#m yt
hdsc-ace · 2 years
The Inbetween Glitch || Dream SMP
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Rest of my work.
Warnings: none.
The Inbetween holds a glitch that can disrupt the dream SMP if let loose. Maybe they wanted to challenge that theory?
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I hated it. I Hated every moment of the entire experience. How long was I there? Well, I don't know. But I did know it was trying to tell me something. It was like a story. No, another life. One I wasn't meant to know of. One no was meant to know of.
"It was never meant to be" The voice of one of the figures in front of me says above a series of glitches that appear from the dark void. After a second the picture becomes clear and the scene lays out. Two men stood in a small room as one of them pressed a button, setting off a bunch of tnt.
Despite how hard I tried, I was always unnoticed. No one saw me.
'Hello?' I quickly cried out, my voice but it was disoriented. I try to walk forward but the world becomes glitchy and slowly fades as it moves me back to the origin position I was in. 'Help!' I yell as my own voice glitches again.
It was like I was invisible, like a glitch in the system that affected no one but myself.
'Those discs are worth more than you ever were!'
'My first decree is to revoke the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommy Innit!'
Not knowing terrified me. It all happened so fast and out of nowhere. I had no warning of what was going to come next despite how much I wished I did. I wished I knew more.
'It was never meant to be' Four people repeat at the same time, four people face towards me, saluting before disappearing.
But this story, the one the glitched showed me, it seemed that was already told but i was also a story that seemed like it would all be forgotten. It's difficult to understand.
I hear voices continue to repeat the same things as random images of places and people Of whom i don't know before they all stop.
Peace. That's what it brought me. Yet it wasn't just for a second before the glitches arrived and took me somewhere else, no, It stuck around.
I stand for a second in what seems like a white void before my surroundings change into a white palace. It was empty apart from a book which was lying in a stand in front of me.
That place seemed familiar. So familiar like I've been there before but I had no recollection of past experiences. It was like the place before, a forgotten memory.
But this place was different from everything I saw before. It was quiet, It caused me to hope for a break of my curse. Maybe It'll help me escape or figure it all out
Like any other normal person, I walked towards it and as I did the pages flip open until they land on a certain page. I started reading.
'Welcome to the inbetween. That glitch of yours is quite interesting, It can become very useful quite quickly. Yet that isn't the reason why you're here. But soon enough you'll understand. Just don't stray far from the path.'
That was it. That was all the book said. No story, no answers to my questions. Only more questions were caused to spark
I didn't know what path it was on. There were ledges and Arches with paths but not a single clear path. Now I wish it gave clearer instructions, then i wouldn't be where I am right now.
I jump as the book slams shut, signaling for me to do something else. Yet I was so confused, nothing,
I couldn't remember anything before the glitches.
I decided to walk down under the massive arch opposite the book to a massive tree.
I had no clue where I was going but I was going somewhere. But when I went around it I stopped as I saw someone.
"I didn't stray off the path." My voice glitched on the word didn't. "I strayed off the path" I repeat.
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faunandfloraas · 2 months
Typical lee knower 🙄
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
Do you know any transmasc content creators? I saw a post about how common it is to see trans women make video essays and I'd love to see more trans men who make content not centered around being trans- i love Jammidodgers stuff but there's something about seeing a trans youtuber just....exist, yknow? The only one i can really think of is an animator/story time YTer and i....forget their name rn-
Unfortunately I don't. I'd really love to find some, especially video essayists, so if anyone has recs please add them.
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willowve01 · 4 months
*Drops this here*
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ughgoaway · 10 months
we went to winter wonderland // day 2
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content warnings; swearing maybe? I think that's it??
a/n; day 2!!! I have only been to Winter Wonderland like once, so if this is inaccurate... oops! but I did have a good time despite it being a bit shit, which is how I felt writing this fic too lol. also I did use a quote in here I saw online, but I can not for the life of me find who wrote it, as soon as I do, I will edit this and credit them!!! <3
word count; 2k
(this fic takes place pre-relationship)
12 days masterlist
“Alexa! Play Daddy's song!!” Matty hears his daughter shouting at the Alexa from the kitchen. He smirks to himself once he understands what she means.
