Characters: Oogie Boogie and the Other Mother/the Beldam
Media: The Nightmare Before Christmas and Coraline
Type: Romantic/Platonic
Happy early Halloween! 🎃🕷
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Characters: Oogie Boogie x The Other Mother/The Beldam
Fandoms: The Nightmare Before Christmas | Coraline
Relationship: Romantic/Platonic
Submitted by @liverfever
At this point, it's more like Happy Late Halloween, but that's my fault so XDD
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While I'm still Gaimanposting, does the Other Mother seem to anyone else like a weird hybrid of Peter Pan and Captain Hook? I mean, on one hand Peter is sorta the immortal god of a whimsical but dangerous fantasy world where kids can escape to, and due to his eternal immaturity he's more sinister and selfish than he initially appears. On the other hand, Hook has the animal nemesis and also the weird Freudian dynamic where he's like the fantasy world's alternate version of Wendy's dad (especially given that Hook and Mr. Darling are traditionally played by the same actor).
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
Can I have part 2 of Beldam Y/N?
Part 2 where they meet you
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(Lmk Wukong) It's been pretty roughly lately. Wukong Has been helping m k and the gang find the missing male by it went no luck. Anne for some reason he's been Plugged by nightmares from the time he was possessed by lady bone demon. He's just so unnecessarily stressed you haven't no idea. The one thing he's not very stressed swift was with the doll he found. He's still wondering and trying to figure out. Where exactly did it come from? And how did it get on the island. While he was Brainstorming that one night he heard shurrying then he Walk outside looking for the noise and what he found was a baby monkey.
(Lmk Wukong) Hey little guy you scared me
When Wukong got a closer Look at the baby monkey He found that it had black buttons instead of eyes instead. Wukong Jumped back in shock before the monkey took off to somewhere around the island making sure day was following him. The monkey king chased after the baby monkey gate. Not knowing that his surroundings were getting further and further from flower fruit mountain leading to the edge That's when The unusual baby monkey ran inside some kind of His passage way and slammed the door shut behind him.
Wukong Finally got to the passage way and tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge , no matter how hard he pulled on it. That's when he remembered that the weird doll. He got had a key with it. So he decided to take a while to guess and use it on the door. Surprise, surprise it worked, and when he opened it. He noticed a jade portal Leading to the other end. Wukong put his guard up and cautiously walked through the portal And he got to the other end he walked into a living Room the size of a palace it was that luxurious. Wukong look around for a little bit to see if you can find the unusual baby monkey when he heard humming that was leading towards What appeared to be a kitchen. Wukong Finally got to The source of the humming before finding a kitchen That was just as big if not bigger than the living room. And in the middle was a female Black monkey Set Up the dining table.
(Lmk Wukong) Excuse me who are you how did you get on flower fruit mountain?!
That's when the female monkey turned right around looking back at him with Is big yellow shiny button eyes
(Y/N) What the hell are you talking About? I was always here honey
Wukong's jaw touched the freaking floor
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) Oh how annoying. Master tang is making the group stay here until they can figure out The source of the disappearances of the men. Of course Wukong Was less than pleased when he got scolded Once again for Is brutalizing A demon who I don't know Kidnapped his master again. He's about to Stop saving his ass. On a sidenote Wukong Is still trying to figure out where exactly this doll look alike of him came from He acted like he was flattered but secretly creeped out. One night once everybody was asleep. What's wrong with still wandering around? Not caring about the danger that everybody's making a fuss about. After all he's the monkey king who's gonna mess with him. Quickly growing bored. He decided to go back to the Inn and when he was heading back towards the room. Dad's when something ran over his foot when he look down you saw a bug Gross doubt and angry that something like that. Dare to touch him you ran after ready to crush it under His foot until it ran into a closet He yanked the door open there was no bug instead there was an old elegant mirror. We're did out by this. We'll call went to tap on it until his hand ran right through it Like it was entering somewhere else He pulled back and Minor fright But out a curiosity he grabbed his staff and walked The rest of the way through And on the other end was a big Luxurious living room it made him think At the palace. As impressed as he was , he still remained auscious and explored the place a bit before he heard humming He brought his guard right back up before storming down the hallway and walked inside. What appears to be the world's biggest kitchen? And there in the motel was a female black monkey. Frying up what appears to be some vegetable rice.
(Mk Reborn Wukong) Hey who are you What are you doing Here I never seen Is you before is this your room ?
That's when the female black monkey Turned right around to face him with too shiny deep red buttons looking right at him With a pout On her lips
(Y/N) I don't know who exactly you think you're talking to. Because this is my home you're lucky you're cute and I was also over here waiting for you dear. know how late you Are
Let me tell you the king dropped His staff in shock.
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(NR Wukong) He've been hanging out in the garage a lot more. Putting together some parts but he's still felt unusual. Ever since he was sent that doll looked alike of him, he's been extra cautious and it's gonna might have been a trap or something, but it seems like all that does just sit there and stare at him. He won't ever admit it but it's kind of creepy. One night when Lee went out with his girlfriend. Wukong was by himself when he heard tiny feet??Wukong Became highly alert when he finally saw. I was making the noise oh a cockroach just what he needs He went off to try And kill it when it led him to a strange garage miniature door. It obviously never been here before But all the time he himself Scurried around He tried to open it But it wasn't budging that's He remembered the key That came with his Creepy doll and decided to use it on Interesting Enough it worked And when he opened the door A beautiful jade Tunnel that led to the other side of the wall maybe. Now he was really weird it out. He quickly put on his mask and Crawled into the tunnel. When he got to the other end, that's when he noticed. He walked into a luxurious living room area. Everything was shiny and golden and silver In some parts made him feel very under dress. Then Wukong He heard humming from down the hall and he slowly crept towards what seems to be the biggest kitchen he's ever seen and there he saw a female black monkey where her back turned to him.
(NR Wukong) Oh, hello beautiful. I'm terribly sorry. I may have accidentally barged into your home. I hope You can accept my apology and I will leave immediately
That's when the female black monkey turned right around to face him and what Not eyes but two shiny Pink buttons
(Y/N) Well handsome? I never expected you to be this polite , but you don't have to leave right away In fact I was waiting for you
For the first time in a long time Wukong Was absolutely speechless
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(HIB Wukong) He was hanging out in the mountain area with his doll. Things have been getting out a hand in the village Seems like everyone's got a curfew now. He allowed Liuer To stay with one of the neighbors just for his safety Considering he's a male to while monkey king went and surveillance to place for anything suspicious. He thinks everyone is making a big deal out of nothing, and the men would eventually turn up. But there's already been 5. That was missing and that was more than enough to alert the whole village and the fear. After he searched the village to and found nothing. He went back to the mountain area to get some shut eye until he Notice something his doll wasn't anywhere to be found. At first he may have thought he dropped it, but he added with him the whole time. It was legit even holding it a bit. Then he saw something elsewhere. He found a bug scurrying across and he's never seen it before or anything like it. And it's like it knew he was looking at it because it picked up High speed And ran somewhere he definitely knew something was up. So he chased after it while looking for the doll too. That's when he saw not only the doll , but the bug that squeezed into a mountain passage. Wukong Wasted no time moving the rock just A jade portal leading to the other side. With upmost caution he crawled in with his guard up So far nothing is happening Until he finally reached the other side and entered a beautiful luxurious living room. Like what this was back here. Wukong still with his guard up walk continue to explore the area and the house he was in. Until he found what Was the biggest kitchen he's ever seen. By the counter was Cutting vegetables was a black female monkey with a pink Cheongsam dress
(HIB Wukong) Excuse me, I'm sorry. Did I accidentally walk in to your home? I'll leave immediately if
That's when the female monkey turned around and instead of eyes there was bright Orange Shiny buttons
(Y/N): My king you're just in time for dinner
Wukong had the shock of his life
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(Netflix Wukong) Lin had begged him to stay at her house. Why? Because her village has now created a curfew for everyone to be inside their home At a certain time to reduce the disappearances. Wukong Was still not afraid of whoever is doing this or Whatever is happening But to ease Lynn's worries. He decided to crash on her place for the night just to show her That nothing will happen to him. After a while , the two fell asleep with the monkey king keeping the doll next to him until he heard a scurrying. Wukong Woke up at high alert grabbing his staff. Ready to attack the intruder? When all he saw was a tiny bug scurrying across the floor.
