Daddy!" The fuck?! Kishibe groans quietly at your slutty pleas. Fuck, you're askin for it. His dick throbs widly from how feral you're behaving, even though the dildo's barely half way in. "Ohfuh- Kishibe!Fuckfuckfuck! 'S so big, splitting me in half! Fill me up just like that.. Haah, so close! Gonna cum so much, Kishi!" Kishibe's mouth drops open, grip on your dinner involuntarily loosening a bit as his groin pulses intensely. He's stuck frozen in place, totally entranced, ready to burst at the seams from the erotic visual. "Yeees.. Oh God, gonna wet up that big dick.. F-fuck me, Kishi! Fuck this pussy till I cum, make it yours Daddy! Ohmy- cummiiing! So good! Haahshit! Feels so fuckin goood!" Witnessing you gush all over your toy and sheets is his demise. Kishibe's gotta bite his bottom lip to muffle his grunts as he nuts. Pent up cock spurting cum like a fire hose as he watches you shiver, swearin and callin out to him while you fuck yourself into overstimulation.
dbf!Kishibe can't stop his dick from chubbin when your in his presence anymore, so he spends less time with you: It's always been a challenge to look and not touch but how can he do that when he hears your beautiful filthy fuckin sobs of his name ringin in his ears 24/7? The image of you cummin ingrained in his mind so fiercely, he's officially rubbed his dick raw. Thinks his hiatus will save you before he does somethin he can't take back. But then you show up on Kishibe's doorstep, hair inna messy bun, dressed in one of his old hoodies and the tiniest pair of jean shorts he's ever seen. Pretty y/e/c eyes rimmed red and teary as you yell at him for ghosting you. "..so what, replace me that fast? Can't answer my calls or texts? At least coulda responded to my fuckin email- I begged you to tell me what I did wrong! You're a fuckin piece of shit, Kishibe!" You tire yourself shoutin and bangin on his chiseled chest. End up right back in his lap, on his couch this time as he tries to console you. "I know sweetheart, I'ma fuckin jerk. Asshole like me don't deserve a perfect girl like you. Didn't do anything to me. How could you? Ain't nothin a sweet thing like you could do to push me away, you know that. Its.. It's all my fault." "Then why, Kish? Why'd you leave me? Told me.. Told me I'm you're favorite girl, that you'd always be here for me. So why can't you just tell me what's goin on? I don't get it.. Or at least my dad. He's your best friend." Kishibe sighs, shakin his head. "Yeah, I know that. But how in the hell do I tell my best bud that I watched our girl fuck her own brains out while screamin for me to use her like a onahole? Hmm? And that I actually almost did. Was two seconds from pushin your head into the sheets so I could breed that inexperienced lil pussy all night long." You tense on his muscled thigh for the briefest of moments. "Had to stay away, y/n. I went too far.." The fuck he did. Didn't go far enough. And how could you not realize he saw the lewd display? Even with pretendin to arrive a good while after, he couldn't take his gaze from you the entire evening. Finally.. At last it feels like your advances are gettin you somewhere. "And?" You stand up, lookin down on his fine ass. "And? Wha- ... Fuck you mean and?" Kishibe stares up at you incredulously, tongue swipin over his bottom lip when his eyes do a swift dart to your smooth mocha thighs.
"Did you really think we'd just endlessly flirt forever? Geez Kishi.. Don't make me have to spell it out for you. Supposed to be this big strong smart devil hunter." You pull off your hoodie, revealing your bare chest. Undoin your bun, messy 30 inch waves tumble down your shoulders and back. "Y/n, baby, wait. Let's talk bout this." "Looks like you wanna do more than talk, Kish." Fuck, your right. Kishibe's so fuckin hard. Even though that should be impossible after how much he's nutted to you these past 2 weeks. But your tits are so damn pretty and he really wants to play with the cute cherry piercings dangling from your stiff dark peaks. Still, Kishibe attempts one last play at 'the good guy' when you go to push down your shorts. "Don't." It's a weak protest. "Please, babygirl. Don't do this.. I'm only a man." Your bottoms hit the floor as you giggle, pussy clenchin at his dick visibly beatin against his slacks. "And I'm a woman, Kishibe. Your woman." He groans a low "Fuck yes." fists balling when you crowd him, settin your painted toes on the edge of the couch; the angle spreadin your glistening cocoa cunt for him. "You know.. Lately, you don't listen to me very well, Kishi. And we've both know I've always been very concise about my wants and needs." Two fingers creep to move in and out of your hot lil snatch, free hand fisting at his short blonde tips as you effortlessly fall into a slow deep rythym. "So I need- mmm.. Need you to listen like you used to.. You can do that for me, yeah?" Kishibe's dying to replace his digits with yours. Swallows hard watchin you scissor your fingers before strokin your coochie a bit quicker. The generous amount of slick provides a nice wet plap plap to fill the air. "But you hear me now, right Daddy?" Fuck it! He can't fight against it anymore. Lips dam near teleportin round your poundin clit, eyes closing in bliss as he nods and nurses your sensitive nub. "Kishibe!" His big hands grab your ass and hold you against his incessant mouth, dick ready to buss from your shrieks and the taste of your creamy cookie. Yeah, Kishibe hears you all alright.
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memospacexx · 5 months
I have a request! I love the thought of child mammon being a lil brat who’d would of course also have maid’s and servants who he treats like SHIT.
and I had a thought of maid/babysitter reader x child mammon (IN A PLATONIC WAY OFC) where mammon follows and bugs reader around a lot and before they knew it y/n is his babysitter.
he’d still be a brat to them, but only semi nicer. And would cry and throw tantrums when they wouldn’t play with him or were too busy to do so.
it’d be cute that when he’s an adult reader is still around and he keeps them around.
Haven’t written inna bit :p my bad guys!!
Platonic!!Readers Gender is not mentioned, reader is an imp
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Why did you agree to this.All the money in the world was not worth whatever this is.
“Im hungry!!!”The little demon (literally and figuratively) yelled while pulling your tail
Feeling your eye twitch, you sigh and pick up the fussy brat, “Yes my Lord” you huff carrying him to the kitchen yet again.
Yup. Normal day.
-Honestly its not as bad your just being a lil over dramatic..
