#lyrics: ''another life'' by motionless in white
m0ttenkoenig · 5 months
"[...] I hate that it seems you were never enough
[...] And I hate that I made you the enemy
And I hate that your heart was the casualty"
- Motionless In White (Another Life)
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We were playing for keeps but we both knew the cost
Now the only way out's in your heart shaped box
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melooomaniac · 1 year
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another life • motionless in white
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silverwings22 · 1 day
Take Me To Church Chapter 1: Air
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Brainrot got me. Here's a 5 part mini-series for our beloved ARC trooper Fives. I will drop one chapter a day until it's all up! Series warning: 18+, flashbacks, smut, major injury, torture, death, experimentation, canon typical violence, Hozier lyrics
Next chapter: Water
Kyatsa Dooku was standing alone in a Coruscanti morgue, looking down at the motionless body of an ARC trooper. Her ARC trooper, one of the finest of the 501st. Her Boy in Blue.
He hadn’t known, of course, that was her name. He’d thought she was Kya Rhayko, a refugee displaced by the war and working as a secretary in the senate building. She scheduled meetings, proofread speeches, and set itineraries. It was the perfect cover for spying on the Republic, in her father’s name. Fives hadn’t known Count Dooku was her father, though. She certainly didn’t look like him, half pantoran with icy blue skin and golden eyes she’d inherited from from her mother. Her hair was a pale blush, and she had none of the family tattoos her mother, Kiyo Rhayko, had when she’d married the count twenty years before the start of the war. She’d only been born a year later, a darling little countess. 
That had been before the Sith. 
***My lover’s got humor.***
She’d been lost when she met Fives, without knowing it. She hadn’t smiled in years, much less laughed. Not since her mother had died when she was six, and only a few months later her father’s “Master” had come to call on their home on Serenno. Then her life had gone from spending time in the garden with her doting father to being trained as a Sith. Darth Caedes, he’d called her, and she’d served him faithfully. She was the perfect apprentice, because unlike any of the Sith in recent memory, she would never rise to kill her Master. He was her father, and she loved him no matter what he put her through. 
So when she’d arrived on a Coruscanti dock, disguised as a refugee and still sporting a limp from a fight with some imbecile Jedi padawan who’d managed to injure her before she’d cut his hand off on Geonosis, she hadn’t expected any kindness. Fives had been new too, fresh off Rishi Moon and a droid attack, on his first shore leave with the 501st. She remembered how bright his unpainted white armor was when she’d first seen him. He’d been talking to his brother, Echo she found out later, when he’d spotted her hobble off the transport with her aching knee that hadn’t healed right since it had been dislocated. She probably should have rested it, but there hadn’t been time. Her father had a strict timetable, and she’d been shipped off to Pantora to cement her alibi as a refugee. 
“Excuse me, miss? You look like you could use a hand, and I have two.” He grinned. “I can carry that bag for you.” He was effortlessly confident. Effortlessly handsome, too, with his little goatee and a tattoo on his forehead. “I’m Fives, by the way.”
“My name is Kya.” She’d let him take her shoulder bag, and was even more surprised when he offered her his arm to lean on. “Fives, was it? That explains the tattoo, but isn’t that a little on the nose?”
“Are you blind? It’s clearly on my forehead.” He snickered like it was the funniest thing he’d ever said. “Where are you headed, Miss Kya? I’ll make sure you get there safe.”
“The refugee center. My application finally got approved, after months of- eee!” She winced on a step up from a curb, and Fives almost instantly was slipping her bag strap across his body and scooping her up into his arms like she weighed nothing. “What are you doing?!”
“You’re hurt. Lemme see if Kix can help you out here. Who knows how long it’ll take the refugee center to get you something for that leg, and you just said you’d been waiting for months.” He jogged over to another trooper with a medical emblem, who set her on a cargo crate and treated her knee with an e-bacta shot right there in the docking hangar. He’d carried her to the refugee center afterwards, too, and offered her his comm contact just in case she needed any more help. 
***She’s a giggle at a funeral.***
She hadn’t meant to see him again. But when the refugee center placed her in a tiny lower-mid level apartment and got her the secretary job, she’d run into him on her way home from work. He’d been out at the clone bar, 79’s, with his brothers but had gotten separated from them in the ruckus of an accidentally pulled fire alarm and mandatory evacuation. He was entirely drunk, watching the neon lights as the Corrie Guard and fire department inspected the premises to make sure it was safe for everyone to go back in. She wasn’t sure how he’d recognized her, but as she passed by on the sidewalk she heard him call out. “Miss Kya! Hey!” 
He had more paint on his armor now, and she’d felt obligated to stop and speak since he’d helped her before. Halfway through the conversation that he leaned in too close and spoke too loud for, she realized he had a steadily bleeding cut on his forehead. “Fives. You’re bleeding.” 
He frowned. “Oh… I musta bounced off that table when everyone started pushin…” 
She told herself she owed him a favor. He’d helped her, she’d help him and they’d be even. “I can’t tell if you’re slurring drunk or with a concussion. Where are your brothers?”
“Echo didn’ wanna come.” He smiled sheepishly. “An… Hardcase and Jesse left with a pair of twi’lek twins before the fire alarm.” 
“Why didn’t you leave with anyone?” She pulled his arm over her shoulder. She could take him back to her apartment and clean him up. He was a grown solider, but she was a Sith and could defend herself with ease if needed. Not that Fives seemed likely to attack her… he was about as threatening as a Carosi pup and seemed twice as eager for approval. 
“None of ‘em were as pretty as you.” He grinned. Even drunk and with a head injury, he was smooth. Her cheeks flushed hot indigo and she nearly toppled them both into a gutter, but she pretended she hadn’t heard the comment. 
Back at her apartment, she bandaged his head and checked for a concussion with the limited medical knowledge she had. “I don’t think you’re concussed, but maybe you shouldn’t walk back to the barracks alone… You can sleep on the couch if you’d like.”
He’d nodded agreeably, taking off his armor and almost falling onto the threadbare loveseat she’d been given. It was actually pretty comfortable, though he was too tall to really stretch out. He didn’t mind, and she wasn’t quite willing to give up a bedroom door with a lock for his comfort. Not yet. 
The next morning, she’d offered him breakfast. She didn’t really know how to cook, but cereal was pretty self explanatory. Over bowls of the sugariest, least nutritionally dense food she’d ever had but loved, she watched him happily munching. “... Fives?”
