#m! Robin x mc
txemrn · 1 year
Somewhere Else
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Book: The Nanny Affair, Book 3
Word Count: ~4730 (I haven't written TNA in a loooong time... I had a lot to say)
Song Inspo: "Paris" by Taylor Swift
Summary: Brynn (MC) reminisces about her whirlwind of a wedding day that was filled with jitters and professions of love.
Warning: a little language; fluff; bits of angst
AN: This is my submission for @moodmusicmonday's the Luck of the Draw! I'm not exactly a Swiftie, but this was so much fun, gleaning inspo from a song I otherwise would never have known! Thank you to whoever sent it, and to my amazing counter-part @sfb123 (who... I don't know if y'all know this, but she has been running MMM for most--if not all--of 2023): thank you for hosting this event, sister! You did a GREAT job!
A/N 2: These characters, some of the plot and even some of the dialogue belong to our friends at Pixelberry! Not truly preread or beta'd, so please excuse my errors!
"... tonight on ET, we have the wedding exclusive of billionaire bachelor Samuel Dalton and his nanny-turned-fiancée Brynn Schuyler–"
The glow of the screen flickers to black before hosting a new picture.
"... I'm here with the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Dalton. Seeing your son at the altar like that, tell us –"
 The soft click of a button changes to another channel.
"...the two are pictured here before they scurried off to an undisclosed location, some believe they are still here in Mexico–"
He turns off the television before tossing the remote onto the coffee table in our suite.  He pulls his phone out of his pocket, running an anxious hand through his thick, chestnut waves. No doubt, he's staring at dozens of missed calls and unanswered texts. 
I don't know if it was the turning of the bathroom doorknob, or if he could hear my nervous, labored breathing, but he abruptly stops, dropping his phone as he fixes his hungry gaze to me. A crooked smile forms as he devours me with his dark eyes, the flecks of copper reflecting in the candlelight.
Butterflies evade my belly as I stand before him, wearing nothing but the white shirt from his tux. I fidget with the cuffs of the long sleeves as they keep falling past my hands. I can feel him watching my body, an innocent awe etching across his face.
"I hope you don't mind me borrowing your shirt." I blush, averting my eyes as the oversized cotton material slouches off of my sunkissed shoulder, exposing my bare skin.  "I don't exactly have anything else–"
"It's perfect," he croons softly. He stalks closer to me, his hands finding mine. "You really think I wanted to see you a moment longer in that dress?" He chuckles, the warmth in his tone exhilarating my senses.
We fall into a comfortable silence, our eyes locked on one another. 
We're finally here.
Him. And me. Forever.
Earlier that day
“...So as I look to our… to our–” I pause from my neurotic pacing, glancing down at my notes before quickly darting my eyes away once again.  I wrote my wedding vows weeks ago, and had no problem memorizing them. But something about today… something is freaking me out.
“So as I look to our future, I vow to… I vow to, um… Damnit!”  I hold up my vows again, but with my clumsy, nervous fingers, I accidentally drop the index cards. “Shit! Shit!”  I try to catch them as each one floats into various directions all over the floor, some of them finding their way underneath the furniture of my bridal dressing room suite.  With a heavy sigh, I crawl on my knees, attempting to reach the ones that fell under the coffee table. 
“Happy wedding day–!”
I jump.  The sudden chirp of my best friend's voice causes the back of my skull to meet the glass table with an abrupt thud followed by a tearful groan. "Ow!"  I fall forward, my face finding the ornate rug as my fingers shield my now-aching head.
"Brynn!" Jenny panics, seeing my body now splayed on the floor. Aditya helps me up, assisting me to a nearby chaise lounge.  Marisol fills a tea towel with ice before applying it to the back of my head with care. Jenny plops down next to me, biting her nail in worry. "What were you doing down there?"
I force a cordial smile, holding up a single note card. "Vows," I mutter, the small gesture making me wince from the surge of pain.
"Ahh! Your vows!" Jenny squeals at a higher decibel than normal. "You're finally a blushing bride!  Can you believe it?"
"I… I can't believe it." My eyes widen in shock. I'm trying to match my best friend's enthusiasm, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm missing the bride gene. You know; the one that makes you giggle like a schoolgirl  at even the dumbest jokes and cry happy, pretty tears at everything bridal.
 Me? I think I'm about to hurl.
Jenny grabs my hand, admiring my engagement ring yet again.  I blame her pregnancy hormones, and her desire to be locked down with someone.  No doubt, she'd prefer Aditya, but at this point, I think she'll take anyone.
"Mrs. Samuel J. Dalton," Jenny singsongs, letting go of my fingers. She clasps her hands dreamily with a far-off daze in her bronze eyes.
I stare back down at the heavy rock on my finger, my arm growing fatigue under its weight. The glint from the sun catches the cut diamond just right, casting blinding fractals in my eyes. I hiss from the abrupt intrusion of bright light to my vision.
Mrs. Samuel J. Dalton, I repeat to myself.  "I'm… I'm getting married," I state matter-of-factly as a catch my reflection in the floor-length mirror. "I'm… getting…" my voice becomes softer, more hoarse as I stand to look closer at myself. "I'm marrying Sam Dalton…" I can't seem to catch my breath as I watch my bridal party pop open a bottle of chilled champagne–and a bottle of sparkling grape juice. My voice grows louder, anxious. And terrified. "I'm marrying Sam Dalton… today!"
"Yes!" Jenny celebrates passing me a flute, "isn't this awesome?" She cheers with my glass before I watch the others lift their drinks in my honor. And everyone seems to freeze, staring at me to say something. 
Truth is… I have no words. Oh God, what is happening?
"It's… awesome," I choke out, hoping my bright smile will convince them. And convince me. I quickly down the entire glass.
“I’m so excited for you and Sam," Jenny continues to gloat.
"Me and Sam." I take a deep cleansing breath. Right. Eye on the prize, Brynn. Me and Sam. It's just you and Sam. It's just you… and…
“So how’re you holding up?" Marisol takes a seat on a couch, crossing her legs nonchalantly. "I remember I was an absolute wreck at my wedding. Any pre-wedding jitters?”
Jenny chuckles, waving her hand in the air as if the mention of nerves is preposterous. "Jitters? This gal has been dreaming about this day since she met the hottie."
Aditya snickers. He saunters up close to Jenny, wrapping his arms around her waist before taking a sip of his bubbly drink.
I glance around the room, everyone's attention stuck on me. Damnit, I know I'm the bride and today is about me.  But does everyone have to be staring at me like that, like I've given them a new hope in love, that love does conquer all, that Sam and I are their new favorite fairy tale? 
"Right, Brynn?" Jenny prompts when I stay silent, nodding her head.
“I… feel like I’ve never been more ready for anything." I take a deep cleansing breath before curling my lips into a bright grin.  "No jitters. No doubts.”
Jenny claps her hands, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Then let’s get you to the altar–starting with your dress!”
The dress… my wedding dress… right…
My cell phone rings, the chime breaking us both from the haze of the day.  I had put it on Do Not Disturb when we left the ceremony, save for a few numbers. I had a sneaking suspicion of who it was.
And I don't care.
He smirks, nodding over his shoulder. "You gonna get that?"
I step forward, sliding my hands up the firm planes of his chest until I intertwine my fingers behind his neck. I shake my head. "Nothing could be more important than being here with you, being us."
Slipping his arms around my waist, he tenderly presses his forehead to mine. He nuzzles his nose flesh to my skin, eliciting a soft moan from my lips. His mouth is a breath away from discovering my own… when my phone rings again.
He smirks, chuckling at the annoyance and slightly pulling away.
"Damnit," I mutter.
He kisses my temple. "Go ahead," he encourages, "it'll be like ripping off a band-aid." He teasingly spanks my ass.  "And then I'll kiss it and make it better."
“Promise?” I snicker, enjoying his hands on me, but reality quickly sets in. My eyes flutter close as my heart begins to pound like a drum in my chest. Just face the music… 
I walk over to grab my phone, peering at the screen.  I cinch my eyes closed again before swiping to answer the call.
"Oh, thank God!" Jenny shouts through my speaker. "When you weren't answering, I just assumed the worst–"
"Jenny, I–"
"You guys just left," she nervously titters, "no goodbyes or anything. We went to your room, and–"
"Listen, I can't stay long. But everything is okay. Better, actually. And we're safe. We found another place to stay... You know? Get away from the chaos and the press." I chew on the inside of my mouth. "Can you… tell Moma that?"
"Yeah, of course, but Brynny… are you–"
"Jenny, stop. I promise, I will tell you everything when we get back from our trip. Okay?"  My best friend doesn't respond right away, and I'm not sure if my answers satisfy her genuine curiosity.
"I… I just want to make sure you're happy."
I look at the beautiful man sitting on the edge of the bed, resting his elbows on his knees. And suddenly, I am overwhelmed with feelings of joy as I see our future play out in front of me. With our kids. The business. With each other. And it all finally seems so perfectly clear.
"Jen," my eyes sting with pricks of tears, "I've never been happier."
Earlier that day…
"Brynn! Brynn!"
Startled, I spin around to see my favorite boys bounding around the foyer. "Whoa, whoa, you guys–" They crash into my arms as I bend down to catch them. I pepper kisses into their handsome curls, breathing in their scent that always feels like home. Gosh, my boys… 
Mickey stands tall with his arms behind his back. “Miss Naya told us to give you this!” He pulls out my bouquet of fresh roses, a bountiful collection of gorgeous creams and soft pale pinks. "Tada!"
My breath hitches, taken aback by how absolutely dreamy everything has turned out. This wedding… it… it's really happening. I take the bouquet, the sweet floral notes dancing around me before I turn to look at two pairs of glittering eyes. 
"It's almost as pretty as you, Brynn," Mason pushes his glasses up his nose.
"Just like a princess," Mickey chimes in.
“You two look pretty sharp yourselves,” I wink, adjusting Mason’s bowtie before fixing a wayward curl behind Mickey’s ear. "Do you have the rings like we practiced?"
The twins nod their heads in unison, pulling out the velvet boxes. "I promise we won't drop them," Mickey flashes a worried glance.
"Baby," I cup his freckled cheek, "you're going to do just fine." I place my hand on Mason's shoulder. "Both of you."
"Do we have to call you 'Mom' after you marry Dad?" Mason innocently questions.
Mom. The word hits like a brick in the pit of my stomach. I'm going to be someone's mother… not just one person, but I'm going to be a mother of two… 
And this is no surprise to me. Afterall, Mickey and Mason are the entire reason I even met this family. I've only known the Daltons for less than a year, and yet, I have been one of the only mother figures in their young lives. When I agreed to marry Sam, it was a package deal.
God, I love them so much. They have given me so much joy, even on days I didn't think I was going to make it. Between the incessant fights and the scandals, these two precious boys have seen me and loved me for me. They were my family long before… well, long before Sam and me…
I can't imagine living a day without a joke or a prank from those two… but being their actual mother? Making sure these two boys grow into successful men? 
"Well?" Mickey prompts for an answer to his brother's question.
I pull them both into a tight hug. "You two can call me whatever you want. The most important thing you need to know is I will always be here for you two."
"And Dad," Mickey teases, grinning.
"Right, Brynn?" Mason tugs on my elbow.
"Miss Schuyler," a deep, familiar voice resonates through the waiting area, tearing me from my conversation with the boys. "You are absolutely ravishing, my dear."
"Oh, Mr. Carter, you old dog," I blush as the tall, older gentleman dressed in a neatly pressed tux approaches us. I embrace him tightly as he gives me a chaste kiss on the cheek. 
"Well, let me take a look at you," he gleefully laughs, taking me by the hand. He twirls me in a circle, the skirt of my dress flouncing out like a dream.  Carter playfully whistles. "Enchanting," he grins, his gray eyes twinkling as his voice grows softer. "You remind me so much of my Evelyn on our wedding day." 
My eyes glisten at the mention of his wife. Unfortunately, she couldn't be with us today. Carter says that she has her 'good days and bad days,' I sense the latter outweighs the former, but still the way he speaks of his wife of forty years is precious, the envy of my dreams and future. 
I offer him a kind smile, trying to blink back the tears, but I can feel my face begin to flush. 
Suddenly, the gentle crescendo of music coming from the chapel notifies us that it's time for the ceremony to start. Carter and I give the boys one more glance, reminding them to walk slowly and to smile. Mickey and Mason hear their cue, and just like we rehearsed, they begin their trek to the altar.
And now... I'm next.
Carter begins to leave to sneak back into his seat, but I grab him by his arm.  I start to fidget with the boutonnière on his lapels. "Mr. Carter, I… I… did you maybe… I don't know–"
He takes my hands in his, calming my trembling fingers. "Miss Schuyler, take a deep breath."
I follow his directions, taking a deep gulp of air. "Jitters, right?" I exhale, fanning myself with my hand. "Perfectly normal, right?"
Carter kindly nods, guiding me slowly to the entrance. "When you step in there, find Mr. Dalton's eyes, and you stay focused on them. That's what helped on our wedding day."
"So you were nervous, too?" I glance down the aisle, noticing the twins are halfway to their spots. I quickly step back, my eyes fluttering closed. "And that helped you?"
He curls his lips endearingly. "It helped Evelyn."
"Really?" My eyes widen. "How?
He smirks as he recalls the memory. "We came from different families, you know? And because of that, she was terrified on what was supposed to be the best day of our lives. Seeking the approval of her parents, her family, even some of her friends… It was a lot of pressure on her."
"Gosh, that must've been hard."
"It was," he nods, "but, she said that on that day, she found my eyes… and they said everything that she needed to know."
My heart swoons at the thought. "She saw the love in your eyes?"
Carter coyly shakes his head.  He must see my confusion because he gives a deep, hearty laugh. "You are a treasure, Miss Schuyler, just like my Evelyn. A man that loves you will look at you as such, not with greed over what he's getting… but with fear because he sees how much he has to lose; he realizes he would be wrecked, completely devastated without you."
An overwhelming sense of calm washes over me. 
Find his eyes…
You are a treasure…
He sees how much he has to lose…
I squeeze Carter's hands, pulling him into one last embrace. "Thank you so much," my voice hitches. 
He nods affectionately. "You feel ready?" He helps me adjust my veil.
"Almost." I bite my lip, stifling a mischievous grin. "Mr. Carter, do you mind… walking me down the aisle?"
The most handsome smile sweeps across his face as he buttons the jacket of his tux. With his eyes glittering down at me, he offers me his arm. "It would be my honor."
"Is everyone freaking out?" He chuckles, extending his arm for me to take his hand. 
I end the call, tossing my phone across the room.  "I… don't care," I snicker. "Probably." Slipping my fingers into his palm, he pulls me to his side, my body crashing into him.  We both tumble back onto the bed, our grunts turning into boisterous laughter, filling our room.
As our bellies begin to ache and we quiet down, I roll off of him, laying down next to him.  We stare at the ceiling, falling into a comfortable silence… that is until I notice him pointing at the textured surface above us.
"What are you doing?"
He chuckles. "When I was little, I used to dream of traveling the world. I tried using my grandpa's old world atlas to map out the perfect trip, and…" He titters, shaking his head with embarrassment, "I can't believe I'm telling you this."
"No," I roll onto my side, resting my hand on his chest. "I love it–I love this." I kiss his shoulder. "Keep going."
He rests his hand on mine, softly drawing circles with his thumb. "We had old popcorn ceilings," he chuckles, "kinda like this textured stuff, and so… I'd imagine it was my own world map. And at night, I would plan my–" he deepens his voice like the narrator of a movie trailer, "--international escape."
"Ooooo, show me, James Bond."
I start to giggle as he takes my hand in the air with his, his fingers curling around mine to extend my pointer finger. "Well, over here is us right now in Puerto Vallarta… and…" he moves our hands together, "up here is New York." He starts to blush, shrugging his shoulders.
"How about–" I guide our fingers to another spot, "--London?"
He chuckles. "I'll pack my knickers," he jokes in a British accent.
"And then Paris," I move our hands again.
