#lucifer x ella
forbescaroline · 3 months
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11k celebration: top 50 m/f friendships (as voted by my followers) #43. lucifer moringstar and ella lopez - lucifer
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doyelikehaggis · 5 months
49. Spilled Coffee & Scars [Lucifer] because I'm in love with the title
Thank you!! I think I might just keep that title, there's something really nice about it, isn't there?
It was one of those days. The ones when Lucifer wished he had simply stayed home instead of going into the station. The kind when everyone felt the need to run around like headless chickens, and cause idiotic accidents like bumping into him and spilling his fresh, expensive cup of coffee all over his clean white shirt.
He threw his hands up in exasperated frustration and was about to say some rather choice things to the idiot that caused it, but Chloe grabbed his arm and stopped him.
"Lucifer, it's just a cup of coffee."
"It's just - have you seen my shirt, Detective? Look at it! It's ruined."
She rolled her eyes in her signature way. "Fine. Look, I need to head out anyway, so I'll drop by your penthouse and bring you another shirt." She raised her eyebrows at him. "Or you can borrow something from the confiscation unit. I'm sure there'll be something your size. A nice, fluffy pink bra, maybe?"
He closed his mouth and got the message. "No, that's quite alright. I'll wait for you to return. Thank you, Detective."
She smirked, pleased with herself, and left with Dan at her heels, ironically muttering to her about her having him "trained like a dog."
He spent a good twenty minutes sitting at her desk, waiting, until he realized he was merely proving Dan right. He glanced down at his stained shirt again. Thanks to Chloe's prescence, the scalding coffee had, in fact, been scalding and even though he couldn't actually feel it anymore, it still irritated him. Nobody was paying him the slightest bit of attention, all too preoccupied with their duties, but still, it itched at him that one could glance over in his general direction, spot the stained shirt, and assume he hadn't noticed or, worse, that he simply didn't care about his appearance.
No, that would not do.
He ducked into the forensics lab. Ella glanced up at him and flashed her usual bright smile - until he proceeded to strip himself of his jacket and shirt.
"Whoa, whoa!" she exclaimed, holding out her hands as thought to shield her eyes from something utterly disturbing. She peeked through her fingers. "What are you doing?!"
He paused and looked down at himself. "Oh, no. No, don't worry, Miss Lopez, the trousers are staying on, I can assure you of that. Some neanderthal ran right into me and spilled coffee all over my shirt, and since I am a professional, I can't exactly walk around the station looking like an unkept criminal that's spent all night in a cell, now can I?"
She lowered her hands to stare at him. "Yeah, because walking around shirtless is much more professional."
"Well, obviously I'm not going to do that. No, the Detective is away to fetch me a clean shirt, but for now, I will remain in here. That is, if you don't mind, of course."
She looked very much like she wanted to say she did mind and force him to return to the rest of the detectives and officers without even the dignity of the coffee-soiled shirt. But she rolled her eyes and smiled, shaking her head at him in fond exasperation.
"Course not. But don't distract me! I need to get this evidence finished and bagged for Chloe and Dan ASAP, so just" - she waved her hand at him- "sit over there and - close the blinds, at least!"
He proceeded to oblige. "Yes, of course. You're right. And, don't fret, I will be as quiet as a mouse. You won't even know I'm here."
When no response came, he looked over his shoulder to find Ella gazing, wide-eyed at him. More specifically, at his back. For a moment, he had no idea what was so fascinating.
"Sorry," she said, realizing she'd been caught, and looked away sharply, shaking her head as though angry with herself. "Sorry, I shouldn't have... I didn't mean to..."
"No, that's quite alright, Miss Lopez," he says, his lips quirking upwards as he turned fully to face her. "I'm not one to shy away from admiration."
She just kept shaking her head. Finally, he understood when she stopped and quietly said, "Can I... can I ask what happened? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. It's just... those scars. They look really painful."
His smile dropped. How could he have forgotten?
Send me the title/number of a wip and make me write it!
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carefuldevil · 2 years
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LUCIFER (2016-2021) - 5.10 Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam
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mousy-nona · 6 months
First — I love your work and your account! Your characterization is incredible and I really enjoy your style. Second — Radioapple prompt! I know its a common one in the fandom, but I love the concept of them dancing/getting to know each other through mutual love of music. Not too specific, but I think it definitely has room to be cute! <3
A major sacrifice
But clueless at the time
Enter, Caroline
Just trust me, you'll be fine
“What is that noise?”
Lucifer turned around warily. It was always good to be wary around Alastor. “Music.”
Alastor gave him a Look. It was his “Don’t Be An Obtuse Idiot” look, the one he saved just for Lucifer. 
He sighed. “It’s a song. The humans come up with some interesting stuff when left to their own devices.” He waved to the radio sitting on his desk. “It took a bit of work, but I managed to figure out how to connect this old thing to some of Earth’s music stations.” 
