#making kids feel bad since the invention of language
dyrewrites · 8 months
Did I share these dumb things yet
They are dialogue fun-times for a thing I'm not writing yet, called Bloodhound (at the moment). It is a detective story starring a 345 year old vampire and his 16 year old adoptive werewolf daughter. The same two from this thing
They help monsters and things kinda like monsters.
[for those digging into tags because of Before Deluca, this is an outdated representation of Lucient. He rewrote himself. It was very rude of him, but I like him more as he is now]
“He looks so much like ol’ Darren...”
“You been around a long time, maybe he’s a descendant?”
“Would it be weird to ask him out?”
“Nah, dude’s like forty, even if he is that Darren whatever’s great great great grandkid, it’s not like he’s your kid.”
“But what if he doesn’t like men...or worse, me?”
“Use your vampire mojo, make him like you.”
“What? You can, can’t you?”
“That doesn’t mean I should. And you know that! I thought I raised you better...”
“You did, that’s why I didn’t suggest it first.”
“You shouldn’t have suggested it at all.”
“What about the ones you feed on, aren’t they under your...you know?”
“No, they...they actually ask for that.”
“That’s nasty.”
“That’s gothic romanticism, flower, and we wouldn’t live so comfortably without it.”
“Wait, so all vampires keep their bitemarks?”
“But you don't have any marks on your neck.”
“I wasn't bitten…on my neck.”
“Then where, ew, ew, don't tell me it's—”
“It isn't, but it is in that general area. Fortunate really, it allowed me to escape detection during the trials.”
“Who was your, are they called sires?”
“No, that's an invention of romanticism. We simply refer to them as master or maker. In rare instances even father/mother.”
“And yours was…?”
“Building a family tree are we, flower?”
“I'm just curious. Was he famous?”
“How do you know it was a he?”
“Dad. C’mon. Like your gay ass is letting a woman anywhere near your downstairs.”
“...point, though I could do without the color. His name was Lucient, we'll avoid the surname lest you take to the wires for it. He was beautiful, kind and altogether horrible.”
“So bad breakup.”
“Psychotic break more like, but it's not something you need concern yourself with. He is long gone.”
“She said it’s a tulpa, and I feel I should know what that is...but I don’t.”
“Simplest description would be a dream made manifest. And they’ve become quite the nuisance since the advent of the internet. Do you remember last year with that especially long-necked horse creature?”
“Oh, but he was so sweet! He didn’t hurt anyone.”
“Not physically, no, but his presence sent a number to the hospital for mental distress. Regardless of danger, we are incapable of destroying them—and it isn’t in our job descriptions to do so. If it’s capable of conversation, we’ll ask it to go elsewhere, otherwise we capture and relocate. Did she offer a description?”
“’Really big moth’...wait, does she mean the moth man? The moth man...is real?”
“Remind me to explain the difference between a cryptid and a tulpa to Ms. Fairweather next she rings, would you? And fetch the lamp, no, no, the Elizabethan lamp.”
“What does it matter what lamp, he’s a moth.”
“One does not stop in on old friends without a gift, flower.”
“What’s the sap for?”
“Ichor, flower, it is the blood of a deity.”
“Oh, so a snack for the road?”
“Ha ha. Hardly, it is an offering to a reclusive creature born of…personal mythos.”
“Another tulpa?”
“Similar, yes.”
“Something to do with trees, I'm guessing?”
“Yes, but not living ones. I must offer it in a ghostwood.”
“I remember those, they're forests cut down or burned where it's all stumps and ash, right?”
“Impressive, flower. You do listen to this old man's rambling after all.”
“It's ghost trees, dad, who's going to ignore that.”
“You'd be surprised.”
“So what's the creature then, do you know them?”
“Oh yes…I, I do at that.”
“...you two fucked, didn't you? You fucked a tree.”
“Language, Oriana! Why must you be so crude.”
“You're not answering the question.”
“He is as much man as he is tree and it is no business of yours what we did or didn't do.”
“Just keep it in your pants when we see this tree man, I don't need that image in my head.”
“You're not coming, flower. He'll only show if I appear vulnerable.”
“Tell me this isn't an elaborate booty call…I mean I know it's been a while and you've been lonely and moping but—”
“I've been moping?”
“Well, brooding, but it's fine, it's hard for guys your age to meet people.”
“It is not hard for me to, I am doing fine, and you shouldn't be concerning yourself with my love life.”
“Dad, you're going out into the woods to summon a fuckable tree.”
“I’m not listening to this anymore. There are dryads dying by the grove and Namael is the only one I know that's close enough in species to help without falling victim to the same malady.”
“So the tree has a name…does the name have a meaning? Dryad names always have a meaning.”
“Not a dryad.”
“Not a no.”
“Bloodtongue, his name means he's extremely skilled with,”
“His tongue, yeah, I got that. Have fun on your booty call.”
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goodhorse413 · 10 months
Problems of Incommensurability in Ethics
When I was a kid, like 5th grade years old, I independently invented utilitarianism in my head. It just seemed obvious to me that the best course of action was making as many people happy as possible, and that this could be quantified scientifically. When I was a middle schooler and I learned about dopamine, I was like, this is it. This is the objective scientific basis of morality. The very day I learned the term utilitarian I declared myself to be one.
Since then I've grown quite a bit, but I think my ethics have always remained more utilitarian than anything else. There are several things about utilitarianism that I find extremely persuasive.
Hedonism: The idea that absent other considerations, it's good to feel good and bad to feel bad, is completely undeniable to me. I really dislike the prevalence of intuition and assumptions in ethical philosophy, but I'm very confident that suffering is bad. You should minimize assumptions as much as possible in philosophy generally, but I don't think there's anything that could conceivably convince me that pain isn't painful.
Consequentialism: Follows naturally from hedonism. Non-consequentialist moralities have practical purposes, but everything reduces to consequentialism in the final analysis.
Virtues, duties, and maxims are all abstract concepts, and as a materialist, I don't really care much about abstract concepts. Consequences are real. Experiences are real. I've had experiences, and those experiences had valencies, in that some were good and some were bad. Good and bad are meaningless in my view unless they're applied to experiences.
All this said, there's something about utilitarianism that I don't like, and it's the reason I don't consider myself to be a utilitarian, even though I agree with the parts of it that utilitarians argue for. Utilitarian theory often makes the assumption that goodness/badness (let's call them positive and negative valency to borrow the language used by some modern utilitarians) are commensurable, and that when presented with some set of decisions, there is some decision which is always objectively better than every other decision. I don't think this follows from the premises of utilitarianism, just the opposite.
For starters, let's consider G.E. Moore's objection to the commensurability of ethical decisions, which is that goodness comes in multiple kinds, and you can't compare love, beauty, pleasure, and other things on one axis. This might be true. It might also not be true. Qualia are poorly understood. The "good" quality of these things might reduce to the same phenomenon, or multiple phenomena. I have no way of knowing. In any case, I think ambiguity still arises in utilitarianism even if all good things reduce to a single linear quantity.
This is because positive and negative valency are fundamentally incommensurable. Some pleasures are more pleasurable than others, some pains are more painful than others, and all pleasures are more pleasurable than all pains, so it seems that at least in certain circumstances (and possibly always) the positive valencies of two outcomes can be compared, and the negative valencies of two outcomes can be compared, but there is no quantity held in common between positive and negative valency that allows you to say that some quantity of positive valency balances out with some quantity of negative valency (a commonly raised objection), and vice versa (an objection I've never seen raised in my entire life).
Let's define a moral state-of-affairs as the set of the total positive and negative valencies of all conscious experiences within a particular region of spacetime. The units don't matter, because they can't be compared anyway. The state-of-affairs can be represented by a complex number, the real part of which represents the quantity of positive valency, and the imaginary part of which represents the quantity of negative valency. Now let's say the region of spacetime in the following example is a dinner party that lasts six hours.
Let's say that if a certain partygoer acts normally at the party, the moral state-of-affairs will be 100+5i, with 100 being the fun and laughter and good-times and 5i being the unpleasant noise and the discomfort one girl experiences from unrelated menstrual cramps. If said certain partygoer decides to go apeshit and shank the party's host in the abdomen right after arriving, the moral state-of-affairs is instead 4+350i. There's a lot less fun, and a lot more suffering. In this situation, one state of affairs is objectively superior to the other. Going apeshit and shanking the host is objectively an immoral thing for the partygoer to do. This happens to coincide with intuition, which is unsurprising but also irrelevant.
Now let's imagine that our certain partygoer goes apeshit in a different way. He brings a shit ton of tequila (let's say the party otherwise would have had little drinking) and encourages everyone to get smashed as hell. Most partygoers get very drunk and the night becomes more intense. Everybody's yelling, telling stupid jokes, a couple hooks up, I don't know, I don't go to parties, but as a result of all the drinking, one guy who would have otherwise been chill decides to start a fight with a guy he hates. They get heated, say ill-advised things to each other under the influence, and one of them hits the other. He's not severely injured, but it's still a bad time not just for him, but for a lot of spectators as well. After that, the party goes back to its more cheery state. The total moral state-of-affairs in this timeline clocks in at 180+31i. There was more positive valency than in the normal timeline, so it was objectively more good. But there was also more negative valency, so it was also objectively more bad. Keep in mind that these are unitless, and I could multiply all of the numbers for either the real or imaginary parts by any coefficient, and it wouldn't change anything as long as I did it for all states of affairs. So don't go thinking "well 80 is greater than 26 so that's where you should draw the line". It's arbitrary.
The point is that even though certain states-of-affairs can be objectively better than others, sometimes you cannot objectively compare two states-of-affairs. There are possible solutions to this dilemma you could come up with. You could take the walking-away-from-Omelas position and say that negative valency automatically takes precedence, and that no amount of positive valency ever justifies even the slightest increase in negative valency, but then you'd have to start advocating for the end of the world and the death of all sentient beings. You could say the opposite, and claim that positive valency automatically takes precedence, and that no amount of negative valency ever makes the slightest amount of pleasure not worth it, but that would result in some pretty cruel behavior (although your behavior would be pretty in line with that of a lot of capitalist enterprises). Finally, you could declare an arbitrary relation that accords with your intuition, and say "this is the amount of pain which is worth enduring for this given amount of pleasure", and that would result in less disastrous scenarios, but in the end that relation has to be arbitrary.
The idea I'm pursuing here is that moral ambiguity is real, and that accepting that morality is based on really-existing things and that some things are objectively wrong does not necessarily mean that moral dilemmas do not exist, or even that they're not common. This shouldn't be too surprising if you really think about it. We encounter moral ambiguity constantly in our daily lives, it doesn't really seem that absurd or counterintuitive that sometimes there is an objectively right answer, and sometimes there isn't, but I'm not sure I've ever seen an ethical philosopher admit it.
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noelle-holi-gay · 1 year
hey Slimer! I’d like to suggest a Drabble of the annual Holiday-Dreemurr baseball game, and all of the chaos it entails! Congrats on school being over!
Kris frowned as deeply as humanly possible, shielding their eyes from the scalding summer sun. They were walking towards the baseball diamond out behind the school; it had only been two minutes since they got out of the car, and already they were sweating buckets.
"I am going to dissolve into a pile of ash," they said.
Toriel looked down at them. "I told you not to wear that sweater, my child."
"But I like this sweater." Kris pouted and adjusted their horn headband out of habit. "Why do we have to do this, anyway?"
"It's tradition, Kris!" Asgore said chipperly. He was wearing a hawaiian shirt and a baseball cap, and looked altogether far too cheerful. "Remember how much fun we had last year?"
Kris thought back. "Last year was pretty fun, actually."
Toriel glared at them. "No pranking Noelle with fire ants this time, Kris."
Kris groaned. "Then what's the poiiiiint?" They crossed their arms. "It's a dumb tradition, anyway. If we all jumped off a bridge every year would you make me do that too, because it's tradition? What if I died? What if I died and was dead forever?"
Toriel smiled down at them. "Well, it's a good thing this is baseball, and not jumping off a bridge to die forever, isn't it, Kris?"
Kris crossed their arms and grumbled to themself.
Asriel elbowed them in the side. "Aw, come on. It's not so bad! Just try to have fun, okay?"
Kris looked up at Asriel, then turned back to the baseball diamond and sighed. "Okayyyyy."
The Holidays were already on the diamond. Dess was practicing swings at home plate, with Noelle shadowing her, no doubt listening to Dess brag about how killer she was at baseball; Carol was reclining in a fold-out lawn chair, wearing sunglasses and a large floppy hat, with a book laid out on her legs and a glass of something Kris probably wasn't allowed to drink in her hand; and Rudy was running up to them, a dorky sun visor around his forehead.
"Heya, gang!" he greeted. "How's everyone doing? Ready to play some ball?"
Asgore laughed heartily and walked up to give Rudy a hug. "You know we are."
"I think baseball was invented by dark gods to burn people alive and suck our souls out of our bodies," Kris said.
"Yes yes, Kris, we know," Toriel said placatingly, patting them on the head before giving Rudy a smile. "Most of us are."
Rudy chuckled. "Well if they're not feeling it, they can join their Aunt Carol over in the stands, and they can both have no fun together!"
From over where she was sitting, Carol raised her sunglasses, glaring over at her husband. "NO they CANNOT. I do not need fire ants in my fur, thank you very much."
"You wouldn't have that problem if you got up and played with us!" Rudy returned.
"Not after twisting my ankle last year, honey," Carol called back, before lowering her sunglasses again and returning to her book.
Rudy shrugged. "Eh. I tried."
"It's okay," Kris said. "I don't wanna sit with Aunt Carol anyway. She's really mean and really boring."
"Kris! Manners," Toriel snapped.
Asgore laughed and said, "Kids, right?" which only earned him a glare from Toriel, too.
Rudy just chuckled. "Hey, hey. What she doesn't hear can't hurt us, yeah?"
"Uh…I'm gonna go say hi to Dess," Asriel said, backing away from the conversation.
Kris, seeing an opportunity to get away from the adults, followed him over to Dess and Noelle. Dess was still practicing her swings, and Noelle was still dutifully providing her an adoring audience.
"Hey, Dreem-nerds!" Dess grinned at the two of them, miming blowing their heads off with her bat. "You ready to get creamed?"
Asriel only smiled at the taunts. "Hey, Dess! How are you?"
"Ready to kick your ass, that's how!"
"Language," Carol called absently from behind them.
"We're down a player, though," Noelle pointed out. "Won't that give us a disadvantage?"
