#luke takes down a death star in his first outing and anakin does the same when he's nine
antianakin · 10 months
"Anakin took down the Empire and killed both of the Sith, so this makes him a hero now even though he's the reason the Sith were there to begin with and the Empire came to power in the first place."
For one, at least one of those things was an accident and like two of them were incidental consequences and not his actual goal. He wasn't TRYING to destroy the Sith in terms of like... understanding that the Sith needed to be destroyed for the greater good. Similarly he does not take down the Empire because he recognizes the Empire is evil and needs to go in order to save innocent lives. ALL he cares about in this moment is Luke, and it happens to be very lucky for the galaxy that the person hurting Luke happens to be Emperor Palpatine, that Luke decided to throw away his only means of defending himself, and that Anakin decides to utilize the funniest possible means of doing away with Palpatine that ends up killing him too as a result.
Also this radically simplifies the fact that Anakin does not, by any means, take down the Empire on his own. There are people out in space and on Endor DYING to give themselves the opportunity to eliminate the Death Star. Anakin killing Palpatine probably wouldn't have meant a hell of a lot if the Rebels had not then succeeded in destroying the Death Star, which is what ACTUALLY takes down the Empire. It helps that Palpatine is dead, absolutely, but saying that Anakin alone took down the Empire is uh. Disingenuous to say the LEAST.
"A good guy doing what Anakin does would be called a hero, but a bad guy doing what Anakin does can't be called a hero, how is that fair?"
For the same reason that you don't get called a hero for apologizing to your sibling for hitting them when you got in an argument. Fixing your own mistakes isn't actually heroic, it's just the right thing to do. And even THAT is a bad analogy because, as previously stated, Anakin's not actually doing what he does because he's trying to make amends to any of the people he's hurt for the last 25 years or fix the mistake he made by putting Palpatine in power in the first place.
A good guy making a sacrifice to kill Palpatine is considered a hero because that good guy likely did not put Palpatine in power in the first place and betray his entire family via committing genocide to keep Palpatine alive. THAT'S the fucking difference.
Anakin has an ounce of good left in him and he uses it to save Luke and it happens to have the happy side effect of meaning Palpatine gets dead and fucks up his suit enough to kill Anakin along with him, thereby helping the Rebellion really put an end to the Empire and bringing balance to the Force. But those major things are SIDE EFFECTS of what Anakin is actually trying to do which is still relatively self-serving because it's all about saving HIS son and we know he never would've done what he did for anybody else. That ounce of good is important, it does help a lot. But it's still an ounce of good that just sort-of cascades into some greater goods by pure accident. That does not make Anakin a hero, it makes him a villain who did one good thing that just happened to turn into other good things because a bunch of actual heroes have put in the work for DECADES to allow that one good choice to actually be helpful.
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Madness in two parts
This is a two part idea, feel free to take one or both. As always please let me know if this has sparked your creative juices. Some of this may be a touch sad, a touch bleak. It is Star Wars after all, and this serves as both a fix-it and not. It does ignore both the Bad Batch and the rumors of Cody on Tatooine.  Also, though it can be read as Gen, I do see it as light CodyWan
Part the first starts on the Death Star, in the moment that Darth Vader strikes Obi Wan Kenobi down. At the moment Obi Wan vanishes, a few dozen storm troopers abruptly change targets.  Without so much as a twitch to indicate the change in priority, these troopers begin to take out the rest of the storm troopers with an impressive speed and accuracy. They even hit Darth Vader, knocking him to the floor. All this to the astonished gazes of Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca. Soon the troopers were the only imperials standing.
They each remove their helmets to reveal nighon identical faces. One of the troopers, with a prominent scar curling around his eye and a blaster in hand, steps up to Darth Vader who is still flat on his back.
This man looks down at one of the most feared men in the galaxy and says “To paraphrase my General, hello there you miserable bastard” and shoots Darth Vader in the face, killing him (No Anakin redemption for this part, sorry). 
Then this man looks up at the other troopers still standing and says, “Take the bridge and the comm center first. Stun any brother that fights us. Kill any nat born that resists.”
And frankly it should have been ridiculous, a few dozen troopers against the hundreds if not thousands on the space station. However these clones were freshly freed and very very angry. The imperials never stood a chance. 
Three of the troopers gently corralled the escapees (who are decidedly not resisting, these are not the same stormtroopers that couldn’t hit the ground using gravity) towards the trooper with the curled scar, commenting that they would finish their general’s final mission.  
Another picks up the discarded cloak and lightsaber with a reverence bordering on worship. He hands it over to the trooper with the scar.
The scarred trooper introduces himself as Cody, still clutching Obi Wan’s robes and lightsaber close.  He says that in his last moments, Obi Wan had struck out wildly with the Force to free the clones around him, the remnants of the 212th (Vader had made sure to keep the 212th close, hoping to use them if he ever found Obi Wan and it was exactly as awful as you are picturing). In that brief touch of mind to mind Cody was able to glean his general’s last mission, to protect Luke Skywalker and rescue Leia Organa. 
As soon as they took control of the Death Star, Cody turned that control over to Leia and the Rebel Alliance. Wooley is the one who gets to shoot and kill Tarkin (I don’t actually know why but it felt right). Cody starts the medics on dechipping the other chipped clones. It takes time but he convinces Leia that this is not a trick and she should comm the leaders of the Rebel Alliance. 
Just after the comm connects, Boil (also among those freed by Obi Wan) begins to bleed out of his eyes, nose, and ears then drops.  Confusion and concern rise from the Rebel Alliance, and the defectors from the Imperials. The freed but chipped clones are not confused. They knew it was coming. 
Cody explains, quiet and gentle in a way he had not been allowed to be in almost two decades, that his general’s last attempt to give them freedom was a wild thing. Uncontrolled and imprecise. Akin to hitting the chip with a large hammer instead of cutting it out with a scalpel. It broke it but also did untold damage to their brains. The only freedom he could give them was a few hours of freedom before death. 
They arrange for a rendezvous with several of the Rebel Alliance Cells to full take control of the space station, they may have locked up or killed anyone who did not want to defect but the longer they went the more chance that enough of the 212th remnants would die that the DS would be put back under Imperial control. One by one the clones freed by Obi Wan drop, bleeding but going into death with a smile because they died free. 
Cody lasted the longest, long enough that Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor arrived. Just long enough to collapse into Rex’s arms.  Rex pleads for him to hold on but Cody looks at him with a bloody smile and says ‘I need to follow my general. I want to follow my general.  Who knows what trouble he has already gotten into.’ 
And dies smiling, dies free.
That leads up to part the second. 
Cody opens his eyes to see he was back on the bridge of the Negotiator. He is surrounded by clones but no nat borns, they are above Coruscant.  He does not yet know it but it is the middle of the Naboo crisis, just as Qui Gon Jinn is telling the High Council that he would take Anakin on a Padawan. Nor do they know yet that the entirety of the 212th was aboard and that none of them were chipped any longer; to a man they physically match Obi Wan’s age in this time and the Force has gone as far as to fix the accelerated aging.
The comm officer reports that Coruscant’s communications office is asking them to identify themselves.  The sudden appearance of a futuristic (being from 10 years into the future), and heavily armed, ship makes people very nervous. 
Cody is put on the line and when asked to identify himself responds with “Commander Cody of the 212th battalion serving under Jedi High General Obi Wan Kenobi.” He may not know where or when he is, but he wants it clear from the get go that he holds no allegiance to the Empire (in fact he holds little allegiance to the Republic either), he would rather be shot down than be mistaken for an Imperial ever again.
The being on the other end goes, very quietly to themself, ‘that is a lot to unpack’ then clocks the that this Commander Cody said the magic word of ‘Jedi’ and not my circuses the entire thing over to the temple’s comm center (This specific part is based off a story my mom tells, she worked for a while in customer service testing the cords for the product that her company sold if they did not work. She also was unfortunately not the kind of person that would transfer someone if she could help, even if it was not her job so the sales team for her company started transferring anyone who said the word Cord to them, even if it was a question of what kind of cord the product took). 
Down in the temple, in front of the High Council, this Obi Wan is decidedly from this time. A senior padawan who is on the verge of being rejected again. Before they can offer even a temporary decision on what to do with Anakin Skywalker, the High council is contacted by their comm center, stating that a battalion has appeared from nowhere claiming to be under the command of High General Obi Wan Kenobi and would like to speak with them. Also that the authorities of Coruscant are very uncomfortable with the heavily armed ship in orbit who is claiming allegiance to a Jedi, could somebody take care of that. 
Everyone looks at Obi Wan, who is confused. The last time he was even a general was over a decade before on Melida/Daan. And he doubted that they would call themselves a battalion. 
The High Council puts a pin in the Anakin debate, figuring this takes precedence. They formally invite Cody and entourage (Ghost Company) down to meet with them.  In the time it takes to arrange things the clones are able to confirm that the ones going to the surface do not have chips. 
The clones have not quite realized that they are back in time.
They do realize something is up when Ghost company is escorted into the council chamber and realize that not only are all the high generals there (even ones they know for a fact are dead) but so is their very young looking general, a tall man that Cody had seen in a few of their general’s holo’s, and a small child that is clearly Anakin Skywalker (Waxer may have squealed over their internal comms at how cute the child skywalker was).
Cody rallies quickly (you cannot tell me that this man, who followed Obi Wan Kenobi around for three years, does not have a plan for surprise time travel). He gives a precise report, all military formality, of exactly who he is, who the clones are, an approximation of when he was from (timekeeping was not the chips strong suit), the war, Order 66, every fact he knows about the Empire. Then finishes with the fight between  Vade and the General, the General’s death and his last actions to free what clones he could (he was reluctant to discuss the consequences, in that freeing him as Obi Wan did killed them. Cody was quick to assure the younger Obi Wan that it was one of the greatest gifts that the Jedi could have given him). 
All the while all the clones are radiating adoration towards Obi Wan (I really want Obi Wan, on the verge of being rejected again, never feeling quite good enough, to be faced with a battalion of men who love him and think he is the best thing ever. As a treat.).
It takes a direct, if hesitant, order from Obi Wan to stop the 212th from storming the Senate outright. 
It is decided that the clones would escort Padme, her retinue, and the Jedi back to Naboo where they would assist in breaking the blockade (read: Cody told the High Council that they would be going if they had to hijack the queen’s ship as soon as it left orbit).  The clones make it exceedingly clear that they are following, and protecting Obi Wan, first and foremost, The Jedi in general second, Themselves third, and the rest of the sentients in the galaxy a distant fourth. 
Little Anakin is more than a bit horrified to realize what he would have become. Various clones, who are not going to blame a 9 year old for the things he did as an adult in another life, talked to him about how he had changed over the war (becoming more reckless and less caring both clone and innocent lives in favor of completing his objectives) and they might not know why he became Vader, they suspected it was not within the 9 year old.  They also told, exaggerated as only second or third hand versions of a story can be,  stories about their general. In particular telling him stories of Obi Wan in his Padawan years (stories that Obi Wan had told them himself, during the war) that serve to make Anakin believe that Obi Wan is the coolest person ever (slave revolt anyone). 
The clones are also really careful to make sure that Obi Wan understands that they are pleased to see him as he is now, not just for the person he could have been in a decade. This was the other reason they focused on stories that would have already happened to this Obi Wan, they did not want to give Obi Wan additional imposter syndrome regarding himself. Most of the clones spent a fair amount of time side-eyeing Qui Gon, not being outright hostile (though some were more than others; Obi Wan could be a little too honest on certain types of painkillers so a few of the medics and some parts of ghost company have heard some less than stellar stories about Master Qui Gon Jinn). 
–Look I just want a few days of Obi Wan being pleasantly baffled at this large group of men who adore him and want to be around him and tell stories about how awesome he is (stories that he lived through, not just stories of his older self), particularly on the tail of the implied rejection from Qui Gon–
 They reach Naboo and the Trade Federation blockade is almost laughably easy to break. Several companies from the 212th are sent to liberate the camps the Nabooians are in.  Nute Gunray just straight up surrenders. Maul shows up but before he can fight anyone or lure the Jedi away, he is shot by a slug thrower carried by Cody.  It is all anti-climatic. 
At the precise moment that, in the original timeline, Qui Gon Jinn died, Obi Wan suddenly staggered to one side, bumping into Cody. 
He peered at the commander as he straightened back up, “Cody, you’re you again”. 
The Negotiator had arrived, straight from the Death Star.  
The memories settled in quickly, and Obi Wan had only a brief breakdown when he remembered what Cody had said about his method of freeing the clones. 
Obi Wan has details that Cody did not, like that Palpatine was the Sith (Cody knew that Palpatine was the Emperor but did not know he was Sidious, because no one actually told the chipped clones anything) but is also very unwilling to go to the Jedi temple, or even Coruscant. He outright tells Qui Gon and the Jedi High Council that if he steps foot on Coruscant he will hunt Palpatine down.
He also decides he will not be rejoining the Jedi (Though from the perspective of the Jedi he was leaving, not refraining from rejoining).  They will always be his family, but twenty years virtually alone in the desert had not been enough to wipe the memories of feeling Order 66 go into effect. It could not wipe the memories of the temple in the aftermath.  In fact in many ways he was less socialized than he had been and the thought of being around that many different beings was excruciating. 
When the 212th, complete with their general, depart from Coruscant (having dropped off Qui Gon Jinn) they leave with Anakin Skywalker (who no longer thinks he should be a Jedi. Qui Gon objects but is reminded that they do not compel or make anyone be a Jedi, it is a choice).  Obi Wan looks down at the 9 year old very seriously. 
