#m: ftb
fairytalebingo · 2 months
Open for Sign Ups
General Rules
You are free to interpret your prompts however you want. I won’t be hunting anyone down to say they did a prompt wrong. That’s not my style. I want to see what your prompt inspired, so feel free to do what you will with your prompt.
You can combine multiple prompts into one work, just be sure to note that.
You can combine this event with other events, if that is allowed in the other event’s rules.
Each work submitted should be new. It can be apart of a series as a standalone or a chapter in a multi-chapter fic.
There is no minimum or maximum word count.
Prompt fills do not have to be just fics, they can moodboards, art, fanfiction, original work, poems, etc. Whatever you want to do for the prompt fill, go for it.
This is going to be a one time event (as of right now, this might change in the future). Sign ups will be open until August 1st, as I haven’t ever run or hosted a bingo event before, please give me up to a week to get your card to you. I’ll try to have a queue list available for you all to keep track.
There is no deadline for this event, even though sign ups were for two weeks. If it takes you three years to finish your card, it takes you three years.
You get to decide how you win this bingo. Whether that’s a black out, writing for only one square, etc. it is up to you on when you’re done.
This bingo round is offering cards in 1x5 or 3x3. A maximum of two cards, per person.
Tag everything appropriately such as rating, content warnings, or trigger warnings.
All work must be your own creation. No plagiarism. No AI-generated work.
This event is open to all ages.
When submitting your card for a reblog, please include the rating, content warnings, and trigger warnings. Also tag @fairytalebingo and use #fairytalebingo or #FTB
Sign Up Here
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drinksss · 1 year
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Hi volume one of my new children's graphic novel Tales of the Twilight Forest is OUT and available for paperback order worldwide. It's volume one so there will be a LOT MORE volumes out soon! (volume two is almost done), each volume will be focused on an individual aspect of Twilight Forest progression, this one's about Alex defeating the Naga and it's cool and easy reading. CHECK IT!
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angelofthepage · 4 months
Renegade Rose: Return to the Cycle
I got hit with a brilliant idea for a potential Bendy fan game that focuses on characters from the books. Most notably, I'm focusing on the cast of Fade to Black, so if you're still spoiler dodging for that entry, here's your content warning. Disclaimer, I am not a game developer and have no idea how one would feasibly create this, this is all just for fun as a hypothetical. (That said, if any fan devs are interested in this concept, my DMs are open, would love to chat with you.) Now, let's get on with the show!
Let's set the stage:
It's been a few years (maybe 1956 since that's when the VCR was invented?) since Rose and Ollie Sorenson’s daring escape from Joey Drew's twisted cartoon world, the Cycle. Ollie is well on his way to becoming a teenager, and Rose has been trying to move forward with her life. But no matter where she goes, the hallucination of Bendy follows her, and the guilt of losing Evan and Archie still eats at her soul. 
By some miraculous chance, Rose ends up with a VHS tape with a recording of the Joey Drew Show on it (maybe she recorded a rerun, or maybe she found it in someone else's junk/the library discards). The special TV has been unplugged for years, and her 3D glasses are snapped in half. But she wonders if maybe, just maybe, there's a way to go back and save them. So she tapes the glasses together and pops in the tape to see if her access point is still there. And sure enough, she's got a way in! 
With the help of Ollie and Dot, Rose makes it her mission to rescue Evan and Archie from their inky fates. Will she be successful, or will she find the ink pulling her under?
I imagine this would work well as a first person action adventure experience that's mission based. (That said, upon consulting friends, I've had the suggestion for a Nancy Drew visual novel styled game, and that feels like it would be fun and maybe more achievable if I tried to make it real.) It has elements in common with BATDR, but the world isn't quite as open. Taking some inspiration from FNAF Security Breach Ruin and FNAF Help Wanted 2, Rose puts on her 3D glasses to dive into the cycle, which is our primary environment for exploration. In the cycle, she travels through a variety of areas to look for Evan and Archie, encountering a cast of quirky characters, some known fan favorites, and some new. On her quest to find them, Rose finds several items to help her solve puzzles and leave notes for her friends/mark her path. 
Rose’s central hub is in the living room of her real world house. Here, she can consult Ollie and Dot, look through notes of things she's seen on her adventure, and equip items to take with her into the cycle. That said, some of the horror would come from having something in the real world that shouldn't be there. The farther Rose goes, the more her hallucinated Bendy shows up. Sometimes he's there to tease her, and sometimes he has helpful hints about how to traverse the cycle. (Keep this in mind for later, this will be story relevant.)
