chocostrwberry · 2 months
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Luka and Chloe shenanigans!!
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miraculousalamode · 1 year
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cake decorators, we need your help! our bakers (writers) have been working hard in the kitchen preparing something delicious, but now we need your help to make it look as good as it tastes!
throughout the week, we will be posting snippets and summaries from our bakers with a fic ID attached to them in order to keep the writer anonymous. please write down the fic IDs of the fics that you would be willing to work with, as well as the fic IDs of the fics you would absolutely not under any circumstance want to collaborate with.
at the end of all of these posts, we will post the artist applications for you to submit your answers!
Pairing(s): Luka x akuma class
Rating: E
Archive Warnings (if any): none
Trigger Warnings (if any): none
Summary (no word limit, but don't spoil the whole fic in chatbox!): A fan calls Luka a slut, so he decides to be the best slut in Paris
Snippet: N/A
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trashyangelic · 1 year
Just thought of three fanfics but wasn't sure what to make it here, Wattpad, or AO3. But you choose, I cannot decide.
Let's say Marinette is the half younger sister of Hope Mikaelson. Tom Dupain is her stepfather. Her birth parents is actually Klaus Mikaelson and Sabine Cheng. Her real name is Rhea Sabine Mikaelson. She is a tribrid just like Hope since Sabine her mother is a nature witch just like her family. ::|; Pairings: Kagami x Felix x Marinette ::|; Bashing: Adrien, Lila, Bustier, Damocles, Alya ::|; Sugar: Akuma Class ::|; Takes place on S3 Ladybug
002. - MLB x HP -
Marinette is staying with her parents are Sabine & Tom they are both purebloods since she is the cousin of Cho Chang. Then there's Felix he is adopted by Amelie Graham de Vanily his real name is Altair Felix Malfoy. ::|; Pairings: Drarry, Felinette, Blinny, Pansmione, ChloexNino, Lukagami ::|; Bashings: Ron, Molly, Dumbledore, Alya, Adrien, Lila, Bustier, Damocles ::|; Takes place on S3 Chameleon & Ladybug
Marinette, Sabine, and Tom don't belong in Paris they came from Tevyat before war happen so they decided to come to Paris to have a new life but they kept their powers hidden from many who wanted greed. Marinette is a Yaksha like Xiao but she is a childhood friend of his. ::|; Pairings: Xiao/Lumine, Felinette, Lukchloe, Adrigami, Julerose ::|; Bashing: Alya, Lila, Bustier, Damocles, Akuma Class ::|; Sugars: Alix, Nino, Nathaniel, Kim, Juleka, Rose, Max, Sabrina ::|; Takes place on S3 Felix.
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cassava-49 · 4 years
A six years old Felix hid underneath the buffet table, trying to avoid anymore of the party. He huffed as he leaned on one of the table's leg and began munching on the cookie he snatched. He began dusting the crumbs off him as he crept to the front and raised the table cloth just a little so that he could see what's happening.
Outside he could see his cousin, Adrien, with their bratty friend, Chloe, trying to find him. He couldn't help but giggle seeing that Chloe was concerned for him. But they're not really the reason to why he's hiding, he looked to the far left and found the Italian brat that had been clinging to him the entire night. He watched as she had teary eyes trying to find him. He turned to where Adrien and Chloe were and muttered an apology for leaving. If he could allow them to hide with him he would, but knowing that the two can't sit still without saying a word, they'd be caught without even trying. He then laid back only to bump into another body.
He rubbed his head to find a little girl with short dark blue hair, copying his action. "What are you doing here?" the girl asked in a soft annoyed voice, so not to get caught. He glared at the girl and whisper shouted at her, "That's my line!" She huffed, placing her hands on her waist. "But this is my hiding place," she stated her claim.
Felix mimicked the girl's action to intimidate her. "Yeah, but I don't see anything here that says this is your spot," he snarkly replied. "This is my parents' buffet table, so this is my spot," she defended herself. He huffed and replied, "Well, my parents payed for the food, so this is my hiding spot, too." The little girl scoffed and said, "Your parents didn't pay for the food, the Bourgeoises did, I know because that brat Chloe came by."
This made the two huff as they folded their arms together, turning their heads to the opposite direction. After a few minutes of angry silence, Felix began to crawl to the other side of the table. "Hey, where are you going?" the little girl called out. "To the other side, duh. You take that side and I'll take this side," he replied as he stationed himself to the other leg of the table. She blinked her eyes at the offer and smiled, taking up as much space as she wants. She then took out her small handkerchief and laid it on the floor revealing the few snacks she smuggled, just like a mini picnic.
