#makes me want to sit them all down and give them a full lecture on how good they actually are and then give them all millions of hugs
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fandomscombine · 10 days
New Kid
Spencer Reid x Reader
BG: It’s your first day at the BAU and meeting the team. The team is surprised with how you’re hitting it off with a certain Doctor but what they don’t know is that a bigger surprise is yet to come.  
A/N: My first Criminal Minds/Spencer Reid Fic! It’s been sitting in my drafts for over a year now and finally tied an ending together. (Are we over a 2-year writing slump? We’ll see!)
Honestly it’s pure season 1/season 2 team fluff crack and chaoticness! Wanted to capture the early seasons team dynamics. Hope you all enjoy!
Fun fact, it’s all the Spencer Reid x Reader fics that kept popping in my recommendations that I started reading and falling in love with Reid prior to starting the show!
WC: 1307
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This is it. Your first day as a Special Agent in the Behavioral Analysis Unit. Growing up reading detective stories and solving mysteries were your favorite pastimes. 
You’re grateful for having a family environment that was supportive of your thirst for knowledge and endless curiosity.
The receptionist has informed you that the team is waiting for you upstairs, ready to give your orientation tour.
"Thanks." You replied, half mildly picking at your nails. In just an elevator ride away, you'd be in the midst of the smartest profilers alive. And nothing goes unnoticed – that you know very well.
A vibration in your pocket breaks your thoughts. A smile slips to your face. 
"Stop picking at your fingers." The voice on the other line says.
"Hello to you dad." You can't help but roll your eyes. "I wasn't even–" You look down at your left hand. Shit. "How'd you even know?" 
"I just do, I watched you grow up for 25 years." 
"Yea yea."
"Hey kid, sorry I couldn’t be there—“
“You’ve got a whole auditorium full of nerds dying to hear your lectures, I understand.” The door in front of you opens and you step inside.
“Thanks kid. I’ll make it up to you. How does an extra large, extra saucy lasagne sound?”
“Oooh yes, don’t forget with extra cheese!” The monitors indicate: 3/F, 4/F, 5/F.  “By the way, you’ve told them right?” As you step out, you spot a group of agents handled near the department entrance. “Anyway I’ll see you later, gotta go. Bye.” Quickly cutting the line off, not wanting to seem unprofessional, chatting on the phone.
“Special Agent y/m/n?” Said the brunette.
You opted to be referred to by your first and Mother’s maiden name, when you first started out. Wanting to stand on your own merits and making a name for yourself.
“That’s me.” 
“Special Agent Greenaway, this is Agent Jareau, and Agent Garcia.” You shake hands with the two agents “Call me JJ” 
But you are quickly engulfed into a hug by the third, which you have to admit took you by surprise.  “You can call me Penelope.-- Opps sorry, just excited to have another female member in the team!” You give her a warm smile, patting her shoulder, “No worries, Penelope. Just caught me off-guard.”
“Come on, let’s meet the rest of the team.” JJ says, leading you all into the bullpen.
“So this would be your desk right here” points Agent Greenaway. “Which is right across from Agent Morgan–”
“Derek, Derek Morgan m’ beautiful lady.” cuts in the man. 
You can’t help but blush from the compliment. “You always flirt with the new kid, huh Derek?” You challenge, playing off his energy. 
“Ignore him,” 
“Cmon’ Elle. It’s all good fun!”
Elle directs you to a hunched figure behind Derek.
“This is our resident genius, Dr. Spencer Reid.”  She points to Reid, who is preoccupied with a lego model to have noticed the group. 
“Dr. Reid! I’ve heard so much about you!” Reaching out your hand, to grab his attention. His head instantly shoots up, eager to know the culprit who distracted him from finishing this model of the Delorean and give them a piece of his mind.
“Hey! I was just finishing -.” His voice trails off upon realizing that A. it wasn’t one of his teammates making fun of his legos but instead a face he doesn’t recognize and B. feeling bad on being the reason why your bright smile turned into a frown. “Oh Sorry! Sorry Ms–”
“y/m/n” Your father had shared stories about the team, especially Spencer, his protege. He was the person you were most excited to meet, though with this first interaction - you were discouraged with how it went. Perhaps you shouldn’t have run multiple scenarios on how you’d wow the team with such high standards. 
Dropping your arm, eager to quickly change the subject, you turn to Elle. “ So what cases do we –”
“y/m/n? As in y/f/n y/m/n!?” Spencer exclaims, his eyes wide. Big hand gestures dancing through the air as he raved.  “ The author of ‘The Correlation Between The Probability of Sudden Adult Anger Outburst and Childhood Familial Upbringing.’ ?
You’d had your thesis quoted back to you by professors and peers, but never with such childlike wonder written all-over Spencer’s face, making you blush. “Yes! But how -”
“I’ve read so much about you! Your work, I mean.” Spencer isn’t normally affected by how he’s perceived by others. Spitting out facts in the speed of light is synonymous to his identity and it’s nothing he’s ashamed of. But it's rare to have someone beautiful and intelligent be into the same niche interests that he has. Spencer only has one shot on not coming on as weird and it’s not going well, so he elaborates.  “I got it from Gideon’s pile. I picked it up on a whim but your writing is spectacular! I read through it in 12 mins!”
“Wait, you read through my 250 page dissertation in under 12 mins?” You questioned, looking around the team to check if you’ve misheard. 
“Affirmative. It would have been faster, but I was jotting down some notes.”
“Notes, huh?” Crossing your arms, the paper had gone through multiple reviews from your professors before submission. It should be damn near perfect. “Alright, Doctor Reid. I’m interested, how about you show me your notes over coffee?”
“Actually…” Spencer raised his finger, interjecting. “It might take a bit longer than an hour and I would love to dig into your brain. Perhaps we could go over it at dinner?”
“Name the time and place.” You grabbed the nearest post-it and quickly wrote down your phone number. “Now will you excuse me, I believe I’m late for my introductory meeting with Agent Hotchner.” 
With that you broke away from the make-shift team circle and headed you to Hotch’s office, leaving the team still frozen in their spot.
Derek was the first to speak. “Did pretty boy just ask out the new girl without stuttering and succeed?”
“Good, so everyone else witnessed that too right?” Added Penelope. 
JJ nodded in agreement, too stunned to speak as if it would break the illusion.
“What?” Spencer’s voice cracked. “I simply asked if we could compare notes!”
“No. Technically she initiated it.” Elle clarified.
Shaking his head, Spencer eyes trailed to the now closed Hotch’s door. 
“Yea, to which you effortlessly turned from coffee date to a dinner date!” Exclaimed Derek, earning Spencer a pat on the back. “The boy’s got game!”
“It’s not a date! At least I don’t think it is - I bet she doesn’t see me that way. Nobody does.” Spencer sighs, sulking back down to his seat. Reality catching up to him by the second, erasing any hope that a woman like you would have any romantic interest in a nerd like him. 
“Trust me kid.” Come a voice, effectively cutting Reid’s thoughts. Gideon nonchalantly walks up to the empty desk marked “Agent y/n y/m/n”, moves the box of your belongings to make space for  what seems to be a plastic bag of takeaway. “You're her type.” 
“What?” Spencer asks, more confused than ever. The looks across the team’s face reflect his own reaction. “And how would you know that?” 
“With all due respect, sir.” Added JJ, careful not to overstep. “You haven’t seen y/n and you got all that from her untouched desk?”
“Yea Gideon, we know you’re good but you can’t be that good!”
Gideon brushed off Derek’s brassiness and smirked. Proceeding to head up to his office, finally addressing the group only halfway up the steps. “I know, cause she's my daughter.”
“WHAT?!” exclaimed the BAU team, who once again found themselves frozen by a member of the Gideon family.
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gibberishfangirl · 5 days
WIND BREAKER | would you kiss me for $10 or the prettiest girl on the world for $1000?
Synopsis ✰ you ask your boyfriend a question
Characters ✰ Hakura Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suo, Akihiko Nirei, Jo Togame, Choji Tomiyama
Contains ✰ sfw! slight cursing, airhead moments during Ume’s section, just content of you testing and teasing your boyfriend
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Hakura Sakura ᡣ𐭩
you’re completely caught off guard when you saw that Sakura was actually thinking about it. he just sat across from you in deep thought. you were 100% sure he would’ve laughed off the question and not give it a second thought. you immediately frowned and glared at the boy. meanwhile, Sakura was trying to find an answer to avoid admitting he wanted to kiss you. Sakura looked up to meet your dark eyes and let out a sweaty smile.
“uh- why would you ask something like that??” he blurted out.
“well what’s your answer? you sure took a while thinking about it.” you glared as he winced.
“well- you know, no! i’m not answering it! you’re just trying to trick me.” he said crossing his arms and facing the opposite direction from you.
“well the answer’s not that hard!” you argued.
“it’s not! it’s obvious, i would kiss you because you’re the prettiest girl anyway.” he admitted with a blush.
“oh? why didn’t you just say that the first time?” you were completely caught off guard by his honesty.
“because it’s not an appropriate question to ask in public.” Sakura argued not being able to fight off the blush or small stutters in his speech.
“why? because you said you want to kiss me?” you teased.
“shut up! i never said that exactly.”
“you could if you want to.”
“stop it!” he facepalmed slowly wanting to die in that moment.
Hajime Umemiya ᡣ𐭩
“so… what’s your answer?” you questioned with an eyebrow raised and your arms crossed. you couldn’t help but tap your foot in anticipation. it’s been precisely 30 seconds since you’ve asked your question but it’s felt like a life time since. “wait you haven’t even given me a chance to reply.” he laughs as you rolled your eyes and threw you arms up “can you just answer the question pleaseee.” you whined.
“i would choose the prettiest girl in the world.” he smiles. his response instantly makes you freeze. what the hell? why the hell would he say that??? he’s supposed to choose you.
“huh?? what kind of fucked up response is that Ume? I thought you liked me, wrong answer!” you scolded with a pout. “i swear you get off at upsetting others, you freak!” you emphasized going full on lecture mode.
“ah? what do you mean? i gave a great response.” he argued completely shocked you were upset. he thought you would’ve admired his response.
“you just said you would kiss a girl who isn’t me, how is that a good response?” you were confused as to why he was confused.
“yeah and who’s the prettiest girl in the world?” he asked as if the answer was obvious.
“well i don’t know probably whatever celebrity is your type?”
“no it’s you.” he slightly smiles once he realizes the misunderstanding you two were having.
“oh.” you were madly blushing from pure embarrassment.
“yes, oh.” he responds before leaning down to place a small kiss on your lips.
Hayato Suo ᡣ𐭩
you had seen all over social media of girls asking their boyfriends if they would rather kiss them for $10 or the prettiest girl on earth for $1000. it seemed pretty harmless so you wanted to ask your own loving boyfriend. although it hadn’t crossed your mind how much it would hurt your feelings if he didn’t choose you. now you were anticipating his answer, although that didn’t stop you from asking.
“Suo. I have a question to ask you.” you managed to get out before backing down. your voice alone immediately had him turning around, “yes?” he responded guiding his full attention from his friends to you before he moved to sit next to you.
“If you had to choose… would you rather kiss me for $10 or kiss the prettiest girl on earth for a thousand?” you finally stammered out after a small pause.
“well technically I’ll have $1010 since I’ll already be kissing the most beautiful girl on earth when I kiss you.” he smoothly and quickly answered with the most heart warming smile. you couldn’t help your lips from parting with a surprised smile of your own.
“how sweet.” you murmured softly with a blush.
“yes, so was this just another way of you asking me to kiss you without directly saying it?” he asked while leaning closer to you.
“i- no! i was genuinely curious.” you huffed out crossing your arms.
“oh okay, if you say so.” he lightly laughed out moving back to his original spot.
Akihiko Nirei ᡣ𐭩
of course he knows the question. unlike some of the other boys he’s very well informed about the latest trends. he knows all about the popular questions and what the “correct” answers are. not that it makes his responses any less true or takes away any meaning.
“i’m already kissing the prettiest girl in the world whenever i kiss you. besides it’s not like anyone would need to pay me to kiss you.” he admitted a bit shyly towards the end. his words almost had you swooning over him. you were cheesing so hard for the rest of the day all your friends kept asking what made you so happy.
Nirei felt a bit guilty about knowing the truth behind the question in a way but it quickly went away since he meant what he said to you. not to mention seeing the smile on your face made his entire week, if not month. Nirei would never tell you a lie or tell you something he didn’t mean… in most cases. depending on how absurd the questions you ask him get.
Jo Togame ᡣ𐭩
he doesn’t even tolerate it, he doesn’t have time for your nonsense. sometimes he’ll tease you or bite into it for some amusement. today was not one of those times. he immediately shut down your question with a stern “no.” you quickly frowned and scoffed at him.
“what? you can’t just say no. answer it! i won’t get mad.” you lied. Togame gave you an unamused expression with an eyebrow quirked up. ‘you’re lying’ is what his eyes were telling you. what made it worse is you knew you were lying. if Togame dared to imply to that he would kiss another girl you’d probably go to jail for attempted murder.
a small smirk escaped from the corner of his mouth before opening it to say, “well, i guess i got to make money somehow no? $10 wouldn’t be enough for me to last a day.” your jaw immediately dropped at his response with a small gasp.
“so? whatever happened to love conquers all?” you argued, not that those words have ever escaped Togame’s mouth.
“i’ve never said that before, besides love definitely doesn’t overpower bills.” he shrugged.
“how mean! say you’re sorry and that you love me.” you ordered slamming your hands on the table the two of you were sitting.
“i’m sorry, i love you.” he responded with a matching condescending smile and tone. an amused expression finally reached his face as you let out another surprised gasp, crossing your arms and facing the opposite direction of his.
you took a small break from asking Togame silly questions after that day. keyword: small, you were back to your antics and regular self after sulking for three days.
Choji Tomiyama ᡣ𐭩
poor Choji has no idea what to say or how to properly answer. he thinks you’re genuinely asking and want him to be literal with his answer. he’s convinced there isn’t a wrong answer, because you told him so. yes, you tricked him and he obviously fell for it. he thinks strongly about how much $10 can get him and how much $1000 can help him. he wants to answer with a reasonable explanation but can’t help feeling off by his choice. he’s been side-eyeing you for about five minutes now. you’ve been patiently sitting across from him with your head resting between both your hands. you can’t help but kick your feet while waiting, you really wanted to know his answer. you wanted him to answer legitimately but you’ll still be upset if he chooses wrong. Choji was biting his bottom lip, eyes narrowed, unsure if he should answer.
he finally opened his mouth, “are we dating in this scenario?” you could slightly feel your smile drop at his question before picking it back up.
“would that make a difference?” you asked slightly taken back from his question.
“…yes?” his tone of voice came out more as a question than an actual statement. you could tell he was unsure of what to say. you couldn’t stop your smile from completely dropping this time nor did you bother to fix up a new one.
“oh. okay, then we aren’t dating in this scenario.” you stated leaning back into your chair with your arms crossed. after a moment of silence you opened your mouth again to say, “go on…”
Choji didn’t respond, instead he studied your face. his eyes carefully examined each feature and your entire expression before moving onto your body posture. he could tell your energy completely shifted from the excited playful one you had earlier. finally he answered
“…no, i sense i’ve made a mistake of some kind.”
Choji definitely made a mistake. no, he did not answer the question. he asked Togame for advice on what to do next time. Togame facepalmed once hearing what Choji told you in response.
“was it that bad?”
“it’s the worst response i’ve heard.”
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bouncybongfairy · 3 months
I really loved reading your Zuko Freezer Burn fic! I wanted to request one where Zuko doesn't believe reader could ever love him until she risks her life to save him. Smut in the end is appreciated
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Believe Me Now?
Prince Zuko x Fem Reader
Summary: After narrowly missing getting a scar to match Zuko's after he nearly engulfed the ship, the two of you have a heart to heart. Both of you letting your feelings and insecurities known. The sudden flood of vulnerability and reassurance leads to things getting intense.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Smut.
Zuko was currently in a private meeting with Iroh, trying to calculate the best route for the latest lead on the Avatar. You were sitting in the room the two of you shared on the ship. Cleaning the room, folding clothes among other things.​​ Even though you were a bit ignorant of all the little details of hunting the Avatar, you could see it slowly chipping away at Zuko. He was more ornery, the smallest things setting him off. It was evident that he was becoming impatient, longing for his old life. You resented this at times, why wasn’t the life you were building together enough to satisfy him? Of course it was only naturally from him to want that royal status back. That’s what made you the most insecure; the one thing he wanted more than anything was also the only thing you can’t give him. He bursted into the room, face red and sweat dripping down his forehead. 
“I’m so tired of being out maneuvered!” he groaned loudly, slamming the door shut. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said.
He sat on the bed, fists balled up and resting on his knees. You rubbed his back, trying your best to calm him down. This wasn’t working, if anything he was becoming more enraged. His mind was snowballing, unable to accept another defeat. Standing up again, making his way out of the room and to the fire room. Where coal was shoved into the furnaces, which powered the ship. Muttering and groaning about how slow we were traveling. Roughly throwing shovel fulls and then shooting fire to ignite them. There were barrels of blasting jelly, normally stored at a safe distance from the heat. Zuko however, shoving large amounts of coal while blasting practically white hot flames was becoming at risk. You were trying to warn him, yelling his name hoping to break him out of this fit. Even you were starting to feel the heat building in the room. 
“Zuko stop!” you scream, wanting to get closer but, the heat was burning your skin. You could barely see due to how bright the flames were. 
Not being able to stand his self destructive behavior, reaching through the hot sting and grabbing his shoulder. One of the barrels ends up catching fire, sending both of you stumbling back as it combusted. Flames began covering the room, slightly disoriented he grabs your arm and pulls you towards the exit. Soldiers were running in, trying their best to extinguish the blaze. The ship was badly damaged, to the extent of evacuating onto a sister ship nearby. Iroh was pissed at Zuko, especially after seeing the burns on your wrist and shoulder. His uncle was lecturing him the entire boat ride there. You were giving him the cold shoulder, fed up with his anger issues. A bottomless hole that no amount of reassurance and comfort could fill. You could tell he wasn’t listening to Iroh, more just sitting in deep thought. Hopefully regretting his action like the fool he is. 
“Are you okay?” he asks as the two of you settle into the new room. Sitting on the bed and thinking about his question for a second. Tears burning into your eyes, preventing you from answering. 
“Are you?” you asked. 
“Just because I lost my temper doesn’t mean-” he tries to explain. 
“No Zuko. I’m tired. You aren’t happy, I’m not making you happy. It seems like this mission is consuming you. I can’t take the way it makes me feel anymore. I want to be enough for- I want to be what you need but maybe I'm just not,” you said through your tears. 
