#lumity negative
huesofgoldensun · 7 months
The amount of asks I've gotten implying I'm homophobic are really funny. Like, I'm bi. Half the ships I even have for other fandoms are WLW (Catadora, Pearlrose, Ruby/Sapphire, Amethyst/Peridot, Jaspis AND like a good chunk of my own ocs are sapphic?
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svnflwrxsvn · 2 months
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thinking about how Amity was so worried about Luz cause she knew something was bothering her but didn't want to push her bc she knows Luz struggles with pushing ppl away when she's hurt. Meanwhile Luz was trying so hard to keep it together bc she missed Eda and King and was so worried about them and still blamed herself for everything that happened, but she didn't want to worry everyone so she put on a mask even tho she knows Amity can see through her because they're soulmates. I'm ill.
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People on YouTube make the best jokes fr
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edalynn · 8 months
Lumity is everything h/l stans wish h/l was tbqh. Enemies to friends to lovers? Yep. Actually progressive? Definitely. Well paced and developed? Check. A traumatized x secretly troubled sunshine pairing? Mhm. Caleb and Evelyn parallels? It’s literally a human/witch pairing featuring a Clawthorne from another world and someone who has been raised to oppose people like her but finds happiness with her anyway. And, of course, it’s canon.
SERIOUSLYYYY. And when people say they hate Lumity but they actually like hunt/low,,, jut say you're homophobic... Lumity is EXTREMELY well-written and well-paced, and anyone that argues that it's just like... why are you watching the show then? ESPECIALLYYYY being the human/witch pairing that I'd almost say is MEANT to emulate Caleb & Evelyn. Lumity is so progressive that that's probably the reason hunt//lows focus on trying to force their ship to seem like it is lmao. Like, you guys just want Lumity but you're homophobic, whether internalized or outright
Also, not to detract, but can I interest you in: The only Good Hunter Pairing that has actual plot and development
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twilleansparks · 1 year
Hey! You!
Are you, perhaps, a huntceda shipper, tired of all the sibling bs that gets thrown in your face?
Annoyed with the toxic lum1ty and huntl0w stans with their thinly veiled biphobic takes?
Done with TOH's braindead fandom in general?
Then come follow my sideblog, @hexsquad-siblings!
It's a blog to mock anti-lunter arguements, and reuse them to claim that their canon counterparts are "problematic" and "sibling coded".
It's an all in good faith, satirical blog that shouldn't be taken too seriously. I of course don't think that any of the hexsquad members are canonically siblings, or problematic ships in general.
Happy shipping!
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divinemiracles · 1 year
I prefer Season 1 Luz and Amity’s relationship to season 2 and 3.
Opposites attract, cute crushes, bubbly x smart one, etc.
I honestly just love Season 1 Amity and dislike her in the other seasons.
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evenstarfalls · 1 year
Wholesome Magic Steady
So over the past year or two I've been doing some cartoon song transcriptions—for YouTube, but also for personal reasons and to get some practice with that. I've been sort of hesitant to post my sheet music, but fuck it. I'm gonna start uploading it to musescore. I do have several songs to go through, but here's the first one: Wholesome Magic Steady from The Owl House!
Yeah, the song that plays in Hooty's tunnel of love. What can I say? It's good.
Right now I'm just planning to upload piano-vocal parts, but I do have slightly more orchestrated versions. We'll see.
And yes, musescore doesn't allow downloads unless you pay them money, so if you really want to download it just DM me or send me an ask.
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catboymoments · 11 days
When Lumity knew they were having Azura, did they celebrate right away or did they feel like they had to wait until it was all confirmed in case they did get too excited too soon after all this time and then something happened?
Also, why did Luz be the gestational parent if she has no bile sac and no humans had had a child with a witch for so long, wouldn't it make sense for Amity to do it? Was it just a matter of personal preferences, or did they try both ways and it only managed to stick with Luz? Cause if it's been that long without working, unless Amity had a strong reason not to, you'd think they'd try both.
Sorry, one more, but do you think they looked into fertility treatments or felt that if they got to that point they'd just adopt?
1) they celebrated as soon as it was confirmed by a dr !! The issues they had previously were just every test coming back negative and nothing happening. They knew it was possible, but they didn’t realize the chances would be slim.
2) it wasn’t a matter of preference, it was a matter of biology. Witches are able to both carry children and get a partner pregnant regardless of their agab because they’re literally built different, but humans are only one way or the other.
