#making mechs is a joy
tothesolarium · 10 months
Mourning Cloak is a normal mech that nothing bad could happen to "If you roll the same number on all three dice, you disappear until your group rests, at which point you reappear nearby."
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rustyelias · 8 months
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Happy fuck you and fuck your train Friday!!!! Wahoo another week! We did it! Also went with a foggy spooky train this week because why not!
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bzedan · 8 months
Voice of guy who only listens to the Headspace Sleepcast “Aquarium,” meeting a couple: So who’s the seaweed and who’s the starfish?
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macbcth · 1 year
hi!! i stumbled across your tma patch designs recently. I noticed that u wouldn't be selling them since it went against rusty quills copyright(?) stuff, and was wondering if it would be ok if i embroidered my own (for personal use only ofc) on my jacket and stuff. if that makes you uncomfortable, no worries i totally understand :)
YES PLEASE DO THAT I WOULD LOVE THAT!!!! And if you post it to tumblr pls link so I can reblog and share!!
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> message recording begins: "All right, so, uh, I'm here. ... Nah, that's not enough... (clears throat)
I'm Savannah "Fursona" Caruso, leader of the Fursona's Fusiliers mercenary unit. You may have heard of us, but if not, it's understandable; we haven't done all that much since Fortress Republic and The Wall went up. Fought in the Battle of Terra, I guess that's notable. But most of our success was prior to the Republic, the 4th Succession War, the Clan Invasion, the Jihad.
As far as size, the Fusiliers are roughly two RCTs in size - 72 Mechs, 72 Combat Vehicles, 12 AeroSpace Fighters, a battalion of PA(L) "unarmored" infantry, a battalion of Battle Armor infantry, and two platoons of Space Marines. Got ourselves two modified Colossus class DropShips, and our pride and joy, the Argo. Relic of the first Star League, civilian exploration vessel. She's got her very own Grav Deck, and is the only DropShip with the MCDS, Multiple Collar Docking System; lets us attach two other DropShips to the Argo, and daisy-chain 'em along through a jump.
I've been asked by... heh... Commanding General Hazen - seriously, Mysty, wow, talk about a promotion, huh?
Anyway, I've been asked by her to "make myself available for queries or interactions". We've gotten settled in here in the Islington system finally - heh, hard to find the Argo a big enough docking berth on the station...
In any case, you wanna ask me stuff or come talk to me, I'm free and clear. Just look for the busty muscle mommy wolf-chick in a silver one-piece heeled jumpsuit. I'm kinda hard to miss.
- Commander Savannah "Fursona" Caruso
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cyberrose2001 · 1 month
Hi! Sorry if this has been done before (in that case ignore lol), but can you plz do TFA or TFP Prime and Ratchet reacting to Gen Z slang? Tysm!
TFP Prime and Ratchet react to reader using Gen Z slang
oh man this was a joy to write. thank you for requesting and i hope that i don't come off as too cringe
Warnings: Small mention of alcohol (high-grade), human reader, sfw
Word count: 475
"Man, doesn't Megatron just give you the ick?"
The two oldest mechs of Team Prime pause their intellectual conversation and turn to you, both staring perplexedly at you.
Casually leaning against the rail with your head resting on a hand, you stare back at them with a shit-eating grin on your face.
"It's giving... delulu with a side of obsessed."
"I beg your pardon?" Ratchet tilts his helm at you. Optimus follows suit, raising an eyebrow at your sudden commentary.
"Kind of cringe if you think about it," Your smile only widens, "Like bro, it's been millions of years; give it a rest and take the L."
The two mechs glance at each other in silent telepathic communication, hoping that the other has even the slimmest idea of what those words mean. Ick? Cringe? Take the L?
The flabergasted look on their faces as they turn to look at you causes a supressed laugh to catch at your throat.
"What the frag does that mean?" Ratchet pinches his optic ridge, clearly annoyed that he's even choosing to entertain you, "Why should Megatron be handed a letter of the english alphabet?"
"I believe it is what the kids call..." Optimus flicks his optics over to your concerningly reddened face, "Humour."
You're so close to loosing the plot it's not even funny. If you we're to try and explain, you would surley keel over and die before even muttering a word. Keeping your swave and casual stance against the rail, you make eye contact with Optimus.
"Periodt." You let a titter slip your lips when you hear the loud, maniacle laugher of the kids from behind the couch.
You can almost hear the cogs turning in Optimus' processor as he looks to Ratchet for assistance, but the medic offers no help as he glares daggers at you from behind his pinched digits.
"You say 'Periodt', but what does that mean?!" Ratchet's bubbling annoyance explodes into frustration as he looks towards Primus for an answer.
"Oop, Ratchet is in his salty era."
"My WHAT?" Ratchet whips back to face you, and the look on his face is the final straw for you as you keel over and burst into a furious howl, almost whacking your head on the rail as you grip on for dear life.
Optimus watches as Ratchet throws his servos in the air in a wave of surrender and removes himself, presumably to cry over a glass of high grade while babbling about his disdain for the human race. The Prime turns to you with a slight ammused expression at your laughter.
"Would it be correct to say that Ratchet has also... taken the L?"
You die, you die right where you stand. The kids joining you as your body clatters against the rails to the ground and howl in fit of unrestrained belly laughter.
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emelinstriker · 10 months
Predaking ♡ Fetch
First TFP X Reader one-shot of the few I've saved up since like 2021. Will be posting the others later, but I gotta go to the dentist in a bit. So have your big mecha dragon boi. c:
[TL;DR] Predaking acts like a wholesome, oversized puppy towards you. And only you.
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
"Alright, go fetch!" You yelled up at him before throwing a softball across the flight deck. You specifically chose this type of ball due to how easily the predacon could see its bright red color, and because it's big enough for the two of you, as well as soft and squishy. It was also cheap, so you could just buy a new one if Predaking ended up destroying it on accident. But he was still using the first ball you gave him, so that in of itself was impressive.
The giant mech dragon wagged his tail a bit with some small side to side jumps, before happily zooming after the ball. Due to your size and lack of strength, the ball didn't land too far, but it began to bounce and roll away really quickly due to the wind. Yet another reason that ball was a good choice.
He gently picked up the ball before practically bouncing back over to you. You beckoned for him to lower his helm. He did as you commanded and you proceeded to take the ball and pet his helm before leaning your upper body against him in an attempted hug. "Good boy! Great job, Predaking! Who's a good boy! Yes you are!" You cooed, gently stroking one of his mandibles while nuzzling his helm with your forehead.
He purred loudly at your praise. His mood would instantly change whenever you were with him. Your mere presence alone made his spark throb with love and joy. Honestly, he didn't mind being treated like a lesser being, even a pet. But only if it was you. He would not allow this sort of belittlement from anyone else. Not from Shockwave, not even from Megatron. And especially not from a piece of scrap like Starscream.
Speaking of the devil, Predaking spotted him behind you near the entrance. He released a dangerously low growl to warn the seeker to stay away. Especially from you, knowing Starscream's distaste towards humans. You thought the growl was aimed towards you, so you backed away from him with an apologetic look, believing you weren't supposed to hug him like that. "Oh- Sorry..."
However, Predaking felt your warmth leave him, and he didn't like it. His aggressively stiff posture turned calm again. He then nudged his helm back towards you with a purr, rubbing his rather flat snout against your tummy, begging you to hang onto him once more.
Your smile returned as you plopped your weight against him once more. Just to make the moment funnier, you even said a little "Boop!" as you landed on him. His tail wagged a little, happy to make you smile. Yet he still kept an optic on the seeker, just in case he tried anything.
Meanwhile, the seeker was not amused as he was on the flight deck for a reason.
"Human! Megatron and Shockwave are awaiting the predacon! Megatron commands you to go back to your habsuite until further notice!" Starscream's voice startled you as you didn't notice him before. So you got off Predaking's maw and looked at the other mech. But one hand was still on the giant predacon as a form of comfort for both of you.
You slightly looked downwards in disappointment. "Oh... Okay then..." You turned back towards the mech dragon giving him a sad smile before leaning down to put a light kiss on his snoot, rubbing the side of it.
"We'll play more later, okay? Be a good boy when you leave. Love you, King!" You said before starting to walk towards the entrance, turning one last time to give him a little wave.
You didn't notice it this time, but the mech dragon's tail swooshed from side to side faster than before. If you had listened closely, you could've also heard his cooling fans turn on when you gave him a kiss. His optics also turned from giving the seeker half the attention to putting his whole attention onto you as your tiny frame walked away.
His gaze on you was soft. There could have possibly been hearts floating around his helm if this were a cartoon. He could've even had hearts in his optics, that's how far gone he was. That's when he heard the seeker approach him with his usual unnerving voice. The predacon's mood instantly changed. His loving gaze towards your direction halted as he turned to face Starscream with a look of pure hatred.