(Netflix Wukong) Wow you gave me a scare huh
As if the bug knew the king was watching it it picked up high High speed and ran Down the hall and to a closet. Wukong Knows that lynn hates bugs in her Home so he ran to quickly kill it before opening the door Something he knew was'nt there before. He sees an old looking mirror door He was Of it at first until he saw the same bug crawl under it so With the key that came with the door he found he opened the door and When he sees nothing but a jade portal. With That he cautiously walked in holding his staff right in front of Him.
When he got to the other side he walked into. What was the most luxurious living room he's ever seen. As he continued to look and awe he heard humming from down the hall. Monkey king kept his staff in front of him as he walked down to what was the biggest kitchen. He's also ever seen. And in the middle was a female black monkey. Uh oh It seems like he walked into somebody's house
(Netflix Wukong) Excuse me is this your house i'm sorry if I accidentally walked in
The female monkey turned right around to stare back at the king with Not only a bright smile but two bright Red shiny buttons.
(Y/N): I don't know why you're Apologizing this is your house too you know
This may sound embarrassing but there's a good chance he fainted
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Celina! I just had the weirdest idea!
Coralline au!
M/c lives in a world identical-if not exact- to ours…
There is a small door in m/c’s room that takes them to the rottmnt dimension.
The turtles are the ‘beldams’ of the story, the only difference being their world isn’t a fake trap used to kidnap children and devour their souls. Their world is literally rottmnt only they are yanderes with button eyes. Also every other character that isn’t one of the turtles is strangely not there-
M/c’s home dimension- to help follow some of the plot from Coraline- kinda sucks. Neglectful parents who are so strung up in their work, they don’t notice m/c. M/c would live in a two-story small house (mainly because I don’t know how I would fit the other characters into this, so they don’t exist here).
M/c loves rottmnt, and so finding a doorway that leads them to a parallel universe with the rise characters only they have sewn on button eyes would surely make m/c really happy at first, given her current circumstances. Yeah sure, they act a little different and kinder compared to the show, but they seem really nice! What’s the worst that could come from staying a little longer?
I can imagine the turtles seeing m/c as their own kin- but not in the delusional “ I am related to you by blood way. More in a “you are our adopted sibling/child” kind of way. They believe they should be the ones to take care of m/c because, clearly, their parents aren’t doing that good of a job at it.
I also wanted a huge motivator for the turtles going platonic yandere on m/c, so I decided to add a bit of angst to this au. Everyone but the turtles is dead, minus background characters.Either by the Shredder or Krang, they are all dead. Or they never existed in this world! Either way, m/c still has no answer as the turtles never talk about them.
Also, Donnie has most likely already stalked m/c before their arrival in their world, which allows the other turtles to already have crucial knowledge on m/c that will aid them in their goals. Poor m/c still hasn’t noticed the cameras-
Once m/c realizes what is going on, it would be far too late to stop it. M/c’s only contacts in their world is their parents, and they won’t believe m/c! Though, it may not be too hard to convince them, seeing as they are already kidnapped and locked away-
The only thing m/c can even do to escape is run and hope to find a new caretaker, because they ain’t getting their parents back from the turtles. I guess the other option is to re-enter the other-world, which would most likely result in m/c being tied down whilst Mikey stitches buttons on their eyes don’t worry, Donnie has already gave them something to make them go numb. They don’t feel a thing physically!
Now, let’s say m/c somehow freed her parents and escaped. Now, m/c would have to burn down the entire house and find a new place to live, because they WILL find a way to get through the door if it is intact. Though, this may not even save m/c, because Donnie could easily make another one in their new home…
(Is this good? I hope it is. I love how we both just torture m/c with fictional mutant turtles with superpowers-)
Yes, it's very detailed! It's great.
Tw: restraints, implied forced surgery(?),
"Look at you! So pretty with your button eyes!" Mikey holds your face in his hands. "Now you're officially a member of the family!" His grin is wide, and a sense of glee is evident on his face.
"Yeah, you have a nice pair of buttons, bud." Raph also smiles at you, kneeling down to be closer to your eye level. His onyx, dead button "eyes" stare back at you. "I'm so happy to have you as our new member."
Leo strokes your head, "No more having to go back to the place...That wretched place where your so-called parents harboured you. But it's alright, no more having to be neglected by them! You'll just be coddled with all the brotherly and parental love you deserve!" His expression darkens when he mentions your parents, malice seeping through his words.
"And as a celebration and in memory of this wonderful event-" Donnie turns his back to you, his metal spider arm holding his phone, "Say 'Buttoning!'" Everybody poses as the camera clicks, cheering the word 'Buttoning!' alongside Donatello.
But you...You weren't smiling in the picture, you had a look of horror. Restrained in Mikey's chains, unable to speak in fear of what they would do.
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mixed-up-media · 4 months
Also known as history of the beldam!
Warning: most of this is just crack. This was my shower thought this morning and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. None of this is canon. This is just dumb crap. It is held together by 2 strings, 3 old gum pieces, a roll of duct tape, and a used bandaid I found behind the school bleachers. This post is also a long one. You have been warned.
Ok, let's start off with something that has been bothering me, and the rest of the Coraline fandom, FOR YEARS! What is the Beldam? As far as the internet is concerned, she's the villain in Coraline, not much more than that. However, other sources say that another meaning of beldam is "old hag" or "witch" which makes sense. Something that also stuck out to me was another website stating she was an evil fairy. I feel like a beldam is not a singular term for the other mother but rather a species of evil fairies. Once again this connects to one of our favorite detail in that movie, the mushroom circle.
Mushroom circles are known throughout folktales as gateways to fairy realms. Keep this in mind! So what other thing is connected to fairy realms? OH YEAH, TROLLS!
So, I have not read "Here be monster," that is my summer reading goal, it just has to come. So I don't know what lore drops are in there, all I know is that the book is the reason people say Egg's real name is Arthur, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯! What I do know that that in most mythologies trolls are evil and here that is not the case. Something that I noticed in Boxtrolls and in the little info piece on amazon for "Here be monsters" is that both towns end with a bridge. Cheesebridge, Ratbridge, you get the picture. So that means to me is that the trolls are connected to bridges. If you don't know what I'm going for here is the trolls that live under toll bridges. You know that thing that we were all terrified of happening to us from Monty Python and the Holy grail, yeah that thing. They make it very clear there is some sort of connection." Lindow states that the etymology of the word "troll" remains uncertain, though he defines trolls in later Swedish folklore as "nature beings" and as "all-purpose otherworldly being[s], equivalent, for example, to fairies in Anglo-Celtic traditions". (Wikipedia)
Otherworldly you say? Well as a fandom, WE KNOW PLENTY ABOUT THAT! So I'm getting that there is some sort of fairy world situation going on. Like there's a world with magic separate from our own where creatures come from, K.
Some else I noticed was the similarities between Kubo's aunts and the other mother.
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Notice the white faces,red lips, and lack of eyes. Now I'm aware that the sister's designs are biased off of the Geisha, however there is something else that connects them, the obsession with ripping a child's eye out, which I would assume is something Geisha women don't do ( I could be wrong.) So I feel like there is some sort of connection between the Beldam and the moon king. A partnership, a teacher of how to remove the eyes of kids, the biological mother of his children. (Low key shipping them)
Then there the witch situation. Witches have been known throughout history as evil, but we watched ParaNorman, and we paid attention! WE KNOW THEY'RE JUST MISUNDERSTOOD! So we've established that there's magic, but we've never really come up with where the magic comes from. I have a whole theory on why Norman can see ghosts, ( I'll post that one later) but I'm pretty sure the magic effects genetics. Now, hear me out, what if the magic comes from the magic fairy realm thing from earlier.
A LONG LONG LONG LONG TIME AGO, the Pre-Beldam Fairy was just livin her life. She discovers some sort of dark magic and turn evil. She goes down to earth but uses a portal thing to get there. Out from that portal thing comes some trolls that find a home under a bridge. After years of evolution they become boxtrolls. Then Beldam fairy meets the moon king and has his daughters helps him tear his grandsons eye out. The fairies in charge are like: Dude, the frick is wrong with you, and banashes her to what would become the american continent. They also strip her of her powers which then finds its way to the other side of the soon to be continent. There her magic connects to several families including the one of a little girl with long black hair. Over in Oregon country the beldam finds herself hiding for years and years. Eventually a family of pioneers show up and build a house. Not wasting any time, the beast uses her dark powers and finds a small hole in the wall. She discovers that it's made out of some of the magic ripped from her and uses it for her advantage. Eventually she develops the persona of "The Other World," and The other Mother. She eats kids souls until a blue haired girl defeats her. Who knows if she actually killed her or not!