“Yeah?” He’d looked up at her with such an honest expression. On reflection, this might have been the moment it all started. His soft, dark brown eyes and blue milk dribbled in his goatee… 
“Did you mean what you said last night… that you think I’m pretty?” She felt like a moron, fishing for compliments, but she wanted to hear it. Just one more time before the next long dark period where her only communication outside of her job was her father’s stern voice criticizing her. “Stand up straighter, Kyatsa. You are a Countess. You are a Sith Lady. Act like it, with decorum and ruthless efficiency. That pitiful act is only for those fools in the Republic. Don’t you dare come before me with anything less than perfection.” 
“Yes Father. Yes Master. I understand. I will be better.” 
Fives nodded immediately. “Of course I did. You’re really pretty. Has nobody ever told you that before? Not even your family back home?” 
Kya flushed, fiddling with the end of her hair still braided from sleep. “I have a… somewhat strained relationship with my father. And mother died when I was very young.” 
“Well, your dad must be blind. Cause you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. You’re even my favorite color.” He smiled disarmingly. “And I’ve actually seen girls now that I’m off Kamino, so I know what I’m talking about!”
The tiny giggle that rose up in her chest caught her off guard, and she put her hand over her mouth to stifle it. 
“No, nooo!” Fives waved his arms. “Don’t cover your face. Lemme see if your smile is as cute as the rest of you!”
“You’re charming, you know?” She giggled again, lowering her hand. “Do you talk like this to all those girls you’ve met since you left Kamino?”
“Nah. You’re actually the only one who’s ever talked to me back.” He grinned, sheepish. Kya couldn’t help but feel like a much younger girl, a middle schooler treading water with a first crush, when he smiled like that. When had anyone smiled at her last? Certainly not her father. Not the busy senators, who were polite but forever hurried with their workloads… the last kind face she could summon up was Zara, the Mirialan cook back in Dooku Castle who’d taken it upon herself to show love to the little Countess without a mother. 
She didn’t want to let this new source of kindness go. Her father said the Republic was full of corruption and dishonor, but the clones were innocent of it. They’d been bought by the highest bidder for this war, they hadn’t volunteered. If she looked at it that way, there was no reason to concern herself with Fives being an enemy soldier. He was good, in and of himself. That was what mattered. “... Maybe I could talk to you more often? You gave me your comm… I could give you mine?” She offered. 
He nodded eagerly. “I’d like that. It gets so boring between battlefields. Just ‘hurry up and wait’, but you never know what you’re waiting for until it shoots at you.” 
She scribbled her comm frequency on a takeout napkin for him, and watched him finish his cereal with a smile. She hadn’t had a friend in years…. “Do you deploy soon?” 
“Tomorrow morning, so today’s gonna be all equipment checks when I get back. Captain Rex is relentless, but he’s doing it so we stay alive.” He nodded. “But when I get back, we’ll go do something. Do you ever go to Republica Park?”
“I pass it on my way to work. Was there something there that you wanted to see?” She leaned her elbow on the table, flinching when she expected a smack with a cane for the lapse in manners. Fives fortunately hadn’t noticed. 
“Yeah. I want to catch one of the baby ducks, and see if they’re as fluffy as they look.” He gave her that wide grin again, and this time she doubled over the table laughing. 
“That, I have to see!” 
***Knows everybody’s disapproval***
He caught her a duck on their first visit to the park. She’d sat on the edge of the fountain in her black dress, laughing until her cheeks and ribs hurt, as he splashed through the water after the fuzzy little things in his civvies. When he finally managed to scoop up one, he gently petted its little head with his thumbs until it stopped squirming before bringing it to Kya. “It is exactly as fluffy as I thought it would be.” 
“You’re ridiculous.” She couldn’t help but be charmed at how tenderly he held the little creature, letting her pet it on the beak before setting it down and watching it paddle back to its mother and siblings. He sat down beside her, wringing water out of his sleeves. “And more wet than the duckling.”
“Quack quack.” He grinned, getting another laugh from her. 
“I was going to buy us lunch, but they’ll never let you in a restaurant if you’re dripping all over the floor.” She stood and offered him a hand to step over the fountain edge.
“Half the restaurants around here won’t let me in anyway. I’m a clone.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re… not welcome in a lot of places. Especially upper level.” 
Kya froze, looking at him for a long moment. “I… I didn’t know that.” 
“It’s okay. Not a lot of people do… not a lot of people hang out with clones that aren’t in the army too. But that’s why we end up at 79’s so often. It’s one of the safe places to go.” 
“... I’m going to have to learn how to cook, aren’t I?” She sighed and pulled up her datapad. 
“I thought all nat borns knew how to cook.” Fives leaned in as they started walking back towards her apartment, his boots making the most obnoxious squishing noise. She couldn’t bring herself to care. “You guys don’t have the mess hall like we do.”
“No. But my mother never got around to teaching me, and my father… I don’t think he can either. I’ve never seen him try. My… aunt, she cooked for us growing up. I should have asked her to teach me, but I was in a lot of classes.” She had to be careful what she told him, but it was mostly true. “Maybe I can call her later and ask for some of her recipes. Do you like Mirialan food?”
“I’ve never had it, but I’ll try anything once. But your aunt is Mirialan? Aren’t you Pantoran?”
“Half Pantoran, technically. But she’s an honorary aunt. Not biologically related, but she took care of me when my father got too busy with work.” Kya blinked when Fives put his hand on her shoulder and moved her to the inside of the sidewalk, putting himself between her and the road. It was the sweetest, most chivalrous gesture she’d ever experienced. 
***I should have worshipped her sooner. ***
Months passed, with Fives coming to see Kya every time they came back to Coruscant. Zara had been delighted to send her little Countess recipes and holo call to help her make them. “Missing a taste of home, Lady Kya?” 
“Something like that. I miss you… could you keep a secret, Zara? From Father?”
“Of course.” 
“I’m cooking for a man. He’s been so nice to me, for no reason at all. But Father wouldn’t approve of him.” 
“Oh, Lady Kya. Your father hasn’t approved of a thing in almost fifteen years, I think. I won’t tell him what you said if you don’t tell him what I did.” 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Kya held a spoon up for inspection. “It tastes mostly like I remember, but the color is too dark.”
“Add a little more cream to the sauce, and it’ll be just fine.” Zara laughed. “Is your gentleman caller coming tonight?”
“He’s supposed to. He was on Kamino… I saw on the news what Father sent Ventress and Grievous to do. I don’t understand why he went after the cloning facility. It’s not the clone’s fault they have to fight.” Kya scowled. 
“I don’t like either of those two. Your father made them spar with you, and you got hurt.” Zara’s dark eyes looked fierce in the blue holo. “His own daughter. If Countess Kiyo could see how bad off you were when I put you in that bacta tank, she’d have rolled in her grave.” 
“Father has his reasons… I wish I understood them.” Kya sighed, tasting her concoction after adding the cream. “I think it’s right now. I’ll tell you how he likes it.”
