#lucy broom
Make it Work with Xahferd
Mustard had the pleasure of speaking with Xahferd. Together we discussed their Twitter display name, ghosts, their collaboration with Bri Carmel on their upcoming single "Make it Work", and so much more!
Mustard had the pleasure of speaking with Xahferd. Together we discussed their Twitter display name, ghosts, their collaboration with Bri Carmel on their upcoming single “Make it Work”, and so much more! 1. Mustard is grateful to have you join them at Music Shelf. How are you doing? I am grateful for Mustard having me! I’m not 6 feet under, in prison, or sleeping in my car so I’d say that I’m…
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dotknifehead · 2 years
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i only took one photo of the gig last night and here it is. lucy broom is amazing. she’s legit so fucking good
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there are literally so many reasons why we don't need a third Narnia adaptation
first of all, while they might not be the most accurate, the Disney movies are actually so good and, in my opinion, still manage to capture the heart and soul of the series and what it's truly about. The characters are each perfectly portrayed; the Pevensies act like actual siblings and yet love each other dearly and would die for each other even through all the petty arguments; the music creates perfect atmosphere and emotion and never fails to make me tear up or get shivers down my spine; and the CGI is honestly just absolutely stunning.
I really do not feel like we need another adaptation by Netflix.
Especially not through Netflix.
Netflix has already been known to mess up so many shows and movies by completely changing the source material or adding in unnecessary things that completely take away from the purpose of the story. I can already see them warping Narnia into something that barely even resembles the books, that strips it of its purpose and simply makes it about a fantasy world, nothing more. I've already seen posts saying that the new movies just can't end the way the books end, that heaven must be explained away, that Susan never forgets and falls down a dark path, that the faith aspect must be taken out so as not to offend new viewers.
Here's the thing.
If you take faith out of Narnia, you remove the very heart of the series. you remove the entire purpose. Because Narnia is entirely about faith, and trust, and Someone greater than yourself who sacrifices everything to save your own traitorous soul. the Disney movies did not shy away from portraying this faith as openly as possible. if anyone was offended, I've never seen proof. I have seen many nonbelievers talk about how much they were affected by Aslan's death, which goes to show that you simply don't have to be Christian to understand what Narnia is about, and to love and enjoy it.
So if these new remakes remove the faith aspect, then what is the point? four siblings go to a magical land and save it from a witch and befriend a talking lion with nothing special about him and live there as kings and queens and return home and live happily ever after? there is no sacrifice, there is no "he's not tame, but he is good," there is no creation, there is no redemption, there is no last battle, there is no "in your world, I have another name", there is no sister straying down a dark path because she has forgotten how to hope, and then returning because her story is unfinished and the road to heaven is paved with flowers that symbolize her name.
so then, what are you left with? Aslan is just a talking lion, nothing more. the stone table never cracks, the sun never rises. "That by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there" is forgotten entirely, because why would Aslan exist in our world if he is merely a talking lion in Narnia? Aslan's country is changed to be something else, and there is nothing about how Aslan suddenly no longer looks like a lion, and how the things that happened after are more great and beautiful than can be described. Edmund's life is never threatened because of his traitorous deeds; Aslan never offers his own life in place of a guilty boy, is never killed, is never resurrected.
the very core of Narnia is removed, and what you are left with is emptiness.
sure, it might make for a good fantasy story nonetheless. you might still have sweeping views and epic music and an intriguing plotline, but something will always feel like it is missing. like there is an empty hole, desperately needing to be filled.
of course, I don't know that all of that will happen; it's just speculation at this point. But I am fairly sure that it is safe to predict these upcoming movies as such. I highly doubt the producers will want to include the faith that shapes Narnia, because according to them, having a faith aspect means less viewers since too many people would be offended.
but if only they would look at the already wonderful existing adaptations, they would know that is simply not the case.
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hells-greatestdad · 4 months
Do your muse ever sass you
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popculturebuffet · 7 months
Here Comes Garfield: The Fantastic Funnies (A Comission For Emma Fici)
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome one and all to Here Comes Garfield, my look at all things garfield. For the rest of the year this feature will mostly be a look at the 11 garfield specials, minus babes and bullets which I covered previously, as well as his appearence in Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue for last 420.
So for those just joining us: I'm a lifelong comic strip nerd, ever since my dear Aunt Paula gave me her spare copy of the Indespensible Calvin and Hobbes in the 3rd grade. From there I slowly glommed on to other strips over the years: From FoxTrot, to Doonesbury, to Get Fuzzy to Zits to Cul De Sac, to recent faviorites like Pheobe and Her Unicorn, Crabgrass, the Steenz version of Heart and the City, and Breaking Cat News, which i'm wrapping a huge retrospective of soon, and whose place this retrospective is taking on my friend Emma's Patreon slot.
I love talking about this fine art, fitting your best work in just 4 panels, all the wonderful characters many simply don't know exist, all the weird shit that happens.. it's good stuff. So naturally I also gained a love for specials based on them. And while I loved the Peanuts ones and will climb THAT massive mountain someday, as a tween.. my faviorites were Garfield's and it's how I fell in love with the fat cat, the cool cat the nobody's cool cat.
While younger me did like garfield as a strip, especially that one arc where Garfield gets caught in a window blind and it conttinues to suck in an escalating number of people
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Truly the "Snoopy's Awkward Nephew" of Garifield comics. Pure art. But while I liked it, it was watching the specials on the DVD garfield as himself that sucked me into the character. The DVD"s were released around the time of the first movie and releases of Garfiled and Friends to cash in and they certainly got my money. 12 specials, all ranging from excellent to watchable, and all wil lbe covered this year.
However before I can tell you that story, I have to tell you this story: See while Here Comes Garfield was Garfield's first SPECIAL.. it wasn't his first apperance in animation. Two years before that Garfield lept onto screens and into the inky depths of animation with a short but scene stealing apperance in the 1980 special the Fantastic Funnies, an apperance I honestly didn't even know existed till recently, but is such a weird and important piece of garfield history I had to cover it and Emma was on board to comission it.
So what exactly IS the fantastic funnies you may ask. Well i'll tell you.. you may ask. The Fantastic Funnies was a sequel to the earlier special The Fabulous Funnies, a celebration of comic strips interviewing various creators and including a live action on animated bit with Rob Reiner. I haven't seen it but if there's enough intrest I might cover it. The special was a hit for NBC, with CBS regretting having passed over the idea when animation maestro and peantus producer Lee Mendelson suggested it. After they remembered he'd pitched it and they'd been stupid at all of course, as is the executive way. They called dibs on the next time.
The next time was 12 years and an animated series that didn't do so good later, and CBS was front and center for the Fantastic Funnies, taking the concept but spiffing it up: this time the interviews were, with two exceptions, each accompanied by an animated short, there was an animated bit to start it off, and we also got a few musical numbers and live performances from the broadway cast of annie.. well two of the broadway cast of annie bu tthat's still more of the broadway cast of annie than has been on this blog so touche Fabulous Funnies, touche. It's the most 70's thing to come out of 1980 and i'll be covering the whole thing under the cut.
Fantastic Funnies is hosted by Loni Anderson, who at the time was on CBS' hit WKRP in Cincinatti.. and what i've seen of it is excellent. She hasn't really done anything else i've seen, but she seems nice enough.
This makes it awkward as hosting wise she feels shoved into the special. The script she's given feels awkward, with her only genuine enthuasim coming from Barney Google. I honestly wish I could be as jazzed about Barney Google and his go go gooogly eyes as Loni Anderson apparently was in 1980. I AM that jazzed about Snoopy's awkard teenage nephew
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But it's not the same alas.
I can't even blame her as anderson was already frustrated with her pay for the series she did do and would demand more from the network leading to a brief exit from WKRP. I can't be too hard on her for not giving a fuck about an extra gig they saddled her with she didn't ask for with a script written by a block of wood on several pounds of qualudes. She did her best under the circumstances.
The circumstances also include getting animated as a cartoon, lucky, and getting to introduce a panel of various comic strip all stars of the time.
