#mag bandit
corsomondo · 1 year
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My favorite girls !
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orderly-anon · 1 year
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Prescription: Chapter Five
Side Affects: Canon-typical violence
Doctor's Notes: MAG Bandit time!
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"Howdy chat! So glad to be back in MADNESS: PROJECT NEXUS! Wahoo! Yippie!"
Your chat exploded into "wahoo"s and "yippie"s as you chuckled. "Happy to see me, eh fellas?"
A friend piped up through a donation. "BESTIE! THE! THE MAG BANBIT. . . WHATCHU GONNA DO ABOUT THAT?"
You hummed thoughtfully. "Okay, hear me out. We get him on our side."
The chat went wild at the proposition. One half rooting for you, the other half demanding you reconsider. You grunted. "Don't worry, if I die I'll just come back. Y'all fellas know this, yeah?"
Reluctantly, your chat agreed (Well, most of your chat agreed) to let you go ahead with your plan. With one final "Wahoo!", you started the game.
Instantly you were flung into the heat of battle, the loud thumping of the MAG bandit's footsteps growing ever closer. "Skunk!" you cried, "hide behind me!"
Skunk, rather than hiding, shouted up to the MAG. "Hi Baby!"
You raised a brow. "Baby? That's their name?"
The MAG bandit, Baby, scurried up to Skunk and crouched down. He sniffed at her loudly. "SKUNKIE!" he exclaimed, nuzzling her intensely as she giggled.
Cautiously, you approached, hand on the pistol at your side. "Hi, Baby. . ." you cooed softly. "Hiiii. . ."
Baby perked up quickly and sniffed at you, pushing his face right up against you. "FOOD?" he bellowed.
"Ah- um-" you looked to Skunk nervously.
Skunk chuckled. "Hey Baby, that's not food! He's our pal!"
Baby gently headbutted you. "OKAY!" he exclaimed. He got up and waddled past you, changing his focus from you to the AAHW. He began to throw things at them-- cars, metal scraps, chunks of concrete. . .
You grabbed Skunk's hand. "He can handle himself. Let's go."
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poryphoria · 2 years
i know very little about cult of the lamb but i know juuust enough about it to exploit the concept for my own amusement 💖
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sealed-valkyria · 2 years
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Suddenly, I’m feeling a bit hungry...
(Drawn in MS Paint)
Version without text here:
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mimichine · 2 years
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exactly one year ago, i drew my first ever serious madcom fan art today? i redrew it.
the madcom fandom is great and i love it here
old version;
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askmadcomcrew · 10 months
anyone know where the mag bandit even came from? the bandits seem to me like an unexpected group for a full mag to end up in, because id imagine any wandering ones would be pretty sought after as recruits for more influential factions? i mean, theyre real valuable and expensive, right?
though this one in particular does seem a little... unstable, i guess.
MAG Bandit was a former Nexus Core MAG who defected after the Fall. It is one of the few MAGs that I know of that escaped the city alive and was not torn apart by Zeds.
I wouldn't be surprised if multiple organizations attempted to recruit or even kill it, but it seems it was adamant to stay independent, what with a legion of bandits effectively worshiping it and giving it whatever food they could scavenge.
Its name before it became MAG Bandit was MAG-Beta, and it was known for...Consuming many of its enemies. It was reprimanded for this behavior on several occasions, but that only made it better at hiding its efforts to scarf down any corpses it could find.
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anyways you know how the in-game description for the disquieted mentions how they were the reason their neighbors would hide their pets? ...meaning they have fucking PETS THERE?
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i tried to think of what animals we’ve seen in madness combat so far are and there’s literally only like 3:
FLIES - that you see only around zombies,
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BATS - that you only see at very the beginning of the haunting of nevada house,
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and SPIDERS - whose only proof of existence is the fact that there are cobwebs sometimes
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which could imply SEVERAL things like:
-some people decided they wanted to just catch a critter of their own?
-some people were just leaving their tarantulas and bats out unsupervised??
-nevada has some sort of ecosystem. or at least a single food chain???
i guess the disquieted got their knack for teleportation by chasing down these things because that takes some serious precision to do without everything getting away. this guy is probably the dedicated “can you take care of this bug please” guy in any household he hasn’t killed the inhabitants of yet
(also i know there were whales in madness avenger but im not gonna count that because we have yet to see a single whale carcass anywhere in the desert wastes and nothing even CLOSE to a body of water like at all. the first water we ever see for sure is in nevada central???? so)
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percyshipz · 2 years
gonna go back to playing Proj.ect Nex.us >: ) 
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ero-heart · 1 year
Ok imagine main 4 meeting a retired!sheriff!reader but reader is a parent that's from Texas.