‘I cannot teach you to be a Jedi’ Obi Wan says, ‘we cannot have the bond that I had with your counterpart, because I can’t guarantee that I will always see you instead of him. And you deserve far better than to be compared with my demons. I can teach you control, and we can collect your mother. Then we can see what the future holds.’
They do find Shmi and free her, she decides that she and Anakin will travel with the 212th for a time. This turns into something more permanent as her own maternal instincts kick in immediately upon meeting this battalion of physically 25 year olds with enough trauma for 6 times that amount. 
Their next stop, after picking up Shmi, is to head toward Kamino. By the time they reach it the CC’s have just been born, the first to be at double aging. The Alpha's are chronologically 6 months old and physically 18 months and the Null are chronologically 1 year, and physically 3 years old. They are even 2 years before the trainers arrive. The 212th collectively registers their complaint of their treatment in the previous timeline (they steal all the kids, Jango Fett, and genetic material; There may also have been some crude/rude phrases written in Kaminoan now decorating the halls of Tipoca city). 
To be entirely honest I am not sure how much this would fix and how much it would make it worse.  However I know that from here on out, everything is much much weirder.  –Ok Here’s a breakdown of the timeline as I use it: Cody is listed on Wookipedia as being born in 32 BBY, the same year as the Naboo Invasion. Wookipedia also lists Jango’s recruitment in 32 BBY. The Nulls and the Alpha’s were decanted before the CC, as far as I know and I wanted them to be significantly older than the CC. So the Alpha’s and the Null’s have triple aging. The Kaminoans realized their product would age past their prime for the war, we are running with the Kaminoans are fully complicit and know when Palpatine plans to spark off the war, too quickly. So they slowed the aging to double in the CC and CT batches. So early 32 BBY Jango Fett is recruited, The nulls are decanted 4 months later, the Alpha’s 4 months after that, and the CC’s that include Cody 4 months after that (their growth tubes matured at the same rate, though their aging was different ) at the very end of 32 BBY. The Naboo Invasion occurred in mid to late 32 BBY and travel time between Naboo and Kamino, with a stop at Tatooine puts the arrival of the 212th not long after the CC’s were decanted – 
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askbensolo · 1 month
Journal Entry #41: the night realm
The nightmares are nothing like they used to be (in a good way). I don’t miss the boy who nightly watched the stars traverse across the sky, waiting for sunrise, refusing to slip into the realm of dreams. The insomnia is gone, alleviated by the exhausting grind of the twenty-something working professional. I now adore bedtime in a way that tells me: dang, I really must be old.
But once in a while, the dreams of old come back. They rise, limbs dangling, from the forgotten graveyard of my latent memories. Their rotting faces tilt and stare unblinkingly into mine, and I am frozen yet pushed through the script, a participant on the stage of the night’s theatrics with all the power of one in the audience.
Some dreams are so recognizable I can recite each scene line by line. Some dreams shift and change, a puddle’s reflection in torrential rain, evolving with every new iteration. Some dreams I’ve never seen before and never see again, leaving me to wonder where that demon has gone to hide.
I don’t always have time to process them. Some mornings my alarm jolts me out of one of those sleeping hellscapes, and heart pounding, palms sweating, stomach turning, I still shower and brush my teeth and comb my hair and make my caf and rush to the gym and then to work like I do every morning.
Sometimes I call my Uncle Luke. Close enough to confide in, removed enough to save me from all the fussing and hand-wringing. I used to fear him when I was younger, thinking he would see a Jedi student in me and take me from my parents against my will. But now the distance from my parents is voluntary, and though I have not chosen the path of a Jedi, Luke has always seemed to believe in me.
There was one dream that kept coming back. One where the seed of darkness inside of me sprouts, its vines and roots spidering alongside every vein in my body, barely concealed but ready to one day burst forth through the soil. I try to conceal it, but cannot, and one evening the last Skywalker, the galaxy’s light, sees the darkness coursing through me and does what he must.
Luke, but not Luke. Green light reflecting in his hollow eyes. He means to kill me, to sacrifice me on the altar of a straw mattress, and thus purge the evil from our bloodline and appease the light side of the Force.
In the waking world, I visited him in person one weekend. Over tea I described this dream to him, unsure how he would react.
He placed his hand on my shoulder—the one still made of flesh and blood—and looked hard into my eyes.
“You are my sister’s son, and even if you were not, I would give my life for you,” he said. “I will always see the light in you. Even if the darkest day comes, and there is only a shred.”
And then he told me again the story of Anakin his father, scourge of the planets, murderer of many, attack dog of the emperor yet a menace in his own right. How at the end of it all there was only a disfigured old man, pale as moondust, looking into the eyes of his son. How the Jedi teachers had instructed the last Skywalker to strike his father down, but the galaxy’s only hope said…
And while the Empire and the Rebellion battled, and the second Death Star crumbled into space, a father and a son sat quietly with one another for the first and last time...
But there is another Skywalker, though she has rejected the name. Once in the kitchen while we were chopping vegetables for dinner, I asked her what she would have done in Luke’s place. I have never seen a carrot beheaded so violently.
“I would have watched him die,” she said immediately and without feeling, then looked mortified and caught my eye as though perhaps she should not have told me. I’ve never brought it up again, and neither has she.
Some dreams stay the same and some of them change. Actors switch roles, alternate scenes are introduced, sometimes a line is delivered differently from night to night. Once, Luke’s part was played by an understudy who has since taken over the role completely, and so it is that I look up sometimes in the dream world and Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan stands ready to take the life she gave to me.
It’s only a dream. The real Leia tries to get me to come home every other weekend and asks me if I’m wearing my coat during Naboo’s winter months and sends me my baby pictures in the middle of the workday. She mails me care packages with homemade cookies that aren’t that good and hugs me when I visit as if I’m not twice her size and tells me she's reminded of her little boy when she packs lunches for Rey.
And yet…there’s fear in her. It’s not something I can see with my eyes, but it is there nonetheless.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
The prequel and original trilogies’ trio of protagonists are interesting to compare.
Like, two boys and one girl.
The girl is/was referred to by some royal title (Queen and Princess respectively) and is a major figurehead in changing the galaxy, but politically. They’re both leaders. They both fall in love with one of the guys but likes the other guy enough that the first guy mistakes their friendship for a romance. Etc, etc.
The two guys: at least one Jedi. Older and younger. Desert boy and someone from a planet we know the name of but never actually see (in the movies! I know Corellia comes up later, but we never see the planet in the movies! Just go with it!) The older is something of a mentor-type until the final movie, when desert boy has outgrown the need for a mentor.
But, there’s a problem with the idea of Luke = Anakin, Han = Obi-Wan, Leia = Padme. While the characters are similar on paper, and even resemble each other quite a bit, they don’t have the same roles. They don’t fit quite right, because they aren’t narratively the same.
(And really it’s incredibly basic and a bit convoluted to compare the characters in a 1:1 format like this, because all six of these characters are incredibly different and do different things and act differently from each other, and one could view this as diminishing the effect of one or the other, but I would argue that viewing either as a watering down or some such nonsense of the other is incredibly silly, and this is less of a “look at how the prequels steal from the original” and more of a “look at how the story rhymes, look at the matching hues, look at how the story beats are so complimentary and interesting.”
Don’t take this as criticism of either movie. This is my joy and praise and nothing more or less.)
I would present to the court that Luke = Obi-Wan, Leia = Anakin, Han = Padme. Because their roles in the narrative are functionally similar.
Luke and Han begin the story by meeting, largely due to coincidence but also because Obi-Wan told Luke they needed a pilot and Han was what they found. Luke, Han, and Obi-Wan rescue Leia from the Death Star. Obi-Wan dies to Darth Vader. His death leaves a major impact on Luke.
Obi-Wan and Padme begin the story by meeting, largely due to coincidence but also because Qui-Gon decided “Yeah, okay, I’ll help out this child queen whatevs.” Obi-Wan, Padme, and Qui-Gon manage to get Anakin off of Tatooine (functionally rescuing him from a life of slavery) Qui-Gon dies to Darth Maul. His death leavds a major impact on Obi-Wan.
Of course, writing the movies this way leaves out a lot of details and nuance, but that’s kind if sort of the point. If you look too closely at the characters then they aren’t very similar to each other beyond a base level, but if you pull back and look at the narrative as a whole, then you can see the way the chess pieces move in similar patterns. This trend continues as the movies go on, but I feel like it’s the clearest here.
Obi-Wan and Padme, alongside Obi-Wan’s mentor, “save Anakin.” (They weren’t technically asked to or anything, marking this as a big difference between the og and prequels, but the motives of the characters don’t matter as much as the actions, in this comparison.) Luke and Han, alongside Luke’s mentor, save Leia. In this comparison the parallels are 1:1 and very clear, but have the added benefit of putting Obi-Wan into Qui-Gon’s role, and I honestly believe that nothing would make Obi-Wan happier and that it’s what he deserves and-
In the remaining movies, the storybeats separate but the roles remain clear.
There are two driving forces for the story, Luke and Leia. Luke goes off and does his own thing while Leia and Han do something else. They separate near the very beginning of the story, after a chase sequence (I am being generous in calling the opening of The Empire Strikes Back “a chase sequence” because that’s really only a technicality. Technically speaking, they are being chased off of Hoth, so it technically counts. Yes I am stretching the comparison a little, but who cares?) Luke and Leia ultimately meet up after some shenanigans, but Han gets lost on the way. There’s a big fight between Luke and Darth Vader that Luke loses. Leia and Luke meet back up and everyone is kind of depressed because the whole movie was a big loss.
There are two driving forces of the story. Obi-Wan and Anakin. Obi-Wan goes off and does his own thing while Anakin and Padme do something else. They separate near the very beginning of the story, after a chase sequence. Obi-Wan and Anakin ultimately meet up after some shenanigans, but they end up losing Padme (she tumbles off the ship, it counts, shh, just go with it). There’s a big fight between Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Dooku that Anakin and Obi-Wan both lose. They think they’ve won, because they drove off the Separatists , but they did start a war, so it’s a big loss.
As I mentioned, the storybeats separate, but the roles remain fundamentally the same. Also, while very different, this is when I’ll bring up the romances. The romances in Star Wars are very important to the plot, and they follow a basic outline: Jedi x being a Jedi and older x younger powerhouse. You can see this romance clearly in both cases. Luke x being a Jedi and Han x Leia, who has obscene amounts of power within the Rebellion (and, presumably, the Force, but she doesn’t know that yet). Obi-Wan x being a Jedi and Padme x Anakin, who has obscene amounts of power in the Force. The romances don’t play out exactly the same, but they are fundamentally similar. Also: Luke 🤝 Obi-Wan - I don’t need romance I need answers!
The last movie of each trilogy is where the character roles remain debatably the closest, yet split apart. Because the conclusion is so different in either case, but… well.
The movie begins with a convoluted plan to save Han. A plan that Artoo is a big part of. The big bad of this part is Jabba the Hutt, and he is ultimately killed by Leia.
The movie begins with a convoluted plan to save Palpatine. A plan that Artoo is a big part of. The big bad of this part is Dooku, and he is ultimately killed by Anakin.
You see, the main driving forces keep their roles, but Han gets a bit confused in there. However, both have a conclusion of sorts with Leia hugging Han and Anakin hugging Padme, which is an interesting comparison.
The biggest differences go from there. Luke is more similar to Anakin than ever in these final scenes, where an ominous Sith Lord tries to bait him to the Dark Side. Leia becomes the Obi-Wan, leading troops into battle. Han and Padme are there, hanging out, doing stuff… But the stories separate majorly from here. Anakin does turn to the Dark Side, Luke refuses to. Leia wins her battle, Obi-Wan does not. Padme dies, Han lives.
However! There are still similarities to be made. Han and Anakin both think Leia and Padme is in love with someone else. This is a fair comparison of the two. They both think that “other man” is Luke / Obi-Wan. The difference, the key difference between Han and Anakin that make them impossible to compare beyond this, is that Anakin is furious and Han is just like “yeah, okay. That’s fine.”
Han and Anakin just aren’t very comparable. Leia has Anakin’s rage-filled passion, his drive to do whatever she can and his desire to stop literally everything to save the one she loves. Han and Padme are both the odd ones out of the trio. Padme isn’t a Jedi. Han isn’t a Jedi and also isn’t really all the into politics. But somehow, Han and Padme fulfill the most similar roles to each other, despite the fact that they are so different.
The roles of Luke, Leia, Obi-Wan, and Anakin are very blurred here. Like they suddenly remembered “Oh shit, we said that Luke was like his dad, didn’t we?? We gotta make him more like his dad!!!” That’s why Luke’s connection to Leia is a key moment. She’s Luke’s sister. And Anakin’s connection to Obi-Wan is stated explicitly by Obi-Wan. “You were my brother.”
The lines are blurred because, just like Obi-Wan, Luke doesn’t kill the sith lord at the end. They have different reasoning, but still similar. Luke doesn’t want to turn to the Dark Side. Luke can’t kill Vader because Vader is his father and he still has hope that Vader will do the right thing. Obi-Wan doesn’t want to kill Anakin and he can’t kill Anakin because he loves Anakin and he can’t watch him die. That’s why Obi-Wan leaves. He doesn’t want to watch Anakin die, he can’t watch Anakin die.
