#lowkey very nervous to share this ngl
ancuninfiles · 2 months
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I may or may not've drawn Nym and Astarion from my fic, Comfort 🌚
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yesimwriting · 3 years
hi, i love all your work! could i please request headcanons for what it'd be like to go from being enemies to lovers with nikolai lantsov.
thank you:)
A/N maybe i moved this up on my request lists bc i woke up today and went 'nikolai lantsov'
- i'm being a little liberal with cannon bc my mind first went to 'princess! reader who hates nikolai bc they're competitive and then they have to team up together to try to get their parents to break up their arranged marriage but fall in love in the process (this might be a little undetailed but i'm thinking of writing a full fic or mini-series with this plotline so let me know if you'd be interested!! i could see a smutty ending to that fic but idk,, lmk what you thing ig lol)
- Ok so first off enemies to lovers with the loml nikolai lantsov would be SO GOOD bc he's so dramatic and obviously attractive so even though you hate him you know he's hot,, there's never a dramatic realization that he's attractive bc it's just a fact
- butttt you'd rather give up any claim you have to your family's throne than feed his already gigantic ego
- okk but lets get to the beginning of your enemies to lovers relationship
- so basically every summer your parents go and stay with Nikolai's family at this super fancy vacation home bc your parents are both royalty and your kingdoms have a very healthy relationship
- just bc it's the summer season doesn't mean it's summer vacation,, so as children for about a month you two share a tutor,, and when i tell you that created a rivalry so fast i mean it
- you're not the eldest princess and you're always trying to be the best for your parents approval, nikolai just wanted to impress the really smart girl who had a pretty laugh (poor nikolai lol,, he had no way of knowing how important being the best in school no matter what was to your self esteem)
- maybe if you two could communicate you’d like each other a little better at this point but it starts when you’re pretty young and by the time you’re like 13 it’s a solidified dynamic (and 13 year olds are the MEANEST and most insecure people in the world so that’s when your relationship turns to full enemies)
- now that you’re 13 you have more princess-y requirements, especially over the summer. So when you see that Nikolai gets to practice with swords and gets more free time while you have to practice setting tables you hate him more than ever. 
- Nikolai senses that you’re extra hostile but he has no idea why,, he tries asking once but he makes a joke about how ‘maybe you’re jealous bc youre no longer the center of my attention’ and even though he’s just trying to ease the tension you feel like he’s making fun of you
- so that’s when things get aggressive, but at that point summer is almost over so it’s whatever
- next summer comes and you’re still SO MAD at him,, so when you get to the estate you’re like ‘i’m not even talking to him idc how quiet these next three months are’ 
- and you get there all determined to hate him,, but once you get there and see him something in you cracks bc he had the audacity to spend the last year going through puberty AND LIKE HE’S ALWAYS BEEN CUTE BUT THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE 
- so youre mentally panicking bc how do you even talk to someone that looks like that now???? but then you remember that you didnt even want to talk him so in a panic youre like ‘maybe i can avoid him and he’ll just assume it’s bc i hate him bc i do,, who cares if he’s unbelievably hot now’ 
- nikolai doesn’t assume anything, he just gets to the estate and is like ‘why hasn’t she insulted me yet?? is she suddenly too good to give me attention?’ so during the lessons that you still share he gets an idea
- he decides to one-up you in everything bc that’s always gotten a reaction out of you 
- it works,, every time he corrects you or steals an answer from you, you’re ready to snap but then you look at him and take in his stupidly perfect face and  you just shut up 
- nikolai thinks it’s not working so he just tries harder
- by the end of week one you can’t take it anymore so when the tutor leaves at the end of lessons you snap, you tell him off for how often he’d repeat what you said and change a few words and get all the praise from the tutor
- on the inside he’s like ‘took long enough’ but the more you rant he’s like ‘is she okay???’ he’d be more concerned if you weren’t threatening his pride and at this point he’s still annoyed bc if you were that annoyed you should have just talked to him instead of ignoring him for a week
- he’s thinking that just bc you got really pretty over the last year doesn’t make you too good to yell at him on the daily
- the worst thing anyone can do to nikolai is ignore him LMAO (lowkey relatable)
- so he starts arguing with you and you’re so upset that you forget about how aggressively attractive he is 
- and you two are alone in this room and the more you argue the closer you two get
- the climax of the argument is when neither of you are yelling, you’re just so mad you’re beyond raising your voice and once you’re both at that point it goes like this: 
“Nikolai Lantsov, you are the most insufferable person I’ve ever met” 
“Well then, Darling, you should look in a mirror.” 
“You are so entitled, so ridiculously self obsessed that it ruins your attractiveness.” 
“...” he literally just like blinks twice. “You think I’m attractive?” 
“Uh? No--i didn’t say that at all, maybe if you didn’t have the language comprehension of a child you’d understa--” he just reaches forward, grabs the collar of your dress, and kisses you. 
- it’s your first kiss so you have no idea what you’re doing and it’s with some one you CANT STAND and you’re so mad bc you had expectations for your first kiss and he’s taken that from you--but the thing is,, 
- he’s good at it. Like really good at it. Like so good it makes you curious about what he does the nine months of the year he’s not stuck here with you bc there’s no way he hasn’t had practice. 
- but you’re also extremely confused and nervous and aware of how stupid you’re being (and a little hormonal bc being 14 isn’t easy) and then he places his hand on your cheek and that snaps some sense of reality into you bc it’s one thing to enjoy the kiss but another thing entirely to want him to escalate it
- so you place one hand on his chest and push him off of you slightly. He takes the hint, pulls away enough to look at you and then you two just stare at each other 
- your hand is still on his chest and you have absolutely no idea what comes next, but you find yourself looking at his lips
- since you haven’t slapped him or pulled away more than a few inches he thinks maybe things are okay so he leans forward slightly and kisses you again. 
- you reciprocate a little too fast, the kiss lasts two seconds before thinking about how insane you’re being so you push away entirely. 
- He lets you go,, and in the most awkward display ever you’re like ‘uh I need to go,, i can’t be late to ball preparation lessons’ and you leave that room faster than you’ve ever left a room in your entire life. 
- the next day you consider pretending to be sick to avoid him but that would only give him more power over the situation so you go,, and he’s just sitting there calmly
- youre on edge the entire day but he never even jokes about it
- a part of you is a tiny bit annoyed bc who kisses you and then pretends it never happened? but overall, you’re relieved 
- the days pass and it never comes up but now whenever you two argue you think of how quickly kissing him both shut him up and got rid of your tension 
- the summer goes by quickly, your usual dynamic has returned and you wonder if he even remembers kissing you. twice. in a row. 
- the next couple of years are normal,, even when you two no longer take lessons together you still dont like him. He’s just so assured and he takes such joy in bothering you. 
- and then one summer your parents sit you down and they’re like ‘we need to plan the future alliance of our kingdom’ 
- you’re a little confused bc you’re rarely allowed to sit in on these things bc you’re a girl and you’re basically meant to just be a royal’s bride--and then you realize why you’re there. 
- you start protesting before your father can finish announcing your engagement 
- the parents were smart bc they announced it at the end of summer so you two couldn’t drive them crazy or conspire
- the first thing you do when you get back to your castle is write to him for the first time ever 
- your letter is basically ‘pls tell me you’re doing something’ 
- the two of you talk until you come up with the plan to get your parents to break up your engagement 
- your parents dont really care about your feelings and they expect the two of you to argue with them,, but they care about the kingdoms
- so you two decide that if you act like youre so in love that you let your duties slip the engagement will end,, especially if you two are in love in a toxic way 
- so the next summer you two make sure to flirt and act like youre totally obsessed with each other and skip lessons together and just are constantly together and acting like you’re on a honeymoon
- your parents are like ?? since when 
- at one point you flirt with a random guard just so Nikolai can have a ‘jealous outburst’ while your families are strolling through the garden 
- ngl jealous nikolai had you ready to RISK IT ALL,, you were ready to drop the plan and marry him on the spot 
- he notices bc he notices everything about you and when your family walks away he gives you a quick kiss and youre stunned,, much to his delight 
- your desire to break up your engagement takes a slight backseat in your mind bc you decide to set off on a secret goal to make him flustered
- it doesn’t take much, your dresses get a little more risky, your comments get a little more suggestive
- the only problem?? he seems to have his own personal goal and it’s to make you even more flustered than he is
- soon the two of you are lost in layers of pretend and competition
- when your parents are finally thinking about delaying the engagement and keeping you two away from each other until you calm down a little (i feel bad for them,, an entire summer of being surrounded by the ULTIMATE sexual tension) 
- you’re sad and you don’t know why bc this is what you wanted, but then Nikolai stands up and says that you two planned for this and he has the letters to prove it (he was ready to drop the receipts LMAO) and youre like ??what are you doing?
- and he says he’d rather marry you then never see you again bc now all he wants is to get know you bc he has no idea how he wasted so much time arguing with you 
- and you just meltttt but your in front of your entire family and his as well so you just sit there for a minute and then you tell him you feel the same way 
- but the summer’s over
- you kiss him before leaving and he says you’ll have to visit bc he can’t go an entire year without seeing your ‘pretty face’ 
- you promise to visit him soon
- your at home for exactly a day and a half before getting an invitation to visit him 
- you laugh bc the only way that letter could get to you that fast is if he mailed it before you even left 
- you say yes obviously,, and spend some time having a really cute fall-dating vibes together until you figure out how you really feel 
- and you feel like he makes your heart STOP and that’s why you hated him,, bc you didn’t like being vulnerable 
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tanzaniiite · 4 years
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requests: OPEN
warnings: nsfw-ish
a/n: this is abt the reader being lowkey scared about their first time and freaking out last minute
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listen i relate to this ish heavily cause i’m super paranoid as a raging v!rgin so essentially this me projecting :D
also this is my first time writing anything nsfw-ish so don’t violate🧍🏽‍♀️ (unedited asf btw)
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chile he understands
asahi is just as scared as you if not more
sorry, he strikes me as a v!rgin too idk
but yeah, he won’t be upset or anything bc he’s a GENTLEman 😌
he’ll suggest cuddling while watching a movie or something instead
if you’re still not convinced that he’s fine with it…
“but babe, you have a—”
“i-i know, it’ll go away… eventually”
asahi will tell you a thousand times over that he’s not mad and that your first time is a big deal, it’s okay to be scared
as far as his *ahem* problem goes, it’s nothing that a hand can’t fix
You bite your lip as you grind your sex against your boyfriend’s clothed erection. Asahi tilts his head back, a groan bubbling in the back of his throat as his hands grip your waist. You lean forward, burying you head in his neck as you continue to move your hips against his. The brunette can feel everything despite you both having clothes on but he wants to feel more. His fingers dance along the hem of your shorts before tugging them down gently.
You tense slightly, biting his lower neck as a reflex which only caused him to choke out a moan. Too blinded by wanting more of you, Azumane suddenly flips you over on his bed. His arms caging you in on both sides, you look up at him with wide eyes. He just sends you a small smirk before leaving a trail of kisses down your body. Just as he reaches the hem of your underwear, you jolt up suddenly. Asahi looks up at you, confusion written on his face.
“I.. um, I’m sorry Azu. Can we not… do this?”
“S-Sure! Whatever you want! What’s wrong?”
Your boyfriend quickly sits up and scoots next to you. He’s fretting over you and you feel guilty. You thought you were ready, you thought that this time your nervousness would disappear. “Hey, please don’t blame yourself. You’re not ready, that’s okay. To be honest, I’m not either” Asahi admitted rubbing the back of his neck. You gaped at him, “But you were about to–!”. The brunette face erupted in flames, “I know! I just wanted to please you and stop there” He confessed. You couldn’t help but laugh at his confession, Azumane blinked before joining in on your laughter.
“How about this; if either of us feel like we’re not ready.. let’s just say so, deal?”