Alastor’s ears twitched, a surefire sign he was interested and trying not to show it. He lowered himself down onto the other side of the sofa, and they listened in silence together. 
And when I'm back in Chicago, I feel it
Another version of me, I was in it
I wave goodbye to the end of beginning.
“I’ve never heard of these instruments,” Alastor mused. 
“Synth? It’s a pretty new invention. I believe it was heavily popular around the 1980s, and it’s gone in and out of style since then. What do you think?”
“It doesn’t have as much soul as a good saxophone or a piano riff, but it’s not horrible.” Alastor admitted. “I don’t suppose humans on Earth still listen to singers like Ella Fitzgerald?”
“Hard to match a once-in-a-lifetime artist like Ella,” Lucifer remarked. Alastor snapped his fingers, his eyes gleaming with pure, genuine delight. It was rare to see him so excited about anything that didn’t have anything to do with blood or death, and Lucifer drank it in like a man dying of thirst. 
“Exactly,” Alastor grinned. “I see you don’t have completely irredeemable taste in music.”
“She’s fantastic, but you will not believe some of the stuff they have up there now.”
Alastor glanced at him with poorly disguised interest. “You don’t say? Do you happen to listen to these stations quite often?”
“Every night.” 
Alastor paused, as if weighing his next words. “Would you mind a little company?”
The smile that exploded from Lucifer was unexpected – but not unwanted. And that was how the king of Hell and the Radio Demon declared a truce every night, between the hours of 12 AM to 1 AM.
“Boy, you’re in for a treat today,” Lucifer said as soon as Alastor walked in. “They’re playing electro swing on 58.3 The Breeze.” 
Alastor furrowed his brow. “Electro…swing?” He shuddered. “Sounds positively horrid. Why ruin a perfectly good thing with extra noises?” 
“Don’t be such a Debbie Downer,” Lucifer scowled. “Sit down, shut up, and give it a chance, will you?”
To his credit, Alastor did sit and shut up – for approximately ten seconds. Then he groaned. “This is a travesty. They’re calling this garbage swing?” 
“Electro swing,” Lucifer corrected. 
“No, no, enough of this swill.” Alastor snapped his fingers, and the song immediately cut off. “Let me show what true swing sounds like.” 
A moment’s pause, then a new song came on the speakers.
Heaven, I'm in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak…
Lucifer perked up. “This is…Louis Armstrong?” Just the sound of his voice brought back whispers of slower times, of smoky jazz clubs and whiskey in crystal glasses, of dreams laid out on silver screens. Suddenly, it was the 1950s again.
Alastor bowed and held out his hand, every move so darkly dashing it would make Fred Astaire weep with envy. But his eyes gleamed with challenge.
Dance with me? Asked Louis and Ella.
Spellbound, Lucifer took the devil’s hand. He placed the other on his shoulder hesitantly, but Alastor’s grip was strong and sure as he slowly led him around the room. 
“I want my arms about you, the charms about you will carry me through,” Alastor hummed along. The old-fashioned words were perfect in his radio static, as if the song was made for the two of them, for this very moment. 
Relax, you silly goose. He’s just singing the song. He’s not talking about you, Lucifer tried to reason with himself, but it was exceedingly difficult to think straight with Alastor’s face so very close. His voice – oddly lovely for a man who specialized in conducting screams – cast a spell over them. Time stopped. And Lucifer relaxed, letting Alastor’s song chase his worries away. 
“Heaven, I’m in heaven!” 
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
“You’re listening to this again?” 
Lucifer blushed and scrambled to change it to another station, but Alastor materialized in front of the radio and covered the fast forward button with his hand before he could get to it. Damn those tricksy shadows of his.  
“I…I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Yes, that is one of the benefits of teleportation,” he said, as effortlessly smug as always.
“It’s not our usual time,” Lucifer frowned, peeking at the clock. 10 PM. Far too early for what was quickly becoming his favorite hour of the day, although he’d never admit it out loud. 
“Well, I heard a cry for help coming from this room, so I thought I’d be a good neighbor and pop my head in,” Alastor said.
“Cry for help–” Lucifer started indignantly, but Alastor put a finger to his lips. 
And the damn song was still playing. 
So when everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive…
Lucifer turned so red his entire face resembled a tomato on fire. “I can listen to whatever I want during my private time,” he spluttered.
“That would be true, but I can hear your ‘private time’ from the other end of the hotel.” Alastor sighed, as if no one else in the history of the world had ever experienced the pain of a noisy neighbor. “So I decided to check on you, just to make sure you hadn’t fully devolved into an angsty child.”
