#luke fly
waltricia · 1 month
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Am I correct in assuming that, in this moment, he’s trying to convey to her that she’s the reason he had the courage to run and stop the balloon, but she thinks he’s essentially giving her another lesson and encouraging her to go to Debling?
Because if so, that is really just another kick in the balls. Damn!
Also, I gotta say, Pen really is ethereally beautiful. They both are. Bisexual dream.
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months
luke and biggs… thoughts?
many thoughts + it means luke has a type
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dollypopup · 10 days
Yeah, just gonna say that this fandom needs to shut the fuck up about Luke Newton and his love life. He's a grown man who was seen with a grown woman, and his relationship has no bearing on his acting ability. The parasocial relationship has gone too far.
This fandom has harassed him and people around him, bullied his ex-gf openly, and have already been horrifically misogynistic to the woman he's rumored to be dating. I've literally seen people calling him a groomer as if this woman isn't grown af at a whole 23 goddamn years old. He is 31. Some of y'all need to log off the damn internet. It's clear people are just mad that he and Nicola aren't an item and that he can't live a life outside of this work and doesn't exist to please like a paper doll they can go 'now kiss!' about. He dedicated years to this production that we've consumed and handled it with more grace than most of us would.
India and Corey had chemistry and didn't need to be together to sell Queen Charlotte. Simone and JB had chemistry and didn't need to be together to sell Bton Season 2. And Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan have chemistry and don't need to be together to sell Bton Season 3. He can have a fucking girlfriend if he wants, he has literally done NOTHING wrong, and some of y'all are acting like he punted your puppy in the Thames and personally insulted you to your face.
Let the man live.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Gotta be honest, the idea that Luke wouldn’t send a child alone in an X-wing with only a droid for company is funny to me.
Like, we’re talking about the same Luke, right? The one who spent years bulls-eyeing womp rats and took the experience from that to then blow up the Death Star? The one who was like “This is a trap… I’m gonna walk right into it.” The one who was like “I will rescue my dear friend by waltzing in without a disguise and being as obnoxious as possible.” “How do we get out of this situation? How about we convince these small bear creatures that our droid is a god, that will probably work.” “I know Darth Vader is a murderer who murdered my Ben and is trying to murder me and all, but he is also my dad and therefore I love him.”
Luke would send a child in an X-wing without even fucking thinking about it! Do you REALLY think LUKE SKYWALKER is a reasonable human being?? Are you honestly trying to tell me that this man who has been driving the same fucking ship for like ten years would understand how dangerous it is to put an unsupervised child in a vehicle??? Do you really honestly truly think that Luke knows how to care for children????
You see, a lot of people like to portray Luke as perfect. And this is the same issue I have with people who portray Obi-Wan as perfect, or Yoda, or Mace, or literally any character in all of Star Wars because the whole point is that the are flawed human beings!
But it’s ESPECIALLY egregrious with Luke because I don’t know where any of you got this idea that Luke is a sweet summer child??? This man has a death count of over one million. This man had Seen Some Shit that it is literally impossible not to be affected by. Why do so many people assume that Luke at the end of the Trilogy is the same as Luke at the beginning of the Trilogy? He’s changed! He’s a different person! That’s what makes the Original Trilogy such a good trilogy!! It’s basic storytelling!!! A character canNOT be at the same place mentally as when they began the story, or else it’s not a good story!
But also, I hate the way this colours shipping fics with Luke. Like, listen. There is no ship where Luke should be the straightman of the relationship. Luke Skywalker just is not normal. He’s weird, he’s deranged, he’s so strange; he cannot be a straightman, it just doesn’t work. It’s so completely out of character it isn’t even funny.
The joy of shipping Luke is that every single thing that you can ship Luke with will come out the other sode looking rational.
Han Solo is a smuggler who hangs out with a Wookiee and who does extremely dangerous, stupid shit, but next to Luke?? Rational. Normal. Someone who uses their brain, Luke, take notes-
Din Djarin is a bounty hunter who decided that he would rather destroy an entire group of highly dangerous men than give up the cute kid he just found. But compared to Luke? At least he has equipment on him!
Mara Jade literally was mind-controlled by the Emperor and was Darth Vader’s coworker and was also a Jedi (something that no rational person would be honestly) and even she comes across as normal compared to Luke Skywalker.
I know this is rambly and disjointed and I know people disagree with me, but like??? Yes, I think Luke is great with kids. Yes, I think Luke is a good teacher. Yes, I think Luke is the type of person to wave goodbye as an infant flies off in his warship. I think Luke is the type of person who would throw a child into the air way too high and then catch them. Where did the idea that he’s the responsible parent come from? Luke is teaching infants how to use laser swords, do you REALLY THINK that’s what a responsible parent would do????
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nocternalrandomness · 3 months
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Ace Maker II at Luke Days 2024
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polls4you · 2 months
Julie and the Phantoms: Choose your favorite song!
