#lyney x traveler
sipnoot · 11 months
Lyney, holding up a sign in bold writing that says I AM ROMANTICALLY IN LOVE WITH YOU. I WANT TO DATE YOU. ROMANTICALLY!!! with fireworks going off in the background
Aether, to Paimon: Wow I really like this totally and completely platonic relationship I have with Lyney :D
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venusqq · 1 year
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"friends" Lyney STOP you are your OWN HISTORIAN
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trixxiiloopsfloof · 9 months
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i've noticed that there weren't many artworks of yandere!lyney than i've expected... so i decided to take matter into my own hands lol-
lumine ver:
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hoetao · 5 months
a confrontation between all the potential traveler love interests
though i mostly thought about lyney and xiao
lyney being flirty with the traveler, xiao reacting to this by trying to murder him, lyney disappearing in a burst of confetti
just. you know. the shenanigans
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to-myalphonse · 1 year
To my darling,whose love is out of reach
Will be revamped. I dont plan on using her idea.
Lyney/Traveler one sided
Unrequited Love
Angst no comfort
Here @bluu-m0on (this was her idea please thank her.)
To my anons, I'm working on my Lyney x Reader inbox one shots ATM so ye.
Im in a Lyney simp era y'all~
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Rose colored lenses covered Lyney's eyes as he gazed at the Blonde Traveler. Blonde hair as bright as the sun, skin white as snow, eyes the same shade as Topaz. Lyney was enamored with them.
After the court incident, The Blonde spent more time with the siblings after forgiving them for their betrayal. Over the weeks, they began to warm up to them. In their free time while they weren't traveling, they would help Lyney with his shows, occasionally learning tricks from the Twins.
Lyney and Lumine would spend time with each other as he would give them small tours of places that him and his siblings used to visit. Over time, he began to learn more about her, in return she learned more about him.
"Hey Traveler, there you are." The wind swept sweetly over his hair as he came to a stop on the Beryl Region's mountains. The Traveler was said to be gathering items for someone, and the rumor was confirmed by the bouquet of flowers.
"Hey Lyney what can we help you with?" Paimon waved at him as she flew closer to him, clutching some rainbow roses.
"I was looking for Traveler, I had something to tell them." Traveler dropped the flower bag and moved closer to hear him better.
The sunlight reflected off their hair, diverting Lyney's attention away from her. Blonde hair as dazzling as the sun, entrancing Topaz eyes, he was enthralled until they cleared their throat, which drew his attention.
"Ah. I'd want to invite you to a special performance tonight." Taking off his hat, he reveals two tickets that fell off his head. Paimon catches them when they return to Traveler.
"What's the special occasion?"
He flushes as he wrings his hands together. "Well, there's a special VIP trick after wards." They gaze at him, puzzled, and shake their heads.
"I see no harm in it." Traveler shakes their head as Paimon agrees. As Lyney grins, light fills their space.
"I'll see you then!" He descends the mountain to the boat he took.
Hours later, he sat in his dressing room, softly singing love tunes. As he dressed, he danced around his dressing room with a huge grin on his face. Unknown to him, Lynette and Freminet peered inside the room.
Tonight is the night he'll tell them how he really feels.
"Play close attention blink and you might miss it."
Simple tricks dazzled the audience as Lyney and his sister entertained them. Act after Act was met with acclaim from the crowd.
The time comes for his special trick, he's been waiting to release.
"Can I have a volunteer?"
The spotlight shifts before landing on the Traveler. They take a look around before standing and walking up to the stage. He leads them to the stage's the center. "Hello, Traveler. Please select a card." She looks at him, puzzled, before taking one. She holds it while he reshuffles the deck for her.
"Can I have it back?" She returns the card to him as he reshuffles it before holding out a card.
"Was it this one?" He asks again, and she shakes her head before handing her an exclusive card. Before accepting the card, she shakes her head cautiously. He snaps his fingers, and a bunch of rainbow roses and a card materialize in her hands. She looks surprised as the audience applauds and gasps in surprise.
"Thank you, Lyney."
As she walks off stage, she reads the card. As the performance comes to a close, Lynette and Lyney take their bows.
"This has been Lyney & Lynette's magic show." They take a bow and exit the stage.
Lyney dashed inside his changing room, slamming the door behind him. As he performed a short dance, he was overcome with euphoria. They must have been surprised by the look on their faces! He buries his face in his hands, attempting to quiet his thoughts. As the door to his dressing room opened, his love sick thoughts engulfed him. "Lyney, she's waiting on you." Lynette stood near the door, removing her work clothes.
