#lulu’s hideout >:)
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What I Look Like in Your Eyes
Summary: Eddie has a tough question. Answering it would be too hard but letting it go unanswered only breeds more questions and they’re only going to get tougher.
Eddie Munson x Reader (no pronouns used!)
Category - Fluff, maybe an angsty undertone because we know me :)
TW - Written on phone (let me know if you notice any typos/grammatical errors or something because of that!)
Please let me know if I missed anything!
Author’s Note - Short and sweet today because I am struggling with my phone. Proofread and all so it should be good to go, albeit short :( I hope you can enjoy this little baby blurb anyway :)
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“Hey, Y/N,” Eddie’s head suddenly snaps up and away from the guitar who’s strings he has been plucking, sitting against his bed on the floor.
“Hey, Eds,” I move from a seated position on his bed, back against the wall, to lay on my stomach behind him with my face beside his.
“I, uh… I’ve got a question for you,” He tenses, cheeks rouge as he stares directly at the wall he faces.
Something’s very clearly up. I don’t like it.
I grab his chin and nudge him lightly to look at me. He doesn’t.
Pouting, I respond, “Yeah, wassup?”
“How do I know if I have a crush on someone?”
I certainly wasn’t expecting that.
“How do you- why?” I question.
Finally turning to me, his cheeks go darker. Personally, I can feel some heat in mine.
When he doesn’t respond, I draw a finger across the apples of his cheeks, grinning broadly.
“Hey… twins!” I tease as his face goes even more distinctly rosy. He smiles at the floor.
When he finally looks back at me, a certain morose undertone has overtaken his eyes.
“Seriously, though… how do I know if I have a crush on someone?”
“Eddie, I cannot tell you how you know something like that… your feelings are valid but they’re yours and so… that’s you.”
He is clearly dissatisfied with my answer, turning his eyes away when I do.
We sit in silence for a moment, an uncommon awkwardness befalling the air between of us and sizzling the very molecules of air with tension.
I turn onto my back with a thump, gazing upon the ceiling and crossing my hands over my stomach.
“Well, I don’t know about you,” I begin, “but for me…”
I suddenly trail off, clueless as to how I am to discuss this without giving away the one thing I could never tell him.
“For me, it’s when you cannot stop thinking about them, no matter what you try. You feel strange, a good-and-also-bad-but-mostly-good strange, when they’re around but you still look for them in any crowded room. It’s when you read a romance book but instead of the characters, you’re thinking of them. It’s when you wonder what you look like in their ey- why are you looking at me like that?”
I suddenly trail off, noticing Eddie staring intently at me. I hadn’t realized until now that he had moved to lay beside me.
Suddenly, I was wondering what I looked like in his eyes and he mine.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
Hi! Hope you having a great day, do you still taking Arcane request. If so can you do a Ekko x GN reader where the two of them having really bad fight then the reader said they should take a break of this relationship and left the Firelight place. Didn't come back for a while. Both of them regret that decision but they too stubborn to said it.
It's been a week since that fight, the reader was a mechanic. They trying to fix something for a friend but ran out of things to fix, so the reader go out to find some supply. At that time the firelight was out fighting Silco's people, At first the reader choose to ignored but notice Ekko got injured from one of the guys that when the reader run out to help Ekko and the firelight beating those bad guys.
After a while helping Ekko get back to the try to make the wound better. The reader about to leave, returning to their work place. But Ekko pulling back, want to make up the fight before and didn't want their relationship to end like that. The reader apologize about that fight and they make up!
(You can make it a little drama like having a boy or girl got too comfy with Ekko or not your choice! Angst at the beginning then fluff in the end and sorry if my grammar bad, English isn't my first language)
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Pairing: Arcane!Ekko x Black!Fem!Firelight!Reader
Type: Fic
Word Count: 5.0k
Synopsis: When a minor mistake leads a stakeout mission astray, Ekko’s choice of words has you wondering where his emotions for you lie. It becomes apparent that even after seven years, the toic of discussion is one that still cuts deep for the both of you.
Warnings: cursing, show-accurate violence, mentions of drugs and drug-use (shimmer), mentions of guns & explosions, mentions of injuries
A/N: havent written for my man in a hot minute so thank you for this request! Absolutely adore Ekko, and while I think this could be way better, i know if I mess with it it wont be as good as I want it to be lmao. Sooooo here it is, hope you enjoy! Song Inspiration: “Devil Doesn’t Bargain”, “Boy in the Bubble”, and “Let Me Down Slowly” by Alec Benjamin, “lovely” by Billie Eilish ft. Khalid, “Broken Clocks” by SZA, “like that” by Bea Miller
Tags: @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @cafehyunji @lulu-network @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @vander-affectionate @evermorewest
Sign Up For My Taglist Here!
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The air that surrounded the Firelight soldiers as the squad returned to the hideout could be described as something akin to tension.
It was heavy, weighing on the soldiers shoulders as the squad of five hung their battle wear and accessories in their respective cubbies for housing. No one dared to speak, for fear that the unbridled temper that was thinly veiled by their leader’s quiet demeanor would be unleashed if a word was spoken into the unanimously agreed upon silence.
It was thick, evident in the way the squad members pushed through the hot and sticky summer air to hang their belongings. The hesitance slowed their movements, careful not to cause any abrupt disturbances in the carefully crafted momentum that would guarantee the three other squad members precise escape from the gear room and into the open clearing of the sanctuary, where although the air was still blazing hot, it was better to breathe than the air inside, looming with hostility.
Three would find their escapes successful, returning to their individual rooms to release the stress that had settled in their muscles from the night's events. And although they had escaped the worst of it, something still lingered in their stomachs as the distance between them and the last two remaining squad members in the gear room grew.
It wasn’t just tension. It was apprehension.
White locs were dirtied with gunpowder and sweat, a thin layer of it also coating his dark cacao skin. A deep frown makes its way onto the leader’s face, frown lines prominent on his forehead, thick nose scrunched in vexation. He leaned against a nearby table, arms swollen and toned with muscle folded across his chest as he stared at the woman before him. He was trying to calm himself, formulate the words he would say in a way that wouldn’t be regrettable, but as the events of the night continued to replay in his mind, he found his efforts nugatory.
It wasn’t just tension; it was apprehension.
He watched the woman before him take her precious time in putting up her gear. She wasn’t ignorant to the tension in the room. She wasn’t ignorant, but she knew the cause of it. She knew the reason why she was taking her time in stripping off her coat, making sure it hung on the right hook by the right tag. She knew the reason behind taking extra care in extracting her mask from her face, placing the facial ornament flat onto the floor of the cubby. She knew the reason why she was taking extra care in removing her gloves instead of ripping them off like normal.
It wasn’t just tension.
It was apprehension.
“So,” the leader’s voice echoes out into the room, the first vocal sound to do so outside of the rustle of clothing against wood and clacking of the same material against the frame of the cubby made from metal. His voice  was deep, laced with madden, restrained, “wanna talk about what the fuck that was out there?”
“Nothing,” you responded, short and curt. You were biting your tongue, the both of you knew it. You were restraining yourself just as much as he was, “it was nothing-”
“Bullshit,” the white haired boy interjects, “you don’t do shit like that and call it ‘nothing’, (Y/N).”
He could see your jaw flexing, attempting to keep your mouth closed and your resolve intact as you stored away your last glove, closing the cubby door, all without looking at him. 
“I’m not doing this with you.” You firmly announce. Your pair of feet that had been stuck in the same position finally followed your will to move as you turned to the doorway, preparing to leave the room.
“You don’t have a choice, Captain!”
His voice is booming, thunderous like a God, and it commands you to halt your movements. The use of your title makes you grit your teeth, a tight breath slipping past your lips in a gamble for reclaiming your composure.
The leader pushes himself from his leaning position, standing firmly on his own two feet, hands coming together in a prayer motion in front of his face to stifle the agitation in his voice he was sure to let slip.
“We had a plan,” he says securely, though ironic in the current situation, “we had a plan to track movement. We had a plan to solely track that shipment; why the fuck did you divert from the plan?”
This wasn’t just tension; it was apprehension.
“The fuck do you want me to say, Ekko?” You seeth through gritted teeth, slowly but surely turning to face the boy behind you. “What the fuck is there to say?”
There’s an intensity in the air that comes from the severity of the situation at hand. Both of you restraining yourselves from enacting a yelling match, attempting to prevent the inevitable; trying to remain civil for each other’s sakes. Because if anyone knew how badly this could end, it would be the both of you.
“I fucked up,” you admit, though that was already evident in the heated silence that followed the squad home, “I made a fucking mistake. Is that what you want to hear?”
“No,” Ekko answers imply, “no, that’s not what I want to hear. Because that’s bullshit, too.”
“Excuse me?” You scoff, your expression mixed with shock and disbelief. “How are you gonna tell me about what I did? You think I don’t know what a fucking mistake is-”
“That wasn’t no fucking ‘mistake’, (Y/N)!” Ekko interjects again, and it’s the subtlety of which he does so that begins to spark an ember in your core with him. 
“We been in this game- we been together- for seven years, (Y/N),” the brown eyed boy continues, “seven fucking years. You think I don’t know your mistakes by now? You think I don’t know you?”
Of course he does, you think. Otherwise he wouldn’t be as angered as he is right now. 
“I know what it was,” he proclaims, pointing at you in an accusatory motion “it was your head.”
“My head?” You reiterate, said limb on your body tilting to the side, a growing annoyance evident in your voice. “What about my head, Ekko?”
“You really gon’ make me say it out loud?”
“Yes, cuz I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
It was a lie; you knew very well what he was referencing. You weren’t sure how it was so easy for such words to spill from your lips. Maybe it was because of the suddenness of this confrontation, despite knowing it was bound to happen. You’d played every plausible scenario of how this exact moment would play out, attempting to prepare yourself for Ekko’s questioning, and the inevitable argument that would take place. Maybe it was because you wanted him to hurry this charade along, despising his natural skill of dragging things on for far longer than what they needed to be.
“I have you as my sniper for a reason,” Ekko begins, “I have you as my second in command for a reason. Not because you’re the only person I’ve got left-” a fib of his own spills from his lips, but addressing it would not steer the conversation anywhere but in circles, “-not because you’re my fucking girlfriend, but because you proved that you could always hold a chill head. That you could take the orders given. That you could make the calls when I can't.”
“I’m sure you’ll get to a point eventually, Ek.” You scoff, refraining from rolling your eyes as he lectured you as if you were still children, holled up in an alleyway on the streets of the Undercity, hiding from enforcer soldiers.
“Whatever the fuck that was out there, was not a calm and chill head. So I need you to tell me,” Ekko steps closer, the sound of his combat boots echoing throughout the tattered walls of the gear room, “what did you see that knocked you off?”
“This is ridiculous, Ekko,” you profess, “what’re you gonna do if I don’t?” Take me off the tracking team? Demote me?”
Perhaps it wasn’t wise to say such daring words to the very leader of the rebellion you swore your life to. If there was anything about Ekko that was redeeming, it was his unyielding devotion to owning his title and standing on his word. And as he stands before you, an arms length away with chocolate brown irises blazing into yours with a fire so hot it could scorch your own fierce ones, there’s a gnawing at your stomach that tells you that he absolutely would. 
“You think I won’t?”
Silence filled the already tension-thick atmosphere, seeping into the folds and making it all the more unbearable. You weren’t sure how long the two of you stared at each other in a battle of will, a common practice the two of you engaged in whenever a disagreement arised. Without an audience, the glares in exchange lasted for what felt like minutes, hours. 
And Ekko wasn’t backing down.
“Are you serious?” You muttered through gritted teeth. “All this over a dumb mistake that will never happen again?”
“It was a mistake that could have costed us lives!” Ekko bellows once more, and if it weren't for it being the second time he had raised his voice, you may have flinched by the volume it had risen to. “We can’t afford to make mistakes, (Y/N) - especially with what we do - you know that more than anyone here!”
“And it wont happen again!” You declared, garnering agitation in your voice from having to repeat yourself more than you would like to. 
“And how can I know that, (Y/N)!?” Ekko shouts, challenging your words once more, and it more than suggests to you that he doesn’t believe them. He knows you’re not telling him everything, and it irks him to his core.
