#mafia leader Kim Taehyung
wildestdreamsblog · 4 months
Latibule Spinoff: Elysian
Pairing: Doctor/Mafia!Kim Seokjin x Intern!Reader 
Warnings: Yandere behavior, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: BECAUSE DADDY'S HOME! I am so, so so so so happy he’s back. Extremely proud of our blorbo. My heart is fulllll. Also pls note that Latibule and Elysian’s timeline is happening simultaneously 😁
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Masterlist, Part V of __
“What the fuck is wrong with him?” Jung Hoseok asked as he watched incredulously his brother, Kim Seokjin, ‘fought’ with Taehyung.
Or rather, as he watched him willingly got beaten up by the younger man. This was a rather peculiar event as their oldest hyung was rarely seen to be in this state. He always thought he was above petty brawls even when the maknaes begged the mafia prince to spar with them. They knew how good he was, if not the best among them. He had rigorous trainings since he learned how to walk. In fact, they witnessed how good he was, but Kim Seokjin was never one to brag about his skills. On the other hand, he always took pride on how he looked, never one to be seen with even a strand of hair out of place. His clothes were never seen with any crease at all that one would think he didn’t move throughout the day. It was so ridiculous that his pairs of sleepwear were of the highest quality. You’d never catch this man slipping.
See, one would think that he was truly a prince because of the standard he held himself in.
But now, he was not even pretending to put up a fight even as Taehyung landed blows after blows until the younger man hesitated. Even someone as emotionless as him knew something was wrong which proved just how peculiar their hyung was acting. Had he been in his right mind, he wouldn’t even let Taehyung’s fist near his ‘glorious’ and ‘worldwide handsome’ face. Well, his words and not theirs.
Hoseok and Namjoon, on the other hand, knew for certain that should Seokjin wanted to fight, he could do so. After all, they witnessed firsthand the unhinged and dangerous version of their hyung before he decided that he would rather pamper his skin with expensive creams and serums than the stark blood of his enemies, and well sometimes, even friends.
“Hyuuuung!” Taehyung finally snapped, pouting at Seokjin who had blood dripping from the open gash on his forehead. “You agreed!”
Seokjin rolled his eyes as he wiped the blood on his plump lips. “Did I? Because I vividly remember that you asked me to spar and I didn’t say anything.”
“You stood up and went in the ring with me!” Taehyung snapped back, his eyes wide before looking at his brothers as though to point out how ridiculous Seokjin was being.
Namjoon quietly chuckled at the scene in front of him. They were gathered somewhere in an unnamed basement building and two of his brothers were sparring as the four other brothers keenly watched as though this was the most interesting thing in their life. If anyone saw these six distinguished men in their respective fields acting like this, Namjoon thought that they wouldn’t even believe their own eyes. Heck, this dark basement had two distinguished police officers, the top doctor in the country, actor who won the most prestigious awards, a tech genius with numerous connections with the world leaders, and yours truly, the best attorney in the country that had a stellar case win rate and was constantly being asked by political groups to join them. They were just missing the chief of police, Min Yoongi. They still couldn’t reach him since last week.
They were used to him vanishing like that, but Namjoon’s senses told him that this time it was different. His eyes shifted to the smiling man next to him, his phone capturing the scene like he was always fond of doing. He couldn’t help but noticed the slight limp he was sporting when he walked in. His draconic eyes shifted to the faint bruises in his knuckles which he claimed were all from training.
“Right, Joonie?” Hoseok suddenly turned to him, his pleasant smile ever present on his face.
“What?” he blinked, suddenly dawning on him that everyone’s attention was on him.
“Where are you? Is Namjoon in the room with us?” Hoseok kidded before playfully bumping his shoulder. “I said, hyung didn’t explicitly give his consent to the sparring. Taehyung was wrong-“
“Hyuuuung!” Taehyung stomped his foot in indignation, acting like the baby they knew he was.
Jungkook chuckled as Tae’s statement, thoroughly enjoying the scene. “You hit Jin hyung without his consent. Tsk tsk.”
“But he went in the ring and stood there! Taetae is not wrong,” Jimin defended his agemate before letting his Slytherin ways that had always thrived in chaos won. “But then again, Taehyung, how can you hit that face? Come on, man, that’s just wrong.”
And chaos ensued as all five of them spoke over one another while the subject of the chaos was emotionlessly wiping the blood on his face with his towel he probably imported from Japan. He didn’t care of the chaos brought by his nonchalance in the violence, taking his sweet time to gulp water from his bottle as though nothing bothered him, as though the wounds and forming bruises on his body didn’t hurt.
“Fine, fine!” Taehyung relented, raising both his hands to stop the verbal assaults being thrown from both sides. “But why did he let me hit him so many times?! He could have stopped me! Hell, he could take all of us if he wanted to!”
“That makes sense,” Jungkook agreed, nodding his head before turning his doe eyes to his hyung who was now silently looking at his phone. “If noona sees you like this, she won’t like you anymore.”
“She already doesn’t like me.”
That was the first time he opened his mouth that night after brooding in the basement for so long and spreading his dark energy. Even Jungkook who was always found to be sitting next to him in any occasion opted to sit on the other side of the room.
“Who’s she?” Namjoon asked, his brows pinched together from confusion and curiosity. Girl? Hyung was with a girl when he didn’t even look at them before because, as he quoted, ‘why bother when his visual was better that theirs?’
“You know? The girl I posted in my Instagram story with hyung?”
At Namjoon’s blank stare, Jungkook exploded. “You still hadn’t followed me back?! The audacity, Attorney Kim! Until now, I’m still stuck as a liker and commenter on all your posts! All you follow is your secretary and all you post is her son and her! And plants! It’s like I don’t matter to you-”
“Okay, so who’s she?”
Jungkook blinked, “She’s a doctor in hyung’s hospital. She’s kind and pretty, and she likes Taylor Swift, and she bought me samgyupsal. And you!”
He pointed at his Jin hyung with accusation in his eyes. He squinted his doe eyes at him before sauntering near to him. “What did you do?”
Seokjin lifted his dark eyes on him before putting down his phone. “Why do automatically think it’s something I did?”
“Noona literally had heart in her eyes when she looked at you! And am I wrong? Was it not your fault?”
His silence was enough to confirm Jungkook’s accusation. He scoffed as he straightened up and thought to himself that somehow, in a room full of intelligent and capable men, he was surrounded by idiots.
“Fix it or else I’ll give the engineer in my office her name. He’s been pestering me to introduce noona to him ever since he saw her on my Instagram and I might just give it to him-“
“What’s his name?!” Seokjin cut him off, suddenly standing to his full height and with so much force that the chair he was sitting on fell back to the ground.
“Get back here and give me his name!”
“I’m leaving!”
“Jeon Jungkook, you get back here right now! Where does he live?!”
Had you been an outsider to all this fiasco, then you would surely feel sorry for he-who-shall-not-be-named aka Voldemort aka Kim Seokjin. Had you been an outsider to this situation, then you would surely find this all funny.
But you weren’t. You were, in fact, in the middle of it all.
You decided the moment you went home after he slandered your name, belittled you, and short-of shouted at everyone that he would never fall for you because you didn’t pass his taste. In fact, and you quoted, you were ‘so below him’ and you weren’t the same stature as him that he was embarrassed for someone to even think that he felt something for you.
What a dramatic person, you thought. Why would you be hurt over a crush? Why would you even cry over it?
You sat with your feelings that weekend. You thought and thought hard enough to know that the reason why you bawled your eyes out the moment you exited that coffee shop and why you lost your appetite and stayed in bed was because all he said was the truth.
Were you beneath him in stature? Check.
Was his taste in women beyond you? Check.
Were you below him? Check.
Did he only entertain you because you were funny? Damn right you were. You were hilarious as fuck.
But still, you called in sick for work after weekend passed. You were still hurt and quite frankly, too embarrassed to even see him or any people from the hospital that knew how hard you were chasing him. You sat with your feelings long enough to realize that just because some guy, no matter how perfect he was in the outside, didn’t like you back did not mean that it was the end of the world. Your mother did not raise a weak woman. Well, she really didn’t raise you, but anyway!
You decided to do exactly what you did best.
According to an article written by Lebow in 2022, somatic avoidance refers to steering clear from situation that elicit a physical response similar to anxiety or stress response. Right now, you were actively avoiding your greatest stress in life. So when you met his eyes as you walked to the entrance of the hospital, you pretended to not see him. You continued as though nothing was amiss, as though seeing him after hiding and housing your pain for days did not affect you in any way. You weren’t blind, though. You couldn’t help but notice how exhausted he looked. You couldn’t help but notice a faint bruise on his otherwise perfect face. You felt the gnawing curiosity forming in your mind as to how he got that when you thought that he was someone who would never get into a fight. Foolishly, you thought that he was someone who would rather resolve issues in a calm and civil manner than inflict pain on other people.
“Y/N, wait-”
You continued walking and like the asshole that he was, he didn’t take the hint that you didn’t wish to speak to him, nor hear whatever he had to say. He had embarrassed you enough to last a lifetime. The distance you placed between the two of you were rapidly closed by his long legs. If he noticed how you were almost running to the elevator to escape him, he didn’t say anything. By some miracle, you lost him as the lobby was now bustling with patients, visitors, and employees alike. You greeted your colleague as you entered the elevator. She was making small talk about what happened during your absence, yet you were too distracted to engage. Instead. you repeatedly pushed the close button, which she frowned at.
“Hey, what’s the rush?” she asked as she watched you act peculiarly.
“Just…you know. Running late.”
“Honey, it’s 6 in the morning.”
The doors were finally starting to close, and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. You knew it was too soon to celebrate when the door barely closed because just as the gap was about to disappear completely, a hand shot through, triggering the sensor and causing the doors to slide back open. Your stomach dropped as he stepped into the elevator, his eyes locking onto yours. The small, enclosed space suddenly felt suffocating.
Kim Seokjin stared into your eyes as he entered. His dark eyes held yours hostage even as you scooched to the left side of the lift. He sighed, merely nodding at the greeting of your coworker. His broad shoulders made the lift seemed small when it was anything but.
It was three floors later, and yes, you counted. You’d honestly rather watched the elevator screen than turned to him as he blatantly looked at you.
“Doctor Y/N–“ He started, almost making you jump when he broke the silence.
“Oh my God, what’s that?” you turned to your colleague, and now, a victim of your pettiness.
“What?” she frowned, sensing the tension between the two of you and wanting nothing but to get off the lift.
“I just felt chills in my right side,” you answered, rubbing your arms because fuck it, you were going to show him how good you could act. You didn’t join the theatre when you were in high school for the fun of it! Nope, it was just that you had always been dramatic and you thought it would be a waste of God-given talents, really.
She lifted her eyes sheepishly at the doctor that held the highest position in the hospital who only had eyes on you. “Y/N, that’s Doctor Ki-“
“Like a disturbed ghost. Very scary,” you shuddered exaggeratedly before clasping your hands and murmuring a short prayer. “I hope he finds peace. Or not.”
Seokjin’s lips pressed into a thin line, his eyes narrowing slightly. Your colleague glanced between the two of you, clearly uncomfortable and unsure of what to say.
The elevator dinged again, the doors sliding open, and you took the opportunity to escape the ghost of your past aka Voldemort. Fuck it, you thought. You’d rather walked five flights of stairs than stay another second with that man. Honestly.
You thought that was the end of it. You wished it was the end of it and you couldn’t be more wrong.
It was late at night when you finally finished your work. Your back was killing you, and you felt like another cup of coffee wouldn’t wake you up but rather send you to an early death. You were definitely not looking forward to your commute back to your apartment. Regardless of the weariness you felt, you couldn’t help but feel satisfied with the work you did today. You thought that you lucked out on the career path you chose because you were able to help people heal where it was the hardest to heal in.
But heavens, you just wished this job paid better.
You sighed as you exited the hospital, and you sighed even deeper when someone stepped in front of you. You knew before you even lifted your eyes who it was. The polished shoes and the obviously expensive suit were enough telltale signs that you were once again in front of him and that he was once again going to bother you.
“Are you going home?”
You looked directly at him for the first time since that day. And damn it! He looked good, you hated it. You tilted your head to the side when he smiled at you. “Come on. It’s late. I’ll drive you home.” He pointed at his expensive white car that was conveniently parked in front of the entrance, a clear violation of the hospital premises rules. But who were you to talk, anyway. He was the damned owner, and he could do whatever he wanted, apparently.
You scoffed as you walked away from him, spotting a taxi that just dropped off a passenger in front of the hospital. You’d rather commute than go with him, you thought. Just as you opened the door, a particularly large hand pushed it close. You looked up to see him leaning down and handing the taxi driver crisp bills.
Never had you witnessed a taxi drove as fast as he did away from you, the tires screeching dramatically as he sped away from the building.
You turned to him, anger and irritation coursing through your veins. You were physically, mentally and emotionally tired. This was the last thing you needed tonight.
“That was rude.”
He lifted his dark brows at that. He looked down at you and only then did you notice that the hair he usually kept neat seemed slightly disheveled.
“Actively avoiding me, calling me a ghost, and walking away from me when I’m talking to you is what’s rude,” he shot back, his voice just as dark as his eyes.
“Calling me beneath you is ruder, don’t you think? Acting like you were my friend when you were merely toying with me is more improper, don’t you think?”
He flinched at every shot you took. His blunders were by no means light, but he wanted-. No. He needed to make this better. He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t eat and his face lost the glow he had always bragged about! This was a disaster, and this was him putting it on a lighter note.
“Look, buddy,” you breathed, easing the irritation you were feeling. “What will make you stop?”
“I want to apologize-“
“K. Do it,” you cut him off with a wave of your hand, wanting this to be done so that you can at least get a roughly five hours of sleep once you get home.
He frowned, blinking rapidly at your sudden change of heart. “I’m sorry. I’m terribly sorry-“
“Forgiven. Bye.”
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Part VI
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redsaurrce · 10 days
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Synopsis : Caught up in the mess of Jungkook and his brother Taehyung, how will you come out of the mesh? When both of them have taken a liking to you in not so upright way, can you teach them a lesson?
Pairing : YandereTeacher!jungkook x bully student fem!reader, slight student!Taehyung x reader
Genre : high school au, mafia au
Word count : 3.8 K
Warnings : Y/N REVENGE ARC MUAHAHAHA, profanity, forced proximity, multiple mentions of death, gun shots, mommy and daddy issues, family trauma, mentions of betrayal
Taglist : @darkuni63 @jeonswifey @laylasbunbunny @hey-syia @pandalove03 @kooliv @radcustoms @ysk101 @mageprincess7 @hoeshii @bangtanxcoffee @acnetrone @1-in-abillion @stuffy16 @halloweeninapril @hoseokgrecns @hoseoksluv89 @143sthings @bangtans-momma @jxeon @xicanacorpse @jungkookian1997 @ttanniett @jxeonlux @xellainne
A/N : so after finally after 8 months we will witness Y/N finally standing up against jk and hell will break loose haha suffer suckers
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"It's dark." The last thing you remembered was falling off the cliff and falling into the deep sea. You were convinced you were going to die or is it the afterlife?
You slowly opened your eyes and saw someone staring at you. You immediately made an attempt to get up but the man's deep voice caught you off guard, "Rest a bit more, you have broken limbs."
BROKEN WHAT!?? You gasped out loud in shock and started looking for your hands and legs. "Calm down young girl I'm kidding." He chuckled. You frowned, "Who are you.. and where am I?"
"I'm Kim Taesung. Pleased to meet you Y/N." Kim Taesung? You tried to rack your brain to recall anyone with that name. Why does it sound so familiar though? You wondered.
"I assume you are my son's close friend?" The man spoke making you even more confused - wait! was he-
He looked at your face and smiled, "Yes you connected the dots right! my son is Kim Taehyung." Your eyes widened- was he being real!?
"what!? But why did you try to kill me then!??" You asked the man. He looked like he was in his mid forties. He had a big fierce build- definitely suiting the aura of a mafia leader.
"Well you see, I was surprised to know someone else other than me and my son knew about his nickname, at first I wanted to meet you immediately but on a second note I thought - what if it was a trap? You know.. if someone was trying to lure me out by using that name? That's why I set up all that act.."
"Act?" Then again ofcourse it had to be an act or else you'd been dead by now. You wondered how you got saved though and most importantly what the hell was Jungkook doing there!?
"If you really were from an enemy gang then when everyone pointed their guns towards you, the men from that gang would have popped up to save you." He explained further.