"It's not like she did much anyway," Kris mumbled under their breath.
"Yeah, we don't need Mom to beat you guys!" Dess said confidently. "My coach says I've got natural talent! You hear that? That means I'm the best at baseball!"
Noelle frowned. "Um, I don't think that's what it means…"
"That's great, though, Dess!" Asriel said, smiling wide. "Have you guys been winning your games?"
"Well, uh—" Dess faltered. "Well, some of 'em."
Kris snickered. "But not most of them?"
"Hey, it's not my fault! I've got some real loser teammates."
"That's not very nice, Dess," Noelle pointed out.
Dess scowled. "Yeah, well, it isn't very nice when Squidly can't throw the ball, either."
"Hey kids!" Rudy called. He and Kris's parents were walking towards them. "You guys ready to play?"
Dess and Asriel gave enthusiastic assent, Noelle nodded, and Kris huffed, but there was nothing they could do as they all took their places. The Dreemurrs had first bat, and Kris volunteered to step up to the plate first, just to get it over with. They held the bat in their hands awkwardly and looked across the field to Rudy, who was on the pitchers mound.
"Ready, kiddo?" he called.
Kris nodded, and Rudy threw the ball. It was more of a light toss than a pitch, though, and Kris watched as the ball arced through the air towards them. They were a little late on reaction, though, and the ball bonked them right in the forehead.
"Oh crap," Rudy said.
"Kris!" Toriel called from behind them. "Are you alright?"
Kris looked down at the ball, which had fallen by their feet, and picked it up. Then they dropped the bat and started running to first base.
"HEY!" Dess cried indignantly. "THAT'S CHEATING!"
"You can't tag me out if I have the ball!" Kris called back as they passed a very confused Noelle on first and headed for second. "I win!"
"That's against the rules!" Dess shouted.
Rudy exchanged a look with Asgore. "Um, what do we…?"
Kris kept running, blazing towards third base, where Dess was waiting. They stuck out their tongue at her, and she growled, leaping forward and tackling them to the ground.
"Gimme the fucking ball, you twerp!"
"DESS!" Carol shouted.
"Hoo boy," Rudy mumbled as he jogged over to where they were tussling on the dirt. "This year's off to a great start, huh?"
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writinandcrying · 2 years
Hello, are you still accept a matchup? If so, I prefer for male character please. I'm a girl, my pronouns is she/her and I'm straight.
My height is 5'5", i have a short purple hair (dyed), and I wear glasses too (my sight is really bad) 
My hobbies currently is editing video or photo, i like taking picture of nature or just random building, 'cause I wanna be a photographer. I don't like people who always interrupt (well, who doesn't? I'm a listener btw) and I really hate those who bother the people I care about *protectiveness intensifies*
I'm actually a calm person, but not in front of my best friend. Only they know how crazy I am. I'm also the type who always hug my friends when I meet them (I'm taller than them, so it's easy for me to hug and put my chin on their head). If I see my friends or family sitting on the sofa, I jumped straight at them and put my head on their laps, then hugging their waist (again.. Hug.. I also snuggle to their stomach), please play with my hair or at least tracing some random pattern on my back. Am I sound like a clingy person? 😅😅 I may sound like a character in fanfiction or something, but really I've always been like that. And of course, I would do all of that if they were comfortable with my treatment. Obviously, my love language is physical affection.
But if someone do that to me, I'll freeze right away because people rarely do that to me and I don't know what to do. But I'll be calm in a minute and play with their hair or just rub it (it become my habit).
I feel pretty confident. I like who I am, but there are times when I'm insecure about the pimples that always appear on my forehead. Sometimes i also think, am I enough for them? For my family, my friends. But overall, I'm grateful that I'm surrounded by good people.
Aand that's it. I hope you don't get confused, because English is not my first language. Thank you in advanced, have i nice day and take care of your health (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)
hi there! since you didn't specify im assuming this is about the tmnt / rottmnt boys! and bro are you kidding me your english is amazing
i really wanna ship you with Casey jones specially over the rottmnt movie, but unfortunately i still havent watched the movie, (im trying to dodge every spoiler? yes, am i succeeding? wonderful question i shall not reply lmao) idk why but i just got the vibes, so lets just put a pin on it, yeah?
eitherway- i ship you with...
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the last 3? matchups this guy was the main choice as well....... in my defense- he is just too shippable
Ok so, first of all, you have some similarities with Don and Leo, Don being not used to receiving affection, i heacanon he also enjoys photography in his spare time when he needs to unwind and have some alone time, and Leo being self conscious of their own value, i think you can be great buddies with both, finding comfort into talking about common problems or shared hobbies, plus you being so affectionate (at least in a giving scenario) is extremely welcomed by 3/4 of the brothers (donnie still need times with getting used to hugs and all, but he sometimes enjoys tolerates when you place your head on top of his to check his new inventions - a secret he shall never tell)
i think the turning moment to Raph start having a crush on you was during a movie night, you just lay down on his legs, unapologetic used his tights as a pillow as all of you gathered watched the movie, they are all used to humans not being fond of them and their image, but Raph usually got the most bitter encounters of them all due to his size and spikes, he quietly noticed how affectioned you could be with the others, but him receiving it was another story, that alone made some butterflies spread their wings in his tummy
he found it really cute, extremely cute, he wants to be the one to make you blush kinda cute whenever you malfunctioned after getting a hug or kiss, you searched for comfort, but whenever someone initiated, you would get shy: that for him is extremely adorable!
he enjoys how calm you can be, he reallyyy loved when you showed your true colors, loves the exciting new you as much as he adores the calm, quiet one. oh! Raph really likes your confidence, and shall shoosh any insecurities away you might have. On the days you are feeling a bit down or doubting yourself, he wont hesitate to shower you with compliments and affection
if someone ever interrupts him (or any of their brothers / friends really) and you get over-protective, you will have his heart fr. Raph is used to being the big brother, the protector, he knows his family has his back, but seeing his crush getting over protective over them? over him?? heart snatched, 100/10 experience, please do it again
he might try to persuade you into trying red hair dye, just to test the waters (the purple and glasses remind him of young donnie and its confusing sometimes, he adores purple on you but hm. please try red lol)
eitherway, to sum it up, he adores your calm / affectionate personality, at first- he wants to give back as much as you do, he knows you can react a bit like his younger brother, so he goes slow, gives you time until you are more comfortable with receiving it. he has so much patience with you <3 oh! he has learned from your interactions that he is indeed a cuddler, and he cannot get enough of you.
hope you liked it! match ups are open!
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: The Litae (Kingdom of Ichor)
from top to bottom: Lití, Katharina, & Ikesía
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Nicknames- The Divine Trilogy by Hermes
The Saintly Sisters by Dione
Mothers of Prayers by the people of Olympius
Age(s)- late 40's to late 30's (immortal)
Location- Hearthwood neighborhood, New Olympus
Personalities- The sisters share core values they hold dear of pious conservatism in favor in duty of traditional values & social institutions like patriotism, family values, and religious traditions. Being the oldest, the leadership role comes naturally to Lití, likining herself as the "anchor" of the family. Being the middle sibling, Katharina is quite neurotic while Ikesía is a hopeful optimist. Above all else, being mothers and protecting the religious integrity of Olympius is important to them. They're all asexual & single.
The Litae have the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. Their other powers/abilities include photokinesis, having an eidetic memory (can recite all religious texts), ambrosia manipulation, purification (of different materials & objects), truth sense, blessing bestowment (temporarily), and inducing feelings of piety, mercy, & forgiveness in others.
Even though the sisters have a suite apartment at the royal palace on Mt. Olympus, they prefer living next door to each other in three houses near a cul-de-sac in the Hearthwood neighborhood of New Olympus. They generally love the family aesthetic with the seemingly low crime rate being an added bonus! Their houses share similar interior designs with cotton furniture, large kitchen islands, woven rugs, hardwood floors, a fireplace, framed inspirational quotes as well as spacious backyards & gardens. They like the fact that one of them can walk a few feet to see the other. The sisters often rotate where they'll have dinner. The sisters each have a pet/companion- a griffin, the three of them having the majestic creatures since they were fledgelings! Lití's griffin is named Goldcrest, Katharina's is named Sundancer, and Ikesía's is named Aurelia. The griffins are usually their mode of transportation.
The Litae decided to have children on their own through the use of the fertility services of Gaia (goddess of the earth).
Lití has a son Epidotes (god of purity).
Katharina has a daughter Pompe (goddess of rites).
Ikesía has a daughter Telete (goddess of prayers).
The sisters are very involved in their children's lives almost to a fault. They push forward to make sure the kids have the best possible start in life. They want them to be happy of course, but also well rounded, respectable, & traditional.
They don't like visual media and music with strong violence, coarse language, nudity, and explicit sexual content.
They rarely partake in alcohol except a glass of white wine every once in a while. They do not partake in illicit drugs.
Lití thinks that smoking cigarettes is the nastiest bad habit ever. Her go-to drinks include iced tea, cafe au laits, and a small coconut banana splash from The Roasted Bean.
Ikesía likes lemon infused sparkling water & large iced chai lattes while Katharina likes mango smoothies, coconut water, green tea, and large vanilla iced coffees.
The Litae oversees the records for all the offerings and sacrifices ever recieved by the deities. They've been shifting from the information being recorded on scrolls to digitizing them. For this reason, they have enlisted the help of Techne (goddess of arts, crafts, & invention).
The sisters dress in minimalist conservative style clothing, keeping their makeup subtle & natural looking. They keep their nails short, neat, and expertly manicured.
Ikesía loves using the honey & magnolia body oil for her skin. Lití attributes her skin health to cocoa butter while Katharina prefers the use of almond oil.
Lití's favorite frozen treat is banana ice cream, opting for an olympian sized cup when at The Frozen Spoon. Katharina likes coconut sorbet while Ikesía likes salted caramel ice cream topped with crushed pecans.
The Litae's main "job" are being ministers at the Eleutherus Cathedral, the largest church ever built in New Olympus! They also work alongside Zeus and Eusebeia (goddess of piety, loyalty, duty, & filial respect); in part with establishing content for her faith based conservative TV network. The sisters also surprisingly work well with Atë (goddess of mischief, ruin, blind folly, delusion, & downfall of heroes). For other means of income the sisters have their own charity organization as well as writing for Hearthside magazine. They're also a co-author team of wholesome & uplifting romance novels that explores the greater themes of family and community. They also model for/endorse Cleanstream, LipCalm, & White Lily Gallery.
The sisters will stop by at The Bread Box for lunch, prefering it over Olympic Chef. Katharina likes the curried cauliflower quinoa salad while Ikesía likes the tropical kale salad (with creamy coconut curry dressing) along with a small corn chowder. Lití likes the baked mac n' cheese sandwich (on sourdough bread).
In the pantheon they're friends with Hestia (goddess of the hearth), Pistis (goddess of trust, reliability, & good faith), Soteria (goddess of safety), Eunostos (goddess of the flour mill), Peitharchia (goddess of obedience & discipline), Themis (Titaness of justice), Eudaimonia (goddess of happiness), Penia (goddess of poverty), Apheleia (goddess of simplicity), Ptocheia (goddess of beggary), Promylaia, Aletheia (goddess of truth), Praxidike (goddess of judicial punishment), Pathos (god of emotion), and Aeschyne (goddess of modesty & honor).
The deities they don't like is a long list including Kakia (goddess of vice & moral wrongdoing), Hybris (goddess of insolence, hubris, & reckless pride), Apate (goddess of fraud & deception), and Dyssebeia (goddess of ungodliness & impeity).
Katharina loves using the Glory's Crown almond & shea butter hair creme for her twist outs. Lití likes the rice water clarifying shampoo while Ikesía likes the ambrosia honey curling custard.
The sisters love planning family vacations for the six of them. Their last one was to the state of Achaea where they went to the Achaean Beignet Festival!
The Litae have a joint Fatestagram account where they mainly post inspirational quotes & livestreams of them performing sermons.
Katharina's favorite Olmorfia nail polish is "Sheer Fantasy." Lití likes "Clear as Cotton" while Ikesía likes "Blanc Blanche."
Lití has recently been to a breadmaking class!
Ikesía's favorite desserts from Hollyhock's Bakery are the honey cake & cream puffs (with a generous dusting of powdered sugar). Lití likes the sweet potato pie while Katharina likes the bougatsa.
Katharina has just gotten out of a long term long distance relationship with Olympos, one of The Ourea.
Ikesía has been enjoying her newfound friendship with the god of honor. She enjoys his company & has wondered on occassion if there could be more between them, but hasn't brought up the topic due to fear of how he would react to her asexuality.
In their free time the sisters enjoys horseback riding, cooking, knitting, baking, journaling, bike riding, pottery, gardening, swimming, basketball, yoga, tennis, going to museums, reading, and spending time with their children.
Katharina's go-to dish is rice & gravy with biscuits and porkchops. Lití is known for her pastitsio while Ikesía is known for her fasolada.
"A day without prayer is a day without blessing, and a life without prayer is a life without power."
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I love Ro as much as the next gal but what I wouldn't give for a little peek into her cranial cavity.
Why is she so fixated on sokeefe? I doubt she'd play with lithe ppl's emotions since she clearly cares about them. Would she even know? She's probably never had friends before who her dad wasn't paying. Maybe romance works differently in Ravagog, and she just wants everything out in the open bc she doesn't understand, similar to how she doesn't understand why elves care so much about abilities. If that were the case, ogres probably have totally different body language as well, and considering the only elves who really knew she existed were Cadence and Videos, both of whom were working on ogre etiquette(not that they were spending all that much time together anyways), there's no reason she'd know she was on a bad topic until it was too late. Now it's Too Late, and Sophie's.. quietly fuming? An understandable reaction, esp being raised around humans, but Soph is over here trying to play it cool or deflect or whatever, but she's never really told Ro straight up that she felt uncomfortable. It makes sense for Sophie to be afraid of the reaction given Ro's abrasive personality, but I don't think she'd be merry with any genuine malinent. From Ro's pov, she might just be acting how she did around her old friends, talking about how smart she is and how much she knows about them expecting the kids to go along with it in the same way, maybe even thinking she was doing what's best. Then, Sophie is doing all she can and ends up proving Ro right (in Ro's mind or actually) until Sophie states "please stop talking about this, I'm not comfortable discussing it with you."
But then what? This is the part of the scenario my mind gets lost in. Does she ask Sophie what she's so afraid of? I know she's a fan of rhetorical questions, but I doubt it'd go over well. Does she just back off? Does she keep pushing? I just don't understand because in reality, I don't know where she's coming from.