"Well, well, well... You appear to be having fun, being treated like a servant animal by a tiny rat. Doing everything they want. Why can't you simply follow my orders then!?" He yelled out in anger. If he hadn't known about the predacon's transformation, he would've hit the dragon.
Predaking let out a loud screech before standing up and spreading his wings- Towering over the shorter mech. Having his pride take a hit was one thing, having to listen to the SIC call you 'rat' was another. You were so much more than a rat. You were a divine soul. And your tiny frame only made his primal instincts want to protect and love you even more.
"Whatever your relationship with the fleshy may be, it doesn't matter. Now, move to Shockwave's lab." Starscream scoffed. If looks could kill, the seeker may have already died back in the pits of Kaon. It felt like Predaking's hatred for him could time travel.
Suddenly, the mech dragon transformed into his bi-pedal cybertronian form.
"I'll be there for the meeting. However..." The taller mech stomped over to the now intimidated seeker. His shadow was now looming over the SIC. "If you call them a 'rat' one more time, I'll make sure to rip your spark out the 'primal beast way'."
Starscream trembled beneath the predacon's fierce gaze, then the king made his way past the seeker and towards the lab.
The meeting itself was quite uneventful. It was simply seen as a progress report. Predaking was just there for show, in a way. It was mostly Shockwave who talked to Megatron.
After the meeting, the predacon was dismissed. And the first thing he did was visit your bedroom.
Due to your relationship with Predaking, and you being basically the only one able to tame the beast with questionable ease, Megatron assigned Shockwave to be your guardian and for you to stay in a smaller room connected to the lab. However, with how much disinterest the scientist had in you, he basically abandoned you just for you to be taken care of by Predaking. So technically speaking, Predaking was your guardian and you were his charge. The only thing Shockwave did to take care of you was to get Knockout to get you stuff you needed. Because it seemed illogical for him to go get necessities for you himself.
The predacon slowly approached your little home, transforming into the beast on the way. You knew about his bi-pedal form, but you didn't treat him with as much affection as you did when he approached you as a mech dragon. He enjoyed your company regardless, but it was more enjoyable for him personally to see you laugh and smile a lot more when you were simply allowed to pet his helm.
You had fallen asleep in your bed, assuming the meeting would take a while. So when Predaking gazed upon your sleeping body, he couldn't help but purr. And of course, his purring didn't go unnoticed by you as you slowly woke up from your nap. And the first thing you saw right in front of your face was a pair of yellow glowing optics staring right at you in admiration. You weren't startled or anything as this wasn't the first time the predacon (unintentionally) woke you up like this. You yawned as you sat up to look at him with a little smile.
"Hey, King... How did the meeting go?" You asked, still tired. The predacon closed his optics and tilted his head towards the side, ex-venting some warm air like a heater. This movement roughly translated to either "Boring" or "Meh", and it never failed to make you laugh. It simply looked ridiculous to see a giant beast do such a motion.
The predacon then suddenly got an idea. He gently picked you up by the back of your shirt like a kitten and walked off. You two bypassed Shockwave as he just stared at you helplessly dangling from the giant beast's maw.
You didn't say anything, waving at the purple mech. This wasn't the first time Shockwave's creation did this, so neither of you were concerned about being in danger around him. However, you were a little curious as to where he was taking you.
Turns out he was taking you back to his kennel. You still didn't understand why, however. Maybe he wanted to play more?
Your questions quickly were answered however, when he gently lowered you into the middle of his nest and started to circle around you before eventually dropping down, having you sitting against his body. One wing was spread out a bit to give you a roof and contain more of the warmth Predaking's frame produced.
He let out a whirring noise that seemed to resemble a yawn as he tried to comfortably cuddle up closer against you. He curled his body around you more and you couldn't help but coo at how adorable he was acting. Like an overgrown puppy wanting love and attention. And if you couldn't give it to him all the time, he would simply not let you leave. But to be honest, you didn't want to leave him at the moment anyway.
So you simply let yourself fall back asleep, this time in your king's embrace.
[ Masterlist ]
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bones4thecats · 3 months
you can also do Orion pax/Optimus prime x cybertroniana reader, both were a couple before the war, and they still follow him on Earth
TFP! Optimus Having A Longtime S/O
Character: Optimus Prime (Transformers Prime) Requester: @zinnia1506 A/N: I love this trope. Just a calm and nonchalant boyfriend x his loving and slightly-feral S/O! Anyways, I hope you like this. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: The ending of the show and Predcons Rising Film ⚠️
Fun fact: I wrote this listening to Lion King/Guard songs😂
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»»——————————-  Optimus Prime  ——————————-««
⚔️ Optimus doesn't have that many people left, at least people that he knows that are currently alive. He knew more friends were deceased than alive basically
⚔️ Though, he does have someone alive that he cares the most about; his adorable S/O. You.
⚔️ Meeting back when he was still Orion Pax and a young data clerk working inside of the Iacon and you were the current Grand Diplomat of Alpha Trion's rule as Cybertron's Council's head
⚔️ You had to deliver some information in pads to the place to get organized, and when the young bot smiled and allowed you inside to organize them to how Alpha Trion wished, you began to ask about his life
⚔️ As you began to speak from time-to-time whenever you visited with more classified documents, a bond was formed quick. While many solar cycles passed, the pair of young bots were ogled on by many elders, especially Orion's friend, Megatronus, and your boss, Alpha Trion
⚔️ You were there when Megatronus, now Megatron, was denied in favor of Orion. And you were right by his side when the war blasted off and you soared away with his small team to Earth in hopes of finding something to help with the war and your home planet
⚔️ And while you two would spend many of your days by one another, as the war progressed, that was becoming harder and harder. Thankfully, your teammates would get you two to spend time together by taking some work away from your servos
⚔️ Now, when it comes to missions, you guys almost always go together. Very rarely are you apart in battle. And whenever you go without him, he keeps solid contact with you, and whenever he doesn't get a decent reply, he gets worried beyond recognition
⚔️ During the time fighting against Megatron for the final time, you were help hostage with Ratchet. Being held not for assistance in finalizing the synthetic energon, but for your information on fixing Cybertron, in which you told Megatron to piss off and jump down a hole to a scrapheap
⚔️ Unlike Ratchet, you weren't given to Predaking to kill, rather, you were held in a cell surrounded by Vehicon soldiers. In a matter of minutes, you had gone from acting unconscious to wrapping your legs around on soldiers neck from behind and killing all around you. Think of that scene from The Suicide Squad (2021) when Harley broke out
(Here's a link for reference: Link) - warnings for A LOT blood and death!
⚔️ Optimus was very pleased when he saw both you and Ratchet okay, but when he saw a Vehicon attempt attacking you, he blasted him to the Well of the Allspark. Despite this, you fought brilliantly against the many soldiers against you
⚔️ You also showed a new depth of rhythmicity, from attacking Megatron from behind as Optimus took the front. And before you were knocked aside roughly and your sparkmate was hanging onto the Nemesis, everyone, including Decepticons, were shocked at how in-sync you two were. You really were sparkmates
⚔️ Bumblebee then killed Megatron, making you leap in joy and help him get your sparkmate up and onto the ship's base. You held the mech closely as you cheered with the rest of your team about the win against the Cons
⚔️ Throughout the rest of your lives together, you spent it fighting against Unicron. And while it was hard for you to say goodbye to your lover of many hundreds of years, you couldn't help but shed a tear when his red, white, and blue spark spun around you and acted as if he was pecking your forehead
⚔️ The others watched with smiles as you kissed the spark before watching it fly away. Ratchet patted your shoulder as Bee and the other, including Knockout, gathered around you in a large group hug. You were a family no matter what, thanks to the mech you called your one and only...
"I love you, Y/N..."
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We need Dilf!Muzan headcannons now since you plotted that image in my head
Hehehe (ノ∀`♥) Of course! I love a DILF, especially dilf!Muzan~
And he lives in my head rent free! So i'm glad it's gotten into someone else's head or else i'd have burst!
Here's a little something with some DILF Muzan awhile back which was just me bouncing idea's around ( ̄∀ ̄.) - HERE
Also I'm more than happy to write this as a oneshot or mini series of something (@^▽^@.) cause the mental image is vivid on my brain and has me in a chokehold....
But anyway!
Dilf! Muzan Kibutsuji Headcanons:
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Dilf!Muzan who accidentally bumps into you when shopping with his son and daughter, browsing the toy section with his kids babbling away in the trolley
Who's eyes shine as he talks to his kids, pointing gently to different toys and teddy bears and giving soft praise when they've picked without fuss - a mech that lights up and a helicopter with shootable missiles
All tall and broad
All pretty eyed with long black eyelashes
Sculptured brows and chiseled features
Dressed casually but still oozing with a certain charisma -
Black t-shirt hugging his form perfectly with grey tracky bottoms that sit tantalizing on his hips - throat becoming dry at the sight
His trolley knocks into yours and your heart skips a beat at his smooth silk voice apologizing for the brief moment of havoc
Who's hand is warm and larger than yours as he offers a handshake, nails as perfect as the rest of him
Taking in the feint blush across your cheeks and the stuttering breathe you take before introducing yourself
"And these two?" you ask with a soft grin "Who are these cuties?"
