#make ally flag
They are both bisexual but mabel is, in fact, playing the trans card on him (he is transgender)
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imharnaannesta · 6 months
Okay, I’ve been enjoying all the “Buck is an Ally” jokes but, especially after the scene with Maddie, I feel like there’s an element there that’s not being discussed but that rings really true of a lot of people’s queer experiences.
I’m pretty sure Buck knows that being a man and going on a date with a man makes him some flavor of queer. He’s not that dumb, he can do that math.
But he’s nervous! There’s something exposed and uncomfortable about going on this date, telling his friends and family, being seen to be something other than straight. And he feels like he shouldn’t feel that way. He thinks being queer is great! It’s totally normal! No one should feel uncomfortable about being visibly queer!
So if he’s uncomfortable, if he feels exposed, if he doesn’t want to tell his friends or family right away, if he lies about it? Was he never as okay with all of this as he thought he was? Was he not actually an ally?
I feel like allyship can come with this sort of expectation that you’d transition gracefully into being queer. That it would be comfortable and easy. And that expectation can actually make it a lot more uncomfortable. Because being comfortable with queerness and being comfortable with self-discovery are two very different things but when the self-discovery you’re dealing with is your own queerness they don’t seem separate.
It can really feel like “if you were a good ally you’d be totally comfortable being perceived as queer” sometimes. And obviously that’s not true. Coming out can be extremely vulnerable and it can be really uncomfortable to do any kind of self-discovery but especially figuring out your sexuality. And especially later in life. And I think it really makes a lot of sense that Buck, who is definitely feeling unsure and exposed, feels like he shouldn’t feel that way because he’s been an ally. So he feels like he needs to validate that past experience of being an ally. He’s seeking validation that being unsure in this self-discovery doesn’t negate his past acceptance of and comfort with queerness. And I think he does get that validation from Maddie.
And I think there’s an interesting conversation (and maybe some interesting fanfiction) there if we just dig a little deeper past the jokes.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
If you want a weird piece of advice on how to treat trans men and transmasc people you know... I think my piece of advice is to hold off on calling us things like "cute", "twink", or anything adjacent to these if it hasn't been made clear that a person is okay with being described in that way. I promise, it's better to ask than to assume we're all the same, because it genuinely sucks when people make the assumption without even caring.
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dailygunngoo · 1 year
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My main computer is still broken, and I've been tired with house repairs, but I woke up in the middle of the night and drew this doodle on my laptop for Transgender Day of Visibility + Easter. 🏳️‍⚧️🐰✨ Sorry I couldn't draw a better one in time- this isn't replacing my regular style, I just need some time to get my main computer fixed and set up, hopefully in April.
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petrowriting · 3 months
some pride flags i made for myself and my friends this year:
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pride flag for people whose period skipped june
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pride flag for people constipated during june
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outeremissary · 21 days
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SO. Over a year ago in July I was tagged by @arrow90-quiver on this picrew, a time so long that the post on which I was tagged no longer exists and I could only locate a version of it through my email because I had email notifications on for tags and thus a full copy of the post in my email. I know it is VERY LATE, but last year I convinced myself that I could not post this without doing art for it, and by now I've done a lot of art for it at various points. So I'm still posting this I'msososorry
In addition to Balthazar and Carmen, I made my other two Kingmaker characters- my Varnhold's Lot general Xinyue and my good run baroness Teliah. Teliah is a nervous wreck of an NG halfling druid and she is driven by twitchy prey animal instinct in everything. Xinyue is a CG human magus and she is like a himbo for girls. No one is as cringe or fail as her, or as oblivious to it. She once failed so many Athletics checks to climb a cliff in a row (falling on her face every time) that I finally gave up and decided to split the party for that half of the map and leave her down there. What a woman. It's endearing to me, I can't help but root for her
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I am. Not tagging anyone. Due to the time. Haha. Whoops.
