#lucifer's little fallen angel
cherubchoirs · 11 months
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Lucifer, at his Fall
Having been consumed by his own flames of adoration, Lucifer has been left a hollowed husk of ash and cinder. Until the end he maintained to his angels that God would rejoice in their rebellion against Hell, that this test was meant to purify them in fire to come out as flawless gold in the strength of their convictions. Only once he plummeted from Heaven, agonizingly devoured by his own fire, did he realize how deeply, irrevocably wrong he had been. He never believed God could hate, and now he was the subject of his unmitigated wrath with the angels he had dragged down with him. Here, in a last plea for mercy, he reaches out not to God in his perfect hatred, but to his fellow angels, that they might deliver him from such evil. Soon after, however, he would be cast down to Hell with all his followers, with only Michael coming to bind him.
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libraryraccoon · 7 months
Fallen Angel
TW : bad english, english isn't my first language. It's just a try of Headcanon.
Gender : Male
Pronouns : he/him
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Y/N L/N was a good angel, always followed the rules, no matter how crazy they were.
So why was he fallen, you might ask.
They discovered his google history, it was that bad that even Adam question himself if what he was seeing was true or no.. It, unfortunately, was.
How Y/N was even a angel in the first place was a mystery.
But, after landing in hell, he decided to redeem himself, and what better way to do that than the Hazbin Hotel ?
(It's a lie, he decided to go to the Hazbin Hotel because it was free and because there was a porn star in it)
Charlie greeted you warmly, asking you a few questions about why you were a fallen angel, although she stopped when she saw that you were uncomfortable about it.
You were securing the hotel with Vaggie, you took care of it at night while she did it during the day.
Vaggie took a long time to trust you, thinking you were some sort of spy sent by the angels. She only began to trust you months later, when she saw you treating Angel Dust from the wounds Valentino had done to him.
Angel Dust was suspicious of you at first, it wasn't until he came home late at night, hurt, and you helped him heal that he started to trust you. You said nothing while treating him, asking no questions; not that you needed it, the injuries spoke for themselves.
After that, you started healing Angel Dust regularly, your angelic power was based on healing, something that helped a lot.
Sometimes you and Angel would just have hot chocolate at the bar late at night. At times like this, you spoke very little, and when you did, it was small, simple discussions.
Sometimes it happened that he talked to you about what Valentino was doing to him, and you had to try to reassure him, although that wasn't really your strong point. You always wanted to throw up in those moments, or to kill Valentino. You also, at one point, hesitated to sell your soul to Alastor in exchange of him killing Valentino.
Alastor you find interesting, it's not every day you meet a fallen angel after all. And it's even rarer to live under the roof of two fallen angels.
He tried to take your soul, unfortunately without success.
Most of the time he saw you, you were always helping out at the hotel, whether it was its residents or just doing some small tasks, like washing the dishes. Alastor respects you a little for that.
In fact, the moment he was really interested in you was after you helped him. You found him having a panic attack, it was his mother's birthday and he couldn't stop thinking about her, how much he had disappointed her. And, like any good soul, you helped him.
Obviously, Alastor threatened to kill you if you ever told anyone what happened.
It was after that that he noticed that you were helping everyone in the hotel, even Niffty. You were like a father for the residents of the hotel, some of them (Angel Dust) don't even hide that they saw you like a father, calling you "dad" like if it was normal (it was).
Alastor would be lying if he said he didn't see you as a father figure.
Niffty at first see you as a bad boy, just like all the other boys of the hotel.
But after she realize that you was just like Charlie, an angel disguise as a demon; or a fallen angel in your case.
You weren't even going to drink at Husk's bar !
And, strangely, you helped her in her work at sometimes. You didn't even say anything when she pulled out one of your feathers !
She didn't know if she love you, or hate you. So she take both.
Either Niffty was looking at you like she wanted to murder you, or you were talking to each other like the best best friends of Hell.
Nobody at the hotel know what to think about you two-
Husk didn't know much about you. Surprisingly, because as a bartender, he generally knows a lot about the people who come to tell him about their misfortunes. But not you. Because you didn't come to the bar.
The rare times you went there it was to have hot chocolate or tea. Do you know what a bar is ? Is there even one in Heaven ?
He was curious as to why you were fallen, especially since you didn't seem to have an ounce of bad in you. But he won't ask any questions, waiting for you to say it yourself.