Atp she sounds like Shannon's voice, yelling at her own self-insert on behalf of fans.
This book, we actually got some of Sophie and Ro being friends. In the last few, we got Keefe and Ro friendship AND Ro backstory as well. Hopefully we'll find out more soon besides the illusion of friendship in her past of my own invention though which has been hinted at. I just want to understand and I really don't yet. What are her actual goals? Is she just taking her bodyguard job day by day for her dad's sake and keeping herself entertained? I doubt it, seeing as she'd likely have requested reassignment a While ago. Is she making it her personal mission to sort through all the shit? Maybe, considering it seems like she thinks she knows best about all of Keefe's issues, and this supposed fixation on sokeefe is simply narrator's bias considering we don't actually hear what she says whenever Sophie isn't around. Did she treat her old friends like that if she had any? Was it okay? Did they let her? Is it actually different for them? Does she understand how Sophie feels about her or not? I need to know! I don't get it! I'm frustrated that I don't get it.
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spoilertv · 1 month
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agentofscifi · 3 years
Super Genius Marinette Ch. 5
Washington D.C.
Marinette’s POV
I wave off another tech businessman as they move on to the next table that had caught their eye. My Dad moves over next to me, throwing an arm over my shoulder. “Well, you seem to be doing well.”
“I am doing well. The judges were enthusiastic, and so have all the Tech gurus that have been by. I’m feeling pretty great.”
“Well, I’m glad. The rest of the kids have gotten some pretty good feedback.”
“Any potential business that will invest in their ideas? I’ve had at least 6 companies leave me business cards for when I put my device on the market.”
“That’s my girl. Keep up the good work, I want to visit a few more kids. Maybe get a few more summer interns for the company.”
“What’s your plan? Conquer the science world by brainwashing the next generation?”
“Viva la revolución!”
Washington D.C.
Alya’s POV
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Marinette was in the same building as us for the Tech convention, showing off some kind of watch thing to a whole bunch of adults. In the short amount of time, I’d been watching her all kinds of people had stopped to see her stand. Several had asked her questions in a variety of languages. I had blinked at that. I knew Marinette learned German in school, as well as some Spanish, and that her mother was teaching her Mandarin. But, I never knew that Marinette spoke Japanese, Italian, English, and Portuguese.
She looked absolutely in her element, switching between her languages as she pointed to the watch, glove-thing, next to her, or to the poster behind her. I couldn’t squash the rising jealousy as Marinette just kept smiling. I’d been unable to come up with anything for the showcase, and my parents almost didn’t pay for me to come on the trip because of this. I barely managed to convince my parents to let me come so I could cover all of this for the Ladyblog. This would bring in the views, I just knew it. Genius inventions by kids would be an amazing story. Especially when I wrote all about Lila’s accomplishments. Ladybug’s best friend winning a prize at this competition would be an excellent story for my university applications.
I turn away as yet another well-dressed person comes to speak to Marinette. I turn away with a growl as I push back to the collection of class projects. It took me a few minutes to get there, between all of the other competitors and visitors. When I finally make it take to Nino’s table, which held some scientific layout for some music, I all but fall into Nino’s chair.
“What’s wrong, babe?” Nino looks down at me with a concerned gaze.
“Marinette’s here. Marinette is here, showing off some stupid design, and everyone seems to love it. People are constantly over there talking to her, in multiple languages. Since when does Mari speak Italian!” “Babe-”
“And, where was all of this in class? Where were these languages, where was this brilliance, where was this confident side of Marinette that we have never seen before?”
“Babe, we didn’t really know Marinette before you arrived. She was the super young girl in class with good grades, baked goods, and not a lot of free time. Not to mention, befriending her meant getting on Chloe’s bad side. I knew she took classes for Spanish and something else, but I never knew of her speaking more than those languages. As for her newfound confidence,” Nino shrugs. “I have no idea.”
I groan. “I just can’t believe that-”
“WHAT!” Nino and I jerk our heads to the sound of the scream. We exchange a look before getting up. It only took a few seconds of crowd maneuvering to get to the scream. Lila was standing in front of her table, her face red with what I thought was either anger or embarrassment.
I reach out to my bestie, placing a hand on Lila’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
The judge briefly glances at me, then fixes his gaze back at Lila. “You are banned from this competition and we have blacklisted you from future tech competitions.” The Judge’s french was cold and hard.
I move to look at the paper. My ability to read English was passable. I was able to pick up every few words. However, I could pick out “banned”, “stolen”, “copyright” and “Stark Industries”.
“What! That’s not possible! Lila’s done so much! Why would she need to steal someone else’s design?” I’m practically screaming in french.
Lila jerks up to look at him. “Your project,” he switches back to English, which was just as cold and unforgivable. “Is not yours. We knew this the moment we came to your stand as we recognized your project. Stark Industries announced the production and eventual sale of the product over two weeks ago.”
Lila starts to pale fast. “I-she stole it from me. Marinette must have stolen my project and told everyone that it was her’s!”
“We have video footage of you breaking into the inventor’s house and taking photos of her projects. Now, please stop lying to everyone here. You are wasting valuable time.” The man turns on his heels and leaves.
I look back at the sheet, then at Lila. Lila’s face was contorted. Her jaw clenched, her brow furrowed, and a red face. The paper was crumpled up in her hand. “Lila, are you alright?”
Just as quickly as the anger came, it disappeared. Lila’s eyes fill with tears, her lips were quivering, and then she gives a wretched sob. “It’s-It’s all Marinette’s fault! She must have told them I was stealing!”
I wrap my arms around Lila. “It’s ok Lila. We’ll get this all straightened out. I’ll make sure you get the credit. Marinette can’t be this smart anyways and no way does she know Tony Stark!” I suddenly gasp. “Lila, you could tell Tony Stark and his daughter about Marinette! He helped fund our trip, you told us how close you and his daughter are. I bet if you explained everything, they’d drop Marinette in a second.”
Lila freezes before a smile fills her face. “Of course, how could I forget. I’ll call them!”
“No need dudette!” Nino gives the pair of us a big smile. “I just saw Tony Stark a few rows over. He’s looking at student projects.”
Lila’s eyes go wide. “That’s not necessary! I wouldn’t want to disrupt him during the convention.”
I give my bestie a wide smile. “It’s fine! I’ll get him right now!” I wave my hand. “Mr. Stark!” Dozens of heads turn towards me. I was only interested in the man with dark hair, sunglasses, and an expensive suit. “Mr. Stark!”
The man pulls off his sunglasses and raises an eyebrow at me. “Can I help you?”
I give Tony Stark a big smile. “Yes!” I point down at Lila. “It’s Lila Rossi! Your daughter’s friend! They meet several years ago in Italy!”
Tony Stark’s eyebrow rises. “I know all of my daughter’s friends. They’re currently planning a rebellion against me.”
I blink. “What?”
Tony Stark turns to Lila. “Would you spend 6 days in front of a TV?”
Lila scoffs. “No. I have way better things to do.”
“Then you’re definitely not one of my daughter’s friends, because they all just spent over 128 hours watching 12 Star Wars movies, 7 seasons of Clone Wars, the Bad Batch, all 4 seasons of Star Wars Rebels, and both seasons of the Mandalorian.”
“I-what?” Lila is blinking rapidly. “She’s your daughter? Why wouldn’t she go shopping or take a vacation, or something actually fun?”
Tony Stark shrugs. “She’s a fashionista nerd. Some days she wants to go shopping, other days she wants to obsess over Star Wars, or build a wireless charging device.”
Lila’s head snaps up at the same time as mine. “What?”
Tony Stark gives a small smile. “Maybe you should be more careful of who you steal from.” He puts his sunglasses back on. “Maybe you should stop making up lies about my child, I have excellent lawyers.”
I stare at the billionaire. What was happening?
Lila’s mouth opens and closes. “It’s Marinette’s fault! I don’t know what she told you, but she’s lying!”
I start nodding. “Lila’s right. I thought Marinette was super sweet when I meet her, but she’s nothing like that. She’s a bully, a thief, a liar, and she’s selfish!”
“Selfish?” Tony Stark crosses his arms over his chest. “What, she won’t give you free, handmade clothing? Or plan elaborate class trips she’s eventually excluded from, despiting doing all of the work? Or because she won’t babysit three rowdy children, last minute, all night, with no pay, so their sibling can have a date night on their parent’s dime.”
“I-” My mouth drops open. “What?”
“Marinette has recommendations from the Style Queen, won a contest by Gabriel Agreste, is the personal stylist for Jagged Stone, has regularly designed for Clara Nightingale, graduated from Lycée when she was 14, and will be attending MIT at age 15. You, Ms. Césaire, run a blog. Ms. Rossi is a small-time model for a dying fashion company. Now, who should I believe?”
“Lila’s more than just a model. Her mom’s an ambassador. She saved Jagged Stone’s kitten, does green initiatives with Prince Ali, she knows tons of famous people, half of Hollywood!”
There’s a burst of laughter behind Tony Stark. I shift my eyes to the girl standing there. “You’re kidding me, right? Any real Jagged Stone fan knows that he’s allergic to fur and he has a pet crocodile. Have you people never heard of Google?”
I frown at her. “Who are you?”
The girl shakes her head. “MJ.”
“Why are you here?”
“I’m competing, like most of the kids here. Why are you here?”
I purse my lips. “Moral support.”
MJ snorts and turns her attention to Tony Stark. “Hey, Tony, judges are about to announce winners. You gonna stand with your interns or keeping talking to Lie-la and the blogger?”
“I’m coming MJ. Honestly, no respect from any of you anymore.”
I watch the pair of them walk away, mouth still open.
“Uhhh...dudettes? What just happened?”
Marinette’s POV
My dad comes up next to me as the head judge walks up to the stage microphone. “See any interesting projects?”
Dad pulls off his sunglasses. “Saw a few good projects, gave some applications.”
Uncle Rodney reaches over and hands me a cup of coffee. “Corrupting the next generation. Honestly, Tony.”
Dad rolls his eyes. “Your classmates are here.”
“I figured some of them would be. Max did make an A.I.”
“And Lila Rossi tried to pass off one of your projects as her own.”
“Which one? I know about the app. Lawyers will be serving papers to her mother today or tomorrow. Lila will get the papers after her Mother. The lawyers are waiting for a call from the French team.”
“The wireless charger. Judges disqualified her.”
“Let me guess, I’m at fault.” “Apparently, you’re corrupting and lying to my daughter.”
I roll my eyes. “Of course I am.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen!” The judge nods to us all. “We would like to thank you all for coming to this year’s International Technology Showcase in Washington D.C. We’ve seen many good inventions this year. However, some stood out against the others. As you all know we had 3 main Divisions: High School Student, Undergraduate Student, and Graduate Student. We will also be naming two honorable mentions in each category. These three categories are divided up by education level. Each division winner will receive a $150,000 prize, with the honorable mentions receiving a $50,000 prize. The last Divison is an opt-in group, with no age restrictions, but much higher expectations. They will also have two honorable mentions. The winner will receive a $250,000 prize, with the honorable minions receiving a $100,000 prize.”
“Now, the winner of the High School Division is Cao Xia!” There’s a round of applause from the room. A young woman walks up on stage and accepts a gold-colored award. “The honorable mentions in the High School Division are Matei Stolojan and Adama Ndione.” The applause continues as the two students walk up and accept two silver-colored awards.
“The winner of the Undergraduate Student Division is Penny Foster!” The applause continues as the winner comes up and accepts their award. “The honorable mentions in the Undergraduate Divison are Alvaro Bolívar and Zhang Min.” They both come up and accept their rewards before continuing off the stage.
“The winner of the Graduate Student Division is Yuliya Kozlov.” An older student comes up and accepts the gold award again. “The honorable mentions for the Graduate Student Divison are Ulrich Wächter and Kimura Shika.” Another two older students come up to take their awards.
“Now, the honorable mentions for the Professional Divison are Feza Bashara and Peter Parker.” I give Peter a big smile as he goes up and accepts his award with a student who looks a few years older than him. Both of them walk off the stage. “Last but not least, the winner of the Professional Divison is Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Stark.”
I smile at my Dad as I walk up the stage. The applause from earlier restarts as I take the gold award from the man at the front and progress over to the collection of other winners.
“Congratulations, Mari!” Peter is smiling widely as he holds his award. I give him a wide smile as his Aunt May starts taking pictures.
A minute later, my father is next to me, hugging me. “That’s my girl!” Rodney managed to snag a few family pictures before the reporters that are present.
“Mr. Stark, are related to Marinette? Is this your daughter?”
“Mr. Stark, why is young daughter just now becoming public?”
“Mr. Stark, do you plan to leave your company to your daughter?”
The questions continue for several more seconds before my father sticks a hand up. “One at a time, please!” The Reporters all take a step back and several raise their hands. My Father nods to one.
“Mr. Stark. Is Ms. Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Stark your daughter?”
“She is.”
“Why is this the first time we’ve seen her?”
I smile widely. “I wanted a normal, quiet childhood. Dad tends to attract a lot of attention. However, I’ve recently finished Lycée, France’s version of high school, and I will be starting at MIT in the fall.”
My father nods to a different reporter now. “Ms. Ansley?”
“If I may ask, how old are you, Marinette?”
“I’m 15.”
A different reporter gets a nod. “Do you plan to get involved in your Father’s company?”
“I already am, I’ve given a few invention designs in the past, mostly small things or parts of projects. However, recently I’ve patented a few larger products, like my contactless wireless phone charger and some new ultra-resistant, flexible fabric for firefighters and other first responders. I don’t plan to take a business role anytime soon.”
My father nods to another reporter. The man takes a step forward, holding out his mic. “Marinette, how-
Before ~~~~~~~ Next
@weirdo-with-no-beardo @demonicbusiness @corporeal-terrestrial @basenikon
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margarethx · 3 years
Okay... this might be a controversial opinion, but I find it pretty weird and unrealistic when people write Bucky as if he was this weirdly progressive Gen Z kid who’s entirely up-to-date when it comes to using politically correct terms and phrasing. Like... I don’t want him to just be blatantly offensive and throw some slurs around like it’s nothing. I also don’t want him to do anything bad deliberately or be malicious about it, hiding behind “I was raised like that” excuse. But, from my point of view, it doesn’t make sense for him to be fully understanding of everything that changed since the 1940s... because a lot has changed and he wasn’t given much time to even start processing that.