You turn once again with a mission to leave, even getting your feet to start moving, but that doesn’t stop Ekko from continuing to speak his mind. “What’s so hard about telling me what you saw!?”
“How many times do I have to tell you that it was nothing?”
“You can tell me a thousand times and I still won’t believe you-” the white haired boy rebutted, “because this isn’t you, (Y/N)!”
You weren’t sure for how long your back and forth ensued. Countless minutes of shouting back and forth, overlapping words, pleas to come clean, pleas to forget. This kind of situation wasn’t unfamiliar territory for the two of you. Ekko had a lot of weight on his shoulders, a lot of trauma he hadn’t yet faced, that he had pushed deep down to never be addressed. You understood, because you related. 
You both were there that night. You both witnessed the same act of monstrosity from the sworn enemy of your people’s leader. It was the very catalyst for the current occupation the both of you shared as leaders in a dwindling community, striving for peace and unadulterated existence while simultaneously fighting against the overwhelming clutch Silco’s grasp held on Zaun.
The woman you had become was because of that bastard's treachery and cruelty, who played a game that cost the lives of thousands. A woman of practicality, precision and calculated action. In this world there was very little room for emotion. Years ago, you wouldn’t gotten roughed up a little, but now, it got you a one-way ticket to the green, polluted waters of the desolate sewer system to be feasted on by the rats…and whatever other poor monstrosities that came from SIlco’s Shimmer.
Ekko knows this. Ekko knows all of it. Which is why he finds himself so frustrated that you won’t talk to him. It’s only in the midst of his grunting and growling that it clicks to him. A possibility as to why you acted out of such a practiced routine. Yet, he doesn’t know if he should rejoice about his revelation, or grow even more heated.
“You saw her.”
Three words that seemed to silence the world spilled from his lips in a breathy gasp. He knows he’s right when your lips come together in a tight line, and for the first time since the confrontation was initiated, your eyes divert from his.
You saw her.
“You saw her, didn’t you?” He asks, but is met with silence once again.
The topic of Jinx was always a sensitive one. Ekko may have been able to fool himself into detachment from the blue haired girl, shredding whatever hope he had left of recovering the old Powder who loved to go on runs with the two of you and made trinkets for your birthdays out of scrap metal and hard work. However, the same could not be said for you.
“So what if I did?” The rebuttal is sharp tongued and weighty, heavy with emotion, and Ekko knows what is inevitable to come.
“So what if I did see her, Ekko? What would you say?” You ask through gritted teeth, words strained as you feel the dam of emotions inside of you starting to overflow. “The same old shit you say all the time? That she’s gone and there’s no path of redemption for her? That she’s not worth saving?”
He’d never said such words aloud, but Ekko was guilty of thinking them, and to hear them verbalized tore open the same wound in his heart he’d patched up time and time again with each mention of the long lost friend.
“You may be able to let go, Ekko,” you grumble through gritted teeth, eyes watering over, and Ekko doesn’t know if its the sight of you crying or if it's the way the conversation has shifted that has him stilling, jaw clenched tightly, “but I can’t do that…I just can’t.”
And then, you left. And suddenly the unbearably thick summer air turned bitingly cold against Ekko’s skin as he watched you walk away. And as Ekko wipes down the length of his face, he knows there’s nothing much left for him to do but wait.
Wait until the air has become more bearable to breath. Wait until the tension has subsided. Wait until apprehension no longer clogs his stomach heavily, so that regrettable words would not be spoken.
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“Hey, I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Going to the market?”
“Yeah. Your bike needs a rotator chain, I’m gonna see if I can find one on the west end.”
One week. Seven days. 168 hours since you’ve last seen Ekko.
“Be careful out there. Silco’s goons have been making rounds again, and they aren’t sparing anyone in these parts.”
You don’t remember leaving the sanctuary. You just remember waking up on your friends couch after, according to them, was a rough and stormy night. You probably blacked out after your screaming match with him, and had an overwhelming desire to just get away. Your friend’s place was the only spot safe enough for you to crash at until you got your head straight.
Though, after seeing what you saw, could you really expect to snap back in a mere few hours?
“I’ll be good. They won’t touch me if they know what’s good for them.”
You left the tiny home of your friend, clad in the same clothes you had left in and a jacket you were quick to grab from their wardrobe. They lived pretty high up above the marketplace - the homes of the residents of Zaun were built into the underside of the extravagant Piltover, where everything was dark, dank, and cold. Layers upon layers of makeshift apartments stacked on top of one another for conservation of what little space the undercity did have.
Your hand grabbed the pole of the crossbridge that led from the side your friend’s apartment was to the other, and with expert precision, you maneuvered your way down the several levels and layers of homes connected by bridges of wood, metal and concrete.
Memories of parkouring as a little girl began to flutter into your mind. How you loved to best Ekko, the self proclaimed ‘King of Parkour’, at his own game. How Powder would tag along with you because she wanted to be with her friends-
Fuck, you weren’t suppose to think about her.
You were thankful your feet met the ground before more thoughts of Powder filled your mind, because if you had still been swinging from pole to pole and jumping from wood to metal, you’d surely lose your balance and come falling down the rest of the way. It was the effect the past had one you; and an unfortunate one at that.
It’s as if the second you find landing and start to walk in the direction of the marketplace, your ears catch wind of commotion to your left. The muffled grunting and clamoring causes you to pause and turn, peering out of your hood to see what was happening.
You’d always been the one to answer a call to action, so there wasn’t much surprise when you found yourself inching closer to the alleyway of which was producing the concerning sounds. It had only been ingrained into you from your youth, and had become second nature in the wake of Silco’s reign. Having a knack for helping people was a blessing and a curse, and while it got you into more trouble than you would like, the favors that you’d stocked up on came in handy.
Approaching the alleyway closer you could make out two figures standing - Silco’s men, no doubt, given the way they dress and the horrible filth they speak. Then there’s a person on the ground, wearing green.
Green was the color of the Firelights, and so naturally, you assumed the worst.
With your ankle pressing against the small knife hidden in your boot, you knew what had to be done. You crouched down behind a stack of crates and whistled, catching one of the perp’s attention. As they approached your direction for inspection, in one quick motion, you slipped the knife from your boot, took hold of the perp’s arm and knocked him into the wall. The blade made itself a home in his neck, muffling any yell he would’ve mustered out.
By the time you were finished, the second perp had been taken care of as well by the victim they were cornering. Revealing yourself from behind the stack of crates, your worries had been confirmed when getting a closer look at the coat the other person was wearing.
It was indeed a Firelights coat - a deep forest green to blend in with the shadows but still be distinguishable. The Firelight had been injured it seemed, as they held their arm close and with care, wincing with every movement of it that was made.
“Hey,” you called out to them, advancing closer to them as you did so, “you alright? Where’s your partner? You know if you’re patrolling you gotta be in pairs-”
“(Y/N)!” The Firelight gasps out in relief, confusing you. “Lieutenant- you’ve gotta help us! We were outnumbered- a-and got split up, they jumped us!- from every corner, we didn’t see them coming-”
“Hey, hey, hey,” You quickly soothing, grounding the obviously frightened soldier with reassuring hands on their shoulder, guiding them to breathe, “you have to slow down for me, and breathe so you can clearly-”
“-a-and it’s Ekko- Ekko, he got hurt-”
And in that moment, your world slows, and there’s an instant pit in your stomach that comes from thinking the worst. If Ekko of all people got taken out of commission, whatever that was going on was serious.
“...okay,” you start after your shock passes over you. As if a switch in your brain is flipped, and now you’re in fight mode, “you need to take me to where you all split from. Now.”
Your voice is commanding and stern, leaving no room for discussion. The Firelight, still holding his arm, nods at your command. As the two of you leave, you pick up the weapon that the second perp had been carrying on his back; it wasn’t anything compared to your sniper gun, but it would have to do.
According to the Firelight, the mission was to stop one of Silco’s Shimmer transports to a hotspot location known for distribution of the drug. The normal prep for such a mission was done properly, but there was an underestimation of power in numbers on Silco’s end. What’s more, a certain blue haired girl decided to make her presence known as well, and her erraticness threw everyone off square. To save face, Ekko commanded everyone to split up.
Which meant Ekko was alone, and hurt, and probably wallowing in some form of guilt, and that could not do. A guilty Ekko was not a functional one.
“We were over there when the fight started,” said the Firelight as the two of you stood on top of a roof overlooking the distribution post, “when he made the call, I saw him go east in the direction of the Last Drop. The two other soldiers went west, and I ran south.”
Two large, burly men, littered with tattoos and hardened by the streets, guarded a small cart covered with blue metal barrels, a strip of thick translucent plastic going down the side, showing the bright magenta liquid inside. Four more paced around the small clearing area, seemingly on the lookout for someone.
Six men within a ten yard radius of each other. If you were right, that cart held about thirty gallons of Shimmer. Tests done on the drug proved that it was highly flammable, which normally meant that with your sniper gun, setting the scene ablaze would be easy. But with a mere regular shotgun in your possession, you’d need an extra boost.
“Look in your pouch for me,” you direct to the Firelight soldier, “do you got any of those spark pouches?”
The Firelight uses his good arm to fish in his thigh pouch, producing a small, red sack of gunpowder. “What’re you thinking, Lieutenant?”
“We need to take these guys out while destroying that shipment in the process,” you explain, pointing towards the triangular shape of trajectory between each of the guardsmen and the cart, “the spray of the Shimmer is about fifteen yards, which will cover more than enough of the ten yard radius those guys are in. I need you to throw that spark pouch right in between the two guards on my signal. When I shoot, it’s gonna be enough Shimmer spray to kill them…but we gotta move fast to avoid it.”
It wouldn’t have been the first time someone looked at you crazy for such a straightforward plan. You’d garnered many such stares since you first began in the Firelight ranks. There was a method to your madness, as Ekko would put it, and there had never been a reason for anyone to not trust your judgements or plans. Despite the Firelight’s initial questioning of the credibility of such a plan, there was no choice but for him to go along.
The two of you backed up as much as possible on the rooftop to make it easier for a clean getaway. Once in position, you pulled out the gun you had acquired earlier, checking the magazine for sufficient bullets. Then, you took aim at the center of the cart, inhaling a deep breath to steady your hand and focus your vision.
At one, the world began to slow when your aim focussed steadily.
At two, you prepared your wrist for the recoil that would shock your hand.
At three, the Firelight soldier threw the spark pouch with expert precision. Not a second later, the shot from your gun rung out.
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The sight that Ekko wakes up to is a pleasant one compared to the week he’s had.
The sun is blinding through his makeshift sunroof. There’s a dull pain on his side, and a ringing in his ears that subsides the more his vision focuses. It’s a great contrast to what he thought he’d be seeing when he awoke, but he welcomes the feeling of home that washes over his being.
His eyes turn to his side where he sees you, sitting next to his bed. His jacket is thrown loosely over your shoulders, and in your hands, you twirl a piece of folded paper. His eyebrows furrow at the sight; he isn’t expecting you to be here with him.
Noticing that he’d woken up, you focus your attention on the injured man. The folded letter is placed on the crate that acts as a nightstand next to Ekko’s bed, and you lean forward onto the bed to get closer to him. His hair is disheveled, locs splayed everywhere on his pillow and on his face. His abdomen is bandaged tightly, yet even the white gauze leaves little to the imagination. And the sun shines on his cocoa colored skin, contrasting against your own as you slip his larger hand into your own.
You needed to feel him, and be thankful that he was here.
“Hey, you,” Ekko croaks out, voice raspy and patchy from what you can only assume was yelling and sleep.
“Hi,” you mutter out against the back of his hand, lips pulled into a tight smile.
“Thought you were still mad at me.”
“”m not mad,” you mumble, shaking your head, “just glad you're okay.”
The fact that you’re not being snarky with him tells Ekko that there’s something weighing on you; something that’s not remorse for your absence, but something deeper. His eyes travel over to the nightstand, falling onto the letter once again.
“What’s that?” He points out, curiosity filling his patchy voice.
There’s a moment’s pause before you speak again, your voice somber and emotional; “It’s….what I saw.”