“Of course. Tell me all about your date when you comm.” Zara hung up before Kya could protest it wasn’t a date, and before she could send a text ping she heard Fives knocking at the door. 
She glanced in the hall mirror at the sleek black, always black because she never wore any other color, dress she’d chosen and the makeup she’d dabbed on. Okay… maybe it was a date.
When she opened the door, Fives was in a set of civvies. He’d cleaned up, but he looked exhausted. “Fives?” 
“Hey, cyar’ika.” He smiled tiredly. “Missed you.”
“Come inside. Are you alright?” She stepped out of the way worriedly. She could feel a weight on him through the Force, for once using it for a reason other than manipulation. 
“... I got promoted to ARC trooper.” He said quietly.
“You don’t sound happy about it.” Her hand found its way to his arm. 
“99 died, on Kamino. Remember I told you about him?” 
“Oh… oh Fives, I’m so sorry.” She swallowed a lump in her throat. 99 had been the kind hearted maintenance clone that had helped his original squad get through basic. Only Echo and Fives remained from Domino Squad now. 
“It’s okay… I mean, it’s not but he died like any trooper would want to. Fighting clankers, protecting our brothers…” Fives shook his head. “He was the best of us.”
“If you’d need to cancel to be with your brothers, I understand-” Kya started. She was no stranger to grief, it had lived with her for years with her trying to outrun it. 
“No, no. I… I wanted to see you. Had to see you.” He turned and put his hands on hers. “I… before the fighting started, I told him about you. He said I was being a right di’kut about you.”
“You know I don’t speak Mando’a.” She grasped his hands back. She should have learned. Jango Fett had been in and out of her life for ten years before the war, but she’d been so caught up in her own life-
“It means dumbass.” Fives chuckled. “I… 99 said I should tell you how I felt about you, before I messed up and someone else snatched you up.” 
“How you… feel about me?” She blinked, the lump in her throat that only Fives could seem to conjure reappearing. Where was the cold and calculated Sith now? She was fumbling in her own kitchen, in front of a pretty man with a face she’d seen a million times. How was Fives so glaringly unique that he could turn her inside out after a lifetime of training? 
“I like you, Kya. A lot. More than a friend… a hell of a lot more than a friend. If you don’t feel the same, tell me now and I’ll shut up about it forever and we can both pretend it never happ-” 
“Shut up.” Kya pulled his hands straight down, forcing Fives to bend over slightly. Enough she could lean in and put her lips to his. She’d never kissed anyone before, but she wasn’t so far removed from her childhood when her parents loved each other that she didn’t remember what it looked like. Her blue fingers splayed against the tan sharpness of his jaw, her pink mouth pressed into his with a tilt of her head that parted the startled new ARC trooper’s lips. For a moment, Fives was frozen as his typical smooth humor abandoned him. Then he was kissing back, hungrily pulling her against his chest by her waist. Dinner was forgotten as they took their time devouring each other in all the clumsy enthusiasm of a first kiss. 
When they had no choice but to break, both panting softly and looking mistily eyed at each other, Fives grinned. His voice cracked, half breathless. “That went better than expected. Echo thought I’d have to bring you something even better than a duck.” 
Kya laughed, looping one arm around his neck and the other reaching back to turn off the stove. They could eat later. “You brought me the most handsome ARC trooper in the GAR. That’s much better than a duck.” 
He beamed, delighted, and pulled her in for another kiss. 
***If the heavens ever did speak, she’s the last true mouthpiece.***
He was gone so much, as the war got more and more violent. She found herself omitting details to her father, making sure he wouldn’t catch the 501st by surprise. Making sure Fives was safe. Then there were other units she started guarding, people Fives called friends and brothers he loved. She started deliberately failing the secret missions she’d dress herself in the mask and robes of Darth Caedes for. She started ignoring her father’s calls. Her feelings for Fives grew with every shore leave. Every knock on her apartment door, every experimental dinner in her kitchen, every laugh he coaxed out of her. Her favorite parts were the weekend mornings when she didn’t have to be at work, where she woke up without the alarm and Fives was still in her bed. He was beautiful in the morning sun, dark lashes on his cheeks and muscled limbs tangled in her blankets. His eyes would crack open and he’d smile for her first thing, whispering “Mornin’ cyar’ika.” in a voice thick with sleep. 
She didn’t know exactly when she’d started loving him, but by the time she’d noticed it the feelings were embedded too deep to extricate herself. She wasn’t just questioning her place in the Separatists, the Sith, or the galaxy. She was questioning everything but Fives. 
***Every Sunday’s getting more bleak.***
“I was wondering if I’d find you here.” The voice, clipped and artificially polite but with a bite of mockery, was far too well known to her. 
“You.” She didn’t look up, hands on the slab by Fives’ motionless side. She couldn’t drag her eyes from his still, pale face. Fives was never pale, he was all dark eyes and copper skin, freckles on his cheeks. Sunlight that broke through the frozen surface she’d been ice-skating on all her life. He’d baptized her in warmth. 
He was gone. Death had taken him away.
“I would think I deserve a proper greeting. Unless you think you’re entitled to take liberties with your Master, Countess.”
She finally dragged her eyes over her shoulder to him, jaw clenching. She wanted to bare her teeth like a trapped animal and snarl, hiss, bite. Whatever it took to get Sheev Palpatine’s blood on the floor. “Not my Master. My father’s.” She fought to keep her voice level. A deadpan stare had once been her natural state, unaffected no matter what came at her. Why was it suddenly so hard not to scream and wrap her hands around his neck? She’d never hated anyone so much as she hated the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. What an irony, that anger fueled so many Sith and she’d never been more less of one than now, when she turned her hatred on Darth Sidious himself.
“And what would your father think, if he saw you now? Weeping over a dead trooper like a child with a broken toy.” The Chancellor sneered. “What became of the proud Countess? Or the ruthless Darth Caedes. You’ve proven yourself more than capable, just to become this?” 
“What does it matter what he thinks?” She swallowed hard. 
“He has a habit of asking me about your welfare.” Palpatine stepped even with her, looking dispassionately down at the dead man. “It’s quite annoying.”
She scoffed, reaching over to fold Fives’ hands over his waist carefully. His fingers were still pliable, rigor mortis not yet set in. Still, they were cold. Her sunshine, cold… it made her want to climb up on the table and be dropped into the cremator with him. Maybe she’d finally be warm enough at the end. “You chose him. You came to our home to drag him to the Dark Side.”
“And you followed willingly. There’s blood on your hands just like his, and mine.” Palpatine gave her an appraising look. “Don’t tell me you’ve suddenly lost your nerve, over a traitorous clone.” 
“He wasn’t a traitor!” She snapped before she could stop herself. Her voice echoed around the empty morgue, rattling off sterile metal. “He was the most loyal man I’ve ever known! The kindest, the bravest!” 
