#luna x donnelly
lilvcalloway · 2 years
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Misfits Like Us (2022)
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kategorema · 2 years
look me in my eyes and tell me lilo wont take donnelly under their wing 0.5 seconds after they realise how dire the need for positive parental figures is i fucking dare you
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maddiesflame · 2 years
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lunnelly headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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daybrights · 2 years
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💚💚💚 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑳𝑼𝑵𝑵𝑬𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒅𝒂𝒚 💚💚💚
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lunasdonnelly · 5 years
pity you? never
Pairing: Luna Hale x Paul Donnelly
Fandom: Like Us Series [ Krista & Becca Ritchie ]
Word Count: 3,277
Summary: luna finds out about donnelly's rough past, and they talk about it. based on 'bonus scene #24: halloween party aftermath (farrow)' from kirsta and becca ritchie's patreon account. [trigger warning for mentions of past drug abuse]
“I lower my voice to a deep whisper. ‘You really want to spend another month, two months, or year seeing your client snort coke? What’s more painful: watching that shit or losing Beckett as a client?’ I don’t mention that Beckett could quit using for him.
Donnelly doesn’t believe he will since Beckett won’t even quit for his twin brother.
He rubs the back of his neck. ‘I dunno. The first one, I guess.’
Oscar pats his shoulder. ‘You want to talk to him with us?’
He stares haunted at the floor, then shakes his head. ‘Nah, I can’t.’ His eyes ping from me to Oscar. ‘Will you guys just do it?’”
Luna wasn’t one to gossip. She was fantastic at keeping secrets, and a great listener to those who needed as ear because they knew that what they told her would never be heard by another soul. And actually, she hated gossip because both her and her family have been the ridicule of many a tabloid over the years. She always tried to avoid gossip in her private life—that, at least, she could control—but this wasn’t something that she could ignore. She’s tried, tried to push it to the back of her mind, but all she can think about are her parents and how they’ve dealt with something similar. She can’t stop thinking about how even though they’ve overcome their addictions and are happy and healthy today, they didn’t use to be. They used to be in a really dark place, and she hates to think that Donnelly may have been in the same boat.
She didn’t mean to eavesdrop the other night, truly she didn’t. She knew that it wasn’t her place, but once she’d heard Donnelly’s name through the crack in the door, she couldn’t help but linger. Over the past few weeks, she’s noticed his strange behavior—though he’s likely always behaved this way and she’s just now close enough to him to be able to notice that it’s decidedly not normal—and she was desperate for some kind of explanation. Donnelly’s always been an extremely private person about the things that matter, something that she wouldn’t have expected of him given almost everything about him, and getting any real information out of him about his life was worse than pulling teeth. So, when she’d heard that fated line come out of Oscar’s mouth— “his parents made him smoke meth when he was fourteen”—so many things about him fell into place.
She doesn’t know if he was ever addicted to it—meth, that is—but she has enough tabs open on her laptop to know what the statistics are. That even if he hated drugs, and never wanted to take them again after he was forced to the first time, chances are that he did it anyway. She was aware that both of his parents were in jail, but now she knew why and she couldn’t help but think that she was better off in the dark because she’s had a constant pit in her stomach ever since. Now, she can’t unlearn these details about him, and she isn’t sure how to handle the fact that he doesn’t know that she knows. (Luna didn’t even want to get into what she now knew about Beckett—that was a whole other beast.)
Luna snapped her laptop closed and groaned as she rolled over onto her back. Staring at the springs of the bunk above her—and at the plastic glow in the dark stars that she’s tied to the wiring—she couldn’t think of how to handle any of this.
“Sulli?” Luna asked. Her cousin, presumably popping out her headphones at the sound of Luna’s voice, was on the bunk above her. “I have a hypothetical that I need your expertise with.”
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urbisie · 6 years
When my OTP is having a cute moment
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evamohns · 7 years
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‘she’s back.’
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dearclarabow · 7 years
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❝ if she asked you to push her off a cliff, what would you do? i’d say let’s grab some parachutes first, babe. then i’d clasp her hand and we’d go down…❞  
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wonderrdies · 7 years
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“If she asked you to push her off a cliff, what would you do?”
“I'd say let’s grab some parachutes first, babe.” He smirks. “Then I’d clasp her hand and we’d go down…”
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flwrshdw · 7 years
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“If she asked you to push her off a cliff, what would you do?”
“I’d say let’s grab some parachutes first, babe.” He smirks. “Then I’d clasp her hand and we’d go down…”
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lunadonelly · 7 years
guess who's through with Lovers like us (this girl)
I loved every bit of it! I definitely fell even more in love with sulli x akara than I already was and don't get me started on how much I loved the dynamics between Luna and Donnelly! I ship it 💗🙊
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like us series : luna hale & paul donnelly
“She’s back.”