What I saw can only be referring to the incident a week prior, Ekko determines. His eyes turn back to you, his hand giving yours a gentle tug towards him, gesturing for you to climb into bed with him. He meets little resistance, and takes a little pride in how easily you slip into his side, molding against his form as you were made to. His arm wraps around your shoulders, helping you hide in the crook of his neck; a much needed escape you’ve wanted to indulge in for a while.
“Deal with it later,” he mumbles against your hairline, “jus’ stay with me.”
Resting against Ekko’s broad chest, you thought on his words. Knowing yourself, dealing with things later wouldn’t be as productive as he’d hope. You’d want to forget the subject entirely, revert back to the same concealment as before. Knowing the both of you, it couldn't be dealt with later.
“It was her eyes, Ekko,” You mumbled into his shirt, prompting the darker male to turn his attention to you, “there was something in them, Ekko. I swear there was.”
Seeing Jinx on that night wasn’t what any of you had intended. She’d very scarcely shown her face on the streets of Zaun, presumably at SIlco’s behest. As mad of a kingpin he was, he himself couldn’t deny the deranged nature the blue haired girl had. And yet, when she showed signs of stability, he seemed to allow her off on transportation missions at the very least. And it just so happened that after six years, a week ago was the first time you’d seen Jinx since the night Vander died.
When you saw those blue eyes, dulled and lifeless, it hurt. Hurt to know that the possibility of Powder truly being gone was higher than what you’d let yourself believe. Hurt to know that you would never have your friend back, and that there would never be any chance of recovering the family you’d list all those years ago.
You’d seen her, and then, she saw you. And when she did, the world slowed. And for a second, when your eyes caught each other, a flash of something came across her eyes that caused your body to react against your well-trained judgment. It was as if she had recognized you and felt a sense of…wistfulness.
Though it didn’t reflect anything of the like when she raised her gun towards you, and you had no choice but to act before she could.
“There was a moment where I…thought she recognized me,” you muttered, “but then she….raised her gun to me.”
Ekko’s chest stuttered as he released a shaky breath to your words. There’s a pause before you speak again, “Is it easier for you to just…believe she’s really gone?”
A long moment of silence passes…”Yeah, it is.”
Ekko has always thought about Jinx. It’s hard not to when her presence can change any of his plans on a whim, since he has people to protect and her mentality is as finicky as a time bomb. But Powder…he hates to think about her.
“If she was gone from the start,” Ekko mutters through a voice crack, “it means there wasn’t a chance to save her in the first place. Means I never failed in saving her, I guess.”
Your hand reaches up to caress Ekko’s face, jaw clenched tight from his own words, and when you look into his eyes, you can see the vulnerability he tries so hard to hide when talking about the blue haired girl. There was beauty in it, you always told him, though you never thought he truly believed you when you said it. Ekko was never given much grace to be vulnerable, to be a boy. He’d found that in you; so you knew it took a lot for him to even admit as such to your question.
You don’t really get to be a kid after watching the people you love die in front of you. Even the ones who still walk the land with another soul in their bodies.
You press a kiss onto his lips; gentle, affirming, and grounding. Your thumb runs the length of his cheekbones and  you find comfort in the crevice of his neck once again. When Ekko relaxes against your hold, you release a breath of air, and think that perhaps it’s best that you adopt his way of thinking as well.
Powder was gone, but at least in this hell, you had each other.
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tsims · 4 months
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Ken rolled a wish for a new dog, so we got a Frenchie named Lulu! Also, a wish for a tree house was promptly granted by me. I renamed it to "Noah's Hideout"
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thejellybeanboys · 1 year
Willam, you’re pretty friendly with Luis huh? (I saw that heart in your eye). Ya gotta spill what’s going on there, especially since it seems like Luis can’t tolerate you. Like how did you even join this group? Where you come From?
(Wolfnoob.exe: (/Command: isolate ask for @Wolfnoob.exe)
Wil-Liam: “Phew good thing I actually listened to Codey when she told us about this function.”
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Wil-Liam: “I'm pretty friendly with LuLu cause he's my best friend duh... well not really, I just say that for the goofs and gafs. I mean I consider him a good friend (always did) but he doesn't see me the same way. I know LuLu don't like me that much especially when he doesn't remember me... I-I guess I could say this if no one else is gonna see this answer, but uh yeah I do feel something a little bit different for LuLu.
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I don't know exactly but...i just feel so alive? Free? Like anything is possible? That I can dream and feel nice and be a great cool? Whenever I'm with him or think of him? It's like he lights up something in my guts making it kinda hurt. I don't know, Codey and Benny tell me that it might be "a crush" but in the movies having a "crush" seemed much more happy and easy then hard and sad.”
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Wil-Liam: “It makes sense though...I don't deserve to have things be like that for me, not like in the movies, I don't get to be like that when I'm...”
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Wil-Liam: “--Uh.. anyway. Other part of thee questionz...I meet this group when I became "friends" again with LuLu. Uh when I snuck in--uh I mean when I enrolled school-- I guess I was pretty cool and kinda becane poppyluar for all my gamerness but it uh made LuLu pretty jealous cause I guess I was stealing his thing. He said I was his rival and that he was gonna prove he was better at games, so we just started having these competitions... mostly at his house or in the peepaws hideout. More and more we just hung for these gamer nights and I never wanted to leave. Yeah so maybe I did kinda watch him a lot and I did spend most of my time trying to talk with him but that's because I didn't think I'll see him again -- because he was like the first friends I got. I mean now luckily because I know LuLu I got to meet all these cool peeps. Codey, Cecil, and Benny are pretty trustworthy.”
Wil-Liam: “And last question I guess. Where do I come from?.... I wish I knew too bud.”
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It’s The Avengers (03x16)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 16: You Picked the Wrong Weakness
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: did someone just go and tell the otp about the otp?
Word Count: you know that feeling when you have had a bad experience on some project or assignment or homework before. And you know that thing is going to come around again next month or something like that. And you just age yourself by giving yourself anxiety by thinking everything that could go worse in that area. Yeah. So, I kinda shut that off for a few hours and wrote this.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The Interview Room The camera is recording empty seats as a pair of voices grow louder with every second. "...it's like they don't even care about what the other person wants!" "...no, why would they. These rich daddies and their rich egos think they are the only ones thinking about the world." The camera swivels a bit to watch Peter and Scott enter with a new guest following them with a Caprisun in their hand. Peter: And why did you have to go ahead and help them? Shuri: *sits between Scott and Peter* *takes a long sip of her 'sun* What. I'm not going to give up any opportunity that involves space and weird energy boxes. Peter: Why did your brother even agree to it?? Shuri: *shrugs* all your sugar daddy had to say was 'what if it was Shuri'. And my thicc-head of a brother lost it like a rhino in a mating challenge. Peter: *scrunches his nose at the example* Scott: Great *sigh* now we'll never get to see them together. With your brains, those dads are probably already in space now. Shuri: Not so fast! They don't have the codes to neutralise the pandora's box yet. Peter and Scott: *look at each other*  Shuri: So teleportation might be delayed as long as I am kept happy?  Peter: *takes out a notebook* Scott: *takes out his phone and a card labelled Avengers Black Card* The camera pans in on a smirking Shuri sipping on her Capri sun.
Inside a Spaceship: Destination Unknown You and Loki were captured by the little drone flying at the same speed as the spaceship (which clearly had seen some remodelling, thanks to your rainbow buddies). Both of you were staring at something in front of you that lids by your waist level- something the outside drone was not able to capture because of the limited view in the spaceship window. The expressions on your face were serious. So was the arms-crossed stance. "Are you sure it wasn't just a noise?" Loki now had a finger on his lips in deep thought as he heard your words. "I am pretty sure of what I heard," he acknowledged without missing a beat. "So-" your voice faded as your fingers twirled in the air with a mind of their own- "that means he has...another..." "You really can't say it?" Loki looked at you with a questioning brow going up quite smoothly. You tsked. "It's my baby," you mentioned while Javier's camera watched you point down at slumbering Lulu. "I cannot just casually say he might have another hole and I think he farted through it. I cannot hurt my baby's feelings!" Loki scoffed. "Your baby's sleeping." "He still has ears." "You think he understands what a fart means?" "What do you think I've been teaching him when you, me or Javi pass the gas?" Loki's casual demeanour suddenly changed to an offended one. "I beg your pardon?" You were quick on your feet, already walking towards the front of the ship. "So, where exactly are we heading now? Aellae's next of kin? Though I find it hard to imagine she would have left your essence with anyone other than herself." Loki came and sat next to you, still pissed at that comment in those narrowed eyes. "I am going to circle back to your words-" he inhaled while you acted all innocent- "and no. We are not looking for anyone related to that witch." "Then are we looking for another one of your exes?" "No, we are n-" Loki stopped short, his lips right in a thin line as he stared at you. "Why are you so interested my exes?" You simply shrugged and raised your brows. "On the contrary, it seems your exes are still pretty interested in you." That casual expression turned into a familiar judgment as your head turned to look at him. "Though I wonder what did they find so-" you hands moved haphazardly- "interesting about you." Loki swivelled his captain seat towards you, locking your legs between his while grounding your armrests with his hands. Clicking the control button on your armrest, he moved your chair a bit closer to him, his face in close proximity to yours. Javier's camera panned in on the gulp moving down your throat while your eyelids did a flutter at this uncalled movement. The 4K caught those goosebumps rising right where his arm barely grazed yours and in the background, Lulu played an arousing violin piece. "Something you can only dream about, darling," he whispered. The violin picked up the charge in the air within its quick clean high notes. The only noise leaving you was the escape of the air stuck in your throat, shivering on its way out. "Of c-" you cleared your throat. trying to sit back up in your seat- "of course I can only fantasize. The reality makes me want to puck. Ugh!"
Loki: Y/N thinks space is all fun and games. What she does not realise is that just like earth, this universe too has an underworld. Ten times in size and twenty times as brutal. And Aellae was just the tip of the filthy iceberg. *camera zooms in on his tensed features* looks into the distance* Wonder who else she told about her. *looks back* *blinks* I'm taking her somewhere we can lie low for now. *rolls eyes* that is if she understands what lying low means. *sighs* 
You: *eating bread like a peasant famished for days* Hm? What? No *shakes head* 'm nod nerbous. *takes another bite* debinidly nod becoz o doki. He wash jus playing wee me. *viciously bites into the bread* *growls and buries head in your lap* 
"I am still telling you to ask for their help. It's not too late," you suggested in a composed manner, sitting in the co-pilot seat. "I am not calling seven alien boys just because you have a fetish for Korean pop bands." You thwacked his leg with yours. "I do not! And don't you dare talk shit about k-pop." Loki chuckled. "Why? What are going to do?" "I won't. But you know what k-pop fans are like, don't you?" The smile on Loki's face suddenly started to flicker away as he looked at the camera. "Remember that Vegas trip?" Clearing his throat, he adjusted himself on his seat, while you shared a devilish smirk with the camera. "We're going somewhere safe. Where I have a chance of getting my powers back and hopefully a gateway back to earth." You sat up. "Why didn't we go there in the first place?" Loki blinked, not really answering. You and the camera noticed the tension in his jaw. "It's not a place I like to talk about." The asteroid belt cleared in front of the spaceship to show the part of a planet covered in grey clouds shadowing frozen blue mountains and dark valleys. "Jotunheim," you whispered to yourself, letting the gloomy yet majestic scenery of the place reflect in your eyes. “Loki,” all humour in your voice seemed to dilute as you looked back at home, “we don’t have to go there. We-uh...we could go to one of Peter’s hideouts? Or maybe we could call the Boys and ask them to direct us to one of their safe places? You know, till we find a lead on your essence.” A smirk built upon the God's lips. "Is that concern I hear in your voice?" Those worry-laden brows suddenly dispersed all emotion to make way for anger. A slap made way from your hand to his right side of the back. The thwack was loud enough to wake Lulu and force a sincere 'ow' from the God's throat. "This concern is for me and my babies you awful animal," you growled, your voice considerably higher, "you think they'll survive there?"
