#magick candles
nikkas-cottage · 4 months
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Special spring tapers I made in honor of Persephone’s return 🌸
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deja-vu-esoterica · 4 months
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A photo of a candle being lit on our recent Aphrodite Altar for Valentine's Day
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freyja-lestrange · 1 month
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Candle Color Correspondences from Wicca Wicks Storefront - https://www.amazon.com/stores/WiccaWicks/Homepage/page/8C2DBB99-E443-49CF-84A2-A2E359778B07?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_ast_store_VNGDJVC31BEW62V3H7K5&store_ref=bl_ast_dp_brandLogo_sto
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thebutterflymage · 10 months
I want to find people who want to do this together...
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spookyfresa1997 · 3 months
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my eternal flame
via digital diary by spookyfresa1997
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Spell casting basics
Intention -
What is the purpose of the spell, what are you trying to achieve?
Who -
Who is the target for the spell, is it for yourself or other people?
Location -
Where will you be preforming the spell or ritual, it needs to be a safe place where you will be uninterrupted.
Materials -
What do you need for your spell?Crystals, incense, herbs, candles.
Timing -
What time of day should you cast your spell for best effect and power.
Casting -
When it comes time to cast the spell use everything that you have gathered for the spell with intention.
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enchantedwitchling · 9 days
Illuminating the Path: A Beginner's Guide to Candle Magick
Candle magick is a beautiful and accessible way to harness the power of fire and light in your magical practice. Whether you're new to witchcraft or looking to deepen your connection with this ancient art, candle magick offers a versatile and powerful tool for manifesting intentions, creating sacred space, and connecting with the divine. Let's explore the basics of candle magick, how to choose and prepare your candles, and discover simple spells and rituals to illuminate your path.
What is Candle Magick?
Candle magick involves using candles as a focal point for your intentions, prayers, and spells. The flame of the candle represents the element of fire, a symbol of transformation, energy, and purification. The act of lighting a candle and focusing on its flame helps concentrate your energy and send your intentions out into the universe.
Choosing Your Candles
The first step in candle magick is selecting the right candle for your purpose. Candles come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, each holding unique magical properties.
Colour Correspondences:
White: Purity, protection, healing, spiritual growth
Red: Passion, strength, courage, love
Pink: Love, friendship, compassion, emotional healing
Orange: Creativity, enthusiasm, success, joy
Yellow: Wisdom, communication, mental clarity, confidence
Green: Prosperity, abundance, health, growth
Blue: Peace, tranquility, protection, intuition
Purple: Spirituality, psychic abilities, wisdom, power
Black: Protection, banishing negativity, grounding
Brown: Stability, grounding, home protection, animal magic
Types of Candles:
🕯️Taper Candles: Tall and thin, ideal for longer rituals and spells.
🕯️Pillar Candles: Thick and sturdy, suitable for extended workings and larger spells.
🕯️Tea Light Candles: Small and convenient, perfect for simple spells and meditations.
🕯️Chime Candles: Short and fast-burning, great for quick spells and intention-setting.
Preparing Your Candles
Once you've chosen your candle, it's essential to prepare or "dress" it for your magical work. This involves cleansing, charging, and anointing the candle to align it with your intention.
Cleansing: Cleanse your candle to remove any unwanted energies. You can pass it through the smoke of incense, sprinkle it with salt water, or hold it under running water while focusing on purifying it.
Charging: Charge your candle by holding it in your hands and visualizing your intention. Imagine your goal or desire flowing from your heart into the candle, filling it with energy and purpose.
Anointing: Anoint your candle with a suitable oil to enhance its power. Use oils that correspond to your intention, such as lavender for peace, rosemary for protection, or cinnamon for prosperity. Apply the oil from the top of the candle to the middle, then from the bottom to the middle.
Simple Candle Magick Spells and Rituals
Basic Intention Setting Spell
This is a straightforward spell for beginners to focus on a specific goal or desire.