3) they both discussed beforehand that if they weren’t able to have a kid the old fashioned way then they’d just pursue fostering or adopting! They both knew that there’s a lot of kids in both realms that need loving families and however a kiddo would come into their lives they’d always love and accept them.
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I still don't see how people can legitimately argue TOH was subverting romantic expectations when it doesn't... actually do that.
In order for this kind of subversion to work, you need to address why Luz and Hunter getting together is detrimental to them. But at no point do the writers actually show us WHY Hunter and Luz aren't a good fit for each other. You'd expect them to be very careful in how they go about writing Luz's and Hunter's relationship - like making sure Willow is the most important character to Hunter's arc.
But they don't actually do that - instead of having Willow act as the catalyst for Hunter's arc it's Luz. She is there for all of Hunter's important moments... which is not what you would do if your goal was to actually subvert romantic expectations. Another thing you don't do is make Luz and Hunter parallels to past lovers who are deeply tied to the story's villain.
People tend to use Witches Before Wizards as evidence of a subversion of romantic expectations... but that was used to foreshadow Belos' true nature and Hunters' relationship to him [Sense and Insensitivity does this as well... like they rlly wanted to make it clear Belos' and Hunter's relationship was something integral to the story]. I also need to point out WBW comes right after the first episode - which has a talking point about how you shouldn't punished for something as innocuous as shipping. So to have the first episode be proceeded by an episode that establishes Luz's relationship to a prince as something VERY IMPORTANT because of how it relates to the story's villain is... hmm... suspicious to say the least. I don't think this is something they'd do if their goal was to create an argument against Luz and Hunter getting together.
Even if you wanted to make a case by using Eclipse Lake as evidence for Hunter and Luz being bad for each other - it still doesn't work. Yes, Hunter, in Eclipse Lake is technically making a choice between Luz and Belos like he did in Hunting Palismen. But here's the thing: this choice isn't used BY THE WRITERS to argue why Hunter and Luz would be bad for each other. If it was intended to be used against Luz/Hunter then Luz's perception of Hunter would have changed and his choice would be used as a point of contention between them. This would have been a perfect way to insert Willow into Hollow Mind instead of Luz.... but they don't do that.
They don't do that because Hunter's and Luz's relationship was never intended to be painted in a negative light.
In fact, Hollow Mind goes so far as to parallel them with Caleb and Evelyn. And I'm not talking about making Evelyn's appearance more like Luz than Willow. I'm talking abut stuff like this:
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Must I rlly point out why this is so crazy... just look at the bottom left corner...
here's a more HD version of the painting:
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There's also the parallel of Caleb/Hunter being "lured away" from Philip by a witch from another world... with the bonus points of Evelyn/Luz expecting the arrival of a new family member. Which is unbelievably haunting to me btw LMAO.
Thanks to Them takes it even further by telling the story of Caleb and Evelyn.... while Luz is dressed as a witch and Hunter is cosplaying as a human... and they made sure Luz was sitting right next to Hunter when the story was being told... I'm not making this shit up - that's literally what happened. Once again, this was another moment that could have been given to Willow instead of Luz.... but it's not.
[A/N: Seeing Luz sit next to Hunter with her gf right before the writers release the Caleb/Evelyn bombshell on them is so fucking funny. This entire episode is a joy to sit through because it reads like an episode written by someone who doesn't like Lumity and Huntlow. I don't know how they could have written the most anti-Lumity and anti-Huntlow episode in the show accidentally, but they did. 10/10 episode tbh.]
Then there is Luz's association with wolves highlighted by Hunter's newfound love of wolves... then there is Flapjack only letting Luz use him during their fight with Belos... then there is Flapjack flying to Luz instead of Willow when he's on his deathbed... FINALLY, there is Hunter coming back to life looking like Caleb and pleading with Luz - who is still dressed as a witch - to help him fight his grand-uncle-brother.
I also want to note Willow's costume in TTT takes design cues from Evelyn's stereotypes. I don't think this was intentional, because if it was then that would have been used to foreshadow Hunter NOT ending up with Willow. But it is very funny to me and I like to think that it was a sneaky move done by a Huntlow hater in the crew... I know I would do something like this if I was forced to make Hunter and Willow a thing LOL.
So yeah, you'd think they'd give all this stuff to Willow instead of Luz, since they intended to culminate Hunter's arc with him holding pinkies with Willow instead of helping Luz fight Belos.
At this point you're probably thinking... hmm... if the writers always intended to make Luzs and Hunters relationship detrimental to their stories, then they're not doing a very good job at it. And you'd be right... because they never intended to write an argument against it in the first place.