Jotunheim If the mountains seemed to carry an eerie aura about them, the valleys were a straight suggestion of being pits straight to hell. To add to the effects of arriving at the gates of hell, the snow falling was harsh, to say the least. As soon as the door to the ship opened to let all the passengers feel the heat, the drone travelling outside took in travellers covered in thick fur. Javier carried Lulu on his front, both of them visible just with their faces- not to mention the former's blue eyes standing out over everything else in his surroundings. Loki too embraced the thick skin, looking quite the part of a Jotun till he picked up the hood of your coat to put it over your head without saying much; only smiling when you looked like a fluffed up birb in that Viking overcoat.
Loki: *smiling sheepishly**looks at you standing next to him* Angry birb *looks back at Javier's camera* Sam taught me that one. *camera pans at you simmering under that fur*
Lulu had already picked the background music for his pack's entrance. The Viking beat had just the right amount of weight and horror of the unknown in it as this place did. Just ahead of the pass lay the structure carved in the mountain itself. It could be called a palace or a temple. But that was not what sought your attention.  Eyes. The camera caught eyes in the dark staring at the unwanted guests. Blue. Piercing. Murderous. And more than one pair. The drone panned in on that one subconscious movement of your fingers gripping the fur of the coat on Loki's back as the God walked gallantly- as if he owned the planet. But your eyes did not stop to observe the alien movement around you. "Remember-" Loki's whisper brought you out of the daze your own thumping heart was creating for you- "do not show them your fear. Show them that you are to be feared." It may have been his words or just his voice that started to melt the fear visible on your features, lasting for five seconds before a loud thump vibrated the land beneath your feet, making you all come to a stop. And when that was not enough, the audience saw the feet first, then the legs and then the whole length of a Jotun appearing before them. Some necks were really going to feel it tonight.
"Who dares enter the land of Jotunheim?" came the thundering and low growl from the Jotun that stood towering over you all. "The one who is alive and stands on this land," Loki announced, "with the blood of Laufey in my veins, I have come to claim what is mine." There was nothing but an uninviting smirk on the Jotun's face. "I am Loki, son of Laufey, son of Odin, ruler of Asgard and your King," he commanded with ice in his voice, "and you...need to bow...before your King." The dead silence proceeding his threat of a speech was enough for you nearly bury you inside your own overcoat. And when that did not seem enough, your body- on its own- moved a step closer to Loki's side. "Oooooh Gooood," you whispered with quite the shudder while your face was plastered with a no-fucks-given wave, "we're gonna die." On the contrary, the silence was followed by many Jotuns coming out of the shadows to surround your group one by one before bowing down. Even the ones who looked quite young did the same. All of them except for the one Jotun who had greeted you first. "Allir fagna konungi!" they chanted in unison. "All hail the king," Javier translated it for you. "Didn't know you were into Nords," you quipped, "the language, I mean." "Honey, I am all into Nords," he signed before looking around with a smile, finding a buff Jotun that caught his eye. He did not take another second to blink at him and leave that giant a bit confused and flustered at the same time.
Inside the Palace The throne was sculpted out of ice that seemed as old as the mountain. Alongside it had been made seating arrangements for the family, running parallel till the doors of the throne room, all greyish blue stones marked with Jotun carvings. You and Javier believed they might be names of dignitaries. Lulu thought they are just doodles by other babies and proceeded to contribute to the stone they were standing next to. A little female giant sat down and looked at Lulu's doodles with curious wide eyes. Loki stood rightfully in front of his throne, admiring it before turning to his subjects, most of them adults who were exceptionally taller and blue-er than him. The drone captured the magnificence of the throne room that had fire pits next to the seats at intervals right alongside the stone pillars and right in the middle, a few feet in front of the king. But none of them were lit. And the giants were visibly annoyed by the drone while the kids wanted to catch it and play with it. "An Asgardian announces himself as our King," the one giant growled as he stood at the steps of the throne, "why would we believe you to be our King, son of Odin." He nearly spat the last part. The drone captured that bit of concern breaking out on your composed features but Loki just smirked. Pulling his overcoat to the side- as magnificently as he believed himself to be- he sat down as if he has done it ever since he was born. The authority exuding from his presence certainly put the murmurs going around the hall to a standstill. "At ease, Helblindi," he stressed to the giant with a purr and directed the rest of the audience to take their place. "Not you." Everyone stopped short to looked at their king. And he was clearly looking at you. You pointed a finger at yourself in question. "Don't you know your place....pet?" he commanded ever so slyly, discreetly pointing his finger at the stone next to his throne.
You: *look around to make sure no one's looking at you* *anger about to explode through your eyes* *whispering* Pet?? PET?? I swear gonna just *gestures to grab the air* grab his throat and *punches the said air repeatedly in her palm*  *camera pans out to focus on three baby giants looking at you in pure horror before their mother carries them away murmuring something* *camera swivels to show Javier looking disappointed* Javier: *signs* she said 'stay away from the crazy human'. *sighs* *shakes his head*
“Come-“ Loki’s fingers gestured at you to come over to that stone couch of a thing next to him- “sit.” Taking a breath to compose your usual embers of rage at that comment, you smiled and walked up the stairs to stand next to him. The camera recorded the little gracious bow you gave the God but not before your back was to the spectators and you signalled an insult with your middle towards him, nearly making him chuckle. And with one heavy inhale, you sat down next to him, clearly not at the same level as him. “Is this what Lulu feels like?” “I would’ve made Lulu sit in my lap,” Loki acknowledged with a smirk. “You’re welcome to join me anytime but for now-“ he adjusted himself on his seat and raised his voice to address the court- “let us have a feast tonight and raise our mugs in union of the Jotun king and his subjects.” Helblindi scoffed and spat on the floor. Loki did not look but he was surely observing his every move. “In union of an excuse of a giant who does not even resemble-“ “I would like you to stop there my brother-“ Loki announced as he got up, letting the whole room take one united gasp at the scene- “before you start regretting your own words.” You blinked at the reactions to turn and look at Loki. Now the lights from the ceiling did a stupendous job of catching the widening of your eyes while your pupils were dilated in an emotion only known to you when you witnessed- for the first time in your life- Loki's skin change its shade and features. The flawless paleness gave way to a blue so deep over those arms he rarely displayed in public. The colour ran up his neck as well, covering him all the way. And along with this shade came ridges on his skin which apparently every Jotun had; running up his face and down his limbs. Those smaragdines and whites around them were now replaced with red. “This Jotun-“ his voice was low, but with enough weight that it echoed to the last corner of the room- “has seen enough lives to know what is hatred and what is fear. So next time you try to question my right, Helblindi, know that I have no qualms in exploiting them in a way which seems necessary for me.” Helbindi did not seem to stand his ground much now. Not after a few Jotuns who stood up to speak against the giant who had been torturing them for a while with his reckless and greed-ridden laws. Javier's camera was stuck on your reaction in the middle of this mild chaos. Your parted lips, wide eyes, stare lingering all over the God's body, your throat feeling the urge to swallow the dryness; it really was a sight, an emotion that many fanfiction artists would want to take inspiration from. Loki- who was smirking at the warm welcome he was receiving through the roar against his brother- turned around to look at you. His smirk disappeared and his usually focused gaze was interrupted with those unsure blinks at your features. Before he could explain himself, one giantess blocked his way to you with a bow. "We have prepared the Bath for you and your companions, your grace," she announced, still with her head held low. His gaze was running between you and her. To make it easier for him, you got up from your seat and walked down to the giantess who wanted to show you, Javier and Lulu to the Bath. "Nandi," Loki finally looked at the giantess. "Yes, your grace." "I need you to choose four of your most loyal companions to guard them." "They are all ready to escort your companions where you please." Loki smiled at Nandi. "I owe it to your mother to protect you, your Grace, like she protected me and my children." "My mother had a loyal friend in you," the God appreciated before walking down the throne and away from the crowd. The drone followed him.  The graceful composure of the God crumbled like a dry sand castle as soon as the doors closed behind him and he was alone in the icy corridors. His pace got faster by the second, his eyes searching everywhere. "This isn't fair, you know." Loki stopped at the echo of your voice. The pause of one breath, and he knew where to turn to find you standing in the shadows. Javier stood by the pillar next to you two with his camera, capturing this strange tick on Loki's features. You stepped out of the shadows, your gaze uninterrupted, looking right at those red eyes. "Do you know the amount of chaos it would create on earth if people knew that you look like..." "Like what? A monster?" Loki's voice was heavy. "Nah don't say i-dammit! Now I cannot stop imagining the term monsterfuckers." Loki blinked. His brows furrowed at you ever so slightly. "I mean-" you sighed with frustration- "was it not enough that you looked like a literal God in a human form that you had to now go and reveal that you are one buffed up alien? Look at you? You are one breath away from starting a cult of monsterfuckers! Do you realise that? Look at-" you grabbed that one barely naked blue arm and tried to squeeze it- "this firm, cold, arm that is people are going think about in-" you tried to breathe, your gaze still stuck on his shoulder- "their bed at night. God, why do have to be so-" you pointed at all of him with a frustration-filled, longing look of...disgust- "you." By now Loki was raising his brows in question and shifting his gaze between himself and you, clearly confused by your reaction. It even seemed he was a bit flustered at one point. You winced, looking at his body again. Your eyes followed the ridges on his face to his neck, plunging down his v neck t-shirt. With a frown you turned hastily, flinging your body involuntarily in the direction of the bath. "I bet they go all the way down," you whispered to yourself in between your sobs and walked away.
Loki: *still stands there* *blinks* *looks at the camera* what...*looks in her direction* *looks back* *does this two more times* what just happened?
The Resting Chambers: Next Day One of Javier's drones followed you from the balcony you were standing in to witness the first light of the nearest star in this frozen land. The snow-clad mountains were a majestic sight in their own stature. Even the smile emanating under the warmth of the star could not deny that. The giggles coming from inside the room broke the sweet hum of sync you were having with the weather, walking back in to find Skandi and Kolga, Nandi's daughters setting up the table with Jotunheim's specialities- snowberries, Kruweed- fresh seaweed from the frozen lake- and Lulu's favourite, spiked abalones. "What are you girls snickering about?" Lulu was already jumping on the table to sniff everything placed for his liking. Once he had inspected every single item, he went over to his bowl of abalones.
"Nothing," Skandi cooed, "just discussing how Loki-" Kolga elbowed her sister to correct herself- "how his Grace, keeps looking at you." Your hands paused for a fraction of a second near your mouth before the snowberry found its way in your mouth. "Look at me how?" "He looks at you as if you might vanish any second if he does not keep his eye on you," Kolga added, sitting down next to you. Her face had gentle tones all over it. Her eyes seemed to sparkle whenever she talked to you. "Are you being punished for something?" It took you some time to realise she was genuinely curious. "What. No. Why would you think that?" "Because his grace keeps you under guard. I thought pets were kept in cages in Midgard." Skandi turned to Kolga with a gasp. "He caged her last night then?!" The camera captured your furrowed brows sitting there confused in between the sisters. You opened your mouth to speak but lost to Kolga. "You mean when he told off Helbindi that she will be sleeping in his quarters." Skandi nodded vigorously. "He could not have kept her in a real cage." "Maybe he chained her to the bed." "Ah. So he could keep an eye on her at night." "Is that what happened, y/n?" You hid your face behind the mug of tea that did not seem to leave your lips while your free hand seemed to check your cheeks for their temperature. "This tea is good," your burned throat appreciated the drink. "He seems quite...what is the word... possessive of her," Skandi commented. You shared a look with the drone- your face devoid of any emotions. Kolga hummed in agreement, popping a snowberry in her mouth. "I thought Kruge would die last night by his hands." Now that seemed to catch your attention. "Kruge who?" "Helbindi's guard. The one who nearly pushed you into the wall last night." "When you went inside," Kolga continued, "his Grace took Kruge's staff and struck him in his limbs and threatened him to never touch you again if he wanted to stay alive." "Kruge should be glad he did not use his powers on him lest he would be a part of the dark pit's icicles by now." Kolga and Skandi stopped talked to watch you lost in deep thought while your hands scratched Lulu's back on their own, making the floof purr quite loud. "Is she making this little creature vibrate?" Skandi asked her sister in a whisper. "It looks like it," her sister whispered back in awe.