Reader was traveling to get to California with their two kids but the main 4 crash into your car since they thought you were sheriff as you try to defend your kids from them.
Let’s get into some action babyyy!! I actually don’t know how to write action very well so bear with me,, I hope you all enjoy it tho!
Also reader has a ex that shares custody with you cuz I need lore
Also your kids call you “wawa” as a gender neutral term for a parent and you WILL like it, wawa.
Cw: road accidents, violence, guns, mentions of orphaning
(Main 4 + retired sheriff reader)
(Mainly platonic but if you want to interpret as the start of something you are free to do so 😳)
You were driving home after picking up your kids from their mom, glad to find them safe and sound. Not because their mother was someone terrible but because the place she lived in was so dangerous, it’s considered the most unlivable state in the entirety of the US. Insane murder machines on the loose, zed outbreaks, multiple gangs and bandits that could take your life away if so pleased them (and their stomachs), not mentioning the GOL3MS,,, MAGS!!!! That was Nevada. Their mother is a fighter, she could protect them but if you had problems protecting lives as a sheriff OUTSIDE of Nevada, you feared that your ex might commit the same mistakes as you did. You don’t know how the sheriff over there has been keeping up, he did open a organization to help find resources for the citizens to survive, but it looks like the same shithole as always since Nexus first and second downfall.
The twins were sleeping right now, you take a deep breath, they were safe and there was nothing to worry about. You try and keep focus on the road, feeling a little sleepy, you should make a stop for some coffee, maybe the kids were hungry. As you were reaching for your map to find the closest roadside diner to your location, a truck pulled up beside you, you looked over to find a rifle pointed at you. You immediately hit the breaks, making your car out of shot as it fired.
“What was that wawa?”
You jolted as one of your kids asked, now awake.
“Nothing hon, nothing”
A loud “shit” could be heard at a distance and the truck took a heavy turn, now driving quickly at your direction.
“FF- DUCK,, duck duck duck duck”
You started driving backwards before turning the car around. You couldn’t believe you caught the attention of some psychos. Only in Nevada.
“Who are those??”
Your second kid asked as he looked through the back window.
They immediately got back into their sit as you drove as fast as you could. But it was in vain, your perpetrators tailed your car, making you all jolt. Steps could be heard from the car’s ceiling, your face went pale when you saw it. Peeking upside down at your window, was the most dangerous man of Nevada. You frowned and drove your car in circles, trying to get Hank off of it as your kids whooped and cheered. But Hank kept persistent, he managed to break your window, the shards sticking on your skin as he squeezed himself into the car and wrestled you. Now, laying between the two car sits, you couldn’t see the road as this gigantic man tried to choke you.
Your boys cheered you, you didn’t knew what to do to keep your babies from being orphaned. Like HELL you were keeping them alone with this psychopath. Wawa bear mode kicked in as you tried to kick this guy. But nothing seemed to make an affect on him, it was like he was a literal wall. He got closer to you and said,
Hank laughed as the boys “ooooed” at your naughty word, you wanted to smash this guy’s head so bad. But Hank was at advantage, he pried his hands off of him and grabbed your throat. Your eyes widened, it looked like everything was in slow mo. You could feel the car moving wobbly, the sweat on your head, your hat falling off of your head and the breath of the man on top of you. You looked him deep in the eyes, you knew you had no escape, you couldn’t even scream for your kids to look away, his hands held you tight, with no space for words. Suddenly, Hank looses his grip, he looked at you closer.
As you coughed and gasped for air, your boy spoke.
“Hey wawa lemme help you!”
A loud bang sound could be heard, the bullet traversed the car’s ceiling.
The car hit a stop sign.
You only managed to stay in place because Hank was on top of you, your kids were saved by the sit belts, Hank was fine apparently. Right after that you were engulfed by airbags. Everything was quiet until you heard a vehicle stopping right beside you. Hank opened the car door and brought you by the back of your head with him, seat belt and all despite your protests.
“Hay Hank! You got hi-“
You were shoved in front of a guy, who looked just as confused as you.
“Does this look like the sheriff to you?”
The man pounders, still looking at you, his breath smelled strongly of cigarettes.
“You stupid fuck.”
Hank huffs as he drops you to the ground, tou slid on the ground, still connected to the seat belt, another man comes and whacks the visor guy’s head.
“You shithead, how did you fuck this up??”
“Tch you agreed it was him too!”
“You are insufferable.”
You freed yourself from the belt, and run to see your kids. When you opened their door, you could only see wide eyed balls of energy.