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fuckedupwizard · 3 months
modern au ouyang and gender talk below the cut
i've been thinking about ouyang's genital/gender situation in a modern au since like... thankfully eunuchs aren't really a thing anymore, especially not the way ancient china makes them! and while i think it would obviously be more likely for modern au ouyang to just, like, have a dick (maybe he's still very pretty and deals with a similar kind of societal pressure to overcompensate? that could definitely happen, lots of cis men are naturally very 'feminine' in appearance) i think that - bearing in mind i'm cis and want to be as sensitive as possible- i really like the idea of modern au ouyang as intersex, specifically with complete (most likely) or partial androgen insensitivity syndrome. ouyang being what many doctors would describe as "genetically male" (which i understand is flawed, since not all intersex people agree with a binary categorisation for themselves) but having a feminine presentation, a lack of testosterone, and most likely the social raising of a girl would preserve his trans narrative and gender dysphoria but also retain the core part of ouyang's character that is like... the pain and outrage that something he had was taken away from him. the chance to be a "normal man" if you will.
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aeolianblues · 2 days
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And that’s why we love them!
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Angst from my gentlebeard playlist
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1794 · 2 months
it's honestly kind of impressive how dedicated my mother is to the ally-in-name-only schtick
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 9 months
Oooh can I rant/spill some family drama into the echochamber of people who don't know my family and will agree with me because they've been carefully selected to?
Like you're gonna stop me.
So my grandmother died about a year ago. The night before the funeral, my aunt (let's call her Karen, all names gonna be fake duh) pulls my mom aside and says, "you should make sure my son, Kyle, isn't in the same limo to the cemetery as your nonbinary kid, Ash, because he might say something transphobic to them." (to be clear, Kyle, ash and I are all in our 30s.) obviously, my mom has a breakdown about this because it's a horrible thing to dump on her the night before her mother's funeral and there's nothing more classic Karen than thinking it's my mom's responsibility to police her children's behavior.
Now, to be clear, Kyle is a libertarian gun nut and nobody likes him, but neither I nor Ash nor my parents have ever witnessed him saying or doing anything homophobic or transphobic. Mostly because we never see or talk to him, but still. Besides wearing his crypto-MAGA hat while he was pall-bearing, he was on his best behavior at Nana's funeral and a Poppy's two months later.
Fasr forward to now and @slugdge-boy, who is trans, and I are planning our wedding. So i tell my parents, "I'm not inviting Kyle, because he is transphobic and my partner, sibling, and best friend are all trans as are a number of other people being invited."
But my parents think it would "create unnecessary drama" if I don't invite him but "don't worry, he won't come anyway." which is probably true, he never comes to family things. No one was even sure he would come to the funeral.
But I don't want him to think he's welcome. I don't want even a 5% chance he might come. I don't want to even worry about the possibility of it. Even if he comes and is on his very best behavior, I don't want to wonder if he's making fun of his to his friends later.
So right now, I think I'm just going to "accidentally" leave his name off the list. I doubt anyone will even notice. I mean, it's an email invite ffs.
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biblicalhorror · 10 months
The most frustrating part of engaging in any of this discourse with pro-Israel people is that they claim there's just something ineffable about "seeing and understanding" how supporting Palestinian liberation is directly calling for the eradication of Jewish people (as if that type of rhetoric isn't exactly how actual antisemitism often manifests in online spaces but that's a topic for another day)
They get through people debunking the "the land belongs to the people of Israel anyway" argument and the "LGBTQ Palestinians are safe in Israel" argument and the "Genocide isn't what's happening here so you should educate yourself" argument and when all of those points are meticulously disproven over and over they still stand with "Well, myself and your Jewish friends see the hate you have in your heart for us" and it truly doesn't matter what you say at that point because even if you yourself are Jewish they will claim that refusing to support the state, government and military of Israel is inherently hateful and bigoted, as if a religious ethnostate is some inherent human right that is being taken away from them. I know many of them are blinded by the relentless propaganda that's been around their whole lives and how hard it is to break free from a belief system that is so tied to your core identity as a human being but it is so frustrating watching people being led straight to the point over and over again and just turning around and refusing to see it.
It's also so frustrating to see people using the momentum of this movement to casually tack on actual antisemitism to these discussions, as if having Jewish people in positions of power is why the US bends over backwards to excuse the actions of Israel and not, yknow, the fact that our government directly benefits from having a military stronghold in the middle east. I've talked to some well-meaning pro-Palestine friends irl who casually use antisemetic talking points because they've ALSO bought into the narrative that Israeli = Jewish and so they blame the actions of Israel and the IDF on Jewish people's "religious values" and ignore the fact that this conflict really has almost nothing to do with religion itself and everything to do with capitalism, imperialism and maintaining the US's status as a so-called "global power".