“He tried to kill me.” Palpatine rolled his eyes. 
“Then you should have died!” She clenched her fists. “Could you leave me nothing?! Isn't it enough you took my Father? I was six years old, and you stole him from me and left a cruel Master in his place. Now you take Fives, and expect me to pretend he didn’t matter?!” 
She was snatched by her wrist by the elder Sith, forced to her knees as fury bloomed in his eyes. “Do not mistake my leniency with you for permission. I’ve suffered through your insolence long enough.” He snarled. “There are apprentices with far more promise than you that I’ve killed for daring to speak to me with half that cheek.” 
Kya didn’t care. “Then do it. Lightning, lightsaber, whatever it takes. Send me to my mother and Fives.” She challenged, snatching her hand out of his grip. When the punishment didn’t come, she narrowed her eyes. It didn’t make sense…. She hadn’t been seen coming here, she knew she hadn’t. She’d been here too long and access had been forbidden to give credibility to the idea that Fives had some kind of mild-altering virus. A lightsaber wound would cast suspicion on the Jedi, something Palpatine would want…. “You can’t do it.” She breathed. “You need me.” 
“You give yourself too much praise, girl. You’re a decent assassin and spy, nothing more.”
She pursed her lips. “You’ve been in the Senate, with more knowledge of goings-on than I had… you didn’t need a spy. You were keeping me close as a bargaining chip against my Father, weren’t you. He’s funding your war for you.” 
It all made perfect sense now. She was a cog in the wheel of manipulation, her training one part of a long-term plan to bring the entire galaxy to its knees. Kya had to give him credit, Sheev Palpatine was disgustingly intelligent. 
“I”m beginning to wonder if you’re worth the effort, or if I shouldn’t just kill you and have the Kaminoans clone another one. A quieter one. I’m sure an infant version would keep the Count more loyal than a mouthy little-”
“Just get out.” She climbed to her feet and turned back to her dearest, darling, dead clone. “You’ve got everything you need to win, no matter how the war goes. The money, the power, the Jedi backed into a corner. Take the galaxy. Just let me grieve my little part of it you’ve already destroyed.”
He stared at her profile for a long moment, considering her in her entirely. She wore no makeup, sweat on her pale blue brow. Her shoulders slumped, defeated, as she held herself up over the edge of the morgue slab. Her hair was a tangled mess from a pell-mell dash across half the city sector, trying to get to Fives when he’d called her half-coherent. She’d made out “Tup… dead… it’s in our heads… cyar’ika, I need you… 79’s…” 
Her clothes, a rumpled knee-length dress with breeches and flats, had been what she’d been wearing at her apartment as she finished making Zara’s recipe for muffins. There was even a flour smudge on her front, since she kept forgetting to buy an apron. Fives had been supposed to be back sooner, but he’d said he was detouring to Kamino because something was wrong with Tup. He’d tell her when he got home what happened, he always did…. Even with all the evidence of the hardest day of her life, she was a pretty girl. Tall, fit, with large gold eyes and a silent strength that could even get her to stand up to him.
“You make no sense to me.” He finally muttered. “You’re a decent looking young woman, an heiress to a vast fortune with breeding and education. And you’re no stranger to war or death. I don’t understand why you would fall apart over a clone?” 
“Of course you don’t.” She said tiredly. “If you did, none of this would have happened.” 
A Sith Master could never understand. If they knew love like this, how could they bear to destroy it? 
He just shook his head as she leaned over a little further, touching the trooper’s cheek softly. “Just come when you’re called, you insolent brat. Your father’s affections for you may be in question, but yours for him are not.”
“Fine.” She smoothed her thumb over Five’s cheekbone. He didn’t even look like himself with his head shaved, in unpainted white armor. “Just get out.”
Palpatine seemed bored watching her broken heart bleed, and walked out with a slam of the metal door. Once he was gone and the echoes had faded, Kya finally dropped her head against his motionless shoulder. “I’m sorry.” She rasped, tears dripping from her cheeks. “I didn’t get there in time. I didn’t save you. You saved me and I couldn’t save you. I’m so sorry, Fives…” 
He’d be with his twin, Echo, now. He’d be happy in whatever afterlife the Force afforded clones. She hoped it was a beautiful one, and that he didn’t hate her too much for lying to him. 
When her fingers grasped his chestplate, trying to convey one final act of love before she gave up on anything worth living for and sank into the darkness her father had chosen as her inheritance, there was a faint gasp by her ear. Kya snatched her head up. 
The empty, blank face she’d been staring at for well over an hour was just as pale, but his brows were pinched together. Slowly she flicked her hand up, the rolling cart of tools waiting for Fives’ autopsy in the morning rolling to her. She plucked a bone saw up, shuddering at the touch of the cold metal, and placed the dull back of it under Fives’ nose. A tiny mist of fog appeared on the stainless durasteel. 
A breath. 
“Fives?” Kya’s breath shuddered out in a rush. He was alive. 
She had to get him out of here. 
***Fresh poison each week***
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and-d3stroyitx · 15 days
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Hai hai wassup tumblr
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I’m like really tired and like UGH. I just feel like super sick rn and lowkey very mentally ill. But it’s okay because I have so much to look forward to and so much that I’m grateful for. I have 39 days until I get to see my best friends in the whole world, and I’m so excited! Not only do I get to see my friends but I also get to see my favorite bands like my chemical romance, fall out boy, and pierce the veil. I’ve had my lows recently but I’m hoping that I can keep going so I can see my friends.
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Some song lyrics I really like rn
“Can we create something beautiful and destroy it?” - Pierce The Veil-Disaterology
“Now I hate that I need you” - Motionless In White-Another life
“I fell in love with the girl at the rock show” - Blink-182-Rock show
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Okay that’s about it bai tumblr :p
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miwnet · 10 months
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thank you to everyone who participated in motionless in white appreciation week with us! below the cut, we have compiled all of the posts made by all of you for this week — be sure to give everyone some love if you haven’t already!