“I don’t think that, I just want to give you the life you deserve. I want you to be my Fire Lady, to have a crown and be honored as the royalty you are. I feel like my banishment obliterated our entire future together, and it’s my fault,” he said, sitting next to you on the bed. 
“I can’t even believe you’d say that, I love you so much. Why do you think I followed you even after banishment? I chose you over everything because I love you, not being royalty or being honored by a kingdom that worships a man who did this to his own blood,” you said, running your finger tips over his scar. 
“But you deserve better,” he said. 
“No, I know you think that but you’re dumb for that,” you said, which seemed to lighten the mood a bit. He wrapped his arm around you and inspected your arm. 
“It’s really not bad, it doesn’t even hurt that bad,” you reassured him. 
He just smiled and started kissing up your arm. Making you giggle, his lips tickling your skin. The energy changes when he moves his mouth to your neck. Climbing on top of you, letting yourself fall back; giving him room to join you on the bed. It wasn’t like you hadn't been together before but this time was different. It felt really natural and organic, like you were both reaffirming how much you care about each other. Pulling at his armor, hoping he would take the hint and rip it off. He does, slowly shedding his outer layers. While he did so, you took his pony-tail out, letting the hair fall onto his face. The kissing becomes deeper, more needy and desperate.
Feeling him get hard while he was grinding against you was making you become inpatient. Your core begins to ache from the lack of contact. Taking his pants off and lifting your dress up. Reaching his hand down to feel how wet you were, dropping his forehead on your shoulder and groaning. His dick twitched against your thigh as he realized how turned on you were. You reach down and line him up with your entrance. Slowly pushing in, moving all his attention to you. Making eye contact, wanting to see your face as he stretched you around his cock. Kissing your nose and cheeks once he was fully inside. They two of you stayed still for a while, rocking your hips every now and again. 
There was something so much more intimate about just embracing each other. Enjoying the feelings of being full, watching his eyebrows furrow. Hearing him moan every time you squeeze your walls around him. Whispering affirmations into your ear, talking about how much he loved you. He began thrusting into you, wrapping one of arms around the back of your neck. Pulling you closer to him, becoming more sensitive as he started pounding harder.
'The slaps of wet skin and moans fill the room. Pressing your lips into his shoulder, biting and sucking hickies onto him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, running your hands down his back. Feeling all his muscles harden and contract. He was practically panting into your ear, the sensitivity almost felt like a burning as you came. Raking your nails down his back, sending him into his climax. Rutting and bucking into you at an erratic pace. Collapsing onto after it was done, holding you tightly. Not even bothering to pull out before the two of you fell asleep.'The slaps of wet skin and moans fill the room. Pressing your lips into his shoulder, biting and sucking hickies onto him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, running your hands down his back. Feeling all his muscles harden and contract. He was practically panting into your ear, the sensitivity almost felt like a burning as you came. Raking your nails down his back, sending him into his climax. Rutting and bucking into you at an erratic pace. Collapsing onto after it was done, holding you tightly. Not even bothering to pull out before the two of you fell asleep.
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mochiroreo · 7 months
I had to sign to the Devil now I’m on
Alpha!Rafe Cameron & Alpha!JJ Maybank x Omega!reader
TW: 18+ MDNI, NON-CON, DUBCON, afab!reader, reader being called “honey” most of the time, toxic alpha behavior, threesome, rough unprotected P in V, creampie, fingering, squirting, oral ( f receiving), choking,degradation, biting, primal play (non-consensual), a/b/o terminologies, marking/bonding, spitting, (let me know if I have missed anything!)
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Author’s note: screw my halloween thingy. i clearly underestimated myself by thinking that I can write something short and call it a day while working full-time and writing book reviews as a side job lol. love you all and thanks for sticking around!
P.s. this is not beta’d hehe. We die like men.
“Do you need anything else?” Concern was evident on your mother’s voice, her shadow showing that she’s still outside your door, patiently waiting for an answer. “I-I’m fine mom..” you breathlessly answered “I t-think I can h-handle this for now.. thank you.” Before you even finished thanking her, another wave of nausea made you stumble towards you toilet. You tried to empty your stomach that was already empty for days now, puking your heart out.
Hearing you vomiting, your mom entered the room and held your hair out of the way, kneeling with you while rubbing soft circles on your back. She helped you cleaned up yourself, gently laying you down on your bed before arranging an array of snacks and microwaveable soups near your desk along with medication that might help ease out the pain and.. heat spells.
“I will ask your dad to give you space, we will go out for a few days, I know how much you hate our scents at this time. I am so sorry honey I cannot help you—“ “it’s alright mom. This is already too much.” You smiled at her, easing her nerves before quickly pressing a kiss on your forehead, trying not to overwhelm you with her own scent. “Just message us once you feel like its over, okay? Or anything, really.” Giving a curt nod, she left your room, hearing her softly talking to your dad.
Both of your parents are Alphas, based on the genetics class that you took, you have to be an Alpha as well. Everyone around you presented months ahead of you, some even years. Being the only late-bloomer at a small town, word quickly travelled and you were labelled as the “odd” one. You ignored them though, confidently assuring yourself that you are going to be one of the small numbers of being an Alpha. Omegas were very rare as well, yet you would rather be an Alpha with how severe Omega heats are. And as far as you know, if an Omega presents, their heat immediately follows. You really don’t want to be handling two major things in one sitting.
Something in your gut was not feeling right as you listen to your lecturer, taking notes on all the possible symptoms for every class.
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You were having a small crisis during one of your breaks at the university, frustrated at still not having a status on the ‘hierarchy’ while ignoring texts from 2 annoying people that you try not to meet on campus every day. Your phone kept on vibrating, making you sigh in annoyance and proceeding to block those 2 numbers despite knowing that they will find another way to send you messages.
The two annoying people that got blocked was JJ and Rafe, who happens to be the top Alphas on the campus that you pay no mind to. Who also happens to be the people you have drunkenly slept with after a night long of partying for the first time. Waking up sandwiched in between of them, all three of you covered in bites and hickeys, your mind quickly presented every possible thing that the woman at campus might do to you. You carefully slide out of their hold and quickly dressed up, tiptoed your way out without even leaving a note.
You tried to act normal the next day, thinking that if you don’t pay any attention to them they wouldn’t notice you nor remember what happened that night. But with how heavy their gazes are towards you, you quickly realised that they are not on the same page as you are. Confusion ate you as to why would it bother them, but you continued to avoid them and their gazes. It was quiet for a while, before they started texting you. It went from “Hi. Its JJ :)” “Hey its Rafe” to “Would really love to feel you again” “you were so hot that night” which made your cheeks burn in embarrassment, quickly deleting their messages, only to be met with a new number and tons of missed calls.
You do not get their obsession at all, cause you are pretty sure you were hammered that night. Shots after shots, cocktails after cocktails, you were sure you just got wild and did the usual things to them that would be done with a normal hook up. You did not expect your first time partying to end up in their arms, but sure as hell you do not want to experience whatever might happen if word goes out that you slept with the “hottest” people in your university.
Sighing, you stared at your melting smoothie. The gloomy weather was affecting you as you slowly face the sky. You looked down at your sprawled out notes, trying to talk to yourself to study instead of overthinking about when you would present. The sky looks gloomier, making you quickly pack your things as it looks like its going to rain, when suddenly you felt dizzy.
You quickly balanced yourself, clutching your bag near your chest in shock. You were just thinking on what might be the reason before another wave of dizziness hits you once again. Sitting down slowly on the bench, you quickly messaged your bestfriend if she can take you home. Your best friend immediately came to where you are, helping you on her car. “Holy fuck you look so pale” she commented in the middle of the drive towards your house, your hair sticking at your nape and your forehead as you feel hot and cold at the same time.
Your best friend told your parents what happened, letting you rest. A few days rest would be enough, you thought. That clearly did not work. 5 days went by like a blur, days were spent on having the highest fever ever to vomiting the soup that you ate for lunch. And with how severe and noticeable the symptoms are, your parents chose to go out for a while to not overwhelm you with their pheromones, leaving you alone.
The nausea that you had throughout those days was replaced with something more embarrassing and something that made you cry in frustration. The sudden heat and wetness that kept on pooling on your legs with the excessive amount of releasing pheromones into the air only meant one thing.. you’re presenting as an Omega and you’re having your first heat.
You laid down sweaty on your bed, the room stuffy and boiling hot for you despite the cold autumn air entering through your windows and the AC that you have turned on. A wave of pleasure had hit your body, your hands pushing down the garter of your soaking wet underwear, immediately slipping two fingers in your deprived pussy. You mewled at the sudden feeling, thrusting your fingers almost immediately to relieve yourself. Holding your legs up, you continued to pump your fingers in and out to reach the climax that seems so far away. You cried out in frustration, stopping your actions when you’ve realized that whatever you’re doing is not and won’t be enough unless its an Alpha.
You quickly grabbed your phone beside, messaging your bestfriend about your situation.
“I am hundred percent certain that I’m presenting as an Omega and I’m having my first heat. Do you mind telling Pope to— you know..? Visit me.. if he’s there at the party”
Pope was your safest bet for an Alpha to help you out. The guy was the kindest and definitely one of the smartest people you have ever met, so you trust that whatever he would do would help you and ease the pain. There was a sudden pain in your chest from your heat that pushed you to release more of your scent, you’re breathing so fast that you try to ease the pain by curling into a ball. Waiting for it stop, you heard your phone pinged and quickly took a look at your bestfriend’s message that says “Oh shit, I’m on it 🫡”
You waited for what seems to be hours, as your heat becomes more and more unmanageable. You tried to look decent at least, a red, thin silk nightgown that sits on your body perfect and a properly brushed hair before swiping some strawberry lipgloss. You felt bare and nervous with Pope seeing you in this state, but you cannot help at thinking that this might be a step on having a serious relationship with someone reliable and can help you out with your cycles.
The doorbell rang, making you gulp nervously before trotting downstairs to open the door slightly and what you saw just made your stomach drop along with your smile. “What the hell are you both doing here?” You asked with squinted eyes, holding the doorknob tightly.
JJ’s huge smile greeted you while Rafe just smirked in amusement. “Are you that disappointed to see us?” JJ asked, making you squint harder at him in annoyance. Rafe just chuckled before pouting to mock at your expression, leaning on the door frame which made you close the door a bit more. “Aww, she doesn’t wanna see us.” “Shut up. I asked you guys a question, what are you both doing here?” You continued, trying not to get overwhelmed with both of their scents as you will yourself not to give in.
“Well, we heard something from a little birdie that someone has presented as an Omega and well.. that someone, requires some top Alpha service.” JJ answered behind Rafe, a menacing smile on his face as he stares on your paling face. “Mhm,” Rafe nods in agreement before slightly pushing the door, gripping the edge tightly. “Do you know who that new Omega is?” The slight push exposed your thin nightgown, and based on Rafe’s darkening expression and JJ’s slightly wide eyes, you knew that you’re running out of time to push them away.
“I don’t know what you guys are talking about.” With an eye roll, you were about to slam the door, when both of them pushed it to stop you. You were still holding the door knob so you tried to push it close only to be met with resistance. “Seriously, you’re fucking choosing Pope? When you have us?” Rafe asks, his blue eyes staring at you so intently as he try to sneak a peek at your body behind the door. You heard JJ sigh, laying his palm flat on your door, hearing the clunk of his rings. “You know.. I feel a bit betrayed. You, choosing a good friend of mine, instead of me? Have you forgotten what you said to us THAT night?”
His emphasis made you shut your eyes, the image of their bare torsos flooding your memory and their breathless sighs made you clench your legs, unknowingly releasing some pheromones into the air that wafted straight into their nostrils. Both taking a deep breath, your scent smelling like amber, honey, and vanilla, making both of them salivate. You snapped out of your daze when you noticed them being quiet, realising your mistake when you noticed that their eyes are almost black,irises swallowing the pretty blue hues of their orbs.
You tried to push the door shut once again, both Rafe and JJ trying to push it open. “Open the door, honey. Come on.” Rafe said menacingly, staring you down. The vast difference of your size to them made you shiver in fear and anticipation on what they might do to you. You slapped yourself mentally before trying to push it shut again. JJ clicked his tongue before sighing “That’s it.” He mumbled under his breath before giving Rafe a short nod. Rafe just smirked before they both gave the door one solid push, making you tumble backwards.
Preventing yourself from falling backwards, you immediately balanced yourself, slowly stepping back while maintaining eye contact with the two. Your heart is pounding inside your chest so loud that you can hear it together with your heavy breaths. Rafe and JJ’s stature just scares you, their toned arms ready to capture you as they walk towards you like a predator catching its prey. When a click was heard with JJ shutting the door, you quickly grabbed whatever was near you, which happens to be a vase, and threw it towards the two.
With Rafe being the closest, he barely managed to dodge it, scraping the side of his arm. He just looked at you, snapping his neck as he chuckles. “Oh woohh..” he exhaled, a menacing smirk on his lips as JJ just laughed beside him. “You shouldn’t have done that.” He growled lowly, not taking his eyes of your quivering form. “Run, honey. Cause once we catch you—“ you did not even let JJ finished his sentence before you start running upstairs, hearing their laughter echoing throughout the empty house.
You were panicking, trying to wrack your brain on where to hide. Your house was a decent size, so even though there’s not much place to hide, you still knew what places they might not even spare a glance. You crawled inside a spacious cupboard that is concealed behind the door in your guest bathroom, talking to yourself inside your head to slow down your breathing.
“Honey~ come out, come out wherever you are~” JJ called out in a singsong way while Rafe just chuckled. You heard their steps getting closer before hearing them walk away to check whatever room they haven’t checked. Covering your mouth in fear, you closed your eyes to stop yourself from shivering. You just wanted this to end, this fucking heat. This situation. This was far from what you wanted already, from discovering you’re an omega to seeing the people that you hate so much outside of your house instead of Pope.
It was suspiciously quiet, yet you did not move. You were still trying to control your thoughts and your shivering body, your hair sticking into your skin with how warm you are feeling because of your heat and because of the cramped space. You felt another ripple of pleasure, making you close your eyes shut. “Not now, not now, not now” you plead to yourself, the heat being way more worse after the confrontation. You didn’t hear anything from outside. Trusting your gut feeling, you removed your hands from your mouth and finally opened your eyes.
Only to be met with Rafe and JJ’s big smile that made the blood drain from your face.
A deafening scream escaped your throat as Rafe grabbed you out of your hiding space, your arm suffering from a bruising grip. You did not stop trying to hit him or JJ even when he carried you over his shoulder, trying to hit his back while also aiming to kick JJ. Rafe smacked your ass, the pain immediately traveling to your wet core. JJ smelled it in the air, watching you sob as Rafe plopped you down on your bed. They both stared at your disheveled state, your nightgown sticking to your skin, highlighting your pebbled nipples that are now evident thanks to the cold air from you open window.
Both men did not waste any time, taking off their clothes as you watch in shock. You cannot help your eyes trailing down, from their faces that showed no other emotion than want, to their taut arms and muscles. Your eyes widened when you saw how huge their cocks are just because of your heat, Rafe’s longer and a bit curved while JJ’s a good length yet clearly thicker than the other, making you gulp in fear and anticipation, your hormones taking over your mind as it turns into a mush.
They were both beside you in an instant, with Rafe landing a slap on your cheek that does not sting much yet brought your mind down back to your body again. “Why can’t you just follow, huh? This wouldn’t have happened if you just listened to us.” You continued to just stare at him, trying to cover your breasts using your arms before you felt JJ wrapping his hand around your neck. “He is asking a question, honey. Come on now.”
Your eyes started to water yet you felt your pussy clench on nothing, instead of answering, you have accidentally let out a soft mewl.
“Fuck, look at you.” JJ spoke, licking his lips as his hold on your neck slightly tightened. “Who would have known that you will love this?” Rafe grabbed the neck line of your night gown before ripping it, making you gasp. You felt vulnerable by the sudden action, trying to cover up your body which made them both annoyed.
“Who told you to cover yourself up, slut?” You felt Rafe smack your leg, before shoving it upwards to show them your weeping cunt. Your face heated up in shame with how wet you are, your own juices trailing down your legs. You didn’t get to answer back as JJ lets go of his hold on your neck before leaning down to kiss you. The kiss is sloppy and extra messy because of what your heat was doing to them. He tasted every corner of your mouth as you obediently open to let him, tongues dancing with each other, biting his bottom lip which made him groan into your mouth. The sound made your pussy clench on nothing, making Rafe laugh mockingly.
“Aww, look at this weeping cunt. I bet you had a hard time huh? It’s alright, I will make you feel good.” You didn’t have enough time to get down from the high of JJ’s kiss when you felt Rafe lick your folds slowly, coating his tongue in your essence. The action made you grip JJ’s hair while he press wet kisses on your neck, sucking and licking as he covers you with hickeys.
Your brain turned into a mush, the fight inside of you now long gone as you feel mind-numbing pleasure from the both of them. Rafe continued to plunge his tongue inside of you, his thumb rubbing your clit in circles, his mouth and chin covered in your slick as he continue to eat you out. Sliding a finger inside of you, you immediately moaned and clenched, making the kook king smirk mockingly. “And she wants to put up a fight? Hah.” JJ commented before latching on your nipples, teasing it between his teeth and feeling it harden on his tongue. You don’t know what’s happening anymore, other than the feel of their mouths on your body. Rafe slipped in another finger, and another when you mewled.
His three fingers pumped in an out of you, setting a punishing pace. You had long shut your eyes, brows scrunched in pleasure with your mouth agape. JJ tapped your cheek repeatedly, making you open your eyes. “Keep your eyes open and watch us fuck you.” You watched Rafe suck your clit, fingers squelching as it tries to go deeper everytime, and when he curved his fingers and felt that rough texture, your eyes rolled at the back of your head, snapping open that release that you’ve wanted for days.
Rafe felt your pussy flood with your cum, clenching hard on his fingers. Continuing still, JJ grinned when he watched your legs shake, making Rafe pull back. “Oh shit” he muttered, both of them seeing the liquid gushing out of your cunt. “God.. thats fucking hot.” Brushing his hair upwards, while Rafe wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, your chest heaving up and down.
You were tired but not yet satisfied as your mouth waters at the sight of their cocks, seemingly larger than earlier. You wanted to suck and taste it, feel it heavy on you tongue but it seems like they don’t want that today. Both men positioned your body for what they want to do, JJ sliding underneath you with Rafe positioning himself above you. Your eyes were slowly closing, before a slap echoed on the room. “Fucking wake up, you hear me?” With a clenched jaw, Rafe grabbed you by the jaw with force, making you nod your head. JJ cackled, pressing his bare chest on yours. “Where’s the fight that you had earlier? Gone already?” He continued to made fun of you, feeling him rub his tip to your puckered hole. “Knew it was this easy to get you like this. Why are you even playing hard to get?”