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Okay so going row by row, with the strips self titled unless otherwise stated.
Front Row: Charlie Brown and Lucy (Peanuts), Nipper (Wee Pals), Dennis the Menace (US Comic), Nancy and Sluggo and Little Orphan Annie. Second Row: Blondie and Dagwood, Dick Tracey, Barney Google (Snuffy Smith), Alley Oop and Prince Valiant
Third Row: Pogo, Tumbleweeds, miss Peach, B.C., Beetle Bailey
Back row: Michael Doonesbury (Doonesbury), Broom Hilda, Drabble, Cathy and Hagar the Horrible
And in their own section because dogs apparently don't get bleacher seats at Walden, where I assume this is taking place as the only college out of these strips, we also get the dogs and one very special cat in their own section.
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So Snoopy, Daisy (Blondie), Fred Basset and Garfield who are all about to throw down when Lonnie announces they have to get back to the human world for the show. But before that a song they all prepared, and it was at this point in the special I had to ask myself the tough question:
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I still don't know. But yes the song is like living in a living nightmare and I don't care for it. It's thankfully short and Broomhilda takes them all to the real world. But that's a story for another day
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Sadly not that day.
For now the special settles int' it's formula: Lonnie introduces a cartoonist, they talk about how their strip came to be, we get an animated segment about it. The only exceptions to the last part are Wee Pals, which instead has it's creator voice over one of his strips directly and Prince Valliant, who gets jack shit.
It was at this point I also realized a bit of an issue. While I mentioned my love of comic strips.. most of the ones I adore come from the late 70's onward, with Doonesbury and Peanuts being the big exceptions. I don't have anything against strips from before that time, I've read what I could of Pogo and want to read more and Krazy Kat is still well loved for a reason. I've also recently gained an appreceation of popeye thanks to Randy Millholand's take on the franchise.
The thing is I started devouring every comic strip I coudl in the 2000's. It was a great time for that as every strip got at least ONE collection, so even if you didn't read the newspapers, you could get a sample of a wide range of strips in book form. Boondocks even got a hilarious title out of it for it's first book.
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So I got to sample a wide range of strips, many of which I still read today: Get Fuzzy, Zits Pooch Cafe, For Better or For Worse, Baldo, La Cucaracha, Cul De Sac, Lio, Luann, Rudy Park, Adam@Home. Many strips I first found in collection and binged later. Sadly this went down in the 2010's but thankfully the kids comics boom has meant many newer strips have gotten collections. It's why I have collections for heart of the city and crabgrass on my shelf.
But as you may of noticed... most of those either started in the 2000's or in the 90's. Most of the kings features based strips simply didn't get collections and thus I didnt' notice them.. and by the time I could i'd mostly heard of them by reputation as dinosaurs that would go on till the heat death of the universe via various legacy artists who wouldn't really change a thing.
And I do GET why: a lot of these legacy strips.. are ran by family members who want to honor the legacy and may simply not feel comfortable altering the strip too much. I'm not asking that dagwood suddenly become a t-rex... i'd love that, but I get i'm not everyone's target audience. Not every strip can be Pooch Cafe and go entirley off the rails AND still be every bit the strip it always was AND be good
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It's hard. So I do have some sympathy. It's not limitless: while I get not doing so say in the 2000's when handing your strip off to another cartoonist, let alone your DAD'S strip wasn't a thing unless they were going to stay the course, in the 2020's and late 2010's we've had a bunch of great reboots and soft reboots of legacy strips: Randy Millholand of Something Positive fame did such a fantastic job on popeye sundays he got a weekly slot with olive and popeye, giving other creators the chance to do their own olive oyl strip basically alongside his. Mark Tatulli got tired of doing heart of the city (Lio both continues and slaps hard) and rather than phone it in or end it, handed it over to the talented Steenz, whose work on the strip is both something entirley diffrent but something entirely fresh and fun with some tight continuity. Olivia James made people care about Nancy for the first time in decades and has a nice dry wit. And while Henry Barjas keeps the soapy stylings of gil thorpe and hasn't changed as much as his contemporaries he still isn't afraid to shake things up having Gil go through a divorce, get two new assitant coaches, a third assitant coach who was once his arch nemisis and making the teen cast far more diverse including trans and non binary characters, being one of the few creators to do so in comic stripery.
While I don't want you going after these old men, and please for the love of god DO NOT GO AFTER THESE MEN. I do not want that. I may gripe, but these seem like decent guys just ones who won't evolve and have no reason to. I'm just outlining why maybe i'd rather read strips that keep growing with age or have fresh new voices rather than "Dagwood still hasn't left the 1950's and when theyt ry to it's embarassing for everyone involved. "
I.. didn't mean for this to turn into a screed on legacy comics that never really changed but it makes it all the more special tha ta lot of these creation stories for these comics still fascinated me.
The big standout was Wee Pals, a strip I hadn't heard of as it ended in 2002. Wee Pals was created by Morrie Turner, a cartoonist and protege of Charles Schultz who bemoaned the lack of black characters in the newspapers. Charles told him why not make one, and Wee Pals came about, with Turner diversifying the cast to drum up intrest creating one of the more diverse casts in earlier comic strips as a result. Nowadays it's a tad quaint, but I can't fault the man for trying to make comic strips less white and i'm glad I know this pioneer exist. I'm also mildly annoyed his strip wasn't animated, as it was one of the funneist present, with our heroes talking about one's pet chameleon.
There were other intresting stories too: Cathy Guthwise based Cathy on her own life, just changing Cathy's job from cartoonist to "whatervers funnier". Broom Hilda, a strip about a wtich, was something his creator tried pitching as an add character first. IT's small stuff but it always fascinates me how a strip comes about.
The only outright hilarous one is Johnny Hart, who kept trying to sell a caveman character, his friends asked him to put up or shut up so in his words "He drank 4 beers and the caveman slowly came into focus." He just.. outright got hammered to fuck because that was a normal thing in 1980 and created a classic comic strip out of it that later became obessed with jesus. Amazing.
The interviews are neat and while I may not like these strips I respect their creators.. and the creator of Hagar for putting on a viking helmet. Good stuff.
As for the animated segmets.. their eh. Like I said most of these strips are pretty gag a day and it seems like the shorts just flat out animated a strip. Which can work as it does for the raeson we're all here, garfield will come soon I promise, but for the most part it just dosen't land for me
In two cases they just flat out take bits from pre existing specails: For Doonesbury they take a bit of Joanie at the daycare.
For those less drenched in the deep and complex lore of doonesbury as the werido who has a ton of print books and bought digitals of strips he already had and books he already bought years ago just to have a copy on kindle: Joanie Caucuss was once a house wife, who got tired of it and her husband clinton and hitched the first ride she could away from his sexist ass. That ride happened to be with strip lead Mike and his best friend and revolutinary Mark on a motorcycle trip to find america. They took her back with them, she joined them at their commune, and soon got a job in daycare while trying to become a law student, which is the status quo the special used. Soon after she'd become a law student, head to berkley, find the love of her life and a long LONG list of other stuff up to present day where she works as a campaign manager on occasion during her alleged retirement.
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It's not a bad bhit, but I get the sense they wanted to pick the least political thing they could.. yet weirdly DIDN'T go with the musical number or the dinner the group have. Or you know just accept doonesbury is political and include frank discussions of the 60's in this special.
For Peanuts, they just include an animated bit of snoopy singing suppertime from your a good man charlie brown. It's new animation far as I can tell, as the bit wasn't in any of the specials and they woudlnt' adapt the musical till the mid 80s. It's fine I just question why they didn't recycle anything from the specials.
Finally Cathy is from it's special, but fits, with her "wanting to have it all". A very cathy joke and frankly had I not found out she has three specails, i would not have been able to tell.
As for the other material either recycled from the fabulous funnies or made for this special, i'm going in no paticular order.
Beetle Bailey: Beetle runs away from sarge to try and get out of doing the obstacle course
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Hagar the horrible has a trite bit about his wife telling him to take out the garbage VIKINGS DON'T DO THAT. YOU SO SILLY HAGAR.