this celebration week also sort of doubled as the one year anniversary of MIWNET! thank you all for the support we’ve gotten not only through this celebration week, but throughout this last year since we first started. we couldn’t do this without you. here’s to another year! ♡
not my type: dead as fuck 2 set by @ricky-olson
lyrics by album set by @heroeddiemunson
another life set by @mothellie  
assorted lyrics graphic by @watercoloredlie
voices set by @hereticstations
sign of life, synthetic love, & cause of death art by @arkquackie
assorted lyrics set by @vinmauro 
assorted lyrics set by @itconsumesyou
catharsis set by @feelingsofaithless
eternally yours art by @skyjanquest
assorted lyrics set by @skold 
lyrics by album set by @sherifftillman
reincarnate set by @heroeddiemunson
reincarnate set by @ricky-olson
disguise set by @mothellie  
disguise graphic by @feelingsofaithless
scoring the end of the world graphic by @itconsumesyou
disguise set by @hereticstations 
infamous set by @skold 
infamous and disguise art by @arkquackie 
disguise set by @vinmauro
scoring the end of the world art by @skyjanquest
america set by @ricky-olson
eternally yours set by @heroeddiemunson
assorted music videos graphic by @watercoloredlie
assorted music videos set by @skold
assorted music videos set by @itconsumesyou
assorted music videos set by @vinmauro 
thoughts & prayers music video art by @arkquackie
masterpiece music video art by @skyjanquest
assorted music videos set by @feelingsofaithless 
sign of life music video set by @sherifftillman
synthetic love live in manchester set by @heroeddiemunson
reincarnate during tteotw tour set by @heroeddiemunson
warped tour 2016 set by @ricky-olson
deadstream ii set by @itconsumesyou
dark horizon tour set by @feelingsofaithless
deadstream ii photoset by @watercoloredlie
deadstream ii art by @skyjanquest
werewolf during tteotw tour art by @arkquackie
570 at scranton apocalypse fest set by @vinmauro
ricky olson set by @ricky-olson 
chris motionless set by @heroeddiemunson
chris motionless graphic by @itconsumesyou
ricky olson graphic by @feelingsofaithless
vinny mauro set by @sherifftillman
ricky olson art by @arkquackie
chris motionless photoset by @watercoloredlie
full band art by @skyjanquest
vinny mauro set by @vinmauro
justin morrow set by @skold 
+ purple set by @heroeddiemunson
+ teal set by @itconsumesyou
+ red photos/graphic by @watercoloredlie
+ red art by @arkquackie
+ rainbow (voices music video) set by @vinmauro
+ purple set by @feelingsofaithless
+ purple art by @skyjanquest 
miw + jojo’s bizarre adventure set by @heroeddiemunson
miw iphone lockscreens by @itconsumesyou
chris, ryan, & justin cyberhex art by @arkquackie
vampire chris art by @skyjanquest
feral mode playlist set by @vinmauro
miw + in this moment graphic by @feelingsofaithless
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kawaiigirly21 · 4 months
I definitely know Natasha's favorite song is Another Life by Motionless in White
I also know that it hurts her to listen to the song because Ares introduced her to the band
She always felt connected to the song because the lyrics hit her in a spot she didn't know she had
To get her mind off things, Hermes invites her to his track meets
Apollo and Hyacinth like to have her at their photoshoots for the high fashion magazines they pose for
Dionysus had her as a taste tester for his wine brand while they gossiped about Aphrodite and Ares
Hephaestus taught her iron welding in his workshop and she made her own sword from damascus steel
Hera and Zeus we're overjoyed to have her around in their little villa while they enjoyed retirement
There the three shared their favorite memories with the family
Heron and Seraphim both took her to their favorite band concert's respectively
While Heron was a fan of calmer indie music, Seraphim was into hardcore metal
Athena, Artemis, Hestia and Demeter scheduled a spa day which ended at a shooting range
Poseidon took her out to sea where they went whale watching and settled on a very suspiciously romantic dinner afterwards (wink wink)😜😜
There was only once or twice Natasha ran into Ares and Aphrodite
She barely acknowledged the boxer and makeup brand spokeswoman
At some point, Hades and Persephone take Natasha to see a movie called The Condemned and the ending song Savin Me by Nickelback becomes her new favorite song because it reminds her of the special times she spent with her family who saved her from that dark place she was in
Ares reached out a little more often than she had liked begging for her forgiveness and another chance at being her husband since their divorce a few years prior
He wasn't Natasha's first love but he was her first husband. She's reluctant to forgive him. Maybe she will but not in this century or millennia
Not when she recently discovered Poseidon was vying for her attention 🤭🥰
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zeroducks-2 · 7 months
To the anon who sent their sladin song recs to you - first of all, how dare u have such accurate taste in music. Second of all, zero I’m curious now.
What song recs do u have for ur fave saucy ships?
I agree, the other anon has impeccable taste. I especially am being feral for Bruno is Orange. But thank you for asking Anon ♥ Here's the abridged versions of my OTP playlists (with handy links for easy listening if anyone is interested!)
Mr.Kitty - After Dark Coldplay & The Chainsmokers - Something Just Like This Franz Ferdinand - Walk Away Alice Cooper - Poison alt-J - Tessellate Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know? Arctic Monkeys - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? Lady Gaga - Sinner's Prayer Kavinsky - Nightcall Passenger - Let Her Go Mumford & Sons - White Blank Page Chris Isaak - Wicked Game George Ezra - Hold My Girl
Apparat - Goodbye Besomorph ft. Rielle - Scream Nightwish - Feel For You The Bravery - Hatefuck MISSIO - Sing To Me MISSIO - I See You Gorillaz - El Mañana (acoustic version with changed lyrics) Meg Myers - Desire Of Monsters And Men - Wolves Without Teeth Foo Fighters - Everlong (acoustic version with changed lyrics) Motionless In White - Another Life Mumford & Sons - I Will Wait Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Possess Your Heart (taken directly from Joshua Williamson's Eobarry playlist!)*
*by the way folks. Have you ever felt awkward for creating a playlist for your blorbos, or maybe for your favorite ships? Maybe you even felt cringe about it...? Well rejoice for Joshua Williamson, one of the writers for Flash comics, created an Eobarry playlist and used the song titles as titles for the chapters of one of his arcs, Running Scared, shamelessly and right under the nose of the editorials!
Therefore, BONUS! Joshua Williamson's Eobarry playlist for who's interested ♥
Roy Orbison - Running Scared Lionel Richie - Hello The Beatles - Run For Your Life The Police - Every Breath You Take Blondie - One Way Or Another Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Possess Your Heart
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inkykeiji · 5 months
IT WORKS NOW eeeee yay thank you so much!!!!! this made me so emotional (in a good way!)!! i just cannot tell you how honoured i am that you did this for one of my stories like.....i genuinely don’t even have the words to describe how incredible that is and how lucky i am to have you here with me. thank you so much for sharing this with me, i will cherish it so very much ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
my thoughts on each song beneath the cut!!!
family tree - ethel cain
i totally see what you’re saying here!!! ugh god i love ethel cain so much, her music is just so perfect for so much of my work in terms of vibes and atmosphere yk what i mean??? so i was so glad to see that u included her here!!
demolition lovers - mcr
there’s a dozen reasons in this gun has got to be one of my favourite lyrics ever, wow!!! but also, i loved the whole last minute or so of this song!! i know that’s where the lyrics you selected are from, but i just feel like that entire final verse describes the trajectory of dabi and reader’s relationship??? from their first meeting to that last scene with keigo in the hospital.