Being sandwiched between them two sent your brain into an overload. All you were thinking about was the relief and pleasure of having them and taking them both. The fight inside of you turned into craving the feeling of their lips on your skin, their pheromones clouding your mind as much as your cloud theirs. You felt your slick drip down, from your puffy pussy lips to your hole. You felt the soft tip of JJ’s cock poking your hole, lubricating it with your slick and with his pre-cum before pushing in slowly. The intrusion made your body tense up, craning your head back and resting it on his shoulder. JJ hissed with the tightness, holding in a breath as he push,push,push inside of you. Rafe noticed how you scrunched your eyebrows, making him rub circles on your clit to loosen you up.
The sudden action made you scratch JJ’s arm that was holding you in place, squirting as he is finally balls deep inside of you. JJ lets out a shaky breath while Rafe only chuckled, before pushing his huge cock inside of you without warning. You gasped, looking down to slightly to see his flushed body connecting with yours while feeling JJ behind you, hands now holding your legs open. Leaning closer, Rafe growled in your ear while JJ moaned on the other side. Both men tentatively gave you one hard thrust, making you clench on the both of them.
The action made both of them give you another hard thrust, hands digging on your waist and hips, trying to create a rhythm. Rafe’s thrust were continuous and forceful, immediately hitting your sweet spot which made you curl your toes while JJ’s were short yet deep, stuffing your entrance so full of his thick cock that all you can think about is how full you are and how mind-numbing the pleasure is.
JJ constantly sucks hickeys on the side of your neck while Rafe attacks your lips with a searing kiss, their hips never stopping as drools drips from the side of your lips. Both blondes cannot help but bask on the feeling of your wetness and the squelching sounds your holes are making while you moan so erotically for them to hear, your sweet scent making it more pleasurable for them. “I-I’m close.. oh god I’m so c-close..!” You tried to warn them, holding Rafe close as you drag your nails on his back making the taller male stutter out a low moan.
Your warning just made JJ’s urge to own you stronger, grabbing your hips in a bruising hold as he piston his hips, feeling his wet balls smacking your ass with every thrust, prompting Rafe to do the same. “Take it— fuck, take it you fucking whore..!” He whispered with Rafe wrapping his hand on your neck, squeezing slightly making you open your eyes. “Doesn’t this remind you of that night?” He asks, following JJ’s rhythm. Tears flowed down your cheeks as you get overwhelmed with pleasure, constantly moaning and releasing a series of ah,ah,ah as a bitch in heat. “You told us you are ours that night, stuffing you so full like this.” He smirked at you, watching how filthy you look like, taking both of their cocks and letting them have their way with you. JJ chuckled breathlessly when he hear what Rafe said “yeah— fuck— remember how she moaned that night while holding her legs open? Then acted like nothing happened, now look at you. Back to doing it again for us.”
You were too far gone. Their comments slipping down your brain as your body focused on the fullness and the harsh circles on your clit that you don’t even know who’s giving you with your eyes rolled at the back of your head. “C-coming..!” You didn’t even finished your warning as you cum, clenching on both of them tightly. Yoyur body convulsed, mouth slack and open which prompted Rafe to spit on it. Both men felt your hot slick wetting them both, chasing their own highs.
JJ looked at Rafe, licking his bottom lip before cocking an eyebrow. A silent challenge to the other alpha male before sinking his teeth on your shoulder blade. The sharp pain made you open your eyes full of unshed tears, breathing heavy as pain and pleasure mixed inside of you. JJ licked the wound, pressing with kisses before huskily moaning, releasing his cum deep inside of you, filling you up as he relishes on the high from the sex and from marking you as his. “Mine.” JJ whispered while looking at Rafe, clearly challenging the other with a smug smirk.
Rafe snarled, baring his teeth on the other blonde before thrusting deep inside of your abused cunt and biting the other side of your shoulder. His bite was rougher than the other, hot pain searing inside of you as you open your mouth in a silent scream before feeling him cum deep inside of you. Kissing the bitten area of your shoulders, they both stayed inside of you before pulling out at the same time. Your tired state was evident with how flushed your cheeks are and how your eyes were barely open.
Both of them stood up, JJ laying down your tired form properly on the bed while Rafe grabs a wet cloth to clean you up. While cleaning you properly, both men cannot help but watch you sleep while baring their marks, officially marking you as theirs. They want you for themselves but both of them won’t back down, settling on the terms that they share you, as long as its only the two of them that gets to taste and fuck you.
They held your body close, the haze of stuffing you full still buzzing on their system as they settle beside you. Looking at their bite marks, both of them grinned foolishly, finally claiming you as theirs.
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“You fucking assholes!”
Both men immediately sits up in shock, still sleepy from the draining activities last night. When they both opened their eyes, they saw you standing in front of your mirror, staring at the bites that they left on each of your shoulder blades in horror.
You looked at both of them in disbelief, hiding the marks with your hands while you sob. JJ and Rafe just smiled at you, clearly proud of their work. “Get out— get out!” You screamed at their faces, ignoring the fact that your heat is still not finished yet. Feeling betrayed that they staked their claim. Now everyone will know who claimed you, their pheromones will always cling on your skin and your body reacting more actively when they’re closer because they had bonded you without your consent. You sobbed at the fact that instead of having someone mature to help you out on your heat cycles, you instead got two of the most possessive bastards in the world.
Rafe just leaned back while JJ rested his head on his hands. “Now, now” JJ started. “I think you need to calm down. We really need to teach our little omega how to speak to her Alphas properly, right, Rafe?” The other just chuckled, eyeing your naked body with lust. “Oh definitely. I cannot have a bratty little omega prancing around with such a dirty mouth. I guess, we both need to stuff her mouth with our cocks, put her into place huh?” You ignored them and screamed “oh fuck off! You fucking pieces of shit!” Your chest was heaving in anger.
Rafe grabbed the lamp besides him and threw it on the wall behind you while JJ lets out a warning growl.
You just stared at them in shock, covering your now cowering body as they stare at you intensely with clenched jaws. JJ stood up, walking towards you before dragging you forcefully towards the bed by your hair. Letting out a scream,he shoved you down the bed with your ass propped up for both of them to see, before landing a harsh spank on your ass. You cried out in pain, before feeling Rafe’s hand on your nape, pressing you down and choking you.
“You are ours. OURS.” He threatened through clenched teeth.
The sun went down. The day ended with you covered and full with their cum, using and abusing all your holes, covered in hickeys and bruises that will last for days. Clearly expecting you to learn your lesson, your mind blank as you take and take whatever they give you.
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andhumanslovedstories · 5 months
I was in the ICU last night taking care of medsurg overflow patients—that’s when you aren’t sick enough to be in the ICU anymore but we don’t have a bed anywhere else for you yet. I don’t like floating to the ICU. It’s such a coin flip as to whether you’re gonna have a hard night or an easy one. You almost never get a full load of four patients, and that’s so nice, but the one or two or three patients you do have are all sick enough to have needed intensive care six hours ago. They’re usually still not doing amazingly. But they’re floor status now, so it’s medsurg patient ratios. But if you were a medsurg floor, the charge would probably be like “let’s not give three patients of this high an acuity to one nurse.”
Also some of them are NOT floor status. They’re just “slightly less likely to die in the next 12 hours status.” What we really need is a step down unit which is somewhere between the extreme high acuity of the ICU and the catchall category of medsurg. Instead we have a couple units that are “essentially step down units,” which means they are just medsurg units but you know your night is probably gonna be so hard.
Besides the patients, the ICU is just so spread out and lonely. Most critical care patients have a 1:1 ratio—one patient to one nurse. That’s on account of how intensive the care is, you see. But it also means whenever you’re like “I would love some help,” everyone else on the floor is like “if I step more than six feet away from my patient, he will die so badly.” It makes it really hard to casually engage in conversation, especially since I’m not qualified to do like anything in the ICU rooms, so I would clearly be going over there to expressly talk to them. And I don’t want to have a conversation! I just want to establish some rapport. I love bounding ideas off other staff! I love being about to shoot the shit a lil bit and then be like “well I have rounds” when one of us has to wander off. No one here has rounds. They are already Right There.
Anyway then the shift ends, and it’s time to pass off your patients. If you’re lucky it’s to another medsurg nurse who also looks a kid realizing too late into the lecture that this is not their class. But sometimes you give report to an ICU nurse who asks questions that are so pertinent and are so fair to ask, but they’re also like. the kind of questions you ask when you expect the person you’re getting report from is another critical care nurse who only has one patient. At a certain point, I just wanna be like “what do you want from me, dude. i’m stupid. every lab you’re asking about is in the chart and you understand them better than I do. can I go home”
That also means when they give you a real softball like “and how many IVs does he have” and you’re like “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let’s go count them together shall we” you feel like the biggest dipshit in the world. And then they ask you three more questions each easier than the last as you have traumatic flashbacks to nursing school, specifically the parts where you failed a quiz and also misspelled your name. It just ends the shift on a bad note. Not even a bad note. Real burp of a shift change.
I’m feeling particularly salty because I overheard a couple critical care nurses last night joking about how medsurg nurses are so nervous about the medical boarders and basically saying that we’re always freaking out over nothing while being completely oblivious to the actual symptoms that matter. And as a nurse who once called rapid response because my patient’s heart beat weird for about twelve seconds, I was like “hey. you’re correct. but also must be nice to have just one patient and all shift to read every single thing about them and to sit outside their door next to your fully stocked equipment cart, and to be able to watch them all shift.” And it’s like yeah, critical care nurses can take all the blood out of a person and then put it all back better than before. But I know to turn off lights when I leave a patient room at three in the morning, and apparently in the ICU that’s an even more illusion trick.
But anyway it’s twelve hours later and I’m on the other side of a good good sleep, so I’m less cranky, and back to being appreciative of the specific skills critical care nurses being that are so essential, and also I was like, how pressed can I really be about one group of nurses joking about another group of nurses. that’s like 25 percent of my blog at this point.
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vcill · 1 year
Heya 🫰🏻
Could I request something like "What the brothers would say to you to get you into the mood"?
I love your writing and am very curious about your ideas 👀
Thanks for requesting!
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He's the devil for a reason.
Would act the complete opposite then how he's usually does in bed.
If you have a praise kink, time to go crazy!!
Starts off innocent, probably asks you to sit on his lap and tell him about your day.
Will listen to every word, if you say you did well on test he'll tell you how proud he is to be able to be with someone so smart and pretty/handsome.
If it's the opposite, and you ended up failing, instead of one of his many lectures, he tells you it's okay and he'll give you extra help next time.
Slowly starts to rub your thigh or back as you continue giving you kisses here and there.
Hums in acknowledgment as you continue on about your day. Probably moves you from his desk towards his bed.
Lays you down on your stomach and will tells you it's a massage but the slick bastard won't say what kind.
You'll definitely find out once his cold his slip down in to your clothes and start toying with you .
Tells you to keep talking as he continues, if you asked what he's done the only response is: "Don't worry about it sweet thing, why don't you continue where you left off, hm?"
Next thing you know, he's pounding into you like there's no tomorrow while still making you tell him about your day, if you stop, he stops.
If you ended up not doing too well in the school day, its a slap on the ass for each thing that you told him.
Pretty much is just comforting then uses it against you.
This is pretty much one of the "softer" ways he gets you in the mood, even if you somehow don't catch on right away.
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Once again, Mammon did something to get in trouble. If it wasn't with Lucifer, then probably the witches, or his brothers- maybe even Diavalo.
Regardless, this is probably the right time this week and it wasn't even Wednesday day.
Even Lucifer was shocked how much trouble the second one was being.
After another lecture, Mammon showed up to your room still in a pouty mood from earlier.
The least he wanted was another lecture, which is why before you could even start, he cut you off.
"How 'bout we make a deal, yeah?"
Now you know better then to make deals with him, considering all the other times he made one with that had you ended up being stuffed full and exhausted.
But if it could stop his behavior, then so be it.
For the next 7 days, he acted like an angel. Being nice to his brothers, paying off some debt. Even studying. (Everyone was shocked, even you)
But the real action was when he was with you.
"Ya like it when I'm a good boy, right?"
Acts so submissive and even asks and begs you to do things that he would never had done before.
"Promise I'll be good, I'll always be good for ya, I'm your little mambaby ain't I?"
If you're into it, he'll add a bit of mommy/daddy kink into the mix.
But of course with him m acting like this, how could you not want to treat him let me a good boy?
Always asks if you want him touch, lick , suck or bite a certain part of you, and when you say yes, you think you see Simeon in the purgatory hall.
Of course he totally wasn't trying to plan this. Totally.
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Roleplay all the way with this man.
I feel like this is the only time where he REALLY feels confident.
Starts off with something corny, probably from a video game like "The mighty prince Leviathan, has once again slain the dragon. Now to find the princess/princess!"
You'll be laying on his bed, striking a dramatic pose "Thank you thy knight! For saving me, you shall receive a special award."
"I am glad my great efforts receive such praise, I'll do my best to serve your highness"
Honestly you two being very silly and goofy but turned on nonetheless.
While giggling, he kissing your neck while le giving you a few special marks, calls them protection stamps. (IDK what to call them just something goofy 😭)
Puts you before him, will kiss every part of you and go down, while he does he describes every part of you in such great detail.
"Your majesty brings me such bliss."
"Will the knight let me sit on my throne?''
"You own everything in this kingdom my prince/princess, take what's yours."
The confidence surge in him would be so hot, he's making sure you are definitely treated as a royal should be. Maybe even more then Barbatos treats Diavolo.
Other roleplays could as be a masquerade ball where you two fuck as strangers but turns out you know each other all along.
Forbidden lovers, needing to stay quiet to not get caught.
Or as if you were trapped in a video game, and new to fuck to get out. (This one might actually happen knowing him).
He's a silly stinky otaku but we love him 💕
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A little similar to Levi.
Maybe after reading a spicy/romance book he gets into the mood.
Starts off quoting after certain books he's read to see if you remember.
When you repeat the other half correctly, he gets so turned on for some reason. If you don't remember he still will but not in the same way. (Sadistic and Satan both start with a S for a reason.)
Depending on if you answer, he'll continue on, the part he's reciting most likely from a smut.
"They lay there, with not a care in the world, unknowing of what the creature lurking might do."
Even if you are getting fucked mercilessly, you still have lines to say!!
"They moaned the creature fucking Them better then any human could."
(Spoiler alert: They love the monster 🤭)
If not roleplay, he'll have your read the book instead, making sure to exactly get to the spicy part.
While you read it aloud, he starts touching you. Slowly rubbing up and down your area, may even go down on you while you read it.
Better yet does the same thing you describe in the book. If the creature is throat fucking the MC, get prepared.
Every single position you also find yourself in, some of these you never knew even existed, but can't help but to moan like a fucking animal.
If the book had pictures, you would match it completely once you were done reading.
He'll continue reading until he gets to another smutty part, in which it's your turn to read.
And mostly likey get your brains fucked out. 👌🏾
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Ooo boy
When is he not trying to turn you on?
Asmo has a very very high sex drive, which is obvious with how many past partners he's had.
Cause of this, y'all are pretty much fucking 24/7.
Isn't afraid to hide when he wants you, you could be sitting at the dinner table and he'll make direct eye contact while licking a spoon a little to lewdly.
Moans a little too hard when eating a dish and saying it's good. Leans over over gives you a bite too, making sure it gets on your cheek for him to lick away.
If you decide to tease him back, his horniness go up 100x.
After dinner pretend not to remember what happened at the dinner table and go to his room as normal only to get pinned to the wall in a second.
"Mc, I'm so hungry, maybe even hungrier then beel"
Go ahead and let him get that desert, extra cream too please!
Switches and you'll be sucking him off messily. drool and slobber everywhere and loud sucking noise filling the room.
"Mc, your so nasty I love it."
Cums on your face, with some getting on his torso, will look at you with the most innocent eyes and ask you to clean him up.
Whines so much whenever you ride him, gripping onto your hips hard, begging for you to go faster.
He'll sound like he just came out of a hentai, saying things that surprisingly, you only got to hear.
But never ever neglect him for too long, as bold as he is, he'll get even bolder.
In a meeting with Diavolo instead of being with him? Don't worry, he'll tell a good excuse on why you should be with him instead. Maybe even invites the demon prince.
(100% think he talks dirty to you in other languages, whatever language it is, is your choice!)
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Innocent baby that doesn't realize he's a complete beast in bed. (He does a lil)
Food play doesn't always have to come in here, a lot of times it's whenever you guys are alone together.
Can be very blunt. Just makes eye contact with you and asks "Can I fuck you?"
Or if he wants to be more romantic, he'll get on his knees and rest on your thighs, purring against them. Leaves a few hickies too.
Sucks you off/eats you out always talking about how good you feel.
Now this is where food play can come in. Maybe gets some honey, chocolate syrup, icing. (Icing works best for clean-up imo.)
Licks and slurps it off so messily, moans in delight when he taste your cum in the mix.
"m'still hungry mc, spread it a little more, please?''
Pulls your legs as far as they can to keep licking down there, his tongue can also get longer as he please, so definitely hits all those spots.
When he puts his dick into you, it's a messy make out session. Left over syrup falling from both of your lips, drool dripping down your chins, beel has never felt so full before.
"Mc, you got something on your chest, don't worry, I'll get it for you."
He gets it all right, maybe even does a little bit of a deep clean too.
Tbh, all he needs to do is look at you with those pleading, seemingly innocent eyes and you'll be gone in seconds.
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Since he sleeps a lot, his sex drive won't be high but that doesn't mean he ain't needy.
Ironically, when you're the one sleeping, he's horny.
Can do dream manipulation imo. goes into whatever dream you're having and changes it up a bit to have him in there.
It's a weird one, you're back in the human world in your room about to take a nap, until Belphie comes from under it and grab onto your legs.
"You're not tired yet, are you?"
"It's not fair if you're sleeping and not me, help fall asleep too?"
Slowly you start to wake up as Belphie moves inside of you. Moaning into your ear. You're gonna help him, right?
While he thrusts, you mumble sleepy the words "I'll help you" over and over.
When you cum, he complains," it's not fair that I didn't get to cum yet, so why should you sleep?"
Overstimulates you like crazy, when you start to get a little loud he ask how is he supposed to fall asleep with all the noise.
If you're too quiet, he says he can't call asleep without a little noise in the room.
"m'getting tired, you go on top so I can rest."
Will sit back and seemingly fall asleep while you do the work bouncing up and down.
If you try to stop thinking he's sleep, he thrusts up telling you he isn't done yet and to continue.
"Belphie, I'm tried, can we please continue later?"
"We have school in the morning, mc. I can't go to school without sleep, can I?"
Younger sibling brattiness sure is kicking in right now.
"If you don't want to help anymore, I'll just get beel to help you."