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kategorema · 3 years
lunnelly are literally made for each other i dont know how everybody else doesn't see it and btw people's perception of donnelly especially Loren's and Maximoff's has always bugged me like this is Farrow's, whom you love and most importantly respect, best goddamn friend, his ride-or-die, his brother from another mother and still you're like nah he's an asshole i dont trust him that doesnt sit very well with me and sure loren doesnt know him that well but Maximoff knows how loyal he is and the lengths he will go to and dont even get me fucking started on that "that's my sister" bullshit this post will need a keep reading button like baby just needs someone to believe in him for once can we pls not anyway at this point im just counting on lily to adopt him and show him the motherly love and affection he deserves
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arthurian · 6 years
Rattle the Stars
Pairing: Luna Hale x Paul Donnelly Chapter: 4 / 10 (?) Premise:  Luna and Donnelly become fast friends, but things get a little complicated when they add some extra benefits into the mix. Find previous chapters here.
The early morning mail routine is my least favorite part of the day. Being awake before dawn and crowding into Quinn and Thatcher’s living room is bad enough, before you realize what could be in any number of the boxes lining the walls. Fans and assholes alike send any number of things. Love letters are just as common as accusations and insults. When Farrow was on Lily’s detail, he used to find sex toys nearly every day. He told me once that some looked used. Once, one of the kids even got roadkill in their mail. An actual dead animal stuffed into a box and set on their doorstep.
Suffice to say, I hate mail routine.
The SFO townhouse living room is identical to Luna, Moffy, and Jane’s, minus the ugly furniture. Quinn and Thatcher keep it sparse. There’s only a few select items of furniture, all in neutral colors. The walls hold no decoration. Compared to my own apartment, the place barely even feels lived in.
Laundry baskets line the walls, each labeled with a client’s name. We’ve only been sorting for thirty minutes, but Maximoff and Sulli’s baskets are already overflowing. The pair of them accept almost everything from fans. Maximoff even designates an hour to reading his letters and giving shoutouts for kind words on Twitter. In stark contrast, Charlie’s basket is near empty. Ninety-eight percent of what he receives is stuffed into a black, heavy duty trash bag by Oscar.
My own pile dwindles, though not to the same extent. Beckett is private, despite having grown up in the spotlight and being famed across New York for his talent in ballet. I save the letters and gifts I think he may find most interesting, but most of what he receives isn’t anything he would enjoy. Almost everything would make him uncomfortable, so I trash a good portion with little regret.
“Do you think I should be throwing this stuff away?” Quinn pipes up, and all heads swivel towards him. He’s holding a package in his hands like he’s afraid it might bite him. The poor kid is always wrestling with indecision, wondering if he’s doing his job the right way.
Akara asks, “What is it?”
Quinn blanches a little. He’s worried about invading Luna’s privacy by sharing too much information with us. “It’s… Well, Andrew still sends Luna stuff.”
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worldstraveller · 7 years
My Top 10 favourite shippings/pairings Part 3
It’s now it starts the solos...
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4. Elena x Mateo (Elena of Avalor)
Before I explain why I ship them, I want to tell how I came to know and  start watching this animated series and so shipping Elena with Mateo, then it will be the reasons why. Elena of Avalor, when was first announced to the media, I was curious, because I liked Sofia the First a lot  and the great job Craig Gerber done with it, when a show is introduced before airing, they introduce the important characters of the show, I knew about Elena's character before and I remember I liked the idea and the concept of her character and circunstances since it added more lore and expanded to the world of Sofia The First (yeah, I have thing for lores, world building in no matter media form - be video games, graphic novels, mangás, books, animated series, movies, etc), as I looked over the character's bios and design (I liked the descriptions back in time (the characters I was most interested then was Mateo, Elena and Isabel - I liked the idea of a princess  being an inventor), imediately Mateo got my attention with his promo picture and description, I got the feeling back then he would be my favourite character being a wizard in training and all, it made me a little hopeful about a chance of maybe seeing a wizard and princess (this was before I knew of the whole "avoiding the romance" thing - to me avoiding something is the same as something is present and trying not to get close to it, it's there but won't be part of the plot or to be a subplot, just vague hints, the "elena will not have a love interest", this to me can vary in terms of interpretation about "romantic interest", you can grow to like someone romantically without being interested romantically in the person because liking is different from being interested in someone), but one of the characters was a royal guard (Gabe), my hopes went quite down (since is a classic trope, many different dynamics inside royaltyxroyal guard were explored, there is only 1 exception I give to this trope in shipping but is in somewhere else), as I researched a little more about Mateo, I saw the famous promo duo picture of them, which made me feel a bit more hopeful. I did actually waited for the Secret of Avalor to air before starting to watch the animated series, because I wanted to know how it began first (and the explanation of the change of the new main dress of Sofia in mid-season 3 in Sofia The First), I was actually bit surprised Mateo appeared and played an important role in Secret of Avalor and in freeing Elena and her family, I was already very interested in his character, as seeing the character in action, I was charmed by his character and became instant fave, when Elena and Mateo first meet face to face, you sense and see there is a special connection between them, be it romantic or platonic, that's was when I officially shipped them...