Matty was careful what songs he showed Annie, knowing she was at the age of endless questions, and he didn't exactly feel like explaining the intricacies of some of his songs. 
But last week, Matty had to run into a meeting and left Annie in the studio with Ross and George. As they sat there and planned the setlist, any time Annie heard the title of a song she didn't know, she would pipe up and say, “What does that one sound like?” and either George or Ross would play a small bit of the song. When Me and You Together song was brought up, they thought it was about as harmless as 75 songs can get, so they played the whole song for her.
They watched her eyes light up as the song played, and by the end, she was dancing around the room with them both and singing along, but once it stopped, she asked for it again. And again. And again. Now it was a week later, and Matty was sick of the sound of his own voice, which is not something he thought was possible.
As Matty strolls into the front room to see Annie looking grumpy at the Alexa for not understanding her request, he scoops her up and sits on the sofa with her on his lap. She shrieks as he picks her up and crosses her arms over her chest once she's sat down. 
“Annie, sweetheart, im so glad you like my song, but im not sure we need to listen to it again,” Matty says gently, trying not to upset his daughter. Annie huffs in his lap and immediately pouts, and it almost breaks him. But he manages to stay strong. 
“Why don't we do something else instead, hmm? You could show me some of your new toys? We can even play Barbies if you like?” Matty says, trying to bargain with Annie. He wasn't very good at the whole discipline side of parenting. But how could he be when Annie gives him those puppy dog eyes and a shaky bottom lip?
But before either of those comes out, her face lights up with an idea, and Matty knows that doesn't bode well. “Okay, we can stop listening to my most favourite song if we can go to Winter Wonderland like it says!!” Annie says, stressing most favourite in an attempt to guilt trip her dad, and it works.
They had gone to Winter Wonderland last year, and Annie had the time of her life. Some of the kiddy rides made Matty feel his age though, and after a 3rd go on the teacups, he had to sit stationary for a good 15 minutes. Despite that, that day was one of Matty's favourite days with Annie, seeing her face brighten at the rides and all the people, watching her sit on Santa's lap and ask him for a new dog, “my doggy mayhem needs a friend!!” but nothing compared to their trip on the Ferris wheel. 
Watching the skyline of London reflect in her eyes was a sight Matty would never forget, her giddiness as she tried to spot their house (she insisted she found it, and who is Matty to disagree?) and the different colours of light slide over her ecstatic face. The purple and pink lights shining in her wide eyes as she stared at the people below giggling was the highlight of his Christmas. 
Annie sat on his lap as they went down on the wheel, and before they even reached the bottom, she was fast asleep in his arms. Watching her eyes flutter on the train home made Matty's heart swell in a new way. He didn't think he could love something this much.
So when she asked, Matty couldn't help but nod his head and get attacked with hugs and squeals.
The sun had gone down about 20 minutes ago, and Annie was determined it was now time to go on the Ferris wheel, “I need to see all the pretty lights, Daddy!” she says, dragging Matty over to the queue.
Matty laughed and followed behind her. A giant stuffed bear obstructed his view slightly, but he blindly trusted Annie's directions. After a long day of rides and fairground games, Matty wouldn't mind a gentle spin around the Ferris wheel.
Little did he know you were thinking the exact same thing, only a few people ahead of him in the queue. 
You hadn't planned to go to Winter Wonderland that day, not even thinking about it before you were in central London. But on the tube, you saw a poster and suddenly felt drawn to it. The hustle and bustle of people and the decorations were sure to make you feel a bit less shit. 
You couldn't go to Christmas at home this year, not being able to travel due to severe weather warnings, so you went up to your mum's house a few weeks before for an early Christmas dinner. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but how wrong you were.
The whole family was invited, and you were inundated with questions about a significant other, “Oh do you have a boyfriend yet love?”
And then, having to cope with the sad eyes and the pity after you say no, “Oh don't worry, sweetheart. It'll happen for you eventually.” 
They all said the same thing, pity followed by an attempted set-up, “Actually… if you're still single, there's a lovely young man I work with that would be perfect for you!” 
And thus the spiel began, describing a man who you're sure is nice enough but definitely wasn't perfect for you. Even if he was, you couldn't date right now anyway. You were well and truly stuck on Matty.