You: *whispering at Javier* What? No, it's okay. We can record here. No one can say anything. *sits on the stone seat in the gallery that seems empty to the camera* *adjusts hair* is it recording? Of course. It's always recording. *clears throat* *at normal tone* So, clearly...*inhales* *raises brows* things are barely standing still right now. And it is clearly not helping that Loki is having sudden urges to pick a fight with whoever bullies me. *Javier's drone catches him discreetly signing at you to lower your voice a bit* You: *irritated* I mean does he want me to get bullied more? Bullies are always going to pick on the weak one in the group for fuck's sake! And evidently, I am the weaker sex. *the camera catches a movement behind you, turning to focus on the source* You: and his highness does not seem to realise that it will be too easy for these giants to torture his weaknesses out of me. Does he not see that? *squints at Javier* what? The drone is recording Javier aggressively telling you to cut it out while looking pale as his gaze goes far behind you. You turn to look where his gaze is going. Javier's camera automatically focuses on Kruge standing next to the last pillar, throwing daggers in your direction through his bloody eyes for a moment before disappearing somewhere. You: *turn around with a shade lighter yourself* *the camera is panning over your face now as you look at it* *whispers* Fuck!
Five Minutes Later One of the drones buzzed against the ice that separated the balcony and the bedroom, tapping itself repeatedly on the transparent frost till the door to the room opened. It turned around to record you and Javier rush inside- the latter placing his camera in his bag and packing his stuff. "Okay, relax, relax!" you stressed to the hyperventilating boy. "We need to get out of here," he signed. "Javi, take three deep breaths? Yes? One? Two? Good. Three. Now think about it. As long as we are with Loki, no one will dare harm us. Okay? Not to mention he has allotted us our personal security team." Javier was on the verge of sobbing. "What about when Loki is not around. What will we do then?" "Javi, don't think like that," you nearly fumed at him. "Loki is in the throne room right now. You take the guards with you and go to him and when you find a window let him know what happened, okay?" Javier was still taking deep breaths while sweating through his fur coat. He nodded. "What about you?" "I...have Lulu." You pointed at the floof sleeping with his belly bared and his paws out. "I won't leave the room, don't worry." Once convinced you'll be fine, Javier hurried outside, leaving you in a silence only filled by light snores of your baby. The drone recorded you biting your lip and tying your hair up in a bun. "Okay," you whispered to yourself, "now we wait." It also recorded the sudden change in the shade of one section of the wall opposite to your back. With the focus still on you, the section of the wall appeared to open out, revealing the pitch blackness lit by a pair of red eyes. The next thing you knew, the drone was lying on the floor, its barely working lens recording your muffled screams and boots struggling to find the ground as a pair of blue feet walked past the lens before it went black.
One Hour Later The camera sat on the stone seat, recording the periodic tapping of Javier's foot from outside the frame. Loki still had audience. The Jotuns discussed every aspect of Jotunheim with the king. Loki sat patiently, listening to every word before advising them necessary steps. The majority was satisfied with the King's suggestions. Many were even in awe. There were a few who were dissatisfied no matter what the God mentioned. "Well-" Loki sat straight, addressing the whole court- "this concludes our day then." "Your grace," one giant bowed at the steps, "there are a few more issues that need your kind attention." Loki sighed, his hand resting on the armrest, his fingers running over his lips in thought. Not sure about Loki, but the camera recorded the patient that ran out of Javier. He got up from his seat, immediately catching the God's eye, who was quick to raise his fingers just for the boy to stop taking any further steps towards him.  "You have stalled me enough," the God acknowledged, catching the giant off guard. "Helbindi should know it better than anyone that a coup against me would be a futile attempt." Loki did not budge where he sat, just his finger drumming on the arm rest. "And I am in no mood for a mutiny."
The one drone who had been playing with the Jotun kids picked up the damage to a drone in the resting chambers. It buzzed through the halls, trying to pick up your trail, finding corridors and corners to fly through, walking down dark pathways with no windows and steep stairs spiraling deep into the mountains. On its way it found Lulu howling and meowing in a frantic daze, walking down the same path where he found your scent. And it seemed like he found you through the same dark pathway that ultimately reached an opening.  There was nothing but ice all around and in every form. A section of the mountain that opened to the outside with a catch. There were cells cut into this ice for prisoners. Shackles of cold metal rested in every cell. Each of them had metals bars to keep the captives in and an opening in the ice to keep any grain of warmth out. And to add to it all, this entire prison cell rested on a frost chunk hanging at the edge of the mountain. "Stop, please, you cannot do this!" Your voice and footsteps could be heard echoing through this section. The drone buzzed and landed on the wall to record the Kruge stripping you of your fur coat with a maniacal grin on his face. "Hey! HEY!! Give me back my coat!" Kruge stopped you from going for your coat by his hand coming for your throat. His grip made it hard for you to breathe as you struggled to get out of the hold, your nails trying their best to dig into that stubborn cold skin of his. Lulu ran and growled at the giant, scratching at his ankles till the latter kicked him away. "What do you want?" you barely managed to get out of your mouth. "We want Loki out of Jotunheim," he growled in your face, smacking your back in the ice wall behind you before letting go of your throat. You fell down with a thud and a groan, taking in as much air as your windpipe allowed. "Okay," you wheezed, "okay. You let me talk to Loki and I will convince him to leave Jotunheim. I promise. I pinky promise." You even raised your pinky. But Kruge was already closing the bars on you. Lulu ran and jumped through the bars to stop by your side, sniffing and crying, wanting to make sure you were okay. "No no no no," you crawled to the bars, trying to wrap your fingers around them but failing once your skin felt the vicious cold personally, "please don't do this. You have to stop. Now." "You said you know Loki's weakness," a voice boomed from the shadows where you had been dragged from. A very familiar and ominous voice. The drone turned to capture Helbindi stepping into the ice prison with a stature fit for kings. "His essence is lost. It is a secret no more, you quim." You looked at Lulu in confused defeat. "Why does it feel like he called me a whore?" you whispered. Lulu threw his own curses at the giant. "Listen, sir, Mr Helbindi," you began, "you want the throne, right? And I want to get out of here alive. How about I take Loki with me? You get back your kingly rights, I get my friends back and we go our separate ways. Everybody wins!" Helbindi came down on his knees in front of you. A smile rested on those cracked lips of his. His hand went past the bars- to your surprise- and landed on your cheeks. Your gaze kept shifting between his eyes and his hand while your body tried to move away from his hold. But he was one stubborn bastard. "He must have kept you alive for a reason." Helbindi was talking to himself now. His thumb rubbed against your skin, something that was visibly making you uncomfortable. "Ah...he keeps you to satisfy his nightly needs." You pushed yourself away from Helbindi, only to be forced into the bars by his hold around your skull; his chuckle resonating through the prison. "Do not worry my little whore," he whispered right in your ear while his icy breath ran over your skin, "you will be my pet soon. And unlike Loki-" he licked your cheek with his tongue, driving you mad with disgust- "I prefer violence even in my chambers." Your breaths were shallow. A single tear falling from your eyes as you did you best to maintain your features. "You are making a grave mistake," you whispered through your teeth. Lulu tried to claw at Helbindi too but Kruge was already kicking him away, earning a death stare from you. The giant struck his nail in your throat, driving it deep till there was blood. "The only mistake that was made was by you coming into my land. And you all will pay for it." Dropping you back into the snow, Helbindi got up and walked back into the darkness.
Loki watched the doors open to let Helbindi in, his gait ever so dominating as he walked past the judgmental eyes of every other giant in the court with his own little battalion following him, carrying weapons of all sorts. "A king with no powers has no right to sit on the throne, Laufeyson," Helbindi roared, ground his staff a few feet away from the stairs to the throne, creating a crack in the ground. "And a Jotun with Asgard in his blood has no right to stay alive in Jotunheim." Weapons were drawn at anyone who was not on Helbindi's side. Javier was already on his feet, running by Loki's side with his camera. Loki still had his mouth covered with his hand, as if in a tired trance. "Everybody out," he commanded ever so smoothly to his audience- who was hesitant at first, but left as soon as the God's eyes pierced through every last one of them. Left alone with his brother's radical followers, he sighed out loud, his fingers still drumming. Javier felt a buzz in his pocket, making him take out the little tablet he used to control his cameras. "Your actions with every passing moment make me more sure of your inability to rule over the subjects, brother mine," the God simply commented. The seriousness on Javier's face was turning into a field of fear. "Oh, I am not asking, brother mine," Helbindi snared at Loki, "I am taking what is mine." "And why would I give you anything you want." "Ask your little plaything," Helbindi smirked. The drumming of those pale fingers stopped. Silence eroded in the throne room. And slowly a shallow panting was audible from the God's side. The camera suddenly lost its balance and fell down on the armrest before toppling on the throne behind Loki, his back still in the frame. Light reflected through Javier's eyes, more precisely through his tears, as he moved the tablet towards Loki. "Stop, please, you cannot do this!" your voice echoed through the tablet, and all the lines on Loki's face disappeared. His body got up from the throne, his eyes still stuck on the device, looking at the aftermath of Helbindi's actions. There was no emotion on the God's face while he witnessed everything recorded on the drone. He did not even budge till the recording finished. Once the screen blacked out, he swerved the tablet for Javier to take back. His gaze was apparently still stuck on the black stones on the floor, his jaw threateningly sharp in whatever light coming from the nearest star. "If you want to see her alive again, go back to your ship before the star drops fro-," "You touched her." His voice was just a decibel higher than a whisper; his shoulders stiff. The silver bracelets were visible on his wrists, more so with the light reflecting from them. His pale fingers now turned into fists. "You hurt her."  Nothing but the resonating crack of a metal reverberated through the hall and everything went black.
The drone sat over the bars, recording the visible shivering breaths coming out of you while your skin turned pale, your fingers blue and your hairs were already collecting frost over them, despite moving your legs as close as you possibly could to your body. "P-plea-hease," your voice shuddered, "s-s-stop hi-im. T-there is-s-s st-i-ill time." "Your master is quite possibly begging on his knees by now," Kruge cackled, gulping down the mead and pouring more from the barrel next to him. Lulu was trying his best to keep your warm with his little body, wrapping himself around your neck while whimpering for you. Kruge was about to finish another mug when his ears caught a snicker that slowly turned into a weak laughter. The drone recorded you chuckling through the pain of the blight. "What is so comedic," Kruge snarled at you. "You thought I was telling you to stop for Loki's sake?" you laughed a little more, making the Jotun simmer with building rage. "I was telling you to stop your master before it's too late, you sewage rat's tick." The lens panned in on your features, all those helpless tears replaced by a smirk that could put the devil to shame. "You master thinks I am Loki's weakness." Your eyes glistened with a tint of some hidden darkness inside them in contrast to all the white around you. "Because I made him think that, you buffoon." "He is nothing without his essen-" "Count your peaceful breaths, you son of a bitch," you stressed, never batting your eyelids, "because you are not going to die an easy death today." You smiled turned into a chuckle before your eyes turned heavy and you fell down. The drone- in its last few minutes- went dark, but not before recording Lulu's cried, mewls, howls that slowly turned into a blood curdling roar echoing till the end.
