rotting-brains · 1 year
made a flag out of boredom
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anyway lynxkingender flag. for when youre a lynxkin/lynx therian and feel that affects the way you experience gender/are also lynxgender
the flag has no meaning i js wanted it to look pretty
credits are appreciated if youre going to use it
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neurofluo-rescent · 2 years
Lynxgender flag!
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Lynxgender is a faunagender defined as "a gender like that of a eurasian lynx."
(I didn't coin this term! i just made a flag for it since i couldn't find any!!)
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punkmuttcoins · 4 years
Official Coin of Lynxgender
That’s right! Now, although this term has been coined before there was never a a flag or a lot of traction from what I’ve seen, so I’ve taken it upon myself to create interest in it, and a flag, myself. 
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Lynxgender: A subgender of catgender relating to lynxes. It’s aloof and alone, a good hunter and very fluffy. It can be related to any of the four secies of lynxes so the meaning can be flexible, cold and fluffy, warm and slick.
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Reginald Copperbottom from Henry Stickmin is a ply gay opalian intensigender stratogender regalibere+lynxgender+helicgender+orientationgender+shoregender enboy, and he’s married to his Right Hand Man, an acemid transmasculine mingender genderlime mistgender man!
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hustlerose · 6 years
ur so pretty omg, i love ur hair
thank u!!!!! its one of my best features 
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batarddusoleil · 6 years
39 46 58 64 70 71 73 76 82 84 85 86 88 93 94 97 98 i got on my computer im here to give u so many numbers (pray for me i had to look at ur theme with my eyes again)
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?
a lot of my friends have gotten into the habit of calling me yawnee/jyawnee b/c i yawn a lot, or gianni b/c since someone in that group’s gf apparently has mafia connections i thought it’d be funny to make jokes about having an italian alter ego or some shit i don’t really remember it’s dumb anyway sdfsdfsdfs
46. whats your go to hair style?
when u just wake up & your hair’s goin every direction. that’s the style i trust the most. and in a worst case scenario i’ll just use a headband or something to keep it out of my face.
58. do you have freckles?
yeah!! the’yre real faded b/c i try to stay out of the sun but,,,, they’re there
64. Favorite dipping sauce?
hmmmmm i’m gonna be cursed and say honey mustard in general BUT this question tells me nothing about what’s being dipped so,,,
70. what was the last concert you saw?
i don’t think i’ve ever gone to a concert in my life : ( tragic
71. tea or coffee?
coffee but tea’s nice too sometimes
73. do you want to get married? 
let’s be honest here if i did get married it’d probs be for the tax benefits & ease of paperwork
76. what color looks best on you?
i’ve been told i look decent in yellow?? that’s all i know
82. favorite ice cream flavor?
all of it. give me the ice cream. i will stop at nothing and i fear neither god nor man nor brainfreeze.
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
uh i’m gay not stupid. both.
85. what shirt are you wearing?
a plain black t-shirt with an interesting graphic made entirely of dog hair
86. what is your phone background?
the absolute finest photo i have of my boyfriend
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?
it depends on the people but usually it makes me kinda sleepy
93. last thing you ate? 
slice of coffee cake w/ my coffee
94. favorite lyrics right now
“I'm alone between the left hand / Reset myself and get back on track / I don't want this isolation / See the state I'm in now?” from fuckinnnn humility by the gorillaz
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?
98. favorite month?
november actually
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celebistims · 4 years
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Polar Bear Kin stimboard for @lynxgender
x x x | x x | x x x
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microstoma · 4 years
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@lynxgender why do u gay
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hi do you think you could tell me some animal related genders??? thank you uwu
There are quite a few, so I may not be able to list them all, but I’ll certainly try my best to list as many as I can.
Zebrogender : a xenogender related to zebras and/or zebra hybrids
Kiwigender: a gender identity that is related to kiwi birds
Aliferate: a gender that relates to birds, feeling a call like the sky is your home, and having/wanting wings.
Genderartio: a xenogender related to whales. meant for whalekin but can be used for anyone
Genderhippocamp: a xenogender related to sea horses.
Cnidariagender: a xenogender related to jellyfish/cnidarians.
Genderserpentes: a xenogender related to serpents/snakes
Lacertiligender: a xenogender related to lizards/geckos/etc
Genderpenguin: a xenogender related to penguins, for penguinkin but can be used by anyone.
Phoenicogender/Genderflamingo: a xenogender related to flamingos, meant for flamingokin but can be used by anyone.
Equusagender: a xenogender related to zebras, horses, donkeys, mules, or just all of the equines in general.
Castoringender: a xenogender related to beavers.
Dragongender: A gender which is reflected by dragons.
Insectumgender: A kin gender for people who feel that their gender is insect-like. And those who feel like our gender is like an insects also feel like their gender is close to agender or ‘other’ in human terms.
Buckgender: A gender encompassing masculine animal energy. Can be used by kin and non-kin.
Cervusgender: A gender encompassing neutral animal energy. Can be used by kin and non-kin.
Doegender: A gender encompassing feminine animal energy. Can be used by kin and non-kin.
Felisgender/Catusgender/Feligender/Nekogender: a small, catlike gender that is up to more interpretation by those who identity with it.
Tortiegender- a subgender of felisgender relating to tortoiseshell cats. A fiesty and stong-willed gender.
Calicogender- a subgender of felisgender relating to calico cats. A hyper and cheerful gender. Can be associated with luck and money.