DILF! Muzan, who grins with a boyish charm, showing off canine and a set of dimples that make your heart stop
"These are my pride and joy," He says with a beaming smile "My daughter Chiyo and my son Kaito"
Chiyo (meaning 'a thousand generations') who's hair sits in beautiful inky waves down her back with eyes of soft pink, a gaze of childish wonder at the bright lights of the shop and shelves
Kaito (meaning 'Soaring over the ocean') with eyes of clear ruby and short wavy hair of ivory who blinks at you with a curiosity
You can't help but coo at them - "Aren't you adorable!" before turning to look at muzan with a smile
"You and your partner must be so proud of these two! I know I would be!" + "Ah, I'm single"
Que a silence that makes you want to die on the spot... Before your saved by his soft smile - "it's okay, it happens all the time"
You insist on making it up to him
Afterwards, each week you both meet each other - sometimes by accident sometimes on purpose - in the shop, following each other around and talking before parting ways after paying
Until one day he offers you a piece of paper, his gaze averted with a feint blush - "It's my number...." He murmurs "I thought we could go for coffee next week if your free"
A false bravado slipping onto his face as he turns to look you in the eyes, voice raising into a question "Thats if....if your alright with going out with dad of two?"
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la2yn0va · 15 days
lf you have the time to make part 4 of friends after the events of part 2 stellaron hunter m/n take a break so he go to xianzhou to see the event ( moze,jiaoqiu,any chance feixiao saw then and go to he friendly enough to talk them) image feixiao saw m/n watching her.fighting hoolay and joined her and fight along side any characters of your choice
BTW you will have finished it I don't know what happened next BC I will have a break to HSR so yeah I WANT FLUFF AND ANGST (oh boy this one will be different)
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Note: 2.5 is out, I can finally do this! This can be taken as romantic or Platonic.
Kafka: M/n~
M/n: Kafka.
The two greeted each other. M/n cracked his neck and walked over to her.
M/n: So what’s happening? Was firefly talking shit again?
Kafka: Hah. Since when did firefly ever do such things? Are you still held up about our little ‘bounty’ competition?
M/n: Your god damn right I am! She came in outta NOWHERE and took my place as the second most dangerous stellaron hunter! Fuck that! She used a whole as fucking mech suit to do that!
Kafka watched, with an amused smile. It’s always a joy to see m/n rant on about this like an irritated child. She let him talk for a bit more, before patting his face.
Kafka: Now now. As much as I’m enjoying this, I’m afraid you have a mission~
M/n: Hah? I do?
Kafka nodded
M/n: FUCK!
He flicked his body around, walking around before stopping and taking a breath.
M/n: Come on! I had to take care of that little trailblazer in belabog and the xianzhou abit before it was reveled I was a stellaron..— WHATEVER—! Sigh, what’s the mission?
Kafka: Similar to fireflies mission in penacony. You’re going back to the xianzhou. Elio has seen that you must find something there. That and, you must lend a helping hand when the problem comes.
M/n: Back to the xianzhou? and I have to find something…is it something internal like firefly…when do I leave?
Kafka: You have 5 minutes before wolfie teleports you somewhere safe at the luofu. Put on your best outfit, handsome.
She waved before walking out of his room. M/n stood there for a minute before sighing.
M/n: Firefly found something at penacony, and now me… is Elio trying to heal us or something? No… we have nothing to lose anyway… why would destiny bother with that?
M/n had been at the xianzhou for not even 2 hours and shit had already hit the fan. Guess that’s the xianzhou specialty nowadays. M/n had been walking around, rooftop to rooftop, trying to find anything.
He did see the nameless and played around with them for a bit, before leaving. And now, hoolay had escaped and his friend jiaoqiu had been captured as hostage.
M/n cursed at the whole situation. A part of him still was a cloud knight, seeing everything go to shit had stung him, but it wasn’t what bothered him. Honesty, the whole luofu could get destroyed and he wouldn’t care. But the borisin have his friend!
As he was searching for him, many unpleasant memories came rushing back to him. How he left the yaoqing, how he joined the stellaron hunters to revert himself back to how he was before he was forced to face an identity and internal crisis after meeting his ‘o so great mother’ how he regretted the way he left, but ultimately he accepted all this.
He eventually came across moze, trailblazer, and feixiao. He stopped, seeing how injured Moze was and listened in to their conversation, learning that hoolay was headed to the ship where the war dance was being held.
He immediately headed there, managing to jump his way up there. He quickly searched the entire ship, finding some borisin and killing then off after asking for jiaoqiu’s location. Apparently only hoolay knew. Much to his annoyance and slight excitement. He felt the ship shake and immediately sped up to the arena, seeing feixiao face off with hoolay.
He watched silently. Should he help? Why should he…?! It was HER fault why Jiaoqiu got kidnapped in the first place…. No.. no he’s just being childish. He jumped up and landed a diving kick onto the warheads jaw, having enough strength and rage to break his jaw.
Feixiao, March, Yanqing, and yunli watched in pure shock. Stellaron hunter m/n was here! But he was helping them!? M/n didn’t face them yet, he landed on the ground before turning around and slamming a fist onto hoolay’s chest, pushing him away from them.
March & Feixiao: M-M/n!?
Yunli & Yanqing: Stellaron hunter!?
M/n: I see I’m famous
He joked turning to face them, well mostly feixiao. Walking towards her, she clicked her tongue before getting ready to fight.
M/n: Your pointing that at the wrong person.
Feixiao: What’re you doing here!
M/n: Tsk. You see me after our little meeting in the interrogation room and this is how you react? Typical. I’m here to help fix YOUR fuck up.
Feixiao: M-my.. what’re you—
M/n: Jiaoqiu is captured. So point your damn blade at that mutt over there!
He stood besides her, talking out his own dual blades. Feixiao could only stare in surprise. She knew that m/n’s meant to make her feel guilty for Jiaoqiu, which worked, but… she can’t help but feel happy that he’s here, fighting along side her once more.
Feixiao: Fine.
March, Yunli, Yanqing: WHAT!!?
M/n: You three are still here?
Feixiao: Relax. Right now we have a common enemy. And that’s hoolay. We’ll deal with the m/n situation later!
M/n: Glad you care about me THAT much!
He bit back as feixiao smiled. Hoolay roared and ran towards the duo as they dashed in. The two began to bombard hoolay, their old teamwork slowly reviving and putting on a show for anyone who watched.
Feixiao couldn’t help but have a smile carved in her face. What was meant to be an emotional turmoil for her was quelled with m/n’s presence here. Just like back then. How it should’ve been, how it SHOULD be.
Hoolay was quickly defeated, but then ripped his heart out and threw it in the sky, infecting foxian’s with moon rage. Feixiao however, used her power to swallow the crimson moon, becoming the enemy. The trio swordsmaters wanted to help. But m/n refused, out right kicking them down to the luofu, leaving the arena with only HIM and feixiao.
-Inside Feixiao’s Mind-
Hoolay: Ahh.. that man. M/n? Possibly your biggest regret.
Hoolay teased as an imagine if a confused and crying m/n appeared in front of him and feixiao. Feixiao’s eyes widened as she stared at this afterimage.
M/n: I hate this… why do I even care!? Why should I care!!? I DONT GET IT!! WHAT THE HELL AM I MEANT TO FELL HERE!! AM I EVEN HUMAN!!? HELP!! WOULD SOMEONE JUST… HELP!!
It yelled, making feixiao wince at the sight and hoolay laugh.
Hoolay: The “lacking” general. Lacking in worries, regrets, and rivals! Hahahaha!! What a pathetic front! This one man destroys that foolish title of yours!
Another afterimagine appeared, showing m/n standing ontop of corpses of abominations and borisin, His eyes looked dead, his body limp.
Hoolay: Instead of helping your ‘friend’ you sent him off to fight in a war! And that’s when he realized how you truly felt about him! You only ever saw him as a soilder!
Feixiao’s eyes stung as she walked up to the afterimagine. Which changed to make its head stare ahead, right where Feixiao stood.
Hoolay: A capable warrior indeed! A powerful solider that was meant to be used by their superior! A remarkable weapon! That’s all you ever saw him as. And he knows it!
M/n: I’m…not even human. When have I ever been… even to the cloud knights. I’m just a pawn, a dog meant to die when they order me to… even SHE sees me as a dog…
Feixiao reached out, putting her and on his face as her saddened eyes stared into his dead ones as hoolay continued to torment her.