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ngl you caught him off guard
he genuinely thinks you’re ready and into it but when you’re suddenly telling him to stop, he’s confused
pls don’t misinterpret, he will stop. he’ll just be taken aback
once you calm down and explain yourself, daichi will be like “oh okay”
if you ask him if he’s mad, he’ll reassure that he’s not. daichi will however excuse himself to.. take care of himself
“i’m sorry babe, i-i just panicked. we can try again–”
“y/n. stop.”
he will stop you dead in your tracks if you keep apologizing. he explains to you that if you’re not ready to not push yourself.
daichi wants your first time to be special and full of love, not something you did for the sake of him. he doesn’t want you to feel obligated to him and he doesn’t want you to regret your first time
he loves you and will wait until you’re ready
Kissing Daichi was… amazing. The guy is passionate in everything he does, so of course he’s just as passionate when it comes to make out sessions. That’s what this was supposed to be: a make out session. How did it turn into Daichi hovering over you leaving dozen of hickies on your neck and chest, is beyond you. As he busied himself with prodding at you sweet spots to make you make sweet sounds in his ear, you tightly secured your legs around his waist.
Feeling a bit brave, you arched your back causing you to deeply press your hips into his. Daichi tensed at the sudden friction, a low groan escaping his mouth. He pulled away to look at you, his lustful gaze boring into you. You couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous as he looked at you as if he wanted to devour you on the spot. Your nervousness only intensified as he began to unbutton your pants and pull off your underwear. You grabbed your boyfriend’s wrist tightly while pressing your thighs together.
“W-Wait, I’m not ready”
“…what’d you mean?”
Daichi sat back while you got dressed and calmed your rapid heartbeat. The two of you sat in silence for a couple minutes before he spoke up. “Did I do something wrong?” He asked looking at you nervously. You quickly shook your head, taking his hands into yours. “No no no, you didn’t do anything.. you were amazing! I just… I’m just not ready. I thought I was and I’m sorry for leading you on–” You ranted only to be interrupted with a kiss. Once Daichi pulled away, he cupped your face in his hands,
“You didn’t lead me on Y/n, there’s no need to apologize. You’re not ready, I’m more than happy to wait until you are”
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you say “no 😳”, suga says “yes ma’am☺️”
all my bbys drink their ‘respect women’ juice
nah but fr he’ll most likely stop before you get the chance to express your discomfort
suga is a very observant person and he can tell you’re uncomfortable and want to stop
“why... why’d you stop?”
“you look uncomfortable, are you sure you want to do this? we can stop”
bless this man
if you insist you’re fine and want to keep going (in fear of disappointing/upsetting him) he’ll flip the switch and say he’s not ready
knowing damn well he isn’t a v!grin with his fine aaa 🥵
if you’re not comfortable with expressing your nervousness, suga will take that role for you
like daichi, he doesn’t want you to regret this and he can clearly tell you don’t want to but for whatever reason you’re in denial. so he’ll say he’s not ready and nervous
he’ll then go on to explain why he’s nervous and scared, slowly pulling you out of your shell and getting you to share your nervousness as well
suga’s a good man istg
Soft moans spilled from your lips as Suga’s hand massaged your right breast while he took the left into his mouth. A playfully smirk graced his face as he looked up at you with those gorgeous hazel-brown eyes. “Mm, you like that Sugar?” He asked rhetorically, still massaging your left breast, tweaking your nipple between the pads of his index finger and thumb. You could only stutter out a weak cry of his name in response. This, however, fueled your boyfriend to continue in his endeavors to please you.
Moving up from your chest, he kissed you firmly. As the two of kissed, his hand abandoned your chest, which elicited a small whine from you. Koshi couldn’t help but smile in the kiss, he loved knowing he hand this effect on you. The hand that previously abandoned your chest made its way down your body and rested in between your legs. Suga noticed how you tensed and opened his eyes. He frowned slightly at the slight grimace on your face. Immediately he pulled away and looked at you.
“..Koshi, what’s wro–”
“Are you okay with this? We can stop right now if you’re not”
Your eyes widened and you shook your head vigorously, “No no no, I’m good. I want this” You ‘assured’, grabbing your boyfriend’s hand and pulling him towards you. Suga was lowkey offended that, one; you’d lie to him and two; you think he would believe such a bullshit lie. The silver-head pulled his hand away from your grasp and looked you dead in the eyes. “Well, I’m not ready then” He confessed crossing his arms over his chest. You let out a noise of disbelief before sitting up. “You aren’t? But you’re not a virgin..?” You stated, kind of confused as to why this was happening.
“I know. But I’m not ready for our relationship to go there yet”
“O-Oh, that’s fine”
Your boyfriend went on to explain how nervous he was about screwing up or not being enough for you. And you couldn’t help but agree with him. “Really? Me too! I haven’t done this before and I want to. But I’m scared that I’ll screw it up” You explained, finally opening up. Suga smiled slightly, glad that you were finally being honest with him.
“Sugar, we don’t have to do it right now. We can wait until you’re ready. And when you are, I’ll help you every step of the way”
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
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✯ pairing: hawks x reader
✯ genre: FLUFFYYDS!!
✯ summary: fan! hawks meeting his newly debuted idol crush y/n at a fansign!
✯wordcount: 2.1k+
✯warning: just swearing and hawks being thirsty <3
✯ note: this literallt came to me because i was trying to turn @hoodtoshi into a bts stan (lowkey succeeded) and i was jus like yea, thirsty hawks
-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛--ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛--ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥
- you were nervous
- this was your first fan meet after all,, but you were still nervous
- you were only 19 and had already debuted!!
- that didn’t happen to just anyone!!
- you worked super hard to get to where you are today!! everyone knew that!!
- you sighed as your make-up artist continued to paint your lips a dark red colour
- you honestly didn’t look like yourself, but this was to keep up the whole idol image i guess
- “jinhee, how many people are outside? i’m sure only two people came to see me..” you pouted, resulting in your make-up artist to smack your cheek lightly
- “dOn’t say that you dummy! i’m sure a lot of people came to see you!” she scolded, wiping off the excess makeup on a towel
- “now get out, you’re done”
- “i don’t wanna”
- she raised a newspaper and flexed, ready to beat the fuck out of you if she heard another whisper of self-deprecation from you
- “fine! i’m going!” you grumbled, pouting at oncoming soreness of your feet from your heels
- why did idols have to wear heels anyway?
- okay no, you knew why, but sTill!! they sucked!
- you smiled as you saw the buffet table
- one little snack wouldn’t hurt
- >:)
- “keigo stop fuckign puSHING”
- “im so EXCITED!! i’m meeting THE y/n you SLUTBAG!!” keigo yelled as he shook his companion
- dabi sometimes questioned why he was still friends with keigo
- “i SEE that you asshole”
- keigo took this opportunity to punch dabi in the arm, causing dabi to retaliate, causing kEigo to retaliate, causing dAb-
- okay so
- “i’ve been in love with her ever since she debuted!! and she debuted ALONE!! a whole solo artist!! the talent!! the beauty!! i’m in love!!”
- dabi raised a brow at his friend
- “didn’t you tweet about wanting to ‘put a baby inside of her’?”
- keigo felt his cheeks heat up at the possibility of you seeing his indecent tweets about you
- what if you had seen? what if you think he’s a creep? what if you already hated him??
- keigo felt his anxiety creep onto his shoulders as he continued to overthink, not realizing that they were already next to go in
- ruh roh raggy
- keigo didn’t know anything BUT anxiety
- rip keigo we’ll miss you big daddy :,(
- “please come in, please don’t shout”
- whO was shouting?? nobody was shouting
- keigo wasn’t gonna shout
- as keigo was about to shout, he felt himself be silenced by his partner
- all keigo could feel was betrayal
- “calm down you hot dog, you’re going to TALK to her in person jfc. you can tell her how much you want to father her children then”
- it was almost time and you were STILL at the food table
- you saw a small intern approach you with an uneasy look on her face
- she was for sure about to reprimand you
- “m-ms. y/n,, we have to go now!” she stuttered
- she was sO! cute you just couldn’t say no
- so you decided to just sneak a few bags of chips under your skirt before smiling and quickly following her
- you made your way to the stage, peeking behind the curtains
- you saw a huge crowd of people, mostly males, but one man who sat near the front caught your eye
- he had bright yellow eyes with matching blond hair, even wearing some eyeliner
- the unknown male looked absolutely delectable
- he made you bark a little tbh
- you took a deep breath before you were pushed by your manager on the stage, cheers suddenly reaching your ears as your fans confessed their love for you
- quit shamelessly might you add
- you blushed as you watched the cute blond-haired man cup his hands around his mouth and yell—
- “I LOVE YOU Y/N! IM YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN!” he yelled, gaining the attention of everyone in the room
- soon everyone started to yell that they were your biggest fan and that the blond man could never even compare
- but the man had nothing but a satisfied smirk plastered on his handsome face
- did he enjoy starting riots?
- you sat on the chair, placing your hands on top of the table
- this was a small table ngl
- luckily there was a sheet on the table, hiding your nervously bouncing legs
- just imagine watching a fancam of you bouncing your leg
- people would still thirst for that
- anyway
- “thank you guys for coming! i’m so excited to meet you all!” you started, smiling at the large number of people
- “you guys can ask me questions or some things? i don’t know?” you laughed, feeling slightly awkward
- you didn’t know how to be a person
- “can you do a dance for us!!” a young boy, about the age of 7 yelled, jumping up and down in front of his seat
- “what dance?” you queried, raising your brow in curiosity
- “move by taemin!!” he cheered, immediately dancing
- you laughed at his adorable actions
- you were totally gonna dance for him!
- you got up as the music started to play in the background, moving to the side of the table and sensually moving to the beat while the audience watched intently
- you carefully moved your hips, hitting all the right beats
- this wasn’t any different than dancing in front of the camera people, plus you had to get used to an audience
- it also wasn’t any different from how you had to dance to kpop songs from when you were younger for your family!!
- (no, literally. the amount of times i had to dance to 2NE1’s i am the best, girls generation’s gee, and wonder girls’ nobody. the dances are engraved in my head. 6 year old giri had to dance or else)
- as the song faded out, you held your pose before bowing, smiling at the little boy who continued to hype you up
- “holy fuck.. dabi that was hot” hawks whispered, tightening his grip around his friends sleeve
- “jeez kei, ease up a bit” dabi complained, prying his friends hand off of him
- “oh my god she’s such a great dancer, do you think she’ll like me if i learn how to dance too?” he questioned, grabbing his friend by the front of his shirt, pissing dabi off once more
- “no. not if you don’t stop being a fuckinf weirdo”
- hawks pouted
- dabi grinned
- how cruel
- “does anyone else have a request?”
- “WAP!!” a number of people yelled, resulting in your face heating up
- how would they suggest such a lewd dance!
- especially when there were children here!
- “haha! that doesn’t seem very appropriate!” you laughed it off, trying your best to mask your uncomfortableness
- hopefully this would end soon
- “no! can you dance to gashina please!” a girl yelled, catching your attention
- hm, gashina was actually a very good suggestion
- you could do this! you could be as great as sunmi!
- okay maybe no. sunmi was a god <3
- you did the routine, catching the eyes and the hearts of the audience
- “fuck i think i’m in love dabi” hawks whined, clutching his chest
- he had a lovesick expression plastered on his face
- he was totally whipped for you, no doubt about it
- before you knew it, it was time for the fans to have a minute to speak to you and for them to get their albums signed!
- you had recently debuted with your album, dawn in tokyo
- you had taken inspiration from the time where you had left your hotel at dawn and walked around the streets of tokyo, sitting near a bridge and writing lyrics for some of the songs in the album
- hence the name of the album
- most of your album was written in japan
- hawks felt himself get more excited as he came closer to you, holding tightly to the fabric of his friends jacket, which wouldn’t surely gotten him slapped if you weren’t so near
- before he knew it, he was already next in line, dabi already sitting in front of your figure while holding your soft, delicate looking hand in his large ugly ones
- this made hawks’ chest bubble with jealousy
- >:(
- sure, you had a large fan base, but it still hurt to see people touch you the way he wanted to
- it was now his turn, he walked up the stairs with his wobbly knees, wanting to just sit and be near you
- he knew that you would be able to calm his nerves, or make him spontaneously combust
- “hey! i’m y/n! nice to meet you!” you smiled, out-stretching your hand to him, offering to place your hand in his own
- he swiftly, but gently grasped your hand, before placing it on his cheek, letting you hold the soft chub of his cheek
- no fan had been this brave to do this. it was quite surprising to be honest
- he wasn’t breaking any rules so you decided to fuck it and go with it
- you placed both your hands on his cheeks, slightly squishing them together, causing him to adorably pout
- “dash not nishe” he mumbled, brows furrowing
- you laughed before letting go of his face, bringing your hands back to your side of the table
- “you’re so cute! can i sign your album for you?” you smiled, tilting your head to the side
- hawks just..dieded
- mans said peace out
- your beauty was incomprehensible
- phew, he had to get his shit together! he was trying to impress u! he wanted to be the mc in a wattpad story
- we all wanna be y/n
- anywayss
- “sure dove! u can make it out to keigo, u can put your number in it too ;)” he winked
- nobody:
- y/n: i’m not gon do it girl.. i’m just thinking about it
- “ah! sorry cutie! i’m not allowed to share my number :333”
- you tried to laugh as you died inside
- he smiled, before placing a kiss on your fingertips
- “don’t worry dove,i respect that” he winked
- “i have some gifts for you!” he announced, placing the huge paper bag on top of the table
- he first pulled out your favourite snack before handing it to you
- how did he get these??