You were a bit like a second Charlie, but more mature and without the problems. You were always helping people, listening and reassuring them.
Husk often came to see you to talk about his problems, his past, how much he regretted making a contract with Alastor. You were always understanding, trying to reassure him.
You were a good person for that.
Sir Pentious trusted you from the start.
Sir Pentious loves you like his eggs. You always help them, always listen to them and never judge them. You were the only person in the hotel, along with Charlie, that he was sure wouldn't hurt him.
You even gave him ideas for weapons to protect himself - like this google history that would even scare God !
Lucifer didn't trust you.
You were kind and helpful, but Lucifer didn't trust you, even if he wanted to.
Compared to the others, he knew why you were fallen, because of this google history which even scared Adam.
He didn't know exactly what was inside, but he was more than curious - especially since it gave Adam nightmares.
He honestly thought about showing your search history to Adam the next time he sees him, just to traumatize him a little more.
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remma-demma · 6 months
Do you think Hydaelyn kept track of Azem’s soul as it got reincarnated over the eons, searching for the face she knew from Elpis, growing weary as the centuries and millennia passed? That each time she gave them her blessing she got slowly weaker and weaker, until your Wol was born and she knew her time would soon be over but yours was just beginning.
I just think it’s nice that not only are we her favorite because we’re Azem, but because we’re this particular reincarnation of Azem that she knows and has been looking forward to.
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quotidianish · 2 months
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Me when I only redesign characters Adam has a relation too anyway BIBLE YAOI BLAST
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realshadowfan07 · 4 days
Fallen angel
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Hiiiii this is kind of scary it took me ages and idk if i like it or not but like luis serra religious trauma + lucifer fallen angel = luis fallen angel perchance??? Im talking out my ass
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Status update, feeling a little under the weather; but decided to make this little thing in the time being
Luci-scare >:3
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mitsukatsu · 8 months
No heaven don't make him fall he's just silly 💫 !
Full pic
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l3monjoy3 · 3 months
Guess who actually got a chapter done, it’s really short and bad. It’s fine tho! No clue when my next chapter will come out but I’m trying to make it longer. Please comment on my work on what I need to improve or what you would like to see! Have a great rest of your day!
Just posted Chapter 2 (I don’t know how to make it go to chapter 2 directly)
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On your pinned how come you have a photo of lucifer? The other pictures are pink and fit your theme but that one just feels strangely placed
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since seeing the picture a while ago I've always felt really drawn to it and so I incorporated it into my blog!!! :D
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arwenkenobi48 · 4 months
Mephistopheles Returns To Hell - A Snippet of MephistoVerse Lore
Lucifer’s serpentine tail rattled ominously, his pointed, pristine nails tapping rhythmically on the arms of his gem-encrusted throne. He peered down his nose at the trembling figure of Mephistopheles, who lay cowering on the marble floor before him.
“We caught him scaling the walls of Pandæmonium, Your Malevolence,” The armour-clad sentry sharply poked Mephisto with the butt of his halberd, eliciting a short yelp of pain. “Shall we…dispose of him?”
Mephistopheles looked up at his master, his golden eyes wide and pleading. He looked so pathetic, like a helpless little puppy begging his master not to take him to the pound. But a knowing smirk seemed to tug at the corners of his mouth and one eyelid flickered in a mischievous wink. Lucifer’s brow arched with curiosity. His unblinking blue-green eyes slowly turned to the sentry. “Leave us.”
The Seven Princes of Hell, accompanied by their consorts and chancellors, all gathered around, forming a ring that threatened to seal the outcast’s fate. Mephistopheles struggled to keep up the facade of cowardice, so eager was he to share the proof of his misdeeds. Finally, Lucifer broke the silence. “What have you to say for yourself?”
Mephistopheles couldn’t contain himself any longer. His smirk broadened into a grin, a faint giggle bubbling up in his throat. That giggle built up into an almost maniacal laugh that sounded like a malevolent kookaburra. “You want to know where I’ve been these past ten years?” He chuckled. “Look and see for yourselves.”
Mephistopheles sat cross-legged on the floor, one arm pointing up and the other one down. His eyes rolled up into his head and began glowing with a terrible scarlet aura. His body began levitating around four feet off the floor. As a swirling mist of the same shade surrounded him, the visions of his exploits in another world were displayed for all to see.