Hoolay: You only ever comforted him once, and you made it clear that you just wanted him at his best so he could battle!!
Feixiao: You were never a dog nor solider in my eyes.. your were ALWAYS my friend. You will forever be my closest friend… it’s me… I’m the one who saw myself as a weapon! You were always the only one that made me feel human!
She yelled, before slapping the afterimage away, once again ridding herself of the guilt she carried within herself for all these years. Hoolay didn’t seem pleased as a battle quickly escalated between her and a shadow of herself, the darkest parts of her.
As she held up her waraxe, two people appeared beside her. Two m/n’s from her own mindscape.
Evil!Feixiao: What?!
Feixiao: M/n…
Past M/n: You look troubled general~ don’t tell me that your scared I’ll take your general title~
Present m/n: Get your head together. You always pull me into your shit feixiao.
She looked at the two before smiling as the three got ready to battle hoolay.
-Timeskip, after the battle-
M/n groaned as he flopped against a wall of an alleyway. He finished his battle with feixiao and hoolay, and now he was tired, very tired. But, he didn’t let himself rest, he still needed to find jiaoqiu.
He had to escape from cloud knights and now was pushing himself to continue his search. He decided to head to the alchemy commission, to steal some ornaments. Once he arrived, he saw jiaoqiu! And he was walking!
He sighed in relief, knowing he can leave in peace. He took out his phone and messgaed silverwolf, ready to get teleported away. Only for her to replay “Elio said you still have some people to confront”
M/n: …fuck me…
He sighed before watching jiaoqiu walk towards the waves. He waited as feixiao walked to jiaoqiu and moze reveled himself, but he froze. Should he actually go out and talk to them? Does he have that right anymore?
Moze: Will you revel yourself.
Moze said as they all faced the direction where m/n was. M/n sighed, knowing he should’ve expected them to know he was here. He walked out, holding his side for a few seconds before facing them.
Moze: M/n..!
Jiaoqiu: What..!?
Moze said, shocked that it was him that was spying on them. Feixiao offered him a warm smile, and m/n looked back with slight irritation. Looking at jiaoqiu and his much duller eyes, showing m/n his blindness.
M/n:…I blame you.
He said looking at feixiao. Whose face twitched with guilt. Moze looked towards Feixiao, wondering if he should attack, but she shook her head.
Jiaoqiu: M/n..? Is that actually you…!
M/n:…yes.. it’s me—
M/n’s eyes shot open, seeing Jiaoqiu running towards his voice with a clenched fist. He raised his hand but stopped, deciding to not block it. He allowed jiaoqiu to hit him, actually feeling some blood drop from his nose.
Jiaoqiu: You have any idea how much I’ve wanted to do that…?
M/n slowly looked back, swiping the blood from his nose away with his thumb.
M/n: Yeah. Some level of idea.
He said moving his hand to ruffle his hair like he always did back then. Jiaoqiu allowed it to continue for a few seconds before slapping his hand away, not forgiving m/n.
M/n looked saddened by this but understood. He looked towards moze who looked indifferent of the whole situation, but m/n could see through moze. He was happy, and abit irritated m/n was here.
M/n: it is nice to see you again, Moze. Taking care of lil’ jiao for me?
Moze nodded and jiaoqiu looked away after hearing his old nickname. M/n looked towards feixiao. Looking abit more stoic.
M/n: general.
Her ears twitched at the title, shaking her head.
Feixiao: No please. Call me feixiao.
He re-greeted, which earned a soft smile from her. M/n sighed, not knowing where to go from here.
M/n:…you all have something to say to me. So say it. I already checked the area. It’s just us here… let me have it.
Jiaoqiu: Your a selfish prick.
Moze: Your an Irrational fucking mongrel!
Feixiao: Your a reckless dumbass that doesn’t think of others first!
M/n, stayed still. Accepting the verbal insults. He crossed his arms and looked away, his mind still in abit of a frenzy. After about 10 minutes of verbal abuse, the three calmed down.
M/n: well…guess all that was warranted.
Jiaoqiu: You think?
Jiaoqiu bit back. M/n just sighed and responded with a ��yes’
M/n:…well. I believe we’re done here.
He turned around but his hand was instantly caught by feixiao.
Feixiao: Wait!
M/n did as he was told. Standing still, he looked back to see feixiao and her pleading eyes, looking as if she’d die right there if he left.
M/n: what do you want general.
Feixiao:…I know.. you don’t like me. Back then. You came to me for help because you weren’t truly at all good with emotions. So when you met your—
M/n: skip the fucking recap.
Feixiao: Mm—…. I’m sorry. I’m sorry my actions that day, which left you even more in turmoil than you already were in. I’m sorry I was being a general and not a friend. I’m sorry I made you think you meant nothing to me… in truth you meant everything to me. You WERE everything. Not just to me, but to us.
She said, holding out an arm towards moze and jiaoqiu.
Feixiao: Please… tell me how I can fix this. There has to be a way. A solution! Please, tell me anything. I’ll do anything to prove how sorry I am.
M/n: oh? And what if I want your life.
Feixiao: Take it.
Jiaoqiu and moze released a slightly surprised sound, as m/n held his blade against her neck.
Feixiao: If that’s what it’ll take for you to forgive me. Then I’ll gladly die by your hands.
M/n:….tsk. No need to be serious…. I forgive you…
He said, putting his blade away. Feixiao looked surprised but smiled, allowing the most joyful smile ever to grace their eyes. M/n, released a breath, turning to leave.
M/n: I guess we’re don—
Feixiao: Can you stay longer!
M/n: huh..?
Feixiao: Can..can you come back! Stay with us. Become a cloud knight with us again!
She said desperately. Wanting to spread more time with him, as did moze and jiaoqiu. M/n looked away and scratched his hair.
M/n: i don’t think I—
He was cutoff by a notification from his phone, taking it out and seeing a message from… blade?
Blade: Kafka has informed me to message you. She said your mission was complete, I read your script. If you want another opinion, I’d suggest you either take your generals head, or work on fixing your relationship with them.
M/n: no fucking way he wasn’t manipulated into sending this message!!
He said in his mind, but sighing. Putting his phone away. He looked towards the three and walked back to them.
M/n: Lucky for you, I have time off… let’s..get a party going I guess.
He said, abit awkwardly. Feixiao smiled and jumped onto him, hugging him tightly, much to his surprise. Jiaoqiu also joined in while Moze simply patted m/n’s head.
Moze: Let’s get a move on. I haven’t cleaned your house today.
M/n: You’ve been cleaning my house this whole time!?
-The End-
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
The Rites of Cybertron
Cybertronians are not without religion, nor are they lacking in holidays. While there are plenty of smaller ones scattered across the planet for various city states and historical events, Cybertronians have thirteen major holidays in celebration of the original thirteen. Although the celebrations are far less religious than the Primacy would like.
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The Rite of Prima
It is customary for every able bodied mech to endure the rite of Prima once a vorn on a pre-selected cycle that changes every few millennia. It is by far one of the most loathed or loved holidays. It completely depends on who is engaging in it.
The practice begins the moment the light of the nearest star touches Cybertron's surface. Every mech who is capable must then select a weapon and stand guard in absolute silence in a safe location of their choice. Rain or shine, they must keep to their station stoically until the local priest of the Primacy rings a bell just before sundown. Failure to stand guard will have them marked and prohibited from the remainder of the activities. All of this is done in remembrance of Prima's long watch and his supervision of Cybertron during its early history. It doesn't matter if anyone actually believes that is what went down. Not when they know that if they follow the tradition, the fun will begin in no time.
As soon as the bell is rung, that's when the true joy of the holiday begins. Every mech who stood guard is legally allowed to engage in a spar with whoever they make optic contact with first. The loser has a mark placed on their frame to indicate their loss and the winners will travel around their city state to fight other victors until one comes out on top. The victor of each city state (if a victor is found before the following cycle that is), will then be presented with a reward of their choosing by the Primacy. It is often so rare for a winner to turn up before the next morning that it is a grand event when one mech actually comes out on top.
Most are not fond of this holiday since it can lead to extreme crime spikes, but police are always on patrol and are forbidden to engage in the holiday so that they can stop troublemakers who wish to use the holiday as their chance to create chaos. Oftentimes, fights between high ranking combatants will be put on television for the population to watch throughout their activities. Those who don't participate will make bets.
All in all, it is one of the least reverent of holidays, but a well needed excuse for Cybertronian citizens to settle their scores legally and in a nonlethal manner. Although it has been said that long ago, Prima's rite was far more... mystical. A few who still follow the old faith have stated that when they hold their vigil, they maintain it for the entire cycle and in turn find themselves strengthened for trials to come.