Last time that happened, you couldn't even go to RAD in the morning, to tired and numb to walk.
So go ahead and help little Belphie sleep, okay? It's better when you both fall asleep anyway.
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strawbxrryneptune · 9 months
College BKG <3 (enemies to lovers ish)
unedited, lowkey rushed at the end cause im exhausted but at least i posted something after like a year teehee
You walk into the lecture hall a couple minutes early, dragging your sleep deprived friend along with you.
“I genuinely don't understand why we have to get to class so early. The professor isn't even here yet."
You huff at her complaint, pulling her towards the front where you always sit.
"I just want to keep my seat.”
Before she can reply, you cut her off.
“Yes, I know, I’ve been sitting in the same place the whole semester and no one’s taken my seat, but there’s still the risk. Remember when Bakugou fucking took it last week and wouldn’t stop being smug about it?”
Slipping into the second row, she sits on your left, sighing heavily.
"Honestly, the little petty battle you have with him is getting old babe, just fuck him at this point."
You laugh, resting your head in your hands as you stare at your friend.
"Excuse me?"
She scoffs in your face, obviously too tired for your conversation.
"Listen, we all grew up together, anyone who went to UA can agree that you both have hard ons for each other, but you’re too busy arguing to see it.”
You sigh dramatically, flopping back in your seat.
 “He’s an asshole-”
"An asshole you wanna fuck.”
You swipe at her, and she laughs before pushing at your arm.
“Look me in my eyes and tell me you don’t want to fuck him.”
“...Okay, he’s kind of hot-”
“So fuck-”
“-no, he’s so annoying!”
She gives you a look then sighs,
“Yes, yes he is.”
You both laugh, your mind wandering elsewhere for a bit before she taps your arm and nods her head behind you, wiggling her eyebrows. You hum, turning to see none other than Bakugo Katsuki himself. He’s walking towards your aisle, plopping down into a seat behind you and putting his bag down next to him. He’s wearing a black sweater draped over black pants, hair fluffy but still somehow spiky looking, and a smoky, almost woodsy scent wafting from him.
Bakugou meets your eyes, and the intensity in his gaze makes your stomach twist. He raises an eyebrow at you, lips curving up to conceal a smirk. You roll your eyes and turn back around, annoyed that he caught you staring. Your friend holds back a laugh next to you and you pointedly ignore her, willing the professor to start the lecture already. 
Before you can get fully lost in thought, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn your head and almost hit your forehead against Bakugou’s. 
“Jesus, have you ever heard of personal space?”
He ignores your question and squints at the small table in front of you.
“You got an extra pencil?”
You stare at him, then look around to the other people in his row.
“Why are you asking me? There's like 5 other people in your sectio-”
“Do you have another fuckin’ pencil or not, Brat?”
You huff and shake your head no. You definitely have another pencil, but you're not giving it to his rude ass. He slides his eyes from your face to the bright pink pencil case on your table, full to the brim with pencils and highlighters. 
You give him another roll of your eyes and go to turn around, but he stops you by leaning over your shoulder and snatching the pencil you were currently using off of your table, retracting back and sitting in his seat. You're pissed, but you can't even bring yourself to turn around because holy shit were his arms always that muscular? And did they always have those veins running through them all the way to his big hands? And fuck when he bent over you his gold chain came out of his shirt a little and it made you think how it would look dangling over you while he fucked the breath out of you. You take a quick breath and dig through your pencil case, taking a pen out and focusing on the smart board at the front of the class. The professor finally starts talking and you welcome the distraction, taking your notebook out to start taking notes.
Once it hit the end of your class, you closed your notebook and let out a sigh, thankful to be done for the day. You felt a tap on your shoulder, and this time you just give Bakugou a side eye when he slides his face close to yours and plops the pencil back on your desk.
“Dunno why you’re acting nice like you didn’t steal from me but you’re welcome.”
His face comes into view, and even though you aren’t looking directly at him, you can see his eyes drilling holes into the side of your face. 
“Don’t give me shit as if you didn’t lie to me.”
You scoff and fully turn, almost nose to nose with him. 
“Why would I want to give you a pencil when you’re such a dick?”
His eyebrows shoot up, and his eyes darken in a way that makes your stomach turn. 
“You wanna repeat that?”
You don't want to repeat it, actually, but you’re not about to back down and pissing him off is too fun, so you get closer.
“I said, why would I want to give you a pencil when you’re. a. dick.”
He gives you a sadistic smile and closes the already small distance between you, pressing his forehead to yours. 
“If you want dick so bad I can give it to you, you don't gotta call me one Sweetheart.”
Your face heats up and your eyes dart around the room, relief flooding your chest when you realize everyone cleared out of the lecture hall except for some girl who was closing her laptop and shoving her things into her bag. 
You turn back to him and step back, grabbing your notebook and pencil case and putting it into your bag.
“Please, I’d get more satisfaction from a metal pipe than your dick. You can’t handle this.”
He grabs your wrist, and when you turn back around he’s in your face again, this time staring at your lips with dark eyes. 
“You wanna bet?”
You look around again, watching that last girl walk out the door. Fuck it, if the dick is bad or you embarass yourself you still have time to drop the class. 
With that in mind, you shake your wrist free from his grip and lean in to kiss him, sighing softly when he kisses back because his lips are so soft. He brings a strong hand to your jaw and tilts your head, kissing you deeper. You make out for a bit before you start to become aware of the awkward position you’re both in, straining to kiss each other over the seats of the hall. He seems to have the same thought, and he brings his hands down to your waist before pausing and pulling away.
“Can I touch you?”
You think it's a bit silly for him to ask you at this point, but you appreciate it nonetheless.
You say it breathily, and he gives you a crooked smile before grabbing your waist and whispering, “Jump” against your mouth. You do as he says and he effortlessly lifts you up over the seats and into his arms, hands moving to cup your ass. He continues to kiss you and you start to feel yourself getting hot, moving your hips against his stomach to alleviate some of the tension. He squeezes your ass and moves to sit down, placing you on the ground before turning you around and making you sit on his lap with your back to him. He leans forward to kiss your neck while bringing a veiny hand up to lightly choke you, not applying that much pressure but still making your head spin.
“Grind on me.”
“Ask nicely, Bakugou.”
He chuckles and gives you a sharp bite on the side of your neck, making your hips jolt against him.
“There you go, good girl.”
You want to tell him off, but you can feel his dick through his pants and you want to feel more. Biting your lip, you grind against him slowly, picking up the pace gradually and forcing moans out of the both of you. 
“Fuck, Bakugou take your pants off i wanna feel you.”
“Ask nicely, brat.”
You huff and turn to try and undo his pants, but he stops you.
“I said, ask nicely. You're not gettin’ shit actin all prissy.”
“...fine. Please take off your pants so I can sit on your cock, Bakugou.”
He hums and gives you another murmur of “good girl” before tapping your hips to get you up again, shimmying his pants to his knees and taking his dick out. He reaches over and takes your bottoms and panties off, rubbing your hips before reaching around and starting to rub soft circles into your clit, causing you to let out a small moan. He pulls you closer and continues to pleasure you, teasing you and pulling at your clit occasionally while slipping his hand into your shirt and tweaking a nipple. You can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, and you start to move your hips along with his hand. He groans against you as he feels you getting slick, taking his hand away quickly to slide your wetness along his dick. He uses one hand to pump himself while sliding one, two, three thick fingers into you, curving them and pumping rhythmically. He whispers in your ear about how soft you are, how beautiful and wet and perfect your pussy is, and you just can’t stop gushing on his fingers. You start to feel your orgasm coming up, and you stop his fingers.
”Fuck me, Bakugou, please.”
He moans at the desperate tone of your voice, bringing you further back and sliding his cock along your pussy, rubbing the tip against your clit and making your legs shake. You whine and reach back, wrapping your hand around his and guiding him inside you, gasping at the stretch. He takes it slow, and once you give him a whimper and a nod he starts to thrust into you, grabbing your wrists and holding them behind your back. He fucks you good, and you start to feel your legs shake and your vision blur as he hits that spot over and over and over again until you feel him consume you and you’re cumming just like that, back arched and eyes shut, moaning loud. He moans along with you, slamming his hips into you through the squeezing of your pussy. He slows down his thrusts to give you time to calm down, and you lean back and moan in his ear, squeezing him some more. He groans and pulls you off of him, cumming onto your ass.
You both take a moment to calm down, getting dressed in slightly awkward silence as you both grab your shit. You check your phone quickly and hold back a laugh when you see a text from your friend telling you she left in hopes of you getting dicked down. Little did she fucking know.
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spacecowboyhotch · 9 months
Kinktober Day 7 (& 8): Soft & Slow (Cockwarming)
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pairing: college!miguel o’hara x f!reader
contents: 18+/NSFW/MINORS DNI, smut, rivals to lovers, teasing
wc: 735
an: wrote this for the sweetest most lovely @campingwiththecharmings, i hope you enjoy bb 🥰
kinktober masterlist | misc. masterlist
“Are you giving up?” Miguel asks you after several moments of silence.
“What? No!” You glare down at him breathlessly.
Why does the man who grinds your gears like it’s job have to be so attractive? Smooth skin, deep brown eyes, the cheekbones of Adonis. It pisses you off, but at least he can make you feel good. That’s all this is, all you want it to be. It’s sex. Just sex. Or maybe that’s what you keep telling yourself.
His grip on your hips tightens, shifting them up and down slowly. The sweet drag of his cock makes your mind blank, a shiver skating down your spine. He watches you with hooded eyes, drinking in every expression and sound that leaves you. He loves you like this, warming his cock just on the edge of pleasure as he quizzes you over and over again on this week’s physics lecture.
“Then answer the question,” He says, eyes glittering with mischief.
“I-I’m thinking,” You insist, though that couldn’t be farther from the truth. He’s been teasing you for a while now— keeping you pinned on his cock with a thrust or roll of hips here and there. You’re dizzy and needy, all you can focus on is him. On him making you cum.
“About how good my cock feels?”
“Fuck you.”
He laughs beneath you, loud and full, and your breath catches at the way it sends him a hair deeper. “You can’t think that was a good comeback.”
You groan, swatting playfully at his chest, “Please, Mig, can’t we just get off first?”
He sits up in a move that makes you whimper, nuzzling his nose against yours, “Where’s the fun in that? You could just admit that I’m smarter. I’ll fuck you however you want after that.”
“You fucking wish.”
Snaking his hand between your slick bodies he presses two fingers to your clit as he continues to goad you, “We both know it’s true, c’mon angel, don’t you want me to make you cum?”
“Yes,” You moan, head falling to the side. You don’t care anymore, you just need more. You need him.
“Yes, what?”
“You’re smarter, just fuck me. Please.”
He holds you tight to his chest, pressing you into the mattress and pinning your hands down above your head. While he’s fucking you earnestly now, his hips grind against yours at a leisurely pace, pressing against that sensitive spot inside you. All you can do is gasp and groan beneath him, listening to the filth that pours out of his mouth.
I’ve got you. There you go. So cock drunk, look at you. Cum for me, honey.
You do just that, cumming for him with a high pitched wail that he cuts off with a kiss. Your mind whirls, so much so that you don’t notice when he joins you in your peak, or when he rolls to lay beside you, still holding you close.
“I take it back. You don’t play fair,” You quip once your mind returns to you, breath still labored.
He raises a brow at you, cupping your face with his hand to tilt your chin up, “When has this rivalry ever been fair?”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“And clearly, you need some tutoring,” He teases, grin widening when you roll your eyes at him. “Stay— I’ll make us dinner.”
“Dinner,” You repeat skeptically, looking over at him to gauge his seriousness.
“Yes, two people eating a meal together at night. A common occurrence, querida.”
“Like…like a date?” You ask softly.
Miguel’s gaze flatters— something you’ve never seen before. He’s the spokesman for confidence, even if he’s wrong he’s always ready to assure you that he can do better. But right now…he looks shy. It throws you off.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, like a date.”
Silence spreads between you two. You have to be cautious about this— what if it’s one of his jokes? A way to get in your head.
“What happened to this being a rivalry?”
“I don’t know, maybe I’m tired of fighting,” He looks up at you, and there’s something soft, something gooey about the way he’s looking at you.
Your mouth pulls up into a shy smile as you say, “Well. Dinner’s not gonna cook itself.”
He snorts, shaking his head as he rises out of the bed, shimming into his boxers. Leaning down he kisses you, murmuring into your mouth, “Stay put smart ass.”
oscar: @honeybrowne, @pastanoodles11, @steven-grants-world, @stevengrcnt, @greg-montgomery, @lesbianhotch, @mccn-bcys, @marc-spectorr, @whatthefishh, @simpforbritgents, @maisondenachtai, @silversprings-mp3, @flightlessangelwings
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blue-blvd1949 · 1 year
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Spencer Reid
Summary: Spencer has been working on his laptop all day barely giving you any attention until you decided to distract him <3
Word count: 1696
Spencer has been working all day getting his lectures in check and rewriting them making sure all the topics he wants are covered.
It was so frustrating not having any attention you want. All he’s given you is a peck on your cheek for giving him his morning coffee, no more kisses or touches when you were giving him breakfast lunch and dinner.
It was 8 06pm and you were in the living room watching your tv show getting more bored as the episodes go by, Spencer was in the dining room table with his laptop screen stuck on his face. At this point you had enough and thought of a great idea you were sure was going to make him give you the attention you wanted and needed.
You didn’t even bother pausing your show just swiftly standing up and heading towards him. As you stood in front of him for half a second you took off one of his hands from his keyboard so you could sit in his lap facing him with your face nestled in his neck.
“You want anything baby?” He asked still working on his slideshow.
“You” as you said it your hips started moving slowly riding up your shorts exposing your ass.
“I can’t right now I’m busy” he said still fixating on the screen in front of him. As you started rubbing slightly harder he took his hand and placed it on your waist signaling for you to stop.
“No it’s not fair” you said letting out a weak cry. Your panties slowly getting drenched by your juices and eagerness.
“What’s not fair?” He said now looking down at you, you had his full attention on you now.
“You not paying any attention to me Spence…” you said feeling embarrassed for not being able to tolerate one day without your husband giving you attention.
“Fine then you want attention I’ll give it to you but you have to stay extremely still while I finish” you nodded at him eagerly thinking he was going to fuck you or even touch you but you were far from it.
He started taking off your shorts and panties discarding them on the chair next to him. After he saw how drenched they were he couldn’t do anything but tease you for it.
“Oh baby… You’re completely drenched for me” his remark made you grind your hips on his hand as he was slowly teasing you. Gliding his finger over your slit and stopping at your sweet clit rubbing it oh so slowly.
“S-Shut up” you said with both of your hands grabbing his black t-shirt gripping it for dear life. His hand disappeared from your cunt to his pants only pulling them down until his cock was free. He knew he himself had more self control than you that’s why he was about to torture the hell out of you.
“Put it in… please…” you said whispering against his neck slowly giving him kisses and small hickeys.
One hand on your back and the other grabbing his cock aligning it with you and slowly entering, as he got himself all in he didn’t know if he could move forward with his plan, you felt so wet and squishy against him it was intoxicating. You moved your hips slightly before Spencer stopped you and pushed you down.
“No you’re going to stay on my lap with me inside of you not moving a single inch” he said sternly watching as your face changed facial expressions from needy to needier knowing you can’t get your release.
“No Spence, I have to move please” you remarked grabbing his hair to look back down on you hoping he will understand.
“No you wanted attention so this is what you’re getting for distracting me, if you waited another 45 minutes I would’ve been done” he said taking your hands off his hair and placing them down before heading back to the screen.
It was pure torture, he was deep inside you slightly touching your cervix and you couldn’t start riding him. Every once in a while your cunt would squeeze him accidentally and he would let out a groan and tell you to stay still or else your position would last much longer. 10 minutes in you were heavy breathing against his neck hoping he’s going to start moving soon, you tightly grabbed his t-shirt again nearing your end on his stupid game.
“S-Spencer please just move” you remarked once again looking up at him seeing his face and how he was also struggling but not as much as you were.
“Not until I’m done, you told me you wanted attention and this is what I’m doing so be grateful I’m even giving you anything right now” he said sternly with a hard face on making you squirm underneath him even more.
“But Spence it’s been too long now I can’t do it anymore” you said letting out a pathetic cry, he has teased you and not given you what you wanted before but it has never lasted more than 10 minutes and he was now pushing you beyond your limits.
“Just push through baby, I promise if you make it through I’ll fuck you all night if you want that” he said softening his gaze now knowing this was hard on you as he always spoiled you with his touches.
You nodded once again and looked down which you shouldn’t have. The view of his cock In you and having your juices all over his sweatpants was a sight for sore eyes especially when you could see your tummy with a noticiable bulge. You let out a surprised yelp from the view and Spencer just slapped your ass lightly giving you the most contact from the last 12 minutes now. You knew if you stared any longer you would start cumming over nothing and you wouldn’t get a proper release so you turned your head to see what Spencer was working on.
As your face was on his screen you realized how lucky you were to have him. He was so hard working so he could provide you the life you’ve always wanted and made you feel bad for being needy.
He saw you staring so he turned your head back on him and faced it up looking at him, he started kissing you sliding his tongue in your mouth. It felt euphoric finally getting what you wanted or at least a part of what you wanted.
“Just another 10 minutes” he said rubbing your hips massaging them slightly.
“Ok…” you said letting out a big sigh and heading back to your designated spot which was now his neck. Your lips surrounded it again making more purple marks that his colleagues and students would be questioning tomorrow. You honestly hated his students since they were mostly girls that wanted to get in his pants and he could rarely see it, those marks are a way for you to claim what is yours and only yours.
The next 10 minutes felt worse than the first ones but as you heard his laptop shut you instantly felt relieved and started grinding against him.
“Eager are we hm?” He says kissing your neck back for the first time.
“Always been Spence” you said picking up your speed on merely grinding against him not even fully riding him. He thought the faces you were making were so cute, how you’re mouth was open moaning his name and meek sounds coming out of it.
“Nuh uh” he said stopping your hips and you let out a big whine ready to complain.
“But you said until you were done Spence and you finished your work!” you said eagerly looking at him wondering what could be wrong.
“I just want to please you properly on our bed” he whispered into your ear which made your cunt squeeze him hard.
Spencer grabbed your arms and settled them on his shoulder before standing up with carrying you to your shared bedroom with him still inside you. Reaching your bed he laid you down slowly making sure he doesn’t hurt your pretty cunt. He pulled back slowly so he could get rid of his pants properly and his underwear, you both ended up having the same attire with just your shirts on and nothing else.
“Y’know you’re the prettiest girl with the sweetest cunt baby?” He asked as he was above you entering you excruciatingly slowly.
“N-No I didn’t, I didn’t know” your eyes were closed taking it all in again just hopping he starts fucking you soon like if there was no tomorrow.