Luke retains Obi-Wan levels of confidence (“Anakin has never let me down and never will” matches very well with Luke’s plan of: go up to Father and convince him not to kill me or give me to the Emperor) Luke is also ultimately disappointed by Anakin (Anakin does, indeed, “let Obi-Wan down.” And he does, indeed, give his son to the Emperor) But Luke retains Padme-like faith that there’s still good in Anakin. Luke fights a sith lord and defeats him, but doesn’t kill him, just like Obi-Wan. The difference is between Anakin and Leia, because Leia is still chilling in the Light Side, Anakin, suck it-
The roles are very funny to look at, especially if you ignore the main three entirely and look at the others. Old Man Obi-Wan fills Qui-Gon’s and Yoda’s roles of guiding; Qui-Gon and Yoda guided Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan guides Luke. Yoda fills his own role as “I think this is a bad idea, but nobody is listening to me, so I guess I don’t really have a choice.”
The villain roles are the funniest. The biggest bad of the series continues to be Palpatine. The guy we actually see being evil and shit is Darth Vader, who is replaced narratively with two separate Sith Lords. It take two Sith Lords to match one Darth Vader (it’s what he deserves). But, top of the third movie, Dooku and Jabba parallel each other in that they are both killed by an extremely angry Skywalker, Anakin or Leia. (Sucks to be Dooku. A Vader and Jabba stand in? Couldn’t be me)
This is a disjointed, rambly mess, but what I’m really trying to say here is that Luke is the Obi-Wan of the group. The lone Jedi exploring the galaxy and managing to stay out of trouble as long as they aren’t within ten hundred feet of Anakin/Leia. Leia is the Anakin. Responding with anger, getting into trouble, making enemies, falling in love with an older person, doing stupid stuff for the sake of that older person, and causing the most mischief when in the direct eyeline of Luke/Obi-Wan. Han is the Padme. The third party who doesn’t have much of a role in the third movie aside from damsel. Shocked to find out Luke and Leia are twins (Padme didn’t even know she was having twins, that must’ve been a moment). Doing stupid stuff with the love of their life. Wondering “why did I do that stupid stuff for the love of my life?”
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redemptivexheroics · 11 months
Star Wars Muses...
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Ellis Orion - An orphan from Naboo who was found to be Force Sensitive, found by Qui-Gon around the same time as Anakin Skywalker. A very dedicated Jedi who became a Jedi Master prior to Order 66. A stickler for the rules, even the ones she doesn't agree with. She is an expertise with dual wielding and is very strong with the Force. [She is strongly connected with @skywalkerxanakin but I will RP her with other Anakins, just the mentioned one is her main Anakin]. She is the biological mother of Oliver Knight.
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Caden Sparks - A mercenary for hire who takes almost any job as long as the pay is good. Though he does have his morals and limits. He originally got on the bad side of the Jedi but a run in with Ellis Orion made him become an ally to Ellis and the Jedi, and in a way you can say he's Ellis' love interest. He is the biological father of, Oliver Knight, Ellis' son. His skills could rival that of Han Solo.
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Malani Amitey - Malani is a Jedi Master, four years older than Anakin Skywalker. If anyone honors the Jedi code, it's Malani. she feels the rules must be adhered to as to stay off the path of the Dark Side. She was personally trained by Master Yoda himself so shares most of his views. She has a low tolerance of childish behavior and recklessness.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi - A powerful Jedi Master, and the mentor and friend of Anakin Skywalker and later Luke Skywalker. Trained my Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn. He harbors a lot of the core values set by the Council, and is not one for breaking that code. He's like a brother figure to Ellis.
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Kraven - Kraven is a man trained in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force and in light saber combat but isn't a Sith. After Palpatine is supposedly killed and the death of Darth Vader prompts him to hunt down Luke and anyone aligned with him.
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Marcos Finn - A Jedi the same age as Anakin who was always sort of a bully to Anakin since he first stepped foot in the Jedi Temple. His ambitions and battle skills made him sort of villainous person. He eventually left the Jedi Order after the events of Attack of the Clones and dabbles in the Dark Side but was trained in secret by Dooku, being Ventress' successor. Eventually he abandoned the Dark Side to become a bounty hunter, he's tasked with hunting Anakin down after he betrayed Palpatine [Will be more associated with @skywalkerxanakin]
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Oliver Knight -A boy that is very Force Sensitive, though he's not a Jedi or Sith, despite having access to the entire Force both light and dark. He is the biological son of Ellis Orion and Caden Sparks; he was born nine months after Order 66 and sent far away and out of the Empire's reach. Growing up on Earth when his Force powers started to manifest and trained by an old exiled Jedi Master. He has encountered and survived a confrontation with Darth Vader thus inspiring him to discover his origins. [In the AU where Anakin either didn't fall to the Dark Side or redeemed himself. Oliver grew up with his mother and has a different name].
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mudkippey · 2 years
It kinda just hit me how Disney wanted all the emotional moments from the first 6 star wars movies in the sequel trilogy but cut out all the buildup needed to make it mean anything.
Take the hosnian system/new republic. All I saw it as was a ripoff of alderaans destruction, except it meant less. Disney even cut the one scene that sort of would have made it have meaning: Leia sends a resistance member to the new republic with proof that the first order was a threat...only for her messenger to be in the crowed of people on hosnian watching the incoming laser. So the whole sense that "the new republic was destroyed before they could help" was lost. But even then, the books have information that would have made the whole destruction have more weight.
It's sort of established in 7, but definitely established in the books, that the new republic doesn't take the first order as a threat, but Leia does. Before all this, senators who secretly want to remake the empire (aka the first order) reveal that she is vaders daughter and act like she's dangerous because of that, basically destroying her credibility. So she leaves and decides fuck it, if the new republic won't listen to me, I'll start my own army.
So the setup is that the powers in the new republic view Leia as vaders warmongering daughter, and view the first order as a nonthreat, and they basically put their heads in the sand. Had the movies even mentioned this, had they shown Leia pleading with the Senate to take her seriously, and then shown those same senators watching starkillers laser and realizing "oh, she was right..." I feel hosnians destruction would not only have more weight, but also be different from Alderaan. Instead of being destroyed for fighting the empire, they were destroyed for dismissing the first order as a threat. Instead we just see the very end of all this, and it is very empty if, like most viewers, you don't read the books.
Another is the destruction of lukes Jedi academy aka order 66 2: Kylo edition. If you're going to make Luke Skywalker, the guy who was a Jedi when being a Jedi was a death sentence, the guy who refused to give up on darth vader, give up being a Jedi and go into exile and refuse to help his sister fight the new iteration of the empire...you damn well should SHOW us what happened, and it better be BAD. Instead we get a flashback to Luke seeing the aftermath, and the whole "Ben thought I was going to kill him so he burned everything down" thing. Order 66 was a big deal in ROTS because we saw it happen, we saw Anakin kill CHILDREN, we saw the once powerful Jedi wiped out. It was an even bigger deal in TCW because viewers really got to know the clones and the Jedi we saw die in ROTS, and then got to see it all over again. But lukes school? We don't see it happening, we don't know anybody who died, we don't even know anything about the school. Order 66 and Anakin's fall wasn't enough to destroy Obi Wan and Yoda and make them want to not train Luke, I don't think what happened was enough to cause Luke to call quits on being a Jedi (I remember someone quoted Mark Hamill saying he doesn't think Luke would have gone into exile either...I think this is just bad writing). Order 66 was a tragedy, and this was a bad plot device. ROTJ left us with the hope that the Jedi would be rebuilt by Luke...only for TFA to destroy the Jedi AGAIN, and for ROS to leave us with the hope that the Jedi would be rebuilt except not by Luke, because he gave up...AND IT'LL HAPPEN FOR REAL THIS TIME. Except now I'm left viewing the Jedi as a dead horse that keeps getting kicked and am not very hopeful at all.
And the final thing is Kylos fall. In the books, it comes out han and leia have an awful work life balance and marriage. Han doesn't know how to deal with a force sensitive kid and later decides to return to smuggling. Kylo thinks this is all HIS fault, fears that his parents would be better off without him. And when they send him to Luke? That fear is practically made reality in his eyes. This entire time snoke is in his mind, saying his fears are true. Luke senses this darkness, and now Kylo feels even worse. The prequels showed us Anakin's fall and why he has so much beef with obi wan. But only watch the sequels and you'll just get that snoke was in kylos head, kylo gave into snoke when he saw Luke pointing a lightsaber at him while he was in bed, and he has a massive grudge against his father. Again, we just see the end result, and most of the tragedy of it all is lost.
TFA was how I got into star wars, in 2015 it had potential. But instead Disney decided to not have the trilogy planned out ahead of times so the directors were too busy trying to "make it work" to put in world building or satisfying character arcs (if I got into how mishandled the characters were I'd be here for a while). And now looking back on TFA, knowing how the trilogy plays out, it really does feel like a lot of it just took stuff from the other movies, poorly. I think I know how my mom felt when the prequels came out because holy fuck.
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Maybe this is wrong, but i fell people are way more forgiving of overpowered characters when they are men, if a woman is increibly powerfull and better that virtually anyone she is unrealistic and a mary sue but if a man is then he is a badass and a aspiration. Maybe it isn't like that and i am overdramatic but it just fell that is how people would act sadly.
Oh no, you are 100 percent right and there's been multiple essays and discussions on it. OSP's Trope Talk on Mary Sues breaks it down pretty neatly, hence why it's not used as much in fandom anymore because people realized how sexist it became.
Yeah, overpowered characters exist, characters that hog the narrative exist, bad characters exist. But Mary Sue started becoming synonymous with "any female character I don't like" (how DARE the protagonist be a protagonist! How dare 12 year old girls write self insert fantasy fanfic, they should be writing on the same level as published authors rather than kids having fun!) and as such...yeah, you're right, it is sexist. Male characters get praised for the exact same reasons female characters are despised and the use of the term "Mary Sue" really exposed that dichotomy.