While having the VHS tape means Rose can enter the cycle whenever she wants, there is a limitation. She can only stay in the cycle for as long as the tape runs for. This means she has to get in, complete her objective, and get out. Given this game would have some puzzle elements, I would feel bad putting someone in a time constraint to solve them. So rather than taking a Hades or Splatoon 3 Side Order approach, I'd rather let the levels themselves take however long they need to. The time limit wouldn't be imposed until Rose has completed her objective, where it's a mad dash to get back to a designated safety area (like Joey's office) so she can take off the glasses and get out. Think of it kind of like Pizza Tower. It could also lend itself well to some close encounters running away from monsters at the end of a mission. It would be interesting to use the Little Miracle Stations as a potential safe area to pause and exit the cycle mid-mission, given the ad for them that exists in BATIM Chapter 5. (This is the thing I wouldn't know how to translate if this was tackled as a visual novel instead.)
I’m tempted to throw something in here with closing your eyes as a mechanic, given the scene in FTB where Ollie walks back up to the entrance by imagining he’s walking on clouds. Letting Rose have one moment to do something impossible by focusing and using her imagination would be great. It would take a lot out of her, having it as a once-a-mission kind of deal might make sense. 
Another mechanic is the tape player. Per the Fade to Black moment of Joey talking to Rose ala the tape player, Rose being able to communicate with Dot or Ollie would be useful. It could work as a hint system, but it also works for plot elements. Using the tapes as a walkie talkie of sorts would also be interesting for having some interference from our antagonist, or for keeping in touch with allies we meet along the way. 
Rose Sorenson: Our ever optimistic protagonist. Rose looks on the bright side, but more importantly, she’s driven. While other Bendy protagonists have endurance and magical powers to help them along, Rose has her wits and a strong imagination.
Ollie Sorenson: Rose’s little brother who has been through a lot. Ollie is a good kid, he means well, but he’s getting to an age where his whole world is changing. As his sister embarks on this heroic quest, he’s feeling like he’s brave and strong enough to take on the cycle and lend a hand too. This may get him into more trouble than he bargained for. 
Dot Lastname: Former writer at Joey Drew Studios, Dot is a curious soul who lost everything. Having never been able to find her friend, Buddy Lewek, she’s harbored so much guilt. Making sure Joey can never hurt anyone again would leave her satisfied, and being able to locate her lost friend would be even better. She agrees to help Rose one more time, in the hope that maybe, just maybe, Buddy is still alive. 
Buddy Boris: Since getting dragged down by the hands of the ink demon, Buddy has found himself trapped in the body of Boris the Wolf, struggling to maintain control. Upon encountering studio newcomer Rose, his memories are hazy. But the more she tells him stories of the past, the more he starts to remember. Buddy can’t speak verbally, but he can communicate through drawings and writing on the wall. (Need to have a moment where he hears Dot through the tape recorder and recognizes her, gotta have it be a little heartbreaking).
Evan: A former employee of Joey Drew’s and Gent, Evan is a big grump with big dreams of innovating the world. He’s a foil to Rose’s endless positivity with an air of irritation, but he means well. Except for trying to dismantle and steal the ink machine, that was a bit foolish and morally gray. Evan met his fateful death at the hands of the ink demon in Fade to Black, but as other characters have shown us, those who die in reality can end up reborn in the cycle. Where is Evan, and what has he become? Is there a way to bring him back home? 
Archie Carter: A mysterious Englishman who ended up as a lab rat for Gent, Archie is desperate to put an end to their reign of terror. Having gone from being suspiciously not human to a faceless ink creature, Archie sacrificed himself for Rose not once, but twice. He’s already encountered so many horrors in the studio. What kind of state will he be in if Rose finds him again?
The Projectionist: The monster that was once Norman Polk has caused a fair share of problems within the cycle, but perhaps he’s not as monstrous as he seems. After all, he’s only defending what’s rightfully his: a pile of ink hearts. (It could be fun to have him as a monster, then have Evan help repair his speaker so he can communicate with the group, showing he’s more confused than he is hostile.)
There are others I'd like to include of course. There's people like Jacob from DCTL that would make a fun ally, might be indulgent and put my “Abby Lambert is a perfect Alice” theory to good use. Depending on how far along Joey is, maybe there's an early attempt at Audrey somewhere in here. Maybe there's Wilson! There is a very small chance of Wilson, it's not likely, but I'm considering it. Twisted Alice showing up? Definitely considering it given the timeline would be fun to play with.
