#anti lukagami
i will never forgive the miraculous fandom for shipping lukagami when season 2 came out
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“Tbh, I would have rather had Lukagami than Feligami. I know the former barely interacted and suffers from the “pair the spares” trope, but I think it can still make for a sweet/compatible ship. Also, I rather have my girl Kagami with someone like Luka than with someone like Felix 🙄”
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 years
Wait so we're getting official Feligami content? Why them instead of Lukagami...
-No Wind Resistance anon/ "Anti-vaxer" Felix anon 😒
I have snipers in place to kill both of those ships
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Can I ask why you're anti DjWifi? (I don't personally have any feelings about it but I'd love to know your opinion)
Because I honestly felt like it was just to parallel Adrienette because "Get it? They're the best friends to our main characters, so they must be together." To me, it kinda feels like another Pair the Spares ship. I know it's ironic to say that because I ship Lukagami [which can be viewed as a Pair the Spares ship], but to me, DJWifi I feel like it's only there to keep pushing the Love Square onto us and that's all we know them for.
Plus, I fucking hated that "No I'll protect you!" gag from Heroes' Day
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unitadmirals · 2 years
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Hey everyone! Our first post here! This December, my freind (@menacetheinconvenence) and I (@phoinexboi) have started a Miraculous swap AU! The tales of Tentōchū and InkChat! An AU where Kagami and Juleka are the mains (Kagami-Ladybug and Juleka-Black Cat respectively)
-This is a Lukagami AU! Beware if you're scared of ships you don't like!
-Marinette doesn't play a prominent role and is treated as an antagonist for quite a chunk of this series! Beware Marinette stans!
-Chloé redemption and respect!
-Adrien will appear and have a major role!
-Lila will appear and have a major role!
-Zoé will appear and have a major role!
-Luka is the main antagonist (Butterfly holder) but is more of an Anti-Hero!
-Lila is nice but still minipulative
-Zoé will be major but will not appear until the Second Season
-Every Season (planned Season's so far) has 15 episodes
-Kagami will get development!
-Julerose is a major part in the series and will be treated casually!
-Marc will play a more major role!
-Emilie is alive!
-Nathaniel might not appear in the AU it is not yet decided!
-The akuma's are mostly canon exept for a few original ones affected by the story!
So here's an episode list for your troubles!
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Two things to note here:
1. These titles are subject to change.
2. Although most finalies will remain the same, some will be tied using old akuma's and new! story beats
Hope ya'll enjoy this AU we're working really hard when it comes to the story and character development!
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crykiid · 4 years
im confused by everyone who ships lukagami like seriously they have no interest in each other, nothing in common and the only time they would be together is if they were in a poly relationship with mari and/or adrien
they are each others competition, they both wanna date adrien and they both wanna date mari however they dont want to date each other
you know what im here for lukanette, lukadrien, kagaminette and adrigami (and ofc adrienette) but luka and kagami dont go together because their personalities clash really badly and not in a cute quirky way, in a ‘you are so fucking annoying why are you like that’ way
and thats on pewiodt.
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zoe-oneesama · 5 years
how would you feel if lukagami were to happen if adrienette happens? personally i don't want that ship to happen cuz they're personalities don't seem to mix well as a couple and it would feel like lazy writing for them to become a couple so they can be "happy" too :/ ... but there's a lot of bad writing making it plausible...
Yeah, no, the canon version of Lukagami feels too much like a “Welp, you’re the left overs so you should be together.” One could make an argument for their personalities coming together, but with the set up what it is, I don’t really like it.
First, we’ve never seen Luka and Kagami interact directly. Even when she was on his house boat they never exchanged words, so it’s hard to say if they even really acknowledge each other. And then there’s the whole becoming a couple after they’ve been dumped thing? Like, it’s not the same as when your dog dies and you get a new puppy to cope, jumping into a new relationship is not the best or only way to deal with heartbreak. 
It feels like if they became a couple it would be because after the breakups the writers wouldn’t know what to do with them so they’d just slap them together and call them done. I have no doubt if someone wrote a long slow burn fic you could put them together and they’d actually get a lot out of the relationship, but with the show writers, you know that they’d just jump from one relationship into a new one regardless if it actually made any sense.
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dizzying-faust · 5 years
You didn’t give a topic so I’ll say what’s been on my mind.
I’m not a fan of luka//gami. I’m not the biggest fan of “pair the spares”, mostly because how 90% of the time it’s used to get people out of the way of the main ship (Looking at you jan//tom). 
Though to be fair on luka//gami’s end, at least I’ve seen people try to give good reasons on why the ship would work compared to just having one little thing in common and that equals true love. Some like it for the “opposites attract” element, others like it for the idea of them getting together after Adrien and Marinette get together. But the thing is, luka//gami is purely based on fan speculation, since they never interacted so far in canon. Sure we have seen episodes where both of them appear, but never with each other. So I can't really get into the ship if I don't know what their canon relationship would be like.
And yeah, you can say I’m a hypocrite because I ship Kagami in a crossover ship, but this leads to another reason why I can’t get into the ship. Luka himself.
I said before that I’m not a big fan of Luka, canon and fanon. I don’t like his canon self because of how one-note he is. At least with Kagami, whether you like her or not, she does have a full-fledged personality and we do know her flaws and life outside of love drama. Luka doesn’t have anything outside of liking music and caring for Marinette. And I can stand his fanon version due to how much his stans ruined him for me (especially shippers of THAT Luka ship). So any content around him with ships makes me go…well…ew.
