acearadiamegido · 8 months
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@homestuckss pinch hit for @topfsecret !!
Reluctant face of the Alternian revolution Karkat is NOT quite used to having an entire security detail yet, and isn't sure why they're all dressed like sci fi adventure movie characters??
to which I would say, if you're gonna be planning an underground revolution against a spacefaring despot why WOULDN'T you dress for the occasion. c'mon.
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xefros-tritoh · 2 years
i still get really sad thinking about kanaya sometimes like. the pre-retcon timeline in particular really hurts
in one day she loses something that she thinks is her destiny, she feels like she has failed and doomed her entire species to extinction. and when she tries to get revenge for this she dies.and after all this she decides to stay on the meteor instead of with aradia and sollux at the green sun because the girl shes started to develop a crush on is asking her to, despite knowing theyll be floating through space with no sun. but she thinks maybe this girl will be her light- that she wont be lonely. and then has to care for and look after that girl as she becomes incresingly more dependant on alcohol. and then she dies again, at the hands of the woman that subjected her species to torment for eons, the species that kanaya thought she might have a chance at giving a better life before that was ripped from her
being a space player fucking sucks man
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whamss · 10 months
Rose would be a shitty girlfriend but people really miss the flavor with exploring that when they take it as Rose not liking Kanaya as much as vice versa as opposed to her being painfully into Kanaya but not knowing how to like. Empathize with other people properly and being too self-absorbed to attend to any of Kanaya's needs, or even really notice when her own behavior is hurting her.
I think it's pretty well-established that Rose is super into her. Girl who drank her ass off before their first date bc she was nervous and constantly turmoiled over whether or not Kanaya was going to break up w her and wanting to make things better between them even leading up to her death, only people to say that she doesn't like Kanaya. If Kanaya broke up with Rose she would perish. Lines like "I never even got to tell her I love her" tell us nothing if not that Rose was painfully in love with Kanaya, but could never find it in herself to tell her. Whether this is because she was trying to protect herself on the chance that Kanaya got sick of her shit and decided to break up or because Rose was so out of it constantly she just could never get it out is up to interpretation. But Rose being a shitty girlfriend and her relationship with Kanaya being extremely important to her aren't concepts that are mutually exclusive. If anything I think they play hand in hand.
I also just think people need to give Kanaya more autonomy than they do. Don't get me wrong the power dynamic IS inbalanced. Rose is insane and constantly making mistakes and impulsive decisions and Kanaya is always left picking up the pieces when she does something crazy. Rose hurts Kanaya to an incomparable degree. Kanaya has far more patience for Rose than she probably should, but she isn't a doormat. The entire interaction Kanaya and Rose had on the meteor, where Kanaya flipped out on Rose for drinking right before they were due for a big fight, tells us so much about what their dynamic was leading up to this imo. This is a conversation they've had countless times before, Kanaya's anger is always followed up with some fearful suggestion from Rose that Kanaya is going to break up with her. Kanaya is a girl dealing with a partner deep in the throes of alcoholism, she's painfully compliant, but their interactions both leading up to them getting together and once they do both on the meteor and off of it show that the relationship anxiety is very one-sided. Rose is the only one worried about them breaking up, because she sucks and she knows that. Kanaya cares deeply for Rose but if either of them are going to be cooly cutting things off between them it's her, not Rose.
I love giving rosemary divorce particles, I can never be convinced that two girls who got together That Young could make it work between them without a ton of bumps in the road. I love that Rose is fucked up and self-centered and I like when people acknowledge this, but she DOES love Kanaya. To her own detriment. Kanaya is the one constantly disillusioned by Rose's behavior, the one who's commitment is constantly tested, not the other way around. Wish more people could acknowledge this... Rose loves Kanaya! And Kanaya loves Rose too, I think. But people really wooby her when they try to frame even the likes of pre-retcon rosemary like Kanaya is a nothing but a victim of Rose's vices, and that Rose somehow doesn't actually want to be in a relationship with her.
Pre-retcon rosemary was definitely on track to an untimely break up though. Rose wasn't going to be the one to pull that trigger though
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propheticclown · 25 days
Just a little ramble post but people grossly oversimplify Eridan's character so much to the point where it's not even Eridan.
FIrstly, Eridan's "I'm a violetblood and we need to cull lowbloods glub glub glub" stuff isn't actually how he feels, and that should be clear considering his best friend is a mutantblood and the only lowblood he actually hates is Sollux, which is lowkey understandable because Sollux is just as cocky and arrogant as Eridan, if not more.
Secondly, he's not misogynistic. Don't get me wrong, he's absolutely a weirdo, but not in a Cronus way. He's legitimately just socially awkward. He doesn't know how to properly express his emotions because of his emotionally neglectful lusus and it screws him over in the long run.