Dennis the Menace keeps drawing out bed time because kids do that, even immortal children who aren't all that menacing.
By now your starting to get what a mountain it was to climb this special: short interview, unfunny skit, short interview unfunny skit, rinse repeat, toss away my sanity. I TRY to be positive on this blog, try not to be a dickhead.. but this special is so damn boring half the time. The interviews are kinda neat but the animated bits are just.. so lame.
So as a break let's talk what else the special did to fill time. Loni Anderson sang the radio themes to Popeye and Little Orphan Annie. IN the former's case.. that's all you gets. No adventure, no high seas just her singing the popeye theme. We dont' even get a musical number from the popeye movie because it hadn't happene dyet. I want to hear bluto say i'm mean over and ove rand over again. I"m that desperate.
Annie DOES get the cast of the broadway show, a huge hit then and forever, to do two numbers, both iconic and both well performed: The first is I dont' Need Anything But YOu, the cute duet between Annie and Warbucks, and then of course Tommorow best sung by bill the cat.
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But the kid they use here does pretty good herself. They have it sung at the only playground in budget for some reason, but they did their best.
We also get a truly batshit bumber about peopl eneeding their funnies, from reading them as they go down the fire pole to IN A MOVING CAR. Yes even serial murderers need their funnies as they mow down pedestrians. It's nature's way. I do relate to tha tboost you get from reading them every day, I do so and I have to use three diffrent sites: one for andrews mcmeel, one for king features, and one for the webbcomic kevin and kell. So I get it. Three's also a closing number I ran away form.
The final non torture bit is Johnny Fever from WKRP. Due to a news strike he's tasked iwth reading the comics and drmatically reads flash gordon. Howard Hessman is hilarous as always, the bit is fucking great, and it woke me up after several strip adaptions put me to sleep. good stuff.
Back to my cycle of torment, and we have a Blondie cartoon and one of the few animated bits in the specail that was intresting. And unintetionally hilarous as Blondie gets dagwood THIS haircrime done to him.
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What makes it funny is that not only is this haircut too much even for the 70's, but Blondie LOVES it, as do the kids.. despite all three of them having never updated their styles. Granted Blondie's hair game is timeless, so I get her point but it's just a .. weird plot to pick for blondie.
Naturallyt his being blondie instead of forcusing on the problem of "his wife wants him to try a hair cut that makes him not feel himself" it's in part him worried tha this friends and co workers will laugh. I mean they will, it's as if Luke Skywalkers hair started to eat into his brain, but that shoudln't be your takeaway and him washing it out while Blondie's alseep solves nothing and isn't funny. "Haha he can't be honest with his wife and she's going to later cite this incident to thier marriage counclier". Granted I would ENTIRELY read Dagwood's hair causing a divorce between them, but i'm not sure that's an arc Blondie readers want. I do wnat reprints of golden age blondie as it apparently involved Dagwood having to get disinherited to marry blondie, getting drunk, and other soap opera stuff more intresting than Dagwood trying to single white female mark hamill. Huh now THAT'S a Disney + series i'd watch. get on it disney
The other really fun one is Marmaduke. This one's just kidna fucked up. Marmaduke want sto go sleep in the same bed with the kids, which can somehow fit all three and is adorable so I don't get why not, but the dad tries to make him go outside because that was the thing with dogs. It hasn't aged terribly with charlie brown because snoopy clearly likes having his own pad and the inside is larger than most mansions, let alone the brown house
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And when the whole thing burned down in one of the more sobering strips in the series run
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Charlie Brown dutifully helped him plan his new house
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Honestly I could talk about Snoopy's house burning down all day but it's not what you came for. You came to hear me tell you how it relates to Marmaduke. My point is Marmaduke just has a regular ass Dog House, and just wants to sleep in bed. I get this was normal at the time, it used to be the norm that dogs woudln't sleep in bed.. but my Dog YOshi curls up on my mom' sbed every night and maddie, my other dog , only dosen't when she's not on her own bed restfully asleep as she is as I type this. what i'm saying is maybe just maybe forcing dogs to live outside at night was cruel jackassery and maybe letting the big old dog curl up at the foot of the bed or, if he prefers tucked in while old man bastard can sleep outside and think about his life choices. Also i'm shocked this wasn't the plot of either marmaduke movie. It's so perfect. One man's journey to be a better dog owner .. or Marmaduke repeadely hitting him in the nuts with a tennis ball machine and other various objects. I"m not picky. Also i'm not touching either of those films unless someone pays me the 15 dollars it'd take to comissoin it. I'll review plenty of garbage on my own time, but I have limits. Pete Davidson is very much a hard and fast one. Owen Wilson is fine though. We love owen in this house.. but even he can' save cgi marmaduke and we all know that.
Pogo also takes a bit from the then upcoming film I go Pogo.. a guy I don't know tries to take two passing critters for a ride using the old shell game.. only to have put something under every one. i'ts a nice joke and it works well, and the gorgeous claymation. Given it's both election based and based on a comic i'd like to know better, me reviewing that .. would still be 15 if anyone wants it but far less of my own personal hell. But i'm more likely to do that one on my own. Fun fact: pogo's election storyline's inspired bloom counties, which I will be covering this year or at the very least the 1984 one.
BC has some bit with a turtle. It sure does exist
Broom Hilda asks who the fairest in the land is and her mirror calls her second. She responds by breaking it. This bit.. was actually funny. I'm not sure Broom Hilda would be for me as it's main gag seems to be "Gee isn't a woman chasing men against their will funny" which
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Same other way around or with non binary folks. But I did like this and her horning in on mike's close up
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She looks like she's about to hit on him but adorably so and he looks just.. so done with it as he always is. I mean.. I can't have turned out worse than Mike's actual first marriage. his second is pretty ballin though.
Mama has her Son say that life is a song.. onlyf or her to sing about him neglecting him. Get it because guilt tripping is funny! This is apparently most of what Mama is.
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Finally before our main event we have tumbleweeds with sexual harassment as some lady refuses to let tumbleweeds go. And that's not me being lazy that's his actual name. Though to it's creator's credit he retired rather than let it become "a zombie strip", so good on him.
Okay now for what you all came to see
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Also garfield
Garfield's first aniamted special was MOSTLY worth the pilgramage here. While ti's only a few strips repeated, it's fascinating for just how diffrent it is from Here comes Garfield a few years later.
For starters the Fantastic Funnies used an early design for our faviorite cat, not the iconic entirely weird by this point earliest garfield but one more in between, not quite upright yet, but not nearly as realistic as day 1 garfield.
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To the classic peanuts team of Mendelson and Mendez's credit they did a wondreful job, likely why they were chosen to produce the specials till the companies backing peanuts asked them to stop helping out rival specails, and this version of garfield heavily resembles what he was like in the strip this frame is based on
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It's also telling how fast Jim Davis was evolving the special that by the time it aired Garfield had already changed his look up a bit, if still not fully to his more classic 80s look.
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It's not a HUGE change, just a little thinner, with the bigger change being in how he sit's/stands
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It's just a testament to how slowly but surely the character evolved in apperance over his first decade or so and part of what makes this intreresting: while the specials help chart this evolution, and helped cause it as Jim needed to draw Garfield with SKinnier legs for the opening dance number of here comes garfield, it's nice to have this bit of his evolution frozen in amber.
The voices behind the characters are intresting: to my shock Thom Huge ALWASY voiced john and basically only stopped doing it when he retired. Thom did voices for commericals and was an old frat brother of Jim Davis who Davis asked for help with this special. While the producers would recast huge for Here Comes Garfield, he sent them a tape and became THE voice of john in the same way Lorenzo Music became THE voice of garfield.
WHile that's weird enough... what makes this special stand out besides the earlier designs... is Garfield's Voice. It's not Lorenzo Music, who would DEFINE the character in my eyes and is THE garfield, no question, though Frank Welker and Bill Murray are admirable.. but Radio DJ and voice guy Scott Beach.