You can't think of anyone else. Your head is full of him. Your heart is full of him. You think of him when you wake up, what he's doing right now. Whether he's making breakfast for Annie, or maybe if he's at the studio already. Throughout the day, small things remind you of him. The guitar that sits in the corner of your room, an abandoned attempt at a hobby, now sat as nothing but a reminder of the man you were violently in love with. You turned on the radio each day to distract yourself, but now something as basic as music has you yearning for him. One day, as you were getting ready to go out, one of his songs came on, and you froze on the spot. You didn't end up going out that day. You stayed home and ached over a man who you could never have. 
The worst time was at night. You lay in bed staring at the ceiling, the ticking of the clock teasing you. Reminding you that each minute you don't sleep translates to an hour of grumpiness tomorrow morning. But you couldn't help it. Your mind was swimming in him. You thought of lying in bed together, chatting, and giggling. And falling asleep in his arms. You'd be able to listen to his heartbeat rather than the tick tok of that fucking clock.
So you lie, you say to your aunts, “Oh I don't need romance! Im perfectly happy.” But you say you don't need love like a woman on a diet says she doesn't want dessert, you long for it but you don't think you deserve it. 
To try and distract yourself, you dragged yourself out of bed and into central London. The poster convinced you, and soon enough, you were standing in front of Hyde Park with a ticket booked. 
For a solo adult, you had a pretty fun day, going around to all the stalls and buying unnecessary treats for you and your loved ones. You ate some overpriced food and went on a few rides. But you were waiting until the sun had set for your favourite activity, the Ferris wheel. 
You get loaded onto a carriage, and you hear the ride operator ushering more people on saying, “There's only one in here so you two can join her, okay?” You keep focused on the view outside, not too worried about who you're going to be spending the trip around with.
That was until the door shut, and you heard a breathy voice say, “Hi.” 
Why do you recognise that voice? Oh- OH. you turn, and you're met with the same pair of eyes that run through your mind all night, the same eyes that seem to follow you wherever you go.
A few hard blinks later, you assure yourself you're not dreaming, that is Matty Healy standing in front of you with a bear almost the same size as his daughter.
Speaking of his daughter, you catch her in your arms moments later, Annie had thrown herself in to hug you; clearly over the moon with your presence.
“Well hi guys!” You say, somehow managing to keep your voice even, “So nice to see you both” Your eyes flick from Annie's up to Matty, who simply nods, dumbfounded. 
You make a slightly awkward conversation with the two of them, both you and Matty reeling from the surprise encounter. But Annie wasn't phased, easily recounting her whole day to you and laughing when she detailed how ill Matty got on the teacups. 
“In my defence,” Matty says, already smiling at your poorly suppressed giggles, “they spin really fast, okay! Im getting too old for teacups,” he says with a flick of his hand.
Just as you say, “No!” Annie says, “Yes! Too olddddd” dragging out the last letter. All of you burst out laughing, Matty gives Annie a pinch and calls her cheeky.
Once you reached the top, you, Matty, and Annie all quieted down and stared out at the view, all immersed in the London skyline sparkling back at you. Annie stood below you with her face pressed into the window as you and Matty had a quiet conversation. 
“I always wait until it's dark to come up here, I love the lights too much to come up during the day” you whisper to Matty.
You don't turn your head to face him until the silence is too much, and you almost jump when you see him already looking at you. 
But all Matty wanted to do was look at you. The way the lights glittered in your eyes, your smile as they flicked over the view. The way you squinted and leaned in closer, trying to figure out what landmark you were looking at. He especially loved the way your hand was subconsciously stroking Annie's back the whole time. 
He felt like a real fucking family. And god, it hurt. 
Nevertheless, he couldn't stop staring at you, willing to endure any pain if it meant he could continue living in this delusion he had created. 
Any beautiful view was lost on the two of you now, just staring at each other with dopey smiles on your faces. Tracing each feature with your eyes, desperate to memorise this. To live it over and over again. 