"Oui oui, mon chéri," he jokes in his poor attempt to sound French, making me bust out into more titters. He guides us once more. "How about Venice?" He points to another area on the ceiling, his voice growing softer. "Or Athens? Or Bali? Hong Kong?"
I brush my nose against his stubbled cheek, whispering in his ear. "And then where?"
He turns towards me, the warmth of his chocolate gaze fluttering to my hungry lips as he places my hand back on his chest. "To the moon and stars?" The air around us begins to crackle, the electricity igniting our nerves as I feel my heart begin to race. I bite my lip, feeling a rosy swirl dance across my cheeks. "Anywhere. Somewhere else. With you."
I can feel his heartbeat thrum hard against my fingertips, the excitement feeding my desire for him.
I love him.
His large hand intimately caresses mine… but then he stops, looking down at my fingers. Feeling the abrupt disconnect, I follow his gaze and quickly notice he's fidgeting with something. 
My ring.
Earlier that day…
I thought I knew what I wanted for my wedding day, but in this very moment as Pachelbel's Canon in D romantically announces my arrival, I am overcome with so much emotion as I look around the room. This is everything I ever wanted: to be surrounded by love. My breath shutters as I try to blink away my tears. This… this is absolutely perfect. 
Carter pats my hand gripping tightly to his arm as he walks me graciously down the aisle.  "There he is," he whispers to me, "look at him."
Sam. He's as handsome as ever in his gray suit and petal pink tie. His eyes twinkle, roaming my body as I draw closer to the altar. He offers me that charming Dalton smile, and everything seems to fade away.
It's just you and me, baby… Finally… after everything you put me through– I mean--that we've gone through…
I can do this... I can do this... I can–
Without warning, Sam gradually turns towards his groomsmen. One of his old fraternity brother's has made some kind of comment, causing some of them to crack up. During my procession.
Sam seems to be responding to the joke or comment. He subtly leans over, but after a few seconds, some of the men snicker, covering their faces and Sam chuckles into his fist, feigning a coughing fit.
It's fine, I tell myself.
Getting himself under control, Sam looks back to me with a mischievous glint in his eye before winking at me.
It was just a joke– an inside joke perhaps. Probably to help with his own nerves. It--it's fine. Everything is fine.
Just… stay with me, Sam. Please stay. I need to see your–
The twins lean up against their dad as he rests his hands on their shoulders. Together, they all watch me with doting glances… that is until one of the velvet boxes accidentally falls out of Mickey’s pocket.  In a panic, he bends over to grab the small package, carelessly backing into his brother Mason, knocking off his glasses.
Giving me a crooked smile and shrugging his shoulders, Sam takes a knee to help the boys out, causing endearing chuckles from the audience.
Those two rascals…
I begin to admire my little mess of a family-to-be… until the small hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My pulse, without explanation, begins to race as a bead of sweat courses down the slope of my back.
Something doesn't feel right.
I can't help, but feel… as crazy as it sounds, like there's another pair of eyes on me. Of course, I realize I have over two-hundred guests watching me as I finish my march down the aisle, but this? This isn't the same. This stare… it's different. It's piercing, and intimate. And I feel… seen. Exposed. Preyed.
Looking behind Sam's crouched physique, a pair of deep, chestnut eyes feast on my every move. But rather than being filled with adoration or even his typical lust, there's a hint of sadness in them, as if they're watching a funeral procession rather than a wedding.
And for the first time today, my heart flutters as a fire kindles in my belly.
I make it to the altar, Carter placing my petite hand in my groom's grasp. I can feel the desire in Sam's eyes wandering across my body.  He gives my fingers a squeeze, giving me another adoring wink… but I can't stop looking at him.
Focus, Brynn. Just focus…
Naya gives us a cordial smile before taking the microphone to begin. "Dearly beloved friends and family, we've gathered here today…"
It's no use. I can feel the bile rise in the back of my throat as the room begins to spin. Is it getting hot in here? Or are there just too many people?
As Naya continues, I look back to those haunting eyes, that look of betrayal, that look of devastation… and Carter's words begin to replay in my mind. 'A man that loves you will look at you… with fear because he sees how much he has to lose; he realizes he would be wrecked… without you."
Oh my God… I never noticed this before but… he loves me.
"... speak now," Naya bellows, "or... forever hold your–"
"Wait!" Fuck! What did I just do? The entire congregation starts to quietly murmur amongst one another. Sam clears his throat, his eyebrows furrowing as he adjusts his collar. "I–I'm sorry to interrupt, but… I just… I have a question, and I…" I sigh. "I can't do this–I can't get married unless… I need the answer."
A hush falls over the room, concerned looks are glued on me.
I should just shut up, and go along with this. Isn't that what I've been doing for the past several months anyway with the promise of a happily ever after? Does fairy tale magically happen after we say, 'I do?'
No. In my heart, I know this is the right thing to do. For me.
"Robin?" More whispers erupt behind me as Sam turns back to look at his best man, a pained confusion etching on his handsome features.  "Several weeks ago, we pretended to be the wait staff in a restaurant… to, uh… witness a date." Sam raises an eyebrow, looking between Robin and me. "I asked you a question at the beginning of the night. Do you… do you remember my question?"  
Robin coyly pushes his fists into his slacks, nodding his head. He exhales heavily, his nose rosy pink with unshed emotion.
My vision blurs as hot streams pour down my cheeks, but my attention doesn't leave Robin. "You… you answered, 'Sure. Sometimes…'"  A lump forms in my throat, my timbre growing hoarse. "Tell me, Robin… if I asked you that same question right now, what–what would your answer be?" I choke out a sob, wiping my face with the back of my hands.
He just stares at me. Lost. Dumbfounded. Embarrassed.
I know this wasn't exactly the most opportune time to talk about this, but I also knew this would be our last time to talk about it. Damnit, maybe I was wrong. Carter was wrong. My jitters and my awful gut feeling… wrong.
I look at Sam, his jaw ticking in anger. And he has every right to be. I've made a fool of him, of us. 
But I could've sworn I saw something…
"Sorry, everyone," Sam kindly addresses the audience, "we have a case of the wedding day jitters." He fakes a bright smile, the crowd tittering and cooing. At me. Like I'm a joke. Again. Sam takes my hand, but he refuses to even look at me now. 
Will he ever take me seriously? I... I don't want to get married like this.
Sam clears his throat, nodding to Naya to continue. "Let's try this again," she chuckles, "we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of–"
"I lied," Robin blurts out, inviting the chaos to continue amongst the guests.  He steps forward, pushing himself in front of Sam. "Brynn, you asked me if I ever thought about us–" Gasps and whispers crescendo in the room as Robin takes my hands into his. "And I told you… what I thought you wanted to hear. I mean, for Christ's sake, you swore you were in love with..." The corner of his mouth curls, his eyes bearing it all before me. "I knew better," he mumbles, falling into nervous titters, squeezing tightly to my fingers. "The truth is… Brynn Schuyler... Hell, of course, I think about us. All of the time. I dream of you as my bride. As my wife. As the mother to my children… I've never stopped thinking about us since the moment I first met you–" 
Screams erupt as family members and friends jump to their feet. Naya attempts to holler through her microphone to restore order, but it's too late. Our guests that have come to attend a beautiful, romantic wedding have turned into an ugly, angry mob.
I get lost in the shuffle, unable to recognize anyone around me. My name is being screamed in several directions by several different voices, but it's no use. Terrified, I glance around, looking for a way to safety as everything crumbles around me.
Suddenly, a large hand grabs mine, pulling me through the vocal crowd. As we finally make it to the back of the sanctuary, his lips graze my ear. "Do you trust me?"
A rush of exhilaration floods my veins as my natural smile returns. Are you kidding me? With all my heart.
I nod.
"Don't look back, baby," he chuckles, tucking my arm under his. "Run!"
"Do you mind, Miss Schuyler?" He smirks, grabbing my engagement ring on my hand.
I roll my lips, trying to hide my smile as I tilt my head side-to-side. "Not at all, Mr. Flores. Please."
Robin slips the jewelry off of my finger before pressing his lips to my now bare knuckle. It was so simple, yet the gesture so intimate; I was finally free. 
This man…
Pulling me into his arms, he tosses the ring over his shoulder, an abrupt clink hitting the wall. With his handsome crooked smile, he leans towards me. "Don't worry," he chuckles, "I made him buy the insurance."
"Robin!" I squeal before our mouths meet in a tender kiss.
"What?" He pulls back, cupping my cheek. "I had a feeling."
"A feeling?" I snicker, raising an eyebrow. "That it wasn't going to work out?"
"Ehh, more .." He brushes his thumb across my lips, a serious expression growing across his face. "That you were the one. For me."
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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Chrom propaganda:
“Chrobin (Chrom x player character) is so many tropes in one oml. You have friends-to-lovers (Chrom and Robin are canonically best friends according to Nintendo), enemies-to-lovers (Robin is heir to the Grimleal cult, the enemy of the Halidom of Ylisse which Chrom is the prince, and later king, of), there's amnesia, time travel, official next-gen AUs, changed dialogue to lore important events in the game if you marry Chrom, and Nintendo keeps teasing us with the ship. Cheery prince who knows when to be serious, very strategically smart but very bad at communicating, a guy that can comfort you when you're down, make a fool of himself when you're not around, and he's just generally a very sweet guy. Also please consider the fact that you get to watch a cutscene of him dying in the prologue and despite the horrors he's just so supportive of the protagonist. Chrom doesn't care about where you came from or who you're related to, he cares for YOU. He gets KILLED by the protag and he reassures them that they did nothing wrong and pleads with them to get out, to a safe place. I lost my soul to Chrom, I physically can't play this game without romancing him.”
“He eats oranges with the peel still on, he's an absolute himbo. Also the writers accidentally made his daughter canonically trans so he definitely supports trans rights. And technically you can only marry him if you play as female Robin but their dynamic is still just as romantic if you play as male Robin (they literally call each other their other half and m!Robin and Chrom have a valentine's day duo unit in the gatcha, and in the anthology manga m!Robin asks Chrom to make polygamy legal so he can also marry Chrom's wife and they can be a family) so most people play the game with the gay mod so they can still marry him as a guy. He's incredibly stupid ("yeah, let's set all our ships on fire then walk through a volcano, you're so smart, Robin" "I know you've had prophetic visions about killing me and our daughter came from the future to warn us it would happen but I'm sure THIS TIME it won't because of the power of our bonds") but also really sweet. In the summer DLC they're fighting on a beach and when he sees Robin get excited over a weird creature they found he immediately forgets about the battle and starts trying to make a bunch of crafts (and failing) and cooking food (and failing again) and writing "Chrom and Robin were here" in the sand so that Robin could have some nice beach memories. I'm obsessed with this man”
Asra propaganda:
“He GIVES AWAY HALF HIS HEART TO REVIVE YOU okay but like. He's the MCs roommate and they were together for a few years before the MC caught a plague and died and he obsesses over a way to bring them back before succeeding by making a deal with a god to trade half his heart for MC and betraying the emperor. And then when MC comes back but without any of their memories, he takes care of them and teaches them how to live all over again and he never asks for anything in return. On all the routes where you don't choose him he's really supportive and helps you out despite your history and overall he's just really nice and supportive of the MC and is their rock no matter what route you go down. Also he has a pet snake named Faust and I love her she's so <33 
Idk I just appreciate him so much”
"He gave you half his HEART!! He would literally go to hell and back for you!! He wants to take you on adventures all around the world—doesn’t matter where, as long as he’s by your side!! AND he’s nonbinary!!!"
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typewriting-robin · 1 month
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Promises You Can Keep
Jude/Robin OC (M x F)
Rating: T
In which Jude meets his match with a kind, sweet, and clumsy Robin who is tasked with shadowing him for her reports. She can't figure him out to save her life.//Noncanon, pre-relationship
cw: Jude being a serious pain in the ass, blood mention, canon-typical violence
Word count: 6371
note~ it is recommended but not required to read the OC/MC master list and scroll to the secod-to-bottom for Christabelle, the Robin that corresponds to Jude.
“Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess…” she began as she was surrounded by the children of the priory, who kept begging her to tell her a story. She momentarily wondered if this counted as a lie but it was supposed to be fiction anyway. “Okay maybe she wasn't quite beautiful nor was she a princess. A viscount's daughter, yes?” She said as the children giggled around her. “Well once upon a time there lived a viscount's daughter. Her mother passed when she was but a baby and her father soon grew ill. Now living in squalor, her eldest sister works as a Tailor's apprentice while attempting to become a lady in waiting for the princess and her brother, a soldier stationed in India. But still there were too many mouths to feed.”
The children were enraptured but she knew it was time to switch gears. The story was too autobiographical so now it was time to create some fiction, even though she has no idea where her story would go. “The viscount's youngest daughter, afraid there were too many mouths to feed, left home, knowing her family would never ascend back into nobility and joined a convent. One day, she went out to run an errand and that's when a rather errant knight spotted her as she made her way across the city.” She really had no idea where she was going as she paused for effect. “He had followed her home, telling her that he required a spot of tea and the company of her time.”
“I love a romance!’ said one of the children. While it was true that she fantasized about marrying a knight in shining armor one day, she had only picked a knight for this story because it was the first thing she thought of. 
“Ah, but alas this isn't a romance but a dreadful tale for you see, the knight never left. He had collected many, many tithes and decided he would support the family if he had the girl's hand in marriage. Three times he asked and three times she said no. Until one day, a magical…hmm…uh, toad! Yes, a toad, decided to make its appearance, offering her a chance to escape the rude and errant knight. ‘Kiss me!’ it said but she wasn't so sure. But when she was forcibly dragged away from her family by the knight, the frog appeared and she kissed him.”
The children made various noises, indicating their disgust. “Then the girl turned into a magical frog where she lived the rest of her days in a pond not worrying about family or marriage matters. Or money. Or politics. The end.”
The children clapped…slowly and out of step, confused by her story. 
But what else could she do now that her father said he needed to borrow money for his medicine? It was all she could ever think of ever since he put himself in debt.
She checked the time on the grandfather clock. “Oh no!I have to go to the post office! Sorry!” She was now five minutes late. Adding to the trip to the post office, if she were lucky, she would be fifteen minutes late, at best. She would have to do a lot of apologizing to the manager and the other Robins.
And it was because on that day, on that chaotic day, there were no Robins around to help do the very sudden last minute night time delivery that cropped up just when she was arriving over half an hour late to her shift. All because she wanted to help that poor little girl who was being hurt by the man who later called her a thief.
That was the beginning of it all. The day where she had been sent on a nighttime delivery and encountered a nightmare. “You're from the priory? How intriguing! What do you do there, my dear?” asked Victor, their leader during their celebration dinner as if she hadn't just experienced the most traumatic moment of her life. 
But she knew to keep going along with everything so that she could live. Her father needed her. Her sister needed her. “Well, they haven't made me a nun but I sometimes keep the children there company and tell them stories. They really like storytelling, especially if it’s something they’ve never heard before!”
“How wonderful! Our Fairytale keeper knows how to weave a story.”
“Tch,” a voice said as he watched her with narrowed amethyst eyes, his fingers steepled. “Hogwash,” he muttered.
“Thank you,” she said, ignoring the sinister man who watched her from the table with what she suspected was murderous intent. He was the one who had called her revolting and offered to be her savior but he was just like the errant knight from the story she had told the children earlier that day. She thought he had left the party but sometime later that night, he had rejoined, sitting off to the corner, smoking a cigarette.
His gaze was always on her for some indiscernible reason, amethyst eyes cruel, fierce. Sizing her up. As much as she wanted to avoid him, something told her deep down inside that would be more difficult than she could ever imagine.
“I have a job for you, my lovely Miss Christabelle,” Victor said only a few mornings after she had (reluctantly) joined Crown. She was expecting this. William was standing beside him, which made her believe that he was a part of his assignment. At least it would be with William, who seemed kind enough.