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gffa · 3 years
Last time I went about five months between doing a set of STAR WARS fic recs, this time it’s only been three months! Hurrah! It helps that, as always, this fandom puts out an incredible amount of excellent fic, so I feel like I’m never hurting for fics I want to yell about and shove at people, which is something I continue to appreciate as it often feels like so much of the world is such a huge tire fire. It helps to be able to find fics to retreat into, to have fun with, to express joy and creativity with, and so many of the authors in this fandom are just so good at this! To the point that these sets sometimes take awhile because there are always more fics I want to add, until the post starts threatening to be overly long instead of a decent length–in my defense, no seriously, you guys are just too good! Also, I forced myself to stop at 69 fic recs, because yes I do think it’s funny. (Nice.) STAR WARS FIC RECS: PREQUELS RECS: ✦ a comedy in four acts by jesuisdeux, obi-wan & dooku & yoda & qui-gon & cast, time travel, 4k    This was what time-travel is: staring at the dark sockets of skulls everywhere your gaze lands on. Being haunted by ghosts long gone. The apprehension of the slow yet sure approach of the inevitable which is sending chills down your spine. ✦ No Rest for the Weary by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & jedi & ocs, 61k    Needing a break from life at the Jedi Temple, Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, visit a Jedi AgriCorps settlement on the Midrim planet of Helia. There they encounter new friends, new enemies and have new adventures, all while attempting to navigate their sometimes turbulent relationship as Master and Padawan. ✦ Stars of Tatooine by Be_Right_Back, ahsoka & kanan & mace & rex & obi-wan & cast, 10.5k    After the end of the world, Ahsoka more or less kidnaps a child, has to air some old grievances, and tries to find whatever peace the universe can still offer. All paths in the Force lead home, eventually. ✦ Festival of Light by dendral, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & rex & cast, 8.7k    During his first year at the Jedi Temple, Anakin learns that even the Jedi celebrate holidays. ✦ the master, the padawan, the Force by skatzaa, depa & caleb, 1.4k    Caleb expects things to be different after Master Depa takes him as her padawan, but really, it feels like nothing really changes. ✦ desecrate my lungs by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & padme & cast, 16k wip    Time-travel fix-it in which Mustafar haunts Anakin decades after it happened and years before it would. ✦ Grace by dismantlingsummer, obi-wan & anakin, 2.3k    Shortly after Mustafar, Anakin realizes what he has done. He finds Obi-Wan to beg for death. ✦ Fifth Migration by wrennette, yoda & mace & obi-wan & ki-adi & yarael & coleman & plo & palpatine & cast, 2k    How about an AU where the Sith’s Grand Plan accounted for everything -everything that is, except the fact that the Jedi temple is actually an very ancient spacecraft and the second word got to the Jedi about there being clones on Kamino, all Jedi are called back inside and they take off immediately? Just imagine the dear chancellor’s face… ✦ fill pages with scribbled ink by magneticwave, obi-wan/padme & sabe & mace & quinlan & cast, 9.8k    A year after the Invasion of Naboo, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi is invited by Queen Amidala to return to Naboo and participate in a rite known as the Night of Fireflies. Things kind of snowball from there. ✦ Mind Your Words by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin, spanking, 7k    Obi-Wan reminds Anakin that there are consequences for careless behavior for young Jedi on missions. ✦ (you taught me) the courage of stars by grumpyhedgehogs, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, 5.1k wip    Ahsoka Tano flees after a warrant for her arrest is issued, but not before receiving aid from an unexpected ally. (Ahsoka proceeds to go on a road trip filled with a bunch of strangers who all say the same thing: Obi-Wan Kenobi is much more than he has ever appeared to be.) ✦ they faked it (guess everything’s complicated) by katierosefun, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 4.5k    Ahsoka temporarily loses memories of the events of Obi-Wan’s fake death. To help with the healing process, Anakin and Obi-Wan have to pretend that they’re okay. ✦ programed to dream by ghostwriterofthemachine, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, body horror, 1.3k    The spaceship Comet-rider is the fastest, most efficient vessel in the galaxy, and is crewed by Separatist-funded pirates. Anakin Skywalker is missing. Unfortunately, these two things are connected. ✦ Unpleasant Truths by hellowkatey, obi-wan & anakin, 2.1k    Obi-Wan and Anakin are stuck in a room with one another while waiting for truth serum to wear off. ✦ moment’s silence by skatzaa, obi-wan & owen & beru & luke & leia (pre-obi-wan/beru-owen), 2k    Owen had long since resigned himself to trouble, whenever Beru got that particularly stubborn set to her jaw. ✦ hold gently and let go by shatou, obi-wan & anakin (pre-slash?), 1.7k    A troubled Anakin comes to Obi-Wan to discuss attachments. ✦ sun child by Ro29, obi-wan & anakin, 2.1k    (or; sometimes being so tied to the Force causes problems, Obi-Wan helps his Padawan as best he can) ✦ A Dinner Out by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & cast, 1.6k    Obi-Wan can’t get his young Padawan to eat much, so he tries something new. But trying something different has unintended consequences. ✦ Shades in the Desert by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin & luke & owen/beru, 10.8k    Not even from a certain point of view did Darth Vader kill Anakin Skywalker. He wished he did, but the specter of the Jedi’s light escaped before he could finalize his fall to the dark. Meanwhile, Anakin is raising his son on Tatooine. ✦ somewhere along in the bitterness by CallToMuster, obi-wan & anakin, major character death, 3.8k    It was probably the twelfth day floating alone in space that Obi-Wan and Anakin realized no one was coming for them. ✦ Songs for Little Jedi by soft_but_gremlin, mace & younglings, ~1k    The initiates are having nightmares, so Mace sings a lullaby to comfort them. ✦ atmosphere level by softredscrunchie, obi-wan/satine & qui-gon, 1k    As a joke, Satine tells Obi-Wan she thinks Mandalore is flat. He doesn’t take it well. ✦ on sith holocrons and misunderstandings by billowypants, obi-wan & anakin & mace & yoda & cast, de-aged!obi-wan, 7.2k    or, de-aged!Obi-Wan has the same Force bonds as adult Obi-Wan, and he does not react well. ✦ Perseverance & Resilience by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin, 1.1k    In the aftermath of Naboo, Obi-Wan realizes he needs strength to protect his new Padawan. Growing up, Anakin needs peace. ✦ A Delicate Balance by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & yoda & jedi, spanking, 9.6k    As Anakin’s skills grow, so too does his penchant for getting into trouble. After a training mishap, Obi-Wan struggles with his role as Anakin’s master. ✦ mirror, mirror by CallToMuster, obi-wan & anakin, 5.4k    Obi-Wan has been rescued by Anakin after being rather embarrassingly kidnapped on the remote planet of Ilnuria during his investigation of rumored kyber crystals deep beneath the planet’s surface. …But is all as it seems? ✦ Mace Windu Appreciation Week by Redminibike1, mace & obi-wan & anakin & ponds & cody & jedi & cast, 12.5k    Set of unconnected ficlets for Mace Windu Appreciation Week, because he deserves it :) ✦ begin again as a quiet thought by skatzaa, obi-wan/quinlan, d/s, ~1k    Cool, smooth leather touched his jaw—gloves. Because of course Obi-Wan had thought of that as well. ✦ Drunken Lullabies by Siri_Kenobi12, obi-wan & anakin & siri & quinlan & aayla & garen & bant & ferus, 6.5k    “Do I really have to go to this thing?” Fourteen year old Anakin Skywalker dramatically sighed. “It’s sooo boring!” ✦ heaven knows how I love you by the_13th_battalion, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 1.2k    Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka are stranded on an unfamiliar planet overnight. They spend their time exploring the community- and maybe they get a little closer to each other along the way. ✦ A Reckless Padawan by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, spanking, 3.9k    When Ahsoka upsets Anakin with an act of reckless disobedience, it falls to her grandmaster to help her see the error of her ways. OBI-WAN/ANAKIN RECS: ✦ Too Hot by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.8k    Too Hot: A game where two players kiss without stopping and without touching each other. If one player touches the other, that player loses. The winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser. ✦ Nostos by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin & padme, NSFW, 17k    Or, how Obi-Wan and Anakin discover that there are many ways to come home. ✦ to touch the light, darkest by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.9k    Obi-Wan begins to fuck Vader back to the light ✦ encode by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & padme & handmaidens & cast, 26.3k wip    Instead of being accepted into the Jedi Order at the age of 9, Anakin Skywalker became a ward of Naboo. ✦ Hunting the Homeward Light by GreenQueenofClubs, obi-wan/anakin & mace & ahsoka & shmi & padme & cast, 31.9k wip    When Anakin Skywalker was nine, he left his whole life and mother behind to follow Qui-Gon Jinn to Coruscant and the Jedi Temple. When Anakin Skywalker was twelve, he left his whole life and Master behind to follow Mace Windu to the Outer Rim and away from the Jedi Order. When Anakin Skywalker was twenty… ✦ use my body to break your fall by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 44.7k wip    Obi-Wan Kenobi is too good at being a Sith Lord general of the Separatist army. The Jedi Council approaches Anakin with an offer he can’t refuse. These things are, actually, related. ✦ Over and Over by obiwanobi, obi-wan/anakin, 1.4k    “I love you,” he blurts out, loud and impossible to miss. Obi-Wan blinks once, twice. And freezes. The first time Anakin tells him is a mortifying experience. ✦ Exceptions by rinverse, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & mace & quinlan & cast, NSFW, modern au, 23.4k    Young and brilliant, Anakin is the mind behind JEDI Tech’s latest innovation. Obi-Wan is the company’s perfectly composed Director of PR & Marketing. And last night, they were just two strangers at a bar, looking for something quick and easy. But life had other plans when it crossed their paths again the very next day. ✦ Here There Be Dragons by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, 10.1k    Anakin knows why he can’t shift into his animal form like every other Jedi. It’s because he doesn’t want to, it’s because he’s had a vision of what he would become, and he doesn’t want it. ✦ Waiting in a Sea of Stars by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Stranded in deep space, Obi-Wan and Anakin wait for rescue. ✦ Tristitia by JSwander, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 5k    An alternate timeline where Palpatine focuses his attentions on Obi-Wan Kenobi instead of Anakin Skywalker after the attack on Naboo. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 11: Communication, What Communication? by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, mobster au, 7k    a 7k obikin PWP that is somehow a prompt mashup of a mobster au, an accidental sugar daddy au, with a soupçon of an anakin never left tatooine au, and a pinch of qui-gon was anakin’s dad au ✦ who a person truly is cannot be seen with the eye by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, spanking, 3.6k    Anakin purposely avoids doing what Obi-Wan tells him to do. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 12: Potidaea, 432BC, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, historical au, 4.3k    Here is a short smutty scene inspired by all those classics asks, Alcibiades praising Socrates in Plato’s Symposium, and this vase c.490-480 B.C. depicting standing, face-to-face intercrural intercourse between a bearded man and a youth, which as far as we can tell was the most common and accepted position for it in Ancient Greece. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 13: Minikin and Tiny-Wan by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 5.4k    Happy May the Fourth! In honor of this happy day, I have written the fluffiest, crackiest, vanilla-flavored smut imaginable. Based on long discussions on discord with tomicaleto about her adorable Tiny AU. ✦ to hold until brightness by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.4k    Obi-Wan feared that it drew out the darkest in him, to bring Vader to these flashes of light, but it was a trade he would make again and again without hesitation. ✦ May Be Found, If Sought by ghostwriterofthemachine, obi-wan/anakin & mace & quinlan, magical academy au, 2.3k    In which Quinlan, Mace, and Obi-Wan teach Non-Traditional Magical Philosophy in an institution rampant with academic snobbery and discrimination, something dark is stirring in the nearby forest, and no one is ever prepared for Anakin Skywalker. A small story about first meetings in magical academia. ✦ infinitely varied by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 2.2k    Also known as Obi-Wan and Anakin teach a tiny program called A.H.S.O.K.A. how to be something more than lines of code via the power of linguistics. ✦ recipe for disaster by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 9.8k    When Ahsoka tells Anakin she doesn’t want to learn piano anymore, Anakin is heartbroken. He doesn’t care about the instrument, obviously, but he’s practically in love with her teacher. Obi-Wan offers up a solution to their impending separation, and it’s not dating like any normal person would suggest. Instead, he’s gonna teach Anakin how to cook. Except Anakin’s a pretty well-known chef, and Obi-Wan is absolutely awful in the kitchen. ✦ Pretty Kitty by GayCheerios, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.2k    “Master, you always take such good care of me,” Anakin says, a little chirp coming after his sentence, as his thumb rests on Anakin’s plump bottom lip. ✦ As One, Into Eternity by Pseudonymoose, obi-wan/anakin, force ghosts, 3.1k    Death comes, but the man who was, and is, and will be Anakin Skywalker is not gone. And in the Force, he will never be alone again. ✦ does he make you laugh? by y0u_idjits, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, fusion fic, 3.6k    “Tell me it’s not about screwing the guy who’s screwing your husband.” ✦ Rotten Work by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, 2.8k    Obi-Wan: I’ll take care of you. Anakin, with bloodshot eyes and a broken back from hours of terrible posture: It’s rotten work. Obi-Wan, who needs to bathe this man for his own sanity and health: Not to me. Not if it’s you. ✦ afterimages by shatou, obi-wan/anakin, 1.3k    Mustafar is nothing but a bad dream. ✦ understanding is honoring the truth beneath the surface by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 7.3k    Anakin asks Obi-Wan to take control. ✦ The strongest stars… by Tomicaleto, obi-wan/anakin & beru & cast, NSFW, 7.4k    The war’s end seems to be close, with everyone looking forward to it. And when Anakin is doubting himself the most, an unexpected visit arrives at the Temple. ✦ home has a heartbeat by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 5.6k    Or: Anakin and Obi-Wan are together, but there are still some things left unsaid between them. ✦ turn back now (i’m haunted) by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & padme & quinlan & ahsoka & cast, modern au, ghosts au, 25k wip    Anakin Skywalker’s house is haunted. Luckily for him, Padmé knows a ghost hunter. Unluckily for him, it’s the hottest, most english-professor ghost hunter he’s ever seen. And extremely unluckily for him, he’s starting to get the feeling he understands maybe ten percent of what’s actually going on here, not to mention what’s at stake. ✦ game plan by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 11.2k    Or, Vader keeps capturing Obi-Wan during the Wars. Obi-Wan keeps escaping. It’s kind of a thing. ✦ Provocation by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.9k    Or: Obi-Wan and Anakin attempt to navigate their complicated relationship with barbed words and wilful ignorance. It wasn’t going well. ✦ Languages by Crowgirl, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 6.5k    So Anakin pulls out a map and makes a list. REBELS RECS: ✦ The Scent of You by ambiguously, kanan/hera & cast, a smidge of nsfw, 2.9k    Everything changes after Malachor, and Kanan has trouble finding his balance. ✦ Heard It in a Love Song (Can’t Be Wrong) by ambiguously, zeb/kallus, 2.7k    Kallus can’t quite figure out what makes Zeb tick, but he keeps trying. ORIGINAL TRILOGY/MANDALORIAN RECS: ✦ A Discussion of Choices by Peppermint_Shamrock, luke & mace, 2k    Mace Windu has traveled the galaxy since the fall of the Republic, keeping out of the Empire’s sight and teaching where he can. Upon the request of a ghost of an old friend, Mace finds himself instructing Luke Skywalker, who is still reeling from the truth of Vader’s identity. ✦ staring down the barrel of the hot sun by magneticwave, luke/din & obi-wan & grogu & mace & cast, 25.7k    “Gone to a Child of the Watch, the Darksaber has,” Grand Master Yoda announces in his creaky little voice. “Peace, there is not, and yet peace, there must be.” ✦ Released by Peppermint_Shamrock, cody & rex & luke & cast, 6k    Nearly two and a half decades late, Cody’s chip is finally removed. Adjusting to having his mind returned to him after so long takes time, and Cody struggles with questions of his purpose of the past, present, and future. Fortunately, he does not have to struggle alone. ✦ A Tatooine Rainstorm by skatzaa, leia & luke & shmi, 1.7k    Leia meets a ghost. ✦ Dealing with the Darksaber by Peppermint_Shamrock, din & bo-katan & cara, 1.3k    After her recovery, Bo-Katan contacts Din to challenge him for the darksaber. Din is still very much not interested in the whole affair. FULL DETAILS + RECS HERE
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Star Wars AU #4: Three Skywalkers & An Absolute Metric Shit-ton of Kyber
SO I’m sitting here thinking about that one scene in Episode IV where Vader, Luke, and Leia are all in the same room together for a very brief minute - the only time in the series
You’ve probably seen the joke where Obi-wan just fucking dies rather than deal with that
You know what other powerhouse was there? Besides the son and twin grandkids of the force? 
I’m head cannoning that Kyber crystals use the Jedi as much as the other way around- but sometimes that balance is thrown off 
And you better believe these crystals are pissed off about the whole death star thing 
So the Kyber takes the opportunity its been given just yoinks the force through our resident overly force-sensitive suckers
And goes home to Illum, bringing a A Sith Lord, A Princess, and A Moisture Farmer along for the ride
On the surface, Fairly-Recently-Traumatized-and-Knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi is escorting a bunch of ten year olds (including young Anakin Skywalker!) on their first gathering
They are shocked when a rainfall of kyber crystals and three humanoids tumble from the sky. 