The inner circle of Satan saw it all; they saw how Mephisto had infiltrated the Cosmic Portals, how he had claimed the soul of a sorcerer so mad with power that the very universe had nearly been torn asunder, how he had brought the kingdom of the Dark Elves to ruin, how another planet had been plunged into chaos by his mere presence. All were amazed. Some were jealous. One was greatly impressed.
As the visions ended and Mephistopheles, now standing, descended before him, Lucifer rose from his throne and approached his former secretary. “How powerful you’ve become…” he murmured, one hand slowly running down Mephisto’s cheek and tilting his pointed chin. “Will it do, Master?” Mephistopheles already knew what the answer would be to such an incredible display of evil, but hearing it straight from the serpent’s mouth was worth it.
“Of coursssse.” Lucifer’s forked tongue flickered out from between his fangs’s tickling the tip of Mephisto’s nose. He giggled again and now Lucifer was laughing too. A wave of mirth and triumph swept around the throne room. As Lucifer took his hands and congratulated him, Mephistopheles felt exceedingly proud of himself. “Welcome back, my loyal secretary,” Lucifer beamed, slipping an arm - and a wing - around Mephisto’s shoulders. “Welcome…home.”
The Devil’s sickly sweet voice was music to Mephisto’s ears. His tail wagged in ecstasy. In that moment, he almost forgot about his time on Gaia, how he had flown with Dragons, how many strange and wonderful adventures he had had, how deeply he had come to love that Melusine named Raziel Stardust. He almost forgot, but a small part of his mind preserved those memories, in case they would be needed later. He would need them much sooner than expected.
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cherubchoirs · 4 months
I wonder if your Lucifer eventually ends up having three faces, just like his Divine Comedy counterpart.
i did consider giving lucifer three faces, as i believe the concept of mocking the trinity is important to his fundamental character, but i instead went with breaking his face plate into three sections (though i do kind of think that's. TOO subtle). i am thinking about reworking his dragon design though to include an additional "face" - since his halo is double-sided, i might want to incorporate both sides of it to then give lucifer his three faces. i do want to do a little bit of work on that form, as i sort of see it playing out as lucifer's flesh prison counterpart that has to be fought before his own boss battle (+ beelzebub i think, i really really want to get his design out!!) SO i might make him closer to satan in the divine comedy in that process, as his dragon form is the proper analogue to that character.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
𒁍 His Language of Love »
How does he speak to you? He speaks...
   » … With His Words — Leviathan ✦ Satan ✦ Solomon ✦ Barbatos ✦ Mammon ›› It's in the way he talks, the words he shares with you, the notes he leaves for you. Language is his canvas, and he paints in fluid, grand strokes; whether he is singing your praises or murmuring sweet nothings, you know he means every word. Beware if he grows silent and reserved, for that signals discontent — and a sign you are no longer his muse.
   » … With His Gaze — Lucifer ✦ Focalor ✦ Simeon ✦ Beelzebub ›› It's in the way he looks at you; whether watching as you float across the room going about your tasks, observing how your face crinkles when you laugh, or trying to discern what has hurt you, his eyes always return to you at the end of the day. He grows restless if he hasn't seen you, and just your presence near him can melt away his tensions. Beware if he adverts his gaze elsewhere often however, for he may find looking upon you to be a taxing and unpleasant thing to his heart.
   » … With His Touch — Xavier ✦ Diavolo ✦ Simeon ✦ Aamon ✦ Asmodeus ›› It's in the way he craves intimate contact with you; his hands always find their way towards you, his lips yearn to leave little kisses, always wanting to soothe your body and bask in your warmth. Whether it is little cuddling sessions, embracing you close to drive away your fears, or frittering the hours away with passionate making out, he can never have his fill of everything that encompasses you in the physical form. Beware if his hands stay to himself though, for he may have grown cold and wish to devote them to someone else.
   » … With His Gifts — Diavolo ✦ Mammon ✦ Leviathan ✦ Solomon ›› It's in the way he showers you with material goods; you could have uttered a desire for that new set of clothes months ago, or your eyes could have stared at a new magical reagent just a bit too long, but he didn't let that slip his mind. The way your face lights up when he presents his heart in a gift could keep his spirits high for weeks, your reactions always making the hard work to earn that coin worth it. It may seem empty and vain to others, but to him no price is too great to make you happy. Beware if he grows stingy or his gifting becomes rare; he may not place as much value upon you as he once did.