This caught the little boy's attention. The little girl noticed his stares at the treats and smiled, offering him a macaroon. His eyes widened at the her offer but stubbornly refused, only to have his stomach betray him by releasing a loud grumbling sound. This made the girl giggle and asked him to come over and eat with him. He placed an annoyed look on his face, but happily went over for a snack, taking the macaroon from her hands.
"What's your name?" she asked as he began eating. "Felix," he replied after he swallowed the food in his mouth. She smiled and said, "I'm Marinette." He nodded in recognition and took a cupcake. Marinette began munching on a cookie as she peeked under the table cloth. There she could see her parents serving to the people at the buffet table and mingling with one of the staff members.
"Why are you hiding anyway?" Felix asked as he noticed her peeking outside. "I'm not hiding, my parents know where I am," she replied as she ate the last part of the cookie. "Then why are you under the table?" he asked as he took another macaroon. She shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I don't like being around a lot of people. What about you, are you hiding?"
He nodded and took another cookie. "I don't like the other guest's daughter. She's annoying and clingy, not to mention a liar. I don't believe a thing she says it's all absurd," he replied. This caught her interest as she asked, "Who?" He gestured for her to peek under the tablecloth with him. He looked for the brown haired girl and pointed at her.
"Her, the one dancing with the butler," he said. She stared at the girl and commented, "She doesn't look bad." This made the blond scoff and said, "To you, but once you get to know her you'll see."
"Marinette," a voice from outside called as a large man looked at them from the other side of the table. "Papa!" she squealed excitedly as she approached him. Noticing the other child, Tom smiled and asked, "Who's your new friend?" Remembering that Felix was with her she gestured to the young boy. "This is Felix, he's hiding," she said. This made the man hum in understanding and said, "Well, why don't you keep him company in hiding?" She nodded enthusiastically as she turned to her friend, who had a confused look on his face. "Alright, young man take care of my daughter for me," he said as he left. Felix nodded and turned to find that they already ate all the snacks.
"Aren't there any more food?" he asked in a disappointed voice. "Nope, we ate them all," she replied as she began wiping the young boy's face. "Wait, wha-what are you doing?" he asked as he slowly backed away. She giggled at his reaction and said, "You had crumbs on your face, silly." For some reason the young boy could feel his face heat up at the sudden contact. Once she finished, she say opposite him and began dusting her pink dress.
"Where are you going?" Felix asked as he noticed her about to leave. "Out, it's getting hot in here. I want some air," she said. "But, but you said you weren't going to leave me," he called out, a bit surprised about this. He didn't know what he was feeling, but right now he doesn't want this girl to leave him. "Did I?" she asked a bit confused too. She then snapped her fingers, recalling what she said. "Well, are you coming with me?" she asked.
He nodded his head as they got out of the table. "I know where we could get some air," he said. "Where?" she asked. "Let's go to the rooftop, that way we can watch the fireworks, too. And I'm still hiding, you know," he offered. This excited the young girl as she nodded and asked him to lead the way.
"Let's go," he said as he took small her hand in his. This action made his small heart beat fast, but unsure about it. They navigated their way towards the elevator, avoiding his friends and parents, as well as Lila. They passed by a little Japanese girl, who was standing next to her mother, who had an iron hold on her small hand. Marinette gave the little girl a smile and wave as she slipped a cookie into her hand. This made the girl smile at her and began nibbling on the treat.
When they arrived at the front of the elevator, Felix had to let go of her hand as he jumped to reach the buttons. The elevator door opened to a young rockstar, who looked at them a bit curious. "What're you kids up to?" he asked a bit concerned by the fact that they were unattended. "My friend Marinette needs to go to the bathroom on the first floor. She doesn't like the toilets on this floor and our parents can't take us there, so we'll be going together," Felix lied. This made the rocker let out a laugh at their cuteness. "Alright, be careful little ones," he said as he gave each of them a pat on the head.
With that, both of them got in the elevator and went forth to the top floor. Once on the roof, the little girl's eyes were wide with wonder as she began exploring the grounds, since it was empty but was elaborately decorated. Felix watched as she stared at a giant lantern next to the ball pit. He placed his hands in his pockets and found a coin, this motivated him to impress her.
"It's so pretty out here!" she paused as she looked at the sky above which had a few stars shining. "Thanks for bringing me here, Felix," she said as she bounced her way to the railing, Felix close to her. "Do your want to see a magic trick?" he asked as she looked at the streets below. She turned to him with wide eyes and asked, "You can do magic?" He smiled and nodded at the little girl. "Show me, show me," she demanded as she pulled at his arm.
Without being told twice, he pulled out a coin behind her ear. She gasped and took the coin from him. "Hey, that's my coin," he said, wanting to take it back. "But you pulled it out of my ear," she said as she tried to keep it out of his reach. "It's my magic, so it's mine. I'll give you something else," he offered. He took out his handkerchief and placed it over his hand. When he took it off he held a rose (which he took from one of the displays). She gasped at the beauty, because she never really held a rose before. "You can have this one, but the coin's mine," he said as she took the rose.