The reasons of why I ship them:
- For starters, I find the special relationship between Elena and Mateo as pretty unusual, between a Wizard/Royal WizardxRoyalty in romantic concept is something I always wanted to see and read for a very long time, unfortunately is almost non-existent, there is only two works of fiction and is in literature, however is for the adult audience (if you're interested - The Royal Wizard (Dragonblood, #1) by Alianne Donnelly and the saga of The Wizard of Bright Isle and both well received in GoodReads, the first mentioned is about a royal wizard woman and a prince, the saga one is between two men (wizard>royal wizardxprince>king) - I'm interested in both, however the saga one, seems to be a bit gory), but for the younger audience, pretty much doesn't exist, it's a very unexplored great potential. Even by close friendship standards is unusual as they are, the royal wizard when friends with the king is usually wise and old, when the same age is like we see with Cedric and his wizard peers, their input isn't valued by the royalty they serve, while Elena and Mateo are both the same age and teenagers, besides in the beginning of the series, they are both in training and gaining experience in their respective fields, Mateo being a wizard-in-training into Royal Wizard (he is still learning how to be one), while Elena is a ruler in training as crown princess into becoming queen, as they grow as individuals, they grow closer together too, It's very easy to tell that Mateo is becoming Elena's right-hand man and confidant.
- The role of Mateo in Elena's life and the show itself is unusual, he plays a key role in the story as much in Elena's growth, even as royal wizard, he is probably the youngest character to become a royal wizard in the media (after him would be Howl from Howl's Moving Castle) and appointed by the crown princess Elena, the most moving part in this, besides Mateo's mom, Elena is the one who believes most in his worth as wizard and royal wizard, even see potential of hero qualities in him (that's a pretty big deal), she believed more in him than Mateo himself.
- One of the traits that makes their connection so special (whether you ship them or not, whether you perceive as romantic or platonic), there is a sense of complementing each other, giving each other what they lack and need, a sense of completion because in the start of the series, Elena is more of a giver and receiver while Mateo is the other way around, it went full circle from "Spellbound" to "Jewel of Maru" in the confidence department, Elena giving Mateo encouragement and Mateo in retribuition of receiving her faith in him, he gives his votes of confidence when she needed it, which made them grow closer together.
- The other reason, it is that I find always so adorable how much attention she gives to Mateo, usually is her who takes iniciative, Mateo at the beginning was always very surprised at the much attention he received from Elena, you could tell from his wide range of facial expressions by wondering if was okay of him to be friends with the crown princess, even when as a wizard-in-training and as royal wizard, even though recently he became used to it, he does still react slightly surprised.
- Another thing I want to note, as is obvious, Mateo isn't afraid to call out on Elena when she makes a misstep while follow and respect her decisions at the same time with unwavering loyalty, and Elena will defend and speak up for Mateo when someone's doubting him. It's quite fun to find hints based on their interactions when you ship them, because isn't something "in your face", their special connection and growing closer relationship, they will eventually becoming lifelong partners in either romantically or platonically, it's displayed ambiguously, it can be interpreted in a romantic or platonic way, I would bet slightly romantic inclined.
Favourite Moments (I will mention the least mentioned, my most memorable is the most mentioned): I love the many moments they have together as much when they're separated thinking of each other...There is no order of preference...
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1.I liked how they first met face to face (I think as many wonder, for Elena may have been bit earlier since she watched what was happening inside the amulet, including when Sofia met Mateo), you can tell, there, to me it had the special spark, as Jaquins arrives to welcome Elena being freed from the amulet, as they bow, while Mateo welcomes her excitetly mounted in Luna to falling from Luna's head when Luna bowed to Elena, as when he introduces himself as he bows, not wishing for formal treatment as comes close to his face asking to just call her Elena (in Mateo's house, when few civilians saw Elena and bow to her, it was a bit similar except coming closer or asking to call her by name), so far, Mateo was the first and only person she asked to call her by name on screentime (later was Naomi and then Gabe).
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2.Next favourite scene, it might be a small things to many, but I liked in the first episode very much for scenes such when Elena and Naomi was trying to find the boat Isabel and Gabe were, Elena was was informed how the thiefs looked liked and suspected they were magical, I liked that she thought of Mateo with a smirk, as if looking forward to see him again and confident he might know about these magical creatures...I thought it was cute how she connected magical creatures to thinking of someone magical, Mateo.