Even though they wanted Hunter to be paired off with Willow, they never bothered to make sure she's there for all of his important moments. Instead, Hunter's important moments are given to Luz - the only character in this show who has a thing for angsty warrior princes with tragic yet compelling backstories.
And I havent the faintest fucking idea why they though this was a good idea... but I sure do know it wasn't because they wanted to create a compelling argument against Luz/Hunter.
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daystarvoyage · 28 days
I often see fans demonize some characters like Belos,The Blights, Camila, into far worse versions of themselves like fans portraying Camila as abusive since she wants Luz go to Reality Check Camp to correct her behavior and certain people interpret that of her sending her to a conversation therapy camp or the Blights while they are bad parents for sure they are sometimes depicted as physically abusive or homophobic despite that sort of thing not existing in the boiling isles and Finally Belos gets made into a bigot who is sexist,racist, homophobic because he a white Christian male despite not making any insults for Luz being a woman or POC while his stance of sexual orientation or gender identity is unknown the fact he didn’t insult Luz for being a woman or POC is remarkable progressive for a Man who is born in the 1600’s also He FICTIONAL and we already have enough of those people in real life what do you think?
I do say this, people need to start separating the art from the artist and fantasy from reality,
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this type of writing and fictional perspective, a lot of viewers and fans sit through, its been done throughout animation, Even in real life affecting how we see our adult figures.
hope i say this, the best way i can cause the show did the adults and supporting characters dirty with its ill pacing in storytelling and character exposure
The Fans Of their favorite media love to exaggerate disliked characters (be it villains or unpopular ones) cause of how there perceived physically or in writing in the creator's eyes. We get this at the start of the first episode introducing Camila (whos a great mother who I relate to cause, I also was on the spectrum being raised by a single mom) I feel I look at her as a character who carries a burden with her being a single mother) yet relatable cause she does her best to take care of her daughter on earth cause she to is a single mother protecting her daughter from the harsh reality cause its not all huckydorey (like the ending of the show),when she wants luz to conform. the way fans see luz assomeone needing protecting, might villanize camila firsthand(DEMONIZING ADULT MOMENT BY FANDOM) as a cheerful person luz is, fans forget that she's also impressionable, impulsive, don't think far on consequneces and needy, might gloss over the fact she needs proper mannerisms (to get by in the world at times), cause shes young & fits the viewers mold of perception, that no one should be punished cause of sexuality, it might show she doesn't need help. Let's be clear the fans are gonna gloss the fact shes a troublemaker who brings harmful items to school WHICH fans should be concerned, i mean neurodivergent character doesn't mean good personality,
2. The blight situation I swear they did Odalia dirty with this GRRR & how talented and amazing Rachel MacFarlane is (Her VA voicing hayley from American Dad.)
She also over exaggerated for being ( DEMONIZED BY FANDOM cause SHE's an ADULT) to being just an abusive mother, but however others will see it is a character who was a dark and humorous character at least & she has great writing tools to be & alador was just a plot device to make amity look good even the twins, & get rid of odalia even though her had his hand in amity's abuse, which I feel no one in the blight fam is not innocent (neither was amity, also which the twins didn't get fleshed out more & used as plot device for lumity, Which fans at times gloss over. Fans will over-exaggerate that Odalia was physically abusive to the kids but NEVER WAS! cause that's a negative perception on the fandom that (We have a adult hater situation nowadays of how this new age of Gen Z & alpha kids are raised,
i also wrote a post on the matter btw
The Belos Treatment (we al know how the creator treated him, such good potential DOwn the Drain.)
Bruh or GiIIIRRRRLL, I commend the Belos fans for being on their own ship supporting and adding more to his BG in fanfic & art
Belos was an intriguing villain who rivaled not only Frollo, the horned king, & Prof. Screweyes. This man also has a perception amongst the fans who followed the creator's way of how he was written (basically the new Chloe bourgeois treatment from miraculous.) He was only a character who was hell-bent on piping witches out and saving his humankind NOT BEING Racist Homophobic, or BIgoted, However, Chloe made racist & prejudiced remarks To Marinette in the cooking episode,(BUT BELOS DIDNT!) So he's an equal villain Who is all about equal rights means equal fights (falls under the neutral evil cause of how he was depicted into a person of tragedy upbringing to now a one-sided character (getting tired of how creators write villains in a one-sided manner.) oh and some people need proper knowledge of the 1600s cause belos was born in that era and I heard someone saying he was born in 1700s which I feel the show does suffer from anachronisms.