Christabelle knew it was critical for her to do everything Victor would ask her to do within the month. That was her best chance at survival and returning back to her family, her sister, the orphanage at the priory, and her job at the post office. “A job,” she said as Victor poured her some tea. She could tell by the familiar scent that it was chamomile tea.
“We’ve been observing you,” William said.  That didn’t come as a surprise to her. Not in the slightest. During these past few days, she had talked to everyone at least once. Some of the men in Crown were easier to converse with than others, like Liam or even Harrison. Others were harder to avoid but she still made polite conversation with them no matter how hard she tried. And by others, it was Jude.
“And our dear William has noticed a rather…interesting observation,” Victor said. His hands showed an urging motion as if asking her to down the drink. She only took sips. “Now I must tell you that William has a talent for understanding group dynamics and knowing which skills are needed for a particular mission.”
Christabelle set the tea down, meeting Victor’s gaze. Much to her frustration, a droplet of tea fell into the saucer. She had the urge to wipe it and clean it but instead put up with it. “And what are my skills?”
Victor and William exchanged a glance.
Christabelle knew that probably wasn’t good. She knew of her own shortcomings. Her disorganization, tendency to act before thinking, her--
“You have a very kind and courteous temperament,” Victor said. “As your supervisor and aide to the queen, your primary task is to focus and shadow one person in Crown.” She nodded, setting the half empty teacup to the side. The saucer cracked, which made Victor tut before he continued. “Now, before I tell you who we settled on,I initially disagreed with William’s proposition as to who you could shadow but ultimately we believe that if there is anyone who could provide us with information regarding him and his curse, it would likely be for someone like you to break through his barriers.”
Christabelle began to slowly understand where they were likely going with this. They weren’t going to pick an easy man for her to shadow and as she racked through her mind the possible option, only one of them made sense.
She thought about Bartleby, the scrivener, and how she would very much prefer not to do this task being asked of her.  But it was life or death.
Victor seemed to have immediately read her reluctant expression. “Please don’t frown, Miss Christabelle! We promise if it does not work within a certain time, we will reassign you.”
William gave her a knowing smile, as if he were confident of the man he had chosen. “But I am never wrong in my observations, Little Robin, and if there’s anyone who can write a report on the curse of the Thirteenth Fairy, it’s you.”
The Thirteenth Fairy. Jude Jazza. The man with the white and black hair and sinister appearance was the errant knight she had accidentally divined. Here in the flesh. Or at least that was how she perceived things to be based on his personality and the way he dealt with people. He was like the debtors her father owed. And Victor had tasked her with shadowing him.
He was there every day at breakfast, his nose buried in a book this time. She stares at the spine of the book, trying to make out what he was reading. 
“If ya keep tryin’ to poke a hole through my book, I’m gonna get real mad,” he said without setting the book down.
Christabelle stumbled on her words. Everyone in Crown was so nice and welcoming and then there was Jude Jazza, who was constantly in a foul mood, using the most bitter words against her. “I wanted to know the book you were reading,” she admitted. “I like reading books a lot and I'd read them to the orphans at the priory.”
Jude finally set the book down and Christabelle wished he didn't do that, showing her his sinister violet glare. “Are ya sure ya really wanna know? Don't wanna pollute the little bird’s mind,” he said with a snicker. “Ain't ya a nun or somethin’?”
She shook her head. “I wanted to be but they said I failed the rigorous training so I'm afraid not. That, and they also said I don't have the right disposition to be one.” She was a little too honest with Jude but the words tumbled out of her before she could stop herself.
Jude only rolled his eyes, handing her the book. “It's some hogwash about revivin’ the dead. Prolly too scandalous for someone like ya.”
Her first reaction was to question him. “How do you know that it could be scandalous? I might even enjoy it! Look! The author’s a girl! I doubt a woman would write something scandalous.” She handed the book back to him, which he didn't take.
Jude shrugged, getting up out of his seat. “Talkin’ to ya is a waste of o’ my time and I gotta get to the docks.” He quickly left her all alone in the dining room and bolted out of the room before she could even tell him that Victor was considering having her shadow him for the day.
Christabelle saw he left the book in front of where he was sitting. She gasped. “Jude? Jude! Come back!” She followed after him but he had already left the grounds. “You left your book…” she stared deeply at the cover. It was plain but the title was interesting enough. “Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus,” she read out loud to herself. “Well if he's going to be out all day and won't be able to read this, then maybe it's okay if I can read this book until he comes back…”
Christabelle plopped on a sofa in the living room and read the story, now on the edge of her seat. This book was over fifty years old but she found it fascinating, turning the page even as the men of Crown greeted her throughout the day. 
Victor had shown up at one point looking disappointed but not surprised that Jude had left before she could even tell him about shadowing him. “Not the easiest of my boys to ask favors for. I'm so sorry, my kindly Robin. I will look into any tasks you might help us out with in the meantime and pause on telling Jude anything related to shadowing him. Right now focus on making friends with everyone in Crown, my sweet little Robin! Don't you worry!”
Jude came back during supper and when he did, he reeked of cigarette smoke and salt. “Good evening, Jude. You left your book at the table today so I came here to return it.”
Jude eyed her warily, not saying a word as she left the book in front of him. “Ya didn't happened to have read it, didja?”
“I did,” she admitted. “It was a really great book! The ending was rather depressing but I can see how it influenced so many other books I've read. I saw some stuff there that I've seen in other stories I've read and that was…amazing!”
Jude grabbed the book, not engaging with her conversation. “Of course ya read it. Lil bird with nothin’ to do would read it.” His eyes met hers, which caused her to lose eye contact. She couldn't bring herself to tell him that his words were untrue. That he was…difficult to say the least.
There was a pause between them and she looked back at him. His eyes weren't giving her his usual glare, but rather a softer look. Less intimidating. Approachable. “Tell ya what, birdie. Ya returned my book to me fair ‘n square upon seein’ me so I'll waive the fee.”
“The fee?” She asked, confused. 
“It's my copy, not the library's so if ya wanna take a book from me then ya gotta pay the renter's fee.”
“You left it by accident, though.”
Jude said nothing, before clicking his tongue and leaving. Christabelle now stood in the room, alone, wondering why Jude didn't wish to talk to her about the book. It would have helped her for her records. 
Even though it wasn't quite important in her curse research, both Jude and Harrison liked mystery novels. But little did she know that a mystery of her own would show up on her doorstep soon enough. 
When she opened the door the next morning, she was met with a single purple rose on the floor. It was beautiful, light colored in full bloom. “What a lovely flower!” She asked the maids for a small vase to contain it and keep it alive. It put her in a good mood for breakfast that morning. 
“Ya look nauseatingly giddy today,” Jude said in his usual dour tone. But nothing he could say could bring her down. 
“Are you reading the paper today?”
“What's it to ya?”
“I'm curious!”
He sighed. “I'm reading the finances. Gotta know the state o’ things.” 
“Can I read the sections you aren't reading please?”
Jude groaned then took out a section of the paper that he didn't care for. It was specifically about a gossip column for women, which didn't tailor to her interest. “No stories?”
“I'll loan ya a book if it means yer stop yer yappin’.”
“I'd love to read it but how much is the fee?”
Jude grinned. “That's for me to decide.”
Christabelle hummed. “Hmm…no thanks. I need to save for my theater funds. They're going to start performing The Taming of the Shrew next month and I'd really love to save up for it.” Liam had been cast as Lucentio. She didn't mention she had mostly been saving up for her father's funds. It was hard for her to hold her tongue but she kept her family life quiet since she didn't want Crown thinking she would inadvertently sell them out to her family.
Jude set his paper down. “Then I'll give ya a book then.” His grin was sadistic before he pulled a book from his cape, handing it to her. Moby Dick. The same author as Bartleby, the Scrivener. 
“Is there a fee for this one?”
He cackled. “Nah, I'll just let ya suffer with this one.” Jude stood up, the chair squeaking below him as he left for another work day. She was relieved that Victor put shadowing him or having to do anything with him on pause because he was so…difficult.
And speaking of difficult, Christabelle did indeed struggle with the book, with the prose being incredibly dense and the plot unengaging to her, but if anything, she was persistent. 
The next day, and the day after that, she was greeted by more purple roses at her doorstep. On the fourth day, she asked for a bigger vase to hold all her flowers. The flowers gave off a nice fragrance which helped offset her already messy room, full of books and fairytales recorded throughout the centuries alongside her own scribbles and notes.
But now the mystery was deepening: where were these flowers coming from? Now she had felt compelled to solve it. The problem was how would she even find out?
Alfons happened to be walking past the halls as he saw her holding today's rose. He was more than quick on the uptake. “It seems you've got a secret admirer, hmm?” he said, his voice slinky. 
“I do?” she asked. She decided to choose her words carefully in case her gut feeling was wrong. “I thought everyone in the castle had flowers delivered to them.”
Alfons got closer to her. “If by everyone, they mean you, then sure. How would you react if I told you that I sent them?”
“You did?” The flowers didn't seem quite his style but Alfons was an elegant man and roses were quite elegant. 
“Sure I did. Pretty little thing like you.” His hand slipped to her shoulders, moving closer to her neck. Slithering slowly towards the back. Slithering slowly, softly…
“Oi! What do you think you're doing?” A tired sounding voice cut through the moment. It was Harrison. 
Alfons retracted his hand, giving Harrison a wide smile. “It appears our Miss Robin has a secret admirer.”
Harrison narrowed his gaze at Alfons. “Let me guess, you were about to lay claim over something you didn't do.”
Alfons gasped, looking mock offended. “I only said ‘if’ I had sent it!”
Christabelle interrupted. “I only wanted to know where these roses are coming from, that's all. It's a nice gesture and I'd like to thank them.”
“It wasn't Alfons,” Harrison said with a firmness to his voice, his teal eyes narrowing at him. “Or me for that matter.”
“Oh. I see. Thank you for confirming with me.”
“There is absolutely no chance someone as uncouth as Roger would hand you such a delicate rose either,” Alfons said. “And conversely, neither would Elbert, for the opposite reasons.”
“For once you're not lying,” Harrison said. “Maybe it was from one of us, or it could be from one of our servants.” What he said opened up new possibilities. “But if I were you, I'd just enjoy the gift and let it go.”
Christabelle nodded. “It is a really nice gesture. I've never received gifts like this before. That's why…” she thought of her father and how pained he looked each time he had given her a gift for her birthday or Christmas. He always expressed his affection for her but his eyes did not lie. Eventually when she turned fifteen, she stopped asking for presents altogether and began asking for prayers and non tangible gifts. “I'll let it go,” she said, meaning her words. 
At least at that time, she did really mean her words. Ellis was at breakfast this morning, debriefing Jude on what they'd do today. Jude's eyes were closed as he drummed his fingers on his forearms. “Bloody annoyin’ when my men break their promises,” he grumbled, his mood sour. She was hoping to see him today to tell him she finished Moby Dick but seeing his mood made her stay silent.
Christabelle had gotten used to taking breakfast at the same time as Jude but right now his entire aura meant she should remain as quiet as possible. 
“Good morning Christabelle,” Ellis said. “Did you sleep well?”
She nodded. “Yes,” she said as Jude’s eyes opened and he got up from his chair, his cape flapping behind him as he walked away, his mood still dark. 
“Jude isn't happy today,” Ellis said with a frown. 
“I can see that. I hope he'll be happy later.”
“Mm. Are you happy right now?”
“Kind of,” she admitted. “I have to admit, someone's been leaving roses in front of my door this week. It's a very kind thing to do since no one's ever given me gifts like this.”
“I didn't know you liked roses,” Ellis said. “Can I give you roses too? It would make you feel happy, wouldn't it?” He had confirmed that he wasn't the sender of her roses. 
“That would be sweet of you. I would have to get more vases, but I'd really like to kn--.”
“Whaddya waitin’ for?” Jude's voice bellowed out, cutting through her voice. 
“Sorry, I've got to go.” Ellis bowed to her and left. 
She didn't mean to lie to Harrison, she didn't mean it at all at the time but her curiosity was gnawing at her. She needed to know. 
“Did they leave a note?” William asked as she approached Victor's office. The two men were conversing over matters. Christabelle only went to confirm if this was a normal occurrence. If she went straight to the source, then she would know what was going on. 
“There wasn't a note. That's the odd thing.”
“Ah, I see, Robin,” William said. “If I had sent you a rose, I would at least bothered to have signed it in this particular instance. And you said they were purple. Red is more my color,” he said. 
“That is a rather curious matter. My Little Robin is very sweet to my boys so it could be any,” Victor said. “After all, sweet birds do deserve lovely flowers.”
“How do you know it's one of the men?” she asked. 
“I know my boys better than anyone.”
“So does that mean you know who exactly sent it?”
Victor lurched, his hand dramatically on his heart. “Alas, with such errant boys as these, I'm afraid I cannot say for certain who sent what. But know that it was not William, nor myself.”
Christabelle smiled at them. “Thank you for confirming with me though.”
Christabelle had created a list in her head. That meant the rose had to be sent by Liam. It was poetic, really. Her favorite actor who was always crowned in flowers, giving her flowers every day as well. 
“Huh?” He said as he was leaving the laboratory with a bandaged hand. “You've got me confused with the wrong guy. That's not me!” He laughed. “You'd know if it were me. I like modern roses.”
“But you're so kind and poetic!”
“Hehe thanks, but nope! But we're in the same club now!” He took her hands and began to swing them together. “We're the Flower Recipient Club for Admirers!”
Christabelle later came back to her room to type her latest report and do some light reading, mostly short stories. It wasn't until after sunset when she heard a thump! Thump! outside. 
Her curiosity had gotten the best of her and she opened the door. Jude was outside, covered in blood. He was muttering something as he paced the halls. She tried to close the door but he had caught her. 
“Um…are you alright?”
Jude grumbled. “What kinda…”
Their eyes locked, her light blue ones with his harsh amethyst ones. “Um…do you need a towel?” It was the best she could come up with. “Er…for that uh…knife?” She pointed at the giant sword that was entirely sheathed and still bloody.
“Sword,” he corrected, not answering her.
Christabelle quickly left then came back with a towel, “What are you doing here?” She asked as she handed the towel to him. 
“It's my home too. I can roam anywhere I want, yeah?”
“Even with blood covered everywhere?” She never thought she'd have a conversation with a sinning man like this. She would have to pray for him soon enough, and pray for all of them, even though since she started living in the castle, she was now praying less and less. 
“Yer sure asking lotsa questions, bird.”
“I want to help in whatever way I can.”
He rolled his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Listen…Yer too nosy, too innocent. That old codger, wantin’ me to babysit ya. Ridiculous.” He sheathed his sword, which dropped blood onto the tiled floors as he slumped forward. She wondered if it was his blood there for a moment but she dismissed the notion. He pointed the sword in her direction, his eyes shining with frenzied glee as she stiffened against the wall. “Nosy lil’ birds…when they flutter too close to the snake's nest…”
“They get eaten,” she finished, trying not to let her nerves get the best of her. His sword did not move. The scent of blood was overpowering her. “I did mean to help. Truly. And I wanted to talk to you about that book with the whale earlier today,” she stammered. And what was that about an “old codger”. Was that supposed to be Victor? Did Victor tell him that he wanted her to record him? She was trying to understand why in the world Jude had shown up here and what he was thinking.
Jude retracted the sword, still grinning. “Yer tryin to be a brave lil’ bird but I can see yer body reactin’ to my sword.” 
“I'm not going to pry, so don't worry.”
“All ya need to know is that this is what happens when ya make promises ya can't keep, yeah?”
Christabelle thought it was an odd conversation they were having but she could see where he was going with this. In a way, he appeared to be venting to her, as if asking to wash away his sins. “If you need to clean up in my room, you're welcome to.”
“Pfft. As if I'd go to a dainty saint's room,” he said, snorting. He wheezed as he began to laugh. Christabelle tried to hide her humiliation from him by giving him a smile. He was impossible to read. Much like Moby Dick.
“Well, um…goodnight then. Sleep well.”
Then as Jude began to make his way back, he took one step…two…then collapsed. 