Beach is take is intresting as both Murray and Welker clearly take from Music, while Beach largely does his own thing. Instead of the dry, sarcastic bored tone Lorenzo perfected, Beach has that but it sounds more like Jean Shepard'ss narration in a christmas story. Shepard isn't bad but his voice for Garfield is less relaxed, mor ebooming and confident. It dosen't COMPLETELY fit and makes the short feel a tad weird.. but it's also hard to judge the voice as, like I said EVERY voice after took cues from Music. he left the perfect blueprint. The fact Chris Pratt isn't that dry, sarcastic , laid back voice the character has been defined by hasn't helped his case voicing the character at the time of this review. Beach does a good job, but he just didn't quite fit and it's hard to compare a 2 minute performance with dozens of hours worth of material from Music. Beach did a decent job, but he just wasn't the right guy for the part, simple as that. his voice just didn't fit Garfield's give no fuck nature that well.
Finally we have the specific strips adapted. nd the garfield wiki was a huge help here. Seriously fan wikis can have a bad rap but many are done by dedicated people who save me a LOT of work and do a lot of through research> Kudos guys, thanks for your help. So the wiki has each strip adapted. Excluding the "I have feet? " one we have
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Not bad choices: they get all the garfiled bases: he dosen't like catching mice, likes food and Jon weight shames him a lot. Simple, quick and well done.
Overall the garfield shorts for this special are excellent. It's a short bit but it gets the character down and it's easy to see why, despite being the new kid on the block at only two years old at the time, garfield's the one who go ta specail out of the deal.
Now does he make the specail worth watching?
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I mean if you like comic strip history like me, you'll get something out of it. There's a bit on the inductees into the hall of fame, but even then it's a long slog of interviews that are fairly short and shorts that are both short and tedious. The good bit here or there cannot save this.
Other than Garfield .. there really isn't much to write home about for the casual viewer or if your a fan of Peanuts and Doonesbury like I am, as both bits can be found elswhere. It's easier to either fast forward to the bit with a comic you like or find the garfield bits in their own little video, of which there are plenty. I'm glad I reviewed the special.. but it just hasn't aged well and probably wasn't that fun to begin with. Even as much as I ranted about how much I didn't know the strips.. i'ts still presented so dryly even if it had strips I liked more in it, it'd still be a bit of a slog. There's just not enough genuinely good stuff or loveable nonsense to keep this afloat. Skip the special but DO check out the early garfield stuff. It's brilliant.
Next Time: The first proper special as Garfield must save Odie from the pound.. after he grooves to Lou Rawls a bit. As is nature's way. Thanks for reading.
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mad-badger19 · 7 months
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Classes finally over !
Not too bad even after being reprimanded by Pr. Kogawa. Now time to take care of her plants.
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bumblebeehug · 2 years
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giffypudding · 2 years
Say hello to my little fiend
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Quelqu’un m’a dit
“Que tu m'aimais encore C'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore Serait-ce possible alors? Serait-ce possible alors?”
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Lucy lore anyone?
thanks to her role at the Killdane Scrapyards, she wasn’t very well liked by some of her peers especially workers, passengers and railway enthusiasts/protestors. who has her working the job of collecting and delivering scrap, being with her fellow locomotives both steam and diesel when their time ends as a betrayal. They held resentment towards her for something out of her control.
Those were those waiting the final firing would weep to her, asking her what they did to deserve this horrid fate before spitting acid at her face, their expressions constructing into rage as they held her responsible for their end, stating she could’ve done more, that she took pleasure, what a horrid engine she was, of course Lucy have hear this multiple times and knows everyone has a different reaction to death 
those words get to her even though she masks it well and acts like it doesn’t bother her, doing her best to give them the best treatment and comfort she can provide, a majority reject, it doesn’t make her job easier than being blamed for everything, that’s it’s her fault, that she’s covered in victims blood and if she’s proud now
Eventually the rumors and whispers escalated into more verbal attacks to the point of Lucy being secretly threatened, very few knew except for her boyfriend and some close companions that didn’t see her as a murderer who kept a close watch on her and constantly offered her a spot in any sheds. She politely declined, not wanting to risk having her loved ones lives get involved….this unfortunately wasn’t enough to save her from her demise 
Her death involved thieves stealing her whistle and being burned via smelters pits while unconscious the entire time, as a now personification of the Grimm reaper, she retains her personality yet appearance has heavily changed yet very few know about her as a once living human/humanoid…instead they know her better as death
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theautumnaldemon · 9 months
Y’all need to go read it if you haven’t it’s so good
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nakeddeparture · 2 years
Rock Hall, St Lucy, Barbados. Norris Broomes (Fish Cakes), 45.
Another good man gone. Naked!!
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dreamsforthedamned · 4 months
Nightbringer's HoL layout personally pisses me off, so I made a better one.
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Ground Floor:
Garden and Patio
Entrance Hall (lower level)
Living and Dining Room (it's the same room!)
Music Room + Planetarium
Kitchen, now actually sharing a wall with the Guest Bedroom!
Laundry Room
Guest (MC) Bed&Bath
Common Room + Communal Bathroom
Library (lower level)
Lucifer's Secret Study
Stairs to the basement
Communal Study (Not fair that Luci gets a whole secret study all to himself and the other boys get NOTHING. So i fixed that)
A Broom Closet. Because why not
Garage (it's actually just Mammon's weird-ass loft)
2nd Floor:
Entrance Hall (up those big stairs)
The famous Hallway
The Attic Stairs
Satan's Bed&Bath
(I refuse to believe this lore of "ooo all the brothers share a bathroom except asmo" like do you really think 6 whole ass grown men would be capable of sharing One (1) bathroom and go to school in a timely manner)
Asmo's Bed&Bath&Giant Closet
Lucifer's Bed&Bath
Lilith's Mirage Room
Library walkways
A Lounge Room, leading to one of those weird wacky balconies inside the entrance hall
Another communal bathroom (7 people. 7 ENTIRE PEOPLE)
The Twins' Bed&Bath
An Interior Garden, cuz that sounds like something a rich person would have
Levi's Bed&Bath + Aquarium for Henry 2.0!
Mams' Bed&Bath + Weird garage loft
Storage Room
Home Cinema (rich people stuff)
Stairway to the Underground Tomb
Feel free to use it as reference! If you end up building it in anything, pls pls pls tag me I wanna see it
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
Somehow a Hellcat got into the HoL and walked right up to MC, plopping itself down in their lap and starting to purr. How would the brothers react? (I am beating Lucifer with a broom as we speak, the cat is NOT leaving)
AN: Back the fuck up Lucifer if you can have Cerberus I can have a kitty!
🐈‍⬛Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Unholy Being💕
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Lucifer is… not enthusiastic about this development. He spent centuries telling Satan that he can't have a cat, and suddenly, you have befriended a wild animal? What's worse, the cat hisses and spits when anyone gets close to you! Wait… perhaps this can be beneficial… A loyal guard cat would be good for keeping a human out of trouble, right? It's totally not because Luci can't say no to your wide, pleading eyes.
Mammon initially is… freaking out. How did a wild animal break into the House? Oh shit! It's gonna EAT MC! Wait… they are… snuggling? Fuck… that's cute. And no, Mammon is not jealous of a damn cat, so don't go starting rumors! In fact, he's so unbothered that he is encouraging you to buy a collar with a little gold bell on it. This is totally not because he wants to get more brownie points. I mean, we all know Mammon is your favorite hell-spawn! Right? Don't worry. He warms up to "the fluffy menace" pretty quick. You may catch them cuddling when they both miss you.
Leviathan is the most chill with a random animal just… making itself a home. I mean his closest companions are a sea monster, a giant snake, and a goldfish. Of course you need a loyal animal friend. All the heroes have one! You should name it after the protagonist from this magical girl anime who can turn into a cat through the power of friendship-
Satan is in heaven. You and a cat? Who cares that it's the size of a small puma and has three eyes? It's still a cat! And with you as it's new best friend, Lucifer can't just ban the cutie! Satan is quick to join you in the "we gotta keep it!" spiel. He already has a list of names and so many cat toys. Congrats! You are co-parenting a wild animal with Satan! There is no escape.