That's all I've got in my notes so far. Whether this ends up as a real fan game or stays as a concept for a fic/au, it's been really fun to brainstorm, and I want to keep playing with it. I feel like we're onto something here.
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ping1n · 10 months
Theres a trend I've noticed with the current era of minecraft modding.
It's a sort of... professionalism? We're seeing a lot more mods made by large teams rather than single creators. Theres also a lot more focus - theres a definite trend of larger mods with many distinct features being split up into multiple separate mods for each distinct feature, if that makes sense. That's probably largely driven by curseforge's revenue scheme - I guess it's more profitable to have 5 mods with 1 main feature and a million downloads each, than 1 mod with all 5 features and a million downloads.
I don't know if this corresponds to the latter trend or the former but theres a definite increase in library mods - mod makers are building a lot more infrastructure for their work but each team is building their own library.
And I really don't know how I feel about all this.
This trend of professionalism has lead to an increase in quality but it feels like its come at the cost of creativity - theres an obsession with fitting into the vanilla game, both mechanically and artistically. It feels like modern mods are focused on expanding and fleshing out the vanilla game in a cohesive way, in stark contrast to how earlier mods used vanilla as just a platform to build their own stuff. And I feel like this is a good thing, but I also feel sad for what came before.
And I really think you can trace this change back to minecraft's change in artstyle. Programmer Art is aptly named - the original graphics were quick and dirty textures thrown together so they could get on with making the actual game. And this fostered a lot of creativity in the modding community - a community largely comprised of programmers - who could imitate this artstyle very easily. The new artstyle is great, don't get me wrong, but it pressures modmakers to match it. This means the old generation of simply textured box machines look out of place in the new graphics. When the old graphics were simple it didn't feel wrong to have something wildly different thrown in there - think Thaumcraft's inexplicably 128x128 textures in a 16x16 game, or whatever the fuck was happening with draconic evolution - whereas the obvious thought and care put into the official art makes anything even remotely out of place look wrong.
This is definitely a factor in the increase of larger teams - it's a lot harder for one person to make a whole mod and a whole set of cohesive textures. And when something looks professional theres a pressure to make it function professionally as well - if it's going to fit in with the vanilla game visually it's going to have to fit in mechanically as well.
And again, I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing - indeed, this could all just be a result of the modding community maturing. But I do have some problems with it:
Firstly, I think its notable that previous eras of modding are associated with a specific version - 1.6.4, 1.7.10, 1.12.2. That's not the case now. There seems to be a lot more pressure to update to the latest version, which is combined with a sudden increase in vanilla update frequency. I think this has pretty drastic consequences. When the modding scene stayed still, as it did in 1.7.10 and 1.12.2, theres a lot of time for mods to get used to each other. Think back to 1.7.10 where magic mods were including references and counters to each other. With the much faster development to get every mod updated to the latest version with different mods getting updated at different times theres much less opportunity for intrinsic cross mod compatibility. This is combined with the recent split between fabric and forge, resulting in mods that ironically look very similar but with much less conscious compatibility.
Theres also something off about the art style. Theres a sort of shared style that you see across a lot of popular mods right now. It's not just that they look like vanilla textures - because in large part they look more like each other than they do vanilla. Idk if that makes sense. It's like theres a consistent artstyle for mods that is ever so slightly different from the art style of vanilla.
And this, of course, brings us to the elephant in the room.
They all look like fucking Create.
I said earlier that I thought these changes could all be traced back to the change in vanilla artstyle - and I still think that's true - but when you're tracing it back the line inevitably runs through that one mod.
Create was huge. Back when modding was still getting used to the artstyle changes, Create I think solidified the entire era. It was an aesthetically pleasing, stylistically cohesive, mechanically balanced and technically astounding mod. It was big enough to draw attention from vanilla players who had never played modded before then, bringing them in with expectations formed by it. Which, in turn, created a pressure in the community to replicate this success.
I'm gonna be honest - Create annoys me. I dislike the artstyle. I dislike the obsession with aesthetics and vanilla-like gameplay over functionality. I especially dislike how its found in literally every modpack for recent versions.