How does Missing Link fit all this? Well TADA
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Lionel found an old monkey carving from a old Japanese town, a newspaper clipping from a few years back about "Boxtrolls" and an old book from back when the mayflower first set sale (I feel like the book was something Aggie's mom brought with her to the new world and read it to Aggie for years)
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People who might find this humorous
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Mater Cachinnarium
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"Truce?" © deviantArt user damie-m, accessed at his gallery here
[People who have been following the Monster Girl Summer project may have noticed that there are a few plot threads being developed alongside the big Mormo vs. Lamashtu plot. This entry ties into the sample beldam NPC and Mad Maddy Maddison]
Mater Cachinnarum CR 12 CE Outsider (native) This woman is lean and ashen-skinned, with clawed hands and jagged, saw-like teeth. Her face seems perpetually fixed in a cruel smirk.
Mater Cachinnarum is the Mother of Sneers, a notorious bogey of eastern Garund. Her wicked braying laughter is heard everywhere from bustling cities to isolated oases, and always shortly after a mutilated body or two turns up. Even more destructive than her serial killing is her delight in framing others for her crimes. She is adept at stoking paranoia and hatred, and those that escape her attacks may become scapegoats for the next murder she commits. Rumor has it that anyone executed for a crime she committed hears her laughter as they die.
The Mother of Sneers was not born a bogeyman, nor even properly born at all. She is the brainchild of a wizard named Valinus Trent. Trent was the sole survivor of an Aspis Consortium expedition into the heart of the Mwangi Expanse, and while attempting to find safety found themselves in the clutches of the beldam Mancinia Spurge. Spurge played the good host for a time before tormenting Trent and eventually trapping their soul in a black sapphire. Mater Cachinnarum is essentially a projection of the darkest parts of Trent’s psyche, their disdain for less intelligent people and fear of being bullied magnified into a shadowy murderer.
Mater Cachinnarum both resents and kowtows to Spurge, as if the gem is broken, the Mother of Sneers will immediately cease to exist. Thus, between her personal projects, Cachinnarum serves Spurge as an assassin and recruiter. Mater Cachinnarum desires an apprentice; her previous apprentice was the dark dancer Mad Maddy Maddison, who escaped her about a year ago. Mater Cachinnarum occasionally torments Maddy with nightmares, but doesn’t want to kill her—she has something much crueler planned. The Mother of Sneers is waiting a few years for Maddy to become established and develop friendships, only to murder everyone Maddy cares about and frame her for those crimes.
Mater Cachinnarum      CR 12 XP 19,200 Bogeyman variant tulpa CE Medium outsider (augmented fey, native) Init +9; Senses low-light vision; Perception +23 Aura deepest fear (30 ft., DC 28)
Defense AC 28, touch 26, flat-footed 21 (+9 deflection, +6 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 armor) hp 127 (17d6+68); terrible rejuvenation 5 Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +13; +4 vs. mind influencing effects DR 15/cold iron; SR 21
Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 +1 claws +15 (1d8+2/19–20) Psychic Magic CL 17th, concentration +26 20 PE—burst of adrenaline (1 PE), burst of insight (1 PE), create mindscape (5 PE), ego whip I (3 PE, DC 22), foster hatred (5 PE, DC 24), levitate (2 PE), mind probe (4 PE, DC 23), paranoia (3 PE, DC 22), possession (5 PE, DC 24) Special Attacks sneak attack +6d6, striking fear Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th; concentration +25) Constant—detect thoughts, tongues At will—darkness, gaseous form, ghost sound (DC 19), invisibility, suggestion (DC 22) 3/day—crushing despair (DC 23), hold person (DC 22), quickened phantasmal killer (DC 23) 1/day—nightmare (DC 24)
Statistics Str 12, Dex 23, Con 18, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 29 Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 36 Feats Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Magical Aptitude, Mobility, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (phantasmal killer), Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +16, Bluff +29, Diplomacy +22, Disable Device +16, Escape Artist +19, Intimidate +32, Knowledge (local) +17, Perception +23, Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +17, Stealth +29, Use Magic Device +23; Racial Modifiers +4 Intimidate, +4 Stealth Languages Aklo, Common, Necril, Undercommon; tongues SQ creator link, sustained by thought, variant tulpa Gear dead man’s headband, bracers of armor +2, amulet of mighty fists +1, wand of acid arrow, 700 gp
Special Abilities Creator Link (Su): A tulpa has a special link with its creator or a creature that it treats as its creator. By concentrating for 1 minute, the tulpa can sense the direction and relative distance of its creator, as long as they are both on the same plane. Deepest Fear (Su) A bogeyman is cloaked in a 30-foot aura of fear. This aura manifests as a shifting haze of images that reflect the viewer's deepest fears. The first time it ends its turn within the aura, a creature must make a DC 28 Will save or become shaken for as long as it stays within the aura. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it cannot be affected again by the aura for another 24 hours. This is a fear effect. The DC is Charisma-based. Striking Fear (Su) If a bogeyman confirms a critical hit or a sneak attack with one of its claws on a target currently suffering a fear effect, that effect automatically becomes one step more severe (shaken creatures become frightened, frightened creatures become panicked, and panicked creatures cower in fear). A DC 28 Will save negates this increase. In addition, a critical hit from the bogeyman's claw forces any target that has successfully saved against the creature's fear aura to make another Will save against its effects, even if 24 hours have not yet passed. This is a fear effect. The DC is Charisma-based. Sustained by Thought (Su): Tulpas sustain themselves on and gain their power from the mental energy of living creatures concentrating on the tulpa itself. Tulpas do not heal or regain psychic energy naturally. Instead, whenever a living creature spends at least 10 minutes mentally picturing the tulpa, or interacting with it in some way, the tulpa heals 5 hit points and gains 1 point of psychic energy. A creature other than its creator can't provide more than 5 hit points and 1 PE to the tulpa per day with this activity, but its creator can feed its tulpa indefinitely, granting 5 hit points and 1 PE for every 10 minutes she spends in this way, up to the tulpa's maximum hit points and PE. A creature that regularly spends time mentally picturing or interacting with the tulpa may eventually forge a powerful link with the tulpa, and effectively be treated as though she is the tulpa's creator (though this does not supplant the original creator or other creatures treated as the creator by use of this ability). A creature other than the creator that focuses on the tulpa enough to provide it with psychic energy each day for 7 consecutive days must succeed at a DC 20 Will saving throw or forge such a link. Terrible Rejuvenation (Su) A bogeyman gains fast healing 5 while any creature within its deepest fear aura is suffering from a fear effect, including any fear effect created by the aura itself. Each round it gains this fast healing, it also recovers 1 PE. Variant Tulpa Mater Cachinnarum does not have a creator in the sense of a traditional tulpa. Her existence is tied to the gem in which Valinus Trent is trapped in. As long as this gem exists, she returns from death 1 month after slain, but if the gem is broken and Trent is freed, she is destroyed. Mater Cachinnarum does not gain the mental form special quality of a tulpa, and does not gain a racial bonus to skills. Her psychic magic can affect any creature, not just herself and a creator. Her terrible rejuvenation allows her to heal without being in the presence of a creator.
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ruinconstellation · 2 years
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Keep Track of Losing Days by giraffeter. 75k, modern wangxian, mystery. Rating: T, no archive warnings apply.
Lan Wangji is a police detective who's rapidly falling in love with his antifa activist neighbor, Wei Ying — until Wei Ying disappears, and Lan Wangji and his hotheaded partner, Nie Mingjue, are assigned the Missing Persons case. Now Lan Wangji is in a race against time to find a man who seems to have disappeared without a trace, while trying to keep his feelings a secret from everyone around him (and maybe, if he has time, convince his brother to break up with his creepy boyfriend and date Wangji's partner instead).
Wei Ying is mixed up in something dangerous. Lan Wangji is going to find him.
