#make your case!! why are they sun and moon!!! how do their opposing personalities bring them closer!!!
sun-n-moon-showdown · 2 years
oh one last thing before i log off for the night, please give me a little more info on duo submissions besides their name and/or media. like why they’re being submitted for instance, what makes them a sun and moon duo y’know? because while i don’t mind doing my own research i do have School going on so saving the extra time is really appreciated
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oceanbaby888 · 3 years
Hey y'all!
- I am finally settled and I am ready to give you some more astro knowledge to keep in the books!! Today we will be talking about the Ascendant (ASC for short) through the first 6 signs!! Part 2 will come out tomorrow!
- But first, what is an ASC sign?
-I'm glad you asked honey! First things first, your Ascendant is an angular house! Angular houses are the Ascendant, Descendant, IC (Imum Coeli), and MC (Medium Coeli). I'll do a post on what angular houses mean later on! Or do feel free to research on your own time :)
-Your ASC sign is what's popularly known as the sign (or sign traits) you may give off as a first impression to the outside world. According to the book, The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Woolfolk, she asserts that our personality is a blend of our Sun Sign in combination with our ASC sign. This has some truth in it as our ASC can also represent our self-interests, how we process self-awareness, our goals, our objectives, & how we assert our self-sufficiency! Think of your ASC sign as the sign when you walk in a room full of people.
- You can find your ASC here! Below is my chart( credit from Astro.com) for my visual learners! The ASC will be on the left side of your chart (marked AC); usually your angular houses are marked! In this example, my ASC is in the sign of Sagittarius!
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-Have you ever had someone guess your sun sign but they were wrong? Chances are, they probably are guessing your ASC sign!
-With that being said, let's get into it!!!!
Adventurous and pioneering!
Typically the ones to be "the first" at something.
Likes to get shit done! Act first ask questions later kind of energy.
Leader of the pack vibes.
Possibly have a very muscular, strong body.
When they walk in the room, they give such a strong sense of power, strength, and exuberance!
Possibly can be red-headed. Aries rules the color red and also rules the head. Doesn't mean every red-head is an Aries ASC though. Or they may like to wear alot of red.
They can give a direct, kinda bossy attitude but also a very free-child-like attitude I love it!!
Be careful with sharp objects. Sharp objects like knives are ruled by Mars (Mars rules Aries) and you may be a bit more accident prone so be careful, according to Woolfolk.
Very stable and calm energy when they walk in the room.
Patient & steadfast people.
Love the arts, could be talented at composing music esp!
Love comfort and the comfort their materials bring them.
Can have super beautiful necks. Necks/throats are ruled by Taurus.
Also, they may have larger, rounder eyes ooooo so cute!! Almost like a doe.
Can accumulate wealth over time.
Loves security and things that make them feel safe.
Many people think they are lazy, but that is not the case. A Taurus ASC does not believe in wasting time on things that don't bring them joy or comfort. They are hardworking, if it means they can attain the goals they set out for!! Once again, THEY ARE NOT LAZY!
Witty & charming.
Extremely smart and sociable.
Also can thrive in the entertainment industry as actors, writers, TV hosts, or comedians. They can really captivate an audience with their social and witty behavior!
Gemini rules the arms & hands, so they can have really nice hands/arms. If Venus is in aspect to their ASC, this can possibly point to someone who is a hand model.
The type to always want to be constantly stimulated and learn something everyday so they don't get bored.
May like to travel alot or move alot.
They also can marry more than once in their lives.
Extremely intellectual communicators. Very good with using their words as their best assets!
Could have big, wide eyes. This is just a personal take as I have seen multiple Gemini risings with big, wide eyes.
Love security & comfort.
May have a oval face or round face. The moon rules Cancer so I won't be surprised if your face is shaped as round as the moon.
Sensitive to other's emotions & intuitive on how people may feel or react.
Amazing creatives. They use their emotions to make the best projects. Some of their projects (story writing for example) can be based on their lives at home or their hometown.
On the outside they may come off reserved and even cold. This is the "hard on the outside soft on the inside" effect. Deep down they are very soft, sweet, giving, & sensitive.
They want public recognition for their efforts, as you should!!!
According to Woolfolk, they are very good with saving money and handling it as well. Being the opposite sign of Capricorn (the sign of conservation), I am not surprised since opposing signs do share qualities of each other in one way or another.
Very grand people and luxurious YESSSS BITCH!!!
People may notice their hair first. Know how Leo is the lion? We see the lion's mane (or hair) first. This also applies for Leo ASCs.
A personal take- Leo ASC have this sun-kissed glow about them (lol pun intended). It's like their skin is so bright and glowy and it is so beautiful.
Give off a very happy and exuberant energy.
Extremely likeable people.
Views life as a stage!
Prides themselves on being a leader and delegator.
Can easily find fame or people will scout them out easily.
Also can be surrounded by alot of influential people. This helps their image if they want to be famous one day. Get to networking!!!
Can have a very nice back. Leo also rules the back.
Another personal take: why do so many Virgo ASC or Virgo placements have to wear glasses? That's interesting.
May have a frail looking body, but that does not mean they are sick yall.
Looks at life through a filter. Meaning, they like to hold on to valuable information that they can actually use and apply in their life.
^Yet, this can also mean that they may become too dependent on details to make decision. Don't forget to look at the bigger picture.
They love order and reason.
Thrive in intellectual pursuits. Especially if they are scientific and not philosophical.
Likes to gain rewards from their own efforts and not due to what others think. They love to listen and be assured in their own reasoning as YOU SHOULD!!!
May forget to take others' opinions into consideration.
Could come off shy and distant.
May own property in their later lives? Idk but Woolfolk mentions this and if anyone can chime in here I would be happy to hear it!
-That's it for PART 1! Part 2 will be out tomorrow!
-Also, to show your appreciation, do feel free to tip me! I have so much more content I want to teach and tell yall and I'm excited! You can tip me at my cashapp: $DellyRelly if you appreciate my content in more ways than just following me! Anywho, see yall tomorrow!
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hamliet · 3 years
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Ahhh well, I have written much on Romeo and Juliet before, because it's one of my favorite works of Shakespeare and of literature itself. It is criminally underrated and scorned because of sexist anti-romance sentiment. So uh, yeah, I'm more of your opinion.
To start with, I wrote this here, and highly recommend this old post by someone else as well. It's quite comprehensive.
But, because I love Romeo and Juliet and the more I learn about it, the more impressed I am with the absolute art of the story Shakespeare told, I have more to say. Essentially:
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Juliet is one of the most astounding female characters in all of literature, and most of her brilliance has been lost with the loss of Shakespearean context. You see, Juliet was a deliberate deconstruction of the idealized, virginal, holy creature of Woman. Yes, that's how the medieval poets like Petrarch (the inventor of the sonnet, which Shakespeare adapted and wrote his own versions of in Romeo and Juliet and hundreds more on their own) and even Dante Alighieri (yes, that Dante, the Inferno guy) wrote their women. For Petrarch, Laura (whom he like, never talked to) was the object of all his love poetry. For Dante, Beatrice was written as his spiritual guide into Paradise in Paradiso.
Not to simplify their love for these women, but Shakespeare was essentially like "RIP but I'm different." He wrote Juliet as a human character with flaws (hardly a spiritual guide) who was not this virginal, holy creature. She starts off the play extremely obedient to her family and polite, almost like that ideal, but as the play goes on she begins to let her fire grow.
Romeo's poems for Rosaline are deliberately trite and parody Petrarch's sonnets, as well as other sonnets from the day (for example, Rosaline is literally sworn to chastity forever, which wasn’t even the case for Laura or Beatrice). While the fact that Romeo can switch loves from Rosaline to Juliet so quickly does indeed emphasize his flaw (impulsivity and deep passion), it also thereby emphasizes his humanity, because the unique imagery Romeo uses with Juliet show that he is really in love with her as she is--not as an idea like with Rosaline, but as a human being. As with many of Shakespeare's other renowned plays' characters, Romeo's flaws are also his strengths. He's complex--human.
So what am I going on about? Why did Shakespeare write Romeo and Juliet this way?
To emphasize their humanity. Which is interesting, because Romeo and Juliet's first meeting, the one where they both create a sonnet together, is all about idolatry:
Romeo If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this. My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. Juliet Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. Romeo Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? Juliet Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. Romeo O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou lest faith turn to despair. Juliet Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake. Romeo Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. [He kisses her]
He describes her as a holy shrine and a saint, but the more their romance goes on, the more human she becomes. He kisses her right away. When they meet in the balcony scene, Juliet herself tells Romeo that the only thing she wants him to swear by--no gods or moons--is himself. In other words, Romeo and Juliet can be seen as a deeply humanistic play. 
Also, the more their romance continues, the more human they become and yet the deeper their love becomes. As one of the posts I linked above states, Romeo loves Juliet more after they’ve had sex, not less. Juliet loves Romeo more despite the fact that she knows he killed her cousin--and she is not happy with him for that, either. The more they learn of each other, the more they love each other. 
Oh, and about the extra gross modern take that "it's actually a story about a 13 year old and a much older man"--that is complete bogus, as the above post says. Romeo is almost certainly 15 or 16. While people can be squicked out by it (as it was designed to do with some Italian stereotypes), to say it shows anything creepy is basically literary blasphemy and betrays an utter lack of reading comprehension. 
Juliet sets the parameters in their relationship: she tells him if he really loves her, he has to marry her before she will sleep with him, and Romeo does. She muses herself how much she wants to sleep with him in a way that clearly expresses Juliet’s very human desires. Juliet is going to assert who she is and go after what she wants. 
So to go back to your question, it’s not just about their families, but about society as well, as Prince Escalus says in the final scene:
Capulet! Montague! See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love. And I for winking at your discords too Have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punish’d.
Everyone is punished for participating in the feud, which, keep in mind, we were introduced to via an intro fight scene between the servants of the respective families joking about raping the women in the opposing family. Yes, really. It’s almost like toxic masculinity was being called out before its time. 
Society is extremely sexist, as we see when Juliet’s father essentially sells her to Paris for the sake of having political clout to win the feud (literally, as Paris is the Prince’s kinsman) and threatens to send her on the streets to prostitute herself if she wants to survive for asking him not to make her marry Paris. But the cat’s out of that bag: Juliet is not going back to being the docile, obedient idol. She’s decisive. She wants to write her own story, and if that makes her a sinner, well then, she’ll go to hell. In the end, when the Friar suggests that Juliet come with him so that he can hide her away in some convent (after Romeo’s death), Juliet refuses and kills herself. She is not going back to being a figure shrouded in some kind of ethereal, unknown glow. She is a person, and people die. But she shouldn’t have had to die for people to see her as a person. 
There’s also another layer here: the imagery Romeo uses for Juliet (the sun) and that Juliet uses for Romeo (the moon) is the inverse of how imagery was typically presented in those days. The moon was feminine; the sun, masculine. Even if we look at Romeo and Juliet’s respective character traits, Romeo is the flighty, impulsive, love-struck one who cries all the time, while Juliet is the decisive, bold, and loyal one. That’s the first thing Juliet declares to Romeo in the balcony scene: that she will always be loyal, and she shows this in every choice she makes in the story.
In other words, Shakespeare was deliberately playing with gender and its stereotypes in the play, which gains an even more interesting layer to it when you consider that Shakespeare was himself almost certainly bisexual (his sonnets are preeeetty explicit). It’s not a patriarchal narrative; it can well be seen as a queer narrative in a patriarchal society. And it shouldn’t take two kids having to kill themselves to get society to realize how effed up it is. It isn’t an out-of-touch play, but instead one extremely relevant to our society 500+ years later. 
But, Romeo and Juliet’s story is also one of hope. Because instead of no one listening, finally, Montague and Capulet realize how wrong they’ve been. They grieve together, and Capulet vows to let Romeo remain in his family’s tomb, by Juliet’s side (also different, you know, that the husband stays in the wife’s tomb). Montague vows to build a statue for Juliet:
For I will raise her statue in pure gold, That whiles Verona by that name is known, There shall no figure at such rate be set As that of true and faithful Juliet.
Gold is associated with the masculine as well; silver with the feminine. She is remembered as someone “true and faithful,” aka for her loyalty and bravery. 
But no statue can bring Juliet back. She was not an idol, and it’s tremendously unfair that that is all she can become now. Same for Romeo. Even so, the fact that their deaths have finally brought peace to the city means that there is life growing from their deaths. They will never be able to birth a family of their own, but the city will grow and live, because of them. 
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narutakijune · 3 years
About ATLA Relationship Arcs
So, this is me, finally trying to write some meta after lurking in my little tumblr corner for months! Hi!
Although I’ve tried to tag properly, if you are a Kat*anger and just want to enjoy your favourite couple in peace, this might not be the post for you. I am not trying to bash characters but I do have a lot of critical stuff to say about the writing.
Anyway, you have been warned and here is my story about my personal first Atla experience: I watched the show this year for the first time, and after the end of Book 1 I decided to look up spoilers, because after what happened to Yue, I wanted to make sure that Zuko and Iroh would be ok. So I knew what was going to happen: Kat*ang endgame and absolutely no Zutara at all. Still, by the end of Book 3, I was convinced that I had read wrong - that there would be an epilogue with a different ending or at least that Aang would only get together with Katara post-show- in that Korra series or something - because anything else wouldn’t make sense- right?
After I got over my shock and surprise, I went online and found out about that decade-long aggressive passionate ship war and how even the showrunners got involved.
And then I really worried that I might have missed a few points. Apparently ”Aang and Katara were the DNA of the show”, according to the creators themselves, and “Zutara could never have happened”.
Another popular anti-ZK argument I found was: Why do you always go on about Katara and Zuko? Just look at Zuko and Aang! They are the hero/ anti-hero and each other’s foils, their relationship is much more meaningful!”
So I tried to find out what it was that I apparently couldn’t see.
(Another disclaimer: I love analysing stories (like many Zutarians apparently) and this will get long and rambly. If you get bored to tears when people start talking about “narrative structure” you will probably not like this.)
Talking about narrative structure, I do believe that, in order to let your story, your characters and their relationships really shine, a good basic structure is important. There should be a recognizable development and individual parts of the story that build upon each other and lead to consequences and change, until there is a completed arc - because it is all about the journey that takes you to a satisfying ending, right? So that’s what I tried to do, with my personal Kat*ang vs. Zutara take, I tried to look at the structure and development of their relationship arcs.
The argument that threw me off track for a while is that compared to Aang and Zuko, Zuko and Katara’s relationship is not supposed to be that relevant for the plot. After all, Zuko is the foil, the anti-hero, the deuteragonist to Aang, who is the hero protagonist.
This is all true of course. But then why is it that in every finale, Zuko’s main opponent (and later ally) is not Aang but Katara? Why is it that their sun/moon, red/blue, fire/water dichotomy is so obviously highlighted?
I think one reason why Zuko and Katara are paired off so frequently in the story - as opposite elements, as opponents and as allies - is that they BOTH are Aang’s deuteragonists. While Zuko also acts as antagonist and Aang’s foil/mirror, Katara takes over the more traditional deuteragonist role of confidant / best friend/ narrator.
Protagonist Aang is what connects them, although they are on opposite sides: Both need Aang because he represents their hope to save their world. Very simply put, Katara protects him, so he can make the world a safer place again, and Zuko wants to capture him, so he can go home and be safe again. That rivalry between them is already established in the first episode, even before they meet each other: Katara, who hopes that the Avatar will return (as she tells everyone in the intro), and Zuko, who seems to be obsessed with finding him for more sinister reasons.
And just to make sure, I am not talking here about the characters’ feelings and emotions! This is just about the abstract roles they have been assigned within the narrative.
When regarding Zutara’s special connection to Aang and their rivalry with each other, it makes absolute sense to stress their “same but different”ness as well, visually and metaphorically: Red and blue, fire and water, sun and moon, arguably Painted Lady/Blue Spirit, and, when you put into account their story arc, also Oma and Shu.
With this basis, which puts them together and sets them apart simultaneously, their relationship already becomes very dynamic and interesting, even before you consider any romantic potential.
And here’s another thing, Zuko and Katara also have their own story arc within the main plot. Although they don’t have many scenes together before Zuko joins the Gaang, when they do meet there is always a new shift in their relationship and in quite a few cases their interactions are important for the main plot as well. If you just look at their “end fights” at each book’s finale, there is an obvious and consequential build-up, like any decent story arc should have:
Book 1 starts with Zuko as the powered-up enemy and Katara as the weak newbie waterbender. Both are battling over Aang. At the end of Book 1, they are finally established as equally powerful fighters but still fundamentally different (You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun!)
In CoD at the end of Book 2 happens the next step: they realize that they are not different at all! But Aang still doesn’t represent the same for them and they end up on opposing sides of the war again.
In the Book 3 finale, when Zuko has completed his own (anti-) hero's journey and Aang represents the same “hope” for both of them, they do not only join forces: Their “same but different”- traits make them such a uniquely suited match that they are even able to save each other’s lives during their fight with Azula (who in turn happens to be Katara and Zuko’s antagonist/mirror/foil).
And in addition to their own story arc they even get an individual recurring theme, which also appears in every book whenever their relationship status changes: The lost mothers, especially Katara’s mother.
In Book 1, Katara’s necklace (the symbol of Kiya) plays not only a major part in two of Zuko’s capture attempts, it is the reason for their very first one-one one encounter in the story.
Their first friendly connection in COD in Book 2 happens because they start talking about their mothers. And in Book 3, their final reconciliation (sealed with a very cathartic hug) happens after their life-changing trip which is, of course, all about Katara’s mother.