Christabelle had to call for help to escort Jude to the laboratory, where Roger revealed Jude had gotten stabbed. Again. 
“What?” He wasn't acting like it. Or maybe he had been delirious. It was hard to pick up when one was delirious when they had a sword aimed right at you.
“This man gets stabbed every three business days so I'm used to it,” Roger said, patching him up. “But there's just something I don't understand. He was in your corridor and you two were talking before he collapsed?”
“Yes, that's about right.” She omitted the part where he drew his sword at her. Looking back, he did seem off with his movements. His posture was all sorts of wrong and his eyes…
“Did he appear delirious? He's a stubborn one. Especially when he's drunk or stabbed. He'll forget to come to me. But maybe it means he thought you could cure him, lil’ lady.” He laughed to himself.
“I doubt that.” She thought of how annoying she must have been towards him. She had become too accustomed to him and his blunt manner and had gotten complacent. “I'm just glad he's safe and healthy here with you.” She looked at his sleeping form, his breathing ragged but otherwise, fine. He looked younger than he acted which made her wonder even more about him, like his age and the things he had seen. And why he was near her room of all places after such an incident.
She thought about the book he loaned her for free, Moby Dick. It had been a tough read but she had made herself read it to the end through sheer willpower. If she could do that, then maybe she could eventually break through Jude's barriers.
Roger interrupted her swirling thoughts. “He'll be better by morning so don't worry your sweet little head,” he said with a wistfulness that she couldn't place. “But if something happens to him, you'd cry, wouldn't you?”
“Of course. I know him well.”
“Then make sure to cry when I am in the room, okay, lil lady?”
Christabelle didn't react to his extremely strange words. “Goodnight, Roger.”
She tried to sleep as best she could the next day but the sunlight felt harsh and unforgiving. She trudged out of bed and then got ready for her day. 
Upon opening the door, the purple rose laid on the floor, waiting for her, as if welcoming her day. She bent over to pick it up, wanting to take in its sweet fragrance but what she saw had almost made her drop her flower altogether as she gasped.
Immediately the phrase Harrison had quoted to her from Sherlock Holmes came to mind as everything flashed before her eyes: When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
Because within the rose's beautiful, soft petals, small droplets of blood remained.
Jude was at breakfast not that day, but the next. His movements were slower, more languid, from the way he held his spoon to the way he would let out a groan when he changed his posture on his seat.
Christabelle’s heart thrummed as this was the first time she was reunited with him after that episode but after discovering he was her apparent admirer. The main question she had was: why?
But this was Jude Jazza and she knew she would never get a straight answer out of him.
Jude’s gaze narrowed at her when he caught her gaze and she fought back the urge to look away. “Are you feeling better?” she asked, filling the unbearable void of silence. She couldn’t bring herself to ask him about the roses. Not right now.
“I’m here, ain’t I?” he said in a cruel, matter-of-fact tone. It must have been Jude’s rough way of saying yes, he was feeling better.
“That’s good.” She paused. The weighty silence began to fill its way up again.  “I finished Moby Dick,” she said, quelling it.
Jude smirked. “Ya did, didja? Good girl fer readin’ all that rubbish.”
She broke eye contact with him when he called her “good girl”. It made her squirm in her seat. Was he praising her or was he talking down to her? She couldn’t tell. “I didn’t like it much either,” she said. “The prose is too dense. But I understood Captain Ahab, to a degree.”
“So yer a bloody lunatic like ‘em, then?” Jude said.
“No!” she said. “I understood the part about wanting to meet your goals, even if you can never meet them. You still have to try. Of course, his way wasn’t, um…necessarily the best, but…” She thought of her goals. She had the wrong disposition to be a nun, but the right one in being assigned to shadow Jude.
“But what?” he barked, taking her out of her reverie. 
“It was what he wanted, I suppose,” she finished meekly. There was another pause. “I really didn’t enjoy this one, sorry,” She handed the book back to him from across the table. 
Jude laughed, taking the book from her. It was as if he couldn’t remember their last encounter. Which led her to theorize if he was leaving her those flowers was he injured? Drunk? She wanted to find out. 
Then Jude stood up. It was anticlimactic. She wasn’t even going to bother him anymore. Tell William and Victor that there was a zero chance that he--
“Oi! Bird. Are ya comin’ along or not?”
Christabelle turned around her chair at a faster pace than she expected. “Huh? Me?”
“Yeah, you.” He steepled his fingers. “Who else? The chair?”
“Where’s Ellis?”
“That boy hasn’t left the bloody office in days.” He turned his back to her, his cape swishing. She stumbled out of her seat before he could repeat himself.
This was it. He was giving her the opening she needed.
But instead, they were in a carriage, where space was cramped and she was practically smushed together with Jude. Christabelle disliked small spaces like this, reminding her of how much space she occupied, which led to thoughts about how she was one more mouth to feed.
She kept her knuckles over her knees, making herself small, looking out the window as the carriage moved. Her neck hurt from craning it, but she didn’t want to make eye contact with Jude, not when she was this close to him. She could hear him breathing, the sounds of his breath were punctuated with wheezing. He didn’t smell like blood, but rather carried his scent of sandalwood, but she knew he hadn’t fully recovered. She could see him staring at her, sizing her up out of the corner of her eye.
“Yer neck’s gonna hurt if ya keep going like that, stupid lil bird.”
She moved her face down, unable to meet his scrutinizing gaze. She had her chance to talk to him here but now that she was in close proximity to him, all of her thoughts disappeared.
Jude sighed, lifting his leg and crossing it before taking out a newspaper. She tilted her head up, now able to look across as he read. “I don’t get ya at all,” he muttered. “Weird lil bird.”
Christabelle was able to finally speak to Jude when he led her to his office after checking in on the various cargo boxes that were coming in and out of the port.
His office was small, narrow,  and cramped. If the carriage ride made her uncomfortable with its tight enclosed space, this was even worse with the numerous items strewn across the room. Jude took a seat in his plush chair, easily avoiding the stacks of items that were piled up to her waist.
Christabelle observed the space. Her hips were twice the size of Jude’s and she wasn’t known for her gracefulness. It would be extremely easy to knock down his belongings.
Jude’s voice interrupted her. “Ain’tcha going to sit down already?”
She moved forwards, trying to will her body to become narrow as she moved to her side, sliding so that she wouldn’t knock anything down. However,  just the brush of her hips made one of Jude’s piles wobble. She grabbed it, trying to keep it together before her other side made the other pile fall to the floor. “Oh crumbs.”
She peeked at Jude who was watching her with…some kind of amusement. 
That made her lower her guard causing her to bend down and pick up what she had dropped, making the stack she was just holding crumple on the floor. “Sorry!”
“Leave it,” Jude said as she struggled with the space. “Just sit down.” His tone was harsh but his eyes continued to show that same amusement, his elbows to his desk, his chin resting on his knuckles. 
Christabelle sat in the chair in front of Jude. It wobbled as she did. She couldn’t bring herself to do it. To bring up why he was giving her roses and lending her books or why he came to visit her the other night while covered in blood. Her nerves got the best of her.
“That kooky old man wants ya to observe me, eh?” he said.
“It was William,” she said, clarifying for him. “He made the suggestion.”
Jude’s hands dropped to the desk as he steepled his fingers. “That man and his absolute--” he paused, glaring at her. “Why would he send a clumsy, annoyin’ and ignorant lil princess at me?”
“I don’t know,” she said, trying to shrug off his insults. “But my goal is to survive the month and go back to my life. And if that means I have to watch over you and write reports about you and your curse then so be it. I will do anything to keep up my end of the bargain, even if it means being with you for the next four weeks.”
Jude’s eyebrow raised and he gave out an exasperated sigh. She could still hear his wheezing. “Alright…but I better not hear a single complaint outta ya like “No!” or “I wanna go home!””
She nodded. “Okay. I won’t get in your way.”
“Promise not to run till the end, got it princess?”
Christabelle was warned about making promises with Jude but this was one she knew she could keep. “I promise.”
Jude smiled and she felt something prickle at the back of her neck as he leaned forward. “I’ve always wanted a secretary.” 
“A secretary?”
“Think yer too good for it?”
“No! Of course not. I’ll help you if makes things easier.”
“It won’t. You’ll make it worse, I reckon. But as my secretary, ya better start cleaning up the piles of things ya dropped. And put it in the exact order I had them in.”
“Huh? But I--”
He leaned in further, his voice firm and commanding. “Ya better get to work, princess, or I’ll make sure ya never leave this room.”
Something stirred in her chest from his tone. “Right on it, Jude.”
“Call me Sir. Or Master will do just fine,” he said with a smirk.
“Yes, Sir!” she said, moving down to the floor where she had picked up and organized the papers and reorganized them until they inevitably fell again because she kept knocking them down with her body.
Which is why later that night, after a long day of being Jude’s beleaguered secretary that consisted of being on the floor,  she was baffled to see not just one purple rose at her doorstep, but three purple roses. 
“Jude Jazza is the most incorrigible man on earth.” She did the sign of the cross. These next four weeks were going to be long. “God help me.”
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peonierose · 1 year
Hi everyone 🥰
So I’m posting this a little late buuuut…August 20th marked my 2 year tumblrversary so I wanted to take the chance and thank everyone who’s ever had some nice and encouraging words to say. Who’s been supportive and just an amazing friend 🩷
I am incredibly grateful and humbled by your guys warmth and generosity. To send so much love and support my way. Thank you so so much guys. It honestly means the world to me 🩷🩷🩷🩷
So I thought I’d link some lists and if you want to send in some asks about me or my many OC‘s and MC‘s feel free to. My asks are also open so if you want to you can send in some asks for my pairings which are:
Open Heart
Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Maxine Moore (F!OC) x Adam Sinclair (M!OC)
Keiki Lahela (F!MC) x Koa Haulani (M!OC)
Robin Flores (M!MC) x Addison Dalton (F!MC)
Gretel van Andresen (F!OC) x Grey (M!OC)
So feel free to let me know any questions about me or my characters or if you want to see a story or an edit, you can choose down below ⬇️
Again thank you guys for two wonderful years I’ve been able to call so many people my friends. And to make such wonderful friendships 🩷🩷🩷🩷
xoxo PR 🩷
Journal Prompts - by @prettypr1ncezz
OC asks - by @alannah-corvaine
Romance tropes - @urfriendlywriter Grumpy x sunshine prompts
First Date prompts - by @droptheprompt
Domestic OTP with children prompts - by @youneedsomeprompts
Everyone I’ve interacted with so far 🩷 (I also wanted to tag more people but I could only tag 50 people 🙈)
@annieruok94 @potionsprefect @petiteboheme @heavenssexiestangel @kristinamae093 @aallotarenunelma @ezekielbhandarivalleros @persephone13 @amortentiaopenheart @likealotus @surrrenderronniebabe1 @eleanorbloom @songsaboutgirls @noesapphic @lawrencebarkley @takemyopenheart @inlocusmads @txemrn @kyra75 @harleybeaumont @mydemonsdrivealimo @socalwriterbee @cariantha @starrystarrytrouble @tveitertotwrites @the-pale-goddess @mysticalgalaxysstuff @trappedinfanfiction @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @a-cloud-for-dreams @liaromancewriter @angelasscribbles @headoverheelsforramsey @lilyoffandoms @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @missameliep @kingliam2019 @alj4890 @bebepac @sincerelyella @karahalloway @princess-geek @secretaryunpaid
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CFWC F/AotW - Apr 14 - 20, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA
A Discovery ✒️| Mal Volari x F!elf!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
A Stagger in the Woods ✒️| Mal Volar x F!human!MC - @thosehallowedhalls for @storyofmychoices
Safe ✒️| Mal Volari x F!human!MC - @storyofmychoices
Lily Spencer Fanart 🎨by @bayleedraws-sometimesx
Move In Day ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
My Brother's Keeper ✒️Ⓜ️| Vasili Thorne, Sebastyan Thorne - @gaiuskamilah
"One Word From You and I Would" | m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Second Languages Part 2 ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Spring's Eternal ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @jerzwriter for @moominofthevalley
Trystan Thorne Fanart 🎨 by @/ohheyitsjulia (IG) C: @corynnellis)
Trystan Thorne x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @weetlebeetle (C: @peonierose for @jerzwriter)
Cursed Heart Fanart🎨| Thistle Bat by @bri1234
TFS MC 🎨 by @/ohheyitsjulia (OH) (C: @choiceswithmika)
Gabe Adalhard & Cas Harlow Fanart 🎨 by @gaiuskamilah
Maybe Someday ✒️🏳️‍🌈 | Gabriela Adalhard x Cassie Harlow - @livelaughlovecassie
Harper x Tom Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @lilyoffandoms for @cadybear420
Noah Marshall Fanart 🎨by @payroo
Two Birds on a Wire ✒️| Lincoln McQuoid (Aquino) x MC - @saibug1022
The Way to Rome ✒️ by @noesapphic
Not My Birthday ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Various Characters - @aces-and-angels
Bound by Fate (Series) ✒️| Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian Chapter 4: Lovers & Strangers
Complete Open Heart List - Week ending April 20, 2024
Zoey Wade Fanart🎨by @artbyalz
Forevermore (Series) ✒️ | King Marquise (Liam) x F!MC - @khoicesbyk Chapter 5: Joy of Winter
The Royal Romance Crew's Point of View Chapter 2 ✒️ by @choiceswithmika
TRR / Platinum / OH / CoP / TNA
Isle of Misfits (Round Robin)✒️ | Multiple Stories | Liam Rys, Leo Rys - @twinkleallnight Chapter 10: Dealing With the Paparazzi
Marabelle (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!OC - @tessa-liam Chapter 11: The Game of Kings 2
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sentofight · 7 months
ooc. me replying? nah. i will make a ship thingie post for my muses wahahaha.
bold (prefers it) italics (can happen) cross (needs building but could happen)
This list will not be naming the ships i have but the name of characters in the muse's franchise (if i have interactions in other verses might add characters i see my muse clicking with in that verse.) Though i will add if the character named is taken or not.
deuce (taken by @/oursongofhealing)
honestly he is probably one of the few muses i can't put a name just some ideas of who can be compatible with him.
strong willed
willing to accept that he is not a romantic person and will see his job as important as you? and maybe more because he is pragmatic person
can compromise to some extent, but never that be conflicting with the person or their interest
Lara Mel Marta
Fractured Milla
Jude Mathis
Avatar/ Robin m/f
Avatar f/m
Avatar f/m
Mark ( taken by @/rcdhotnight)
someone kind and understanding of his 'vampire dilemma'
idk what else to write he is not that demanding he is a sweet child sobs
MC f/m
shinji (im putting him despite not being one of my favs for personal reasons but i cant ignore that he is part of aki's life and ngl i like the trio mitsu x aki x shinji but haha we dont talk about that cuz some d.umblr ding dong people are fossils with ideas)
probably more but thinking
Lu Guang
Can't think of someone compatible with his in the TYPE0 world, but Emina can and might ruffle his feathers a little bit. idk.
ngl Aki Minahara could have a chance if she is a little bit older dlfkjsdkfs
anyway he looks for someone serious about the relationship.
he wants a family not just one night stand but he is afraid of making said family because of the crystal and dying and getting people's memories wiped clean.
basically, he does not want to be forgotten ...
uuh he can cook so he is not expecting the whole 'gender role thing'. as long as you are good in the things you like to do, then sure fine. tbh he prefers to cook. he is not big on eating other people's food. though he wont stop you from cooking. surprise him.
cats. tbh it is not something he can give up on for a partner???? because for him feeding and looking after the stray cats is an important part of his life. silly as it sounds but he takes it seriously.
he can compromise a little bit with the cat thing but don't expect him to stop going out to feed them.
laugh tracks but sure. I feel like Severa would be fun to see her bicker with him. they can judge their parents together lol
---she's younger than the 2nd generation.