“Since you didn’t know I’m gonna need you to watch me fuck that cunt senseless” he said making you look down thrusting into you cunningly. You let out a big whine watching the ring of cum around his cock where your cunt reached.
The headboard started banging into the wall so hard you surely thought you’re receiving noise complaints later with what kind of activities you’re doing. Moaning your head off he started going faster not letting your cunt rest.
“I’m gonna c-cum Spence!” You yelped as your mixed juices slowly started flowing out of your cunt touching your clean white sheets.
“So good but give me one more” he said already getting you in the position he wanted you in. You nodded and he got you in a mating press rolling your legs right next to your head.
Your mouth opened wide again as Spencer entered you being much deeper than normal missionary. His tip was touching your cervix more than when you were on top of him. Thrusting slow then hard got you crying against his cock getting cock drunk letting out mindless mumbles and mewls.
Your moaning and pulsing of your cunt pushed him against his limit and started cumming on your clit not pulling out on time, it slowly seeped inside of you before setting the sheets even more.
“I-It was worth the trouble” your said with slurred words but he knew what you said.
“I knew it was gonna” <3
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pirateprincessblog · 2 years
Cry For Me 》 P. Seonghwa
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I make these to help you visualise! But you are free to imagine whatever you like :)
NEW! Read the ongoing full version on Wattpad!
Three (in progress...)
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫.: you promised your friend. you asked for forgiveness and gave a promise that you wouldn't even look her father's way. it isn't your fault that you suck at keeping promises. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: psh x reader x khj 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6.5k 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: best friend's father seonghwa, seonghwa's business partner hongjoong, smut, angst, bits of fluff 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, nsfw scenes, unprotected sex, voyeurism, dacryphilia 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: had to include both of my biases :D
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐲.
The pastry shop was flooded with people. It was Monday, which meant new specials were added to the menu. Your special Butcher of Blaviken piece of cake was long forgotten. You didn't even get a chance to taste the inviting red frosting. Oh, to be in the Witcher world now instead of being lectured by your friend. Henry Cavill would understand.
"You didn't think about it affecting us? You didn't fear about losing me as you did it?"
You're numb to the words. Her father fucked the thoughts out of you and you couldn't seem to feel any guilt in you. Yet, you didn't want to lose her. She was the only one who could keep up with your mood swings and random obsessions with movies and books that come and go. She was the only one that returned the energy you'd give her.
"Damn it, answer me! What the fuck were you thinking? How the fuck did you even manage to do it? He doesn't fuck anyone since mom left!"
People are staring, those sitting getting their chairs closer. Your friend is giving them a free show and they're willing to take it.
"I swear to God-"
"I wasn't thinking." You say, looking directly into her eyes.
"I was not," you get closer, making sure not to break eye contact, "thinking."
"How the fuck did it happen? How did you convince him?"
The amount of the word fuck would even impress Geralt- well, you get it. I have an obsession with Henry Cavill. Little fourth wall break here. Okay, let's continue. No more, I promise.
Your calmness is angering her even more. She doesn't seem to understand how unaffected by all of this you are. You don't feel guilt simply because Mr Park agreed to all of it. In fact, you had already given up on your plan. He came to you and started it all over again.
"I was snooping around his library and he came, we hit it off and that's all you need to know."
"He came to you?" She laughs in disbelief.
"He came to the library, not me."
Frustrated, she groans and drops her head on the table. You glance at the cake, the chocolate Wolven sword on top of it as inviting as Mr Park in his unbuttoned shirt.
"Listen, I cannot undo what happened. Truthfully speaking, I wouldn't even if I could."
The girl raises her head, her angered look changing into the one of disappointment. You try putting yourself into her situation. You'd feel hurt, sure. But as long as it is a one-time thing, you're sure you'd get over it. It's not like Mr Park will declare his love to you and make you his new wife and her step mother. And that's what you tell her, causing her to calm down a bit.
"Didn't you make similar comments about Wren's dad? That you'd give him anything he'd ask for, if only he approached you?"
She seems offended that you remembered and mentioned that. Still, she remains calm. Her eyes are fixed behind you, concentrating on the moving line of people that are no longer interested in your conversation.
"It was just a one-time thing. It won't happen-"
"I miss mom."
And just like that, she breaks down. Your heart shatters when the first tear rolls down her cheek. After all, she is still her dad's little girl. And no matter what Mrs Park did, she was still her mother.
"Just let me do what I need to do." She says, her voice trembling as words left her mouth. "I just need to let it out."
"You sure you want to do that here?" You ask, careful not to make her angry again.
She sits silent for a few moments. Her eyes are fixed on the traffic outside, a tear rolling down her cheeks every other moment. You've never seen her so helpless and vulnerable. She is always collected, calm, and usually the one to cheer people up. Now, when it's your turn, you don't know what to do.
"I could do it in a dressing room at Zara." She laughs, then sniffs. "Want to join me?"
And just how can you say no to her?
It is noon when you enter her house. Both of you are drowning in various bags full of clothes. She is an entirely different person than she was this morning. As if it didn't happen at all. You're watching her as she skillfully carries all her bags up the stairs and into her room. You almost trip and fall multiple times, yet you are determined to get there on your own, without any help. She laughs at you from the top of the stairs, then announces that she is going to take a shower.
You balance the bags in your hands, eyes glued to the marble stairs which shined brighter than diamonds under the expensive chandelier. Once you reach the top of the stairs, you put the items on the floor so you can correct your posture and crack your back. You hear a thump, then shuffling. With horror, you watch as two bags start rolling down the stairs. All of its contents are spilling on the way down, and all you can do is watch and hope they'll stop at some point.
But when they do, they stop in front of a pair of polished black shoes. Your eyes stay fixed on the Victoria's Secret pink bag, somehow hoping that if you're not looking at him, he will disappear. Pale slender fingers come into sight, the pointer finger hooked under the handle of the bag. Your eyes follow as he raises it to his head level.
"I think you might've dropped something." He speaks first.
You're not sure what to say. Or do. So you continue to stand like a deer on a highway, your feet refusing to move. Since you're already staring, you take a few more moments to admire the changes on him. His hair is darker than the last time, and not as fluffy. His lips have a red tint, and you notice a slight shadow at the corners of his eyes. He is wearing a black turtleneck, paired with perfectly ironed pants and a belt. He is effortlessly perfect.
He chuckles, then bends over to pick up the items laying on the white tiles. Your legs and brain finally make a signal, and you are running down to yank the items away from him. Your movements are rushed and clumsy, and all the clothes are landing outside the bag instead of inside it. From the corner of your eyes, you realise that he has stopped helping. Instead, he is standing again, his attention now on something else.
You wish the ground could swallow you. A piece of fabric lays on his delicate fingers, thumb caressing the lace as a smirk forms on his tinted lips. He is holding your newest holiday edition lingerie set. It is as red as your cheeks right now, and if you didn't look away, you're sure your head would've exploded from embarrassment.
"Good deal on the set?"
You're not sure if he is trying to lighten the obviously awkward situation, or if he is making fun of you. After all, he is standing there, dripping in designer clothes and looking classier than you. Yet you're standing there, dripping in clumsy and tacky.
"I would never buy something so ugly for a full price." You manage to mumble, then reach for the fabric.
"Ugly? I don't think it's ugly." He pulls his hand away, "It's very... Well, it screams Christmas. And only ten dollars for a full set?"
Unable to read his expression and tone, you stay frozen. You feel so small in front of him. The tone is tugging towards mockery more than towards harmless joking, and you're not feeling comfortable. Tears start to form in the corners of your eyes, your lip slightly trembling. You're a mess, standing in your scattered lingerie and paper bags, in front of your friend's hot father who isn't making you feel as good as last time you saw him.
"Can I please have my things back?" You manage to ask, voice cracking at the end.
His smile drops. The man takes a few moments to examine your body language, and once he realises what he has done, he puts the items in the bags. He takes his time to pick them up one by one, not once looking up at you.
Your sniffles echo through the room, and you're trying your best not to let the tears smear this little makeup you have left on your face. You still have to look a bit decent. Park Seonghwa is now holding the bags in front of you, patiently waiting for you to take them. You carefully soak in the tears with the sleeve of your top. Your eyes avoid his as you reach out to take your belongings. The slight brush of his cold fingers against yours has your stomach going on a rollercoaster. You remember how they felt against your lips as he touched you. You manage to look into his eyes, this time not looking away immediately. You wish to repeat the guilty pleasure. The way he looks down at you makes you want to drop on your knees and give him just what he deserves.
"That look is going to get us both into trouble again, kitten." He whispers.
Still focused on trying not to cry, you don't realise that you are pouting and looking at him through wet eyelashes. He gulps, then glances behind you. He then steps towards you, until you can feel his comforting warm breath on your face.
"That smeared mascara is giving me deja vu."
You immediately remember what he is referring to.
"Will you let me smear that pretty makeup of yours?"
So he gets off to smeared makeup. Ironic, since he always looks so neat and fresh. Not only him, but every area around him too. Your breath hitches as he brings his hand to your cheek, thumb ever so lightly grazing the skin where your tear had started the journey. He wipes it, then brings it over to his mouth. He closes his lips around the thumb, and you see his tongue peeking out a bit to lick the salty liquid off the tip. You are too taken aback by his action, and now you are the one to get a deja vu.
You stood like this in front of him the last time too, only this time, his fingers aren't in your mouth, but in his.
Maybe you spoke to soon, maybe he could read minds. You didn't know. You could only watch as he brings his thumb to caress your bottom lip, as if asking permission for entrance. You grant it to him, ready to give him anything he asks for.
Your core throbs at the way he sensualy massages your tongue with the finger. You allow yourself to get confident, swirling your tongue around it. He lets out a groan, tongue peeking out to wet his lips.
"Don't give me that look, kitten. We can't."
You pull away from his hand, a string of saliva connecting your body parts making both of you feel dazed.
"Then stop fingerfucking my mouth, Sir." You say as politely as you can, tone low with lust.
Before you know it, Mr Park has you slammed against the wall, hands pressed firmly on your waist. You whimper when your back collides with the cold wall, but his actions are quick to distract you. His knee parts your legs, rising a little so that it makes contact with your crotch. You let out a sigh into his mouth, ready to give yourself to him. His fingers press into your cheeks, cupping your jaw so that you can't avoid his gaze. He is looking at you so intensely that you could cum right there on his thigh and knee. The smell of sandalwood and jasmine coming from his neck and chest area is not helping at all. It is inviting, and you don't want to be rude and decline an invitation.
"As much as I'd love nothing more than to fill you up with my cock against this wall right now, until you're staining my wall with your arousal, I'm going to need you to stay away from me."
The tower of fantasies you've slowly started to build suddenly crumbled down under his words. Emotions are erupting inside of you, lust and disappointment merging into each other and creating frustration and sadness. You are sexually frustrated, and this man has done nothing but worsen the situation.
"You'll leave me like this, Mr Park?"
He looks down on your lips, eyebrows furrowed as if thinking about which wire to cut.
Red — the powerful lust growing inside of him. The desire to have you crying under his touch from immense pleasure. The urge to abuse your clit with his tongue until he has you shaking in his arms.
Blue — the fragile relationship with his daughter. He just won her back, and making a fatal mistake like this could mean losing her forever.
Green — harmless flirting and teasing. Messing around and seeing you blush is something he just might get used to.
Park Seonghwa was also very sexually frustrated. But he was also a man with a reputation and half a family. He cannot bring himself to ruin either of the two.
"I want you on your best behaviour, kitten."
You look at him through your lashes again, this time on purpose. His fingers then pull at your hair, exposing your neck to him and causing you to whimper. He looks down at you, and you see yourself in his dilated pupils, drowning in the dark pools of lust.
"I mean it." He says, lips grazing your jaw as he speaks. "Be good for me."
And with that, he steps away from you, giving you one last head to toe checkup. He then turns around and makes his way to the library, leaving you flushed and a mess against the wall. You watch his back as he walks, noticing how huge his shoulders are and how slim his waist is. The things you'd do just to bite into any of those things. If you only had the courage and confidence to seduce him. You can only watch from afar, wishing that he would drop his guard and come to you.
It feels like that evening all over again; him making you yearn for him, then leaving you and disappearing into his space. The promises you gave to your friend are pushed back, and your brain has opened the path doe the thoughts you shouldn't be having. Yet, it's not breaking a promise if he is the one to come to you, is it?
You pick up the bags, this time not letting go of them until you've reached the room. You drop on the bed, face buried into the softest blankets you've ever touched in your life. Your clit is almost pulsating and burning from being all worked up. Touching yourself won't help. It's not the same. You've gotten a taste once, you'll never be able to do it the old way. Park Seonghwa is the only one who can help.
How dare he get so close to you, get you all worked up like that, then tell you to stay away? What kind of sick teasing and torture kinks is he into? Whatever it is, you have already fallen into his trap. You crave him, your body yearns to be touched by his fingers again. Every place on your body he touched on the stairs burns with sensation. You can only let out a frustrated groan before getting up and fixing your hair.
Your eyes examine the abnormally red cheeks and smeared mascara. You looked like you were fucked senseless, not just cornered by your friend's hot father. Although you wish he did the first.
"Professor Gellert gave me this stupid project that needs to be done by tomorrow. I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to— damn. Are you okay?"
The girl comes in while drying her hair with a towel, eyebrows scrunched with worry as she looks at your reflection in the mirror. Your back is turned towards her, and you're having a hard time looking into her eyes. How can you, when in your mind you're picturing Mr Park forcing your head onto his cock as tears run down your cheeks, just how he likes it?
"Are you sick?"
"The stairs killed me." You laugh it off, pointing at the bags.
"Oh, right." She brushes it off, then throws the wet towel into the basket near the bed. "Do you have a dress for the college celebration next week?"
"I'm not going." You say, remembering how many familiar people will show up.
"Why not?"
"I'm going to have a stomachache then."
You don't even have to look up to know that she is killing you with her stare. Both of you know that you will end up going, you just choose to throw a little tantrum before giving in.
"Your dance partner is so excited for you though."
"I forgot whose name I even pulled. Mind reminding me?"
To avoid having people without a pair, all people were supposed to pull out names. You know you weren't too thrilled about it, but you still can't remember who it was.
"Avan? No, he is with Vic. Oh, Joseph!"
"The Catholic boy?" You ask, now realising why you were so unimpressed.
"No, no, the hot Catholic boy. His hair grew since last summer and his teeth are like, super straight and white. He became the hottest thing to ever walk at that college."
A sigh leaves your lips at the realisation that more money will be reduced from your bank account. You can't go looking basic nor weird. People there aren't the nicest little dandelions, and you are very fragile when it comes to real life. You will need a proper dress, proper heels and equally good makeup. Luckily, you know just the person who will help.
Hours of goofing around, working on the project, and a warning to quiet down from Mr Park due to his business video chat, both of you are asleep. You'd lie if you were to say his stern voice didn't do things to you. He was so good at giving orders, and you are willing to take all of them. Both of you were in your matching satin sleeping dresses, laying on your stomach and watching funny moments of your favorite groups, laughing your heads off and making weird noises on purpose. It was a competition, each of you making a weirder and louder noise than the other. A few screams and laughing fits later, Mr Park Seonghwa knocked on the door. He came in calmly, eyeing up both of you.
"Girls, I have an important meeting and I'm trying to win an opportunity to keep our lives the way they are and not lose everything. Yet, here you are, sounding as if I've kidnapped you and am boiling you alive."
Your smile drops, but your friend remains the same. This tells you that him coming in to intervenire happens more often than you'd think. His usually soft and sparkly eyes are now sharp and serious, his eyebrow raised and his tinted lips going slightly downwards. He is still wearing the turtleneck, only this time he has added a grey coat resting on his shoulders.
"Sorry, dad."
His eyes shift to you, and silence swallows the room. You are taken aback by the intense gaze, and your friend nudges you with her elbow.
"S-sorry, da- Mr Park." You stutter, and your face heats up as soon as you finish the sentence. You wish to crawl out the window and disappear in the bushes. Maybe even cry yourself to sleep there.
Your mission is to seduce him, yet how can you succeed when all you do is embarrass yourself in front of him? He must've lost interest. You are convinced that he is your fantasy come to life, and you simply can't let go. You don't want to let go. Not until you get at least one more taste.
To your surprise, he only hums, then exits the room. You hear his footsteps in the distance, then a door being shut louder than usual.
"He's a real dick sometimes."
In the morning, you are awoken by your friend's raspy voice asking for period cramp pills. It takes you a few moments to adjust your eyes to the morning light.
"Where are they?" You mumble, mouth full of toothpaste.
"Your favorite place in this house." She laughs.
You peek outside the little bathroom to ask why she is laughing and what does she mean by that.
"Dad's office."
You roll your eyes, then return to brushing your teeth. Once you make sure to pick on your skin a little, then put on foundation so that your friend doesn't give you a lesson about it, you head outside.
"You'll see a few drawers below his fantasy section. There's all kinds of pills, just bring me the ones we usually use in these days of suffering."
As you approach the room of your favorite memories and dirty pleasures, you hear his voice coming from inside. It sounds lower than usual, and he sounds very professional. He is saying words even you've never heard of. In conclusion, he even talks expensive and sexy.
"Hongjoong, my marketing team is suffering because they took the most important elements from them. Half of the team quit when they heard who is trying to get involved."
You don't want to interrupt, but if you don't get those pills, you're going to be the first victim of the Hormonal Queen Park. You knock lightly, then slowly open the door.
You swear that if your toes didn't hit the wooden door frame as you tried going inside, you'd let out a moan. Mr Park is sitting in his usual chair, wearing a white shirt. It is halfway unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up to the elbows. You see a thin gold chain decorating his sun kissed skin on his neck. His lips are reddish as usual, and his hair isn't as neat as it was yesterday. His jaw rests in his hand, while his other hand is scribbling something on the papers at the corner of his desk.
He doesn't speak. Instead, he raises an eyebrow towards you. You point towards the drawer, then try showing him that you're looking for pills with your hands. He scoffs, then returns to his conversation. Still sleepy, you forget that you are still only wearing the satin lavender dress. It is when the morning cold breeze hits your legs that you realise. You're already here, there's no point in being embarrassed anymore.
Your eyes read the signs at the top of the bookcase. Adult fiction, Criminal, Erotica, Fiction, Horror... and Fantasy! Right behind his back.
Having no other choice, you get down on all four, and start crawling towards the drawers. Mr Park hasn't yet noticed your little mission. He is too frustrated with his ongoing problem to notice a half naked girl crawling on his office floor. You cheer inside your head as you successfully reach the drawers. You pull at the handle, but it doesn't budge.
"You've gotta be kidding me." You sigh, trying with all your strength. The drawer stays closed, and you're already ready to go home.