(It’s even shown in tfatws that he’s not really aware how to behave when the police stops him and Sam in the middle of an argument, so I’m not just making this up about him.)
I kind of wish more people would try to make him at least a little bit... confused. It’s not like being gay was invented in 2007 and many people knew that “racism is bad” long before any huge movements against it started, but living in such bigoted times for the entirety of his youth had to have an effect of him. And I feel like a lot of people who like Bucky are afraid of mentioning this aspect of him, because it would destroy his idealized image. But let’s be real. A man born before women had voting rights in the US would not just wake up in the 21st century and go write essays about the complexities of gender expression.
And I also think that this lack of knowledge would at some point affect his relationship with Sam. Because it’s pretty likely that one day Bucky would just casually use some outdated term that sounds inappropriate for someone more familiar with the current way of speaking. And he might also have some problems with falling in love with another man (let alone a Black one, because Bucky was still stuck in Syberia, or whatever, when the US legalized interracial marriages, so a relationship like this one could never happen in the 1930s for more than one reason).
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As I always clarify: I do not expect casual fanfiction writers to deal with heavy topics and do a ton of research to make everything realistic and serious. If you want to write about two guys who fall in love and nothing (except for their stupidity) stands in the way... go for it! If you don’t feel like a right person to tackle difficult issues like these it’s even better if you wait a little until you’re more skilled to try or if you stick to lighthearted one-shots about fake dating. These are good too. I love them.
(Also, many people like fanfiction, because it can give you this fake reality, where things like internalized homophobia don’t exist and everything is nice. Sometimes you’re just not in the mood to read about social issues in your romance about fictional people. I’m often not.)
I just think it would be pretty interesting to see a version of Bucky that does not constatnly act like a leftist Twitter user, age sixteen, because I highly doubt Hydra gave him regular updates on progressive vocabulary. (I had over two decades to learn about all of that and I still have huge gaps in my knowledge. Meanwhile, Bucky had maybe two years of barely normal life and I don’t think that being politically correct was at the forefront of his mind. Also: it gets more complicated if you speak multiple languages. Vocabulary differs. I’d know – referring to gender and gender-realted issues in English is nothing alike compared to the language I normally use. There are opinions that seem progressive here, but would look obsolete or weird for Americans.)
To be clear... I don’t mean that Sam should be forced to teach him everything, however, if they’re spending so much time together it would make sense for him to sometimes hear what Bucky’s saying and, jokingly or not, be like: “okay, you shouldn’t say that; they’ll kick you out of Delacroix”. I even believe that something like holding hands with Sam in public and being openly affectionate in front of other people could be an issue for a while, because Bucky’d be too nervous (for reasons explained previously) and they’d need to work through that together.
(Seeing Sam’s behaviour towards Bucky in tfatws I’d assume he’d be reasonably understanding and patient about it, but wouldn’t just let him do and say whatever he wants. Mostly to have a healthy relationship with Bucky, but also because both of them are public figures.)
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By the way... I’d also love to see more stories where Sam has some issues with, for instance, accepting his sexuality (there are a few reasons why he would struggle with that, for example: his dad being very religious – which is canon in the comics, him being from the South – which is canon in the MCU, him hiding his relationship with Riley in the military – which is canon in my heart, etc.). Or stories where Sam is a little confused about how the language evolved during the Blip and those two years he spent in hiding... But that’s a topic for another discussion.
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widow-maximov · 3 years
You just need to feel it
Pairing: Natasha x Fem Reader
Warning: Language, fluff, angst
Summary: Being hidden away from the Avengers definitely brings curiosity when you are accidently discovered by one of them.
Word count: 5.6k
Being one of the most rich people in the world daughter, definitely has its own benefits along with flaws, one of them being that when people heard your surname they instantly think you are the most spoiled kid on earth, when in reality you practically don't even know your parents.
People think you overexaggerate, like how can you not know your parents? But it's the truth, at a young age you have been practically given up to Tony Stark, he is intelligent and has his weakness when it comes to sponsoring his businesses to which your parents agreed to with one condition.
That Tony takes you as they never had time in the world to babysit you, so Tony became the father figure you always lacked. He taught you many things along with his passion of building, with each lesson you become better which is why you are currently working for Tony.
You practically have the same knowledge as him so when he is busy or needs another person's perspective he asks you to help and you do it with gratefulness.
When your parents noticed that you are starting to become a potential, they asked Tony to keep you discreet but would regularly check up on you, not that they would even try to interact with you but you didn't really care.
You were fine with Tony being the only father figure, soon when Pepper came into Tony's life, she was like the mother you always dreamed off, she always supported you and loved spending time with you when Tony was busy with his meetings.
Since you were stuck in the same place at all the times, you wanted to explore but you were forbidden from doing so, you knew no one could find out about you or Tony could get into big trouble with your parents.
You heard of the Avengers and their work, but you and Tony were behind the inventions so they could succeed against enemies three times their size.
It would've been one of those days where Tony would disappear from the team and spend some of his time with you, catching up or helping you with studying.
You was sat at your desk, the room was connected to the lab where you and Tony would come up with creations, the lab had a window that was tinted so only the person inside could see outside of it which was useful, as you could watch people walk past and no one would know you are even there.
The room of course was filled with things that could never bore you but it did bore you. You couldn't leave anywhere because if there was a picture leaked, your parents would be furious, so you were basically locked like Rapunzel but you couldn't escape.
"How are you, kid?" Tony asked as he walked inside the room, taking a double look in the hall to make sure no one saw him.
You nodded as you looked at him "Like any person who is locked inside a room their whole life"
He laughed a little as he made his way towards you "I'm sure it is very entertaining"
"Yeah, I'm so entertained as you can see" You pointed towards your books.
He sat on the desk as he leaned over to see what you were studying "Biology? What's so fascinating about that?"
You rolled your eyes, you would think someone like Tony would be somewhat interested in facts about science "It's interesting, like the human body has 12 systems. Don't tell me this isn't impressive?"
He smiled at you "You need another hobby, kiddo"
You playfully rolled your eyes "And you need to let me explore this building"
His smile fell a little, he knew that this is inhumane to keep you in a room locked and no one could find out about you "Under different circumstances, that would be possible"
You stood up from the chair as you kept your gaze on him "I know, it's okay though, as long as you keep hanging around I'm sure I will be fine"
He nodded slightly with a sad smile "If it only was up to me, you would be able to just walk freely"
"I don't understand, why don't they just let you adopt me, they barely even talk to me, you have been more of a parent to me than they ever were"
He looked at you, he always cared about you, even if you weren't his daughter by blood, he always considered you as one along with Pepper "I wonder that as well.."
The silence started to settle but he cleared his throat, throwing one of his famous smiles and pulling you into him with his hand over your shoulder as he walked towards the lab "I started to come up with this prototype and then I noticed something and I wanted to ask you about it"
The time with him went by so quickly, he didn't even notice that he was gone for so long, he gave you a hug which was something that was so foreign to you until he took you, you still wasn't used to it especially since you barely received them but you grew fond of them.
The team started to get suspicious of Tony's disappearances, at first they thought he was sneaking off to see Pepper but that went out of the window when she walked into the Avengers tower and asked about him, indicating that she had no clue where he was.
They wanted to find out what he has been doing all that time, they checked every room they could possibly think off, but it came back short. They even asked Friday but that programmed thing always gave the same answer 'It's confidential' which only just fuelled the team.
Correction; Most of the team, by most that was Sam, Bucky, Thor and Natasha and the rest didn't really care until the four never came up with any explanation to why Tony had to disappear.
Steve only took interest when Sam really insisted and came up with some theory that Tony has a second woman on the side with a whole family, obviously there was no evidence to support that.
"I still think Wanda should look into his head" Thor came back with some sort of drink in his hand as he reclaimed his seat.
There was a slight laugh "There is no way I'm doing that, I respect that man too much, you guys are on your own"
All of them looked towards Wanda who heard Thor and they just sighed knowing that she won't do it, no matter how much they would beg.
"Natasha is a spy, can't she like follow Tony one day and just see where he always wonders off to?" Wanda asked as she sat down next to Steve who was scribbling something down on his notepad.
Sam and Bucky looked at each other with a slight smirk as they both looked at Natasha, who already knew that there would be no way out of this "Natashaaaaa..." Sam dragged her name out in an attempt to get to her " The witch is right, just follow him, you are like a super sneaky spy."
Natasha rolled her eyes as Thor spoke up again after taking a sip of his drink "That could save us a lot of time"
Natasha looked at Wanda who had a small smirk across her lips "You welcome" The witch mouthed which caused a glare to be thrown her way from the Russian.
She eventually agreed, especially when they would follow her everywhere, annoying her until she would crack. The famous black widow for once didn't threaten her team mates since she was as curious as them.
She has been following Tony all day, sneaking around, hanging from the ceiling and just watching his every move, she was close to giving up but that's when she noticed a door appear from the wall, from the outside it looked like any wall but that's where you would be with Tony all the time.
Tony looked around and walked inside and then the door disappeared. Natasha, feeling of satisfaction washed over her, had a smirk across her lips, finally that's where he has been hiding all this time.
She expected, some embarrassing place where Tony stored away his secrets that she could tease him about, so when he walked out again couple minutes after, she took the opportunity and snuck inside the room.
She was slightly disappointed when she just found a lab but her eyes caught a movement from the opened door, across from where she was, she quietly made her way there as she looked around. It was just a bedroom with a lot of fun stuff.
She observed you as you was sat on your bed with a book in hand so she decided to speak up "Now who can you be, gorgeous?"
Natasha never failed to notice how attractive you were, the way your hair would be pushed behind the both of your ears, in her eyes you looked young but old enough.
You jumped up from the unfamiliar voice, eyes fixated at the redhead in front, you knew this was bad, she shouldn't be here and now that she has seen you, this will only be a big problem.
Just like you jinxed Tony walked in and his eyes widen at the sight of the redhead "Romanoff what the hell are you doing here?"
She eagerly span on her hill as she faced him with a smirk "So that's where you have been hiding out"
"How did you even get in?" He narrowed his eyes as he looked at you, you looked clueless as well.
"The door closes too slow, I just walked in. But who is that?" Natasha simply explained but her attention changed towards you with a smile.
He stood in front of her as he covered you "That's not your business, you shouldn't even be here-"
Natasha walked around, making her way towards you as she extended her hand towards you "I'm Natasha but you can call me Nat, sweetheart"
Her attempt at flirting with you only irritated Tony "Romanoff, I swear if you don't take a step back from her, you'll regret it" He tried to stick to his threat but Natasha knew him too well.
You looked at Tony "Dad, does that mean am I in trouble?"
Natasha's eyes widen as she repeated what you said "Dad?!"
Tony rolled his eyes and looked at you with a small smile "Of course not" His eyes darted back to Natasha "But she will be"
You would be lying if you didn't think that some of the Avengers were pretty good looking, you never was in a relationship for obvious reasons but there would be times you would imagine yourself in one, not that you knew much about them but the films and books seem to give you some sort of an idea.
Natasha mumbled as her eyes narrowed "Maybe Sam was right about you having a secret family"
"Secret family? Have you guys been creating some sort of theories about me? What the hell are you guys doing?" He sounded more than irritated.
"Does Pepper know about you having a secret daughter?" She asked with her arms crossed.
Natasha might have been viewed at scary and unlovable for not more than her body but that doesn't mean she didn't have her own view on some subjects, she just never voiced them.
"She knows-" He paused as he huffed from irritation "I don't have to explain myself to you"
You watched as your eyes darted from one to another as they spoke so you decided to interrupt them "I'm trying to read..."
Natasha's gaze fell on you, she had a small smirk playing across her lips "You know that bed looks more than comfortable-"
"Out!" Tony shouted over Natasha as he pointed towards the exit, she finally given in and with a smirk she walked out and Tony followed but not before he sent you an apologetic look.
They both made it to a private room, out of hearing from anyone. Tony leaned on the door as Natasha stood not far from him, he sighed with a defeated look "Can you keep this to yourself? I will pay you or something"
The redhead with a hint of genuine emotion "You don't have to pay me, I will keep this to myself you don't have to worry but"
He dread that 'but', he knew there was a catch, Natasha continued "Who is that?"
He pushed himself off the door and sat on the table as he looked at Natasha "It's not my place to say, but her parents decided to give her to me and here she is, no one can know so just make up a lie or something"
He seems upset in a way and just like that walked out of the room and went back to you, Natasha's eyes followed him as she felt a little guilty for invading his privacy.
Everyone from the team apart from Tony were waiting for Natasha to return with some hopeful news. She wasn't expecting literally everyone to be tuned in.
She was taken back as she made it into the living room, they were waiting with excitement written all over their faces "So?" one of them spoke up.
The redhead crossed her arms as she raised her eyebrows perfectly "You guys just sat here and waited for me to come back?"
They shrugged and just said 'yes' which just made Natasha shake her head at their nosiness "Well I found nothing, he was busy with his meetings all day." She paused as they all groaned "Maybe there literally is nothing"
Wanda tilted her head at Natasha, she knew she had an advantage over the team, especially if they tried to lie, so when Natasha excused herself the witch took the opportunity to follow her.
"Wait up, Natasha" Wanda spoke from behind her as she caught up to her.
She turned to face Wanda as she raised her brows at her "What's up?"
Wanda looked around and with a swift motion, pushed them both into a room that wasn't familiar, from the sudden move it caused Natasha to slightly gasp from shock as this wasn't what she expected.
"What the hell Wanda!"
Wanda looked with an innocent smile "Sorry, I just wanted to be out of range of everyone"
"Why?" Natasha simply asked, not sure to why Wanda suddenly wants to talk.
"What did you find out?" The witch didn't beat around the bush, she came out with it straight away.
"I'm not sure what you are referring to?" The Russian tried to play dumb.
Wanda rolled her eyes "You might be able to fool them but remember I can still read your mind"
Natasha sighed as she crossed her arms and leaned on a little table that was behind her "Not much, there is hidden room where he keeps some girl who claims to be his daughter, the thing is that is definitely not his daughter. You can't say anything, he asked me not to and I'm only telling you because I don't want you to go inside my head"
Wanda liked the fact that she was somewhat feared by the Widow, she powerful but she would never try to hurt her team mates; scrap that, her family so she just nodded.
"We have a new addition!" Wanda clapped her in excitement "If you need help or anything, I'm here"
Natasha smiled at the witch and nodded and thanked the witch, they both went back to what they were doing; Natasha coming up with a way to find out more about you and Wanda went back to pity the boys.