- omg
- then, he brought out a bottle of perfume, and a new song writing notebook!
- this was great!!
- “oh my gosh! keigo! you’re too sweet” you cooed,
- this was a lot
- “i also have something else.. would you wear this flower crown for me and do some fan-service?” he queried
- of course you would!
- you nodded before placing the flower crown on top of your head
- “what do you want me to say?”
- “say.. i’ll be a good dove for hawks. is that okay?” he smirked, tracing small circles into the palm of your hands
- w-wHAT
- was this legal
- your managers were literally ignoring you—
- “o-oh! sure! uhm-“
- god you were going to regret this
- “i-i’ll be a good dove for hawks!” you whimpered, showing off your practiced aegyo
- “ahhh! my heart!” he gasped, dramatically clutching his chest
- “excuse me, we need the next fan to come up” you manager tapped the both of your arms
- you nodded before smiling at hawks and waving goodbye
- you were going to miss him :((
- ig it just wasn’t meant to be
- the night you had gotten home, you decided to go through your gifts
- you were particularly interested in the gift you had gotten from the blond man
- it was really sweet of him to get you a notebook
- the moment you had opened it, you had noticed that something was written on the first page
- ‘xxx-xxx-xxxx call me pretty girl <3’
- he was a bold onealright
- you were contemplating on actually calling him
- he could leak your number!
- well, you could just wait for him to speak
- fuck it
- you dialed the number on your phone and waited as it rang
- “hello?”
- “i-is this keigo?”
- “hey dove, i’m glad you called”
- y/n: i did it :33
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bbytetsu · 4 years
FIRST DATE ft. oikawa, iwaizumi, tendou, semi
author’s note: since i went pretty in-depth, i didn’t cover all the characters i wanted to and will probably continue this as a series. if there’s someone you wanna see lmk! 💘
let’s be real, oikawa has had a million first dates
but with you, he wants it to be special and something he’s never done before. so he books a baking lesson at a famous bakery
as usual, he’s well groomed and well dressed. even put on a lil spritz of cologne to impress you
brings his polaroid so you can take pictures after 🥺
he’s probably at least 10 minutes late LMAOOOO... something about not being able to find his usual gel and having to make do
oikawa is a horrible baker, he sucks at following instructions. he wants to improvise despite not knowing what he’s doing
but he’s so cute you can’t stay mad! he lowkey messes up on purpose just so he can get more of your attention and then watch you concentrate as you attempt to fix his mistakes
will praise you, but will also praise himself too for doing the bare minimum... he keeps asking you if you saw him crack that one egg 🙄
lots of playful banter and skinship, like an accidental brush against his arm, your hands touching as you pass the mixer to him, or when he ruffles your hair
dots a lil whipped cream on your nose and takes a photo before you can stop him. he won’t stop laughing at it throughout the date but really he just thinks you’re so cute 
despite taking a ton of photos of you and of the date, he’s not using his phone otherwise to go on social media or answer any texts. he just wants to be in the moment with you but also record the best moments
while you two wait for the cake to bake in the oven, he leaves to buy boba for you two
super impressed with the cake after it’s out of the oven and keeps praising you for it! (as he should, you carried the team!)
surprisingly much better at decorating the cake than baking it. will try and write “i like you, (y/n)!” on it with frosting
will spoonfeed you the cake and expect you to spoonfeed him too
since he’s really trying to take things slow with you (unlike his previous romances), he’ll stick to a kiss on the forehead and multiple times on the hands before the two of you part ways
the most romantic, soft picnic date
and being the perfect gentleman he is, he’s prepped some of your favorite foods, brought a blanket and speakers, and is picking you up
ngl the car ride is a bit awkward. when he picks you up, he’s just so stunned at how lovely you look! he musters up a compliment but he’s red in the face and can barely meet your eyes tbh
you’ve brought some food too. the two of you definitely overpacked, but he was scared you might be hungry
he takes you to a nice park by the lake and sets everything up under a tree
the JOY he feels from watching you eat his food! the way your face lights up when you take a bite into a small sandwich he made
he eases into the conversation as you two eat. before you know it, the two of you are sharing your thoughts, laughing, even teasing each other
you try to teach him how to make a crown of dandelions. just imagine the two of you twinning your dandelion crowns 😭
as you get full, he scoots closer to you and the two of you get super cuddly. puts his big arms around your shoulders in a back hug while you’re sitting down and you just feel super secure
HE IS. 100% AN IG BF and will take photos of you if you want! (just think about it, oikawa has probably forced him to take so many photos of him)
puts his jacket on you if you get cold. just wants you to be comfy
after the picnic, he takes you back to his place to watch a movie
you let him pick what movie and of course he picks GODZILLA
but somehow he makes it romantic??? the two of you are cuddled up on the couch, he’s holding your hand under the blanket
he keeps asking you if you’re comfortable, and halfway through the movie, when you’re nuzzling your head into his shoulder, he plants a kiss on your forehead
he pauses the movie to tell you how much he likes you right before the two of you kiss. godzilla can wait 😌
the two of you are very casual with each other, so you probably didn’t even consider this a date to begin with. but little do you know what’s about to go down... 
tendou’s actually not nervous for the date. given that he’s excellent at reading others, he already knows the feelings you have for him. he’s just thinking about how to make his move 
SO! MUCH! FUN! you play all kinds of games, from old school ones to rpg shooting games to racing ones (his weakness tbh)
signature celebratory dances when he wins! 
oh and the dance dance revolution battle! don’t EVEN GET ME STARTED
he’s nimble on his feet and amazing at DDR! he’ll even sing along dramatically to all the pop songs that he knows
he loves the satisfaction of winning a game, but if you get discouraged, he’ll notice and encourage you or focus more on team games! might even let you win a game or two since he’s just head over heels for you...
ceo of claw machines. when you try to get a plushie from those impossible claw machines, he'll watch you try first
but when you don’t get it, he’ll ask you to try again. instead of just taking over, he’ll stand behind you, put his hand on yours, and gently guide you so that you can successfully pick up the plushie
whatever plushie you want, it’s yours! he’s got you
he’s also got you on drinks and snacks. you’ll sit down and have a moment together with popcorn and chips before you get back into it
there’s wasn’t that much skinship throughout the date, but now the tension is building up fr! and don’t worry, he’s planning to act on it
towards the end of the date, the two of you enter the photobooth
and the two of you are in there for multiple rounds, tons of silly poses
with you this close to him, he’s finally starting to feel the nerves 🦋🦋
as you’re waiting for another set of photos to print out, the two of you have reached the peak of the tension. as you lean towards him, he puts his hand on your waist and goes for it 
your kiss is so exciting and sweet! and he smells so so fresh
you make out in the photobooth until two kids catch you
let me just say beforehand how sweet and significant this date is. it’s the first time he really opens up to you 
you meet up for an evening mini-concert date at his favorite cafe
he’s there 15 minutes early. despite being offered a table inside, he waits outside because he’s scared you’ll get lost 🥺
he’s dressed somewhat casually with an edge. while his outfit looks effortless, it was NOT—he freaked out an hour before and facetimed tendou about what to wear
tries so hard to not look nervous, but his heart is racing! probably more nervous than he is for his games tbh he’s got his earbuds in, foot tapping nonstop, shoulders crossed
when he sees you, he relaxes. you just have that effect
takes you inside and tells you why he likes this cafe so much because he hopes that you will love it, too
king of respectfully checking you out. sneaks small glances at you when you’re not looking. you always catch him smiling but don’t know why
pays for your drink and orders what your drink despite having a go-to drink. the waiter is visibly surprised that he’s breaking routine
you talk over coffee and have such an easygoing time. he’s actually surprisingly talkative and u learn a lot about him outside of volleyball
also a good listener, thinks it’s cute when you get excited while talking
teases you a lot, too
an hour in, a local band that he likes comes in to perform. he can’t contain his excitement
pulls his chair closer to yours. as the music starts playing, he grabs your hand. you lean onto his shoulder
nods to the music, but when they play a love song, he turns to you and sings the lyrics quietly to you
he holds your hand as the two of you walk out into the streets
you walk around the shops for a little bit
as you’re about to leave him, you peck him on the cheek. before you can go, he leans into you and the two of you kiss
it’s a beautiful, slow, yet deep kiss
after you leave, he calls you and stays on the phone with you on your commute home to make sure you get home safely
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askwillet · 3 years
WIP - Family Dinner
So, surprise! I’m still here! While I’m no longer active on this blog, I’m still very active on my main tumblr - so feel free to check on that if you want.
Someone asked if I was still writing Willet fanfic, and to be honest, I haven’t written fanfic since 2018. However, I have about 70 files in my drafts just surrounding Willet. So even though I most likely will never get around to finishing them, I decided to post my least cringe worthy one here. (And this is because someone asked me on my main blog and it was quite sweet ngl)
A few key points:
I have not touched this file since 2018, which means there are probably a good chunk of grammar mistakes.
The characterization of the characters are slightly off and not the way I would have written the characters now
however i’m like lowkey happy with Franny’s characterization in this, so there’s that
I think I had originally planned a  short one-shot and it turned out to have a lot more exposition than I was (am?) used to writing. So there really isn’t anything exciting happening
The idea I think stemmed from a tumblr post where someone brought up the idea of Wilbur’s and Violet’s families meeting, but both side trying to appear as normal as possible. But it’s Violet meeting the Robinsons for the first time
So yeah, without further ado - I present probably the only WIP I am comfortable with sharing.
Tapping impatiently on the side of the pay phone, Wilbur listened to the ringing, wondering if anyone was even home to pick up. He turned around, scanning the train station, until his eyes landed on his girlfriend. She stood off to the side with her duffle bag clutched in her hands and his book bag in front of her feet. Even though she was about fifteen feet away, he could still see her tapping her fingers on the handle of her bag, a nervous tick of hers he discovered long ago.
He watched, still paying attention to the phone resting between his shoulder and his ear, as she tucked a strand of her inky colored hair behind her ear and chewed nervously on her lower lip. She seemed nervous, which was understandable considering she was coming to meet his family. If he had been anyone else, he wouldn’t really be able to see why she was nervous. After all, most people have a parent or two, possibly a sibling, and a really close family pet whose bombardment at the beginning of the visit would be the only thing to worry about.
But his family was far from that.
She finally caught his eye. He tried to muster a reassuring smile, though he felt his stomach sink with dread as she smiled back, her blissfully unaware about the chaos she was going to walk into.
Startled, Wilbur turned quickly. He accidently wrapped himself around the metal cord. The phone was yanked from his weak grip and went crashing down against the side of the glass case. He dove for it, ignoring the glares of a mother who pulled her child far away from where he stood. Placing it to his ear, he prayed for it to be one of his parents.
“Mom?” he said warily.
“Wilbur!” his mother’s shrill voice came from the other end of the line. Wilbur sighed a breath a relief. “Are you here yet? Do you want us to come pick you up? The offer is still on the table.” She sung that last part. Sung.
“Well…” Wilbur turned to look at his girlfriend. She had dropped her duffle bag next to his, her hands now preoccupied by the subway map a tourist had shoved at her. His eyes did a clean sweep of the tourist. Instantly, he felt a twinge of jealously hit him. He marveled at the man next to his girlfriend. The wrinkled suit, his windswept hair, and a perfect row of pearly white teeth that beamed down at his girlfriend were a clear sign of flirting, but Violet didn’t think that.