"Oh, I nearly forgot. "Are you and Frem going home?" She nodded and pushed her hand behind her shoulder. "I hope it goes well." Before leaving, she pats him on the shoulder.
"Traveler!" He dashes up to the meeting location he specified in his note. There was no one on the bench.
As he tried to settle down his nerves, he was struck with disappointment. He waited on the bench, possibly waiting for them to arrive late.
As he sat in silence waiting for her, the wind filled his ears. After a few minutes, he was approached by footsteps. When he looks up, he notices the Traveler arriving with an Albino haired male with red streaks in his hair.
"Lyney!" She grinned as they came to a halt in front of him, clutching the Albino's hand.
His heart skipped a beat, and his vision blurred as he focused on the male next to her. He looked back at the blonde with a courteous smile on his face.
He should've known, of course he wouldn't be the only person after their heart.
Taglist @endlessmari @teyvattales @pochipop @irujoqeqfll @bluu-m0on @y2k-apocalypse @watatsumiis @leftdestiny-posts (anyone else that wants to be added to my master list please lmk)
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n2-crisis · 1 year
People are writing far too much Lyney x Reader and far too little Lyney x Traveler. I don’t want myself in my fanfiction. I’m here to forget I exist and enjoy my favorite characters via proxy.
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ludodraw · 10 months
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Casual chit chat
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genshin-scenarios · 2 days
spiderverse —!
Summary: Spider-verse AUs with the genshin guys! Each features a reader in a different role. There will be references to ‘Into the Spiderverse’ and other renditions of spiderman (vaguely).
Characters: Kinich, Heizou, Tighnari-Cyno, Venti, Wriothesley, Lyney
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By day, Kinich is a recluse who spends the better half of his free time volunteering at the local animal reserve. It’s also where he got bitten by a radioactive spider, and you can probably guess what happened next.
Ajaw is a unique phenomenon — a ‘Venom-like’ symbiote who latches specifically to technology. After Kinich managed to seal him away in a random cell phone, Ajaw has made a deal with the hero to become an assistant of sorts. If you listen carefully, you almost always hear a second voice coming out of Spiderman’s mask — Ajaw, trying to get Kinich to choose violence, while Kinich kicks him off the server for being a distraction.
However, times when they do work together are one of the most terrifying things anyone can see. Kinich’s spidersuit is engulfed in Ajaw’s power, and every lunge and strike is more destructive than the last. Often, Ajaw tries to overpower Kinich and take over his vessel, but Kinich has more than a few safety precautions to prevent the symbiote from possessing him fully. 
You’re a spiderhero from another universe, much like the situation in ITSV (except it’s only the two of you)! Some sort of interdimensional portal has stranded you in Kinich’s world, and you were quick to track him down when he was on shift at the animal reserve one day, appearing out of nowhere and gaining his suspicion. The night ended swiftly, with you escaping and leaving a thousand questions in his head, while the building’s alarms blared deafeningly, trying and failing to locate the intruder that has since disappeared into the shadows.
It’s a shortlived game of cat and mouse, considering how you wanted to get Kinich’s help in figuring out how to get home. One thing leads to another, and your secretive interactions admittedly become a large part of Kinich’s daily life. When he realises that you’re destined to leave his world to protect your own one day, Kinich is left with a feeling that’s foreign to him: gaping loneliness, sitting next to an empty spot on the rooftop that used to be yours. 
It’s not just the fact that you understand him on a level that most others never would — but having something to look forward to when he was Spiderman was such a saving grace. Swooping past skyscrapers alongside you, going on impromptu missions (dates), and revelling at how normal you look without your mask on. He recognises the lilt in your voice, the scrunch of your brow, and knows deep down that there's no way to undo how your existence has been engraved into him. 
…And deep down, he already feels the stab of how hollow it will feel, when those who’ve seen you two hanging out together inevitably ask where you’ve gone. And all he can say is that you’ve moved back to your city with your family, knowing there was no way for any of them to find you. 
Shikanoin Heizou is a talented detective in Inazuma’s capital city, while Spiderman is a local hero. One works with the law while the other is sometimes considered a vigilante, but as far as Heizou is concerned, there was nothing wrong with using different methods to solve a case. So long as the outcome was the ideal, or best possible, he didn’t have the luxury of beating himself up over other ‘what ifs’ and ‘what can I do better’s.