At least with my Okugami ship, Okuyasu has a backstory, flaws, and a full-fledged personality; and there are stuff I can see with him and Kagami works. Luka//gami, just doesn’t do that to me.
But in the end, I can’t really heavily hate the pairing. It’s not notp-worthy but it ain’t something I’m interested in. It’s more in the “meh, not for me” category.
If people like it, more power to them, I just can't personally get into it.
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carpisuns · 2 years
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i like my blueberries a little bit roasted
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coralcatsea · 3 years
A lot of people have become disillusioned with the main Miraculous ship and instead think that Kagami would be better for Adrien, but I'm not so sure. Kagami isn't really that great for him either. In one episode, she yells at him when he does a funny pose and says that's not him – why would he do that at all, then? It's not going to impress anyone the way his perfect persona would, so what other reason does he have to do it than simply wanting to?
In Risk, she starts yelling at him really harshly over the phone for not standing up to his father. I don't know if she was under the risk influence or not, but I don't think that would excuse it either way. I get her concern, but she just came at him out of nowhere simply because he looked a little sad. If your friend is sad, why would you start screaming at them for it?? She didn't even have a reasonable conversation with him about it first in the episode.
It's a shame because I think she has potential to be one of the better characters, and I like her assertiveness, but her anger that seems to come out of nowhere ruins it. She's weirdly written (though so is everyone else in the show).
I also just don't think Adrien really even has feelings for her. To me the relationship just came off like she was being really pushy and convinced him that he should date her when he wasn't sure. Obviously he's at fault for that too and shouldn't have given in, as it only led to him not paying attention to her in the relationship.
Anyway Adrien x therapy is the best Adrien ship right now.
As for Marinette...she should probably take some therapy, too. Luka's fine, but he deserves better than to be Marinette's backup plan.
Luka and Kagami would probably work decently together. Luka isn't as a timid as Adrien and would probably mellow Kagami out some, and he'd be more likely to do what he feels is right instead of letting other people push him around.
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How do you feel abou Nathalie having feelings for Gabriel? I honestly hate it the unrequited love angle they went. I would have prefer it be from a platonic point of love.
Yeah, I’m not really a fan of it. The whole idea of Nathalie having feelings for Gabriel when we saw in Season 1 that she was just his beleaguered assistant who was just doing her job just doesn’t really do it for me.
With Adrien and Luka, we saw how Marinette started to have feelings for them as she witnessed how kind they could be, but it’s never really established why Nathalie is even interested in Gabriel in the first place. Hell, we saw in one episode that Adrien is okay with Gabriel and Nathalie starting a relationship when we don’t even know what their current relationship is like And doesn’t Nathalie know the policy when it comes to coworkers dating?
It doesn’t help that this is yet another unintentional example of a major female character’s motivation being related to how she feels about a man. Like, I swear to God, I don’t think the show is doing this on purpose, but if the writers keep writing their characters like this, I might start to think the show is.
If you ship GabeNath, that’s fine. I’m not trying to discourage anyone from shipping the two together. I have weirder ships for this show. The person writing this post is pure trash for ships like Kagaminette, Kimax, Chlolix and Lukagami.
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“I actually really hate Lukloe, I don’t see Chloe as the perfect girl for Luka, just as Kagami…Personally, I prefer Zoe, as she is a really good and sweet girl, and Luka deserves a girl like her, but please don’t judge me, I love Chloe…but she just isn’t the best for Luka.”
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beautymercurydragon · 4 years
Biphobic people in fandoms are weird because one minute they’re like ‘not everyone in a het relationship is straight!’ and then the next they’re shitting all over people who hc a character as bi and ship them in a straight-presenting ship, like, make up your mind Janet (tagging the fandoms and ships this applies to in the tags)
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Popular ML Ships Ranked
God-tier: Love Square, DJWifi, JuleRose, Myvan, Kimdine, NathMarc, Cheesecake, Tombine, Lukagami, Gabriel x Death, Chlolukagami
A: Adrigami, Lukloe, Nathanette, Chlogami, Sabrinali, Mirore, Lilix, ChloKim, Master Fu x Marianne
B: Maxlix, Waydine
C: Adrinino, Alyanette, Marigami, Chlobrina, Kimax, Ninette, Adrigaminette (I hc Mari as heteroflexible so I have no problem with it), Heartrate
D: Alyadrien, Lukanette, Lukadrienette, ChloNath
Garbage: Lilanette, Chloenette, Felinette, Gabrinette, GabeNath, Liladrien, Chlodrien, Lukadrien (fandom ruined it for me and plus, it’s overrated and bland), Chlolya, Nathleka, Feligami, Couffainecest
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paintme-intrust · 5 years
I just realized why I can’t ship Lukanette.
It’s because of the umbrella scene...and the guitar pick scene (im calling it that idc.)
When Marinette embarrassed herself infront of Adrien and he chuckled at her. He made her feel comfortable enough to laugh at herself.
While When Luka chuckled at Marinette embarrassing herself, she felt anxious still and he apologized when he realized what he did.
Which is why Luka and Kagami are endgame because if Kagami would have said stuttered like that she would have a nickname for him everytime he dare say “ka-ka-Kagami” and one of them would be blueberry. And That’s the tea 🍵
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theluckiestlb · 3 years
i mean, i happen to think luka and kagami would actually make a nice couple but w/e i guess
I've seen some interesting lukagami fan work! I get where you're coming from. It's personally not my cup of tea, but different strokes for different folks. 😊
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