(Its bad)
-BUT its not as bad atleast😋😋(he has and will throw up on any other helper, not u tho)
-the other maids genuinely hate you cause the little shit gives u less shit when your in charge of him
-u dont even remember how or when you became his favorite
(You made a *favorite sweet dish* that he ate. Was not for him but convinced it was)
-He likes eating but makes trouble for anyone else feeding him, but with you? He’ll eat without a second question
-will spit out the food onto anyone else
-no airplane does not work
-not its not that he doesnt like the food
-he just hates everyone(but you)
-refuses to sleep if its not you tucking him in
-its hell when you have a day off he literally bit someones arm (almost tore it off- also he probs has rabies smh)
-They cant exactly NOT give you day offs but oh my god do they DREAD IT
“i want [Name.]” the young sin pouted angrily at another female imp,”Im sorry my Lord but today is their day off-“ he starts wailing like a banshee
-theres cooks obviously but he likes your cooking more
-for some reason-
-makes you watch cartoons with him(Will pull ur horns if u fall asleep)
-he actually really likes your horns he thinks their cool
-hes such a young demon but hes such a HEADACHE but you cant complain as much cos atleast your a favorite…
-dont try to quit. They wont let you. Like genuinely they’d rather die again then let you go cos mammon is literally gonna go feral??!
-he loves u,almost a little too much….
-even after he grows, nothing changes, still a little(big.) piece of shit
-he still loves ya! (Wld rather die than admit it)
-Keeps ya around , congrats your his secretary now!!!!
-he genuinely does see you as a parental figure but wld rather eat shit than admit it
IM SO SORRY FOR RANDOMLY DYING?? I hate drama and shit happened smh, will try to grt back into it, if i dont do your request ive either not seen it, dont wanna do it, or have done something similar,
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chuuyascumsock · 8 months
Okay here come the ramblings of a madman!
(Been listening to the hills x the colour of violet x creepin)
Basically the messiest highschool drama ever. Highschool AU, but everyone's 18/19, close to graduation and you as the beloved Reader have been friends with both Dazai and Chuuya for ages.
And from here on, two routes. Albeit overlaps, different paths
We got the Dazai route where he's obviously the end goal and the Chuuya one where you end up with Chuu, duh.
For Dazais route, after having been close with both for ages. You and Dazai even had a friend's with benefits situation going on, with real good casual sex, everything was perfect in his mind but you and Dazai seem now to grow apart, hanging out alone feels awkward, you only seem to really laugh when Chuuya is the one talking, you don't message him really outside of school related stuff anymore and he's just convinced you're in love with Chuuya and he's totally fine with that, but can't deny he's hurt.
Because, as stupid as it sounds to himself, he accidentally might have fallen in love. So while he knows Chuuya is the better person for you, it eats him up that you leave him and he cannot even do anything about it.
The final party of the year before graduation comes up, you, Chuuya and Dazai agree to go as friends together and it goes all well for a while until Dazai has to watch you and Chuuya dance and not handling it well at all, he goes outside, wanting to rewire his brain into not loving you anymore because in his mind you deserve to be happy with Chuuya.
You come outside to him after a while wanting to know why he left and while there Dazai goes "so when are you and Chuuya gonna make it official?" But you just laugh, asking him what he's thinking. Refusing to elaborate, you two remain in silence, only the muffled music from inside being audible. You ask him to just say what's on his mind, he cannot hide his brooding from you, you know him to well, and seeing that he ain't got anything to lose by now, since if you brutally reject him, he can always cut ties Inna few months time, he simply states: "I like you too much." To which you tell him you perhaps do that too and that's why you needed distance, not wanting to have your heart broken by him if the aloofness he had always displayed after sex was all he actually felt for you.
Well enough for sexy bandage man for now, let's go down Chuuyas route. We ain't besties with Dazai here, he's simply the mysterious hot guy people wanna get with.
Chuuya is unbelievably in love with you, has been for a while now, but there was this one thing he really hates about you. Your dumb, stupid crush on a certain mummy cosplayer.
After you manage to get with Dazai once after a party at Akutagawas, you're left heartbroken and Chuuya picks up the pieces, somehow slipping into having casual sex ever so often with you, when you ask him to, but you're never allowed to kiss or d couples stuff, that's one rule you made. He kinda knows he's basically just a rebound while you keep chasing Dazai.
Just imagine how he has to watch you roll over, grabbing your phone from your discarded clothes because you check if Dazai answered you just after you fucked.
One weekend when he asks if you wanna come over and just hang out you don't reply for hours, only late in the afternoon giving him a pityful "sry, am at Dazais." And he basically just accepts defeat that yeah, he lost, if Dazai invited you over he pretty much knew what it meant.
But to his surprise you ask him to come over at almost midnight. Being something in-between desperate and wanting to be a good friend, he does come by, being instructed to sit on the couch with you in his lap. He just expects more meaningless sex and is halfway to turning his brain off, when you talk to him.
"I'm sorry." "What."
"Dazai is a fucking idiot and I am too."
"I always told you the shitty mackerel is nothing but trouble, and I'd know but why are you an idiot?"
And you simply kiss him, turning it into a full out make out session that makes clear how desperate the man beneath you has been for this. Briefly pulling away you just tell him "because I have you and didn't even know It until I realized that you made me feel more than he ever could."
Im sorry this is so long and so messy because I'm just writing down whatever comes into my mind and uggghhh but tadaaaa. I really soaked up the messy drama vibes from the song and ran with it.
- 🪷
Not you pulling out an entire series plot out your ass rn. THIS IS GREAT THOUGH. I LOVE THE ANGST, MAKES MY EYES WET (platonically).
But poor Chuuya, I’d choose him in a heartbeat over Dazai’s scrunkly self cause Ik he’d treat me so right. Also the Dazai angst was just 😭
AH I WANT THEM BOTH I WANT THEM BOTH— (here’s some of my Dazai/Chuuya thirst messages in regards to my claims of wanting them. Call me an Oreo cause I wanna be double stuffed ykwim 🤭)
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queeniecook · 5 months
The Grant Legacy - Generation 2 - The Second Act - Part 3
The Straud/Blake/James and Liberty Household - Forgotten Hollow
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Asa has let James continues his experiments on him to find a cure for vampirism. They continue to do them out of town so no one knows, no one except his ex-wife, Annalise, who has been giving him medical advice on how to try to treat some of his symptoms from the experiments. Oddly the things he's been experiencing, things like fatigue and headaches are things that humans experience but he's still a vampire. Asa feels like he's stuck in the worst of both worlds. He does worry that maybe James does plan to wipe out any vampire he doesn't like - if he is successful in his quest that is. Asa has to take the chance, he no longer wishes to go on as a vampire. A small messed up part of him hopes to get his hands on the cure, make sure it works and give it to Annalise. He knows she allowed him to turn her out of her love for him. He could give Annalise her life back possibly. Though he knows things could go horribly wrong, he's still willing to risk it.