Wilbur frowned as she laughed at something the man said before pointing at the map. She handed over the map, her eyes still dancing. Her fingers gently brushed over the man’s wrist, but it went unnoticed by the both of them as he said something back to her. Wilbur watched as she waved cheerfully goodbye and the man doing the same. His stomach sank at the notion and he quickly turned before she could see him spying on her.
By then, he had let his mother sit in two minutes of silence, in which she had decided to fill by screaming at him.
“…Wilbur! Are you still there? Are you using a payphone? I admire the effort, especially since you know how much I love it when you call by payphone, but it’s ridiculously unreliable. Oh! If you can, do you think you could take a picture of the payphone? Lazlo’s been complaining about not having a muse for his painting and I think it would be nice …”
Well, to be honest, it wasn’t screaming. It was more like loud talking and a consistent stream of words pouring into his left ear.
“Mom,” Wilbur tried to cut her off. Her voice continued to fill the silence. Her questions of what he ate for lunch and if he was bringing back laundry filled the small gap he created. Growing impatient, Wilbur threw his head back, covering the phone with one hand while he looked up for a sign that he hadn’t momentously screwed himself over. “Mom,” he repeated with extra force. She stopped suddenly, as if she had hit a wall. Despite not being able to see her, Wilbur could see her tilting her head in confusion.
“What?” she asked, her tone no longer carefree, but laced with concern. “Is something wrong?”
“No!” he said a bit too quickly. He coughed in attempt to clear his throat. “Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to know if everything was okay at home and you know… stuff like that…”
His mother’s silence filled the phone for a good five seconds before she said, “Everything’s fine. Why would you ask that?”
Wilbur scratched his neck. In his mind, he had imagined this conversation going much smoother. He had the words already planned out in his head. It wasn’t one of his five-minute plans that he made on the fly. Those plans didn’t usually carry so much weight. But this one, this one require careful stepping.
This one required a precision of words that he needed to have down to the finest detail.
“No reason,” he mumbled. “It’s just that… well, um, I kinda just wanted to know if everyone could just, well, tone down for this week. It’s only for a week! And I wouldn’t be asking for much!”
“Wilbur,” his mother’s voice rose steadily.
“Really! I’m just saying, we could all benefit to acting a little bit differently for the week! Think about it! We could become …” Wilbur trailed off as the heat crept up his neck. Pulling at his collar, he shifted the phone in his hand, catching a fleeting glance of his girlfriend. He was stumbling, and his mother was already on alert.
“Wilbur Robinson,” she said. No longer was there concern or carefreeness. Instead, her words lashed like a whip, ready to defend what she had to. “What’s going on? And you better tell me the truth.”
“Did I ever mention how young you are?”
“Right,” he cleared his throat again. “It’s just that, I kinda, maybe have a girlfriend.”
He pushed the phone quickly off his ear, waiting for his mother’s squeals of delight.
She disappointed him as she remained quiet on the other side.
“And,” he slowly drawled. He turned back to his girlfriend, waving to her as he spoke back to his mother. “she’s sorta coming home with me to meet with the family, but I might have left out a small, tiny, really unimportant when you think about it, detail of our family.”
“Which is…”
That we’re insane. That we don’t fit the criteria for normal. That we have our dog eat at the actual dinner table. Wilbur listed in his head. His face grew uncomfortable red as he thought them, feeling ashamed that he was embarrassed by his family.
“That we live with everyone in our entire family,” Wilbur finally squeaked out.
The line remained silent.
This was it. This was how he died. If possible, his mother was going to crawl through the phone and strangled his perfectly attached head off his neck. And then she was going to disown him as her son.
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
I love your work so much!! I love how you handled the student x teacher request, given that I had some misgiving towards it, but I love how you write it!! May I request sum ,, Tamaki hc's? both nsfw and sfw?? The idea of him being a lowkey dom and confident behind closed doors is just 👌 I love you! Hope you have a good one today, and eat lots of delicious food!
Requests are temporarily closed while I catch up on them!
Warnings: nsfw below the cut, some like dom/sub mentions but it’s p tame bc im a vanilla bean lol
-Anxious bean. I relate to him lol
-He’s such a good boyfriend tho, ngl. He’s quiet and soft most of the time, and he’s really attentive to you and good at listening. He’s kind and sweet and treats you well and with respect.
-You’re one of the most important people in his life! You and Mirio! So it probably won’t be strange if you end up befriending the blond too, like, he’s just so easy to get along with and Tama would be so happy if his two favourite people were on good terms.
-Dates are usually pretty low key, going out for quiet lunches or to niche places that aren’t usually densely populated. Sometimes you guys will go to the mall to shop around, but that’s more rare. He prefers quieter and more intimate places, where he can talk to you and spend time with you.
-Once you guys move into the dorms, it becomes a little harder to go on actual dates, so you have to make the most of it. Study dates, video game dates, just hanging out in the same room and doing your own things dates, walks around the gardens, picnics under a tree on the weekends. Sometimes even training!
-You guys probably have sleepovers a lot, where you cuddle up in a mound of pillows and watch crappy movies. Bonus points if it’s a scary movie! Creepy stuff doesn’t really bother him, but the jumpscares always get him, even if they’re obvious. He has to hide his face in your shoulder for several minutes after one happens, which means it’s optimal for cuddling.
-Absolute cuddle bug. He’s kind of nervous about physical contact at first, but once you ease into it in small increments, it becomes really important to him. Catch him out there with his arm around your waist or your hands linked together, hugs and cheek kisses before class. Even on the weekends, he’ll come to your room and flop on your bed, looking at your with puppy eyes until you come over and lay beside him and let him hold you.
-He’s not huuuuge on graphic PDA, and wouldn’t do anything scandalous in public, but he likes having a hand on your or sitting closer than friends would. It might be subtle, but a little piece of him wants everyone to know that you’re taken, and that he’s proud to be seen with you, even if his gestures are small.
-He’s also really good at comfort. If you’ve had a bad day, or are just stressed about something, he’ll let you talk to him about it in detail, and he’ll really listen. Sometimes he’ll give you advice if you want it, sometimes he’ll offer to help you (if it’s something like schoolwork or you’re falling behind in training), other than that, he’ll let you know that he’s a safe place for you to come to and be heard.
-If you’ve also got some kind of anxiety, and aren’t able to do something, his own fears are suddenly less strong. Like, he understands what it’s like, and he wants you to be able to get what you need, so he’ll put up with his fears for your sake. Even if you both have to go home and lay down after and complain to each other about how much anxiety sucks.
-Once he’s comfy around you, he comes out of his shell big time. He’s still quiet, but at the same time he’s the friend who never shuts up once you get to know them. When it’s just the two of you, or you and Mirio, he’s always saying something about something, telling you about his day, asking about yours, wondering your opinions on things. It really shows how much he trusts you.
-Make sure you tell him you’re proud of him, and be genuine about it! Praise him for things he’s accomplished in spite of his anxiety, and tell him what you love about him. Hearing those things out loud from someone whose opinion he values really means a lot to him, and silently tells him that you see him and see how hard he works.
-Like casual affection, sex if a thing you gotta work up to, and slowly. He’s super nervous at first, because he really has no idea what he’s doing and he’s too shy to look it up, but he really wants it to be good for you too.
-He knows like, the basics of how it works, he’s not completely clueless. He just doesn’t know the intricacies or tells of your body. You’ll have to be really verbal and honest with him about how he makes you feel. It’ll prove to him that he’s making you feel good, and also rile him up. 
-The first few times you guys sleep together, it’s kind of messy and he’s embarrassed as hell and neither of you last very long. There’s probably some awkward moments where one of you makes a weird sound and you both burst out in giggles, or one of you gets a cramp at the worst time.
-But you guys keep trying, because he really loves how close he feels to you during those moments, both physically and emotionally. Plus it’s just fun, y’know? It passes the time, it’s a good workout, and you guys get to learn even more about each other.
-It’s not for a while that you learn he’s got a more dominant streak sometimes. Most of the time it’s a pretty equal playing field, with both of you giving and taking and asking and demanding, but sometimes he’s had a rough day, or he’s just feeling particularly bold or lustful.
-He won’t order you around too much, but he’ll definitely make suggestions or what he’d like you to do, and imply that if you do it you’ll get a reward. As if doing as he says isn’t reward enough. He’ll definitely be more vocal during those times, saying filthy things to you and telling you how good you look on your knees/wrapped around him/etc.
-And he always makes sure to reward you when you do good.
-He’s not so big into negative or super painful punishments if you defy him. Like, he doesn’t want to leave you crying, even if that’s something you want, I just can’t see him wanting to genuinely hurt you that much. He still has a soft and tender heart.
-But say....he tells you not to come, or not to touch yourself, and you do it anyways, then he’ll turn your rewards into a punishment. Like oh, you want to come? Okay, he’ll give you as many orgasms as you want and then some, until you’re overstimulated and begging for him to stop. He won’t stop, unless you safeword him, or until he’s satisfied you’ve learned your lesson.
-He’s not opposed to light painful punishments though, like spanking you until your ass is sore and making you count each smack for him, or putting little heart shaped clamps on your nipples to make them super sensitive, or holding a vibrator against you while he curls his fingers inside you, only to pull it away at the last second and leave you hanging.
-Ngl it’s kind of hot when he gets confident, and having him control you a little bit makes you needy. For rewards? For punishments? Who knows, but he’s happy to dish them both out depending on how you behave.
-No matter what kind of sex you guys have though, aftercare is always important to him. Cleaning each other up, cozying up together in bed, sharing pillowtalk and soft touches and gentle smiles. He just really needs some kind of emotional intimacy to go along with the act, whether it’s during or after the fact. He wants to make sure you know that he loves you a lot (as if him treating you like an angel didn’t already show you).
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
can I request some Akaashi/Oikawa/Iwai hcs on their s/o constantly stealing their hoodies?
so i included in here some photos of hoodies i had for inspo ksksks couldn't help myself. hope you like it 🙆🏻‍♀️💜
Akaashi Keiji
before y'all attack me for the choice of inspo hoodie, idk, isn't it like... akaashi's taste could sometimes be considered "weird" even if he's a bit critical of the clothes bokuto tells him to wear or sumn?
anyway just think of the design as like an owl’s x-ray lol
this boy would be ??? once he notices a trend of him losing hoodies
it lowkey worried him. he was really thinking it was either one of his teammates pranking him or he really was just that forgetful lately
but when you showed up at the cafe during the weekend for your study date, wearing his all-time favorite hoodie
akaashi pieced two and two together and considered himself a bit dumb for actually forgetting you, of all people, as a possibility for this hoodie hunting madness
and once all that has finally sunk in his beautiful mind, his face becomes a bit blushy; like he wants to look away because he’s shy, but he also can’t stop staring
he nearly spills the coffee all over the table, good thing his reflexes were fast
when he doesn’t say anything about you wearing the hoodie, you kinda tell him, “sorry i took your hoodie without telling you,"
he just asks you why you were apologizing, and you answer, "because you've been looking at it ever since i got here, so i felt kinda bad,"
his ??? from losing his hoodies has now evolved to him being ??? with what you said just then
cue him fiddling with his fingers, before reassuring you that it was fine, that you look great as you always were, that if you find anything more in his closet you're free to keep it
then you actually confess about which clothes of his were now in your closet
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Oikawa Tooru
ngl, you really wouldn't have to constantly steal hoodies from him. he's gonna practically give you everything from his shirts that look too big on you, to even his baggiest shorts (no not the plaid one please you threw that one out the moment you saw it)
you can't blame him, he's just so in love with your scent and with you 
both of you are fully aware of this fact, yet he's still able to make it seem like you're asking him for his clothes
it's like the sfw, fluff version of "marking his territory". he likes showing you off obviously
especially when you turn up to school wearing his go-to hoodie, the one with a tiny alien head embroidered on the left side? you bet your ass that when lunchtime comes, you'll be walking to the cafeteria with an arm of his around your waist ending with his hand resting inside the hoodie's front pocket
imagine the peter kavinsky thing in the movie with his hand in the jean's pocket? but instead of jeans it's the hoodie
that, while his other free hand be carrying the bento you made him
he might seem all relaxed on the outside but he's actually screaming inside because he knows how good he looks and how terribly cute you were beside him 
the only hint you can have from his true emotions was the slight reddening of his ears and when he fumbled with his chopsticks
he just feels so privileged to have you wtf
for sure his lockscreen will be you in that hoodie of his. he might end up buying another one of it for himself just so he could be matchy-matchy with you
and he would still let you wear that new one so you could leave behind the smell of your perfume but also because anything of his that you wear just ends up becoming so comfortable and warm right after. he's not telling you but it becomes his security blanket
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Iwaizumi Hajime
you always knew iwaizumi's choice of clothing were the most comfortable–from the quality of the fabric itself down to the very designs of his clothes
the first time you actually saw him wear the godzilla hoodie was when you two went out for movie night
you got cold in the middle of watching, so he gives it to you, and holy moly he just smells so good; like it’s manly but not heavy that it hurts your nose
and this boy??? holds your hand??? and everything's just so warm you were like living the chick flick life when you were watching an action film
anyway, you two carried on with your date night, and this boy was hella nervous through and through
he gets you home, and when he sees your bright smile, all his worries vanished. 