i would die for you - in this moment
okay, YES. yes, i completely get what you mean LMAO. just that ravenous, all-consuming, downright obsessive love, us against the world type, those who continuously swallow each other whole just to spit them back out again and repeat the entire process. loved it so much <33 VERY dabi x reader!!!
voodoo doll - the funeral portrait
oof okay this song hit so hard it made me sob. as i’ve said before, tag you’re it is a very personal story to me, having grown up with and lived with (and been parented by) addicts for my entire life. because, honestly, addiction doesn’t just hurt the user, it hurts everyone who cares about the user, too. i’m not gonna go too deep into that but i loved everything you had to say about this song and i agree with you one million percent, you hit the nail right on the head!!!
life vest - the material
okay let me just take a moment to bask in the fact that the motel scenes are your favourite because i worked SO insanely hard on those scenes LMAO <3 two bodies with one beating heart oh i love love love this. but yeah!!! at that moment in the story especially, dabi is her life vest; for the majority of their time there (right up until the end) he discards his manipulation and casts off his selfishness and allows himself to just be with her, to be there for her, for completely selfless reasons, because he truly does love her. it is a crucial point in their relationship!
tears don’t fall - bullet for my valentine
ooooh yes okay!!! one of the lyrics that really stuck out to me in this song is there’s always something different going wrong / the path i walk’s in the wrong direction because it feels very keigo, especially since he was the golden boy who fell from grace, essentially. adding onto your selection of lyrics, the her conscience calls the guilty to come home also kind of reminded me of the guilt reader feels for leaving keigo, and how that guilt kind of repeatedly calls for her to come back to him, sometimes in the form of keigo himself.
everybody sells cocaine - motionless in white
holy fuck i LOVED this song!!! and you’re SO right, btw!!! dabi is constantly tempting keigo, taunting keigo, ‘testing’ keigo in the most twisted, unfair ways ever. i don’t even have anything to add, i just agree with you wholeheartedly.
jupiter - flower face
omg yes this is VERY dabi x reader during their budding relationship in part one especially. also, these silly games we play / stupid ways to make you stay / my heart’s split open on display / i can’t wait another day pretty much encompasses them fully <33 also also, rly loved the lyric it must be holy to feel something so pure makes me think of dabi as he initially starts to truly fall in love with her—real, pure, sincere! okay i just got to the end of the song and tbh, i think there’s even an argument to be made here for part two as well, and the way their relationship progresses, the concept of home, etc.
luna - wisp
feeling u hardcore on the chest aching with this song. it’s just the melody, you know??? it feels so infused with raw emotion. this one also kind of reminds me of the sex scene in part one AHAHAHA but that’s more due to how hazy and fragmented reader is <3
bottles - the material
oh yeah, for sure! alcoholism is still substance abuse, and it is still addiction. oof this is another one that made me like, super emotional. just rly struck a chord!! i love everything you’ve pointed out here, and i also love how the chorus (in particular the lyrics those bottles are everywhere / and i can’t be everywhere / to keep them from you) reminds me so much of how reader feels towards keigo’s addiction for the majority of the series; she so desperately wishes to save him from himself, she so desperately wants to help, to be useful, but she truly cannot be everywhere cataloging all of his actions all of the time
aaaah WOW sleepy!!!! incredible playlist, thank you again for sharing it with me and the rest of us here on inkykeiji!!! your selection of songs and the order in which you curated them was just genius, i am so blessed to be able to experience this <333
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i-sveikata · 5 months
I saw you decided on the title song 😁 I was listening to it on repeat a few months ago 😄 I wonder tho if these lyrics are connected to Pete or Vegas. Or maybe just a general expression for this chapter?
I always try to think which of the boys would feel that way or say this to each other. The problem is, most of these are fitting both of them lol.
Although "Can you talk me of the ledge again?" reminds me so much of Vegas suicidal tendencies. Also Vegas is the one who would beg Pete to stay. But I think inside Pete begged Vegas to not leave him alone with all this.
Anyway. I'm so ready for the new chapter!!
Also I recommend you to listen to Another Life by Motionless In White.
This one is living rent free in my head and can be both narrated by Vegas or Pete but I lean towards Pete more. I won't copy any lyrics here cause I would paste all of it 🤣 There is so much to say! The ending of the song could be a point you mentions where Pete realizes he doesn't hate that he needs Vegas as well ❤️‍🩹
Hope you are doing well 😌
Hello!! Yes!! I totally get it it’s an amazing song and I’ve been replaying it a lot since I saw them in concert recently (they were incredible). That’s defs the song and the lyrics are definitely connected to Vegas and his headspace at the moment which in hindsight seems funny considering the chap is from Pete’s pov hahahahh. But let’s be fair Pete is pretty worried about his mental state atm (and there are defs discussions of that with his grandma including his suicidal tendencies like it hasn’t fully been talked about between the two of them beside that moment at the pool but what Vegas nearly did to himself really shook Pete up and needs to be addressed between them)
Yeah a lot of the songs are interchangeable so i can get how it’d be hard to figure out who it’s about- and even harder cause if for example the song might cover Pete’s pov the lyrics are usually about Vegas 😂 but yeah this one is defs about Vegas’ mental state poor guy ☺️
Ah yay thank you I’ll give it a listen!! Oooh that’s sounds interesting!! I will pay attention to the lyrics as I go then! I am thanks so happy it’s Friday!! Hope you’re doing great too!!
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guillotinna · 2 years
Angsty songs that are GhostSoap and the lyrics that makes me think that:
Iris - goo goo dolls
"I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't think they'd understand. When everything's meant to be broken, I just want you to know who I am"
Another life - motionless in white
"I hate that it seemed you were never enough. We were broken and bleeding but never gave up. And I hate that I made you the enemy. And I hate that your heart was the casualty. Now I hate that I need you"
Mercy - Shawn Mendes
"I'm prepared to sacrifice my life, I would gladly do it twice
Oh, please have mercy on me. Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me, You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy on me?"
Heartless - The Weeknd
"I lost my heart and my mind. I try to always do right. I thought I lost you this time. You just came back in my life. You never gave up on me
I'll never know what you see. I don't do well when alone"
Two Birds - Regina Spektor
"Two birds of a feather. Say that they're always gonna stay together
But one's never going to let go of that wire. He says that he will, but he's just a liar"
How to Save a Life - The Fray
"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend. Somewhere along in the bitterness. And I would have stayed up with you all night. Had I known how to save a life"
The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives
"The Moon will sing a song for me. I loved you like the Sun. Bore the shadows that you made. With no light of my own. I shine only with the light you gave me"
Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey
"I think I'll miss you forever. Like the stars miss the Sun in the morning skies. Laters better than never. Even if you're gone, I'm gonna drive"
Angel With a Shotgun - The Cab
"I'm an angel with a shotgun. Fighting till the war's won. I don't care if heaven won't take me back. I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe. Don't you know you're everything I have?