Asmodeus is honestly not huge on animals. I mean.. they shed, drool, and are so much work. But hey, if it makes you happy to be mauled affectionately by a giant beast… At least let him get some cute pics to commemorate the occasion! Just promise not to your new pal run wild around the house. His room is a fur-free zone unless it's vintage. He will, however, be all over buying cute cat toys and collars. Fashion show time!
When Beelzebub realizes the cat isn't going to attack you, he goes from Protect Mode to "AWWWH LOOK AT THE HUMAN PLAYING WITH THE BABY!" You do know that this is a juvenile, right MC? Hellcats grow to the size of a well-fed grizzly bear. Oh well, Beel will help you feed it. He's honestly stoked to have a new fluffy family member. Your new bestie is much more friendly than Cerb. 
Belphegor is pissed. That's HIS spot the little upstart stole! Honestly, Belphie is enraged that this feline had the gall to walk in and place itself on your lap, purring up a storm. He grumbles about it but can't help but appreciate the smile it brings to your face when you scratch behind the wild cat's ear. Just… make some room and play with his hair too, got it?
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celestialglow24 · 5 months
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•••Promise Me•••
Frank Castle x AFAB reader
You finally see Frank again after months of being apart with no explanation.
hi friends. more Frank angst because this man has taken over my mind lately and i think you all should suffer with me. please enjoy xx
The walk back home from the restaurant wasn’t too bad of a trek. You had convinced yourself it’d be alot faster than waiting around for an uber, or bothering your cousin at 12 am to come down there and pick you up.
Was it wise? Probably not. But the multiple shots of liquid courage—fueled with the desire to take a long hot shower—gave you a sense of confidence no one would have been able to shake.
So you said your goodbyes to the group you were with, telling them a little white lie that your ride was here, and began walking home.
As the loud street music and bustling noise of downtown nightlife started to fade, that confidence began to wane.
It was really quiet out here, and no one was around from what you could tell. You could see the sign for a park a little ways ahead and that managed to level your nerves.
Your cousin’s apartment wasn’t too far from there and if you kept at the pace you were moving, you could get there in 10 minutes or so.
God you hated wearing heels. You’d yet to find a pair that didn’t make you want to cut off your feet and curse the ground after only a couple of hours of use.
There was a part of you that was half tempted to take them off and walk the rest of the way barefoot, but after already passing several broken bottles along the street, you decided you didn’t want to chance a night in the ER.
All things considered you were proud of yourself for going out tonight. It had been months since you’d done anything besides: work, sleep, eat, repeat.
Save for a few weekends now and then of binge watching a true crime doc with your cousin Lucy or a trip to the dog park with her dog Penny, you hardly allowed yourself any time to relax.
Anything to avoid your mind having the opportunity to think of him. To think of your past.
So when your coworker invited you out with people from your department to celebrate their recent promotion, you decided to let yourself enjoy a night out. You felt you had earned it.
You hadn’t been working for the company very long, but you got along with everyone pretty well. It was nice of them to include you.
It was certainly more fun than you expected to have but after your brain had tried multiple times to convince you that you’d seen someone that wasn’t there—someone who you hadn’t seen in months—you knew it was time to go.
6 months.
6 months and you still searched for him in a room full of people.
It was pathetic.
Even now, as you walked the nearly empty streets you felt him. You didn’t know how— and despite logic and reason battling with these inexplicable feelings— it still felt like you could sense his presence.
Yeah, this had to be the alcohol talking.
You tightened your trenchcoat around your torso in an effort to self soothe and offered a half smile to the few people you walked by on your way toward the park.
As you rounded the sidewalk, you pulled your phone out to text your cousin that you’d be home any minute. She was probably already sleeping but you wanted to give her the heads up anyway.
Anything to avoid her attacking you with a broom like she did the one time you got home late from work.
Just as you went to tuck your phone back in your coat pocket it slipped out of your hand, landing on the ground face down with a loud crack.
“Fuck” you cried, bending down to asses the damage. Thankfully you had a screen protector, so the actual screen was fine. But man you had done a number on it. The uneven cracks that splintered the screen made it difficult to read the time and notifications.
As you rose from your squatting position, you caught a figure out of the corner of your eye ducking behind a car across the street.
You felt your stomach drop.
Slowly… you stood up taller, squaring your shoulders and trying to steady your breathing. You calmly reached for the front clasp of your clutch, thanking any god or the universe that you managed to stow your taser earlier that night.
You chose not to make any sudden movements. Instead you waited. You waited for so long you were starting to question if you had seen anything at all. Maybe you misunderstood and it was the alcohol messing with your senses.
But when you saw the tip of a black hoodie through the window of the car you knew you weren’t losing it.
“Who’s there?” you shouted.
No response.
“Listen,” your voice shook, “I’m about 10 seconds away from dialing 911 so if you’re not interested in explaining to the cops why you’re sneaking up on -”
“Ain’t no need for all that.” You heard a voice call back.
Your breath stilled. As soon as the voice hit you, it was like the ground beneath you had been ripped away. You didn’t even feel like you were in your own body anymore.
You dug your nails into your palm, trying to startle yourself awake. Surely you had to be dreaming.
But when the figure stood and faced you, their hood falling back to reveal their face, you couldn’t deny what you were seeing.
There were so many emotions swelling inside you at once. Disbelief, disappointment, anger and relief.
You didn’t know it was possible to feel so many things at once.
Perhaps the most compelling was the realization that despite everything, you still felt love. So much love that it made you feel weak.
It almost made you forget everything that’s happened.
The feelings of abandonment. The nights of endless tears. The calls and messages that would never seem to go through.
Feelings of confusion. Of constantly wondering what you did wrong.
Questioning if any of it was ever as real to him as it was to you.
You could almost forget it all. Run right across the street into his arms. Hug him and kiss him over and over. Tell him how much you missed him. How much you need him. How much you forgive him if you could just be together again.
But as quickly as those thoughts teased your mind, the feelings of anger and betrayal enveloped you like an unrelenting wave.
You couldn’t allow the love you felt to erase the hell you’ve endured. You wouldn’t.
So you swallowed the tears that threatened to spill and turned away, making bigger strides to get back to your cousin’s apartment.
You could hear him shout your name but you kept moving.
He must have crossed the street because you could hear him calling directly behind you.
You didn’t stop. You didn’t say a word. You just kept moving.
Choosing to run was just plain stupid, but it was your only resort to get away fast.
Not only was it stupid because your feet hurt like hell and you were risking a face plant any second, but it was stupid because he was the fucking punisher.
Any attempt to try and outrun him was pointless. He’d be able to catch you before you could even finish your next thought.
“Hey!” he yelled, finally catching up to you and grabbing your arm. “Just hold up would you?”
“No!” you shouted, yanking yourself out of his grasp. You took a few steps backward and he held his arms up in defense.
At this point you know you looked like a mess. The hot tears you were trying to suppress had spilled over and you could taste the salt of them on your tongue.
You wanted to hate him. You wanted to hate him so much but seeing the pained look on his face broke your heart.
To be honest he looked like shit. He looked like a man who hadn’t slept in months. His beard was long and unkempt. It even looked like he’d lost weight. And his eyes, the biggest tell of all, were sad and empty.
“I just want to talk.” he spoke calmly.
You shook your head. “How did you find me?”
When you left the witness protection program you didn’t even tell Madani where you were going. She tried to pry it out of you, swearing that it was her duty as her job and as a friend to know. However, you wouldn’t budge.
The people that were after Frank had been taken care of according to Dinah. You didn’t want to continue living out the rest of your life looking over your shoulder.
So you thanked her for all of her help and you wished her the best, but you didn’t want any ties to your life back then. You didn’t want any more reminders of him.
