lesbopallascat · 1 year
what if i change my url bc i have an idea thats skizzleman related
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
Lmao because I have king Chuck on my mind….and….I can’t focus….
King Charles, rested on his throne, waiting for council. His heirs had been out training for when he stepped down they would take the crown.
“Brother, news from the western”
“Nice to see you too brother, I do so appreciate the lack of knocking”
“This is urgent”
“What is it”
“The western front is demanding for expansion and invading my domain…so coming after you”
“Hm….have you tried reasoning with them”
“Yes, all efforts have proven to be invalid”
“Hm….GUARDS, PREPARE MY HORSE…and a pony for my brother. And send a message to our younger brothers that we will require assistance if we don’t return.”
“How humorous Madeye ”
The two had exited through the vast gates, leaving the kingdom behind.
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holeyyweasleyy · 3 months
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ghastlyhall0ws · 11 months
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My name is Mads, I’m 24, and I have ASD.
I’m a Marxist feminist who loves One piece, cosplay, art, animals, and history.
I follow back from @baaahphomette
Rule 0 Please tell me before hand if you have any triggers. I’d be more than happy to accommodate you and avoid said topics or tag them so you can black list them.
Rule 1 DO NOT INFANTALISE MY PERONA PLEASE‼️ it makes me uncomfortable when people do that probably because imo she’s ASD coded and ASD girlies get infantilised when we are grown women, we’re just “different” from neurotypical people. She’s not Mihawk’s daughter, she’s not a bratty little girl, she’s a grown woman. If some man who isn’t my father wanted to parent me at this age I’d find it extremely patronising and odd, I’d rather just RP them as friends/roommates/allies. I see people treat her like she’s 10 and it not only annoys me, but makes me uncomfortable. She’s 25. Please treat her like she’s 25. Thank you.
Rule 2 NO SHIPPING WITH -18 CHARACTERS! Maps, shota and loli DNI! Incest shippers DNI!
Rule 3- I’ve seen some people treat commonly held HCs as canon and be judgemental towards those with differing subjective opinions. Ex// I don’t really like the the goth family dynamic with Zoro, Mihawk, and Perona. I don’t see them as related, I see them as friends. Some people act like me enjoying Mihorona content means in some degenerate when I’m not 💀 I get that there’s an age gap like, but they’re non related adults. You don’t have to like my ships or agree with them but please be respectful about it. It hurts my feelings when I’m just enjoying harmless ships with my faves and people act like I’m disgusting for it. Don’t be that person please.
4 - This page is SFW focused. Ships are only with chemistry and NSFW is allowed but only with chemistry, please
5- I don’t plan on shipping unless we plot otherwise in the DMs or our characters have chemistry in the RP. With that being said, most Perona interactions aren’t shippy in nature.
6- Plotting before hand for RPs is preferred but not mandatory. If you’re a mutual, free to tag me in any starter you’d like or DM me whenever. I don’t mind at all, if anything I welcome it.
I don’t have any known triggers and I don’t mind dark themes, but again, please inform me beforehand if you do and I’ll make sure to avoid such topics or tag them ❤️
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fence-time · 1 year
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zinsaniart · 1 month
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Doggust: Day 11
In honor of Skizz Week 2, today's inspiration was this Skizzleman tweet of Kevin Bubbles Malone Refrigerator Jimmy MadEye Dugan. Look at this silly boy; yes, almost as silly as his name.
I do wanna do a proper drawing for Skizz Week, so look forward to that too. o/
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lesbomanul-art · 10 months
good morning
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eluminium · 1 month
Day 6 for Skizz week 2! Decided to challenge myself today and write a drabble! Exactly 100 words. Yes it's also because I don't have time to fall down a 1k+ rabbit hole but SHHH, details.
As always, thanks to @skizzlemanweek for today's prompt!
Prompt 6: Pet / Pal
Kevin Bubbles has a busy life. He chases intruders away, he brings items to his human, and he somehow has to make room for naps! Gah, he never has any free time!
However, some tasks are even more important than free time. His human is sitting bad on his bed with a paw gripping his head. He's growling at the glowy brick. Not good!
Walk up to him, paw at his legs.
"Hm?…what is it, bubba?"
Put head on his leg, wiggle tail. He smiles big and scratches behind the ears.
"You're such a good boy, Bubbles."
Nailed it.
