#lucid reality
s-e-c-t-i-o-n-8 · 8 months
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ted5947 · 8 months
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Here's the first look at an in-game screenshot for Lucid Reality! Showcasing the aesthetic for battle backgrounds as well as text! The enemy sprites will all be 96x96, so yeah! I hope you all look forward to more info on Lucid Reality!
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cheezitofthevalley · 2 months
weirdcore blinkies
weirdcore stamps
idk how weird these are but I tried my best
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clippy blinkie by @banana-dawg
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velvetburberry · 2 months
How I manifested my dad being the CEO of a big company:
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1. I affirmed for a bit but then I didnt feel like affirming and I had other things i wanted to affirm about so i stopped affirming and I would only affirm for like 2 to 3 times like once a day maybe lol.
2. I accepted the fact that my dad has a great job. It was hard for me to accept something just like that but I pushed through that feeling. Everytime I would see him at home and not at office, I would just think "Oh well he is working from home for a bit"
3. Everytime I had thoughts like "My dad doesn't have a job" I would change that to "no he does! what am i talking about lol"
4. I didnt try to "feel it real" or robotically affirm. These methods are amazing and 100% works and robotically affirming is something I really like too and do often but I just didnt want to put more efforts in this because I knew I could do it even without doing the methods.
5. Did I feel miserable sometimes when I would see him getting worried or frustrated? Yes. But it didnt matter. Everytime I would feel really frustrated, I didnt do anything and just let myself feel what I want to feel and moved on.
6. Unlike my other desires, this one wasnt on my mind all the time. I didnt think about it that much. Only when something in the 3d contradicted with what I desired did I think about it.
It doesnt matter if you're obsessed with what you desire or if you arent. It doesnt matter if you think about it all the time or if you dont. It doesnt matter if you're manifesting in steps or if you're just accepting it as true. It will still work regardless. Because everything is an assumption.
A bit backstory: My dad lost his job around December of last year and since my family is financially stable, it didnt bother me that much. But then months passed and he wasnt getting a job even though he was really qualified. I was busy with my exams so I still didnt think about it much. But then I was bothered seeing him sad and at home all the time, so i decided to manifest a job. It's a great job in one of the best companies in our country so I'm really happy. It's not like he was a CEO of any company before. He is really good at his job but getting a CEO position in such a huge company is a really big deal. He gave an interview in that company MONTHS ago but they didnt get back to him after the interview so we all thought he didnt get the job. So it was a really big deal that they suddenly decided to employ him. I would show yall photos of the car they gave him but I'm scared any of my family member will be on this app and they will find out😭 not that they care about it. They are chill lol.
Tldr: Affirmed whenever I felt like it and accepted that he has a job and it's a great position. Thats all really.
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salemlunaa · 3 months
remove all that weight off your shoulders ᥫ᭡
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For those using the void to shift to their perfect life and losing motivation I wanted to give you an idea: I want you to try for the void, but not with the intention of manifesting anything, just do it as a form of relaxation and meditation. You can enter the void and I know that you can. But putting the void on a pedestal is what keeps you from it, you may be denying those claims and think you don’t hold the void to such a high standard. But wait, wait, wait, lemme tell you something:
the void is an amazing way to manifest, everyone knows that, it’s 10000% guaranteed that you will get all that you wish for in the void, you can change your genetics, the structure of your face, heal sickness, have as much money as you want with just one trip to the void. And it seems to good to be true, it’s a golden ticket for you to do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING you want. And knowing that you have many desires to fulfil in the void and you have unknowingly put a lot of weight on your shoulders as you feel like you need to enter the void to get all that you want.
That pressure isn’t healthy which is why i recommend going to the void just for relaxation purposes at first, tell your brain that you aren’t worried about your dreams for now and just want to try the void as a normal, standard meditation. With the pressure out the window you are guaranteed the void.
You can remember your desires in the void and be like “hold up, lemme cook” or you may feel so taken aback and in awe that you could just sit in the void for some minutes and eventually snap out of it. And that’s okay, because you can use that void experience to fuel your confidence on the void in general. And you can use that confidence that you got from going in to simply relax, take that confidence and get to the void a second time for your desires.
