#madasaku edit
viridian-house · 9 months
in an effort to be a bit more active on tumblr, I wanted to make a little update post about some of my fics: multisaku edition
the final chapter of my madasaku fic your other life is still in the works, slowly but steadily. there's a lot of emotional ground I want to cover and give plenty of breathing room to be as natural as possible.
that said, I have a 2nd madasaku fic (likely a lengthy oneshot) that I'm hoping to have completed within the next week or two. this one is gonna be a little bit weird.....or maybe a lotta bit weird, because of who I am fundamentally as a person. so I'll probably publish that and then the final chapter of your other life immediately afterwards as a "back to our regularly scheduled programming, I promise I'm not becoming a f*tish author" thing lol
to mend and defend's plot (itasaku) absolutely ran away from me and has gone through several iterations that I've been varying degrees of satisfied with, so I've been hesitant to upload anything just yet before I can nail the definitive edition. it's my baby though and I want to be as dedicated as possible to giving it the best final arc I can!!
daylily (kakasaku), the final part of shine onto me, remains in limbo. I keep feeling that the ending I've had planned for years, isn't to my standards. the story is deeply personal to me as kakashi's journey through untangling his past, and the struggles of falling in love with someone at the wrong time, were both major things I was working through at the time. I just want to make sure the message I'm sending is ultimately a healthy one; it's been tricky
and finally, I'm about 99% certain I'll be taking down the king of crows and reuploading it with some important changes, and keep going that way. it's not a ship-centric story but I WILL be changing sakura's ship--from madasaku to inosaku (part of the reason why I don't just want to edit the existing story, too). something about sapphic relationships in historical stories just speaks closer to my heart, and I think they're a good mirror for the sasunaru pairing that also runs through the story
all right, that covers all of my multisaku shipping hell fics and I really appreciate my readers' patience and support with my erratic upload schedule (or when I upload/update a fic for a completely different fandom lol). or if you're seeing these fics for the first time because of this tumblr post, i hope you'll consider reading and that you enjoy them as much as I've loved writing them!! have a great autumn everyone 💕✨
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rabidbehemoth · 2 years
Today’s word count
Untitled MadaSaku: 471
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sekahni · 7 months
I'm aware that a few of the ships listed aren't the most ethical, per se, but they're rather popular all the same.
Moreover, if a ship hasn't been named here, pop it in a tag and reblog it! I'll have a look at it then and compile all the "other" ships into an entirely new poll! This is just all good fun.
Edit: If you're looking for another ship to vote on, you might find it here!
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luvnalu · 9 months
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Doujinshi [夕暮れ特殊効果] by ヨミガエル (part 1)
Trans + Edit by Luvnalu
can't say I ship MadaSaku but this doujin is just too cute, I have to let the devil take me--
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hajimariwaquartet · 11 months
Sakuya Ship Week 2023 Fics!
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Day 1 (Firsts | Lasts | Forever) - BanSaku 🦊🌸 hold you close
Day 2 (Heatwave | Fireworks | Melted) - MadaSaku 🤠🌸 hand in hand
Day 3 (Selfish desires | Words unsaid | Misunderstandings) - JuSaku 🍡🌸 not today, maybe tomorrow
Day 4 (Restless nights | Everyday life) - TaiSaku 🛹🌸 alien and squirrel
(gonna edit this post whenever i post the fics!)
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itssolonelyhere · 2 years
Are you working on anything?? New update any time soon? Plzzzz
Hello, anon! Yes, I'm working on a few things. Sorry this ask has been sitting here for so long 😅. I've been so swamped with work and trying to get my shit together. My 20s are winding down and it scares the crap out of me...
Anyway, onto the important stuff. I have a MadaSaku chapter 85% of the way done. It's pretty long. Just needs a little more work and editing. Right now, I'm super deep into a Stranger Things ship. Really didn't mean for it to happen lol. I kept seeing gifs and artwork of this hot metalhead and cute af cheerleader and just HAD to find out what it's all about. I lost my footing afterward and finally gave in to watching the show (swore I wouldn't). Now I'm writing a fic about them. First time I ever wrote about a lead chick that wasn't Sakura, which feels weird. Also the first time I made an entire outline for a story, instead of just winging it. That at least gives me direction and I know what I'm working towards. Usually, I just go right off the damn rails and can't reel myself back in.
Thanks for sending this in anon. So basically my answer is yes, I'll have new stuff out... though I'm not sure it's what you're interested in. I'm trying and just having a hard time.
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kendochick-moor · 2 years
hi moor!! hope you're well. i'm huge fan of your work. i love how every time i think i've read everything you put out there i find another masterpiece stashed away in another site, makes my day!
i have two questions and a request, if i may.
question 1 - i saw that you recently posted you were off-hiatus and were excited to write again. would you be okay sharing which pieces you're thinking of writing for? or will there be new fics? (i definitely don't have a favourite fic that i'm dying to see updated, it's definitely not kimono no onna and i'm not asking to find out, absolutely not 😅)
question 2 - in that same post you asked for warm up fic requests. are you stilll accepting requests? if so may i broadly request madasaku? if this is too general for you to work with i can suggest prompts and you can see if you like them!
have a great day moor! ❤️
Hey river-luv,
How are you doing? :)
Thank you for the amazing compliment on my lack of self-control when it comes to writing, hahahaha!