---she's old than most of the cast.
someone who can understand her past is not something she is proud of and wants to change
Licca (big crush she's older than him but he does not understand)
in lore
in awakening verse
Avatar f/m
in lore
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pupmusebox · 24 days
[ Final Fantasy ]
Zack Fair Sephiroth Cloud Strife Genesis Rhapsodos Kuja Vincent Valentine Noctis Lucis Caelum Prickly(Cactaur/OC) Skylar(OC) Nicholas(OC) Tobias(OC) Rafael(OC) Prompto Argentum Ignis Scientia Gladiolus Amicitia Cecil Harvey Luneth Arc Ingus Kefka Palazzo Zidane Tribal Vivi Locke Cole Edgar Roni Figaro Sabin Rene Figaro Cyan Garamonde Gau Shadow/Clyde Setzer Gabbian Squall Leonheart Zell Dincht Irvine Kinneas Vaan Rufus Shinra Tseng Reno Rude
[ Pokemon ]
Togekiss/Hibiki(OC) Gallade/Shinobu(OC) Mimikyu/Tabb(OC) Mewtwo/Vero(OC) Lugia/Calin(OC) Ho-Oh/Kasai(OC) Arceus/Kadavul(OC) Lunala/Artemis(OC) Solgaleo/Apollo(OC) Necrozma/Lux(OC) Dialga/Ruka(OC) Palkia/Rozovo(OC) Giratina/Izael(OC) Latios/Taylor(OC) Latias/Quinn(OC) Rayquaza/Daven(OC) Groudon/Reese(OC) Kyogre/Kaiden(OC) Jirachi/Nova(OC) Deoxys/Alec(OC) Shaymin/Sage(OC) Victini/Flynn(OC) Genesect/Briar(OC) Volcanion/Rex(OC) Magearna/Cleo(OC) Diancie/Blair(OC) Melottea/Wren(OC) Wes Ethan Silver Red Green Adaman Rika Piers Allister Gladion Drayton Crispin Giovanni Archer Petrel N Harmonia Maxie Archie Volo Cyrus Brendan Wally Steven Stone Wallace Lucas Barry Saturn Lucian Flint Buck Riley Hilbert Cheren Nate Hugh Calem Lysandre Elio Guzma Chase Rei Kieran Arven Atticus Giacomo Ortega Grusha Larry Hassel Jacq Salvatore Saguaro Prof. Turo
[ Persona ]
Naoya Toudou Tatsuya Suou Makoto Yuki(P3 MC/Protag) Ryoji Mochizuki Jin Shirato Takaya Sakaki Shinjiro Aragaki Akihiko Sanada Yu Narukami(P4 MC/Protag) Yosuke Hanamura Naoto Shirogane Kanji Tatsumi Tohru Adachi Teddie Akira Kurusu/Joker(P5 MC/Protag) Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox Goro Akechi/Crow Futaba Sakura/Oracle Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull
[ Golden Sun series ]
Issac Garet Ivan Alex Saturos Felix Piers Agato
[ Legend of Zelda ]
Link Zelda Sheik Ganondorf Midna Zant Kafei Vaati Shad Auru Sidon [ Sonic series ] Sonic Tails Knuckles Dr. Eggman Rouge Shadow E-123 Omega Silver Victor Espio Charmy Emerl Chaos Metal Sonic E-102 Gamma Black Doom
[ Animal Crossing ] Tommy Timmy Isabelle Tom Nook [ Vocaloid ] KAITO MEIKO Len Kagamine Gakupo [ Megaman Series ] Megaman.EXE Lan Hikari Eugene Chaud Protoman.EXE Baryl Colonel.EXE Iris Zero(Rockman Zero) X Zero Spider Bass.EXE
[ Fire Emblem ]
Marth Ike Soren Sothe Ranulf Tibarn Naesala Reyson Volug Zelgius Robin(M) Chrom Morgan(M) Gerome Inigo Corrin(M) Byleth(M) Claude von Riegan Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Hubert von Vestra Seteth Rhea Shez(M) Arval
[ Splatoon ]
Kit/Captain 3 Drey/Agent 4 Zeke/Agent 8 Kyte/Neo Agent 3 Agent 1/Callie Agent 2/Marie DJ Octavio Pearl Marina Shiver Frye Big Man
[ Stardew Valley ]
Sebastian Sam Shane Elliot Alex Harvey
[ RWBY ]
Adam Taurus Qrow Branwen Salem Cinder Fall Winter Schnee James Ironwood Penny Polendina Weiss Schnee Whitley Schnee Blake Belladonna Yang Xiao Long Ruby Rose Lie Ren Ozpin Jaune Arc Sun Wukong Mercury Black Neptune Vasilias Fox Alistair
[ Fate ]
Ritsuka Fujimaru Ozymandias Gilgamesh Caster Gil Proto Gil Kid Gil Setanta Cu Chuluiann Proto Cu Caster Cu Alter Cu (Culter) Archer Emiya Shadow Emiya Alter Emiya Diarmuid Ua Duibhne Saber Diarmuid Aiden(OC) Aouregan(OC) Arthur Pendragon Immaru(OC) Izar(OC) Lugh(OC) Connla(OC) Achilles Chiron Romani Archaman Bazett Fraga McRemitz Asterios Fuuma Kotaru Merlin [ Fullmetal Alchemist ] Edward Elric Alphonse Elric Roy Mustang Envy Greed Maes Hughes [ Black Butler ] Sebastian Michealis Claude Faustus [ Devil May Cry ] Dante Nero Vergil [ Resident Evil ] Leon S. Kennedy
[ Trigun Stampede ]
Vash Nai/Knives Nicholas D. Wolfwood [ Homegrown Pet ] Hector Eli Pierce(OC) [ Elevator Pitch ] Protag Coworker [ Dead Plate ] Vincent Charbonneau Rody Lamoree [ Diabolik Lovers ] Ayato Sakamaki Laito Sakamaki Kanato Sakamaki Shu Sakamaki Reiji Sakamaki Subaru Sakamaki Yuma Mukami Ruki Mukami Kou Mukami Azusa Mukami Shin Tsukinami Richter Karlheinz Kino
[ Mystic Messenger ] Zen Yoosung 707 Jumin Han V Unknown/Ray [ Piofiore ] Dante Falzone Nicola Francesca Henri Lambert [ Fandomless OCs ] Draco Noire (Vampire) Aristaeus (King Bee Demon) Leo Cooper/Chase
[ Genshin Impact ]
Zhongli Venti Aether/Traveler Kaeya Diluc Albedo Tartaglia/Childe Itto Alhaitham Gorou Tighnari Cyno Xiao Wriothesley Neuvillette Il Dottore Pantalone Il Capitano
[ Honkai Star Rail ] Caelus/Trailblazer Blade Boothill Adventurine Dan Heng Gepard Gallagher Dr. Ratio Jiaoqiu Jing Yaun Luka Loucha Moze Sampo Welt [ Jujutsu Kaisen ] Satoru Gojo Yuji Itadori Sukuna [ Dragonball series ] Goku Gohan Android 17/Lapis Cell [ SpyxFamily ] Twilight/Loid Forger
[ YGO ]
Yugi Moto Yami Yugi/Atem Seto Kaiba Joey Wheeler Dartz Rafael Mahad/Dark Magician Jaden Yuki Syrus Truesdale Chazz Princeton Bastion Misawa Zane Truesdale Atticus Rhodes Aster Phoenix Jesse Anderson Jim Crocodile Cook Yusei Fudo Jack Atlas Crow Hogan Astral Kite Tenjo Trey/Micheal Arclight Quattro/Thomas Arclight Quinton/Christopher Arclight Reginald Kastle/Shark/Nash Rio Kastle/Marin Ray Shadows/Vector
[ Digimon ]
Tai Kamiya Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi Daisuke Motomiya Ken Ichijoji Takato Matsuda Lee ‘Jen’ Jianliang Takuya Kanbara Koji Minomoto Koichi Kimura
[ Obey Me!/Nightbringer ]
Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satan Asmodeus Beelzebub Belphegor Yuki(OC MC) Xavier(OC) Diavolo Barbatos Simeon Solomon Luke Raphael Thirteen Mephistopheles Michael Mael(OC) Dante(OC) Caius(OC) Silas(OC) Ignatius(OC) Samuel(OC) Belial(OC) Raguel(OC) Theodan(OC) Neo(OC) Zephyr(OC) Kuro(OC) Asura(OC) Meagera(OC) Astraroth(OC) Gardonus(OC) Lilith(OC) Cerberus
[ Twisted Wonderland ]
Azul Ashengrotto Vil Schoenheit Riddle Rosehearts Malleus Draconia Idia Shroud Leona Kingscholar Jade Leech Floyd Leech Jack Howl Ruggie Bucchi Kalim Al-Asim Jamil Viper Ortho Shroud Ace Trappola Deuce Spade Trey Clover Cater Diamond Epel Flemier Rook Hunt Lilia Vanrouge Silver Sebek Zigvolt Divus Crewel Dire Crowley [ Undertale/Deltarune ] Sans Paparus Mettaton Frisk Kris
[ Nexomon ]
Omnicron Ulrich/Grunda Nadine/Ventra Fenrir/Fona Merida/Arqua Deena/Nara Zetta/Luxa Nexolord/Metta Solus/Omnisun
[ 7th Dragon III: Code VFD ]
Yuma Kisaragi Yamato Mishiru Jet Sakaki Yuujin Nabaru Bastian Renstu Kirino Kirika Mei Nami Aogiri Urie Nio Misha Azerin Katanako Chelsea Citorin
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moodmusicmonday · 1 year
Whew! This playlist has a little bit of EVERYTHING! You're gonna get hyped to party, lost in your own heart-eyes, and then finally tripped up in your angsty-crying feels. It's pretty amazing, and we are so thankful to our writers for sharing their music inspo! So, go ahead! Check it out! Turn it on while you do your day! And don't forget to check out these fics when they come out! Like, comment and reblog these writers! Mention that you love their music inspo!
Dying to read a fic NOW? You're in luck! We have a newly released fic listed below! Look for the 📖, and click on the link!
We love y'all! We will see y'all in June! 🌞
“Dusk Till Dawn” - Zayn ft. Sia; Vancross, Chapter 15: I’ll Be With You (multiple crossover; Liam Rys x f!OC)
“In My Veins” - Andrew Belle; Best Kept Secrets, Chapter 14, Everything Will Change (TRR; Liam Rys x f!OC)
📖 “When You Believe” - Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey; The Life of Riley Book 2, Chapter 8: Garden Party Photo Op [TRR; Liam x Riley]
Back to the Starting Line [OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Sawyer Brooks)]
”Hard to Say Goodbye” - Ekali, Illenium “Crash” - Usher
Once, Part 4 & 5 [TNA/OH; m!Sam Dalton, m!Robin Flores, Ethan Ramsey]
“Once” - Maren Morris “Long, Long Time” - Linda Ronstadt “Already Gone” - Sleeping at Last “Just Breathe” - Pearl Jam “Blue” - Sigrid
“Dive” - Ed Sheeran;  TBD, Part 3 [OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Tessa Martinez)]
Marabelle, Chapter 5: Lights Out, Beaumont Bash 2 [TRR; Liam Rys x f!OC (Sophie Taylor)]
“Unchained Melody” - the Righteous Brothers “I Gotta Feeling” - Black Eyed Peas
“Pearls” - Samantha Gongol; TBD, a Royal Roulette (TRR; Liam Rys x Riley Brooks-Rys)
“8 Letters” - Why Don’t We; TBD, one-shot [TNA crossover; m!Sam Dalton x f!OC (Caroline Austin); m!LI x f!OC (Caroline Austin)] 
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twinkledraws · 1 year
The Royal Romance
Hippo: Baby Maxwell Beaumont with mother
It all ends well: Max and OC
Christmas : Liam x MC
My love : HBD Art For baylee, Liam x MC
HBD Robin: Asian Liam x MC
Lexie : for @axwalker Drake and MC
Solace: Drake with his grown up daughter
HBD Anitah : Drake frenemies with MC
HBD Beeps : Olivia Nevrakis
Drake's birthday bash: Liam and Drake
Open Heart
Jackie and M!MC
Ride or Die
Colt kaneko : Leap of faith
MC Ellie Wheeler : Trouble maker
Ximena : Do you wanna hug?
Mercy west Park Crew
Desire and decorum
Ernest Sinclaire
Crimes of Passion
Trystan Thorne
Kamilah Sayeed and MC : The Feather Touch
Non Choices
Gong yoo and Robin
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jerzwriter · 9 months
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April - June: 37 Fics Written - 1 COP, 32 OH, 1 OH/TRR CROSSOVER, 3 WTD (More stats below break)
Ⓜ️ = Mature Content/ 18+ | 🔥= NSFW 🎨 = Art Commissions
April 2023
Ethan x Kaycee
Sorry, Tobias [Feat: Tobias]
Highways & Byways Part 1 Ⓜ️
Sweet Reaction
A Different Fate Part 1 (AU)
A Different Fate Part 2: Ethan's POV (AU)
Choosing You
Tobias x Casey
Highways & Byways Part 2 Ⓜ️
A Carrick Family Easter [Feat: The Carrick Girls, Vivian Carrick, Jordan Carrick OCs] 🎨 by @/artbyainna (IG)
Crash Part 1
Enchanted 🎨 by @/artbyainna (IG)
Homecoming Ⓜ️🔥 🎨 by @/artbyainna (IG)
Learning Curve - [Feat: Samantha Carrick]
Any day...
Worth the Wait
We're Having a Baby: Part 1: Ready or Not
A Mother's Journal (Series) [Eli Sipes, The Sipes Family] Part 4: The End of the World Ⓜ️
May 2023:
A Different Fate (Series) - @jerzwriter [Ethan x Kaycee] Part 3: It's Been a Long Time Part 4: Glass Door
What's Forever For? - @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey (past)/Tobias x F!OC] Miranda - Part 1
Bejeweled - @jerzwriter [Tobias Carrick, Ethan Ramsey, Bryce Lahela, Jensen Valentine - @mydemonsdrivealimo 's M!MC]
Something New - @jerzwriter [Ethan x Kaycee]
Homecoming - @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey]
We're Having a Baby Part 2: Here She Is - @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey]
Heading Home | 📱- @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey]
JUNE 2023
Better this way... - @jerzwriter [Trystan x Carolina]
Ethan x Kaycee
Worm Love Part 2 📱
Are We Dating the Same Guy? Ethan Edition
Tobias x Casey
Worm Love Part 1 📱- @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey]
Are We Dating the Same Guy? Tobias Edition
Date Night 📱
A Family Affair 🏳️‍🌈 [Feat: Jordan Carrick OC]
First Father's Day
Starstruck 📱
With Pride 🏳️‍🌈 🎨by @/artbyainna (IG)
Worm Love Part 3 [Eli x Zoe, Troy]
The End of the World Part 1: The Blessing of Each Day [Eli Sipes]
One Night in Cordonia (Round Robin) | The Royal Romance / Open Heart Chapter 8: All's Well That Ends Well Ⓜ️
37 Fics
16 April / 8 May / 13 June
1 Crimes of Passion / 32 Open Heart / 1 Open Heart/ TRR Crossover / 3 Wake the Dead
5 AU
29 Tobias x Casey / 11 Ethan x Kaycee / 2 Eli Sipes / 2 OH Guys / 1 Tobias x F!OC / 1 TRR Crossover / 1 Eli x Zoe / 1 Trystan x Carolina
Guest Stars!
1 Jensen Valentine (@mydemonsdrivealimo)
4 Commissions
4 Tobias x Casey
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
WIP Wipeout Masterlist
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Hello everyone! I want to apologize for the delay in getting this list out; it wasn't my intent to let a full week go by. Alas, it was a very challenging week!
Last weekend was simply lovely! A group of writers scattered around the globe writing together, encouraging one another, and getting to know fellow fandom friends a little better. Really, what could be better? I want to thank all that participated, and we should definitely do things like this again! Perhaps a couple of hours on a day in December for holiday-themed fics?
Here are the things we did last weekend. Guys, my ADHD has been off the charts this week, so if I forgot anyone, please DM me on Tumblr, and I will be happy to update the list! Thanks to each of you again for making it such a memorable weekend!