26 year old Knight Kenobi is pretty sure this doesn’t usually happen, but he’s a relatively new single dad, what does he know about anything.
None of that time traveler disorientation- our future three were one with the force and the force with them- they know exactly where they are and what just happened, though they’re still processing how to deal
Vader recovers first and briefly tries to kill his child self (that’s the bastard who killed my wife!)
Young Obi-Wan steps in the way telling Anakin and the others to get back. 
Vader is mostly toying with him- after all, he knows everything about how Kenobi fights, and Obi-Wan knows nothing amount him
Luke puts 1 and 1 and 1 together - Time Travel plus Jedi plus ‘Anakin’
"My name is Luke Skywalker and You’re not killing my father a second time YAAAA” comes charging in with the Skywalker lightsaber
This, naturally, distracts Vader long enough for Leia to shoot him right in the respirator
Wounded, Vader retreats to the ship. The Jedi Gathering Ship oh shit
Strands them all there and oh boy is that awkward. 
They all get rescued pretty quickly- I figure some other Jedis felt whatever crazy nonsense just happened (100 credits this is somehow Skywalkers fault. Ha, no bet.)
And wow does everyone have a lot of questions and wow do Luke and Leia have the answers to pretty much none of them
Meanwhile Vader is having a fucking meltdown fixing up his cyborg body because he’s 31 years in the past
His wife is alive! but she’s also 15 years old which um…he’s a lot of things but a perv isn’t one of them
His son is alive! But he has no empire to keep him safe with and the second Palpatine finds out he’s going to try and eliminate them because the mention of ‘Emperor Palpatine’ is way too big a threat to sith plans and aw hell no that is not happening
Luke and Leia get taken back to the temple and Luke tells them the blatant lies old Ben told him which makes Obi-Wan… go lie down for a minute 
Young Anakin thinks the whole thing is pretty wizard because he has a time traveling son now!
Leia tells them that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is actually a terrifying Sith lord who wiped out the entire Jedi Order and subjugated the galaxy (because she actually had an honest education)
Which no one wants to deal with, i mean, we asked, but we do not like that answer
The high council is still debating several hours later and Luke is growing mixed feelings about the awesome Jedi thing, because on one hand, they’ve been repeating themselves for a while, and on another, *J*E*D*I  T*E*M*P*L*E 
Leia is working on sending an encrypted message to Senator Antilles from alderann if she can just get another minute alone
news breaks that an Asthmatic Sith Cyborg just assassinated the Chancellor in front of the Entire Senate and also the Chancellor shot lightning??out of his hands??and exploded when he died?can the Jedi plz help?!??
“Killed the Master, the Apprentice has” Yoda says and everyone nods gravely
There is a lot of chaos in the republic as some of Palpatine’s Sith Spite bombs unleash a bit of chaos, but overall, he really didn’t have that much time to abuse his poser- and his apprentice situation was at a low ebb
The council is concerned about this future Sith Lord last seen in a ship heading towards Serrano but
The force feels…lighter somehow? As though…the galaxy was filled with… A New Hope
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jaigeye · 3 years
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My name is Remington, I'm a lesbian and I use they/them pronouns. I'm a writer and an artist. Find my work on AO3! Feel free to share, and check out my writing tag!
single chapter works:
nostalgia is a well intentioned wound. - leia organa & ahsoka tano. / on dagobah, ahsoka trains the grieving leia in the ways of the jedi. (reblog here.)
how to disappear completely. - jango fett & mace windu. / jango rubs a hand over his throat where his head was severed from his body. some pain lasts beyond a thousand deaths. jango is stuck in a loop that just won't stop.
things you people wouldn't believe. - vader attempts to resurrect padmé amidala. it fails. her body remains cold and dead. upstairs, a KX-series security droid stirs from its slumber. / (reblog here.)
politicians in my eyes. - fox & palpatine. / fox looks down at his armor, awash with blood. there are no identifying marks on him anymore. he's as red as Coruscant.
in loving memory. - garsa fwip was once a dancer in jabbas palace. she does not trust the new daimyo of tatooine to be any different.
heavyweight champion. - luke skywalker & anakin skywalker. / the burden of his father is the heaviest weight luke has ever carried.
blame. - commander thorn, commander fox. / thorn is dead. fox isn't-- at least not yet. a character study of commander fox. (reblog here.)
signs for people who understand. - finn & boba fett. / the story would begin as it did the last time; with a little boy in a sea of blank white plastoid. (reblog here.)
what is and what should never be. AU. - din djarin vs the xenomorph. / din djarin has been offered a lucrative job opportunity that he can't turn down. the xenomorph he's meant to exterminate proves to be a lot more than he signed up for. (reblog here.)
my hands are yours. - padmé amidala/sabé. / padmé and sabé behead anakin skywalker. (reblog here.)
the wild hunt. - the ewoks hunt the stormtroopers down on endor. horror. (reblog here.)
shadowbox. AU. - boba fett/din djarin. / (his dark materials au.) boba fett claims that he has no daemon. he's always been a good liar. (reblog here.)
been waiting so long. - beru whitesun/peli motto. / the recently widowed beru whitesun has been having issues with her moisture vaporators. peli doesn't repair farm equipment- but she might be able to make an exception just this once. (reblog here.)
the waves have come. - qi'ra & darth maul. / darth maul teaches his apprentice how to kill a sith, the same way she killed her first master. (reblog here.)
the butcher. - padmé amidala/anakin skywalker. / padmé comes to mustafar with a knife up her sleeve. she cannot let anakin live, but she can let him die. (reblog here.)
forsaking all the rest. - padmé amidala/aayla secura. / at a senate gala, padmé disguises herself as a handmaiden to eavesdrop. she spends the evening with the handsome jedi aayla secura. (reblog here.)
last night i dreamt i was dead. - padmé amidala/aayla secura. / padmé was disguised as a handmaiden when she met aayla secura. she thought her secret was safe- until the jedi was assigned as amidala's bodyguard. (reblog here.)
how to decay gracefully. - padmé amidala. / hear the grand tale of amidala, across the stars. (reblog here.)
for all who were not forgiven. - cere junda & finn. / finn seeks council with the world-weary ex-jedi cere junda who insists, despite the breadth of her knowledge, that she is not suited for taking on another padawan.
bird's eye view. - the armorer & grogu. / the mandalorian did not survive; his foundling was returned to the covert along with his memory, passed on to the last survivor to watch over him.
an instrument of memory. - din djarin & grogu. / din seeks council with the ghosts of the darksaber.
like a sibling in my arms. - fives & echo, fives & rex, fives & ahsoka tano. / fives is gone but not forgotten. (reblog here)
the gang kidnaps lando calrissian. - boba fett & lando calrissian, part of the odd times at the krayt's spa round robin series. (reblog here.)
nostalgia. - saw gerrera/ct-7567 - rex. / lost in a hostile universe, rex is hungry and alone, nameless. saw gerrera remembers him.
calm on the valley. - chirrut imwe/baze malbus. / baze is becoming one of the monks of the whills. to become one with the many, he must cut his hair. there is only one he trusts to ask for help. (reblog here.)
i will come in fast & low. - leia organa/amilyn holdo. / throughout the years of dutiful, thankless work, leia grapples with the choices she made in life. amilyn holdo stays by her side through all of it.
piece by little piece. - fennec shand & boba fett. / fennec was given a second chance at life. second chances hurt. healing isn't linear, and her wounds were grave. boba fett remained by her side throughout her recovery. (reblog here.)
the hands of a working man. - boba fett x din djarin. / Boba looks at the slopes of the Mandalorians helmet, silver and shiny as a knife, and asks him; "How many people have you killed?" (reblog here.)
multi-chapter works:
while there is still time. - boba fett/din djarin. 12/12 chapters, 83k words. / (reblog here.)
stuck in the system. - boba fett & fennec shand. 5/5 chapters, 20k words. / how boba fett survived the sarlacc pit, and the friend who saved his life thereafter. (reblog here.)
before the otherness came. AU. - obi-wan kenobi/CC-2224 - cody. 5/13? chapters, 30k words. / cody and obi-wan are knights of coruscant's round table, and it is their duty to hunt werewolves. one day the danger comes too close for comfort. (reblog here.)
just the two of us - boba fett/lando calrissian. 3/3 chapters, 15k words. / a gambler, a bounty hunter, and a heist. what could go wrong? (reblog here.)
a song for a lover of long time ago. - boba fett/lando calrissian. 4/6 chapters, 18k words. / boba and lando reconnect years after their disastrous falling out during the events of ESB. as king of tatooine, boba fett needs allies. (reblog here.)
the dark end of the street. - captain rex/original togruta character. 3/3 chapters. / when rex is given shore leave on coruscant in the aftermath of his injury, he must find his place in the world when off the battlefield. the handsome chef at 79's is happy to help. (reblog here.)
the rubicon. - fennec shand/enfys nest. 6/6 chapters, 20k words. / enfys nest swore an oath to hunt the five syndicates to extinction. fennec shand has worked for every last one of them. (reblog here.)
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deniigi · 3 years
Please have some Skywalker Babies + Uncle Rex.
Title: skittles
Summary: Padme dies, but Anakin doesn't turn and as a result ends up with two little ones who are, naturally, adopted by the 501st--well, Leia is. Luke keeps getting stolen by a filthy thief.
Rex has the twins for now. He has never felt terror like this before. He can’t stop checking over his shoulders for threats to their teeny tiny persons.
In his humble opinion, it should be illegal for humans to be born this small. He ran it past Ahsoka recently and she agreed, but she also provided intelligence that the twins’ size was not necessarily average for their species, either.
The other brothers helped him investigate this. They all gathered round and put the holonet searches on the projector so that they didn’t have to smash buckets over a datapad screen to be educated. Their search for ‘newborn natborn human baby’ was rewarded with images upon images of reddened tubies with big, round bellies and curled up limbs.
They did a new search for ‘2 weeks, natborn human baby’ and were rewarded with even more pictures, to which they held the twins up next to and found them wanting. The twins’ proportions were all wrong, their limbs were too skinny, their faces pinched. The babies on the holonet didn’t have hair, but their baby girl did.
The conclusion was that the research was inconclusive. Further, it was interrupted by the resident thief coming in to take his chances. Cody told them later, upon returning their baby boy, that they were better than this. Kenobi wasn’t slick. They needed to stop letting their guards now.
He said all this while ignoring the way the baby boy burrowed into the side of his throat and made smacking noises.
Such a strong man, that Cody. He is, unfortunately, not available now even though Rex has both twins and a heart attack waiting to happen.
The Thief is nearby. Rex can sense him. He heads back the way he came.
The baby girl, who has a name, but Anakin is too heartbroken to speak it, fists her hands at Rex and shakes them as if to threaten him into compliance. He does not know how to help her understand that he has not taken the blanket off her face out of malice, but rather to keep her from suffocating. She is angry with him regardless. She is often angry with him and endlessly crying when he does not put her exactly where she wants to be exactly when she wants it.
The thief calls her a princess, and so everyone else has started doing the same in lieu of her name. The child is bound to grow up thinking her name itself is ‘Princess’ at this rate. Ahsoka has been trying out different titles for her, but she doesn’t respond to them in the same way.
For all that the princess is royalty through and through, the baby boy is thoroughly a commoner. Catching him awake is a miracle. Part of that is because his waking hours are spent with the Thief, since Kenobi has decided, for some mysterious reason, that this child is his favorite of all in existence. He will not be separated from this child and when he is, he gets crafty in his attempts to get him back.
The princess does not like Kenobi. At all, period. He touches her and she screams and reaches her stubby hands for Rex. If Rex is not available to be screamed for, she will wail until her father comes to stuff her in his tunic.
Anakin is fine to hold the princess, but he cannot look upon the baby boy, even to feed him. He looks so much like his mother. It is a struggle for everyone—except Kenobi. Rex wonders aloud to Ahsoka if Kenobi will raise the boy on his own and a moment of silence fills the canteen.
Ahsoka throws herself from the room and goes sprinting for the masters’ quarters.
 The twins are tested for Force Sensitivity and it becomes abundantly clear why Kenobi continues hoard the baby boy against all sense and wisdom. He is described by the jedi as a ‘sun’ in the Force. The princess too, but her presence in the Force blends in with her father’s until she is gazed upon in Rex’s Force-empty grip.
Only then is she, too, declared a star.
Twin stars, they are called.
‘Kenobi, put that down,’ the boy is named. ‘Kenobi, give that back,’ is his middle one.
The first time Rex sees the baby boy awake, he is startled by how blue his eyes are. His sister’s are dark, but his are light like water at the base of a waterfall. He makes a little sound and turns his heavy head to the side to blink at Rex’s forearm.
He is the older of the two, but the Princess is already overtaking him in weight. Kenobi has been scolded for this. In return, he locks everyone out of his quarters.
 The twins are two months old when they stop being blinky-maggots and turn into smiley ones. Anakin cannot put the princess down or she will scream until she is blue in the face. As such their dedicated General can be found with his arms full, slowly banging his head against the nearest hard object.
He calls her ‘Leia.’ Princess Leia.
The baby boy is ‘Luke.’ Just Luke.
Anakin spends his time these days bouncing Leia and on the hunt for his son. He walks like a zombie towards Kenobi’s door and plasters his back against it. He slides down and tries desperately not to fall asleep at the bottom.
He will not let Rex take the princess when he’s in this state. He wants only for Kenobi to open the door so that he can fall back onto his floor and demand his son. Kenobi never gives him his son back. There is no longer any question that baby Luke is Kenobi’s child. The fact that he’s been produced by Anakin and Padme is a footnote in the broader history being made here.
