pixoplanet · 2 years
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It's January 1st, ⛓️ Haitian Independence Day. France had ruled the colony of Saint-Domingue as part of its worldwide empire since 1659. However, in 1791, a group of enslaved Africans, inspired by the American and French Revolutions, began an epic struggle for freedom that culminated in victory and a declaration of independence on this day in 1804. The declaration proclaimed that the new republic would forever after be known by the same name it was known as before the Europeans had arrived – "Haiti," which means "High Land" in the Native American Taino language. 
The Haitian Revolution is Haiti's defining moment. It was the largest slave uprising since Spartacus' unsuccessful revolt against the Romans in 72 BCE. Haiti's victory came as a total surprise and shock to the rest of the world and inspired countless other slave revolts throughout the Western Hemisphere. It also paved the way for the termination of the transatlantic slave trade. This victory was also the final nail in the coffin of Napoleon Bonaparte’s ambitions for a New World French Empire. He’d sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States the previous year in part to pay for the defeat of the revolt in Saint-Domingue. That was not to be. Haiti became the first independent state in Latin America and the first in the New World to be led by a person of color. 
The victory over France put an end to Haiti's military fight for freedom, but not its political fight. The US and most European nations, including France, didn't immediately recognize Haiti's independence. France didn't officially do so until 1825. The US didn't do so until 1862. That doesn’t matter, though. All that matters is Haiti. The Haitians recognized their own independence on this day in 1804 and have continued to do so every day since. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese of Pixoplanet
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guayaba-podrida · 5 months
Hablaba de vastas migraciones de pueblos, de guerra seculares, de prodigiosas batallas en que los animales habían ayudado a los hombres.
Alejo Carpentier sobre Mackandal en El reino de este mundo
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blackflash9 · 3 months
Unwavering Faith: Aveline and the Colonial Assassins (Analysis)
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Over the years, I've come to notice a dual parallel and theme between the premise of AC Rogue and the side title, Liberation:
The loss of faith. Despite its intentionally ambiguous portrayal of the Assassins, Liberation compellingly explores their flaws, contradictions, and hidden layers through characters like Agate and François Mackandal respectively. This, in turn, profoundly impacts Aveline's mental state and her faith in her sect of the Colonial Assassins and their Creed.
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Mackendal, in particular, was a very fascinating character not just in the historical context, but in what he encompassed for the ideals and values of the Assassins when pressed to their logical extreme in using their Creed as a policy for aggression, violence, and unrestrained use of power. An example of this is how he aimed to poison the colonists in Saint-Dominique.
The Mackandal Rebellion (1750-1758) | Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)
What's interesting is that despite his atrocities, Mackandal didn't think he was a traitor of any kind to the Brotherhood or what it preached. Much Like Altair who didn't believe so when he killed his Mentor. Neither did Pierre Bellec when he killed Mirabeau in Unity. Mackandal, in fact, firmly believed he was an Assassin, even truer than the Colonials themselves. From his perspective, he didn't kill "innocents." He just didn't see any of the "white masters" at the time as remotely innocent. Clearly, he was wrong from any other point of view, but it doesn't make him less of an Assassin. After all, the Creed does allow it if you want it to.
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In some regards, he shares a sharp contrast with Adewale himself. Both men are shaped by their brutal experiences as slaves, embodying contrasting conclusions with the Assassin's Creed. Mackandal, corrupted by deep-seated anger, employs ruthless and indiscriminate methods such as poisonings, reflecting a radical approach that often causes collateral damage that ultimately catches up to him destroying himself and his Brotherhood. In contrast, Adewale, motivated by a strong sense of justice and compassion, remains steadfast in his convictions and humanity for himself and others. As a result, Mackandal's legacy is often treated as a cautionary tale, while Adewale retaining his morals and principles through the Creed is still remembered and admired by even individuals like Evie Frye an entire century later. This duality between them underscores the larger internal struggle that individuals within the Brotherhood face in response to both oppression and their endless fight for and to preserve freedom. This era of the Assassins, especially, is faced with this dilemma where the very freedom that they fight for is often short-lived, imperfect, nuanced, and bittersweet. 'Laid to Rest' Transcript
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Connor: "My father is dead. Charles Lee now leads the Templar Order in his place. I see now why ours is an eternal war. For each piece taken from the board, another is placed upon it. Back and forth we go. Across the world. Across the ages. Some days, mine feels an impossible task, but I cannot afford to be consumed with doubt. The people need me. Now, more than ever. I must stop the Templars. I will kill Charles Lee." Connor's Forsaken Epilogue Soliloquy Connor: "So many voices, each demanding something else… It has been hard at times, but never harder than today to see all I worked for; perverted, discarded, forgotten!"