It was one of those days for the team, where there would be no missions as Stark had a lot of business stuff to take care off with his company. He needed someone to keep an eye out for you, he would've asked Pepper but she was busy for that day so the only person that popped in his head was Natasha.
He walked into the area where everyone had their own get together to just relax after a chaotic week, he spotted the redhead sipping on beer "Looks like everyone is getting comfortable today"
They looked at Tony who was in a suit rather than something more comfortable "Shame you can't spend it with us" Steve spoke first, he was the only one who wasn't exactly drunk but he wasn't sober either.
Tony shook his head as he smiled "Well, nothing I can do unfortunately. Which reminds me, Romanoff I have a mission for you actually"
The team groaned at his words, Natasha was really liked as she would be able to drink so much and not get drunk, she would barely even reach the drunk state, so having her attend a mission made the team a little moody.
She nodded as she finished off her beer and stood up to follow Tony, she remembered not having any missions, she always double checks so she is never behind anything.
"What mission?" Those were the only words that left the Russian.
Tony sighed, knowing that this is the only way out "I need you to keep an eye out on that room"
The redhead crossed her arms as she listened to him "What do you want me do?"
He handed her a card "I want you to be causation, in case something happens and I'm not here. Do not go in there and disturb her, she has some stuff to do"
Natasha nodded as she looked down at the card "This is to open the door?"
He nodded and smiled at Natasha as he reached for her shoulder and squeezed it "Good luck"
Natasha watched Tony disappear and sighed, she never was the one to break rules but she really wanted to hang out with you, there was something about you that pulled her in and there wasn't a waking second that she wouldn't want to spend with you.
The Russian did as she was told, she kept an eye out for the room and observed it in a distance to make sure that everything was okay, it was quite boring, but she had her phone to occupy her time, she received some messages from Steve and Sam, showing her what she was 'missing'.
She was going to reply until she heard footsteps, she peaked and saw you with a hood up, waiting for the elevator to come, she smirked as she leaned on the door frame "Where do you think you're going, gorgeous?"
You didn't jump this time, you looked over at her and rolled your eyes as you whispered "Are you stalking me or something?"
The Russian crossed her arms, she knew what to do "Wouldn't you like to know!"
You raised your brows at her shouting, it would attract attention of people close by, meaning you would be spotted, so you marched your way towards her as you walked inside where she was camping out to hide.
"Can't you be quiet?" The way you spoke to her as if you knew her would straight away be a death wish for you but somehow you wasn't scared of her.
She looked out to see if anyone was coming and closed the door behind, trapping you inside with her "I could've been if you were nicer"
You sighed defeatedly as you looked down "Right, I'm sorry.." by the time you were done speaking, you looked up at her as she was analysing you.
"Where were you going to go?" She asked with no hesitation in her tone, she was a little different to the people you met, she wanted to find out why you did what you did rather than punish you straight away.
"I wanted to just leave that room, I never have the chance to do that and I thought today was my chance but" You paused as you eyed her "Clearly not"
The redhead felt hot as you eyed her but she hid it well "Okay, come with me"
You raised your brows at her but smiled as you put your hood up and you followed her like a puppy, you didn't know the place and if the worlds most deadly assassin was going to take you around, you knew it would be best to stick with her.
The two of you made it to the roof top, you never went anywhere your whole life, always stuck in that room or met your parents in some plain white meeting room to discuss what would be best for you.
As you stood near the door, you looked around to see the city and how beautiful it was, it was the first time you saw anything that pretty, usually you would only stare at one view from your room and that eventually got boring.
The Russian chuckled at you and made her way towards the edge of the building, placing herself on the floor, you did join her but sat a little further away from the edge.
You looked down and saw multiple cars go by but from far they looked like toys, the way you observed everything melted Natasha's heart, she never witnessed anyone being so happy whilst looking down a huge tall building.
Natasha shook her head a little with a small smile which caught your attention "What you smiling at?"
She looked at you with the same smile "I never seen someone be so happy whilst looking down to potential death" She teased a little.
You looked away from her and bluntly responded "If you were locked inside a room for your whole life, things like this would amuse you as well"
There was a pause in between, the Russian tried to come up with something to say without wanting to invade your privacy "How did you not go insane?"
You laid down on your back as you stared at the stars above "Hope"
You replied with one word which only interested Natasha even more "Hope for what?"
"For this.." You pointed up at the sky and she understood. You hoped one day you'll be able to just walk around.
She took a deep breath as she laid next to you and looked at your side profile "Why are you not allowed to leave that room?"
You looked at her, meeting her eyes trying to embed into your memory the way her eyes looked at you "Because that's my life"
"Surely Tony wouldn't be this cruel to not let you leave his side" She spoke trying to crack you a little bit more.
You chuckled "No, Tony is the best father figure you could ask for. It's just that my parents have a tight hold over him and if I mess that up, they will literally lock in inside a prison or something"
Natasha's eyes never left your face, it was like she was in some trance "So Tony isn't your biological dad?" The redhead asked, she knew that he wasn't but she wanted to know more from you.
You shook your head from side to side "I wish, he has been more of a parent to me than my own ever were"
"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to" Natasha stated softly, making sure you didn't think she was forcing you.
You gave her a smile "I know, but you seem like you want to know unlike everyone else"
She frown at your answer "What do you mean? People don't listen to you?"
You shook your head "Nope, no one cares either"
"I do" It was the most quietest 'I do' you ever heard.
"You are the only one"
She was quiet as she was processing your words, so you continued "My parent's never actually cared about me, but I don't really care, what I care is that they locked me and don't allow me to do whatever I want"
"You talk about your parents as if they are really powerful, who are they?" She asked curiously, not to be nosy but to know more about you.
You looked away, scared about the judgement from her "My name is Y/n Y/l/n"
She looked at you with disbelief "So you're the spoiled kid of the Y/l/n family?" She asked with a surprised tone.
You knew this would happen, the news never shut up about you and your weird disappearance so you nodded and she sat up from the disbelief "That's bullshit, you don't seem to be spoiled"
You raised your eyebrows at her "Am I not? Have you not seen my room?"
She rolled her eyes "Well do you expect to be locked in a room with just a bed and couple books? I think that's a reasonable room for someone who has been forced to stay in it"
You sat up as you listen to her defend you as if she knew you, so you simply smiled "Thank you"
She looked at you as her emotions were quick to cool down "For what?"
"For taking me here and listening to me, I never had friends before, to be fair I never met anyone near my age" You nervously played with your fingers as you admitted it to her.
She smiled as she stood up and extended her hand towards you so she can help you stand up "Well we aren't done.. that's if you still want to hang with me"
You took her hand as she pulled you up "Please, anything to not spend another minute in that room"
She smiled as the both of you slowly started to walk towards the exit of the roof "If you want, there is a small get together with the Avengers, we can tag along with them"
You looked at her side profile this time, if you didn't have to reply to her, you would most likely be speechless by her beauty "Do you think they will know who I am?"
She waved her hand dismissively "Don't worry, I will put them back in their place if they say anything rude"
And that's how it started, you both attended the get together, you met wonderful people and for the first time in your life you tried alcohol. The team was more than happy to have you in their circle and shortly they learnt who you were, it wasn't possible to hide anything from them plus you were on the news practically all the time but they never judged you but more opposite, they loved you.
Thor even called you Lady Y/n and you really liked it, they treated you like any other person and you could've been more grateful for that, Natasha walked you to your room and stayed until you fell asleep, she stayed to ensure that you would actually fall asleep but also to watch as you slowly relaxed every muscle in your body.
From that moment, she only started to fall for you even more, the more you opened up the more she was in awe at how brave you had become but it was the moment when you stood up to your parents in front of her that she realised she really likes you.
It was one of those days where she sneaked inside your room and you loved it, the two of you would spend time watching movies that she loved and movies that you loved, or watch movies the both of you hated and just made comments on it.
You gotten comfortable around Natasha and she respected you like you respected her, you wasn't sure whether what you felt was friendly or romantic, your heart would always skip a beat when her arm would brush against yours or when she laughed so hard at something you said and she gripped your arm or hand it just made you miss her touch after.
"I don't understand why they even go towards that stupid sound, I would turn around and just walk off" You commented as you were irritated at the scene on the TV.
The Russian chuckled slightly "That's because you are a wuss, of course you would run away"
You rolled your eyes at her as you looked over "Please, as if you wouldn't. Just because you are THE Black Widow, it doesn't make you less of a human"
She looked over at you curiously "So you're saying everyone would be scared?"
You nodded confidently "Oh for sure, if someone just barged inside here, you would jump for sure"
And that's what happened, someone DID barge in but it was someone you didn't expect, the way you gripped onto Natasha's body as if she would somehow make it disappear and the way Natasha held onto you as if she could make that disappear was more adorable.
"Y/n Y/l/n! What do you think you're doing!" The voice spoke that was familiar yet at the time not really.
You felt a blush across your cheeks as you realised you were still holding into Natasha, you let her go and looked at her, she had a slight blush as well but she quickly looked away from you to mask the blush.
You stood up from your bed and walked over to where the voice was, it was your mother, she stood there with her arms crossed and that's when Natasha came out from behind you, she crossed her arms as she narrowed her eyes at the woman.
Your mother held the phone out as it displayed your newly social media "I don't see what's wrong Mother"
She huffed "You are unimageable disrespectful!"
Natasha raised her eyebrows at her, she understood what you meant now but you continued "No, I'm being respectful, it's you who barged into this room throwing a fit over a picture"
"You are doing this on purpose, you are trying to ruin our imagine! You must delete that now, this is unacceptable" She looked at the phone and at the picture, it was you with the team, the next picture was with Natasha as she leaned on your shoulder and made a cute little kissy pose.
You shook your head "No" it was all you said which caught Natasha off guard but she felt proud, so there was a smug smile across her lips as she observed the woman in front of her.
"Unbelievable" She paused as the redhead finally caught her eye so she pointed towards her "You are the one who corrupted my daughter"
Natasha's smile was gone as those words left her mouth so she decided to speak up "If she was your daughter you would treat her better"
You looked over at Natasha, the way her gaze was on your mother so firmly, make your stomach do flips "She never corrupted me, she was always here for me" She looked down at you with a smile that met her eyes, you looked at your mother "Unlike you or Father"
Her mouth dropped opened at your words, she never expected you to ever talk to her like that, so you continued "I'm old enough to decide for myself, so I'm no longer your daughter but Tony's, he adopted me and I will happily call him my dad and Pepper my mom, they deserve those names so if you don't like it, leave the same way you came in"
She was boiling inside as Natasha chuckled at her expression, she huffed and walked out not saying anything back, you let out a breath that you didn't even know you was holding and turned to face Natasha, a squeak came out of your mouth as you jumped into Natasha's arms.
She held you so tightly but you quickly pulled away realising what you did, you were still in her arms but just facing her "Oh god! This is bad, she will take revenge"
Natasha's voice always seemed to calm you "Hey, hey. She won't do that, Tony won't let that happen and frankly I won't either"
You always seem to be oblivious to Natasha's feelings towards you, she wasn't very open with them which is what caused your obliviousness. The both of you were scared of rejection but something with the way Natasha comforted you and held you tight against her, making you look down at her lips.
She caught on and with every courage that was left in her body, she leaned closer, before her lips reached yours you looked into her eyes "Thank you Talia"
She smiled as she kissed you, she finally did what she always wanted to do, she felt as if there was fireworks going off, the way butterflies would grow just at the touch of your lips, she loved it and she was intoxicated.
You were the first to pull away, resting your forehead against hers "I like it when you call me that"
A grin broke out on your face "Talia, Talia, Talia-"
She kissed you again, this time with hunger as she backed you into a wall, you tangled your hands into her hair as you matched her pace in the kiss.
Even if it wasn't long since you knew each other, the want and the need was stronger than self control for Natasha, especially when you did things like this.
"You really don't want to walk tomorrow" The way her voice was low and her eyes would fill with lust just at you teasing.
"I'm not sure I understand what that means"
Natasha smirked as her lips made their way towards your ear "You don't have to.."
"You just need to feel it" her lips latched onto your skin within seconds, causing a moan to escape your lips.
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resurrectedclones · 3 years
So I, like many other people in the DP fandom, have mixed feelings on the Fenton parents. In terms of if they are actually good parents. So I rewatched the first 10 episodes (technically 9 since they’re not in Shades of Gray), to try and come to a more objective conclusion. I watched all the scenes with Jack and Maddie in them and made a list of the good things I saw and the bad things.
Maddie noticed a change in Jazz’s behavior
Maddie was worried about possibly hurting Jazz
Jack was willing to stop ghost hunting after seeing how upset Jazz was
Maddie wanted to make a good impression when chaperoning Danny’s first dance
Maddie was concerned about how tired Danny looked after coming home
Both were concerned about the loud noises coming from Danny's room
Both want Danny to learn the value of earning his own money
Both talk to Danny about his negative change in behavior
Jack listens to Jazz criticism about not talking about their past and attempts to fix it
Both came running when Jazz called them about something being wrong with Danny
Maddie uses a welding torch with sparks flying very close to Jazz and Danny who are not wearing any protective equipment (this happens twice, and Jazz was holding a flammable book the first time.)
Both attack Jazz with a device that could rip hair out
Both attack Jazz with a net they mention a ghost could escape but not a human
Jack mocked Jazz to her face
Jack left Danny alone in the lab with an invention meant to pull ghosts through the portal with no instructions or protection
Jack made Danny think he'll take his anger out on him if he tells him bad news
Both use untested devices around their kids
Jack handed Danny a clogged invention with it still turned on
Jack uses accusatory language towards Danny (a lot more than I remember)
Maddie uses ectoplasm to cook food
Neither got rid of the hostel ecto weenies and just left them in the fridge for their kids to find
Both make plans to hover over his personal locker without telling Danny
Jack carelessly uses an invention that can punch through metal piping
Both make last minute trip plans for their kids without any input from them
Both work on inventions outside the lab (at least three times)
Neither tell their kids what buttons in the GAV will set off weapons
Both redo an experiment that hospitalized their friend with no new safety precautions, that could be seen, in their own home
Jack talked over Danny when he tried to ask a question about homework
Both were too busy fighting to notice the specter speeder flying into the ghost zone with Danny in it (I ignored a few other instances where they didn’t notice things they probably should have because that’s a constant for every superhero show, but this one was really blatant.)