and he forgets that he left his hoodie with you once you tiptoe and give him a cute lil kiss on the lips
on the other hand, you had no plans of ever returning it to him anymore
i mean, he's given you his team jacket, even his jersey. but something about the godzilla hoodie just felt different; closer to home and to who he is
for a while, a few days nearly a week or so, you let it pass. you don't wear it immediately. you even found it funny that the hoodie was now a cause for him and oikawa's bantering
once you've had your fair share of laughs, later that day, iwa asks for your help in finding it, like if he's ever left the hoodie in your house when he accompanied you home
so once you've freshened up, about to bid him good night, you wear the hoodie, take a cute mirror selfie and tell him, "oops, it was here all along"
iwaizumi wasted no time in videocalling you the moment he sees you in his hoodie
you explain to him how you got it, teasing him a little, but you didn’t even have to because just the picture was enough to make him remember. then he just ends up saying, "take care of it," and you thought it was because it was some kind of limited edition godzilla thing
but for iwaizumi, deep down, what makes that hoodie so special is that, everytime he sees you wearing it, he gets to see two of his favorite things at once
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uwuowotf2waslife · 4 years
👉👈 May I request an nsfw with a Virgin S/O whos ready to do the nasties with the Mercs? I love how In character they all are ;; ♥︎♥︎♥︎
( put on your good clothes and get ready to roll in the nasty with our darling barbie men)
Scout: he has some experience, he knows what he is doing but he isn’t the master. He is somewhat nervous, his first time wasnt the best and he really doesnt want to screw it up for you. Probably gets you to a simple movie date to ease his nerves and a small walk to get the anxiety out of you (mostly him again). Goes back to his room at the base and makes sure the door is locked before he gets into the roast. He lowkey asks for your consent and once he has the signal he gets into the nasty-smashy mode.He makes out with you and pratically throws you into the bed while trying to take of your shirt and his in the same time, he is an amateur but he has all the passion of a professional. Gives you time and goes slower the more things get heated, but hes riled up. Starts fingering you sloppily and makes you climax before he starts anything that requires insertion. Starts very gently but quickly looses his patience and just pounds straight away ( but will stop cold dead if he even catches a string of pain, uncomfort in your eyes). Can hit multiple home runs but wont last long
Soldier: has quite the experience. He will be way more gentle at the begining, giving you time to relax and get into the mood. He will let you decide the pace, but he will make you climax firstly so you are good and lubed up so he can insert his johnson without making you uncomfortable. Won’t break you, but is a bit rougher and more creative in ( he is a beefcake and likes to fuck while standing up, your legs being hoilsted up on his waist and your back on a wall or your butt barely touching a table). Not a silent man but he will do his darnest to make you moan and scream his name.
Engie: has experience, hes a well , soft spoken blond cinamon roll, what do you expect? but he really wants to make it special for you. Goes out of his way to do a romantic evening just for you two, playing all the romantic songs he knows on his guitar and having tidied up his room so much his mama would be proud. Insist on using lube and fingers you until you are begging and physically trying to loosen up his belt. He is pretty tame for now, and tries to suck your collarbone or nipples to enhance the experience, big cuddles afterwards.
Demo: not really phaced, he has done his share of nasty in his life and has confidence that he is pretty good at what he does ,so hes up for the challenge. He asks for consent many times and asks you how would you like the event to be. Big on foreplay and likes to perform oral sex, so youll have a good start. Not That Big ( i know the stereotype is somewhat true but he isnt a horse, calm down) but he has g i r t h, so youll have to cum at least twice before he even puts the tip near the clit. Prefers the Loveseat or the cowgirl so he can enjoy the show and you to have a better time adjustanding to him.
Heavy: (i think is pretty much canon in the fandom that this boy has a magnum dong * inster iasip meme here*) ooof he is scared. Hes a big, very big fella. He has dad some experience, but he is terrified. He really, really doesnt want to hurt you. He needs constant reasurance to even start get started making out. He will lift you up and grop you like he has never felt a woman before.He will give you an idea how big he is by letting you pet his erection through his pants, ( spoiler alert its fatter than a kielbasar sausage) . He will finger you throughly with his fingers before even removing his boxers and will spend a ungodly time into slidying  into and use galons of lube. Ngl you will waddle for 2 days and hell hit that g -spot  hard and fast. Growls like all slavic guys in porns and but muffles you with kisses and words of adoration in russian and english, lowkey climaxes in russian after you.
Medic: he has hit a jackpot, lowkey has a virgin fetish, mostly due to the blood ngl. Bu he is a doctor and a surgeon so dont worry schwatz he has you covered. Starts by a nice oil massage to get you all nice and loose and then he fingers you for an hour and edges you relentesly, this man has no mercy. Only when you are basically a heartbeat before losing your shit, he gets the condoms and slams you harder than a bitch in heat.Big dom vibes, he will edge you for all night so you can scream his name when you cum loud and clear for all of New Mexico to hear. Won’t cum inside you or before you have cummed at least twice, just switches and lets you tit-fuck him until he cums all over your face.Big on aftercare and has the medigun on in any case something happens plus he kisses every time he withdraws .
Sniper: not a big lover, but he has plowed here and there. Won’t make a big deal out of it, but he ain’t relaxed, he really wants to make you feel everything. Lowkey trembles with his nerves, even has masturbate before you two meet so he last longer and has showered. Starts out shy, licking your tits and leaving bitemarks here and there. Then he starts the nasty( my mans has a long tongue so itll be fun), doesnt make you cum, nah he likes torturing his victims for a bit and he has the patience of a saint. Prefers doggy style ( big ass man)and gets a little gross and uses spit as lube, but hey its natural. Starts shy, rubbing your sides and gives your ass nice pats and slaps, then looses all control and smashes hard but slowly, you will beg for him to go harder but he loves hearing you tremble just about to cum yet not that close. Beg him, call him daddy, sir,master whatever you want that has some power and hell screw you harder than life. Wants  you to cum together and leaves hickeys on your shoulders while he cums. Cuddles and is very doting afterwards.
Spy: Monsier Cassanova here has deflowered enough virgins inhis life to say he is the pro in that field. Makes a sublte note of every little thing you like and makes a plan in his head. Firstly, he gets you some nice lingerie and ( for all safety reasons) gives you the strongest anti-contraceptive he can find ( he has enough kids to create two football teams and have spares for referees and replacements).Then he picks a fancy wine and gets all suave and romantic, yes he wants to fuck but in his mind he is more of a quantity is much better than quality type of guy. Gets started very slowly, french kisses here and there, some good gropes. The secret to make this old man to get riled up really fast is to grope his ass and whisper really nasty styff in his ear ( doesnt matter if english, but itll be a bonus if its french). Hes a suave soft lover in his work, but in reality he is much more like Scout (like son, like father oof). If you do that hell throw you on the couch and get rough and nasty really fast , licks you untill you are about to choke him with your thighs.He will get all ready (special designed condoms by medic) and use special fancy lube to make it as painfull as he can ( not as big as heavy, but he has that mushroom head). Can go for hours, has a lot of stamina and by the end youll be drenched and having a spiritual exerience. Doesn’t expect to cum butif you allow him, oof boy hell have a field day. Once you both have finished he picks you up and runs a hot bath for the both of you, will cuddle later and give you massages and painkillers if he went too far.
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musashi · 3 years
Excuse me if some have been asked before and/or are repetitive and feel free to not answer some but anyhow..
What's your favorite kin memory with your loftwing?
Do you selfship with your kintype, an oc/si or with simply your irl self (like kin separated in that regard)?
In regards to the previous one kinda how do view some relationships with your kintypes like if you feel uncomfortable with one character do you avoid the ship with those and vice-versa?
Do you have memories with delia?
What are some of the memories of your kintypes that are the /most/ different from the show/game?
What are some of the posts/vines/etc that you like to quote the most? Or are the most burned in your mind?
How was the whole wing ceremony? And also how were the classes? How were the other students? What things did you do the most with zelda and/or groose?
How is cheeseburger? He radiates happiness and comfort please give him a head kiss from me if he likes those
thank you!!!
What's your favorite kin memory with your loftwing?
haha i never know how to answer “favourite memory” questions cause i don’t think i can ever pick favourites when it comes to anything i’ve experienced.
mmm... meeting him was definitely up there, but i feel like my fave memories with him are just finding some nowhere island and taking a nap in the sun.
Do you selfship with your kintype, an oc/si or with simply your irl self (like kin separated in that regard)?
i can’t really get into self-shipping longterm or in depth because the kin aspect really does just overtake it for me fghdghf. if i try to picture myself, i always just picture my kintype, usually because my kintype/my f/o is usually my OTP in any given series. i only fall for people i already loved ^^; 
In regards to the previous one kinda how do view some relationships with your kintypes like if you feel uncomfortable with one character do you avoid the ship with those and vice-versa?
not really, unless they’re skeevy ships to begin with. part of being kin for me is believing in the multiverse so i’m just like yeah, a universe exists for me to date everyone xD
Do you have memories with delia?
tons :’3 i lived in her restaurant! she was my super cool boss who i absolutely did not have a crush on. 
i was very much married to james, but there was an understanding that i would be a little in love with delia for the rest of my life. she was one of my best friends.
What are some of the memories of your kintypes that are the /most/ different from the show/game?
i’m always pretty canon compliant ngl fdgfdghfd
What are some of the posts/vines/etc that you like to quote the most? Or are the most burned in your mind?
it changes on any given week but i do have an all time fav tag for shit i cant stop saying dghgdj
How was the whole wing ceremony? And also how were the classes? How were the other students? What things did you do the most with zelda and/or groose?
oh this might be long i love talking about skyloft rip. am saving your first question for last.
how were the classes. well. i was asleep. i don’t remember a lot. they were basic stuff you’d expect, language and math and sciences and all the Typical Shit. but then also flying and swordsmanship, which i was Good At. i took an archery class one year but zelda was always better than me lol. skyloftian sign language was required because it was the best way to communicate on birdback but i was mostly mute so my mom taught me it when i was like, 7 and i showed up there and owlan was like “Link what are you doing here” and i just shrugged and signed “easy a” and fell asleep. i am... a good student. 
my relationship with my classmates was that i was just... kind of there? i was well-liked because i have always had this weird charisma, but it was like this. quiet charisma. i didn’t have a lot of close friends, but everyone definitely would respond to my name with some variation of ‘ohhh, LINK! that guy’s cool haha’ my reputation was mostly being zelda’s arm decoration but not her actual boyfriend. i don’t think anyone could actually tell you anything about me besides that i was link with the red bird, and i was quiet and tired and zelda liked me way too much. 
my junior year is when i really became close with all of them, when zelda and i started doing that thing where we tried dating a bunch of people just to date but it didn’t work out because we were in love with each other lol. her mingling with the others meant i mingled too because i couldn’t spend 5 mins away from her. fledge and pipit and i got pretty close, zelda and karane were basically sisters. the thing i always joke abt is the fact that i dated kina, which is hysterical to me to this day. peatrice was always There but acting like she didn’t want to be there. i need you to picture peatrice while we’re all swimming but she’s just, like, on the shore tanning while the remlits bother her. 