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Liberty has decided, with her sister's support, to go after her dream from her human life. She has entered the intern program at the space center in San Myshuno. The daily travel is nothing for someone who can fly as a bat to her job. James wasn't too excited at first about his wife working but soon realized it has certain benefits- she's not always around to catch him doing things he shouldn't be doing. Though James did keep his word - he didn't interfere with the delivery of the Vatore offspring. That doesn't mean he's been a perfect angel, though he's been staying to Forgotten Hollow for the most part - outside of his weekly trips with Asa to Granite Falls for his quest to cure vampirism, something Liberty still has no idea about. Of course when he does succeed and he believes he will, she will be safe and as promised, so will Annalise. James rarely makes promises but when he does, he actually keeps them.
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Vladislaus Straud has been more and more the Count of old lately. Grouchy, seeking to be alone, playing his pipe organ all hours of the night which makes it so James can't sleep at night. That one put a smile on his face. The only thing that makes him smile these days. He hasn't seen Lilith in person in months, though he catches glimpses of her from afar. Never did he think he'd miss someone but he misses her. He wants to take her hostage, tie her up and make her stay in his basement for a few weeks before he takes her to his bedroom and tries to lure her back into his bed, but enough about his coffin daydreams.
The Cents Household - Del Sol Valley
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Back on her own in the huge Mansion she had her agent buy for her, Inna has been focusing on her career. She's had several offers for movie roles and is carefully selecting her next one as she may or may not sometimes browse certain social media platforms for information on Vera Grant-Vatore. Oddly, she hears about the birth of her daughter with Caleb on a tabloid rag at the local coffee shop. The headline is printed above an obviously doctored picture of Evie, not Vera, holding a bat in a baby blanket. Inna rolled her eyes at the cover but the story turned out to be true once she asked around the vampire community. Why does it bother her so much that Caleb has had a baby with this woman? Maybe she doesn't like him being happy after he robbed her of human life, though being a vampire has allowed her all the time in the world to pursue her dream of being a A-List Celebrity and movie star. For that, she is oddly grateful to him. It's twisted web in her mind and her heart.
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chucapybara · 1 month
an entry on the tsaritsa's abyssal knight; for context regarding future innamorati pieces. think of it as an archive description :] this is my oc concept for inna!
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Innamorati—thought of as even lesser in rank than the Harbinger Tartaglia, born mortal, tainted by the everlasting dark beneath the soil of the earth. Within one vessel strains a second beast, begotten by a chosen fate. Thrown to the wolves.
But within the Tsaritsa’s domain, the woman whose flesh was cast in obsidian shell may yet know the everlasting grace of Her Majesty’s ‘ffectionate gaze.
In the Tsaritsa’s house, even those who have nothing but loyalty and skill may yet find some purpose to make of themselves—to revel in the score of a requiem for the end of heaven itself.
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The bearer of Innamorati’s name bears also its cursed inheritance: a cycle of tragedy, of loss. Those who have come before her are known for their brutally romantic sacrifices, for their unabiding devotion; to be The Lovers is to be two as one, interpreted often as a necessity of partnership under the same title—thus, most strange it is indeed for Innamorati to be of one body, of one mind.
Of the many Harbingers, as actors upon the Tsaritsa’s stage, the Innamorati is best suited towards pursuits of love. She finds herself deployed across Teyvat, engaging in diplomatic endearments of sorts. With a quiet and frigid voice does she bring the good word of the Cryo Archon; with her lonesome, crystal-glazed tipped spear does she pierce the hearts of the unbelievers, to turn them towards the arms of Her Majesty; with their blood does it paint and glorify its Host.
(Yet, sometimes, it still mistakes the Host for prey.)
Whenever Innamorati is given brief from her Mission, she tends to the Fatui’s fallen, commemorating them by name, praying the rites of honour. What most of the prideful Harbingers would consider to be grunt work is the quieter part of The Lovers’ calling: remembrance of the nameless. On behalf of the sinners, it is Innamorati who bends her knee to repent, and to ferry the memories of those lost to duty, pride, sorrow, as their unyielding warden.
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The world beneath Teyvat is unforgiving in ways those above may never yet know. Smears of her crimson handprints across the rock faces still linger like murals, her gasps echoing infinite in the empty dark.
Before the abyss, the Permafrost was a knight first, virtuous and true: her armour polished, her uniform radiant and well-pressed. In her pursuit of a criminal adversary, the depths swallowed her in its maw, along with two others equally as unfortunate.
A tavern waitress, a Treasure Hoarder-turned delinquent gang member, and a Knight of Favonius, with no bar in sight for the drink of wine they would have needed most for the trials that lay ahead.
Days spun on the loom of fate, each hour thrice its value on the surface. Stale air, cool stone, and no way out: the pursuer becomes the pursued, and with the battles below came the inevitability of injury.
A knight’s duty is to their people, both foreign and known. Such was her mindful chant to steady her heart.
‘Tell me of your friends.’
‘What’s your favourite season?’
‘Here. Take my cape. Stay warm.’
‘There! Run for it! I’ll cover you both!’
After time unknown in the darkness, two of the three fled into the light at the third’s behest, as a well-timed throw of a polearm staged a cavern collapse. Slivers of light would vanish, sealing her chance. Sealing her fate, with the forlorn whisper between the tumble of rock—
...A knight’s duty, too, is their weakness.
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The day she first emerged from her grave, her mangled and emaciated form stumbled, robes torn into makeshift bandages tied around a missing right arm. Only later would the Doctor find evidence of corrosion, claw-cut gashes, stricken bone molten.
Pinned at the base of her nape pulsed the faintness of a god-gifted gem: a Vision, its years-worn shell fashioned in the manner of that faraway dandelion land. The dame that would later become The Lovers was far from herself, every breath a trembling, misting whisper—her body temperature had dropped below what ought to be livable for a human being, much less a surface-dweller. Of what tatters were left from the robes she donned, any such knowing eye would surmise the embellishments and craftsmanship to be sourced from the harbour of contracts.
A living contradiction, spurred step by step: motions jagged, stiff-limbed. Trekking through bush and undergrowth of a land foreign to its host, searching for the last bastion it recalls.