Besides, Shikanoin Heizou was a genius detective, and with that came a high amount of success rates in his civilian profile. Spiderman, on the other hand, represents the parts of justice that sometimes can never be controlled — a criminal who was about to surrender, only to have been attacked by a third-party cop. A villain who realised the error of his ways and ended his life to spare the city, and the family Heizou reminded him still lived within it. 
…A friend who was stealing for the wrong reasons, and reached a tragic end. There are many ugly conclusions to the cases Heizou tackles, but all he can do is push on. While being Spiderman places more responsibility in his hands, it was better than not being able to do anything.
And even at times where Heizou’s morale is at an all time low, he can at least rely on your presence to make his days brighter. You’re a reporter who likes to visit him for psychological support and gossip — and while he’d never say it aloud, everyone with eyes can tell that you’re his favourite media staff. He gives you more intel and hints to your own cases than he does with anyone else, and even assists you as Spiderman from time to time.
Heizou isn’t one to place his trust in others easily, but when you defended ‘the detective Heizou’ during a run-in with ‘Spiderman’, who’d criticised the police’s slow progress on a large case, it was a little hard not to feel endeared. Heizou still remembers the frown etched into your face as you told him that the detectives were doing all they could. And to cooperate with them himself if he was so confident.
It’s an odd situation for sure, to see you acting wary with his hero-persona yet so warm and caring towards his civilian self. Regardless, Heizou’s main worry now is keeping you safe within a climate of risky investigations and volatile third-parties. So long as you place your faith in him, he’ll do everything he can to defend you in turn.
Yes, this is a Tighnari x Reader x Cyno situation! 
Tighnari and Cyno are the two spidermen of Sumeru — they work together on a reluctant basis, since they are unaware of each other’s real identities. Not to mention that Tighnari (Vulpes) is more outspoken and sharp-tongued in his hero persona, while Cyno (Lupus) is endlessly talkative and fond of bad science jokes even at really bad times. 
It’s a little similar to their regular selves, but dialed up within the drama of their hero work. While they get along well enough, Tighnari is endlessly exasperated about Lupus, while Cyno thinks that Vulpes needs to lighten up. (You could say that they aggravate one-another).
It does kill Cyno to not tell his best friends about his secret identity, but he is more than aware of the danger it’ll bring to them all. Besides, it’s not like he’s working alone against these villains, so it’s fine! In fact, this would be a very cool thing to reveal decades into the future, once the danger has passed onto other heroes who adopt the mantel 
This is where you come in as their best friend in school! You can generally be found as a trio, and while everyone’s been ‘busier’ since the year started, you still make time to catch up with one-another about things going on in your lives.
…But, seeing as both Cyno and Tighnari are keeping their spider-selves a secret, they’ve developed different systems to make convincing stories about how they spend their weekend. Tighnari rambles something about collecting new plants to add to his collection, and then has to rush to the florist after he agrees to let you see them after this (he had to jump in through his room window to put everything into place.)
Meanwhile, Cyno keeps droning about some Dungeon and Dragon’s campaign he’s developing for your larger friendgroup to try, when in reality he has nothing written down. It’s mostly just inspired from his daydreaming during patrols as Lupus, which Vulpes always snaps him out of with a whack to the head. 
The kicker, however, is when you become a bystander to a large villain attack one day, and upon the conclusion of it, Tighnari may have accepted a thank-you kiss from you (on the cheek) as Vulpes. It was a stupid decision, seeing as you didn’t even know it was him. But Tighnari was too busy trying to hide his own flushing ears when you were retelling this, to notice the way Cyno’s expression blanked out (he is planning a confrontation with Vulpes as you speak). 
Said confrontation will be one of the few times he sees Vulpes looking uncertain, or embarrassed, which immediately throws Cyno off his initial anger. It makes Cyno question if Vulpes knew who you were in real life, but Cyno forces himself to stamp that curiosity away in favour of their secret identities.
You and Venti were close friends in Mondstadt, before you had to move to Liyue for family reasons. In reality, you were getting dragged into a different sort of superhero business, within a universe where many other heroes exist (like the MCU with the Avengers and etc).
As such, this AU takes on a more casual route! You’re thankfully not too far away, so Venti can visit you via a train or bus ride. But it’s never the same as when he’d knock on your window after a rough day, not able to tell you it was because of a mission as Barbatos (Spiderman), but you always accepted him with open arms anyways. Him visiting you like that was nothing new, even before he’d become a superhero. And Venti never intended to cut off that connection with you.