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This brings us to the inner turmoil and duality that Aveline struggles with over the course of her story. Who is she really? Why does she fight? Is it even worth the effort to fight at all in such an unjust world?
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"I trust my own hands," I believe, is Connor expressing his adherence to individualism above all else. For him, it signifies the realization that even the people and institutions you serve can be flawed or have misguided intentions, and you must trust your own judgment. This mindset makes Connor an embodiment of the Creed and its ideals—an approach that Aveline also adopts. Her persistent fight for choice and freedom, despite the hypocrisy, corruption, and fallibility within her own order, makes her dedication as an Assassin truly compelling. Because Aveline is more than just an Assassin. She is a liberator.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
You taking 22 hours to answer that anon is fine. Hell I would be fine if it took 10 years as you had a family matter to attend to
Now another black thing https://x.com/monstereagle91/status/1782124996111847729?s=46
Okay let me use my assassin Yasuke ideas vs the usual modern black characters are written
Actually it came from early access games when they did colonial thus slavery. In ac black flag your first quartermaster is a runaway slave turn pirate named Adewale who you meet when before you escape the doomed treasure fleet
Oh yeah the ship in the game is supposed to be the theorize ship that escape the storm.
Now Adewale enjoyed the pirate life, but as stated that he never had the same joy as the other golden age pirates and during the story he does stumble upon the assassins and templar because of his captain Edward did as well….well more because he stumbled upon a traitorous master assassin and accidentally gave away the West Indies brotherhood bases.
Ugh sorry adhd. But Edward and Adewale had a fallout, Edward eventually stop his foolish chase to become rich after most of his pirates friends did and properly join the brotherhood like Adewale did.
Now there are standalone dlc called freedom cry where Adewale ends up on Saint Domingo and oh boy they NO problem showing the cruelty of slavery as much they could in a 2013 game even in the database. But there was no Templars involved in the running colony. As that did not matter for freedom cry story show that the assassin brotherhood main cause is to fight for the freedom for all humans.
So yes Adwale played the seeds of the Haitian revolution. Though it was established in the psp game ac liberation that the Saint Domingo assassins were radical and François Mackandal was a extremist that took a twisted view on the brotherhood which lead to the 1751 port au prince earthquake
Sorry for the set up, earlier in the game Edward asked Adewale if there was any place he wanted to go back to. Because at the end of the day Edward was to have enough wealth to tell his father in law to piss off.
Who he later learned was a Templar who let his daughter/Edward first wife die from a fever. No wonder Eddy took care of him after going back to Britain
Ah, I feel like I’m a Tolkien lore detour. But Adewale mention he had no place to go back to and the jackdaw for the time being was his home.
Now to Yasuke, it stated that the devs did change his past a bit. Where he was the only survivor on a slave ship where everyone, including his lover, was killed. And in he eventually ends up under Oda and began a samurai apprenticeship
Iirc, he did have his own house and had a servant. So I think it very likely he would have become the first foreign samurai if not for the hojo incident
What I have a nunace approach with him.
But given he was in Japan for 3 years prior to him disappearing from records. I think they are going with a “foreigner who want to protect his new home” as the basic for his desire to unify Japan in red story.
Also him being an unknown factor to the Templars, as Akechi told then to send Yasuke to goa India, for a bit.