that was this summer of just, like, doing idiot teenage boy stuff. getting way too drunk in our rooms at night over break. sneaking onto the roof of the academy to stargaze. getting caught cause cawlin drunkenly tried to fight a chuchu w his fists. you know. normal kid stuff. i also think the others were maybe trying to include me more cause it was the year i lost my parents but i mean it worked, i was a lot happier with people around even if i didnt mind all those years it was just me and zelda.
most of mine and zelda’s friendship was just doing what we’d do alone but together. when we were younger we would explore the more adventurous areas of skyloft and play pretend, a lot of days we’d stay in and read shoulder-to-shoulder. i didn’t like talking but i loved reading, if that makes any sense. we’d take turns reading to each other. as the years progressed we’d go flying together, we’d study together, we’d fall asleep in each other’s rooms and sneak into them when we were frustrated or lonely or just needed to not be alone. i don’t really know, what DIDN’T we do together?? we shared everything ;_; <3
my earliest memories of groose where i wasn’t like “what is this guys deal. why is he so mad.” were. ok so. groose and i should have been friends sooner because he’s super into woodworking and i whittle stupid little sculptures right. ok. except, we live in the sky, and i don’t know if you noticed this, but trees....... well. there are not a lot in the sky. wood is a very scarce resource, and we need it, for like. houses and things. so jakamar gets all of the wood in skyloft because it’s his birthright or whatever, except groose and i find out about this, and we show up at his house twice a week begging for woodscraps, and he slips us some Illegal Fir(tm) beneath the table and as soon as we leave the premises groose tries to kick my ass and take my share. and this happens forever.
i think groose saw me as like, this sworn enemy of his but i was mostly very confused just kind of sitting there like huh. where am i. wait whats he talking about? and then i’d walk away. when i was a kid he was scarier but once we got older he kinda stopped throwing punches, all bark no bite. 
and then we went to the surface and he moved into my house. not even in a polyam way and like at one point he had a wife and was still living with us. i forgot to mention he built the house also. he built our house and would just like, wake us up every morning with the best fucking eggs i’ve ever eaten in my life. groose was just in mine and zelda’s marriage. everyone was fine with this. 
i dont actually remember a lot of what we did after getting to the surface. just that his cooking was amazing and he gave the best hugs and he could pick zelda and i both up and ferry us around on his arms like we were little songbirds. oh and he was always the one who picked me up and carried me to bed when i’d fall asleep at fi’s dais talking to her. i fell asleep there a lot. 
ok. breathes in. 
my wing ceremony is probably my fondest memory ever? probably. the race itself felt like aepon was literally just DRAGGING me thru the clouds its such a blur. groose kept trying to body me but he’s lowkey scared shitless of my bird it did not work. i just remember being like. no time to think time to go time to go time to go OH i won
the ceremony itself felt... like... dreamy? like something from a fairytale, i don’t know. i don’t know how much of it is coloured by the retrospective of what it called to action and foreshadowed. zelda and i had been growing so much closer in the weeks leading up to it, and i don’t know, like, when i fell for her if it was sometime then or the day i met her when i was 6. but at some point everything just kinda got tilted on its side around her and every second i spent with her made me feel like my head was stuffed full of cotton candy. in a fun way.
on skyloft, wing ceremonies have a pretty romantic connotation. not always, but a lot of the girls dream about performing it with the “strongest” knight in their class, and a lot of the knights feel the same. there’s a lot in the history books about hylia’s feelings for her chosen, a lot of speculation about how she stayed close to humanity because she learned to love from him. so to stand in place of the two of them, to a lot of people, carries the same note as standing in the place of two starcrossed lovers, breaching the gap.
zelda was a hopeless romantic, and she told me later she had this whole plan--to wake me up early, to run drills with me until i was a puddle, to perform the ceremony with me, and to use her 5 minutes alone with me to solidify us as something more than best friends. she had this whole fucking move planned where she was going to drape the sailcloth around my shoulders and pull me in for a kiss, and instead she got wicked nervous and screamed half her sentences and pushed me off the statue. this, predictably, only made me more in love with her. i had exactly 0 plans to ever tell her how i felt, because something something childhood friends to lovers, something something mutual pining, something something what if it ruins a good thing something something, valiant hero of courage who.
when we were flying after it, she said she’d remember that day for the rest of her life, and i remember thinking, yeah, that’s what i’m feeling. i’m living, right now, through a precious memory, something i’ll never forget. and everything that happened after that was, uh, the worst time of my life, but somehow it doesn’t. colour the memory a different shade. i still just think, like, this is this last beautiful moment i am having with this girl i love more than anything in the world before we stop just being kids living our normal lives. she is the goddess reborn and i am her chosen hero who’s heart has defied death itself, but right now we are teenagers who don’t know that and are playing pretend as them, as we always have. the joy of that--of pretending to be who we are, the bliss in that ignorance, our beautiful last hurrah. something about it sticks with me. 
How is cheeseburger? He radiates happiness and comfort please give him a head kiss from me if he likes those
DOESN’T HE??? i will. i came home and he was loafing and i started crying because he looked so sleepy.
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Will you do dating harry potter hcs? 😄😄😄
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i have been waiting my entire life for this one request and honestly I don’t remember if I’ve written this before or not because I can’t remember anything that I write after I post it?? But if i did too bad I’m doing it again
He’s just
He makes me really soft so get prepared for me to rant oops
He hasn’t ever really felt love
Especially not romantic love
And I don’t mean that he’s never loved before I mean that he’s never received love
But in a way, he hasn’t ever loved before
He never knew his parents and the Dursley’s didn’t share stories of them with Harry to keep them alive
So he really honestly didn’t know anything about them
And he sure as hecc doesn’t love any of them
So he is genuinely so confused when he first catches sight of you
He gets all like
Warm and Fuzzy™
And he literally has no idea why 
He loves Ron and Hermione for sure but he does not get Warm and Fuzzy™ when looking at Ron
The boys in his dorm start teasing him about you and Ron always shoves him into you when you’re walking past each other so that you collide and usually Harry falls on top of you 
It takes a full year of this for him to finally ask Ron and co. why they keep doing that
They’re like
loser ur in lov
He denies it at first because love is what his mother and father had, he literally hasn’t spoken to you before besides the constant, ‘I’m so sorry!’s when he ‘bumps’ into you
But then the Yule Ball happens and despite his friends’ relentless nagging to ask you out
He doesn’t
He’s too scared
But then he sees you walk in with Seamus who smirks at him the entire time like I told u to make a move dummy
Harry is very angry and he doesn’t know why
He finally comes to terms with the fact that he maybe has a crush on u and just broods for the rest of the night with his date 
And Seamus is cackling in the corner 
You’re confused
It’s a weird night man
The next day you come down to the common room in your pajamas and it’s pretty early so no one’s up
You sit on the couch in front of the fire to warm yourself up
And then you feel the couch dip on the other end and you turn
And it’s Harry Potter
He’s avoiding eye contact but he’s blushing so he’s staring aggressively at the ground with red cheeks and you’re lowkey scared ngl
But then he finally looks up at you and heeeecccckkkk
His eyEs
They literally send shivers up your spine
You sit there and stare at each other for like almost a minute because he is mesmerizing let me tell you
And then you both start
Getting Closer ;)
And you smeck
This ends with you shyly holding hands by the fire and his thumb is barely ghosting over the back of your hand and you’re just like wow
10/10 awkwardly asks you three weeks in if you want to sleep in his bed
Ron calls it a sleepover
Harry hits Ron
not lightly at all
this casual sleeping in the same bed thing continues until your first summer apart where you both go home and are like oh um sorry i can’t sleep without my emotional support human i’m gonna need that back plz thx
He has lots of money that he has no idea what to do with (and again doesn’t quite know how to show love) so spoils you rotten and you feel so bad
You’re like hey I have ten of this exact same sweater I really don’t need two more and he’s like 
but babe
you look cold
and more is always better right
it’s okay
Sometimes you have to bribe him not to spend ridiculous amounts of money on you
Not sexual at all, you give him massages after practices
He just lays there with his face all squished up against the pillow and is like oh heck i love u
He likes to trace your face
He likes your face a lot
And sometimes he just runs his fingers over it 
Will boop your nose
And if he doesn’t say ‘boop’ when he does then it doesn’t count and he has to do it again
He likes quality alone time
It’s not that he doesn’t like hanging out around friends with you
But when he’s with you he likes to hold you
And sometimes he’s uncomfortable doing that in front of a bunch of people
He does it anyways tho 🤷
But definitely prefers alone time with you over time spent in public
He doesn’t quite know how to use his words
Not many people have used them in a nice way to him before
And not romantically at all
So he’s learning
But he makes sure to say I love you every day at least once
He says it right before you go to sleep but would definitely say it other times throughout the day as well
If you fight
Which is inevitable
Just because he is stressed okay
He needs someone flexible
But that’s not always fair to you
But when you fight
He almost always says I’m sorry first
Because deep down he has crippling anxiety of losing you and is genuinely terrified that you might find someone better than him if he’s not with you
Leading me into my next point
He is very clingy
Sometimes it’s too much
You have to tell him
He’s not gonna realize on his own
But you have to be nice to him
Explain yourself and he’ll understand, but if you just attack him then he’ll get sad
Don’t make him sad
He introduces you to Sirius but after about a year or so
Sirius freaking loves you
He thinks you’re awesome
Loves the way you treat Harry
He was honestly a little scared that Harry would end up being tricked into a relationship with someone who only wanted him for the fame or the money
But Sirius can see how much you genuinely care for Harry and it makes him so so happy
He becomes that weird uncle to Harry and is always like
U got a good one son
u gotta marry that one son
Harry is given a ring by Sirius
He is saving it
He will use it when the time is right
He is chill with you not caring what you look like
He doesn’t care if you shave or wear makeup or wear revealing clothes
You are just as attractive to him in sweatpants and not having showered yet as you are freshly washed, shaved, made up, and dressed nicely
He literally couldn’t care less
Because he doesn’t want you to care
He secretly doesn’t think he looks good that often so he’s worried that if he holds you to a high standard that you will do the same for him and he doesn’t think that he could meet it :(
You gotta tell him that you love him every day
And you gotta compliment him too
If he’s doing great sweetie
Tell him he’s doing great sweetie
He needs lots of encouragement 
But he’s not gonna tell you that he needs it
He genuinely only thinks of you most times and it really shows
He forgets to take care of himself sometimes because he’s trying to take care of you
You need to pick up that slack and take care of him
Make sure he drinks water and eats enough
And make sure that he wears at least four different outfits throughout the week
Sometimes he’s really upset because he thinks that he can’t keep you safe
You have to reassure him that you literally don’t care and that you’re willing to risk it because he’s worth it to you
He also gets upset sometimes because his parents will never know you
But Sirius assures him that they know and that they love you
He knows they would have
He likes cuddling a lot
Cuddling with him headcanons here :’)
In bed
On the couch
In the forest
In the Great Hall (casually of course)
Sometimes casually in class too
He just likes touching you and holding you because he wants to keep you close and be sure that you don’t leave :’)
In conclusion
Dating Harry Potter would be a hell of a time
And I want to
Does it show?