@aallotarenunelma - WWW Updated | It Lives in the Woods, Connor Green x F!MC
@gutsfics - WWW Progress Update | Hollywood U
@issabees - WIP Weekend Wrap-Up | The Nanny Affair, M!Robin Flores x F!MC, Queen B, Ian Kingsley x MC
@jerzwriter - WIP Weekend Preview | Open Heart, Tobias Carrick x F!MC
@lucy-268 - WIP Weekend Wrap-Up | Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@peonyblossom - Sunday Six Preview | Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC | Hollywood U, Thomas Hunt x F!MC
@phoenixrising0308 - WIP Weekend Wrap-Up | The Royal Romance, Liam Rys x MC
@trappedinfanfiction - WIP Weekend Preview | Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@twinkleallnight - Sunday Six Preview | The Royal Romance, Kiara Theron, Liam Rys, Rashad
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txemrn · 2 years
Dishonorably Disrobed
a TNA One-Shot
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Book: The Nanny Affair, Book 3
Pairings: m!Sam Dalton x MC (Brynn Schuyler); m!Robin Flores x Sofia Russo; Mason Dalton Sr. x Vivian Dalton (lol)
Word Count: ~2500
Summary: This is a very loose canon origin story based out of Chapter 20 (the finale!); after the airline loses some important luggage, Best Man Robin does everything in his power to make sure the wedding day isn't ruined for the happy couple... although mix-ups do happen. May contain minor SPOILERS of the finale.
Warning: 🔞 Mature Audiences Only 🔞; language; crude humor about sex and anatomy; brief mention of otherwise illegal activity
AN: This is a submission for @choicesflashfics​, using prompt #3: “That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?” The prompt will be in bold.
A/N 2: Gosh, I already miss TNA... and I miss writing for TNA! I might need to make that a resolution for 2023. 😋 This idea was born from several conversations with a few of my sweet nanny-loving friends... and our natural reactions to Sam's honeymoon "outfit" (pic of said outfit at the end). As always, the characters and some of the storyline are borrowed from our friends at Pixelberry. This is not pre-read or beta'd, so please forgive my errors!
"Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position…" 
Ensuring that both of his twin sons were prepared for landing, Sam Dalton finds himself staring adoringly at his bride-to-be, who is already helping them buckle their seat belts.
"Is this going to be scary, Brynn?" Mason asks, his words drenched with concern. 
"You've been on planes before, Mase," the former nanny slinks her fingers into his hand as he grips tightly.
"Yeah, but never this plane," he scrunches his eyebrows. "What if they land differently, or–or crash?"
"Buddy," Sam chimes in, "we're not going to crash. Plus Brynn and I are right here with you–"
"And they won't let anything happen to us," Mickey smiles, taking his brother's other hand.
"You know?" Brynn winks at Sam before turning her attention to her future stepsons. "That's a great idea, Mick; let's all hold hands."
As the young Dalton family hold each other tightly, the airplane begins to subtly quiver as it begins the descent.
"Are we there yet?" Mason whimpers.
"Almost," Brynn squeezes his hand.
With a final thud and a sudden lurch forward, the plane is finally safe on the tarmac, making its way to the proper terminal.
"Did you close your eyes, Mason?" Mickey asks.
"J-just for a second," his brother pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"I didn't," Mickey beams, "that's because I'm brave–"
Brynn wraps an arm around Mason. "I had to close my eyes, too," she grins. Turning her attention to Sam, "and I do believe your father closed his eyes for a minute."
"What?" The twins shout in unison, Brynn covering her amusement.
"I did not," Sam ruffles the boys' curly hair. "I was just… napping." 
The boys bust out with joyous laughter as their father jokingly shifts his eyes, feigning embarrassment.
"But you know what, Mickey?" Brynn announces as everyone's snickers calm down. "You're right. You are brave, but," she pauses for a moment, draping an arm around Mason's shoulders, "so is this guy right here!"
"That's right!" Sam holds up his hand for a high-five from Mason. "You did it, buddy!" 
Mickey twists his face before finally nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right." He playfully puts his brother in a headlock before continuing. "Good job, little bro!" He titters.
Suddenly the aircraft pulls to a gentle stop while a loud chime plays over the loudspeaker followed by the captain's voice.
"¡Bienvenidos, Puerto Vallarta, México!"
Sam smiles in excitement as he looks to his fiancée, then to his kids. "Who's ready for some fun?"
"Me!" The boys squeal together.
"Dalton family of four," Sam pulls out his phone, huddling everyone together for a selfie. "On the count of three, say, 'Wedding'! One… two… three!"
Sam, Brynn and the twins are shuttled to the hotel where they are met outside by Robin.
"Hey there, best man," Brynn giggles, planting a chaste kiss on his stubbled cheek. "Have you and Sof already been sightseeing?"
Robin combs his fingers through his hair, offering a sympathetic grin. "Eh, not exactly."
Tipping the driver and waving him on, Sam turns his attention to his brother. "Something wrong?"
"Well," Robin collects a few pieces of luggage, corralling the family to head towards their rooms. "Yes and no–"
Sam and Brynn stop, giving each other nervous expressions.
"--but everything is fixable," he assures with a hopeful grin. "We just need to decide fast on what we are going to do."
"Oh, there you are!" Sofia walks up as she's ending a phone call, grazing her slender fingers against Robin's chest. "Good news. There are a few places down in the city that can expedite alterations for Saturday."
"Alterations?" Sam raises an eyebrow.
"Saturday? As in, for the wedding?" Brynn questions.
"Oh," Sofia clenches her teeth as she glances at Robin, "you haven't told them?"
"If you'd give me a chance, dear," he glares at the blonde before turning back to the engaged couple. "They lost Dad's bag."
"Oh no," Sam exclaims. "I guess he doesn't have his clothes then. Has he talked with the airlines?"
"He's practically been on the phone with them since we arrived last night," Sofia nods.
"But Sam," Robin sighs, "this wasn't a bag of Dad's clothes. It was the bag with all of the wedding day accessories for the guys."
Robin nods. "Remember? The vests, ties, suspenders, shoes–"
“What?” Brynn snaps. "Why did you pack them together?" Brynn tries to show restraint in her irritation.
"It sounded like a good idea at the time," Sam whispers, shrugging. "We figured... we would be less likely to lose something if everything just stayed together."
"Well, now you've lost everything!" Brynn bites back. 
Okay, Brynn, that's a little melodramatic, don't you think?  Take a breath.
She clears her throat, fixing a fake smile to her lips. "Please," she sighs, "just make this right."
Thursday and Friday came with no avail. Brynn was fairly upset about the situation, but Sam, Robin and Sofia made haste in finding replacements for everything while Jenny tried distracting her with various tourist outings.
Unfortunately, nothing matched the aesthetic; the originals were custom designed for this specific wedding. But, Brynn vowed a long time ago that she would never turn into a "bridezilla," and truthfully, she was grateful for everyone pitching in to make something work for her special day.
Luckily, Robin was able to work his magic charm, and around 2:30 on Saturday morning, he received a call that the luggage was found, and could be picked up from a claims center at a smaller airport just outside the city limits. 
Several hours later, he was walking through the front doors of the resort with his father's luggage in tow. He was hoping to drop it off at the older Dalton's room before returning to his own for a small nap before the wedding.
As he waits for an elevator, he hears a familiar, husky voice.
Robin glances over to see his parents getting off a lift, hand-in-hand. Stepping towards them, he offers a tired, crooked smile before kissing his mother's cheek. "Hey, Pops, hey, Moma."
"Robbie," Vivian starts, "what are you doing up so--?"
Mason Sr. gasps. "Is that my missing luggage?" Robin brings it forward, showcasing it like a trophy. "Samuel and his nanny will be so excited to see that."
"Here, sweetie," Vivian grabs the bag, "we'll take this up to our room and have it all steamed, okay?"
"Really? You don't mind?"
"Not at all. I've got it." Vivian cups Robin's face, stroking his cheek with her thumb as she lowers her voice. "Now go get some sleep."
Robin appreciatively nods his head as he catches an elevator going up to his floor. He slinks into his room, completely exhausted from his all-night endeavor.
He shrugs off his clothes before sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling out his phone. He sends off a quick text to Sam.
Happy Wedding day... again. Left you a surprise in Mom & Dad's room for tonight. 
Sending off the message, two lean arms suddenly slither around his shoulders, pawing at the hardened physique of his chest.
"About time, Mr. Flores," she purrs into his ear. "Did you get the bag?"
"Mhmm," he hums.
She sighs with content. “I'm so proud of you,” she breathes against his skin.
The corner of Robin's mouth curls as he tenderly grabs her dainty hands, pressing them to his heart. "Sof," he exhales. He lays his head onto her arm, inhaling deeply her sweet scent before peppering her arm with delicate kisses.
"C’mon," she giggles, "come to bed, baby.”
Several hours later, Sam hurries down to Robin's room to thank him for the strings he pulled to fix the wedding disaster. But, he was met with Sofia instead.
"He's still asleep, but I will make sure he's awake within the hour."
Sam nods, "Thanks, Sofia." He begins to turn on his heel, but stops himself, facing back for his ex-fiancée. "And thank you. For everything you've done to make today special."
Sofia raises her perfectly plucked eye before fixing a cheshire grin to her face. "Don't go soft on me now… Boo Bear," she sardonically chuckles, crossing her arms as she walks back into her room. 
Sam snickers under his breath, shaking his head.
"Oh!" She stops the door from closing behind her. "Robin got you a special present for–" she clears her throat, "--tonight. It was something in that bag. I just thought I'd remind you to grab it. No telling what it is with his buffoonery."
"Oh, yeah," Sam nods, "he mentioned it in his text. I'll grab it." He begins to head down the corridor. "See you in a bit."
With his parents away, getting pampered with massages before the ceremony, Sam was given badge access to their room.
He slides open their closet door, and relief fills his heart. Hanging up and perfectly pressed are his and Robin's vests, their ties along with the boys' suits and accessories. He also found his shoes, perfectly polished.
Overjoyed, he shoots Jenny a text message to let Brynn know that everything is perfect.
He begins to collect all of the items when he remembers Robin's gift. 
Where is it? Would it be wrapped?
Sam glances cautiously around the room.  He checks the closet again, discovering only one thing left inside, hanging up towards the back. 
Did he get me something to wear? 
The satin garment is pearlesque white with a very nuptial vibe. Sam pulls it off the rack and instantly feels the intricate detailing of embroidery on the lapels.
It's a robe. 
But for me?
He takes off his shirt, and slips it on, instantly charmed with the soft-feel against his skin. 
This is nice–like, really nice.
He steps in front of a floor-length mirror, taking in the sight. It was shorter than a typical men's housecoat, hitting him on his upper thigh with three-quarter length, kimono-style sleeves with more filigree stitching. He cinches the robe together, giving himself a good look-over. Chuckling to himself, he starts dancing, swaying his hips back and forth before finger-gunning his reflection.
He notices the garment has pockets, one of which seems to have a matching pair of boxers hidden inside. He holds them up, curiously flipping them back and forth.
These look awfully small. Where does… everything even go?
Removing the robe all together, Sam is very much touched by the sentiments and appreciates his stylish brother wanting to make his wedding night more special.
He pulls out his phone and texts Robin.
Tonight is going to be even more special. Thanks.
The wedding went off without a hitch. It was beautiful, elegant and romantic, like something out of a fairy tale. The bride was exquisite, and the groom was completely enamored, unable to take his eyes off of his beloved.
Early the next morning, Robin and Sofia walk hand-in-hand down the main hallway when suddenly, Sam's door opens.
"Oh!" Sam exclaims, adjusting his embroidered satin robe upon seeing them. "Hey, you two." He places his arm on the doorframe, leaning against it casually with a smirk.
Sofia presses her lips together, stifling her laughter as Robin's face contorts with pain.
Suddenly feeling insecure, Sam lowers his arm, pulling the lapels closer together to cover his chest. He clears his throat, "Everything… okay?"
"Sam," Robin leans in, lowering his voice. "The fuck are you wearing, bro?"
“Wh–what do you mean?” Sam's large chestnut eyes dart back and forth between his brother and his ex-fiancée. "The robe?… am I not wearing it right?"
"Uh, you could say that. You shouldn't be wearing it at all." Robin covers his mouth as he stares at Sam's appearance. "And she still fucked you? Wearing this?"
"Stop it, Robin," Sofia slaps his shoulder, turning her attention back to Sam. "Men wearing women's lingerie is a very common kink," she winks. 
"Oh, but this?" Sam looks down at the robe. "This isn't women's lingerie–"
"Oh, Sam," she condescendingly snickers, "yes, it very much is. I actually have it in red. And those?" She briefly glances down at his tight underwear. "Definitely women's boyshorts." She leans in closely, lowering her voice. "By the way, your meat and two veg are hanging out."
Horrified, Sam instantly pulls the material right around his hips, covering the front of his pelvis. "Robin!" He huffs. "Why did you even get this for me?"
"Me?" Robin blows a raspberry with his lips. "I actually have taste outside of my mouth, Sammy. I would never buy that for myself... or any other man, for that matter."
"You said you got me a surprise for my wedding night!"
Robin nods. "Right?"
"I even texted you about it, thanking you–"
Robin scoffs. "You were thanking me, your brother, for women's lingerie for you to wear… on your wedding night?"
"What part about that seems normal, Sam?" Robin interrupts. 
"Jesus, I have not had enough coffee for this," Sofia mumbles.
"So then… what was my gift?"
"Dude," Robin crosses his arms, "we're in fucking Mexico. I got you some fun shit: 150-proof tequila, some psychedelics, and–" he slaps his brother on the back, "El Rápido pills."
"El Rápido pills?"
"Yeah, you know," Robin rolls his eyes. "They give you the most powerful erection ever known to man--I swear your dick grows, like, two inches. You could probably give a black eye with that thing alone." He winks, clicking his tongue. "But the orgasms... Shit, you could literally shoot a rocket to the moon–"
"It is pretty amazing," Sofia chimes in nonchalantly, picking at her nails.
"Well," Sam looks at the floor in confusion, "if I'm wearing a woman's robe and panties, I wonder if anyone opened your actual gift–"
All of their heads abruptly turn to see Vivian Dalton slowly making her way down the long hallway. She waddles carefully, stutter-stepping and occasionally having to stop with a brief wince of discomfort flashing across her face.
"Mom?" Sam calls out.
"Are you okay?" Robin steps forward, taking her by the arm to steady her gait.
"I'm fine," she wiggles in uncertainty. "Your father however…um, well," she sighs, her voice falling quiet, "we need to go to the ER."
"What?" Sam exclaims.
"Why?" Sofia's eyes grow wide.
"I think your father… took something."
"Took something… like what?" Robin inquires.
Vivian takes a deep breath, looking her children in their eyes. "Now, you boys are grown adults… and you should know that your father and I still love each other very, very much. And we like to express that love physically –"
"Stop," Sofia cringes. "Why is all of this happening before coffee?"
Robin and Sam look at each other puzzled.
And then it hits them.
"El Rápido pills…"
"Your father, well, he's had… quite the appetite." She shifts her weight, her face flinching from an unseen ache. 
"And now, his, um, appetite doesn't seem to want to… go away," she nervously chuckles. 
"Goddamnit, Robin…" Sam mutters, glaring at his brother. "I swear–"
"Um, Samuel dear?" Vivian interrupts the banter.  "Why are you wearing my robe? And are those… my unmentionables?"
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Tags (list updates 9/26; if you would like to be added or removed, please let me know!):
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @charlotteg234 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/IFH3xKm
by Shawtiee
₊  ˚  .   💌 ―  ❛ Ever heard of Aphrodite the mythical Greek Goddess of Love? Yes? Well, what if I told you that she's not really a myth and in fact exists in the body of a beautiful young girl named [Name] [Last Name]!!
[more plot details in a/n] ― ₊  ˚  .