“This. Was. AMAZING!!!!!”
As you attended to your children, the three men were discussing with each other how bad they fucked up. Sanford turns to see their accidental victim hugging their hyper kids and their now destroyed car, he feel a pang on his heart.
“Hey you think we should help them?”
Sanford rolls his eyes at Hank.
“Like, we did terrorize this whole family and broke down their car”
“Nuh uh, that was Deimos”
“Hey!! First of all it was you who caused all the physical damages!”
Deimos retorted.
“That bump on the back side of their car does not look like my doing.”
Sanford ignored his coworker’s bickering and approached the family.
“Hey uhh, sorry for causing all of this trouble we kinda thought you were someone else.”
You only looked at him, face full of glass shards, neck bruised, heavy eye bags. You just looked at him. Sanford sighs before adding.
“Look uhh, you were close to the bother, you were planning on leaving huh? Look, your car in this condition can not get you anywhere,”
“No shit.”
“Yea heheh…” this is awkward damn “look we can get you a ride to the place you came from, we can get you a mechanic too to fix up your car! You seem like you need a fix too! We have a almost trustful medic back at our base that can help you!”
You take a deep breath, there wasn’t nothing you could really do anymore, trusting these freaks might be a bad idea. But if their intention was really to kill you, they would already have done so. You relented.
You were now on the back of the truck with the most hunted man of Nevada and your kids playing around with some boxes. The two men you learned were Sanford and Deimos, were on the front driving and blasting some popular 2000’s rock band. Yea you can’t wait for this day to be over.
“There you go! As good as new~”
You were now patched up by the S.Q’s doctor, M.D Skinner. You thanked him for helping you and also checking up your kids. Walking around, you find the trio with another person, they seem like they are being scolded.
“So let me get this straight. You followed the wrong guy, to the BORDERS OF NEVADA, crashed their car, now promised to pay the mechanic too?”
They all stay quiet, the only one disinterested was Hank.
“You already lost enough resources, i better find sheriff’s head on that table THIS WEEKEND, we need that money. Especially now. I won’t help with the debt you put yourselves on.”
The man turns around and walks almost straight onto you, he stops himself before anything happens.
“Ah so it’s you, I suppose you heard the conversation, I hope you don’t take it personally.”
“Eh, I actually understand.”
“Hmhum, I apologize for the trouble my men caused. Do you have anywhere to stay?”
“My ex actually live close by, we are in good terms, she can come pick me up.”
“Well that’s good, we will provide you a cellphone for you to contact them.”
You thank him and wait as you observe your boys climbing Deimos like a playground.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
Possible idea, each boss tries to or has kidnaps the Player if they somehow separate them from their vessels
It would be their most effective strategy, in all honesty!
Especially since the Player is the one pulling the vessels around and guiding them through the battlefield with grace and ease. Separating them would give the enemy a chance to get some hits on as well as sever the connection that the group has with the Player, even if it's just temporary.
Each one would possibly incapacitate the Player in some form of way.
The Mag Bandit would probably keep them in one of his hands while he swings with a weapon using his other hand. (Both encounters)
Church and Jorge would each swap and toss the Player between them while each takes turns pulverizing their precious vessels. (All encounters)
The Sheriff may entrap them in one of those assembly claws to keep them away from their vessels and incapacitate them.
Burger Gil would probably trap them in a pot or the oven and the vessels would have to deal with Gil before rescuing their Player.
Jeb would probably not actually harm them but would focus some of his keystone energy into suppressing them or keeping them close to the rafters via floating.
Tricky would 100% steal them away from the group on the rigged platforms (aka Madness Time) and keep them up there with him while the vessels fight for their lives.
Crackpot would have them be kidnapped by fanatics during his levels and will only be freed after the boss battle with him is finished.
The Ghoul would probably stun the Player majorly. Even if they don't take any damage, it wouldn't feel good to get stomped on by a motorized bug.
The Hive may tangle them up in wires or stun them with electricity. Again, even if they don't take damage, it probably won't feel good to get zapped.
The Blackguard would have his allies probably hold onto Player or drag them around forcibly and keep their hands pinned throughout the fight.
Gestalt would only be able to actually get Player during the final battle, in which he also holds them in one of his hands tightly while the vessels scramble to do something to free them. Especially since this is the final encounter and Gestalt is now big enough to eat you whole. (Only final battle)
Phobos would probably forcibly keep the Player close to him or keep them wrapped up in energy binds as he attacks the vessels to 'get rid of them so nothing stands between you and Phobos'.