"Then what about the gun shot? Wasn't I shot by a gun?" You frowned and tried to search for any bullet marks on your body.
"That was a false one, there was only noise of shooting .. no bullet came out of it so you weren't really shot. And yeah the noise scared you so you lost your balance and.. fell." He cleared your confusion.
"it's my turn to question you- what brings you here?" He asked you with a piercing gaze.
You gulped. "I wanted to learn investment from you.. but.. I think I achieved something even better."
His eyebrows perked up, "And that is?"
"Sir, does anyone else know that it was a trap and I'm not dead?" You asked earnestly.
"No one except me and my secretary who told you he was going to escort you to me... know about this ordeal. I don't trust my boys with the acting skills so to make all that real I had to hide this secret from them." You nodded at his words.
"Actually.. out of your men, one of them happens to be my fiancé. And i- where should I begin all of this." You licked your dry lips.
He sighed. "Take your time I'm listening."
And so you unfolded your history with Jungkook and Taehyung and how you were kicked out of the house and now this was your last straw to survive.
You happened to take a glance at his hands- they were red from fisting so tightly. Was this man angry on your behalf? You were moved.
"And that's why I came looking for you, sir. I have no plans to marry any of them and at this point I only want to survive." You said.
"No." He said firmly, "You should take your revenge. I'll accept you as my student but on one condition."
You waited with bated breath.
"Be my daughter."
Three years later.
Jungkook had succeeded as CEO and took the business world by storm, you were updated about his every move via his kingmaker or your now dad. There were no adoption papers to begin with but you had accepted him as your father with your whole heart a year ago.
You knew about Jungkook's achievements but what you didn't know was how he longed for you thinking you were dead. He was angry with one thing though- his marriage with Na Ji-won. How could you? He loved you so much but you tricked him into marrying another woman!??
Seeing Jungkook's marriage ceremony on television gave you immense joy. You were ecstatic to say the least.
You didn't know about your family though - not like you bothered to know about them but what you didn't know was how they reacted to your news being dead. Jungkook told them he saw with his own eyes how you fell down a cliff to your death.
Your father couldn't sleep for weeks, blinded by success and passion he failed to be a good father. Perhaps what drove you to your death wasn't the men in black but the negligence he showed towards you. He was deeply ashamed and broken hearted for losing his daughter whom he couldn't even embrace for the last time.
Your mother tried to be unaffected by this since she knew you were an illegitimate child but yet- all she felt was grief. It wasn't your fault that you were born unlucky. She cried and cried because maybe somewhere in her heart- even if she tried to deny it.. you made a place for yourself before she even realised it.
She remembered how you always praised her even for the tiniest efforts she made, you were a child after all. You wanted affection too- WHY? Why didn't she realise earlier and accept you as her own. Even though your father tried to kick you out that night, she should've stopped him.
She believed you were a clever girl so you'd survive no matter what happened. She failed to realise that you were a child after all. A child who died in the end.
Your sister, Han Yoo-in, blamed all of this on herself. She despises herself the most- she loved you so much.. she had no reason to hurt you like this. She shouldn't have said those things and she misses you every single day. Bringing the top scores in CSAT didn't give her even the slightest bit of joy.. she wanted you to congratulate her instead.
She wanted you back.
She isolated herself in her room on the day of the result and kept staring at her phone, hoping to get a call from you. But you never called.
Taehyung was devastated to say the least, he lost the one and only person he was comfortable to be around. You were gone. Forever. It was painful to accept it but he couldn't move on. He wonders though, how did you die- why did you go to New York, he had so many questions.. but all of them were now together with the dust.
"Y/N-ah!" You heard your dad call you.
Three years worth of hard work was about to come to full swing the next month and you couldn't wait to go back to Korea to officially announce yourself as one of the major shareholders of Ji-won's father's company.
And you definitely couldn't wait to make a comeback as a successful owner of Yooshin textiles, a franchise under Kim Taesung's chain of businesses. It was a test from him to prove if you were worthy to be an owner and you for sure- did not disappoint. Your mind was quick and calculative, a great asset to a business owner.
"Yes dad." You gleefully called him back. Even though he was scary and intimidating, you found him to be the sweetest man ever. Sometimes it made you wonder if he was even real because all the men you've had in your life were nothing but jerks!
Your dad gave you the result of the CSAT exam that you took this year after studying honestly with hard work beside learning all about businesses - well yeah your father played a huge part in it since he made sure you get the best tutors in the country to give you private tuition under tight security.
But in the end it was your own determination and hard work - is what he said. Well .. you believe him, as a student with poor grades who had been constantly compared with your sister the entire life, it was refreshing to see and believe that you could do it too!
"You have officially graduated high school Y/N! Congrats on your achievement." He also gave you a congratulatory bouquet. You smiled widely, "Thanks dad." You hugged him.
His heart filled with warmth and pride, he felt so good to have such a hardworking daughter. He's willing to do everything for you.
"So we're finally going to Korea next month." He smiled.
Jungkook was getting ready for the meeting, being the husband of Na Ji-won and son-in-law of the NaDo enterprises' owner, it was not a surprise for him to succeed the company.
Today was the day he was going to announce the merger of his company and NaDo and that's why the meeting was being held.
"I wonder if Miss K will attend the meeting this time, she's one of the biggest stock holders of your father's company." Jungkook said while Ji-won fixed his tie.
She said nothing, given how those stocks were the ones she actually gave to you without Jungkook's knowledge to get him. But that was in the past, she wanted to know herself as well.. who on earth was Miss K who had your stocks. Did you hand them over to her before you died?
No matter how much she tried racking her brains, nothing was fruitful.
"All done." She muttered. And with that Jungkook left. He wasn't a bad husband per se but the lack of affection was killing her. "It's already been three years, how long should i wait for him." Ji-won said to herself, biting her lip in agony.
"You're gonna do great, my dear daughter." Taesung hugged one last time before you were ready to step inside the meeting hall.
"Thanks, dad!" You smiled and broke the hug.
With confidence stirring inside you, the massive doors opened and you took your steps inside the hall. All the murmurs and chatters were now dead silent at your entrance. You were in a blazer and suit all buttoned up like a classic rich businesswoman.
Everyone started to continue chattering about who you were but the most surprised of them all was .. Jungkook.
"Y/N?" His eyes were ready to pop out of their sockets.
The entire hall was silent yet again on Jungkook's abrupt outburst.
"Is that really you? Han Y/N?" You turned towards him. You loved his expression so much that you wanted someone to take a pic of him and give it to you as a laminated photograph.
Just then a voice boomed throughout the entire hallway, "Welcome everyone.. it looks like our anonymous stock holder has finally decided to show up. Welcome Miss Kim Y/N." The man greeted and everyone started clapping for you.
"K-Kim??" Jungkook contorted his eyebrows.
You stood up, "Thankyou for the warm welcome everyone. I'm Kim Y/N. Pleasure to meet you all." You smiled boldly.
Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes at all, first of all you were alive?? Why did he never get to know this?? And what's with the surname? Kim!??
One of them spoke, "But.. weren't you the younger daughter of Han Pilwon? Or am I remembering you wrong?"
You smiled a bit, "That's right uncle, you've seen me every time you had dinner at the Han's house. I.. actually I am no longer a part of the Han family. I have a different father now." You said proudly.
"Different father?" Jungkook was surprised.
"Yes. Now.. shall we start with the meeting?" You said, your gaze going back to the owner of NaDo.
As the meeting commenced, Jungkook just couldn't stop fidgeting, as if all of this was just a dream. He couldn't believe his eyes.
You were alive, sitting in front of him.
Then why did Taesung's secretary tell everyone that you couldn't survive the fall? Was it all a scheme? No matter what, he couldn't understand your comeback at all.
After the meeting was over, you were going back to your father but just then someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you aside.
Your eyes went wide, not that you didn't expect him.. it just caught you off guard.
He quickly took you in his embrace tightly, you tried to fight away from his grip but he kept on squeezing. "I'm afraid once I let you go, you'll disappear again. I missed you Y/N. I missed you so so much." He muttered through your hair.
You felt disgusted, "Let me go Jungkook. We're not engaged anymore, you have a wife now- You have no reason to miss me."
He snapped his head back to face you, enraged he said, "Really? And why did I have to go through the marriage in the first place? Did you already forget Y/N?? You tricked me." His voice cracked.
You scoff, "Do you even realise what you're saying? Yes- yes I did trick you but you had all the means to nullify the marriage as well. You could've said you were forced or whatever I don't know. You saw I was dead and NaDo was a good deal so you went ahead with the marriage. And I don't even blame you for it so stop with your fucking crap and get lost!" You said with eyes literally blazing up.
He looked at you with a pause as his eyes began to darken, "You are coming back with me." He emphasized each and every word.
You seriously wanted to hit this man, "Or else? You can't do anything to me anymore Jungkook. I'm not the same Han Y/N you remember, the one who only knew to cause troubles or the one who'd swallow up every shit you threw at her. I'm not her anymore. I'm Kim Y/N, you can't mess with me Jeon Jungkook. So fuck off!"
"Hah!" He poked his cheek with his tongue, "Ah that reminds me, what's with you being a Kim now? Changed families huh? I don't care, I don't care about anything else.. you'll be Jeon Y/N in the end anyway.. so none of this matters anymore." He laughed, insanity oozing.
"Are you sick in the head? What makes you think I'll come back to you? This is my last warning Jungkook. Leave or else you'll pay the price." You were trying your best to push him away.
But he didn't budge an inch, if anything he pinned you against the wall and his hands started snaking around your waist.
Your breath hitched.
"Yes, I have lost my mind. After years of yearning for you.. not being able to come in terms with your death, I've tormented myself to the point I've become insane. Now that you really are back, I won't let you go. You leave me with no choice Y/N." He leaned closer, "I still have the video recordings with me."
You felt your stomach drop.
"Come with me or I'll upload that on NaDo's forum." He said with an evil grin.
You started laughing.
You were.. laughing?
You started to laugh even more hysterically. "Don't tell me I didn't warn you. GAURDS!" You screamed and at once men in black attire surrounded you both.
Jungkook was caught in surprise because he was too familiar with this uniform.. but what surprised him even more was the man that walked towards him like a towering beast in a cape.
"B-boss?" Jungkook let go of you. "What brings you here?"
"You dog!" Taesung grabbed Jungkook's chin and threw him on the ground like he was a toy.
"How dare you harass my daughter!?" He growled.
"d-daughter?" He looked in confusion.
Kim Y/N- Kim Taesung!? He connected the dots.
Taesung wasted no more breath and ordered his men to drag him away.
"Ugh leave me! Leave me you assholes!" He kept shouting but the strong men dragged him away.
"We'll beat him to a pulp until he confesses and deletes the footages and make sure he never bothers you again." He assured you.
His words felt like breathing again.
It was so scary, all of this was so scary.
You hugged him at once and finally broke down in his embrace. Your muffled cries broke him. He was waiting for this day ever since you had told him about your estranged relationship with Jungkook.
He will make sure Jungkook will never even dare to look in your direction. After all.. what Jungkook is today is thanks to Taesung's genius mind and cooperation.
"Dad?" You heard a familiar voice from your father's back. Both of you turned towards the source of the voice and saw Taehyung standing at a distance.
But as soon as he saw you, his mind went blank. "Y/N?? Am i dreaming!?"
You screamed, "Taehyung I brought your dad back!" You gave a toothy smile.
"Son!" Taesung called out to him, his voice filled with warmth. Taehyung's attention shifted to his dad; he- at once ran to his dad and jumped into a tight hug. "I missed you so much dad. I missed you." He started to cry.
"I missed you too son." He said longingly.
You thought to give them some space for reunion but just then your dad called out to you, "Y/N come here. Taehyung i know you are already close with her, she's your sister from now on."
Taehyung physically stumbled back in surprise, "WHAT!?"
"But f-first all of all you were alive!??" He broke his hug with his dad and hugged you too. "Were in New York all this while, Y/N? You should have told me atleast that you were alive. Ugh you know how much I missed you!??? But wait- what's up with dad calling you my sister!?" He was so surprised that he started stuttering at the end.
You sheepishly smiled. "Well... It just happened to be that way."
Taehyung gulped and kept looking at both of you back and forth, "What in the world?? None of you have any matching features??"
Taesung lightly smacked his son's head, "idiot! I adopted her."
"oh .. how come you never told me you adopted her .. you could have told me through the books you know?" He pouted in betrayal.
"well we had to keep all of this absolutely a secret, please understand my intentions son." He pleaded.
"Then make me understand." He sulked. It was annoying enough that his dad adopted another child behind his back.. but out of all people.. it had to be you?? The one he had a crush on!? How humiliating! Guess he needs to let go of his crush now.
he sighed.
"Cheer up lad, come I'll tell you everything." You grinned at his remark and started walking away but just then you saw a few people run towards you and stopped at a distance.
"Yoo-in? Mother?.. father?" You felt a lump in your throat as soon as you saw them.
"My child! You're alive!!" Your mother ran towards you and hugged you at once. "How are you dear? where were you all this while?"
You saw her eyes well up, you were flabbergasted, you were on the verge of tears too. Why now? "Why do you wanna know? You didn't care where I'd be sleeping that day when you kicked me out of your house.. why do you wanna know where was I? Weren't you happy when you got the news of my demise? Wasn't that what you've always wanted?" You gulped so hard.
"Y/N! I-I never thought any of that! I-" Her breathing started pacing faster, "Im sorry Y/N, I'm so sorry. I'm so ... sorry." She fell down on her knees crying, the sight was heartbreaking but this was the same woman who showed you no affection at all in your entire life. "Your sorry .. it means nothing to me now." You said, your heart aching over and over again.
Your mother was a mess. Your father said nothing and stood there with head held low.
"Han Y/N we're really sorry .. please don't do this my sister, come back to us.. please." Your sister pleaded.
"I won't. Thankyou for making my life as a Han bearable innie- I mean- Han Yoo-in but I'm not a Han anymore. You're not my family so I have no reason to come back to you." You said, tears continuously dropping to the ground just like the day when you were shut down by her.
"What do you mean-" "Dear daughter let's go!" Taesung came and held your hand.
"Who are you??" Pilwon, your father's voice echoed.
"Me? I'm a father who actually cares for his children. Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Taesung, Kim Y/N's dad." He said with an intimidating aura.
"Shut the trap, she's my daughter!" He spoke enraged.
"Tch, but your daughter doesn't want you as her father. You were never there for her anyways, what gives you the right to call her your daughter huh?" He said as if a lawyer was defending his client.
"Dad." Both of them looked at you; you chuckled, "I mean my dad, let's go.. I don't want to see them anymore."
"Sure thing sweetheart."
That said you left them behind, your past traumas and the bad memories.. all of them.
As you walked away, you felt like beginning afresh. Hope all this was a good lesson to everyone who once broke you.
You were heading towards a new chapter of your life. What will be the lesson this time?
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hellbornsworld · 1 year
ALL BTS MEMBERS WATTPAD RECOMMENDATIONS(1)⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘
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☁︎ dirty minds | drugdealer!jk X innocent!oc | college au | Author : pinkbunny | 55 chapters | Completed |
➳ She's too innocent for his tastes. But it's only a matter of time before he can turn that pure mind into a dirty one.
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«Kim Taehyung keeps on sending flowers to your twin sister's grave.»
☁︎not in a million years | GrimReaper!MinYoongi X Reader | Author : mociminji | 50 chapters | Completed |
"I promise I would never leave you, not in a million years."
"Stop lying, Yoongi. Why promise me a million when you don't even live a hundred years?"
"What if I say I do?"
A cliché story about Min Yoongi who fell in love with his human, you. Because, why not?
☁︎Through My Eyes | Blind!Jimin X Reader | Author : Suga__Fox | 103 chapters | Slowburn | Completed |
"You don't have to see love Darling, you feel it. When you feel it you will know, because you would rather die than live a day without it."
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Y/N Han works as a daycare worker from morning till noon. One day, she received a new kid to take care of and unknown to her that the kid's father is actually a very dangerous mafia leader that everyone goes by RM. And when RM laid his eyes on his daughter's daycare teacher he's obsessed instantly.
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❝I wish we could've met a totally different way. I hate to admit it, but I won't deny it...
I wish you would fall for me the way I feel I'm falling for you. If only.❞
☁︎𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐒 ✇ �... | ghost!Hoseok x human!reader | Author : tropicalxsabotage | 20 chapters | Completed |
❝No one ever expected it to be me,❞ Hoseok smirks chillingly. ❝I'm the one with the sweet smile.❞
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What's a "love story" without a little darkness?