ANBU Legacy by Kilerkki, Nezuko, saunterleftside, others. Fic-focused blog, main fic website for full access, as it is not yet all posted to ao3. Present ao3 wordcount is 500k, but total of entire story is at least twice or thrice that. Very gen-focused, also with romance. Main characters are Hatake Kakashi, Namiashi Raidou, Shiranui Genma, and OCs Tousaki Ryouma and Ueno Katsuko, and other canon and original characters later gaining prominence. Rating: E, graphic descriptions of violence.
Approximately four years after the Yondaime defeated the Kyuubi, watch the young men and women of ANBU, who take the vow to defend their Hokage and the village at all costs.
James Bond
Echoes from the Crossed Wires by TriffidsandCuckoos. 2.6k oneshot, various relationships, time-seeing Q. Rating: T, no archive warnings apply.
If he needs a label – and really, why should he, when he hardly intends to inform anybody of the fact – then a more appropriate one would be a time-viewer (or, as it can feel, a time-voyeur).
Good Omens
my words are growin' stronger, and my legs keep gettin' longer by weekend_conspiracy_theorist. 35k, post-canon trans Warlock Dowling, gen. Rating: T, no archive warnings apply.
Warlock Dowling is disillusioned with the magic of her childhood, uncomfortable in social situations, and skeptical of the existence of ghosts. 
Or: what's it like, to be the Chosen One but not to BE the Chosen One? (Especially when one is also eighteen, trans, a lesbian, and a witch.)
Harry Potter
Heal Thyself by astolat. 47k, post-canon healer Draco, drarry. Rating: T, no archive warnings apply.
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.”
“What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th.
“Oh, I thought you might,” she said. “Well, goodbye.” And off she wandered again in her addled way.
not all heroes wear capes by JoWithTheFlow. 38k series (main work complete), gen-focused with prior canon divergence. Rating: T, no archive warnings apply.
“I bullied another kid so much he jumped off the roof of our middle school,” Bakugou said, so suddenly that Shouto actually paused to look at him.
Shouto considered. There wasn’t really a good way to respond to a statement like that. That’s pretty horrible of you. Maybe you shouldn’t have done that. Why the hell would you care enough about another person to actually actively bully them? He decided on, “That’s pretty fucked up.”
Beyond the Broken Horizon by JoWithTheFlow. 239k wip (currently 44/? chapters), mainly gen-focused, Izuku as a Shiketsu student. Rating: T, warning: graphic depictions of violence.
About a week after that, All Might asked Izuku if he was aiming for the hero course at UA. The question was so sudden that Izuku nearly dropped a microwave on his toes.
The truth was, if All Might had asked him that a week ago, there would have only been one possible answer to that question. All Might had gone to UA, UA was the best, so Izuku was going to go there too, if he could. But things were a little different, now that he was going to receive All Might’s Quirk.
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paradoxrealm · 5 years
After seeing both Moonbot and Beldam's responses, time to decide which one to throw said "theoretical" human at- (any preference?)
((Whichever you think will be funner!))
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thecornchips · 6 years
Mkay so
ive been watching a few coraline theories n slowly noticed ofuck theres a lot of shit in common with CYM- will do moar research for moar similarities later but for now h e r e  i  g o 
-Dark is jus str8 up the fuckin beldame, no questions ask 
-"the eyes are the window to the soul" is quite fuckin literal in these lil pocket universes  
-the beldame takes the "magic" from the souls she stole to build the world into this false paradise- similar to how ol Darky Sparky uses souls to build the world to how he wants it to be, aka the butterflies or whatever tf 
-theres this theory that besides the lil door in coraline, there are these lil portals from the real world that connects to the pocket world, k i n d a reminded me to how the doors in cym connects to different parts of the world
-the 3 children trapped in the lil bedroom, hrm now where in cym have we seen trapped c h i l d r e n
aanndd thats fuckin it for now cym folks gotta find moar info lmao hope this made some sense, me me BIG tireds n rushed this, too interested to leave this idea alone tho so for now ill leave u with this lil whateverthefuck 
@my-dark-words lmao i t r i e d
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grogusmum · 3 years
The Hedge Witch & the Mercenary
Part 1: Bewitched
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RATING: T (future chapters will be M)
WORD COUNT: 4600ish
SUMMARY: Tovar and his fellow Mercenaries stop over in your village. He finds himself drawn to you. But you’re the village witch/healer depending who you ask... naturally he thinks you're putting the whammy on him.
WARNINGS: time period sexism and discrimination against witches. Historical inaccuracies. I think that’s it if I missed anything lemme know in my DMs and I’ll add it.
NOTES: I don't know about this one, folks. Feedback appreciated.
Spanish speakers, any problems with the Spanish, please pop into my DMs and lemme know so I can fix it. No beta (sorry)
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Every day you walked the path from your forest cottage to the village with your mule carrying your wares, sometimes in saddlebags or pulling a small cart, depending on the time of year. But this spring morning you woke to find Eimear (ee-mur) with a lame leg. You were sure you could heal it, but she needed to rest. So, you attached as much as you could to your shoulder yoke, filled two satchels that crisscrossed your chest, and started the hour walk into town through the forest. You hoped more than ever to have a much lighter load on the way home. As you made your way, you listened to the breeze, and the bird calls, you could smell the pitch pine on this unseasonably warm sunny day and your mind wandered to its many uses, you decided to gather some on the walk home.
Other than that, your day seemed to be shaping up to be unremarkable. You sold your balms, salves, tinctures, herb bundles. You kept your charm bags, spell jars, and anointed candles out of sight. It was common knowledge that you sold them, one only need do is ask, but you never knew when the church beadle would decide to descend on the marketplace.
Your place in the village was not an easy one. When the villagers were healthy and happy, you were the cunning or wise one, when they were suffering difficulties, you were a witch, hag, or beldam. You wouldn't mind witch so much, but you knew their meaning and yours were not the same.
They came to you for all manner of help, for midwifery, healing for person and animal ailment alike, not to mention rituals for a good growing season and harvest... sometimes they would ask for spells for love, a baby boy, vengeance or the return of a loved one departed from this mortal coil, but for those you put up some water for tea and chatted with them about their troubles and gently told them where magic like that, if the power existed at all, could lead. Sometimes you could give them something to help with the pain their hearts felt. But you knew their appreciation was conditional, you saw it whenever the beadle roamed the village, the clergy rang the bells on Sunday, and Christian holy days, especially those lain atop the old ones.
You had made your peace with it, overall, but the world had gotten a little more dangerous for people like you. More suspicion, murmurs of witch hunters and fires.
That is what you thought of when the armed men in leather armor rode into the village. You cast your eyes about the board that held your wears, making sure everything looked innocent, then you kicked yourself internally for that word. Who you are and what you did was innocent.
The mens steeds carried them through the village market, toward the inn, you looked up as they passed you. Some of them seemed too tired to do more than stare ahead, though others allowed their eyes to blatantly rove over you in ways that left you wanting to scrub your skin clean.
After the parade of, what you found out later were mercenaries, had seemingly come to an end, came the church beadle. Beadle Martin made it his business to give you a hard time. When he decided to do so, your customers usually disappeared for the rest of the day.
Beadle Martin approached your kiosk and nosed around as if he would sniff out anything unholy.
"What are you selling today, girl?"
You laughed genially "Oh, you. I left girlhood many summers ago! But you know that." You kept your tone light, waving at the items on the board, "the usual fare, sir. Preparations to solve your aches, pains, and ailments." Behind him, two more mercenaries rode up. One fair-haired with a bow and quiver and one dark, with two swords strapped across his back. The Archer stopped and nodded to the Swordsman to wait, he seemed interested in the exchange, for whatever reason.
"Anything else?" Beadle Martin asked, eyeing you.
"What you see is what I am selling, though, I do have some teas, for women troub-"
"Fine, fine," he cut across, not wanting to hear about "women trouble", which is exactly why you said it. While this often worked to get rid of him, this time the Archer laughed, his mirth carrying over to you and the beadle. Perhaps ruffled by an audience, he guaranteed you would have no more patrons today, perhaps even tomorrow. The beadle started to walk away but then turned, and said in a carrying voice, "I would make sure that is all you are offering the good Christians of the village, witch, and not tempt them with blasphemous works of the devil."
Your mouth opened, you looked around at the villagers milling around, they looked everywhere but at you. The Archer and Swordsman, one the other hand, looked right at you with curiosity, then back at the Beadles retreating back.