I have to go home.
In tandem, both parasitic occupant and vessel seek refuge and respite. Whatever thing had latched on to the knight in the unknown time of her entombment could not, of course, permit the death of the host—and so it endeavours through the thicket, through the blanketing snow, until it arrives at a starving village…
The howls in the woods were not of wolves, that day.
With regaining their strength came the seeking eyes of Her Majesty, and everything else that came after. Were it not for the presence of something that did not belong, Innamorati may have never been considered a candidate for the rank of Harbinger.
That sweet, forgotten knight, birthed anew from the soil, thawed from the permafrost. They do not recall it still, but the heart remembers in the spans between consciousness, when Innamorati is herself and not another. If only for that woman’s sake, Innamorati pursues her legacy—the tragedy she had inherited with her name, with the creature that shares her.
To love,
In defiance of Until her fated end.
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sparklecryptid · 9 months
Moose, open permission to talk about any OC you want, go.
i dont talk enough about inna
so we are going to talk about inna
we're going to talk about dying because the alternative is worse. we're going to talk about dying because if you don't if you don't you'll be turned against all that you love but you realized you loved them too late. we're going to talk about how you die and think thats the end of it but divinity has dug a hole in your chest and you
you breath again. your heart beats slowly but it beats still. you look like someone who died in the dead of winter (and you did you did YOU DID) but you are alive-
and so is your lover. so is your bestfriend. so is the man you raised your adopted child thieves with. he had a vision of pyro and is in constant opposition to the dendro that you wield. and you thought you knew him. you thought you knew him-
(he was kind. is the thing. he was kind and lovely and made all of you laugh. he cared for humanity so much he taught you how to love them but you didn't realize it until just moments ago-)
but you have to wonder. did you know him if he accepted celestia's bargin? did he really love humanity or did he love what was his?
does he love the children you raised?
you never get an answer to that. you tell the children to run and something like a blessing covers them as they scatter-
you hold your lover off as long as you can. but he is bright as the sun and burning and you still have enough mortality in you to burn like kindling set aflame.
(You are in snezhnaya. you are in snezhnaya and the flames around him melt snow and frost to reveal fertile land beneath his feet. you are in snezhnaya and snow turns to water as it melts.
you are in snezhnaya and you drag the vestiges of divinity from where they've been locked away mere hours before and-
nature is a cycle of rebirth. death and rot. life and growth. you cannot have one without the other. it is a hard thing - to plant the seed of growth and decay into someones chest. it is a hard thing when it goes against the principles of the element you wield.
you do it anyway. mortality forced upon one who should have never tasted divinity. you forced his youthful face to grow old and wizened and you stand and fight for hours until the seed inside him - the seed that has been feeding on the element that he has become an avatar of - bursts from his chest into numerous red blossoms.)
(it is easy, after that to find your children and leave.
they know what you did.
you dont think they ever forgive you for it.)
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fatimaah · 3 months
Maybe there's a girl
Just like me, with dreams and desires
Maybe she loves her parents, maybe she loves her friends
Maybe her name is also Fatimah,
Maybe right now she's starving
And although it's been three hours since iftar, she hasn't broken her fast yet
Maybe she witness her siblings
Turning into skeletons
Maybe, maybe this girl Fatimah, wanted to study somewhere I wanted to study in
Maybe she also liked reading books or playing volleyball
Maybe she would love to celebrate Ramadan,
With henna, with a lot of sweets, colorful dresses,
And maybe, even after all this hardship she repeats everyday
Inna lillahi va inna ilayhi roji'oo'n
May Allah have mercy on u, on all of u, Fatimas of Falasteen 🇵🇸
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heavyhitterheaux · 11 months
OMG I haven’t been here inna hot ass min😭
I’VE MISSED YOU & bein all up in yo inbox!!
How are my Loves FL & Jack?! OMG AND THE LIL BABIES!!
Good! Good! About to get a new job because the one I have now is growing more ghetto by the hour lmao
I've missed seeing you on here! 🥺
They're good! Thriving and adjusting being new parents!
Official date of their birth was July 16th! Birth fic is coming out soon!!
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daggerzine · 15 days
Magic Fig- S/T (Silver Current)
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Man, you never know what’s gonna come out of the San Francisco indie pop scene these days. Seems like a real golden age out there (and has been golden for quite some time).
This band features a few folks from other bands you’ve heard of (and probably love) like The Umbrellas, Whitney’s Playland, etc) who probably got together, well, just because. I mean, why not, right?
They sort of describe it as dreampop meets…..uh, prog and I can certainly see that. Some of the songs take some meandering turns and a few top the 5-minute mark. Inna Showalter’s vocals are really a thing of beauty while you have thee Muzzy Moskowitz on guitar, John Chaney on keys/synth; and the rhythm section is Matthew Ferrera on bass and Taylor Griffin on drums.
The first cut, “Goodbye Suzy,” just soars from the get-go, and on “PS1” I swear I heard a bit taken from The Yes Album (my favorite Yes album, btw). By song number three, “Labyrinth,” the keyboard has fully taken over and the spaceship is taking off. The other three songs are worth your time too (6 songs in just under a half hour including the nearly 7-minute “Obliteration”).
Admittedly, I was never much for prog, but these folks putting this new 21st century spin on things (minus the Rick Wakeman robes and overall bloat) are pushing me in a new direction!
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 6 months
What You Need
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A/N: too many au fantasy fics where Jordan is the fine ass neighborhood weedman consume me lately. Someone help! 😭 Also, I hope its clear when I refer to J as they or he and she. They when I or a character is vaguely talking about them in general; he or she to help differentiate between their ability to transition or whoever your being intimate with at the time. I hope that makes sense. Just wanted to put my own flavor on my stories but still respect the proper pronouns. I'd love feedback on my Jordan li fics. And please remember, these fics can take a long time to write so pretty please don't flag them as your content consumption is your responsibility. Anyway enjoy!
I step out my brand new stark white BMW, rolling my narrowed eyes as I scan the immediate vicinity. Not payin no mind to the group of dudes starin my way a few cars down, I realize Jordans ass aint nowhere to be found. Too many times over the years of em bein my connect, this mf done made me walk up them damn rickety stairs to grab my sack when they lyin ass specifically promised to be in the lot.