And ac like to do parallels, so it very likely the Japanese brotherhood will be fractured just like how Japan went back to civil war and it up naeo and Yasuke busy rebuilt it
But if I was a head writer on red, I wouldn’t Yasuke as a black ™️ character. I would writer an immigrant who want to protect his new home. Of course I would tackle the whole no ganjin law the Tokugawa set up (though I have a HUGE hunch William Adam is going to join or be ally of the brotherhood to go between Japan and other countries)
But I using universal themes, like coming from nowhere, adapting to a new place. Calling it your new home
The issues when modern black ™️ characters is that activists presume that no one else had slavery ancestry, being oppressed or fucked over by the government
I mean just about everyone did, but no one cling onto the past. Or lionizing their og oppressors or what black Americans did why the Dahomey because they have the same skintone
Wait I heard Indians did with the Mughals….but they been fighting against the lionization the Mughals recently
Sorry I just point out how modern writers treat black people like aliens vs humans
I know you're good I still like to be prompt if I can, had to pop out real quick last night so this one is delayed too now, lol.
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ya this is gonna confuse people.
story starting Oh yeah the ship in the game is supposed to be the theorize ship that escape the storm.
Kinda how it worked IRL for William Addams
Now Adewale enjoyed the pirate life, but as stated that he never had the same joy as the other golden age pirates and during the story he does stumble upon the assassins and templar because of his captain Edward did as well….well more because he stumbled upon a traitorous master assassin and accidentally gave away the West Indies brotherhood bases.
Ugh sorry adhd. But Edward and Adewale had a fallout, Edward eventually stop his foolish chase to become rich after most of his pirates friends did and properly join the brotherhood like Adewale did.
FMA time, hopefully without Nina and Alexander this time
So yes Adwale played the seeds of the Haitian revolution. Though it was established in the psp game ac liberation that the Saint Domingo assassins were radical and François Mackandal was a extremist that took a twisted view on the brotherhood which lead to the 1751 port au prince earthquake
I need to not do this tired because I saw "François Mackandal" and I was gonna say there's something fishy about him because I thought his last name was Mackerel
Sorry for the set up, earlier in the game Edward asked Adewale if there was any place he wanted to go back to. Because at the end of the day Edward was to have enough wealth to tell his father in law to piss off.
That does not say "Alphonse" I'm dumb, dyslexia and tired reading don't mix so I'll do the rest in the morning, but leave all that so everyone can have a hearty laugh.
But given he was in Japan for 3 years prior to him disappearing from records. I think they are going with a “foreigner who want to protect his new home” as the basic for his desire to unify Japan in red story. Also him being an unknown factor to the Templars, as Akechi told then to send Yasuke to goa India, for a bit. And ac like to do parallels, so it very likely the Japanese brotherhood will be fractured just like how Japan went back to civil war and it up naeo and Yasuke busy rebuilt it
I like this and the stuff before too, nice thing about historical fiction, even with real people, is you can fiddle with details.
But if I was a head writer on red, I wouldn’t Yasuke as a black ™️ character. I would writer an immigrant who want to protect his new home. Of course I would tackle the whole no ganjin law the Tokugawa set up (though I have a HUGE hunch William Adam is going to join or be ally of the brotherhood to go between Japan and other countries) But I using universal themes, like coming from nowhere, adapting to a new place. Calling it your new home
I could see people getting ticked off if he's not tokenized, lot of anti-racists get mad if you don't play to stereotypes for some reason.
The issues when modern black ™️ characters is that activists presume that no one else had slavery ancestry, being oppressed or fucked over by the government I mean just about everyone did, but no one cling onto the past. Or lionizing their og oppressors or what black Americans did why the Dahomey because they have the same skintone Wait I heard Indians did with the Mughals….but they been fighting against the lionization the Mughals recently
Ya pretty much everyone did in one form or another, slavery is a pretty solid historical thing right up till the 1800's when some people decided that should stop.
Sorry I just point out how modern writers treat black people like aliens vs humans
Part of that is concern over being "canceled" for writing just the wrong thing, which is one of the big reasons it's all gotten to where it is now.
And the audience is also berated if they opt to not consume something because the only reason could be that they're racist.
Racism is killing creativity, but not the kind of racism people want to talk about.