Thirdly, He's not actually prideful. If anything, he's envious. He envies Sollux, he envies Kanaya, he envies Karkat, heck he even envies Rose. All of this envy manifests in self-hatred. He utterly despises himself. He doesn't think he's deserving of love at all, he asks almost everyone besides Feferi for some kind of Black Quadrant romance. Which also transitions nicely into my next point.
Fourthly, ERIDAN WANTS TO BE HATED!!! Eridan does NOT care for himself at ALL! He WANTS to be miserable because he thinks that's all he deserves! That's why he supports all these horrible ideologies, that's why he doesn't indulge himself in anything he personally likes (Ex. Wizards and Magic), that's why he constantly asks to have kismestitudes, because he hates himself and is self-destructive! Eridan TRULY believes that the ONLY thing he has going for him is his blood color, which is why he emphasizes it so much! He's a massive emotional wreck who gets completely disregarded by his friends. Is he an asshole? YES! ABSOLUTELY! But it's because he WANTS TO BE ONE SO NO ONE LIKES HIM! But due to this, he feels more emotionally volatile because he has no one to comfort him. He doesn't want to be loved but he DESPERATELY NEEDS IT! His character is contradictory in nature, which it's supposed to be, because he's a 13 year-old boy who's destined to be completely devoid of any and all hope!
Also before someone accuses me of being weird or something for "defending" Eridan's character, I utterly hate Eridan. Eridan is my least favorite Homestuck character. But the DISGUSTLY gross oversimplification of his character drives me completely and utterly coo-coo crazy banana pants! Get it glubbin together!
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
Hey, I was wondering why you think Roxy was destined to end up with Eridan? I get the shared wizard interest and the quirk foreshadowing I guess, but that still seems like a large stretch. It's kinda like saying that Equius and Dirk are going to end up together because they both like robots and horses. It's just seems like the sort of character remixing that Hussie uses a lot in Homestuck. But what do you think?
- is a hipster and literally wears a colorswapped version of eridans scarf
- is pink and bubbly
- uses riflekind
- has a perfectly opposite powerset to eridan (can create anything by stealing its void away vs. can destroy anything with pure belief) and are connected to each other through the matriorb
- has a crush on a troubled, eccentric prince so you know that's her type
- quirk cameo with momlonde
- Is a wizard
- Is a hipster and literally wears a colorswapped version of roxy's scarf
- Uses riflekind
- Had a huge crush on Feferi, a bubbly pink girl whom he (wrongly) believed to be so nice she might not even be capable of pitch, so we know that's his type
- The equal and opposite powerset & quirk cameo
At the end of the day I can't tell you what to ship, nor am I interested in making anyone ship anything, but I'm kind of just saying, the things that make Roxy predisposed to liking Eridan are, like, the biggest parts of her character, and Eridan is very easy & would pretty much say yes to anybody, but Roxy is also definitely His Type and Eridan is a simp who thrives under any sort of positive attention & would do anything someone asked if they were giving him positive feedback. or attention at all. case in point kanaya fucking hates him but at least she talks to him and he's constantly praising the shit out of her
Jane and Jake also have their introductions IMMEDIATELY followed by talking about how they've got a thing for "cobalt" hunks and "cerulean babes" respectively, so setting up roxy with eridan also fits into a pattern of the b2 kids being set up to date a dead troll. still rereading this part of the comic, but it really jumped out to me how blatant it was for jake and jane
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conceptofjoy · 2 months
How did you figure out your classpect? most things point to knight of time for me and i cannot handle having the same classpect as DAVE????? and ur like THE homestuck expert to me (constantly based takes :3) so im curious how u figured urs out cause i am struggling because i have no idea wtf im like and its worded all weird
hmm partially was because i had known the time thing for years before i got back into homestuck but when i re analyzed it, it still held up.
then theres this beast of an analysis. i agree w most of it! i think theres some class stuff that im raising an eye over i guess, tho but over all, its good. i think it should maybe analyze classpects in the relation to the story more rather than characters as individuals if u get what i mean.
i think some classpect r easier 2 glean bc there r other character categories that help if ur able to identify as one of these:
red girl (dave, aradia, arquius, damara/handmaid)
green girl (callie/al, kanaya, jade, porrim, snowman)
pink girl (roxy, meenah/hic, feferi)
blue girl (snowman, vriska, aranea/ mindfang, june, jane, terezi)
puppet (cal) lover which has a pre and post soul-sealing distinction (all dirks, equius, caliborn, and gamzee)
prospit/ derse
if your class falls into the swapped around dancestor groups like how bard and prince got switched for makaras and amporas
and uh… there r others but they are eluding me. you dont have to be a Girl to be in those categories, just have a complex relationship with patriarchy. also some categories have characters that overlap w each other like equius/hal. their red girlness plus exploitation under patriarchy is hella interesting.