The only thing left to do is ask Mr Park, but you wouldn't dare to interrupt. Instead, you crawl to his side, careful not to be seen on camera. You're sitting near his leg, looking up at him while figuring out how to ask. You opt for the quietest solution, and you'll see where it gets you. With a quiet gulp and a sigh, you finally reach out towards him. Instead of quietly calling him like you intended, you gently poke his leg under the desk.
The man looks down, eyebrows scrunched with confusion. He almost chokes on his saliva when he sees you, then redirects his attention at the screen.
"Mr Park," you whisper.
"Hongjoong, I'm gonna have to pause the video for a second."
"That's fine, I'll just go through the mails one more time."
You hear a click, then silence. Mr Park grabs your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. You look like a treat, waiting to be picked up and consumed by him. The way your knees have a slight red tint have his mind racing with thoughts.
"Are you crazy?" His tone is calm and low. The grip on your jaw is firm, his fingers pressing into your cheeks and forcing your lips into a pout.
He can't get over how big your pupils have gotten, and how well he can see your cleavage from that position. The sight of your breasts squished together by the shiny satin fabric combined with your pouty stare from the bottom aren't helping his situation at all. How can he hold back when you're sitting there like a present, waiting to be unwrapped and enjoyed? He had countless comparisons, and hundreds of ways he could take care of you. If only he could.
"I just need some pills," you whisper, too mesmerised by his intense gaze to speak in normal voice.
"So you decide to crawl under my desk to ask for it?"
"I'm not—"
"Right, still nothing. I guess we really lost the proof."
The voice is coming from the screen again. A flash of disappointment crosses Park Seonghwa's face. Still, he leans back into his chair, hand still holding your jaw. His grip softens, and he proceeds to caress your cheek with his thumb. The simple action makes you almost purr. You don't remember the last time you got this kind of affection.
With your eyes closed, your body relaxes into his touch. Nothing exists anymore, except Mr Park, his scent and touch. You allow yourself a few moments of silence. The men's voices are becoming distant, and you swear that you could fall asleep just like this. You feel the slight roughness of his fingers, a sign that he aged like fine wine. You remember your father's hands being all rough and dark due to working hard jobs all these years. Seonghwa must've inherited family business. Or he knows how to take care of himself.
You look up at him, chin now resting on his knee. You aren't sure if you want to climb into his lap and take in all the affection he is willing to give you, or get down further under the desk and make him squirm in your hands. Deciding to test the waters, you drag your fingers up his leg, resting them just near his crotch. Mr Park wets his lips, glancing at you for a second. When you see no signs of complaining, you move over so that you're sitting comfortably between his legs. Your hands continue the journey to his belt, excitement rushing through your veins and into your heart as you feel the cold leather underneath your fingertips. You take your time to play with the buckle, just like you read in one of your favorite books.
Just like the man on the worn out pages of your book, Park Seonghwa gulps when you pull the zipper down, just enough to graze him with your nails. You're overflowing with confidence, and you're a little impatient too. But you want to take your time to take care of him. Make him yearn for you just like he did to you. As quietly as possible, you undo his pants, and are delighted when you find out he is wearing no underwear. You reach inside with your tongue, just enough to touch him and make him adjust in his chair.
"You good?"
"Yeah, I'm good."
Mr Park moves your hands, then pulls his cock out for you. One of his hands is holding onto your hair, gently pushing your head towards it. You don't have time to admire the size or all the little details you wanted. Your lips are pressing against his tip, the taste of precum sweet and salty at the same time.
He is impatient, and in desperate need to feel your hot mouth around him. You obey, finally taking him in and making sure to press your tongue flat against him. Unable to control it, he releases a groan.
"Hwa, you sure you're good?"
"I'm good, I just —" he pauses, looking down at you. How does he tell his business partner and best friend that his daughter's friend looks too good with her mouth stuffed like that? With her tits almost falling out and her pupils so big he just wants to slam his cock into her pussy and fuck her into oblivion?
"Just...? If you're not feeling good, we can continue later. I get this must be very hard for you, but —"
Just when you think you've won, Mr Park shakes his head. "No, no. That's fine. Remember how I told you my daughter wanted a kitten? Well, she's not letting me work in peace."
"Oh, that's adorable. Give her a few pets from me."
Park Seonghwa smirks, then looks down at you. His fingers caress your cheeks, and you melt at the touch. It is a motivation to take him in all the way, slamming the tip against the back of your throat.
"She's a very naughty kitten. I can't seem to get rid of her."
"See, no matter what they do, I'll never be a dog person. I love them so much. Just the sight of one makes me feel all fuzzy."
"Oh, just wait until you see this one."
You freeze in your spot. Seonghwa pulls your head away with a loud pop, and shoves his desk away to expose you. His thumb wipes your drool and his precum from your lips, then proceeds to pull you into his lap so that you're facing the screen. The man on the screen is as frozen as you, and as handsome and Mr Park. His gaze drops on your now exposed breasts, and you see his chest slowing down as he tries to breath normally again.
"A unique one, isn't she?" Seonghwa speaks first, holding your head in place by pulling your hair. You're forced to look at the man, and instead of feeling ashamed, you are only feeling more worked up. "I've never been a cat person, but this one is just so obedient I might actually keep her."
"Well, fuck me. That is one hell of a kitten."
"Come on, love. Why don't we show Hongjoong all the tricks I have taught you?"
You aren't sure what he means, until he lays you on his chest and spreads your legs. Your panties are so drenched, they're almost see through. The man on the screen is devouring you with his stare. Something about both of their gazes and confidence has lit a fire inside of you that cannot be put out. In the corner of the screen, you see your exposed and messy figure spread out on Mr Park's lap, and it only adds up to the atmosphere you are so enjoying.
"Actually, since Hongjoong has more experience with cats, how about he shows us how to perform a some tricks?"
You know he isn't asking, just giving you a trailer of what awaits you. A chuckle comes from the screen, and the man flashes his pearly white teeth at you through a smirk.
"First, you might want to tie her up. You don't want her running away, do you?"
Without hesitation, the man yanks his belt from his pants, and secures it around neck. You are having a hard time breathing. Not because of the belt, but because of the overwhelming feelings mixing inside of you. You've never been manhandled like this, and you are afraid that you might get too used to the feeling of Park Seonghwa doing this to you.
"You still have that wand?"
"Sure do."
Confusion takes over your features, and you can't help but wonder why Hongjoong knew that. Do they do this often? If so, are you just another toy Mr Park is going to play with and leave?
"Relax, kitten." Mr Park seems to notice your sudden discomfort. "Spread your legs for me."
And just like that night, your legs are over the armrests, the wand dangerously close to your clit.
"Having a good view, Kim?"
"A gorgeous one, Park."
Mr Kim leans back on his chair, hands working on his belt but not yet doing anything. It seems he enjoys watching more than doing anything. A sweet vibrating sensation spreads all over your folds, and you cannot help but buck your hips into the toy.
"Make your screen bigger, Seonghwa. So that she can see just how pretty she looks."
The man doesn't pull the gadget away as he changes the screen size, making Hongjoong's the one in the corner and yours taking over the screen. Now you can clearly see yourself; spread on Mr Park's lap, his chin resting on your shoulder, dark eyes looking at you through the camera. His ringed fingers are skillfully moving the toy up and down your clit, while his other hand holds onto the belt, lightly choking you.
"Doesn't moan easily, huh? Try circles."
Mr Park listens, circling the swollen bud with consistent vibrations. You feel like you're going to cum any second, and you don't want to do that so soon.
"Feel good?"
"Yes," you breathe out, holding onto the fabric of his pants as you try your best not to go over the edge.
"Then let us hear it, doll."
No matter how good it felt, it wasn't enough to draw moans from you. "You have to try better than that, then."
A scoff leaves his tinted lips. He brings them close to your neck, just enough to lick a stripe up to your jaw.
"Use your other hand, too."
Mr Kim is so skilled with giving orders. And Mr Park is so good at listening to him. His fingers, which are the prettiest ones you've ever seen in your life, move your panties aside just to slowly thrust between your walls. He explores, wiggling his two fingers inside until he curls them up. With the elbow of the hand which holds the toy, he presses into your lower stomach, making the feeling more intense than ever. He starts pumping into you slow, matching the rhythm of the vibrations.
"I've never seen such an obedient kitten. Look how good she is doing."
"Indeed, she is doing so well. Now, if she could orgasm on my fingers, she would be the best."
"Ngh—" you groan, chasing the orgasm just like he asked you to. You know you can't handle two, but you're willing to try for him. Well, them.
"Come on, pretty girl."
"S-sir—" you cry out, ready to spill over, "I can't—"
"Can't what?" He slows down, moving the wand away for a moment. You take a few seconds to catch your breath. You feel all wet and sticky, but look hotter than ever. You're still unused by him, yet you looked like he has ravished you twice today.
"If I cum now, it'll be too much." You admit, pupils big as you look at him. "I want to cum when you fuck me."
"Spoke too soon about obedience, huh?"
The wicked smirk on the screen lets you know that they won't let you off so easily. Mr Park then slams his lips onto yours, sucking and licking at the plump flesh of your bottom lip as he brings the wand back to your clit. You shake in his lap, feeling a tad bit overstimulated. His other hand holds your thighs separated, but you still try to close them. The warm muscle of his tongue massages yours, and for a moment, you forget about Mr Kim. You forget about your best friend. You wish to wake up like this every day, admired, praised and consumed by him. Your hands reach into his hair, grabbing at the fluffy strands and anything else they can reach.
"That's so fucking hot. I didn't know how sexy you make out, Hwa."
Park Seonghwa smiles into the kiss, and in that moment, you wished to experience it every day. You wished this wasn't just messing around with your friend's dad. Your feelings for him are growing, and you know them well it's forbidden. But how to tell a heart no?
"You're welcome to come over and try these days," he winks at the screen, then shifts his attention back to you. "And just what do we do with you now? Do I make you cum and stop the fun?"
His thumb caresses your flushed cheek. You have a hard time forming a sentence, and all you can do is breathe into his mouth and look at him. His tongue peeks to wet his lips, doing the same to yours in the process.
"You'd rather shamelessly drip all over my pants like this? You just want my daughter to find out?"
Come to think of it, it's weird that she didn't notice your absence. Maybe she gave up. Maybe she went back to sleep. Whatever it is, you've made it clear to her that this is nothing more than just messing around. No romance involved. Even though your heart feels tight at the last sentence, you pretend like it's nothing. All those things you've thought about while touching yourself late at night are coming to life, and you won't try to stop that in any way.
"Mr Park?"
He hums, fingers fixing your hair and eyes scanning your face with adoration. "Yes, pretty girl?"
"Please fuck me."
"When you ask so nicely, how can I say no?" He says with a chuckle, then glances at the screen.
Mr Kim is sat still, looking at everything unfolding in front of him as if he's watching a movie. Or a porn video. His attention is fixed on your breasts, and you allow yourself another moment of confidence. You cup them, rubbing your nipples and squeezing the soft flesh while throwing your head back.
Mr Kim clicks his tongue, then gets closer to the screen. He rests his elbows on the desk, and his head on his hands. "Hwa, give her a little treat from me."
The older man doesn't waste a single second before licking a stripe over your breast. He wraps his lips around your bud of nerves, then proceeds to work his tongue around it. You're squirming in his lap, accidentally stroking him while doing so. He hums into you, the vibrations making you let out the first moan.
"There it is."
You feel so close, but you're too far. Your body is limp, and he hasn't even had you the way he promised yet. As if he could hear your thoughts, Mr Park hooks his fingers under your panties. He grazes over your clit, then pulls the panties down your legs.
"Let's pull a real trick now, kitten."
The man adjusts your body on his lap with ease, and you're too mesmerised by his strength to notice that his cock is at your entrance. It is when he lightly slaps your clit and pulls the belt on your neck that you give him attention.
"Eyes on Hongjoong."
You try to protest, but he grabs your jaw and inserts a finger into your mouth. Your head is now stuck in one position, and you can't avoid Mr Kim's gaze. He has a wicked grin on his face again, and just when you're about to make a stupid remark, Park Seonghwa slowly lifts his hips to enter you. He deliciously fills you up, leaving no space at all. His hot skin is grazing your walls just right, but not yet hitting the spot you need the most.
"Fuck—" he hisses, keeping the slow motions going.
You glance at the corner of the screen, seeing Mr Kim now palming himself through his pants. "You've gotta tell me where you buy these kittens, man."
The man behind you laughs between the moans, but doesn't say anything. He enjoys it as much as you, and isn't bothered to keep any conversations or teasing going. At least you hope so.
He lifts your body up, then moves his hips upwards so that he can move faster. Watching yourself get fucked on the screen by a man your dad's age, while another one watches wasn't quite in your fantasy list. But fuck, you're so happy that it's happening. Your eyes follow Mr Park's cock as it smoothly disappears inside of you, causing you to whine and moan in his arms.
"Think you've teased her enough?"
"Just a bit more." The man whispers, head falling back on the chair and his moves getting sloppy. "Fuck, love, you're gonna make me cum so quick."
You feel like you're dripping all over the place. His cock is soaking up your juices, making wet noises in the process. That, along with his skin hitting yours as he reaches the deepest ends of you, is what will keep you fueled for months. You glance at him through the screen, and you almost cream right there on his cock. Something about fucking in clothes is a huge turn on for you, and seeing Park Seonghwa sprawled out on his chair, with his unbuttoned white shirt and pretty gold jewellery, with his head resting back and eyes rolling from pleasure, with his fingers digging into your skin and hair sticking to his forehead, makes your head spin. You wish to take a picture, and look at it every night just to admire him. His sun kissed chest is exposed more than when you entered the room, and you wish to mark him up so bad. Hopefully, next time.
His hips are going at a slow pace, but deeper than last time. He reaches to all the places inside of you, stroking them all just right. He lifts your body, just to slam it down on his cock and hit your most sensitive spot. A loud moan is halfway out your lips, but he is quick to pull the belt to keep you quiet. He repeats the movements, this time faster and harder.
"Oh, baby," he almost growls under his breath, "making daddy feel so good."
Then, as if something has snapped inside of him, he pushes the chair back and lets it fall back with a thud. His hands push your body down onto the desk, and he grabs your waist like his life depends on it. He adjusts the camera so that Mr Kim can get a clear view of your drooling and flushed face, along with Mr Park's lower body continuously slamming into you. You feel so sensitive, and you haven't orgasmed once yet. Tears form at the corners of your eyes, and you let them fall. You're not sure if you're crying from pleasure or pain, but you didn't want either to stop.
And Park Seonghwa fucking adored it. He adored your face decorated with tears as he took you from behind, forcing you to watch yourself on camera while another stranger is watching you.
"Wish you could see how well you're taking me." He groans. "So fucking good for me."
"Is she taking it like a good girl, Hwa?"
"Oh, she's doing such a good job. Aren't you, love?" He says with a smirk, knowing that you're incapable of speaking.
Your eyes roll back, and you feel like you're going to evaporate. His consistent thrusts are helping you build up the orgasm, and you just know that you're going to cum harder than ever.
"You're fucking her dumb."
"I know. Look at her." Mr Park pulls the belt so that you can lift your head from the desk. Your lips are dry, and you can barely see anymore. Everything is blurry, and you feel nothing but endless pleasure. "Loves being thrown around and used until she cries. Don't you?"
You manage to nod, but quickly go back to moaning and almost drooling all over his desk and keyboard. His hand sneaks towards your clit, toying with it in circles until he has you screaming and almost growling. He is abusing all the sensitive buds on your body he can reach, from you G spot and your clit, to both of your nipples.
"Talk to her, Hwa. Make her speak even though she obviously can't. Make her cry and beg for you."
"Hear that, pretty one? Talk to me. Tell me, who does this pussy belong to?"
You want to kill Mr Kim for giving him the idea of making you talk. All you want to do is cum already. All this teasing is doing you no good. It's becoming addictive, and you just know this won't be the last time.
"Y-you, Sir." You choke out, body still rocking into his.
"Will you take all of my seed like a good girl you are?"
"Fuck, yes, yes, yes—"
"Will you fuck yourself on my cock until you've creamed all over it?"
"Yes, oh fuck, yes—" you groan, moving your hips back so you can fuck yourself on his cock just like he asked you to.
You look at his figure through the screen. His gaze is fixed on the way your tight walls are swallowing him up, and he seems completely mesmerised by it. You use him as you'd use one of those dildos you have saved on a Web shop, milking him just right. His moans are low and the hottest thing you've ever heard in your life. With each minute that passes, his voice becomes lower and much more of a whisper.
His eyes search for yours, and once you lock your gaze with his, you don't let go. You let him fuck you into the desk, with a whole stranger watching. Tears roll down your face, pleasure too intense to take. You groan, moan and whine at each thrust, trying your best to chase your orgasm.
Seeing that you're struggling, he picks you up, only to throw you against the bookshelf. He lifts your leg up, almost resting it on his shoulder. The new angle has you reaching new notes, and he has to stick his fingers into your mouth to keep your noises muffled.
"How cute. Fucking her against the Erotica section."
The shelves shake as Park Seonghwa slams into you, each thrust abusing your G spot so good that you're drooling around his fingers.
"Come on, kitten. Cum on daddy's cock. Milk me dry."
You moan around his fingers, and he takes that as a signal that you're close. He replaces the fingers with his lips, tongue searching for yours only to caress it in the most sensual way ever.
"You close, baby?"
"Yes, yes, yes—"
"Come on, just a bit more. Almost there—"
"Fuck, oh fuck, yes—" Your head falls on his shoulder, hands holding onto them for dear life.
"I'm cumming, love, I'm gonna—" his breathing is heavy, and his moans are now getting high pitched," fuck, oh God, baby—"
You squeeze around him, riding out your orgasm as he paints your walls with his seed. You're weak in his arms as he uses you until the end, making you milk him dry just like he asked. He thrusts into you a few more times, slower and more gentle than ever.
His fingers cup your jaw, lifting your head up so that he can look at you. He wipes your tears with his thumb, then inserts it into his mouth. You can't help but laugh at his wicked kink. He isn't moving away from you. Instead, his lips mold into yours softly. He caresses your cheek as he gently sucks on your lip, occasionally grazing it with his tongue.
"Ah, the aftercare. The best part, honestly."
Park Seonghwa smiles into the kiss for the second time that day, making your heart flutter. "Liar," he mumbles.
He pulls away for a moment, eyes searching your face for any sings of discomfort. When he sees none, he rewards you with another kiss, a kiss so light and comforting that for a second, you really thought he could want something more than just fooling around. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer towards you and deepening the kiss. You're mesmerised by the way he kisses. His scent is all over your body, and his tongue is taking care of yours in ways nobody ever knew.
This time you're the one to pull away, trying to catch some air. He rests his forehead on yours, his heavy breathing comforting on your face.