Hank would probably keep talking to the Player about joining him and pleading with them (aka manipulating their emotions) so that they can finish the mission together. The Player stays out of the fight until Sanford and Deimos begin to lose, to which they side with them and defeat Hank. Probably giving him a sad look and telling him that they were so disappointed in him.
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Monsters Reimagined: Maglubiyet, Warlord of the Woodlands
While I was working on my post reworking the origins of goblins, I took a stab at overhauling the default evil goblin god, as I’m usually of a spirit that classic d&d enemies are still useful as story fodder, as my stance is generally that anyone CAN be evil, but no mortal ancestry is evil inherently. Here’s what I came up with:
As with most evil humanoids, the lore WOTC has given to goblins to explain their monstrousness can largely be salvaged, provided you decouple it from ALL goblins and instead understand it as just a faction: The idea of a tyrannical evil that’s ensalved a bunch of forest creatures and turned them into a somewhat bumbling, mostly terrifying invading army is a great one. Just for spice, I’d make Maglubiyet and his associated host a form of archfey, travelling from realm to realm, world to world in the hopes of establishing a foothold for his empire. In this way, Ol’Mags can act as a low rent, cottagecore Sauron, twisting the local wilderness to martial ends and bringing war to regions that should know only peace. An early game ruin where the party clashed with a few hobs over long buried treasure could become a basecamp for an army of raiders many levels later, with the party facing off against returning goblins that’ve fallen under Maglubiyet’s sway.
The party passes through a town in time to catch the tail end of an execution, the first in what is apparently a four day spree of beheadings that serve as the grim centrepiece of a local festival. After each execution, the town’s magistrate inspects the blood as it drips from the ceremonial axe, and makes prognostications about the town’s fortunes in the coming year. The axe is infact a relic of Maglubiyet, given to the town founders in exchange for their fealty, which they today use to tribute their secret patron and divine his will. Later when the party face off against the lord of the depths and darkness, the townsfolk will march against them, bound by an unwitting and ancient oath that they had little say in forging. 
A gnomish druid approaches the party with a problem, they’ve spent centuries slowly earning the trust of the local sprites and other minor fey, but one by one their friends seem to be disappearing as someone or something appears to be laying out traps for them. If the party will consent to being shrunk down and posing as a pack of pixies, the druid is sure they’ll be able to surprise the trapper and perhaps find out the fate of the missing fey.  As it turns out, the trapper is a redcap, one who’s feeding his captives a noxious potion as a means of conscripting them into Maglubiyet’s service.  Defeating the redcap shouldn’t be too much trouble, but the transformed fey will scatter after he falls and tracking them down across the forest before they get up to any other mischief will be an adventure in and of itself.
A group of hob and mortal bandits under the banner of a twisted tree have begun raiding the roads, hanging the boots of those they rob or slaughter from the boughs of nearby trees, a curious practice that dates back to a punishment for deserters in a generations old war.  A bit of snooping reveals that they’re operating out of a disused fort that once protected an area during that war, but any attmept to influtrate it brings the party face to face with bandit’s leader, a corrupted Treant that they refer to as “The Gnarled Sergeant”. A remnant of one of Ol’ Mags’ last incursions, The Sergeant considers the bandits his troops to command, and sees their raids as in keeping with the martial law instituted upon those lands claimed by the red-capped king.
Why the Change:  I’ve written before about how d&d uses the inherent monstrosity of its foes to justify their extermination , I’ve also written about how most “evil” gods in d&d don’t make much sense as actual gods, being one note avatars of pure badness with nothing that might make people actually worship them. 
Though I was originally looking at Maglubiyet for a bit of divine refurbishment, I was struck with the idea to make him a wicked archfey instead, a) I’d already tied goblins in with the feywild, b) because the game is sorely lacking for big name villainous archfey while drowning in evil gods and demons, c) whimsical forests corrupted to evil purpose is a really cool and untapped aesthetic d) “cottage core sauron” was just too good a phrase to pass up
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poryphoria · 1 year
HIHIHI I wouldd love 2 see the Mag Bandit in ur arstyle !!
certainly one of the most women of all time
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hymn-of-muse · 8 months
Hi! I finally found a blog that writes for wakfu yay 😭🫶.
Anyways mag I request an Evangelyne x Female Human reader who’s usually serious and independent….but suddenly breaks down and has a panic attack infront of evangelyne? Becuase she was triggered by something? If that’s alright? Thank you
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Using she/her and 2nd pov
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"Ha! You don't scare me!" You laughed at some big guy trying to play up the macho act to scare of you and your friends. 
"Uh, as much as I admire your bravery and all, these guys have weapons and ours are out of reach right now, so maybe don't taunt the muscle guy babe??" Evangelyne warned you, motioning to the sword, bow, doll and shovel sitting safely against a rock next to the rest of the groups belongings.