Again, I am not even trying to analyse their characters and motivations within the story - there are many metas that have already done that much better, more detailed and with screenshots. This is just dry structure and tropes and themes. But I think people recognize and connect with a well-structured arc, even subconsciously, which is one of the reasons that makes Zutara such a compelling couple. They complete and contrast each other, their relationship dynamic constantly changes, builds up, falls apart, reconnects. Such a setup is the perfect playground for a lot of creative takes on what-ifs and alternative scenarios and of course, shipping them romantically is extremely tempting - think of all the possibilities! It’s no wonder that the Zutara fandom is still so active decades after the end of the show. And it’s also no wonder that the Zutarians are known for “over-analysing everything”. You can only over-analyse if there is anything that gives you enough food to analyse to begin with. Which brings me to
I just go right to the top and take the quote from Br*yke themselves:
Kata*ng was in the DNA of the thing from the start…. [Zutara] was just dark and intriguing.
If you read this quote and then start watching the show, I would (grudgingly) agree that:
Aang and Katara understand and complement each other really well. Aang gives her the chance to have fun and go on adventures and in turn, Katara is his fiercest supporter from the very beginning, something that he really needs after he lost all his people AND has to find out that the world thinks the war is sort of his fault. In turn, the journey to the North Pole is as important to Katara as it is to Aang, because it is her dream to learn waterbending properly. That’s what she literally says when Sokka & Co try to banish Aang: (Sokka: Where do you think you’re going? Katara: To find a waterbender. Aang is taking me to the North Pole.) In that way, they are friends who give and take equally and are equally taken care of. They even have the last Airbender/ last Southern Waterbender status that connects them. The few times they have a fight, Aang does something in the end to redeem himself (perform some heroic feat) and Katara sees that she is right to believe in him.
Aang has this very sweet crush on her and it will be very sweet and wholesome when Katara will return his feelings at the end of their adventure after he has hit puberty. On the other side, there is also some heavy shipbaiting with Zuko: I save you from the pirates. The betrothal necklace. June and her excellent shipping taste. But in the end they are enemies, they barely know each other and, come on, it would be too dark and intriguing! There is no real threat against friends to lovers Kat*ang, the soft heart of the story. It’s very straightforward and there are a lot of simple “the hero saves the day” scenes for Aang but that’s fine! It’s not really my kind of ship but that’s not the point, it works for the story they want to tell.
End of Book 1.
In my - probably harsh- opinion, everything you really need to know about the Kat*ang relationship has been told by this point. If you want to be really mean, already by Book 1, episode 3.
That explains maybe why many (not all! but many) pro-KA arguments sound as if their shippers have not watched Book 2 and 3 at all. The Book 1 synopsis also perfectly sums up Bry*ke’s quote above. But then Book 2 and 3 are still there and I don’t know what happened but it seems as if they somehow decided that the Kat*ang story does not need any new and lasting input. Maybe because they were afraid that too much new development and change would stray too far away from their original Kat*ang vision. But there are still 2 more books and more adventures and Kat*ang somehow has to be kept apart until the finale.
So the tension in their potential romance is based largely on the question whether or not Katara will return Aang’s feelings. In general I don’t have a problem with that will-she-won’t she-technique. It works well in books where the love interest is not a POV or in shows/ movies where the love interest is not one of the main characters. But Katara is not only the female lead but also arguably the narrative voice of the whole story! As a result, this kind of writing makes Katara look as if she doesn’t have any agency in their relationship, which is not surprisingly a very popular anti-KA criticism.
Additionally, since her dream - learning waterbending - has been fulfilled by the end of Book 1, the relationship work becomes a bit one-sided. Of course Aang is the hero and his journey is the heart of the story. But in order to highlight their special connection it would have helped to give Katara another personal agenda, which Aang could have supported in some way. She is still the last Southern Waterbender and he the Last Airbender but this is not really explored in the Kat*ang relationship. And her other personal agenda, her mother, is already reserved for the Zutara arc.
Instead, in Book 2 and 3 the Kat*ang story is somehow all over the place. Of course there is new conflict and a few romantic scenes as well. But obstacles are either introduced too late or just dropped when not needed anymore, conflict is not resolved and their flirty, romantic moments never lead anywhere- and if they do, they lead to more conflict that is not resolved (yes, I am looking at you, EIP Kiss!).
Take for example Katara’s very sudden argument that they cannot be together now because there is a war going on. We hear her saying that for the first time in the very last episode (EIP) before the 4-part finale. That is too late to have any impact! That she has these kinds of thoughts was never even alluded to before. Not once.
Or the pattern Aang runs away/ is flaky - Katara is upset - Aang comes back and does his hero thing - Katara is relieved. In regards to their relationship arc, nothing changes here between Book 1 and the finale, only the stakes for Aang’s heroic performances get higher.
Or Katara being the one who is able to calm Aang down when he cannot control the Avatar state (which, in my personal opinion, is neither romantic nor healthy). This is also connected to the problem with the seventh Chakra, that Aang needs to let go of his attachment for her. I will be angry forever with how they wasted this for a possible relationship development! That Aang has to decide to either do his duty or save his forever girl (because let’s be fair, he did try to let go and only ran when he had the vision of Katara in danger) - that’s a fantastic setup!
But no, it doesn’t have any real consequences for Kat*ang at all. Instead there were only half-baked attempts – Aang does lie about his failed practice with Guru Pathik but the ultimate reason why his chakra is blocked is Azula, not his decision to run. Aang does try to let go of Katara for a little bit but then Azula shoots him. Nothing in Book 3 shows any change in his feelings that could have been a result of his instant let-it-go. If anything, he gets weirdly obsessive - which could have been used as a side effect of his blocked chakra but – again, no, nothing happens.
I suspect the whole thing was just introduced to create temporary drama for poor Aang, but it is never explained why Katara holds him back, what aspect of the attachment is blocking him or what would happen if he did let her go. Maybe they tried to make a statement about how love is more important than Avatar rules – which would have been fine but it’s also never properly explored. Instead, as soon as that plot point becomes inconvenient it’s simply dropped like a random rock™.
Compare all that to the Zutara arc, where both characters’ feelings about each other are always very much in the open, and where every interaction causes lasting effects in their relationship. Yes, it is unfair to compare that to Kat*ang, because up to the end of Book 3, Zuko and Katara almost never meet, while Aang and Katara spend almost every episode together – of course they cannot do meaningful things all the time. But on the other side, with Kat*ang, there would have been a great chance to show a subtle, gradual build-up instead.
It also doesn’t help that the Zutara arc seems hellbent on sabotaging every romantic moment Aang is allowed to enjoy:
There is Kat*angs first maybe-kiss in the dark before the background of the Oma and Shu legend. But it does not lead anywhere. Instead, Zuko and Katara almost reenact the legend itself in the Book 2 finale as two real enemies to almost-friends, including a glowy rocks-backdrop and the right costume colours, just so nobody misses the message.
In Footloose The Headband, Aang and Katara have a really sweet dance together, and everybody can see how they almost intuitively know each other's moves. This could be a great hint on how well they will fight together in the finale. But is it plot-relevant? No, because the final tag team is Katara and Zuko! While Aang gets paired off with random rock™.
Then there is Aang’s riding off to battle- kiss in DotBS, which Katara is not even allowed to enjoy, because keeping her feelings vague is apparently more important than character development at this point. It is the only romantic moment that gets mentioned again, but in a way that sinks the former cute and wholesome ship into the deep ocean, and the reason is - Aang is jealous of Zuko!
If all of this was only done for the sake of shipbaiting, then it really went out of control at some point.
In the end, the showrunners still had their reasons to choose Kat*ang, maybe because that corresponded more to their own vision, and there are still enough people out there who agree with them. Which is absolutely fine! In the end, what matters most is how you personally connect to the characters and nobody needs to defend their personal taste. But the typical anti-ZK claim, that all the Zutarians with their crazy analysis and rambling meta essays are reaching and delusional and that they desperately try to construct something that isn’t there, is not only a very lazy argument but simply not true.
And I’d claim that in spite of the canon choice, Zutara is technically the better written relationship. By far.
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taurealuna · 4 years
astrology observations part 4🌼🌷✨
hello loves!! its been a long time since and i kinda miss being on the blog! once again please don’t feel pressured to take my observations as absolute facts and do cater your observations too if any 🧡
1. where virgo lies in your birth chart suggests the area that you may struggle to ‘perfect’ and feels the need to do things perfectly. due to the nature of virgo’s need for simplicity and ‘perfection’ in a way, they may feel that the area of the house is almost impossible to perfect, but they will still strive for it anyway. it is important to learn how to let go sometimes and allow things to flow on its own eg. virgo in the 4th may struggle with expressing their emotions, hyper-fixating on their relationship with their family members and their emotional side
2. on the virgo topic, a reason why virgos are perceived to be ‘perfectionists’ all the time despite that being an over-used stereotype is because virgos have a tendency to work in a linear manner, to balance out their sister sign pisces. however, the world does not always work in a linear fashion which throws virgos off, thus they feel the need to ‘perfect’ or straighten things out. 
3. the house in which the 10th house’s ruler lies in is important for finding out your public identity and ideal working environment as well. a leo midheaven with the sun in the 2nd as opposed to another with a sun in the 9th would differ greatly in the aforementioned ways. sun in the 2nd focuses more on the self identity through stable income, where sun in the 9th focuses more on self expansion and higher learning
4. having a cancer ascendant can tone down the sun & moon of a person greatly, especially if they have a fire sun/moon. the fire placements would still be a core placement to the person, however the cancer ascendant would shift the focus away to seeking a safe and stable relationship with others. 
5. capricorns are extremely emotionally intelligent, and more often than not they have a great intuition as well. they are known as the ‘sage’ after all~ on a side note, please stop undermining their emotional abilities and labeling them as ‘cold’. in fact, every sign has a cold and warm side, and it is important for everyone to express their emotional side. by stereotyping them as emotionally distant or cold is denying their human needs
6. gemini sun, especially females, have a tendency to control their friend groups and often want to have control over other’s thoughts and emotions. while this can be healthy when applied to the right group of people, it can turn obsessive and make them extremely insecure when they feel the slightest lack of control
7. in persona charts, the house of your sun in your ascendant chart can indicate how you present your ascendant naturally eg. libra ascendant with sun in the 3rd house in persona chart = you present your diplomatic and friendly side in an outgoing and verbal manner. you may enjoy chatting and learning more than others
8. you may struggle with being friends with the sign opposite of your 11th house. this is natural as you with opposite signs, you find that your friendship style and personality in a friendship group may differ from the personality of the other person eg. a scorpio in the 11th may struggle with being friends with a taurus sun. although this tension can be fixed, the friendships are often not long-lasting unless there are other placements in common
9. the house/ planet that sagittarius lies in also shows where we are (almost blindly) optimistic. although the house/planet may not always be lucky in that area, they often find little pockets of luck that makes these natives hopeful. more often than not, others may find it hard to understand why these natives often seem so optimistic. however, it is important for these natives to express their optimism and take that leap of faith to get what they want. eg. sagittarius mars =  optimistic attitude towards their passion. they may not always win/ get their way but they will find themselves being the most passionate when they are optimistic about their dreams and follow their instincts
10. earth signs in the 4th house may struggle to relate to their parents or family members. there could be times where these natives do not receive the emotional support they need from their family and feel as though they have to work towards it, even though it may not always be the truth. as a result, they could be more introverted and find comfort through their friends, their tv shows, the internet depending on where their moon and the ruler of the 4th house lies.
11. for people with north node in leo, one of the life lessons that these natives have to learn is to be ‘selfish’ and draw their own boundaries. they could have a tendency to allow others to take advantage of them/ take the attention away from them which brings down their confidence. thus, they have to learn how to assert themselves confidently and learn to accept healthy attention. 
11. sagittarius over the 3rd house may feel that they may offend others easily through their words/humor if aspected harshly or they have a cruder sense of humor. it is important to balance their thoughts with the emotions of others. despite this, such natives are known to be straightforward and enjoy discussions and conversations
12. scorpio placements often start out hopeful and innocent, however life has a tendency to show them the truth of betrayals and realities of life. because of this, they can develop a reclusive and guarded side that others often perceive as harsh and aggressive in some cases. they really want to find reliable people they can trust though
13. for those who believe in past lives, our chart placements and aspects can show how your past life was and how you can achieve your destiny in this lifetime. it is important to read the chart as a whole instead of one individual placement such as eg. sun in the 1st is often interpreted as a ‘positive’ placement that brings an individual confidence and charisma. however, if the individual has a aquarius north node in the 7th, they have to learn how to balance their ego needs with the emotions of others. they may have a tendency to demand excessive attention from their partners, which can be detrimental and prevent them from building healthy relationships. thus in this life, they would have to learn how to balance themself with others and respecting the boundaries of others. 
14. last but not least, it is crucial not to force yourself to change how you express your chart placements. your chart placements are natural indicators to your personality, and if you struggle with them it could be due to aspects and placements that makes you struggle with it. only by accepting and expressing yourself fully can you unlock your full potential in yourself. however this does not excuse toxic and bad behaviour that can arise from traumatic experiences or biased opinions
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Astro Musings No. 4
Synastry in the 12th house
…Can make two people secretly afraid of each other. They can be intrigued but also afraid of the depths the know the other person has. Things may go unexpressed between two people especially if Mercury is in hard aspect here. It can also cause misunderstandings. Someone’s Mars in your twelfth house will cause you to sense an animalistic sexual feeling coming from them or you may feel these feelings towards them but don’t know why. At its worst, you may feel like there is something aggressive about the other, but you really can’t place it. It may be an unexplainable, aggravating, and uneasy feeling. Someone’s moon here may feel like the other person has a deep understanding of you on an unconscious level giving. It may make you feel eerie or give you inner peace. 12th house also rules the spirit world so there can be an other-worldly feeling or telepathic insights between people with synastry in this house. Neptune can touching the Sun or the Moon can also indicate parents who might have substance abuse issues or alcoholic tendencies.
Aries Mars’
….Need to be careful not to expend so much of their energy during sex. They are prone to going balls to the wall *no pun intended* that it may be over rapidly. You all need to either find someone who is okay with multiple rounds of quickies, or they need to do solar plexus chakra work. They can learn to control their urge to get to their climax at NOS-aided speed. If they don’t get things under control and reel it back a bit, they run the risk of leaving their partner unsatisfied.
People with Venus in Aquarius
…Or Aquarius touching the Moon or Venus in hard aspect or Saturn/Uranus touching Mars or Moon in hard aspect, do not like to be touched. They like their bubble. They dislike PDA and can be awkward when it comes to physical affection. The ones who give the “weird hugs”. They like distance between them and others. However, these people can also be very good dancers since Venus is about Art and Mars is about action, and Uranus is all about sudden “breaks”. Dancers with this placement can bend and break their bodies however they see fit. Mars in Virgo can also be excellent dancers, especially in regimented forms of dancing like Ballet, or rhythmic gymnastics.
Libra placements and Taurean placements
….Are by far the most affectionate in terms of physical touch. Especially if in the 4th, 5th, or 7th. They are ruled by Venus and the 2nd house which rules the material. Things that are very much about the senses. They can have oral fixations. These people love having sex. Natives with Mars in Taurus [particularly men] will enjoy “eating” their partner out. Perfumes that smell nice, music, food, anything that sets an ambiance. They love massages. They like holding hands and making out. This will be especially true if any of these placements.planets fall into the 5th, 7th house, 4th house, 8th or 11th house in harmonious aspect.
Asteroid Sado
…is all about abuse and pain, if touching Saturn it can make one prone to cruelty or people can show this to them. They can also be very good at torture tactics but regimented since Saturn is about discipline. Pretty sure the folks running Guantanamo have this placement somewhere in their chart.
Saturn conjunct Algol
…Can make someone have a very high pain tolerance because Algol is also about pain and Saturn is about time.
Saturn opposing the moon
…Can make people struggle with fear of intimacy. They can completely avoid it. The good thing is when in opposition there is still the ability to balance. An opposition is just an imbalance, there needs to be equal reciprocal to keep things level. Natives with this placement need to remember it is okay to be vulnerable. They may do well having friends who are older. They need to overcome their fear of getting close to people. Not everyone will waste your time.
When someone's Priapus
…. is touching one of your personal planets or vice versa there will be an uncontrollable desire to merge with them. If it’s mercury you want to delve into their minds. If it’s Mars you want to fuck them constantly. If it’s Venus, you’re dying for them to love you. If it’s Jupiter, this is intense and buckle up. The urge to mate with them will be exacerbated. Also, watch out if this guy falls into the 8th house or when he conjuncts Black Moon Lilith.
Believe it or not, Capricorn placements
…Are the best in regard to knowing how the body operates.
Especially if it’s forming a harmonious aspect to a sexual planet or to Pluto/1st or the 8th house. Capricorn is about time and wealth. It is also an earth sign so they are very in touch with the physical. When this placement is messing with Mars or say, one’s Eros or Adonis, or whether these asteroids are in Capricorn or Lilith in Capricorn, they can be cold publically but a machine in the bedroom. They will typically like things on the rougher and more indulgent side of sex. They take their time and are extremely penetrative when figuring things out  *no pun intended*. They will decipher every movement, micro-movement, action vs reaction, and store it in the earthy archives of their minds for later. They’ll never forget. Mars in Capricorn can also be seen in the charts of many personal trainers.
Capricorn placements with Pluto in the mix
…Often become Doctors; specifically surgeons or morticians. Especially if Saturn rules 8th house, Midheaven in Scorpio, or Mars in Capricorn placement in either of these houses. Capricorn Venus’ can often Marry for money or have marriages based on political ambition. Arranged marriages can be seen here or a general formality in regard to love. Again, we’re dealing with the father of discipline energy so Capricorn Venus can be reticent to show love. They kiss you while you sleep, but show toughness while awake.
Capricorns also have a very strong psychic ability.
…Hear me out. Since Saturn is the Seagoat, he straddles both earth AND water. The Physical and the Spiritual. People with strong Saturn placements can often experience dreams that have strong karmic attachments to them. Past Life regression etc. Dreams of catastrophic events or dreams of court case outcomes. Especially if Saturn is in or ruling 12th house or the 8th house.