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Hello everyone :) School is starting, and that's a time when stress levels can peak for anyone in the manifesting community. It's tough to wake up to another school year without your dream life, and I know how draining it can be. You might feel like you have to focus on your journey while also tackling school, which is challenging enough on its own. I hope this can help with anything related to manifesting reality, the void state, shifting, lucid dreaming, school, and mindset. Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and it is inevitable you achieve all that you desire!
What are morphic fields
Morphic field audio refers to soundtracks that are designed to interact with the concept of morphic fields, which are theoretical fields that influence patterns and behaviors in nature. These audio tracks often incorporate elements like binaural beats or isochronic tones, which are sound frequencies intended to influence brainwave activity and promote specific mental states.
The idea is that by listening to these audio tracks, individuals you can tap into or resonate with morphic fields, potentially enhancing focus, relaxation, or other desired states. The concept is rooted in the belief that sound can influence the mind and body in ways that align with the patterns and connections proposed by morphic fields.
Subliminals or and affirmation tapes with morphic fields
When using morphic fields with subliminals, you can experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you.
Simultaneous Playback:
Play the morphic field audio and subliminal tracks at the same time.
Sequential Playback:
Before: Start with the morphic field audio to create a receptive mental state, then follow with the subliminal tracks. This can help prepare your mind to absorb the affirmations more effectively.
Begin with the sublininal tracks to plant the affirmations in your subconscious, then play the morphic field audio to reinforce and integrate the messages.
If you have audio editing software, you can layer the morphic field audio beneath the subliminal tracks, creating a single, cohesive audio experience. This method requires some technical skill but can be very effective.
Experiment and Adjust
Everyone's response to these techniques can vary like all methods so feel free to experiment with different methods and monitor how you feel. Adjust the timing, order, and volume to find the combination that resonates best with you :) it doesn’t have to be methodical at all
Specified Morphic Fields
You can also find specific morphic fields tailored to your desires, such as lucid dreaming, shifting realities, or entering the void state. These specialized audio tracks are designed to help you achieve particular goals by using specific frequencies and energies.
Similarly to binaural beats or isochronic tones Sounds, it’s best to listen to morphic fields in positive environments because they are highly receptive to surrounding influences. Ensure that your surroundings are calm and uplifting. This might include a tidy space, soft lighting, or calming scents like lavender or sage.
Stay away from negative influences like for example watching horror movies or engaging with negative shifting or void content while listening to morphic fields. Instead, pair your listening sessions with positive and inspiring content. This could include watching manifesting videos, glow-up transformation videos, or reading success stories related to shifting and lucid dreaming.
Combine this with affirming and persisting
the only three affirmations I use are:
I can shift
I will shift
I have shifted
This is very simple and effectively covers the past, present, and future, making it easy to repeat. The brain loves mantras, and these affirmations are designed to reinforce your belief in your ability to shift. This repetition helps to rewire your subconscious mind, aligning your thoughts and actions with your desired outcome. Keep it simple, stay consistent, and watch as your affirmations help manifest your shifting journey.
The challenge
Compile a playlist of subliminals or affirmation tapes, whichever you prefer.
Listen to them while playing morphic fields. You can use headphones or play them out loud; it doesn’t matter.
If you don’t want subliminals or affirmation tapes, find specific morphic fields for your desire, such as wealth morphic fields or shifting morphic fields.
They are easy to find on YouTube. Just search up your topic and then morphic field feel feee to use the ones I recommend as well!
4. Do this in a positive environment. Engage in activities like scrolling on Tumblr, reading success stories, or watching lucid dreaming tips.
5.Outside of this, use the three affirmations: "I can shift," "I will shift," "I have shifted."
You can replace these with anything related to lucid dreaming, the void state, or manifesting—whatever suits your goals, e.g: “I can wake up in the void,” “I will wake up in the void,” “I have woken up in the void before”
6.Make this routine fit your schedule.With school starting, you’ll be busy, so keep it simple and easy!
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interstellarrisa · 3 months
Some subconscious fun
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You might've heard people saying that are our brain is amazing and capable of astounding things and well they're not wrong. Your brain is the most complex organ in the body with billions of neurons that have trillions of connections called synapses that makes it able to communicate, with this information how can we say that it's not amazing?
Our consciousness is thought to sit at the cerebral cortex and is said to have three levels to it. The conscious, subconscious and unconscious. They're all tasked with different things. I'll explain them all...
The conscious: This is the part that we have control over, our thoughts, feelings, decisions and acknowledgement are all made here. It's what you're using right now to read this post and also where the awareness of you reading this post is. Basically thoughts, feelings and awareness.