Kenobi will, however, take Princess Leia, too, if left unsupervised. She still hates him—more than ever, really, but he doesn’t mind. He likes to lay the twins out together so that Leia’s jerky fussing will ruin Luke’s sleep cycles.
Kenobi is a man with no respect for the law in these parts. More jedi masters have to step in to get him under control. Master Koon takes the most pity on Anakin and gives him both of his children. The masters and the clones watch him stagger up with both babies and drunkenly return to their quarters.
A note is made to check on all three of them in fifteen minutes.
 The twins, at 6 months old, have developed even more distinct personalities and hair. So much hair. Ahsoka puts Leia’s hair in pigtails and Leia will scream if anyone tries to adjust them or if she feels that they are falling out of shape.
Rex’s hands were once clumsy around ring-sized rubber bands. He is now an expert. He is such an expert that he can even make the occasional one stay in Luke’s slippery hair, which, of course, invokes an expression of betrayal in Luke that is so comical, Rex can’t see it without being brought to tears.
Luke hates him for this. He whimpers for his father—no, not that one. The good one.
These days, Kenobi is a cat who has gotten the cream.
The boy called him ‘dada’ before he gave the name to Anakin, and Kenobi nearly lost his life for it. He regrets nothing. He is technically barred from being around Luke, both by the other jedi and by Anakin specifically, but rules are things for other people in Kenobi’s world.
Anakin threatens him with bodily harm at every opportunity that he is not holding his daughter upside down.
She enjoys this. This is not just a daddy-thing to her either; she expects everyone to carry her like this. If not feet-to-the-sky, then at least draped over an arm, face-down like a sack of flour. She hums the way a cat would purr.
 At nine months the babes are mobile and it is the worst thing that has happened to Anakin besides Padme’s death. They are not effectively mobile, but they are professionals at grabbing things and hauling themselves up to their chubby feet. Leia holds onto the fingers of anyone she can get and makes every brother who passes her walk her on their feet to her chosen destination.
Luke is a little slower.
He can get to his feet, but what he wants is to bounce there. If anyone tries to hold his hands, he clams up and falls down and doesn’t get up.
Anakin has begun negotiating with Leia to be more like her brother. She laughs at his face in great peels when he does this. She finds his serious expressions hilarious and wants to cuddle him anytime they appear which is great for domestic time and not so great for council or state meetings. Anakin has taken to appearing before these people with Leia latched around his ankle. Only her, though. Luke can’t bear being in the presence of so many bodies at once. He becomes overwhelmed and handles the pressure by going to sleep. Or crying.
For Kenobi, of course.
And when Kenobi is not around, they all may as well go start digging their own graves before the guilt propels them to do it anyways.
Luke is not a big crier. Anakin can’t understand him. They’ve had many conversations about telling adults when he needs things, all of which Luke elects to ignore in favor of trying to eat bugs and dig in sand.
The latter is the greatest sin that Anakin can dream of.
I just think that, given the opportunity, Obi-Wan would be the best grandpa ever and by best, I mean he would see his chance to have a baby and Anakin would end up chasing him around going ‘he’s MY mistake and MY responsibility, you crusty old fucker, give him back’ while Obi-Wan talks to Ahsoka about how nice the weather is.
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monamourbladie-mb · 3 years
19 Years Later... (Darth Vader x reader miniseries chapter 1)
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19 years have passed since Y/n’s husband Anakin’s death, and she has become the leading General of the newly founded Rebellion alongside her past Jedi friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, now known as Ben Kenobi. When her children Luke and Leia Skywalker gets kidnapped by Darth Vader, the man who killed her husband; her and Obi-Wan Kenobi must come rescue her. But when she finds out who’s behind Darth Vader’s mask, the truth is something she never thought she had to prepare herself for.
1. prologue
2. chapter 1
3. chapter 2 [Coming soon]
wc: 2.3k
warnings: cursing
Being the leader of the new Rebellion against the evil Galactic Empire had its perks. One of the things that was not a perk, however, was hiding one’s actual name from their people, and past.
None of Y/n’s rebels knew of her past as a former Jedi Knight that fought in the Clone Wars. Though she fought like a cunning warrior, the thought had never once crossed their minds, seeing as all the Jedi were dead.
She had raised her children Luke and Leia with Obi-Wan’s guidance to be trained as Jedi, seeing as both of them were very Force-Sensitive.
Watching Luke wield his father’s lightsaber brought such bittersweet feelings to both old Jedi Knights. Anakin was such a big part of both of their lives, that it was almost painful to see this without him there.
Anakin would be beyond proud of his son and daughter, for sure.
Y/n recalled the first time he and Leia held their lightsabers. They were both 9, the same age their Father was when he was brought him by Qui-Gon Jyn from Tattooine.
Luke had rushed up to Obi’s old trunk excitedly, admiring the strange silver object with big eyes as Leia crowded behind him, “What’s that, Uncle Obi?”
“This is your father’s lightsaber, my dear. He would’ve wanted you to have it,” Obi replied, a sad smile on his face as he held onto the hilt, activating its stellar blue glow.
“This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster—“ Obi handed it to Luke and his eyes widened, waving it around gently so he didn’t break it. “—an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.”
“Is it mine?” Luke’s eyes beamed in excitement. Obi-Wan nodded, sitting down as he picked up Leia, putting her on his knee.
“For over a thousand generations, the Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice. The old republic. Before the Empire...” he trailed off, turning his head towards the window.
Y/n rushed into the room, hearing the lightsaber and fearing there was an intruder, “Obi-Wan! What’s going on, I’m—“ she ignited her brilliant (l/c) saber, holding it in a protective stance before she realized it was just Luke. She sighed heavily and disengaged her saber, attaching it back to her belt loop, “Obi, you didn’t tell me you were doing this now...” she crossed her arms.
“Mom! Obi-Wan told me this was Dad’s! Look!” he started swinging it gently, making sure it didn’t hit anyone since he knew how deadly they could be. She began to smile sadly as she remembered a young Anakin as a padawan, rushing in to show her his lightsaber he constructed the day he finally got one.
She smiled sadly, tears welling up in her eyes. “You look so much like your father, Luke,” she said sadly. Obi looked back at Luke, and for a split moment, he was reminded of the small slave his old master brought back with him. He smiled to himself remembering how he helped Anakin with his padawan braid.
“Princess, come here. I’ll let you hold my lightsaber, okay?” she handed Leia her saber gently, and she took gingerly from her hand. Leia took it and igniting it, the blade’s glow reflecting in her excited little eyes.
“Mom? How did dad die? You never answered me,” Luke asked. Y/n felt herself freeze in place, a large lump in her throat forming. “Luke, I...”
“I’ll tell them, Y/n,” Obi-Wan replied solemnly. “Your father was killed by a young Jedi named Darth Vader. He was a close friend of mine before he fell. He helped the Emperor hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father.” The room fell silent, until Luke asked another question, “So you and Uncle Obi are the last remaining Jedi?”
Obi-Wan shook his head no, “There are others, but sparse. To name a few, Master Yoda and Ahsoka Tano, your father’s Padawan learner. The last remaining Jedi are being hunted down by Vader, which is why we hide.”
Leia spoke up softly, “Is that why we don’t use our actual last name, mommy?”
“Yes, sweetheart. As long as Vader’s reign continues, we must hide our names. Darth Vader does not know about the two of you, so you are safe. For us, on the other hand...” she trailed off, and the kids understood.
“Mom... Mom,” Leia spoke loudly. Y/n blinked in confusion and turned back around, looking at her daughter, “Yeah, my love?”
“Are you okay mom?” Leia asked, frowning. “We need to look at the Death Star plans.”
“Right,” she sighed heavily, turning to face from the window out looking Yavin 4. “I’m fine, princess. I just... was remembering Anakin, that’s all.” Leia sighed and laid her hand on her mother’s back, rubbing it gently, “Dad would be proud of everything you’ve done, mom.” She began to tear up as she pulled Leia into a tight hug, “I hope so. It’s been about 20 years and it still doesn’t feel right,” silent tears fell down her cheeks into her daughter’s bunned hair.
“I’m proud of you, Leia. If you were to be trained within the Order now, you’d be the same age your father was when he became a Jedi Knight, and when he married me...” she sniffled, wiping her tears. Leia smiled softly, holding her mom’s hand, “Do you think he’d be proud of me, too?”
“I know he would,” she rubbed her fingertips against hers, “He would pull you into the tightest hug, spin you a little and say softly, ‘That’s my baby girl,’” she replied, her voice cracking slightly. Leia began to tear up as she hugged her back, “I wish I knew him...” she said softly. “I wish so too, babe, so bad...” Y/n sighed. But I won’t let his memory be in vain. Let’s go look at these plans and destroy that Death Star, yeah?”
Leia and Y/n walked to the main board room, seeing how the map was already up on display. “General Jonas, we’ve been examining the Death Star plans. They’re on screen now,” one of her commanding officers recited. “Good, thank you, officer. Have we discovered a weak point yet? Or at least some form of entry point?”
“No, ma’am. We haven’t studied long enough. There are many ways in, but all most likely heavily guarded. We will have to find a way to go under the radar without getting detected, somehow,” he replied. She nodded, walking closer to examine it. She closed her eyes and felt out through the Force for some answer. No surprise to her, she could barely feel anything at all but an empty void. Ever since Anakin had died, she had felt more distanced from the Force than ever. Maybe she and Anakin possessed a rare Dyad, or maybe she had simply lost touch with the Force; but no matter what she did, she was nowhere near as powerful in the Force as she used to be.
“Alert me if you find anything, Officer, I would love to have this Death Star in shambles by the end of the month,” Y/n left to walk out and to ask Obi-Wan on the matter. “Yes, ma’am,” he responded, turning back to his computer to get back to work.
Elsewhere, Leia was pacing in Luke’s room, grumbling to herself, “I know Obi-Wan has taught us to not let our emotions guide us, but I can’t when it comes to him. He killed our father, he should be dead!” Leia huffed in anger, collapsing down onto her twin’s bed.
Luke grunted in response, his mouth full of food still, “It’s not like you can take him on yourself. You’d die!” he said, or at least, sounded like he said. “I will not let the lives of those lost who got us the plans in the first place’s memories die. We wouldn’t be this close to planning an attack without their sacrifices. Moreover, Mom has had these plans for two days now, and she hasn’t done a single thing about it!” Leia responded quickly. Luke shrugged, “Leia. Be real. It’s not like we can steal a ship and fly to the Death Star, find it’s a weak point, and get back in time for dinner.”
Leia sat up, looking at Luke as if he had just committed mass murder. “...What?” Luke asked warily. Leia grinned, “That’s it! We’ll do just that, Luke! We’ll take one of mom’s ships, fly around the death star undetected and find weak entry points, and get back like we were never even gone!”
“Leia, you can not be serious right now!” Luke gasped, setting his food down, “We can’t do this, we could get in so much trouble! Or spotted!”
“Do you want to sit idly while our mother and uncle do nothing, whereas our Father’s murderer is out on the lose on that moon!” Leia snapped at him. He narrowed his eyes, “That’s no moon, Leia. Also, no, I don’t! But do we have a choice? No. We’re staying here.”
“No, we’re leaving. Whether I go alone is up to you entirely, but at this point, I just want the man who killed my father dead,” Leia said, glaring at him. Luke huffed, “You think I don’t want him dead, too? But we are children, we literally can’t do anything!”
“We are 19 years old and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to sit at home here and wait for Vader to kill more innocent people,” Leia frowned, crossing her arms. “I really need you with me, Luke. But I get it if you don’t go.” she stood up, grabbing her stuff to leave when Luke grumbled “Wait!” under his breath. “I’ll... go. Just to protect you. But this is a bad idea, and I don’t want to get caught,” he raised a brow to her. Leia grinned and hugged Luke tightly, “Thank you, thank you! You won’t regret this! But bring your lightsaber maybe, just in case?”
“What do you mean, YOU LET THEM GO?” Y/n snapped to C3-PO, enraged. Threepio raised his hands in defense, “I couldn’t stop them, mistress! I tried my best, I swear!”
“You let my children go confront Vader ALONE? You’re so lucky I don’t shut you down for that!” she growled, shoving past him with Obi-Wan following close behind her. “Oh, dear. I’m doomed,” Threepio whined.
“We have to go after them, we... I can’t... I can’t lose my kids,” Y/n said nervously, starting to pace once Obi got close. “Y/n, calm down sweetheart. I need you to breathe and think,” Obi said, holding onto her shoulders gently. “If we go, we have an equal chance of being caught since they’ll already be on high alert.”
She sighed heavily, shaking her head, “I hate you for being so levelheaded and smart, Obi,” she frowned. “That’s my specialty,” he winked. “Now, we need to stop and make sure that we can pull this rescue off without risking our lives, too.”
Meanwhile, at the Death Star, Vader was summoned by his leading captain because of an alert of an enemy ship flying nearby. “Bring them in, search them. They may know General Jonas.” “Yes, My Lord.”
Vader turned to leave the bridge towards the docking bay, to meet his guests personally. As he walked, his mind was filled with visions and memories from his dream the night before. Of her.
He sighed heavily, picking up speed as he neared the docking bay. Passing a group of stormtroopers, he pushed past them to be in front, crossing his arms. The door opened, and two stormtroopers walked out holding a young girl and boy, yelling at them to let go of them.
As soon as Vader looked at the two, he felt something... strange. A certain presence in the Force he had never felt before. What is this? Why do they feel familiar?