Taurus Venus
…Will purposefully and actively pursue their partner when they really want them. So if a Taurus Venus person isn’t giving you the time and attention you want, they may not be fully committed or interested in/to you. However, if this same Venus is opposing or squaring the native’s Pluto it can make them shy and secretly obsessed but withdrawn in demonstrating it. These are the people who can be in love secretly but never say a word. The ones who can orchestrate secret affairs for years and no one would be the wiser. Remember, 8th house is what’s hidden and forbidden and venus is about love.
Mars square Venus
….When flirting will poke fun at the object of their desire. They will see if the person can keep up with their banter. They’ll throw digs to see if the other can give it as good as they get it. They may also create drama for attention. Love just doesn’t feel right without passion and fire. They can also attract people who make scenes or bring drama into their lives.
An Unaspected Sun
…Can make one enigmatic or someone with aspects of themselves that will be hard to figure out. They may even be hard to remember. There will be something Neptunian about them. They sort of fade or blend into the background.
Lilith in the 3rd house
…May make a native addicted to writing. Particularly unafraid of writing about darker things. Taboo subjects. Even erotica. Lilith in the 6th house and the 2nd is a placement for many sex workers.
Mars in the 4th house can indicate military lineage or “army brats.”  While a Sun inconjunct or square to Uranus can indicate a father who is brilliant/a genius or a father who “split” early in a native’s life.
…Actually like to show off more than Leo’s. But Leo’s show off less than Cancers. Cancers cry less than Pisceans but Pisceans can actually be some of the harshest people when angered. It is because they are ruled by Neptune, a water planet. In mythology, he is also known as the “Earth-Shaker”. Seas get violent too, people.
Contrary to popular belief, Virgo’s can actually be very messy.
Yes, messy, not dirty, there is a difference. As stereotypical as this sounds, they prefer clean sex and are the types to do it in the shower. As for the “messiness”, They of course will know where everything is but their mercurial energy can make them throw things here and there as they run around trying to get 10 things done before breakfast.
Mars and Juno
In synastry can indicate a couple/marriage that will be very active physically.
Mercury in aspect to Aquarius
…Or an Aquarius stellium can make people out of the box thinkers. The people will be inventors. The ones who create things you didn’t even know you needed. Things like the pop socket grip that goes on the back of your phone or 0 calorie carbonated water. Uranian placements can also be seen in people who are Asexual or conversely pansexual.
Contrary to popular belief, Mars in Scorpio
…Gets very attached actually when they have sex. That is because they feel sex is more than just a physical act but a merging of souls. This is Pluto we’re dealing with, remember. Merging is what he is about. So they prefer to not just have sex with anyone and can actually be quite picky about their sexual partners. Astro Musings No. 1  Astro Musings No. 2  Astro Musings No. 3  Astro Musings No. 5  Astro Musings No. 6 Astro Musings No. 7 Astro Musings No. 8  Astro Musings No. 9  Astro Musings No. 10
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jawllines · 4 years
Reminder to post werewolf 🤠
“You’re just a needy little pup, aren’t you?”
It was chilly out; October brought in a wind that kissed goosebumps onto her skin when she made her trek through to the woods after class. There weren’t many animals scurrying around in the colder months apart from a squirrel or two she might see, and there are seldom other humans roaming around out here considering there was no trail (and everyone, apparently, had always been put off by the woods here. . .something felt off to them, and Y/N knew exactly what it was). Nights came quicker, so if Y/N wanted to make it to the grounds before the moon rose and cast thin streams of light through the thick branches, she needed to leave just as soon as she’s gotten out of class (and she knew that Niall would come to get her if it really got too dark, but she still felt too guilty to make him come all the way for her, so she rarely asked him to). 
And there was just something about the cold air, that made Harry the snuggliest little thing. Y/N doesn’t know if it’s because this is around the time they found one another and bonded two years ago, or if werewolves are warmblooded and prefer balmy summers as opposed to the glacial temperatures that they may be shown here. She’d never thought to ask because she didn’t necessarily need a reason for it. How cuddly Harry gets is nice, and how most days -- if time permitted it -- he would just saddle up beside her and they would warm one another. There are times that he suggests eating lunch outside when it’s fairly cold and Y/N thinks it’s only his elaborate ploy to have her cuddled against him. She thinks that part of him secretly likes when she’s cold because it means she seeks him out for warmth and Harry’s always up for warming her up. 
(Once, while Harry was busy and Y/N had entered the grounds with Grandpa after a particularly snowy, frigid day, Niall was who she had gone to, to warm her -- he put his arm around her and sat her by the fire in one of the sitting rooms they had. They had been speaking idly about a new movie they were both interested in seeing when the door had just about been thrown from its hinges and Harry appeared, pouting, “Okay, thank you, Niall, I will warm her now.” Was his pleasant but rushed way of putting it, as he’d dropped to his knees, his brown curls flopped in his face before he flattened his stomach to the floor and wrapped his arms around her waist, dipping his nose into her tummy. Y/N and Niall both shared a chuckle as her fingers found his hair and carded through it gently, as Niall scooted over so Harry could curl his body inward while they continued speaking about the movie.) 
Niall had once told her that Harry had never been this cozy with anyone before, even his first mate. The others would fill Niall in on bits and pieces that he had missed out on since he joined them a bit late, so they had told him how a few had always been skeptical on whether or not he and his prior mate were truly meant to be. When a werewolf mates and bonds with another, it is more than normal for them to be all over each other all the time, and not particularly in a sexual sense. They thrive off touch. . .off being with their person, and on their person, and cuddled, snuggled cozily with their person. Sure, he had been cuddly with his mate prior but nowhere near the amount that anyone had expected from him, especially considering how he was when he was younger, clinging to the people that he held precious to him. He would have his arm around her, give her kisses, but the PDA was often lacking. 
With Y/N though, she’s sure if Harry could be a second skin to hers then he would be. Every moment of every minute that it was appropriate, Harry was wrapped around her, or had her wrapped around him; this is when he was most content. This is when Niall would ask for things (like for Harry to branch out and order them more TVs, specifically one for his room) and receive prompt results, or this might be when the pups are most willing to come and parade around his room even though they really aren’t meant to. He was in such a pleasant mood if he was in any way interlaced with her body.
She had only just recently convinced Harry not to usher Grandpa to the foot of the bed if Y/N was holding onto him in her sleep.
So she’s more than use to his cuddles, and she’s more than used to his pup like behavior, though he was particularly clingy today. It had been three days since she’d seen him last because she always made sure to distance herself some when she would be studying for an exam. Sometimes she let Harry come by her flat to help her go through flashcards, but he could be awfully distracting when he wanted to be and was still confused why she would continue working and going to school when she could simply live on the grounds with him and everything would be taken care of. Each answer to the flashcard was accompanied by an array of kisses peppered to her face, whether right or wrong, which just turned into a deepened kiss to the mouth, and more times than not, they would end up in her bed. 
Which is why she took a few days to prepare for the exam and satiated him with video calls as she was getting ready for bed, where he pouted and whined about how he missed her but commended her for doing well in her studies. Though he did make her swear that she would give him extra amounts of attention when she saw him -- they pinky swore, which she had taught him how to do. 
(She also knows that Niall had told him Y/N would spoil him in cuddles when he was pouty because Niall had gone out to see her so he could bring her a hot chocolate and pumpkin muffins, but he wouldn’t let Harry come as well.) 
The unconditional love is something she revels in -- to have someone still so wholly love her as much as she loves them, had never been something Y/N was very privy to. It’s why she’s just as excited as Harry is after she’s finished her exam, and why her heart nearly jumps from her chest when she walks out of her lecture and Harry had greeted her outside with her favorite pastry from the cafe on campus. Y/N throws her arms around his neck and hugs him close, and Harry spins her around as theatrically as he could like it’d been months since they saw each other last. He peppers kisses upon kisses all over her cold cheeks, “I missed you, Darling,” he murmured, one of his kisses placed over her eye, “How did your test go? Was it well?” 
“Yeah, I feel pretty good about it,” she smiles at him, “I’m glad you came to get me! I can show you the spot where the autumn flowers are growing now.” 
Harry allowed her this little joy, despite how uncomfortable he sometimes felt around other humans. The tensions have eased the longer that he’s been with her, but Y/N can see how he squints his eyes and becomes the utmost disgruntled if anyone approaches them. He isn’t as short as he once was though and works to be much less domineering, but he still attempts to carry an air around him that suggests those who do decide to approach them have a good reason for it. 
He muses with her about the flowers, even takes a picture with her in front of them with their cheeks smashed together. His face is rosy from the cold, which only spurs her to kiss his cheeks and the tip of his nose before she murmurs, “C’mon, let’s get you home and warmed up, hm?” 
“You’re going to spoil me with cuddles, right? This was promised to me so that I leave you to your studies.” 
“Yes, I’m going to spoil you rotten.” 
Once they made it to the grounds, Harry surprised her with a picnic basket and an accompanied gingham blanket -- it was always a touch warmer within their little bubble than it was in the outside world, so it wasn’t too cold to have one. Especially with the sun beating down from the sky, the rays give kisses of warmth that make it bearable, and he packs an extra blanket for her, he tells her, so that if she gets cold he could swaddle her. 
“Like a baby?” 
“No, human babies frighten me, they scream. You do not frighten me.” 
He sets it up for them, fanning out the first blanket which was large enough to have quite a few people sit on it. After he lowered to his knees, he placed the basket in the center and began to unearth what he’d packed for lunch. He makes sure to let her know that the chef let him run amuck in the kitchen to prepare it himself, with minimal help from the kitchen staff. Honey turkey wraps, warm loaves of freshly baked bread with strawberry marmalade to slather on each slice, pita chips with hummus (he had help making that, he admitted), the juiciest looking grapes and strawberries she thinks she’s ever seen, and three slices of blackberry ginger pie (he brought the third in case she wanted seconds). 
It all looked delicious, and he made sure to set it out in a way aesthetically pleasing to the eye, “This way you can share pretty pictures as you do online. Make sure to add that I am the best mate in the world and I treat you so well.” 
They ate until they were stuffed full, Y/N doesn’t think she’d ever been so completely and entirely pleased and full with a meal in her life. Both she and Harry lean into one another, but at the first sign of a shiver he is wrapping the second blanket around her and cuddling her close to his side, “Did you like it?” He asked her and Y/N sighed happily, nosing her way into his chest 
“I loved it. Thank you so much, Puppy.” 
All of it had started out so innocently; the way she caressed his skin, how he told her about his day, how they cuddled into each other closer. Maybe it was Y/N’s fault -- it probably was, actually, because she loved Harry’s full tummy even more than she loved being full herself. He was softer, more receptive to her touch if she lulled soft circles on his stomach with her palm and if she were lucky, he would fall asleep by it. Not that she didn’t want to spend time with him, but she loved the soft cooed snores that leave his mouth, and how peaceful he looks as he swims in whatever dream he’d found his footing in.  
The innocence behind these rubs was recognized, but his prick had begun a noticeable bulge in his trousers that he appeared keen on ignoring. How they were arranged, Y/N had her legs open enough for him to fit comfortably between them with his head resting on her thigh. She skated soft caresses at first just over his shirt, but then to his bare skin once his shirt began to crinkle up and show the soft terrain beneath it. No matter how clearly his cock was hard, his eyes had fluttered shut and he hadn’t uttered a peep about it. 
But Y/N was curious as she always is to get beneath his belt. No matter the number of times she’d seen it, she could never stifle the want to withdraw the zip of his trousers and reveal it to herself again. That’s why each little design she drew into his skin had gotten lower and lower, closer to the waistband of his pants until she was practically skimming the tips of her fingers just beneath it. Goosebumps riddle up in her wake and Harry shuffles slightly, his eyes fluttered like butterfly wings before he looked up at her, “I am sorry,” he murmured, his cheeks still a little rosy from the cold air, “I was trying very hard not to become aroused, but it proves to be difficult when you’re touching all over me, and you smell so good. . .and it’s been. . .it’s been so long, I --” he hisses in a breath when she dances her fingers lightly across the bump, “Oh, Darling.” 
“You’re just a needy little pup, aren’t you?” Y/N teases him, letting her delicate touches move back toward his belly, “You want cuddles and kisses and for me to play with your cock, hm?” 
Harry shudders, somehow wriggling even closer to her than he already managed to be, “I want everything,” he murmurs, “I just want you in any way I’m allowed.” 
It was always interesting, seeing the big, bad alpha turn to putty in her palms. She never took it for granted, nor did she take advantage of him in this state. No, Y/N took extra good care of him and made sure he was happy and his desires satiated, just as he would do for her in whatever needy state she might find herself within. That’s why she’s so quick to carefully unbuckle the belt of his pants, the metal pieces clinking together as she pulls the straps undone. Once the pressure is relieved from around his waist, a soft little moan leaves his pink lip and it sends sparkles pirouetting through her body. 
The button of his jeans is easy enough to slip from the buttonhole, and as she pulls the zip down and over his bulge, Harry holds onto her tighter. Y/N is just enamored with the blissed-out face he already holds before she had a chance to do much of anything -- she’s only releasing him from the confines of his trousers, and he looks like he could cum in mere seconds. His stamina was always impeccable, and if he really wanted to get hard multiple times in a night he could, which always made it a bit more fun. It also meant that if she wanted him to cum quickly, then the night wasn’t over, and that was just delightful. 
And sometimes she wanted him to cum quickly. Sometimes she wanted to know that she just made him feel so good, he was so desperate that it was hard to stave off. It always brought a smile to her mouth, if they’d only been going at it a little while -- if she had him in her mouth or in her hand, and he moaned his warning of, “I’ll cum if we continue like this, Sweetheart, you’re going to make me cum so soon,” If anything, she never stopped -- she only doubled her efforts in order to make him burst. 
“Budge up a bit,” she orders tentatively, and he raises his hips, helping her wiggle them down just a bit. They were far enough away from the grounds that nobody would disturb them, and Harry’s nose could spot someone’s scent from meters and meters away, so she felt no worry when his prick was uncovered. Stiff as glass, his tip ruddy and leaking down the side of the head, like it might be weeping for her attention.  Y/N holds her palm out in front of his hand, “Get it wet.”  
Harry flattens his tongue and licks fat stripes up her palm, slicking it with spit, pulling her fingers into his mouth salaciously sucking until she pushed the pad of her thumb to his chin and slid her fingers away from him, “Christ,” she murmured, giggling as she lowered her hand back to his cock, “You’re so good at that.” 
He opens his mouth to respond but whatever he plans to say is lost around a moan -- low, guttural, and drawn as his knees bend; her fingers looped delicately around his prick and she squeezed gently. The weight of him in her hand always made glitter dance in her lower belly, stoking the flames of a fire that left her panties drenched through. And she knew he knew, by the way, his bottom lip is hidden between his teeth as she slipped her hands up and down the length of him. Her palm slides easily, with little friction as it glides against the smooth skin. He moans again, this time much louder as she focuses her hand in circular motions over the swollen head. It’s the kind of moan that gives her the best kind of goosebumps, that makes her pulsate and flush with heat all over. 
But she likes to tease him, so she tuts her tongue and introduces the fingers that aren’t working him over to his mouth, “Shh, you’re loud,’ she murmured, stroking against his lips until they parted and she dipped her fingers back into his mouth, “Does it feel that good? That you can’t be quiet?” 
“Mhm,” he whines pitifully, nodding, looking up to her from her lap with his eyes bright and green, reflecting off the sun that they bathed beneath. He strokes his tongue along her fingers as his hips buck helplessly into her hand, but Y/N fixes her grip at the bottom of the shaft. 
“You wanna do the work?” She chides him gently, “If you wanna do the work then I’ll just hold my hand still and you can fuck into it all you like.” 
He shakes his head quickly, “No,” he murmurs, “No, no, please, want you too --”
“Okay, okay,” she starts back up again, thumbing at his slit and watching as more drips down his prick -- he always leaks so much, “Sweet little thing, I’ll take care of you.” 
She can feel him throb in her hand, his fingers bury in the fabric of her shirt at her sides as he continues to groan and whimper. His brows furrow as his back arches, and when Y/N does withdraw her fingers from his mouth again, she lowers it to his balls. They’re tight, swollen and full, and the sound that Harry makes -- Y/N hadn’t thought she could be anymore worked up than at that moment, but she was wrong. He was shameless when he felt good, and she couldn’t even keep up the act that she wanted him to be quiet. Not when he sounded like that. . .not when he was so incredibly desperate, and hard, and. . .”I will not last much longer,” he told her breathlessly, swallowing thickly, “I feel it -- I’m going to cum. . .I’m going to cum so hard.” 
“Yeah?” She carefully kneads his balls in one palm, slipping her hand up and down his prick at a fast pace, and she can feel him stiffening in her lap, “You’re g’na make my hand a mess?” 
Another whimpered moan makes her giggle, and soon after Harry throbs again in her palm, only this time it’s followed by thick ropes of cum that spurt from the tip. Some shoots up and falls against the blanket, some dribbled warm over her knuckles, and he trembles in her arms as she works him through it. He’s loud in his groans of her name, only muffled when he tilts his head against her thigh. As he comes down, his breathing bated and his cock softening in her hand, “You,” he began, huffing a breath, “You are too good to me.” 
 “Did I spoil you well enough?” 
Harry takes one of the napkins that he had packed and holds her hand delicately in his own, cleaning her of his cum first and then takes care of his own mess, “I’ve been thoroughly spoiled, but I do wish for you to cuddle me quite a bit more.” 
Y/N laughs brightly, shaking her head before bending down and he meets her by raising his forehead the rest of the way so her lips could meet his skin. 
“Of course, Puppy.” 