And don't get me started of how the fans go about Darius cause that has angry black man written all over it, along Manny being ONLY relevant in Luz's dire moment not being explored more,
hope i put down a lot of tea & crumpets for everyone hope you also can look at my video essay on my YouTube.
hope you enjoy comment and subscribe for more.
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
I TRIED giving Chaggie a chance, I really did. When I first watched the Pilot, I thought they were best friends. And then I learned that WAS the original decision for their relationship but Vizie made them a couple because the storyboard writers thought they were a couple.
Now as a writer I'm open to whatever ideas people may suggest for my stories, but I think something Vizie forgot to do was think about how it would impact the plot and characters.
Something I take into account when thinking about my main characters being in a relationship is how it ties into the story and the themes. Like what do these two being together accomplish? How do the other characters react and are they supportive? How do they act as a couple? Do they have their fair share of ups and downs? And most importantly what does the relationship add to their characters?
It's these kinds of things that I feel are missing for the majority of the Chaggie relationship. The show only seems to acknowledge them as a couple when it's convenient and just ignore it for most of the show.
Which begs the question of if it does nothing for the story, why even have it there at all?
Honestly, same. As per my username, I love sapphic couples. I was super into the idea of Chaggie but it's just... Nothing. No chemistry, no significance. Vaggie's betrayal would still hold the same amount of water if they were just friends.
A lot of Chaggie shippers say that it gets hate because it isn't sexualized... But Catradora and Lumity weren't sexualized either and they're still adored by their fandoms to this day. Chaggie's problem is just a lack of them being an actual couple aside from a few comments. This could have been easily rectified by simply sparing a few minutes. Instead of the More Than Anything reprise, we could have gotten a flashback, a heart to heart conversation, something to tell us why and how they're together.
I've heard Vivzie takes fandom input a lot. And there's nothing wrong with that... Until it negatively impacts the story. And in this case, Chaggie is plopped awkwardly in the middle of the plot with no real purpose for existing. I can't get into it because the story has done nothing to make me care about it
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Just got a DM on Tumblr, now deleted or I've just got blocked, calling me gross cause of my Lunter doodle, saying Lumity is canon and we simply CAN'T accept it
In all honesty I don't like your ship either, but I neither go after anybody's DM telling that nor asking to delete everything related to it. Shipping isn't just for canon couples and not all of us like the same ships, u know!
So stop complaining under my posts
If u don't like my ships or anything else, it's neither my problem nor I wanna hear your complaints
Got it, u fanatical louts
I don't need extra negativity in my life rn
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How can this harmless ship provoke so much hate???
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commonsenseyouneedit · 3 months
Here are many controversial discussions regarding the owl house and its fandom.( I witnessed it during the show's run and it was my worst mistake ever going to online)
📌 Headcanons such as sexualities for example even though they're not integral much to the plot it's just there that being said they're more obsessed with having a sexuality given to a character than the actual arc/personality of the character themselves.
📌 I will admit the show has some flaws but the fandom just make it more obvious and worse. Flaws such as ignoring many characters , favoring one character than the others , introducing many characters late in the series, introducing plot points that are forgotten and never brought up again etc.
📌 Having criticism about the show and it's characters like we're the viewer not the writer.
📌 this character , episode , couple , plot , pacing etc is rushed well duh the show is cut.
📌 Obsessed with the other characters and ignore the main protagonist most of the time.
📌 The fans who drew weird stuff literally showing up in the feed showing how they are sexualizing minors for most of the show's run.
📌 Thirsting for the characters most of which are minors most of the show's run who are ages 12 , 14, 15 ,16.
📌 Ignoring and not respecting canon only what the fans believes go.
📌 Don't go to TikTok , Twitter , Instagram any application don't go search the owl house they have most questionable opinions and behavior.
📌The fans hate anything that isn't LGBT such as there are many people hating on a canon straight couple which is Hunter and Willow.
📌 Saying my headcanons matter I don't care what the show/crew said even though they're head canons meaning not canon. Even a question of fan answered by the creator where she clearly stated that it's just her headcanon but fans make a big deal out of it and treated it as canon without any evidence that it's canon. Remember if it wasn't shown in the show therefore it is not canon.
📌 Shipping like the show isn't about that but the fans literally ship two characters who barely acknowledged each other existence saying it's better than the already established couples such Lumity , Raeda and Huntlow. Even going so far do literally ship themselves with a character 😕 who is already in a relationship and make negative things to hate on the character paired with.