But, you never told him about your hero-business either. Which is why when Venti tries to visit your apartment on a whim (just to see how you were doing, and then leaving back to Mondstadt immediately since he was in the area after chasing a villain) — he can’t resist the urge to enter through the window when he sees that no one is there. 
He just wanted to see how different things might be, compared to your old place. He’s getting hit by a web-block of all things at this time, and god, he can’t bring himself to call you up just to listen to his woes, but he misses you.
After what only felt like a few seconds, he hears footsteps at the door. Venti panics, praying to all radioactive spiders in the world that his web-block is not active now and sticks to the ceiling as your parents come in to look for you, only to leave after realising you aren’t there.
He lets out a sigh of relief, soundlessly steps back onto the floor. Only to hear the sound of something charging up to shoot behind his back.
‘Hands on your head. Turn around.’ 
The last thing you thought you’d see as the suited-infiltrator followed your instructions, was to see your best friend’s face. Eyes widened in just as much surprise as you were feeling, before he breaks into a sheepish smile.
‘Venti?’ ‘...Can I put my hands down now?’ ‘What are you doing here?’
And so, Venti ends up staying the night. He hides while you grab two portions of dinner and set it on the desk. Explanations float into the air. You tell him that your family only moved because of a project from Morax Companies. One employing your parents, while another recruited you for a certain task force. 
Lore exchanges were quick to follow. Venti tries to defend his honour when you snort, asking him to reiterate that he was bitten by a radioactive spider. ‘So you can, like—stick to the wall and stuff? Like what I saw in the news?’ 
To make a point, Venti shoots a web to wrap around your wrist, using it to tug you forward towards him. You lose your balance and end up closer than he intended, forcing the room to fall into embarrassed silence. 
This was certainly going to be a long night.
As the owner of an underground boxing ring, it was safe to say that Wriothesley’s origins as Spiderman was an incredibly tragic, and dramatic one. Forced into a corner as thugs attempted to take over his underground settlement, Wriothesley almost thought he wasn’t going to make it out alive when a stinging pain bit into the back of his neck.
Minutes later, the floor was cleared of hostiles, and order was restored. No one knows who Spiderman is until this day, other than you — the detective who’s always worked with Wriothesley for tough cases and invited him to casual teatime chats.
In his defence, working with you was a matter of course. You helped cover his tracks as Spiderman and the owner of an illegal business. …And you also came from the same orphanage as him. If there’s anyone who understands the need for an anchor within this world of muddled morals and false promises, it was you.
What he doesn’t appreciate, however, is the way you always find yourself in the middle of trouble. It comes with the territory of being the city’s best detective, but sometimes Wriothesley swears you have more enemies than him. More than a few times, he finds himself carrying you in his arms after a rather precarious mission, and you have the cheek to thank him and place a kiss on his lips, blocked by his mask. 
His fighting style does leave him with more injuries than not. Despite how most spiderheroes tend to use agility over strength, Wriothesley never shook off the habit of using punches and brute strength, in order to physically reorient his opponents. It’s less city damage, but the result is more strain on his body, and a silver lining of you exasperatedly scolding him as you treat his wounds. 
‘At this rate, I’m going to have to replace you as Spiderman if you ever get so injured you can’t continue.’
As if he’d ever let that happen. The last thing that’ll ever happen is him leaving your side, after all the hell you’ve been through together. If there was ever a world where you were separated, he knows that every version of himself would cross the multiverse for you.
As a reverse, you are the Spiderman while Lyney, Lynette and Freminet are part of the Fatui — not necessarily just a villain organisation, but an antagonistic force with a dangerous set of special agents nevertheless.
You first meet when you’re fighting Lyney and Lynette, in an attempt to put a stop to the Fatui’s nefarious plans. They’re known as the Phantom Twins but are otherwise unnamed — but it's clear from that one interaction that one of said twins were incredibly talkative and taunting, aggravatingly so, whilst the other was a silent blade.
Next, you meet as your civilian selves in school. Neither party suspects anything of the other, but the main attraction comes in the form of Lyney developing a hopeless crush on you. He admires you from afar, and all you know about him is that he’s a friendly, charming classmate. 
Then, by night: chasing the twins across the city’s rooftops, attempting to get back an artefact they stole from the museum. If you don’t get it back soon, that one reporter that hates Spiderman’s guts is going to imply that you were in on the heist too, for sure.
