#mage Arthur
elizabethemerald · 5 months
Aquaman DPxDC Prompt
Real Life Mermaid Danielle
Ellie has explored a lot of the surface world over the last couple of years, but now she has a new place to explore, the entire ocean! Obviously to explore the ocean a little easier she changes her form to that of a mermaid so she can live out every little girl's fantasy (at least according to Jazz) At least until Aquaman finds a child mer exploring the ocean. He and Mera always wanted a daughter. His rage when he finds out she's a clone made by a man she calls "The Bastard" against her template's will will be breathtaking to see.
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vigilskeep · 1 month
i loveeee that inquisition mage coats have their grimoires visibly attached to their belts its sooo cute
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Mage Merlin: [going through a list of items in his mind]
Knight Arthur: [looking at the map]
Mage Merlin: [looks over to Arthur] Are we nearing our first stop? I do wish to make camp before the sun sets or any bandits attacking us.
Knight Arthur: [nodding] Yes, I see a little area here on the map we can rest for a bit just a couple more paces ahead and we'll reach it.
Mage Merlin: [stretching before pulling his horses reins] Wonderful, I'd like get settled in quick, I'm not meant for riding horses.
Knight Arthur: [chuckling] Is your little bottom sore, Merlin?
Mage Merlin: [oblivious] Yes and it's your fault I can't sit properly!
Knight Arthur: [his mind completely went south into the deep dank gutter of filth, starring Merlin's bottom, he choked]
Mage Merlin: [looks over to his partner in concern and reaches out to slap Arthur's back] Arthur? You're not suddenly dying are you? You need to tell me so I can write your will, just in case.
Knight Arthur: [coughing] Shut up Merlin.
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camelliagwerm · 1 month
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I suppose the templars weren't much company.
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thvndrlight · 5 months
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fandomtookoverlife · 2 months
Au where someone is trying to manipulate character A so they put a love charm on Character B
So the Manipulator knows A is in love with B so they put a charm on B to make them think they are in love with A and confess their feelings
The joy A feels at the prospect of their love being returned will have them so off guard/distracted they will be so much easier to subdue
M thinks they are absolutely brilliant! What could go wrong? A is going to be so enamoured and happy that the person they love loves them back they won’t even notice the trap they are walking into! B is under their spell so no worries there and there aren’t any other variables it’s fool proof!
Option #1
M sets their trap and sits back waiting for A to fall into it, only when it comes time it’s as though A is expecting it they completely side step it and counter it so that M is now at their mercy How did this happen! The Plan! How could A possibly have known?
The issue is that there is a critical fault in M’s plan they didn’t consider.
B loves A in return so when cursed!B confesses their fake feelings the curse is immediately undone by none other than true loves kiss rendering the curse completely useless
B immediately tells A everything: the plan, about M, all of it (B was subjected to a token villain monologue so they know about the trap) A is heartbroken now knowing it was all a lie
A goes to leave, angry, heartbroken, to take revenge on M for getting their hopes up, for ending their friendship bc now that B knows about A’s feelings they will leave, affronted and repulsed by A’s feelings
B is left confused and chasing after A, “what’s wrong? I know you’re angry but it’s ok, their plan fell through we are both safe, we know where they are going to be we can use this to our advantage! It’s a good thing! Why are you upset!”
A’s like “don’t you understand there is no we! M has ruined everything you’re going to leave me now, I would have never told you about my feelings I never wanted to because I couldn’t stand the thought of your rejection! Of you not loving me back! How are we supposed to move on from that! We can’t! I can’t!”
And then B gets to take A’s face in their hands, maybe kiss them, and say “of course I love you you idiot! How could I not love you? Don’t you see? Don’t you understand? You’re everything to me! Yes M is awful and we have to stop them, but I love you, I’ve dreamed of this moment for years, this is the best day of my life, tell me it’s yours too”
Cue happy ending and/or otp intensely making out in the middle of where ever they are standing
Option #2
M sets their trap and waits, only A never shows up? What is going on this was not apart of the plan!
What happened is that B was cursed and had no idea, one minute they are walking down the street the next they have the sudden urge to confess their feelings for A so they go do that
True loves kiss breaks the spell and B is left wondering where they got that sudden urge/confidence to finally confess but they quickly push that through to the side, after all it worked out so why question it?
Being so happy A and B change course abandoning their current path for a vacation to bask in their new love
Leaving M sitting, waiting and wondering where it all went wrong
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kingludoavarius · 3 months
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@billiebustupofficial @bbu-fan-blog @a-little-ray-of-fantasy
Okay, so I don't believe I've ever posted this, but this is my loose concept I made a long time ago of an original character named Adrian. He is a 350-year-old white mage goat, the Elder White Mage at the Monastery of the White Mages in Ballad of the White Mage. In the story, Arthur is taken to Adrian to be healed of his soul burn. Learning of Vadrigar's return, he knows that time is short and that Arthur, his friends, and family must be trained in the art of white magic, and for that to happen, they must purge themselves of all guilt, a sort of "confession" if you will to cleanse their spirits and make them pure.
Adrian is blind, but not completely without sight. He can see spirits and knows what each one looks like uniquely. He can tell when someone is happy, sad, angered, without seeing their faces or expressions. He can see spirits through walls. Because of his lack of normal eyesight (as well as his advanced age), he walks with a staff. While wise, containing far more knowledge about magic than even Aristotle, he still requires the assistance of others merely getting around. He's tired and old, but a kind spirit who loves everyone infinitely.