The Rite of Recollection
The Rite of Recollection is a holiday devoted to Vector Prime and serves as an excuse for Cybertronian citizens to indulge in the wonders of the stars. While primarily focused around the young, The Rite of Recollection is a time for all of Cybertron. Mecha young or old will travel from every single corner of Cybertron in order to gather around with family or open locations for one sole purpose.
They gather to witness the stars.
Every light is turned off, save for the most essential. Work is put on hold, school is canceled, and not a spark is allowed to have a light brighter than a candle. All of Cybertron goes dark and its citizens come together quietly to watch as Cybertron finishes its rotation and a rare meteor shower graces the skies. The young are regaled with information on Cybertron's solar system and given sparklers to chase each other with in symbolization of Vector Prime's purpose as a keeper of space. Couples have been known to go out of their way to hunt down fragments of the meteors that land on the planet's surface to create gifts. Mentors will take the opportunity to witness constellations usually invisible due to light pollution. Vendors will sell trinkets modeled after the holiday, and quiet night markets will appear and promptly vanish over the course of a cycle.
Most of the cycle is laid back. The only ones who are frantic are the priests of the Primacy who throw their very sparks into recording as much as physically possible and try to collect as much meteor as they can. There are beliefs that the shards of meteor bring good luck, and the priests take that to another level and believe them to be a gift from Vector Prime himself that was sent from his divine domain amidst the space between the stars.
The Rite of Wisdom's Vigil
Modeled after the recorder Prime (Alpha Trion), Wisdom's Vigil is a deca-cycle long event dedicated to messing with everyone's perspectives. It was highjacked during the height of the golden age as a way to earn additional shanix through underhanded means, but its original purpose was quite clear. And despite the corruption, the Primacy was still able to maintain the event well enough to keep it going without completely losing its meaning.
Traditionally during Wisdom's Vigil, all Cybertronians under a certain age and with no serious health conditions, would be shipped to different parts of the planet to study a new culture and under a new mentor. It was one of the greatest student exchanges on the planet, and its entire function was to show citizens how others lived. With the Council's corruption, this ability to exchange students was limited to the higher castes and served as a form of political warfare amongst the higher castes. However, those who were able to engage in the holiday were required to adapt.
A mech from Iacon sent to Kaon would be taught the ways of Kaon and have to integrate into the culture as seamlessly as possible while serving under a new mentor in what was likely a completely different field than the one they were used to. A mech from Rodion sent to Praxus would need to roger up and adapt really quick just as much as a mech from Tarn would need to get used to falling a lot while being sent to Vos. Was the holiday chaotic? Absolutely. But it always yielded interesting results and gave every city a chance to share their culture. There have been many immigrants to various city states after those who engaged in the holiday found they preferred one culture over the one they were forged into.
The older Cybertronians who are not mentoring or being mentored have their own way of celebrating. The non religious will go to their closest archive and listen to various speakers who are brought in by the archives. The religious will go to an archivist and ask for the rite of confession. Upon being granted it, they will go somewhere where none save for the archivist can listen and pour out their spark, revealing whatever has been weighing them down and asking for guidance should they be lacking in information. This rite was hardly ever enacted prior to the war simply because many archivists were paid to sell whatever information they gleaned to the Council. Too many vanished after confessing, and so the rite died for all but the most unassuming individuals.
The Rite of Symbiosis
Developed as a way to honor Micronus Prime, the Rite of Symbiosis is a holiday that is actually banned in several city states with far more restrictive legislations when it comes to who counts as a citizen or not. The whole point of the rite is to celebrate the symbiotic relationships between minibots, intelligent mechanimals, symbiotes, and their carrier units. It is a time to remember how special such things are and how much stronger Cybertronians can be as a whole when they rely on one another, regardless of size or structure.
The rite begins for already bonded companions a few cycles before the actual holiday. It is customary for both parties involved in a companionship to go on some sort of trip or test their bond with trial. It doesn't need to be extreme, just something to reaffirm their reliance on one another. That is the only true holy aspect of the rite as the rest is largely commercial thanks to the Council. On the actual cycle of the rite, minibots without a companion who are looking for one will use their opportunity to show off their skill. The entire cycle is filled with performances from those looking for carrier units and carrier units attempting to show off their services to those looking for a team to hire. While technically one huge advertisement, there is actual joy to be found.
Circus teams have been known to be very prevalent and it is by far the best time to part ways and find new companions for carrier units who are unhappy with their situation. During the holiday minibots can also group together and legally register under one name if they fail to bond to anyone, therefore ensuring they are viewed as citizens sharing the same name instead of property to be owned. The rite is also the only time minibots and symbiotes who are unhappy can earn their freedom through contests. If an contest is issued, those watching much uphold it. The Primacy ensures this rite is honored.
Of course its not all hidden drama covered by a loose celebration. There are treats and dances. But the bit event revolves around the displays carrier units, minibots, symbiotes, and various teams put on to showcase their abilities. There is also a feast at the end of the whole event, but that is to be expected. Any holy aspect was long lost to ancient documents in the archives.
The Rite of Bounty
Created vorns before the Council was even formed, the Rite of Bounty is exactly what it sounds like. Made to honor Alchemist Prime, the only holy aspect about the whole thing is the fact that every bot will pray over their fuel before mixing and consuming. There entire cycle is one giant potluck and food fest. Mecha prepare stellar cycles in advance, collecting wild energon and additives to add to their creations. Then when the cycle arrives, brewers, mixers, purifiers, bartenders, and other fuel concoctors will emerge as one with their creations.
Every city is filled with vendors and stalls. Fuel is absolutely everywhere, often being given out for free as a way of sharing the joy. High-grade and energex flow like a river and drunk mecha are absolutely everywhere. The young are given treats and taught to purify energon safely. The old will bicker over who's energon is better and which high-grade is superior. The higher castes can't even get involved because it is simply too wild of an event. Not even the police are willing to try and stop whatever goes down for that whole cycle.
The people are happy, fueled, and more often than not, drunk off their afts. Not even the Primacy gets around it. They purposefully push their priests to go learn to mix up high grade to honor Alchemist. Many young brewers and fuel mixers have found their spotlight in winning one of the many many competitions across Cybertron during the course of the rite.
Those who still abide by the old faith tend to be a little quieter in their celebration and spend the cycle carefully creating a fancy meal for their loved ones with purely foraged supplies. But those mecha are few and far between. Most are more than happy to go get drunk with the rest.
The Rite of Convergence
Made to honor Nexus Prime, this holiday is still heavily commercialized, but it has managed to maintain some of its holy origins. During the rite, combiners, split sparks, and those who holds close bonds are given their chance to shine. The cycle begins with song where those who are bound to another will come together and sing a blessing of their own creation or choice. This lasts until halfway through the cycle when the solemn atmosphere will lift and festivities will slowly begin.
First, combiner teams will parade through the streets, showcasing their unity in their combined form. It is the only cycle they are allowed to wander fully combined without mission orders, so most relish in it. Combiner teams will often engage in games to showcase their unity in mind and frame after their various parades, all of which are observed keenly by the public. Most of the time, combiner teams, being so rare, will represent their entire city. They will go up against other teams in activities which the public vote on and the winners of said activities are allowed to select their next assignment and even change their city allegiance if they so desire.
Most regular mecha will engage in smaller versions of the combiner games. It is akin to the rite of symbiosis, but mean to include everyone. Mecha who may not know each other will group up and play to win. Teams of veterans will gather to prove their worth. It doesn't matter where one comes from. If you have a team or a partner, you can join the games. The most popular game amongst non-combiner teams is what they call the stilt wars. Mecha will group up and try to turn themselves into a makeshift combiner by standing on shoulders and swinging smaller companions around like arms. It's an absolute mess, but its the most fun many have all vorn long.
The religious will gather in quiet places to pray as one, usually holding servos and chanting in sync to try and feel Cybertron. Those who adhere to the old faith will enjoy the festivities for a time, but they will spent at least half the cycle communing with Cybertron itself through whatever means they deem appropriate.
The Rite of the Wilds
Developed in honor of Onyx Prime, the rite of the wilds is largely an excuse for those who have embraced Onyx's teachings to show their worth. Beastformers from around the entirety of the empire come together to perform feats and legally preach regarding the benefits of taking on an animalistic alternate mode. But that is not all, not in the slightest. The average Cybertronian will spent the cycle wandering.
Previously forbidden wilderness reserves are opened to those who feel inclined to explore. Guides are given and the cycle is dedicated to learning. Young Cyber-felines and Cyber-hounds are given or sold to those who want one. Various other mechanimals are put on display for those in need of a pet to take a look at. And surprisingly, seekers use the Rite of the Wilds as an excuse to show off their skills. They have their own holidays to celebrate the gift of flight, but since Onyx had wings, they take every excuse to show off.