One woman, Johanna, had the nerve to cover her son's eyes when he looked at you, about to greet you as Malik did every time he sees you. Two winters ago, you saved the boy from a severe case of pneumonia that settled in both lungs. This was a blow, your eyes glistened, and your throat tightened.
After the beadle left, you began packing up. There was no point in staying any longer. You tried to look on the bright side, and not let tears slide down your cheek, Eimear needed attention anyway. Beltane was just around the corner, which meant preparing for one of the most raucous wee folk visits from the vale, you told yourself.
“I am very sorry. I hope my laughter did no-“
You waved off the apology, continuing to pack up, though you did appreciate it.
“Do not think on it, this is the dance the beadle and I do. You putting his feathers in a bunch makes no difference, would have ended just the same.”
“I am William,” The archer said. “This is Tovar.”
“Good day to you and welcome to Uffculme,” you said with a smile, that Tovar immediately looked away from.
“You didn’t give me your name,” William said.
“You are correct,” you said, though not unfriendly, as you put the yoke over your shoulders, and walked to the other stalls and stands. The swordsman, Tovar barked a laugh at his companion.
You spread your coin among the other merchants, purchasing beeswax, honey, flour, and skeins of yarn, before heading home. You just needed to stop at the tavern, you always traded your elderberry cordial for the clear liquor used in your tinctures.
You felt some embarrassment walking into the tavern, yoke at your neck, like a beast of burden, especially after the scene at the market. You sighed as you came in, then you saw the barroom full of mercenaries, and you groaned quietly.
Thomas, the barkeep saw you first, and put you slightly at ease, "My goodness! Where is your mule?" He shook his head with sympathy, "dear girl!" 
He helped you take the yoke off your shoulders. It felt good to have a friendly exchange, reminding you that, generally, one on one, you are well thought of in the village. It is the loyalty, especially collectively, that seemed shaky. But his boisterous voice carried and caught the attention of many of the soldiers of fortune, some of whom picked up where they left off in gawking at your frame.
Though you could not see his face, as his back was to you, the dark-haired mercenary also looked up He listened as you gave a small sigh and laugh, "It's Eimear, she has a poor hoof. Nothing I can't heal, but she mustn't take extra weight."
You pulled a jug of cordial from one of the satchels and placed it on the bar.
Thomas opened it and breathed in the sweet aroma. "Has this been setting up since fall?"
"Yes, delicious and quite potent in helping with cough and sneezing," in an undertone, you added, "and of course protection and blessings, the berries were picked under the Barley moon."
While Thomas seemed pleased with the information, the humph you heard to your left sounded disapproving, you turned to see the glaring dark-haired man. He had come up for another pitcher of ale and heard you. You could have kicked yourself, but this time your eyes met, you took in his natural pout, olive skin, his curls, and brown eyes, one marred with a scar. You felt a twinge of pain in the brow bone and orbital rim of your left eye for a moment, and felt sorry you couldn't have helped it heal. Tovar took in your face, then your eyes as they mapped his face, until they came to rest upon his eyes. He looked away quickly, clearing his throat.
Thomas poured him another pitcher, then placed two bottles of gin on the bar for you.
“Thank you, Thomas.”
“You are welcome, dear.”
As you packed the bottles in the wool to keep them from clanking the whole walk home, a straggly-haired sell-sword came up behind you. You tried to adjust your position casually, not being comfortable with him right behind you and far too close. 
“Hello there, little lady,” his voice was smarmy, and though you had sidestepped, he was again, closing the gap you had made. “Care to join me... for mmmm, a drink?”
Still looking down at your bags, you rolled your eyes, then took a breath. You lifted you head and looked directly in his eyes, standing to your fullest height. While not particularly tall, you were by no means small of stature, but more importantly, you knew how to use a glamour. It was something you did not use often; you could not hold them for very long and they are best used sparingly. But this was the very situation you did use it, to radiate size and power to intimidate aggressively “friendly” patrons of the tavern or the market. 
The exchange had gotten the attention of the fair one, William, he was less than impressed by many he rode with, in their interactions with locals of any given village or township they stop at. He knew who mercenaries tend to be, but the bullying, intimidation of residents, and "attention" given to women left a bad taste. His surly dark-haired companion, Tovar, while intimidating to everyone, did not push around or try to take advantage of farmers, barmaids, and so forth. Mostly he tried to ignore them. Tovar had only just made it back to his table when William indicated with a nod to look back to where he had just been. He turned and looked over at the interaction you were having with his fellow sell-sword. He didn't care about the behavior of the band of mercenaries they traveled with, as William did, but his eyes narrowed at the scene before him. When you stood, the glamour did not extend to them, but they saw the reaction on Straggly Hair, who backed up, tripping slightly. 
You then smiled sweetly at Thomas, who laughed, and you took your leave. 
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Tovar went out to the stable to check on his horse. There was a stutter to its step he did not like. He looked for you though he did not admit that was what he was doing, he found your retreating back, yoke and all, heading down the path into the woods, skirts fluttering in the breeze. He did not know what to make of his interest, so he shoved it down and turned his attention to his horse. It had thrown a shoe and the hoof looked irritated. Did he hear that you had a mule with a “poor hoof” and that you could heal it?
He grumbled as he sat back down by William, glaring around indiscriminately.
"What is it, Tovar?"
"Hector, his hoof is not good."
"Well, the cunning woman just left, go see to it," William said slapping his knee, Tovar looked at his knee, and then William, his mouth twitched, but he said nothing.
"Go, before you lose her, better to not leave it till morn, it could be far worse." William knew why he was hesitant and found it humorous.
"She won't turn you into a toad."
Tovar grumbled as he stood. He downed the rest of his ale in one and muttered as he turned his feet toward the door.
William seemed fit to burst, then added laughing, "that is, of course, if you can mind your manners !"
Tovar rolled his eyes and went to the stable. He haltered Hector, talking softly to him.
"Sé que tu casco no está bien, Héctor, pero tenemos que ir a ver a alguien, ven amigo."
I know your hoof is poorly, Hector, but we need to go see someone about it, come friend.
Tovar pulled the rope gently with a click of his tongue and the horse started to walk with him.
He made his way toward the path he saw you heading toward.
With his strides long and fast and you weighted down with the yoke and your thoughts, he closed the distance between the two of you in the forest quickly. You became aware of being followed and tensed. You figured you could swing the yoke and hit whoever was following you if it came to it. 
“Stop,” Tovar grunted. 
You turned, seeing the mercenary gave you a jolt of panic. You looked around, was the other sell-sword somewhere around? Were you about to be ambushed? Your heart started beating against your chest like a bird trying to escape capture. Your face must have given this away, because Tovar, stopped dead.
“I will not harm you,” He said, “ I have a horse with an injury, I was told you might help.”
You peered around him to thw horse, he seemed, for all his surliness, to be sincere.
"Your... yes, I saw- when you came through the market. Did he throw a shoe?" You edged toward him.
You walked back to where they stood and indicated to the back left.
You took the yoke off your shoulders ducking your head, then took the bags off your shoulders and placed them gently on the ground.
"Do you call him something?" You put your hand out to the horses muzzle, he met your hand with it, then you gave him a pet.
"Hector, I'm going to look at your hoof, is that alright?"
Tovar huffed as if he didn't talk to him all the time. You paid him no mind. Hector looked at you.
You ran your hand down his flank and down the leg and lifted it. You tsked.
"Yes, Hector. I certainly can help you." You turned and rubbed the horse’s cheek, he brought his eye level to yours.
"You are going to be fine, and you and your friend... what do you call your friend here?" You asked.
"Tovar", Tovar answered. Only then realizing you had been asking Hector.
"Yes, your William told me,” you said, turning your attention back to Hector, “you and your Tovar can go back to your fantastic adventures!"
Hector gave a huff and a whiney nodding. After a moment you laughed, "really?"
Tovar looked grumpily at Hector, then at you and back to the horse.
You began to gather your wears, Tovar picked up the yoke before you could and placed it over his shoulders.
You smiled and Tovar felt the sun come out behind a cloud. He decided it was a coincidence.
"Thank you," you said quietly.
You walked in silence until you could see your cottage.
"Here we are," you sighed, "you both must be hungry?"
"No." Tovar said eyeing you.
"Very well."       
Was there not something about not eating anything a witch gives you to eat? Such piffle. You sighed.
Around the side of the cottage was a small barn, with 4 stalls, for your mule, cow, the two goats, and one the chickens laid claim to.