   » … With His Time — Belphegor ✦ Beelzebub ✦ Satan ✦ Focalor ✦ Lucifer ›› It's in the way he values time with you, always wants to indulge in your company, finding comfort in the things he does with you. It could be as simple as a movie date at home with some popcorn to something as profound as long and meaningful conversations as you stroll under the moon's light; it is that shared bond that he values more than anything. Few others will occupy his hours the way you do, and few others will command his attention like you do. Beware if he always seems too busy for you however, for he may have come to regret all that shared time with you.
   » … With His Service — Barbatos ✦ Asmodeus ✦ Xavier ✦ Belphegor ✦ Aamon ›› It's in the way he always helps you; whether it be a task to help ease your burdens to going out of his way to do something for you, he lets his actions speak his love for you in place of his words. You don't even have to ask him much any more, he can just tell from a glance at your body language or the tone you used when he should step in and offer you a pillar to lean on with his help. Seeing the relief wash over you, hearing your relaxed sigh, watching as the dark clouds over you vanish when he had been able to help you is what makes it all worth it. Beware if he seems deaf to your pleas for aid though, for he may have come to believe you are no longer worth the effort.
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abooklysolo · 2 years
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The central most characters in my WIP novel Shadowbringer.
Lucifer and Celestial.
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l3monjoy3 · 4 months
Hey y’all!!! I got finished with my chapter 1 and I’m so excited, today is my birthday also so why not post the first chapter on my birthday. It’s radioapple check it out! I have no upload schedule so I don’t know when I will be posting I do want to update one chapter every 1-2 weeks though!
I hope you enjoy, and feel free to give me criticism I need all that I can get as I’m a new writer. Also feel free to ask questions!
Its on a03 and wattpad under the name “The Fallen Angels Little Sinner”
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tournvcssel · 1 year
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I am an absolute SLUT for Luci’s wings so I wanted to write something with them :), huge thank you to @myhornybrainonlyknowsthis for the help 💖
Also I’m legit on a cruise ship rn, but @amberlouise473 knows I gotta feed y’all like I’m tossing corn to my chickens 🤣
Lucifer x f!sinner reader
Summary: You’re super curious about Lucifer’s wings, but neither of you knew how sensitive they were. You didn’t know how sensitive you could be either…
Warnings: 18+, smut, dry humping, ruined clothes, pet names, oral (f receiving), face riding, over stimulation, multiple orgasms
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It was time for bed and Lucifer was still working. You knew he worked late sometimes but this seemed a little later than usual. You decided to take a look to see if he was still in his office. Sure enough, you saw him sitting down at his desk when you entered the room. But when you looked closer, you saw that he’d fallen asleep at his desk, his head resting in his arms. He looked so peaceful lying there, you almost didn’t want to disturb him. But you knew he’d feel a lot better if he actually slept in your bed instead of hunched over his desk. Quietly, you walked towards him trying not to make any loud noises that might startle him. You placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking it lightly.
“Luci?,” you whispered, “Luci, it’s time for bed, wake up sleepy head.” He moaned quietly, but your shaking didn’t seem to have done the trick. You shook his shoulder a little hard. “Luci, c’mon hon.” Nothing. You took your other hand and placed it on his other shoulder, shaking him even more. “Lucifer!,” you nearly screamed!
With that, Lucifer’s eyes shot open, pushing himself off the desk. “AAHHH!!! WHAT?!?! What’s going on?!,” he yelled. You never saw him so frazzled before, it was kind of cute. But what you really didn’t expect was to see Lucifer’s wings spring out from his back. It must have been an involuntary reaction from the shock of being woken up so suddenly. His eyes found yours and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh, it’s you, darling,” he breathed. “You really scared me there! I guess I must have fallen asleep, forgive me.” You were only half listening to him at this moment, your gaze was still fixed on his angelic wings. You’d only seen them once or twice before, but never for long. It was then that Lucifer turned his head and noticed what had caught your attention. “Oh! Sorry about that, it’s a defense mechanism, as silly as that sounds. I’ll put them away-”
“No, wait!”, you shouted louder than you meant to. Lucifer cocked an eyebrow at you, not understanding why you had stopped him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. It’s just…I never get to see your wings. They’re really beautiful.”