1. Choose a candle color that matches your intention.
2. Write your intention on a piece of paper.
3. Light the candle and visualize your intention coming to fruition.
4. Focus on the flame and chant your intention, such as "I am attracting abundance" or "I am protected and safe."
5. Burn the paper in the candle's flame and let the candle burn down safely.
Candle Meditation for Clarity
This ritual helps clear your mind and gain insight or guidance.
1. Choose a white or blue candle.
2. Light the candle and sit comfortably in front of it.
3. Focus on the flame and take deep breaths, allowing your mind to clear.
4. Ask a question or seek guidance, and watch the flame for any flickers or movements.
5. Meditate for as long as you feel necessary, then extinguish the candle.
Protection Candle Spell
This spell creates a shield of protection around you or your home.
1. Choose a black or white candle.
2. Anoint the candle with protection oil (e.g., rosemary or frankincense).
3. Light the candle and visualize a protective shield surrounding you or your space.
4. Chant, "By this flame, I am protected. Negative energies are deflected."
5. Let the candle burn down safely, reinforcing your protective barrier.
Love and Friendship Spell
This spell attracts love, compassion, and friendship into your life
1. Choose a pink candle.
2. Write your desire for love or friendship on a piece of paper
3. Anoint the candle with rose oil
4. Light the candle and visualize loving energy flowing towards you.
5. Chant, "Love and friendship come my way, with harm to none, this I say."
6. Burn the paper in the flame and let the candle burn down safely.
Tips for Safe and Effective Candle Magick
• Always practice fire safety. Never leave a burning candle unattended and place it on a heat-resistant surface.
• Use a snuffer or your fingers to extinguish candles. Blowing them out can disperse the energy.
• Be mindful of the candle's flame and wax. The way it burns can provide insights into your spell's effectiveness.
• Keep a journal of your candle magick experiences to track your progress and learn from each ritual.
Candle magick is a powerful and accessible way to work with the elemental energy of fire and manifest your desires. By choosing the right candles, preparing them with intention, and engaging in simple spells and rituals, you can harness the transformative power of candle magick to illuminate your path and achieve your goals. As you light your candles, may your intentions burn bright, your heart be full of magic, and your spirit be guided by the gentle glow of the flame.
Happy casting!
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the-clumsywitch · 1 year
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Source: Conventum
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vantaesfairie · 1 year
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪 𝔰𝔭 (𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔫𝔢𝔯) 𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔣𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔬𝔫𝔢
atlty’s tarot readings: art commissions, paid readings, spell ritual comms open!
choose a pile below:
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pile 1, crochet plant:
your dream sp: do yall like fixing people,,,,, hmmmmm bc im getting a vibe of i can fix them but you actually do. delusional ass. you want someone who has escaped some sort of bad experiences, or has a bad boy / girl appearance. you want someone who is a born leader, fiery energy, good with money and is ambitious to achieve their own goals. oh you want someone with duality. someone with a peaceful, gentle side to them that they don’t show often, perhaps mysterious or emotionally intuitive. 
your fated sp: someone who has experienced enough to become mature and warm and caring. i don’t think it’s a bad boy / girl. someone who has expertise in their field, master of 1 skill kind of vibe. someone who enjoys learning and travelling, broadening their horizons. idealistic, likes bright colours? that’s a specific message. always looking for chances for entrepreneurship, money making, learning new hobbies and skills, hopping around from one to the next. a fresh breath of air, embodies the sun. 
pile 2, crochet jellyfish: 
your dream sp: are yall stuck on your ex or someone toxic??? you want someone who can fight for you, will burn the world down to save you trope. someone who saves you from the bad things that happen to you. you want someone who can help you clear your mind and take a break, a healing person. someone who ISN’T STUCK ON THE PAST AND DOESN’T WALLOW IN SELF PITY. or maybe you are missing your ex who knows 
your fated sp: they may come in later in your life than you think. you are fated to meet someone who is powerful in their field, respects authority, perhaps religious and traditional. someone who has achieved happiness in all aspects of their life and is willing to share that with you. someone who completes you. kind and family-oriented, emotional, sensitive, and compassionate. balanced masculine and feminine energy. 