“He asks about you, you know?” she had said during your last conversation. “Every week like clockwork. I haven’t told him anything. Just that you’re safe and happy.”
You scoffed, “Well at least one of those is true.”
She was silent for a moment. “I hope you can give yourself a chance to be happy again. Love doesn’t always look the way we want it to and life is hardly ever fair, but once we choose to accept the pieces we are given…. we can allow ourselves to move on.”
You know Dinah meant well. And you appreciated how close the two of you had gotten based on the circumstances. But you weren’t sure if you could agree with what she was suggesting. It felt impossible to move on when your whole body still ached for him.
“Thank you Dinah.” you relented, “Who knew you could be so therapeutic?”
“Just part of the charm.” she laughed.
A comfortable silence fell between you. You were sitting on the balcony of your cousin’s apartment, and for a brief second you felt a little bit of excitement at the opportunity to start over.
Your cousin had managed to get you a job and while it wasn’t exactly what you were doing before, it was familiar work.
You’d be working for a publishing company polishing and approving manuscripts. It was boring, monotonous work but it was safe.
You thanked Madani again and expressed the hope of following up again someday in the future.
Then you changed your number and disabled your emails.
You knew doing so wouldn’t stop them from being able to find you if they really wanted to. Her and Frank were both good for that. But it gave you a sense of control for now. That you were the one deciding to distance yourself this time and the choice wasn’t being made for you.
“Could we go some place to talk?”, his voice broke you out of the memory.
You crossed your arms.
“No. You don’t get to show up out of nowhere after months of silence expecting to just talk. I have nothing to say to you.”
The words that tumbled out of your mouth were meant to be delivered with strength and conviction. Instead, they sounded more like someone trying to convince themselves that they believed them.
“I can explain whatever you want. Just let’s get out of the cold here, there’s a diner not too far out.” he said, tilting his head back towards where you came from. “We could get a cup of co-”
“No, Frank, I want to stay right here.”
He closed his mouth, but you could tell he was trying to keep his composure. You were being stubborn and as much as you hated being in the cold, you didn't want to be around other people.
You didn’t want to take the chance of losing your shit while people were trying to enjoy their food in peace.
“I get that you’re angry, but there’s a lot you don’t understand. I was just trying to protect you.” he tried to reason.
“You left me Frank. You didn’t text, you didn’t call. You left me completely in the dark.” you cried, wiping angrily at your face to rid the tears that were escaping.
“Do you know how scared I was? Having strangers show up to my house and basically tell me I couldn’t exist as me anymore? I had to move and change my name. And the one person I needed more than anything—the one person who could make all of it feel okay— wouldn't even answer a damn phone call.”
You suddenly felt like you were back in the empty apartment Madani had set you up in. You hardly knew her before that day, she was just “someone who had worked with Frank before”, according to what she told you.
But she kept giving you this look. This look that both expressed the pity she felt for you and the wonder of how you ended up in a situation like this? How you managed to get mixed up in the world of Frank Castle?
But you had met him after he had left that life behind him. And according to him, the life that he was never going back to. Things had been good for so long that you never even questioned it until that day. Now you didn’t even know what was real.
“You were in danger alright? I had angered some really powerful people. I had hurt them, did things I’m not proud of and I wasn’t about to let you take the fall for it. You weren’t safe with me.”
“I was always safe with you!” you shouted, “Who else could’ve kept me more safe than you? We could’ve worked it out together, we could’ve came up with a plan—” you stopped as you watched Frank shake his head in disbelief, “What, Frank? What the fuck is that about?”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about. Come up with a plan? Really?” he scoffed, “This isn’t team sports. It’s not some dumb escape room you sit around and solve clues in. It’s real fucking life.”
You looked down at your feet. The escape room comment was a low blow. It was something you loved doing and grumpy Frank hated. He’d go along with it if you planned it, not bothering to hide his disdain at first, but by the end of it you knew he had fun with you.
You didn’t think he’d throw it in your face as a means to mock you.
“Frank, we were partners. That’s what you do.” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. “You work through things together. As a team. Not one person taking over and telling the other person what to do all the time, but see you didn’t ever want to do that did you? You didn’t think I was capable right?”
“Don’t go there.” he warned. You could see his hands start to twitch. In the past his agitation would have gotten you to dial it back a little. You hated fighting with him and it was never worth it.
But this time you didn’t care. You didn’t understand why he was the one so angry.
“Why not?” you probed, “You always made it seem like I was one mistake away from getting myself hurt.”
“That’s because you never took things seriously. You had no sense of danger. Too trusting, too carefree, too-”
“Stupid?” you interjected.
“I didn't say that.” he shot back. He ran his hands through his hair, trying to find some place to channel the tension. You could tell this was not how he wanted the conversation to be going either.
You couldn’t believe you were having this same fight. It was something you never got along about.
You tried to be understanding. You both had different life experiences and because Frank had a military background, he had been trained to look at things a certain way.
He was trained to look for a threat and “take it out before it took you”. Transitioning back to civilian life wasn’t always that simple. Those habits could be hard to unlearn.
It wasn’t always bad, but it wasn’t always necessary.
Not every stranger was a potential threat set out to hurt you.
Staying late at work didn’t mean you were in danger and someone was holding you hostage.
Interviewing a source for your upcoming news article didn’t immediately put a target on your back.
But Frank always anticipated the worst.
You know it was his way of expressing his love but it could be a lot at times. You just wanted to enjoy life together without always feeling like there was some danger lurking around the corner waiting to get you.
“Go ahead Frank,” you continued, “Let me hear how stupid it was for me to walk home by myself tonight. How naive it was to risk getting hurt when I should’ve called a cab.”
“I ain’t gonna act like it was a good idea, and up until a few minutes ago I’m sure you were realizin it wasn’t either.”
You let out a groan.
“I was almost home, besides I don’t think anyone would’ve tried anything with the big bad punisher stalking me.” you said, throwing your arms out dramatically.
“I mean really Frank, what was your plan? Were you just gonna jump out and shout surprise? Were you gonna follow me home to make sure no one grabbed me? Stare down the cars that drove past me? The people that passed me? What was the fucking point?”
For a moment he didn’t say anything.He kept his gaze down at his boots. The twitching of his hands had stopped, and the heavy rise and fall of his chest had slowed down.
“I needed to see you.”
The phrase was simple, but it held such weight.
You understood what he meant. You felt the desperation in his voice. And yet you couldn’t stop the anger from bubbling up.
“What about all the times I needed to see you? To hear your voice? Why didn’t I deserve the decency of a phone call, a text message, anything?”
“I couldn’t risk it.”
“Bullshit.” you spat. “You could risk asking Madani about me?”
His head shot up at that.
“Are we gonna do this all night?” he asked, the anger picking up in his voice again, “Huh? We’re gonna just keep yelling at each other? Who was right? Who was wrong?”
“Yes Frank because I’m angry with you! You made me feel unimportant. You made me feel helpless, like I had no control over my own damn life anymore.” You stepped closer, making sure he couldn’t avoid your eyes.
“You pushed me away like I meant nothing to you!” you shoved him.
“No.” he shouted, “I pushed you away because you meant everything to me!”
He turned away and let out a deep breath through his nose. The weight of his words slamming into you like a wrecking ball.
“Everyone I've ever cared about gets hurt because of me. Because of my demons. Because of the shit I've done to other people. I couldn't take that chance with you. They were so close to hurting you. I had to do something. That’s why I contacted Madani. That’s why we got you into witness protection.”
You felt the sting of the tears start to swell up again. From anger, frustration or sadness you couldn’t tell. Maybe it was all three.
“You want to know why I couldn’t say goodbye to you? Why I couldn’t call you? It’s because I knew—,” he paused and looked off to the side, “I knew that if I saw you—if I just heard your fucking voice—I’d change my mind.”
He finally locked eyes with you again, taking a step closer to you. He was testing it out, seeing how close you would let him get. To his surprise you didn’t move away.
“I couldn’t be selfish with you.” he said softly.