Maddie didn't tell the kids she was planning to leave on a trip or why
Jack leaves the kids alone at home with no warning
Maddie keeps ecto samples in the fridge with their food
Both drop all worry for Danny at the mention of a ghost
It does kind of paint a picture huh? I might continue through the rest of the episodes to see if there’s a change in their behavior, but so far it does seem that while they do love their kids and want to be good parents, it doesn’t make up for their carelessness and danger they put them in.
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sanjisock · 3 years
more than words
50 words; 50 sentences
#01 - Motion
A spinning kick, a swing of blade — the two meet and hit but don’t hurt, and Nami sighs exasperatedly at such a pathetic display of a mating dance.
#02 - Cool
Zoro stands his ground as his enemy — finally, finally — falls unceremoniously on his back, unconscious, and Sanji thinks for a moment that the sight of Zoro — wild and victorious and ready to take on the world — looks kind of, maybe, slightly cool.
  #03 - Young
Brook sees the two — dying to die for each other, the weight of their friends’ lives pulling down their shoulders — and he thinks too many people forget how young they still are.
  #04 - Last
The Cook is the last person Zoro would consider lending a hand in a fight — “who would want to work together with that dumbass anyway,” he lies whenever anyone asks, and doesn’t admit that it’s because he trusts Sanji’s ability to stand his ground, wholly and fully.
  #05 - Wrong
Sanji knows Zoro, like him, understands better than most — that this nakama thing isn’t just something you’d die for, but something you’d kill for, too.
  #06 - Gentle
Sanji manages to catch Kitetsu before it rolls off from the deck during a storm, and in that moment, Zoro knows, from the reverent way he regards the swords in his hands, that this isn’t the first time the Cook has wielded one.
  #07 - One
“Calm down, Marimo,” Sanji says with a dismissive wave of his hand when Zoro asks about the sword a few days later, “I’m not about to take your place as the ship’s swordsman; a cook doesn’t use his hands to fight, and I had a terrible teacher anyways.”
  #08 - Thousand
“I’m worth two thousand men,” Zoro grumpily says, almost sulking, and Nami can’t resist patting his head like she would to a little boy pulling the pigtail of a girl he has a crush on.
  #09 - King
You’re like the prince of Dumbass Kingdom, Zoro says, and it takes Sanji everything in him not to blurt out, Dumbass Kingdom sounds about right; wait ‘till you see the fucking king.
  #10 - Learn
Watching Sanji converse fluently with a couple of tourists in a Northern language, Zoro wonders when he will ever stop learning something new about Sanji — or if he ever will, at all.
  #11 - Blur
When Zoro finally comes to, the wounds from Bartholomeow Kuma is muted by Chopper’s medicine, a dull throb at the back of his consciousness; but the sharp pain against his heart feels raw still, visceral and razor-sharp, tucked alongside the ache of Sanji’s sacrifice.
#12 - Wait
“Wait,” he manages to croak out before Sanji flees the room, the word spilling out unbidden; he isn’t quite sure why, but he knows that he wants the Cook to stay.
  #13 - Change
“Have some fucking decency ,” Sanji yells, throwing a shirt at Zoro’s direction; the brute has been walking around the ship bare-chested like an eyesore ever since they entered the summer island, and Sanji is just trying to do everyone a favor — and definitely not because there’s a different kind of heat pooling at the pit of his stomach.
#14 - Command
Robin watches the two in amusement — Zoro could have easily refused to be Sanji’s pack mule, and she can hear him grumbling about it still; and yet, here they are, once again, together at the island’s marketplace.
#15 - Hold
Sanji is rough around the edges, bristling at the slightest touch; Zoro knows he needs to be gentle, but he doesn’t quite remember the last time he held something that isn’t a hilt of a sword, without meaning to hurt . It’s a learning curve. 
  #16 - Need
Sanji knows Zoro is a dumbass, but it takes a special kind of stupid to think he would never be good enough for Sanji, when he’s all that Sanji has ever needed.
#17 - Vision
Zoro never regrets losing his eye, but he wishes, sometimes, he could still take in the sight of Sanji with an unimpaired vision, just to see more of him.
  #18 - Attention
“You’re starting a fight, Marimo?” Sanji growls, voice low and dangerous, and Zoro thinks, yes, yes, anything to get you to look at me.
  #19 - Soul
He loves the kid like a brother, but sometimes Zoro hates how Luffy can easily see past his gruff words and feigned ignorance; the way Luffy only needs to take one look at him to guess, “you’re worried about Sanji, aren’t you?”
  #20 - Picture
He carries around everyone’s bounty posters, Sanji tells himself, and tries not to think too hard about how the only one he kept in his breast pocket is Zoro’s, folded neatly against his heart.
  #21 - Fool
“This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done so far,” Sanji says when they part, lips still tingling from their earlier kiss, because Zoro’s love is fierce and consuming and Sanji knows, ever since he was just a kid with the iron mask, that he doesn’t deserve any of this.
  #22 - Mad
“Don’t you ever say that kind of shit again,” Zoro snarls, slamming the wall beside Sanji’s head, his voice trembling with a kind of anger Sanji has never seen him with before — frustrated, desperate. “You’re important to me, Cook.” 
  #23 - Child
Grow up and cast your dreams away, Sanji tells himself every day, the voice ringing in his ears; you stopped being a child deserving of a dream the moment you chained Zeff down to the ground.
  #24 - Now
Grow up and cast your dreams away, Sanji wants to tell himself, but the voice stutters, drowned out by the sight of the kid bleeding on the deck of Baratie — he’s a swordsman, too, acknowledged by none other than Dracule Mihawk himself — but a kid still, throwing himself headfirst towards the case of his dreams, steps unweighted by regrets.
  #25 - Shadow
Zoro doesn’t know which is worse — Sanji, forever running away from the shadow his brothers cast; or Zoro, chasing after someone who is no longer around to leave behind a shadow anymore.
  #26 - Goodbye
After Whole Cake Island, there’s a period of time where Zoro would follow Sanji around the ship like a lost puppy, unwilling to let the Cook out of his sight; Usopp definitely didn’t expect Zoro to have such a cute side, and crouches over his new invention to hide his smile.
  #27 - Hide
“We’re not doing that here,” Sanji hisses, and forces himself not to laugh at the pout on Zoro’s face; the galley might be secluded enough, but they’re still on the enemy ship’s galley.
  #28 - Fortune
It is annoying, the way Sanji keeps reminding Zoro that he could have collected Mihawk’s bounty and lived the rest of his life in wealth; especially when Zoro would trade any riches in the world just to stay by the Cook’s side.
  #29 - Safe
It catches Zoro off guard when Sanji starts talking about his mother; it’s a short anecdote, a single happy memory, but Zoro can tell by the way Sanji tells it — guarded and hesitant, like he wants to keep the words close and safe — that he has never shared it with anyone else before.
  #30 - Ghost
Usopp starts shaking like a leaf as soon as they enter the abandoned, dilapidated house, and Sanji gently tells him, sometimes the worst ghost is the one you create yourself; Zoro feels the weight of Wado on his hip, and agrees.
  #31 - Book
“I don’t need this,” Zoro grumbles with a blush, pushing the book back into Nami’s hands, trying hard to ignore Nami’s laughter and the words ROMANCE FOR DUMMIES emblazoned on the book’s jacket.
  #32 - Eye
Shusui sinks into the man’s stomach, all the way to the hilt, and Zoro thinks of the way Sanji curled into himself as the man landed a lucky hit on the cook’s hand. An eye for an eye.
  #33 - Never
“This is my first time,” Zoro whispers, head ducking away as he feels his face flush at the admission; but Sanji’s hand rests on his cheek, encouraging, and he can feel the curve of Sanji’s smile as their lips meet and Sanji replies, “it’s mine, too.”
  #34 - Sing
Luffy cheers when Zoro and Sanji comes into view, and he lets them take on the next batch of enemies; a good fight is always fun, but watching Zoro and Sanji fight is even more so — like watching a dance that only those two know the melody to.
  #35 - Sudden
“What, are we supposed to be surprised?” Nami says, barely looking up from the map she’s working on; Sanji sputters, face redder than the tomatoes he served during breakfast, and Nami feels almost bad for him.
  #36 - Stop
“But we — Zoro and I — how did you know?” Sanji asks, and promptly stops asking questions when he realizes the rest of the crew aren’t surprised either; who could blame them, when his and Zoro’s sexual tension can be seen from a mile away.
  #37 - Time
Sanji knows they have to break apart soon, just to breathe, but right now all he cares about is to taste as much of Zoro as possible — he has waited two years for this, and it has been two years too long.
  #38 - Wash
They have their fair share of fighting — and how, considering the amount of repairs Usopp has to do for Merry just from their petty fights alone — but what the crew doesn’t know is that they also have this thing, this quiet thing, just him and the Cook and a stack of dirty plates between them.
  #39 - Torn
“In retrospect,” Robin observes, “dressing up our dear cook in a maid uniform would not only lower the enemy’s firepower, but also ours, considering how distracted our swordsman has clearly become.”
  #40 - History
“Why do you keep him around, mister?” The kid asks, pointing at the old swordsman with three swords and an eye scar by the peer; Sanji laughs, pats the kid on the head, and says, almost wistfully — “you can say we have some history.”
  #41 - Power
Sanji tugs at Zoro’s sleeve, and Zoro follows suit despite his complaints — Sanji thinks, distantly, how much of an honor it is, to have so much control over such a powerful man.
  #42 - Bother
“I didn’t have enough time to make this three-tier ice cream cake for our lovely Nami-san and Robin-chan because you distracted me!” Sanji says with a hard jab of a finger against Zoro’s chest, and Zoro thinks, good .
  #43 - God
Zoro does not believe in gods, but there’s a hymn of a noise when Zoro presses his lips against the crook of Sanji’s neck, the hallelujah of the world breaking apart as their bodies move together, and he thinks, close enough .
  #44 - Wall
 Zoro slams his fist into the wall of Polar Tang, and is taken aback by the depth of his own frustration; he knows Luffy and the others will get Sanji back from Big Mom’s place, but it unsettles him still, the way Sanji hides himself under layers of pretenses when Zoro has bared so much of himself to the Cook in return.
  #45 - Naked
“What the fuck was that for , Mosshead?!” Sanji shrieks, justifiably furious, leg raised and on fire after Zoro sliced his tray into two without preamble; Zoro can’t exactly tell the Cook he did it because he was too surprised at the sight of Sanji in a swimming trunk and nothing else.
  #46 - Drive
Why Zoro , people sometimes ask, but the answer is easy to Sanji — nobody drives him crazy the way Zoro does, and is that not what true love feels like?
  #47 - Harm
Zoro knows Sanji will be furious ; but as he faces Kuma, knowing at least the Cook is out of harm’s way, he knows he would do this a hundred times over, a thousand times over, a million times over.
  #48 - Precious
Sanji is sitting by the corner of the infirmary, face pale with red-rimmed eyes, and Zoro thinks he’s never had that, before — people who would weep for him, knowing that he is more than dried scars and calloused skin.
  #49 - Hunger
This thing we have is dangerous, Sanji tells him, but Zoro doesn’t care — he already has a craving, the same way he needs a booze when it’s been too long, except he thinks that this vice will surely kill him.
  #50 - Believe
This isn’t faith; this is the truth, Zoro’s truth, the same way he knows he will become the Greatest — Sanji will find that elusive sea of his, and Zoro will stay with him until it is the last thing he can do.
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nootnewtnute · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet - Theo Dimas
Affection- Theo was usually a pretty affectionate guy. When at home, he was always either holding your hand or wrapping his arms around you. Physical touch was his love language.
Bonding- The easiest way for you and Theo to bond was to play games. The two of you looooved to either play board games or invent your own games to play. Most of those invented games were adapted in some way to account for the fact Theo was deaf. Either way, playing games was a way for you to spend more time together, away from work or from technology.
Comfort- When you were upset, Theo would usually just give you a big ol’ hug (which he was very good at) or let you cuddle into him until you felt better. He always knew how to make you feel better without even saying (or in his case, signing) anything.
Dates- The ideal date for you and Theo was going out and walking through Central Park, or some other park closer to the Arconia. The outdoors was the perfect place for you two to hang out. Theo was a guy who loved to connect face to face; movies weren’t a good date for him, as movie theatres weren’t the easiest place to be for a deaf guy. Neither of you wanted to stay in the Arconia or your apartment, either, as a date was always better when you went out. So, the great outdoors it was.
Emotions- Theo was a bit emotional sometimes, although he wasn’t one to admit it. You could always tell when he was upset about something, because he would always act like a teenage girl. However, his emotions weren’t always negative. His occasional emotionalness made him a bit more romantic, which you weren’t complaining about.
Family- Theo was a bit at a crossroads when it came to starting a family. On one hand, he wanted to start a family. Any child he could raise with you would be amazing. On the other hand, he knew that his deafness could possibly be genetic. Although he had learned to be confident and ok with being deaf, he wasn’t sure he wanted to pass on such a trait to any kids he had.
Gifts- Mostly Theo would just give you little things. If he was at the store and saw a snack he knew you loved, he would get you a bag, or he would find some cool t-shirt he knew you liked and would get you that. Mainly it was just the little things, and you loved that.
Holding hands- Theo loved holding your hand. He was a guy who loved physical contact, so hand holding was the way to go. He obviously couldn’t hold your hands all the time; you both needed to use your hands to properly communicate. However, when you weren’t signing, he was usually holding your hand.
Injury- Luckily, you had never been severely injured since knowing Theo. He would have been very panicky if you were severely injured. However, whenever you got a small injury, he would always be right there to help if you needed it.
Jokes- Although he didn’t seem like it when you had first met him, Theo was a big jokester. He was always making jokes, trying to prank you (although not always succeeding), and being humorous. That was one of the things you loved the most about him; Theo always knew how to make you laugh.
Kisses- Kisses were constant with the two of you. Theo was always finding reasons and times to kiss you - if he was leaving for work, or coming home from work, or had missed you for some reason, or… well, there were a million reasons why. You weren’t complaining, though.
Love- Theo’s way of showing he loves you is 100% physical touch. His hands are his main way of talking to you, and he goes even further by always being around you, holding your hand, holding you close, or some other way of physical touch.
Memory- Theo’s favorite memory with you was not long after you first met. You were on the roof of the Arconia, you listening to the traffic below and him trying to see if he could find any stars. That night was the first night the two of you really had some deep conversations with each other. Theo had some bad memories of the rooftop of the Arconia; it was where his tumultuous relationship with Zoe took its deadly end, and his criminal life with his father began. That was the night that those memories began to fade, and the ones with you became the ones he wanted to remember. That was also the night that Theo realized he was falling for you.