I'm already inna rush to get to my date with Dre. That's why was tryna get a little relaxation; I really didn't wanna show up all tense and hit him with all this attitude at once. A little me time to calm my nerves would do my ass some good after this nightmarish day. And maybe if the date goes well enough, Andre could gimme a hand with that too. Though its impossible to deny if the plug wasn't such a fuck boy, I'd be tryin to give them this work instead. But in no way am I finna compete with any of the hoes on their team.
Bending to reach into my ride, I snatch my cell from the cup holder and slam my car door. My nails click clack across the screen as I text Jordan. I'm already teetering on the edge of insanity so I'm not in the mood to be late or deal with their cocky ass attitude. This was so not supposed to be one of my usual pick ups that lasted over half an hour cause of their antics.
Me: you told me you'd be in the lot when I pulled up.
Not more than 10 seconds go by before I get a response.
This Fuckin Guy: my bad cutie, jus cum up here.
Me: i already let you know I had plans and to be down here this time.
This Fuckin Guy: ik but I had to serve last min. damn.
I roll my eyes as I read the word 'serve'. Yeah, they probably up there servin some lil bitch on her back. For some reason that thought got me on 10.
Me: cus you always wastin my time boy. but fine, i'm comin up.
Me: and my shit better be ready too.
This Fuckin Guy: whatchu need again?
This Fuckin Guy: nvm, Daddy knows exactly what you need..
This Fuckin Guy:
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Nibbling my bottom lip softly, I stare at the pic of they fine ass way longer than I'd ever admit to em. Fuck, they just don't realize how many times I've woken up from random scenes of them starin at me like that before diggin me out. Panties and sheets be so fuckin drenched with my juices when I slid my fingers between my lower lips and replayed em back in my mind over and over.
It's so fuckin Jordan to be on standby waitin for some snarky ass remark back, I'm sure of it. But I dont give them the satisfaction, continuing to climb the stairs carefully in my dainty heels.
And I'm absolutely proud of the way I ignore the pounding and slick building between my thighs as I head up the last step and briskly walk to Jordan's apt. Damn I feel a bit pathetic from gettin so horny from a photo that wasn't even a shirtless, nude or dick pic.
I don't even get a chance to knock on the door as an attractive slim blonde with a messy bun and black skin tight leggings opens it. Her expression a bit shocked at first as we briefly stare at each other before she gives me a small smile and quickly walks towards the staircase. Of fuckin course they have some damn bimbo on her way out as I'm coming up. Typical fuckin Jordan. Can't even deny the girl was kinda bad though; that lil fact gone get Jordan popped fa sho.
"Really? Tryna fuck me right after you jus slid in sumn? Nasty ass.." I throw insults at them as soon as I step inside, slamming the door in hopes the lil hoe hears.
"Fuck you on about now?" Jordan's voice is bored from her spot on the couch as she rolls up, not even bothering to look my way.
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"I'm speakin on the fact that you tryna hit right now but you got some broad leavin as I'm comin up. Like, the fuck?"
These hands rated E for everyone and they know that. I put a hand on my curvy hip and stare em down. Smoke is finna start steamin out my ears at Jordan's nonchalant behavior. Walkin up to the couch I flop down on the opposite side, full lips pressed into a thin line. Unfortunately my gaze melts more into eye fucking than the daggers I was jus hittin em with as I notice how attractive they are, so damn focused rollin the perfect blunt.
"I ain't fuck her." Tone of voice resembling one to use with a child; clearly she think I'm playin.
I follow the line the tip of her tongue makes as she finishes rolling the blunt. Damn, how I need to feel them doing that allover my fuckin body. I pray Jo ain't got super senses too, like I would just die inside if she could actually smell how wet I was for them right now.
"That right? Then why shawty hair was messy? And why you lookin relaxed as fuck, like you just took a load off? Talkin bout literally.."
"Ion know.. Why you ain't ask her? Told you, I had a order. And maybe I'm calm cause I'm always chill. You needa relax too, princess. Let's smoke."
Always tryna smoke ass; not sure how there's ever any left for them to sell. I roll my eyes at her slick ass, leaning back and folding my arms. Jordan finally looks up at me, dark brown eyes trailin down my frame slowly as she openly ogles my fit.
"Spark it then. But I can't stay long. I told you: I got plans tonight."
"Yeah, you said that. But you ain't say what you got planned the night."
"Cause that's nun ya concern-" my mouth is quick to slam shut at the penetrating stare I get before I can finish my thought.
I've seen that look before; would kill for a view of it while Jordan digs me out actually. (I almost whimper out loud as I envision just that. ) My attitude is immediately extinguished as she checks me without a sayin a fuckin word. She holds my gaze for a few seconds before casting her gaze back down, givin the blunt one last light lick. Clearly amused and feelin triumphant with how I'm put in my place, she openly grins. The silence only lasts half a minute be I speak again.
"Gotta date tonight." I say quietly, absolutely hating myself for how weak my voice comes out.
I expect another death stare but only receive a frown and flared nostrils as Jordan continues to look down. And then more silence. So I speak up again.
"You mad?" Tone a bit stronger this time.
That gets me someneye contact.
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"The fuck you think?"
"Well, you shouldn't be since you just-"
"Why you so worried if I'm fuckin when you clearly tryna get ran through tonight?"
The question is like a whip across the face. My cheeks heat as shame flushes through me. My mouth open and closes a few times, struggling to respond. Jordan waits for my response with a confident smirk, transitioning before pulling in a big hit.
"I'm not- I.. That's not why-"
I'm interrupted as he leans over to my side of the couch, grabbing my neck and pulling me in. Sexy ass taking advantage of my lips parting in shock at his grip to blow smoke into my mouth. I take it in without a thought, immediately becoming pliant for him as I inhale. It feels so fucking intimate I want more in an instant.
"Who's the date with?" His fine ass asks me softly, hand still lightly grasping my throat. His thumb rubs my skin there lightly as he takes this moment to assess my fit again.
"Andre." I answer on an exhale, mesmerized by the way he licks at his pretty pink bottom lip.
That makes him pop his gaze back to me, his hold a bit firmer as he reconnects with my y/e/c eyes.
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"You not fuckin goin, ma. We clear."
"We're clear."
My response is instantaneous and I have no idea who've I've become in this moment. What I am painfully aware is that he's gettin hard, silver basketball shorts doin nothing to hide his yummy fuckin girth.
Clearly my pussy is way more interested in gettin piped by Jordan than Dre; our close proximity has my desperate empty cunt clenching nonstop. I feel like I'll combust if they don't touch me soon.