But (reluctantly) putting aside my dislike of Create, I begrudgingly admit that all in all, these trends are overall good for modding. As I said earlier, they're a sign of a maturing community. But I'll still miss how mods in earlier eras were much more free to be completely batshit, or pure functionality (rftools and mahou tsukai come to mind as mods that have largely ignored the changes in the community). Every era has it's own feel and if what's new isnt for me, that's fine. Maybe I'm just old and bitter and this is all in my own head - I'm not a modder, I've just been playing this game a long time.
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smolwritingchick · 10 months
Forced To Believe Masterlist
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A Dean Ambrose x OC story! The Shield 4th member.
Summary: Taking place during the start of The Shield's debut in 2012, follow Morgan Lopez's career as she becomes a member of The Shield, revamps herself as The Outspoken Diva and makes a name for herself in WWE.
OC Profile of Morgan Lopez
Chapter 1- So, You Wanna Wrestle?
Chapter 2- My WWE Debut
Chapter 3- Fighting Back
Chapter 4- My First Wrestlemania
Chapter 5- Becoming Heel
Chapter 6- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 1
Chapter 7- The Shield's Girl
Chapter 8- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 2
Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable
Chapter 10- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 4
Chapter 11- Justice Continues Being Served
Chapter 12- The Underdog from Philly
Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB
Chapter 14- Money In The Bank 2013
Chapter 15- Total Slap!
Chapter 16- Frustration
Chapter 17- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 5
Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do
Chapter 19- Do You Know Who I Am!?
Chapter 20- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 6
Chapter 21- Army of One
Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face
Chapter 23- You Look Like You've Seen A Ghost
Chapter 24- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 7
Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best
Chapter 26- Revenge Is Sweet
Chapter 27- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8
Chapter 28- Is That You Being Serious?
Chapter 29- In Due Time
Chapter 30- Trying To Gain Momentum
Chapter 31- The Slammy Awards
Chapter 32- That Was A Miracle
Chapter 33- The Answer Is No
Chapter 34- Tribute To The Troops
Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer
Chapter 36- Move Thief
Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod
Chapter 38- Respect
Chapter 39- I Hate Snakes
Chapter 40- If Only You Knew
Chapter 41- Making A Statement
Chapter 42- Yikes
Chapter 43- Sister Abigail
Chapter 44- I Lost Her
Chapter 45- She Belongs To Us Now
Chapter 46- I See What You Want
Chapter 47- Armageddon
Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2
Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work
Chapter 50- What Are You Doing!?
Chapter 51- Things Got Personal
Chapter 52- He Kept His Word
Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating
Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games
Chapter 55- Togetherness
Chapter 56- Public Displays of Affection
Chapter 57- The Shield Against The Authority
Chapter 58- Bad News Dinner
Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand
Chapter 60- Annihilated
Chapter 61- Catching Up With Old Friends
Chapter 62- Wrestling's Fun
Chapter 63- Get Back Here!
Chapter 64- War
Chapter 65- Trust Is Dead To Us Now
Chapter 66- Confronting The Sellout
Chapter 67- Going Our Separate Ways
Chapter 68- They Can't Control Me
Chapter 69- Clock Is Ticking Morgan
Chapter 70- Outsmarting The Architect
Chapter 71- Closing The Chapter
Chapter 72- I Win (All Hell Breaks Loose)
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morbethgames · 4 months
Hello! I had a question about the short stories intimate scene. In Carters is it always meant to cut to after the deed is done when the MC says it's gonna be the best they've ever had? I didn't turn on FTB so idk if that supposed to happen, thanks!
Yup, it is! The FTB makes it cut off when they first start kissing. Not FTB makes it cut off after the foreplay.
I as a person am too uncomfortable with the idea of writing full on sex scenes, so I have to work with what's within my boundaries. So the rest is left up to the reader's imagination!
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penguinspy2435 · 1 year
HOLY SHIT this is probably the most mundane thing ever to anyone else but I FOUND THE SOURCE OF THE ESSENTIA ICONS FROM THAUMCRAFT!! https://game-icons.net/  <--- look at it!!
so i was browsing around open source icon sets, yknow, as you do. anyways, i found game-icons and was like “oh neat”. then. the little example grid flipped around a few times and what do i see?
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that wheat one (the aspect is called Messis apparently)
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i thought this one on the left was the gem from Vitreus, but it’s actually the one on the right
anyways so at this point i’m FREAKING OUT because OH MY GOD ITS THE THAUMCRAFT ICONS. so i scramble around to find a sprite sheet of all of the icons and
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hehe look at the little guy in Iter go. i love him
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so this is awesome and all, but do you know what this means?