Vader dropped his arms, walking forward and raising his hand to stop the troopers, “Who are you? And why were you near my Death Star?”
His unmerciful, robotic voice rumbled through their chests, terrifying them. In all their years, they had never seen something so cold and unforgiving. “Don’t be petrified, answer me if you want to live,” Vader challenged, staring right at the boy.
“You killed our father,” Leia’s voice was cold, sad, and broken. She knew this was a bad idea, but it was too late now. “I wanted revenge.”
“You’ll have to forgive me, my princess, but I’ve killed many men. Your father was just another tick on my list, whoever he may be.”
“You son of a—!” Luke yelled, rushing to jump at him when the stormtroopers all turned their weapons on him, making him stop. Vader growled, “Insolent children. I don’t think you know who I am, truly. I’d crush you in a heartbeat, but seeing as you could have something of use to me... take them away, both of them,” Vader commanded. The two shouted in disagreement, and Vader simply stood and watched them struggle.
“You bitch! You’ll pay for what you did to our dad!” Luke yelled as he was taken away. Vader rolled his eyes from under the mask and walked back to his quarters. He knelt on the floor, taking his mask off as he called out to his Emperor through the force.
“What do you want, Lord Vader?” Palpatine growled, looking down at Vader’s hologram. “I felt something through the Force a few moments ago. My new hostages... they seem to be strong with it.”
“Really? Are you sure, my apprentice?”
“Yes, Master. More sure than anything.”
“Well, you know what you must do. Kill them. They could be Jedi if they tried opposing you,” Palpatine smirked. “They’re only children, which means they’re newer Jedi. Someone had to have trained them.”
“Children never stopped you before, don’t let it stop you now. Do it.”
“...Yes, my Master.” Vader ended the holomessage, sighing.
“Who are you two...?” he asked himself, reaching out through the Force and feeling they were still there.
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furiosophie · 3 years
ok so I had this in my notes for fucking ages so fuck it here we go
inspired by @ehi7backup incredible art [look at it here]
TW: Luke lost his hand in a crash, Luke has ptsd Luke is the new hotshot star driver for Ferrari, Anakin was the best F1 pilot the world has ever seen, but after a horrid crash, he had to stop. Now his kids step up, Luke as driver and Leia as team principal (tho ppl say she could have surpassed Luke as a driver). Wedge is his co-pilot or Mara idk.
Luke's first season was incredible but he got into a horrible crash and lost his hand and now everyone is very skeptical if he can make his comeback this season. The team is under pressure anyways bc ppl say there is a curse on them since Anakin also had a horrid crash, you know Skywalker fuckery.
Din drives for Red Bull, tho they are referred to by some as the death watch, drawing suspicions with their weird training regiments. The Armorer is the team principal and Boba is Din's copilot. Din never takes his helmet off, mostly bc he rly just got into racing bc it's the only thing he was ever good at and he just wants to care for his kid and be left alone.
Bo-Katan is on Toro Rosso, and fucking hates Din's guts bc she used to drive for Red Bull but got knocked down to Toro Rosso last season so Din could have her spot (Din is oblivious to that rivalry). Koska is her copilot. Satine is the team principal and she and Bo never see eye to eye. Also, Satine has a weird history with that old dude that hangs around Ferrari all the time it's Obi-Wan.
Han and Chewie are in one of those weird teams that keep changing their sponsor and team name all the time so they are just known by the name Han lovingly gave his car, the Millennium Falcon. Lando is somehow their team principal even though no one knows where the heck he came from.
Then there is Mercedes with Gideon as team principal and Maul and ikd Ventress or someone as their drivers (nothing against Mercedes it just has to be one of the top teams u know for the drama).
Palpatine is the slimy old dude that has some shady money and hangs around like a menacing presence. He keeps trying to recruit Luke for one thing or the other and Anakin fucking hates his guts.
Cobb and Fennec are Ferraris and Red Bulls head mechanics respectively and always share the hot gossip. Obi-Wan, who blames himself for Anakin's accident, floats around like a weird ghost and occasionally offers strange advice. There is also Ashoka who was one of the most promising drivers and used to drive with Anakin but then shit happened and she noped out.
ANYWAYS Luke has always been curious about the gruff Red Bull driver who never takes his helmet off and they have a lot of run-ins, where ppl tell Luke to stay away but he's just so intrigued. And then one night he exists his trailer and wants to get away from the attention for one night bc he's already fighting a panic attack and runs into Din with Grogu on his arm who is fleeing as well. And Luke, bless him, does not connect the fact that Din and the mysterious driver are the same person, he just sees a hot dad and is head over heels.
And Din is nice and he is gentle and funny and knows how to talk Luke out of a panic attack and it becomes somewhat of a habit for them to meet up after races and they low-key start to date all while Luke has no clue who Din is bc he only ever introduced himself as Din, but on the track they are all called by their last name so---
Well you guessed it, Luke's season is actually going fucking great, so he and Din end up being pegged as rivals and it's blown up real big and Luke doesn't mind bc it's all in good fun, but what he does mind is that Djarin is suddenly always a bit too close to him when they are standing in line to be weight? Or their hands will brush when they pass each other in the hallway?? And he'll always somehow magically be around when Luke is about to have a panic attack and he does this thing where he leans their helmets together when Luke is freaking out and look it's all rly nice and lovely and he appreciates it so much, but also he has this rly nice thing going with Din and ppl are starting to talk and he doesn't want Din to think he is dating someone else but also he's getting kinda attached to Djarin and his rly soothing voice and oh gosh
But yea anyways there are so many possibilities like
it was actually Din who pulled Luke out of the wreck when he had his accident, Luke doesn't remember bc he was out cold
news articles and tweets and stuff that talk about Skywalker's and Djarin's rivalry that eventually morph into talking about them having a secret affair
Leia telling Luke over coms to come in for a tire change and Luke absolutely refusing bc Djarin is hot on his heels and he can't lose to him while Din is watching the race
Din telling Luke he can always call him and he'll always be there, except during races and Luke is high-key sad about that bc he would love to talk to Din before the race bc he's anxious but he respects Din's boundaries etc. BUT THE REASON DIN IS UNAVAILABLE IS BC HE'S IN THE DAMN RACE
eventual shit going down when they discover that Palp is cheating or some shit
Leia absolutely losing it when she finds out Luke thinks Din and Djarin are two different people
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ariainstars · 4 years
The Mandalorian: Is He “Better Vader”?
This may sound funny, but please hear me out for a moment. 
The further I watch Star Wars’ new live-action tv show, the more I get the impression is that Mando is meant to be a positive version of Darth Vader (the “dark father”). 
Father figures usually don’t have a thankful role in this galaxy - either they are absent like Anakin’s, terrifying like Luke’s, or well-meaning but failing in their primary duty of keeping their child safe, like Ben’s. 
Not a few fans, though a little mockingly, like to call Kylo Ren “better Anakin” since his conflict is more fleshed out and the whole figure inspires more sympathy. My theory: is Mando meant to be “better Vader”? 
It was repeatedly and amply shown that the cause for the never-ending conflicts in the galaxy lie for a large part on the side of the Jedi, whose stuck-up attitude ultimately failed. Their order prohibited personal attachments, and even the wisest among them were not affectionate. This was what drove the all-powerful but passionate Anakin, who desperately wanted to have someone he could love and protect, to his ruin: the moment he finally became a father he also became a ruthless monster. Mando is introduced as a merciless bounty hunter, but as he opens up to the child, he becomes kinder and begins to find friends. He grows even more valiant, but also learns how to be gentle and caring. 
Since the Jedi are almost all extinct, but Force-sensitive children still are born throughout the galaxy, we are left with the question of what is to become of them. Some were brought to Luke’s new temple later, but we can assume that not all were identified. 
Mando’s little protegee is staying and making life experiences with a guy who doesn’t know anything about the Jedi and has no clue of the source of the child’s mysterious powers, but instinctively does the right things: he keeps him safe, instructs him, scolds him when necessary, and offers him friendship and companionship. (The Mandalorian who adopted him probably was a good father figure, too.) The child never sees his “father’s” face, but nevertheless he trusts him explicitly. Mando is the living proof that coolness and fighting qualities are not opposed to being gentle and caring.
Ben Solo’s tragic fate was the result of failed fatherhood: Luke did not know how to be a father because he had no children of his own and had had no role model, while Han did not trust his capacity to protect his son from his own powers.
The Parallels
Both Vader and Mando are soldiers. Though not Force-sensitive, Mando is extremely strong and well-versed in martial arts; he never shows his face; he wears an armor completed by a black cape which does not seem to have much practical use. He usually speaks only in short, clipped sentences and has a wry, sarcastic kind of humor. 
Vader was a follower of the Emperor, factually a slave who had no choice but to obey his master, and wherever he went he wreaked terror. Mando does take jobs from the bounty hunter’s guild, but essentially, he is a free man and often offers his services negotiating on his own terms. Noticeably, he fights against raiders and mercenaries or remnants of the Empire, peace following in his wake.
When he first reaches out for the baby, it looks like the opposite to another famous scene in the saga: here we have the adoptive but good father, while the other was the biological but cruel father.  Luke did not take his father’s hand, while the baby instinctively reached out to the man who had protected him.
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Note also the scenic reversal: one figure is standing on the right side, hand with upturned fingers reaching out into a void, the scene is bathed in cold light. The other figure is standing on the left, hand reaching down, illuminated by warm light. 
When we do see his face once, Mando is lying down and helpless like Vader; he is not disfigured though and despite being injured, he is not dying. Shortly after this he finally accepts his task as the child’s father figure, while Vader died a few minutes after his unmasking and could not fulfil his fatherly task any more. Also, in both cases we learned the person’s real name not long before the mask went off: Anakin Skywalker respectively Din Djarin.
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Given the saga’s love for cyclical narrative, this would make a lot of sense. Star Wars is telling us once more how important a protective and kind father is for a child, both as a role model and an attachment figure. We do not know yet how baby Yoda will turn out; but it would have made little sense for the storytellers to think up such a figure in the first place if they didn’t want him to go another (possibly better) way than his more famous predecessor. 
Is the galaxy at last healing after the terrible conflicts caused by both Jedi and Sith, and will the good fathers be responsible for a better future, maybe even for the long-awaited Balance in the Force? I hope so.
May the Force be with the Clan of Two. 😉
(On a side note: Vader / Anakin was in his mid-forties when he died. Din Djarin is about the same age.)
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After the closure of Season 2, I would like to add a few details that also set Din Djarin apart from Anakin.
 Attachment vs. Affection
Anakin’s greatest weakness was his anxiety to lose the ones he loved. In the end, he sacrificed all of his ideals for the purpose of saving his pregnant wife. Luke also loved his friends and wanted to save them, but in that fateful moment before Palpatine, he realized that he would have had to give up his integrity for the purpose, and that was when he decided to throw away his weapon.
Din suffers deeply when he has to give up “his” child to a literal stranger for an indefinite time. However, he knows that it must be done because he does not have the knowledge to train him. Grogu also, reluctantly, lets go when he sees that his “father” is doing the same. This goes to show, again, that he is much stronger than Anakin.
 Following Rules vs Following One’s Heart
Like Anakin / Vader, Din takes his helmet off the moment he has to say goodbye to his child. The famous sentence “Just once, let me look on you with my own eyes” comes to mind. Vader was a Sith Lord and Anakin had been a Jedi. Both adhered strictly to their code: Anakin was a faithful Jedi until he became a Sith and Vader obeyed to the rules of the Sith until for a brief moment he acted like a Jedi again (and, also, like a father, which was a first). Mando unmasks not only before Grogu but also
-     Luke, who is a total stranger -     Moff Gideon, an enemy -     Bo-Katan, a possible potential enemy since she pursues the Dark Saber -     Fennec, an ally but not a friend -     Cara, a friend who never saw his face.
That he is willing for all of them to witness the moment he lifts his incognito shows that Mando is finally listening only to his heart. The Way of the Mandalore, which was his guideline for his entire adolescence and adult life (i.e. thirty years or more), has become less significant to him than the bond he has with Grogu.
Anakin’s tragedy was that he could not follow his heart but that some rules defined by an outside source always were in control. He wanted to be a husband and father and loyal friend, a mechanic and a pilot, not a Jedi or a Sith.
Ben Solo’s tragedy was the same; though not born a slave, he also had no choice about what to do with himself and his life. It was either being a Jedi or a Sith. But we know that he wanted to be a son and a lover, and a pilot.
The same fate occurred to Luke, many years later: the kind-hearted, affectionate young man from Tatooine, who so easily befriended everyone and always was compassionate and helpful became aloof and detached on being a Jedi, because he thought that was what this task required. But in the end, it was exactly what made him not understand and even fear his nephew, with disastrous results.
Din Djarin chose the way of the heart, he is no longer adhering to “the Way”: he said himself that now he can’t put his helmet back on. (Alternatively, he could put it on again, but that would mean defying the Way otherwise.) Grogu has witnessed that a man can very well choose family over a code that was taught to him, even if he adhered to it all of his life. Luke is the one who carries him away, but Grogu looks over his shoulder to his “father”. Luke may become his teacher, but Grogu’s role model, his hero, will always be Din; as it was for Ben with his father Han.
 Hints at the Future
Anakin died twice: once on Mustafar, where he also lost his blue light sabre, and on the second Death Star, where he had lost the red one. Din Djarin, at the end of this part of this journey, receives a sabre, although he never wanted it.