"What a good fuckin girl you can be. Who knew?"
The praise has the softest of sounds bubbling from my lips as he takes a longer drag, leanin forward to give me another hit. Since this one's bigger, it has my mind a bit hazy as I exhale. I close my eyes, arms droppin to my lap as I enjoy the high and his big palms wrapped around my neck. A shiver of arousal runs through my frame as he moves to whisper at my ear.
"You like when I tell you how good you are for me? Cause you are honey." I moan an affirming 'mm hm' as Jordan licks and kisses at the sensitive spot behind my lobe. "In fact, can fuck my good girl like she need. Is that what you want? Huh? Itchin for Daddy to slide in them guts? I can.. And I will princess. Gonna get that lil pussy creamin round my cock in no time."
I should be shamed in how my head nods rapidly without my permission, mouth opening to say yes but moaning like a whore instead. I'm completely in shambles, loving the way my welcoming high enhances my craving for his cock.
"Lay back then. Show me how pretty that pussy is." He demands, releasing me and gesturing to the carpet with one hand as he takes a hit and sets the blunt down in the ashtray with the other.
Normally I would at least try to be sensual, make a show of it but I'm too tense right now. I don't even bother to undress as I lay on my back as quick as I can manage, swiftly slippin of my heels and throwing them aside. I'm so thankful for the access the deep slits my fit provides. I only need to spread my thighs and pull my salmon colored thong to the side.
"Damn that lil kitty.. So beautiful, look how she flutters at me baby. Think she want Daddy to come play in it."
Those dirty words make me hungry; fuckin pulsating at how he talks to me. I watch lustfully at the way Jordan stands and strips to his snug black boxer briefs. He smiles at me like he knows something I don't. Get goosebumps from how he stares down at me like he wants to wreck me.
I'm salivating when he pulls his long cock out through the opening and starts shows off. He strokes from tip to the base slowly, starin between my legs like hes inna trance. Dark brown eyes intently focused on the way wetness starts to stream from my slit to my juicy brown ass. I'm so jealous of the way he milks drops of precum on every upward stroke, consistent little grunts of pleasure spilling from him; I want that pleasure.
"Come on Daddy, I'm so ready for it." I goad him.
"Mmm. Fuckin lil slut for me know that?" He groans as he gets on his knees between my legs.
"Yeeees, I knooow." I moan out to his fine ass. "Wish you'd do somethin bout it already."
Grippin the base of his dick, he swipes back and forth through the excess moisture leakin from my slit while grabbing the blunt to take another hit.
"Aight, bet. Legs: shoulders."
I stall for just a moment at his simple request before obeying, setting an ankle at each of his shoulders slowly. My tummy clenches at the thought of the deep fuck I'm about to receive.
Jordan grunts lowly, slidin through once more before slappin my clit thrice with his twitching length. My wails are fuckin thunderous, dramatic ass fuck as an intense sensation swirls in my pulsing cunt. Too damn sensitive, soggy little button throbbing ferociously, I miss the descent of his cock to my drenched hole as the sensations flow throughout my overwhelmed frame.
"Damn you so noisy, baby. Ooooh fuck, Daddy gone enjoy this shit."
He moves forward, tip of his dick pushing at my opening as I groan in absolute peril at his thickness. Gripping and yanking at the plush carpet, breath punching out as his mean ass pulls back and thrusts into me sharply. The deep rumbling moan in his chest has a warmth lickin up my spine as my lil puss struggles to strangle the first few inches of his fat cock.
"Waitwaitwait. Pleeease Jo, please! Sobig, too much. Juswait, juswait.." I whine, releasing the carpet to slap and push at his toned chest and abs.
"No." Jordan snaps, snatching my wrists together and bringing the blunt back to his lips with his free hand.
"Do what you need to take this dick cept that. Do that shit again and it's up." He says, thick smoke billowing from his nose as he gazes at me ferally.
His pace to start is fuckin lethal. I'm already cock drunk when he pulls out and stabs in half way repeatedly, hastily dropping the blunt back in the ashtray. My toes curl at the feeling of him fucking me so roughly. Each thrust gives way for the next, helps make me even slicker so he can slide in further. It's happening too quick, he's digging me out faster than I can breathe. My freshly waxed eyebrows pull together as I yank at his grip on my wrists.
"Oooh shit, that feels sooo good. Yeeees, y/n. Can't believe I'm in these guts. Mmmmfuck, don't fight it. You wanted this shit, right?" He asks, serving me powerful precise jabs.
I realize now that my lids are shut tight, eyes rolled back; my mouth open wide as I sob at the intense fucking I'm receiving. For the sake of satisfying him I offer two jerky nods to his question, pussy walls fluctuating sporadically around his prick.
"Not even in all th-the way. Gone let me all the way inside ma?"
I wish I could've stopped the involuntary 'nooooo' that I moan but at this point my brain is becoming mush. It should be illegal for how fast Jordans reduced me to an incoherent mess.
"Ahhhhh y/n, thas not nice. Why you so mean to me all the time?"
Jordan's teasing damn near falls on deaf ears as he takes my right ankle and adds it with the other. Freeing my wrists he places a thumb on my clit and rubs quickly, holding both legs over his left shoulder. My hands quickly find their place back into the carpet, yanking handfuls as he sadistically unravels me with pure amusement on his face.
It's a surprise I don't deafen us both with the shrieks being forced from me. His frenzied pace increases as he spears me over and over, staring intently at the way I take his cock. My orgasm is so dangerously fuckin close to the surface and I hope he's ready.
"Oooh my go- shit! Ain't neva had a pussy so tight, so fuckin weeeet round my shit. Gone let me keep her all to myself? Huh ma?"
My crazed chants is the best I can do at this moment as he molds the shape of his dick to my walls. Overwhelmed and overstimulated would be an understatement; finna have me gushin his dick in under 5 and that's a fuckin record for me.
"Good giirrrl, pretty. Ah, ah, this- aahhh God.. This my pussy now y/n. You mine now. Got it?"
Fuck me all these questions don't help my scrambled mind. This a fuckin quiz or something? My response is a garbled jumbled mess of high pitched keens.
"I said do you fuckin understand?" He growls out with one brow raised, passionately drilling my pussy faster.
"YesJo, yeeees! 'M sorry, 'm sorry. SosorryDaddy- please!" I keen in hopes of some type of mercy.