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animated-moon · 3 years
moots list pt2
FUN FACT: I literally love all of you so much
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> 💍 @moons-tendou | satori sweetie
@u-make-my-heart-tsumtsum | ree | wifey
@haikyuutothetop | cel | wifey to exes to wifey
@shoyotime | inez | wifey
@mysterystarz | nova | wifey
@solaxena | athena
@illuminer | rory
@pockydays | silla | cheesecake spouse
@sunarinluvr | kaz
@infxrity | lia
@shirari | hikari
@schppo | jacob
@mjoork | meg
@teyvatdreams | dani
@depraved-empress | lyxie | nsfw
@luvbub | bub | wifey
@kitashinsvks | nie
@kitacharm | nat
@miyamartina | martina | best babe 😩
@tooru-luvs | zizi
@atsuvu | yoomi
@keijee | chelsea
@lia-miya | lia
@ichigomis | rayray | wifey | 🌞🌓 ray and moon
@kentophoria | pat | wifey
@sakusa-kiyomine | leo
@tobibam | bambam
@tetsuyargh | kun
@kal0psi-a | buddy | i’ll miss you
@elektrosonix | elek / sara
@lovenobu | dai
@beware-of-the-rogue | ro | nsfw
@spiritingawaytoanime | elliot
@pm4gal | may
@crimsonchxins | far
@mrskenmakozume | ella
@dollops-of-delusion | delusion
@chifemi | kemi
@veenxys | aelin
@sadarminnoises | armin
@ri-days | ri
@izukus-gf | paige
@ruujiko | soru
@terushimatwinn | lyssa
@teahouserei | rei
@simps-hideout | yuki
@miikoos | theo | thecurseofnicholas (emo)
@belsumu | lulu
@rinoomi | fir
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Are the requests truly open? ;u; does that mean I may request more neko content, possibly with la squadra? I know the brainrot on here is real for Prosciutto and Risotto but I'm weak for Illuso and Formaggio and I'd die a happy kitten if you could write about them being alone at hq for the weekend to care for the neko which turns into a contest: whose food does neko like more, whose bed does the kitty build their blanket nest in... who breeds them better? I hope this isn't too much/ too weird!
not sfw, afab reader, petplay/kitty hybrid reader! 
The hideout isn’t often as quiet as it is this weekend. Though La Squadra are often needed on various jobs, they tend to be a little more sporadic than this; it’s unusual for there to be more than three or four assassins out on a mission at any one time. It’s even more unusual for seven of them to be out on missions that are expected to last at least the weekend - but that’s what’s happened, in order for Illuso and Formaggio to be the only two left to take care of you. 
As a whole, you’re well-behaved - you’re good-natured, sweet, nice to look at. All of the assassins are very fond of you, and competitions to see who you are going to give your affections to are regular and can get exceedingly competitive. They all see your smiles, and are pleased by your soft words, feel special when they’re chosen to be the one whomst you sit by in an evening and allow to pet your ears as you relax into the touches. 
There’s definitely an aura of foreboding about Formaggio and Illuso being left to care for you. Usually, it’s Prosciutto who takes care of your food (he’s the best cook in La Squadra, after all), and Melone who makes sure your environment is suitable (being the most interested in your biology). Risotto tends to have a lot of time spent with him by dint of him being peaceful and leaving you to your business. 
Formaggio, they think, will not take it seriously enough. And Illuso - well, all of La Squadra are guilty of looking at you and imagining what it would be like to have you folded in half beneath them, your tail curled around your ankle, your ears twitching as you purr and pant in equal measure. Illuso has a tendency to whisper things closely to people, to get in personal space, to make one feel as though they’re the most fascinating person in the world - perhaps, then, they’re worried that if left on your own with Illuso, he’ll get the spoils of war they’ve all been hoping for. 
Illuso and Formaggio are used to working together; they’re the natural leftover pairing against Sorbet-and-Gelato, Prosciutto-and-Pesci, and Melone-and-Ghiaccio. But they do have a rivalry that’s kept up with barks of laughter and accusations of one being far cooler, more powerful and all-around better than the other. It’s not surprising, then, that the two of them concoct a plan to see which one of them does a better job taking care of you - with the caveat that if one of them gets to breed you, they’re the automatic winner. 
They’re stoked in their resolve by how happy you are to see them - the purr of their names, the way you follow close by them, the happy swish of your tail and ears. Neither of them can resist petting you and telling you how cute you are (though Formaggio is rather more affectionate about the whole thing). They explain their plan to you - after all, who better to judge than the person that it’s all happening for?
They omit one important part of the plan. When you tip your head to the side and pout and ask;
“But how will we know when it’s the end? How will we know who wins overall?”
Formaggio ruffles your hair and grins at you.
“Ahh, gattina,” he says to you. “We’ll know, believe me!”
So they do. They start with your food. Illuso is a surprisingly good cook, it turns out - Formaggio doesn’t really know what to do in the kitchen, and he attempts to order in. The pizza that he presents you with is too greasy with not enough meat - Illuso one hundred percent wins the feeding round, and you tuck yourself up next to him on the couch to watch a movie whilst Formaggio stews angrily on the other side of the room. 
Next is the brushing. Everybody knows you like to be preened and cared over; there are a hundred different products in the bathroom to make sure your fur stays soft and shiny, and to keep your hair looking its best. When you’re sat between Formaggio’s legs and waiting to be pampered, you feel his fingers give a little tug to your ear and you know that this is going to be an uncomfortable experience. You can barely stop yourself yowling in frustration as he tugs on another knot, and uses the wrong brush, and brushes you all the wrong way--
You’re relieved when Illuso sighs and pushes him away and puts all of those things to rights. Two points for Illuso, then. it seems as though poor Formaggio is doing a very bad job of this competition. 
The final competition for the night is who you’d rather sleep with. Illuso has fancy satin and silk sheets and pillows on his bed - he doesn’t think there’s going to be a competition, honestly. His room is quiet and peaceful and smells good. He’s very smug about it as he asks you if you want to come to bed, reassuring you that if you want someone to be around whilst you’re sleeping - as you do, you can’t help it! - there’s plenty of room on his bed.
Formaggio, though, insists you come and have a look at the space he’s made for you first. You humour him, not really expecting it to be any good - you stay away from Formaggio’s room at the best of times - only to find a carefully constructed nest on his bed, made entirely of clothes of various La Squadra members and your own favourite blankets.
(”Prosciutto is going to be so mad about that Prada suit,” Illuso murmurs from the corner of his mouth, as he frustratedly watches you pounce on the nest and begin to roll around, getting comfortable. “I’m going to tell him.”)
(”Whatever,” Formaggio grins, unable to stop himself watching the way your ass wiggles as you get comfortable. “You’re just jealous I won one.”)
And he did. Not that he planned much further than that - by the time he gets into bed himself, he’s horribly aware that he’s given you too much leeway. You’re comfortably curled up already, and he’s trying to get all of his body under the duvet. It’s three in the morning before he manages to let his eyes fall shut--
And then, there’s a heavy weight on top of his chest and a hand swatting his cheek gently. He wakes up, groaning, to see that you’re sat on him with your eyes big and glowing in the moonlight.
“Maggie,” you tell him, all whining and pouting and purring (and he can’t deny that something about the pout and the way you stretch out the pet name sends a ricochet of heat right to his cock), “wanna play.”
Who is he to deny you that? 
It’s you who’s surprisingly physical with him - pouncing across at him, your hands scrabbling over his chest, your face rubbing against his. You keep purring and rumbling chest deep, your body warm and needy. Formaggio doesn’t know what’s going on until you grab his hand and push it against your chest, almost hissing in frustration--
And then he recalls something, in the very recesses of his mind, Melone said once. About how your species is supposed to get very physical in heat. About how they’re more likely to seek out scents of people they care about when one is approaching. About how they’ll often approach the first person they see when waking up for some relief--
“Oh, gattina mia,” he murmurs. “You could have just said--”
Illuso finds him with his cock hilted all the way inside you, your hands flexing on Prosciutto’s expensive Prada suit as all of the other various clothes beneath you are rendered filthy by the slick that’s dripping out of you with every hungry pump of Formaggio’s cock. You’re mewling and whimpering out his name, your keening echoing through the house - nobody ever said you’d be quiet when you were in heat. Illuso stands at the doorframe for a minute, his face stony.
Formaggio sees him and laugh-gasps out a greeting;
“Lulu! Looks like . . . I won, huh?” In between thrusts, you’re practically purring, your eyes rolling back into your head. You look sweaty and fucked out, blissfully pleased to be in the position you’re in - but when you see Illuso, you whimper out;
“W-wanna play, too?” You look at him with your eyes all big and needy, and Illuso sighs as he begins to shrug off his clothes, though his cock is stirring rapidly and hungrily as he watches Formaggio’s cock drive in and out of your body. Catching Formaggio’s eye, Illuso grins;
“Well. It’s not a competition unless we both try, is it? Our piccolo micio will tell us who wins, won’t you?”
As Illuso’s fingers graze your face and you lean into the touch, you agree without so much as blinking. They might need to have a couple of rounds. 
You know. To help you choose.
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ceilingfan5 · 4 years
i wish you would write a fic where taako and lup get into trouble together :)
After the Day of Story and Song, Taako has a lot of dreams that are memories. Most of them are about Lup, like his brain is rolling around in them now that it finally has access. Some of the same memories come back, night after night, some bad, some good, some in-between, and it’s hard, it’s strange, but Taako is quietly thankful he can remember those things without the poisonous sting of absolute loneliness. After a while, he can almost enjoy them without waking up in a dead sweat and having to call Lup on her stone in the middle of the night--even though she always answers, even though it always helps to know she’s alive and she’s there and she’s real, she was always real. It helps that he’s not sleeping alone, anymore. 
This time, they’re young, maybe in their twenties. Just little. They’re between families for a while, and that means they’re hungry, always hungry, and so cold. They spend most of their time outdoors, getting dirty and lost and holding onto each other in crowds, and they have sticky little fingers that get them in trouble. 
It was a loaf of bread, this time. Lup filched it from a market stand when the baker wasn’t looking, and within a minute, the world seems to come down around their too-big-ears. 
“Stop, thief!” some gruff voice calls out, and the adrenaline kicks in, and they fucking bolt. They would probably get further if they split up, something they’ll figure out in later years, but right now, they’re attached at the hip--holding hands as they run on twiggy little legs, ducking under fancy skirts and through racks of scarves and into market tables like their pursuers can’t, and they’re laughing all the way, thrilled by the chase because they have no choice but to be. 
“Left, Koko!” Lup hisses, and they dive left, narrowly missing another shop owner who recognizes them from the cheese incident (they made off with a whole wheel, that time, bouncing down the hill to the little cave they’ve been chilling in, and oh, how their stomachs hurt for a week). 
“Right, Lulu!” Taako responds, and she’s just as receptive, plowing through the crowd and getting lost with their crispy, crunchy, fresh-baked prize. They duck behind a wagon and take a moment to catch their breath before they fall apart into giggles, finally letting go of each other. 
“That was cl-” 
“So close-”
“And we-”
“Could’ve gotten-”
“But we didn’t!!!!”
They lean against one another and the cart and split the bread in two, and Taako gives Lup the bigger half. She needs to grow big and strong. He has to protect her, like she protects him. They’re a team. A unit. A powerhouse. 
They don’t speak for a bit, just chewing and savoring the fluffy, crunchy bread, made even tastier by the adrenaline, and when it’s all gone, they sigh and rest their heads against one another. 
“Better go before-”
“Before we get caught.”
It’s so easy to know what the other is thinking. They’re so in sync it freaks people out, but they love it. They’re two halves of the same coin, and they’re going to go far, so far, together. They look up at the suns in the sky and sigh heavily in unison, knowing it’s a long trek back to their little hideout. 
“Hey Ko?”
“What do you think we’ll be when we grow up?”
It’s nice that she says when. It fills Taako with hope that maybe someday, they’ll do more than just survive. 
“Dunno,” he says. He looks at his hands. So little, so dirty. “I don’t wanna be a merchant.”
“No kidding,” Lup says, and she laughs. “I think I want to be something special. Something no one’s ever been before.”
“You will,” Taako says, with absolute, perfect certainty. “And I’ll come with you.”
“Of course you will!” Lup laughs. “I’m never letting you out of my sight!” 
When Taako wakes up, his heart hurts, but he’s smiling. He thinks about calling Lup, but he saves it for the morning, saves it for when he knows what words to say to her to keep her from worrying about him. He snuggles up with Kravitz instead, and he decides he’s making bread tomorrow. For old time’s sake.
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when tomorrow comes 🌳
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good gods i know it's ship day but this is solely a gen michael & lucifer & raphael & gabriel fic :')
Inspired by Sam & Dean's S.W & D.W carvings on Baby. Who's to say the Archangels weren't first in that idea?
Rating: G (Gen Archangels fic)
Special thank you to my beta!
Playlist & Fic available on AO3. (it's also under the cut, if you prefer that!)
Heaven's lush hills always seemed greener and livelier when all four archangels lay against them. A rarity the occasion was, a trivial shard of diamond in the cascading abyss. It always seemed that Heaven needed an archangel here, there, everywhere at once; It made familial bonding far more complicated than things used to be.