so if youre looking at like the green girl area and going oh shit! me for real! then u should look into space. you can relate to the theme of one character or character group and then the actions of a character from a different group. thats a simplified explanation of a classpect, how a person is effected by system of power, and what they do in response to it.
roxy’s class interacting with her pink girlness is why she was the one to kill HIC, and void has ties to the outer gods the fuchsias can interact with.
jane turns red and aradia turns blue when being their most exploited. they revert back when back to their true selves slash colors when freed.
vriska overpowering gamzee was symbolic of her pushing back the rage and or patriarchal themes he represented. light deals with plot while hope and rage deal with reality, those two things are closely intertwined bc they all exist within a story.
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relaxxattack · 1 year
Hi i want to thank you for the QPR vs Moirail venn diagram. Its a rly excellent way of showing the difference. My gripe is about human romance, and how people will either 1- conflate it in a 1:1 ratio with Matesprit, or 2- claim it is “all the quadrants”. I personally feel both are false equivalency, and that the human romance is similar to both pale and red rom* and SO i was wondering if you agreed w that assessment, or if not, if you have the time to explain your thoughts on human traditional romance vs the quadrants (perhaps w another nifty graph)?
* which is why Rose’s destructive tendencies during sburb & her descent into addiction on the meteor were not addressed by kanaya, who feared palezoning herself like she did with vriska
OH MY GOD! YES!!!! why am i getting such great asks today?!
no, you're EXACTLY right. people are constantly conflating matespritship in those two ways; "all of the quadrants" being especially irritating (since Some humans occasionally argue, Occasionally in a kinky way, and i guess that means that they totally have all of kismesissitude covered?? :/).
matespritship is its very own thing. of the two interpretations above, i feel the idea that it's 1:1 to human romance is the closest to true. i mean, that's what they literally say in the comic, for gog's sake.
humans do not truly incorporate moirallegiance, kismesissitude, or auspisticism into their lives in any meaningful way. while it's possible for humans to sometimes have romances that might seem more like one of those than matespritship, they're considered abnormal or toxic-- and they often ARE, because humans do not have the same sort of biological drives or social understanding of these things that trolls do. humans do not understand the true needs and ramifications, or even the ROMANCE of moirallegiance. humans would be hard pressed to understand a kismesissitude in a 'healthy' way. i don't even need to mention how auspisticism flies over people's heads.
so, yes, humans only have the one quadrant. (and karkat vantas, i am sorry to say, is not going to "human date" anyone as the "solution to his quadrant problems". this would literally be the same as him trying to stick only to matespritship, and we all know exactly how that turned out.)
however! matespritship is not an exact 1:1 on human romance either. the direct quote from the comic is;
"[It's] the closest parallel to the human concept of romance trolls have." [x]
this is not really expanded on much in the text, honestly-- the intricacies of the social and biological traits of matespritship aren't shown enough for us to draw clear distinctions between them and human romance.
however, i think you're right that rose and kanaya are the best example we have of that-- despite them both aiming for matespritship, they have cultural misunderstanding quite often from some of rose's flirting, or even just her needs, crossing wires into a pale threshold that kanaya is weary of.
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it's entirely possible that the differences between troll and human "hearts" might have made it difficult for kanaya to really connect with rose's problems and discuss them with her.
which might explain why when things go "better" for them in the retcon, they're portrayed reading a book on troll romance together:
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it could be implied here that searching for a more in-depth understanding of quadrants actually helped rose with her ability to connect to kanaya-- and maybe, reading into it a little too hard here, this also could have been an opportunity for kanaya to work through her vriska-based hangups with the pale quadrant. that's entirely speculation on my part, though.
at the end of the day, we don't really KNOW enough about the details of quadrants for me to paint a clear picture of how matespritship differs from human romance. i mean, i could try, but it would certainly be more of a headcanon post than an analysis one!
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hivepixels · 8 days
I feel like Sollux would be more of a league player. Karkat would try to play it but give up like a week later
HHGGH my sis frequently infodumps league to me bc she tracks the esports matches so my impression of that game is like. heavily skewed towards the glamorized big-scale competitions with dramatic live broadcasting
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idk much abt the game so i tried describing the hs peeps and asked her what champions they'd play. here's what she said (my description was likely very insufficient lmaoo pls take with grain of salt) -
sollux jungler. been playing since early league days, shaco to troll, otherwise kindred (i think he'd enjoy collecting fem skins and playing girls/girl mages too. cue vc constantly trying to bait him into pronouncing 2haco LOL)
karkat would start off playing garen in top lane, then eat shit and give up. months later revisits and plays more comfortably after switching to nautilus support tank in botlane (nautilus design is so freaking cute im alr attached AAA the most perfect champ for karkat 🥺🤲!!)