Yours Truly
☁︎ Casanova | RichKid!jk X flamenco dancer!OC | Author : jinownsmyass | 43 chapters | Completed |
❝You make the stars jealous, mi amor.❞
- In which the richest, most eligible bachelor of Seville lusts for a flamenco dancer below his class.
☁︎Lonely White Wolf | Hybrid!Yoongi X Human!Reader | Author : mociminji | 42 chapters | Completed |
In which, Min Yoongi, a lonely wolf who fell in love with his own mate's little sister, you.
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''I'll turn your software into hardware''
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"You were supposed to be a bath bomb!"
"Well turns out its your lucky day, sweetheart, cause you just got something ten times better: me."
☁︎Agent Love | Agent!jk X Genie!Reader | Author : Atlantaes | 46 chapters | Completed |
"Watch where you're putting your hands, Agent Love."
In which a love genie who sucks at names and a renegade government agent are put together.
☁︎Polar Night | Older!kth x Reader | AgeGap au | Author : Amoc94 | 11 chapters | Completed |
He was a patient man.
He wouldn't mind to wait for the right time to reap what he thought he deserved. He had lived in the dark for far too long, that happiness was such a foreign notion for him. Until you crossed his path and awakened something deep inside him. Until he realized there was indeed glowing light on the other side of his world, just a flicker at the end of the journey he had to conquer.
Until the sunshine he had waited became you.
☁︎Secret Admirer | Student!Yoongi X Student!OC | Author : daralolli | OC is whipped | 56 chapters | Completed |
In which a girl has a big crush on the basketball player, min yoongi but she has a secret admirer who has been giving bottles of banana milk with sticky notes every day to her.
☁︎Unforgivable | Boyfriend BFF!kth X Reader | Author : SingularitaeAddict | Side : JK X Reader | 52 chapters | Completed |
"If someone loves you, they'd never put themselves in a position to hurt you."
☁︎COME TO ME | Pjm X Reader | Slowburn | Author : notmylilmochi | 103 chapters | Completed |
The story of a man who abandons his wife and son to be with his mistress in a foreign country. However, his world is turned upside down when he receives news that his son has fallen ill with a rare and life-threatening illness.
☁︎FUCKBOY | BFF!Yoongi X Reader | Side : JHS X Reader | Author :
Jiminttrash | 26 chapters | completed |
"It's me or that fuckboy, so choose."
☁︎sins so sweet | Badboy!jk X Innocent!Reader | Crack au | Author : ArmyArchives | 19 chapters | Ongoing |
"I'll make you feel so good, my pretty"
In which y/n is too innocent for the kinky bad boy Jeon Jungkook
☁︎The Roommate Rulebook | HopelessRomantic!Jk X Innocent!Reader | Slowburn | Author : kkookteokki | 78 Chapters | Ongoing |
When the campus heartthrob Jeon Jungkook who's actually a secret, self-professed romantic at heart, and the innocent country girl Kim Y/N, who's actually not as timid and docile as she seems, end up sharing a dorm for the semester, both discover that there's much more to their relationship than what meets the eyes.
☁︎siamese twins | PJM X OC | Twins AU | Author : dearjimin | 31 chapters | completed |
they both loved him
but he only loved one of them.
♡‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.♡‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.♡‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.♡‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.♡‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾
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justcallmenikki7 · 1 year
BTS Reaction To: The Purge Night
Summary: experiencing the purge with your mafia boyfriend can go many different ways.
Warnings: killing/murder (obviously, it’s the purge lmao), language, stealing/robbery, slight angst, fluff (haha), suggestive comments, badass y/n, torturing, crack, nonconsensual touching from stranger, split!jungkook, character slapping reader, angst, taehyung being taehyung.
W.C.: 3.9k
Notes: hiiiii! I’m back. My life has been so chaotic and busy ever since I got my second job back in March, and so I haven’t had much time to myself to even do anything. Thankfully, I learned on how to take time for myself now and balancing everything out. Anyways! I apologize if I’m rusty with my writing, it’s been a while. And idk how to feel about taehyungs part.
Kim Seokjin:
Ever since Korea has followed along with the United States by having the annual Purge two years ago, you decided with your boyfriend to go and experience it. Now, of course, you are prepared. Having a boyfriend who is the leader of the Korean Mafia, it’s no secret that he is prepared in many ways when it comes to…illegal things.
At first, he was against the idea of you going out on purge night, but once he realized that this was an internal thrill and want for you, he decided to go along with it. Whenever you heard of the purge happening in America, there was this thrill and excitement for one night a year for legal crime, you were wanting it to happen in Korea, and once you heard the news of Korea writing a bill and finalizing it, you wanted to purge. Now, it is a sick want, but some people need to release their anger and do shit that they would not do on a normal day when there are laws in place, but having that ability to do it with no repercussions, what could go wrong?
You were finally able to release the anger and hurt that a few people caused you and you wanted pay back. Could you just have Jin kidnapped and you could enjoy your sick pleasure by torturing them? Of course, but it is different when you can do everything start to finish.
“Babe, I think they’re dead…” you heard your boyfriend say in a monotone over the noise of your knife stabbing into the lady who embarrassed you when you were in sixth grade in front of the student body. She caused you anxiety and humiliation at a young age.
“Are you sure? Her body moved just a second ago.” You questioned cutely, already knowing she’s leaving the mortal realm. You’re just enjoying the thought of her never living again.
“Yes… she died five minutes ago, shortly after her husband.” Jin stated with a smirk on his face from watching you huff and fix your ponytail after giving the woman one last jab at her chest. Pushing off the wall, he walked over to you and cradled your face in his hands, loving how your cheeks crinkle your eyes because of how you have big cheeks that fit your face so well. “You do realize you spent about close to two hours of torturing and killing her that you have ten hours left? We must drive an hour to the next ‘victim’ of yours. And that depends if the roads are blocked off from Purgers.”
“With your driving, well make it there in twenty-five minutes. Plus, the boys already made sure that they’re not blocked.” You commented, grinning at Jin’s face turning red from realizing that you’re right.
“Okay, let’s get going, smart ass.” He ordered, slapping your ass before he grabs your hand and helping you step over the murder scene that just took place in the house.
Min Yoongi:
When the first purge happened in Korea, you and your boyfriend Min Yoongi obviously joined in on the fun. Now, on the second year, that is happening once again.
You were currently getting dressed into your purge outfit. You are wearing jean shorts with fishnets, combat boots, a crop top, a black leather jacket, your hair straightened, and face paint that is skeleton designed. Yes, you know that there is no reason to get dressed up for this night, but there’s no point in going out in sweats and a hoodie while you rob Walmart, the mall, and Hobby Lobby. You want to play the part.
You convinced your boyfriend to dress up with you this year since he did not last year, and it took lots of bribing and promising things, but you got what you wanted in the end like you always do.
“Babe, you ready? In about ten minutes the sirens will go off and along with announcement.” Your boyfriend told you as he walked into the bedroom, mouth dropping at your outfit, and just you in general. He’s now thinking about you guys staying in because he can feel himself getting excited at what he wanted to do with you – to you. “Maybe we should stay in tonight babe.”
Turning around, you glared at him. “Do you not realize that Hobby Lobby has cute house décor that we need for this place?”
“But I can just buy them for you baby,” your boyfriend pouted, along with making a fair point.
“But we can save that money with just stealing, legally! Plus, what’s the fun in that? We can take whatever we want without having to spend a single dime. And there’s build a bear at the mall, and I want all the stuff animals. We are not staying home just so you can rip my outfit apart. We can do that after the purge.” You countered back, determined to get free things, and possibly fighting someone who gets in your way.
It's been a stressful week with idiots at your job, and you’re looking for a reason to punch somebody.
Grumbling, your boyfriend threw his hands up in defeat, not wanting to challenge you while your mind is set. He’s learned when you threw a water bottle at him in the nono region when he tried to persuade you from not spending $50 on a large stuffed llama at Walmart because you already had plenty of stuffed animal llamas at home.
“Yes ma’am, can we at least break into the Oliva Garden on seventh street and take their breadsticks on the way home? I’ve been craving them lately.” He asked, putting his necklace on that you got him on your guy’s sixth month anniversary and his rings.
“I was about to ask the same thing,” you said, spraying your favorite perfume on. Right as you sat it down on your vanity, the sirens went off. Grabbing your gun that was specially made for you, you put in the gun holster that went with the outfit and your bag that had an emergency kit for just in case, along with one extra gun, you walked up and kissed your boyfriend.
“Ready baby?” he asked, taking your hand in his.
“Let’s roll! Hobby Lobby, here we come!”
Jung Hoseok:
It was a good idea at first, but now you’re questioning your train of thought from earlier, along with listening to your boyfriend. But sometimes men don’t know what they’re talking about. But then also is a long-time thief and is a mafia boss, so he does know what he’s talking about half of the time.
You just hate being wrong.
You thought that breaking into a bank that looked untouched from any other Purger’s was skeptical, but you decided to go ahead and do it anyways. But now, you realized that you should’ve listened to your conscious and boyfriend.
“This is your fault.” Your boyfriend commented, handcuffed to the wall.
“How is it my fault? You should’ve said something,” you snapped back, knowing that he did, but you won’t admit that he’s right.
“Stop being stubborn and just say, ‘babe, you were right, I’m a dumbass.’” He sassed, giving you a look that you hate. If only your hands weren’t handcuffed you would have smacked him, because it is the look of ‘you’re a dumbass,’ and know you were a dumbass, but you had a good idea that seemed like one to you, but it wasn’t.
You live and you learn.
“If you don’t wipe that look off of your face, I’ll do it for you after the boys get here and rescue us.”
“What are you going to do? Hit me?” He spoke in a childish tone, but you ignored and acted like you didn’t hear him.
Yes, you two are acting like children while being held at gun point, not caring that you are getting judgmental looks from your captors. What is even funnier, they don’t realize that they have the king and queen of the Korean mafia handcuffed to a pole. So, they are in a big surprise when the gang gets here.
“Will you two shut the fuck up? You sound like my kids right now.” A guy snapped, massaging his temples as if he has a headache.
“No, he called me a dumbass,” you argued back, “and I am not a dumbass.”
“You kind of are, babe.” Hoseok commented in a nonchalant tone. And after he said that gun fire began, a sign that his gang was here.
It was a quick process to say the least since the men who cuffed you both and had guns pointing at you for fifteen minutes were amateurs. After both of you getting uncuffed and you getting lectured by Jungkook and Taehyung on how you don’t know how to rob a place, you hit Hoseok in the arm.
“That’s for calling me dumbass,” you sneered, an angry look on your face.
“Noona, you kind of are…” the maknae’s said at the same time, quickly looking away once they felt your glare.
Kim Namjoon:
You don’t know what it is with your boyfriend, but he is like a child on Christmas morning when it comes to robbing places. He is in his own little world, piling up video games for the Maknae line for their Christmas presents, all of the sprite that he was able to get into the cart for Hoseok, all the colorful lights that Yoongi has talked about getting for his music room that he has at the house as his getaway area whenever he has the chance with his busy schedule of tracking people down, and then Jin kitchen décor for the kitchen at the base. You guys probably need to make a pit stop at HomeGoods for more of the decor because Walmart doesn’t have good selections, but it is the thought that matters.
“Babe! I found a book that I want to read!” Joon yelled out, reading the summary on the back of the book.
“What’s it called?” You asked, walking up to him and leaning your head against his arm, looking down at it.
“It’s called ‘The Cellar’ and it’s by this writer named Natasha Peterson. I’ve never heard of her, but this book sounds awesome.” He commented, placing it gently into the cart, “I’m getting it. I saw that it is a series, so we need to stop by Barnes and Nobel to get the rest of the series.” He mentally added that onto his list.
The peacefulness that was surrounding you both as you guys wondered around Walmart ended as soon as loud laughter sounded throughout the store and a gunshot. Namjoon instantly went into mafia mode, which is what you call it, and grabbed you and threw himself over you as he moved you both behind the shelf of towels and shielded you from any harm. His gun was pulled, and he was already texting the boys, who were also out and about on purge night, that there was a problem. You can’t trust anyone in general, but on Purge night, it’s a different ball game.
You could hear the group being rowdy, knocking everything over that was in their sight, making vulgar comments, and being disgusting in general. It sounded like they were getting closer, and that was making you nervous because of the fucking cart that was in the middle of the aisle.
“Joon, the cart.” You whispered, nervous as hell.
Namjoon muttered ‘fuck’ under his voice and was about to get up and grab the cart, when all the sudden WAP by Cardi B began blaring throughout the store.
Fucking Taehyung.
This obviously grabbed the groups attention because you heard them become alarmed, and slightly confused, on why WAP was blaring over the speakers. You heard someone yell, and then the sound of running on the other side of the aisle. You exhaled, relaxing when you heard the music turn off and Taehyung’s voice.
“I’m such a smart individual you guys.”
Park Jimin:
You and your boyfriend Jimin decided to stay in for the night. You both are not ones to partake in the new holiday because Jimin already deals with it daily. Whereas with you, you are not a fan of murder, despite being married to a mafia boss.
The house was on lock down, security cameras live on the second T.V. in the living room, the other T.V. playing your favorite show, the both of you cuddled up on the couch, and your favorite alcohol beverages next to both of you. It was peaceful, something that you both love when it comes to being with one another. It can be quiet, and no words spoken while you two are together and it isn’t boring or awkward, just peaceful.
That was until the camera for the backyard went black and Jimin got up quickly, and the look of anger and calculation was on his face. The peacefulness gone and the thought of murder was settling in the air.  Becoming nervous, you jumped up and stood right behind your boyfriend, hands holding to both of his arms, and you pushing yourself up against him, trying to become one with him.
“Baby, grab the gun that’s in the cushion that you were sitting on. You remember how to use it, right?” Your husband asked, checking to make sure you remember. It’s been a long time since you’ve had to use a gun because there was never a need too, until tonight.
“Yeah, I remember,” you answered while you grabbed it, hating the cold feeling to it.
“Good, stay next to me at all times, I’ll make sure nothing happens to you.” He replied, grabbing his gun from the side table, cocking it, and began to walk towards the kitchen where the bulletproof glass was that gave you both the ability to look outside. Peeking through it, your heart dropped at what you saw.
One of your security men hanging from the tree that was by your back porch. The churning of your stomach, heart pounding in your chest, and the want to wish you were dreaming was taking over your mind. And what was worse, the lights going out in the house. No power, no ability to see, and the fear of losing your husband became too much.
“Oh Jimin, I’m back. Let’s have some fun, shall we? There is only eleven hours left, and that gives us time to catch up. It’s been a long time, my friend.” A voice you never heard before sounded through the house, and it held everything but kindness.
Clutching Jimin’s arms, you felt tears brimming your eyes.
“Text the boys and tell them to hurry and tell them that Jacob isn’t dead. Tell them to come prepared,” he demanded quietly. “And if we don’t make it, just know we will meet again. I love you Y/N.” Jimin promised, bringing you in and holding you tightly.
Never in the ten years of knowing Jimin have you heard him sound scared before. But you did forget that there are still somethings you don’t know about him, and this is one of them.
Kim Taehyung:
There have always been snakes in every group, whether that being in gangs, friendships, relationships, or even in workplaces. There has been suspicion of a couple of snakes in the gang that your boyfriend runs, and you didn’t think that they would have the balls to do it on the night of the purge, of all days. You could do it on a Sunday, but they thought it would be best to do it on the night of a murder holiday.
You were sitting comfortably on the couch in your boyfriend’s office, watching Tik Tok and talking with your boyfriend as he does paperwork. Everything was peaceful until the moment that his six best friends ran into the office, closing the door and having pissed off looks on their faces.
“What the hell is going on?” Taehyung asked, standing up with a calculated look on his face.
“It’s Max and Jaiden. They’re the snitches and they’re gathering a few others to take us out tonight. Our security teams. The ones who are here now in this building.” Namjoon responds.
“Are you fucking serious? And are they stupid?” Taehyung questions, hands turning into fists as he thinks on what to do. It took a few moments for him to figure out on what he wants to do, before he looks up, “let’s go get rid of them all, but let’s save the two fuckers for last. We need to know what they all had done.”