With the Dark Saber, a new fate is awaiting Mando. Is his destiny that of being the warrior-king, protective and honorable, that ought to have been Anakin’s place? Maybe. As they say, the best leaders are the reluctant ones. 😊
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i love reading your thoughts on characters, it's very refreshing. even if i disagree with some, it's still very entertaining and not offensive. it's actually quite hilarious because it does makes sense when you put it in a certain way. i'd love to know what you think of anakin/vader, the good and the bad :3
I’m glad, at the very least, I entertain with my fandom heresy. 
As for Anakin Skywalker, there’s a lot to say about him, too much I honestly feel like for one post. So, I think I’m going to go large with this and if people want thoughts on specific things we can narrow down from there.
I think Anakin is the truest incarnation of the Force that has ever existed in the mortal world, is essentially the avatar of an all powerful god, terrifyingly powerful in a ways the movies don’t truly touch upon, and the sign that the Force fully intended for the organizations of Force Sensitives to be eradicated: both Jedi and Sith. A lot of people brush over what Anakin is, how he was born, and what his midichlorian count really means.
Part of this is that the dialogue Lucas gave us was a bit ambiguous. We’re told Anakin has an unprecedented number of midichlorians and are given a few off hand lines regarding how this is possible and why Anakin is “the chosen one”.
First, Shmi tells Qui-Gon that Anakin has no father. When I watched Phantom Menace the first time, god knows how long ago, I took this to mean, “Oh, Shmi doesn’t want to discuss the father”. Either this meant the father had run out, Shmi had been raped (which as a slave was highly possible), or something bad was intertwined with whoever the father was. I didn’t realize until later that this was supposed to be, “No, biologically, Anakin Skywalker has no father. This is immaculate conception.” This is brought up only once then never touched on again.
We then have Palpatine’s weird storytime to Anakin, about Darth Plagueis, in which he never confesses in the films that he was the apprentice to murder his master and that, the life they induced, was likely Anakin himself. This is all stuff you have to piece together on your own. More on this later though, we’re coming back to this one.
The other reason I think people skip over it is that I’ve found people get really weird about religion in fiction. Even made up space religions that mirror, in a sense, Christianity. People take a look at that Space Jesus thing and go “MMM, DON’T WANT THAT” and run in the other direction. 
Regardless though, look at Anakin at the cellular level and he’s mostly Force with some smatterings of Shmi thrown in there to give him this human shell and human personality.
Which beggars the question: why would the Force make a mortal avatar?
We have a few answers to this: the prophecy and Palpatine.
The prophecy long predates Palpatine and we’re given an alarmingly vague prophecy that Qui-Gon Jinn, in his hubris, interprets in the most optimistic way he possibly can. A Force Sensitive Jedi will bring balance to the Force. Qui-Gon interprets this to mean that he will finally wipe out the Sith. Nevermind that, despite the Sith reemergence in Phantom Menace, the Jedi are in a near unprecedented position of power and control who have beaten back the Sith threat almost into non-existence. What does balance mean, Qui-Gon? Why are you so certain the Force is on your side?
As for Palpatine, we know he and his master were mucking about with life, the universe, etc. and they somehow manage to produce a miracle. They create life from almost nothing.
Personally, I think they were only successful because the Force allowed them to be. Anakin’s life was predetermined, ergo, they are allowed to induce it on his behalf. Perhaps, behind the scenes, they’re even prompted to.
Because I do not believe the Force is benign or necessarily on the side of the Jedi. The God of Star Wars is a very present, very powerful, being. Yet, despite this, Star Wars faces the same questions about the Riddle of Evil that we do. If the Force exists, if it is all powerful, if it is benign, then why do the Sith exist? Why do bad things happen?
One answer is that the Force really isn’t all that sentient or have a will of its own. It’s more the combined life force energy of everyone, so people direct it. However, the feeling the films always convey is that there is a sense of purpose to the Force. We have prophecies, we have events that seem predetermined, we have people being guided by the Force. 
And we have Anakin Skywalker, who fulfils the prophecy in every single respect.
He balances the Force, he eliminates both the Jedi Order, puts it in a position where it will likely never recover, and then eliminates the Sith by murdering himself and Palpatine (we’ll get to the sequels and Palpatine’s miraculous survival). 
Given everything, given what Anakin is, I can’t interpret this as anything but the Force wanting to get rid of organizations actively manipulating it. Which makes sense, in a way. Both the Sith and Jedi actively manipulate the Force in increasingly brazen manners. If one can ascribe the Force a personality, I imagine both factions really pissed it off. So, Anakin became the tool to do so.
With his death and his task done, unwittingly by him, the Jedi only survive in Luke who isn’t a Jedi at all. The Sith and Jedi religion are over, purged, and whatever we get next will never be what it was.
As for Palpatine’s survival well... If the Force wished to eliminate the Jedi and the Sith, then I imagine it just about died when Luke made a Jedi Academy. And after all the work of Anakin, after all that effort, it just throws its hands in the air and says, “GODDAMMIT I’M BRINGING BACK PALPATINE”. So we get Palpatine back, the Jedi Academy burns down, ten or so years later we get Rey who then murders Palpatine, and we’re back to a world with no Jedi and no Sith.
Until Rey starts an academy and I’m sure Palpatine will resurrect a third time, perhaps in Godzilla form, and smash the academy to pieces while breathing fire.
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radioactivepeasant · 4 years
Fic Prompts: The Star Wars Wednesday Menace
(This came from a crack-treated-seriously idea I was throwing around with -- and at -- my friends where Vader didn't suppress his Anakin side as much as he thought, and he keeps finding himself amused by the trouble that pesky Death Star Pilot causes. Sometimes he lets him escape on purpose, just to see what he'll do next. He kind of tries to stealth-train him, like Maul and Ezra)
“Oh, the Force is certainly with you, boy.” 
Vader easily sidestepped the blade with good humor and parried. “But you are no Jedi.”
“I will be!” the Boy snarled.
Oddly, that seemed to make Vader almost falter.
“You’re...very certain that’s what you want?” he asked suddenly. He caught the Boy’s blade on his own and held it effortlessly. “Have you truly considered the cost of such a commitment?”
The Boy -- one of these days Vader was actually going to learn his name -- glared up at him from those too-familiar eyes. “Scared of what I’ll become, Vader?”
It was a childish taunt, and not one that should have rankled. And yet, somehow, it did. What would the Boy become? Vader pressed his attack a little more forcefully than he needed to. The Boy stumbled, barely able to parry in time.
“You are naive!” Vader snarled. “You play at war like it’s a game! Knights and dragons, like the child you are!” He swung, and the Boy ducked quickly. “Do not be so quick to swear oaths of loyalty to Orders you know nothing about! You do not yet know what you will be asked to sacrifice in return.”
The Boy was taken aback by this. He drew back a foot or so, holding the lightsaber in a guard position. He was cautious now, more so than before. He tilted his head and blinked slowly -- curse him, why did he have to look so much like Anakin he had once imagined his child might? Why was he so familiar? 
“You aren’t talking about me, are you?”
Vader cursed himself, and the Boy, and that inconvenient soft spot he’d inexplicably developed for an enemy. 
“Your insight serves you well,” he grudgingly allowed. “Behold: a cautionary tale made flesh. Do not put your trust in the wrong people, Boy.”
“Will you stop calling me that?!” the Boy protested.
Vader scoffed. “I do not know your name. What else would I call you?”
The Boy opened his mouth to argue, and abruptly closed it again. After a moment, a shrewd light entered his eyes. Vader had seen that look before. It usually heralded the little Rebel doing something infuriating and yet endlessly amusing.
“I’ll tell you my name, Vader,” the cunning brat offered, “After you tell me why you’re a cautionary tale.”
“You are blackmailing me?” Vader casually twirled his lightsaber and circled the Boy. “Ha! You imp. Very well, but do not think I’m going to let you live long enough to tell your Rebel friends.”
The Boy mimicked the twist of his blade -- much more smoothly this time! He was progressing! -- and flashed a cocky grin. “Yeah? That’s the same threat you made the last time I escaped. And the time before that.” 
“True, that is true,” Darth Vader acknowledged. “You are becoming quite accomplished at that.”
Indeed, the last time I did not even have to help you “escape”. 
He thought for a moment, then switched off his blade. Their battlefield was so cluttered with the collateral damage of a Rebel skirmish that it was not difficult to find a still-smouldering piece of an AT-ST to sit on.
Why did he feel the need to advise this young Rebel? What purpose did it serve to coddle him so much? If he was just going to take him as his apprentice either way, he didn’t really need to put so much effort into winning his trust, did he? Well, perhaps he did. It was clear that the Boy was learning in leaps and bounds from their little game, though he would no doubt be loath to admit it. He wanted to outdo Vader. Spite was a very effective motivator.
And besides, perhaps playing the mentor just a little more than usual would serve to make the Boy drop his guard just that little bit more. 
That didn’t mean it was a story he liked to tell. But he had come too far to back down now.
“I...once trusted a man to save my family from imminent death,” Vader said slowly. Reluctantly. “I first went to the Jedi. Yes, your beloved Jedi, for help. And they advised me to “let go” and allow my pregnant wife to die.”
He sensed confusion from the Boy. Then disbelief and suspicion, slowly leveling out into recognition that he was telling the truth. That, and dull horror. Well, that was a bit more validating than he’d expected, wasn’t it?
“The Jedi failed me, Boy. And so I turned to the Sith. He had the power to preserve one’s life force, by drawing on the Dark Side of the Force. He still does, in fact. I have witnessed it.”
“Oh. Great.” The Boy shuddered. “That’s...good to know.”
“Such was my thought. But as you do not seem to understand yet, despite your accent clearly marking you as coming from Tatooine, nothing is done for free. There is always a price, Boy. Always.” Vader turned the hilt of his saber over in his hands slowly. “To prove my loyalty, I was commanded to kill the Jedi. All of them. And I did so, without question: he insisted that I wholly cut myself off from my past so that he could be assured of my future loyalty. Only then would he fulfill his side of the bargain.”
The Boy took another step back, repulsed. “You...you killed hundreds...thousands of Jedi...because someone told you he refused to save your wife and baby otherwise? You just handed your family over as hostages because somebody said they could help you? That’s a Hutt’s bargain, are you nuts?! Why didn’t you just take her to a doctor?!”
Anger crawled up Vader’s throat like acid. The Boy did not know what he was talking about. Nor did he seem to remember to whom he was speaking. You will learn, my reluctant apprentice. 
“Doctors do not understand ailments predicted by the Force,” he said harshly. “No one else was willing to help me but an old mentor and scholar with seemingly noble purpose. Does that not seem familiar to you? I rashly swore my allegiance just as you seem to have.”
With a hiss, the Boy’s lightsaber flicked off and hung useless at his side. He sank into a crouch, just watching him. Those eyes, Anakin’s eyes, held a terrible, knowing, look. A haunted look.
“He didn’t save her, did he?” the Boy whispered.
He sounded as though he wanted to be sick.
“No, Boy. He did not.” Vader’s fists tightened over the hilt with a creak. “But by then, I had cut off my own retreat. There was nothing else left but my vow to his Order.” 
It burned, even letting someone he intended to take as a padawan know anything about his past. It burned to admit that he had been deceived. That he had met the fate he tried to avoid on the path he took to escape it. It stung that this Rebel’s child was nearly the age The Baby would have been.
The Dark Side flickered warmly around him, taking his pain and anger and sorrow and exchanging them for raw power. Padme was gone -- forever beyond his reach. As was the child he had never gotten to meet. To hold.
“That’s why you killed him?”
Vader looked up in time to see the Boy grit his teeth and turn his face away.
“It’s not fair.” 
“What is not fair?”
A spike of anger, bright and sharp, burst through the Force for a moment.
“Why was my family less important than yours?” the Boy challenged. “Why, Vader?! I lost my father because you thought you might lose your family?”
“I did lose my family!” Vader roared. He leapt up, blade at the ready again. “What do you know of such matters? Tell me! What would you have done for a chance to save your father, Boy?”
He brandished the lightsaber threateningly. “Speak up! Look at you. Look at me! That you are so eager to avenge him is answer enough.”
He stormed forward before the Boy had a chance to stand, and leveled his sword at the Boy’s throat. “Do not be so quick to deal out judgement, Boy,” he hissed, “You are already blindly following a path not unlike mine.”
The Boy stared mutely up at him with wide, panicked eyes. His presence in the Force reeked of fear, and the Dark Side absorbed it eagerly. Darth Vader contemplated killing him then and there. But his hand would not move. He knew full well that he couldn’t make himself do it. Not when he’d already put in this much effort to teach the boy.
With a disgusted sound, the Sith deactivated his lightsaber and turned his back on the Boy.
“Go,” he growled, “Before I change my mind.”
The Boy scrambled to his feet and wasted no time in getting out of range. Strangely, at the very edge of their battlefield, he hesitated.
“Leave me!” Vader snarled at him.
There was a limited time before his temper snapped. If the foolish child didn’t get out of the way, he would only have himself to blame.
The world stopped, like an unwound clock. Even the motes of dust seemed frozen in place. Blood roared in Vader’s ears as he slowly turned to look up at the boy at the top of the crater.
“What did you say?” 
The Boy raised his chin.
“My name. It’s Luke Skywalker.”
He didn’t wait to see if the name rang a bell. He didn’t stop to ask if Vader remembered his father yet. He just ran.
Darth Vader stood motionless in a field of debris.
The name that she’d picked!
The face that seemed so familiar-
His eyes-!
Barely twenty. 
He was barely twenty.
The pieces fell into place almost too quickly, carried along on the reproachful whisper of the Force. Light Side or Dark, he could not tell.
And you just let him go like this? 
Vader whirled.
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