In that moment of distracted thought, Lyney sneaks up from behind you and holds a weapon to your neck. Silently threatening to use it if you muse, and it takes all the self control in your body to not act out when you hear the smirk in his voice. 
‘A little distracted today, are we? While I can empathise with having something on one’s mind, it really shouldn’t interrupt our dance. Unless you were thinking of another partner?’
It’s clear from his tone that his words were meant to purely taunt you. His false sympathy dripped like honey, making you see red.
If you ever got a chance to unmask these two, you already know who you’re going to get revenge on first. (Let’s just hope that this dance of double-lives doesn't interrupt each other too much, at the end of this saga. Perhaps Lyney will find out your secret identity first, and begin to sympathise with you — between his loyalty to the Fatui and his love for you, he surely will be put into a tough spot. And if he doesn’t play his cards right, he might just have to sacrifice himself to the fire to preserve your light.)
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draco-glacialis · 5 months
Furina: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Arlecchino: No.
Lyney: I did not.
Lynette: I may have actually forgotten one.
Freminet: Also no.
Furina: Oh good, neither did I.
Lumine: *Exhausted sigh*
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xiaoaetherposts · 4 months
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Twitter(X): @xiaoaetherposts
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
Traveler's little helper -Extra-: Lyney x Fem!Reader
It will take a while before I’ll write for Fontaine boys for ‘Traveler’s Little Helper’ (we still wait for more guys and information about them!) But I wanted to write something about Lyney! [ Teyvat , Mondstadt ] Fontaine Archon Quest Act I spoilers:
Aether can’t completely trust Lyney after he learned that he with his sister are part of Fatui. But for some reason you trust them. You weren't even that surprised after hearing that they are from House of the Hearth, it’s like you were more surprised how quickly this information came into daylight. It’s like you already knew, but how? To Aether dismay you still told them that when things clam down you wouldn’t mind if Lyney with his siblings join to your small group for some adventuress. Lyney couldn’t believe it, do you try to deceive him? But looking into your mesmerizing eyes he knows that no, that everything you say is genuine. He couldn’t help but ask, why are you not wary of them? You just smiled with sadness filling your eyes, telling that you know not all people who are part of Fatui are not bad people. You told how you meet one in Inazuma, someone who wanted to live peaceful and simple life, you told about the ones who wanted to be heroes, to help another nation just to be hated, forgotten and abandoned in deeps of Chasm. You told about one who joined the army to gain money so their sibling can follow their dreams. Of course you are aware there are bad people in Teyvat, but everyone has their story. There are people in Fatui that were just unlucky, that were manipulated and deceived.  And you can tell that both Lyney and Lynette genuinely wants to save Fontaine, so there is no reason to you to not trust them. The only person you won't trust is Arlecchino because she is a Harbinger! (Aether looked at you with ‘are you serious?’ face, after all you didn’t mind to invite Childe and Wanderer to the team and even Teapot.) Lyney was speechless, you're such kind and thoughtful person. The first time he saw you in the port, he could tell by your wonderful eyes that you have beautiful soul. After you bid goodbye and went on your separate ways, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. -“Lyney?” his sister asked “It’s unlike you to space-out like this.” -“Ah sorry, I have been thinking about something.” Lyney smiled. -“… More like you were thinking about someone.” She whispered, but her brother didn't hear that. Going back to thinking how nice it would be to travel with you.
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mitsvriii · 1 year
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Sneak peek
Let me know if you want to be tagged in it!
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allykakamatsu · 10 months
KH X GI Relationship Squares
(There's more ships than these, these are just the ones I can make square charts out of)
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Neuvillette -> Wriothesley: A very reliable friend who he's more than happy to go to for advice.
Wriothesley -> Neuvillette: Not so secretly down horrendous. Will never confess first though so he just hopes Neuvi notices his flirting.
Neuvillette -> Arlecchino: Still a bit wary of her, especially since he figured out she threatened Furina, but once those two worked things out he mostly got past it and the two are friends.
Arlecchino -> Neuvillette: Wonders how he put up with Furina's act for so long, but highly respects his dedication.
Arlecchino -> Furina: Couldn't stand her at first, but after learning of her sacrifices she began respecting her and now they're on okay terms.
Furina -> Arlecchino: Terrified of her a lot of the time but also wondering how the hell she's so hot. Glad they're somewhat friends now so she can crush without feeling like an idiot.
Furina -> Neuvillette: A bit awkward around him at the moment due to wanting to avoid all aspects of her time as an Archon, but still cares about him deeply.