A light blush dashed across his face, he gave you a shy smile. “O-oh, thank you! I don’t think anyone’s ever said that to me.”
“That’s a shame,” you pouted, “I think they’re incredible.” You walked closer to him to get a better look at them. Their white and red coloring were breathtaking. Their length took up almost the entirety of the room you were in, and his office was not small in the least. A tiny part of you wondered if he always had red feathers, or if they had changed after he…
Perhaps that was a question for another time.
“Are they heavy?,” you inquired.
“Oh! Umm, I don’t think so,” Lucifer pondered. “I don’t really notice if they are. I might have gotten used to them over the last 10,000 or so years.”
“Can I…touch them?,” you asked shyly, averting Lucifer’s gaze.
He smiled. “Of course, love. Let’s go back to our room, shall we?”
Lucifer’s wings disappeared for now as he gently grabbed your hand and led you out of his office. Once you reached your bedroom, he unfastened his shirt and threw it off to the side. It made you blush, even though his bare chest was not a new sight to you. Lucifer noticed your reddened face and smirked.
“It’s a little easier this way, don’t you think?,” he chuckled. He walked over to the bed and sat down, crossing his legs in the process. He tapped his thigh, offering you a seat in his lap. You smiled and wrapped your legs around his torso, straddling him. “You ready?,” he asked with a little smile. You nodded your head eagerly. In an instant, his three sets wings appeared again. You noticed something was a little different though.
“I could have sworn they were bigger,” you puzzled.
“No, you’re right, they were,” Lucifer laughed. “I can control how large or small they need to be. They might have broken something in here if they were any bigger!”
You chuckled lightly. They were even more breathtaking up close, his scarlet feathers glistened even in the dim lighting of the room. You stuck out your hands and touched the top of his first set of wings. Unexpectedly, Lucifer inhaled sharply from your touch, screwing his eyes shut. You pulled away instantly.
“Oh no!,” you gasped. “Did I hurt you? I swear I barely touched them! I’m sorry!”
Lucifer exhaled slowly and opened his eyes again. “No, no, it’s alright, love,” he cooed, “it wasn’t painful. I just didn’t expect the sensation. Let’s just say they’re…more sensitive than I originally thought.” It was only then you felt a bump forming between your legs.
You quickly caught on to what he was referring to. And having you straddle his lap probably wasn’t helping. A small smirk crept across your face. You couldn’t resist the urge to make him squirm from your touch; the thought excited you.
“Well, in that case…” you smiled slyly, reaching out for his wings once more. This time, you gave them a slightly firmer grip than before. Lucifer nearly yelped from your touch and buried his face into the crook of your neck. You ran your hands up and down the tops of his wings, almost massaging them in a way. Lucifer was unable to hold back his moans.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, sweetheart,” he panted.
You loved the sight of him bending so easily to your simple touches. You wondered if you could break him. You began to shift your hips in his lap, grinding on the now very apparent bulge in his pants. Lucifer nearly sobbed as you ground your hips against him. You moved your hands down to his second set of wings to give them some attention. You could tell he was unraveling quickly.
“D-Dear,” he choked out, “i-if you don’t stop, I’m g-gonna…f-fuck…”
His plea only made you grind against him at a faster pace while continuing to stroke his sensitive wings. At this point he couldn’t even form a coherent sentence, only broken moans and gutural sounds left his lips. You moved your hands down to his smallest set of his wings, pinching them between your fingers.
“FuckfuckfuckFUCK,” Lucifer cried out as your movements finally pushed him over the edge. He bit down on your shoulder as he came, completely ruining in pants. Once he came down from his high, he looked into your eyes, almost distraught.
“I’m…I’m so sorry,” he whimpered. “I-I didn’t think that…I didn’t mean to…” He couldn’t finish his sentence. His wings disappeared from sight as he buried his head into you chest
“Hey, hey, it’s alright,” you told him as you lifted his head up to plant a tender kiss to his lips. The small tears that had formed in his eyes fell down the side of his face, but you wiped them away with your thumbs. “Luci, please don’t apologize,” you soothed. “You never have to feel sorry for that! Did you feel good?”