You didn’t know what to say. You knew the people that had been after Frank were relentless, but you never once feared for your life. Maybe there was more to it that he kept from you, and you wanted to trust him, but it didn’t diminish what you experienced while he was gone.
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry I hurt you. But I’m not sorry I did it because you’re safe. And I know it’s probably not what you want to hear, but I’d do it again in a fucking hearbeat if it meant nothing would happen to you.”
“It’s just—.” your voice trembled and you bit your bottom lip. You couldn’t look at him. You couldn’t put the words together.
“What is it?” he asked gently, taking another step towards you. This time he was close enough he grabbed the bottom of your chin and tilted it up towards him.
“I really missed you and I didn’t think you cared about me anymore.” You choked.
Suddenly you felt yourself pressed up against his chest as he pulled you into him. “No baby, that’s not true.” he soothed.
You wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your head on his chest, letting all the pent up emotions slowly release. God you forgot how good it felt to be held by him.
All the nights you longed for this very feeling. For him to hug you and kiss you and tell you everything was gonna be alright.
You could feel your unsteady breathing start to level out again and all the anger and frustration slowly disappear. It was as if he was a magnet, pulling out the deepest emotions you tried so hard to bury.
“I missed you so fucking much you have no idea.” He pulled back, tilting his head down to look at you.
You both locked eyes and without thinking twice you kissed him. He responded instantly, pulling you so tightly against him it was as if he was trying to swallow you whole.
That feeling people mention of the world standing still—you finally understood what that meant.
When you couldn’t breathe anymore you pulled away, resting your forehead against his.
“What does this mean, Frank?” you quietly asked. “Can we be together now? Do we just go back to the way things were before?”
He was quiet for a moment and you almost regretted asking the question.
“It’s whatever you want it to be sweetheart.” he finally answered, “You tell me.”
You weren’t sure what to say. One half of you wanted to be together again. The other half wasn’t so sure you should give in this easily.
What if it happened again? You didn’t doubt there were more people out there that’d like to see Frank Castle and the people he loved, hurt.
Would he push you away? You didn’t think you could survive it a second time.
“Frank, I love you. I want to be with you. But I need you to treat me like an equal. I want to be included in decisions. I don’t want to be kept in the dark again, it isn’t fair.”
Though he wasn’t speaking, you could tell the thoughts were churning in his head.
“If something like this comes up again I want to know about it. I want to have a say in how we handle it. Can you please promise me that?”
Frank let out a heavy sigh. He had to fight with the selfish side of him that wanted to say no. This shouldn’t even be something you have to worry about. He’s the one that should be responsible, not you.
But if he was being honest with himself these past several months were hell. He hated not being with you and maybe compromising would be the best thing to do after all.
He didn’t like making promises in general, but as he looked into your eyes he couldn’t bring himself to fight anymore. He needed to be with you just as much as you needed him too.
“Okay.” he agreed quietly.
“Promise me.” you urged again. You needed to hear him say it.
“I promise.”
You didn’t even realize how tense your body had become until you felt your shoulders relax. Frank pulled you into him again and you could feel the tension in him relax as well.
If anyone would have told you an hour ago you’d be standing in the middle of the street being held by Frank you would’ve told them they were crazy.
There were nights you never thought this moment would come. So as the two of you continued to stand there, holding onto each other. You realized there was probably nothing in this world that could match this feeling.
You would make sure that no matter what was waiting for you around the corner, you’d never let go again.
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hazelfoureyes · 6 months
*very sacrilegious*
Alastor knew the best way to have a laugh on Halloween! Bother the fuck out of Lucifer. Literally. Nuns don’t wear pants, right?
For my sweetest @minkdelovely
「warnings/promises: TopLucifer x BottomNun!Alastor, hate fucking, clawing skin, wings come out, HCU (hazel cinematic universe), threats to tear Alastor apart, The Lords Prayer bastardized, anal creampie, still ace ass Alastor, rough sex」
Minors dni
Alastor wasn’t particularly excited for a Halloween party at the hotel, even if he knew watching the others could be fun.
But then he had an idea to make the evening positively entertaining.
Which led him to where he was now, pressed against Niffty’s various cleaning supplies in a hallway closet, ass pounded by his furious majesty.
Alastor had thought it would be funny to wear a nun’s habit, having hand stitched little X’s and an inverted cross in red thread to personalize the outfit. 
While heaven did exile Lucifer and systemically murder his subjects, Luci still had a soft spot for what was now religious imagery. Devoting your life and body to the Lord was something he thought to be quite admirable.
So when Alastor walked into the party dressed in holy attire, Luci saw red. And black. And white. The colors of Alastor’s sinful costume. Dressed as Dadcula, Dad Dracula, obviously (Which was just Lucifer in a black cape and bat ear headband), Luci marched up to the radio demon.
“Hallway, now.” He grabbed Alastor by the arm, the nun leaving the party as quickly as he had arrived. Charlie saw the men rush out the room and worried a fight was brewing.
“Yes, your majesty?” Alastor steepled his hands together, “what’s the matter, pray tell?”
Lucifer smacked his hands down, “Stop that! You are making a mockery of centuries of worship!” Sputtering, he gestured up and down. “Take that off right fucking now!” He stomped his foot and managed a calming breath, “Please.”
The grin should have been enough to tell Luci he’d walked into a trap, “Who am I to deny my liege?” Alastor found the zipper in the back and pulled it down, letting the smock open and fall forward off his arms. Lucifer’s eyes followed the habit down from neck, to bare chest, to toned stomach, to-
“Are you-!” Lucifer’s hands came out to hide Alastor’s exposed cock, “naked!?” He seethed.
A voice called from the ballroom entrance, “Dad? Is everything alright?” Charlie was positive her father and Alastor were already tearing into each other. 
To her credit, they would be soon enough.
Panicked and terrible under pressure, Lucifer opened the closest door and shoved both himself and the now nude Alastor into it.
It was, to his despair, a broom closet. Perhaps two people could fit comfortably had it not been occupied with a shelving system of supplies, mops, brooms, and a large outdated vacuum cleaner.
As soon as he pushed them in and closed the door, he found his body pressing into Alastor’s bare ass.
Alastor was certain there was a God now, and he a favored child. What hilarious developments. Even he couldn’t orchestrate such comedy gold.
“Oh, Father, is this confessional? I have a mighty long list.”
Lucifer smacked at Alastor’s back, “Do not call me Father!”
“Daddy?” Alastor asked, coyly looking over his shoulder to the smaller man.
“Dad?” Charlie echoed.
Lucifer’s hands shot up to cover Alastor’s mouth, “Shhh, or I will kill you once and for aAAH,” a moan breaking through his sentence as Alastor ground back into his crotch.
Alastor mumbled into Luci’s palm.
“What’s wrong?” Vaggie joined, her and Charlie now feet from the door.
“I thought Dad and Al were out here bickering…” 
Alastor began grinding himself into Luci, feeling something there for him in the King of Hell’s lap.
Lucifer couldn’t help the reaction, Alastor had been intentionally winding him up for weeks.
Reaching for the newspaper and slipping, hand coming down onto Luci’s crotch. Needing something on a high shelf and just having to press his much larger body upon Luci’s smaller frame. He even sat on Lucifer once, joking, “Oh I didn’t see you there, hmm.” A size joke and groping combo.
He was touch starved and primed, so when he looked down to see skin and curves and warmth offered to him, he simply lost it.
Angel Dust had been so kind as to teach him the word hatefuck recently. And he was going to hatefuck the sass out of Alastor.
Was he using that correctly? Unimportant, a fleeting concern as he fought to undo his belt with one hand.
“They’re probably here somewhere fucking around, don’t worry about it babe. Come back and enjoy your party.” Vaggie, a psychic of some sorts, led her love away just in time.
Luci wasn’t sure he could keep it up knowing his daughter was just outside the door. But that little obstacle was gone. When Luci didn’t immediately remove his hand Alastor snaked his tongue out and around his fingers.