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barbiemonamie · 11 months
Empereur de brigands, Mackandal, Bois-Caïman Écris des récits ou te cogner à des récifs Une feuille blanche est encore vierge pour accueillir tes hérésies Lis entre les vies, écris la vie entre les lignes Fuis l'ennui des villes livides si ton cœur lui aussi s'abîme
Briser les chaines, fissurer la dalle Inventer la lune, que tous la voient
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normanthedove · 1 year
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areyoudoingthis · 2 years
altair back in the 12th century: al mualim was wrong for wanting to use first civilization artifacts to control the world
mackandal and aquilles a few centuries later: yolo
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papamystique · 4 months
Francois Mackandal
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Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation part 4
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I picked up right where I left off from before and dove into the next mission. Mostly because I kept getting blocked off from getting the last 3 chest in the Bayou. So I took care of the fake Mackandal. Then found out about a weird glitch. Then jumped ahead in the future back in New Orleans to begin a new mission. But I also went around buying Dressing Rooms as well. Here is how it went.
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When I started up again, I was back in town near the dressing room that I had bought. So I changed into my slave disguise so I could continue the mission.
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I went and found Elise and she guided me to where the ceremony was going to be. While we canoed down the river, Aveline asked how long her and Roussillon had been working together and if they were together. Elise said she wouldn’t sleep with Roussillon if he was the last man on earth. He had saved her life once and she decided to help him with his business. 
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We eventually made it to the place where the ceremony was - the Realm of the Dead - and the fake Mackandal was there talking to Rafael, so that meant he was behind it and knew the fake’s real name. Baptiste was saying that he will not fail him. Rafael left and Baptiste told his Acolytes that it was time for the ceremony.
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Elise distracted the guards by throwing a rock at them and it allowed me to sneak into their base. I then had to find a way around the guards to the place where the ceremony was with Elise following behind me.
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I made it to the back and Aveline joined in among the worshipers dancing around a fire. She then pulled out her blowpipe to poison him, but he was quicker and used his own blowpipe to poison her.
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Since I had taken the antidote beforehand, I just had to wait for the poison to wear off. So I was basically hallucinating that Baptiste was in front of me. He recognized my blowpipe as the one he had made and Agate had stolen. But now that he had captured me, he will come out of hiding.
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The fake went on to say that Agate was his disciple once but a woman got in the way. He also revealed that Francois Mackandal had been his mentor and an Assassin but he failed because a woman had betrayed them and he died.
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After the poison wore off I had to kill the bodyguards  in the area. As I fought, Baptiste said that Agate had trained me well but he will not let me interfere with their plans.
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Once all the bodyguards were down, I then had to fight the fake. It didn’t take too long and I took him down.
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As he laid dying, he said that Agate had betrayed him again. He then mentioned that he knew the locket that Aveline wore. It was the same one that the woman Agate had betrayed him for had worn. Aveline tried to question him further, but he died. What does that mean? I think the locket belonged to her mother... (S2/M6: Eve of Saint John - Complete)
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After I killed the fake, I had a new directive to find and kill CitizenE. I had to use my Eagle Vision to find him blending in with the other people. He kept saying that he will help me uncover the truth.
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One I did locate him and kill him a screen popped up with a lot of numbers and script at the bottom saying that Abstergo was trying to hide the truth and that he had hacked the truth back into the game. I will have to track down Citizen E in different places and see the truth.
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It then replayed the scene from before between Baptiste and Rafael but there was more to it. Like certain phrases and scenes had been taken out to hide something, In the scene, it had Baptiste talking about poisoning the nobles in New Orlenes and freeing slaves like his mentor wanted. He also wanted to be inducted into the Templar Order. That hadn’t been said before. (Citizen E Side Quest Encounter #1 - Complete)
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Nearby there was the witch doctor who told me that there was an infection going around and they needed medicine from a rare fungi. He would go look for it but wasn’t as young as he had been. So he needed my help.
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I then had to race around a short area to get 3 mushrooms in the time limit. They were easy enough to find. I then had to race back to the witch doctor.