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imagineurfavs · 3 years
NCT Taeyong - Birth Chart Analysis
“taeyong birth chart reading???? 👀👀👀”
ngl,,,i wasnt expecting to get another request for these lol, thank u~~~
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Sun - (our true self, the soul) - Cancer (1st Decan) 💧🦀♋
This is the most “cancerian” of the Cancer decans lol. This is what makes him so emotional and receptive. He’s so sensitive to not only his emotions, but the emotions of those around him too. He’s so so empathetic and truly feels hurt when he sees someone he cares about in pain. This can sometimes be a detriment to him though, as he’s someone who finds it really really hard to say no to people. He doesn’t like rejecting people, because he can empathise so much, and the last thing he’d wanna do is upset anyone, so he’ll just say yes to anything.
Moon - (emotions, instincts, our vulnerable side) - Leo 🔥🦁♌
Moon in Leo is a perfect placement to have of you're a celebrity lol, Leo moons loooove to be centre of attention; they love having all eyes on them.
They can be a bit bossy sometimes, just bc they want everything to be done a certain way. They do try and treat everyone fairly but sometimes that can be difficult when there's work to be done.
It's a great placement for a leader to have imo; picture a lion leading a pack, it's very much that kinda vibe lol. He sees his members as an extension of himself, so of course he wants his members to be the best they can, bc that reflects onto him as well lol, and the last thing he'd want would for someone to question his abilities as a leader.
He's prone to being a bit sulky if he ever feels like his pride has been hurt, his ego is very sensitive :(
Mercury (How we communicate & express ourselves, intellect) - Gemini 🌬👬♊
He can be kinda all over the place in how he speaks; he's quick witted and good with words, but he can also be really nervous and scatter brained.
He loves to learn, he'll always be looking for something new to try. But the reason why he's always looking is because he gets bored so quickly, it's very seldom he'll totally finish something before starting something new. That's not to say he won't finish anything, just that he'll have numerous things going on at once bc he just can't stop finding new things he wants to try.
Loves to flirt with his words rather than anything else, he wants to please your mind before he even thinks about getting to your body, and he appreciates a partner that can do the same for him. He'd love a partner who can hold their own in a debate without getting their feelings hurt; someone who can match him mentally.
The one downside of this placement and I speak from experience of an ex w this placement lol, is that sometimes they're the type to start some shit just because they're bored. They want drama; they want that mental stimulation and the only way they can think of getting it is with an argument lol. Getting into a full on argument with Taeyong could be brutal; he's the type to know exactly what to say to break your heart. He goes right for the jugular when he feels threatened, he can use his words to either make you fall in love with him, or despise him forever.
Venus (how we are in love & romance, creativity, what brings us joy) - Gemini 🌬👬♊
Relationships with Taeyong are largely very surface level. Meaning he very rarely let's himself get super deeply connected with someone bc he can find it super hard to listen to his heart instead of his head.
Gets bored in love very very quickly; he'll try his best to keep things fresh and exciting, and he expects the same from his partner. He doesn't appreciate being cooped up; if a significant other doesn't let him see his friends, or tells him to cancel going to any social gatherings, that sends alarm bells ringing in his head right away.
He really is attracted to people's minds as opposed to their physical appearances. Someone might be the most gorgeous creature on this earth, but if they cant hold a decent conversation, he’s not interested.
This placement is yet further confirmation that he'd use his words to get in your pants lol, to Taeyong, a saucy conversation is the best form of foreplay there is.
Mars (sex, passion, anger, what drives us) - Virgo ⛰👼🏼♍
A tricky placement lol, he's much more emotional than he looks, but he hates that that's the case. He really doesn't like to let his emotions control him.
Loves to be of be of help to whoever he's trying to woo, he'll do anything for them without question. He’ll be that type of person who answers any call no matter what the time, who comes to your aid no matter the problem; he wants to be someone you can turn to for anything.
Really not a fan of any type of pda, he keeps anything like that behind closed doors. Not bc hes shy or anything, he just finds those moments so precious, they're for you two, and you two only.
Hates one night stands and has no issue holding out for the right person, he absolutely won't settle. So whoever he chooses can rest assured they're the best of the best.
He can be a lil bit insecure with his skills in that regard and appreciates someone either less experienced than him, or someone he can explore everything together with.
Jupiter (optimism, luck, philosophy & just good vibes lol) - Sagittarius 🔥🐎♐
Now, Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, which means that all that the planet is known for is multiplied tenfold here. People with this placement are extra optimistic, extra lucky and usually very self assured.
Regardless of whether or not he follows any actual religion, Taeyong will have a very strong set of personal beliefs and morals. He has a strong sense of right and wrong instilled within him and he won’t ever be swayed from them. With that said though, he’s always open to learning about others beliefs, even if they aren’t something he plans on following himself. He’s always curious and ready to question everything and gain knowledge from wherever he can.
He gets bored very very easily however, if he isn't given enough room to explore and broaden his horizons then he’s just gonna get restless and go get what he wants by himself anyway. He needs to realise that sometimes he needs to lean on people, that he can’t deal with everything all by himself. Once he realises that most people really do have his best interests at heart, and would like to see him succeed, there would be no stopping him.
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alchemabotana · 3 years
Horoscopes for New Moon in Cancer July 9th 2021
Horoscopes for the New Moon in Cancer
July 9th 2021
By Antonina “Little Thunder” Whaples
If you find these horoscopes useful, please consider voting for me in the Muscle and Fitness Hers front cover competition for 2021′s Ms. Health and Fitness: https://mshealthandfitness.com/2021/antonina
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Digital painting by Antonina Whaples
Still steaming in the energy of the overarching solstice sun rays, this New Moon in cancer will have you blissfully forgetting any of the struggles of the very conflicted Capricorn dominated conversations of the last Full Moon. In the wake and bake of the solstice, our Yang energy gets an overdrive that manifests in contrasting ways. Looking at your focuses on this way down the epic landslide of energy will open up gates of knowledge to understandings about your true identity. With Saturn coming into center with Aquarius soon, and Jupiter hitting retrograde in Aquarius on July 28th, your inner databanks are getting a major makeover Queer Eye style.
Much of this reorganization will center around how we collectively feel about ourselves individually, our responsibilities for our words and actions in our communities, and how we plan to make real-time changes to our “Ways” in order to contribute to grand legacies. Legacies themselves will undergo a transformation of definition. We can thank good old Venus opposing Saturn in Aquarius for this. But, unlike the “tower of babble” moment, the scenarios brought up by this New Moon will have your communication systems recalibrating towards epic achievements of the mind/body/spirit varieties. It’s all about Love, your memories of it, the ways you’ve embodied it, and the sacrifices made for it. Some of those sacrifices are coming full circle, and in the New Moon, this will be mostly felt by the Yin collective consciousness as a major relief. If you’re feeling unbalanced on the 10th, try to focus on activities that bring you comfort and ease your mind. This act may feel like a true moment of spiritual rebellion. 
There’s a lot of hope in this moon, cradled by Cancers’ warm and loving waters. The “Home” is pivotal to this Moon’s inherent cleansing cycle, which may bring up dust and twigs swept under the rug. The idea of responsibility for our actions is heightened. We will all be challenged to face our own idiosyncrasies and dualities. This appears to be a long standing theme we’re all checking in and out of repeatedly until Neptune stations direct in Pisces on December 1st 2021. This very slow moving energy feels like a drum out of rhythm with our daily lives. Individually we are learning to tune into deeper vibrations of our own, and tune out wavelengths disruptive to our growth. This moon is a good time to move your body to healing sounds that help you manifest the emotional experiences attached to your not yet manifested dreams, hopes, prayers, and altar work.
My fiery frequencies have been running too hot. I find places to release my steam that are quiet, dark, and all my own. Whether in the outside world, or my inner mind palace, I find slices of shade are my delight. I desire a type of self-synergy that can only be activated in the realms of the subconscious, and I make time to rest in the ways that make these new synapses happen. I want to learn and grow, and I’m giving myself the space to honor the eternal internal scholar within myself.
I’ve been typecasting my own archetype for some time, and I’ve realized those imprints have become outdated. I do not fear the revelation of my Cosmic Face to my own self, but rather look forward to the introduction of myself to Myself. I find ways to greet my emerging identity by balancing my time with friends and family. I take the time to meditate on what I am agreeing to when I go along with the herds. I respect my self sovereignty enough to reject projections on my personhood. I take responsibility for my own reflections on others, and these actions allow me to accept myself in any situation. I release all concepts of my empathic or psychic nature as negative, and allow the gifts I have been given to garnish me with life’s abundances.
I’m preparing for my mic drop moment. I’ve been writing bars and aiming for the stars, and I feel it coming. Not sure what, not sure when, but this moon is bringing mojo. I sense the message I was meant to embody is being written deeply inside me by a host of ghosts and ancestors ready to protect my destiny. Things are feeling extra cosmic, and I can almost feel my future touching me from time to time. I let myself enjoy my dreaming time, and this New Moon gives me a place to hide my secret poems and self reflections. There’s a softness coming over me, and I feel comfortable allowing myself to relax into the knowledge that my creative genius isn’t just valuable, it’s real.
The cycle of filling and emptying feels extra powerful under this New Moon. Elevated by this lunation, I use this dark moon to focus on the moments in-between. In this meditation, the world opens up a new concept of Time to me. In this knowledge I am able to reconstruct my psychological leanings away from worst-case-scenario and anxiety -laden secret self conversations. I don’t need to look outside myself for cues from the pack, and I am comfortable asserting my authoritative genius when applicable. This acknowledgement of my self-worth and efficacy gives me awareness that assists my community and gives others much needed moments of Hope & Joy.
Things feel saucy in the right ways this new moon. Yin and Yang are focused on balancing my section of the sky’s influences this lunation cycle. Sometimes I feel the tug of my shadow side urging me to use my head AND my heart. Although I feel driven by the power of my heart center, and the emotions of my inner oceans, I find time to stop and ask myself “is this what I really want?”. When I allow myself to acknowledge the influences beckoning me to overspend my creative and sexual resources, I am able to find my personal zen. I discover new secret distractions in the everyday experience of relating and existing in community and friendship. I’m learning to tune my volume to the right settings, and this allows my audience to hear me clearly. Clarity has become increasingly important to me, as discernment makes me feel centered. This moon I use the dark hours to clear my mind, and calm my heart.
The quiet emptying of this New Moon secretly invites me to advocate for my silent needs in ways that feel safe to me. I practice self loyalty regularly, and renew my vows to my internal compass under the protection of the current skies. I know that moments like this aren’t always accessible, so when they are, I congratulate myself for my good luck. Spending time with private projects makes me feel centered and focused in ways that empower me. I use this darkened moon to look at my private world with a gentle eye. I know that my goals are just an echo of desires I’m learning to advocate for. Finding words for my journey helps me understand myself the way I wish to be understood.
I am allowing myself to be seen and appreciated by myself. When I take the time to be in relationship with myself, my moods, and my memories, I find a special center. I’m manifesting a reality where my sense of self is solidified and appreciated by myself first and foremost. Through my self manifestation work, I am becoming aware and knowledgeable of the long history and sacrifices of those who came before me. I use this awareness to build gratitude within my heart center for myself and anyone else who shares in my archetype. My focus on self-healing is a radical step in my generational efforts in this timeline. I am an important person, and I tell myself so often.
I am quietly waiting for new moments to try out my newfound knowledge. I’ve been watching and observing, but now it is my time to act. I take the reins of my destiny, and I do not apologize to the previous carriage driver. I know the power of an apology, which is why I know when one is owed or not. I do not need to struggle with power games that play in the psychopomp of the collective, and am my own sovereign spiritual space. I trust that my future is held in love & beauty and is supported by the generations of ancestors present on all planes. I am using this dark moon to get in touch with my essence and knowledge of my true self. 
This New Moon I am shedding responsibilities that have become recognizably not-mine. With this awareness has come the revelation of what is mine to control, and what is mine to let go. I accept the blessings of my responsibilities as the reason I am able to hold space for myself in my own life. I do not allow others to speak on my behalf, and use my voice to set the story straight. I use my energy for higher purposes and don’t have space this lunation to be dragged into any conflicts. I use my arrow to draw solid lines in the sand about which energetics I’m willing to play with. I promise myself to treat myself with compassion daily, especially as I outgrow scenarios and scenes that just ain’t me.
I’m learning how to define karma for myself, and this New Moon is giving me a lot to think about. I understand that if I wish to heal, I must practice kindness towards myself. When I notice the mean monsters arrive in the darkness of night, I use my practical wisdom to ward them off. I’m noticing that fear doesn’t have as much power as I once imagined, and I’ve been slaying small demons like candycrush. This lunation I allow a space for the internal/external conflicts to find a cease-fire, and I find myself enjoying new mental quiet. I’m learning to trust the process of letting go, and this small cycle feels like the period at the end of a sentence.
The labyrinths of my inner circuit board are asking me if I’ve tried turning it off and turning it back on again. When I consider my own off/on switch, I contemplate who I give access to it. When my triggers are alarming, I respect myself enough to take the time to respond carefully to my own messages. I acknowledge the wiring of the ancient ones, and use the ancient technology of this Moon to allow my power centers to upgrade. My dreamtime is especially sacred to me in these moments, and I use this lunation to discern important inner truths. I do not need to fear when I have premonitions, but instead, refocus that awareness on trusting my own intuition first and foremost. 
This New Moon I let out a deep sigh of relief. In the feelings of stuckness and frustration, I’ve discovered hidden patterns of life. As I discover which patterns benefit me the most, I learn to recalibrate my channels to an easier stream. This work opens me to timelines I may not have previously considered when vision-boarding and manifesting dreams. I thank the spiritual abbacus for working out ancient calculations this New Moon. I give gratitude when my supplies are distributed exactly how, where, and when they will make the greatest impact for my ultimate visionings. 
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aphrostarot · 3 years
Message For Cancer
This can be applied to your sun, moon, and/or rising sign.
Remember that this is a general reading and some things may not apply to you. Do not try and force it to fit. If you would like a personal reading you can click here. There I have my shop where I offer all of my readings. Or you can dm me with what you'd like.
*Please read before you pick a pile*
I say spirit when I am channeling and writing out your readings, if you do not believe in spirit that is totally okay, this message is still meant for you if you feel that it is! Whatever you believe in is valid and you can ignore when I say spirit if you don't believe in it or, replace it with whoever you believe is giving you this message. If you have any questions or you just want to talk about this feel free to dm me!
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Who are you currently?
Two of Pentacles:
The Two of Pentacles is all about balance. Balancing things in your life, whether that be, work, school, friends, love, etc. you currently feel as though you are fighting to keep things balanced in your life. It symbolizes a period of time where you have been so focused on dealing with your day-to-day tasks that you haven’t had much time to focus on yourself.
What is a memory that is affecting you that you should let go of?
Three of Cups:
This is the card of, community, friendships, and collaboration. You’re holding onto the memories of happier times with someone. Things haven’t been good with them for a while but you are not willing to accept the fact that that relationship may be over, you’re constantly hoping that things will get better.
Why have you been holding on to that memory?
The Tower:
You fear letting things go. You think that if you were to actually accept that this is done then all of your life will go up in flames. That is not always the case. Your fear of destruction is what is holding you back.
The Queen of Pentacles:
The Queen of Pentacles is all about taking care of yourself and living a life of luxury. You are holding onto this memory because you feel like once things get better (which Spirit is saying it won’t) you will be living in luxury.
How can you improve your ability to say “no” to others?
Three of Pentacles:
This is the card of learning, of developing yourself. So, a way for you to improve your ability to say no is by learning how you allowing others to use you, and your niceness affects your mind, body, and spirit. Once you realize that it doesn’t make you feel good you will be more willing to say no for your own sake.
The Hierophant:
If you are afraid that you saying no will upset others, this is a sign that forgiveness will be given. The Hierophant symbolizes all things tradition and forgiveness is one of those things. Spirit wants you not to be afraid of what others will think if you say no. You have been worried about other people for far too long and now is the time to focus on yourself.
Why you should be more open and vulnerable with others.
Three of Swords (reversed):
When the Three of Swords comes out reversed it is like a sigh of relief. It is telling you that you have survived the worst and you are healing. Be patient with yourself because you are healing. Spirit is saying that if you open up and become more vulnerable with others it will help aid you in your healing process, you will get that sigh of relief.
What is a new way you should express yourself more creatively?
Two of Swords:
The Two of Swords represents a time where you need to make a decision but you are having troubles, which is causing you stress and anxieties, and in this case, hindering your creativity. Here are some things to help ease the stress:
For your Mind: Shake things up and do something unexpected. Go on a spontaneous road trip with some friends, or go see a new movie you’ve been wanting to see.
For your Body: Get a new pair of comfortable shoes. This will help you to make your decision and to feel less stressed, furthering your creativity.
For your Spirit: For some refreshment, open your windows and welcome the breeze.
Eight of Swords:
The Eight of Swords represents you feeling trapped in your life, which then has a draining effect on your creativity. Here are some activities to try to enhance your creativity:
For your Mind: Listen to a podcast that discusses an opposing viewpoint, you don’t have to agree with them, just understand where they’re coming from. This will introduce you to new things outside of your life to hopefully help get you out of your funk.
For your Body: Do some volunteer work to help bring you out of your world. This will hopefully help to show you just how big the world is and that you aren’t trapped in your world, to further help you expand your world.
For your Spirit: Focus on what is burdening your soul. Maybe get some coffee with a friend and talk it over, or book a therapy session.
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katuquipuqui · 3 years
I don't know how much of a crack head canon this is, but I've been thinking about this for a while now, and it's kept my mind busy all day today.
This got a little long, so I might add images later.
Here goes:
The whole mv is about desire and what one is willing to do/give/take in order to get what they want.
The moon symbolizes said desire. I think we can fit the sun concept here. The moon is also a character in of itself in this mv. Its size shows how meaningful this desire is for our boys. It starts pretty big and ends up incredibly small as time passes. The way it changes color may also show how it goes from a positive thing to something that has a negative impact in their lives.