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takeariskao3 · 9 months
Pls give us sustenance.
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ravennory · 11 months
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ublaz ms paint doodle featuring my old art ^_^
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lesbopallascat · 1 year
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snow-licity · 2 years
I've decided if there's no death scene they're not dead! I declared it so now its true. This means: Remus and Tonks, and Fred (in the movie) are not dead. Mad Eye Moody isn't dead. This means Linda Reagan isn't dead. Will Gardner isn't dead. And Owen Granger isn't dead.
See of you want me to accept or be okay with a cbarecter dying you need to put in some effort!! I'm not going to accept participation points in this instance sorry try harder next time🤪
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fakeblue · 2 years
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lildevyl · 7 months
FebuWhump Day 5: Rope Burns
Summary: Eclipsed views the footage of the Vinigalante “Madeye” and his daughter being captured.  Confirming that there is indeed another world outside of their own.
Set in Fable Smp Superhero AU
TW: Kidnapping
A/N: This idea and some others to this story with "Madeye" Moody from the Harry Potter Universe is inspired by tiktok_madeye over on TikTok.
“Sir,” a henchman called.
“Yes?”  Eclipsed responded with a clipped tone.
“Sir, we have it.  The video proof of the Vigilante “Madeye””
“Excellent!  Let’s see what we have.”
Eclipsed took the disc from the henchman and put it into the computer and booted it up the video.  The video was graining black and white footage showing a man in his late 30s to early 40s, tied to a chair trying desperately to get loose.  The screen beside it showed there was a little girl around 11-13 years old gripping her wand with white knuckles and hands shaking uncontrollably.  Surrounding her were different henchmen hired to kidnap her and her Dad to “test” their powers.  The little girl was firing off spells, left, right, and center.  Hitting nearly all of her targets.
Eclipsed wasn’t sure what kind of spells she was using be was somewhat impressed at how someone so young and inexperienced was able to hold her own.  It only took about 10-15 minutes before the numbers games caught up to her.  One of the henchmen had telekinesis and was able to whip the wand out of her hand and bring her to them with a flick of their wrist.
“Well, well, well!  You certainly had your fun little girl!  Now, let’s see what the Boss wants to do with you!”
Madeye was screaming at the top of his lungs for them to get their hands off his daughter, trying to knock the chair back and break it.  Then a huge burst of magic shot out and knocked nearly everyone back.  Madeye quickly released the ropes, snapped his fingers and his trusty staff was in his hands.   
With one furiously pissed-off look on his face and a deathly calm voice, “Get. Your. Hands. Off.  My.  Daughter.”  Madeye stabbed his staff into the ground sending a powerful shockwave of magic at the group knocking everyone but his daughter back.  “Grab your wand!”
The little girl grabbed her wand and ran to her Dad.  The Henchmen got back to their feet and the “Leader” looked excited.  “Finally!  I haven’t had a good fight since Solar!”
Madeye took a defensive position to protect his daughter.  The air charged with some sort of electricity like no other.  The henchmen looked at Madeye and saw that he was twirling his staff around like a baton from marching band.  The charge began to get more and more, and all the hairs on the  Henchmens’ arms and head began to stand up on end.
With one final sweep and stab from his staff, a powerful wave of magic blasted out from the ground and toward the henchmen like a tidal wave.  Knocking everyone unconscious.  Madeye then performed some kind of spell, leaving the henchmen there for cops to find.  Madeye then told his daughter to call 9-1-1 and left with her.
The video ended and Eclipse was ecstatic!  This proved that there was more than just their world here in Egopacaplse!  That there was a chance for Eclipse to bring his son back!  That there is a chance for them to never Fade ever again!“Hehehehe!  Good work!  Keep an eye on Madeye and his family.  It seems that he might be the key to my research and for me to get the power to keep all of us from Fading.”
Vigilante "Madeye" - Magic User "Madeye" is Madeye Mood from the Harry Potter Universe. Madeye didn't die he wound up in another world where "Magic" is the norm.
I do have some other plans and Cosplays that I'm trying to plan out for this AU Idea so if I do wound up writing it. Letting you know updates are going to be slow as hell! BUT will be writing it when I can find the time and motivation! So, enjoy the snippets of some of the fics that will be coming out!
Tagging: @isa-ghost, @weirdmixofweirdness, @nightfuryobsessed, @m4delin
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ghastlyhall0ws · 10 months
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