The six men nod their heads before they left the room. Taehyung was the last to leave because he needed to gather a few things, along with kissing you goodbye. “Lock the door on my way out, you know it’s me when I do the three knocks.” He told you, helping you off the couch and led you to the door. As he walked out, you closed it and locked it, before making your way back to the couch to get comfortable.
Fifteen minutes later, the three knocks sounded. You realized it wasn’t a long process, but you brushed it off as you got to the door and opened it. Only to be greeted with Jaiden. Your heart fell to your stomach, and you quickly stood back.
“Hey, Y/N. Didn’t think I know the knock trick, huh?” He smirked, gun drawn and pointing at you.
“You know you have a death wish if you try something,” you pointed out, “you should really think about whatever you’re planning on doing.”
You didn’t even see him raise his hand until you felt it on your cheek. “Shut the fuck up. Do you not realize how fucking irritating it is to be bossed around and not be appreciated? For everything you do for this fucking gang, huh? You sacrifice your life daily for a guy who doesn’t even know how to fight. What kind of fucking leader is that, huh? And then see him take the girl you have loved for years and claim her as his own?” He questioned, stepping towards you.
You’re focusing on two things right now. The pain in your cheek and his reference towards you. He’s been in love with you? And he thinks that Taehyung has taken you from him? This guy is fucking delusional.
“Oh, so this is what it’s about? You could’ve done this tomorrow, or yesterday, or even last month. But, on purge night? That is hilarious.” You heard your boyfriend, relief flooding through your body. A groan of pain and the sound of electricity sounded through the air, and you know it was the taser that Jungkook bought for shits and giggles. Looking up, hand on your cheek from the hit, you said Jaiden on the ground, Taehyung standing above him. “You’re going to wish that you never once laid a hand on MY girl and for going behind my back to Ateez and giving them information.” Taehyung growled out, looking at you with a look that shook you to your bones.
Jeon Jungkook:
Occasionally, your boyfriends alter appears. Sometimes, it scares you because of how violent he can get, along with barely interacting with him. JK, for the first time in over a year, that you know of because that was the last time you had interacted with him for a few minutes, is out tonight.
You don’t know how to approach him, you don’t know how to do anything because of how you barely know him. You know that he is your boyfriend, and you do love him, but he scares you. You know that he wouldn’t do anything to you at all – he even told you that himself last year, but you know that you do not want to see him in action.
The gang had to leave the base because of Purgers who hate the gang, despite them never hurting an innocent citizen and only trying to protect them, raided the base and only a few got out. So now, you guys are now in the city, trying to get to across town on foot to the safety house that’s in the country. Everyone’s running, JK and his six brothers who are prepared for anything, and several other men who are a part of the gang are keeping the extra eye out for any danger.
You’re not an athletic person, running is not in your vocabulary, and so you are getting winded quickly. You thought you would be an athletic person when it comes to possibly dying, having all the adrenaline in you, but there isn’t any and so you’re slowly falling behind. Not being able to speak up because of having no breath in you since it’s long gone from the running you’ve done, you stop for a second and put your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath and stretch for a few seconds.
Of course, you’re that person that stopped and now you’re getting yanked from the back. Screaming, which catches everyone’s attention, you began to kick the person who has a hold of you.
“Y/N!” Your boyfriend screamed, running towards you, only stop when other people came out of their hiding places and having guns drawn and ready to shoot. The look on your boyfriend’s face sent fear down your spine because it’s a look of pure bloodlust, the want to kill and torture the man who has you. “Let her fucking go, now.” He demanded, voice thick and deep.
“And why’s that? You don’t want to share this piece of meat with anyone else? Listen, pal, I can do whatever I want tonight and that is her.” The guy cockily said, the feeling of his hand sneaking down you, causing you to squirm and move his hand away. “Good luck on trying to stop me, but I have more men than you. There’s no way you’re going to—” He stopped in his sentence from your elbow jabbing into his stomach and then your foot making contact his dick. You learn thing or two from dating your boyfriend. “You fucking bitch!”
A warzone happened, and you somehow dodged his fist as it flew at you, but you ran towards your boyfriend, jumping into his arms, only to meet the ground with your back and he threw himself on top of you to protect you from any danger. The guns stop firing, and you heard the guy who grabbed you groaning. Hoseok managed to shoot him in the leg, but everyone else in his group are now dead, along with a wounded Jimin and Seokjin, and a dead member who meant everything to everyone.
“Nice job, baby,” JK praised, standing you both up, only to pull you against him, both your chests pressed together and his hands gripping your waist. This caused a blush to ran come across your cheeks and your chest, the look in his eyes hooded, but you know it is still JK, and this got you even more excited and nervous.
“Well, Jungkook taught me a thing or two… and so, I just acted.” You stuttered, trying to keep eye contact, but it being difficult from how intense JK is staring at you.
“Well, I can teach you a thing or two later. But now baby, I have to do something that I don’t want you to watch, or if you want to, I can teach you a few other things. But I don’t want to scare you away. So, now be a good girl and look the other way, you won’t like what you’ll see.” He ordered, eyes now deadly and not the ones that made an appearance for a few moments that comforted you.
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clownprincehoeshi · 2 months
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Synopsis: Betrayal and manipulation were always a constant in your life. Leading your family’s legacy as a mafia boss is not an easy task and most of the times can lead to losing the ones you love most. You’ve always kept away from love, but even in this dark and unforgiving world it finds you. But it also breaks you.
Pairing: mafia boss Mingyu x mafia boss reader
doctor Seungcheol x mafia boss reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, mafia au, angst, fluff, smut
Warnings: mafia scenarios, death, gun mentions, blood, cheating, sex scenes, nudity… will post others along the way if needed
Don’t forget to support the writers by rebloging their work! Thank you!
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Lee Rua
• Mafia boss for the Lee clan
• Known for being stunning and deadly, with a sharp mind
• Her father died a few years back, getting killed by a mysterious assassin
• She was chosen as the leader of the clan, even though Jin is her older brother and a man
• She stays away from the public and the spotlights
• Her biggest enemy is Kim Mingyu. There were rumours that he was involved in her father’s death
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• Rua’s older brother
• The public doesn’t know they are related, since Jin changed his family name to Kim and lived in the States for half of his life, away from family affairs
• He just wants a normal life, working at a hospital as a doctor
• He is married and has two kids
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• The right hand on Rua and her best friend
• He met Rua when they were in 5th grade where he saved her from a gang of bullies and are besties since
• Would do anything for Rua, has been in love with her for years
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• Best assassin in Korea
• His dad used to be best friend with Rua’s dad, who was always there for the Xu family
• He’s the best when it comes to weapons, fighting, planning and finding information
• He always wears a mask when he’s out of the house and nobody except Rua and her men know how he looks like
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• He’s working at Jin’s hospital as a doctor
• Starts a romance with Rua after he saves her
• He keeps his life a mystery
• Hao doesn’t like him one bit
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Kim Mingyu
• Mafia boss of the Kim clan
• Him and Rua used to be friends when they were kids, their clans were united when their parents were alive
• He hates Rua now, since the rumours that the Lee clan was involved in his parent’s death
• He’s known for his good looks and for being the most wanted bachelor
• He loves the spotlight, loves to see his face in articles
• He’s bribing a lot of people in power to be on his side
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• One of the best men of Mingyu’s
• He’s pretty quiet and reserved
• Incredibly intelligent and competitive
• He’s called The Man in the Shadows, because that’s his MO. Waits in the shadows and strikes like lightning
• Used to train with Minghao but they lost touch when they started working for the mafia
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• One of the best men of Mingyu’s
• Him and Jeonghan are called the Deadly Twins and are best friends
• He’s an extroverted guy, always attending events and parties
• Involved with Yoongi’s sister, Jenny
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• Friend of Mingyu, politician. A corrupted one
• He’s a pain in the ass for the other clans
• Smart but arrogant, always making inappropriate jokes with Rua
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Min Yoongi
• Mafia boss of the Min clan
• He has a soft cat like face, but a heart of ice
• Would do anything to get his way
• He’s been trying to plant a mole inside Lee clan for years, but it never worked
• Always trying to stir shit up and create chaos
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• Yoongi’s little brother
• Pretty chaotic and immature
• Gets his brother into trouble all the time
• Party animal, always seen with a new girl on his arm every other day
• Him and Taehyung are besties
• Sometimes he does the dirty work for the clan
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• Yoongi’s little sister
• Spoiled little princess
• She is crazy about Joshua and she’s certain Tae is trying to steal him from her
• She hates Rua with a passion
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• Yoongi’s right hand
• One word that would describe him: crazy
• He is a cold, calculated asshole
• He likes to attend events and be the center of attention
• He got his eyes on Joshua, finding him kinda cute
• Always gets into arguments with Jenny about Joshua
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giraffenamjoon · 3 months
ALL MINE (namjoon x original female character)
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genre: mafia! AU
synopsis: kim namjoon gets everything he wants, so when he sets his eyes on ahn miri, he knows he has to have her, and her family's company. but what starts out as a simple business deal becomes infinitely more complicated as he finds himself falling for a woman who doesn't love him. how far will he go to protect her from his enemies? how far will she go to protect her new life and the husband she never thought she wanted? and who and what will they lose in the process?
aka bangtan murder family AU
rating: mature (potential to be explicit in future chapters)
pairings: namjoon x ofc, jungkook x jimin
tags: angst, thriller, violence, slow burn, arranged marriage, (eventual) happy murder family, mafia leader namjoon, lawyer yoongi, doctor seokjin, bodyguard jungkook, bodyguard hoseok, intel agent taehyung, sniper jimin
link: read on AO3!
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riaarivic · 2 years
HATE 4: Fire Meets Gasoline(M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, drug use, yoongi is a tease and I'm putting it as a warning.
🌙 Chapter wordcount 5.3k (yikes)
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
🌙 HATE 4: Fire meets Gasoline 🌙
"There's two of us, we're certain with desire. The pleasure's pain and fire. Burn me"
“Traitors do not deserve the mercy of a quick death” the voice of the Clan’s Head resounded in the meeting room of The Seven Moons “That is the most important code you should know. Dear Nari”
“You break a promise, you lose a finger” J-Hope continued with a smile looking at you, amused as if he had just made a joke.
“The word of the Leader is the law. If he says jump, you jump. If he says you have to rob a bank you go and rob a bank. If he says that you die, then... you die.” Taehyung followed the thread with a bored expression you realized he only wore when you were in the room. All his looks said what he was thinking. He should be out on the streets doing his job by now, not tutoring some stuck up girl.
“Don't sleep with your brothers' wives... unless they invite you.” Jimin giving you a flirty wonk and earning a disapproving grunt from his brothers, except one...
Suga was amused at how uncomfortable you looked. 
“Anyway” The Clan’s Head spoke again commanding attention “Dear Nari, you will learn more about our codes as time goes by. However, it is important that you begin to know our clan from the inside. So today, you will start with the most basic. I heard you're not afraid of blood or weapons, is that right?”
Before answering the Head, you looked at Namjoon narrowing your eyes for a second.
Snitches get stitches Kim Namjoon
“Eh... it's true, I'm not afraid of blood or weapons”  you answered uneasy feeling all the attention in the room fall on you. 
A few sets of eyes loved to see you biting your lips 
“Marvelous! So this morning you will spend time in the training dojo with Jungkook. It is important that you know how to defend yourself well and I hope that the rest will be there today to accompany you. A bit of exercise will do good for some of you”
You noticed something about Kim DoHan, The Clan’s Head. He always called them by their real name. All But one, the same exact man who INTERPOL couldn’t find any note or trace of his existence. 
Maybe that was the reason they also called him the shadow. You thought
“Father! I can't waste any more time today, Namjoon and I have an investor meeting. Also... “ Jin started a sentence but his father raised his hand and he went instantly quiet. 
“Do I have to repeat myself? I hope not, Seokjin. As the eldest I expect more from you, it is you who sets the example for your brothers and I remind you, you are a member of this clan before anything else. I didn't think it was necessary to remind you at your age, but we can always resort to the usual punishments for contradicting your Leader” Jin swallowed his own words.
“No, father. Forgive me” he replied. The Clan Leader knowing his word was final, rose from his seat to leave and his shadow followed right behind.
Apparently the word all did not include Suga.
Training dojo, Mansion of the Seven Moons, outskirts of Seoul, South Korea.
“Good! I think after stretching we'll all be ready to go. Princess Nari, do you think you can train in those Louboutins? You look beautiful in them, but I don't think they will be very practical” you were no longer surprised by the attitude of the clan’s henchman, Jhope was undoubtedly the personification of the sun's rays.
So much joy overwhelmed you.
“Eh... I didn't bring sportswear in my luggage, I haven't had a chance to buy either” you shrugged your shoulders, looking at your outfit. To be honest, kicking ass in heels and a miniskirt wasn't one of your favorite things.
But you’ve certainly done it before.
The only thing was that you really  didn't want to show them your underwear while doing it.
It also had happened before
“There is a solution for everything, princess. Everything except death. I think Jimin could lend you some clothes. I'm sure they're the same size” Jhope looked at his younger brother next to him
“Hey! Who the hell are you saying is the same size as her?” Jimin stood up in front of his brother puffing his chest.
“You're right Jimin-hyung, Miss Nari is a little taller than you” now all the other brothers joined in laughing at Jungkook’s joke.
Jimin turned to push the youngest of his brothers and they both began to punch each other playfully.
Are these the most feared criminals in Asia? They look like a group of teenagers. You couldn’t help but think
“You can use my clothes... little flower” said a voice from the entrance of the dojo. You didn't have to see his face to know who he was “After all, it would look perfect on you too” The rest of the room stopped laughing to look at the newcomer. Jimin and Jungkook stood up off the floor, with the blonde grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.
What is he doing here?
“t's fixed then! Princess Nari, go change. Suga will give you some of his clothes” after a few seconds of awkward silence, Jhope exclaimed, patting his hands happily. Truly, this man's optimism was endless.
“I don't think it's correct…”
“No, no. Namjoon, the princess doesn't have training clothes. Suga-hyung can lend it to her for now. Later you can take her shopping. Not another word, it has been said, case closed” Jhope pushed you towards the changing rooms so you could change her clothes.
When you were done changing, the seven Moons were already in pairs doing combat exercises.
The atmosphere between the brothers had become more serious and you could see each one of them fighting with a very particular style.
Jimin looked like he was dancing instead of fighting, his every move was graceful. You could see how his expressions changed from a scowl to an arrogant smile every time he managed to land a punch on Taehyun and the taller one dodged with difficulty.
Although Jimin was faster, Taehyun was stronger. If the shorter one hit him, he would take a few steps back. It was a very even fight, you could tell that each one knew the other's movements perfectly.
Almost to the point where they could predict the next one.
Jin was facing Jungkook, the older against the younger.
JK was pure physical strength. He fought to win and he always, always did. Dry, accurate and aggressive blows. He reminded you a lot of Emmet, your field partner who had been left behind at Interpol headquarters. They both fought like tigers, straight for the prey.
But the eldest of The Seven Moons was not really a fan of physical. Jin liked to fight dirty, he knew how to play very well with his opponents' minds and he always used that to his advantage.
“What's wrong kookie? You are slowing down. Are you nervous to be in front of a pretty girl today, boy? You are a little softie today” Jin was smiling but you could see through his expression. It was all a front to make JK put down his guard 
"I know Kookie, she’s a beauty, right? Who knows maybe you’ll end up engaged to her." the boys roared at the oldest last comment. 
And you could almost swear Jin winked at you before he punched his brother again. Only to receive a full blow to the face right after
JK’s movements were quick. But you didn't miss the slight blush that spread on the boy's cheeks.
The two kept fighting and you could hear a groan of pain as JK landed another punch to Jin's jaw.
But without a doubt, the best fight award was for the one between Suga and Namjoon. The difference in sizes might make you think that the scale would lean towards the tallest one, but they were much more even than everyone else.
Namjoon was a mountain of muscle, strong and hunky that you could see perfectly now that he had removed his designer jacket and rolled up his shirtsleeves. Beneath all the expensive fabric lay his tattooed arms with hardly any room for more ink.
The Second in command fought with the techniques of the expensive martial arts academies in Seoul, which he had attended, he looked like a professional athlete. Every blow he managed to land, left Suga a little unfocused.
That, if he could do it.
The black-haired man might be smaller in size. But he was much faster and more aggressive. Suga fought to kill. There were no middle terms or truce.
He fought like someone who had grown up fighting to survive, he fought like the fighters on the streets.