Words: 3611, Chapters: 2/70, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Young Justice - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Other
Characters: Robin (DCU), Kid Flash, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Wally West, Dick Grayson, Garfield Logan, Damian Wayne, Time Drake
Relationships: Robin (DCU)/Reader, Kon-El | Conner Kent/Reader, Wally West/Reader, Kid Flash/Reader, Artemis Crock/Reader, Superboy (DCU)/Reader, Miss Martian/Reader, Aqualad/Reader, Batman/Reader, Roy Harper/Reader, Garfield Logan/Reader, Damian Wayne/Reader, Bart Allen/Reader
Additional Tags: Reverse Harem, Reverse Harem x reader, Platonic relationship with Damian, Platonic relationship with Batman, Hot mc, sexy mc, Badass MC
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/IFH3xKm
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typewriting-robin · 3 months
The Way I See You
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Victor/Robin MC (M x F)
cw: angst, nightmares, ptsd, negative self-esteem, age gap relationship (MC is 24, Victor is...god knows how old), daddy issues, nsfw (rated e), vaginal fingering, vaginal sex
Word count: 5476
note~ it is recommended but not required to read the OC/MC master list and scroll to the very bottom for Adaline, the Robin that corresponds to Victor.
Deep down inside, Adaline knew that her relationship with the leader of Crown was odd. He would catch her in one of her daydreaming spells. It would usually start with an attention grabber. A tap on the shoulder, or a rose would manifest in her lap.
“How about a magic trick to turn that frown upside down!”
Victor’s magic tricks varied. Sometimes they were card tricks. Other times he would pull impossible things from a hat. On one or two occasions he used a tablecloth and summoned a very angry Jude, who threatened to leave him bloody. 
Each time, the memories would evaporate, the way the sun would evaporate the ice surrounding a flower, breathing life and nurturing it.
Their relationship began to change rather quickly. One night she had a nightmare. It was her most recurring one. The fire that broke out at her childhood home when she was 11.
After waking up, she walked around the corridors of Crown manor in an effort to calm herself. That she was in no danger.
“Little Robin,” Victor’s voice cut through the darkness as he too wandered the halls.
“I know, I should be asleep,” she said before he could scold her.
A smile played on Victor’s lips. “I usually would say that but my Robin isn’t quite an ordinary lady. If she happens to be up, then the reason must be important.” There was a pause. “Did your typewriter get swallowed up by an alligator?”
Adaline laughed at his words and the sheet improbability of it, momentarily forgetting her nightmare. “No, of course not!”
“I’m sure you can tell me all about it while I have my boys deal with our pesky alligator. Come follow me,” he said, continuing the joke and beckoning her.
Adaline breathed in before following him. He pulled her into a room that was only just smaller than the ballroom. “Where are we?”
“Home in a home! My room, of course! Now my guest…do you desire for water, milk, tea, perhaps. Chamomile works wonders for sleep!”
“Chamomile will do.”
Minutes passed before he served her a cup of warm chamomile. “Thank you. I used to drink a lot of this when I was young. I was always a little anxious growing up, you could say.” With her finger, she twirled a lock of her honeyed blonde hair. She had inherited the color from her mother. In fact, she strongly resembled her mother rather than her father, who was tall and almost always draped in black. Ellis reminded her of him in terms of his style, but there was something about Victor that truly reminded her of him.
His chamomile tasted like the one her father made, with a dollop of honey for extra flavor.
Victor likely knew she was having nightmares but he didn’t question her nor probe her, only offering her his company and attention. And then one minute she was awake, the next, it was broad daylight and she had woken up in Victor’s bed alone, without a single nightmare.
That’s how it began.
It started off once every few days but lately her sojourns to Victor’s room were becoming more frequent. He was always so kind with her, so patient and never probing. The members of Crown didn’t seem to mind seeing her with her veil off, least of all Victor, who helped her meet Roger, who treated her burn scars with various salves and took notes on her progress.
“You have such lovely hair,” Victor said one night. The nightmares were now gone since she started sleeping with Victor. “Beautiful, beautiful hair. I can tell you take perfect care of it.”
“Thank you. It means a lot to me knowing you have such radiant hair as well.”
Victor motioned her to sit down on a chair facing a mirror where he ran a hairbrush along her long, honey colored hair while humming softly. He moved the brush slowly as if fearing he’d pluck out one of her strands of hair even if by accident, which made her heart flush with warm feelings.
The fire had singed all of her hair, marking her as unrecognizable alongside her burn marks. She had been mistaken for a servant child and sent to an orphanage. Her hair didn’t grow, not immediately as she recovered, passing off as a boy. But when she was just shy of turning thirteen, a miracle happened: her locks had begun to take root.
Adaline would refuse to cut her hair if she could help it, as her hair served many purposes. It was, to her,  her one remaining beauty, inherited from her mother. It also hid her for when she didn’t wear the veil, falling down her waist. She didn’t trust her hair with just anyone, but Victor was so unfailingly kind to her.
She saw his violet eyes focusing on her hair, now applying some kind of lotion on it. “What is that?
“This? A lotion made to make your hair glow. The queen uses it every night before bed.”
“Really?” Her eyes widened in surprise.
Victor smiled. “Indeed. And don’t worry, there’s plenty to go around.” He rubbed the lotion all over her hair, which had a rich fragrance that she couldn’t pin down.
“Does my hair have split ends?” she asked. “I don’t get it cut very often. Sometimes when I say to just trim it, the salon instead makes a mess of it.”
“A little, yes. One of the maids here is an expert at trimming hair. Allow me to help you tomorrow with that and you’ll feel as good as new!” Victor drummed on her shoulders, indicating he was done. “Ready for bed?”
Victor’s bed was twice the size of the one in her room, giving them their own space to lay. He tucked her in. “Do you want to read a story? Or perhaps I’ll tell you one?”
Adaline yawned. “No, thank you. I’m sleepy tonight.”
“Very well. Pleasant dreams, my Little Robin.”
Adaline quickly drifted off to sleep, her world sinking into the comfortable inky black shades of sleep amidst acceptance and warmth. 
…Except, when Adaline woke up, the moon still shone brightly outside, indicating she had risen far too early. Victor was asleep next to her, appearing peaceful and years younger than the likely age he was, which dispelled the notions she had grown to have about him as her father figure. Adaline stared at his features, admiring his beauty.
She slipped out of bed to use the privy. Predictably, Victor had the best one in Crown Castle, with plumbing she wasn’t even used to before cleaning up and returning to bed.
Victor had turned in the interim, facing her side, but still asleep.
She could see his beauty mark as he slept, his lips upturned. It was on his left side of his face, on the very border of his lips. Adaline recalled how her father and stepmother would kiss her goodnight. Without thinking, she leaned over and kissed his beauty mark, her lips grazing over it.
Instantly, regret pulled at her, gnawing at her insides as heat rose in her lower back. What have I done?
Victor didn’t react, as none the wiser.
Her heart raced as she tucked herself into bed, praying to every known deity that Victor didn’t stir or that he had even felt that kiss. Why did I do that? He’s a man, not your father.
Yet he was so kind to her, so funny and gracious and patient with her.
She had a fitful sleep that night, unable to get over the regret she faced as new regrets kept swarming in. Did that count as a kiss?
She left the room and got ready for her observations the next morning before Victor could even wake. There was no way she could ever meet his gaze today.
She sat in the lounge, taking notes with her pen.
“You’re sighing,” a slinky voice said, coming from the depths.
Adaline didn’t even notice she was sighing. “Good morning, Alfons,” she said, ignoring him. She had attracted his interest upon moving to Castle Crown on account of her being difficult for him to enchant.
But Alfons plopped up next to her, sitting too uncomfortably close. “You don’t appear to have writer’s block. Is it matters of the mind? Or perhaps that of the heart? Hmm?”
“Be quiet,” she said, wanting to shoo him off. Since she covered her neck in its entirety. Alfons could only be seen as a nuisance to her. “I’m trying to think.”
“Might I help you? I enjoy thinking as well.” He grabbed a lock of her hair, fingers deftly running down. However, she quickly swatted him.
“Stop that!”
“It’s shinier than usual today. And softer. Reminds me of our leader’s hair.”
“Go touch his hair then.”
“Ah, but Victor isn’t a lady like yourself. A lady’s hair is much--”
Adaline grabbed her pen and moved to face Alfons, as if ready to stab him. “Not a word more or else I will draw on your face.” She hated being teased. Roger was enough already but she benefitted from him so she was able to grin and bear it. Alfons, on the other hand, had nothing of value to her.
Then she paused in realization now that she was close to him.
Being this close to him reminded her of last night, when she kissed Victor.
“You’re doing it again. Is that a sigh I’m about to hear once more?”
Adaline sighed-- in exasperation. “Fine. I’ll ask you since you’ve kissed people.”
“Kissing? Is my Robin--”
She rolled her eyes. “Nevermind. I can’t ask someone like you anything. It’ll be better if I ask Roger.”
Instantly, Alfons relented. “I’ll stop.”
“What is a kiss?” she asked. “Don’t laugh at me. Are kisses--specifically the ones on the lips-- supposed to be romantic or sexual? Like a stimulant?” Then she realized that Alfons was the perfect person to ask this. She gripped her pen, the edge of it near her lips. “Actually, say you use your…ability on someone, yes?”
“Yes? Keep going.”
“And you kiss someone, does that count as a kiss?”
“Of course it does. They believe me to be whatever they desire.”
“I see. And what if they’re in a state where they’re prone or asleep or perhaps don’t react. Does that count, even if the one being kissed is unaware?”
Alfons rubbed his chin with his gloved hand. “If a tree falls down and no one hears it, does it make a sound?” he asked her.
“It does since it fell, didn’t it? It doesn’t negate the fact that the tree fell in the first place.”
“But no one heard it,” he said, a smile playing on his lips. “Therefore it did not happen. Not truly. That is why my ability does not count,” he paused for a beat, “to some, anyway. Are you going to write that in your little fairy tale book of secrets?”
“Maybe,” she said. “Now go away,” she said, properly shooing him off with her pen.
Thankfully, Victor wasn’t present for most of the day, so she was able to get her work done and meet with Roger for treatment and to help him with his research on her scars and the pain that would flare in her right shoulder.
When the time came to go to bed, Adaline opted to sleep in her room.
Her world turned black, then morphed into red. Not the familiar red of the fire that consumed her and snuffed out everything dear to her. She was back to that night when she met Crown, the man standing in his pool of blood. She remembered Victor was not there.
“Take the knife and slit your own throat,” William’s voice commanded and Adaline’s arm rose, knife in hand. She was powerless, out of control. Just like the man she found laying in a pool of his own blood that night.
“Please…no…don’t make me do this!” She was shaking but her arm was no longer hers in her final moments. All she could think of was how she’d never see Victor again. He’s never show her his magic tricks, his jokes, nor comfort her when she--
She rose from bed, touching her neck. The scars were still there but she was here. Alive. And healthier than before. “I can’t go to Victor. I’m too dependent on him,” she murmured. She thought of the kiss, the stupid kiss she initiated. He was her father figure and those were her feelings towards him.
Victor never came that night but he was at breakfast and had instantly called for her attention when she arrived in the room. “Little Robin! Over here! Yoo hoo!” Yes, he was a little embarrassing but it was endearing and a smile slipped out of her lips.
I can do this. “Good morning, Victor.”
“How did my Robin sleep?”
“Okay, I guess,” she said, lying.
Harrison, who was nearby, let out a hmph noise. 
“I have a mission for my Little Robin today. You shall accompany me to a ball tonight!” He let out a boisterous chuckle. “And you shall be my lovely, lovely date.”
“Huh?” She hadn’t been to a dance since she was a child but-- “date?”
“Of course! I asked for you, yes.”
“He wants to present ya to Queenie,” Jude said over his paper. “G’luck. You’ll need it with this clown.”
With a flick of Victor’s hand upwards, Jude’s newspaper tore into fourths, then eighths, then sixteenths.
 “I was reading that ya annoyin’ git!”
But Victor did not care one bit, running out the room and giggling. “Meet me in the courtyard!”
After she ate, Victor was indeed inside the gazebo. “Why did you want me here?” she asked. 
“Simple! Because we’re going to practice dancing together.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to do it in the ballroom?”
“Indeed, my precious and sound minded Robin, but we are going to an outdoors event, with fireworks!” He made motions with his hands and sound effects simulating fireworks, which made her laugh. After her laughter died down, he bowed to her, which made her heart race. “May I have this dance?”
Adaline was trained to dance a long time ago, before the fire. She was trained to dance at the same time she learned to walk. She had even taught her stepmother the basics. Doing this with Victor was like returning to a warm, cozy room with a blanket, coming to her like second nature. He was strong, his movements confident. Even when he danced, Victor’s personality seeped forth.
“You’re a natural. I don’t even have to recite the steps,” he said.
He never said anything bad or remotely negative to her, even when she made a mistake. “I enjoy moving with my body.” Regaining control of her body was a long and arduous process but now she was committed to keeping it that way. She danced back in her apartment sometimes. Running was primarily her way to keep her body in her control. She was swift, lithe. The picture of a Robin.
“Very graceful.”
“So are you.”
“I love a good dance, even with only the music of the outside playing.”
“Me too,” she said, meeting his face.
That was her mistake. She saw his beauty mark, the same one she kissed, and fumbled, losing her rhythm and stepping on his toe. “Ahh sorry! I lost control! It won’t happen again!”
But Victor was unphased. “It’s quite alright! We must keep practicing!”
It had turned out that the reason why Victor was out for most of yesterday was in preparation for the ball.He had gotten everything ready for them, including her dress, accessories, and makeup. Her dress was pink, which added an innocence to her look and Maria, her maid, had her hair in an elegant half updo. 
Victor’s words rung in her head. “I’d like to offer you a choice to make for tonight,” he said after he concluded dance practice. “I prepared makeup for you tonight, but you needn’t wear it, my dear Robin. The choice you make is up to you.”
Maria gestured to the makeup box. Everything was in here. Lipstick, rouge, powder, shadow, and makeup for her brows and lashes. But most critically, there was a liquid there that matched the color of her skin. This is what Victor meant.
She stared at the liquid for a spell, pondering if she ought to wear it. It would conceal every last one of her pink and white burn marks, mostly the ones on her face and neck. For just one night, she could live normally But…
“Use everything but this one, please.” If the partygoers couldn’t take her face, her injuries, then at least she had Victor on her side.
Victor gasped when he saw her. “You look positively radiant, my Little Robin! A perfect vision!” 
Adaline’s heart was already racing in adrenaline when Maria finished her makeup job. She knew Victor was waiting for her as she walked down the stairs. When he said those words, she felt like running as a reflex.
Her cheeks were completely red. “T-thank you.”
“I see you chose everything but the foundation. A wonderful choice you made!” He leaned and took her gloved hand, kissing her palm. A subtle heat bloomed from the core of her belly upwards, spreading, spreading until she felt entirely flushed.
He was her father figure, right? So why was she feeling this way? Like she wanted to both run away from and collide with him.
When they were in the carriage, she spoke up. “It’s because of you,” she began as she stared at the window, watching London’s scenery. She turned to face him. He was already gazing at her.
“What was?”
“I didn’t wear the…paint because I knew.” She met his jewel-like eyes. “I knew you’d be there with me every step of the way. You’re always on my side. Since we met.”
His hand moved over hers, causing her heart to race. “And I’ll always be.” 
His hand covered hers for the rest of the carriage ride.
The band played a lively tune when they arrived at the ball. It was an outdoors affair, with rose gardens and marble statues.
Victor wordlessly offered her his hand after he made his greetings and presented them to the Queen, a larger than life woman wearing all black. They danced slowly in time to the music, two bodies dancing as one.
“All eyes are on you,” he said.
Adaline wanted to dismiss it as something someone with a silver tongue would say. “You jest.”
“Look beyond you.”
She felt her cheeks redden, feeling glad yet again that she opted to wear rouge. “I think…” She looked beyond them at the onlookers. She recognized William and Elbert there, and not too beyond Elbert was Alfons, looking at them with a sly expression. It took every fiber of her being not to stick her tongue at him. But all were looking at them. “I think you’re right. Let’s keep dancing.”