With Respect To (WRT) your questions:
I have a few fics I am really hoping to get back to shortly. One of them is "Kimono no Onna", yes. <3 I love that fic. I have scenes and bits and pieces written, but no more full chapters (unfortunately), though it was nearing the last quarter of the story itself where I last left off. It's definitely on my list of fics to complete (and then properly edit before I post to AO3). As for other fics I have planned, I'm not sure if this list is visible unless you're logged in, but I do keep a rough plan on my MyWriteClub profile. (Please let me know if it's visible or not? I don't know what others see if/when they visit.) I use MyWriteClub (MWC) to sprint (and force myself to write without distractions). :) (Some friends of mine on a wonderful Discord channel introduced me to MWC and I'm a big fan of it. <3 ) Sorry, I got distracted from your original question--yes, KnO is on the list to be tackled... as the opportunity arises.
I am accepting warm up writing prompts, yes! I don't always write/post for every single one I receive, but I never know when one will jog my brain straight into hyper-creative mode and keep me writing for hours (the 'MadaSaku secret royalty AU, for example: I wrote around 60k for it in one month). I love collaborating as it creates the opportunity for new ideas to be jump-started out of places I never would have considered. ^_^Y Writing MadaSaku is always a pleasure--please suggest prompts at your leisure! :D
Thank you for such a nice Ask! :)
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xiaopats · 5 years
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I've wanted to do something like this for a long time. not very happy with the result, but better than nothing. (actually this queen deserves the most and the best, but I can't do something so grandiose XD Yomi is gorgeous as always!
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kumeramen · 3 years
🌸Sakura-Centric Fic Recommendations🌸
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I got an anonymous ask a while back about ABO AU fic recommendations but didn't prepared to answer it right away. But, thanks to @sarcastic-mommy for being so thoughtful to gave few fic suggestions that I'm able to make this post 🤗
Know that all of the fics below is for certain readers that are 18 and above only!
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|| Unforeseen • An_Uchiha_Bride
Sakura, 19-year-old medic genius and omega, finds herself in trouble when the newly resurrected Uchiha clan returns to Konoha demanding not only reparations, but a sign of the Hokage's good will. Since Tsunade herself already has a mate, Madara demands to be allowed to bond with Sakura.
Having been warned prior by Katsuyu's own premonitions about the horror that would follow should such a match not come through, she accepts, and has to begin life as the mate of a very alive Uchiha Madara--an alpha and a half. Though she has taken her suppressants like clockwork for years, she finds that Madara's primal pheromones annihilate their effectiveness.
|| Heart Under a Blade • yunyu
Sitting on a bench after being told by Sasuke-kun that she's annoying, Sakura thinks that it's the worst day of her life.
Lying in the hospital wanting to hurl from heat suppressants later that day and grappling with the revelation that she's an omega, Sakura knows that it's the worst day of her life.
Meanwhile, Kakashi suspects the universe is out to punish him for his failures in the most poetic and painful matter possible, but he's pretty sure he deserves it.
|| Pop the Top • Moor
Itachi x Sakura x Madara x Shisui. There were worse ways to celebrate their anniversary, but Itachi discovering he found his true mate leads to complications he and Sakura hadn't anticipated. Only Madara can help them out.
|| Taken • MistressDragonFlame
Haruno Sakura was an Omega. She didn't let her status hold her back, becoming a Jounin of Konohagakure, a disciple of the Godaime Hokage, and the strongest shinobi in the village. All she had to ensure was that she managed her heats, and kept a respectful distance between herself and her Alpha teammates.
After a disaster of a relationship with Uchiha Sasuke, she swore off the clan of elitist snobs, and thought herself better for it, no matter how attractive they may be. Meanwhile, a certain Uchiha has been harboring feelings beyond comradery for the pink haired Kunoichi for years, and wishes she would notice him.
A mission goes wrong, and Sakura is forced to rely on Itachi during her heat. She knows playing with fire could get her burned, but maybe he just may be worth it.
|| Bloom • onemoreword
By some freak accident, Sakura finds herself careening into the past and is quickly exposed to the legends she had only heard stories about as a child... Sakura always knew she had shitty luck, but this was ridiculous.
|| Unbound Shackles • onemoreword
For years, Namikaze Minato's priorities had been towards his son and the village. Nothing was more important than that. With the death of his mate, there was nothing else that mattered now. He'd failed as an alpha, as a husband. He had no right to yearn for anything else. And so, as though to punish himself, he'd regularly take the suppressants, regularly repress his ruts.
But sooner or later, nature would always overcome any obstacle.
The repressed instincts will run rampant.
And nothing would get in the way of his inner desires.
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🌸 If you find any fics that have your best interest in mind and enjoy the reading, please let the author know your thoughts and love of them! 🤗💖 You can also check out authors' other works simply click on their name that has been provided next to their work!