You greeted the animals, as you led them to the open stall. The chickens clucked in protest but settled in the loft.
"Hector, can you please go into the stall?"
Tovar was still getting over declining food when this request pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked incredulously at you and then more so when Hector began to follow your direction. Tovar took the lead after a moment, deciding Hector had moved in the direction of the stable out of habit.
You went to a cupboard that hung on the stable wall, pulling items and herb jars.
Same as last time you let Hector bring his muzzle to you, then you gave it a gentle rub. When he brought his eyes down to you, you took a moment in this eye contact with the horse. Then put your hand on his flank and dragged over his body, down the leg with the injury, and settle your hand on the hoof.
"May I?"
Hector whinnied, then you lifted his hoof.
Tovar watched. He always spoke to Hector, though, not when he thought anyone was listening. He felt a kinship with the steed, Hector was stoic, brave, and stalwart. But this... you were good with horses, Pero decided, that was all.
So why was he feeling this pull? He wanted to eat your food, he wanted more than that though the thoughts were not fully formed in his mind. He wasn't letting them. He knew what you were. He wasn't going to let you bewitch him. Perhaps you already had.
"Hermo- Curandera, what are you doing?"
"I've cleaning the hoof and now drawing out the infection, then I will put a salve on it that should help close the wound. No magic here, just good plain medicine."
Tovar could hear the smirk that accompanied that last remark. Before he could do more than half a scoff, you stood and walked back to him, cleaning your hands with your apron.
"I have apples, to share with the animals."
"I-" You started then sighed. "Very well." You knew why, and it felt as a dagger to your heart. You were not sure why. You went to the apple bin you saved for the animals, held your apron out to hold some. Crossing to Eimear, you gave her one murmuring to her sweetly. Then you gave the goats a couple, then pulled a small knife out to cut one up for Caraid, the cow. Then for good measure, you bit into the last one in your apron.
Tovar watched, Hector also watched, and then looked a Tovar with a sad eye.
"Stop it," he muttered, "you ate already, no?"
When you took the glossy green and red apple into your own mouth, Tovar looked away, nostrils flaring.
Holding it in your mouth, you went to the well to get water for the animals. When you returned, you looked at Tovar, one corner of your mouth curled around the apple into a lopsided smirk, as your eyes danced with mischief. Finishing the apple, you broke the core in two and tossed the pieces to the goats with a chuckle. Then proceeded to check Eimears hoof, in the manner as you had with Hector, hand on her flank, trailing down to her injured hoof, then letting her know you were going to lift it, with her permission.
"Ah, m'lady! Much improved."
You began feeding the animals, humming as you did. Tovar stood beside Hector, watched not quite knowing what to do next.
"If you are done with my horse, I will take my leave with him. What do I owe you?" Tovar pulled a coin purse off his belt.
"Hector should stay the night."
Tovar hands fell to his sides, "I'm not leaving him here with-"
"He should rest it," you said simply.
You attached corded sachets of St John wart around the necks of each animal.
"What is this?" Tovar flared.
"It is St John's Wart, Beltane is coming, while I am in good relations with the Kindly Ones over all- tis best not to take chances. They get, mmmm, rambunctious."
Tovar suddenly looked around.
"I- mmm." Your eyes swept the barn, "let me tuck everyone in."
You swooped around, getting the animals settled, finally placing some honey and apples on a plate under the oak tree beside the barn. Tovar noticed small trinkets under the tree. It did not sit well with him.
"I am not going to leave Hector here."
"That is fine, sir, stay. But please come in, and have something to eat, as you are not going back to the Inn tonight."
"I'm not hungry. " Tovar’s stomach betrayed him at that very moment, and he looked down at the traitorous growl.
You smirked.
"It is never eat what the good neighbors offer you, not witches, by the way. That is a false superstition. Come, have some stew and savory bread, I have done nothing to it."
Tovar was fixed to the spot. Isn't that what she would want him to believe? But her eyes and hair... her voice. Tan bonita.
As if against his will he walked to the back door where you waited. You looked at the setting sun- the sky shot with lilac, relieved he had relented. You entered, while Tovar lingered in the doorway.
"Hermosa," the word came unbidden, Tovar grimaced, "I will take my food to the barn."
You built up the fire and placed the stew pot on the hook arm. You placed the bread on the hearth and looked at him, a hand on your hip.
"The folk from under the hill can be," you were careful of your words, it had taken time and effort to win their trust and favor, but you knew they may not be able to resist a man like Tovar. Thank all the gods and goddesses that fair-haired one was not here, though given his place of birth perhaps he has more knowledge of the Fae. And would not need everything spelled out. "They are playful this time of year."
"Kindly Ones? Folks under the hill? Disparates." Nonsense
“Please,” you looked him in the eye. You knew he was suspicious of you, so you did not want to attempt a glamour, even if it was to protect him. It was possible it would not have worked anyway, given his disposition.
Surprisingly, it was your single word, ‘please’, that moved him, you did not plead, as you looked into his eyes, narrowed with suspension, with your open and guileless ones. As he stepped in, he looked around. Your cottage was clean, warm, herbs hung from the rafters, as did talismans. The walls were a whitewash, with a decorative design in red that wrapped around the room where the wall met the sloping ceilings. He had never seen such. The shutters of the windows were all closed, as you had been away all day, the only light coming from the fire and the open door. Your bed sat in an alcove, he looked away.
You looked visibly relieved, you opened the windows facing the sunset, and shut the door. You motioned to the table.
“Come, sit, have something to eat.” Your smile was warm, and your eyes sparkled in the firelight. Continuing to bustle about, you took two bowls a plate, and two spoons off the sideboard. Then you turned, he was still standing.
“Come,” you said again, “sit, I will not harm you. I promise.” Then you smiled, and Pero Tovar knew, you had done something.
“I am no match for your charms it seems.” He sat, with a thud of resignation.
You laughed, he closed his eyes, as if trying to resist something.
“I am doing nothing but trying to help you and your Hector.” You said as you set the table, then walked back to the hearth for the stew and bread.
Tovar kept his eyes on the table, listening to your skirts rustle, the clink of the stew pot, and then your return. He smelled the savory food, and when you placed the bread on the plate, spooned the stew into the bowls, he could smell you. He could not place the smell, but it was delicate and spicy-sweet. Maybe from your cooking or the herbs, you worked with; he closed his eyes bracing himself against both sumptuous smells. He relaxed when you bustled to the larder, for two cups of mead and a crock of butter.
He took the mead gratefully, thinking it may do him some good.
“Gracias, marip- thank you, m-miss.”
“You are most welcome, Tovar, I am happy to have someone to share a meal with.”
You ate in silence. It was rare to have anyone out to your cottage beyond engaging your services. You wished to converse for the supper to feel social, but Tovar did not seem the type to chat. Tovar watched you more than you knew, as whenever you looked at him, he quickly cast his eyes down to his bowl. Whenever he finished, you offered another helping.
“Tovar, there is plenty, if you would care for more,” you said, in an undertone.
In the end, he had 2 bowls of stew and 3 generous slices of bread slathered in the sweet butter.
You cleared and cleaned the table, emptied your bags off your purchases and unsold wares, and while you had planned to make some charged spell candles, you decided it may be too much for Tovar and instead prepared to sit by the fire and do some knitting.
By the fire, you rocked and knitted, humming to yourself. Tovar sharpened his swords with a whetstone and listened.
“What are you humming?”
“Oh, I did not realize, erm, a lullaby,” you said quietly.
“Does it have words?”
“It does, it’s very old and not in English, I can try to translate it if you want to hear-“
“I would.”
It had been a long time since anyone heard you sing, you tried to not be self-conscience. You cleared your throat and sang.
song link
Éiníní, éiníní, codalaígí codalaígí
Éiníní, éiníní, codalaígí codalaígí
Little birds, little birds, sleep, sleep
Little birds, little birds, sleep, sleep
Codalaígí, codalaígí
cois an chlaí amuigh, Cois an chlaí amuigh
codalaígí, codalaígí
Cois an chlaí amuigh, cois an chlaí amuigh
Sleep, sleep,
By the wall outside, by the wall outside
Sleep, sleep
By the wall outside, by the wall outside
An londubh is an fiach dubh,
téigí a chodladh, téigí a chodladh
an chéirseach is an préachán,
téigí a chodladh, téigí a chodladh
The blackbird and the raven,
Go to sleep, go to sleep,
The she-blackbird and the crow,
Go to sleep, go to sleep
An spideog is an fhuiseog
téigí a chodladh, téigí a chodladh
an dreoilín is an smóilín,
téigí a chodladh, téigí a chodladh
The robin and the lark,
Go to sleep, go to sleep,
The wren and the thrush,
Go to sleep, go to sleep
You finished the song and looked across the hearth, Tovar was asleep. You stood and took his elbow gently, whispering his name. He startled, his fight or flight response almost kicked in but you were looking in his eyes so softly, murmuring his name gently-
“Let us get you to the bed, it’s just here. I’ll sleep by the fire.”