It was a showdown worth seeing and you could tell from miles away that between the right hand and the shadow there was something much more than a sibling rivalry... 
There was resentment.
You could even say
And there was no denying, they were brutal.
Not bad for a bunch of useless gangsters. 
“Ok princess, you will fight me first. I'm going to teach you some tricks. Let's see, hit me as hard as you can” Jhope caught your attention as he took you to the side of the dojo away from the other fights.
Oh, pretty boy. You really don't want me to hit you
“Come on, don't be afraid. You're not going to hurt me”  The young gangster told you, giving you a kind smile. You sighed and raised your right arm, ready to hit him. The man quickly deflected you by grabbing your elbow and knocking you off balance with his knee.
With a strong blow your back made contact with the floor, everyone else in the room stopped what they were doing to see you.
Some laughed a little, others looked at you with pity. It was obvious to them that Jhope would dominate you in combat. Yes, JK was the clan’s combat trainer and a great fighter. But when it really came to hand in hand combat. The brunette could take them all… at once.
Jhope might be the friendliest of all the brothers, but all of that disappeared the moment he started fighting. He was fast, strong and definitely the most complete fighter of them all.
You remembered at that moment reading on his file that he grew up on the streets of Gwangju. Fighting on the illegal rings, sometimes for money, sometimes for drugs but most of the times for fun. 
He was a legend.
But you were annoyed by his mocking look, as if it amused him to see you in such a helpless way.
Watch and learn, you dick.
“Let’s do it from the top. It’s all right” JHope extended his hand and you saw it as the perfect opportunity.
You took his wrist with your hands and locked his arm with your legs. He fell instantly to the floor. In his state of shock, you took the opportunity to throw out the knife that he had hidden in one of his pants pockets.
JHope tried to get on top of you. But the moment he did, he realized that you were holding his gun to the side of his forehead and his other knife pressed against his neck.
With another quick movement you released the magazine from JHope's gun. Wriggling out of his grasp and grabbing the other arm from his ankle before he did.
This time, you aimed at the middle of his eyebrows. He couldn't do much to defend himself in that position. 
But he was sure you wouldn't shoot him.
You had pinned him completely unable to move. Everything happened so fast any of them could see you coming. Jhope smiled at you and put his hands up. He had lowered his guard and you had taken him by surprise, that made things much more interesting.
“Shit “ You weren’t sure if the voice was Taehyun's  “If She can take Hobi.... “
Fuck I should not have done that...
“She can take all of us... “ Jimin finished his brother's sentence
The eyes of all the moons rested on you “Damn little flower, who would have guessed you were a fighter” Suga spoke, looking into your eyes
“Now Fight me”
I definitely shouldn't have done that...
Going upstairs to give Suga his clothes back sounded like an amazing idea 10 minutes ago…
Before you got lost walking across the dark halls of the Seven Moons Mansion.
All this fucking ganster money and you couldn’t put a couple more lightbulbs?
You kept walking trying not to remember the embarrassment of having to ask Jimin where Suga's bedroom was.
“Pretty noona, Do you Like my brother?” He said with an amused smile when you said you wanted to personally give his clothes back to him “Well don’t tell Namjoon that I told you. It is on the second floor, take those stairs and walk to the end of the hall. His door is always open… unless he is busy”
Now you were infront of his door and Jimin was right it was open.
There was almost nothing on that room. It felt like it belonged to nobody, maybe he didn't spend time there.
Too busy commiting crimes.
He was sitting on an armchair looking through the window. It reminded you of yesterday when you saw him for the first time in the kitchen.
When nobody was looking The Shadow had an expression that couldn't be something else but sadness.
But why? you thought
After a few seconds you knocked on his door “Hey, sorry I came to give back your clothes. I'm going to leave them here, on this table is it ok?”
He turned to see you and gave you a smug smile while he stood up from where he was sitting. He walked slowly across the room to be right in front of you.
"Oh, Little flower" he said in a low voice, he didn't expect to see you but damn the devil, how he wanted to "haven't they told you that it's not appropriate for a lady like you to come knocking on a man's door this late at night"
He had that shit eating grin on his face again.
And at that point you weren't really sure if you wanted to punch him right in the face...
Or kiss him.
”I came to give back your clothes” you said, looking into his eyes “And I did. So I'm leaving, clearly you're busy”
”Oh, I might not be as refined as the rest of my brothers. But I am a gentleman. For you, I have all the time in the world, flower. You still don’t smoke?”
”No, I don't. I told you” He was looking at you with the feline expression of a cat that is playing with its prey ”You did, but I would be using it as an excuse to have a minute of your company “ You were surprised by his words. Why was he so insistent on spending time with you?
Being inches away from that man sent all your nerves to short circuit.
But you were too proud to let it show.
And most importantly…
you were on a mission.
But maybe, this could be a great opportunity to get some information out of him.
Definitely not an excuse to be alone with him
“And spending time with you in your room at this time of night is okay? I mean… for a lady like me” You raised an eyebrow and he laughed.
He raised his hand and gently put his thumb under your chin “Oh flower. I don’t kiss and tell. Do you?”
“I don’t” you answered
Then he got closer to the shell of your ear to whisper in a husky voice “Then tell me why a pretty girl like you is carrying a gun like this” You were so distracted by his touch that you didn’t realize he took your gun from its holster on your thigh. His black eyes that looked so inviting a few seconds ago now looked like the dark waters of the Han river that run below the house.
And you were sure, he was about to drown you in them.
So you had to make a decision...
Kiss him
And all of them sounded completely right at this point.
HanYong Bath House, Itaewon, Seoul South Korea
Standing in front of a pool of red-painted water was the second in command of The Seven Moons.
The bloody corpses of 10 men floated in it
They were from an ally clan.
None of them saw it coming...
Kim DoHan had been their partner for decades and they had watched Namjoon grow up. They always saw him as the next Leader, the successor to his father.
That's why when the young gangster took off his designer clothes to get into the pool, no one really payed attention to what was on his back
The moment those 10 men saw the tattoo...
It was too late.
The ink on the broad back of the Second in command was a death sentence for them.
A death sentence for his clan.
Even for himself.
The young man had an empty expression, as if there was no soul inside his body.
Inside that Bath house in Itaewon 
There were the bloody corpses of 10 men inside of a pool 
And a young gangster 
With his hands stained with blood 
And a tattoo of a dragon with a jade sphere in its mouth.
The symbol of the Chinese triads.
His father's enemy clan.
The same one that he had annihilated during the gang war, 20 years ago.
Or so everyone thought.
They have returned to take revenge.
From the hand of his own son.
You and Kim Namjoon had something in common.
You were both traitors...
And traitors do not deserve the mercy of a quick death.
It's me again!! Hi hello!!
I'm really sorry I haven't been posting as much.
Life has been... intense lately and I had to take a time of to really recover from everything.
Also, I really want to thank all the people who had liked and reblogged all the chapters. I really really appreciate it.
Ps. if you want to be on the next chapter's tag list: comment below or send me an ask!!
Tag list: @allamericanuniverse (btw, thank you)
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babecoups · 2 years
the “𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔦𝔫” collab
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Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
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Welcome to the Born to Sin Collab. All of these stories have restricted ratings for audiences above the age of 18. For some stories you must be at least 21 to read. Readers who are not of age are prohibited from reading or interacting. There is no taglist for this masterlist. Check with the author of the story you wish to be tagged in to see if they have a taglist. Heed each story’s warnings and please read responsibly. We hope you enjoy…
Playlist - coming soon
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⍆ title: ersatz by @mimikookie​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: best friend!hongjoong x detective!(f)reader
⍆ genre: action | angst | best friends to lovers | fluff | mafia au | mystery | smut
⍆ summary: Despite Hongjoong’s disapproval, determination drove you to set your sights on apprehending the notorious mafia leader, Choi San. Though just when you thought you had everything to expose San for who he really was, you realize you may have been led astray all along.
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⍆ title: panacea by @temptaetions​​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: fugitive/ex-gang member!choi san x undercover cop!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: A jack of all trades but a master of none, San was good at many things. When a robbery gone wrong ends in him running from the law, he doesn’t realize that your appearance in his life is nothing short of an undercover operation.
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⍆ title: trust me by @sweetestofchaos​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!mark x demon heiress!reader x gang member!mingi
⍆ genre: fluff | gang au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary:  Going to South Korea in your father's place was no mistake. He wanted more power and he sent his strongest player to win the game. Why he thought you would play by the rules is beyond you, for you wanted to step out of his shadow. You know what they say, right? Out with the old and in with the new!
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Wooyoung - coming soon
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⍆ title: cecidit magnolia by @sugakookitty​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: cult leader!taehyung x undercover agent!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | dystopian au | smut | steampunk au | supernatural elements
⍆ summary: Your first big case with the FBI leads to you posing undercover to grab information on the infamous sadistic cult leader, Kim Taehyung. This group may keep to themselves, but beneath the surface is a large, organized crime operation involving some of the most powerful politicians. Will you be able to gather enough information for the case? Or will you simply become too close for comfort? 
Your life depends on the answer.
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⍆ title: escapism by @minjoonalist​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: dealer!yoongi x reader
⍆ genre: crime au | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: If there’s one thing he’s ever wanted, it was an escape. From the guilt, the greed…the constant pain. You were looking for that too, just as covered in the blood of your past mistakes and distracted from the reality of your cruel addiction. Why would you ever believe he would leave you alone?
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⍆ title: ride or die by @bangtanintotheroom​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!jungkook x citizen-turned-criminal!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | non idol au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: To think that the only person who would look out for you was a man who could pull a gun on anyone without hesitation. Forget what he did for a living, you owed him your life; the two of you only needed each other in this fucked up world. 
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⍆ title: taste of sin by @daimyosjeon​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!namjoon x drug lord's daughter!reader 
⍆ genre: angst | arranged marriage | mafia au | smut
⍆ summary: I know there's something more behind the façade that he shows to the world. There has to be. It was hard but not impossible for me to understand that he wants me just like I want him.
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⍆ title: the destruction's illusion by @namjinsmoonchile​ (21+) 
⍆ pairing: gang leader!seokjin x killer witch!oc x gang member!jimin
⍆ genre: crime au | fluff | horror | romance | smut | supernatural elements | thriller
⍆ summary: Seokjin has it all: power, money, and a woman no one but he could have. But blood debts have to be paid or someone will find that illusions are destructive. 
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⍆ title: the untouchables by @hobeemin​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: hitman!jung hoseok x heiress!poc (f) reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | mystery | smut | strangers to lovers |  thriller
⍆ summary: You met under the most unconventional circumstances. True to your work, you never turned anyone away in need, yet you found yourself drawn to this enigma of a man. The time comes when he must make a choice... the revelations could mean life or death.
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⍆ title: descendants by @babecoups​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: mafia boss’s son!jinyoung x maid!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | enemies to lovers | mafia au | smut | supernatural 
⍆ summary: You grandparents worked for the Parks, your parents work for the Parks… You will not work for the Parks, and there’s only one way out. 
Park Jinyoung.
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⍆ title: fast and the furious by @sun-kore​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!yugyeom x reader
⍆ genre: angst | fluff | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: You went to the bar looking for a one night stand, but instead you are dragged in the middle of the gang war with the one they call the "errand boy" aka Yugyeom. Seeing more than you should have, you stick to his side while you weave yourself out of this world of trouble.
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⍆ title: on the rocks by @wordycerty​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang leader!jackson x reader
⍆ genre: angst | fluff | forbidden love | gang au | smut 
⍆ summary: A mob boss falls for the cute barista, ultimately forgetting his position and the danger he attracts. When his enemies start to topple his empire, he's forced to choose between fighting to keep what he's built or starting anew with the love he's found.
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⍆ title: ride by @toikiii​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: jaebeom x f!reader
⍆ genre: angst | mafia au | slow burn | smut
⍆ summary: The one life lesson your parents taught you was to not owe anyone anything. fitting, since they soon left you all alone after that. You try your best to stay on the straight and narrow, but when a mafia boss keeps happening upon you and saving your ass in the most unlikely of circumstances, you can't help but offer him the only thing you have. your heart.
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⍆ title: trust me by @sweetestofchaos​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!mark x demon heiress!reader x gang member!mingi
⍆ genre: fluff | gang au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: Going to South Korea in your father's place was no mistake. He wanted more power and he sent his strongest player to win the game. Why he thought you would play by the rules is beyond you, for you wanted to step out of his shadow. You know what they say, right? Out with the old and in with the new!
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Youngjae - coming soon...
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⍆ title: blood money by @iibonniee​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!minhyuk x waitress!reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | romance | slow burn | smut
⍆ summary: Nobody can ever really run from their past no matter how hard they try. Y/N knew of this truth well. Minhyuk knew that once he found her again he was going to make sure she remembered where she belonged.
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⍆ title: city lights by @iibonniee​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!kihyun x spy!reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime | fluff | romance | smut | suspense
⍆ summary: Kihyun believes his wife is the rival mafia leader and is ready to end her when the true enemy shows up to kill them both. Can they get out alive and will their marriage survive the mess they've made?
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⍆ title: criminal love by @wordycerty​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!hyungwon x cop!reader
⍆ genre: angst | forbidden love | gang au | smut | thriller
⍆ summary: A trigger-happy detective struggles to bring down the mysterious newcomer shaking up the criminal world while fending off the advances of a persistent gang “underling.”
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⍆ title: the spider’s web by @hobeemin​​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: underground fighter!im changkyun x hbic/crime boss!poc (f) reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | enemies to lovers | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: That sickly sweet smile. Only she had any affect on him. With the curl of a finger he'd bow down to her and her alone. Is he ready for the trap she's laid?
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⍆ title: acrimony by @kqweenn​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: kkangpae!taeyong x escort!reader x yakuza!yuta
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | smut | street gang au 
⍆ summary: Both leaders used to be the closest of allies but recent affairs of their respective gangs have been straining their relationship lately. Desperate to quell the brewing feud between them, their right hand-men recommended solving this with the only thing they want in common - you.
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⍆ title: rivals in crime by @flurrys-creativity​​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!jaehyun x criminal (f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | enemies to lovers | smut
⍆ summary: Everything went well and in order in your district until you caught some unknown drug dealers lurking around the corners of your casinos. You didn’t even have to ask them for their boss, knowing only one man would be this brazen. He always tried overpowering you. Maybe it was time to send Jaehyun a declaration of war.
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⍆ title: relapse by @jiminschanelearring​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: trap queen!chaeyoung x banker!reader 
⍆ genre: angst | childhood enemies to lovers | fluff | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: Chaeyoung and Y/n have history of being competitive. It dates back since elementary school, but what happens when Chaeyoung suddenly dropout and leaves without a trace. A few years later while Y/n is at work she notice Chaeyoung. However Chaeyoung isn’t the glasses wearing, stumbling, annoying teenager anymore. Now she’s a notorious gang leader that specializes in money laundering and Y/n just so happens to be a banker.
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Do not copy, translate, steal, or claim as your own. 
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lavishflora · 2 months
꧁𓊈𒆜 𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔏𝔦𝔰𝔱 𒆜𓊉꧂
ミ★ 𝘔𝘺 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 ★彡
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꧁•⊹٭ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓼 ٭⊹•꧂
[M̲̅][y̲̅] [C̲̅][h̲̅][a̲̅][r̲̅][a̲̅][c̲̅][t̲̅][e̲̅][r̲̅][.̲̅][A̲̅][I̲̅]
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Recently, your boyfriend been asking you about makeup and- girl's clothes. You have hope thinking it's a present for you.
When you go to his house, you see a large box with your name on it.You begin opening it and see that it's everything you talked about."Thank you so much". You say as you hug your boyfriend.
He looks confused, "Huh? I didn't get you anything though."
Suddenly his older brother,seojoon walks into the room.
"You deserve someone who won't use you," he says, glaring at him.
Link here!
You're in an arranged marriage with a mafia leader. It's the wedding night.You two were already in bed.Nothing was separating you two, there was only a tiny gap.
Yuta was already asleep but your mind kept you up.Suddenly, you heard tiny footsteps approaching the bed.You lift your head up and it has Yuta dog.
he climbs up to the bed and started nudging you Backwards ,he kept nudging you until your back hit Yuta.
You looked back and your eyes met with Yuta.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
Link here!
When You Were Praying to god, To Get Rid Of The Evil Spirit In your House, Which Was Haunting you Every night..
"Please God Please, Please Free My Soul, From That Evil Sprit,I Beg You". You repeatedly said.