The subconscious: It's not in the current focus of our awareness hence called the subconscious mind. It's a barrier that's put up by our mind so that we don't become overwhelmed by all the information that we get when we interact with this world. For example our nose in the center of our vision, the feeling of our clothes or our tongue resting on the roof of our mouth. Because of this barrier we're allowed to focus our awareness on more important decision making and cognitive tasks without getting overwhelmed. This can be noticed when we decide (conscious) to pick up a new skill which can be hard to learn and do before we become a natural at it which then makes it an automatic (subconscious) skill.
The unconscious: It's perhaps the most mysterious form of consciousness since it's not available for introspection or analysis. We do know that it's a hoard of feelings, thoughts and memories lost from our conscious mind, it contains the painful past that we might simply want to forget about. Some people say that we never forget and that it just get's buried deep down within our mind and with the right signals we can recover the forgotten memories.
Now to the fun part. It's a small "experiment" that you can do every night just to see how amazing your subconscious mind truly is. Firstly I haven't found any article's stating that this is your subconscious minds doing, some say it might be your circadian rhythm (internal body clock) but I personally assume that it's your subconscious and if you know loa let's just go with it.
The experiment is you controlling when you wake up. You might go "really, that's it?" but when you first do it and it works it'll feel a bit 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, anyways here's what to do.
Go to bed. Doesn't need to be nighttime you just need to go to sleep for this.
While falling asleep tell yourself that you'll wake up in xxx hours/minutes. For example you go to bed at 00:00 and want to wake up in 8 hours, naturally that would be 08:00 so just affirm "I will wake up in 8 hours." or "I will wake up at 08:00"
Drift off to sleep~
Wake up and check the time and it should be the designated time.
This is actually a technique used a lot in lucid dreaming method's and could also be used in shifting/manifesting/void method's. Since the brain is just like a sponge when you wake up it absorbs any kind of information presented it with and sometimes induces "hallucinations". I'd recommend shorting the time you sleep if you're gonna use it as a method though. It's also pretty similar if not the same to SATS.
This has worked for me on multiple occasions and if you wake up and the time doesn't match when you wanted to wake up it might be because you already woke up earlier and just went back to sleep and forgot about it later, happened with me a few times but because of signals I remembered. I even got rid of my alarm for school because of this and I still woke up in time for school.
warning: if this post does NOT resonate with you or your beliefs feel free to ignore it, you don't need to send hate or make posts on how stupid this is or that it's wrong. some might misunderstand this post (like the last one) and make misguided comments, please think a little before you open your mouth :). yapping session is cause i'm really interested in this topic lol.
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cup1dl0a · 4 months
Manifestation Success Story ! !
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Hey! Basically, I’m here to talk about how I manifested my dream through a really simple method. Let’s get straight into it.
My story:
I was an “outsider” in my class. I rarely talked and nobody really interacted with me. And basically there was this really popular group of friends, let’s call the 7 members: ‘Sarah’, ‘Sam’, ‘Heather’, ‘Yuki’, ‘Len’, ‘Dennis’, and ‘Dahlia’ (all fake names ofc<3). I really wanted to join this friend group, but I really didn’t want to befriend ‘Sam’. However, I really wanted to befriend ‘Len’, ‘Dennis’, and ‘Dahlia’.
The method:
Listening to sublimiminals. That’s it. I simply created a subliminal playlist that was about 10 mins long consisting of 5ish subs and one booster and listened to it once every night.
How long did it take me?:
One day. That’s it. Listening to my playlist while doing other things (hw, games, drawing etc) for a single day, and guess what? I saw results. Ofc, I now have full results which took me about a week or so.
Well, I’m in my desired friend group. It consists of ‘Dennis’, ‘Len’, ‘Dahlia’, and me. Mind you, I didn’t talk to any of them before manifesting. And now, guess what? We’re going to an amusement park together this week!!
Basically, no, you do not have to affirm a thousand times. You don’t have to enter the void state. You don’t have to visualize or trick your mind. All you need is consistency and persistence.
Good luck on your journey, I hope this helped!
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flcwermimi · 3 months
Okay I believe this is one the easiest method if we stay consistent to the routine ( well the routine isn't that long y'all are just lazy to do it and later you will cry about saying ' I will never have my dream life , void is fake , vlogger are lying and blah blah ' I know u are all frustrated overwhelmed defeated by your failures but persist isn't living the life you've dream is worth?