The skies are filled with seekers and other flight frames showing their skills. The ground is covered in various dealers and animal sellers. The wilds are busy with guides taking eager mid-caste mecha around to see the natural wonders of Cybertron. Stations are set up to educate the young and give them the chance to interact with wild creatures under the watch of a a handler. It is a simple celebration and not nearly as beloved as many others, but enjoyed all the same.
Those who adhere to the old faith are known to up and vanish for the entire cycle before turning up like nothing happened a few deca-cycles later. No one is entirely sure why they do this, but they always head into the wilds, so most assume its a communion thing much like the Rite of Convergence.
The Rite of the Shapeshifter's Revelry
Created to honor Amalgamous Prime, the Rite of the Shapeshifter's Revelry is fully intended for stress relief. Those who participate will select a new identity and become the person they are imitating for the entire cycle. Mecha will go to increadible lengths to match their target, even prepping stellar cycles in advance. It is a test of skill, and it is during this time that many an actor makes their debut. There have even been actors so good at their jobs that they have been outright mistaken for their identity. Comedic relief regularly comes from those with the same faked identity participating in a battle of wits regarding who knows their target best.
It is a time of fun and mischief. Harmless pranks will be played on the unsuspecting and masked parades are all but mandatory. The young will try their hardest to emulate their mentors and the older amongst society will aim for greater challenges. Not even the Council and higher castes are exempt. Everyone tries to imitate someone. Although emulating a deceased Prime was outlawed after one particular incident where the population were convinced Onyx Prime returned from the dead when a shapeshifter got too excited. Even still, it is considered an increadible honor to have someone mimic you during the rite. As such, there is incentive amongst the population to be memorable if not loved.
Those who adhere to the old faith do not emulate. Instead they will wear masks based off horrific creatures from folklore. Their reasoning is quite simple. They are attempting to ward off the evil that lurks. Not even they know what it is, but it is tradition and they adhere to it.
The Rite of Discovery
Modeled in honor of Quintus Prime, the Rite of Discovery is about what it presents itself as. Most average civilians cannot actively participate, but they are all encouraged to watch as Cybertron's brightest minds gather together for debates, exhibitions, and scholarly discussion. Geniuses from every plausable field will gather in the center of whatever city state they live in and will group together to show off the fruits of their labor. It is not merely for pride's sake either. By showing off their work, they can gain additional funding, support, and assistance from potential investors.
Philosophers will all debate over heated questions (a fact that the council has abused to remove dissenters quietly). Physicists will work on group projects and try to one each other up in space bridge design. Researchers will present their findings on foreign worlds and get into bawls over who found what first. Astronomers will attempt to murder one another with their optics as they argue over star distances. Linguists will screech at anyone and everyone who disrespects their dialect in strange shifting tongues. Archivists with their digits too far deep into certain files will actively try and assault one another over translation issues. Not even medics are exempt. Doctors from around the world can and will create line long grudges over potential medical malpractice.
It is some of the most amazing argumentation of all time, and civilians love to watch. Not just because of the arguments of course. Civilians are able to watch the pinnacle of the Cybertronian race at work and are even able to watch many young upstarts cement themselves amongst the greatest of the great. Anyone who cares for drama knows to keep their optics and audials on the rite while it progresses. Most who engage in the rite get into controversy at some point.
Those who lived through the reign of the Quintessons devote their entire sparks to throwing effective middle fingers at their former overlords with their accomplishments. Many a scientist has laughed maniacally after presenting something the Quints would have never allowed.
The Rite of Truth
The Rite of Truth is not one that anyone loves a great deal. It is one of the few holidays that the Primacy fully owns, and the entire purpose of it is to get everyone to confess their sins. The story of Liege Maximo is told all throughout the rite and not a spark can go anywhere without getting it preached to them by a priest. Civilians are required to be silent unless they are going to be confessing something. Most opt to speak over private comms to avoid a priest or religious fanatic trying to get them to speak their truth. Those who are caught speaking without confessing something or other can be fined by the Primacy. It is by far one of the least liked holidays ever, even if it does get everyone a cycle off work.
Most are encouraged to actively rat on one another and become a whistleblower if they don't want to confess anything personal. This has led to the rise and fall of many an organization since the Primacy will take all big confessions seriously. The Council has used this to their advantage many many times. The average mech will usually take the change to drag skeletons out of the closet regarding those they dislike (at least if they are particularly spiteful). The best of the tea will make it into the media in no time.
Of course that is not all of it. Since most mecha decide to remain at home to escape the Primacy, small traditions have taken root. Most often, families and close comrades will gather to share a meal together and sort old scores and bitter grudges in a polite private manner. Secrets are shared and revealed. Drama is dealt with. It is a quiet affair for those who decide to be decent and not throw shade at everyone and everything that has ever wronged them.
The Rite of the Fallen
Created as both a warning and another way to help citizens deal with their issues, the Rite of the Fallen is complex. The Rite of the Fallen differs for absolutely everyone. Those who have issues and things they wish to repent for will have the one they wronged decide what they are to do (those whose victims are no longer living will go to a sanctioned friend or priest). These remorseful sparks will then spend the entirety of the rite fulfilling whatever they were ordered to do. Other mecha without anything they wish to outwardly deal with will spend the cycle mourning the dead or something they lost. Almost all of Cybertron will scrub off their colors to lament.
The story of the Fallen is retold to the young through quiet retellings. The old will gather and quietly grieve whatever they have lost. Often, those who grieve are not even grieving for themselves. If one has nothing to lament, then it is polite to lament alongside one who is suffering. Every mech is obliged to mourn alongside those who are already doing so. The religious aspect of the whole affair is found with the common prayer uttered by even the unfaithful in order to bring a cold comfort to they who suffer.
Those who follow the old faith know more of the Fallen, and instead of lamenting, they curse. They utter curses to keep the Unmaker away. They prepare elaborate strings of prayers to ensure that the evil cast away once never returns. They remember what was, and they fear its reawakening more than anything.
The Rite of the Arisen
There were genuine attempts made to turn the Rite of the Arisen into a holiday celebrating the reigning Prime, but that was shelved after a while. A separate holiday was made for that affair, leaving the Rite of the Arisen to fulfill its purpose.
The population are largely dubious about the mythical Thirteenth Prime, and often they can mix him and Primus together to create one legendary entity. This has resulted in the Rite of the Arisen turning into a celebration of the largest wave of newsparks to emerge from the Well each vorn. The cycle is never the same every vorn, so when it does come and the newsparks emerge, the rite is enacted in full. Every mech wanting to mentor a fresh mind will present themselves and go through a series of religious rites if they are faithful.
The Thirteenth represents rebirth, so often, those who recently passed away will have their designation given to one who emerges from the Well. A name can be left as an inheritance, and those who were given it can offer it to a newspark freely. It is a special event, a bond between the young and the old. There is no specific procedure, it simply it. The magical experience of watching new life emerge from Cybertron's core is special enough.
Those who adhere to the old faith will watch every time the rite begins. They wait, they observe, and they eagerly hope for the cycle when the lost Thirteenth Prime will return to the living realm. Many a priest is there to watch and warily write down designations of those they may find of interest.
Life is a gift, and all of Cybertron knows that when the rite begins.
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Greetings, dear writer. May I request the next installment for the Bot Buddy with a Sonic Scream who's Soundwave's Conjux? I've been curious to find out if they and Soundwave will be reunited and just HOW Megatron pulled it off since he promised Sound to get them back. My dearest apologies if I messed up this ask request.
You didn't mess up, you did great!
Hope you enjoy!
Soundwave's Conjunx with the Sonic Scream reuniting with Soundwave
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Mention of injury, Angst, Cybertronain reader
It had been a hectic four hours on base.
The kids had been kidnapped by an unknown vehicle and the bots were scrambling to find out where they had gone.
Buddy was trying their best to calm down June when a Decepticon message was intercepted.
Megatron had sent the message.
“What does it say?”--Arcee
“Megatron will give the children if we… give him Buddy.”--Ratchet
Buddy’s back straightened at this.
“Fat chance.”—Bulkhead
Bumblebee and Smokescreen murmur in agreement.
Buddy quickly types something on their data pad and hands it to Ratchet.
“Buddy says that they are willing to do it. Buddy, we need to think this through.”--Ratchet
“Ratchet is correct. If you fall into the Decepticon hands, there is no telling what they will do to you, especially given that Megatron knows of your abilities.”--Optimus
Buddy vents frustrated clenching their servos tightly.
Optimus put a servo on their shoulder.
“We will get the children back Buddy, but as of now, we need to come up with a plan that secures everyone’s safety.”--Optimus
A plan was soon formed and set to motion.
As Megatron said he came alone with a canister with the kids to his side
Optimus walked through the bridge with Sonar by his side.
Optimus demanded the kids back.
Megatron wanted first.
Buddy slowly walked to the war lord.
Buddy walks up to Megatron with a slight pained look on their face.