You had all stopped to make some shelter and rest since the sun was setting, but a group of bandits surprised you and got between you all and your things.
Yugo was off helping gather wood and Kindle for the fire so it was only a matter of time for the kid to get back and portal the place up. You were pretty confident you could all win this as soon as Yugo showed up.
"Relax, Eva, we don't even have anything worth stealing so there's no point in these guys fighting us" you buffed, stalling for yugo.
"Ha! Nothing on ya huh? Then what's that scroll there in the pretty lady's hand?" One of the bandits pointed at scribble, the map Eva was holding, to which the shushu gave a muffled response, likely happy over being praised for his worth being recognized.
"Uh...just some cursed paper, you don't want it, trust me" Eva tried playing along with your bluff.
"Cursed paper? What kinda curse?" The bandit stepped closer, eyeing her up. That's what set you off and got you defensive. No one tries to make a pass at your girlfriend and gets away with it.
You stood in front of Evangelyne, creating a block between her and the bandit. "Back. Off." You warned.
"Piss off human, you're cute but really annoying, y'know that?" He snarled, gripping a shortsword. 
"I'll show you annoying!" You stepped forward only for a flash of blue to wiz past, around the camp and stop with a skid on the ground nearby. Yugo was back and just in time.
He portals everyone's weapons to them and the fight breaks out immediately. And just like you thought the party had taken out the bandits on no time... except, now...you felt strange about it.
Maybe you were just upset you didn't get to land a hit on the guy who tried to flirt with your girlfriend, so you kicked him in the side while he was down.
"Feel better?" Evangelyne asks, placing a hand on your arm and offering a warm smile.
"Yeah" you grumbled. No. No you didn't.
The party finished setting up camp, the bandits were tied up around the rock out of the way and Raoul got a fire going with adamai's help.
You sat on a small rock by the fire while Yugo was cooking, but the smell of food being prepared didn't make you feel better like it usually would.
The group laughed about the encounter, making comments and jokes to pass the time. You'd mostly zoned it out until tristepin spoke up and mentioned you.
"Man they really thought they had us, and with your act too! Youre so tough for a defenseless human, y'know! So brave for standing up for Evangelyne like that! Very noble of you! I bet if you had a weapon you'd be about as half as fierce as me by now!" 
His comment was a back handed compliment slapped across your face. Now you got why you felt so weird. Your heart felt like it sank to a pit in your stomach as it picked up pace and your chest closed up. 
You shot up from where you sat and moved away from the campfire, finding a spot under the moonlight and staring at your hands as they shook.
Breathing was difficult, way harder than it should ever be. Your face felt wet, why was it wet? Why were you crying? We're those tears at your feet now? You're strong even without a weapon why are you crying?
You totally could have beat that guy up if yugo hadn't arrived, you were more than capable of taking on those bandits and defending your girlfriend, you've stood up for her before! 
So why were you now curling up with your knees to your chest and hyperventilating where you sat on the ground?
It wasn't until a gentle hand touched your shoulder and and arm pulled you into a warm hug did you snap out of your spiralling panicked thoughts.
"Sshhh, it's okay, love" Eva hushed you softly as she held you. "Just take deep breaths okay?"
Great, now your girlfriend had seen you break down. Your really are just a weak human, huh?
"Deep breaths, dear. Tell me what's wrong" Eva softly encouraged you. Her concerned eyes and sweet smile met your own glossy eyes.
"Eva...am I..." You took a second to steady your breathing before attempting to talk again. "Do you think I'm weak?" 
Her face changed to surprise when you asked. "No, of course not! Ugh, he's going to get such an earful for insulting you like that. I was already holding back punching that bandit When he made a comment, now that stupid Iop crossed a line!" She huffed, crossing her arms.
"You...I don't care..about the human comments, I don't need you to stand up for me over it" to told her, but something about that caught a lump in your throat.
"Hey it's not like I don't think you can't stand up for yourself, I know you're a very independent person, you know how to handle yourself and I love that about you." Evangelyne told you, face softening again.
"You're really strong and I admire you so much, I mean it" she placed a kiss on your forehead. "You definitely would have given that bandit a good beating if yugo hadn't stepped in." She smiled.
You gave her a small smile in return. "Thanks...but...maybe tristepin is right...I'm just a defenseless human." You started but she placed a hand over your mouth to silence you.
"Nuh uh. You are not. You may be the only human I know aside from yugo and Raoul, but youre my favourite. Youre strong, maybe not strong in the same way as everyone else but that doesn't mean you're weak. And if it's a weapon you want then a weapon we'll get for you. Okay?"