“It’s silly, I know, but sometimes listening to this stuff makes me feel…like I’m not so alone,” Lucifer admitted, not quite able to look the demon in the eye. “It’s been a tough couple of years.” Tough couple of hundred years, but who’s counting? 
Alastor didn’t say anything, but he didn’t leave either. Eventually, they turned the radio to another station – Billboard Top 100s, this time – and Alastor’s horrified face at “Think U The Shit (Fart)” made Lucifer laugh so hard water came out of his nose. 
He completely forgot about his depression. At least for the rest of the night. And that was enough. That was more than Lucifer had had in a long time. 
The next day, Lucifer came back to his room to find an old-fashioned ‘30s vinyl record player perched on his desk. A vinyl had already been set up, its arm perched delicately halfway through a song, ready for Lucifer to hit Play. 
Attached to it was a note.
As a thank you for all the new music. -A.
So Lucifer hit Play.
Immediately, the swing of the sax and Ella’s clear, dulcet tones filtered through the speakers. 
Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
From now on
I never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going oh-so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
The record stopped there, as abruptly as if the entire track had been magically wiped. No matter how many times he tried to reset it and play it again, that was the only verse on the record. 
It didn’t matter. Had Alastor forgotten how ancient he truly was? Lucifer had been around for the dinosaurs, the age of ice, man’s first cities, and the launch to the moon. He remembered the greats, because that was his job. He was to live, and he was to bear witness.
He knew the rest of the song, even if Alastor had gone to such great lengths to erase it. 
Noticing the days hurrying by
When you're in love, my how they fly…
He smiled. And he sang along, letting the vinyl spin and spin until the words themselves were nothing but senseless sounds and only Alastor’s promise remained. 
“Blue days, all of them gone. Nothing but blue skies, from now on…”
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lucifergifs · 2 years
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LUCIFER | 2.09 “Homewrecker”
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mockingjayne12 · 2 years
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my first lucifer watch throwback: 10 april 2018
We just had a real fun day on set.
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mcknotanniegrey · 9 months
my hyperfixation rundown of 2023, in order of appearance:
All Souls series by Deborah Harkness and A Discovery of Witches (TV) soon followed, of course
Good Omens
Interview with the Vampire (AMC)
rediscovering tumblr
Radclyffe Hall
Succession (HBO)
Izzy Hands from Our Flag Means Death
Lucifer (TV)
Paradise Lost by John Milton for like the 5th year in a row, let's be real
Jim Jarmusch's filmography
The West Wing (TV) particularly, the first 3 Sorkin seasons
Lucifer (TV) and more Lucifer (TV) yet more Lucifer (TV)
Michael Demiurgos from Lucifer (TV)
"Exile" ft. Bon Iver (Taylor Swift) exclusively listened to while writing Lucifer fanfiction
Simon & Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water" as covered by Tom Ellis and Brianna Hildebrand in Lucifer (TV)
Tom Ellis in general? but in particular in Lucifer
shout out to @ohsoldier for politely listening to me connect every possible conversation topic to Lucifer over the last 7 months
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ch3rrywond3rland · 1 year
hiiii. i saw you write for lucifer (netflix) and i was wondering if you could write some lucifer x reader angst. like something where maybe reader is one of chloe's collegues and lucifer takes great interest in her but she thinks he hates her because he tries not to show his interest. something like she ends up getting taken as a hostage on a bust when they had to split up and lucifer like gets her and they have the whole "i thought you hate me" "oh darling, i could never hate you" thing? i hope this isnt too picky.. thank you so much!! 🧃
III LOVE YOUU. thanks for requesting for my unproblematic devil, i love this!!! not too picky at all darling, let your mind flow!!! here u got 💌
(I changed it only a teeny tiny bit, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. I also made Y/N the forensic scientist, sorry Ella, ily!!!!!)
Not what it seems
"So, what have you got, Y/N?" Chloe says as her and Lucifer walk into the lab.
"Not much," I glare at Lucifer, who's messing with the evidence, and he stops. "there are traces of cocaine on the victim's jacket, tho."
"Well, someone liked sniffing around." Chloe and I both ignore the joke.
"Yet, he had none in his system. And no history with drugs, either."
"Right, so, maybe someone who messes with them is guilty." Chloe nods at his observation and starts walking away.
"I'm going to look more into it, see if I find people in that business that were connected to him." She exits, closing the door behind her.
I go back to work, until I notice Lucifer lingering over me as I go over evidence for the fifth time today.
I turn to look at him. "Everything alright, Lucifer?"
"Me? Of course."
"... Alright then. I'm going back to the crime scene, see if I find anything else."
As I start to walk towards the door, his hand catches my wrist, making me turn to him.
"Um, I...just be careful, alright?"
I don't know what to say, instead, I just furrow my brows and part my mouth.
"It's just, the detective wouldn't like anything to happen to you."