"I think I'm addicted to you."
You're taken aback by his statement. You're unable to move, or say anything. All you can do is watch as his face turns from calm and content to one of worry and fear.
"I'm sorry, I—"
"Only sexually?"
Now he is the one who is taken aback. He didn't quite think about it. Sure, he can't wait to see you. He always checks if you're coming in the house with his daughter. He loves seeing you in your bubble when you eat or speak about your newest fandom.
Ah, shit.
"Let's start differently."
You raise an eyebrow in amusement. The man licks his lips, then sighs. "How does dinner this Saturday sound?"
A laugh escapes your lips, and he follows right after. It takes you a moment to collect yourself, then finally speak.
"That's quite formal for someone who is still balls deep inside of me."
A moan of surprise leaves your body as he thrusts into you, more teasingly than sexually. He then proceeds to pull out, making his seed drip down your legs and onto the carpet.
"Want me to try again now?"
"Not necessary," you finally put your leg down from his shoulder, muscles sore from the new position, "I accept the invitation, Mr Park."
He hums, not bothering to correct your addressing. You were hoping you'd get to call him by his first name. Maybe it's too early. Still, it doesn't stop you from constantly thinking about it.
How pretty.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:
@scardorosht @kitty4hwa @seokjins-condoms  @variety-is-the-joy-of-life  @rkivesofmymemories @ateezzseonghwaa @bangmechann  @dandelion-aj  @rialovesyunho  @ryleleee  @anoooon13
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arminsumi · 10 months
omgg i love ur writing broo it has my giggling, kicking my feet n shi and the fact that u also do fem black readers OMG I LOVE U anyways putting my appreciation aside, what abt nerdy freaky armin (if u havent already ofcc) like u cant tell me that man is FREAKYY (i ❤️ freaks)
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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A/N: you are the cutest patoodiest 💗 mwa thank u sweetiepie! and ur absolutely right UR ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! yk what they say it's alwaysss the quiet nerdy ones!! 🥰
Pairing: ARMIN Arlert x f.reader
Summary: Min's the nerdy valedictorian with a freaky side 🥰
Warnings; 🔞 mdni, SMUT, this isn't fully proofread 👀, sub.Armin/some light dom.Armin, stereotypes (nerd, popular girl), mean reader, dirty talk, public sex (library, during class), facial, handjob (reader giving), oral (reader giving), light humiliation/degradation, bondage (blindfolding, tying hands), mean names (freak, loser), creaming in his pants, hair pulling kink, slapping kink, begging, toys (vibrator), use me kink (or whatever it's called), lmk if i missed some i was in a freaky state of mind while writing lmfao
♪ spice up your life come and get a freak
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Min is the quiet blond boy that sits next to you every chance he can get. He follows you like a puppy from class to class, trying his best to interest you — the pretty popular girl of his wet dreams — with every nerdy topic that comes to mind.
Yes he's blabbing your ear off about the importance of maths, but really he's thinking about what what color panties you wear. Do you prefer lace or plain? What's your favorite position? Do you prefer backshots? Missionary? Full Nelson? Mating press?
You wouldn't suspect the school's valedictorian to have such a nasty mind.
He just can't wait 'till you give him a taste. He knows you will 'cause he's been so good to you, always helping you study for tests and even taking notes for you when you're skipping class. He's been such a help.
The first time is his fantasy come true; you jerked him under the desk during a lecture. He shuddered n tried to focus on what the professor was saying, but how could he with your fingers wrapped so tightly around his pulsing cock? :( The poor boy came in his pants and enjoyed every second of it, even when he had to embarrassedly excuse himself after class to 'tend to an emergency'.
He loves when you make his glasses fog up from how hot his face is and how heavy he's breathing. He loves when you make them slide down the bridge of his pretty nose, mouth hanging open while you make out with his cock in the library.
That all started because he asked you "can you k-kiss my cock?"
Now he melts and falls apart, desperately muffling his moans by biting down on his thin textbook. When he's close he grabs a fistful of your hair n tugs your head back, pulling you off his cock with a sloppy pop — starting to jerk himself over your face.
"C-can I cum on your face?" he pants, already deciding that he would regardless of what you say. He had to see his milky white cum painting your face.
"Oh? You're a fucking freak," you giggle sweetly, sending a rush through his body, "Of course you can cum on my face."
He absolutely folds when you call him a freak. He lives for the moments you expose his kinks, too.
Of course he's into bondage, why wouldn't he be 🙄 he loves using a neat silk tie as a blindfold... on himself, not you. He squirms and whines and pleads, "Let me see you, please."
Don't forget to cuff him to your bed and milk him nicely!
If you wanna get him achingly hard and sensitive for you, you gotta degrade him :( call him a freak, call him pathetic, call him a loser, humiliate him for cumming in his pants, tell him he's your toy.
And if you wanna make him cum loads then you should consider indulging in his slapping kink — his hair pulling kink — everything. He just wants the popular girl to pull his hair while she rides his cock like a toy.
"Please please please use me — use my cock like your toy n' call me a loser again. Please! Mmm yes yes yes I'm pathetic for you, Y/n ~ " he has the cutest high pitched moans.
He also begs you to use your vibrating toys on his cock :( <3
Speaking of begging... he is always, always begging. Pawing at your skirt to get your attention, eyes pleading for you to sneak off with your favorite loser so you can squeeze in a quickie before class.
Poor nerdy Armin just wants you to fuck him 'till his glasses slip right off, 'till his cock hurts, 'till you wring him dry of all his cum — is that too much to ask for?
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jessysapphireblue · 8 months
Confrontation Luffy x reader
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This is part two. If you want to read part one -----> Here
As in part one, Je as a nickname, the craziness continues, enjoy.
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Ever since your boyfriend admitted that you two slept together, you went out of the way from anyone. Usopp eyes followed you around whenever you passed him, as if to DARE you to get closer to Luffy.
"Puah! The food was amazing Sanji", Luffy beamed and patted his belly. "Thanks", the cook said with a sad voice. It took a turn on him as he heard the news this morning, that you his beloved Goddess actually slept with the Captain.
"Je! What are you doing, your plate is still full" "Ah, yes", you admitted, obviously. Taking his fork, he took some food of your plate and held it out with a innocent grin. "Here!"
The kitchen was dead silent. Only the drop of Sanji´s cigarette was heard, all holding their breath. Luffy feeding you. HE! WANTED! TO! FEED! YOU!
Usopp directly began to pray, sweat running down his face. "No Luffy, it´s ok", you admitted and a loud breath was released. "Eh? Don´t you like the food?" "AH! I failed you my Goddess", Sanji fell onto the ground curling himself up as he whimpered.
"No! No no no. I´m not really hungry. You can eat the rest, Lu" "Sure?" "Yes, sure", you admitted and within a blink of your eyes, the plate was clean.
Sun all vanished, the night sky took place. "Good Night", you said and waved to them. "Je! Wait I sleep-", Luffy was interrupted as Usopp grabbed the collar of his shirt. "No! You will come here, we have a lo to discuss", he looked mad at your boyfriend. "But-" "Goodnight, Luffy", you smiled and went into your room and Usopp dragged his best friend over to the boys cabin.
Inside, Usopp began to breathe out, the rest of the boys already there as "Luffy", he started calmly. "Yeah?", he was already sitting on the couch. "One question....HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!", Usopp began to shout, walking back and forth, " DO YOU HVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU DID?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN TO HER?! TO US?! HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF MY BLOOD PRESSURE?!", he screeched so much that his voice broke.
"WE´RE PIRATES. THIS IS THE NEW WORLD!! YOU CAN´T JUST MAKE A BABY ON BOARD!" "Relax. I didn´t put a baby in her" " And that should calm me down?! I CAN`T EVEN-"
"you´re just mad that Luffy had sex before you, long nose", said Zoro with a smirk. "No!", admitted Usopp. "Really? You´re mad because I did it with Je?", Luffy tilted his head. "NO! What I mean is that you-YOU- who never-NEVER! Took an interest in this stuff suddenly know how this all works!"
"Usopp, are you still a virgin?", asked Franky and a blush covered the snipers cheeks. "YOHOHOHOHOHO! Usopp-san" "So basically, you thought you would get laid before Luffy", Sanji blew on his cigarette. "That is NOT the point! It´s Luffy, he doesn´t-"
A loud voice went through the cabin and all looked at Luffy who was eating cookies. "Where did you get these from?!", shouted Sanji. "Je makes them for me. She always makes too much and gives me the leftovers. She said when I´m hungry at night I can eat them", he smiled. Usopp inched the bridge of his nose and exhaled. "Did you even pay attention to what I said?"
Luffy shallowed all of the cookies at once before turning to his best friend. "No, not really", he laughed and the next second Usopp flung at him, strangling him. "YOU STUPID RUBBER IDIOT! I´M GIVING HERE A LECTURE AND YOU EAT!!!" "ARRk-Z-Zoro", Luffy chocked out.
Jinbe simply laughed at everything that happened. "Leave Luffy-kun alone. He has finally become a man" "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" "Bone-chop!", said brook and hit Usopp head. "What was that for, Brook?" "Luffy turned blue if you didn´t noticed it", admitted Franky.
"Ok, following!", Usopp clapped his hands. "These who are still virgins, raise their hand", he said and rose his hand, the rest being down. "SANJI?!" "What? I know what I´m doing", he smirked.
Luffy laughed loudly as Usopp fell to his knees, praying. "Oh, God. Forgive my sin for being in this rotten crew!", he began to tear up, "please don´t kill me, I´m still innocent and love my life so please-"
The others ignored Usopp as "Yohohoho, Luffy-san, One question. Is her body as wonderful as it looks?" "OH! Yes, Luffy! We need this information!", Sanji became heart eyes and puffed air through his nose.
"Je? Her skin is soft and smooth, like a pillow! I enjoy hugging her when we do it" "Yohohohoho", blood dripped from their noses. "Luffy, how was even your first time?", asked Zoro. "It was super fun! We laughed and it sorta happened.
"FUN?! YOU IDIOT! She is a living Goddess, the light of this ship and you should worship her fully! Kiss her skin, whisper love confessions, show her how much you want her, make her whine, and leave her breathless", Sanji went on one knee, explaining passionately.
"Just show her who´s in charge", yawned Zoro. "Oi, Marimo! That works with cavemen but a goddess like her!" "And if I hear one more of this sweet as shit, I´m gonna puke in your bed, Hentai-brow"
Both were about to fight. "Why that? We both laughed and felt happy with each other. This is about the two of us so it should be happy for us! But I have to admit, her moaning my name gave me shivers", Luffy grinned.
"Super, Luffy! So manly!", laughed Franky. "Luffy, I will never, ever again see you with innocent eyes!", Usopp whined.
"Ah, you´ll get over it", admitted Jinbe. "How! I have images in my head I never wanted to have! I feel like I was being molested!"
"You overdo", all said and the door opened. "Je!", your boyfriend jumped up when he saw you enter. "shhh. Chopper fell asleep in his office." Luffy looked at the sleeping Chopper, grinning.
"I take him", Zoro came forth and took the reindeer from your arm. "And you guys go to bed soon. Sleep well", you smiled as Luffy took your hand. "Why are you up?" "I´m on watch", you admitted. "Ok! Bye guys", waved your boyfriend and tug you outside with him, closing the door.
"Huargh! No no no. Not again. The pics coming back", Usopp shivered and jumped around. "Stalker" "Hey! If we have a baby here in a few months, I told you so! Luffy does not care"
"Night" "Yo, you also" Yohohoho, night guys"
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yyokkki · 1 year
Asking to Sketch Them
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Riddle Rosehearts
Honestly a bit shocked you’d ask him
But he’s had practice from posing for family portraits, so he isn’t too nervous
Until you say you want the backdrop to be Heartslabyul’s garden
It doesn’t break any rules… but that doesn’t mean someone else won’t break any rules
He doesn’t collar people as often as he used to, but he still makes it a point to lecture rulebreakers on the importance of said rule
So imagine the strain on his face when Ace walks by with a vase full of roses and it’s Wednesday.
In the end Ace sits beside you while Riddle gives a long lecture, keeping the rest of his body perfectly still so it doesn’t interfere with your work
You are sweating in fear. 6/10 a good model but it’s hard to draw when your model is half yelling at the dude sitting right next to you
Trey Clover
Might hesitate to say yes because he’s a busy guy,,
I mean they have tea parties like everyday and he’s always in charge of sweets-
You say he can go about his business and that you’re going to capture him in his natural habitat then he agrees
Raises an eyebrow cuz you make it sound like you’re on national geographic but ok
Anyways you’re drawing him while he’s baking and damnnn those biceps pop when he’s whisking
Secretly, however, he’s been holding back for a while now/
When you’re least expecting it he comes closer to you… and bam whipped cream on the side of your face
Devolves into flour tossing and chaos
6/10 you got whipped cream on your sketchbook and it was half finished but it was a fun memory
Cater Diamond
“OMS YAY of course ;DD”
Internally screaming because his makeup isn’t that good today and why him I mean there are better looking people in nrc and maybe he can get his clone to do it instead-
Overthinker fr
He’s a bit stiff at first, trying to only show his good side and checking his camera constantly to see if his smile looks good
If you’re close and you start talking to him about something he’s passionate about while you’re sketching he’ll loosen up a bit and his pose becomes a lot more natural
Eventually forgets you’re even drawing him and now it’s just him showing his true colours
Takes a pic of your finished sketch along with the both of you and posts it on magicam #muse #artistbestie
8/10 the sketch turned out well and you had a nice chat 
Deuce Spade
Has never been asked this question in his life
Boy is so stiff and awkward pls baby
He smiles like Oga from Beelzebub at first
Pls pls pls get this boy to do something else while you’re drawing him to get him to relax
Might be studying across the table from you while having a nice chat
Forgets you’re drawing him eventually pt.2
Tbh moves around a lot especially if a senior enters the room cuz he makes it a point to turn around and greet them while standing up
Is a bit surprised when you say you’re done because shit I forgot and I moved so much im sorry-
Also takes a picture of the sketch
Texts his mom the pic “I made a really good friend who’s great at drawing :D”
Will ask if you can draw a portrait of him and his mom together when you get the chance (will pay for it he just doesn’t know about the concept of commissions TT)
4/10 he’s so precious but not the best model tbh id still ask him again idc
Ace Trappola
Little shit (affectionate)
Not hard to make him agree but boy will he give you shit for it “my face is just that handsome ig” “you want me to get nude?” someone kiss him and make him shut up
At first he’s making a bunch of dumb faces and exaggerated poses and once he determines that you’re sufficiently annoyed he starts actually posing normally
Might get up halfway through and start stretching or laying down cuz he got tired though
Depending on how late he slept the night before and if you’re keeping quiet so he doesn’t get the chance to tease you, he might fall asleep
His sleeping face is cute so it works out for you ehe
When you’re done he acts all non chalant and smug about it but inside he’s sooo happy damn tsundere
Asks if he can draw you next and draws a potato with three dots on it <3
2/10 its only easy when he falls asleep but he’s cute so ill give him 1 extra point
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
Graphic design is not my passion dear lord i really need to read a guide on how to format tumblr posts TT
Also first time writing omg depending on my mood next part will either be out tomorrow or next month see yall
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retnym · 1 year
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"Gosh, you just couldn't keep our names out of your mouth."
Flashing lights, loud talking, humid air, crowds full of paparazzi; all screaming to get you to look their way. My breath hitched as I stood up straighter, feeling the fabric of my dress finally move down as it had been tight against my torso. My manager thought it’d be a good idea to go with a tight red dress for the premiere of my new movie. Something I highly wanted to decline but I didn’t know until the last minute. 
“[Name]! This way!” A dark-haired lady calls me, her microphone in hand. This was someone that my friend, Emma warned me of. Heading over to her, she gives a quick side hug and has us stand so the camera sees both of us. “How are you, you look amazing!” 
How am I? Well to be serious, I am horrible. This dress is squeezing me in what feels like all the wrong places. The flashing lights, it feels like I’m going to go blind with only seeing dots for the rest of my days. The screaming, having to look everywhere all at once. And last but definitely not it, missing home for this movie. Missing my best friends in Germany for America. 
“I’m wonderful, seeing so many familiar faces, it’s great." Lying straight through my teeth here. "How are you?”  Obviously putting it back to her I start to space out, the loudness of it all being the cause of it.
I wonder what Bill, Gustav, and Georg are doing. Hopefully thinking about me. 
Glancing around the lights are still bright. I wonder if their fingers ever hurt from clicking that button repeatedly. 
“[Name]?” My eyes flicker to her face. 
“Sorry, everything is so overwhelming. The shouting.” I explain, bringing back a smile onto my face. A fake one, of course. “Oh, I totally get it.” She laughs an obnoxious laugh I’m sure everyone hears and finds just as annoying as I do right at this very moment.
“So, how does it feel being away from Germany?” This question makes me raise my eyebrow for the splitest second. It was like she read my mind. “Well, it’s pretty normal to be away just due to all my productions being away or my tours being in the United States. Only thing I will say is I truly miss my best friends.” I tell in a sad tone, at the end though I bite my buttom lip. Picking the dead skin off of it as a nervous habit that most of my fans have even caught on to. 
She does another phoney laugh for the viewers. Gosh, if Gustav was here he’d be subtly hitting my arm or squeezing it as he tried not to laugh. 
“And your best friends, aren’t they in a famous German band. What are they called again?” She questions the name of my best friend's band? If you’re going to interview me that’s the one thing you should know! It’s all I talk about, Jesus Christ, this lady lives under a rock. “Tokio Hotel,” I say in almost an irritated tone but I caught myself in time to stop it and not make her embarrassed or have this end up on MTV. 
“Right, I knew that.” And again with the laugh. Its excruciating.
“How do you know them?”
How do I know them!? It’s all over Myspace! Look on Twitter! Look on Youtube! We have repeatedly told people, over and over and over! 
“We’re childhood best friends! Mine and the Kaulitz twin's parents also grew up together. Bill is my absolute best friend, he literally knows everything.” I laugh, talking about them gives me so much happiness, a nostalgic feeling even though we’re still around each other.
“What about the other twin, Tom?” My face faulters a tiny bit.
“Oh, he’s a friend as well. Growing up together how couldn’t we be?” I save myself from a lecture from my manager. She never understood our hatred for each other and because of that both of our managers told us to keep it off screen. 
The rest of the interviews were just questions about the movie or about my dress. It was like almost every interview. Most didn’t ask about Tokio Hotel because if they did I’d probably sit there for hours.
By the end of the night, after watching the movie I had gotten into my limo by myself. 
I didn’t want to stay with everyone else or go to after parties. I was getting ready to go back to the hotel, change into some comfortable clothes to go back to an airport.