"Nope, I'm keeping this coin and this flower," she greedily said as he pouted. "Fine, I'll give you something in exchange for the coin," he said. She blinked her eyes processing what he said. He began searching his pockets and could only find his heirloom, the Graham de Vanilly ring, one for him the other for Adrien. "If I get you to wear this ring, you'll have to give me the money back," he said. She giggled and said, "That's impossible, you'll never get me to wear that." He shrugged and asked, "But if I do you have to give it back, deal?"
Marinette looked at his hand suspiciously not wanting to touch it, in case he slips it on her. "Alright, I'll place it here," he says as he placed it on the floor. He looked at his watch and knew what to do. Satisfied knowing that he won't be slipping it on by hand shake, she said, "Deal."
On cue, the fireworks began, surprising the girl as she looked up to the sky, only to have the little boy kiss her cheek, confusing her more. She pushed him off her with red cheeks. He began to say something to her, but she couldn't hear. "What?" she asked, not understanding. She watched him laugh as he pointed at her hand mouthing, "Check your finger." Surprised, she looked and found the ring was on her right ring finger. She watched as he picked up the coin and the rose. He approached her and placed the flower into her hands with a sweet smile. "Here, you can have the rose, it's pretty just like you," he stated causing the little girl to blush at his words.
She looked back at the ring, which was very loose in her finger and asked, "Does this mean we're married?" This question made the other child go red in embarrassment. "N-not re-really, I-I just placed it on you, bu-but it doesn't really ne-need to mean we are—" he stopped his rambling when the ravenette placed a kiss on his cheek as well. "I like you," she said with a smile.
That was it, Felix Graham de Vanilly finally knew what the meaning of his affections towards this six years old girl. He has a crush.
14 years later
Felix continued to twirl the coin in between his fingers. It has been years since he'd seen that little girl. Until now, he still can't help but feel the undying crush he had on her. Ever since they got back from the rooftop, he got a nagging from Chloe for leaving them for Marinette. She even tore the rose he gave her. From then on he had that boiling anger and hatred towards the blonde. He still couldn't forget the tears of the little girl as she ran away from them, eyes full of her and helplessness.
Every time he went to Paris he would be very aware of his surroundings hoping to find her again. If she still remembers him he'd like to get to know her better. If she doesn't want to be his friend then he'd rather apologize to her and her his heirloom back. He just needs to see her one more time. He gave out another sigh, it's already been 14 years and he still hasn't gotten over it.
He looked at the Grand Palace Hotel, the Bourgeois family is again holding a New Year party. He, of course, is one of the guests, along with some high class figures as well as old classmates of the now mature Chloe Bourgeois, making this a semi formal event. He got out of the car and entered the building, there he was greeted by the staff and the other guests. He began to search the crowd for a familiar face and found Adrien at the bar talking with some friends.
"Felix!" an all too familiar voice called. He turned to find the hostess herself in her glamorous black and yellow cocktail dress. "Chloe," he greeted with civility. "It's so nice that you could join us. I told Adrien that if he kept pestering you, you're bound to arrive, and I was right, as always," she said. "You've known me your entire life, glad to see you haven't lost your touch," he replied as she began to guide him to where Adrien is.
"Adrikins," Chloe said as she approached him taking two seats next to him. "Chloe, you found Felix. I thought you weren't coming," Adrien said he hugged his cousin, much to his formal behaviour. "Lovely, now may I get myself a drink," he said as he sat next to Adrien and ordered a drink from the bartender. Adrien chuckled and said, "You never change, Fè. But since you're very into introductions, let me introduce you to my friends." Felix turned to finally notice the two people he had been talking to. He's vaguely familiar with them remembering the video they sent to Adrien six years ago. "This is Nino, he's studying Arts," Adrien introduced as he gestured to his dark skinned make friend. "Hey, ma dude. I know it's been a while, but you don't need to worry about that video you sent us, Adrien explained it to us and we're all kinda cool about it," Nino said as they shook hands. "Pleasure, and thank you, but I'm still sorry for it. It was the most immature and petty thing I ever did to anyone," Felix replied. "This is Alya, she's taking journalism," Adrien said. "I've seen your blog, it keeps improving ever since you started," Felix complimented. "Well, with that compliment how can I not forgive you," Alya joked.
"Ugh, where's Dupain-Cheng and Tsurugi? I told them to get change, but what's taking them so long?" Chloe ranted. Dupain-Cheng, Felix thought, finding the name and the way she said it all too familiar. "This is your fault for telling them that they'll be one of the waiters," Adrien teased. "I was joking alright, why do you guys take me so seriously?" Chloe complained. Making everyone laugh at her statement. "You really need to tone it down, you always sound so serious," someone said as they placed their hands on Chloe's shoulders. "Luka, when did you get here? I thought you said that you couldn't make it because of your gig in London?" Chloe exclaimed. "I couldn't miss my girlfriend's party now, couldn't I?" the rocker said as he placed a kiss on her cheek.