The water (or the overarching concept of being underwater) symbolizes the suffocating abyss that one's life may become by focusing on only this desire alone. Which I think we can fit into the moon concept.
The eclipse concept is symbolized by the obsession of chasing said desire. The sickening repetition of wanting more and more of the same thing, which we hear in the chorus.
There is also another set which is very interesting. The green set of shots, where we only see the characters that seem to be human, such as Donghun, Jun, Chan, and Wow. We never see Byeonkwan in this set, but rather in front of a sickly green and purple banner, with a mockup of the moon, which I think symbolizes how he is either some sort of supernatural creature, or has some kind of power or hold on the rest of the members.
And this sequence exists in the mv: sun (showing us their desire) - eclipse vs green set (obsession over said desire vs uncertainties brought by obsessing over their desire aka their humanity coming to the surface) - moon (falling into the lonely abyss brought by said obsession) - eclipse (their obsession winning over their humanity) - sun (inability to let go of their desires)
First off, I think each member plays two different roles: One is more visual, in the sense that they are of course, playing a character, the other is mmore symbolic, of what I think these characters might represent when we take their stories into consideration.
I think Beyonkwan plays the siren version of an angler fish and an agent of misfortune. This may also explain why he's the only one to wear a long coat and is the only one to have such a harsh solo part in the choreography (maybe?). And also why he's the most associated with shadows and death in the mv. He traps Channie. We see his silhouette blinding Chan. I also think the angler fish thing fits because of that scene where we see Chan's heart symbolized by a glowing circle in his chest, as well as when he is holding a dark sphere in his mouth, which then transitions to Kwannie with one at the end of a string. I think this symbolizes how he trapped Channie, by tricking him into thinking his sphere was the actual reflection of the moon (which we see Channie being entranced by throughout the mv and finally swallowing it, showing how Kwannie trapped him). Which is why, try as he may, he is the only one that can't take his veil off by the end of the mv (I think this also has another meaning, but bear with me for now). Also, I think this is why Kwannie is mostly shown in a central position in relation to the rest of the members - the members confuse his light for the light of the moon (aka something they deeply desire) Jun is probably someone who's lost a loved one to the sea. I mainly think this because of that shot with the veil. It gives me widow (in this case maybe widower) vibes. Combined with his lines in the song (speaking of longing and wanting to be with someone and never being able to reach them) gives me the impression that they're going for an emotion of not only longing but loss as well. There is also a scene in the mv where he seems to be struggling to breathe, which I think we should interpret not as a mermaid coming out of the water and not being able to breathe, but as a person going into the water and struggling for air. I think the lyrics "more and more I'll be even more thirsty/drier" kind of show that he isn't a being of the water, but rather that he is outside of it. As if the water itself was acting as an obstacle between him and what it is that he desires, establishing how distant he really is from this object as time passes. Sehyoon I think is a depiction of narcissus, as someone else has posted before. The mirror scenes fit really well with this theory. As so, I think his character symbolizes someone who is chasing some selfish or self-centered desire, as opposed to Jun, who is chasing one focused on another. Donghun is the one I can't really put a finger on. The way he is characterized seems very ethereal to me, so I think that he may be a ghost of someone who died at sea. Some of his lines also fit with this theory "the deeper you dive, the deeper you sink, we are stuck in a tragedy" (I'm going off of the English lyrics available in the video), and the transition from Chan to him in the beginning also shows that Donghun is underwater (and since I think he is a human character, he can't possibly be alive underwater). This being said, maybe he symbolizes regret? Someone that regrets how chasing one's desire has impacted their life? I mostly think this because of both his part in the green set followed by a set that seems to be unique to him, where he is lying down and trying to reach up (I was going to say us, but maybe the most accurate word is someone/anyone that is going through the same thing his character has). The lyrics here make me think they are calling someone back "calling you, but you don't answer / because you keep living inside your dreams" All this being said, I think Chan's character is the only one that still has that apprehension to bring himself back from blindly chasing what he desires. The mention of rewinding the red thread, as well as speaking of memories I think can attest to this. And that scene that Chan and Sehyoon share? Maybe Chan trying to bring Wow back from his "curse". So, in conclusion, I think Beyonkwan's character is the reason for all the misfortune in this mv that, in the end, brings them all together, i.e. He ensnared Chan,
tricked Donghun and Jun's loved one (if these two people aren't the same person) into drowning and cursed Seyhoon into falling in love with his reflection (I think Byeonkwan is the one the chorus is referring to with the lyrics "the silence calling you/can you hear me/let's do it, let's do it again", which is them being entranced by Byeonkwan/the prospect of attaining their desires). Which, in turn, may mean that Byeonkwan may represent selfishness? The selfishness one shows when trying to obtain their desires? And if that's the case, then Chan represents the voice of reason that has been silenced by such strong desires. This is why they are the only ones who share the seashells set (which I think represents death and loss and the inability of going back to what was). This relationship is also represented by how Chan is the only one not being able to free himself from whatever is holding him down (aka not taking off the veil, whereas the rest of the members are disposing of their sense of reason in benefit of these selfish feelings, making them able to get rid of the veil) and being stuck in the eclipse set in the end of the mv. I think the way they show this is how, when Chan (the voice of reason) is in the middle of the members, they completely disregard him and, as he is switched for Byeonkwan (the selfishness of chasing one's desires), the members are all kneeling around him, almost in a venerating and helpless manner. Idk... Maybe I went too deep 😅
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
nous aimons tous les deux jours
pairing: dabi x reader
playlist: things we never say - bad bad habits*, sincerity is scary - the 1975, love love love - of monsters and men, if i go, im going - gregory alan isakov, i dont know me like you do - low hum, if i get high - nothing but thieves ( alice kristiansen cover ), i dare you - the regrettes, problems - deathbyromy, fool of you - meltt, hell and you - amigo the devil, creature - it looks sad, tongues and teeth - the crane wives, hooked ( addicted you might say ) - eleisha eagle, nothings gonna hurt you baby - cigarettes after sex, a dream of you - far caspian, so alright, cool, whatever - the happy fits, a lovely night - ryan gosling
warnings: mentions of violence, brief mentions of drugs for expression, and suggestive themes
summary: we love every other day
this is my first try at a enemies/lover thingy! Originally it was going to be an enemy to lovers but i liked the idea that they're just on opposing sides a little more haha. Lemme know if you'd like to see the other one though!
i know there are a lot of hero x villain fics like this out there 😌 this is my take on it, so please bare with me!
feedback is welcome and appreciated! requests are open!
"We really have to stop meeting like this."
An addiction. That's what it is. Either that or it's some kind of reverse psychology like you want what you can't have—because nothing else makes sense. If you knew him as a regular person, honestly you probably wouldn't have given him a second thought. If he was a hero you worked beside—or god forbid a villain—then you probably wouldn't have cared for a hookup or two, but then you'd get over it. It's not infatuation. It's an addiction. It's toxic and unhealthy and it just feels good even if it shouldn't. But the high; the high is unbeatable.
It continues on forever and more. From the moment his gaze pierces yours it's like snorting a rail of coke or taking a tab and the trip never ends. It's not even the fact you could get caught. You two are so damn obvious; anyone who stumbles into an alleyway at three in the morning would see the two of you doing more than what a fight warrants. It's just him. It's simply Dabi.
Romeo and Juliette's syndrome is probably a better term for it. But hell, it's not like he'd die for you. Right? It's not like you've known each other way longer than some days and nights and you certainly aren't teenagers and he's definitely not somebody who moves onto a girl and decides he's in love at first sight just because his 'rosaline' left him face down ass up. So maybe Romeo and Juliette is just lack of a better term.
But it's so unfair. How the hell are you supposed to escape him when it's like he's around every corner. With every breath you take, it's like he's an inch closer to crushing your chest with his. And maybe you want him to? This isn't very hero-like.
"You're the one always tracking me down, doll."
The pet name sends shivers down your spine and it makes you want him all the more.
Who am I? What has gotten into me?
You blame the pink tint to your cheeks on the brisk wind of the night, but the heat to them is a large contrast. You cross your arms over your chest and scoff, trying to look taller, stronger, and broader. Not in a threatening way, but more a warning.
This time you'll really take him out.
"In case you forgot, it's my job."
You tell yourself that every time.
And every time he gets away.
"I'm not doing anything but taking a walk."
He steps closer, the already short distance between you two getting shorter. The streetlamp that cuts the scene in half flickers, a moth flying away from the light and towards the moon. You count three squares in distance and you resist the urge to step back.
"You're a wanted criminal, Dabi."
He doesn't deny it but scoffs anyway, shoving his hands into his pockets leisurely. It's like he's never bothered. You're just a nat he's waiting to squash. You have to remind yourself of that: You're just prey.
"I think you just miss me." His tone is serious, but he's only teasing—no matter how true it is. You're starting to think that he can read minds—it's actually quite concerning.
You force a laugh past your lips, trying to show you aren't bothered by what he says. It's just a game of cat and mouse, and it's time the roles switch.
"Please. I could throw you in jail right now."
"But you wouldn't do that. Isn't that right, bunny?"
Your guard faulters and it gives him the opening he needs to corner you completely—and quite literally. It's a blink of an eye and he has you against the brick wall. It'd look rather suspicious to anyone passing, or maybe it looks endearing. But it doesn't matter, to begin with when it's a barren street. Even the crickets seem to have fled.
It's like wherever Dabi walks, everything else scatters. If it were the sea, you're sure it'd part red.
Dabi smirks, trapping you between his body and the cool, damp bricks. The mist from earlier rain seeps slowly into your hero suit, sending a violent chill down your spine. His other hand touches your hip, fingers grazing the fabric so faintly that it'd feel non-existent if it weren't for the heat radiating off them. You hitch your breath when his nose nudges your neck, his hot breath causes shivers and his eyes bore into your own with something mischievous.
His lips ghost the skin of your neck and you subconsciously pull it taut, tilting your head to the side. You're beginning to hate how your body arches into his and how it reacts to the simplest of touches.
Like a brick to a window, your dissolve shattered easily.
Dabi quirks a brow, challenging you to continue as you sputter about. It's embarrassing. You can hear him say it now, just like so many times before: "Oh? A big hero like you getting flustered by a big bad villain like me? How cute."
Your walkie talkie comes alive with static and a voice cuts in asking for help to take down a gang of criminals a few cities over.
My saving grace.
"I-I have to go." You push him away by the shoulders with sudden confidence, but he doesn't seem to put up much resistance.
God, you want to wipe the smug smirk off his face.
He backs off and turns with an unbothered wave, proving his point that you wouldn't- couldn't touch him, much less win against him in any sort of battle. The untouchable.
"Until next time, right?"
It's like a new tide from the moon—how fast your feelings towards him change. He's awful. A criminal, a villain, a murderer. He's the literal icon of everything your against.. or of what you're supposed to be against.
But you understand him. You get his whys and you feel his emotion like you're apart of them. You empathize with him and it makes you so fucking angry at yourself because you know—as a hero—you should never side with a villain like him, no matter how much sense he starts to make.
Blame it on his tone and the smoothness of his words. He's just a swindler.
The next time isn't even a full week later. He technically protects you from some randoms in an alleyway and you catch him in the act of it all, turning to catch whoever was following you, only to be met with cold blue eyes and a pile of ashes in front of you.
Of course, it ultimately ends in the same place it always does; his bed.
His scent and touch linger a little too long after these meetings and you decide once again that this is the last time.
It's a real shame you have to blame it on his body heat and not the undeniable attraction you feel towards him. But you suppose that could count towards it.
His hands are anywhere—everywhere—and they leave a fire in their wake. It's too much and still not enough. All you want is to be closer. Fingers in his hair, pulling him into you until you can't, and then pulling him in more. It's like air, the way you breathe him in. When you finally give into dabi it no longer becomes a crime, but a necessity.
It's overbearing and messy and awful, but you can't help but slip into his embrace and into his warmth.
It's freezing and he's the sun.
Tangled in between cotton sheets, you feel him rub circles into your shoulder and you hear his heartbeat. It's reassuring to know someone like him even has one. Then again, he probably wouldn't have protected you if he didn't have one. How many times has he saved you from harm's way? Honestly, one time is too many.
It almost makes this fling of yours respectable. It almost makes you want to admit you're falling for that smug face and bad attitude.
"We talked about what we'd do if we ran into your league again, you know?"
Why on earth would you bring that up of all things, y/n?
He doesn't need to know anything about your career, much less your plans to take his team down.
"Hmm.. is that so?" Dabi's fingers move up to draw languid circles into your collarbone before shifting slightly to loom over you. His other hand comes to rest on your hip, sending a searing, but welcomed heat to the flesh. You hiss quietly at the sensation, already knowing there's a bruise forming from the activities not too long ago. His lips replace his hand on your neck and he removes his arm from under your head to hold himself up.
Your hand finds his messy hair, fingers delving into the raven locks and tugging gently as he makes his way to the column of your throat and to your ear. He nips at it, nose brushing against your jaw; his hot breath creating goosebumps that rise to your flesh.
"I like knowing you think of me when I'm not around, Angel."
The tone and raspiness of his voice makes you groan, feeling him kiss beneath your jaw. You just know he's smirking at the reactions he elicits from you because you can feel it. He enjoys watching your internal struggle. You can't act like you didn't choose to form whatever this is with him.
You tug his hair to look at him, bringing his face up and he almost looks annoyed that you disrupted his path heading down towards your chest. Your lips ghost over each other's and you lean in for a kiss, only for him to pull away and leave you chasing.
"I also like when you call my name."
Your hand falls from his hair to cup his jaw, practically pulling him forward into a kiss. It's rough to cover up the intimacy and need behind it. His fingers dig into the plush of your hip, thumb pressed into your stomach before his hand goes upward with an ulterior motive.
Pulling away from him before he can initiate anything more, you run your thumb across his lips and the silver bands that adore the lower half of his face. Surprisingly enough, it didn't take long to adjust to the different textures
"And I like how you kiss me."
This almost feels too domestic—not that you mind, but you're positive he knows you're wrapped around his finger, in the palm of his hand. It's impossible to hide it now. Your actions speak louder than the three words on the tip of your tongue, poisoning your mind.
It makes you cringe when you think about it all. How easily he can get into your head and twist your arm. Some nights you catch yourself thinking that maybe you'll be able to convince him to open his eyes a little wider to see your point of view, especially when you've begun to see his. They're horrible—the villains you go against, but he makes them seem so different. You hate how he makes you double think everything.
He playfully nips at your thumb when you push it gently between his lips, teasingly. His hands trail up your arms, pulling them off of him and above your head. You're the one who makes the move to intertwine fingers as he pushes them down harshly on the pillow underneath you. Insatiable. That's what he is. Is it so wrong to keep wanting more?
The sun beginning to rise over the horizon and spilling in through the window doesn't seem to stir him as he makes his descent from your lips.
You already know that by the next morning you'll hate him and that surrounds him. You'll hate yourself for listening to your heart instead of your head simply because it just 'feels so right.' It's a constant cycle between the two of you, and you're sure he feels the same. He doesn't agree with anything you stand by like a hero, but there's something that keeps him close enough.
There's only so much you can expect, even when you deny it over and over.
But god, you have to stop meeting like this.
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Final thoughts on Pokemon Sword/Shield
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So in case you weren’t aware (which is most of you, I’m sure), a few months ago I started a Pokemon Shield blind Nuzlocke Run.  And recently, I completed the main portion of the Nuzlocke by defeating the Champion.  Having played through the game, though, I thought I’d give my final thoughts on it as a Pokemon fan, a gamer, and as a storyteller.
The Story & Characters
In all honesty, I rather enjoyed the main story of this game.  The Pokemon League has always been presented like a professional sport (at least in the anime/cartoon), so it’s fun to see the games taking that perspective and rolling with it.  It felt like an actual tournament/championship, to compete for the title in an officially organized manner, rather than just running a gauntlet of preset combatants.
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In addition, I liked how they incorporated both the gym leaders and our rivals into the league story as not only combatants, but also as individuals with their own lives and aspirations.  Marnie and Team Yell are adorable, Hop is... mostly tolerable, thus far, but by far my favorite rival character has been Bede, the Psychic/Fairy trainer.  His haughty and prideful demeanor make him a delight to defeat, and his arc is a wonderful story to see unfold.  I’m really curious to see what he gets up to in the after-story! The Gym Leaders are also fun to meet and battle; the Pokemon games as a whole have been gradually attempting to give more and more character to each of the Gym Leaders you meet, beyond just trials to overcome on your journey to victory.  And while I always have a soft spot for the Hoenn & Sinnoh gyms, I like that they opted to have the Gym Leaders return in place of having more Elite Four members to fight  I only wish I could get more opportunities to get to know them better, cuz there’s some standout leaders from this batch which I truly enjoy!
My biggest complaint with Sword/Shield’s story, though, has been the “Heroic Quest” plotline which has become increasingly common these days.  I like the character of Sonia the researcher, and Oleana is satisfying to watch lose, my biggest complaint has been the pacing of the plot; the first 2/3rd’s of the story are us teaming with Sonia to gradually get the backstory revealed to us, and then in the last half hour, right as the Tournament’s getting underway, all the villains suddenly crawl from beneath the floorboards and run amok while you have to chase them down!  There didn’t feel like there was a proper buildup explaining why the villain wanted to summon the legendary Pokémon, especially one which we heard next to nothing about! This brings about an interesting idea, however... what if instead, they had completely forgone any Legendary-Summoning stories until after the league?  Honestly, I was way more invested challenging the gyms and fighting the champion than I was stopping the literal POKEMON APOCALYPSE from happening... so what if for future games, they saved those for after you became champion?  As a sort of test of your skills, to prove your worth to bear the mantle you have taken!  Maybe it wouldn’t have meshed well, maybe they needed to show of the game mascot more, I dunno...  it’s just my thoughts.