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rayofsunas · 5 years
superm as boyfriends
A/N: sorry for never updating and being hella inactive. I've been focusing on school and getting a job. this is just something I whipped up quickly
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Byun Baekhyun
• jokester
• can't sit still during dates in the park
• the boyfriend that's probably sacred to ride the big roller coaster and will never admit it
• ^ and will ride it anyways, probably cry a little, maybe not
• ^ he'll deny it either way sooo
• hand holder
• will probably make a secret handshake with you because he's that childish
• but it's cute either way
• blasts music around the house/apartment with you and you're just goofy together
• complains that he's not a very good dancer, but you'd like to argue against that
• you play a lot of video games together
• he beats you most of the time, but when you do beat him, he "sulks" for days
• expect a mediocre silent treatment 
• he's super cuddly honestly
•  does the most goofiest things with you
• FaceTimes you all the time and texts you a lot to check in
• goodnight and good morning texts
Lee Taemin
• wants to take cute pictures with you to cherish for forever
• cuddles galore
• he always has his hands on you (not always in a sexual way)
• arm over your shoulders, hand holding, arm wrapped around your hip, you name it
• nighttime car rides with you
• photo albums/polaroids
• he prefers physically copies honestly
• also likes to call you although you always tell him he doesn't know how to use the phone
• he's a grandfather in a young mans body ngl
• it's a cancer thing ♋️  don't me
• bundles you up in scarves when you leave the house together in cold weather or if it looks like it's going to rain/storm
• macaroons (don't ask)
• dad jokes maybe? poor ones that no one laughs at, sorry son :(
• says the most weirdest things, but it's cute
• sometimes very goofy and sometimes very serious
• always smiling with you
• rarely any arguments
• kind of insecure, and you help him through it
• if you speak English, you'll help him out and kind of be his tutor
• because he wants to be able to communicate with you
• if you don't speak English he wants to learn your native language 
Kim Jongin (KAI)
• teaches you how to dance (if you don't know or think you can't)
• gets you flowers on every date
• opens the door for you (car or any door really)
• he's a whole ass gentleman tbh
•says he'll pay first, but if you interject and want to pay, he won't argue with you
• because he's not "sexist" and has the mindset that women can do anything men can
• can't even lie, he'll get jealous when other guys flirt with you
• ^ won't necessarily say anything and will be calm, but that leads to whiny and clingy arguments lol
• cheek kisses galore!
• he loves kissing your nose and cheeks (lips too)
• lends you his pillow or blanket when he's away on tour so you have something that reminds you of him
• can't help but spoil you with cute things
• stuffed animals, candy etc.  
• always thinks about you when he's away or not with you
• it's not that he doesn't trust you
• he's just worried about you and misses you
• having a shared Instagram where you take photos lol
• art galleries
• art museums  
Lee Taeyong
• the boyfriend that will giggle at their girlfriends jokes if they're not very funny
• ^ he doesn't want you to ever think lowly of yourself and will do it to make you feel more comfortable if you aren't because no one else is laughing
• very caring and gives lots of compliments
• messy eater with you and always tells you it's okay to "pig out" or eat messy with him
• ^ if you don't already feel comfortable doing so
• during FaceTime calls, he holds the phone so close to his face, no one knows why but you think he just wants to see your face "better"
• the boyfriend that will keep his plane ticket when he goes to visit you (don't ask, it's a cancer thing I swear)
• I feel like he'd buy records with you, like physical copies
• unique clothes owner and you have mini fashion shows in your living rooms when he has days/weeks off
• sleeping in with you
• he will either be the big spoon or little, he doesn't prefer one
• braids your hair
• ^ you like to run your hands through his hair because finds it comforting
• loves finding new songs with you, because it's just that amazing feeling of of discovering something new together 
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (TEN)
• photography couple honestly
• he likes taking pictures of you, especially when you're not looking
• he thinks it captures the beauty of the moment
• his pictures are unique and aren't basic or what you usually see from other people
• the boyfriend that will send you memes and prank call you when he figures out how to do it
• will deadass ask a stranger for their phone so he could prank call you real quickly
• puts extra extra hot sauce in your food when you're not looking
• ^ that's his way of getting back at you if you're arguing or not
• you argue over stupid things, like food or clothes
• expect prank wars to be a thing that happens between you two
• ^ one of you going to stay with a friend for a while if they get too bad
• likes hugs honestly
• ^ the good mushy, warm kind 
• feeds you lol
• you always threaten that if he doesn't stop being childish during serious times, you'll force him to eat fruit
• he's rather die than do that
• traveling together :)
Wong Yukhei (LUCAS)
• big foodie, soooo expect to go on lots of dates to fancy (or not) dinners/lunches/breakfasts
• might even find a restaurant that you both love and will take you there monthly if his schedule allows it
• will give you his sweatshirts, sweatpants, boxers or any of his clothes really, because well, they're large
• always wants to smell nice tbh, so he'll probably buy you so many fancy perfumes
• shopaholic?
• if he definitely wasn't before, now he is
• camping, depending on his mood
• but he eventually wants to do that with you
• will probably make a long ass handshake with you that only you two know or a saying that only you two know the meaning too
• at first, he'll forget it since it's long, but eventually he'll remember always
• I'm talking really long
• hella long
• i feel like he'll be the type of boyfriend who would get a manicure/pedicure if you ever begged him
• might be against it for a while, but eventually he'll give in and try it out
• basketball player?¿
• ^ maybe
• will definitely do "sporty" things with you if you asked him
• he'd do a lot for you not many boyfriends would (sorry not sorry)
• like things you'd find embarrassing, he'll help you with
• at first he might try to laugh and crack jokes and make you feel less nervous/more comfortable
• but once he realizes it's something serious and really bothering you he'll try his best to help you
Lee Mark
• the boyfriend who will play video games with his girlfriend
• buys you unique or your favorite candy while he's away on tour/promoting, because you like that kind of stuff
• maybe a tiny bit of dad jokes or jokes in general
• a lot of laughing in this relationship
• he's a very happy boy
• embarrasses himself a lot in front of you, but you find it really cute
• hella voice cracks
• especially when he's nervous or on the spot
• likes hugs and hand holding ngl
• meme god
• ^ meme king
• public outings are chaotic just saying
• either one of you is always daring the other to ask strangers random (usually embarrassing) questions
• pumpkin carving
• poor boy almost stabbed himself with the sharp ass tools
• but he wants to make it perfect for you lowkey
• types in all caps
• types "couldn't be me" and such things like that
• helps you hang up fairy lights (orange ones for spooky szn)
• he and the rest of the boys play hide and seek from you in public
• you wanna kill him afterwards
• but he's a cute little baby so how could you right?
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diaryofanormalkid · 5 years
New crush at church...
So if y’all have or haven’t been keeping up with my posts about this guy, he’s new to our church and joined the youth choir. I’m really attracted to him and I wanna get to know him.
This past Friday, I went on out to choir practice and he happened to be there so you can imagine my excitement, especially when I was hoping he’d show.
One of the very first things that happened between us was he sat down in a chair literally so close to me. I was like “hollup, what is personal space to you?” But I lowkey liked it
I literally got up like a minute after that to go charge my phone bc I was so shook that he did that, I like couldn’t believe 😳 and then when I sat back down, I sat one seat further away
Idk, I hope it wasn’t awks and that nobody noticed! 😭 I’m sure he did, but nobody else. also I didn’t tell you, but for a while it was only like 4 of us there
And that made for such an intimate setting for me personally, because we were all talking and really connecting on a deeper level about praise and worship songs
Occasionally we were making eye contact and idk if I’m reading too hard into it, but I felt sparks. Like the eye contact was definitely consistent and healthy between us.
So that was good. I had to at one point hand over a bag of carrots bc we were sharing food with each other and he went “I don’t really eat carrots like that.”
It wasn’t my food, but I was just happy I could hand him the bag. When we started practicing, he was a lot more talkative and was suggesting lots of songs, it was nice!
It was interesting to hear him speak yesterday after not getting to all this time, he has an accent. I found it actually kind of hard to understand tbh.
That threw me all the way off bc I didn’t expect him to sound like that at all. But hearing him speak so much was totally cool. And eventually I got the privilege of finding out he knows Spanish.
So not that y’all would know, but I’ve been learning Spanish lately and when that topic came up? I was shocked! What are the odds? In my head I was thinking, he needs to teach me.
And then as if my friend who was there could read my mind, it was like she said exactly what I was thinking: “you are my new friend! You’re gonna help me learn Spanish.”
And like I felt so in sync with everyone who was surrounded by me right then. It was super crazy how the only people there were all interested in speaking Spanish and singing Spanish songs?
I’ve been very serious about learning Spanish at the moment so I’m hoping it comes in handy in the near future. We’ll just have to wait and see I guess.
Later as the night went on, we started to brainstorm song ideas and then eventually narrowed down on a few and began practicing them.
We for the most part sounded beautiful with our harmonies and I kept fooling around with going back and forth between parts to find the best sounds/harmonies.
Since we weren’t 100% sure of the melody, I kept playing around with the tenor note. At one point I recall him mumbling to his cousin who was already attending our church:
“Is she a tenor?” LOL it was definitely a loud enough question for everyone in the room to hear so I wondered why he hadn’t just asked me personally.
I wanted to answer him personally but we were in the middle of singing our next line for the song and I didn’t want to be more disruptive to our progress.
So the night consisted of a lot of laughter and beautiful singing between us. I caught some looks of him and tried to make sense of myself that I was finally into a guy.
As the night was coming to an end, we were closing out in prayer and we were standing fairly close to each other so I knew this meant I’d have to be holding his hand tonight.
Or so I thought! Literally right as we had touched the tips of each other’s hands, we began to separate to make room for two other people who were behind us.
To say I was devastasted would be an overreaction honestly. I was actually moreso relieved! However, I must add that it seemed he was just as eager as me to hold hands?
Which I thought was interesting! 😳 so we ended our prayer and everyone stayed back to chat a bit, he was lingering around me looking at a flyer that was being handed out.
I actually almost forgot, but he asked me “is this _____________?” On the flyer since we were talking about going out to support our fellow youth at a play.
He was standing right in front of me asking at that point, so I was the one to answer him yes. I felt a little special ngl, like maybe his position of standing was intentional.
So we were all kinda just taking our time leaving to go upstairs. Everyone was standing in around the same place for a minute or two and he was there with his cousin.
I felt like... a weird vibe like he was waiting to see my next move and keep up with me so he could get to sit with me. But I was trying my hardest not to pay him any mind.
Like I just wanted to see where that moment was gonna take us bc I felt as if he wanted to talk to me individually now and find out more about me but he wasn’t sure if it was a good time.
Anyways we all started to slowly walk upstairs to listen to the grief fellowship and discussion of our pastor’s passing. And I’d say that was the last of our interactions for the night?
Maybe, just maybe, he’ll be interested? I can never tell if they’re interested back. I want to believe he is bc I feel like I can always pick up on vibes heavily.
My first few encounters with running into him in the past, my mom actually confessed to me today that she had seen him looking in our direction at one point this past Sunday.
That gave me a lot of hope bc my mom and I were saying if he doesn’t reciprocate, then don’t be the chaser, just leave it alone. Especially since she admitted he looks like a Casanova.
Which I was a little upset about. Once she said that, it made me nervous bc Ik girls will have an eye on him and he is gonna be a hard one to lock down by just looks.
I’m not one to want to compete with other girls for a guy’s attention. It’s just not worth it and I don’t want/need that kind of drama in my life, so for this guy, he def has to like me more.
Which is why, moving forward, as much as I would like to get to know him, I think it’ll only have to be as a friend for now and from afar if I have to since I don’t wanna get hurt.
I think it’s in my best interest to just take things slow, observe how he tries to interact with me and analyze amongst my mom and friends. But most importantly, pray to God for guidance.
So far, the vibe is fine for me. I don’t get any nerve-wracking or anxious thoughts about him. When I was around him, he didn’t make me as nervous as I’d usually be in the past.
That made me feel good. However, I’m gonna keep checking in with my intuition and the vibes and my analysis’ making sure that I’m not rushing into/forcing him to try to like me.
It has to naturally happen and he has to reeeeally be attracted to me or I believe this will never work. So I’m gonna leave it in God’s hands, as easy as that may seem, it’ll be hard.
And my mom was also saying she thinks he could be younger than me by a little, so if that’s the case, I’m definitely gonna be cautious. I’m not really into younger guys, so I’m definitely concerned about that.
All the other times I’d seen him in the past, we’d share some glances of each other and I would always wonder if it was an “i’m-definitely-attracted-to-you” look or something less.