"Felix, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Luka," Chloe proudly proclaimed. "You have a boyfriend?" Felix joked making everyone laugh. "What can I say, she has a melodic song," Luka said as he placed his arm over her. "I guess you got yourself a keeper, cheers to you," Felix congratulated, but somehow felt a bit jealous. How can someone who broke his childhood love end up with someone as charming as him?
"Sorry guys, we're late," someone said as they approached the group. "About time my lady, it seems like you've been keeping my precious dragon from me," Adrien said as he wrapped his arms around Kagami placing a kiss on her forehead. "Down kitty, I just got her hair done, don't mess it up," the girl with bluebell eyes scolded. "Don't worry Marinette, you know that I love you more than him," the Japanese girl stated causing the blond to pout.
Marinette, Felix thought as he began to stare at her. He recognised he from his cousin's video, one of the girl's that's in love with him. It turns out she just gave it all up for the girl beside her. He noticed her dark hair was similar to that of the Marinette he knew, they never really gave last names. Her eyes were as blue as the sky, he couldn't remember the little girl's eyes since it was very dark and he wasn't sure. She wore an elegant pink dress with a ladybug hairpiece.
He continued to stare, unaware of Chloe's critical eyes. She hung her head in guilt for a few seconds and immediately replaced it with a smile as she sauntered her way to the two ladies. "Dupain-Cheng, Tsurugi, what took both of you so long? Why did you even take me seriously when I said you'll be serving tonight?" Chloe said as the two girls laughed. "Anyway, let me introduce or reintroduce you to someone," she added as she guided them towards Felix.
He unconsciously straightened himself as they neared him. Taking one more sip from his drink he straightened himself to meet her. "Marinette this is Felix, you remember him, don't you?" Chloe said. "Yes, I remember him," she said with a hint of anger and irritation from her voice. "It's a pleasure to meet you, but I must apologize for my behaviour six years ago, not a very good time of mine," he said as they shook hands. She smiled politely at him as she turned to the person next to him. "Luka, why didn't you tell us you were coming?" she exclaimed as she gave the artist a hug.
"Well, I wanted to surprise all of you, but mostly Chloe," Luka said. "Sorry Marinette, but paws off my boyfriend. We're going around and check on the guests," Chloe said as she came in between them. Marinette chuckled and said, "Wouldn't dream of it Chloe." She turned to her friends and joined in on their conversation. She ordered herself a drink as she stationed herself next to Alya and Kagami.
Felix didn't really mind this since it gives him better access to observe her from afar. He sat there with them, just listening on their conversation jumping in any time they ask him. They continued the conversation until an upbeat song began to play. "This is my jam, Marinette let's dance," Alya exclaimed as she dragged her friend to the dance floor. Marinette, as well, dragged Kagami with her as the three headed to the dancefloor. Felix turned to his companions as they continued to watch their girlfriends enjoy themselves. "Aren't you going to join them?" Felix asked hinting to them that they should. Nino waved him a hand, keeping his eyes on his girl. "Nah, I've got a better view here," he replied. "I agree with you on that," Adrien seconded. Felix turned his eyes to the three and couldn't help but feel drawn to the girl named Marinette. The more she stared the more he thought of the little girl he met.
That's impossible, I doubt that it would be her, he thought as he looked away. He gave out a sigh that no one would be able to hear. "You know what, let's dance," Adrien said, clearly tempted to join the girls. "Are you sure? The view is still the better," Nino said. "I know, but that doesn't mean we're the only ones who's watching," Adrien pointed out as he looked at a group of men slowly approaching the girls. This made Nino release a deep growl and got up from his seat following his friend. "Are you joining us, Felix?" Nino offered. Felix politely shook his head and said, "I'm not a big fan of dancing in a crowd." Nino nodded and immediately wrapped his arms around Alya from behind as he glared at the approaching competitors.
Marinette laughed at the two boys as she followed their line of sight. "You two couldn't resist?" she asked. "How could we when we're not the only ones who love dancing," Adrien replied as he danced with Kagami. "By the way Marinette, if you haven't noticed Felix had been looking at you the entire night," Kagami said as she subtly gestured to the lonely blond at the bar. Marinette giggled at this statement and replied, "I don't think so." Alya joined in and said, "Nah girl, Kagami's right. Right now he's been eyeing you for a while now. He's been watching since you came and mostly now that you're dancing."