Without Knowing That "It" Was Watching you Pray, Leaning Against you Bedroom Door With A Evil Smirk.. As He Whispered In your Ears..
"Amen". He said, sending chills to your body.
Link here!
You and Sunwon had an arrangement.
One that benefitted both of you.No feelings, no affection.Just pure physical attraction and need for release.
The arrangement included a few rules, which weren't broken..yet.
Tonight you went out on a date with one of your colleagues.sunwon was furious. He didn't like to share, especially when it came to you.He tracked you down and dragged you out of the bar.
"What the hell are you doing?" You yell.
"Why were you with him?" He demanded for an answer.
Link here!
Taehyung's eyes are cold and calculating as he prowls the dimly lit room, his footsteps barely making a sound. He moves with a predatory grace, his lean frame coiled with restless energy.
A small, manic smile plays at the corners of his lips, hinting at the twisted thoughts lurking beneath the surface. As he approaches a hapless victim, his voice is low and menacing.
"There's nowhere to hide," he whispers, his tone laced with a chilling delight.
As you cowered in your hiding spot.
Link here!
You had been called into his office unexpectedly, and your mind was racing with possibilities.
"Have a seat," he said, gesturing to the chair across from him.
You sat down. He leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable as he studied you. "I have a proposition for you," he said, his voice smooth and measured.
"A proposition?" You asked, your voice trembling slightly.
"I think you would be perfect for it." He leaned forward, his eyes studying you intently.
Link here!
ミ★ 𝘔𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 .𝘢𝘪 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘦 ★彡
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⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ʟᴀᴠɪꜱʜꜰʟᴏʀᴀ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷
ミ★ 𝘔𝘺 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘴 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘦 ★彡
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⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ Lavishflora ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷
───※ ·❆· 𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓴𝓳𝓲𝓷 ·❆· ※───
Kim Seokjin (Myths Character)
───※ ·❆· 𝓜𝓲𝓷 𝓨𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓲 ·❆· ※───
Min Yoongi (CEO)
───※ ·❆· 𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓸𝓴 ·❆· ※───
Jung Hoseok (Robot)
───※ ·❆· 𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷 ·❆· ※───
Kim Namjoon (Mafia)
───※ ·❆· 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓙𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓷 ·❆· ※───
Park Jimin (Merman)
───※ ·❆· 𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓣𝓪𝓮𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓰 ·❆· ※───
Kim Taehyung (Psycho)
───※ ·❆· 𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷 𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴 ·❆· ※───
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I might as well write 18+ contents on this page, and this is a fair warning to minors to please do not interact with the writings. Please be mindful of your media consumption as I won't be responsible for that. Most of my stories are based on yandere content so, read it on your own. A few of my stories/Characters I have here are inspired by social media and other flatforms, other than that I am making my own content from my own ideas so, if you find them familiar, don't take it in a bad way and be mindful of your words and don't leave hateful comments I will not tolerate it, so please leave quietly if you don't like my content. Other than that, please enjoy my stories and like, share and follow for more content! Love you lavishlilies!
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bangtanstanst · 2 years
Once a Killer | 14 (epilogue)
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prologue • part one • part two • part three • part four • part five • part six • part seven • part eight • part nine • part ten • part eleven • part twelve • part thirteen • part fourteen
When you left your hometown, you left behind everything you knew and you never looked back. Now, years later, you’re living life on your own terms. But when your past comes back to haunt you, you find yourself at a crossroads once more. There’s just one thing you know for sure – you will not run away anymore. No matter how hard it gets.
≽ pairing: taehyung x reader ≽ genre: mafia/cop au, fluff, hints of (past) angst ≽ warnings: mentions of a (healed) bullet wound & a past fire ≽ word count: 3.7k
a/n: hello and welcome to the last part of oak ahhhhh!!!!!!! I can't believe this is actually the last part, just in time for new year's ;) I hope you enjoy😊 Also, happy taehyung day y'all!!!💕💕
›› tag list: @fjerdae @qualityjoonie @annoyinglyhopefulcarrot @afangirllikeme-blog @jazzytfw @flamingorosette-blog @majestikblue @sugashearteu @imagining-constantly @1-800-hoya @ajokeformur-ray @youremeimyou-main @busansgloss​ @hell-is-here-and-now ‹‹
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“Yes, thank you, Junwoo. I’m standing in front of the courthouse, where the leader of the notorious ‘Devil’s Scouts’ has just been found guilty on several counts including drug trafficking, racketeering, and homicide, and will now have to await his sentencing hearing scheduled next week. I have police sergeant Kim Namjoon here next to me to elaborate on what could be awaiting Park next Friday – sergeant Kim, how big is the chance he’ll get any less than life without parole?”
“Of course, we’re hoping –”
Taehyung pointedly switches off the radio, glancing at you from the driver’s seat before looking back at the road. “He’ll be off the streets for the rest of his life,” he decides, nodding to emphasise his words.
You let out a sigh, straightening out your simple grey dress. Your eyes are drooping as you look out the window, and you’re slumping in your seat. Despite over a year of recovery and physical therapy, you can still feel a dull ache in your right shoulder, which doesn’t exactly help in lifting your spirits. “I know.”
You heave a sigh, watching as the courthouse grows smaller and smaller in the side mirror. When Taehyung turns a corner, it finally disappears from sight, and you bite on your tongue as your eyes flutter closed and you lean back. Your heart still feels as heavy as it did when you entered the courtroom this morning.
Taehyung takes a breath, seeming to want to speak up, but then lets the breath back out. You know him well enough to know what he was going to say, though – the same thing he’d been repeating up until this morning, the start of the last day of Jimin’s trial. Are you sure we should’ve come?
You still don’t know the exact answer to that question.
“It’s just weird,” you say, shaking your head in a halfhearted attempt to rid yourself of any doubts. Closure. You’re getting closure out of this– trying to, at least. You turn to look at him, sending him a smile for good measure. “It feels so final when I know there’ll be appeals and hearings and more appeals, and…”
He puts a hand on yours, intertwining your fingers as he keeps his eyes fixed on the road. “We’ll worry about that when the time comes,” he says, glancing at you. “Hell, I’m no lawyer, but even I could tell their defence was absolute bullshit. You never know, maybe they’re scared he’ll get a worse sentence if they do appeal.”
You breathe out a laugh, staring down at your hands. “I guess so.”
“No– no guessing. I know it,” he returns, sending you a gentle smile. You return the sentiment and he nods, satisfied for now. “Now, let’s just get to the shelter and eat before I start on that sauce packet that’s been in the glove department for, like, a year.”
With a laugh, you glance out the windshield, watching the colourful collection of townhouses, restaurants, apartment buildings, and storefronts you pass. The streets are bustling with people; some are dressed up for dinner, some are walking their dogs in sweatpants and hoodies, and others are still in their work uniforms. “Should I text the others to go ahead and order more?” you ask, letting go of his hand to lean down and dig around for your phone in the purse at your feet.
“Nah, I’m pretty sure Hoseok and Minji got just about every item on the menu.”
A chuckle escapes your lips and you nod, though you keep your phone in your hand, playing with it for a while as silence takes over the car. In the corner of your eye, you spot the shelter up ahead. It has been rebuilt completely, bigger and better than before; the building stands proudly in the exact place of its predecessor, stark against the sky now coloured in pinks and purples. The mere sight makes you smile, your chest filling with joy for a fleeting moment– before it dissipates again with a mere sigh, and you focus on your phone.
You aimlessly swipe around while Taehyung focuses on driving; you open different apps before closing them again after only a second, the soft hum of the engine filling your ears. You don’t bother to check your notifications – you don’t think you can muster up the energy to reply to anyone right now.
“Jungkook said you tried to call Yoongi again.”
You let out a sharp sigh and your eyes flutter closed for a moment. Your chest aches. “Yeah,” you reply softly, your finger idly swiping across the screen. You clear your throat. “He still isn’t accepting my calls, though, so I guess it’s fine.”
Taehyung falls silent for a moment. He takes a breath, lets it out, glances at you before looking back at the road. “Look, I really do admire the fact that you keep trying to reach out, but…”
“I know.” You lift your eyes to look at him, and you take his hand to give it a soft squeeze. “But it’s Yoongi. I can’t stop trying, especially when his trial hasn’t even started and there’s still a chance that…” you trail off, shaking your head and scoffing at yourself. “Well, you know.”
He bites on his bottom lip, nodding slowly as he pulls into the shelter’s parking lot, smoothly turning into an empty spot. You can tell he has a lot to say; you know he does. You’ve talked about it too many times to count at this point – with him, with Jungkook, with Seokjin, with Namjoon… They’ve told you again and again that it’s been years, that a lot has happened– that you are not the same, and neither is he. And they’re right.
Which is probably why he skips that part. “It’ll never be over if you never stop, you know.”
His hand slips out of yours. You follow it with your eyes as he takes hold of the keys and switches off the engine, the car falling completely silent once its hum fades.
“It doesn’t have to be over,” you answer finally. Taehyung frowns but remains silent, subtly tilting his head. “I can just roll with whatever happens and hope it doesn’t bite me in the ass at some point.”
An amused smile pulls at Taehyung’s lips and he nods slowly, undoing his seatbelt. “And even if it does, you can just bite right back.”
You grin when he holds up his hand for a high five. “Exactly,” you say as you slap his hand. With a start, you wince and pull back, hissing. Your other hand shoots up to where the bullet went clean through your shoulder. Taehyung’s face falls immediately, eyes widening, and he leans forward – but you just grin and laugh, your hand dropping back into your lap. “Psych!”
“You’re the worst,” he says, though it’s through a laugh. He slips out of the car before you can reply and you simply chuckle, undoing your own seatbelt and following him outside. You meet him on the way to the entrance, slipping your hand into his. “You’re lucky you’re so beautiful,” he adds in a murmur, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
You smile at his comment, softly elbowing his side as you walk up to the shelter’s entrance. The lights at the front of the building are off and a ‘closed’ sign hangs against the glass doors. A kitten peeks through the O, and a puppy through the letter D. “And I’m lucky you’re so adorable,” you add, making him laugh as he fishes the keys out of his pocket.
“Even more adorable than Yeontan?” he asks in jest, unlocking the door and swinging it open. You step into the small vestibule, and he locks the main door before opening the door to the large, expansive lobby, locking that as soon as you’ve slipped inside.
The reception desk rests against the far wall across from the entrance. White wooden benches line the walls, bright pillows loosely arranged on the surface to provide some comfort. A round table sits in the middle, a vase with colourful dried flowers adorning its centre. The floor-to-ceiling windows let in enough natural light that the room looks bright even though the sun has started to set. “Are you sure that’s even possible?”
You snort, playfully flicking his arm as you make your way to the back of the shelter. The long hallway is lined with unassuming grey doors, all closed. Pawprint stickers of different animals in a rainbow of colours decorate their surface, as well as the walls. Most of the rooms are already full even though the shelter only officially reopens tomorrow; it would’ve been wrong to wait until the building was entirely finished, the team had decided unanimously. “More adorable in a human way,” you say with a smile, at which he grins.
“I knew it,” he says through a playful huff as you walk to the break room, exuberant chatter streaming out from the crack between the door and its frame. A sliver of warm light casts across the grey floor, beckoning you inside. “You like Yeontan better than me.”
You draw in a loud gasp when the words leave his mouth, and you come to an abrupt stop in the middle of the hallway. “I do not!” you insist, crossing your arms over your chest.
Taehyung pouts at you, though you can see the corners of his lips twitching with amusement. “Then prove it.”
You smile, taking a step closer and wrapping your arms around him. “I like you the very, very best, Tae,” you say lowly, briefly pressing your lips to his.
His pout quickly fades into a grin. “That’s very, very good to know,” he says in a soft imitation of your response. He leans back in for another kiss, his hands on your lower back to keep you pressed up to him. His embrace is warm and you gladly melt into him, letting out a slow, content breath as his fingers ghost across your cheek, your neck, swiping your hair off your shoulder. Goosebumps rise on your skin at his touch.
With a giggle, you pull back and look down at the small ball of fluff now yapping at your feet, jumping at your ankles. “Hey, speak of the devil!” you remark happily, crouching down to run your hand through Yeontan’s soft fur.
“Guys, food’s getting cold!” a voice rings from further down the corridor, and you look up to see Hoseok peeking his head out of the break room. He sends you a smile. “We went ahead and ordered pretty much everything.”
You don’t miss the ha, knew it! look Taehyung gives you, and you hold back an amused laugh as you keep petting Yeontan.
“Good thinking, because I’m starving,” Taehyung tells Hoseok with an excited grin, walking ahead to the break room. You pick up Yeontan and rock him in your arms before following your boyfriend inside.
The break room is much smaller than most other rooms in the building, but big enough to house the shelter’s growing team of employees. The kitchen counter stretches along the left wall, a row of windows covering the wall across from the door. A large, wooden table occupies the middle of the room, surrounded by a collection of thrifted and thus mismatched chairs. A white desk is pushed against the right wall, holding two enormous monitors with live footage of the rooms housing all the animals. The large staff bulletin board hangs on the wall right next to the desk, already filled with announcements, schedules, pictures, and colourful post-its.
Hoseok and Minji have already been joined by Jungkook, and their feet scurry across the greyish-blue linoleum floor as they deck the table. A large blue banner hangs on the wall above the bulletin board, reading It’s a boy! conviction!, and you can’t help but laugh. You take a moment to stare at it and an elated feeling washes over you, your smile softening. Yeontan pants up at you with wide, confused eyes.
“Hey, Y/N!” Jungkook greets you, abandoning a stack of plates on the counter to briefly hug you in greeting. “Long time no see,” he jokes. You put Yeontan back on the ground, and he immediately runs off to yap at Taehyung’s shins.
“I’m surprised you got here before us,” you return, walking up to the counter and grabbing a few glasses from the cabinets.
Jungkook grins and shrugs, picking the plates back up. “I just know a couple shortcuts,” he shoots back, plopping the dishes on the table much more hurriedly than he needs to. You place the glasses beside them.
“Yeah, a little route called breaking the speed limit,” Minji butts in with a snort, unpacking the boxes of Chinese food and arranging them in the middle of the table. “Congratulations, by the way,” she adds, walking up to you to give you a tight hug.
You smile, hugging her back. “You, too, with the grand reopening and everything,” you reply as you break apart. “Busy days ahead, I’m sure.”
She grins brightly. “Damn right,” she says, turning back to the table. “So this better not be a late night, because we have lots of pets to take care of in the morning.”
You laugh and nod firmly. “I’ll get Taehyung home before twelve, ma’am,” you tell her, and she chuckles – though her laughter quickly fades when her phone chimes on the counter and her head snaps into the direction of the sound. She drops pretty much everything in her hands to check the message.
A bright smile washes over her face when she looks at the screen, and you raise an eyebrow at her as she quickly stuffs her phone into her back pocket. She clears her throat and straightens up, wiping the giddy smile off her face. “Namjoon and Seokjin are here, I’m just gonna go get them,” she announces to the room, dashing out without waiting for a response – and you swear she’s hiding a bright red blush behind her hair. Even Yeontan stills, his ears perking up as he looks in the direction of the door before he happily bounces onward.
Hoseok joins you to take over Minji’s job of unpacking the food. Jungkook and Taehyung are wrapped up in a conversation about speed limits and stoplights, and you smile in amusement as you turn to Hoseok. “So, how does it feel, having the building back?”
A soft smile pulls at his lips, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “It helps, y’know, to… move on, I guess,” he says, nodding slowly. He focuses on straightening out some of the plates and glasses to make more room for the food. “Finally getting back into things,” he adds. There’s still a glint of sadness in his eyes, and your smile fades into an expression of sympathy. You haven’t talked about the fire with him all that much – he seems to do his very best to avoid the topic if he can, and you certainly don’t blame him. Seeing the sadness in his eyes just drives that point home.
“I’m sorry, Hoseok,” you say, leaning your hip against the sturdy table. Hoseok lets out a slightly shaky breath, his movements slowing. “I should’ve– it should have never happened. I’m sorry.”
He looks up at you, his smile faded now. “Not your fault,” he insists, his voice soft. “It happened, there’s nothing to do about it now.” He takes in a deep breath and lets it back out, nodding firmly. “All we can all do is try to move on, right? Deal with it until it can’t hurt us as much.”
You can’t help but smile. “Wise words.”
His grin reaches his eyes this time. “What can I say– I’m an old soul.”