🌸 Are there more ABO AU Sakura-centric fics suggestion? Feel free to add more! This post is purely made just to recommend readers not to missed out any good worth fics to read— The more fics to recommend, the merrier~💕
🌸 Not to forget, as always, happy reading!
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chalabrun · 3 years
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Calling all Multisaku shippers!
So, those of you who might’ve remembered the last server I tried making, well... it was a bit of a flop. However, after a better change of heart, I’ve decided to remake the previous -madness server into one even more people can enjoy. This time to feature not just one ship, but several! If you're looking for a place to shamelessly ship Sakura with everyone under this sun, this is the discord server for you! What makes Multisaku Madness different?
Multisaku Madness features not one, but several shipping categories. Some are broad (like Foundersaku) while others pertain to only one ship (like Itasaku). However, all are easily opted into so you can curate which ships you want to engage in or not!
It’s 18+ only, so NSFW will be possible! The reason for this is Discord’s recent purges of NSFW content, hence why there won’t be specific NSFW channels. Minors, please don’t join!
Pro-Sakura content will feature heavily! Even if you’re not much of a shipper (hell, you could choose not engage in any shippy content), this server is blatantly Pro-Sakura and is a positive place to be for anyone sick of anti’s cramping their style. 
This is a fun, positive space to both engage with creators and fans, make friends, and have a good time! In fact, one of the reasons I made it is so creators and fans can connect and engage with each other, and promote the content some might otherwise miss. Let’s celebrate our cherry blossom queen!
So, if you’re ready to join in the madness, click here for the discord invite!
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clarymint · 4 years
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— You’re already under my genjutsu, Sakura...
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portdakyio · 4 years
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HUNGRY DOGS,  e as vantagens de ter um amigo fanartista agora.
Ítalo cada dia mais talentoso.
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kazuttora · 5 years
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Capa - Undying 
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stariastics-blog · 5 years
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So, I've been trying to make a cover for my madasaku fic on ao3, and that's the result. It's not much but I'm proud of it💕
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itssolonelyhere · 2 years
If your doing a new one why can't you update your jokesaku or madasaku fics too?
Hi, anon. It's not quite that simple. I mean, I definitely should update/finish my older stories before starting new ones. There are eight of them sitting on the back burner... I never intended to be one of those writers that left fics unfinished or on hiatus, yet here we are. Now, I understand some of those writers a bit more since I actually began writing myself. It's not always that easy.
Here's the thing. I'm not the kind of person who can work on multiple projects at one time. God knows I've tried. I told myself and others I can do it. But I've concluded that all it does is stress me out and nothing gets done. I'm someone who can't sit still, is unorganized, can't focus for long periods of time, and is a mess at the end of the day. Yet I still try to write chapters that are between 5-11k because I'm a big dummy that can't reel it in. And dyslexia only makes it more difficult.
I work a full-time and part-time job. I have bills to pay and a place to take care of. A partner, demon children (my cats), family, and friends that need me. So when I do get a little free time, I want to spend it doing something I'm excited about. That tends to be my current fixation at the time. Which is also something I can't necessarily control. Believe me, I've tried. Being in the middle of a project and losing what was once an all-consuming fixation on a ship/piece of media is heartbreaking. I can try to rekindle the flame but unless it happens organically, I'm screwed.
That happened recently. My fixations can last months, even a year or more. The last one was MadaSaku again (HeisenSaku and JokeSaku before that). Then the passion for it whittled away, little by little, until I was left spending months just trying to finish one chapter. It's agonizing. Eventually, it comes back. It's just the time in between that's hard. I'd sit at my table for hours on days off, staring at a single chapter and drawing a blank. I couldn't get anything done. In return, I'd feel embarrassed to the point I didn't even want to go on Discord and talk to my online friends. It might sound silly, but that's how it is...
Right now, I'm sucked into the Eddissy ship for Stranger Things. Seeing the gifs and fanart of those two ignited the feeling I was missing. It motivated and inspired me to write again after another long dry spell. The same way the other ships I write for did previously. I don't know how long it'll last, but I want to ride the wave for as long as I can.
So with the limited free time I have available, I'd rather spend it working on something that I'm excited about and actually putting out content than forcing myself to stare at a blank screen for hours while slowly spiraling into a self-loathing mess. For free, might I add. The only reason I do any of this is because I enjoy writing garbage and love hearing from readers.
This wasn't meant to be so long, but I've been getting quite a few messages like this recently. Especially on FF.net. Like, I spent hours over multiple days working on and editing a 5k+ Eddissy chapter, then get a review/DM saying "Nice so when are you finally going to update your JokeSaku fic, huh?" and it's just so... disheartening. I get it. Some of you are here for JokeSaku, MadaSaku, etc. And it's not fair to leave you hanging on an incomplete fic. It just doesn't feel great to have someone basically say, "if you have time to work on this crap you like, then you should also have spare time to write the things I actually want to read." I don't know... This is just me explaining and rambling about what's going on from my end.
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