You leaned your head on her shoulder and muttered an okay, feeling just a bit better, but still another matter bothering you at the core.
"I'm sorry"
"Why? What for?" Her voice had a lot of surprise mixed with affection.
"For breaking down and being all.. dramatic like that." You huffed.
"Never apologize for crying, or for any of that. Okay?" She told you sternly before holding you close again. "It's okay to cry, to be scared, to feel sad. All of that is normal and not something to be ashamed of. You're allowed to be vulnerable, my love."
Her embrace and gently words calmed you down, nestling into her arms with a sigh. "I just...feel like you shouldn't have to see me this way."
"Why not? You're my girlfriend, seeing you cry isn't going to make me love you any less" she told you, pressing a kiss on top of your head.
"Come on, let's get some food before bed okay? Yugo's probably done cooking now" she stood up and offered you her hand, to which you took and walked back to camp with her.
When you say down again, tristepin asked what happened but Eva quickly smacked him upside the head. "Don't you dare call her a defenseless human again, hear me, idiot?"
"Yes ma'am" he pouted, rubilax laughing at his feet over the iop's pain. 
Evangelyne took her seat next to you, a smug smile appearing on her face when she saw the proud smile you had.
"I love you" you sighed.
"I love you too, dear"
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hope this was okay! the whole idea was so sweet <3
i love writing for eva.
reblogs are appreciated!
feel free to request more angst, fluff or whatever comes to mind!
be sure to check my pinned post!
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saltymongoose · 2 years
🔊 M:PN 2 Official Voiceline Masterlist 🔊
Hey, so I just realized that not everybody has heard the official voicelines for the Madcom characters, so I made a masterlist of them for everyone's listening pleasure lol. Here ya go!
[Main Characters & Enemies]
Hank J. Wimbleton
Dr. Jebediah Christoff
Tricky the Clown
Dr. Hofnarr
Dr. Crackpot
Burger Gil
[Arena Mode]
Q-Bert (The Quartermaster)
Chopper Dave (The Pilot)
Magiturge AC
Regular Grunt (& Noob AC?)
VendeVice Syndicate
[General Enemy Voices]
AAHW Agent
Asylum Patient
Nexus Support
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sheriff-posting · 9 months
Y'know how in fucks name did the bandits even GET a MAG. Sometimes I see it hanging around out there.
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krystalkitdemi · 10 months
Multiplayer AU Part three
First part Second part
You had been with the employers, relatively safe and sound. All the while your friends are in different areas all around Nevada, wanting to find each other and you. However, you can only take the employer's nonsense before you had to leave. That was also when you first met the main four group. In the back of your mind, you wondered if your friends were okay. If they were still in your world or if they came into Nevada with you. However, one day you found an answer to that very question. You had heard strange remarks from agents that you and Hank cut down. About a creature that looked similarly to you, these agents referred to that creature as a 'bitch'. This obviously made you irritated. They were badmouthing your friend. But this also made you think about finding your friends. You were filled with a sense of duty to find and reunite with your friends, then you would be stronger together!
However, your companions were not as thrilled by the idea. You were oblivious to the fact they only wanted you. They couldn't care less about your friends. Yet, they were forced to as you cared very much for your friends. You urged them to help you with finding your friends. You knew that you'd have a better chance with surviving in Nevada with them. Or that they would survive better with a group.
You did not know that they would be finding out their own abilities and getting hopes to find each other after hearing about you.
:Player 2:
2 had a good time working with MERC, He was used to physical labor and felt satisfied with helping with mining and reclamation. The MERC men also found some of his stories interesting when he started telling them. His good personality and pleasant nature made it quite easy for the MERC grunts to accept him into their ranks. He found that even talking to the two g03lms, Church and Jorge, pretty fun, especially when he found out that they liked sports. 2 took his time keeping lookout as well, searching for signs of his friends. Any sign at all.
His tendency to keep an eye out for things helped to save one of his new companions' lives.
He had been patrolling around the mining area and watching the boys look for anything to use while he strummed the guitar he had found. He heard a rumbling that made him look up, In time to see that one of the support columns was about to give out. 2 knew that there was not much time and reached his hand out instinctively, wanting to move one of the men who had let him into their fold. Golden threads shot out from his fingertips and latched onto the grunt, before he was spurred to run to 2. The two watched in terror at the pillar collapse. The grunt was released just as quickly by the threads that appeared from 2's hand. "What the hell just happened?.," the stunned grunt asked. "I think I just saved your life.," 2 panted back. The grunt patted his back, "Yeah. You did."