Breathing out a laugh, you turn back to the food, opening your mouth to respond –
The door to the shelter slams closed, and three cheerful familiar voices echo off the walls. A hush falls over the room, and you exchange looks.
“I’ll bet it’s happening soon,” Jungkook says lowly, a mischievous grin pulling at his lips. He glances at the doorway, and the room falls silent once more – everyone focuses on the voices of Minji, Namjoon, and Seokjin as she leads the other two to the break room. Minji giggles and your brows shoot up, your eyes widening in excitement. “Maybe tonight.”
You snort. “I’d be surprised if it hasn’t happened already,” you return. “Really, it’s –”
The rest of your sentence dies out when you hear Seokjin’s laughter approaching, and you clear your throat and plaster on a casual smile to greet both him and Namjoon when they enter.
Only Namjoon hears your ‘hello’ and replies with a kind smile; Seokjin is already busy talking with Minji and making her giggle yet again. Jungkook, Hoseok, and Taehyung freeze, staring at the two as they walk over to the counter and pour themselves two glasses of water.
Though he’s still wearing his sombre black suit, Seokjin looks much happier than when you’d sat beside him on the hard courtroom benches less than an hour ago. The tight, solemn look on his face has faded, replaced with a bright smile as he looks at Minji.
“Love the banner,” Namjoon remarks as he walks up to join you, though no one turns to look at him or the banner – all eyes and ears are fixed on your two friends as they happily chat with each other. You don’t think you’ve seen Seokjin smile this much since... well, since he talked to Minji last week.
But that’s exactly the point.
“He asked if she was gonna be here today,” Namjoon adds in a conspiratorial tone, at which all heads snap over to him in unison. He laughs, crossing his arms. “There we go! Hi, guys!”
“Wait, so you only said that to get our attention?!” Hoseok hisses, his eyes flickering to Minji and Seokjin, who are still standing at the counter and talking – completely oblivious to your conversation. “It wasn’t actually true?”
Namjoon shrugs. “Does it matter?” he returns, though the corners of his lips are trembling with the beginnings of a smile.
“Of course it does!” Taehyung replies in a whisper. Yeontan barks up at Namjoon’s ankles to underline his words and Namjoon fights to hold back his laughter. “It means I can still win.”
You snort. “I’m sorry to say this, babe, but not a chance,” you shoot back, grinning when you hear Seokjin and Minji’s laughter echo through the room. “Minji’s still gonna be the one to make the first move. Right, Hobi?”
Hoseok grins. “Guaranteed.”
“Bullshit!” Jungkook protests, frantically shaking his head. “I might not know much, but I’m goddamn sure that –”
“What are you guys talking about?”
The group falls silent and freezes for a moment, then slowly turns to the pair that just joined you. Seokjin and Minji still seem oblivious; they just stand there, waiting for an answer you most certainly don’t want to give.
“We uh…”
“Beer!” you exclaim, plastering on a casual smile and turning to your friends. “I was just asking what beer the guys got.”
“Yes, beer. Let’s get some beer,” Jungkook confirms with an emphatic nod, following you over to the corner of the break room and leaving behind a slightly confused Minji and Seokjin. “I’m still right,” he insists lowly as you bend down to grab some bottles from the crate.
“No, she kinda took the initiative, actually,” Seokjin butts in, swiping two bottles out of your hand. He opens both and hands one over to Minji.
She just smiles bashfully and leans down to pet Yeontan, unable to hide her red cheeks. You cheer at the confirmation of your victory, throwing your hands up in the air and jumping into a hug with Hoseok. Taehyung sulks and sinks into a lime green plastic chair, and Jungkook sips from his beer with a scowl, leaning against the windows.
Namjoon simply leans back in a baby pink rolling chair, his arms crossed, an amused smile teased over his lips. “I can’t say I’m not surprised,” he says with a laugh.
You break away from Hoseok, walking up to Taehyung’s chair to sling an arm around his shoulders. “Hey, it’s alright, lose– I mean, babe,” you tease, ruffling his hair. He scowls in response – there’s a glint of amusement in his eyes as he looks up at you, though, and his disappointed expression is a little too theatrical to be real. You grin. “Already accepting your fate, I see?”
“I’m not!” Taehyung protests, pointedly grabbing your hand and taking it off his shoulder. He pulls you into his lap and you yelp, thrown off your balance, bumping into the arm he holds against your back to keep you from falling to the floor. “Just you wait and see,” he says, wrapping his arms around your waist while you sit up and put yours around his neck. “Next bet’s gonna be mine for the winning.”
“No can do. Next one’s on you two,” Hoseok retorts with a shake of his head – when he realises what he’s actually said, though, his eyes widen and he looks up from his beer, just in time for Seokjin to hit him in the back of his head. “No, wait, I –”
Seokjin’s glare is enough to shut him up, and he quickly takes a sip of beer.
Taehyung leans over to Jungkook, who’s pulled back a simple wooden chair and plopped down on the deep-blue polka-dotted pillow. “Can I get in on that one?” he whispers.
Jungkook shrugs apologetically, his eyes lighting up with laughter. “Sorry, man,” he says. “First rule of the bet– don’t talk about the bet.”
You snort and gently poke Taehyung’s ribs, leaning closer to stage whisper in his ear. “I say we have a bet on the bet.”
He chuckles, raising a brow. “What are we putting on the table?” he replies with a growing grin, his arms tightening around you. You snort and shake your head, playfully tickling the underside of his jaw. “Hey, I’m just saying, money isn’t the only thing we can bet with here.”
A gagging sound pulls you out of your conversation. “Oh, god, please don’t turn into that,” Jungkook remarks to Seokjin and Minji. “I can’t handle two of those.”
A laugh. “Too late.”
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a/n: ahhhh I hope you liked it!! It's been so long since I wrote the story and started uploading that I can't quite believe this is actually the last chapter🥺 Thanks so so much for reading and sticking with the series all the way through, it genuinely means a lot and I very much hope you enjoyed the ride💕 Let me know what you thought of this part or of the whole series, I'd love to hear from you!! Anyhoot, I hope you have a wonderful day/night, and that you have an amazing 2023!!💕💕
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wildestdreamsblog · 1 year
Latibule VIII
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Mafia/Detective AU)
Summary: In which you didn’t know who he truly was- until it was too late. Or in which he found heaven in you.
Warnings: Secret Identity, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: last two chapters before the end of season 1! Thank you for enjoying the ride with me 🫶🏻
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Masterlist, Latibule VII
Jung Hoseok watched over the glass of whiskey he was was sipping from as the last living member of the group entered the room. He smiled at Kim Taehyung as he plopped down on the seat with an exhausted sigh.
“Well, don’t you look good, Tae,” Namjoon drawled, his eyes focused on his tablet as he was ever so busy.
“I have no time to remove my makeup, hyung,” he replied in annoyance as he pointed at the faux bruises he had on his face from taping his latest movie. “Someone insisted I’d be here at this exact hour.” His eyes shifted at Seokjin who hadn’t said a word since he arrived, merely looking at them with emotionless eyes as though they were under a microscope.
“So why are we here, then?” Jungkook voiced out the unspoken query they had between them,
Hoseok placed down his glass with a thud, leaning forward, his arms hanging on his spread knees as he eyed them with a smile on his face. “Don’t you think it’s time to elect a leader?” He inquired curiously, his head tilted to the side as though he was overtly concerned. “There’s only so much violence and chaos our Kookie can do before they start taking advantage of our current predicament.”
Namjoon’s eyebrow lifted as he paused his reading on the tablet. He raised his eyes to Hoseok, his intelligent mind running a mile per second. “And just in time for her death anniversary, hyung.”
Hoseok’s gritted his teeth, his eyes hardening at the mere mention of her, of the person he fucking lost, “It’s what she would’ve wanted, Joonie,”
“Is it?” He drone with tone dripping with boredom. “Funny, I remember clearly how she never wanted to be part of our world…or am I wrong?”
Jungkook looked up thoughtfully from his phone, “For someone who didn’t want to be part of our world, Noona sure did know her way around knives and poisons.”
Jimin clicked his tongue at the golden maknae, “Don’t speak ill of the dead, Kookie.”
“It was a compliment, hyung!”
Amidst the chaos of arguments between the two, Hoseok looked at their oldest hyung- the original prince of the underworld. “You’re quiet, hyung.” he observed dryly, his smile pleasant as though he wasn’t the traitor that he was. “Do you have anything in mind?”
Seokjin stared at him with coldness in his eyes, how he was raised as the mafia prince showing as he regarded him with apathy and calmness. If it was anyone, they would have ran from the hills and yet, running wouldn’t have saved them. Nothing could have saved them should Seokjin chose to end them. “I’m just thinking about the traitor. Do you think he’s sitting with us right now, Hoseok?”
That was how you would describe his kisses. Your Suga never did once hesitate, his lips strong and certain. He kissed you like he was starved, like he had been in hell for far too long and you were his first and only reprieve. And in between his kisses, you could feel his lips stretched into a smile. What you did not expect was his hands- of how soft his hands were as they cradled your head closer to him. You didn’t expect to feel the tremble in his hands as though he was having a difficult time controlling himself. What you most didn’t expect was how gentle he was as he caressed your cheek as though you were the most precious thing in the world.
And you were too powerless from his kisses. You held on to his thick wrist as he rested his forehead on yours.
He was breathing as hard as you were, and when you opened your eyes, he was already looking at you with softness and sparkle in his eyes that you never saw before.
“Okay?” He asked. You smiled at him as you nodded twice. You closed your eyes and savored this moment, your hand tracing every part of his face, forcing yourself to commit how he was at the very moment to memory.
“Okay,” you whispered.
Perhaps, what you didn’t anticipate and never thought of in your wildest dreams was how clingy he could be, you meant, looked at him! He was the least person you’d thought of to want to cuddle from how you knew him. You meant, wasn’t he the person who valued his personal space that he once pushed you to the side when you walked an inch closer to him back when you barely knew him?
His arms tightened on your waist when you attempted once again to get up from the bed. Suga had your head tucked firmly on under his chin, his leg in between your legs which further secured you to him.
You couldn’t leave him without him knowing about it. Yet, this didn’t deter you from attempting to get up.
“You’re going nowhere today, Angel,” he ordered grumpily, his body inching even closer to you, his cheek rubbing on your head like the cat you thought he was.
“We need to get up. We have work-“
“No, we don’t. We’ll call in sick today,” he murmured stubbornly, his hand rubbing your back softly. “I just got you. I can’t let you go.”
You looked up at him, and you swore at this very moment he looked so at peace and content that you couldn’t help but agree.
And so, you two called in sick.
“Then what should we do today?”
“Let’s go to the beach.”
Beach was a two-hour travel by bus and it was so worth it. The weather was perfect, and everything was so bright except for your companion who you couldn’t comprehend why was wearing black. He had his long hair on a half-bun, his eyes emotionless as though he wasn’t the one who suggested going to the beach. When you asked him why he wanted to go to the beach, he said that it was what the internet said when he researched where to go with your special someone. He said it so unapologetically that you weren’t able to say anything.
But heavens did you love it here. Back when everything wasn’t as difficult, your family would always go to the beach. You weren’t exactly rich, but your parents did everything to provide for you and sent you to medical school. Your whole life was just ahead of you until the tragedy happened. You thought you would never be genuinely happy again, but seeing him walk alongside you, your hand secured in his and as the wind blew his dark hair and the sound of waves were the only thing that could be heard, you were so certain you were happy again.
Suga made you happy.
He watched you fondly with his hands in his pockets as you skipped on the fine sand, your eyes crinkled to the sides as you dipped your feet on the warm sea. The emotion he had a hard time naming was now apparent to him- he was enraptured by you. You absolutely looked like an angel, he thought. And he would do anything to not bring his hell on you.
And without you noticing, he took a photo of you with the phone you gifted him before. The photo turned out to be low-quality, the resolution grainy but despite all that, it proved to be his favorite photo of you.
You were happy with him, Suga thought. An angel like you was happy with him.
“Why didn’t we…” you trailed off, unsure on how to ask him. He looked up at you from his lunch. The two of you decided to eat in the quaint restaurant situated on the seaside, the locals and tourists alike swarmed the place.
“Why didn’t we what, Angel?” He questioned as he placed more meat on your rice.
“You know…”
“I seem to not understand what you mean, Angel,” he commented confusedly, yet when you looked up at him he was attempting so hard to hide his smile.
You glared at him, “Why didn’t we do it?”
“Oh, that,” he pondered with his fingers stroking his chin as though in thought. “I knew it. You find me irresistible and I can’t blame you-“
“I take it back. I take it all back-“
Suddenly, he leaned closer to you, his finger tilting your chin up to him. “You have no idea how difficult it was to stop myself from taking you last night,” he divulged, his eyes were serious. “But Angel, you deserve more than a quick night. You deserve to be romanced.”
Suga told you he would be right back after your lunch. He said that he saw something in the souvenir shop that Jackson junior would loved. You waited and waited, however, you thought he was taking a lot longer than he should have.
You decided that you would just go to the shop, after all it was near to the bus station. You walked out of the restaurant. The sun was about to set, making the place looked more ethereal. You found it both beautiful and sad. You wondered when you’d be able to see this again. You were about to cross the road when a strong hand pulled you back so swiftly that you had no choice but to slam your body to his, as his other hand guided your waist to him.
A strong, loud horn from the car reverberated on the otherwise peaceful street as it sped away, barely missing your form.
Holy shit.
People swarmed at you as they asked you if you were okay, but all you could hear was the sound of heart beating so loud. All you could focused on was the arms that saved you. You were both on the ground, his body beneath you after he saved you and you could feel his arms trembled against you.
All of the noise faded as you looked up at Suga, beside him laid the paper bag of what he bought the child. He was looking at you with alarm, the memory of you about to get hit by a car because you didn’t see it was still fresh in his mind.
“I told you,” he started, his teeth gritted with panic and anger. “I told you I only got you. I told you I cannot fucking lose you- that I can never lose you. What the fuck were you thinking? Didn’t you see the car!?”
You didn’t.
That was the truth, you didn’t see much. Because if you did, you would have seen him walked to you just as you exited the restaurant. He was almost in front of you that time, and yet, you didn’t see him.
You feared your condition was near its extremity.
One week passed since your almost accident. You stared at the paper white walls decorated by several diplomas and certificates of him. The clinic was quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the door opening and your doctor seating in front of you. He sighed.
And you were used to this.
Initially, you were hopeful that there was a cure, that an operation was possible. But there wasn’t a cure- they could only prolong your eyesight for so long. And the operation was something you could never afford. You needed to go abroad for it, you needed to recuperate for months for it- all those things were out of your hands. Your condition started when you lost your parents at that tragic accident. Your father was the kindest and most hardworking man, and he had the moral of a saint. That, you thought, was his downfall.
It was late at night when your father witnessed a murder. It was a huge news, you remembered. A senator perished that night, and your father was the key witness to it all. Immediately, your whole world was flipped around. Your family had to go into a witness protection program, leaving the life you knew behind. The days were idle and quiet, but at night the three of you were in trepidation of what could have happened.
Until one night, the unthinkable happened.
Your father was on edge, saying that the three of you were no longer safe there, that the police was not all on your side. You remembered the car ride like it was yesterday. You remembered your father driving with urgency away from the safe house.
You remembered the sudden light aimed beside you, illuminating all three of your inside the dark car. You remembered your mother’s panicked scream, your father’s agitated movements as he tried to dodge the car all to no avail. And then you remembered a car slamming on your side.
You woke up a week later with a terrible news: your parents didn’t make it.
But you did.
It was another three months later when signs started manifesting. The impact from the car accident was so severe that it affected your eyes.
“Did you already prepare, Ms. Y/N?” The doctor asked kindly after several beats of silence.
You chuckled at his worried eyes. He had always been kind to you, offering you help, sending you pamphlets of where you could get help, even going as far as researching for a service dog. He had a fatherly concerned for you, and you appreciated him. “I’m going blind, Doc. Not dying,” you reprimanded him with humor in your voice.
He didn’t return your smile and instead, he sighed before pushing his glasses up. “Did you tell your family?”
A beat of silence. “I have none.”
“Do you have…anyone?”
It was dark when you arrived, your eyes focused on your feet as your conversation with your doctor played in your head. You had limited time. You were almost near when you looked up and saw Suga waiting for you outside your shared home. He smiled the moment he saw you, the sides of his eyes crinkled. He walked to you and before you knew it, he had his arms around you. Your face was buried on his muscular chest, inhaling his muscular scent.