Megatron’s optics soften a bit as he puts a servo on their shoulder.
“It has been many years since we have last seen each other my friend.”--Megatron
Buddy has a tight smile on their face nodding.
They felt conflicted at what was happening.
This Megatron was not the Megatronus they grew to care for.
This mech was a stranger.
…then why did they still see some of their friend behind those optics?
Megatron was about to say something when a speeding missile came at them.
Buddy quickly grabbed the canister with the kids and shielded them as they were thrown back.
Dust and sand were sprayed everywhere as shots were exchanged.
Turns out the Cons didn’t like leaving their leader alone either.
All they could do was run and shield the canister.
Buddy wanted to scream but realized that with the kids so close it wasn’t the best idea.
And if they put them down somewhere there was a good chance, they would get squashed in someone’s underpede.
There was too much dust flying everywhere.
Something kicks them in the back making them drop the canister and land hard on the ground.
Buddy suppressed the scream as something digs into their back struts.
They could feel several servos holding them down and roughly placing a muzzle on their faceplate.
But that’s not what scared them.
It was the familiar claps of a shock collar that sent them into a frenzy panic.
Buddy tried screaming but the collar simply shocked them.
They squirmed and tried again to talk only to be shocked again.
They knew they were going to get captured.
Buddy only hoped that the kids were okay and escaped.
Suddenly the cuffs were taken off and the muzzle tossed aside.
They still didn’t dare to move until the collar was off.
They shakingly pushed back from the ground and looked at who got the restraints off of them.
They swore they were about to faint.
There knelt a couple feet away was Soundwave.
Buddy and Soundwave stared at each other.
Tears built around Buddy’s optics as a sad smile etched on their face.
They wanted to scream in joy that they found their Conjunx.
Sing to Primus that their beloved was here.
Soundwave slowly reached for their servo.
…He never saw the hammer coming.
The last thing he saw was Buddy being slung over Bulkhead’s shoulder looking like they were going to sob at any moment.
Back at the Autobot base…
Bulkhead sets Buddy down on the med slab.
Buddy barely registers Ratchet checking them up.
They look down to see Raf and the other children by their side.
“Are you okay?”--Raf
Buddy hesitates to answer, thankfully June intervenes.
“How about we give them some time to rest. Doctor’s orders.”--June
Buddy flashes her a thankful look as she guides the children out of the room.
They tap the slab loud enough to get Ratchet’s attention.
“Buddy? Is there something you need?”--Ratchet
He moves closer only to get trapped in their arms.
He wanted to move but the sniffling told him otherwise.
It had been a tough day for everyone.
For both Autobot and Decepticon alike.
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korpuskat · 1 year
[Ao3 Mirror] Pairing: Ramattra/Reader Rating: Mature (sexual content referenced, but not explicit) WC: 2,918 Warnings: None Sequel to In A Different Light -----
The lackey behind the counter hardly looks up, barely says anything as they pass you the repair request forms. It's fine, you get it. Menial labor, repetitive office bullshit, dealing with the guys who walk their mechs into walls when training while trying to avoid the higher-ups gaze. Normal Talon stuff. This is perfectly true until he asks you what floor of the barracks you're on, what wing.
And suddenly the lady behind him perks up. She doesn't even try to hide how she looks you over, making some unspoken assessment, then grins and returns to her tablet.
The barely suppressed smile infects his voice with excitement. "Don't suppose you're in 1813, are you?"
Oh. Fuck. "Yeah, I am."
"Kinda wondering when you'd make it down here." He says, typing in your information. "If you would."
You shouldn't say anything. You really, really shouldn't.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Oh, you know." He grins at you, fucking winks like you're in on the joke. "There was a pool if you'd be here or the infirmary first."
The infirmary? Why would you- actually, he did break your bed and leave a hole in your wall and you have had this peculiar ache behind your belly button and you definitely have huge purple splotches over your hips where he'd grabbed you, so, okay, that's fair.
"I guess you won then." Is the light-lipped answer you come up with, unsure how to explain that you really don't want to be part of this conversation anymore. Please, just fix your bed and wall. Gossip when you're not around.
The guy opens his mouth- and you feel it before his expression changes. A cool wind brushes against the back of your neck, down your spine, over the backs of your arms. Sickly, somehow, like the air itself clings to you, crawls on you. Everyone behind the counter looks away. His joy is gone, but the fear is carefully masked. "Reason for repairs?"
Behind you, boots stomp by. He doesn't leave, from the sound, from the way nobody exhales. You don't look, keep your eyes trained on the counter, on a little fleck where the linoleum is peeling away. He's somewhere in a corner, waiting for something. "Accident."
The lackey visibly cringes. Suddenly he, too, doesn't want to be in this conversation. "Gotta be more specific."
Fucker. Your voice is barely restrained as you bite out, "Sparring accident."
Behind you, the Reaper snorts.
When Ramattra returns to your base, perhaps only two weeks later, you really expect him to just proceed as business as usual. Like nothing had happened; he'd sated his curiosity, you're off his radar. Figuratively. You do not, under any circumstances, expect to be pulled off regular duties to be part of his temporary squadron.
It's a formality. He doesn't need one. He's here to inspect an airship, to discuss modifications to be made before it goes into mass production.
With an irritated sigh and wave of his hand, he summarily dismisses the entire squadron as soon as he sees them waiting in the hangar. The rest leave. You should join them. It's so... presumptuous, to think he thinks about you, that he even remembers you. He's leading a revolution for his people and you're a grunt he fucked once. But your boots may as well have been glued to the floor, no matter how much you want to scream at yourself to move, to turn away, you can't.
And his gaze settles on you.
And he nods towards the airship's ramp.
You follow behind him.
It's the first time you watch him leave. Every time before- three, now, not that you're counting- he's quietly departed your quarters. After making sure you're well cared for. That part had always confused you- left your chest aching in a way completely different than your hips.
But this time, you're not left alone in your mattress working up the courage to go file a repair request again. No, as part of his squadron you get to see him off this time. It's all a show, Ramattra had complained about it before- serves nothing but to boost their little human egos. He wasn't wrong, there's no need for you to be here. In fact, you really don't want to be here.
You've never seen Doomfist in person, but he personally escorts Ramattra to his shuttle. He speaks confidently, but quietly enough you can't make out what he's saying, even as he gestures broadly with his cybernetic arm. Even seeing him content makes your stomach flip uneasily, not wanting to be around if something does go wrong.
Ramattra... looks different. It's hard to believe how quickly you've become used to seeing him relaxed. Not just when he's moving in you- no, even when he sits with you, walks about the base, he never looks like this anymore. All seriousness and focused, the weight of the world back on his shoulders.
They speak a moment more, then Ramattra bows his head and turns towards his ship. He stops-
and across the launch bay, Ramattra's faceplate turns towards you. He pauses. Says nothing, hardly moves- but you know. He's looking directly at you. You stare back, unsure why you have his attention now- and ever so slightly his head dips. A tiny nod goodbye, just for you.
Your chest aches.
You smile slightly and nod back- and he's gone, entering his ship and flying away.
You don’t know who finally made the call to assign Ramattra temporary quarters at your base, but you would love to have seen that conversation. Because Ramattra’s voice is perfectly neutral as he comments that his quarters had not only a heavy duty, solid steel bed frame to support his weight- nevermind that he doesn’t sleep- but also reinforced walls.
They knew, of course. But the fact that someone high up enough knew to make the recommendation is what really gets you. Because nobody has said anything to you. Maybe they’re smart enough to- you doubt Ramattra would be particularly pleased with you being public knowledge.
And, well, not saying anything has ended up being your approach with Ramattra so far, too. Despite the frequency that he’d return to your doorway (and now you to his), or the repeated repair requests and occasional trips to medical and skeptical looks in return, you’d never explicitly asked what was going on. What exactly you were to him.
And normally that would be fine! Soldier’s bond or whatever, some bullshit to say “logistically and emotionally easiest lay.” It’s common enough. But you’ve never laid in a squadmate’s bed hours after, never dozed lightly in someone else’s blankets as they work at the desk a foot away- and never felt that perhaps that was still too far from you.
It’s the latter right now that sits heavy on your chest.
You shift beneath his sheets- a silky, deep purple that ripples with every moment. You watch, silent, as he turns some kind of device in his hands, taps it occasionally with an electric soldering iron. You sit up slowly, lean into his pillows. Even the pillowcases match. Probably actual silk knowing Talon’s propensity to keep their board members happy. Fuckers. He doesn’t even meditate on the bed.
“Ramattra,” The question bubbles out of you before you can stop it. “Can I… kiss you?”
He stills. But here, you must acknowledge how close you’ve gotten- because you can tell. Where someone else may feel that pang of fear, that his quiet is a wind-up to rage or impatience or condescension, no, you can read his shoulders perfectly. He’s genuinely contemplating the request.