Annie tugged at her dad's leg, and that finally pulled his attention back. You were nearly at the bottom of the wheel, and Annie's eyes were heavy with sleep. She rubbed at her face with closed fists and then stuck her arms up. Matty immediately scooped her up and held her close, letting her eyes shut and resting her head on his shoulder. She was falling asleep in a matter of seconds.
Neither of you spoke on the small remainder of the journey, not wanting to wake her up. But as he walked off trying to balance both Annie and the bear, Matty gave you a small smile and a wave. You did the same and walked in the opposite direction.
That night, it wasn't just you staring at your ceiling. Matty was up until 3 am watching the moonlight dance and fantasising about the life he had for 10 minutes. A life with you.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
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#all that tdmm hate that still lingers is some of whitest shit i've ever witnessed td.dks really went all out with the yt gay/yt feminism jfc#like shouto and momo are so obviously japanese in every way(i also hc shouto as part bangladeshi and momo as a blasian dominican-mexican)#i deffo agree they're both queer-coded shouto is transmasc genderfluid and momo is transfem softgirlgender but as poc not white at all#like idc about gay shouto and lesbian momo you can hc what you want but what you guys call 'concrete proof' is just japanese/asian culture#as a homecountry raised poc they're both more trans and autistic-coded than any orientation and their dynamic is so such a poc4poc fantasy#t4t autistic4autistic poc4poc fantasy specifically!!!their characters and story are NOT white western at all and the perfect teen m/f ship#but bnha is so popular with we.ebs who know jackshit about easterners and poc in general tbh they hate todomomo for not being yt bread gays#and think it's a morality thing when it's the most harmless fucking ship AND they ship DABI with a blonde cop.HIS GOTH/CPUNK ASS????????????#PLEASE my afrolatina ass has never been able to take them seriously especially because dadbi/s'mores siblings makes way more sense#but yeah i've talked enough.if you hate todomomo you're probs mad that they're a genuinely unconventional m/f ship instead of palpability#todomomo#t4t todomomo#todomomo protection squad#todoroki shouto#momo yaoyorozu#half bangladeshi rei agenda#blasian latina momo#trans todoroki#trans momo yaoyorozu#goth punk todoroki shouto#pastel punk momo yaoyorozu#partially blind todoroki#chubby momo yaoyorozu#bnha geekery#our hero academia#tea blend crew#team dual#momo is also adhd anxious and ocd along with being autistic thanks#summeredits#summerposting
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amaranthdahlia · 1 year
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i absolutely adore chubby ryuunosuke so i had to draw him (accidentally made it asoryuu cus i let self indulgence take over & blacked out)
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nexttimeisnotthesame · 10 months
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Ezreal's ultimate : ̗̀➛ | HEARTSTEEL - PARANOIA MV
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The setlist!
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milimeters-morales · 4 months
idk i believe miles g would have a somewhat popular unhinged book review youtube channel that he originally had to make for school but just kept it as a sort of constant thing he had complete control over. but then again i can see him deleting it all the second he doesn’t need it anymore bc any risk of popularity would mean his vigilante activities getting revealed + he’s just not that type of person who’s super comfortable with his face on the internet like that. and i don’t think you even need to upload the videos to yt just email them to the teacher. but also: suspend your belief with me for a second.
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noweverybodysdead · 4 months
M&YTS song of all time I don't make the rules
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skatalite · 4 months
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
day 1000-something of wishing that this had been added to honeypre before it eosed
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ros3chu · 1 year
How do we question if Matty has read fanfiction when he wrote Me and You Together Song, that shit is straight out of a teenage girls Wattpad
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princessloverboy · 3 months
giggling n kicking my feet so hard guys. guys have i mentioned. ilove listening to my gf talk abt things he likes guys did u know. its literally one of my favourite things guys fun fact
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betweenlands · 1 year
hi everyone. we solved one of the 100dmv puzzles. click this link to read over the slow process of our going completely insane for nearly a full month.
links at the top to the pieces of the puzzle if for some reason you want to try to do it yourself (the section titles shouldn't spoil anything); if you don't care about the "going insane" part and just want to see the answers, go to Part 4 for the breakthrough and Part 5 for the answers/summary.
special thanks to @autisticlalna, @fearforthestorm, and @dreylendreamer for their help!
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