The GamePlay
Ahem... In all honesty, I think I’d grown a bit too used to the 2nd screen of the DS-series games, but after a couple days of getting used to the mono-screen style again, I am pleased to say I found it very easy to settle back into.  Though there are still some features I wish would make a return (the HM moves as opposed to public transportation, poison’s effect while walking, wild double battles, etc.), there are alot of fun mechanics introduced and remedies to older problems that have been introduced!
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I think one feature which hasn’t had much said about it is the introduction of the Poke-Jobs system; this system allows you to send your Pokémon out on timed “away missions” to gain both experience and items.  In the old days, if you wanted to passively level your pokemon, the only real option you had without introducing a second player was the Daycare center, and they could only raise two pokemon at once... and you had to pay for it.  With Poke-Jobs, though, I can send anywhere from 5-10 teammates out for whatever amount of time I want them to be out for, and then come back later to see them lively and with goodies to show for their work! At first, I didn’t think I’d get much use out of this system; I, like many players out there I’m sure, prefer to guide my pokemon’s training personally, honing their movesets and guiding their levelling and points the way I want from them.  But as I progressed further in my Nuzlocke, and as my daily life became busier and busier, I found myself sending my backup teammates out on jobs to keep them on par with my main team.  Given that the Move Deleter/Tutor and Name Rater are now services that have been rolled into the Pokemon Center, yet another good thing this series has done, I found it much easier to keep my reserve Pokemon prepared in case I needed a substitution. Some Nuzlocke “Purists” may call that taking the easy way out, but... frankly, I don’t have the willpower to do that much grinding.  I’m here to play a game and have fun doing it, dammit.
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The Wild Area is another thing I’ve wanted to see from Pokemon for a long time - taking more steps to make the regions seem like an open world, with vast sprawling environments full of pokemon and secrets to uncover.  I’ll admit, though, the execution is... not entirely perfect.  While open expanses are fun to explore, the Wild Area did seem a bit... flat to traverse.  And while the weather mechanics translating into battle are fun to deal with, the same sets of wild pokemon appearing did start to wear me down.  I think what the Wild Area really needed, in the long run, was a system similar to how Black/White/Black2/White2 did - having seasonal progression ingame, where different pokemon would show up during different seasons, making the different places unique and novel all over again throughout the year. And for the record, many of my gripes with the Wild Area were addressed in the Isle of Armor’s expansion island.  VASTLY superior, and much more fun to navigate and traverse.
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...I’ll openly admit this: I was not a fan of Mega Evolution when it was first introduced in X/Y.  I felt it was fine enough to see Pokemon battling without power boosts or “digi-volving” or whatever you wanna call it.  When Sun/Moon Introduced Z-Moves, it felt like a step in the right direction, but at the same time, I ended up not using it very often.  If I had to have a power boost to my pokemon, I would want it something that couldn’t be used as a crutch when the going gets tough - something that has a limited usability, and offers benefits specific to the time it’s being used. I say this because I initially approached Dynamax the same way: as just another power boost to level the playing field and shake up the battle meta which I don’t keep track of.  However, after barely surviving all 8 gym leaders without using a single dynamax pokemon, I decided to give it a chance: after having completed the Isle of Armor’s subplot and gaining access to the Max Soup, I fed it to my Toxtricity Spike, and started running dynamax raids.  As I started using it more and more, I started gaining a certain appreciation for it that I hadn’t before; this was something written in to being a unique cultural effect!  This literally is imagining Pokemon as Kaiju!  And for the most part, it works! While I still feel mega-lvl-power-boosts in pokemon are a huge waste, at the very least I can say Dynamax didn’t leave me with too bad a taste in my mouth.  I do hope, however, that Dynamax stays a Sword/Shield exclusive power; given it’s cultural importance in Galar, and how Mega-Evolution was in the previous generation, I think having power boosts specific to regions works better than having the same stuff used across the board for every meta onwards,
What Do I hope for the Future?
I can’t say for sure if they’ll release a sequel game for Sword/Shield, but if they do... I would want them to make these minor changes:
Hold off the Heroic plot for after the League plot; devote the main first half of the game to just the gyms and league story like was done here, and then save meeting uber-god-tier Pokémon for after you’ve claimed the title of Champion.
Having said that, fix the pacing of how the Eternatus/Darkest Day subplot feels as it’s being played out.  Offer us more insight into Rose and Oleana’s mindsets as they go about their business, and give us more coherent exposition from our field trips with Prof. Sonia. 
Fix how the Wild Area looks - give it more variations for each sub-region and offer more varieties of habitats, like in the Isle of Armor.  Or, alternatively, try to implement a seasonal mechanic to make the same areas change over the year, opening new paths and new avenues to explore!
Let Bede defeat Oleana.  Give my boy some closure.
Allow us to see and interact with the Gym Leaders outside of the gyms more.  I had, like, barely 2 lines of dialogue with Nessa, and even less for Milo.  Not asking for a whole lot, just a bit more to tie us into who they are as people.  Piers is best big brother.  <3
That’s all I had written for now.  If y’all want a biography of my champion team for my Shield Nuzlocke, let me know, and I’ll scrap a post together! <3
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zaprlcorn · 4 years
Why is Zayn so attractive? Why does the media/general public thirst after him? | post
Over the years, Zayn has been known for his insane talent but also more notoriously for his good looks. So good in fact, the term “Zaddy Zayn” was coined. In One Direction, fans have always idolized him and never failed to mention his good looks. There was even a time where the phrase “Zayn is vain” went around. Fans made edits of Zayn as Aladdin, Flynn Ryder, and Prince Charming. During one point, he was even described as John Stamos, a heart throb from Full House. So why is Zayn notoriously known for his looks? Why does the media/general public emphasize this so much? Shouldn’t it be more about his talent? What’s the reason behind Zayn’s killer looks? The answers are simple: because he’s attractive and because genetics. But could this be explained in his birth chart? Let’s take a look and see..
Zayn is a Capricorn. Capricorns and Capricorn men are notoriously known for being “sexy”. They age like wine–the older, the finer. Over the years, the media has painted Zayn as the “Bradford Bad boy” who’s sexy, rebellious, and vain. Think of Danny Zuko from Grease. I made a thread on my twitter about this a while ago, but this time I want to expand. Why is he known for his looks? Is there an astrological explanation for why he’s so attractive? Why does the media label him this way? 
The 10th House / Midheaven  & Libra Jupiter in the 8H
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The 10th House in a birth chart is responsible for one’s career and the image they maintain in the public eye. So the 10th House is how people see you at work, in meetings etc. In Zayn’s chart, his Midheaven (10th House) is in the sign of Sagittarius, a sign who’s planetary ruler is Jupiter. In astrology, Jupiter is about expansion. Whatever Jupiter touches, it expands.There’s abundance. Especially an abundance of luck.
Having Jupiter on your MC (Midheaven) is good. Because it promotes success. It doesn’t have to be astronomical success like being the CEO of a company, but they will be successful and have luck in their career.
In whole sign houses, Jupiter lies in Zayn’s 8th house. Whole sign houses are a different calculation that is used in astrology to calculate one’s houses. So instead of a house beginning and ending in the same sign, all signs belong to a respective house (and aren’t skipped over) unlike Western/Tropical astrology. The House system used in the astrology you might be most familiar with is called Placidus.
Jupiter lies in his 8th house, and Jupiter rules his 10th house. The 8th house belongs to Scorpio. It belongs to Pluto and Mars (Scorpio’s planetary rulers). The 8th house deals with dark, taboo, and deep themes that aren’t talked about on a day-to-day basis. Themes range from the Occult, death, transformation/rebirth, intimacy and sex. In this case, we’re focusing on the intimacy and sex part. Because Zayn has this connection between his 8th and 10th house, the public views him as someone who’s magnetic. Enchanting. Because Jupiter is here, there’s an abundance of this. The media sees Zayn as a man who oozes sex appeal.
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Zayn has Apollo and Eros in his 10th house (whole sign system) conjuncting in his chart. So this explains the whole “Zayn is a Greek god” thing.
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Neptune/Jupiter/Pisces influence. Individuals with influences like these are described as “otherwordly” and “unreal”. Think of Diana Ross. 
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Zayn’s Jupiter is at the 14th degree of Libra. Libra is a planet ruled by Venus. Who else is ruled by Venus? Taurus. And who does the 14th degree belong to? Taurus & Venus. So there’s a double-venus influence here. That said, Zayn’s got the media and GP with hearts in their eyes, making them gush, and thirst over him. The double-venus influence makes this energy more potent and emphasized. I say thirst because this is the 8H we’re talking about. Think of it this way, because astrology twitter debates this often: Which house is the house of sex? The 5th? Or 8th? Think of it like this: The 5H is a crush, the 8H is love. Two different feelings. A crush is cute, innocent, and light-hearted. Being in love is consuming, and intense. 
Moreover, Zayn’s midheaven degree is important. The MC is the highest point of one’s chart and it’s in the 10H. It is considered to be our life path considering it points upwards, forwards, and is the “highest point” in our chart. Zayn’s midheaven is at the 20th degree of Sagittarius. The 20th degree belongs to Scorpio. And what are Scorpio’s known for? Being sexy and mysterious. (re: Bradford Badboy). 
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Venus-Lilith-Rising Conjunction 
Remember what I said about Venus? This is important, because Zayn is a Venus dominant. His first house (ascendant/rising) is in the sign of Pisces, which makes him a Pisces rising. In his first house, he has the planet Venus and the asteroid Lilith there all conjuncting his ascendant/rising. This is a blending of energies. Think of a conjunction as combining two-and-two to get one. Like a cake, you add ingredients together to get an end result which is the cake. In astrology, planets that conjunct all work together to produce an effect. In Zayn’s chart, this Venus-Lilith-Rising conjunction produces one effect: captivating and magnetizing. Many say Zayn is a beautiful man and there’s no denying that. The Romans renamed the Greeks’ Aphrodite as Venus. She is art, she is love, she is beauty. Zayn has Aphrodite conjunct his ascendant within a 1 degree orb, so he’s been blessed by the beauty of Venus. He is a child of Venus.
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When someone has Venus in their first house conjunct their ascendant, it automatically makes the person beautiful. Also someone who is very artistic. They have been blessed with Venus’ beauty. So we take this and combine it with Lilith. Usually, Lilith is more important in a woman’s chart, but it’s important in Zayn’s considering it’s on his ascendant. When you have a Venus-Lilith-Ascendant conjunction, this makes someone beautiful and quite literally sexy. People lust after them, they are the object of people’s desires, they are the forbidden fruit that tempts people to take a bite. So this is why Zayn back in the 1D days (and still today) was described as the Dangerous Bad Boy from Bradford Who Will Cause A Ruckus and Have Your Father Mad. 
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Note: While the Venus-Lilith-Ascendant conjunction makes someone extremely alluring, there are consequences. If you know Lilith’s story, you know where I’m going. This aspect is also responsible for ostracism, obsession, jealousy, and envy. People always want to see Zayn lose. And it’s those who “can’t understand” him. Additionally, Zayn’s Venus opposes his 7th house moon. The 7th house is the house of relationships and marriage, but also known as our descendant (hidden from the world) and a house of open enemies. So when you have this conjunction opposing a house of enemies, this brings trouble. People are jealous and can’t understand you and your beauty. So they attack you, copy you, try to one-up you, bully you, etc etc. 
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So remember what I said about the double-venus? Here’s more evidence to back it up. 
Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces. A planet’s exaltation is a sign of the zodiac in which it is thought to be particularly well-placed. So Pisces is gonna do Venus’ job very well. So keep the double-venus thing I mentioned in mind. Because when you read a birth chart (or at least when I do) it’s important to look at the planet’s individually and connections they have with other planets, asteroids, houses in a person's chart. So that said, Zayn having the Venus-Lilith-Ascendant conjunction I was talking about in a sign where Venus is exalted, this feeds the double-Venus influence that the public/GP sees. 
Follow me closely again. Zayn’s ascendant is at the 4th degree of Pisces. The 4th degree of astrology belongs to Cancer, a sign ruled by the Moon. Which is in his 7th house. Pisces’ traditional planetary ruler is Jupiter. In astrology, the planet that rules the sign your ascendant is in is considered your planetary ruler. So this means a few things: 1. At the most basic level, his Jupiter being in his 8th house (whole sign, 7H Placidus) the appearance of the individual is dark and others will find the native “sexy” and mysterious 2. Many will lust and thirst over the individual 3. With the Placidus interpretation, it can be seen as the native having many open enemies (7H)  who attack them for their appearance and self (1H). 
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4. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. His rising is Pisces. The 4th degree of astrology belongs to Cancer. Venus in Pisces is in his first house. 5. Not relevant to this Pisces-Jupiter-Cancer tirade I’m on, but the moon in someone’s 7th house is a significator of beauty.
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It doesn’t help that his 5th house is ruled by the moon either. The “Zayn is beautiful” agenda is about to spill over at this point because I’m writing on the last centimetre of the page. His 5th house is in the sign of Cancer. The 5th house is originally home to Leo. Leo’s are beautiful, and they know it. The 5th house is the house of children, sex, games, etc. But In relation to this thread, I would say that the 5H rules over things like mirrors, makeup, jewellery, etc etc. Things you find in a vanity.This probably explains the whole “Zayn is vain” thing too because Leo’s are known to be vain, and with the Lord of his 5th in the 7th, ths just equals beauty beauty beauty beauty and MORE beauty. (Sidenote: His moon in sidereal astrology is in Leo)(Sidereal = different calculation) 
Zaddy Zayn
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Where does the “Zaddy Zayn” thing come from? It’s because of 1. Everything in this post thus far and 2. Because he’s a Capricorn Stellium 3. He's Venus, Sun, and Rahu/NN dominant. Sun dominated men are the “it” boys of the zodiac. The sun is Masculine energy, hence why they are the “it” boys of the zodiac. They radiate that “zaddy” energy that Zayn does too (because he’s Sun dominant).  Zayn’s sun conjuncts Neptune in his 11th house. Neptune is the modern planetary ruler of Pisces, which happens to rule his chart because he’s a Pisces rising. When the Sun makes an aspect to the individuals planetary ruler, it strengthens the planet and what it does. In Zayn’s chart, the Sun shines a light on his.
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Remember how I said Capricorn men are known for being sexy and they age like wine? The older, the finer? Applies to Zayn. Zayn’s tropical chart is dominated by Capricorn. Plus he was born at a Capricorn degree. Capricorn is known as the “father” in astrology, and it’s sister sign, Cancer is the “mother”. That said, he’s got a Capricorn stellium. A stellium is when someone has 3+ planets in a sign or house. Capricorns planetary ruler is Saturn, which is a planet of limitations, discipline, and rules. It’s disciplinarian, and authoritarian hence why the planet Saturn and the sign of Capricorn is associated with the “Father”. So that’s where “Zaddy Zayn” comes from. Plus, 22 degrees is a powerful degree. It is a degree associated with authority. 
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Lastly, his Sun sextiles Pluto in a tight orb and Sun sextile Pluto is responsible for someone being “magnetic”. With the Plutonic influence on his MC, this explains why the Media/GP sees him the way they do. Zayn Malik is a man about his business thanks to all the Capricorn influence in his chart. He is a man who has mastered the art of power without words. He is a man of beauty. He possesses such rich beauty in himself physically, that he projects it outwards in everything he creates. Whether this is artwork, poems, music, or his writing.
Add. Info
Venus Dominated Men like to make their surroundings beautiful and create beautiful things because they have been blessed with creativity. While they are aware of the beauty they possess, they’d rather not have the spotlight on them. They are more focused on making beautiful things. Claire Nakti said in her video on Venus Dominated men, masculine individuals have smaller eyes and feminine individuals have eyes that are bigger.. This is because of the Sun and Moon. The Sun is masculine, the Moon is feminine. The sun projects light onto all of humanity and projects light onto the moon. That said, there doesn’t need to be a big window to project light. The moon receives light from the sun, and lights up the night around her. Feminine individuals have bigger eyes because they draw in the energy of those who project light. 
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stargazersastronomy · 4 years
Social Change & Protest Astrology
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“I can't get it out of my mind how you were left to bleed Was it how you dressed? Or how you act? I can't believe how they could act so violently, without regret. Well, we will not forget”
-- ‘We are the Others‘ by Delain
I normally don’t make posts like this, posts that deal with violence or politics. These subjects are similar to religion and sexuality, etc. There are so many different perspectives that you can never know what backlash, if any, will happen because of your words. However, people George Floyd’s murder, the protests, everything has effected the world. I haven’t felt this affected by murders since Brian Deneke’s and Sophie Lancaster’s deaths. Like Deneke and Lancaster, I still hear Floyd’s pleas for  his life, for his mother, for mercy echoing in my mind. My imagination could never do his suffering justice; I keep imagining the pain Floyd suffered as his neck was crushed by Derek Chauvin’s knee.  I’m someone who believes that Hell is impermanent – and that humans’ depictions of Hell originate from our artists and poets than our holy books – but I hope Chauvin burns in whatever Hell he’s sent to. Even if that hell is life imprisonment.
Similar to Deneke and Lancaster, we’ve heard the same statements: that Floyd was killed for his differences. While that is partially correct, killed because he was different, shifts blame from the murderers to the victim. Statements like these imply that if Deneke hadn’t be Punk, Lancaster hadn’t been Goth, and Floyd hadn’t been Black, they would not have been killed. Yes, the fact that they were all minorities in some way is part of our discourse of it; their attackers – and society’s intolerance – of them was the cause of their deaths. Dustin, the jock, mowed Deneke down with his car. The five boys who pummels Lancaster and her boyfriend killed Lancaster. And it was Chauvin that suffocated Floyd to death. These seven would have gone after anyone different and weaker from them, they chose the easiest targets.