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3.It's followed by the scene above, when they enter Mateo's workshop, as Naomi wonders Mateo wizard get up as bathrobe, Elena explains he is wizard and Mateo extends Elena's answer "in-training", I like how she looks at him as she says "Mateo is a wizard" and Mateo extending feeling humbled and bit shy that she saw him as fully-fledged wizard while Mateo saw himself as wizard-in-training.
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4. Of course, the adorable small moments when Elena catches Mateo from falling and vice-versa, it's curious and cute that it starts with Elena but due to Mateo clumsyness or help him finding his confidence - his character development, while when is Mateo catching Elena, it's more plot focused, since he usually plays a key role in the story.
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5. In "Island of Youth", I thought was so sweet, when Mateo uses the first time the floating spell on himself, I think is sweet and moving how she whisper "Oh, Mateo." as if praying for his safety with deep fondness for him.
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6. There is many moments of the song scene "The Magic Within You", I like very much, but I always giggle when Elena sings the first lines of the lyric about how since she met him for the first time saw that Mateo was meant to be a hero to everyone, because Mateo's expressions between these lines are amusing and bit funny, as we know well before Mateo starting gaining confidence in himself, it's notable he does have a bit of sarcastic self-deprecating humour, his expressions between these lines of this song, he is thinking from how he met her was him falling from a jacquim head to the floor, so you can have a good guess of what he was thinking on those expressions (from remembering about their clumsy meeting with a sad expression to disbelief and wonder how did she saw him potential to be a hero by him falling from a jacquin's head) It always makes me wonder which first time she means? inside the amulet from sofia perspective when first meeting Mateo or face to face, it could be both, hmmm. look at how she looks at him when she sings "The first time that I met you..."
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7. "Spirit Monkey Business", one of my beloved favourites scenes of these two, when the Zanies "kidnaped" Mateo as their king "wizard king" while Elena pretends to be queen of the zanies, addresses Mateo as "King Mateo" and asks to walk with "her king", Mateo's response to play along, he stutters a little and little shy, he must have a thought for a moment about this play along and calling her "Queen Elena" (pretending to be a married couple as king and queen of the zanies), but it seems he might haven't been the only one (Elena, after the zanies asking her did they have king And a queen, she went a little nervous when the idea of her and Mateo pretending to be a married royal couple), this scene is so cute, I think it hints a little they were conscious about it, when is as "just friends", you play along without being nervous, usually, I do think it's hinting at something...
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lunasdonnelly · 5 years
Pairing: Luna Hale x Paul Donnelly
Fandom: Like Us Series [ Krista & Becca Ritchie ]
Word Count: 2,213
Chapter: (1) / 4
Summary: The evolution of Luna Hale’s tattoos—also known as the evolution of Luna and Donnelly’s relationship.Told in four parts: (1) the two tattoos on the tour bus during FanCon, (2) Luna’s hipbone tattoo a few months later, (3) that tattooing session that gets derailed by science, and (4) the leg piece where they swear that it was a "one time thing."
It was nearing three in the morning on the tour bus, and the only sounds were the soft music tinkling in from the drivers compartment and someone’s low snoring from the bunks. Luna Hale had been slumped on the bench next to Paul Donnelly—all six foot three of his tattooed self—for the better part of two hours, unable to sleep. At the moment, the two rows of bunks a few feet to her left seemed just as confining as her gated neighborhood back in Philly, so she’d found solace in the quiet company of Donnelly. This was the first time she’d ever been alone with the older bodyguard, but she was surprised by how quickly she’d felt at ease with him.
Luna knew her Aunt Daisy would have some elaborate, but true, theory about the whole thing, but Luna thought Anne of Green Gables described it best: “kindred spirits.”
Donnelly had already been doodling in his spiral bound sketch book when she’d first sat down, and after a quick initial greeting, she’d just sat sideways on the cushions and watched him draw. She was worried for all of two minutes that he was going to ask her to back away—to stop hovering—but then he’d started talking as he sketched, and even tilted the book a little more towards her so she could get a better view.
Twenty minutes ago—after over an hour of aimless chatter and witty remarks—she’d asked him if he would be willing to tattoo her. And, twenty minutes ago, he’d shrugged his shoulders and said, “Why not?”
Now he was doodling for her, and she was sitting a little bit closer, switching between looking at the book in her hands and peaking over his shoulder—watching his pencil glide over the paper as the UFO began to take shape. She was pulled from her observation of his fingers—his drawing when Farrow entered the lounge and collapsed on the other side of the booth.
Luna closed her book that she had been aimlessly flipping through—an orange covered copy of Isaac Asimov’s novel, Foundations—and looked up at her brother’s boyfriend.
“You know something funny?” she asked.
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