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Listen to the songs below the cut!
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omgahgase · 1 year
now listen, listen here. i just know deep down in my bone marrows that the twins have had more than one conversation about their boyfriends choice of ships.
leia has told han time and time again that he can't keep replacing and moving and relying on pure luck for the falcon to even start let alone fly. he either needs to get professional help that she's all but willing to provide for, or he needs to get a new ship.
(that last bit is just a threat, a scare tactic, if you will. she knows how much the falcon means to han. leia would never forcefully make him part with his first love.)
now, luke and din? they're different. and that's only bc luke is as sentimental as din and will do everything in his power to fix that bag of bolts. scrounge shady sellers for spare parts? luke is on it. help peli with repairs even if luke is up all night to do it? he has a canteen of caf ready to keep him awake. luke will do, buy, fix, whatever the razor crest needs bc it's din's home, no matter if it's not his first or his current one. it's the first ship he bought after a successful bounty, it's where he raised grogu, where he took luke to see the stars when he was just a kid on tatooine, a bright eyed farm boy hungry for the reckless and the unknown.
luke is dearly attached to that ship just as much as din and grogu are, and he's going to make sure it flies for another day.
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gildedlead · 5 months
Luke that engages in casual, mundane stuff with Duke. Luke that knows that the Waynes can be hardcore at times and even at their highest moments, they still play a little too rough for someone who didn’t grow up with The Life and it gets a little hectic.
Luke that shows up in the morning with a bag from the beauty supply store and sits in the living room with Duke for however long it takes to help him do a retwist. Luke that roughhouses––not spars or brawls, but just irritates, enough to get on your nerves but never enough to leave anything sore. Luke that buys two copies of all the newest games so he and Duke can play at their respective homes. Luke that trash-talks the whole time. Luke that drives Duke around, or lets him borrow his car when he needs driving practice. Luke that goes along with whatever lie Duke tells, then crosses his arms and stares at him until he gets the truth.
Basically, Luke that is Duke’s big brother.
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📸: Anna Muradás
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shirozora-draws · 2 years
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... anyway! if i wasn't so tired/busy this whole fucking month, i'd already have gotten to a comfortable spot in the 3quelfic Part 1 revisions and started the final outline and first draft of That Staircase Doodle fic, but i am tired/busy so the best I can do right now is spend way too much time sketching and cleaning up said sketching some thoughts on Reluctant Mand'alor Din and Jedi Knight/Ambassador Luke.
i intentionally left in the older sketch line layers to 1) show my thought(?) process as i figure out a composition and 2) remind myself that this is NOT a polished piece, I don't got time to make fancy arts beside the 3 final prints for the print shop project.
I have one more scribble ready to go but it's thematically so dramatically different from this little one that I'll post it either Thursday or Friday night.
... I should.... actually get back to writing fic actually.
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thelesbianluthor · 5 months
Always thinking of how Percy and Luke are foils and the way Annabeth was at the centre of them.
The way she grew up admiring Luke bc he was her protector and friend for so long. He was one of the first people that looked after her and showed her care and protected her. But he was always so full of a rage and desire for compensation. He was a light in the dark for her but he was fire and he kept burning and he would have burned everything else with him.
And then there is Percy who was still angry at the injustice of the world, a boy who has spent his life fighting bullies but he had his mom's love and steadfastness and that made all the difference. Because Percy is all about loyalty and love and fairness. He is angry and he has suffered but he is water. He is change. He is hope for a better future.
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waltricia · 12 days
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Colin striding into that drawing room and saying literally nothing before “WE ARE ENGAGED” will always have me like 🤦
And the Whistledown narration confirms it too! She’s like ‘yeah this fuckin guy gave me no time, I am stressed’
jk about the stress tho fr this is Lady Whistledown we’re talking about, she loves his chaos
I mean obviously she is stressed but that’s kinda her constant state. She brings it upon herself. Chaos Queen 👑
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months
In Skywalker Apart AU. Since Luke is very much a rich kid he's the son of a Senator does he have any expensive hobbies like flying starfighters I'm sure Luke would love n-1 starfighter or does he just make models
I'm sure Padmé would LOVE it if he just made models but he's his father's son <3 she let go of him for 2 seconds while visiting Theed Palace and he was halfway through the launch sequence on an n-1
since then she's more careful and lets him learn flying the PROPER way with fancy tutors n stuff loll (cause hey, like u say, rich kid!). probably goes on some kinda summer flight camp or smthn and leaves having made every one of the instructors question their own skill
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uselessalexis165 · 11 months
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tried making some ttte memes (251)
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syringesyrup · 2 years
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nocternalrandomness · 3 months
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Ed "Hamster" Hamill performing at Luke Days 2024 in the Folds of Honor S-2C Pitts Special
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