Siamesegender- a subgender of felisgender relating to siamese cats. A elegant yet rambunctious gender. Can be associated with royalty.
Ragdollgender/Raggender- a subgender of felisgender relating to ragdoll cats. A fluffy and calm gender. Can be associated with a limp connection to gender, like ragdoll
Bengalgender- a subgender of felisgender relating to bengal cats. A regal and wild gender.
Vangender- a subgender of felisgender relating to turkish van cats. A mischievous and active gender. Can be associated with water.
Canisgender: a doglike gender, or a gender influenced by or compared to canines in some way.
Faunagender: A gender influenced by animals in some way.
Vulpisgender: a foxlike gender.
Strigigender - An owllike gender/A gender influenced by owls. Comes from the Order Strigigformes.
Tytogender - A barn or bay owllike gender/A gender influenced by true barn owls and/or bay owls. Comes from the Family Tytonidae.
Asiogender - An eared owllike gender/A gender influenced by eared owls. Comes from the Genus Asio.
Bubogender - An eagle or horned owllike gender/A gender influenced by eagle owls and/or horned owls. Comes from the Genus Bubo.
Glaucisgender - A pypmy owllike gender/A gender influenced by pygmy owls. Comes from the Genus Glaucidium.
Megasigender - A screech owllike gender/A gender influenced by screech owls. Comes from the Genus Megascops.
Mircrathisgender - An elf owllike gender/A gender influenced by elf owls. Comes from the Genus Micrathene.
Ninoxgender - A hawk owllike gender/A gender influenced by hawk owls. Comes from the Genus Ninox.
Strixgender - A wood owllike gender/A gender influenced by wood owls. Comes from the Genus Strix.
Athenegender - A burrowing owllike gender/A gender influenced by burrowing owls. Comes from the Genus Athene.
Naturaegender: A gender that struggles to connect with other people and thus prefers animal companionship.
Wendecure Animal: when you’re genderless because you’re an animal/similar being. Not exclusive to kin, as long as you relate to the term. Could also be genderless with connections to being an animal.
Mendecure Animal: when you’re a masculine gender because you’re an animal/similar being. Not exclusive to kin, as long as you relate to the term. Could also be masculine gender with connections to being an animal.
Servalgender: a gender like that of a serval
Caracalgender: a gender like that of a caracal
Auratagender: a gender like that of an african golden cat
Pardalisgender: a gender like that of an ocelet
Wiediigender: a gender like that of a margay
Jacobitagender: a gender like that of an andrean mountain cat
Colocologender: a gender like that of a pampas cat
Geoffroyigender: a gender like that of geoffroys cat
Guignagender: a gender like that of a kodkod
Tigrinusgender: a gender like that of an oncilla or a tigrina
Nebulosagender: a gender like that of a clouded leopard
Diardigender: a gender like that of a sundra clouded leopard
Unciagender: a gender like that of a snow leopard
Tigrisgender: a gender like that of a tiger
Oncagender: a gender like that of a jaguar
Pardusgender: a gender like that of a leopard
Paleogender: a gender like that of a lion
Marmoratagender: a gender like that of a marbled cat
Badiagender: a gender like that of a bay cat
Temminckiigender: a gender like that of an asian golden cat
Rufusgender: a gender like that of a bobcat
Canadensisgender: a gender like that of a canadian lynx
Lynxgender: a gender like that of a eurasian lynx
Pardinusgender: a gender like that of an iberian lynx
Jubatusgender: a gender like that of a cheetah
Concolorgender: a gender like that of a cougar
Vagouaroundigender: a gender like that of a jaguarundi
Manulgender: a gender like that of pallas’s cat
Rubiginosusgender: a gender like that of a rusty-spotted cat
Bengalensisgender: a gender like that of a leopard cat
Viverrinusgender: a gender like that of a fishing cat
Planicepsgender: a gender like that of a flat-headed cat
Chausgender: a gender like that of a jungle cat
Nigripesgender: a gender like that of a black-footed cat
Margaritagender: a gender like that of a sand cat
Bietigender: a gender like that of a chinese mountain cat
Lybicagender: a gender like that of an african wildcat
Silvestrisgender: a gender like that of a european wildcat
(These next ones are alignments, not genders, but they are related so I’ll list them too)
Faunarian: A xenic alignment to animal(s). Alternative term for fauna-/zoo- aligned.
Caninarian: Faunarian aligned with canines or canidae.
Felisarian: Faunarian aligned with felines or felidae.
Equusarian: Faunarian aligned with horses/equines.
Reptilarian: Faunarian aligned with reptiles.
Amphibarian: Faunarian aligned with amphibians.
Aviarian: Faunarian aligned with birds.
Hope that helps! Feel free to comment if I missed any!
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
Reginald Copperbottom from The Henry Stickmin Collection is a ply gay opalian intensigender stratogender regalibere+lynxgender+helicgender+orientationgender+shoregender enboy, and he's married to his Right Hand Man, an acemid transmasculine mingender genderlime mistgender man!
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hustlerose · 6 years
someone at uni had the face from ur icon on their jacket !
im selling merch 
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batarddusoleil · 6 years
lynxgender replied to your post “Hhhhh what does it mean when ur brain plays crj songs every time u...”
it means ur gay
oh SHIT i sure hope my cool bf whom i love doesn’t find out,,,,,,,,,
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microstoma · 4 years
scenecore pandaren and lovecore worgen
get on discord rn im frothing at the mouth also good take
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