Heading back to Germany, it will sadly take almost 11 hours on a plane. I also get to go back to my kitty, Springroll or Frühlingsrolle. I couldn’t bring her this time since it was just a week's experience so I left her to the twins. Hopefully, Bill didn’t leave her with Tom for too long she might’ve been starved or neglected for too many hours.
Mentally rolling my eyes, we pulled up to the hotel. I lazily got out of the vehicle to another swarm of camera flashes and screams asking me about the night. This paparazzi you can not say a word to. They will twist everything you say. They’re nasty monsters. 
I just want to go back home. 
“I missed you guys so much!” I laughed, hugging my best friends as they were gathered outside the Kaulitz’s house. “Dude we missed you too.” Georg pulls back, all of us following suit. Bill was still grabbing onto my arm with a wide grin. “We saw every single interview. Gosh you just can’t keep our names out of your mouth?” He teases, the other two guys laugh. 
“Did you see-”
“Oh we saw, we saw the one lady.” Gustav cuts me off, and my eyes gleamed before bursting into a fit of laughter. “You guys have no idea how awful that was!” I shouted tugging on Bill as he agreed. We all talked about what I missed or what they should’ve seen while I was in America. It was all pretty wild.
My mother being from Detroit Michigan we go sometimes every now and then. The twins would join sometimes but they’ve never seen every state like I have. 
“We have pictures of Tom with Frühlingsrolle while he was sleeping. He will never admit it but they bonded quite well when you were gone?” Georg explains, pulling out his phone to show me the pretty blurry pictures of the other twin with my all-black kitty laying on top of his chest while he slept. His hat was in his hand as his dreads actually laid down.
I smirk, my eyebrows raised in amusement just as the angel of a man spoke, one of the devil's children came out with my cat in her crate. 
“Here’s your brat of an animal.” He grumbles, dramatically handing it to me causing all of us to snicker. “What?” He scrunches his nose in confusion. “My brat of an animal?” I repeat.
Bill was practically cackling at this point. 
“Yeah? That’s what I said.” He was not getting to what we were saying so Georg takes out his phone again and shows the picture. The boy's face slightly dropped as we all laughed.
“That doesn’t mean anything.” He crosses his arms.
“It doesn’t?” I frown in a sarcastic way making him punch my shoulder. “Aye, unnecessary.” I shove him back.
“It’s okay to be a pussy lover, Tom.” Gustav lays a hand on his shoulder, I shake my head and Tom just plays with his piercing to cover the noticeable smirk he has to attempt to hide his laughter. 
“Oh, I’m a pussy lover. Just not [Name]’s.” He flips me off, I nod. “You could never get it even if you wanted to.” I roll my eyes. 
“Oh really?” He comes closer and I straighten my posture. “Yup.” I glare at him. 
“Never say never,” He shoves me backward a little bit but Bill was behind me to make sure I didn’t stumble further than I could’ve. Before I could say anything else, Tom was making his way back inside. 
After he left it was a tad bit awkward. Usually how it goes. Either we go into full blown fights or tiny weird arrangements like that. We couldn’t stand each other if it saved our life. Surprisingly that was longest we’ve been in area together without cameras or outside people and didn’t fight until the last second but still. 
A World record for us.
Later than I wanted so I apologize for that. I will try to have the second chapter out tomorrow. I hope everyone enjoyed this, it's fun to get back into writing like I used to:) Also the chapters will be longer:) this is just the beginning.
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
The Odyssey | Prologue | Bradley Bradshaw (18+)
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Masterlist | Next Chapter
Bradley wakes up in a foul mood, your ego takes a hit. A deal is struck to ensure that you’ll be able to graduate.
warnings: enemies to lovers, power imbalance (professor / student relationship), age gap (22 / 33), will be smut, virgin reader, swearing, infidelity. warnings to be added on a chapter by chapter basis. 18+ minors dni, wc: 3.1k
Nine weeks into Spring semester, six to go. Six more weeks of having scalding coffee, missing tastebuds and a fucking freshman girl ranting into his ear all before the clock even hits 8am. Bradley’s sunglasses sit perfectly across the bridge of his nose, gold-framed Ray-Ban caravans that hide how late he was up last night. This means that sweet, little freshman Bettie O’Riley can’t see the look that he’s giving her as she jogs along to keep up with him.
Hallowed halls, filled with young adults that either reek of cheap beer or Daddy’s money, all signs would suggest that Bradley isn’t supposed to be here. Only thirty-three, sitting at that awkward age that makes him neither a frat boy nor a balding tenured ex-businessman turned lecturer. And yet, his brown leather shoes hit these aged floors every morning on the way to his first class of the day.
Beige, almost cream-coloured, wide pleated dress pants and an untucked blue shirt, rolled up at his forearms and missing the top button. His messenger bag draped from his shoulder, his tie balled into the hand holding the to-go double shot espresso.
Six more weeks until he’s in Italy for two months, teaching during the mornings, free as a bird in the evenings. Sun on his face, limoncello on his tongue; good books, women who don’t just giggle and twirl a strand of their hair at him. History. All funded by the Cornell school of Arts and Sciences. He damn near sighs at how badly he wants to be there now.
“Bettie, I already told you,” He sighs, adjusting the gold-framed sunglasses and shooting a look down at her and her wispish black, curled bob. “I can’t curve your grade, it was a C minus.”
She speeds up and steps in front of him, walking backwards now. “Please, Professor Bradshaw. I’ll do anything.”
Professor Bradshaw rarely draws a reaction from him these days. Only his bosses and parents call him that. He makes a point of scrawling it across the chalkboard at the beginning of each semester, but he’s usually still reminding kids a couple of weeks in to just call him Bradley.
Still, both he and Bettie O’Reilly know that it isn’t her method of address that makes him scoff at her. He stops walking and pushes his sunglasses up into the feathery brown curls that adorn his face, staring down at her like she’s even younger than she is. She swallows, regret flooding her. The other professors usually lean into the kind of virginal, good-girl, bad student thing that she’s got going on.
“Bettie,” Bradley speaks slowly for her, pink lips against tanned skin. Warm eyes against a cold stare. The hallways are full around them, standing stationary in the steady stream of students. “Don’t come onto me like that again. Study.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Alright, come to my office tomorrow morning, I’ll give you an extra credit assignment,” It’s more lenient than he should be with a girl who just propositioned him before he has even finished his morning coffee, but Bradley knows not to blame little Bettie. With those thick, rounded glasses and dark freckles, he knows that she gets a lot of attention from her other professors. The culture they’ve created in this school isn’t her fault. Neither is the fact that Bradley’s class is notoriously hard to pass. “We’ll talk through what an A grade paper should be looking like. Do me a favour and don’t talk to me until then.”
He steps around her and continues; she’s swallowed instantly by the sea of bustling students. In the run up to the end of the semester, people start showing up to class again as it hits them that their professors might actually fail them. There aren’t too many F’s floating around in a school like Cornell. Its stats are exceptionally high, especially these past few years. It would seem that, in a school like Cornell, a passing grade quite simply has a price tag on it.
Three minutes before his morning class is due to start, and having woken up on the wrong side of his bed, Bradley drops his sunglasses back down over his eyes as he strolls into the lecture hall. It’s surprisingly full for a Monday morning. The gossiping never stops when he walks in — he’s not that kind of teacher. He allows the whispering to continue while he sets up his supplies.
There are six people in this room that Bradley has not seen since the first week of class. Every single one of them has a parent that is a benefactor to the university. Front and centre, surrounded by a group of excitedly whispering, well-dressed young women, there’s you. He knows you vaguely, knows that you’re coasting on high B’s. He hasn’t seen you since January, you won’t be passing this class.
“God, look at that rock!” The blonde to your side fawns, grabbing at your hand and lifting it up towards the light to get a better look. Setting his sunglasses down on the desk, Bradley looks too. There’s a silver band with a big diamond on it around your ring finger. You’re beaming. Dressed in a white turtleneck and fitted blue jeans, Bradley’s got his assumptions about the family you come from, and the family you’ll be marrying in to.
You’ve been taking his classes for the full three years that he has been teaching here. He knows your boyfriend. Malcolm something something the third. Maybe fourth. His Daddy paid for the science wing refurbishment last year. Bradley remembers the night that your Prince Charming ditched you out in the snow, drunk out of your mind. You probably don’t remember that night.
“Good morning.” His booming voice obliterates the pleasant chatter coming from your friend group. You cross one leg over the other and look downwards at the glimmering rock on your finger.
Six more weeks until you’re out of this hellhole. An apartment in Manhattan all lined up and Mac’s place with his father’s firm long confirmed by now, it’s all coming into place. You’ll have a summer wedding at the end of August, and then you’ll truly begin your life.
“Tell me all about it! Did he get down on one knee?” Veronica nudges her white tennis shoe into yours and leans across to you, tapping her pen against the white-lined page of her notebook. Between the two of you, Catherine readies herself to take down notes that you’ll copy later.
A decent string of A to B grades and a diploma, that was the agreement, and then your life is all yours. That was all your father had held you to. You hadn’t ever promised to do something with the degree he had paid for.
Why would you? — Your mother hadn’t. She had studied literature, made friends for life, and met her husband. Then, she began her life. Having her children, shopping in the afternoon, tennis on the weekends. Bliss.
“Of course he did!” You confirm eagerly, leaning over Catherine to continue the conversation.
The first five minutes of a lecture determines everything. If he loses their focus now, then he might as well leave now and take an especially early lunch. He starts off with a quick reminder of their upcoming exam, and a nod towards last week’s discussion of Roman literature.
His attention is quickly diverted to the excited whispering happening six feet from him, right in the front row. Your friends aren’t bad students. You weren’t ever a bad student. It has just become clear that you were in college to find a husband, and now you’ve found one. Bradley’s eyes narrow in on you and your preppy, little friends, giggling at the front of his class.
Exhausted, overworked and underappreciated, Bradley stares at you calmly. You conversation comes to a slow stop as an awkward air of silence fills the lecture hall. He’s just standing at the front, staring right at you, waiting for you to shut up.
“Sorry, Bradley, somebody just had some exciting news.” Catherine smiles shyly at him. He knows her the best out of the three of you. She TA’d for him last year. Great girl, really bright future — to generous when it comes to grading. It’s because of his respect for her that he doesn’t jump to humiliating you right away.
“I can see that, congratulations,” His tone is dry, broad shoulders squared, his face unamused as he looks to you. You stare back at him calmly, giving a curt nod — less than polite in your mannerisms. “Now, if those of you that still have a chance of passing this class could please turn your attention back to me, we’ll give the blushing bride her moment afterwards.”
He opens the little brown, leather bound book in his hands and clears his throat, assuming that your rude interruptions are done for the day. Somehow, the awkward silence that sits heavy in the room grows to an even deeper low after you retort.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re excused.” Bradley deadpans, bored. You squint at him, six feet between the two of you and a lifetime of differences. Unimpressed by his joke, you roll your eyes right away.
Sitting there, you cross one leg over the other and sit forwards, frowning at him. He doesn’t fit in around here and you do, perhaps that’s where his problem with you stems from. Perhaps it’s the lack of ring on his own finger. “Why would you assume that I wouldn’t pass your class?”
As much as he knows of you, you know of him too — he’s supposedly a jackass. “Because you missed half of the semester. That includes two quizzes and a term paper. There’s no way for you to achieve a salvageable grade in this class.”
When you’re around Malcolm, sometimes he says things that are just so entitled that you’re wincing before he’s even done talking. He can’t help it. He means well. With the amount of time you’ve spent at his family home in the past few weeks, it’s no wonder that words you would normally wince at are spilling from your own lips, “I was planning a wedding, what do you expect from me?”
“Attendance.” Bradley snips. He raises his eyebrows slowly, waiting for you to pack up your pretty, coordinated stationary and walk yourself out of his class.
“Goodbye, Mrs. Ashworth. Congratulations again.” Bradley speaks harshly, calling you by a name that isn’t even yours yet like it’s an insult. Like he’s better than you, somehow.
Your pencil slams down onto the half desk in front of you, eyes ablaze. Perhaps the first time you’ve ever been told no. “If you fail me, there will be consequences.”
The silence that fills the classroom this time isn’t awkward. It’s just anticipation, baited breaths, waiting for Bradley to lose his temper. He walks a few paces closer, close enough to smell the cherry scented perfume on each of your pulse points.
His eyes darken as he dips his head just slightly, meeting your gaze. “You’ve got me shaking in my boots, honey. Now, stop wasting my time and get the fuck out of my class.”
There are certain lines that a professor does not cross when working at an Ivy League. Swearing at the daughter of someone with more lawyers than Bradley has living family members, was not his brightest idea. Still, your father is an amicable man — he keeps on saying that — and he wants to work this out. Bradley gets to keep his job, you get to graduate. Everybody wins.
“Classics majors work closely with individual professors in their areas of expertise, often in small classes, and have many opportunities for independent research and travel,” Doctor Kazansky’s voice is calm, teetering on the edge of cold. It’s growing increasingly difficult these days to put up with snotty parents and their snottier children. “I’m sure you understand why attendance would play such a strong part in succeeding in such a major.”
Bradley braces himself against the radiator, glancing down at the watch on his wrist. Real Italian leather that a girl’s grandfather had made for him a few years back. He’s missing happy hour for this circus.
“Of course I understand, Doctor Kazansky,” Your father might as well be a parrot for how well he has learned to mimic tone. You cross your legs at his side and sit up a little straighter. The way you tense up at his voice is so routine, it’s almost Pavlovian. Bradley watches wordlessly. “Just like I’m sure that you understand that in this university’s hundred year history, it has never failed a member of my family and my daughter will not be the one to tarnish our impeccable reputation here.”
You glance up quickly, catching the look on Bradley’s face. He squints disapprovingly at your Charles Dickens villain of a father.
“What can she do to bring her grade up?”
Now that, admittedly, does come as a surprise. This isn’t the first meeting that Bradley has been called into where someone’s parent demands a better grade. It is the first where he hasn’t seen them resort to bribery before they finally blame their kid.
“She missed over half the semester,” Bradley answers perhaps too quickly, still hot from the way you had spoken to him earlier. He gives a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders and looks at your father rather than you. “Two quizzes and a term paper. Even if I gave her extra credit, she couldn’t pull her average above a D.”
Your father’s face doesn’t react at all to this information. Instead, he turns his attention back to the Dean and rests his hands on the armrests of the chair, slowly raising his eyebrows.
“What about the Italy trip?” Doctor Kazansky looks to Bradley, sitting back in his chair. Bradley stares blankly back at him. “There were two empty spaces from what I remember. Is that correct?”
“For research assistants,” Bradley’s tongue drips venom, his brown eyes dark and his arms folded across his chest. You narrow your eyes at him, knowing that an insult is coming next. “She can’t research what she doesn’t even understand.”
“But, if she were to complete extra credit for the rest of the semester and then accompany you for your research, she would have enough credits to pass your class and then graduate.” Doctor Kazansky explains, more for your father’s benefit than Bradley’s. Bradley already knows this.
He grits his teeth, eyes darting across to you. His only solace is that you look just as dismayed about the proposal as he does.
“I’d graduate late.” You point out.
“Better than not at all,” Your father intercepts, pushing his chair back and standing. He carries himself like a man much taller than he really is. “Thank you, Doctor Kazansky. We’ll be in touch about this research opportunity.”
“You can’t just choose to do it, there’s an application process.” Bradley’s tone is far from professional, it’s downright snarky by this point. He doesn’t care. He can’t imagine anything worse than lugging a brat like you around Italy with him for two months, just for you to fail anyway.
You stand to follow your father, ditsy white loafers on the dark oak of Doctor Kazansky’s office floor. Bradley remains where he is, leaning back against that wall with his arms crossed.
Your father smiles across at Bradley and then shoots a look back towards the Dean. It’s smug, knowing. That process doesn’t apply to him. “We’ll be in touch.”
There’s a final look shared between you and the oaf that just cost you your summer in Manhattan — the first time that the two of you have agreed on anything, a silent exchange. Neither one of you wants you to join him on that trip.
He watches you leave, following blindly after your father like a child, then whips his head around to his boss.
“It’ll be good for her, maybe you can actually teach her something.”
“My expertise unfortunately lacks when it comes to setting the table by seven sharp and getting the kids to bed before her husband makes it home.” Bradley scoffs, pushing himself away from the wall and shaking his head as he straightens up.
“Is there something offensive to you about a woman being a homemaker, Professor Bradshaw?” Thomas Kazansky has two daughters. One, is a wife with two beautiful children of her own. The other, is a doctor. Bradley’s been over to their house a few times and he knows that Tom makes a point of it to be equally proud of them both.
“Oh, give me a break,” Bradley rolls his eyes at the notion, despite the subtle truth it holds. He shakes his head. “She deserves to fail and you know it.”
“Well, we’ll see how she does at the end of summer. I’ll be the first to admit my defeat, if she fails.” Tom gives a small smile and a shrug of his shoulders, always too calm for his own hood these days. Apparently he has mellowed with time, Bradley hears that he used to have quite an attitude in his early career.
Pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek, the younger professor tries to stare his boss down. Tom knows how much these trips mean to Bradley, he takes his work so seriously. Still, Tom just stares back at him, calm.
Squinting, it takes a few moments for Bradley to give up. He turns and growls in frustration, letting the door to Doctor Kazansky’s office slam behind him. His shoes echo through the halls as he storms out of the building and across the quad. Not even Bettie O’Reilly would dare to interrupt his when his face looks as stormy as it does now.
He shrugs his bag off of his shoulder and throws it into the back of the bronco, then shoves his hands into his pockets in search of his keys.
“Do you even understand how hard I have worked for you to have the opportunities that you have had?”
Bradley glances up. He isn’t surprised to find that you’re the one being yelled at. He almost snorts — good, it’s about time someone reigned in that attitude of yours.
You stand, tearful, at the side of your father’s expensive Porsche, your head bowed in shame. Bradley unlocks his truck and pulls himself into the driver’s seat. He figures you probably cry a lot when someone’s telling you no.
“I mean it! — If you ruin this opportunity, don’t even think about coming back. Hopefully Malcolm’s family like you, because they’ll be all that you’ve got, I swear.”
Bradley turns his head slowly. Swallowing to keep from sobbing in the parking lot, shame burns through you as you meet his gaze. Your father towers over you, demanding to know if you’re even listening to him.
Bradley turns the engine on, his brown eyes looking decidedly less scary when he isn’t glaring at you. There’s something else. Maybe it’s pity — you aren’t used to that. He turns his head away and reverses out of the spot.
Tags: @thedroneranger @batdanceq @wkndwlff @sunflowerziva @cassiemitchell @himbos-on-ice @bradshawseresinbabe @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @sihtricswife @callsignvenus @callsign-joyride @harper1666 @sheisanangell
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