mahoushojo-chan · 11 months
random thought for dnd bg3 enjoyers
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no because wouldn't it be so funny if they just threw a lich at you in act 1?? i opened the coffin and like i knew it'd be fine because there's no way they would but think about if you actually attacked withers act 1 he would just go like this and decimate your party:
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mahoushojo-chan · 11 months
I need more soft bg3 astarion fluff concepts/prompts please hit me with it
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mahoushojo-chan · 11 months
fic confession
god i want to fit a period blood chapter in the fic so badly but periods never exist in fantasy settings and i cannot find a way to make it plot relevant but as someone who struggles with AWFUL period cramps on the regular i want so desperately to write the comfort
it feels very much like oneshot material but i am stuck writing one thing currently and i cannot give this up
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mahoushojo-chan · 11 months
OH MY GOD YOUR WRITING!!!! You are SO good and i love the fic and its every chapter! just wow. i don’t understand why arent there many kudos yet on ao3? Its so so good :’)
WEFHDASFH thank you!! honestly kudos are great and all but what really get me going are comments like these. i LOVE hearing what people have to say about the things i write and i live for the solidarity of fangirling over similar topics (the feeling of being understood) about (un)healthy obsessions with fictional characters.
idk i could post full-on video essays on the things i like and it gives me life, and i hope someone else can feel as energized by my writing!!
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mahoushojo-chan · 11 months
i don't really care about popularity or reblogs or likes but i AM interested in statistics and funny patterns and other theories so i find it interesting that my fluff gets a bunch of activity but my newest non fluff does not and i feel like this is indicative of something because I feel like the following conclusions are not correct:
bg3 and specifically astarion fans have an audience of primarily minors
tumblr has an audience of primarily minors (DECIDEDLY not, considering there was the whole ban
i also do not believe my content was targeted for no reason and just happened to flop
so then I think there's a high likelihood that either
I posted during a low traffic time and it got swept under
I posted during a high traffic time and it got buried
or what I feel is most likely is that tumblr has created a soft tag on certain types of content that limits search activity (specifically dealing with the Apple controversy)
if anyone else has any actual statistics and stuff lmk, if it's actually shadowbannable I'll just get rid of that kind of content and post it exclusively on ao3
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mahoushojo-chan · 10 months
i am absolutely using the amazing digital circus as inspiration to start off the next chapter and nobody can stop me
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mahoushojo-chan · 11 months
x reader may be cringe for ordinary people but i live for it. its never cringe to me honestly. i dont even self insert when im reading them, i just imagine my oc is there in the story.
thank you anon!! personally i feel like it SHOULDN'T be cringe as long as it isn't taken to some kind of extreme. whether people see themselves or an oc there is totally valid! sometimes you just wanna give your character some love or be loved in turn and that should be ok!
it's not super deep, everyone has their own fantasies?? i don't shame a guy for wanting to date like taylor swift or bang some other celebrity amirite
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mahoushojo-chan · 9 months
i might change the title of cause my love though, just because i thought of a pretty title and as much as i love mitski, i think there's something good going with this
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mahoushojo-chan · 11 months
I realize now the true appeal of hozier is imagining your favourite characters/ships to the lyrics
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mahoushojo-chan · 11 months
never stop writing!! >.<
THIS IS REALLY SWEET i know it's just a small message but there's a LORE here where, before CML, i haven't written in YEARS and i haven't posted in even more.
but when i was a kid it was like my favourite activity! i used to run imagine and headcanon blogs, used to eat up x reader shi, loved inserting OCs with fictional characters so on and so forth!
over time i got so caught up in a bunch of different things. 'is this good enough? oh this sounds awful here let's just delete this whole thing, wait i've written myself into a corner i'll just give up on this forever, oh i don't like the way i did this oh this is too repetitive etc etc, oh wouldn't it be better if this happened? ill just restart' and so on so forth.
then there was also the stigma of 'oh isn't x reader or x oc cringeeee?' and... honestly, maybe? but dnd used to be 'cringe', rp is 'cringe', and in some places even just smth like wearing makeup or fishnets is 'cringe' so like i need to learn to care less so this is me, trying to do that
that's why CML is just fully self-indulgent, not beta read. i love all support and i do still absolutely listen to criticism, but i kind of just take it with the mentality of 'ill fix that going forward so i can improve' rather than going back and rewriting every single mistake i can find. (ofc i'll still go back and fix some grammar/obvious mistakes but i mean like... pacing and plot and characterization etc)
i hope it can also encourage someone else to write whatever they want!
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