"I'm with Marinette on this one guys," Adrien said. "What, you don't count bro. You've been clueless for a long time so I doubt you'll notice this one," Nino stated. Adrien still shook his head and reasoned, "Hate to tell you guys, but I've known him for a long time. He has this major crush on this girl he met when we were six or seven during a new year's party here at the hotel. But Chloe kind of scared her off and he hasn't seen her ever since. He still hasn't gotten over her until now, so I don't think so."
This somehow froze Marinette in her spot, since the story sounded all too familiar to her. She unconsciously brought her hand to the ring around her neck, which she had from that boy, whose name she can no longer remember . She glanced at the boy at the bar to find him mingling with... Lila. This twisted her heart for some reason, she doesn't know what this feeling she has, seeing him talk with the liar. She bit her lip wanting to leave. Thankfully a slow dance began, giving her an excuse to leave the floor.
She turned to the buffet table to have a bit of the desserts there to ease herself. She looked at the dancefloor and watched as her friends lovingly enjoyed each others embrace. She could see Alya and Nino, Juleka and Rose, Sabrina and her boyfriend, Nathaniel and Marc, Chloe and Luka, Kagami and Adrien.
She smiled, after they defeated Hawkmoth they revealed their identities to each other. She was really surprised by the fact that her partner has been Adrien the entire time. They did start dating, but they never really lasted after they entered college. Turns out she had been holding back even until she dated Adrien. She was actually confused too, she never knew that she was holding, back as if she was waiting for someone. This made her grasp the ring that had been around her neck like some necklace ornament.
She did receive this from a little boy who she called her husband when she was until eight. That was when she finally accepted the fact that they'll never meet again. When she turned nine, that was when Chloe's bullying got worse, making her passive and detached, not having a best friend to cling on to.
What was that boy's name again? Finn... Finley... Francis... Francisco... Fernando...Frederick... Ferdinand... Fergus... "Felix," she mumbled under her breath tightening her grip around the ring. Could it be? She thought as she tried to find him in the crowd again, but he was nowhere to be found. She sighed and shook her head finding it impossible. The Felix she knew is kind, considerate and sweet. This Felix is sly, devious, and perverted. She frowned at she recalled the memory of him trying to kiss her as Ladybug.
"Aw, what's with the frown sweetheart? You look better with a smile," a man in his mid twenties said as he approached her. Not liking the attention she turned away, wanting to avoid his advances. Despite the silent treatment he continued to talk to her. "Sorry, that was a bit forward of me," he apologized as he tailed her. "I just noticed that you were alone by the buffet table and thought that maybe I should introduce myself to a lovely lady like yourself," he continued.
"You're mistaken sir, but I'm not alone," she replied trying to lose him in the crowd. "You came with your friends, right? Or do you have a boyfriend?" he pursued. "I'm with my friends and I think they're looking for me," she replied as she navigated her way back to the bar. "Can't we at least talk, I'd like to have a chat with you for a bit. Something not business related, it gives a stale taste to the party," he said as he sat down next to her. "Why not I buy you a drink, miss?" he offered.
Marinette politely shook her head with disinterest. "Alright, alright, no drinks. I'm François by the way, what's the lovely angel's name?" he asked leaning forward, brushing his hand against his. This made her flinch at the contact trying to move away from him. "I'm sure I've clearly showed that I'm not interested," she hissed as her patience thinned. "Are you sure? It looks to me we're playing cat and mouse, you don't have to worry, I like the chase," he said as he leaned in again.
Before she could say anything, she felt someone place a hand behind her as he approached them. "If you may, sir, she has clearly stated that she's not interested. Just leave it at that, and respect her decision," Felix stated. The man scoffed as he stood up trying to match him, only to find that he's five inches smaller than the tall man. "Yeah, but who are you to interrupt us," he dared trying to assert dominance.
"My fiancee, obviously," she casually said glaring at the man. "But you're not—," François stopped when he saw the ring around her neck. "I wear my engagement ring this way to see how many of you are really observant enough to notice it," she stated. He turned to Felix, who was glaring at him with a fiercer intensity than before. This made the man stiffen under the blond's gaze and began to walk away. Once out of earshot he looked at her and smirked.
"Fiancée?" he teased as he sat next to her. She scoffed at him and said, "That's the easiest way to prove your relationship to me." He chuckled at her looked at the ring around her neck, only to smile at the confirmation. "Anyway, thank you," she replied as she ordered herself a drink. Noticing his eyes on the ring, she felt herself blush at the thought of the possibility of the little boy being him. "May I see it?" he asked when he got her attention. Seeing no harm in having him see it, she removed the ring around her neck and gave it to him.
She observed his reactions, she suddenly worried when she noticed a sly smile slowly creep on his face. "Where'd you get this ring?" he asked. She shrugged as she placed her drink on the counter. "A little boy gave it to me when I was six," she replied trying to keep it vague. He hummed as he asked again, "Do you know why he gave it to you?" This made her blush as she recalled her saying that their engaged now that he slipped the ring on her finger. "He-he gave it to me as a proposal," she replied as she looked away with red cheeks.