However, a special day plucked from each year never failed to offer the archangels plenty of time together. A day of thanks, a day where Heaven displayed gratitude for their eldest brothers—Michaelmas, the Feast of the Archangels.
Morning sun rays highlighted soft violets and dusk plums of aster flowers, a humble gift for the very firsts of their species. By nightfall, bright angel-made clusters of heat-producing hydrogen and helium littered the black sky in the name of each archangel. Fledglings flocked to watch the fiery protostars burn in the cosmos.
While Lucifer happily revelled in the praise, Michael hid his jittery hands by tucking them behind his back and flashed a polite, yet photogenic smile to his newest siblings. Raphael, seemingly indifferent to the holiday, remained by Michael's side, occasionally shooting their brother a subtly reassuring look. Jovial, yet also graciously wanting to include others, Gabriel mingled in the crowds with the fledglings to watch the protostars, enthusiastically explaining to Heaven's children how the young stars would eventually grow to become massive beacons in the night.
By the time the thick, yet routine night fog had clouded the view of the protostars, the flocks of angels had dissipated. It was their cue to leave; The archangel hideout awaited. Or, as Lucifer liked to call it: the Badass Lair.
The refreshing air genially accommodated them, the chilled wind carried their wings as they flew. There was always a sense of thrill around the Autumn Equinox, nearing Michaelmas—perhaps it was the comforting thought of familiarity, a high from nostalgia of sorts. Whatever the seed, it didn't matter; Focusing on the blossom of a sibling’s love and appreciation was much easier.
Raphael's garden always seemed to flourish increasingly with every rare gathering the four indulged in. Even midair, as they descended upon the immense greenery below, Michael had already begun to muse about how the banyan trees had expanded since his last visit. Raphael quietly, yet blithely soaked in the adoration from their archangelic brothers.
The softness of the grass, however, always remained the same. Lucifer was the first to land, being the quickest flier of the bunch. He cracked an astonished grin as he surveyed his younger sibling's growing garden, slightly pivoting to catch the vibrance of Raphael's indigo feathers amongst the blackness of the sky.
"Not bad, Raph!" The Morningstar loudly called out, adding more quietly with a snicker, "For a kid."
The thunderous sound of strong, flapping wings echoed behind him, prompting Lucifer's playful smirk to widen.
"I'm literally only four hundred years younger than you," Raphael's familiar voice remarked, and Lucifer turned once again to meet his sibling's deadpan expression.
"And despite the age difference, Raphael has created far better things than you have, brother," Michael offhandedly commented as he silently landed farther away from the pair. Lucifer's face contorted into a pout, and Raphael fought to contain their own appreciative smile at the eldest angel's words.
"Woooow, Mi! I'm hurt!" Lucifer faked offense.
The heavy fog of nightfall seemed to become almost pellucid at the very presence of Heaven's firsts. Peeks of sheer luminosity from the protostars of Michaelmas seeped from the impervious midnight clouds. Even the banyan trees seemed to lean into the comforting presence of archangelic grace.
Lucifer squinted into the elegant cloak of the night sky. "You think Gabe's gonna break his neck when he crashlands?"
Raphael turned their attention to the sky in search of the youngest archangel in question. "He's been getting better at landing. He'll do fine."
Lucifer hummed in response, brightening slightly when he caught sight of Gabriel nearing the garden. "Mn, doubt it. Wanna bet? Loser has to listen to Michael's fifty page manifesto on why ducklings are Pop's best creation."
Raphael blinked, looking over to Michael in bemusement. "Your-... your what?"
Michael's eyes darted to Lucifer to glare daggers at him, who only sniggered in response. A gust of wind washed over the trio, and frantic fluttering of golden wings broke Michael's glower. Beside him, Gabriel was close to landing—or rather, close to failing at landing. It was really more similar to falling, with his limbs flailing all about and eyes squeezed tightly shut in preparation for impact.
Michael sighed hopelessly at the sight, extending one of his grandiose fuschia wings low to catch his younger brother. Upon the soft sensation of Michael's velutinous feathers, Gabriel's eyes reopened in surprise.
"Hey, no fair! You interfered!” Lucifer huffed at Michael, who merely rolled his eyes and helped Gabriel to his feet.
“I almost made it, I was so close!” Gabriel whined, furrowing his brows as Michael thumbed a smudge of leftover party sweets that was stuck to his cheek.
“Next time, bug. You’ll get it next time,” Raphael reassured, and Gabriel’s grace seemed to relax at his older sibling’s encouragement.
Lucifer yawned, and the twinkle of the protostars above them began to reflect the dew on the grass. “M’kay, new bet. Last one to the tree has to listen to Michael’s manifesto.”
Gabriel perked up curiously and cocked his head at Michael. “What manifesto?”
Michael shook his head and stubbornly huffed. “I was two hundred years old, Lucifer. The duckling phase of my life is over.”
“Oh? So you’re saying ducklings aren’t the greatest living creatures?” Lucifer pried, exaggeratedly leaning his ear towards Michael to hear his response. Raphael and Gabriel eyed the two bickering brothers and exchanged amused glances.
Michael shifted uncomfortably in place in an attempt to keep in his passionate ramblings; He ultimately failed. “I never said that. Ducklings are the epitome of absolute goodness and commendable purity in the universe. The best traits of all of creation can be found in their small yet mighty little bodies. Not only do they bring togeth--”
“Blegh, no more lectures! Lulu, your bet’s on!” Gabriel groaned, spreading his sets of still-developing golden wings.
"'Atta boy," Lucifer impossibly brightened, his grin quickly returning. "On three! One... "
With one singular number down, Lucifer watched in incredulity as Gabriel mischievously laughed, a flash of golden feathers passing them all by. After the initial shock wore off, Lucifer briefly hummed, nodding in approval.
"Touché, little brother, touché," The Morningstar muttered to himself, before theatrically shrieking into the night, "YOU'RE DEAD MEAT, GABE!"
Gabriel's boisterous bursts of both elated and happily frightened screams in the distance elicited an endeared smile from all three of the older angels. With a whistling streak of vermillion wings, Lucifer chased after his youngest archangelic brother.
Michael and Raphael observed them in comfortable silence, the illumination from the protostars just bright enough to see the vivid colors of their wings against the midnight sky. As the breeze audibly raked through the trees, Raphael slightly swiveled to curiously peer at Michael.
"I'd actually like to hear about these ducklings," Raphael calmly stated, gesturing with their head towards the specific tree that Gabriel and Lucifer were headed for.
The blinding look of pleased excitement on Michael's face was enough to bring a smile to Raphael's lips.
In contrast to the vivacious growth of much of Raphael's garden, the Badass Lair retained all of its youthful glory.
The haphazardly-built abomination of a fort from sticks and logs stood distinctly adjacent to the veiny streams of the garden. Across from it dwelled a meager hill of lush grass and florid lilac petals of asters—A place where Michael taught all three fledglings to fly, a place where Lucifer created his first defective star, a place where Gabriel grew the lavender flowers as a gift to Raphael. It was their safe haven, a site of alleviation and bliss.
In the center of both dear venues settled a special banyan tree— their banyan tree.
Against the smooth, grooving bark of their tree, Michael’s ginger fingertips almost seemed to purr. The swaying aerial roots that veiled the intricate trunk wavered joyously over his head, and in a sense, their tree looked overjoyed to see Michael. Behind him, Raphael sincerely watched at the way their older brother’s fingers reverently traced the markings on their tree.
“You know… it’s not just gonna disappear, Mi,” Raphael’s voice was soft, a kind whisper carried by the midnight wind. Michael’s hand never halted against the tree bark, marginally turning his head to look at Raphael with a sad smile.
“That’s true,” Michael’s gaze fell back to the etchings on their tree. “It just seems like it was yesterday when… You three have grown too fast.”
Raphael sympathetically tilted their head, stepping forward to place a soothing hand on Michael’s shoulder. Up close, the carvings on their tree stood out boldly, a beloved memory held close to all of their hearts.
Under the then-small aerial roots of their banyan tree, each fledgling archangel had carved their names into the young bark. Something to hold onto, Michael had stated, a bittersweetness as Heaven had first begun to flourish; The eldest had an inkling that duty would steal time spent together—And he was right.
Raphael could still make out the places where Michael had once helpfully guided Raphael’s shaky hand, the spelling mistake in Lucifer’s name, the heart that Gabriel had drawn after his name, and Michael’s near-perfect handwriting, even in carving-form.
“Lusifer?” Gabriel, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, squinted as he approached the base of their tree. Both Michael and Raphael struggled to repress a thoughtful smile as Gabriel sounded it out again.
“That’s how my name should’ve been spelled!” Lucifer called out from above, and his siblings gazed upwards to catch him resting against an exposed branch. “Lucifer with a c… ridiculous! Looks like luck-i-fer.”
Michael’s rapture remained as he lightly shook his head. “Brother, you are just stating this because you lack efficiency in spelling.”
Lucifer playfully stuck his tongue out at his older brother. Michael scoffed in good nature, and Gabriel giggled at the sight. Raphael’s attention wandered outwards to the perched hill, a peaceful silence enveloping the archangelic siblings.
The argent light from the protostars shone divinely upon the lucid green and lilac of the hill, an invitation of sorts. The sifting breeze was cool, a grateful lullaby to its archangelic inhabitants. The night was the epitome of perfection, though not because of nature—rather, because of the familial love that radiated energetically from each of their graces. A comforting peace, a cherished silence of nostalgia lingered between the four… until Gabriel’s reticent, yet hopeful voice proposed a profound request.
“I wanna stay with you all forever,” His voice was dreary, a sweet innocence embedded into his tone. It prompted all eyes to shift to him. “Let’s stay together no matter what, okay?”
A beat of tranquility followed, their banyan tree leaned in to listen. Michael was the first to react, tugging Gabriel into a tight hug, a sentiment that few were blessed upon. Gabriel’s toothy beam was evident in his quiet giggles as Michael held him close, before the eldest pulled back with a gentle smile of his own.
“Of course,” Michael assured, crystal emotion brimming in his eyes.
A rapid flash of vermillion flared from the top of the tree, and both Gabriel and Michael’s squeaks of surprise induced a jump from Raphael. Lucifer, who had quite literally deliberately plummeted from the tree, now held both of his brothers in a deathgrip hug, a wide grin across his face.
“You’re a real dumbass if you think you’ll ever be able to get rid of me,” Lucifer sniggered lovingly, and Gabriel leaned into his brother’s embrace. Michael lightly elbowed Lucifer for the profanity, yet his delighted simper lingered on his face.
Raphael shuffled closer, eyeing their brothers with absolute admiration. Their hand moved to lightly ruffle Gabriel’s hair, who turned his cheery beam to his sibling. Raphael’s brothers observed them with a giddy sense of euphoria, the aura resonating a promising hopefulness in anticipation for their response.
“Without a doubt.”
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You’re an Idiot, Eddie Munson
Summary - Eddie Munson needs a little motivation to study. Luckily enough, he gets it.
GN!Reader (no pronouns used!) x Eddie Munson
Category - Fluff but we get a little angsty <3
TW - Insinuation of 18+ content (No application!)
Please let me know if I missed anything!
Author’s Note - Yes, I was inspired by that scene with Nancy and Steve from The Vanishing of Will Byers and I did, in fact, spiral from there. I will also openly admit that this is not proofread but that I do intend to proofread it tomorrow. I am about to pass out, I apologize in advance if I miss anything for the time being.
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"Wait," I pause, jutting my hip out to hold Eddie's front door open, "your uncle is not home, right?"
"Of course not, sweetheart," he answers. Walking closer, he leans in and mumbles against my neck, "Why? Were you hoping for something?"
"Was I hoping that maybe you might actually focus on why I am here this time?" I ask as I push him off of me, "Yeah, I was."
He grabs my waist and pulls me flush against him, fitting perfectly between his parted legs. He grins smugly as he whispers to me, "What fun is that?"
I chuckle along in good humour before pulling my face back to look him in the eye, "None... but at least you'll make it to graduation."
He pouts when I wink at him, walking away down the hall.