Neuvillette -> Furina: Always cared despite his annoyances, but now he knows the truth he just wants to do whatever he can to make her happy.
Wriothesley -> Arlecchino: Doesn't like Fatui in general but he can't deny how much she helped Fontaine.
Arlecchino -> Wriothesley: Impressed by the work he did to Meropide, but after hearing how he tormented with Lyney just for fun to the point it activated his darkness she's been resisting the urge to go down there and slap him.
Wriothesley -> Furina: Doesn’t know her too well but thinks she’s nice from the little he’s seen
Furina -> Wriothesley: Doesn’t know him that well but Neuvillette talks about him fondly and that’s enough for him to get her seal of approval
(More under cut)
(Also probably a bad post to have this on but please support me on ko-fi here )
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(Context, Ei get's exiled for a bit after the Archon quest and when she's allowed back she and Ayato are almost dragged into an arranged political marriage to keep things stable, so the gang, led by Miko and Thoma, have to stop the wedding. They do, but Miko repurpose's it into a wedding for her and Ei.)
Ei -> Ayato: Overall thinks he's pleasant and dependable, but their relationship is strictly professional.
Ayato -> Ei: Glad she's finally ending the Decree's holding Inazuma back, but sweet Celestia never make them almost get married again-
Ei -> Miko: Never stopped loving her but prior to them getting remarried thought that Miko hated her.
Miko -> Ei: Missed her dearly for those 500 ish years but would rather die than admit it, the wedding ended up being the push she needed to finally admit she loved her.
Miko -> Thoma: Not as fun to tease as Gorou but still fun, has more respect for him now.
Thoma -> Miko: Still a bit afraid of her but nowhere near as much.
Thoma -> Ayato: Loves but is worried about how the nobles would react to them being together, main reason their relationship was a secret to the point the arranged marriage almost happened.
Ayato -> Thoma: Loves him to the ends of the earth, only kept the relationship secret due to Thoma's worries, but once he gatecrashed the wedding Ayato had no problem finally proclaiming his love.
Ayato -> Miko: Worried she's a bad influence on Ayaka but outside of that genuinely enjoys her company.
Miko -> Ayato: Known him since he was little, glad there's someone in Inazuma who can keep up with her.
Ei -> Thoma: Barely knows he exists but is happy for him and Ayato.
Thoma -> Ei: Has complicated feelings about and does his best to just stay out of her way to not make things awkward.
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Lumine -> Xiao: Fell hard the second she met him, but the more she learned about him the more she wanted to get close to and help him
Xiao -> Lumine: Wasn't sure what to think at first, but between her kicking Osail's ass and their somewhat date at the Lantern Rite he fell hard.
Xiao -> Venti: Has had feelings for him ever since Venti saved him, but hesitant to pursue them due to self esteem issues.
Venti -> Xiao: Pretty down bad but more so just wants him to love himself
Venti -> Lyney: Pretty good friend.
Lyney -> Venti: Bit awkward around because well, Fatui and Archon, but still enjoys spending time with him.
Lyney -> Lumine: Was initially just planning on charming her so she could help save Fontaine, but he became down bad and started flirting for real REALLY quick.
Lumine -> Lyney: Always attracted to him but it wasn’t until Lyney’s quest plus Meropide that she truly realised she was down bad.
Lumine -> Venti: Cares about him a lot but wishes they’d be more honest about his feelings.
Venti -> Lumine: You know those best friends turned couples that still act like besties, yeah that’s them.
Xiao -> Lyney: At first only staying close so he didn’t try anything funny with Lumine, but after a while the magicians charm worked on him as well.
Lyney -> Xiao: Was mostly just teasing his new pretty friend at first, but once he realised Xiao was crushing he went ‘okay this sounds fun let’s do it’
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sparklz02 · 1 year
Cat Out Of The Box
[Lyney One Shot…🪄]
[Contains spoilers from Fontaine Archon Quest. You have been warned.]
You scanned him very carefully, making sure what he was saying was the absolute truth. “If this is your testimony then…I must go on with the belief and understanding that what you are saying is the truth.”
Lyney gives you his charming signature smile, “I always tell the truth Y/N~. Thank you once again for being our attorney with the Traveler.”
You shake your head and answer politely, “This is me doing a favor for my friend. I believe that you and Lynette are innocent. You guys would never hide something from me.”
Lyney chuckles and flips his hat upside down and says, “Place your hand inside my hat mon ami~.”