terezi replaces toplane with mordekaiser, dave botlane on aphelios. not sure abt midlaner, maybe vriska as yasuo to be silly bonus :ayaya: (she's a rosemary enjoyer) - midlaner rose as orianna, jungler kanaya as evelynn
i also like sollux dota 2- not just bc there's two in the name but also because dota and league have history as genre rivals so its funny thinking of sollux being a dota og elitist that way hajaha
however in my heart the best slkt gaming headcanon wld always be mmorpgs heh. i dont play so idk how it works but i did have some old scribbs w the concept, testing dynamic
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thewertsearch · 1 year
> Be Future Aradia.
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I'm immediately reminded of Jade's robot - but her circumstances probably don't apply here, since this is a soulbot, not a dreambot. Plus, Aradia doesn't even have a dream self. The only other thing which comes to mind is Sollux's ~ATH script, a virus which already claimed the life of one machine.
Could Aradia have been running some ~ATH code, trying to prevent the summoning of Lord English? If she was desperate enough to run an ~ATH program on her own CPU, just about anything could have happened.
Either way, her body has been destroyed - but we've seen her spirit persist without one. I highly doubt that this is where her story ends.
Anyway, Aradia's PoV is a dud. Vriska, then?
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lmao, she really doesn't know.
VRISKA: That was some pretty sweet chainsaw work earlier. Pretty 8rutal, really! Didn't think you had it in you. VRISKA: Hey, you weren't settling a score with him there 8y any chance? KANAYA: What VRISKA: I've got a pretty keen nose for revenge. Could it 8e that you had a thing for him and were upset when he went for me instead? Hmmmmmmmm? KANAYA: Did He Really Go For You KANAYA: Thats Not How I Remember It
I still hold to my assertion that Vriska doesn't lie to people - but, as demonstrated here, she lies to herself near-constantly.
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ERIDAN: wwe used to havve a good thing goin remember our campaigns ERIDAN: that shit wwas epic wwhere are you evven goin to find a rivvalry like that VRISKA: It was fun, Eridan. While it lasted. VRISKA: 8ut it ran its course! I don't know what else to tell you.
Pardon the pun, Eridan, but you're clearly small fry to this girl.
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FEFERI: )(oly crap did I get you good! )(ey, Sollux! Did you catc)( any of t)(at? FEFERI: A live one jumped rig)(t into my boat! A real suckerfis)(! Woo)(oo)(oo. )(ow do you like t)(at, spider)(ag! Sea dwellers represent!!! VRISKA: That was… VRISKA: Surprisingly nasty of you.
Holy hell, that was impressive. She baited Vriska into being nice, and the moment she saw a hint of vulnerability, she struck. Even Terezi hasn't managed a burn like that.
I've always been interested in characters who are good, but not nice. Feferi seems to take things one step further. She's good and she's nice, while still being a dick.
FEFERI: T)(anks. I )(ope I didn't jeopardize our friends)(ip wit)( t)(at little stunt! 38) VRISKA: Friendship? I don't know if… VRISKA: W8 a minute. Why you!!!!!!!! You almost got me AGAIN!
And she's almost two-for-two!
Please let these two hang out more. I want to see more of this Feferi, with a mean streak hidden just below the surface. It's so interesting.
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thewebcomicsreview · 8 months
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Homestuck 2 updated early this month, and we're Yiffy now. It's a Valentine's Day miracle!
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Yiffy was one of the most interesting characters in HS2, because literally everyone treated her like shit constantly. Jade's giving her daughter a smooch but also Jade sent her off to a boarding school explicitly because she was embarrassing to acknowledge and also Jade named her child Yiffy Longstocking on a joke and never bothered to change it. In the epilogues, Rose acknowledged that nothing in Candy was "real" and she was joining the rebellion basically for the luls, and one some level Jade and Rose don't think Yiffy is a real three-quarters-human person, and I think they think of her more like an OC in a game they like.
Well, that was my read of HS2, lets see how HSBC handles her.
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Oh, this visual is great. Kanaya is so pissed off she's turning into the Ancestor art style in real time. She also kind of looks like Batman, here.
No doubt if your POSSE OF PUBESCENT PUNKS back at school could see you now they'd throw up laughing.
I am suddenly way more interested in Yiffy's gang than I am in half the HS1 cast. What kids join a gang led by a dog girl named Yiffy Longstocking?
Engineering that reprieve might be just about the only real solid your no-show non-mom has ever actually bothered to do for you.