And I want to live, not just survive, tonight"
Ziptie - Julien Baker
"Someone's got my head in the slums. And everything I do makes it worse. Human nature, call it a curse. Tired of collecting the scars
And stories and the parties and bars. Trying to find a reason to fight
But someone’s got my head in a ziptie"
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
"No fair. You really know how to make me cry. When you gimme those ocean eyes. I'm scared. I've never fallen from quite this high. Falling into your ocean eyes"
Work Song - Hozier
"I didn't care much how long I lived. But I swear I thought I dreamed her. She never asked me once about the wrong I did. When my time comes around. Lay me gently in the cold dark earth. No grave can hold my body down. I'll crawl home to her"
Gilded Lily - Cults
"Haven't I given enough, given enough?. Always the fool with the slowest heart. But I know you'll take me with you. I know I'll take you with me"
I'm Yours - Isabel LaRosa
"Nervous, trip over my words. You're so pretty it hurts. Baby, I'm yours, Baby, I'm yours, Baby, I'm yours. I need something more. I'll pray to the Lord That, baby, I'm yours"
Soldier - Trixie Mattel
"Don't look down the barrel with an arrow And a bow. Dressed down in apparel With camouflage from head to toe. With everything so sterile in a heavy monotone. Oh soldier, you gotta let things go."
Until I found you - Steven Sanchez
"I would never fall in love again until I found her. I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into. I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her. I found you"
Tears over beers - modern baseball
"He needed more than me. I'm friendly and thoughtful and quite awfully pretty but he needed more than me"
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miwtual · 6 months
kaiiii i've come to report back about motionless in white 🫡 scoring the end of the world is my fave album so far, but i've also been listening to disguise and reincarnate while painting the house this week! my current top tracks are red, white & boom, werewolf, cause of death, we become the night and another life. i'm not usually a lyrics girlie (gn) at all, but both cause of death and red, white & boom have some lines that made me stop and put my paintbrush down aksjakl
omg!! so exciting <33 cause of death and red white & boom are some underrated bangers!!!!!!! excited to hear u like them <3 ALSO WE BECOME THE NIGHT MENTION!!!!!!!! that one tends to be more underrated compared to other songs so im so happy to know u like it too!!!!!!!!
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An Ask Game based on Lyrics from Various Songs and Artists that Make Me Unhinged!
As always, practice reblog karma <3
"I don't deserve you / You deserve the world / Though it feels like we were built from the same dirt..." (Your Sister Was Right by Wilbur Soot): What was something your f/o did that amazed you?
"For what it's worth / There's no more looking back it's looking up or looking down!" (BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA by Will Wood): What sort of advice would your f/o give? Are they good at giving advice or awkward?
"If I could, I'd be your little spoon / And kiss your fingers forevermore" (Your Best American Girl by Mitski): Describe the strangest cuddling position you and your f/o have woken up in/done!
"It's okay if you can't catch your breath / You can take the oxygen straight out of my chest" (Two by Sleeping At Last): How far would you go for your f/o's happiness/comfort?
"I will be kind and I'll be sweet / If you stop staring straight through me" (Ghosting by Mother Mother): What do you think would happen if you and your f/o went through a haunted house attraction? Would they be scared or would you be the one scared?
"You are coming down with me / Hand in unlovable hand!" (No Children by The Mountain Goats): If your f/o has any enemies, how do you act around them? If they don't, how do you act towards people who have hurt/wronged them?
"History will hate us / But they'll never forget our names!" (Hit and Run by LOLO): Criminal AU time! Describe it in as much detail as you want!!
"I don't hate that I need you..." (Another Life by Motionless in White): Which one of you is more needy in the dynamic?
"I swear that I'll be yours forever / Til forever falls apart" (Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS): What does your f/o want the future to be with you? Do they have any specific goal they want for the two (or more <3) of you?
"Depollute me, pretty baby / Suck the rot right out of my bloodstream..." (We'll Never Have Sex by Leith Ross): First kisses and first time falling asleep together is nice...but what about the first time they held your face in their hands? Did they do the little thumb stroke on your cheek? Gush on!
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lemonberyy · 11 months
while im here actually. art dump
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bloodswap human Calliope, one with makeup and one without. because i CAN suckers. isn't she silly? And a little ominous? A touch murder-y?
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this one is her cherubic design! i put a lot of thought into the references i can make with her outfit. Namely though, I wanted to kind of make it look like a complete mish-mash of several inspirations from LE, haute couture, alt callie, and a few other bloodswap designs I'm familiar with. She's the LADY OF SPACE! Referred to as Her Grace of Space. The Goddess of Vast Light. She isn't exactly going to be subdued in her look. She wants everyone to look upon her with immediate recognition, and following it will be fear.
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This one I JUST finished. Like last night at eleven pm just finished. Rendering my beloathed... This is inspired by song lyrics from Circle With Me by Spiritbox and Cyberhex by Motionless In White. I really like the idea of the imagery of Callie consuming the Green Sun. It's striking!
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this is calamity in fantasystuck. she in fact compl abhors this dress . No cheek nonsense because TECHNICALLY she's dragonborn but i cannot draw dragons. I have one setting. It's cherubim.
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this one is from a post canon au. i have a bazillion words as to how caliborn is on earth c it's all headcanon but it's all good and silly and he is Short and she is Tall (i also have a bazillion words for why Callie is able to start maturing properly post canon)
you know what, past me? this is my post! im gonna put all two-bazillion words on here actually. what am i thinking hehe? my post is a place for my words. silly joan!
So, for why Caliborn is on Earth-C. I honestly had fun rationalising this one!
For one, Caliborn is very, very cold. Another thing is that- I don't think cherubim were meant to go into black holes. I'm pretty sure that, while yes they mate near them, I don't think they fall in. It's something I feel is just something that doesn't happen. So cal being trapped within one is notable. But, we aren't talking about Caliborn being trapped! We're talking about him getting out.
Honestly if he were to tell it, he'd say he "FOUGHT TO GET OUT." or something. But the truth is he fractures,* his young body is rejected and he falls out. He retains only the passive effects of his godtier, like an understanding of timelines and being able to traverse them. But he has no control in this state.