I nod, now understanding what this is actually about.
"...Right. Yeah, I'll be okay."
I release myself from his grip and make my way towards my car.
After a short drive I arrive to the victim's house, seeing the yellow tape wrapped around the area. I leave the vehicle and start walking to the entryway when I feel a pair of gloved hands hold a cloth against my nose.
My head feels light and my mouth dry as I slowly peel my eyes. There is no light and I have no idea for how much time I've been out.
"You shouldn't have gone back."
I try to search for the source of the voice, but I can't see anything and I can't tell wether it's the darkness or the state of dizziness I'm in.
"What do you want with me?" My voice is hoarse and barely hearable, but I receive an answer anyways.
"With you? I want nothing with you. I just wish you hadn't been so curious, then I wouldn't have to do with you what I have to do now."
Just as I see a masked figure walking towards me from the dark, I hear two gunshots. The man walks away to look for the source of them, and then I hear Chloe's voice.
"You get Y/N and I'll get the killer." She shouts to another person, which I'm assuming is Dan.
I remain seated with my legs tied to the chair and my arms behind my back. I hear running steps, and once I see their owner, I can't help but feel a little safer.
"Y/N!" He releases a breath I didn't know he was holding, and, by the look on his face, I assume he didn't know either.
His loolk lingers on my face for a second too much, but he is quick to start untying me. Once I'm free, he helps me up to my feet.
His hug catches me by surprise. "Are you okay?"
"I-im fine." I find myself leaning against his touch and releasing tension I also didn't know I was holding in.
"Lucifer, did you find her?" We hear Chloe's voice echo.
'Y-yes, I found her, detective."
"Okay, leave!"
"What?" I ask this time.
"Just leave, get her somewhere safe."
Lucifer's hand meets mine and we rush out the door. Once we meet the moonlight, we are breathless from running.
"You should probably get some food and water. Lux is only a few blocks away, do you mind walking?"
"I can just get a cab home, it's fi-"
He cuts me off and repeats his question, pausing after every word. "Do you mind walking?"
He nods. The walk to his penthouse is quiet and calm, as the ride on the elevator. I sit on the couch as he takes off his jacket as throws it on top the piano. He makes his way behind the bar and pours two glasses of whiskey.
"You should probably have some water, too."
"It's fine. I'm fine, Lucifer. I don't need anything"
"Well, of course you do, love."
My stomach flips at the casually thrown nickname, but I make sure not to show it nor look his way.
"Is everything truly fine, Y/N?"
"Yes, it's fine. So fine I should get going."
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
"I-" I can see his mind debating whether or not he should actually tell me anything he's thinking about. "Are you really that clueless?"
He walks towards me, shortening the space between us. He is so close to me I can see the glint in his eyes and the way his lips open and close as he breathes.
"W-what?" My chest rises up and down, nervous about our proximity.
His eyes linger on my lips and search for an answer in my eyes. An answer to what, that I don't know. I try to take in all of him, knowing this is as close as Lucifer will ever get to being as vulnerable as he is right now. Both physically and emotionally.
After a few seconds, we both can't take it any longer. I crash my lips against his'. They move in syntony, like it was a habit. Not even a minute goes by and we have to pull back to catch our breaths. Our chests rise and fall together and I can hear his beating heart.
"I have been waiting ages to do that."
"What?" I open my eyes to see him already looking at me, with a surprisingly adoring look on his eyes.
"I have been waiting ages to do that. To kiss you, feel you."
"I...thought you hated me."
"Oh, darling," the back of his hand meets my face, pushing away a few strands of hair and tucking them to my ear. "I could never hate you."
His lips meet mine once again, both of his hands grabbing the back of my neck. He starts walking backwards and I follow, not breaking the kiss.
Suddenly, the moment is broken by a ringing phone.
We break the kiss, once again, and he fishes his phone out of his pocket, answering the call.
I can hear a voice on the other side, frantically speaking.
"Yes, yes, she is fine, detective." He smiles at me. "Alright, we'll be there in five."
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markedbyindecision · 2 years
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Dan & Ella in Lucifer 4x07
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pennydreadfulbook · 2 years
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camilaxmartin · 3 months
if any of you have ideas for girls from lucifer, i’ll be happy to hear them out👀
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doyelikehaggis · 5 months
I miss lucella.
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Dan: We're playing scrabble. It's a nightmare.
Ella: Scrabble? Scrabble's great.
Dan: Not when you're playing with Charlotte, it's not. She puts words like "ephemeral." And I put "dog."
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dysfunkshunale · 2 years
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Because in some universe, the writers made the time to do this right.
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yuu707yuu · 2 years
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Azraella Tell me I’m not the only one who ship this two
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lucifergifs · 2 years
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LUCIFER | 2.01 “Everything's Coming Up Lucifer”
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