But I get none. Tears track done my cheeks like a heavy rain on a stormy night from being subjugated to this all-consuming pleasure.
"Awww, you look so cute when you cry on my dick baby. Thas it, take it just like that for me. Uhhhfuck, gonna give my perfect princess a big ass nut. Know you want it too y/n; gonna make you leak wit it."
Thanks to his persistence he actually slides into the hilt. I wonder if he can see his long fat cock in my tummy. He's so fuckin big that I wouldn't be surprised. A chuckle reaches my ears as I feel the dam about to burst.
"Mmmm.. Naw ma, wish I could see my fuckin dick in ya tummy-"
Christ, I didn't even know I was voicing my fried ass thoughts. Such a fuckin shame it's at that moment I come and unfortunately miss the rest of his sentence. My cunt compresses the dick that's hell bent on unraveling me from the inside out. The pleasure spikes and my back arches as I fight to accept it. I shake like a leaf as he fucks me fiercely, fingers speeding on my beating little button. A clear stream splatters against his lower body as he praises my efforts.
"Did so good for meeeee, ah ah ah fuck! Mmm, hell yeah y/n! Pleeease gimme my reward! Earned it didn't I? Need it so bad, so fuckin bad! Cuuum baby! Good girl, good girl! GOOD. FUCKIN GIRL!"
I give him two more squirts as he punctuates his words with searingly deep stabs before a heavy warmth blooms in my achy abused little puss. Fuck me, the sensation of Jordan filling my cunt like he owns me is addicting; so damn soothing to the battering I just received. Almost feels like a soothing balm applied to a sore limb. And God damn if he ain't so damn loud as he comes to his end, complementing my poor over used lil puss over and over.
He ceases rubbing my clit to grip both of my legs in a bear hug and creampie me till his nut begins to leak out generously from around his dick. Daddy leaves kisses up and down my calves and legs as he roars out the last of his pleasure. Wish I could snap a pic of the way he tosses his head back before dropping it forward, puffing out heavy grunts of my name; his hips giving stuttering circles as he drains the last bit of his cream into me.
Finally, I'm able to gulp in some air as he hips halt their sweet torture, both of us huffing like we just finished a marathon. Jordan sits back on his haunches, palms sliding down to pull my ass into his lap with both hands. He stays just like that, big dick slowly beginning to soften within me. Daddy looks so fuckin handsome: so damn flushed and sweaty, long damp strands of hair fall into his face; pretty eyes low from smoking and all the work he just put in as he gazes at me with a endearing expression. I press a shaky hand to his chest, feeling his heart race just as fast as mine.
"Get what you need, ma?" He asks, smile dazzling the fuck outta me.
"Yes Daddy."
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mariacallous · 3 months
I have a feeling of déjà vu. Just like in February 2022, as columns of troops approached my city of Kyiv, I have a feeling of impending apocalypse. Back then, my worry was the Russians. I was thinking of my inevitable death, of soldiers laying their hands on me, torturing me just because I am Ukrainian.
This time, the sinking feeling comes from the West. Our allies, who promised to support us as long as it takes, have other problems to deal with. As Vladimir Putin’s Russia bulks up with weapons from North Korea and Iran, our partners have to restock their armies, help Israel and the Palestinians, and — most of all — struggle for power at home. In Ukraine, we’re left with a sense of rising insecurity, division and worries we might soon be left on our own.
Two years ago, when I said I was Ukrainian, people cheered for my nation. Today, they go silent and look at me as if I’m terminally ill. I can see that they’re sorry for me. They don’t know what to say.
Ukrainians in 2024
If you are tired of this war, imagine how exhausted Ukrainians must be. In a poll carried out at the beginning of the year by the research agency Info Sapiens, 35 percent of Ukrainians said they felt happy, while 58 percent reported being unhappy. In 2022, just 19 percent of us were unhappy.
Another poll, by the Democratic Initiatives Fund think tank, found that some 60 percent of Ukrainians still look with hope to the future. But anxiety is rising. Ukrainians still largely believe in each other, in their army and in its ability to eventually repel a Russian attack. However, fewer think the country will regain the territories Russia has occupied since 2022.
“Ukrainians are losing faith, probably due to the long duration of the war, problems with the supply of weapons, conflicts between the government and the army, corruption scandals, etc.,” said Inna Volosevych, deputy director of Info Sapiens. “However, the majority is still against agreeing to any of Putin’s demands.”
The growing pressure is widening the country’s divisions. Tensions are rising between different groups of Ukrainians: those who serve in the army, those who stayed but do not fight, those who left Ukraine, escaping from war.
“I think the biggest divisions are between those who are absorbed in the war ­— the mobilized and their families, people who lost their loved ones, residents of frontline territories — and those Ukrainians who are still trying to live a normal life,” Volosevych said.
It’s the latter, she added, who were most likely to describe themselves as happy.
“Paradoxically, Ukrainian refugees abroad reported psychological problems almost twice as often as people in Ukraine, and most often they reported a sense of guilt, apparently towards those who stayed,” she added.
Those who left
More than 6.3 million Ukrainians have left the country since the start of the full-scale invasion, according to the United Nations. Taisiia Semenova, a 27-year-old digital marketing specialist from Ukraine now lives in Portugal. She left Ukraine on February 26, two days after the start of the war.
These days she feels she has to be careful with her words. “People may be triggered by my experience in Portugal now, and I do not want to devalue the experiences of Ukrainians who stayed at home and are experiencing constant attacks,” she said. “People might say, ‘It’s easy to say something under the palm trees,’ so I often choose not to share at all.”
She found it painful when President Volodymyr Zelenskyy used his New Year’s address to urge Ukrainians abroad to return — to decide whether they are refugees or citizens.
“It is becoming more and more difficult to communicate,” said Semenova. “Earlier, my friends and I could spend hours discussing plans for self-development and how we will spend the next year: We will look cool, earn more and have better relationships.” Now when she speaks to people back home, their only goals are “to survive and not go cuckoo.”
“My conversations about plans for the future would hardly find listeners,” Semenova said.
Those who stayed
As a Ukrainian who stayed, I understand her predicament. It was my choice to stay, as I felt my country would fall if all of us left. Most of us, a nation of 30 million, stayed home and joined the fight for our country’s existence. We all paid dearly.   
It’s been two years since Putin’s full-scale invasion — two years in which I haven’t been able to plan anything without worrying about a possible missile strike or air raid. In May 2023, we in Kyiv slept only for a week as Russia barraged us with missiles almost every night, trying to test the newly arrived Patriot air defense system.