You roll your eyes dramatically and place your left hand inside. You begin to rummage around until your fingers feel something very soft and fragile. You grab it carefully and pull it out to reveal a rainbow rose.
Lyney flips his hat dramatically before placing it on his head and asks slyly, “When this trial is over, care to join me for dinner at Hotel Debord~?”
You reply smugly, “Riddle me this Mr. Magician. Is this dinner to celebrate victory or is it a date?”
Lyney chuckles softly and says, “Why not both mon ami~. Or would you prefer mon chéri~?”
You chuckle amusingly, “Whatever helps you sleep at night monsieur. Now I must regroup with the Traveler and Navia. Don’t miss me too much now~.”
Lyney places a hand over his heart and wipes away fake tears with the other, “The idea of being away from you is already enough to hurt my fragile heart!”
Lynette walks in and sees the whole situation and looks at her brother with disgust. She grabs him and speaks to you in a gentle tone, “We won’t be bothering you anymore Y/N. Thank you for helping us.”
She begins to drag Lyney away by force and he whines, begging for Lynette to let him talk to you for a few minutes longer. You giggle at their unique interaction and walk away to regroup with the Traveler and Navia.
“And you didn’t hear anything else at all? Nothing that might leave an impression of any kind?” The Hydro Archon asks curiously.
Lyney replies with certainty, “No, nothing.”
Time begins to slow as you have come to a realization. You look down at the papers that contain his testimony and the evidence that you have gathered along with Navia and the Traveler.
‘Oh no….’
The Hydro Archon’s expression hardens, “I see, but when the count reached thirty seconds or so, there was a thud—one so loud that I believe practically everyone heard it.”
Lyney was stunned, “Huh!?”
The crowd began to whisper among themselves. Some even had the courage to speak up and testify that the Hydro Archon was correct and there was a thud. You drown your surroundings with the heavy thoughts that invade all of your senses.
You were left in disbelief that Lyney, who you were very close with, lied to you. You began to wonder what else he lied to you about.
The Hydro Archon drops another bomb, “Tell me. Aren’t you and Lynette actually from the House of Hearth?”
Another jab to your heart.
Lyney responds calmly, “That’s irrelevant. Our identities have nothing to do with what happened.”
Your grip onto the papers tightened harshly. The Traveler and Paimon were also left stunned. The crowd slowly gets out of control but Chief Justice Neuvillette quickly demands order.
Neuvillette asks Lyney calmly, “Are these claims true Mr. Lyney?”
Everyone held on to their breaths, waiting anxiously for Lyney to either confirm or deny the claim. Regardless of the answer, more thrill would be added on to the spectacle of the drama that was slowly unfolding in front of them.
Lyney sighs defeatedly and replies sadly, “Yes, they’re true your honor.”
The crowd began to whisper excitedly at the revelation and began to mock Lyney and Lynette. Some even took pity for you and the Traveler who were equally shocked by this newfound information.
Your heart shatters and you begin to shake slightly in anger. The Traveler was also hurt by this deceit and quickly requests for a brief adjournment.
Neuvillette nods understanding the situation, “This trial will reconvene in one hour.”
All five of you walk into a quiet space and stand there in awkward silence. Paimon and the Traveler cross their arms in disbelief, waiting for the twins to explain themselves.
Your mind was scattered, you weren’t sure if you were defending innocent people anymore. You didn’t have the heart to look at the twins who you held dearly to your heart.
Lyney quickly speaks to break the awkward tension, “I’m sorry—”
You couldn’t take his apology and slammed the papers on a nearby desk and left the room. Everyone flinched at your behavior and watched as you left. Lyney tried to go after you but the Traveler blocked him and looked at him disappointedly.
You left the four to converse if they even managed to get that far. You sit down on a sofa and cover your face with your hands. You sigh shakily as you try to cool your head and look back to the trial and the evidence you found and attempted to find the truth.
After fifteen minutes of recollecting yourself, you felt someone sit next to you and place a hand on your right shoulder. You tear your face away from your hands and look to the side to see the Traveler who had a sad smile.
They ask cautiously, “Are you alright? It’s ok if you want to drop out…”
You exhale deeply and fix your posture, “I’m assuming the twins gave you their true testimony?”
The traveler nods slowly. They retract their hand from your shoulder and say hesitantly, “The twins would like to see you…if you’re fine with it.”
You answer firmly, “I’m fine with it but before that, lay it all out for me. What’s our new evidence that we must present?”