Oh thank christ, there was a part of me worried that Yiffy wouldn't resent her parents for being the second-worst parents in HS2. This is the most interesting thing in the sequels, I think.
TAVVY: ,,, And also, everyone knows you exist now,,, instead of just me,,, TAVVY: And our moms
TAVVY: Wow,,,! YIFFY: TAVVY: You know, i was almost kidnapped,,, once,,, TAVVY: My mom removed the window, after that, TAVVY: Which, um, sucked, TAVVY: Though, i guess you'd know, uh, about that,,,
Oh, interesting. Tavvy knew about Yiffy this whole time? Actually, this and Yiffy's description of him via narration earlier imply they grew up together. I guess that makes sense, since he's Jane's kid and Jade inexplicably put Jane in charge of Yiffy, but he never told Vrissy about her secret sister? That's a bit fucked up, dude. Yiffy's not saying anything (and I hope she doesn't for a long time, until she has something meaningful to say), but her text color is Dave's red, even though she's not related to Dave. Or she is and HSBC is going to retcon HS2's most hated plot point somehow.
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Look at this ARRANT BEAVIS double fisting those cans of pop
"ARRANT BEAVIS" is a great Homestuckism
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The Sylph has been slow boiling, you can tell.
Interesting that Yiffy refers to Kanaya as "The Sylph". I don't know what else she'd call her, I suppose, but Yiffy of all people being the one to mention Classpect is odd.
You've only been around this earth for 15 years, but it's a self-evident fact that there are no useful authorities. Gifted with unimaginable power, their concern only stretches so far as to manhandle those dependent on them, and tangles into ineffectual deadlock the instant it meets a challenge worth addressing. Potential killed for the sake of comfort. True kindness is real, but only for those that bare teeth and break skin. Why should these disingenuous, bystanding, spineless, SELFISH adults get anything they want?
Fuck yes, Yiffy hates all the HS1 characters. I've been hoping for this, she has more beef with them all than even Tavros, and it's a bit of Vriska energy this comic has needed that neither actually Vriska really provides.
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Yiffy being the best thing about HS2 was maybe a hot take before, but hopefully it isn't now. She's great.
JADE: and of course you arent obligated to ever forgive me but... i dont want to lose you too! JADE: i love you kanaya JADE: youre my family KANAYA: You Fucked My Wife
This is the best update in the entire comic.
KANAYA: And Though That Travesty Of A Name Is Undoubtedly An Incomprehensibly Offensive Piece Of This Particular Puzzle KANAYA: What I See Is Not An Explanation KANAYA: But A Glossing Over Of The Worst Detail ROSE: Jane.
Yeah, HS2 kind of glossed over Rose/Jade putting TrumpHitler in charge of their literal child. I could copy/paste this whole conversation but basically Kanaya is pointing out that there's like fifty plot holes in Yiffy's backstory and it makes no fucking sense at all and are they going to retcon her to being Jade/Dave's ecto-kid?
ROSE: You've managed to exhume the solemn cadaver of my mother's memory and make her the star of another argument. KANAYA: As If You Ever Bothered To Bury Her ROSE: What does this have to do with anything!? KANAYA: What I Am Doing Is Demonstrating That I Have No Intention To Mediate This Situation KANAYA: Or Pacify It KANAYA: Or Even Be A Little Bit Nice Right Now KANAYA: So Perhaps Youll Actually Take Me Seriously For Once
This is the well-earned sass we've been waiting for since Yiffy's reveal.
ROSE: But more than anything else, I took her up on it because it felt oddly ROSE: inevitable. ROSE: Anyways, ROSE: Deep down, I knew it didn’t matter. ROSE: However we handled it. ROSE: Whatever hurt we caused. ROSE: It was never that serious.
Man, I'm glad that I'm live-blogging and put my read of the situation up as I went because I fucking called it. Yes! I am capable of retaining information when I read instead of staring at the screen slack-jawed.
ROSE: I knew you would forgive me. KANAYA: Rose KANAYA: When Did You Stop Trying JADE: yeah rose!!!!! JADE: what the fuck!!!!
Oh shit, Candy Rose is evil?
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JADE: b-but i just dont want things to get even worse!!!!!! KANAYA: Then stop pretending that my feelings are top priority KANAYA: AND TRY BEING HONEST FOR ONCE JADE: WHAT DOES IT EVEN MATTER!!!!!!! KANAYA: Excuse Me? JADE: you heard me! JADE: you were wronged kanaya! JADE: the truth cant change that JADE: saying it just fucking hurts more JADE: what does that accomplish? JADE: its so embarrassing, would you even get it if i had?