📌 Also the fans disregarding sexualities like Amity is lesbian and disregarding age gaps to like Gus you can't ship him with the others older than him he is literally 12 the entire series and now in time skip 16 which is still a minor while his friends are all adults.
According to the show
Gus - 16 yrs old
Luz Amity Vee - 18 yrs old
Willow - 19 years old
Hunter - 20 years old
📌 Fans having ridiculous reasons why this ain't gonna work for the show the character , the ship , the plot , the episode etc.
📌the fans saying some parts of the show are forced and fan service ie character, plot , ship , development etc. like the show is planned way before any fan can knew about the episodes. Like the episodes in the production process such as writing , ideas , concepts and storyboards are finished years before it aired.
📌 The fans being a hypocrite saying this show is better than that show even though the two show they're comparing are radically different.
📌the fans Blaming other Disney shows for the cancellation of the owl house such as Big city greens for example even though it existed way before the owl house aired.
📌Also the fans harassing many accounts of Disney tva mentioning why they cancelled the owl house just because it has LGBT.
All I can say is Accept things the way it is.
The owl house I will admit is a great show but the fans are the ones who make it the worst show.
Honestly after 1 year after it ended I just want to let you know my experience. There are some fans who are pretty nice but it doesn't change the fact there are many not so nice ones.
Until today it is still happening with new fans entering the show making the show about them and completely disregarding and disrespecting what the characters and show have brought to the table in terms of what is canon to the show.
Honestly going online is the worst mistake ever and look at me still defending this show to the ones destroying it.
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dazeddoodles · 3 months
Do u think raeda kissed or (possibly) made out before they had to go to the day of unity in the C.A.T.Ts base? I’ve always wondered this or smth but idk
I like to think so but probably not since it kinda seem out of nowhere with how little they talked up to that point.
I said before I pretend that they could of had romantic development offscreen but there aren't really many opportunities where they could have.
Because unlike Lumity, Huntlow, Veesha, and even Gusolomule. Raeda canonly has very little interaction in the present day.
We've literally seen most of them and they're mostly negative interactions. Even in the 5 months the Collector took over Raine was a puppet the whole time. There's not much room for interpretation for them, and it almost seems purposeful.
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dawningwinds · 1 month
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Day Two: Dancing [] Icebellshipping (Rio/Rin) + Moonfragranceshipping (Serena/Asuka)
Sapphic cartoon prom episodes my beloveds. So I redrew them with yugioh ships (lumity grom dance for icebells and catradora princess prom for moonfragrance). The pride flags are basically just there because the was some ugly negative space and I didn't want to spend ages rearranging the canvas.
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Why Could Marinette x Chloe be a choice?
They’re currently enemies in the show, but fans mostly ship them together for what they could’ve been. However, the creator had other plans for Chloe (also the show itself is about Marinette and Adrien’s blossoming love story, but I digress).
Marinette could be a big factor in Chloe‘s theoretical redemption.
They make for perfect foils but COULD come from being enemies to hesitant friends, then friends, and then lovers.
They could be similar to Lumity in some ways; both shows have their protagonists and antagonists starting off as rivals/enemies but said protagonist finds out that there’s far more to the antagonist than just being an egotistical bully. Also, both antagonists are only really the way they are because of their upbringing and manipulative parent.
Though not the healthiest mindset (and I'm NOT condoning it), it was often theorized that Chloe often teased Marinette specifically because she had a secret crush on her.
Why Could Adora x Glimmer be a choice?
The two were enemies on opposite sides of the war but learned to trust each other once they both got the bigger picture, realizing that neither was a bad person at all.
Both share the same kind of willpower to protect their people.
Some fans see this as a healthy and very supportive relationship.
Some may see them as a good representation of yin and yang (sun and moon, masculinity and femininity, hot and cold, night and day, etc.)
Seasons like 1 and 4 had some shipping fuel for them, with their conflict in the latter season reminding you of a "lovers' quarrel".
Why Could Musa x Darcy be a choice?
They may currently be enemies in the show, but one thing that they both shared is that they both dated Riven at some point.
It could end up as another Korrasami, once dating the same boy, only to end up with each other in the end.
Though considered one of the evil witches of the Trix, she’s the most normal, especially in season 8.
Their personalities COULD complement each other.
Note: If you hate any of these couples, that's fine. However, please avoid leaving criticism/hate on THIS POST/POLL. You can confess about it but don't leave any negative feedback here. This poll is just for fun!
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