Only he knows how to beat Vadrigar, and only he can show them how to do it. Adrian knows he cannot be around forever. He knows that a successor, someone to carry his mission, his knowledge and wisdom, must be chosen, someone to defend the world from evil when he is no longer around, and believes Arthur to be the perfect man for the job. Arthur wanted to be a superhero. And he believes that by becoming the new White Mage Elder, he may have the opportunity to be one.
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ungoliantschilde · 8 months
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Mage: the Hero Discovered, Book One TPB, written and illustrated by Matt Wagner.
If you’ve never read Matt’s Mage books, you absolutely should as soon as you can. They’re gems.
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essskel · 1 year
Who is the King Arthur figure in Sapkowski’s interpretation of the quest for the Holy Grail that is the Witcher saga? Well i’m glad you asked, because luckily there is a very simple answer that is in no way undefinable, nebulous and ever-changing, or capable of causing inter-fandom wars the likes of which you’ve never seen
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jopzer · 2 years
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you know what? i like you. *dragonages your merthur*
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st-just · 2 years
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Marsakan Mage Artisan by Gerry Arthur
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vigilskeep · 5 months
huge fan of wizards, ultimately
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Mage Merlin: [making potions]
Knight Arthur: Are you nearly done?
Mage Merlin: Almost, I just need these to settle down and then pour it into the vials and we can go.
Knight Arthur: Is there enough to last us throughout the trip?
Mage Merlin: Depends how often we get attacked by bandits or any hostile creatures.
Knight Arthur: [nods] I'll see if there's a safer route we can take but most likely there isn't since the rewards are high.
Mage Merlin: Which is why I'm worried about this quest.
Knight Arthur: [looks over to a worried Merlin] With your magic and my might, we'll be fine Merlin.
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camelliagwerm · 1 month
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Anyway, I hope our new friends have what it takes to close the Breach. Damn thing gives me a headache just looking at it.
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krys-loves-otome · 1 year
Different Universe, Same Love: Magic AU
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"Oi! Broer! Hondje! We need to reach town before sunset! Hurry it up back there!"
"Okay, Theo!" Vincent called back, holding out his hand to the little healer mage, Abby, at his side, helping her step over a low branch that would have tripped her.
"We've still got plenty of daylight left," he reassured Abby, "Theo's just worried about us using up too much of our energy from the fighting earlier."
"How are you holding up? You used a lot of mana in that last fight against the manticore."
"I-I'm okay." she said, "I still have one more potion left in my bag so that should hold until we reach town."
"Are you sure? You look a little pale and your hand feels very warm."
"Mhmm!" She nodded with a smile.
Vincent still tightened his grip on her hand, keeping to her pace.
"This path is so beautiful…" she said absentmindedly, admiring the colorful flowers.
"Yeah," Vincent said, "if we weren't in a rush, I would have liked to paint them."
Vincent glanced ahead, seeing Theo talking to Arthur. Or bickering, with the way Theo was scowling and the eternally mischievous grin on Arthurs's face.
"But, we do need to conserve our strength and resources. Perhaps I can ask Theo if we can stay in town for a few days, so I can paint the flowers with you, if you'd like."
"Really? I would-!" She fell forward, Vincent's surprisingly strong arms for his class, catching her before she hit the ground.
"Careful!" Vincent helped her to stand upright, brushing her bangs out of her face, his hand lingering on her forehead.
"…Theo, Arthur!" He called, taking Abby's staff out of her hands. "Take our staves. Abby isn't feeling well."
"V-Vincent, I can-"
"No way, Hondje." Theo took her staff, noting her flushed cheeks. "You pass out and we're all in trouble."
"You sure you don't want one of us to carry her, mate?" Arthur offered, "Magic users aren't exactly known for having great strength-"
His words vanished on his tongue as Vincent easily into his arms with a tiny squeak from the little bird. Theo smirked.
"He might be an elemental mage, but Broer has strength to match any brawler or sword-wielder. And beat them."
"Bloody hell," Arthur whispered, staring in disbelief. "Guess… there are exceptions."
"Naturally." Theo said proudly , then turned back to Vincent. "Do you want to rest here?"
"How far off is the town?"
"We can make it there in less than an hour, if we move fast."
Vincent nodded.
"Keep an eye out for fever reducing plants, both of you. Maybe even a restoring fountain if we're lucky."
They also nodded and turned to move on ahead.
"Vincent, I… I'm so sorry…"
"Rest, schatje." Vincent said, readjusting his grip for speed and followed Theo and Arthur at a brisk pace. "We'll find an inn to recover in once we get to town. You'll be good as new then."
Abby laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.
Another entry down! Only one more to go!
I know the prompt said circus/magic au, but I couldn't think of much for the circus theme, so I just went with my first thought at seeing magic, which was a sort of OG Final Fantasy kinda setting.
Many thanks again to Mo (@xxsycamore) and Julie (@queengiuliettafirstlady) for hosting this event once again!
Also, Happy World Watercolor Month, I'm gonna try to do most of my July artworks in watercolors (with help as needed with pencils and digital effects that I couldn't replicate in analog).
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suenoennegro · 9 months
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