She heard a chuckle coming from him. "I think you're wrong. I believe he gave it to you in exchange for this," Felix said as he made the coin appear from behind her ear. She gasped as she recalled the trick he performed for her, which was followed by their refutes about the coin. She heard him chuckle again at her reaction. "Do you still remember the young boy's name?" he curiously asked with a knowing smile on his face.
Her eyes went wide as she exclaimed, "You can't, you can't be? Felix?" He smiled and showed the ring and coin as he pointed something out. "This ring, if you must know, is a family heirloom. This is one of the Graham de Vanilly twin rings. You see the ring Adrien wears, this is one of its pairs as the current generation of our family," he said as he placed the coin in her hand. "And that coin, is the very coin that I've shown you from before," he added with a gentle smile.
"Can, can we get some air?" she asked hoping he'd say the same thing. "I know a great place that we can go to. Let's go to the rooftop, we can watch the fireworks up there, too Marinette," he replied as he took her hand in his and dragged her towards the elevator.
They passed Chloe, who had a proud smile on her face as she whispered an apology. They passed Lila who was flirting to a storm with another man. They past Kagami and Adrien, who were resting after all the dancing on one of the chairs. Marinette smiled and waved her hand at the Japanese girl, who in turn smiled at her with a small wave. They stopped in front of the elevator door as Felix pressed the button, this time not letting go of her hand. The door opened to Jagged Stone, now in his golden age.
"Marinette, my girl where you headed?" he asked as he turned to the boy next to her. "Why am I getting a sense of déjà vu right now?" he asked as he gave out a chuckle. "Nothing uncle Jagged, I just want to take Felix to the best place to watch the fireworks," she said with a smile. "I remembered a long time ago when there was a small pair with the same hair colour as the both of you going into the elevator giving out the cutest excuse I've ever heard," he replied as he bid goodbye to the two.
Once inside the elevator, the two looked to each other and laughed as they headed to the top floor. "Locked," Felix said when they arrived at the door to the roof. Marinette pouted at this, saying, "Now how are we going to see the fireworks?" He smiled and approached her as he took one of her hairpins and began to unlock the door. He then turned back to her and placed the pin back as well as placing a kiss on her forehead.
She blushed at the contact as he took her hand and guided her to the rooftop. He brought her to the spot where they stood before as he lets go of her hand, much to her dismay. Without saying anything, he took out his handkerchief and performed the magic again. He removed the cloth to reveal a rose, this time, a pink rose. He placed it in her hands as he placed a kiss on her cheek.
"I believe that's how it happened," he said as he looked at her blushing face. She smiled at him and nodded and took the ring out of the chain. "What am I going to do with this now?" she asked. He hummed as he took the ring from her and took her hand, casually slipping it in. "Now, I'll be waiting for your answer," he replied with a smile. "And if I say no," she joked. "You need to give it back," he replied bluntly. This made her laugh at his seriousness, as she slowly remembered his serious face back then too.
She placed her hands on his shoulders as she stood on the tips of her toes, despite already wearing heels, she still can't reach him. "It's a good thing that I'm not planning on saying no," she replied as she placed a kiss on his cheek. This time it was his turn to blush at her actions, making her smile at him giddily.
Again, on cue, the fireworks began. This made her turn her attention to the sky to watch the display. Taking this as an opportunity, Felix grinned as he called her attention, "Marinette." This made her turn to him, only to have her lips captured in his. She smiled into it as she wrapped her arms around him. Feeling dating, he lifted her off her feet, overly ecstatic on finding her.
"Happy New year, Marinette," he said as they parted. She giggled as she rested her forehead on his. "Happy New year, Felix," she replied.
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“I actually really hate Lukloe, I don’t see Chloe as the perfect girl for Luka, just as Kagami…Personally, I prefer Zoe, as she is a really good and sweet girl, and Luka deserves a girl like her, but please don’t judge me, I love Chloe…but she just isn’t the best for Luka.”
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My Miraculous Ladybug Notp’s.
1-4. Love Square
Marinette is lowkey a stalker, Chat Noir has been lowkey harassing Ladybug since episode 1, Ladrien is too obsessive and unhealthy to work, and Marichat and Ladrien can’t be together because hero/civilian can’t work.
5-7. Chlonath, Chlonette, Lukchloé
I am a firm believer that Astruc can suck my ass because Chloé deserved the redemption arc that she was almost given and then randomly deprived of at the last minute, but even if Chloé was redeemed, their personalities just aren’t compatible. They wouldn’t work.