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this is Potentia, of course (on the left). but what is it? what is this image? i’ve always thought it was a raw fish (on the right) because it looks a lot like it. but that makes no sense because this aspect is "potential energy". also you get it from coal. so that can’t be it. but now that i’ve found the source of the icons, i can finally solve this question that i’ve literally had from childhood, from my earliest memories (early 2000s minecraft lets-plays on youtube). so i searched through the icons, shaking with anticipation. and finally...
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it’s "Thor’s fist". it’s a fist grabbing lightning. BECAUSE IT’S ENERGY!!!!! It’s a lightning bolt being harnessed because it’s representing one harnessing the aspect of energy. i would have never guessed this in a bajillion years and i’m stupid (not actually, am just very silly).
anyways that’s all
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theluckoftheclaws · 1 year
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you’ve been sufficiently warned
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I saw Henrylucination and immediately needed to draw gay old men pining.
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 5 months
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Finished Fade to Black and really enjoyed it!
Rose is defs one of my fav bendy characters
So here’s Rose gettin the Archie treatment 😈
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angelcat123 · 5 months
As some of you might have known I have made a rant post about how the violinist from dreams come to life is underrated as hell and how it sucks that she's just been forgotten by the entire fandom.
I read Bendy: Fade to Black, and there is one little part in the entire book that stands out the most...
Spoilers for Fade to Black.
Unless you have read the book, I recommend you do not read this.
For context: Rose and Dot talk in the cafe and Dot explains her motivation, and her backstory with the studio.
"'I wanted to know everything. I wanted to see inside every locked room. I wanted to know why the strange things that were happening at the studio were happening. Why that woman died.'
'A musician. She was found dead. Covered in ink.'
(page 199)
Dot was talking about the violinist in that scene.
The woman who died, that was a musician, covered in ink, was the violinist.
Now, I know this isn't a big deal, considering that she was only mentioned once, but it's better than freaking nothing!
It shows that Adrienne Kress hasn't forgotten her, and the violinist has inadvertently given motivation to Dot to learn about the secrets of the studio!
Albeit not as much as Buddy, I'm sure..
but still!
Woooo! The violinist is not forgotten!
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F2B Pride Flag
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F2B/F2Bu or FtB (female to butch)/FtBu: transitioning from female to butch.
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fairytalebingo · 1 month
I've been working on cards today. I've got about 25 forms to look over and create prompts for. But the third batch of cards is in the works and should be ready for delivery over the weekend.
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drinksss · 10 months
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sleepstrategy · 2 years
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ping1n · 3 months
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this is a neat logo and a cool mod but does anyone else hate this trend of mods mimicking the official update logos? started with upgrade aquatic i think, which was neat! because upgrade aquatic presented itself like the aquatic update but better! but not every mod needs to present itself as "the X update"! do your own thing! we used to import full fucking 3D models of cars into this goddamn game! the vanilla style is a prison designed to limit us! im sure i can somehow blame this on create! i feel the original point of this post has escaped me!
ok ill stop. check this mod out. looks cool.
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smolwritingchick · 10 months
Hi! Starting over again!
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Idk how many people may remember this blog but hi! I'm Val aka Smolwritingchick.
I used to post The Bangtan Gal here on Tumblr. A BTS Jungkook love story about an 8th member of BTS, Jennie Walker.
I'm starting over. I have two stories I want to post on here that I deleted. A wrestling story called Forced To Believe which is about a female member of The Shield from WWE (I posted that on fanfiction.net many years ago) and my BTS story, Bangtan Gal. Currently editing chapters and will post them soon.
I took a long break from writing due to my mental health and just lack of motivation to write as I focused more on work and had other passions. But I miss it and would love to repost my work. I'm not a big fan of the fanfiction.net site these days so I will be posting my stories on Wattpad, Tumblr and Archive of our own for now on.
I'm hoping to continue The Bangtan Gal as I plan out new chapters after editing the old ones. For now, what matters is that I'm having all these chapters up from what has already been written so people can reread.
This blog will focus 95% on my K-Pop story The Bangtan Gal, so expect a lot of posts and asks regarding my K-Pop story and fewer posts about my wrestling story. I'm more focused on that, so sorry in advance.
I don't really care about the notes or views. I just want to post these up again and see where it goes.
I keep rereading my stories and I really miss it so why not?
Stay tuned.
I'm also on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own
Forced To Believe Masterlist
Bangtan Gal Masterlist
Bangtan Gal Masterlist PART 2
Bangtan Gal Smol oneshot/drabble Masterlist
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