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I got back and the witch doctor and he wanted me to administer the antidote to them. But because they were swinging their arms around and being crazy, so I had to hit them and knock them to the ground. Once I gave them the medicine, they were better if not moaning in pain from kicking their ass. The witch doctor said that there were others around that may need help, so if I find a mushroom I’ll find a person nearby. So I can do this quest many times. (Bayou Fever Side Quest - complete)
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I went back to the mentor, Agate and Aveline told him that the imposter was dead and had been working with Rafael. She looked like she wanted to ask about the woman that Baptiste had mentioned that may or may not be her mother, but instead told him that he had been trying to make him come out of hiding. Agate said that if that had happened the Brotherhood would have been in danger but now the bayou is safe. (S2/M7: The Whole Truth - complete).
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In the loading screen there was some memory notes that said that the relationship between Aveline and Agate became strained after she learned that he knew her mother, Jeanne, but never said anything.
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It was now 3 years later from where I had been before. Things were now different in New Orleans, the french colony was now under Spanish rule. The first thing I did was unlock another dressing room and I changed the color of my Lady’s dress to blue.
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I made my way down to the dock where I had to talk to one of the ship’s crew members to ask where the captain was. Aveline flirted a bit and asked him and he said he was at the tavern. 
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So I had to go through the town and find the tavern and I found him on the ground outside, drunk as a skunk. And he was very vulgur. Aveline didn’t beat around the bush and asked about Rafael Joaquin de Ferrer.
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Captain Dominguez said that he pays for transport to and from New Orleans and that was it. He didn’t know anything else about him, only that he was very secretive. With nothing else to learn, Aveline bid him good day and he just fell back on the floor and continued his drunken singing.
After that I just went around buying more dressing rooms and then ended. I think I got some headway and clearly something is going on. I just wonder what actually happened to Aveline’s mother and if there was a reason why Agate didn’t tell her about her mother. We’ll have to see. Until next time, Happy Gaming!
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papi-siwel · 4 years
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I need this in my collection
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brooklyndreamwolf · 6 years
Powerful time last night finishing our #newsong with @305718music’s @hardhittinharry & @djsuperjb to be released on #May18th #HaitianFlagDay🇭🇹 & the anniversary of the horrific military offensive that ended the #SriLankanCivilWar. Blessed to learn more about #HatianRevolutionaries #Dessalines #GranToya #Mackandal #DuttyBoukman #CecileFatiman #LOuverture & more. We have so much to learn about the #spiritual #warriorship #Ayiti used to defeat #diabolical #NapoleonicFrance With this song, we channel ancestral magic, healing, & the intergenerational journey to #Freedom! #Brooklyn #Miami #Haiti #Cayman #BlackNative #Blackfoot #Ilankai #Tamil #TurtleIsland @yalinidream @ilovejendog #1804 video with @illuminatrx coming this summer #MotherlandFreedom #HouseMusic #AfroHouse (at Freedom)
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guayaba-podrida · 5 months
Pisaba yo una tierra donde millares de hombres ansiosos de libertad creyeron en los poderes licantrópicos de Mackandal, a punto de que esa fe colectiva produjera un milagro el día de su ejecución.
Alejo Carpentier, Prólogo a El reino de este mundo (1949)
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tabbiecattt · 7 years
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"On January 1, 1804, ex-slave Jean-Jacques Dessalines officially declared Haiti as an independent nation, bringing an end to a thirteen-year struggle for independence from France." #repost @radius.show The Radius Show Reviews: 1804: The Hidden History of Haiti. Link In Bio! Collaboration with @mcjennings82 #gyhomp #africanspirituality #ayiti #haiti #insurrection #revolt #rebellion #revolution #boukman #duttyboukman #mackandal #dessalines #toussaint #napoleon #haitianrevolution #louisiannapurchase #carribean #southamerica
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alethiometry · 3 years
i miss the extended kenway saga
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angelcried · 5 years
im drunkk and i am on discrord sending messages to allmy friend about how muchilovethem because i love them smuch and ima so happy we talk daily and that they allow me to be part of tehir life i justlove them so muchh guys
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mabhollywood · 2 years
(Matías Antonio Bombal)
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