From here on, it’s just an observing and praying game and I’m gonna make sure I play it safe. Before I go on about this boy, lemme focus next on learning his name and age 😂
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simonarmstrcng · 5 years
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heyo, i’m pepper, and i’m late as usual (who’s surprised?? not me lmao)! i am here to introduce you to my favourite mess, simon who was actually one of my first muses! i’m trying to revive him so atm he’s a bit bare bones but here’s hoping i can get through this intro coherently (unlikely, but i’ll try)
[ MUSE 3 ] ●● is that LUCAS JADE ZUMANN ? no, that’s just SIMON ARMSTRONG , the 16 year old CISMALE who is a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR. some say they’re NERVOUS AND AWKWARD, but their family and friends will swear they’re INTELLIGENT AND COMPASSIONATE. when i think of them, i think of the smell of books, fingers indented by violin strings, freshly dusted spelling bee trophies, wrinkled noses, ironed socks, ink stained fingers, and notebooks filled with doodles. i wonder if their family know that HE is hiding that HE’S QUESTIONING HIS SEXUALITY. ●● ( pepper && twenty two && est && she/her )
tl;dr he’s a soft anxious overachieving nerd who likes to draw. that’s it, that’s really it idk why i took so long to say that sdkjsdkj
here is an aesthetic moodboard for simon and here and here are a few personality one’s with gifs! also here is his pinterest board 
inspired by: seth cohen, stiles stilinski, amy santiago, hermione granger (and a bit of neville longbottom i’m ngl), spencer reid. 
simon has always been a bit high strung tbh i’m ngl. he was the kid on the playground who was always a bit too mature for the kids around him in the way that he’d be like five and stressing about his potential career paths or the state of global warming yk, always kind of had conversations with grown adults that made them do a double take just because very adult conversation coming out of a tiny kid can be kind of startling. that said, he never really quite fit in with his peers because of that, i feel like he may have even been bullied for it a bit in the past. he was definitely that kid who reminded the teacher about the homework i am not going to lie to you. 
 simon always took academics extremely seriously. he always puts pressure on himself to be perfect and get straight a’s and he is like the definition of a try hard, simon tries hard at freaking everything. his hard work pays off though, he’s been at the top of the honour roll for the past few years and he’s got more spelling bee, science fair, debate, and decathlon trophies decorating his room than he knows what to do with.
(not one for any athletics though,,, physical exercise was never simon’s strong suit)
also plays the violin and the piano, again, more evidence of him being a huge overachiever. he is actually quite talented honestly but he isn’t really incredibly passionate about either instrument. 
simon has asthma, is allergic to bees, has sleep paralysis and pretty bad anxiety. he used to get panic attacks as a child and while he hasn’t quite grown out of it, it’s not nearly as bad now. i feel like he is on medication for it though and he may even go to therapy. 
afraid of abandonment (irrational because i’m pretty sure he’s never been abandoned but it’s there) and he’s also afraid of failure, of being a disappointment to his family, of never living up to his potential (when he was younger he was advanced for his age academically so he has skipped a grade.) he fears that he’s a disappointment to his parents as a son considering he is the farthest thing one can be from a potential fbi agent, and considering he can’t even do a lap without wheezing he doesn’t think he ever will be, but he is trying to aim for forensics instead of anything in the actual field anywhere close to actual danger. kind of insecure despite his success and low, low, low, low low key kind of feels like the kid his dad brought home might be his new replacement as a son. 
one of his closest friends is the school guidance counselor atm. think edge of seventeen. he just goes in there, eats his lunch and talks to her about everything that’s going on with his life like it’s cheap therapy. 
wants to go to harvard and is a big ball of stress over it currently. he’s hit a whole new level of academic intensity and his sexuality crisis is not helping in the slightest, but it is very much happening and he doesn’t know what the hell to do about it thanks for asking. he may be bi or gay or pan or none of the above, he’s not sure and he’s not thinking about it because he doesn’t have time to be questioning his sexuality when college admissions are rearing their ugly head. 
a big introvert. can occasionally be very witty and funny if he’s comfortable you but if he’s not he tends to just be quiet and kind of awkward. tends to enjoy to spend a lot of time alone in his room playing animal crossing, or indulging in a very private hobby, drawing. 
simon has always loved art and comics and drawing but he knows they’re kind of pointless passions, like realistically he doesn’t think he will even actually become a comic book artist the odds are too low. and yet that hasn’t stopped him from doing it. drawing is really one of the only things that really calms his anxiety, and that he really enjoys doing. that and reading. so simon has secretly been drawing a comic. he hasn’t really shared it with anybody and would die if anyone found out about it. here is a moodboard for the comic (he’s going by the pen name orion kace like the nerd he is) and here are some headcannons about it. 
honestly a big sap. like lilo and stitch can still make him tear up even if he won’t admit it dkjdkj. he’s got a soft heart and kind of just wants to make sure everybody’s okay tbh. tends to worry more than he lets on which is saying something because he worries outwardly a lot too.
can be very tempermental/moody and selfish though, especially when stressed. he gets to a very self centered ‘woe is me i’m the only one with problems’ place when he’s stressed out. 
a big ass nerd! i feel that goes without saying but loves comics books, loves star wars, harry potter, and could probably recite the opening scene of game of thrones yk, that kind of nerd. 
has never gone to a party. has never smoked weed. has never snuck out. has never tasted more than a sip of alcohol. honestly, simon hasn’t done anything, and he’s okay with that. 
i think that’s it omg tHAT’S PROBABLY IT. 
best friends - i feel like at least two of these would be fun! a little squad for my lonely boy (2/2) cailin, john
childhood friends - i will give you my left arm for a childhood friends plot. unlikely friends maybe? or just two nerds being dweebs together? friends who are still close as hell friends who had a falling out or just grew apart, idc i love it all please give it to me. cailin
the ex - i feel like simon maybe had ONE relationship in his lifetime if that and relationship might be stretching things. they could have held hands on the playground when they were six or dated in middle school (do you like me check yes or no sdkjsdk) kind of think like it could be that or it could be a high school thing, once again idc give it to me. 
student - someone who simon tutors maybe? simon is probably volunteering to do it to look good on his uni application so Yes free tutoring from your local nerd. skylar, aria, 
crush - like i said simon is questioning his sexuality so if anybody wants to volunteer to be the boy that simon has an inconvenient crush on please be my guest. scout
rival - an academic rival would be !!! so fun, because simon is lowkey quite competitive so this could be a really interesting connection. farrah
mentor - someone who simon looks up to a whole lot. this would likely have to be someone either really cool or really nerdy and this is open to older muses mostly, just older than simon tbh ajax
bad influence - someone who will get this boy to live a little! maybe drag him out to a party, get him a joint, get him drunk, the works! leo, andrew
those are just some ideas but ofc like this if you want to plot and i will come running! okay thank
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infatuatedpup · 3 years
Update on Eva.
I visited him . It was pretty ok 6/10
Highlights were:
I met his dog who also a big sweetheart 💕
His step dad was pretty nice and I briefly met his younger brother
He was really nice and bought me food and even offered to buy me a hair clip that I wanted ( I didn’t let him bc I felt bad)
He would pick me up and knock at my door instead of Just telling me to come out
HE OPENED DOORS FOR ME 💕💕💕 ( Ik it’s not anything big but I think that’s such a nice small gesture )
He complimented me on my make up
He listened to me talk which was nice and I apologized everytime id just keep talking but he said he didn’t mind
He let me play my music occasionally lol
He told me that his mom really liked me
Now for that bad stuff :/
I was so nervous to be affectionate bc he said he doesn’t like it really so I was SUPER hesitant
Because I talk SO much I felt super bad and constantly apologize:(
I felt so annoying , I also just felt like I was too much for him
I would get nervous when things got super quiet and I’d end up over sharing or saying stupid shit I asked if I made him uncomfortable and he said no and it’s ok
I had an anxiety attack due to not being able to sleep and anxiety:/ ( it wasn’t infront of him THSNK GOD)
He made me a little uncomfortable with the silences :( but I won’t tell him that
Now for things that were like funny / I will remember
My flight got canceled and rescheduled for the next day so I had no where to stay and his mom offered I stay there 🥺🥺🥺 ( this goes with her also saying if I visit again I could stay with them)
She also said it was nice to meet me and I’m always welcomed and I told her : “ oh I’m just terrorizing him right now I’m sure he’s ready for me to leave” and she said “don’t worry I’m pretty sure he’s loving it “ in my mind when she said that I think ‘omg he’s talked about me before’
He also told his mom about in the sense I’m from CA and I work at an animal shelter
I started a Twitter fight with him bc it started with me subtweeting him , then it just became a playful fight lol
We played Mario cart and who ever won’t 2/3 got to tweet something on the other persons Twitter
Sadly he won and said some stupid shit that sounded like something I’d say lol
We hung out in his room for most of the day and I dead ass told him “ I’m just waiting for u to kick me out of ur room “ bc I felt bad and didn’t want to leave him alone but wanted him to set a boundary
I bit him once and he deserved it he didn’t like it but I told him from the start “‘I am fucking crazy but I am free
I GOT COMPLEMENTS FROM LIKE 4 people ( a girl at Waffle House , a little girl at the mall some other girl and a hot topic worker who I eventually switched socials with !
Lots of nice people out there at least from the people I met
I wish I wasn’t a coward and told him how I felt but maybe that was for the best bc I don’t want to ruin the friendship . I told my friends how my flight got canceled and they said it was a sign from God to confess and I’m like nooo I’ll get rejected and CRY .
I really wanted to kiss his cheek when he dropped me off but I was so nervous and didn’t want to fuck up anything … I told him I’ll be a lil distant bc I’m not feeling ok and he’s like “ what’s bothering you” and I’m my mind I’m screaming’UH YOU YOURE MSKING ME NERVOUS’ but I just said idk
I really was gonna ghost him but he’s lucky I really like his family and I don’t want his mom to hate me
I also wans gona send him this long ass confesión but I decided against it because I was not thinking clearly when I wrote it and it was an impulsive thought.
Fr he is so cute and handsome!!! Like sir !! You’re fucking fine and like he’s so tall I love how he makes me feel small lol. I’d lowkey stare at him when he wasn’t looking bc 👀👀 bestie ur Cuteee and hot like 😳😳😳 Ngl his shirt went up a little while he was lying down and I saw like his hip bone I think but I was low key screaming on the inside and blushing.I Just have a thing for tall skinny guys and I’m gUILTY AND HE FITS THE DESC PERFECTLY. Also he has a really cute smile and voice … AND HIS BRACESSES ARE SO CUTE. I’m deadass just SIMPING ,DOWN BAD ASF. Omfg and his hands 😳 bestie LEMME HOLD UR HAND. LIKE I DONT THINK I HAVE A HAND KINK BUT MAYBE I DO . I have some pictures of us and they’re cute .. tempted to make one my Lock Screen but that’s crazy and idk maybe creepy ?? But I mean I LIKE ME ,MOLLU, look very cute in the pictures too. We’ll see… gotta deco them heheh .
TLDR; I visited my crush , nothing happened I cried had an anxiety attack, met his mom and might come back to visit later in the year . Also last part is Just me simping over his Michael Cera looking ass lmaoooo
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lunarimagines · 7 years
anon said : imagine dating Tiffany (snsd), how would it be?
she’d thought she was being reallllll slick while flirting with you
in reality though she was, in fact, not
you couldn’t help but love how dorky and adorable she was telling you bad jokes and laughing a little too loud because she was nervous
which you truly enjoyed because it meant she’d warmed up to you and was very comfortable with you
at first she’d want to think about keeping your relationship private
but she’d end up wanting to show you off
karaoke nights where she shows off and annihilates you
a lot of late night dates in general
mostly to small restaurants and she always seems to find new ones to take you to
would probably cry if you ever bought her any gifts
every time you complimented her she’d blush and try to brush it off but she’d think about it for the rest of the week tbfh
she would tell you she loved you fairly early into the relationship because she would be sure that she’d want to spend the rest of her life with you
Tiffany would send you photos throughout the day
of her, flowers, dogs, cats, food, buildings, people, anything she wanted to share with you
okay but she’d save every photo you sent to her
an ugly selfie? it’s her phone background
a photo you’d taken of you and her out one day? her lockscreen
tbh she’d probably take photos of you that were either super candid or else insanely unflattering
no inbetween
she’d keep them forever
maybe ironically frame a few
movie nights where she gets really into the movie
which is adorable ngl
and she’d throw popcorn at you whenever you laughed at her for getting too into it
“i know it’s ‘just a movie’ Y/N, but it’s a really good movie???? how can you hate art?”
any time you told her you loved her she’d smile for the rest of the day
sending goodmorning and goodnight texts when she’s away
she’d enjoy when you showed her off but lowkey
Tiffany would feel lucky every single day that she’d found you and when she knew you felt the same she’d fall even deeper in love alsdkfjsldk gross
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