8. Anything with Zoé
We haven’t really seen enough of her to get a read on her character, so I don’t know which characters she would be compatible with, plus I can already see her turning into a Mary Sue, in which case I’ll end up hating her - so I’ll hold off on any shipping of Zoé for now.
9. Anything with Lila
Lila is a lying bitch, I hate everything about her, I’m pretty sure she is the one character I can not, will not see redeemed (I could even swing Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth and Mayura’s redemption). Any relationship she could be in would be toxic as fuck, and the only thing I ship Lie-la with is fucking KARMA.
10. Anything with Alix
She’s aromantic, she shouldn’t be shipped with anyone in a romantic capacity.
11. Gabriel/Marinette (Ladyhawk? Gabrinette? Ew.)
Whomst the fuck-
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“I dont see Lukchloe as a Romantic pairing, they would probably be really interesting friends that would form a strong bond but as a couple idk i just personally can’t see it.”
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leviaana · 5 years
In addition to that do you think luka and kagami deserve to be happy with their love ones or should it be marinette and adrien?
Honestly, I want everyone to be happy.
Obviously, Kagami and Luka were introduced to be ship wreckers and I really want to see where the creators are going with them.
It'd be cool to have Mari date Luka and Adrien date Kagami for a while and realizing that something does not work out. Let them gain experience when it comes to relationships, maybe even have someone experience heart breaks over a break up. It would be very realistic to me and I'd totally be up for that.
But I am always going to root for the Love Square.♡♡♡
Best case for me: Adrinette/Ladynoir happens, Kagami is a lesbian with a sword and Luka is in a love/hate rs with Chloe.
I know, I know. Many wouldn't want Luka to even deal with a person like Chloe but--
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official-ladyblog · 6 years
Is there any Miraculous ship you don't like or find disguising?
Hands down, the disgusting ship for this fandom is Gabriel and (a typically aged-up) Marinette. The fact that the thought even occurred to ship them is… troubling.
But otherwise, I have a pretty open view about shipping! I try not to judge others based on who they like to ship, and on this blog you’ll see a ton of multishipping from yours truly. Of my least favorite ships, I think they’d be shipping Alix with guys, especially Kim (between queer vibes from her, and that I’ve preferred Kim with either Max or Ondine), Adrien with Chloe or Lila (I don’t see either of them as good influences on him), and Rose with Ali (Julerose since day 1 boiiiiiiiii). And I suppose I must admit… I’m not the biggest fan of Ninette or Alyadrien, monogamously (I do enjoy OT3s or OT4s of the Best Friend Squad). I see either of the components in much better ships with just about every other character, yet with each other I just don’t feel it. 
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Personally, I don't get the appeal of lukchloe. They both have nothing that brings out the beat of each other and chloe wouldn't tolerate luka at all. Though that's probably because I don't ship Chloe with anyone, at all.
Same. I ship Luka and Zoe but not Luka and Chloé. And yes, I also don't ship Chloé with anyone for now.
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I decided to rate MLB ships
Adrinette (9/10)
I'd give this a higher rating, but Marinette kinda goes crazy for him later on in the show. HOWEVER, I do love Adrien realizing he has a crush on Marinette. Overall, they're a pretty good duo. If Mari wasn't so cray-cray for him, I'd give it a ten.
Buggachat (10/10)
I fvcking love this ship. I love Chat Noir and I love how he pines away for Ladybug, but she's like, uh-uh, no thanks. Mostly I love Chat.
Ladrien (5/10)
I honestly am not huge on this. Idk, it's just kinda meh, they like those versions of the other, and there isn't much building in it.
Marichat (12/10)
I also fvcking love this dynamic. I love how Marinette likes Adrien, but she grows to love Chat, and how Chat ends up loving Mari. It's the best, by far my fave ship.
Chlodrien (2/10)
I just... no. Just no.
Chlonette (11/10)
I just love this. I love how Chloe is a fan of Lb but she is actually the girl she bullies. I love to think that Chloe secretly has a crush on Mari but has no idea how to tell her so she bullies her because she is confused.
Adrigami (1/10)
I just don't like this ship. Idk y, I just don't like Kagami with him and... it's just meh.
Lukanette (1/10)
I honestly don't like Luka. Except for in one ship.
Lukagami (10/10)
I love this ship. They are made for each other, in my opinion.
Lukchloe (1/10)
I just.... no.
Chlobrina (6/10)
This ship is ok, it's not the best, but it's not bad.
AlyaxMari (idk their ship name) (0/10)
Alya. Is. With. Nino. Period.
Ninya (i think that's their ship name) (10/10)
They're a huge power couple. I count foxxturtle as this
Julerose (10/10)
That's about as much as I can do rn.
Any suggestions?