pile 3, crochet pasta: 
your dream sp: i think you watch too much tiktok or smut. yall are all FINDING THE SAME TYPE OF GUY. i think you like toxic people who will fight for you. literally physically fight someone off for you. someone who is good in bed and creative. passionate, motivated to work hard, probably athletic especially running. someone who can dominate you, but still be patient and compassionate with you. tamed wild beast typa feeling. 
your fated sp: and guess what you will get someone who will fight for you, but instead of literally fighting they will defend you and this relationship to the very end. someone who likes fairness and justice, could work in the law field. someone who will make sure that they give as much as they take. down to earth, nature-loving, practical and resourceful. willing to hand make things for you. likes to save money perhaps. 
ok i got lazy so i posted this like weeks after i said i was gonna sorries
i hope you enjoyed this pac! please consider purchasing a paid reading or spell service by sliding into my dms. reblog and share if possible! i’d love to know if this resonates to you. thank you so much! 
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enchanting-jewel · 2 years
Egg shells in witchcraft
Save your eggshells and make them into a powder. You can use them for protection, peace and cleansing!
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Also, can be used to make Black Salt. Just add some incense ashes!
Just rinse them, allow them to dry, crush in your mortar and pestle and store them in a labeled bottle.
Powdered Eggshells can be used in your magical workings to cast circles or for protection.
To add some extra oomph, add a pinch of salt and dragon's blood resin in your protection blend.
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nikkas-cottage · 4 months
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Floral pomegranates to burn on the Spring Equinox!
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artdecobish222 · 9 months
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has someone sent you negative energy? talking shit about you? gossiping about you? Sending you the evil eye? speaking negatively on your name? sending you all this nasty energy?
if yes then this is the perfect spell for you and let me explain. You can use this free energy that others are sending you to your advantage! rather than making these people stop talking negative about you, use this energy and transform it into more abundance for yourself, to give yourself proclaimed power, and more self love for you! So that anytime someone speaks negatively on your name make it so you get more self love and abundance for yourself. instead of using the evil eye to deflect this negative energy let’s make this energy beneficial for you. And here’s how ↓ ↓ ↓
(DISCLAIMER: please, please do a protection spell before you do this spell. Or atleast perfect protection magick before you do this)
First cleanse your tools and ingredients and ask spirit guides/ancestor for protection and assistance.
grab a piece of paper and write “may any negative energy, evil eye, gossiping or jealousy spoken on my name or surrounding my name be transmutted into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself, bringing me closer to balance, success and serenity.”
Write your full name on the back of the paper and fold the paper towards you
Put the paper in a jar, or any container that can close. (I used an old jewelry box for this spell which can work too)
Now Add the following ingredients;
⁃ roses; to fuel me with self love and confidence anytime someone speaks on my name with ill intentions
⁃ nutmeg; to bring me luck and abundance anytime someone speaks on my name with ill intentions
⁃ basil; to purify the negative energy spoken on my name and to transmute it into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself
⁃ Eucalyptus oil; to purify the negative energy spoken on my name and to transmute it into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself
⁃ Oregano leaves; to bring me luck and abundance anytime someone speaks on my name with ill intentions
⁃ Salt; to purify that negative energy sent towards me and to turn that energy into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself
⁃ Tigers eye; to change that negative energy into positive energy for myself
⁃ Clear quartz; to absorb the negative energy sent towards me or spoken on my name and transmute it into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself
Seal the jar/container with white wax for purification
Thank the spirit of the herbs and crystals, and thank your spirit guides and ancestors!
Focus on intentions with the jar “to trap any negative energy, evil eye, or gossip sent my way and spoken on my name, to purify the energy and send it back out to me into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself”
now that your done, you can let those people talk shit on your name because simultaneously your becoming more abundant, powerful, and beautiful. You’re leveling up while they’re leveling down. 🤭 I’ve created this spell and did it a month ago and safe to say that this definitely works.