When I do not hear any following footsteps, I grab onto the doorframe to his room and turn to face him.
"C'mon, honey," his pout saddens me, "I made you personalized flashcards!"
He cannot help but grin when he sees my enthusiasm. Clearly, this is a special gift, maybe not his favorite type but it is from me and it is very obviously an exclusive present. He reaches out his hand to meet mine, finally caving to the inevitable.
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"Eddie," I groan, dropping my hand, flashcards and all, to my lap.
"What?" He responds, a little defensive as he turns to face me.
"I know she's gorgeous and all but I need you to focus."
He pouts again as he strums the strings of his guitar, hanging prettily on his wall.
"But she's calling to me," he whines.
"So am I," I glare at him expectantly.
His hands fly to his head, tangling in his long locks.
"I'm torn," He whimpers, and he is, very obviously. His indecisiveness is absolutely rampant on his features.
"Stop making this so hard," I squeal, burying my face in his pillow.
"What do you mean?" He swoops down to the bed in immediate concern.
"I wanna give you what you want," I frown deeply, looking up at him where he hovers above me.
"Then..." he pauses for dramatic effect, sticking his bottom lip out, "do."
"I said I want to," I correct, hitting him with a sad smile, "not that I can."
"Why not?" He is clearly distraught over this choice.
"We have to study," This does not go over well.
"Why?" He whines.
"Because, Eddie," I exclaim, suddenly sitting up.
"Because why?"
"Because when I walk the stage this month, I want you to come with!"
The words swoop out of my mouth without my permission and I immediately regret them. His smirk is wiped, a dumbfounded look replacing it.
"Is that really how you feel?" He asks, voice soft as he looks at his hands.
"I mean..." I hesitate, my guilt is sweating off me in waves, "yeah. It would be nice."
"Okay," he huffs, an air of solid, decisive rigidity suddenly about him.
"Hit me," Eddie reaches for the cards I previously dropped, shoving them in my hands.
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"Eds, hang on," I request, stopping his arm as it reaches for the third stack of rubber band-wrapped flashcards.
"What? What's up?" He quickly interrogates, hair bouncing in his haste to face me.
"'What's up?' What's up with you? You have not asked if you can get up for a beer for two hours. You always want one when we study."
He smiles to himself, glad I know him so well.
"I just want to respect what you want," The puppy dog eyes he gives me could melt my heart right then and there, "I want that, too. I know I need to try harder if I want..."
The tone of his voice as it trails scares me.
"Hey," I reach for Eddie's chin, pulling him up, "talk to me."
"I don't want you to get... I don't want you to realize you could do better than a metalhead three-time super senior with no prospects. I need to do something to fix this."
"Hey, hey," I grasp his cheeks, knowing he misunderstood, "that's not- even... Eddie, I-"
I stop to take a breath, "That is never what I would think of you. I love you, Eddie, exactly as you are now. I just want good things for you and... this will be a good thing for both of us."
"I know," he smiles and I relax when it meets his eyes.
"You thought I could ever stop loving you? God, you're an idiot, Eddie Munson."
I hope it is not too early for the jest; as a grin overtakes all his features, I breathe easier.
"You are gorgeous, Y/N Y/L/N."
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watchaholics · 7 years
Cosplay Portré: Lulu
Juliet Starling, (Lollipop Chainsaw) Fotó: Cleanpig’s hideout
Név: Pesthy Dorottya
Nick: Lulu
Link: https://www.facebook.com/lulu88cosplay/
Csillagjegy: Kos
Szülőváros: Budapest
Foglalkozás: kutyakozmetikus
Kedvenc film/sorozat:  jelenleg a Wonder Woman film
Kedvenc zenei stílus/előadó: pop, rock, film és játék zenék
Kedvenc videójáték: Sok van, jelenlegi a Persona 5
Háziállat, kiskedvenc: 1…
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askthiscpblog · 4 years
OC valentines hcs?
((Had to get everyone! Sorry it’s late!))
Katie doesn’t really care much for Valentine’s Day so she’s never really done anything for it.
Silent only really cares about the day after Valentine’s day when all the candy is on sale. Otherwise, It’s just another day
Danielle spends the day with her “toys” dressing them up and feeding them candy along with desperately trying to get her Daddy to celebrate Imani spends the day with Seven, making sure her daughter feels the love between them
Well… Anon hasn’t ever experienced it
During Valentine’s day, Alex spends the day more or less according to his mood. if he’s in a ‘bad mood’ he will use this chance to take any lonely people and do what he would need to. if he was in a 'good mood’ he will comfort the lonely people and treat some who he thinks needs more than comforting. he as well makes chocolate-covered strawberries for anyone he deems a friend just as a lil gift.
Mari, if she even remembers the day, probably is really sad most of the day, because of her late girlfriend. Or angry, either one.May steal chocolate from nearby couples, but that’s about it.
Ruby hasn’t celebrated it ever since she was little, so she has no need to celebrate it. It’s just like any other day for her.
Jace never really cared for the day. He has no lover and thinks that day has lost its true meaning. All it is just marketing businesses making it seem like they are obligated to buy their significant other a present for its the only way to show their love. He just hangs out at a hideout and watches Deadpool.
Lulu hasn’t really celebrated it, mostly with her father and family for a community love thing. She dated but nothing ever “clicked” so she never put much into it.
Char? Char has no idea what Valentine’s day is or ever celebrated it. 
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yellowninjaleopard · 5 years
Glitchhope chapter seven: a soul splitting conflict.
Heather walked through the empty town, not so empty as the screams rang though though. Heather looked to Lulu and smiled even with her grey eyes [*hey, where did mom and dad go?] Lulu sniffed the air and sensed something "the arena, cmon let's hurry." Said Lulu, she then picked heather up and carried her to the arena, inside the arena heather sees asgore, Toriel and Betty, toriel is screaming at asgore, then, Betty did something heather never expected, she slashed him, he fell to the ground, clutching his chest, Betty's eyes were bright pink controling Toriel. Heather's eyes flashed pink, shaking her head sideways, she grabbed Lulu and made a chain blade, charged at Betty, just as very turned to look, heather swung the blade, slashing across Betty's eyes, cutting them both deeply, Betty let out a screeching roar, holding her eyes. Toriel shook her head, looking at her hands she shook away the fire. Betty looked at heather, shocked, heather was then thrown to the wall by betty, sliced and then thrown to the floor "MY CHILD!!!!" Screamed Toriel, Betty looked at heather's body, something tugged at her soul, achingly, Betty tried to ignore it when suddenly, heather began to convulse, violently, bone cracking could be heard, a growling noise erupted from her throat, her hands turned to pink claws, the flesh began to peel and rip away, revealing a light pink body, her eyes dilated, becoming pink with white slits, pink marks around her eyes, two nose holes, no mouth. Her hair full pink. Heather rose from her place, Betty looked at heather, horrified, for the first time in her existence, she was the one afraid. Heather lunged at Betty, slicing her arms, Betty tried to defend herself, but it was futile, heather clawed her chest open, ripped her arm off and threw her into a wall. Heather let out a roar like scream. Betty looked at heather, she roard and disappeared. heather shook, breathing heavily, asgore grunted, heather turned around, Lulu unfused from her and she ran to asgore, quickly healing him, Toriel ran over and hugged heather, frisk and chara lost sight of asriel, came in and saw everything, frisk ran over. "Heather! What was that?" Asked frisk, chara looked at the damage "wow, your a monster! I like it!" Said chara. Heathers eyes widened, tears began to flow, she hugged asgore and cried loudly. Toriel teared up and hugged heather, chara and frisk then joined the hug. (Meanwhile) Betty entered her hideout, she had tried to hear herself but to no avail, she can see but can't control anyone. Betty huffed, then looked at the wall, there was a photo of heather and her at the abandoned fun fair, Betty felt something tugging her soul again, this time stronger, she then felt her face "what...I'm... Crying? Why am i crying? I...I don't want to cry.." Betty then remembered all the moments where heather was nice to her, never caring she was a monster. {*So you like to destroy things? I had a couple of kids like that at the orphanage so im pretty much used to it,/*you really did that? Cool, yknow you could find alot of dead clowns in this place, it's already pretty dodgy so i don't see why you'd change it. You can just have fun./*yknow just because you were made for this, doesn't mean you have to do it, i mean, some people are born for greatness, but they're not gonna kill themselves if that day never comes, yknow, all I'm saying is it's your choice yknow? You are who you choose to be.} Betty's tears began flowing more remembering heather turning into a monster, Betty then began to cry, clutching her hair and screaming, tears fell down her face, the screams rang out through the forest. As the two souls cried their hearts out
To be continued...
[*the feeling of finding a new power, fills you with HOPE]
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manuscript-or · 5 years
Lulu and Lala's hideout is ambushed by a rival pirate who's angry they've been pirating ships in his territory.
can I make a fic with only one line from a video? yes, yes I can
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emveesl · 6 years
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Skin:  Essences - Powder Pack Aug. 2018 (Catwa) Lips:  ~Shiny Stuffs~ LAQ Powder Pack November 2018 Eyelashes:  MICHAN - Momo Lashes [Powder Pack LAQ Nov 2018] Eyeshadow:  alaskametro<3 "Lainey" eyeshadow for LAQ PP (unpack HUD) Head:  LAQ Bento - Lulu 3.05 Eyes:  {S0NG} :: Anime Eyes - Catwa Applier (@ Secret Hideout)
Socks:  Insomnia Angel . witchy brew / curse stockings+garter (gacha) Dress/Collar/Wristlets:  KC*M No.48[MaryW](Black) (@ Baroqued Gothical) Hair:  [LomomoHair] Aria (Blonde) (@ Baroqued Gothical) Shoes:  [Lomomo] Marie Heels (fatpack) / Maitreya (@ Baroqued Gothical)
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♬おすすめの曲 プレイリスト♪ Ferios List 097
個人的には Suchmos の HSUさんが Hayata Kosugi名義でプロデュースした最初で最後の作品 HaruyさんのEP『MAO』は印象深かったですね。
なんの前情報もなく音源聴いてすぐに気に入ったEPで、今回のリストではその中から Don't catch the now をセレクトしていますが、どれもお気に入り。
( https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6EFxhkFG2Vhg3o9SoYx0ks?si=d4e70c598084419c ) ソース: open.spotify.com
夏に凪ぐ / ウルエ Don't catch the now / Haruy LAST TRAIN / JIJI リップル / ao lullaby / 由薫 try / SYNC, Natsudaidai ASHIKARAZU / MuKuRo They Want SKR - 六畳二間 Mix / SKRYU, TOSHIKI HAYASHI(%C) Brain Stripe / Pecori, RAU DEF Don’t Wake Up / BADNIGHT 夢のまた夢 feat. tofubeats / VaVa, tofubeats Cry Now feat.佐藤千亜妃 / Ryohu, 佐藤千亜妃 BAKA - Mega Remix / Moment Joon, あっこゴリラ, 鎮座Dopeness, HUNGER, ACE COOL, Jinmenusagi, NOAH Deepest Ocean - BowAsWell Remix / The fin., BowAsWell 殻 / kijin haunt me / shosha Fuha / cero 教育にG / situasion ing / Dubb Parade Dream Alone / Still Dreams cruising memories / フレンズ 4x4 / パスピエ 逆転のレジーナ / Little Black Dress NIGHT / 晴弥 What If / K E I_H A Y A S H I Big Dreams / End of the World, Marieme Without You / The Hideout Studios 惑う糸 / 菅田 将暉 JUST IN TIME / Hannah Warm Trip / パジャマで海なんかいかない Keep It Goin’ On / ゴスペラーズ, Penthouse 空元気 / Mikeneko Homeless, LULU ライバー / 日向文 abyss / arne HOPE for US feat. 磯野くん (YONA YONA WEEKENDERS), AAAMYYY (Tempalay), TENDRE, Sara Yoshida (MONONKVL) & Ryohu (KANDYTOWN) / 冨田ラボ, 磯野くん, AAAMYYY, TENDRE, 吉田沙良, Ryohu Take a chance / illiomote KABUKI / Jam Fuzz kid hai kaburi hime / Leica 夜に潜る / Bray me ほんとのわたし / 上之園 晴香
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