[Strings unlocked] [secondary effect: unkown]
2 looked back at the grunt and gave him a smile, a smile that was both relieved and kind of forced to make the grunt feel better. The grunt nodded a thank you and went back to work. Neither of them told the others what had happened until the captain asked what happened to the support pillar. 2 had to explain what happened and fill out a report before the supports could be repaired.
The young man still worked and kept a lookout, still giving an honest effort and worked hard. Being happy and exhausted by day's end. One day, he was walking on the wall and saw some AAHW agents talking to the bandits that camped outside. 2 sat down and started strumming his guitar while listening to the agents questioning. He took note of the Mag that was with the agents, The big guy looked familiar before 2 recognized him as Torture. 2 wondered why he was here before seeing the poster that torture was holding. 'So, they are looking for someone?,' 2 thought before he heard the agents mention a 'player'. He realized they were talking about you. You were here. So were 3 and 4. '3 is gonna be pissed if anything hurt player one or player 4.,' 2 thought to himself again.
2 stood and walked to the railing of the wall, getting a better look at the situation. His eyes watched the situation and watched as the Agents let the bandits go until one turned to attack and was promptly gunned down. "That went as well as I would suspect.," 2 sighed to himself and turned to walk back into the compound. He heard someone call out, "Hey! You up there!" The cowboy hat wearing young man walked to the edge of the walkway and leaned over it, "Ya need somethin'?" The agents stepped back after seeing 2's face and looked at the poster. They looked back up at 2. "We're looking for someone called 'player', you know about 'em?," One of the agents asked. "Yeah. That's one of my friends, been my friend for a long time. I'm looking for 'em as well. Mighty worried about player an' the others since we were brought here.," 2 replied, "If you do find player, tell 'em that Player 2 is at MERC."
"Player 2?," the other agent asked, "How many are there of you?" "Guess Auditor never told ya, there's four of us.," the young man told the agents, "And I am ready to find my friends and get home, Pretty sure the others are as well." The young man stood from the railing, looking at Torture. The big guy had a look on his face like he understood. 2 gave the agents a friendly nod before walking away.
:Player 3:
3 has been at odds with the agents that seem to have taken her in for no other reason than some sort of amusement besides searching for Hank J. Wimbleton. Either being made to scrap against a bored agent or forced to clean up messes, it was not a very pleasant time. however, she was able to hear something. She heard about you. Auditor had given the orders for the agents to go find you. 3 was not dumb. She put two and two together and knew that Auditor was the perpetrator. He took everyone into Nevada.
The rough young woman again was forced to clean up a mess after the agents were called to go to a Hank sighting. She sighed and picked up the shattered glass, cursing to herself all the while. Her briused hands got a few knicks from the broken whiskey bottles and she carried the bags of trash to the dumpster outside. The smell of cigarettes caught her nose as she looked over and saw some agents smoking. 'I guess not everyone was called, they do need some people to keep an eye on the base.,' she thought to herself and noticed it was the same ones that caught her. 'Mother fuckers.'
"Oh look, Bitch is cleaning again.," one of the agents mocked and threw a bottle at her. Said bottle hit her arm and shattered when it hit the ground. 3 winced from the bottle hitting a healing bruise. She threw the trash bags into the dumpster and looked to the horizon. Her mind ignored the two agents throwing taunts at ther and wandered to where the hell you and the others were. 2 would be okay by himself for a while but you and 4 are the most vunerable. 3 felt a hand on her shoulder, the claws dug into her jacket, "Pay attention when I'm talking to you." The growling voice of the agent grated on 3's nerves. They were stressed, but that was no reason to bully her or others she had seen them bring into the facility. "Unhand me.," She said with a hiss, "Now." She was roughly turned around, the agent was scowling. She felt a slight burning sensation on her hand and fingertips. 3 pushed him away and the man made a fighting stance. "So we have to keep teaching you this lesson.," the grunt growled and spat his cigarette on the ground. Again 3 and the agent started to exchange blows before she get too irritated and finally slapped him on his face. His shades flew off of his facial cross and 3 could see the slightly widened slit areas where his eyes were. Something told her to whip her hand towards him again and she did, Scarlet red strings flew from her fingertips and wove together into a whip like structure, cracking the agent across the face.
3 heard the crack of the whip and flung the weapon again. Then again, and kept repeating until she heard a gunshot from the other agent. She stopped and saw the second agent pointing the pistol he had at her. The first agent's suit was sliced up and he was crawling away in pain. "What the fuck...," The gun pointing agent said and motioned to the building, "Get in there, now." 3 stuck her hands into the air and obeyed, she was urged to get into a empty room before the door was locked behind her.