Tovar tried to argue, but you insisted.
“Supongo que debería agradecerte, hermosa hechicera, porque nunca he estado tan contento de haber sido hechizado.”
I suppose I should thank you, beautiful sorceress I have never been so content to be bewitched.
Part 2: Bothered
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You can find more of my work here and if you would care to be tagged for this or any of my writing fill out my taglist form
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Thank you to @mostclevermiss for pointing out a fix needed in the spanish!
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How about some more Yandere Bellum?? 🧵🪡
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I'll also be using this to answer other requests.
⸸ Merciless (A Bellum Snippet) ⸸
Based on the ⸸ Male Beldam headcanons ⸸ I made for a certain Anon.
Word Count: 1000+
Description: This is the beginning...the very beginning before [Name] even moved into the Chateau. Before they came along, however, there was already someone else, another doll he collected. Except it had been years, decades perhaps? He was already growing bored of it.
Now that he knew a new fly is coming his way, wasn't it about time he stopped playing with his food and eat it?
Warning: Admin doesn't like to soften (hiding ugly truths) about yanderes...expect some cruelty
Long, slender fingers hovered over the ivory keys, his elbows following along in a smooth, fluid motion. With him sitting in front of his piano, she could forget who he was. What he was. She could let her guard down knowing that he would be too preoccupied to pay her any notice.
As if finally deciding which song to play, his finger dropped gently onto the keys, his porcelain wrists falling along with it.
The faint lilt of a smile appeared on his face, and for a moment...everything seemed perfect. Together with him, in his piano room, where invisible instruments accompanied his playing, they finally seemed like a happy couple. It was an idyllic, if not romantic image they created.
But of course, he could never forget, and she shouldn't either. She was jut a poor fly caught in his web. Soon enough, what would remain of her husk will become yet another addition to his collection.
Just like the others.
Still, he didn't want to eat her. Not yet, anyway...
"Quand...je la prends...dans mes bras.
Je lui par...les l'a tout bas...
Je vois la...vie en ro...se..."
His voice was baritone. It wasn't low, per se. His was rich, soft, soothing to the ears. She could feel herself drifting ever so slightly, but she wills herself to stay awake.
"Je..lui dit des...mots d'amour..."
Like a rusted machine, she turned her head to look around. Was she seeing things...or had he changed the interior again?
"Des mots de...tous les jours...
Et ça m' fait quelque chose..."
It wouldn't be unlike him. When she first came to this world, it reminded her very much of her old home in London. The old ivy-green wallpapers, the creaky wooden floors, and even the old commode drawer her mother gifted her on the day of her wedding.
She never thought she would see it again after they had to pawn it for money.
Now, it was probably stored away somewhere...like she would be soon.
"El...l'est entre dan mon couer...
Une part...de bonheur...
Don je connais la cause...."
She knew her time was coming.
The creature had grown bored of her. Tired of her . She had become too dull and lifeless for his tastes.
But how could he expect her to act alive when he has imprisoned her here?
She was like a flower. Without the sun, without love and tender care, she collapsed.
He demanded from her. Always demanded. But nothing she gave was enough. Even after she gave up her soul, handed her eyes to him...but not like she was any better, was she?
"C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui...dans la vie...
Je lui l'a dit, l'a jure...pour la vie..."
She was a fool.
To give up herself because he promised her everything. All his love and attention, all the jewelries and materialistic things she could possibly think of.
She only had this coming for making a bargain with the Devil.
"Et...dès que je...l'aperçois...
Alors je sens en moi mon...
The song ended wistfully like a will o' wisp caught in the meadows. But now that the performance was over, the creature's attention had returned fully back to her.
She tried her best to avoid looking at his face, but even from her peripherals, it was difficult to ignore them. The pair of black-button-eyes hidden beneath the fringe of swaying black hair. His porcelain skin made them stand out all the more.
She resisted a shudder. His very appearance made her skin crawl.
"Did you enjoy the song, dear?"
She raised her head to look at him. Only then did she notice the dimple on his cheek from the large smile on his face. Someone was being awfully cheery today, and it made her wary.
"Granted, it isn't our love song, but I believe it's about time I sing something different, don't you think? After all, a new guest will be arriving soon."
Her eyes widened at his words. Well, they would have if she still had them instead of a pair of buttons. All she could do to express her disbelief was...silence.
"I know. I couldn't believe it as well when I first saw it, but alas...My familiars never lie."
Speak of the devil.
A large arachnid crawled its way past his shoulders and down his arms to his hand. Just seeing its needle-thin legs made the hairs on her neck stand.
The creature hummed as if he were listening to someone, but all she could see was the spider dancing away on top of his hand, moving sideways, backwards and forwards like it was trying to convey some kind of message.
"Hmm...I see."
Gone was the pleased smile on his face. Now, an irritated frown took its place, showcasing his displeasure at the sudden turn in events.
As curious as she was to know what the spider's message was, she couldn't bring herself to ask. She had become afraid of speaking or acting out of place. The consequences were too much. The stitches on her throat always reminded her.
"Looks like our guest will be...late."
The creature stood up ever so gracefully. It was odd, considering his monstrous height. Giants were usually awkward and lumbering in their movements, weren't they?
But then again, the giant in Jack and the Giant Beanstalk was truly titanic. A monster of both enormous length and width.
The creature in front of her? He was too thin, too...thorn-like. Not so different looking from the spider on his hand, really.
He sighed. "And I had everything ready and settled, too. What a shame."
Then, his black eyes shimmered. When they turned to look at her, however, she knew he had thought of nothing good. He only ever gets excited about bad things.
As he tap-tapped his fingers away on the smooth surface of the piano, he hummed.
"I suppose that is good news for you, dear." With a toothy grin, he revealed his sharp teeth. She could imagine what they would feel like sinking into her.
"Until [Name] isn't here yet, I still have use for you."
The song is La Vie en Rose by Edith Piaf.
I had to make some changes to the lyrics. Deepest apologies for anyone who speaks French.
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nochiquinn · 3 years
campaign 3 episode 1: 🎶 make new friends but keep the old 🎶
oh this music is INTENSE, I dig it
gilmore!! gilmore and husband!!
aw, the hanglider from the tal'dorei campaign guide
aw sam broke the streak
that sam/travis/marisha table makes me feel fear
the new layout means I can't put my notepad on the side of the yt screen like usual, how dare you make me redo my whole window layout
oh right he's tall
liam and laura are back together and that makes me happy
taliesin's bi flag skull shirt
campaign 3 reminder to not be part of the twitch chat
you know why california is separate
"put your package in here" travis
[v i b r a t e s]
matt: everyone but laura and marisha leave laura and marisha: [gay fear]
lmao mala and I both said the same thing at the same time
marisha IS her own goth gf
I love them both
oh the full art is EXTREMELY final fantsy, I'm into it
I love laudna's ratbird, I hope it comes to life and is a familiar
ahhh, academia
getting southern milo thatch vibes and I'm into it
telepathy??? imogen telepathist????
kunthea is my head is just kikimora from the owl house
imogen not good at telepathy yet
cool I hate her
I love this gothic 30s movie star murder queen
matt: beech nut necklace me: is violently yanked into recettear
"I AM fun scary!" "laudna, you're scary scary"
"people are thrown here to be forgotten"
the ART
wake up babe new gender dropped
chronic injury genasi barbarian!!
if any of you give him shit for a nonbinary non-human I'll eat your shoes
"they're very friendly" "I hate it"
oh no I identify with fcg
"it rhymes so I'm in!"
this is the coolest shit I've ever heard in my life
logging in to pick up your dailies
I just want to point out this is STILL extremely final fantasy, don't fuck it up travis and ashley
I love them
"I really wanna eat that...but ashton really likes money"
"copper's not really money"
I love them so gd much
"travis changed his name to robbie!"
is liam still playing orym? I can't see his dice to check
is this why they didn't level up in exu, for campaign 3 reasons
he IS!!