*What do I mean by this? I basically think that he and le are seperate entities. In a lot of ways they literally are! Le is a combination of several souls and abilities and powers. He kinda reminds me of how the Condesce can learn all caste abilities. Caliborn has the abilities and knowledge of several godtiers including his own complete mastery of time. So, when Caliborn falls out and onto Earth-C, it's just a fraction of his soul and body. He's young again because it's a portion of his (falsely) mature body and he's very weak because it's only a portion of his soul. The rest is in the black hole. And due to some fuckery, he can feel it too. It's cold. He's constantly dizzy and disoriented. He is especially unnerved by this because cherubim are... this incredible species. He feels sick without context for what illness feels like. It's a pretty terrible experience for him but he's at least well enough to still be terrible to everyone.
Now for Callie. Honestly this is one is more simple. Her life ring fills her body with the very force of life! She may not have predominated, but she is full to bursting of more than enough energy for her body to age correctly. She can grow wings, become much taller, and toned. She doesn't really understand it yet but she really likes walks and runs because it's her body telling her to exercise and maintain her muscle mass.
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alt callie...... 🥰 that's all send tweet
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this is a magical girl au. one with her soul gem and one without. i have a bazillion words on all the symbolism here actually. For one I made her wish to be beautiful, which is why her face and everything is very Pretty and Sculpted and Lovely. Secondly though. Her soul gem, the space symbol in her birthmark, is a whole thing. She thinks her birth mark is a blemish on her looks, and seeing it not only A) remain after her wish and B) be her weakest point in a battle felt kinda like a slap in the face. (However it couldn't be erased because she Does like it. She just doesn't quite realise that). ALSO the space-looking symbol behind her? It's not Space! It's void, but she's FILLING IN THE SPACE... it's also Roxy's pink! They r soon to be dating... fills the void in her heart? Eh? Eeh?
anyways. uhhh homestuck cherubim are ok i guess
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mysorokuheart · 2 years
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In honor of 50 followers
thank you to all that follows this blog!
Have some SoRoku Angst for the 2nd day of the year while I have to go to the physiatrist today 🥺👀❤️
Use of song lyrics from “another life” by motionless in white who I recommend because their lyrics are fire 🔥
From Roxas’s pov Sora had been chasing Roxas around from world to world after an argument with Roxas struggling with life & his past. Roxas’s words cause Sora to tear up.
@starrattlerofprydain @skytsunrose @eradicatetehnormal @alphascorpiixx @kingphilipi @yume127 @jun-valentine @mewsomniac @paopubell @phoenix-yawning-fool @twilight-blaze
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I've seen Motionless live many times, and I definitely love their vibe. They really put on a show. You would NOT be disappointed at all. I promise you. Heres some song recs if you're interested.
Motionless song recs:
"</c0de>", "Rats", "Eternally Yours" (watch the mv for this, you will not be disappointed), "Headache" , "Sign of Life" , and "Cause of Death". There's so many more, but those a great place to start. I love Chris Motionless. I have a funny story about one Warped Tour which was my first one with my sister and omfg. If you wanna hear it let me know. It's so funny to me now lmfao.
I love Amity but I know they're not for everyone. I know the lead singer, we talked a few times. 🤭But, listen to their song "I Bring The Weather With Me" and "Drag the Lake" . Those are two of my favorites of all time.
BESTIE I LOVE THOSE SHIRTS!!!!! OH MY GOD! I will never NOT be astounded by the shit people can make. I'm so not creative. My sister is a fucking Martha Stewart ass bitch who can make anything. It's so crazy to me the things people can create 😭😭😭 THE GUCCI ONE! YASSSSS GAGA!!!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
wait ARE YOU EXTROVERTED TOO?!!?! SHUT UP I am always so afraid that I'm "too much" too soon and i'm like GOD I HAVE DONE IT AGAIN. 😭😭😭😭😭 LIKE NOW, I'M LIKE OMFG THIS IS TOO MUCH SHUT UP BITCH. lmfaoooooooooo
dang you really pr-ed motionless in white to me AHAHA ok anyway have a love letter <3
: i like it lyrically, reminds me of in the end by black veil brides because of the melodic progression in the chorus, i like the feel alone part by 3:17 and the lets get this fire started by 3:27. i like the end part too.
Rats: the beginning synths sounds like something i'd do on my digital audio workstation where i make music lol. i like this more than the first one because there are more musical elements. i also like the ending of this one
Eternally Yours: from the intro i immediately i knew i was gonna like this one. the chorus is so emo HAHHAHHHAH love that for them AHHAAHAH. ok i forgot to watch the mv imm a watch it now. immediate thought their drummer is hot T_T RIP at this point i have no idea if i actually find drummers attractive if theyre attractive or if they're drummers (i have a thing for drummers) T_T 3:05 🧍‍♀️ is that the lead guy in the bun??? that must be why his bob is so thin thought he wa going bald T_T HAHA. so they just boutta get freaky in a casket. //: ok. if he doesnt want me in my casket then i dont want him. random addition: i pressed another vid after, angel eyes by new years day ITS COOL AND HOT TOO LOL
Headache: i like this one too because of the .... chromatic scale (it goes up half a note). wAIT I REALLY LIKE THIS. i like this the most i think
Sign of Life: this one is good. ngl the emo pronunciation T_T had i not seen the lyrics i would have sorely misunderstood
Cause of Death: interesting beginning. WE LOVE HALFTIME. i love all the parts that was got faster. also the cinematic part with the violin slay. i like the lyrics too!! i think i like this album too
I Bring The Weather With Me cHURCH BELLS AND RAIN WE LOVE FOLEY omg the intro is that an organ>??? slay i love the scream with the background vocals. i like THIS SONG TOO!!! i like the final ill sleep with the stars then silence. THEN TH ENDING WITH THE BELLLS SLAAAYY
Drag the Lake: i like this one too but in like a .... its a rock song kind of way AHHAHAHAHAH lsafhl'ashfasf i like the part were its soft with piano and atmosphere then it get heavier.
im glad you like my shirts!!!! im really excited to make the other ones. my mom likes them too, which is a great indication cos my mom has high standards and doesnt like a lot of things that i do because it's neophyte or basic. i was surprised that she really liked the gucci one and said she would pay for it cos she doesnt like adam driver 💀💀💀 the slander this man has gotten from my mother T_T she said she didnt like the font of the daemon one and i was like ok and? HAHAH LOL.
im not sure why you used martha stewart as an example, is it because martha's a cook and your sister cooks too, or that martha is an all around entrepreneur and so is your sis, but either way, slay for your sister.
i dont think im extraverted T_T im more of an extraverted introvert, or a learned/forced extrovert. i used to be really quiet but then i would be alone T_T and i dont like being alone, so i kind of forced myself to be more outgoing. also, idk, i think about my place in the world like... nothing really matters so i just do what i want LOL and i mention this because i talked to someone on the train just cuz. thats more on impulse than extraversion methinks.
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