Every time I turn on the light or hot water in my apartment, I feel blessed and guilty at the same time. Last winter we survived in the darkness and cold of blackouts, as the Kremlin wanted to freeze us into surrendering.
This winter we do have electricity and hot water, but it sometimes seems luxury I don’t deserve. Ukrainians in frontline cities have forgotten about normal sleep, hot water and electricity. Every morning someone loses their home or life. Hope is still there, but slowly falling, like grain from a wheat storage destroyed by a Russian drone.
Life has become a never-ending Groundhog Day of Russian shelling, working, paying taxes, donating and fighting. We are trying hard to stay resilient and keep our sense of humor. 
“Being a Ukrainian in 2024 is when you think about what you are wearing,” said Mila Yaroslavska, a volunteer of the “I will be your back” charity foundation. “If a missile strikes and you are pulled out from under the rubble, dead or not, your photos will be all over the internet.”
“As a woman you want the last pictures of your life to be beautiful,” she said. “So, every night I think through my pajamas. They have to be cute but also warm enough to save you from frostbite in winter when you will lie under the rubble if you are lucky enough to survive and wait for rescuers to dig you out.”
Those who lost everything
Then there are those for whom the war has already taken so much. Serhii Zeinalov, a Ukrainian independent filmmaker, now lives in Kyiv. But all his dreams are about the warm sands and sea of the Kherson region where he comes from. His native town Oleshky has been occupied by Russian forces.  
“My collection of books and records, my film archive, is in someone else’s hands,” Zeinalov said. “I cannot go to my father’s grave. My favorite places of strength — happy places where I could return if something was not going according to plan — simply do not exist, they are destroyed.”
Zeinalov left Oleshky a week before the full-scale invasion. His mother and brother later managed to escape and join him in Kyiv. His grandparents spent 533 days under occupation, leaving their home after it was almost destroyed by flooding after Russian forces blew the Kakhovka dam in the summer of 2023.
“For almost 40 days, my relatives sat on the second floor of our house blocked by water. They shared one can of food per day for two, a dog and a cat,” Zeinalov said. “The murky water swallowed our lives and belongings, along with family treasures.”
Like many residents of territories near or behind the front lines, Zeinalov is pessimistic about an all-out victory over Russia. But he still thinks it’s worth fighting. “The more successful and effective the Ukrainian army will be, the more arguments we will have during negotiations.”
In 2022, Ukrainians united in one giant fist of a nation. In the first two months, with almost no assistance, we showed we were ready to fight the second-largest army on earth.
Amazed by our bravery, the world responded with military and financial aid that helped us take back some 50 percent of the territory Russians had taken in their offensive. Inflows of assistance, the overwhelming support of the free world and — most of all — our unity made us think we could win. Today, that’s getting harder to believe.
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queeniecook · 6 months
Mid Summer of last year
Ever since the warlock James had paid Inna a surprise visit, thoughts had been swirling around in her mind. She doesn't have any intentions of being a part of his plan, but to say she got curious would be correct. She spent hours searching the internet on this Vera Grant. Of course she found things like a simbook profile and a profile on the new big thing - the social bunny media app. Inna has to have them all due to her career. Smartly, Vera seems to have all her personal stuff hidden to where only her friends can see it. But the more she stared at the profile picture of Vera on simbook, the more she reminded her of someone, she just couldn't put her manicured finger on it until she went on a stroll down on the Del Sol Valley walk of fame. She was casually reading the stars, like she usually does - vowing one day her name will be there too - when she saw it. Right beneath her feet, the star that reads "Evie Grant." It all clicked together. Armed with the new information, she spent even more hours googling Vera Grant and her family. She finally had to stop when the information ran out after Evie married a man named Paka'a Uha and became pregnant with her first child. It seems Evie wanted to drop out of the spotlight for the most part after that. Only a few appearances happened for charity up until her death.
It changed nothing. She just found it interesting, that was all. Nothing more, nothing less.
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"Who is the girl in my kitchen, Vlad?" Inna questions. She had asked him here for information, not to play hostess to someone she doesn't know. Not that she minds playing hostess but she prefers to have a heads up first. 
"Do not mind the child, she is simply cooking." One of her mentors tells her. The other half, Elle DeVampiro, is currently over in Italy at one of the pairs' many Villas. 
"You don't usually travel with witches..."Inna trails off, something isn't right about the situation. 
"Very smart of you to keep food in your kitchen, dear one. Just in case you need to entertain those who require mortal food." Vlad continues in his usual tone. Not bothered by the young vampires' proding. "You wanted information, yes?"
Inna just looks at him and bites her tongue not to make a snarky comment, both Vlad and Elle did a lot for her over the years. She pretty much made it impossible for Lilith to help her after Caleb turned her and Lilith had no choice but to hand her over to Vlad and Elle. They helped her tame her blood lust, which she would always be grateful for. She has never killed anyone, something she feels happy about. Her mentors also taught her about the finer things in life and etiquette, while also opening doors for her in the field she loves - acting. "I would be much obliged."
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"Vera Grant-Uha is her legal name and she is indeed the child of Evie Grant. She also has a brother, Apollo, who lives in Sulani with his wife, Naya and son Apollo Grant Junior. Miss Grant currently resides in the village town of Henford-on-Bagley. Miss Grant and Caleb Vatore are set to wed on September 20th of this year in Windenburg." Vlad supplies, it wasn't hard for him to get someone to gather the information. Money is a great tool at his disposal.
Inna nods and glances at the witch in her kitchen briefly, who was still cooking, before looking back at the vampire in front of her. "Thank you, Vlad. You always come through for me."
This earns a smile from the elder vampire. He's not quite as old as Count Straud himself but close. "I have to ask, out of concern. You know that even though I did not turn you I am quite fond of you, dear one." Vlad pauses before asking"Are you planning to see Caleb Vatore again?"
Inna looks at him and shakes her head. "No. I won't lie and say I'm not curious about who has finally stole his cold undead heart. I'm also a bit worried, does she know what she's getting herself into?"
"If you are concerned he may turn her against her wishes as he did you, you need not." Vlad assures her before speaking again because he can tell Inna is confused. "He can't turn her. Vera comes from a long line of merfolk. "
Inna blinks, truly stunned. She kind of wishes her mentor had lead with that bit of information to start with.
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