#dont get me wrong there are lots of people on the pro palestine side who are very much aware of and vigilant against antisemitic rhetoric#but i genuinely worry about some of my non-jewish leftist friends and allies falling down some super shady pipelines because of all of this#i spend a lot of my time on my public facing social media sharing articles and graphics and whatnot about antisemitism#and how careful we need to be when calling out these atrocities and our government's complicity in them#but when one side is genuinely claiming with no evidence or argument that being against colonial occupation is just antisemitism#it makes it so hard to call out actual antisemitism within these spaces bc it delegitimizes antisemitism as a concern#i just want to scream#like. im not even jewish and i vividly remember when we had a special lesson in girl scouts about how wonderful Israel is#and they had us make little mini versions of the israel flag and they told us that israel stood for the safety of the jewish people#and i came home and i told my mom about how cool israel was#and she promptly pulled me out of girl scouts#which at the time felt unfair because she didnt explain why#but also how do you explain the horrors of colonialism and imperialism to your newly zionist 10 year old#anyway the point is that if i as a non-jewish girl scout was exposed to that kind of propaganda#i can only imagine how inescapable it must be for many american jews in the US#and i truly empathize with the amount of unlearning that needs to be done#and how hard it must be to let go of some of these ideas#but that doesnt make it any less frustrating to watch these dynamics play out on such a massive scale#and i hold so much respect for people in white jewish communities re-educating themselves and standing on the right side of history#as well as for all of the people of color and especially American Palestinians standing up and using their voices as much as they do#personal
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psychofreakforc · 1 year
Random thought about tara figuring out she's bisexual and how sam found out
Okay, so sam left when tara was 13(??) So it's very likely that she still hadn't figured out her sexual orientation.
Sam leaves, and tara starts spending more and more time with amber, that's when she figures out she might like girls... but she knows she finds some boys attractive too, that can't be possible...RIGHT?. Tara is very confused, she wants to talk about it with someone, but the only person who might have understood her was sam, but sam is gone, so the only person left is her neglectful moth- NO! no, that's not gonna happen.
Tara decides to find something that could be useful on the Internet, and that's how tara figures out that she's bisexual. She ends up talking to mindy about it, and needless to say, mindy was very supportive.
Mindy, to show her support, started sending tara every male and female celebrity she finds attractive.
Tara, with mindy's help, becomes more and more confident about her bisexuality, to the point where she is finally comfortable enough to talk about it with chad, wes, liv, and ofc Amber.
Woodsboro is a small town and definitely not the safest place for lgbtq+ people. After Tara's coming out, Chad, Mindy, and Amber created the "tara defence squad." Tara thought it was pretty stupid, but it does feel good to be appreciated just the way you are.
So, yeah, life might not have been fair to tara, She's got a shitty mother, an absentee father, and a sister who also left her, but HEY! at least she has a supportive friend group... Oh, and she gets to call THE Amber Freeman her girlfriend. Tara is finally happy. What could possibly go wrong?
(Let's suppose the scream 5 events happened based on the original script)
Tara gets attacked brutally in her own house by someone wearing a ghostface costume. Tara is in the hospital bed when she sees sam, her sam, her big sister, standing right there, smiling at her.
Something that sam notices almost immediately is how close Tara and Amber seem to be... but they're best friends? Of course they're close, right?... But then again, mindy and chad are also tara's friends... Why doesn't she act like that with them, too?.
Sam decides to forget about it, she has a way bigger problem than the possibility of her little sister being in a relationship with amber freeman. (Because the problem, in the first place, was never that tara was dating a woman, but AMBER FREEMAN OUT OF ALL WOMEN? REALLY TARA?)
She goes to see the only person who could be useful enough in this ghostface situation they've got going on: Dewey Riley. he does say something about not trusting the love interest... and sam can't stop thinking about it (why can't she fucking stop thinking about it?)
What if Amber IS tara's love interest AND ghostface?? That would change everything, wouldn't it?
Turns out sam was right, Amber was the killer, and she just saw her little sister shooting her in the head. She still doesn't know if tara and Amber were more than just friends, but there's so much sadness in tara's eyes... why didn't she feel like that after killing Richie, her boyfriend Richie?