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thebutterflymage · 10 months
☆ A major part of manifesting is believing you're worthy of what you're asking for. You are never too little to ask for BIG changes. ☆
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skogjeger · 11 months
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Candles' Colours & Associations ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ 
‧₊˚.  : · •.  * • ˚   . · * ✶   : · •  *   ˚ ✵
Candle magic, often referred to as "magick" (a common alternate spelling), offers an accessible and budget-friendly approach to spiritual practices. For centuries, people have incorporated candle rituals into their spiritual routines, making it an integral part of diverse traditions. Candles play a versatile role in various occasions like weddings, birthdays, spells, honouring deities and numerous other celebrations and rituals.
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𖤣𖥧˚ Candle Colour Associations
Each candle colour is associated with distinct energies, intentions, and vibrations. Understanding these associations is essential for crafting meaningful candle rituals. Candles add rather than subtract to your spells, although candles aren't always necessary and you can use any candle and associate your own meanings for them, but here are some common candle colour associations:
White: Purity, spirituality, banishing, cleansing, unveiling, healing, truth, balance, innocence, clarity, peace, new beginnings, and illumination. It represents divine light and is often used for cleansing and invoking spiritual protection.
Red: Passion, love, courage, fire, lust, anger, revenge, sex, power, survival, change, action, assertiveness, and strength. Red candles are employed for matters of the heart, to enhance energy, and ignite motivation.
Orange: Success, enthusiasm, curiosity, change, opportunities, simulation, courage, and attraction. Orange candles are used to stimulate creativity and bring positive energy into endeavors.
Yellow: Creativity, joy, motivation, positivity, relieving negativity, energy, happiness, and clarity. Yellow candles can enhance mental clarity, increase focus, and bring a sense of joy and optimism.
Green: Growth, abundance, fertility, wealth, nature, naivety, healing, and prosperity. Green candles are used for attracting financial well-being and promoting healing and renewal.
Blue: Peace, healing, recollection, psychic growth, justice, study, mental blocks, guidance, calm, honesty, harmony, intuition, and communication. Blue candles aid in deepening meditation, enhancing psychic abilities, and fostering emotional balance.
Purple: Spirituality, wisdom, divination, and higher consciousness. Purple candles are associated with spiritual awakening and seeking inner wisdom.
Pink: Love (self-love), friendship, nurturing, and harmony. Pink candles are often used in rituals focused on self-love, compassion, and nurturing relationships.
Grey: Transmutation, patience, mediating, neutralizing, balance, stability, study, calm, balance, developing psychic abilities, and wisdom. Grey candles are useful when contemplating complex issues and can neutralize negative influences.
Brown: Wisdom, grounding, tenacity, perseverance, stability, rooted, security, woods, family, animals, pets, earth, material items, practicality, rediscovery, reconnection, and balance. Brown candles serve a dual purpose: safeguarding pets and family members, as well as facilitating reconnection with friends and loved ones.
Black: Protection, banishing, endings, absorbing, safety, binding, exorcism, release, death, healing, loss, and releasing negativity. Black candles are used for purification and breaking negative patterns. Some people will also use black candles for revenge spells (white too) or breaking hexes.
𖤣𖥧˚ Metallic Candle Colour Associations
Gold: Abundance, wealth, spiritual illumination, success, good fortune, happiness, ambition, luck, and the sun. Gold candles are used to invoke prosperity, celebrate achievements, and attract positive energies.
Silver: Intuition, self-reflection, perception, awareness, defend, send-back energy, protection, and emotional balance. Silver candles are employed for enhancing psychic abilities, connecting with lunar energies, and invoking the divine feminine.
Copper: Healing, vitality, emotions, autumn, new ideas, relaxation, combining, coming together, and energy balancing. Copper candles are utilized to promote physical healing, boost energy levels, and restore equilibrium.
Bronze: Grounding, strength, autumn, foundation, and courage. Bronze candles are associated with stability, courage, and protection during challenging times.
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Final ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━
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Feel free to reach out to me if you're interested in exploring different candle colours or their associations. You can send me a message directly, drop a note in my inbox, or share your thoughts in the comments, and I'll be happy to expand on the topic!
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jrdnmichelle · 7 months
a spell for power
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