Nightmare- Because of his past, and his father, Theo had some enemies. He was worried that one of those enemies would find him, come to hurt him, and then hurt you as well. You were the first person in a long time that had loved him without pitying him or looking down on him for being deaf, and he loved you too much to lose you or have you hurt.
Oddity- The quirk that stuck out to you the most with Theo was that when he was deep in thought, he would actually mumble. That would be a normal thing for most people, but for someone who was deaf their whole life… it was kind of different. Mostly the mumbling was unintelligible, but whenever he was deep in thought, you could always just barely hear him. Honestly, it was kind of cute.
Pet names- Mostly, he would call you ‘babe’, but ‘honey’ was sometimes a name he used. You usually called him ‘handsome’ or ‘sweetie’.
Quality time- Quality time was usually spent wandering the city or playing board games. It was those moments without technology that usually helped you two get the most quality time and bond the most.
Rhythm- A song that reminded you of Theo was ‘Stand By You’ by Rachel Platten. Yes, it was kind of a sappy song, but it really fit your relationship. When you first became official, you had promised to love Theo no matter what. Being deaf didn’t matter, his past didn’t matter. You loved Theo for his kind, humorous nature, that’s what mattered.
For obvious reasons, Theo didn’t really have any song that reminded him of you.
Secrets- The criminal life his dad had forced him to be a part of for so long was the only secret he had kept from you, and even then he had eventually told you. Other than that, he usually told you things, and vice versa. The two of you wanted to keep communication as a priority in your relationship, so secrets were never really a thing.
Time- It didn’t take too long. You both had developed feeling pretty early on, and Theo was so happy to finally find someone who really liked him for him, so he wasted no time asking you out on a date, and then making it official not long after.
Upset- When Theo was upset, he was a bit clingy. You would just be reading a book or watching TV, and he would find a way to cuddle up to you, rest his head on your chest, and stay there until you comforted him and helped him feel better.
Warrior- Theo would go to hell and back for you, and he wouldn’t hesitate. He knew you could protect and defend yourself to a certain extent. However, if there was ever a time where you were threatened (which happened when you were there to help Theo break away from his dad), Theo would be right there to protect you.
X-ray- Theo was the KING of reading you. It made sense; he used sight to pick up on just about everything in his life. So as soon as you began to act differently, whether that be a good or bad difference, he would pick up on it almost instantly.
Yes- Theo proposing would be pretty simple. He would take you to your favorite spot in the park and propose there. He was a bit nervous, but was pretty confident that you would say yes. And you did; of course you wanted to spend your life with Theo, and you were thrilled that he actually asked you to marry him.
Zen- One thing that makes Theo calm is being outdoors. When outside, Theo could feel the wind on his skin, see a million different colors, and smell the city that he loved to live in. It was a great sensory experience, which was important to him, since he could not hear. It all reminded him of the great place he lived in, and kept him grounded when things got tough.
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
request from nonnie!! “Hi! I loveeee your writing, you’re absolutely amazing! I had a dream recently that i was hoping I could request?? A Georgexreader where they’re dating and the readers love language is touch & affection. Then one day she overhears George saying how irresistible she must find him or something obnoxious like that? So for revenge she completely stops touching him and showing any affection. Maybe a frustrated George in result??? Or something similar? :) Thank you!!”
pairing: george x gryffindor!reader
word count: 3.4k
A/N: this was such an adorable request and one i very much enjoyed writing; i don’t believe i've ever had a request like this one so i was very excited to write it! i didn’t mean for it to be so ~thirsty~ but shoutout to my discord babes -- the thirstiest chat of all has resulted in this story, so thank you! hope you guys enjoy, please leave feedback and reblog if you so please x
tag list: @mintlibri @georgeweasleyx @seppys-return-to-madness @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @darling-details @laneygthememequeen @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @waschbiber @dreamer821 @feffffffy @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @obsessedwithrandomthings @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic @purplefragile @90shermione @zreads @susceptible-but-siriusexual @parker-potters | message me to be added, loves
Being George Weasley’s girlfriend came with loads of things you couldn’t seem to get enough of -- endless laughter, playful teasing, witty banter, consistent hugging. Snogging. Cuddling. Mostly in private, of course, so as not to annoy those around you with your PDA. But there were always small, shared kisses in the corridors, tight embraces after Quidditch matches. Your fingers would interlock with his during feasts, or you’d place your head on his shoulder in the common room. But you tried to save most of this for just the two of you. So the second you were alone, it was pretty difficult to keep your hands off of one another.
Fred was always calling you an “old, married couple”.
But you wondered now, as George slipped his hands under your shirt, spread his hands out against your ribcage, and moaned against your mouth, if old married couples acted like this.
“Mhmm?” you mumbled, barely breaking from him, not even giving him a chance to speak. You locked your arms around his neck and tightened your embrace. He just laughed against you and ran his hands delicately against your skin. It was almost immediate that goosebumps had appeared.
It wasn’t always like this, though. Not in the beginning, at least. You hardly let yourself even hold his hand, worried that you wouldn’t be able to control yourself. You were embarrassed by just how much you craved his touch -- whether it was just his fingers intertwined with yours, or something a little more -- the intensity of your feelings terrified you. You found yourself jolting awake in the middle of the night and swinging your arms to the other side of your bed, only to be disappointed when you realized, in your groggy state, that he was across the common room and not in the bed next to you, with his limbs entangled with yours.
You restricted yourself from feeling too much. What would he say? You didn’t want to scare him. You didn’t want to come off as one of those people, give yourself a bad rep before even really having been able to create one. You also, if you were being honest, found yourself to be a bit worried that if you immediately handed yourself over to him, George would take it, and leave.
But even all this time later, George had proven himself to be a gentleman, and you scolded yourself for ever thinking he could’ve been anything different than exactly that.
He pulled away from you now, squeezing your hips and checking his watch. “We’re going to be late,” he said flatly.
You frowned. “You’re absolutely sure we’ve got to meet Lee in Hogsmeade? Now?”
He laughed at you and began to button the top of his shirt. “Unfortunately, and I mean that truly, darling -- yes, I’m sure we’ve got to meet Lee in Hogsmeade, considering I’ve canceled on him the last three times.”
You groaned. You and George hadn’t really had a ton of alone time the last few weeks, as your studying had increased and your homework piles began to resemble that of mountains -- plus, with excitement of their shop soon opening up, George was busy with Fred, putting the final touches on every single one of their products. It was sheer luck when you both were able to find even five minutes to spend together.
George noticed the change in your expression as you thought on this; he pressed another gentle kiss to your lips and then one to your temple. “Promise to make it up to you later tonight,”
“I’m holding you to that, you know.”
“And if I disobey?”
The words alone set you aflame, but you resisted the very strong urge to pull him back into you. A comment like that would normally send you into a complete and dizzying overdrive. He knew it, too -- the sensual smirk that appeared ever so slightly on his lips told you exactly what he was thinking.
You swatted him playfully with your hand. “Oh shut up, Weasley.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Ugh,” you groaned again while he fell into a bit of laughter. He was always acting like a git. You supposed it was a good thing that he was so cute. You pushed him away from you and jumped off of your bed in the desolate girls’ dormitory. The tension was still hanging in the air; next to you, fixing his tie as if he were off to a business meeting, George just shrugged gently, playing off the entire exchange. You rolled your eyes, “If you’re going to be a prat, then you at least owe me a drink.”
-- -
“Mate, I’m telling you, I must be irresistible to her or something.”
His voice was relaxed, smooth. You stopped dead in your tracks right outside the empty Transfiguration classroom, where Fred and George were both fiddling with their inventions. You wanted to surprise George right after you finished your lesson -- you were dying to get some alone time with him, especially after having spent your disaster of an afternoon in those dreary dungeons with Professor Snape, who’d scolded you due to your potion, which he’d deemed ‘mediocre at best’. But instead, you stopped where you were, leaned closer to the door, and listened.
“Oh yeah?” You could practically hear the smirk that was, no doubt, growing on Fred’s face. He continued with a laugh, “How so? Y/N yanking you into broom cupboards more often than not?”
By the tone of George’s voice, you could imagine exactly how this exchange must have looked: Fred, eyebrows raised and lips formed in a thin smirk as he waited for more information; George, chest puffed and arms folded across it, his air of confidence engulfing the room entirely. “I’m not that much of a prat. Some things I’ve got to keep to myself, haven’t I?” At least he’s being smart, you thought. You appreciated that he at least wasn’t divulging the very intimate details of your relationship to his brother. “All I’ll say is that she can’t keep her hands off of me.”
Both boys ended up snickering like two young kids. You knew it was harmless; they were two of the most genuine blokes you knew -- they meant nothing of it. It was all innocent. But still, you found yourself feeling a bit embarrassed. Your entire body suddenly felt very hot, and not in the way it felt when you were alone with your boyfriend. Was George really going to be that self-righteous? Well, you’d show him, wouldn’t you?
Instead of turning inside the classroom to greet your best mates like you’d planned, you turned on your heel and headed quickly in the direction of your common room, hellbent on making the next few days of George’s life ones he’d certainly never forget.
-- -
You felt different. Strange. Exposed, even. But you reckoned it was worth it if it taught your silly boyfriend a lesson he desperately needed to learn.
You slid yourself next to him on the bench in the Great Hall, but he didn’t look up from his parchment right away, and you didn’t prompt him too. Instead, he finished scribbling something on a bit of parchment, smirked and said, “There’s my favorite girl. How’s your morning?”
You began to pour yourself a bit of tea and mumbled, “Just fine.”
When he looked up, his eyes immediately widened at the sight of you. It was rude of you to do what you were doing, you knew that, but he deserved it after what he said. He deserved it after acting like a git.
You didn’t meet his gaze, but you were quite certain he was eyeing you up and down, something you were used to since you began dating him. But this, you dressing this way -- this was blatant. This was done purposefully. So to feel his eyes wash over you in this moment felt sort of fraudulent. He immediately began to snake his fingers around your waist. “Well good morning to you, too.”
You shrugged him off and giggled slightly. You knew it would work. You knew it as soon as you’d looked at yourself in the mirror this morning -- the exposed strap of your bright red, lace bralette, the tight knot you’d tied at the bottom of your shirt to expose a bit of your skin at your hipline, just above the top of your skirt -- it was just enough to keep you from going too over-the-top and getting into any type of trouble, but enough to get his attention. Enough to make him sweat.
“George, we’re in public!”
“You’re the one who dressed like you want me to rip it all off of you right now.”
“Our professors are literally sat at the other end of the hall. You do know this, yes?”
After you’d wriggled free of his grasp, he figured he’d try something different -- he leant in, pushed a piece of hair behind your ear, and tried to press his lips to your neck, but stopped just before he did so.
“Bloody hell, woman, are you joking? What are you wearing?”
You shrugged casually, as if it didn’t really matter. “Angelina and Katie bought me this perfume for my birthday. Haven’t ever really worn it before. You like it?”
He scoffed a bit, and you knew you had him wrapped around your finger. It was clearly evident in the way he breathed so heavily into your ear. “Like it? Yeah, darling, you could say that,”
Of course he did. He was mad for it. You had worn it once before, actually, on your fourth date. Things had seemed to escalate a bit quickly that evening. You’d then pocketed this perfume for moments when you’d really need it. Today seemed as good a day as any.
“Anyway,” you breathed, grabbing a piece of toast to-go, “have got to run. Want to get there early for my Dark Arts lesson. Meet up with you later?”
You stood up from your spot and swung your bag across your shoulder; George grabbed your wrist gently and pulled you closer to him. “Mmm, think we can sneak away for a bit?”
“You’re sweet,” you replied, bringing a hand to his cheek and stroking his jawline swiftly with your thumb, “but I don’t think so. Have got loads of assignments I’ve to finish tonight -- plus, you and Freddie have to continue working on your products, yeah?”
You turned on your heel and marched out of the hall -- and just as you expected, he was right on your tail. Once you were out in the corridor, George grabbed your hand and twirled you around, a pained expression on his face. Bingo. “What d’you mean ‘I don’t think so’?” He brought his hands to your cheeks and gently caressed your jawline. He teased, “Aren’t getting sick of me, are you?”
Ugh. You were using every ounce of your willpower not to pull him into you; once again, the craving that overtook you felt incredibly intense. You forced yourself to slowly guide yourself away from him. “Sick of you? Of course not, love. I’ve just been thinking -- I’ve been so busy being all over you lately --” you smirked at how rigid his body went at these words, and you continued on sweetly, “--I’ve realized that I really do need to get a handle on some of my assignments, you know? Have got to get my hands off of you at some point, or another.”
You noticed his jaw clench. “Ah -- I see what this is. Heard me and Freddie chatting the other day, did you?” He threw his hands up in surrender, “Alright, I’m a right git, shouldn’t have said it -- I’m sorry, and I love you. Now can I please kiss my girlfriend?”
Just as he leant in, the bell rang out, signaling five minutes until the start of the first lesson. George groaned very audibly, earning himself looks from passersby. He threw his hands into his pockets and leant against the wall, looking grouchy. You giggled to yourself and pulled your cardigan tighter around your shoulders. “You don’t need to apologize.” You inched closer toward him, ran a hand through his bright red hair, and whispered, just barely grazing his lips, “I love you, too.”
And you swept yourself down the corridor and into your Dark Arts classroom without an embrace, without a snog, without anything, and you were most certain (and proud) that you’d left the most cheeky boy in the entire school completely and utterly breathless.
-- -
It had only been six hours since George was knocked off balance at the sight of you -- but without the hand holding, the embraces, the kisses against your skin -- to him, it felt like bloody weeks.
He supposed, as he watched you practice non-verbal spells and earn yourself tons of praise from Professor Flitwick, that he probably shouldn’t have said what he’d said to his brother. He was just teasing, anyway. He knew he didn’t hurt your feelings -- you had thick skin, thicker than him, even. But apparently he’d poked you enough that you now wanted to poke back, and he was paying the price for it.
When he tried on his own to work on some non-verbal spells and failed miserably, Fred began to laugh quite haughtily. “Not feeling frustrated, are we, George?”
George knew what he meant -- not frustrated about spells, of course. But about other things. He hadn’t realized how much he craved your touch, too, until he couldn’t have it. Until you began withholding it just this morning. He wondered how long he could really last. He found himself getting lost in his thoughts, and his mind almost always wandered to his dormitory, you pinned beneath him giggling like mad, him pressing kisses to your neck. The temptation circulating through his veins was strong. He really needed to snap the hell out of it.