Lucifer steadied his breathing, trying his best to calm down. “Yes, love, it was amazing. You’re amazing.” He lifted you off his lap and placed you on the mattress while he stood up, discarding the rest of his now filthy clothes. “But I absolutely refuse to be the only one being pleasured tonight.”
Without warning, Lucifer leaned down and crashed his lips into yours, filing your mouth with his tongue. You moaned against his lips, feeling as though you might be devoured by him. Lucifer tugged at the hem of your pajama pants, asking permission to remove them. “Mhmm,” was all you could mumble. In one swift motion, your pants had vanished and all you felt was the cool air on your legs. Lucifer brought down his fingers to your folds, loving the feeling of how wet you were for him. He captured your moan on his lips, but suddenly pulled his fingers away, leaving you to whine in protest.
Lucifer broke your kiss and brought his soaked finger to his lips, tasting your sweet nectar. “Mmm, you always taste so delectable, darling,” he marveled. You couldn’t help but blush at his words, he knew just what buttons to press when it came to you. He crawled back up on the bed and laid flat on his back, his head propped up by the pillows. “Come have a seat, sweetheart,” he teased as he pointed to his coy smiling face.
Your face became extreme hot as you crawled towards the demon king. You made your way on top of him and came to a halt when your dripping cunt hovered right above Lucifer’s eager smile.
“A meal fit for a king, truly,” he laughed as he dug his face into your aching pussy. You nearly screamed as his forked tongue worked his magic along your slit. He devoured you, making sure every inch of you was consumed. His lips found your clit and started to kiss and suck at it. He’d only just started and you were ready to snap.
“O-Oh my God, Lucifer, shhhiiittt, I’m so close…s-s-so close…,” you whined.
“God can’t hear you down here, angel,” he teased you before continuing to lap at your folds. He made quick work of you, the knot in your stomach threatening to snap at any moment.
“Fuuuuccckkkk, imcummingIMCUMMIMG,” you screamed as you finally felt your walls clench and spasm around nothing. Lucifer happily swallowed your juices as your orgasm started to recede. You tried to lift yourself up off Lucifer’s face, but he kept a firm grip on your legs.
“I’m not done with you, love,” he chuckled. With a snap of his fingers, golden shackles formed around your ankles, the chain hooked underneath Lucifer’s back. A twisted look of fear and passion flashed across your face. You were trapped.
“L-Luci…what are you-” you tried to asked but were cut off by another long lick up your sensitive cunt. A gutural moan escaped your mouth, you still hadn’t fully recovered from your orgasm.
“I thought it would only be fair to ruin you, since you ruined my clothes,” he chastised playfully. “But if at any time it becomes too much for you, tell me and I’ll let you go immediately, okay?”
“Al-Alright,” you stuttered, trembling from the anticipation.
Lucifer hummed against your lower lips. “I’ll make this a little easier for you, sweetheart.” You saw Lucifer’s form start to change beneath you. His horns had erupted from his head while his eyes shifted to a deep red and gold color with onyx irises. “Something for you to hold onto,” he murmured sensually.
Tentatively, you took hold of his horns and braced yourself for his next move. You didn’t have to wait long before you felt his tongue attacking your cunt once more. The grip you had on his horns could have torn your skin clean off with how tight you were holding them while he nipped and sucked your overstimulated clit. Before you knew it, your second orgasm hit you even harder than the first. Then your third, your fourth, your cunt was getting absolutely abused by Lucifer who hadn’t shown any signs of slowing down since he started. After your fifth orgasm washed over you, your legs had given out from under you, completely collapsing on top of Lucifer.
“No more…,” you begged. “No more, please…”
Lucifer snapped his fingers and the shackles around your ankles disappeared in an instant. You conjured up the remainder of your strength to push yourself off him and roll over onto your side, an absolutely breathless mess. You could hardly keep your eyes open. You could feel yourself losing consciousness until Lucifer pulled you flush to his chest.
“You did so well, my dear,” he murmured against your ear. “Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
“Sleep…” was all you could muster. Lucifer chuckled lightly, kissing your cheek ever so softly.
“Goodnight, love,” you heard him whisper as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. It was the best sleep you ever had.
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“I just think they’re neat!” - Me w/ Lucifer’s wings also Lucifer inventend pussy eating, this is fact, ALSO also something something handlebar horns
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