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JADE: you have no idea what its like out there JADE: how traumatizing dating regular citizens was JADE: imagine trying to love someone who already knows every available detail about you JADE: who has *opinions* on what happened to you as a child JADE: who assumes youre indestructible JADE: newsflash it fucking sucks!!!!!!! because no matter how nice they were JADE: they didnt want to know me JADE: they wanted to date the god of space
I have no notes, this is great and I'm thrilled everyone is mad now.
JADE: so everyone could lecture me again on how "bad" my "boundaries" are? ROSE: (I did that one time.) JADE: you want bad boundaries JADE: do you know how many people would be waiting outside public bathrooms to talk to me about their problems? JADE: this one guy randomly started apologizing because they cooked their hamster in the microwave! JADE: and they looked so sad... i had to hug them and say it was ok JADE: but it was not ok! JADE: they murdered their hamster! Rose: Ugh... JADE: and their other hamster killed itself KANAYA: JADE JADE: out of loneliness!!!!!
What the fuck, this is amazing.
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The art here is great, by the way.
JADE: millions of people told me they loved me JADE: but i was never a real person to them JADE: i couldn't let that happen to yiffy too KANAYA: What JADE: i had to save her kanaya! JADE: give her the chance to grow up as a normal kid with a normal life
Jade she's half-dog and she's named Yiffy Fucking Longstocking, that ship has sailed. How are people not going to know she's your child?
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Oh, okay. She wears a hat. Sure.
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This art is so good!
KANAYA: Even If I Didnt Want Her KANAYA: She Was Already Here
*Makes a note in my "ominous foreshadowing lines journal*
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What. Why does Jade have a Frankenstein in her inventory? What's that about?
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And that was the update. Honestly? Banger, easily the best HSBC update yet. I could, and if I didn't have DnD in five minutes perhaps would (and perhaps still will!) write a whole essay on this. Phenomenal. A+
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I've always found it really annoying that the fandom at large just uncritically calls Dirk 'gay'. He actively rejected that label and at no point has voiced an identification with any sexuality/romantic attraction label.
The closest he's come is saying that Jake was the 'only viable romantic target, given our respective orientations' in the context of his friend group. This could be read to suggest he's gay, yeah, but I think the fact that he has never once identified with that label means something, and it bothers me that everyone just ignores that.
Homestuck is a comic that, pretty much whenever it has the chance, promotes very nuanced and somewhat fluid understandings of sexuality and gender - it deeply annoys me that the fandom ignores this and consistently squashes everything down to a nuanceless binary view of the characters sexual orientations and gender stuff.
Dirk being 'gay' in the eyes of the fandom is but one example - bi erasure is like, constant, most notably people do it with Dave all the time, and like every single Troll character has legions of people declaring them Gay or Lesbian when there's no reason to think that, Kanaya aside.
Especially Vriska, who I see claimed as a Lesbian constantly even though I'm pretty sure she has more occasions of obviously or presumably being attracted to boys than anyone else in the comic!
This got away from me a little, apologies for the rant.
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davekat-sucks · 9 months
Why do people hate Jade so much? Why do they say she's an asshole?
Also bisexual Rose and bisexual Kanaya are better than Davekat and make me happy. Bisexual erasure makes me mad.
Part of that is because her genki girl personality soon fades by the time her Dream Self dies and upon entering the game. And she acted more angry than ever. Not because of the fact she had KARKAT as her troll guide and prior to the trolls deciding to help the Beta Kids, the trolls constantly bother her, much to her annoyance. Did they forget how uncomfortable she felt when she saw Eridan speaking with her and how she says how he tries to flirt with her a lot? And people think she is bad for WANTING TO MEET WITH HER FRIENDS AFTER BEING SO DAMN LONELY ON AN ISLAND!!! They forget this girl was raised only by Bec, a DOG. Her being seen as a bitch by the fandom amplified when she got MIND CONTROLLED by Her Imperious Condesce to become Grimbark Jade. They think all the evil actions she did like trying to kill Wayward Vagabond, was on her own, not by the FRIGGING ALIEN HITLER QUEEN WHO HAD SO MANY POWERS THAT WAS PUPPETIERING HER!!!