They don't talk about it, Amber is never mentioned betweet sam and tara.
The funny thing about sam finding out she was right all along and tara IS bisexual and she was in a relationship with Amber is that there was no coming out, no emotional talk between sisters, no big explanation... NOTHING
Sam finds out when, one night, her and tara were having a sisterly movie night, and tara kept rambling about how hot that actress was... but also how hot that actor was.
Tara: why are you looking at me like you've seen a ghost?
Sam: you're... i mean- you like- i just- the- girls and boys?
Tara: Is this your way of asking me if i'm bisexual? Yes, Samantha, i thought i made it clear. I didn't take you for the homophobic kind of sister
Obviously, tara knows that sam is not homophobic. She just likes how frustrated sam looks right now.
The all problem with sam not being sure of tara's sexual orientation is that sam regrets not being there for her when she needed it, and that tara had to figure it out all on her own and with a mother who couldn't care less about her.
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starlooove · 5 months
“There is no fanfic on Stephs treatment I have checked” that’s like the whole point.
#I’m not saying ur wrong bc it’s not canon#I’m saying ur wrong bc ur perpetuating the misogyny that got u there in the first place#and yeah imma take it there it IS that deep to me sorry#like this isn’t like a diff in opinion on an arc or smth#this is quite literally the bigotry that fandoms supposed to be an escape from manifesting itself again with a rainbow flag over it it’s so#like first of all not that serious but concerning to me is getting into smth without knowing the source material#u don’t need to know the exact timeline of events and which specific Batmobile Bruce had in every era duh#that’d be hypocritical to say I read character to character screw the timeline lmao#but it’s like. ur telling me u adore Dick Grayson and have never picked up NTT?#u wanna analyze the queer coding in Tim’s character but you’ve never read his og robin run?#u wanna talk about Damian’s character growth but you’ve only read Batman and Robin 2020s?#u ADORRRRE steph and cass and you haven’t even read batgirls#and that’s like nonissues#my issues are u wanna discuss how Barbara is actually so cold and cruel to dick for how she handled Catalina and you’ve never read birds of#prey and actually dick never cheated so (this isn’t me being hypocritical if you’ve seen that post I just lowk changed my mind)#or if he did it was justified or whatever#you wanna talk about how Jason and Roy are soulmates and you can’t tell me a single thing besides he’s an archer a father and an addict#it’s like ur putting shit out there about these characters and their relationships and you don’t know them#and more people who don’t know them see ur shit and do the same thing#and that’s mid level issue#the BIG issue is that y’all have not unpacked ur racism misogyny or classism enough to do this and then turn around and say ur fixing dc or#whatever. u have not done enough work to speak on Jason or Damian and say they deserve better whilst u water down their anger into smth#palatable and sweet on ur white faves. u don’t get to complain about how there’s not enough about steph and all u do is spread more made up#shit to infantilize tim. and I’m not saying I’ll never read a tim centric fic that’s ooc and stupid and have fun#I do that and I don’t talk about it bc that shit should not be the main writing you find when you look for BATMAN lmao#and even then they HIGHEST problem is that even when people make more content centering the woc poc and yes even WW it still doesn’t get any#traction bc y’all haven’t unpacked as much of ur racism and misogyny as u think u have#making hcs about tim being a Barbie and Jason being a feminist and dick painting his nails is not progressive when Steph and cass are#cardboard cutouts or the vehicles through which the white men discover feminity is ok actually and nothing else#and then Duke and Damian are the token straights or allies. like y’all are so sick lmao
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askinnyblackman · 1 year
i was talking to my (liberal) coworker about my student loan debt and fuck joe biden and all that jazz and then i started talking about how happy i was about having my monthly (federal) student loan payment lowered by a ton and she was like “but fuck joe biden right?” with the most Democratic snark and i was like yes???? first he said he would cancel all of it, then 50k, then 20k, then 10k, then okay we’re gonna keep the pause going but you wont accrue interest, then okay we’re starting up your interest, then okay payments are resuming and you better vote for me again, jack. yeah it’s way better for me now but he’s still a shitty old man with shitty policies who will not materially help you out of his own volition. this is the man who has been trying to cut government spending for the last 40 years. why would he change. he will never change
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