In each case the murders were unplanned, random, that the victims happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But with the violent acts that happened before then – Deneke and his friends beaten by the Jocks, there were beatings against others before Lancaster was killed, and racial deaths have only been increasing here in the States. Signs were there and without intervention of some kind, Floyd’s, Deneke’s, and Lancaster’s deaths were inevitable. No one knew when or to whom these tragedies would happen to, but something like this would.
Anyway, this has been a very long prelude to introduce my point to all this. When these things happen I like to do a horoscope on the event in order to understand it, aka electional/event astrology. Last time I looked up this chart I was reading an event horoscope about the Port Arthur Massacre, so I decided to try my hand at this type of astrology. Now, I’ll probably cast a horoscope for Sohpie Lancaster and Brian Deneke, but for know this chart will focus on George Floyd’s Death, its impact, and the Lafayette Square Protest earlier this week. Before I start this reading, just know I use the Whole Sign house system and not Placidus. Lastly, Floyd was a person and astrology can’t explain away everything, so I’m going to treat him with the dignity he deserves.
Whenever one sees horrific violence and mass uproars in astrology, Mars and Pluto are the prominent players in the horoscope. This isn’t surprising because Pluto is a higher octave of Mars (like Neptune is to Venus, and Uranus to Saturn) and they’re dignified in Aries and Scorpio. Mars is Ares, it is raw masculinity, sexuality, conquest, war, anger, passion. Pluto, aka Hades, Greek God of the Dead, is all that Mars is with one difference. Pluto bides its time waiting for the opportune moment unlike Mars that is impatient and impulsive. In these charts we expect Gemini to be one the dominant signs because it’s Gemini season, Sagittarius because that’s Floyd’s death ascendant (rising sign), and Scorpio because that the protest’s ascendant. However, I did not expect Hades Moon[*1] to be so important here. More on that later.
Gemini Sun (7/Descendant) squared Pisces Mars (4/IC)
Sun is the ego, who we are as an individual. Mars is our drive, its our fighting words. Harsh aspects like oppositions and squares are blessings in disguises because if one can work through the initial turbulence, this person is unstoppable. How this power is often abused. Floyd begs Chauvin for mercy but his words (Gemini/third house) are going unheard. Witnesses are telling Chauvin to stop but they’re ignored and Chauvin’s fellow coworkers are silent.
For now, I’ll give the other cops the benefit of the doubt. Bystanders tend to fall under three camps: one, the bystanders that side with the aggressor, two, the bystanders that sympathize with the victim but are too frightened to confront the bully. Three, perhaps the most insidious, the bystanders that are apathetic to both sides. No matter which camp they fall into they’re cowards and unfortunately the law doesn’t punish inaction.
Pisces is exalted in Venus (Aphrodite) and while it rather not be situated in Mars, Pisces realizes Mars (Ares) is the gender-flipped equivalent of Venus.  Pisces Mars is the seafarer, it is Captain Ishamal, Captain Nemo, the old man from The Old Man and the Sea. And Mars in conflict with the sun is causing a storm.  Instead of noble victory, Mars uses its strength to dominate. Look at the videos, Chauvin’s photo during the scene. His semi-slouched posture indicates nonchalance and with his hands stuffed in his pockets say that he has nothing to hide. How he eyes the spectators is that of confusing and superiority. They’re saying, “Yeah, I’m boring my knee into this innocent man. And? You guys can’t do anything.” He’s also forcing his will on Floyd. Aphrodite is definitely not happy being thrust into war.
Gemini Venus (7th House) squared Pisces Neptune (4th House)
I mentioned how the generational planets are the higher octaves of the primar planets. Venus is the Greek love Eros while Neptune is Agape, or universal love. Neptune is also illusion. American cops are often placed on pedestals and absolved of their actions, but Venus here is breaking the American people’s disillusions of that. Chauvin is abusing his authority murdering an innocent man in public, no one can ignore this power imbalance now.  The crowd that witnessed this atrocity, the millions more worldwide that saw this televised and online can’t erase this from their minds. We’re seeing that the Other (7th House) has no differences from us, that Floyd is not different from us. Pisces Neptune is communicating to us to show love and compassion to our fellow man. Later, in Washington DC Rahul Dubey offered his home to approximately 60 protesters overnight, so they’d remain safe from the police. When interviewed Dubey said what he did wasn’t a choice, it was the right thing to do.
Chauvin showed no kindness, and people are calling him out on this. None of the people in the crowd can do anything, all they can do is beg and shout from the sidelines to help Floyd. This didn’t help Floyd, and this is of little consolation because he died, but people cared enough to record the cops’ crime. They cared enough to demand the cops help Floyd. It feels inadequate at the time, it won’t resurrect him. At least he heard some kindness and concern in the voices of others.  
Cancer Moon (8th House) squared Taurus Uranus (6th House)
A Hades Moon is any moon connection to Pluto and/or the eighth house. Whenever the moon is connected to the generational planets – specifically Saturn and Pluto – there’s a war between feminine, nurturing energy and masculine, destroying energy. Saturn freezes emotions whether it’s trined or opposed the Moon. Pluto when aspected to the moon gives the moon psychic, explosive energy. Moon is dignified in Cancer which gives it added strength, however, it’s in the eighth house of death weakening it. “From tomb of the womb, to womb of the tomb.” (Hero of a Thousand Faces) Women give life and we live with the knowledge that life will be taken away. With Floyd’s last breaths he says that he “can’t breathe” and calls out “mama.” How many heartstrings were tugged at? How many mothers, girlfriends, daughters, embraced their children and significant others when they heard this?
Taurus is Eve from the Garden of Eden. Taurus craves stability and sensuality which is why it is fallen in Uranus. Uranus uproots Taurus’ stability to initiate change but note where Uranus; it’s in the house of work and health (6th house). Floyd’s life was taken by men who swore oaths to serve and protect. Chauvin’s coworkers should have done their duty (Virgo/6th house) and protected Floyd from one of their own. Instead they lazily stand aside and let a man die. They ignore his health when Floyd informed them earlier that he was claustrophobic.
Yet the civilians around them did their duty. They videotaped these cops so they’d be held accountable and couldn’t lie about their actions. Women and men called out to the cops demanding the Chauvin get off of Floyd and for the others to call an ambulance. Granted, Floyd still died. His daughters and wife weren’t there to hold his hand in his final moments. He was denied a good death, a death where he’s an old man surrounded by family who loves him. He’ll never see his daughters, graduate, marry, and bear children of their own. The only solace is that his memory has become immortal, no one will forget him now. I doubt he wanted to be a symbol in death, but now we can ensure that his death isn’t in vain. We can make sure we can bring change to the States. We can make sure that these cops are forced to take responsibility for their crimes. That’s our duty in remembrance to Floyd.
“One day we won't slay our brothers One day we won't hate each other One day we'll help one another But that day is not today”
-- ‘The Pallbearer Walks Alone’, The Dark Element
Lafayette Square Protests
For the most part the placements of the Lafayette Square Protests stay the same as Floyd’s death horoscope. The differences are:
Scorpio Ascendant, meaning Mars & Pluto rule the chart
Scorpio Moon (first house/ascendant)
Cancer Mercury (Eighth House)
Mercury trined Uranus
and Moon trined Saturn
Ultimately, the astrology placements I discussed earlier apply here. But for the protests I just want to focus on the 9th House and 10th House/Midheaven.
Cancer Ninth House & Leo Midheaven
Each country has its own natal chart, for the States, this nation was founded during Cancer season. Many people consider America to be their motherland (Cancer), even people who emigrate here. Personally, I think the States have 2 main lessons to learn: One not to be the savior and think itself the hero of other countries, and two, learn that how it’s governed affects the world (ninth house). In my opening paragraphs I mentioned that Sophie and Brian’s deaths impacted the world as does George’s. That’s exactly what happened. As a nation we have daily protests since Floyd’s death. We’re using emotionally charged language to to force Trump, our legislators, police officials for equal rights for black minorities. Saturn is in Aquarius – and we’re about to enter Pluto in Aquarius in the next few years – we’re finally heeding Saturn’s lesson. That everyone should be treated the same, that we must collaborate to enact change.
Whenever there are empty houses, that house is still important but the lessons and symbols that house represents aren’t important at the moment. Trump used his authority, military, police loyal to him to force them out of the square. Why? For a photo-op. Leo long to be center stage and calling attention to itself; the midheaven makes and ideal home for Leo. But this empty house shows Trump’s failure here. It shows no one will allow him to dominate them anymore. I’m not saying astrology can explain all of Trump’s behaviour, but his incessant need for admiration and attention backfired. Now, I never expected much from him, but if he had the ability to think through his actions and consider anothers’ perspective, I would have tolerated him. (The 2020 elections will not be kind to him.) More importantly Floyd’s death and the proceeding protests have effected the world. And if we as American citizens don’t change, the entire world will be affected. (Pluto and Uranus). The United  States are considered a superpower with Russia and China close behind as world powers. I’m not psychic nor have a crystal ball, but how this nation handles these conflicts will make or break 7 billion + people in this world. I didn’t intend for this astrology post to sound political. I just wanted to explain this through astrology.  
“There will come a day not so far away When the hunter becomes the prey (and you will pay).
Its a hellish inferno This is war eternal.”
-- ‘War Eternal‘, Arch Enemy
39 notes · View notes
theholycovenantrpg · 4 years
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Admin Cas: Hayley, Hayley, Hayley. Your application felt, in a word, magical. You drew every one of us in to the romantic, rose-tinted world of Luca Riche, and I’m not sure any of us ever want to leave it. Luca is so good, so pure, so foolish, and evidence of that bled through your every word. And yet, your interpretation made him so much more than his love. He’s a hero, he’s a warrior — and for all his light, there’s darkness in him, too. The way you scattered quotes throughout your application really gave us insight into who Luca is beneath the surface. I’m so excited to leave our lovely, golden himbo in your hands, and I can’t wait to have my heart broken by him. Your faceclaim change to Daniel Sharman has been approved. Please create and send in your account, review the information on our CHECKLIST, and follow everyone on the FOLLOW LIST. Welcome to the Holy Land!
Alias | Hayley
Age | 24 
Personal Pronouns | she/her
Activity Level | Well currently I’m unemployed so I have all the time in the world to just flood the dash with writing! This may change in January/February where I’ll likely be on a few hours per day in the evenings and more active on the weekends (I may also need a hiatus to move/settle in if I have to move to a new state just a heads up!!).
Timezone | EST
Triggers | REMOVED
How did you find the group?  | I would follow Rosey and her brilliant ideas to the ends of this earth
Character | Luca Riche (FC change to Daniel Sharman? I can be flexible with alts depending on Jasper’s faceclaim as well!)
What drew you to this character? | Honestly what DIDN’T drive me to this character. Literally like everyone else I can’t help but love him the second I laid my eyes on him. He’s magnetic and just so, so good. Like pure and good and I’ll be honest I’m not quite used to playing characters who possess the literal light of the sun within them but that’s what drew me to him like he was a beacon asking me to challenge myself in the new year.
There is something just so incessantly good about Luca, which is perhaps rare amongst humans. The world has a way of finding light and corrupting it, and yet Luca remains nearly untouched. I think he’s not entirely blind to the evils of the world, having willingly taken on his role as a knight with the knowledge that he may have to and since has shed blood, but I think he still sees it and its potential as inherently good, which makes it all the more difficult to see the bad in things. That’s not to say he is entirely blind to it, but there are many things he does not see as suspicious or just willfully ignores, especially when it comes to his brother (more on them later). Of course, some things will clearly indicate to him that he should be wary, things in the vein of Samael’s entire presence, but in most cases, he is willing to give the benefit of the doubt.
I also love seeing a character who is so magnetic and who embraces that magnetism, yet hasn’t let it go to his head completely. I can imagine Luca as somewhat caught up in that reputation, as he knows the sacrifices he is encouraged and nearly obligated at this point to make, and yet he still does it willingly, not because it is expected of him, but because he wants to. He does it for love, for the love of humanity and this world and peace. He will set himself on fire to keep others warm, and yet does not boast of his flammability. Perhaps this savior complex has, in some instances, gone to his head, but overall, Luca doesn’t appear cocky or full of too much pride.
He sees himself as a hero, after all, and he knows what ends heroes may meet. Glory is but a small reward to receive while living, but as long as he lives, he will do all that he can, do all that heroes are meant to receive. Luca is well aware peace may only be sustained once he has given all there is to give of himself, his aching muscles and his still-beating heart, and that is why he will give and give, knowing what it does to him, until there is nothing left. He is so selfless in almost all regards, and yet the tinge of selfish desire to uncover the dreams he’s been having linger like a fog at the edges of his vision.
I’ll be honest in saying I haven’t written a character whose heart is full of as much love and light as Luca’s, but I also think it’s impossible for anyone to ever have as much love contained within them as Luca does. It’s as abundant as sunlight within him and he seems to give it out just as freely as the sun spreads her rays about the Earth. He is Helios, pulling the sun through the sky, ignoring any burn that may come to his flesh, for the people he loves receive its light, and for that, he is happy, he is whole.
And don’t even get me STARTED on the Riche brothers. I love their dynamic, the balance they bring, the sun and moon. The sun longs so much to be with his moon, and yet while they are destined to coexist together, the moon is so rarely willing to share his skies with the sun. That doesn’t stop Luca from trying, of course. I was so drawn to Luca in part because of the dynamic he shares with Jasper, because I just love foils and I love how intertwined their stories are, much to Luca’s pleasure and Jasper’s chagrin. A father Luca never knew and Jasper knew all too well being the reason they were brought together, so close yet so distant. Luca doesn’t know when to give up, especially when it comes to his brother, and that might just be the death of him, for, unbeknownst to him, it once was.
What future plots do you have in mind for the character? | 
ONE. A cheering crowd. Sunlight glinting off his armor. Dust settling to reveal a beautifully colored dawn. A smile brighter than all of it. I want to explore the lengths Luca will go to in order to maintain peace across this land and bring some form of salvation to the people within it. They look to him for this, for him to uphold the values of these peaceful times and ensure that this land remains prosperous and happy, and he gladly shoulders the weight of this responsibility. I want to see the things they demand of him, and how increasingly challenging they may be. How much weight can one man withstand? What tasks in the pursuit of peace and salvation and justice may lead him to make tough, impossible, potentially immoral decisions? How much can one man sacrifice before he leaves himself too vulnerable, too spent, too weak to do all that they revere him for?
TWO. A cold sweat upon the back of his neck. Blurry faces. Shadowed intentions. A dagger. Waking up with a start. I’d love to see Luca discover more about his past life and explore how he would react to the truth. He’s already longing for answers after every brief glimpse his post-encounters with Samael bring him, but I want to explore what those answers look like and what he thinks of them, especially when he finally realizes who he is and how his story once ended. I think this will be a long-term plot, with brief glimpses and memories becoming clearer, where he may grapple with immense confusion and some denial before actually accepting the truth of his past. In this, I also want to see how far he may go for the truth, since this is the only thing Luca seems to be doing primarily for himself and his own gain. So used to being selfless, he finally finds one cause he cannot stay away from that is wholly his own — if he’s so used to sacrificing for others, what might he sacrifice to give himself a moment’s satisfaction?
To get there, Luca knows this requires spending more time with Samael, so I’d be really excited to plot that out and see the fallout! Luca does not like what he must do, and yet feels this pull to do it, and I can imagine it will take more of a toll on him than just these visions.
THREE. A hand rejected. Something just out of reach. Brows set in determination. Ignoring the warning signs. I so badly want to explore the dynamic of Luca and Jasper. There’s rich history between these two, not only in this life but the last. The shared loss of a father brought them together when the loss of Abel’s life had torn them from one another in the last life, and I want to see what elements of that life remain now, and what elements might be made clearer from the dreams and memories Luca has been unearthing as of late. He knows his brother opposes him in so many ways, and yet he sees the necessity in the balance they hold together. I want to explore how his view of his brother and love of his brother may change, if at all, once he learns the truth of what his old fate was. I’d love to see how he reacts, if there is any difference in the way he would see or treat Jasper, and what he might do to ensure the course of history does not repeat itself (that is, if he even imagines that as a possible threat now), if anything at all. This is stuff that would be plotted ooc! I know this one is a bit vague and leaves many directions open, but I want to ensure flexibility on my part to allow the story and other characters to also have their effects on Luca!
FOUR. Whispers in the streets. Learning from the past. Nature overtaking ruins. Second chances. I hope to see Luca encounter what is left of the Heretics, be it any hidden surviving members or relics from their rule. I think it could be a great moment of balancing the still-remaining grief from his father with the acknowledgement of the things he’s done — Luca has been able to keep that balance now at the Table, but that’s because he has nothing but the post-Heretic world to reference. I would love to see him challenged and forced to face the things his father has done head-on, and I want to see what lengths he might go to in order to rectify that. Perhaps he will lend so much of himself out of guilt and his naive desire for peace that he accidentally gives the Heretics (or a resurgence/birth or something similar to the Heretics) too much power and legitimacy, or perhaps he will learn that the past must be buried for a reason.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Did Cain murder Abel? Yes. The answer to both is yes I love to hurt
Driving Character Motivation | 
“The sun never truly sets, Luca. Not when you’re here.” Peace. Love. The bright sun of a new tomorrow. Luca holds so much love in his heart for this world, but even more for the world he knows it can become if peace and prosperity are ushered in. He wants to maintain the peace that others worked so hard to establish in this new world, and he wants to ensure the happiness and prosperity of the people who inhabit it now. It’s almost a quiet expectation that was laid upon him since birth; Luca was swaddled in stories of heroism and hope as much as he was swaddled in cloth blankets when the sun set. That energy has stuck with him all his life, virtue as abundant in his veins as sunlight, and thus he wants to keep this world peaceful, keep it pleasant, and help to usher in justice and prosperity and build a utopia for the people who look to him. After all, he sees humanity as good at its core, and thus wishes to help or save all he can.