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People who think it was Jade was willing to do bad things under The Condesce's control is stupid. They are even STUPIDER if they think Dave thinks Jade is evil for trying to do this when it's clear she is not herself anymore. But hey, people have been mind controlled before and nobody blames Vriska. Tavros being crippled? It's not Vriska's fault, IT IS TAVRO'S FAULT FOR JUMPING OFF A CLIFF!!! Terezi blinding herself? IT IS TEREZI'S FAULT FOR LOOKING UP AT THE SUN!!! Bec Noir's existence? IT'S JOHN'S FAULT FOR FALLING ASLEEP, NOT VRISKA WHO MADE HIM EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! The worst of it comes in Epilogues where she wants to have kids and sexually harass Karkat. In this day and age, having kids or a family is bad. Especially when you were a lonely girl living on an island for so damn long, away from people, including the friends she has been wanting to meet for years. Then when Homestuck 2 comes it, she and Rose had a secret child behind Kanaya's back. If it's not Rose's fault for cheating, then people will blame Jade on asking Rose to help her make a kid. The nu-fandom hates Jade. Andrew Hussie hates Jade. WhatPumpkin hates Jade. And now in Beyond Canon, James Roach and HICU hate Jade if they shafted her from getting character development again. Funny thing is, some of the girls in the fandom had once projected themselves as Jade. Part of it is the silly quirky girl personality and wanting to ship themselves with Dave. The same was applied to Nepeta for Karkat. But now, it's considered a bad thing to think of yourself as any of the two girls. They are ashamed for being quirky girls (while still liking quirky girls in other modern media). They now insert themselves as either Karkat or Dave for Davekat. Bisexual Rose and bisexual Kanaya are better than Davekat. Don't be afraid to ship them with guys. Stop bi erasure!
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urcharactersclasspect · 3 months
🎤 I VERY much am interested in the lonely/isolation factor of Space and wonder how this could tie into creation/beginnings. I cannot fathom just how or why. Also! A discord server I am in argues about Space being focused on the present moment...I kind of think of like each moment is a new beginning. Every second is entirely brand new.
If you wanted me to be super metaphorical and artsy, Id say its a lot like how it takes a baby alone in the womb to be born within a certain amount of time to be "created". Isolation and meditation can create new thoughts, new concepts, people in lonely situations create new worlds with their imaginations then proceed to produce things as a result. Aka, why Space is associated heavily with Art and creating fashion/clothes and other such things.
Kanaya escaped into Vampire Books and did landscaping of plants around her, but she was a Jade blood not meant to get too attached to the outside world so she could be shoved into the caverns later as a Cloistered Brood Nun basically. Jade was constantly going and going with like fifty separate interests and activities to keep herself going. She drew, she gardened (grew plants) and so on.
In-comic, we see the process of creating a perfect Genesis Frog(to create a new universe) is a very isolating, tedious process that can go on for days or weeks during a session. The Space player is the one who has to continuously breed frogs in the frog forge for however long it takes to get the perfect one to move forwards. The space players main job is to do this, and the Knight of the session is the only one to protect the Space player and the frogs as they are being bred. ICE is seen as the "element" associated with Space players, an element used often to simulate coldness, isolationist, giving others a cold shoulder.
And." its often represented by the literal Space between you and other people. the things disconnecting you from others. " Kanaya and Jade were both far apart from others. Kanaya lived in the middle of a desert where she likely had little to absolutely no interaction with another troll in person her whole life, much in the same way as Jade never met another human in person since her grandpas death. Loneliness, and being forbidden from others is a massive Jade blood struggle as a whole, regardless of which Aspect they are as well, and thats because the main aspect of the Virgo zodiac is Space itself.
Its also due to this isolation the Space symbol is very close to the symbol for Void. Another disconnected and loneliness associated aspect, and why both aspects are associated with "creating" things to cope.
Both Jade and Kanaya also create space emotionally between themselves and their friends in various ways that someone might shrug off at first. Like Kanaya's pettiness at times.
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campbebj · 14 days
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I was rereading homestuck again, this time by listening to the "voice over nexus" "let's read" while I worked. The reason being to brush up on characterizations for the writing I've been doing, I'm nervous about future character additions. Regardless I couldn't help but pay special attention to Rose and Kayana's early courtship and laugh and smile constantly from it. But this one back and forth just gripped me and made me so empathetic for Kanaya.
It highlights an underpinning of her behavior that highlights much of her and Rose's relationship troubles. Rose, being a human, has no moirail to pull her back, and even if she did, we all know she wouldn't be very receptive to being on the pacified side of things.
Kanaya, freshly at this point especially, burnt off her relationship with Vriska, refuses to go into a moirail like set of behaviors with someone who she believes to be dangerous. I imagine she would do this regardless of her attraction to them, as much like Feferi with Eridan, it must be extremely tiring and frustrating to be in a one sided moiraillegance. But especially if you read her as fascinated with and attracted to Rose already by that point it made me just feel for her so much to see her recoil from that potential mistep. it then highlights so many further issues, Rose's drinking, the lead up to Ult Rose. things that a human partner or moirail would call someone out on, but things that a matesprit would not.
TL;DR poor kanaya.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
What do you think about Tavros and Dave's relationship? they interact quite interestingly in the first acts, and it seems to me that people undeservedly overlook this
Dave c3< Tavros c3< Equius is one of my endgame ships.