The traveler updates you on the situation and you two brainstorm briefly before reaching a conclusion. The two of you begin to walk towards your designated room.
As you enter, Paimon’s eyes light up in joy and cheers in joy. The twins however looked away in shame. You ask the Traveler and Paimon, “Could you give us some privacy?”
The Traveler and Paimon nod and begin to leave you with the twins. When the door finally shuts close, you look at the twins and cross your arm and give them a sharp look of disappointment.
“How long were you two planning on hiding this information from me?”
Lynette looks down and whispers, “We are truly sorry Y/N…”
Lyney holds onto his hat tightly and also looks down but doesn’t say anything.
You shake your head sadly, “Was our friendship a lie as well? Did you guys become ‘friends’ with me for ulterior reasons?”
The twins quickly look up in shock and shake their heads. Lyney quickly spoke up, “No! Our friendship isn’t a lie! We just….”
“You just what?”
Lyney couldn’t continue his sentence and goes back to finding interest in the floor, same goes for Lynette.
You sigh, “I admit that I can understand why you guys wouldn’t admit this to me. But I want to hear it from the both of you, not from our archon, and not from the Traveler, and whoever else knows of your identity. From you two.”
The twins look at each other hesitantly and finally meet your cold gaze. Lyney holds onto Lynette's hand and answers firmly, "Lynette and I belong to the House of Hearth. We have no ill intentions and only wish to seek a solution to the prophecy that is threatening Fontaine and its people."
Your gaze softens and you sigh, "Well, I'm glad there was no resistance and the truth has been revealed."
The twins look at you anxiously waiting for you to say more. You quickly replace the soft expression to a more serious one, "I will still be your attorney. With the new evidence given to me by the Traveler, I still believe that you two are innocent and that there is something more complex going on."
The twins look at you in relief but before they could celebrate you said, "However,"
They became stiff at the sudden continuation. You continued in a serious tone, "After the trial ends, I wish for us to start all over again."
Their expressions drop. Lyney speaks in disbelief, "But why? We don't have anything else to share so why–"
Lynette tugs onto his arm gently, signaling him to shut up.
You replied seriously, "I feel very betrayed by what has transpired. I believe you two are innocent but only because the facts support this conclusion. My trust is…"
Lyney sighs and gently tips his hat, "I understand. Things could've been worse I suppose…"
Lynette replies quietly, "We perfectly understand Y/N…"
You place your hands on your hip and quickly change tune, "Seems like our time is up. Let's go show everyone and the oratrice that you two are innocent shall we?"
The twins nod and you add in a cheerful tone, “Don’t be too sad. Once this trial is over…how about we start our new journey over a meal at Hotel Debord~?”
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hefestesse · 4 months
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mind if I join?
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to-myalphonse · 10 months
AHA! ITS ANOTHER GENSHIN WRITER! This one must've escaped me last time...
LGSHE sorry jokes aside I wanted to drop in and see if your requesters are open, and if they are, can I get a-
Lyney x reader general HCs?
Don't forget to eat and drink, mwah!
I have a whole bunch bc I main him, so you’re in luck.
ALSO, ty for the reminder, water helps w bad nerves.
Yes, my inbox is open if you want to send in asks~
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Lyney who has separation anxiety but he tries to keep himself together, so that he doesn’t show it in front of you.
Lyney who likes taking you on small dates randomly when you least expect it. If he's busy with his fatui work, he will make up for it by taking you on a late night date.
You who has to remind Lyney to not burn himself out from his responsibilities, even if it means tying him to the bed.
You who has alot in common with Freminet, and tend to hang out when it when your boyfriend is busy. You bring him beryl conch bracelets that you created. He treasures them and wears them during his day job.
You secretly get a little jealous of Lumine and how your boyfriend acts around her, until he introduces you to her and the jealousy fades. The small words he used to describe her, did not compare to the words he held in admiration towards you.
Lyney who doesn't have the cat features from his bloodline like his sister, but very much behaves like a cat.
You who constantly have to give him reassurance that you love him, as he constantly demands your attention.
You,remind him how much you love him, and won’t abandon him, at the drop of a hat. (Haha pun not intended.)
Lyney who when you first met him, stole one of your items in his disappearing acts, just so he could see you again.
Lyney who hopes that you'll be apart of his family, permanently.
@malleux @tavvattales @yuumaofc @leftdestiny-posts @bluu-m0on @estensity
This is the tag to follow if you want to be pinged for updated content.
Anything Lyney related will be under #adventures with a magician boy from a quiet villiage
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