Fred, still laughing, groaned in pain after earning himself a nice elbow jab to the ribs from George.
But it wasn’t just the snogging, or being alone with you with his hands wound tightly around your waist. He missed the small things, like being able to hold your hand in the corridors, gently placing his fingers on the small of your back to guide and steady you through the portrait hole, being able to run his hands through your hair when he was sat next to you during lessons. He missed all of that, and it hadn’t even been one bloody day!
You’d said something to him when you’d first started dating, something about love languages. He didn’t really know much about it, but he found himself becoming incredibly intrigued when you’d begun explaining it. You’d been perched against a tree near the Black Lake, practicing simple Charms as you’d studied for your upcoming exams.
“Sorry -- a what?”
“Your love language,” you’d said casually, adjusting yourself in his arms. You’d explained to him that each person’s love language was what they craved most in a relationship. George didn’t really know his, but he’d been excited to find out. You told him yours was touch and affirmation.
“Oh,” he’d laughed, beginning to tickle you near your stomach, “you mean like this?”
You’d both spent the rest of the afternoon on the grounds, discussing things and snuggling closer together. That was the very first time Fred had referred to you both as an old, married couple. George never let on to how very much he enjoyed that. It was then decided, after much conversation, that George’s top love language seemed to be words of affirmation. Or, so he thought.
But now, leaving Charms, as you wiggled your fingers at him and fled down the opposite end of the corridor to your next lesson, he reckoned he was probably wrong.
Maybe his love language was physical touch, too.
-- -
You were struggling to make it through the week, to say the least. Dramatic, yes, but true. You couldn’t believe this bloody plan of yours -- you should’ve just ignored the comment and carried on as usual, because you today’s lessons felt like an entire month’s worth.
Hopefully George would learn his lesson soon, so you could tug him away and snog him for hours again without him making some silly, childish comment.
Apparently, he was feeling the same way, because at the end of the day, you found him poring over a bit of parchment in the common room, looking positively woebegone.
You two hadn’t embraced, kissed, held hands or anything of the like in nearly seven days. To say you were both going mad was a severe understatement.
He pulled at his hair, looking incredibly frustrated. But his facial expression softened when he looked up and saw you -- his eyes lightened and his face flushed pink, and his smile was relatively bright for someone who looked absolutely exhausted.
“Hi,” he said, not getting up from the armchair.
“Hi,” you echoed him, taking a place on the couch across from him.
The whole layout of the scene was rather dramatic.
“How were the rest of your lessons?”
“Just fine. And yours?”
You were both making silly, stupid small talk, but it was obvious to you both (and the world) that all you wanted to do was kiss one another. Which was normal, wasn’t it? And what was more worth it, you thought -- that, or your bloody pride?
“This is killing me, you know.”
You crossed your arms and smirked at him. He flung his parchment onto the table and made his way toward you. He placed himself down next to you -- not close enough to touch, but closer than you’d both been all day. He let his head fall back dramatically onto the couch and grinned at you. “Glad you’re learning your lesson.”
“Don’t tell me you don’t miss it.”
“Dunno,” you said sarcastically, fiddling with the edge of your skirt, “maybe you’re not as irresistible as you think.”
He groaned and rolled his eyes. He inched closer to you, though. “That’s mean.”
“Maybe it’s what you deserve.”
An evil sort of smirk tugged at the edges of your lips, and he playfully went to poke you in your ribcage, but stopped himself. You both laughed a bit, and he took a deep breath, and started. “I was a git.”
“Yeah,” you replied flatly, “but, to make it up to me, you’ve now got to endure massive amounts of teasing in the foreseeable future.”
Slowly, trying to read your expression, he reached out and began running his pointer finger along the arm of your cardigan -- the most touch you two had seen in days. It sent a spark through your entire body. Again, dramatic, but truthful. He let his hand fall next to yours, both of your pinky fingers touching ever so slightly. “You know,” he began, tracing light circles on your hand, “you’re pretty irresistible, too. Even without all of this going on.” You knew what he meant. The bralette strap, the exposed skin, the lipstick you’d been putting on, the perfume you’d been wearing. The withholding of everything he so desired. “I love you just the way you are.”
His voice had never sounded genuine, and you allowed yourself to gently jab him in the stomach, earning yourself laughs from him. “Wow, Georgie, going soft on me? That was the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.”
He frowned at you dramatically.
“Told you -- teasing in the foreseeable future. ‘m going to take what I can get, love.”
You guessed that he took your sweet smile as an opening, because he reached out and ran a hand through your hair. “Can I bloody kiss you now?”
A sigh of relief escaped the both of you. “Yes,” you said, leaning in. But before his lips touched yours, you pulled away, bit your bottom lip, and wiggled your eyebrows at him. “Irresistible, huh?”
“Never going to hear the end of that one, am I?”
You felt revitalized when he pressed his lips to yours; sure, it had only been a week or so, but a week too bloody long. You loved the feeling of his hands wound around the back of your neck, the way your fingers danced delicately on his chest or in his hair. How you two had managed this long was beyond you, but you were glad this was over.
Just then, Fred and a few others hopped through the portrait hole and waved to the two of you. Fred noticed how close together you were, rolled his eyes teasingly, and called, “There’s the old, married couple. Things back to normal now, I reckon?”
George swiped his thumb across your cheek and pulled you into him. But you had other ideas. Cheekily, you winked at your boyfriend and called to your best mate, “Oi, Freddie! You’ll never guess what George just said about me.”
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mars-wants-candy · 2 years
Gyro and Mads- ❣️💓🤡🧑‍🍼🏳️‍🌈🤔
And here's a bonus one, heehee- 👗
❣️-What are their live languages
Mads is definitely a physical touch person. Just lots of cuddles, putting his hand on Gyro’s shoulder, holding his hands, moving his hands down Gyro’s waist. That type of stuff
For Gyro it’s Acts of Service (surprise! Surprise!) this is more so in general then specifically for Mads. Since Mads already knows he’s wayy to overworked as it is. He just likes doing stuff for people. If you want him to make you something he will. He’ll help you with anything you want nt, within reason, of course
His love language specifically towards Mads would be into lots of quality time. Inventing together, baking, hell even just laying on the couch watching a movie together is enough for him
💓- What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
Gyro is pretty easy to tell. Firstly, he’ll blush violently Everytime he is with someone he’s fallen for. He suggests inventing things for them or helping with anything else they wish for. Always stuttering on his words and looking away from you Everytime he catches you staring for too long
Mads is much better at hiding his falling. He’ll act like he hates them, he claims that they annoying, that he could care less for them. He gives very much Tsundere vibes. He’s also always watching you. Yes, it sounds creepy, but he does. And he does it in a way that you wouldn’t notice. It’s a little different to Gyro, but not by a lot. HOWEVER, Whst people don’t notice is how secretly obsessive he is. I’m talking about he would full blown stalk his crushes. Trying to be as close to them as he can without being caught. Yes it very creepy, but it’s his weird way of expressing love
🤡-What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Gyro’s is easy. He’s very embarrassed about the way Mads acts in public, all the stupid stunts that he pulls, all the stealing he does. Even though he can’t admit that he finds it attractive when Mads does these things. But yeah I would say he’s embarrassed by it sometimes. But once they are together for awhile, Gyro gets used to it and realizes that it’s dumb to get embarrassed by it. That’s just the way Mads is and he has to get used to it
Mads doesn’t get embarrassed by anything lmaoo
👨‍🍼-How do they feel about kids?
Gyro loves kids. Which is why he begs Mads for a baby at some point. The idea of him being a dad really excites him. Also he’s used to kids. Between Donald’s nephews and Newton, he knows enough about children to know how to take care of them
Mads…well he’s not the biggest kiddo fanatic. He’ll take care of them if he has to, and he’s surprisingly good at it, and even more surprisingly, responsible about it. Later on he’s definitely open about having kids. Whatever makes his darling happy. Once his kids are born he’s DEFINITELY in love with the idea
🏳️‍🌈- What do they identify as? What are their pronouns?
I see Mads as gay and trans. He’s fine with any pronouns, but prefers he/him (I don’t personally Headcanon him as trans, but since he’s technically Gyro it would make sense for him to be lol)
Gyro is bisexual and trans. He/him pronouns
🤔 -What’s something they’ll never understand?
Mads- He doesn’t understand why Gyro refuses to stand up for himself.
Gyro-Why Mads won’t stop being completely evil, even once they get together. Of course, his crimes are less severe but still
👗 -How comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress?
I think Mads would be fine with it. It definitely wouldn’t be his first choice to wear but he would if he had too. Or you know, if he wants to switch it up a bit. So yeah. He doesn’t mind it but it wouldn’t be his first choice for an outfit lol
For Gyro… Not at first. It used to give him extremely bad dysphoria (idk if that’s how it’s spelt) so he would feel extremely uncomfortable in them and of course he thinks it makes him less of a man (which isn’t true!!) but he also ends up getting more into wearing them, especially when he realizes how much Mads love seeing him in them. Mads thinks they make him look handsome and incredibly cute! If Mads thinks so, then it must be true. He still struggles with the dysphoria from time to time, especially when assholes decide to misgender him when he wears them. But besides that he likes wearing them, it just becomes too much for him sometimes
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rubykgrant · 3 years
RVB High School AU, where everything is just slightly more normal-
Church; english and history teacher. always looks like he’s tired. got fired from his job at a different school for getting into a fist-fight with a dad after Church suspended his kid. had an accident in his teens, woke up with memory loss (this happens again, like 5 times). hates most of his family except for 2 cousins who are OK. finds out some of his students have bad home situations, and signs up as a foster dad so they don’t have to move away. tells his students not to swear, then drops F-bombs
Tucker; student who got held back (so he’s still technically a freshman). keeps wearing shirts with inappropriate phrases to school, and is forced to put on something from lost-and-found. his foster family sucks, so he winds up living with Church. he gets Church into playing video games and stuff like laser-tag/paintball (this becomes a huge thing later with everybody). writes “bow-chicka-bow-wow” on all his books
Caboose; new kid and freshman who is big for his age. he came from a crowded family, and when the system heard Church was signed up as a foster parent, they sent Caboose his way. he’s a little accident-prone and has a tendency to bring home stray/feral animals. Church has been trying very hard to NOT YELL at him, but it is a challenge. once Caboose decides to be friends with you, that is it- you have no choice
Sheila; social worker who helps Church with some of the legal nonsense involved with being a foster parent. she winds up working with him a lot, because his boys keep getting into trouble (she knows they’re actually good for each other, despite being dysfunctional)
Tex; substitute teacher. Church calls her in for help at one point, due to the school not having enough staff. they used to date, and maybe kinda-sorta still do. Church honestly digs how scary she is, and he doesn’t say anything to deny it when the staff make whipped jokes. Tex has also had some kind of military training, and passionately tells the kids “Do NOT join the military”. she’s very tall and intimidating, but has a softer side and the kids like her. rides a motorcycle to work
Sarge; PE teacher who got nick-named because of how he acts during class, telling kids to drop and give him 20. started being the shop teacher as well because of the lack of staff at the school. he mostly acts gruff and grumpy, but when he found out some of his students needed better homes, he asked Church how to go about becoming a foster parent. also gets into the laser-tag/paintball thing, and takes it VERY seriously
Simmons; previously a “gifted student” who skipped 2 grades and attended a strict boarding school, but it became clear he was being pushed too hard and couldn’t handle it. he’s been placed back as a sophomore in public school and now has an easier class schedule. has an unstoppable need to be a teacher’s pet. he’s socially awkward but also can’t shut up when he’s nervous, so he gets a lot of unwanted attention. winds up living with Sarge
Grif; sophomore who got expelled from his old school. skips class a lot to go sleep in the back corner of the library (Simmons found his spot, but so far hasn’t told on him). Sarge used to yell at Grif a lot during PE, until he found out that Grif used to be literally bullied and harassed by a previous teacher, and so he eased up. Grif is the king of lunchroom trades, and gets as many snacks as possible. eventually moves in with Sarge, and Simmons bothers him constantly about not cleaning his room
Donut; new freshman, immediately placed with Sarge as a foster kid. his hometown was hit with a disaster, so several of kids got shuffled around. despite dealing with a lot of difficult situations, he has a very positive attitude. gets really into creative writing. the theater kids and the cheerleaders all like him a lot. people can’t tell if Donut is making jokes or if he just... accidentally talks like that? has a weekly argument with the art teacher about “lightish-red”
Lopez; Driver’s Ed instructor, as well as the Spanish teacher. if you’ve never taken his Spanish class, he’ll occasionally speak to you in english, but if you are one of his language students, he wants to make SURE you learn, and will only say anything in Spanish around you. one of the few teachers who can stand to be around Sarge outside of work, and they fix vehicles together
Doc; sophomore who plans on becoming a doctor one day, but he keeps failing the practice tests to attend an early program. is the student assistant for the infirmary at school, so kids wind up calling him Doc. brings his own home-made healthy lunches to school, and always has enough to share. he’s also a junior secretary for the office, and the other kids know he has answer keys for tests, so they trick him into coming to their houses for a sleep-over, and then they raid his backpack
Kai; Grif’s little sister, freshman. they got split up a few years back when social workers realized they were living in a run-down house alone. she finally had a chance to go to the same school as her bro again, but got placed in a different foster house (Church just had more room at his place). used to be very shy and awkward, and is trying to re-invent herself at her new school by being more confident and flirty
Wash; junior transfer student. previously a military school kid, but the school was shut down. he’s gone through a few phases; feeling like the dork in the group, having an anger problem, and now finally starting to figure out who he really is. when Church has another accident and is stuck in the hospital, Wash forges a bunch of papers to make it seem like Church is still at the house so the kids can stay there. even though he’s the oldest, he has too much anxiety to learn how to drive a car
Carolina; another junior transfer student that went to the same military school as Wash. seems to hate Tex and Church on sight, but Tex doesn’t know why and Church forgot the reason. she’s been neglected by her family and has both anger and trust issues. without even realizing they have a connection, Church winds up bonding with her (since he’s had some practice dealing with a handful of troubled kids). reconnecting with Wash and spending time with the other students in this weird group helps her chill out
Flowers; Vice Principal of the school. the kids started a rumor that he’s secretly a serial killer... the staff is like 50% sure it might be true. generally very cheerful, but somehow still off-putting (secretly knows thing’s about Church’s family that Church doesn’t remember, and while his motives aren’t clear, he’s still manipulative)
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