I also don't really mind Dave <3< Tavros because they definitely have a contentious relationship, but I think the Dave/Tavros/Equius throuple suits all three of them better and is also a more healthy and positive force for Dave overall. Especially because parallels are already there - Dave and Tavros's interaction is largely Dave making Tavros really uncomfortable, and then Tavros trying to get back at him via rap; meanwhile, Dave encourages Equius to rap, and is then made really uncomfortable. Together, they can be miserable while rapping at each other together.
But more seriously, one of Dave's biggest problems on the meteor was how fucking lonely he was. After basically ruining things with Terezi because he didn't understand troll quadrants and didn't want to learn, he had pretty much nobody to talk to, and especially nobody to rap with (the activity he's constantly seen doing to try and pass the time), which is why he became so obsessively clingy to the Mayor. Gamzee stopped talking to everyone except Terezi, Rose and Kanaya were busy being codependent and/or having substance abuse problems, and Karkat just thinks Dave's rap shit is dumb and cringe. It was like, really bad for him.
In a hypothetical situation where Tavros and Equius are both brought back to life, a lot of problems are actually solved for Dave - he has two rap buddies (three if you count redeemed Gamzee, who's <> with Tavros in this scenario) and is made to accept troll polyamory... by FORCE. I pretty much imagine that he kind of falls ass backwards into this auspicetism without even realizing it, and when someone breaks the news to him that he's dating the two worst trolls, he'd be like NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! and go crawling back to Terezi on his hands and knees like babe im so sorry please take me back. don't let my defining relationship be this unforgivable threesome
But it'd also be good for Tavros and Equius. Equius is genuinely polite, even if he is bossy, and if he tries to get all weird at Tavros about... y'know, the stuff Equius is weird about, Dave would feel the need to step in, and be like, bro, you two are literally the two biggest weirdos on this meteor, why tf are you beefing (and then theyd be like was that a livestock pun and dave would be like stfu)
Meanwhile, Tavros doesn't seem to be able to stop himself from bugging Dave, and to be frank, Dave's kind of out of Tavros's league? like their first interaction went so badly for Tavros that he BLOCKED Dave, which is hilarious. But Equius doesn't stand for 100dness and crassness, so there's no way he wouldn't feel the need to intervene and prevent things from going that far, inadvertently turning their throuple into a safe space for Tavros to practice self-assertion
And Dave also keeps goading Equius into doing shit, and it backfires horrifically every single time, but you know what? Dave is TAVROS's rival, okay, Tavros called dibs, and with Equius being... the way that he is... he WOULD listen to Tavros and back off. And of course that just sets Dave off, and the beautiful cycle continues. Like they all kind of vaguely hate each other and need to meddle with each other, but in a way that all three of them walk away as better, healthier people.
Also the way Karkat would be like holy fucking shit, this is the most stable auspicetism ive ever seen, i mean this from the bottom of my pusher, like completely genuinely and sincerely, congratulations & dave would be like shut UP!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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conceptofjoy · 5 months
you know what. cut the middle man can we get a homestuck game tierlist. immensely interested in your thought process here because if i was in jakes situation ever id be flirting right back at either of those bitches. sorry.
ur telling me if your crush sent you their . ok sure ok. im ranking on how easily the humans can pull someone, not like maintain a relationship.
A) harlishes
B) june and jane
C) rose and roxy
D) daves and hal
F) dirk
jake’s rizz is a main part of his character, he can’t deal with anything more than surface level bc hes a problems haver. jade’s is genuine, she gells well with the daves, karkat was interested in her, she listens to people and’s empathetic, etc.
EVERYONE had a crush on june. her dorky and dry humor had the lesbians tripping over themselves. she wasnt really good at romancing anyone though lol. jane’s silly, down to earth, kind of a nerd, lesbians want him what can i say.
rose is. intriguing. kind of like jake honestly, she looks and acts cool asf and that ends up intimidating people (kanaya) so they have to play a mental game with her to even like talk to her. she thinks everything’s a contesstttt. she isnt able to keep her cool intimidating persona up constantly which can put people off i guess :(
roxy flirts with EVERYONE. she doesnt know when to give up sometimes holy shit. she can come off as intense and can make people feel bad, but the sheer amount of times she takes a chance guarantees her pulling someone. shes funny asf and friendly.
hal… um he doesnt dwell as much on details as dirk does. rolls with the punches better/ deals with rejection better but is equally as clingy. just slightly better than the daves.
the daves barely make the cut. their dorky but endearing swag might get someone to take pity on them. they have too many issues to be in an actual relationship with someone (unless they have just as many issues).
dirk. hes. one person says hes not interested. and hes like this close to immediately crawling under a table or getting down on his hands and knees to start begging. he’ll probably curtly excuse himself to go walk away stiffly (and crawl under a table).
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