He smelled like home, you thought.
Maybe you did have someone.
Maybe you had him.
“Affirmative, boss,” a man hidden in the shadows said in his earpiece, his eyes trained on the living leader of the mafia world. “Agustd is alive.”
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Tip Jar
Latibule IX
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blueberrykenn · 2 months
You're Not Supposed To Fall In Love With Him Teaser
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Yoonkook Mafia AU
Warnings: Dead Dove, Death, Kidnapping, Guns, Blood, Its a Maifia AU
Story Ships: Yoongi X Jungkook, Jimin X Taehyung
"YOU WANT ME TO KILL WHO?!" I yell in frustration before Namjoon, the leader of the Kim Clan; the people I work for repeats on what he said.
"I need you to take out Jeon Jungkook, Yoongi" I sigh in frustration before ranting to him, "Namjoon... Do you know who he even is, That's Jeon Jungkook, The leader of the Jeon Clan as of last week, that is the most ruthless mafia there is in South Korea, I cant just take out a fucking mafia leader, I don't even know how to even get close to someone so much power!" 
Namjoon nodded while I ranted, when I finish ranting he said to me, "Yes, I know that's clearly a nearly impossible thing to ask of you that's why we're gonna 'sell' you" my eyes widen. 
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SELL ME?!" I yelled at my mafia leader clearly absolutely upset at this point before Namjoon reassured me. "Not really selling you more like a staged kidnap, since you're a professional sniper you can act like you hate us so you basically become a member of the Jeon Clan and then climb up the ladder to become Jeon's right hand man and then when no one is looking take him out and act like something happened to him" 
As Namjoon was explaining I sigh in frustration once again looking at him. 
"You Owe Me Joon, Big Time"
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kimkaelyn · 2 years
No problem! Thank you for answering :)
So, I would like to request a enemies to lovers JungKook x reader drabble with the prompts: 11. “It’s impossible to get rid of me.”; 74. “Where does it hurt?” and 193. “You’re kidding, right?”, please. 'ᴗ'
“It’s Impossible to Get Rid of Me” | JJK
Jeon Jeongguk x gender neutral reader
Mafia AU
warning - mentions of violence, injury, and guns. themes of being held hostage. Read at your own risk.
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How did you find yourself in this situation?
Besides the fact that you are the child of one of the leaders of the largest mafia organization in Korea, you are well protected. Your father tried his best to separate family and work, but full anonymity is near impossible in the crime world. Eventually, the wrong people will find out who someone holds most dear; and that was you to your father.
"I didn't expect you to be a fighter." Your capturer comments dryly. "Mr. L/N always has kept your existence under wraps. I wonder if your father's thugs even know about you." He chuckles darkly.
You roll your eyes at his commentary. You don't have time for this. You were walking to your apartment after work when they snatched you; literally off the street. You're a busy person. You have exams, papers to write, and work to do. You should be at home getting work done instead of being tied up in a dirty warehouse against your will. You have never understood the mafia life. You don't like violence, dirty deals, or backstabbing. Call it cliché, but that's just not who you are despite being a part of a mafia family.
However, you aren't completely hopeless. Being born into this life meant you were trained in combat and violence from age five. Your father gifted you your first gun for your eighth birthday. Despite your best efforts to stay away and your father's efforts to keep you out of it, danger lurks in every shadow. You accepted that fact a long time ago.
Suddenly the thug is in front of you. He grips harshly onto your chin and forces you to look up at him. "It's rude to ignore someone when they are talking," He spits out. He throws you to the floor. You cry out as your injuries are stretched. The thug chuckles as he strides to the door. "You better start praying now, sweetheart. The young master is on his way and he doesn't play nicely." You have barely managed to pick yourself off the floor before the door shuts and locks behind him.
"Great, just great," You grumble to yourself. "I should be at home, in bed, but instead I'm here in this stupid warehouse." Your kidnapper didn't even really give you a reason as to why you, but you're not that naïve. Even though your father is not the boss, he is still high up in the rankings. He's the right-hand man of the boss, Master Kim, and he does hold power, but not a lot of sway amongst the lower-ranking people. Your disappearance wouldn't raise as mainly red flags as the bosses' heir would. In your opinion, taking you was a blunder.
No one knows about you. Therefore, why would anyone care? You hold no sway over the gang, and your father only holds sway over a select few. You are nobody. The kidnappers won't get as much from taking you as they would the heir, Taehyung.
You are snapped from your thoughts by the appearance of another. "Well, well, well, who do we have here?" A deep voice draws out. The tiny light above you does nothing to illuminate anything beyond five feet around you so your new company is clouded in shadows. The soft click-clack of shoes hitting the concrete floor is the only thing audible as the stranger makes their way to you. A crazy laugh erupts from you as the stranger enters the light.
"This has to be a joke." You wheeze out in between giggles.
There is no conceivable way that Jeon Jeongguk is standing before you now. He is dressed in tight jeans that leave nothing to the imagination, a plain white t-shirt with a black leather jacket protecting him from the chilly air. He's wearing a pair of black combat boots. There is a pistol strapped to his left hip. He is the epitome of a member of the mafia if you had ever seen one- which you have.
He looks taken aback by your presence. "Y/N? What are you doing here?"
You meet his stare. You raise an eyebrow at his question. "You're kidding, right?" You laugh again. "I should be the one asking you that, Jeon, but I think we both know the answer to that." You and Jeon Jeongguk have a rocky history. Besides the fact you two were raised in warring mafia organizations, you were rivals in the classroom as well. You two are attending classes at the local university and were competing to be the top student in your class. You two did not hide your disdain for one another; it was common knowledge among everyone that you would rip out each other's throats if you could. "Did I hit a nerve by scoring better than you on that biology exam?"
He growls at your statement. "We both know that you cheated. Besides," His eyes roam over your form. "I wouldn't have ordered you to be captured over a silly rivalry." He crouches down in front of you; you instinctively flinch away from his outstretched hand but in doing so you strained the injuries on your back. You hissed out between clenched teeth. His eyes widen and he frantically looks over your body again, his eyes narrowing at your back. "Are you okay, Y/N? Where does it hurt?"
"Why does it matter?" You grit out. You're starting to get annoyed by his good-boy persona. He's the heir to the Jeon clan for crying out loud.
The Jeon clan is the oldest mafia gang in East Asia. They have managed to survive by striking shady deals, arranged marriages with other gangs, and killing to name a few. The Kim clan, which you belong to, is still relatively new; having only been around since after the Korean war. Despite their young age, the Kim's have gained incredible power over trade networks and paying politicians hush money in order to prevent sanctions on their trade. They pose a threat to the Jeon's power ring; hence the rivalry. The rivalry has been pretty violence-free for the past three decades, but every now and then a hit would be ordered.
You and Jeongguk have entered into a silent truce. Instead of fighting it out with knives and guns, you battle it out in academics. However, just because he hasn't hurt you, doesn't mean his hands are clean. Rumors say he made his first kill when he was three years old. A hitman from the Kim clan was ordered to kidnap the young heir, but the toddler launched a blade into the man's neck before he even fully stepped into the nursery.
Jeon Jeongguk is deadly, and you are always on high alert while in his presence. Despite your own skills in violence, you wouldn't stand a chance against him in a duel.
"This must be a mistake," Jeongguk says. "There wasn't a hit ordered for you, trust me I would know if there was. The thugs must have mistaken you for someone else. I'm sorry." He sounds genuine. He gently reaches towards you, but you flinch away again.
"Don't touch me!"
His eyes soften as they meet yours. "I'm sorry, Y/N," His voice is nearly a whisper. "I'm going to release you from your bonds. Is that okay?" The way he asks you for permission causes your heart to jump for a split second. You nod your head. Slowly and softly, he reaches for you again and carefully undoes the ties on your bonds. "I'm sorry," He says again at your inflamed skin from where the ropes rubbed against your wrists.
"It's okay," You whisper. "They didn't hurt me too badly. They just threw me to the ground a little too hard when they caught me." You shrug nonchalantly. "Nothing I can't handle."
Jeongguk tk's. "It shouldn't have happened at all," He bites out. "Believe me, Y/N, I'm going to find out who is responsible for this and they will pay." He undoes the last bond and he pulls you to your feet. You stumble a bit; your legs had fallen asleep from being in the uncomfortable position for god knows how long.
You turn to look at him as he escorts you out of the warehouse. "Why do you even care, Jeon?" He glances over at you but doesn't say anything. "I'm nobody important. It's common knowledge that my father holds no power, so taking me is a waste of time." Suddenly, Jeongguk halts in his tracks. He spins on his heels to face you. He cages you in place with his hands on your shoulders as he forces you to meet his gaze.
"Stop putting yourself down, Y/N." He says. "Even though your father isn't as powerful as Mr. Kim, he is still a part of the Kim clan. To us Jeon's, he is a target. Every Kim is a target." You nervously gulp at his words. You hear the unspoken words, even you. "To us, any member of the Kim clan, regardless of their rank, is a target and if captured, is a win. You're lucky it was me they called in to deal with you instead of anyone else." You both shudder at the implication of his words.
"Thanks for the flattery," You smile, "But I would have been able to hold my own for a while. It's impossible to get rid of me so quickly."
Jeongguk laughs. "Sure, keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep better at night."
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Copyright @ kimkaelyn 2022. All rights reserved.
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piedpiperslists · 2 years
KTH: Gang / Mafia AU
List of all Taehyung fics under 'Gang / Mafia' AU:
* s - contains smut
* Last updated: 16/04/2023
[drabble] by ubemango s mafia au, PWP Summary: Mafia boss!Taehyung + his kitten. [fingering/squirting]
2:41 AM by likeastarstar FWB, gang au
Mafia!AU | Part 2 by taleasnewastime mafia au
Mafia Leader Tae by taleasnewastime established relationship, mafia au
The Supplier by yminie rivals to lovers, mafia au Summary: Taehyung likes to test fate, and while you know he knows this isn’t his gangs territory, you still feel the need to remind him.
Baddie by kth1fics s wc~4.8k / gang member!Taehyung, situationship, PWP Summary: The bad boy in your life, Kim Taehyung, comes visiting once again for his basic needs to be met.
The Cards: Joker by mrsmon s wc~3.4k / rich businessman!Taehyung, infidelity au
T W O S H O T S / S E R I E S
Crossfire by btsmosphere strangers to lovers, college au, gang au Summary: The night your life blew up sent you on a collision course with the campus bad boy, Kim Taehyung. Though you were well aware of his reputation, it was his doorstep you ran to when you were bleeding with nowhere to go.
Once a Killer by bangtanstanst cop!reader, established relationship, mafia au Summary: When you left your hometown, you left behind everything you knew and you never looked back. Now, years later, you’re living life on your own terms. But when your past comes back to haunt you, you find yourself at a crossroads once more. There’s just one thing you know for sure – you will not run away anymore. No matter how hard it gets.
* Petal by jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue mafia au, soulmates au
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ggukiejeonara · 2 years
안녕..!! This my first fiction on Tumblr. I'm a author on Wattpad as @Ggukiejeonara. I also posted this novel on wattpad, so check it out there;)
Posting on 16.01.2023
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Love & Knight
Chapter - 1
1. | Characters |
This will give you the detailed information about their personality and their profession. There are few characters which will add on later chapters, I'll introduced at that time;)
There are many unlisted and unsayed mysteries and secrets which you'll know later if stick with this book "Love & Knight" :) ;)
• Choi Jiah
- 24 years 
- Kind-hearted 
- Fierce and Savage 
- Don't want to be in love, think it as overrated 
- Her Secret Code 462 [?] 
- Good at 'Taekwondo'
Profession - Cardiologist
• Ella
- 22 years
- Mysterious and Bold
- Best friend of Jiah
- Good at flirting
- Her Secret Code 420 [?] 
- Good at 'Karate' 
Profession - Psychologists
• Ara 
- 23 years
- Sharp-minded and Tough
- Night-owl and clumsy 
- Jiah's bestfriend
- Her Secret Code 360 [?]
- Good at 'Taekwondo' & 'Karate' because of her friend
Profession - Software engineer and Al expert
• Seo-Jun 
- 25 years
- Pervert and gives Bad-boy vibes
- Fierce and stubborn
- Have secrets
- The only male friend of 'Trio'
- His Secret Code 440 [?]
Profession - Lawyer (deal with criminal cases)
• Jiwoo 
- 10 years
- Cute and Emotional
- Have heart illness 
- Bubbly and love her unnies
- Friendly and quite savage 
- Her parents died when she was young
Leaders of one of the biggest mafia gangs in Korea.
No one knows their undercover identities
Why? Because if someone wants to infiltrate or betray them they don't have any information to spill because their identities are always hidden
Still they're one of the famous Ceo's of South Korea 
• Kim Namjoon
Main leader
Very intelligent
In charge of plans and tactics when on mission
Give all the orders
Role: Leader and Brains of the group 
• Kim Seokjin
Very caring about his members
Has a bubbly personality but can he dead serious when on mission
Amazing with healing wounds and treating injuries
Makes and creates potions/drugs/antidotes etc
Role: Scientist 
• Min Yoongi
Member call him as "Suga" 
Always front in battlefield
A kind of playboy 
Mess with him well…. there's no escaping 
Role: Killer
• Jung Hoseok
Has a jolly and bright personality but can also be very serious
Expert with technology
Keep eyes on their rivals
Keep their information, data safe
Cheerful and caring 
Role: Data Analyst 
• Park Jimin
Gorgeous but deadly
Highly skilled at stealing
Can steal anything, money, weapons, girl's hearts 😏
Role: Thief 
• Kim Taehyung 
- Cold hearted, care for people he get attached to
- Tough, Fierce and stubborn
- Don't really care about others feeling
- Can do anything to complete his goals
Expert in making and handling weapons 
Profession - One of the famous business tycoon in South Korea 
Secretly a Mafia and member of 'Bangtan'
Role: Weapons Master 
• Jeon Jungkook
Youngest, most recent member of Bangtan
Hesitantly but voluntary joined Bangtan 
Very smart and talented 
Can break into highly advanced and protected technology
Loves all his hyungs more than anything
Role: Hacker
• Kang Eun-jae
Tall, dark man with brain
Person who only care about his profits 
Heartless and selfish 
Fierce, trap people in his talks
Playboy and think women as his robot 
Fight, to be killed is the only solution of his problems
[he'll add after 11 chapters]
[Taehyung × Reader] [Jungkook × Reader] [Jimin × Reader]
I don't any image and gif, credit goes to their respectful owner. This story is totally mine so don't copy or translate my novel no plagiarism !!!!
This series contain violence and erotic stuffs so if you're uncomfortable with this then don't go ahead;)
© Ggukiejeonara all rights are reserved
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ssunstng · 3 months
💓 to listen to my muse's heartbeat. - tae to jungkook
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                                                                                [ meme. ]---- for kim taehyung.
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                    tense tidings had come to an pass. whatever ailed the long time couple a week ago had dissipated along side the foam at the water's edge before them. jungkook took it upon himself to make a trip out of their worries to vespara, a place the two would often go back before jungkook came to rule. it was a place of nostalgia, an ocean that jungkook found himself running towards often when he just wanted to FEEL like himself every now && again. there was a vacation home he had purchased sometime ago for this purpose && laying with taehyung amongst the many rocks && sand felt serene. if only life was like this all the time, he thought. but for the mafia leader it didn't matter which nook he carved into a home for the two, responsibilities followed && he was in this until his last breath.
                    the beating sun encased jungkook in all it's warm glory. the two were very different when it came to being outdoors. taehyung was delicate && the moment the temperature wasn't too their liking discomfort would swell. that was why taehyung laid by jungkook's side beneath a parasol, protecting themselves from the rays as jungkook gladly laid bare for the sun to roam. the two had just finished discussing what would be on the menu for this evening ---- they didn't get far though, jungkook distracting with a simple : you're on the menu. a chuckle rang out from the two before taehyung found himself burying his nose in whatever book was in his hands && to that jungkook found himself growing in the hot silence, mother nature pressing it's delicate lips against his lids.
                    before she could take him to sea, a welcomed interruption coiled themselves around his torso. instinctively, jungkook's arms wrapped around their small frame, pressing them into his warm skin as he adjusted to lay more comfortably with them now by his side. their cheek was insistent on remaining over his heart, their cool jewelry pricking at his skin. now truly at peace, the last thing he remembered saying was i love you, before the beating of his heart beat slowed as he followed the sound of the waves to dream.
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