[Strings locked] [secondary effect: whip (unlocked)]
3 sighed and looked around before putting her ear to the door and listening to the two outside panicking. She knew that this was gonna be bad if the Soldat of these two heard about her recent power development. 3 let her strings out again and let it form a whip once more. She knew she had to leave soon. 3 remembered a Motorcycle she spied in one of the holding bays of the facility, Perhaps she could commandeer it for a better use?
After all, motorcycles are her favorite transportation type.
She felt her blood begin to boil as she heard the two agents come back to the locked room she was in. She backed away from the door and called another whip into her other hand. "May as well show these jokers their just desserts.," she chuckled to herself. The door opened and both of the agents walked in pointing their guns at her. "What in the hell are you?," one asked. "I'm Player 3, Assholes.," She grinned maliciously and cracked the whips, "and I don't wanna play with you anymore."
:Player 4:
4 has been the unwilling participant of many experiments to find out more about her, save from killing and dissecting her. Although, that option was never off the table. Who even needed to kill her, they could dissect her alive. Through the frustration and inability to communicate, she stayed silent, much to the chagrin of the scientists that wanted to study her or the security officers that had to find her after her many jailbreaks. She was so small compared to their usual contained projects that she could slip through the cracks of the enclosure when bored to wander around. 4 would eventually get found and have to be carried back by the same security personell. He was never pleased to do it, but 4 found it a bit fun after he stopped shocking her with the cattle prod. He found that she was rather compliant after being found. "Why do you always escape like that? Do you like to be in constant danger?," He would ask her after giving her a painful smack on the head.
A nasty bruise formed on the places he would smack, turning 4 purple and discolored for a small time. She knew that 3 would freak out from seeing her all bruised up and you would be worried about her health. The rather silent player did not want to become hurt or worry her friends. She was running out of hope though, how long was it since she had been first dropped into Nevada? Her hopes began to rise when she heard something, the security personell had been encountering AAHW agents that had been trying to put up posters of an unusual creature, a creature that resembled her slightly. Her eyes looked at the small group that was discussing the AAHW agents, listening in on their conversations as she was carried past by the officer who held her. She pulled at the jacket of the grunt holding her to get his attention and pointed to the group. He found this unusual as she would just let him take her back to the holding cell before. "What is it?," He asked, "Are you interested in what they are saying?"
She gave him a nod and pointed again. One of the officers was holding a poster. The officer holding 4 walked over to his allies and greeted them. "Another jailbreak?," one of the officers chuckled, "Better put a leash on the little one." "Very funny. You find something on the patrol?," The Holding officer asked. An engineer handed over a piece of paper, "Some AAHW jokers had wandered into our territory and put up these posters. The creature on it looks like your friend there."
The security officer that was holding 4 looked at the paper and then let 4 take a look at it. She recognized you immediately. She pointed at your picture and made a motion with her hands that had her index fingers grasp together. "I do not understand that.," the Officer said before shaking his head, "I have to take this thing back to the cell. Is it okay if it keeps the poster?" "We were just about to destroy the others we gathered.," the soldat with the group said, "Feel free to keep it."
The security officer proceeded to carry 4 back to her containment cell. He placed her down and gave her the poster. "If I give you this, will you please not break out anymore today? Or tomorrow. Just don't break out anymore.," the Grunt said. The young woman looked up at him and tilted her head, she pointed at the calender behind him that they set up on the containment cell wall. "Are you really asking when you can break out again?," the Grunt asked. He got a nod from 4. "Never.," the guard replied and flicked the young woman's forehead, leaving a red mark. 4 rubbed the sore spot and pointed to words and letters to reply to the guard. He knew she had difficulty communicating after his many captures of her.
"'I am bored'?," He asked, "That's it?" 4 nodded and pointed to letters again, finally communicating with this guard. He sat down to understand and the scientist who were studying her came to watch this communication that was finally occuring. "'I like this game we play.'," The guard read, "It's not a game, it's an annoyance." He sighed and shook his head, "I don't have time to play with you. I have a job to do."
4 watched as he began to get up and then sat back down and turned to her. He repeated the hand motion he made earlier, The locking of index fingers together. "Well, since you can communicate with me now. What does this mean?," The officer asked. 4 smiled and pointed to letters. "Friends.," The grunt read out, "This player is your friend?" He got another nod and then 4 pointed to herself. She made a few hand signs before putting four fingers up. There was no need to translate. The guard could understand that just by counting the number of letter signs she made. She had just introduced herself as Player 4.
[Strings locked] [Secondary effect: unknown]
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