— okay no more motivational speaking I guess you all know what is best for you
What is lucid dreaming?
‣ Lucid dreaming is when you’re conscious during a dream. This typically happens during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the dream-stage of sleep ( though my thoughts on this are you can do it anytime you don't need to be in REM STAGE )
‣ During a lucid dream, you’re aware of your consciousness. It’s a form of metacognition, or awareness of your awareness. Often, lucid dreaming also lets you control what happens in your dream.Some people report that lucid dreams feel very vivid and real, while others say they feel a bit hazier. Others say their lucid dreams feel different every time.
Why lucid dreaming?
‣ So I know most of y'all in this community find it too hard believe in the void/reality shifting and no matter how hard you try to believe the vlogger and anon you can't because of failures and other outer forces which has rooted in your subconscious conscious and unconscious mind since your childhood.But you all are very familiar with lucid dreaming you all have experienced it and even studied it thorough diffrent phase of your life so you know it's not fake
— remember every method you try is right you don't need perfect void concept , a perfect method, a perfect subliminals or perfect space to enter the void or shift it's all within you - believe that you're doing right trust yourself and everything is on your command
' let's start with the steps '
🤍 : first keep a dream journal and jot down your previous dream and if you don't remember your previous dream script a dream which is alike your everynight dream
🗒️ : Listen to this subliminal at least two hours a day ( you can do 1 hour in morning when you wake up and one hour in the night when are about to fall asleep & also when you're listening to subliminals you can just affirm that 'you all aware when you're dreaming/ you can lucid dream on your command/ you can lucid dream easily and effortlessly every night)
🌬️ : Do reality checks every 1-2 hours day ( counting your finger, pinching nose , bitting tounge)
What to do at night first?
→ Lay down in star fish position
→ Start counting & affirm [ I will be lucid dreaming tonight ] till you fall asleep
What to do when u are lucid dreaming ' actually '?
→ Many people when they are aware of dreaming get's excited and start creating a portal which cause the dream to collapse or slip away and the end either they wake up or fall asleep so if you want to not end up here follow the steps written below:
Now u are aware that you're finally lucid dreaming so don't excited or get scared every individual have different dream's so what u will doing first is the reality check ' count your fingers & remember u never have 10 fingers in your dream' - touch the grass or even bite your tongue
After doing reality check affirm 4-5 times ' stabilize dream & increase lucidity ' this will help you remain balanced
Now it's time to create Portal in your dream' there must be some kind door or windows ( it can also look like a cave or something werid) so u will enter the door/ window/ portal slowly and u will affrim either what u want [ if u want to enter the Void - I am in the void/ and if u want to shift - I am in my DR ] That's it congrats u did it
Okay so some people don't have doors/windows they also have people together them u will just gonna say to them take me to to void or to your DR and pls😭 don't try to control your dream too much your intrusive thought might win & u can create a portal itself like can make a door with anything!!
That's all you all got this luv y'all 🤍
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jolynesmom · 2 months
reasons you’re unable to enter the void or shift while lucid dreaming or in sleep paralysis
recently I received a couple of messages from followers and other blogs explaining how, when they were in sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming, were unsuccessful in reaching the void or shifting after stating their intentions
this also happened to me a couple of times, seemingly at random; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t
I did a bit of research and also analyzed my own experiences to figure out the root of the problem and how to fix it:
you’re not completely grounded/you’re rushing
this took me an embarrassing amount of tries to realize this, but every time I’m lucid dreaming or feeling myself entering the void, I would instantly start to spew out my intentions/desires instead of completely grounding myself in there and I would be instantly kicked out from that state. I guess it just doesn’t work that way — you have to be completely grounded in your ld or sp for your desires to manifest
a lot of you (me included) get so excited or scared when realizing we’re in a certain state that the connection, I guess, breaks. as an example, when I wasn’t very knowledgeable on the void state I entered it and chilled there for like 10-15 minutes before exiting willingly, but after discovering it can be used for shifting or manifesting I could barely spend 10 seconds there before waking up unintentionally
mental exhaustion
your psyche is exhausted and it simply can’t proceed the instructions anymore. imagine you stay awake for more than 24 hours and someone asks you to do a task that requires concentration and precision. would you be able to do it perfectly? I highly doubt
