#lucas hand
otto-wood · 7 months
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March 11, 2024
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parxarchive · 2 months
awstenmadeatiktokalright: EVERYBODY IS A G*D [august 7, 2024]
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emilyblame · 1 year
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little dancy dance
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ashlumicalm · 2 months
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awstenknight: CAREFUL, HONEY
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fai2truther · 2 months
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We are sitting at 579,813 streams on Spotify now I know that not everyone uses Spotify and I know that there are other streaming platforms and all I ask is whatever you use to please please stream FAI2
Awsten is just chilling on a “boys” trip we are breaking out backs carrying this team to 1 million we are on the down hill of the climb we have been trying to reach but I know that we can do this not just for us but for all waterparks out there
Gwen stafani (the song)
A random Geoff song
Jawn even might throw in a song he likes
Snow globe instrumental
Lucas content
Please we can do this
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enby-at-the-pyschward · 4 months
Jawn:If you bite it and you die,it's poisonous.
Jawn:If it bites you and you die,it's venomous.
Geoff:What if it bites me and it dies?
Travis:Then you're poisonous.
Travis:Jesus Christ,Geoff,learn to listen.
Lucas:What if it bites itself and I die?
Awsten:That's voodoo.
Otto:What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Jawn:That's correlation,not causation.
Geoff:What if we bite each other and neither of us die?
Awsten:That's kinky.
Lucas:Oh my god.
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sunflowerinc · 2 years
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piecesofreeses · 5 months
Awsten’s boyfriend, Ash, (original male character) age regresses when he just needs to relax. Luckily, Awsten’s the best caregiver ever.
In the world of “I need you closer or I need it over,” this is what happens when Awsten’s lover comes closer. 
Notes: Love you guys! If you’re interested in similar content, check out my story I’m Sorry, I Can’t Help It about little!awsten.
TW: Caregiver called “dada,” discussion of Awsten being scared of spiders
“Awsie! Awsie!” Ash squeals, running onto the tour bus searching for his boyfriend. “Awsie, look what I found at the gift shop!” Ash keeps yelling, whipping his head around wildly looking for Awsten with an infectious smile growing across his face. 
“Hey bug!” Awsten calls from the couch. “Come show me!” Finally locating the red-haired boy, Ash throws himself over the back of the couch, flopping over into Awsten’s lap with a screech.
“Is a puppy!” Ash says, holding up a small dog stuffed animal made of soft, minky fabric with adorable floppy ears.
“They’re almost as cute as you, sweetpea! What’s their name?” Awsten asks, matching the little’s excitement. 
“His name’s Bailey,” Ash replies matter-of-factly.
Awsten laughs, “Okay then, Bailey. It’s nice to meet you! How old are you feeling?”
“No no no!” Ash erupts into a fit of giggles. You’re supposed to ask me how old I feel!”
“Oh my mistake. How silly of me,” Awsten says seriously before switching back to the goofy tone of voice he adopts when he can tell Ash is regressed. “Well then Ashy, how old are you feeling?”
“M three!” Ash responds excitedly with a slightly childish lisp that makes the number come out more like ‘free.’ It makes Awsten smile as he notices it. When his real baby voice comes out like that it usually means he’s actually let himself slip all the way. Awsten tries not to make a big deal out of it, but he loves when his boyfriend regresses around him. He not only finds it adorable, but it feels like a show of trust. He’s playing the role of a parent and Ash is letting him. Sometimes, Ash even calls him dada, but not often, as the little has a hard time not feeling guilty or embarrassed about finding comfort in the name.
Snapping himself out of his thoughts, Awsten nods thoughtfully. “Oh! You’re a big boy today!” He jokes, scooping Ash up and pulling him onto his lap. He’s so grateful Ash was finally comfortable with Awsten explaining his regression to the others on the tour. It makes everything easier, and they sometimes even have fun together. Awsten doesn't have to worry about Jawn, Otto, Geoff, or Lucas walking in and thinking something is going on, because as soon as they hear the lilt in their bandmates voice, they know Ash is just little. It’s been so fun to bring him along on the tour this time, and Awsten’s pretty sure he’s having a good time too, as evidenced by the great, big smile and bright eyes looking up at him right now. “Do you want cuddles or do you want to play with Bailey, love?”
“Wan play!” Ash yells. Awsten rolls his eyes lovingly at the younger’s terrible volume control. 
“Okay, bubba,” Awsten says, picking the boy up and setting him on the floor. They both lay down on their stomachs and Ash starts to play with Bailey. Awsten reaches to the left to pull out Ash’s box of little toys and picks a small green turtle for himself. 