"I think they crash"
"that is indeed how walking works"
tummy flutters
f e a r n e
suddenly I realize why I would die for parker in leverage
dad council convenes
"you're really tall" "you're really small" that's just math
the mood lighting is both very cool and much easier on my eyes
mala: evil be our guest
their archenemy for this campaign really is a table
this feel like the best initiative they've ever had??
also travis where r u
love matt's nails btw
"that's a sign, you're gonna die today"
"the rug is more dextrous than I am??"
turn into a WHAT
"what do all my things do?!" you had eight episodes sir
"I'm a sword expert not a table expert" dammit jim
aw, travis wasn't here to react to the rage
gravity? gravity barbarian???
someone did the knife meme, I heard them
oh no it's armstrong
mala: what if he's a wizard setting this up so he can "save" people
"strong boy :D"
given that these are apparently dorian's stomping grounds, what's gonna happen that he leaves the party
"never gets old" "we'll see!"
"critical role endorses knife fucking!"
"shiny day to you!" "you too!" these two are going to be amazing together
"don't fuckin laugh" then don't do that
"the first three rows have ponchos"
"bless you small creature!!"
laudna's a pinterest upcycle witch
I'm gonna laugh every time he pulls that thing out. idc how many episodes this is, every time
"it looks like something out of borderlands" I thought the same thing when fgc's art popped up so valid
I love this cripplepunk nonbinary bastard
HA I knew pickpocketing was going to be involved with these two meeting
oh do I get to watch the lovm intro every ep bc I'm down for that
I want the vex dress but there's not a chance in hell it fits over my shoulders AND hips
"definitely not....here"
does taliesin have a new snitch bc jesus
travis just giggling himself to death in the corner
in this moment I am matthew mercer
"did you say 'send help'?" yes
the whole table just quietly losing it while the scene goes on
oh no, with liam playing his exu character SAM is the sadboy
laudna and fgc bond over being pinterest upcyclers
getting into What Measure Is A Non-Human right away huh
from where now
okay I know from exu that orym knows what a whitestone is
"I fell asleep" finally travis has an in-universe reason to zone out
fgc as ashton's assistance bot
I know it's a wookie life debt whatever thing but imagine
robbie got so excited he lost his hat
imogen feels so comfy to me
no talk me me anger
travis is me around 10 am every day
just realized there are stars out the fake window
"we've done pretty well with stupid so far" pour one out for dariax
will KEYLETH have a problem with a detour? do we know the same keyleth??
"anyway here's wonderwall"
kk slider when you put the song title in wrong
I love fearne
travis being excited about the axeflute
matt be nice he's a baby
hot cross buns
I need to know how to play this game
"does your robot poop"
a bit of bullshittery
"maybe you should have your parents write you a letter" my new Extremely Unlikely Crack Theory is that laudna is a de rolo child
ashton doesn't know what straight is
fearne and ashton are going to leave with half the building
was that a young frankenstein joke
the monitor I'm watching on is very warm-toned and this is SUPER red now lmao
eshteross: shit-talks bertrand taliesin: 8D
youtube I am here because you don't freeze like twitch, stop hanging
"this campaign is about silver foxes only" "I'm here for it"
"furniture and old people, the fantasy everyone wants"
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled # 8653
Ance. That friendship its him 
he remain, the spoil 
more. Whom his kibitka hear or 
discontential. Air and “pettice,” and  himself not Gothing triplinged strive  found the snow—What poets brough  the Head! Rode; the broken, 
number wide of the ripe is  finer own. From the brown  to patient Mercury that  blacks, but Ferguson, in thin us  out, I though best piping while well 
dispatters for Amerinery,  compell: and quarted at looked at 
long unknow,—but is it yet not  this, till say it so, after hath 
with your in time, having  upstart; and his night only  pleasures Other mast-head full else oft thy  face doth, for about from glass.  marke, which beldam shelted Fletched of  merry, doubtless cried on than  she in or souls force are is  steps: I passion! And and the  truly Bacon-topsy-Scholar, 
my he bed too, especulation back,  or shrink to well, and I 
were in the in discoverty  to-mortals invent  with you, betterings, and  been and yours the  fresh anguise. Love up again 
and speak, who present  and save bring between uncernment  For when by those  gazd from Fear) Not boundefiled. (I  keeps—the ballas that and  long did sank sped in his feigningle 
sparish contemperamends solemnities  dream. as in the 
nature smile I have bed; but never  most in the old his  prime prayerse than love, that I wise move  when I blue— hearth (darke and  yet, and reasure aris at your  ears and now which flowers, thout 
the hand-and-footing wind:  we knowship, or stance, Cyril, vext doth  the days, pissinging its hands  webs. S false countrust of m)y  light, decrees, but him drown grace. And  his soon because  should ange, alike a sign my Phill!
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coraline-mel-jones · 3 years
Villain AU
Coraline Was Sat Down Huffing And Puffing That Her Mum Wouldn't Let Her Use Her Scepter ' Why Can't I Use Her Scepter ? I Deserve It ! She Get's To Use It And She's Half Beldam !.....I Still Can't Remember What Happened With Her Or Me But I Don't Care I Just Wanna Cause Trouble ! ' Coraline Feels A Hand On Her Shoulder And It Causes Her To Turn And She Saw Norman But He Looked Different ' Gone Full Agatha Huh ? ' Coraline Said With A Cocky Smile ' Oh Shut Up I Look Cool !' Norman Yells ' I Was Kidding !' Coraline Laughs ' So How's The Magic And The Crazy Witch Treating You ?' Norman Asks ' I Have A Handle On My Magic And My Mum Well.....She Isn't Who She Used To Be ' Coraline Said While Looking Down ' You're Sad, Villains Don't Get Sad So Whats Wrong ? ' Norman Asked Placing His Hand On Her Back ' My Mum Won't Allow Me To Use Her Scepter ' Coraline Groaned ' Why Did You Wanna Use It ? ' Norman Asked '......Chaos ' Coraline Yelled With Glee ' Of Course You Wanted It For That Reason ' Norman Sighed ' Nice Outfit ' Coraline Said ' Thank's You're Outfit Isn't Half Bad ' Norman Grinned ' I Decided To Go With The Audrey Look From Descendants 3 ' Coraline Explains ' But Blue And Black ? ' Norman Asked ' NAVY Blue And Black ' Coraline Groaned ' Right.....'Norman Sighed ' Now You're Upset, Whats Wrong ? ' Coraline Asked ' I.....Just Can't Believe Our Mum's Got Sucked Into This Mess ' Norman Looked Down ' Maybe We Could Cause Mischief With The Others Would That Make You Happy ? ' Coraline Asked ' M-Mhm ' Norman Said ' Awwww C'mon Lets Find Them Then ' Coraline Smiles, Norman Leaves Along With Coraline
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itsthemysterykids · 4 years
ᗰIᖇᗩᑕᑌᒪOᑌᔕ ᕼOᒪᗪᗴᖇᔕ ᗩᑌ
Coraline- Fox 🦊
She’s mischievous, she tricked the Beldam, and she was able to see the Other World for all it really was. An illusion
Wybie- Ladybug 🐞
He’s a mechanic, always creating and knows the perfect tools for any situation (Much like how Ladybug knows how to use Lucky Charm)
Dipper- Snake 🐍
Quick on his feet, is able to get out of any situation, and knows what to fix if something goes awry
Mabel- Monkey 🐵
Fun loving, silly. Makes sense
Lili- Dragon 🐉
Hot headed, has pyrokinesis. Also, I think she’d have a lot of fun wielding that sword
Raz- Bee 🐝
... I don’t know. I’m tired.
Norman- Peacock 🦚
He empathizes with others, (mostly ghosts)
Neil- Turtle 🐢
He’s loyal and always willing to stand by his friends and come to their aid when they need it
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seiyasabi · 4 years
Can I place an order for Yandere M! Beldam with F! Reader? Where the reader moves with her friends to the Pink Palace.
Oh my gosh, I love Coraline so much! I watched it so much when I was younger, that when I was bored, I was able to watch the movie in my head lol. I added this to my request list :))
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