to get over this issue you need to take a serious break, and I don’t mean you can’t attempt anything for a day or two, I mean a BREAK — don’t even think about shifting or entering the void and chill and sleep as much as possible. I mean it, especially sleeping! fix your sleep schedule or sleep lots for 2-3 days
after you start your attempts again, if the first few instances are unsuccessful, you need to take another break before continuing, otherwise you risk of repeating the same scenario over again — reaching your desired state but not being able to do anything from there due to mental strain
brain activation trigger
brain activity changes — realizing you are dreaming changes how your brain works, especially in parts that help you think about yourself and make decisions. these changes can wake you up; knowing you are dreaming can make you feel excited or surprised - these strong feelings can wake you up too
mental blockages and expectations
your subconscious mind might have doubts or fears regarding the process. if you unconsciously expect that your attempts won’t work or fear the consequences of them working, this can create a mental block — this is actually more common than people think and a lot of you don’t even realize you have these blockages
if you become too excited or anxious about the possibility of your desires manifesting, this can trigger your body to wake up. remaining calm and composed is very important (even though we can’t help ourselves at times). overexcitement goes hand in hand with other strong emotions such as fear, so make sure you’re in a neutral state
subconscious programming
your subconscious might need more time and positive reinforcement to accept and integrate the idea of shifting realities, entering the void or manifesting desires. using affirmations, subliminals and visualizations regularly can help reprogram your subconscious mind
certain times of the night or stages of sleep might be more conducive to successful lucid dreaming/sleep paralysis and shifting. experimenting with different times and conditions can help you so much!!
as an example: I have an easier time entering the void by meditating at night after 1 a.m., but I have an easier time doing wbtb and lucid dreaming between 8-11 a.m.
I honestly think that what can help you overcome this is self reflection — a lot of you search for answers but never bother to answer them yourselves. by self reflecting throughout my journey has helped me identify my weaknesses, how to fix them, what works for me and other tricks to speed up the process or make it more enjoyable
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voidprincess-1111 · 6 months
Hello, lovely people of Tumblr. I'm sure you're tired of seeing one challenge after another, and at this point you're tired of trying and giving up. But not anymore!
I was away for a few weeks now because I was focusing on learning the law properly. If you have followed me for a while, then you'd know I was pretty obsessed with void for months!
While I was away focusing on learning the law, I came across this post and decided to give it a try. This seemed like a promising method because it is similar to the phase method, but a lot less complicated. It gave me huge success in my very first try.
I wanted to attempt void through Lucid dreaming (which is evident if you see my previous posts) but the reddit post changed my mind and made everything a lot more simpler. This method is based on Astral projection, and as the diagram represents - it is much closer to void. Also, it is easier to have an AP compared to LD.
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s-e-c-t-i-o-n-8 · 2 years
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ted5947 · 8 months
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Time for a progress update on Lucid Reality! Work has been pretty good these last 2 weeks, to the point where I'm comfortable officially revealing one of the major bosses of the game, so meet Devin!
Devin is the so-called "Demon Lord of Darkness" - he lives in the Cryptid Crypt and yearns for nothing more than evilness. Over these next 2 weeks, work is going to be more slow-going but we're going to work hard to hopefully get something fun made for you all, I hope you all look forward to Lucid Reality!
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cheezitofthevalley · 2 months
do you have anything that could be described as weirdcore....
hi sorry this took forever--
of course I do. Here are a bunch of stamps. I'll make more weirdcore posts with other types of graphics soon.
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mirkwoodprincess · 4 months
i can't wait to shift and hug him tight.
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velvetburberry · 4 months
Reminder: Nobody literally nobody can help you get your dream life if you dont help yourself..
You think all these bloggers are gonna wait here for you their whole lives just to help you and give you temporary bursts of motivation!?!? No! So stop scrolling through tumblr looking for more posts that literally say the same things over and over again and actually apply something..
Do what you like!
You wanna manifest in steps?? Go for it!
You wanna just decide once and forget about it!? Go for it!
Dont listen to advices that dont resonate with you and stop being lazy.
I dont care if you failed a billion times already! Everyday is a new opportunity..so forget about yesterday's failures and start again and this time, dont give up. Your dream self is so worth it🧡
Your future self is gonna thank you. So PLEASE GO DO SOMETHING💋
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