“Gross,” Lucifer took back his hand, thinking for a second as he stared at the wet fingers before sliding them between Alastor’s cheeks. The taller man shivered. “Did you…” the realization he had been played hit him like a piano, oddly familiar but still quite heavy. “Why are you already lubed and stretched?”
Alastor reached down slowly, face smug as he slipped a tiny bottom from a single garter belt on his right thigh. 
“Holy water?”  Luci took it from Alastor before his face fell flat, nose curling as he sniffed the air, “Is this coconut lube oil? You’re foul.” He used his teeth to unscrew the lid and poured the contents down Alastor’s lower back, “I hope you understand. You make me regret  millennia of human free will more than I already did.”
“Your majesty I cannot get any harder, please stop the dirty talk.” Alastor shimmied his hips, elusive plush black-topped, red-bottomed tail swishing along.
Lucifer was briefly mesmerized, why was it so cute? Alastor should enter every room ass first, tail out. He’d be much more palatable. Blinking away the thought he swiped his leaking member up and down the demon’s ass as he spread lubricant on himself.
“I hate you, please don’t forget that.” Lucifer lined himself up and pressed in, groaning as he effortlessly was taken to the hilt. Alastor had prepared well. Another second to imagine Alastor in the nuns' habit, legs spread and hands busy working himself open for Lucifer. Alastor’s breath hitched as Luci’s twitched and grew slightly in him. 
Alastor hadn’t started the night planning to get fucked. Once the outfit was on and he decided pants weren’t necessary, he began to consider all the ways he could fluster Lucifer. Nothing would be funnier than making the king of hell fuck a nun.
So here he was, gripping the shelves as Lucifer’s hips snapped into him.
“Oh fuck,” Luci moaned, Alastor was so tight and hot, how could someone so horrid feel so damn good? His nails dug into Alastor’s hips, pulling him back to meet every thrust.
Lucifer was enjoying himself. It felt good, Alastor not numb to pleasure, but he wanted to rile up Luci even more.
“Our Lucifer, who art in hell,” Alastor began his bastardized prayer. It worked, Luci’s hips slowing.
“Alastor.” He warned.
“Sullied be thy name; my king shall cum,” Alastor’s grin was audible. A growl came from behind him as a faint glow of fire illuminated his face, “thy sin be done,” he choked, Luci’s hips snapping into him with a sting to his ass. The fallen angel’s wings erupting and knocking the supplies off the shelves around them, no space for them to flex. Even though he knew Lucifer couldn’t hear him over the sounds of crashing bottles and broom handles, even though he could barely speak through the painfully rough fucking he was taking, he finished his prayer. 
“On earth as it is in hell,” the sentence was squeaked out in staccato, air sucked in with every stretch of his hole by his king. Alastor gripped the metal shelf side so tightly his fingers were losing blood flow, the rage behind Luci’s punishing cock making his eyes roll back. 
Lucifer gripped onto Alastor’s tail with a silent show of force, “You will stop this sacrilege.” Words forced through clenched teeth, “Or I will rent your dirty existence,” a pause to momentarily bury himself as deep as he could reach, “body and soul, asunder.”
Alastor couldn’t respond, mind slipping into a new realm entirely. He understood a threat had been made, and nodded as best he could with his head hung low between his hunched shoulders. He was making sounds as Lucifer’s nails cut into him, but he couldn’t place from where they came, pain or pleasure, only that his chest rumbled and his mouth was going dry. 
As his hips returned to their literally bruising speed, Lucifer felt his orgasm nearing. He’d never been so angry and so determined to fuck his own seed into someone else. It felt like giving a punishment, like a humiliation. He wanted Alastor to wobble out of the fucking closet, cum dripping out much later from the previously unreached place Lucifer marked.
Alastor’s body was hit up against the shelves as his knees gave out, Lucifer’s strength too much for him to withstand. As Lucifer came his wings pulled back before coming down and in. Alastor felt a heat deep in him, pooling in his guts. On his arms and forehead the soft touch of feathers caressed sweat slick skin.
They both stayed connected, only their chests moving as they heaved in and out. Lucifer waited for himself to go soft before he pulled out, forehead resting on Alastor’s back, both men on their knees.
Sometime after Luci’s wings folded back in and disappeared, Alastor regained enough sense to speak.
Lucifer pulled him to the floor by his neck, fist cocked back when the door opened.
“Oh sir, not again*. Your jokes are really not funny.” Niffty scurried over Lucifer’s back to retrieve a roll of paper towels before flitting out the room. Before closing the door she huffed, “Please stop telling them. No one ever laughs.”
“Dad, why do you smell like a piña colada?” Charlie leaned into Lucifer, taking in the aroma. “Wait a minute…. I know that smell.” Angel brightened,’“Awww baby’s first hatefuck!!”
*Alastor’s other bad joke
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∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult (general tag list):
@cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum ,
@ivebeenthearchersstuffn, @rubyninja1 , @simphornies , @alleystore , @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog , @thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @psipies , @howabouticallyou , @roxxie-wolf , @ive-no-idea-what-to-call-this , @fizzled-phoenix , @fjorjestertealeaf , @phobophobular , @surusurusuru , @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 , @whateverlololo , @simplyonehellofanotaku , @xixflower , @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it , @roxxie-wolf , @a-case-of-attachment , @multifandomfanatic02 , @watereddownmilk , @raynerrold , @crazii-saber-wolf , @valkyrie-expeditions , @bontensbabygirl , @sillyb0nez , @oo0lady-mad0oo , @jazzmasternot , @pseudobun , @fraugwinska✨, @alitaar , @straows , @alastorssimp , @angelicwillows , @b-o-n-e-daddy , @one-and-only-tay , @asleeponelmstreet , @tremendoushearttaco , @mutifandomkid , @sapphirecaelis , @itzzzkiramylove  @saccharine-nectarine , @viannasthings
@looking1016 , @ultimate-duck-king-lucifer , @blakeaha , @astraechos
🏹Alastor stalkers: @celestial-vomit , @amurtan
@faeoffaith ,
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maridotnet · 2 years
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Lucy and George’s friendship is something that can be so personal, actually
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[Image Description:
Page 1 Panel 1: Lucy looks in the bathroom mirror, ruffling the side of her hair, which is singed short. “It’s a shame about my hair. I was sort of liking having it a bit longer.” Panel 2: Flashback of her dodging a ghost. “Still, better that Lockwood’s flare got it than that the ghost got me.” Panel 3: She reaches for a pair of scissors. “Oh, well.” Panel 4: She looks in the mirror, at her self-cut bangs. “It’s not like I’ve never cut my own hair before. Panel 5: Lucy starts to close her scissors around a lock of hair. “Besides, I’m good with a blade.”
Page 2 Panel 1: Lucy stares in the mirror, exasperated. Behind her, George is entering the bathroom. George: That looks shit. Lockwood won’t let you out of the house looking like that. Panel 2: Lucy turns to look at him disparagingly over her shoulder. “Like you could do better.” Panel 3: George hangs his towel over the door and holds out a hand. “I could, actually. Give me those.“ Panel 4: George combs half of Lucy’s hair up out of the way, and she holds it. George: I always cut my mum’s hair. Here, hold this bit up. Ugh, the back’s a mess! Lucy: Well, I can’t see the back, now can I?
Page 3 Panel 1: George’s hands, snipping through a section of Lucy’s hair. Lucy: Why not go to a salon? George: Too expensive. I suppose my aunt must cut it for her, now. Lucy: Who cuts your hair? George: Lockwood, mostly. He’s terrible. Panel 2: George and Lucy inspect her hair in the mirror. George: There, that’s the back fixed. Let me know if I missed anything once it’s dry. Lucy, ruffling it: That’s loads better! George: Sound a little more surprised, if you can.
Page 4 Panel 1: George, leaving: I’ll get the broom if you hurry up so I can shower. Lucy, still inspecting her hair: Alright, then. Panel 2: George holds the dustpan while Lucy sweeps hair into it. Lucy: Thanks, George. George: Sure. I’m glad the ghost only got your hair. Lucy: Me, too. End.
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