It was just as they danced earlier in the courtyard, only in fancier dress. There was no one but her and Victor. She was used to his touch, his gaze, his warmth. They were all things precious to her. Things she thought she had lost, but now found.
Their palms touched and they swayed. Then they heard an “ahem”.
“William! My eldest and co-conspirator. How are you tonight?” Victor’s tone was not unlike a child being caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
William’s arms were crossed, his gaze playful. “How long will you continue to hold our Robin hostage?” his ruby red eyes gazed from Victor, then hers.
“I am not held hostage!” she said, interrupting their conversation, but William ignored her.
“You’ve kept her caged to yourself all day and all night. Allow one of us to have her.”
Victor pouted, but acquiesced. “You may have her. For now. Do take care that our adorable hedonist does not lay an arm on her.”
William was also an adept dancer. “I understand why Victor won’t let you go. You’re an accomplished dancer. Few can keep up with him.”
“I have a lot of deficiencies but as a Robin, I have the best speed and stamina.”
“Nonsense,” William said. “You have a surplus of admirable traits. Otherwise our leader wouldn’t be at your side the way he is. If you left Crown, he would be heartbroken.”
Adaline didn’t say anything, not immediately. “I…” William knew Victor best and he was confirming that Victor cared just as much about her as he did. “They need me at the post office but…”
“No one loves his magic tricks more than you do.” He glanced at Victor, who was standing near some of the Queen’s family, pulling a turtle out of a chalice, which elicited horrified stares.
“Oh dear. Should we do damage control?” she asked.
“Victor must reap his consequences. This is the norm.”
She laughed. 
“You love him,” he said.
His words echoed in their mouth and Adaline was momentarily lost for words. “As a daughter would a father,” she said too quickly.
William smirked. “Is that what you believe?” His eyes narrowed.
“Y-yes,” she said, showing hesitation. She recalled the way she felt when she kissed the corner of his lips. How her heart, her body, her mind were consumed by it during and ever since then.
William let her go. “Then go to him and do what your heart tells you to do.You are in control of yourself, Robin.”
Victor was waiting for her, having given the turtle to a noble’s child, who at least found amusement in his antics. “My Little Robin. Did my eldest fill your head with his pretty little words?” His palm touched her. Despite them being gloved, she felt as if they were bare.
“He tried, but I can resist him.” Her words weren’t necessarily true, and she wondered if Victor could also detect her lie.
“A valiant effort!”
They danced until the fireworks commenced, which signaled the end of the event. Their hands found each other as they sky lit up in various shades of gunpowder. “Should we go with the other Crown members?” she asked him as the crowd began to disperse.
Victor shook his head. “I’m afraid it’s too much of a risk to travel this late and with this many nobles afoot.” Adaline’s stomach dropped from his words. “But you shall be safe with me!”
“Do they want to kill us?” she asked as they departed to the carriage. 
Victor took out a pocket watch and began to time the carriage. “My darling Robin, everyone does. Now if this carriage goes over seven minutes, we must make our disappearing act.”
Luckily the carriage stopped just after six minutes. “Did we arrive?”
He looked out the window. “We did, and not a moment to spare! Now, shall we?”
They were not at Castle Crown, but at a hotel.
“I had the servants help with our booking. Will you be alright with this arrangement?”
She nodded. “I understand the travel risk so yes.”
Naturally, this was one of the most well regarded hotels in all of London, and for England, for that matter. It was opulent, with it having a royal theme. Adaline found a mirror, where she saw her makeup had begun to run and her hair had loosened.
“Are you feeling alright?” She saw Victor’s expression through the mirror. His eyebrows were knitted in concern. William’s words echoed through her ears. If you left Crown, he would be heartbroken.
She turned to him. “Yes. I’m fine. Just a lot of things on my mind.”
He sat on the bed, patting the side for her to sit next to him, which she did without a second thought. “Won’t you tell your dearest Victor what’s on your mind?”
Adaline hesitated. “Just tired,” she lied.
Victor’s hand moved to her chin, tilting it in his direction. His eyes were so gentle, yet carried a weight to them. Much like she did. “My Little Robin…you know it’s not good to lie.” So he did detect when she had lied to him.
Adaline decided to come clean. “William said if I left Crown, you’d be heartbroken.”
The words hung in the air, sucking all the energy out. “Well…he’s….” Victor began, faltering. “He’s right. I wouldn’t make heads or tails without my swift Robin. She’s become important to me. More than she’ll ever know.”
His beautiful jewel-like eyes softened. William said she loved him but her own heart had to tell her. She closed her eyes, listening to her heart. All she could hear was it drumming in her chest as the memory of kissing his lips flooded to her again. She had lost count of how many times she replayed the memory.
When she opened her eyes, she saw Victor’s soft gaze on her. So she moved forward and raised her body, her lips once again grazing his beauty mark.
Victor didn’t react, which brought Alfons’ words back to light. If a tree falls down and no one hears it, does it make a sound?”
But her lips very much did that and he was awake this time.
“Sorry, I won’t do it--”
“My Robin!” he said, moving forward, his lips meeting hers again. He was soft, caring, and warm. All traits she had thought of him since the start. His kisses taste like champagne, like a celebration. He broke the kiss, adding small pecks. “Do not apologize,” he said between kisses. “Ever. Kiss me anytime. Anywhere.”
Her arms encircled around his neck, deepening the kiss.
“Just as you did the other night,” he said, to which she stopped the kiss.
“Huh?” She pulled away from him, but he kept his grip tight on her.
“It left me in a state of shock when you did that! Whatever impulse did you go through to kiss me like that in my sleep?”
“Wait. You felt that?” she was mortified. Now, she wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and stay there. 
“Of course I did! To know my Robin loves me back…is that why you didn’t come the next day?”
“No! I mean…yes. I won’t ever--”
Victor interrupted her again. “Always kiss me. You have my heart, Robin.”
With that, she leaned in and kissed him again. Victor’s kisses were bountiful, each feeling like the sparks she saw in the sky that night, like magic. Pop. Pop. Pop.
He laid her down on the bed, her hands moving to run her fingers through his silky black hair. He was everything to her and so much more.
“My Robin,” he said.
“Call me by my name.”
“Adaline,” he said and he was rewarded with more kisses. 
She broke for air, but kept her grip on him. “My family would call me Della.”
“Della,” he said, his voice soft. Kiss. “A beautiful name.” He moved to kiss the scars on her neck. “Della…” Goosebumps littered her entire body. No one called her Della since the fire. Not until tonight. “Della, my Della.”
His words were like the wind to her, compelling her to take him. “Victor.” She deepened their kisses, sliding his coat down. She knew this was the man she wanted to spend her life with. Their relationship may have been odd, but this was what her heart wanted more than anything else in the world.
“Della,” he slid the dress off, leaving her in her corset. “I’m afraid I have to make you undergo another choice tonight. I’m sorry I keep doing this to you, my dear, but it is life altering.”
“I want to,” she said without hesitation. “It has to be you. Tonight. On the day when I’ve felt like…no. I’ve become Della again.” She unbuttoned his black undershirt, exposing him.
Victor nodded. “My Robin…er, Della--habit--a wise, confident decision on your part.” He pushed the strings of her corset, laying it beside them as he worked to free her from her chemise.
Adaline suddenly felt nervous, as if the reality of the situation was finally hitting her. 
Sensing this, Victor spoke up. “We can stop. No one will fault you for this.”
“I want to. I want you.”
“Then…” he kissed her scarred cheeks. “Allow me to teach you everything you need to know.” He placed her between the pillows after exposing her, his lips leaving no place unkissed. Every scar, everything white and pink and red and in between was blessed by Victor's lips. She thought of earlier as to why she didn't wear the foundation. She didn't need it. Not when Victor would always love her. 
“Let me see you too, Victor,” she said after he fully undressed her. 
He did as told and revealed himself to her. His hair appeared even more luxurious in this bare state. 
“You're gorgeous,” she whispered. 
Victor kissed her earlobe. “Would you like to learn a magic trick?” He asked, his voice lower than before.
“Please. I adore your magic tricks.”
Victor's hands tickled her abdomen before lowering, lowering between her legs. One finger slid inside her, her walls contracting. “It appears you're more than ready for my trick.” She kissed him deeply as he moved his finger inside her, circling around her nub inside her. But what surprised her was a second one being inserted at a different angle. 
“Victor!” She moaned. 
“Let me teach you, Della,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. He moved his fingers at two different angles. “Move your hips for me. Up and down. Set a nice rhythm. Like we're dancing again.” She did as she was told. “A perfect dancer. So pretty.” He said amidst her growing moans. “Keep going, my darling Della.” She moved in tandem with his fingers, her noises growing louder and louder.
“Sing for me, my Little Robin!” His fingers were now edging her decisively as she felt her entire body lighting up like the fireworks again but this time it wasn't a pop but rather something greater than that. She trembled, her body ringing out for him, moans echoing throughout the bedroom. 
He slowly withdrew his fingers from inside her. “You were so wonderful,” he said. “Would you like to stop here?”
She shook her head. “I want you to teach me everything, Victor. I'm certain.” 
He leaned in to kiss her, which she responded by wrapping her arms around his neck. His now dried fingers were weaving through her hair as their bodies aligned. 
She breathed in and Victor cupped her cheek. “I've always desired you,” he said. “And when you were in my bed…” he slowly began to push inside her.
“Yes…” she said as she felt his intrusion. A sweet pressure as he entered her. She had been stretched out thanks to his fingers and she had never felt so complete, so full the way she did now with Victor. 
“I wanted this too. Now let's do one last dance for the night, shall we?”
Their hands found each other’s now stripped free from gloves as he made love to her, each and every one of their fingers intertwined so intimately, like the strings of a piano key, striking a nerve inside her as they moved as one. 
“My dance partner,” she whispered between their kisses and thrusts.
Their movements became more frenzied but their hands never unlocked as they kept going. “I'm afraid I'm about to…”
“Let go,” she said, her hands gripping tighter as she moved even more swiftly underneath him. She was the fastest of the Robins, after all. 
Victor's climax came and he spilled himself inside her, slowing down. Adaline gripped her hands tight, hoping to come again but she couldn't achieve it the way it had happened with his fingers. Victor pulled out of her swiftly and began working his fingers inside her again, this time pumping in and out of her, his fingertips grazing the sweet spot that made her react in increasingly louder moans and whimpers. “I want to make my Robin sing all night. It’s one of the most wonderful sounds I’ve ever heard.”
It only took a few moments for her body to respond the way he did, her body shaking as she cried out his name.
His arms went around her, spooning her from behind. “You're precious to me, Della. Thank you for choosing me. For wanting me back.”
Adaline smiled as she closed her eyes.
“And it seems my Della requires less teaching than I thought. She'll be an expert by the end of the week.”
She turned around to face him, kissing his beauty mark again, her leg wrapping around his. He gave her his widest, most sincere grin. “End of the week? How about the end of the night?”
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peonierose · 7 months
Top 10 works
For @choicesfandomappreciation Top 10 I’ve wanted to list my favorite Top 10 stories. I can’t believe I can even say I have written 10 stories and more to begin with 🥰 Who knew these stories and characters would become so important to me? But I’m glad I took the plunge, sat down and wrote some stories. I hope they can make people smile and make their better at least for a little while.
Thank you to anyone in this family fandom - as I like to call it - who is kind and supportive and gave me and my characters and stories a chance 🩷
1. Wildflower - Keiki Lahela (F!MC) x Koa Haulani (M!OC)
2. Go Blonder - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
3. I‘m a Sucker for You - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
4. Cinnamon Sugar - Maxine Moore (F!OC) x Adam Sinclair (M!OC)
5. Both are good - Bryce Lahela (M!MC) x Raleigh Carrera (M!MC) with @aallotarenunelma 🩷
6. ”How were we ever strangers…“ - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
7. Cake by the Ocean - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
8. Wake Up Little Susie - Chapter 1 - Gretel van Andresen (F!OC) and Hänsel van Andresen (M!OC)
9. Paint Wars - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
10. Girls Night Out - Chapter 1 - What’s the secret password? - Characters involved: Jenny, Emma Anderson (F!MC), Addison Dalton, Sofia Russo, Sam Dalton, Robin Flores and Carter
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CFWC F/AotW - Feb 11 - 17, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 💘 Valentine's Day 🔹Submitted by creator
Derek Taylor x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @lilyoffandoms for @tveitertotwrites
Aerin Valleros x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @erixadraws
Happy Valentine's Day 🎨💘 | Aerin Valleros x f!human!mc - @artbyalz
Maiele Nightbloom Fanart 🎨🔹| BOLAS elf!MC by @storyofmychoices for @lilyoffandoms
Mal Volari x F!MC Fanart 🎨💘🔹by @cammarada (C: @storyofmychoices)
A Whitetower Festival of Friendship & Love ✒️🔹| Mal Volari x MC - @dutifullynuttywitch
Woven Threads and Winding Roads ✒️🔹| Tyril Starfury x f!human!mc - @aria-ashryver for @thosehallowedhalls
By Any Other Name ✒️💘🏳️‍🌈🔹| Kamilah Sayeed x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls for @vampirkit
First Birthday ✒️| Adrian Raines x f!MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession
CoP Full F/AotW List Week Ending Feb. 17, 2024
Kieran x MC Fanart 🎨🔹by @gaiuskamilah for @lilyoffandoms
Whimsical Walks and Poetic Talks ✒️🎨🔹| Ernest Sinclaire x F!MC - @storyofmychoices for @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Distant Shores: An Alternate Path ✒️🔹| f!Charlie Smith x M!MC - @korgbelmont
Happy Valentine's, Hater ✒️💘| TFS MC - @choicesmc
Zig Ortega x F!MC Fanart 🎨🔹by @/artsbymena (C: @choiceswithmika)
Aiden Zhou Fanart 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms for @cadybear420
Rolling on Forward ✒️🏳️‍🌈 🔹| Aiden Zhou x NB!MC - @cadybear420
Cafe Whispers & Scone Kisses ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Addison Sinclair x F!MC - @storyofmychoices
A New Chapter: A Valentine's Day Special ✒️💘 🔹| Stacy Green x M!MC - @korgbelmont
Dancing Queen ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Original Characters - @aces-and-angels
Date Night🎨🏳️‍🌈💘 🔹| Gabe Ricci x M!MC - @choicesmc
Guess Where Magnus is From 🎨| Original Characters - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
LOA OCs Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
That Place ✒️🏳️‍🌈Beau McGraw, Wind (NB!MC) - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
The Tarmin Awdernviel Gala 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Multiple Characters by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Wind Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹| LOA NB!MC - @storyofmychoices for @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Let Me Be Your Valentine, St. Valentine ✒️🎨🏳️‍🌈 💘 🔹| Donovan Navarro x/& NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Open Heart F/AotW Full Listing Week Ending Feb. 17, 2024
Sloane Washington Fanart 🎨by @sazanes
Sloane Washington Pajamas 🎨 by @sazanes
Sloane Washington Valentine's Day 🎨 by @sazanes
Sloane Washington x F!Hayden Young Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @sazanes
Women in STEM/Girl Power! 🎨| Sloane Washington - @cassiopeaicorvus
Written in the Stars 🎨| Sloane Washington - @cassiopeaicorvus
Written in the Stars: Queen Star 🎨| Slaone Washington - @sazanes
Cordonian Karaoke: Hana Take 3✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Hana Lee x MC, Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles
Goodbyes Are the Hardest ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @silvermillenniumqueenneptune
Marabelle: The Game of Kings ✒️💘🔹| Liam Rys x F!MC - @tessa-liam
My Lonely Valentine: The Agreement ✒️💘Ⓜ️ 🔥🔹| Liam Rys x MC - @angelasscribbles
Round Robin Chapter 1: Welcome ✒️🔹- @angelasscribbles
Anna Koishi x F!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @noesapphic
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