“Jenny!” Ash squeals, seeing the turtle Awsten picked.
“Why don't we have a tea party?” Awsten suggests.
Just as Awsten brings up the idea, Lucas walks onto the bus with Geoff in tow. “A tea party?” Lucas says excitedly, “I sure hope I’m invited!” Ash’s eyes light up seeing some of his boyfriends – and therefore his – closest friend.
“You’re invited, Lulu! And you can comes too Effy,” Ash exclaims, looking at Awsten absolutely thrilled to have more company. 
Awsten smiles warmly at Geoff and Lucas, more grateful than anything for how they’d not only welcomed his boyfriend into their circle, but welcomed his regression and little side with open arms. They’d been absolutely perfect, and it just made Awsten even more sure that he had found his people. Listening to Ash call them ‘Lulu’ and ‘Effy’ made his heart feel like it was going to explode. 
“Should I get us some refreshments, Ashy?” Geoff asks, leaning down to the little on the floor. He gets a nod and a grin in response.
“Lulu you gotta pick a stuffy,” Ash states and Awsten shrugs at his manager. 
“You heard him!”
Digging through the basket, Lucas picks out a pink bunny named Strawberry. She’s usually his go to when he plays with little Ash. “Can I bring Strawberry again?”
“Mhm!” Ash responds, sitting up and crawling into Awsten’s lap. Awsten and Lucas make eye contact, knowing Ash is getting smaller and this may not last all that long with how sleepy they look. Awsten helps Ash get situated in his lab and wraps his arms around Ash, who has both Bailey and Jenny in his lap. 
“The tea is prepared!” Geoff calls out and walks over to them. They all laugh at Geoff’s silly accent as he passes out the ‘tea.’ The ‘tea’ is actually apple juice, because Lord knows neither Ash or Awsten would actually drink tea unless all the sugar in the bus was poured into it.
“Well this is delicious!” Awsten responds, matching Geoff’s silly voice. “Thank you for putting his in a sippy,” he adds quietly.
“Dada you’re so silly!” Ashy yells without even considering that he usually refuses to call Awsten anything other than Awsie in front of company. Lucas and Geoff smile. Awsten has talked to them both about how guilty Ash feels about calling him that. They’re both happy to see Ash more relaxed around them. He clearly makes Awsten happy and they  both deserve that. Being a caregiver seems to give Awsten a purpose he didn't have before. He takes care of himself better, because now he has Ash to take care of too, on occasion. 
“Your dada is so silly!” Geoff laughs out. “Yesterday, he saw a spider and he got so scared he squealed just like you!” 
“Dada are you scared of spiders?” Ash asks, shocked. “How are you scared of da spiders? I loves spidies!”
“I don’t know, bubs! I just don't like them very much, but I am so glad you like them!”
Lucas giggles at how far Awsten had downplayed his fear of spiders to his boyfriend. “Ashy, your dada is so scared of spiders. Sometime, you can come with me and we can go see some spidies because Awsie is a little too nervous around them,” Lucas says.
“Yes! Let's go see some spidies, Lulu!”
Lucas laughs. “Another time, but soon, Ashy!”
Awsten shudders just thinking about the creatures and tries to change the subject. “Sweetie, do you need some help with your tea?”
“Yes peas dada,” Ash says with a hint of embarrassment. 
“No problem, sweetpea! It’s a good thing Geoffy put it in your sippy,” Awsten reminds as he helps Ash lean the cup up to take a sip. “Good job, bubs,” he adds, lowering the cup and setting it down on the carpet. 
“No wait! Bailey needs some too!” Ash screeches.
Awsten flinches away from the loud noise briefly, but recovers momentarily. “Silly me! Here, hold Bailey and I will give him a sip,” Awsten suggests. As Ash holds Bailey up, Awsten pretends to let the stuffie drink out of Ash’s sippy cup. 
Lucas watches and then says, “I’m going to give Strawberry some too! She must be so thirsty!” Gently, Lucas props up the bunny against his knee and pretends to give her a drink from his glass. 
Geoff, realizing he is the only on without a stuffed animal, reaches over to the bin and picks up a blue sea horse. “Ashy, can I play with this one?”
“Uh huh! Dats Reggie,” Ashy states. “Make sure he gets tea too. Kay?”
“I will,” Geoff promises and pretends to give Reggie the seahorse a bit of his apple juice. “Does dada’s turtle need some too?”
“Jenny! Dada you forgot Jenny!”
Awsten, not entirely sure how to recover from this grave error, looks to Geoff. 