“You may share his blood, but you do not share his heart. Yours is ten times bigger and wrapped in gold — yours is a treasure to behold.” There’s also this father-sized weight upon his shoulders that he could not ignore. At first, his knees buckled in grief when he tried to carry it, but now he lifts it upon strong shoulders, years of practice strengthening the muscle. He wants to usher in a different legacy for the Riche name because he knows so well the mixed reactions that had preceded him. He grew up hearing the whispers that followed his surname’s reputation when others thought the child could not hear. While they beamed at Luca, and some uttered words of pride for his legacy, others would whisper curses at his father, despite the adoration they felt for the spawn just within earshot. He wants people to hear his name and smile, to think of the peace he brought and the good he’s done, and hopefully the good his descendants will continue to do.
“What wills you to bear your soul, fleshy and vulnerable, to the hungriest of vultures?” Answers also drive Luca, in a sense, but mostly in the reason he spends time with Samael. He cannot help the curiosity and longing that his vivid dreams inject into his veins, he cannot help the pull of the river of this mysterious blood. He longs to see where it lasts, and if he has spent his life being so selfless, why should he not have one thing of his own? He seeks so little, he thinks, so surely he can justify his actions. He gives so much and yet looks for only one thing for himself, so despite the means in which he achieves it, it cannot be so bad, can it?
Character Traits | OPTIONAL. Please list 3 positive traits and 3 negative traits that you identify in the character you’re applying for. 
+: selfless, brave, charismatic
-: too trustful, ignorant, doesn’t know when to quit
In-Character Para Sample | 
When the sun finally kissed Luca goodnight with magnificent shades of orange and pink in its wake and the moon promised her glow would keep him alight until the sun’s valiant return, he fell asleep readily, trusting the safety she sang of. Once, as a child, he’d been afraid of the dark, begging his mom to keep a candle beside him as if she could will the fire’s intentions or even pull the sun out of hiding for her boy. Back then, it wasn’t until she reminded him that he shone brighter than any star in the night sky, that he was her guiding light when the sun could not be, that he settled, determined to illuminate this home even in his dreams. When he dreamt back then, he dreamt of heroes, of daring rescues and brave knights and the whispers of legends passed down through generations. Shining armor and great adventure and triumphant endings held a young Luca’s mind during the night.
Tonight, there were no heroes behind his eyes.
He awoke in a field unfamiliar. The grasses were tall and beginning to yellow with the dry heat of the summer, which beamed down upon Luca from a sun that seemed much harsher than the one he had loved. Already, sweat began to bead upon his forehead, and as he sat up and wiped the moisture away, he realized his hands were tanner than they typically were. Perhaps the summer sun had been extra brutal this year. Dirt caked under his nails mixed with the sweat from his palm as he wiped them on an unfamiliar tunic. This world he awoke in was not the one he’d fallen asleep in, and for a moment, he wondered if his body was even the one he’d left in slumber, as well.
Standing up, the grass tickled his calves, a greeting from nature he had been familiar with as a child. Luca looked around for some semblance of where he was, but the world offered no kind clues. Even the sun could not help her favorite child here with a helpful, guiding ray. The field was vast, nearly as far as the eye could see, though when turning around, Luca noticed the beginning trees of a forest — no, a garden. The trees looked strangely like those that greeted him whenever he visited the Garden of Eden, and yet he could not fathom that a possibility, for this land looked nothing like the Holy Land he’d called home for some years, now. Perhaps his mind just ached for even a touch of something familiar, he believed. The slightest similarity to soothe a confused ache in his mind.
A shuffle in the grass caused Luca to turn around and face its source, and while he knew he should have been filled with some sort of nervousness, some sort of wariness upon facing the unknown, he could only feel calm, as if he knew what he was about to encounter. Thankfully, he did not need to feel fear as he looked down at his new companion, a round sheep lazily approaching him through the grass, newly sheared for summer. A soft, pleased sigh escaped him, and his hand reached out to pet the dark head of the bleating creature, who leaned in expectedly to Luca’s touch.
When he pulled back from the creature, red stained his hand. Shocked, he sucked in a sharp breath as the world around him began to blur. The field felt an illusion out of focus, even the garden on its outskirts felt too far to have ever been real. The only thing that remained real, the only thing anchoring him to this place was the sheep, who, upon taking a step back from Luca, revealed a slowly growing red stain upon his neck. Blood’s crimson stain grew and grew about the sheep’s neck, and the color of the grass beneath it began to change to follow suit. Beside him grew a feeling Luca could not shake: though he could only see himself and the sheep, they were not alone. And whoever this presence was, He was satisfied.
Luca awoke with a start, his breathing desperate and ragged. His hands, clean and pale with the winter’s early nights, reached to wipe the cold sweat that spotted his forehead. He stayed upright in his bed for what felt like hours, unable to succumb to sleep again, until the sun arose and painted the sky with soft, apologetic clouds for abandoning him for so long. A dream, it had only been, and yet the feelings it brought did not pass, churning in his stomach and sticking to its walls like the sweetest of honeys or the thickest of bloods. Something about it felt much more real than the other fleeting escapes his mind entertained under the moon’s watchful gaze. The dream lingered on the tip of his tongue, evasive and then out of reach, and with it, a single word.
It was the first, and it would not be the last.
Extras | Pinterest
Luca said himbo rights (he is emotionally intelligent but not near as intelligent in the classical sense as Jasper!!!) and I support him.
Scars. Being a knight, and seeing and training in combat, Luca has not been able to walk away unscathed. Due to the armor he’s worn in battle, most of his scars come from training, and many are from his early days when he still had much to learn. The most notable one runs along the back of his left arm above his elbow, from when he was shoved into a wall during a sparring match and met a nail that was sticking out of the wood. [Also, this one would depend on Jasper’s mun, but I think it would be interesting for Luca to have a scar that his brother gave to him. It could be they were sparring with swords and Jasper won with the tip of his blade to Luca’s neck. While he would not have killed his brother that day, it could have left a small scar beneath his chin. I just like the idea of it serving as an omen that Luca ignores in favor of noting that his brother was in a position of power over him but chose to do nothing to harm him.]
Religion. Luca believes in the Hundred Eyed God and can often be seen attending ceremonies at the church. He also spends time there volunteering with whatever they may need him to do.
Style. Luca’s style varies from his armor as a knight, which has some gold plating to it to signify his gilded status, to his everyday wear, which often consists of lighter earth tones and whatever cuts of clothing are most stylish. Sometimes, he will wear a vest of chainmail over his tunic, more for style reasons than practical ones. Accessories include a sword (in knightwear it is a longsword with a leather hilt and gold accents, and more casually he carries a shortsword with an intricate golden hilt), a small leather satchel, and a necklace containing a pendant of an eye.
Weapons. Luca has two primary swords (described above) which are his preferred weapons. However, he has also trained and is skilled with a bow and arrow and daggers, though these weapons are not always on his person. CHARACTER:
MBTI. ENFJ, The Protagonist
Enneagram. 2w3
Alignment. Lawful/Neutral Good (he’s on the cusp due to the fact that he does not show unwavering blind loyalty he is loyal instead to causes that are right and just — also literally lawful and neutral differed by one point when I took the test)
Temperament. Sanguine
The unfazed. Someone who isn’t charmed by Luca’s reputation. This person could have their reasons for not believing in the same things he does, or they could just be a contrarian who doesn’t see the big deal with him. It’s something that’s rare for Luca to encounter, and sometimes he doesn’t quite know what to do to get certain people on his side, but he will certainly try his hardest.
The grateful. Someone who Luca has helped in the past. This could go in many different directions depending on the character, who may feel indebted, or simply believe in the legend surrounding him even harder. A friendship could have even spawned out of this, and Luca will make it a point to check in on this person if they don’t already see each other often.
The argumentative. Someone who Luca doesn’t quite see eye to eye with. Different from the unfazed in the sense that they may share the same goals with Luca or agree with him on certain things, but the two just can’t seem to agree on how to approach a situation. Maybe one wishes to rush in while the other wants to take their time, or they just completely have opposite plans to solve a certain problem or prioritize involving different risks. There’s much banter that comes from this, and the political bickering may not end when the meeting is over.
The guilt-trip. Someone who Luca feels guilty looking upon. Perhaps this was someone he could not help for whatever reason, or someone (or the family of someone) he came to the aid of when it was too late. Losing anything, even if it’s just a small battle, takes its toll on Luca, who isn’t quite used to failure, and the sight of this person weighs heavy on his heart. Perhaps they resent him for this, or maybe they don’t, but Luca feels an obligation to make it up to them regardless. A fun little exploration in what failure looks like on Luca.
The sparring partner. Someone Luca turns to when Jasper denies his requests to spar (or anything, really). While not someone who turns to violence as a first resort, Luca knows he must keep his performance at a certain level as a knight, and so he practices with this person often. He finds them a pleasant and formidable challenge, regardless of the amount of formal training they have. I think the intricacies and what each person gets out of this really depends on the other character as well!
I just wanted to ramble a little about the rest of Luca’s connections!! I already rambled about the Riche brothers who I love so much and I wanted to just go off on how much I love the other dynamics he’s involved in as well. I didn’t wanna make his app all about connections because it’s about him!!! So here’s where the rest of my love for those connections is gonna go:
Romilda. Romilda and Luca just. Ugh they make my heart sing!!! I think there is the potential for someone like Luca, someone so good, to feel lonely at the top when others are just simply not like him or don’t see the world the way he does. But Romilda has always kept him from feeling alone — she is his guiding light and his favorite star in the sky!! I think having someone like them who understands and who just. gets him so intensely is so good for him and helps him feel stronger. Romilda is truly one of the people he cares for the most and I really think he would do just about anything for them and finds himself easily justifying any cause they have. Romilda is truly the person Luca trusts the most and the person he would tell anything to. She would likely be the first person to hear about his dreams (though, I’ll admit he’ll probably try and tell Jasper, but I doubt Jasper will listen, so Romilda is the first person to truly hear about what’s going through his head). I think the age difference between them has also made Luca sometimes see himself as a protector over Romilda. Though he knows she does not need saving now, strong and brilliant in her burning light, he does still look out for her, in spite of any darkness she may not notice encroaching.
Caphriel. This connection just really pulls me in so well! She is his Lorelei, that beautiful mirage upon the rocks. Actually, Lorelei is pretty fitting, though I don’t pretend to control or speak for Caphriel — this beautiful maiden who lost her lover and threw herself to sea, now singing to draw this sailor in — only in this case the sailor is also her lover reincarnated. What they have is nothing short of beautiful. She is, among many things, a selfish desire of a selfless man, and it is in part that reason that Luca finds himself seeking clarity. He cannot know if this love is a blessing or a test from the Hundred Eyed God if he is so completely blinded by it, and as much as it pains him, as impossible as it seems (and it is, for truly Luca cannot resist the cries of anyone who utters his name), he must take that space, he must breathe in air that is not fully saturated with the sweet scent of Caphriel. He also worries he is not the only human she sets her sights upon, because while they both share a love of humanity, he can imagine how deep that love runs within her veins. He wants to know she feels for Luca in every part, not just his mortality. He does not know she has felt for him before.
Jasper. I already talked about the Riche brothers so this is just my little space to say I love Jasper so so much. I want to give him a kiss on the forehead and give him a book. It might be a therapy book but it’s a book and a gift nonetheless.
Samael. I touched on Samael’s role to Luca a little bit but there’s more to it than just the dreams Luca is cursed (or blessed, Luca is definitely not sure which at this time) with. Samael, like Caphriel, is a means to a selfish desire of a selfless man, and I love that there is an angel and a demon Luca has some sort of selfish means towards. Samael is, perhaps, the only one who holds answers, and despite the contempt Luca feels towards him, he doesn’t much desire playing trial and error with the other demons when he knows Samael may be all but dangling the key he seeks in front of his face. I also just love the idea of someone who gets under Luca’s skin when he’s a fairly positive person who values peace over his temper. He tells himself that it is worth it, that he will only receive his answers and then leave the demon alone forever, but even these encounters possibly leave open the tiniest cracks for corruption. After all, his longing for answers suggests a selfish desire, and how can that be ignored in the face of a demon? ANOTHER PARA SAMPLE:
Sun-kissed skin has been drained of its glow. Bright eyes had dimmed in the sadness. The only thing that remained of Luca at this funeral were the rosy shade that blanketed his cheeks, but even they were a false image. The youthful rush of blood to his cheeks was replaced by the heavy pulse of life beneath the skin as the boy cried all the day long. What light the sun could provide behind dark clouds only served to illuminate the tears that ran down his face. He’d long since stopped reaching to wipe them, and the hearts of strangers could not bear to look upon his sadness for too long.
On this day, the day of his father’s funeral, the light had been drained from Luca, a boy born swaddled in the sun, all because of a man he’d barely even known. His father, who had rarely come to visit, had encapsulated the boy’s heart in just those few times that ten-year-old Luca still felt the crushing weight of grief bearing down upon him. Stories of what they would do when he visited next would remain just that, stories. “Your father was a great man,” strangers would say to them as they brushed his limp curls out of his face. Luca nodded, for even if he hadn’t known the man long, he truly believed that. His mother loved him. He loved him. But when Luca felt his mother’s hand squeezing his shoulder, there was something else in her eyes, something else joining the sadness that had plagued her demeanor ever since she hoarsely broke the news to Luca.
“Your father had another son,” she said quietly, bile coating the words she could not even bring herself to sugarcoat, not even for her sweet child. Luca looked up at her quizzically, but she did not meet his gaze for once, her stare looking across the room as her grip tightened upon his shoulder. “He’s going to be living with us.” Luca had never seen his mother not as bright and abundant as the flowers that grew in the garden, and yet, everything in her withered when she spoke of this news. He imagined it was grief, and nothing more, that brought this out as his mother was swallowed up again by the mourning crowd, leaving him alone with just those words for comfort.
Another son. Luca had a brother. It was the type of shocking news that could make any grieving child break on a day like this. To know one’s father was not faithful to their mother. To know there was another receiving the affections meant for them. And yet, this news was what brought the sun out from behind the storm clouds that hid it away. Luca had a brother, another boy just like him, and he could not help but smile softly to himself. He would have someone to walk through this life with, to help him shoulder this grief and tell him stories of their father and be his friend and partner through whatever life decided to throw their way. If Luca was the sun, then his brother must have been a star just as bright. He couldn’t wait to meet him.
Making his way through the crowd, following the direction his mother had once stared so bitterly in, Luca finally believed he spotted him. The boy couldn’t have been much older than he, though the shadows of the tree he stood beneath hid the true answer from Luca. He stood alone, arms over his chest, sniffling as he quietly gazed in the direction of the pyre. Luca wandered over towards him, taking his hand in his own warm grip before the other boy had a chance to react. “It’s okay,” he said, his own voice wavering with the hoarseness that crying brings. “We are brothers in harmony. We’ll do this together.”
No brighter could Luca’s smile glow as than it did upon his arrival to the Holy Land. The land was more beautiful than he had ever imagined it would be, lush meadows tickling his grazing fingers in greeting with a river that seemed to babble hello. He could have stayed among this natural beauty for the rest of his days, but then he would have missed the marvels that beckoned to him in the distance. It was practically a utopia, the buildings rising to welcome him as if the city had outstretched arms to embrace him. And if the buildings could not hold him close and whisper welcome home, then the people would, for their heads turned and their eyes sparkled with an eager desire to welcome this man who seemed to bring the sun to their land. 
Luca was not yet the gilded knight of bedtime stories and yearning aspirations, but he certainly held himself like one as he took his time walking through the Holy Land. He wanted to memorize the way each stone felt beneath his feet, the smell of every bakery he passed and the sight of all the different fading colors of brick on each building. He wanted this moment to last. He wanted to know his new home as well as his home already seemed to know him. But he could not stay within its tempting embrace for too long, for training began today, and he would arrive eager and ready and hopefully on time, if he had not spent too long lingering already. 
His steps began to hasten, nearly getting caught up in a loose vine that had lingered in the street, intent on holding him here to enjoy the moment, but he continued on despite it. Luca’s limbs were eager to do what they seemed destined for, running and fighting and pushing himself further than he ever thought his humble life had destined for. But it was more than just what he would get to do when he arrived that drove him forward with a buoyant breeze in his step, it was who he would get to do all of it with.
Jasper stood just as Luca remembers when he first met him. His back rested against a tree though he stood up straight, his stern gaze straight ahead and his arms crossed about his chest. The younger Riche couldn’t help but smile at the sight of his older brother, even if he hadn’t yet noticed his presence in return. There was something about that expression on Jasper’s face that Luca loved about his brother, the constant contemplation so intriguing. Just once, he wished to know what was at work inside that brilliant mind, though he’d long since learned that simply asking would get him nowhere.
“Brother!” Luca called cheerfully, approaching Jasper. The other finally turned to face his brother, and though his expression certainly didn’t look amused (no, it rather resembled a cross between shock and annoyance and fury, in fact), Luca didn’t seem to mind.
“What are you doing here?” Jasper asked, having not been informed of Luca’s decision to come.
“We are brothers in harmony, are we not?” Luca responded, paying no mind to the rolling of Jasper’s eyes in response. It was all the answer he needed to give. He was here to train, just as Jasper was. “Come, let’s do this together.” His hand outstretched towards Jasper, waiting for the other man’s hand to fit into his.
Instead, Jasper simply walked into the crowd of other hopeful fighters. Luca’s hand dropped to his side, and with a shrug, he followed along, as he always would. CHARACTER INSPIRATION
Abel from biblical lore (duh)
Luke Skywalker from Star Wars
Princess Anna from Frozen
Prince Audric from the Empirium trilogy
Captain America from various Marvel iterations
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