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since astruc really hates lukchloe ship (i mean it's chloe so ofc he hates it) i wonder what he would think of some other unpopular ship like the one where lila and luka are paired (i think its called lika or liluka? tho that ship is no where near as popular as lukchloe but id imagine his reaction would be a lot worse)
I’ve never really heard of that ship before, but I’m guessing Astruc wouldn’t like it.
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miraculousalamode · 1 year
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cake decorators, we need your help! our bakers (writers) have been working hard in the kitchen preparing something delicious, but now we need your help to make it look as good as it tastes!
throughout the week, we will be posting snippets and summaries from our bakers with a fic ID attached to them in order to keep the writer anonymous. please write down the fic IDs of the fics that you would be willing to work with, as well as the fic IDs of the fics you would absolutely not under any circumstance want to collaborate with.
at the end of all of these posts, we will post the artist applications for you to submit your answers!
pairing(s): chloé bourgeois/luka couffaine
rating: teen
summary: In which Luka—coffee addict—Couffaine decided to head to a different coffee shop for a change (nah, his old one literally closed down and he is super upset) where he crossed paths with probably the most wealthy and meanest girl in his college, behind the counter and asking for his order.
snippet: Finally the girl with a ponytail by the counter looked up, tossing her phone back inside her green apron. Icy blue eyes met his steel blue ones and suddenly Luka forgot how to breathe.
Not because she was pretty or how her blue eyes were so vibrant that he wanted to cower away under her gaze. But it was because he knew that face. He knew her college. And that face was popular anywhere, actually and the fact that nobody in the store really cared to point it out, baffled him.
“What can I get you?” she asked. This was the first time he heard her voice up close. Luka wasn’t sure how to react.
And the fact that she said it so . . . kindly made things crazier.
This girl wasn’t known to be nice in his college.
Oh Jules would holler if she’s with Luka at that exact moment he froze, unable to say what he wanted.
He might’ve stared too long because she glared, raised her hand in front of her face and waved.
“Hi?” she asked.
“You’re Chloé Bourgeois,” Luka finally blurted while the girl’s eyebrows rose, “you’re—I—what are you doing here?”
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
Enchanted Series: Marichat Version
Enchanted Series: Marichat Version by granthenry
In which two people who had their hearts broken to the point where no one can heal, find solace in the other. But, heartbreak, loss and people's judgement will try to tear them apart. Will love find a way or will pain be a constant presence in their lives?
A journey of tears, hope and love. Join Chat and Marinette on the exploration of devotion and epiphanies as they encounter trials and tribulations along the way of discovering one another.
Words: 1019, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Taylor Swift (Musician), Owl City (Band), Adam Young (Musician) RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois, Luka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Alix Kubdel, Max Kanté, Sabrina Raincomprix, Lê Chiến Kim, Lila Rossi, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Nathalie Sancoeur, Marc Anciel, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Emilie Agreste, Plagg, Tikki, James (folklore - Taylor Swift), Original Miraculous Ladybug Character(s)
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois/Luka Couffaine, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant
Additional Tags: Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, lukchloe, Starting Over, Drama, Drama & Romance, Romance, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Lila Rossi Redemption, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, because she deserves it, Late Night Conversations, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35325844
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bgony · 6 years
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A scene from my LukChloe-age-up-AU-fic. Chloé is losing her shit when Luka doesn't show up in a vet clinic when Chloé needs him. She demands his adress and arrives just to be shocked that he's actually sick as hell. Anyway, despite Rose's call to him, he's surprised to see her.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
100 Days
100 Days by pearluche
It's all up to you now, Marinette. It's up to you, to change our future. In any little way you can. And with that, was struck. ┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 100 Days until what? All Ladybug had received was a cryptic message from Bunnix, bearing heart wrenching news and a due date. A due date, that was going to come to pass, despite the warnings left. What was she to do? And could she prevent this? Short answer, no. But she could most definitely change the events that lead up to this. And discover one or two other things on the way. ┗━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┛ or the short summary for you lazy bums: Marinette tries to stop an event that would take place in the future. this story is season 3 compliant. any seasons after.. probably not.
Words: 7226, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Bunnix, Alya Césaire, Alix Kubdel, Lila Rossi, Tikki, Plagg
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine/Alix Kubdel, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois/Kagami Tsurugi
Additional Tags: very temporary lukanette, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, new Hawkmoth, Almost Adults, there are many character deaths lol, Everyone Needs A Hug, Good Friend Alix Kubdel, Good Friend Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Identity Reveal, sad reveal, some fluff don't worry, alya marinette adrien nino friendship, in fact there is a lot of friendship, Aged-Up Character(s), Episode: s03 Timetagger, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Confusing, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Bisexual Chloé Bourgeois, lukchloe friendship, Supportive Tikki, tikki and plagg, Humor, sex references, lol we'll see about the ending, also on Wattpad
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31115657
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