“Oh, dada didn’t forget, he was just busy holding you, Ashy,” Geoff suggests hopefully. Awsten’s face has a hilarious ‘you’re my savior’ look across it and Geoff struggles not to laugh at his friend. 
“Mmm, kay,” Ash accepts. Then, he picks up the little turtle, Jenny, and hands her to Geoff. “Give her a drink?”
“Absolutely,” Geoff says, miming letting the turtle pick the glass up and drink from it. Geoff watches as Ash’s eyes start to close and he gives Awsten a look. 
“Ashy, honey, are you sleepy?” Awsten says after noticing the obvious exhaustion painted on the little’s face. 
“Nuh uh,” Ash responds quietly, beginning to suck on his thumb. 
“Honey no. That’s dirty. Can you use your paci instead?” Awsten reminds.
Ash just curls closer into Awsten and neglects to reply. 
Lucas stifles a laugh, “I’ll get it, Awsten. In their bunk?” 
Awsten nods gratefully and pulls his little one in closer. “Lulu is getting your paci, bubba. You know we don’t put fingers in our mouths.”
Lucas walks back with the decorated blue pacifier. It has little sea creatures on it and small gems along the shield. Slowly and so very gently, Awsten pulls Ash’s thumb from their mouth and grabs the paci from Lucas, quickly pressing it into the little’s mouth. He makes the switch with practiced ease and Ash hardly stirs. “Thanks, guys. He loves you so much.”
“Of course,” “Anytime,” Geoff and Lucas respond at the same time.
“You guys can totally stay, but I am going to get into bed with him for a little while. He’s out cold, but if I let him out of my arms, he’ll definitely wake up and he really could use the sleep,” Awsten says. “If you stay, could you try to keep the volume down when you can?
“Oh yeah, of course.”
“Absolutely, man! We’ll be quiet.”
“Thanks, you two. You’re literally the best friends I could ask for.”
“We know,” Geoff jokes. “Jawn and Otto will be mad they missed the tea party.”
Lucas laughs quietly, “I think you mean Awny and Oddo.”
“Oh shut it Lulu,” Jawn quips, him and Otto walking in at the best – or worst – time. 
“Hey guys–” Awsten starts, trying not to laugh and wake the little in his lap. 
“Don’t worry, Awsten. I know. Ash is little, be quiet, they need the sleep, you're going to get in the bunk with them. Am I right?” Jawn lists with certainty.
“...Yes,” Awsten admits.
“We all know the drill now, man,” Geoff comments, snickering as he watches Awsten try to stand up while carrying Ash. “You did it! Congrats!” Geoff says sarcastically as Awsten finally gets to his feet. 
“Dude!” Awsten shushes, putting Ash into his bunk and crawling in along with him before pulling the curtain closed. A second later, he sticks an arm out reaching down to the floor to grab Bailey who’d fallen out. “Naptime, guys.”
Otto responds in a whisper, “Yeah, yeah. It’s a good thing you two are cute.”
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artiststarme · 9 months
Steve keeps brushing off Eddie’s flirting and thinking he isn’t interested while putting his all into flirting. Eddie is losing his mind until eventually he snaps. He literally jumps up in the middle of a movie everyone is watching when Steve tangles their hands together and screams for all to hear.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Harrington! Either kiss the fuck out of me or stop flirting with me like you mean it and holding my hands during a chick flick!”
Steve blinked at him. “So you mean you like me back? Well why didn’t you just say so?!”
“I’ve been flirting with you for months! As soon as you took your shirt off, I started making moves. I was flirting with you in the Upside Down!”
“Well I was a little distracted then! And besides, you should’ve made it more obvious,” he said with all the sass he could muster.
“Holy shit Steve, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he muttered exasperatedly before grabbing Steve’s face and mashing his lips to his.
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 4 months
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Challengers (Luca Guadagnino, 2024)
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blueberri3s · 28 days
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closest thing to a byler hug we got in season 4, you will always be famous
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otto-wood · 1 year
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morganbritton132 · 10 months
Eddie posts a Tiktok like, “No one tells you when you marry your high school’s prom king how familiar you’re going to become with the nurses in the emergency room.”
Steve, off-camera : ….We’re here because you had an asthma attack
Eddie: Yeah, from sucking d- *video ends abruptly*
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emilyblame · 2 years
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ashlumicalm · 1 year
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underscoregeoff: If you’re reading this, it’s too late, you’re going to the Waterparks show
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enby-at-the-pyschward · 6 months
Awsten:Otto,what do you have there?
Otto,running around:A KNIFE!
Geoff:Okay,have fun-
Lucas,running after Otto:NO!
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