He looks to you, and he doesn’t need a face for you to feel the incredulity in his voice. “You do understand I do not possess a mouth, correct?”
“I know.” You stand and sweep one thin blanket with you as you move to him. And here- he turns away from his project, sets his iron down, opens his arms for you. When you settle into his lap, he supports you- and when you reach for his face, his jaw, he lowers his head into your touch. You sweep a thumb across the lowest part of the white composite, feel the little crease between it and the purple of his jaw plate. “But I could still kiss you..”
His whole face rumbles into your palm as he hums, considering this. “Alright, though I do not understand what you would gain from this.”
And that is a lie, though you’re not sure who it’s for. It’s fine though, you don’t call him on it. Instead, you guide his head down as you stretch up- until your breath ghosts against him, leaving little puffs of foggy condensation. And you kiss him. Right across the seam between his plates, your lips squishing into the gap, flattening against his metal.
And it would be like kissing a training bot, all cold, motionless metal against your lips- and that must be what he expects you to feel, his disbelief you’d get anything from this. It would be, except for everything else about him. His hands come up to the curve of your spine, to the back of your head, cradling you so gently- and even with such a small display, his fans kick up, a quiet hum purring a hair louder from his chest. Without a mouth, he’s hardly unaffected- and against his faceplate you smile and pull away. His optics cannot, by design, be half-lidded and glazed, but you think they would be if they could.
“Did that… satisfy you?” He rumbles lowly.
“For now.” You grin and tuck yourself deeper into his lap. When he realizes you have no intention of returning to his bed, he makes a show of sighing and adjusting the stolen blanket so you’re well-wrapped and all the ends are tucked safely away before he returns to his work.
"Can I ask you a question?" You murmur, eyes still closed. He's foregone the blanket this time, holding you right up against his chest; you had curled up with him so quickly he hasn't even had time to put his paneling back on. The spars of his ribs are a little uncomfortable, but he's still so warm that you can't complain.
"Of course." His systems have already refreshed, perfectly capable of going on with his day. Unlike you, you're still wavering and floaty and in need of a shower. He's used to it. Being able to hold you afterwards is... enjoyable. He allows himself to trace shapes over your skin. He had noticed, once, how you smile softly when he does it.
"It's personal."
Ramattra's head shifts, looks down at you slightly. He's told you about himself. About the times before he was himself, about the Shambali, about the slave shops he's destroyed, about London. About Lanet. What could you possibly ask that you felt the need to warn him about first? "Go on."
"Who did you make your dick for?" Oh. He shifts awkwardly, ceases the motions of his hands. When he doesn't answer you continue, "You told me you didn't make it for humans, so, I dunno. Was just curious."
It takes several moments before he can manage to put together a stilted "Does it matter?"
You hum softly and lean back against him. "No." You swap the places of your hand with his, sweeping your thumb across the purple plating. You really didn't want to upset him- the likelihood his previous relationships have ended particularly badly is ridiculously high. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me about your exes. Like I said, just curious."
Ramattra has never quite understood the desire to grimace until now. It's not important, and yet... that annoying little whisper has returned to his circuits, prodding at his runtimes until he's forcing the words through his synth. "I don't... have any... 'exes'."
This makes the gears turn in your head. There's no way. "Like... you just didn't stay with any of them?" Even as hectic as his life has been, you cannot reconcile how tenderly he's holding you with him previously being a smash and dasher. It would make sense logistically- no danger of loss or being tied down and losing focus on his work, but… there’s just no way.
"No." He all but squirms. "I never used it before you."
"I designed it for..." His voice cuts out as his vocoder fights him again. "...a particular omnic. To their model's... specifications. But I never used it."
You twist around in his arms, as much as he'd prefer you didn't. It's uncomfortable enough without having to see your face, without his still-not-put-away dick pressed between your bodies. "But... you told me you'd fucked before."
Around you, Ramattra bristles, his fans ramping up, his hands firming where they touch you. Too far, you did upset him. "Omnics do not need things as crude as genitals to be intimate."
The pieces come together. Not an ex, they'd been intimate, enough that he'd designed a dick just to hope, but never used it. He wanted more. You slide a hand around Ramattra's neck, over the dark plating his cowl usually hides. Normally, when you slide your fingers around the chunky cables of his mane, he'll purr or at least relax- no such luck. "Sorry," You murmur, and trace a finger along the long line of his jaw piece. "Thank you for telling me."
It takes a few moments, but eventually a soft stream of hot air slips from Ramattra's vents and he sighs. You take the cue and curl up close to him, wrapping your arms around him as best you can with his wide chest. When you think he's calmed enough, you do tack on one last comment. "I am glad you made it, though."
Thankfully, Ramattra laughs softly at that.
Ramattra holds white papers in his hand, carefully held between the rubber pads there, delicate as to not crease them before you can read them. His other hand twitches as his side, then balls into a fist. He does not meet your gaze when he enters his room. He stands there, just past the doorway, clenching and unclenching his fist, his fans slowly amping up.
"Rama?" You prompt him when he still doesn’t say anything, already scooting to the edge of his bed.
"I have to attend to the construction of a titan in person." It's flat, a statement, no particular inflection in his voice where you're clearly expecting something else. "I won't be able to return here for several weeks. At minimum."
Now it's you who looks away. It's a disappointment. You knew it was coming, three days together was already an incredible luxury. "Ah, I see." He's busy, you know this. Lots of hard work running an entire revolution almost by yourself. And you can't fault him for it- can't ask him to postpone. It's important work. "When will you have to leave?"
"Five hours. I'm also chartering transport of supplies. My omnium is short on copper wire, of all things." He says- and his focus shifts from the floor to the paper in his hands. He rubs it, watches as the paper flexes and bends, then returns to normal. You, too, observe his fidgeting and wait for the shoe to drop. You've always kind of waited for it.
"Are you- " He starts- and his synth immediately fizzles. The hand at his side tightens in frustration as he reboots it. "Are you pleased with... this?" The paper flops in his hand as he gestures vaguely between you.
Never did have that conversation.
You bite your tongue, chance looking at him. None of the strain in his vocoder has made it to his faceplate, forever stuck in that passive, almost angry expression. "Yeah." If he wants to kick you out, that's fine, but you aren't going to lie about it. His visits to your base have easily become the best part of your job, the occasional message of where he is, of when he can make it back to you- it's completely different than anything you've had before. "Yeah, actually."
Ramattra's shoulders drop. "You are sure? Genuinely?"
You nod. And he holds out the paper. You don't even unfold it before he's explaining. "It's a reassignment order. Production of Null Troopers is increasing geometrically; ideally I would oversee all production lines directly from here on. It would be... advantageous to have someone else coordinate with Talon on my behalf while I am engaged with this.
"I will be very occupied. This is a critical period of staging. And I would be relying on you." Ramattra says, and there's a sternness laid over top. He wants it to sound like a job offer, to sound serious. It is, to some degree. But more than that-
"You..." The top of the paper is printed with Talon's logo, a big block of text follows, beneath is a signature line. Your eyes skim the page again- and read the most important line. Relocate to meet the needs of Null Sector. "You want me to come with you?"
A breath of silence takes the room, until he steps closer and takes one of your hands in his. So gently, he drags the rubber pad of his thumb over your knuckles. His faceplate focuses there, on the delicate bones of your hand, your wrist. "It would... please me greatly to keep you near."
The ache in your chest blooms out, spills over your cheeks.
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dimorphodon-x · 1 year
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“There are extra cubes for Nova in the fridge and a few hard metal treats in the cupboard,” Thunderclash recounted everything, “but, are you sure-?”
“Don’t worry, Thunders,” Starhawk smiled and reached for his larger, blockier hand. The large bot slightly jumped at the surprisingly solid grip, “I’ve gotten better at interacting with physical objects. I can take care of Novabird if he needs anything.”
A small squeak escaped Thunderclash as the ghost reached up and gave the brim of his helm a quick cold kiss, “you go out and have a nice date with Roddy, ok?”
“Uh-uh huh,” Thunderclash dumbly nodded and stepped back towards the door, “t-take care.”
“Have fun,” Hawk waved the large mech off, watching him leave with the smaller flame colored mech.
Now alone, the ghostly flier went to check on the sparkling. Novabird was still sleeping, and hopefully would for a few hours. Though at the same time, Hawk wished he could play with his son now that it was just the two of them. Nova couldn’t see him, but the way the little guy laughed and squealed in delight as his toys seemingly flew over his head brought the phantom much joy.
Though playtime with Nova was often short as Rodimus would quickly investigate what all the commotion was, and Starhawk would have to hurriedly put the toys back down before he opened the door.
Oh well, there was other stuff a ghost could do to pass the time. Like a bit of tidying up.
He couldn’t do any deep cleaning of course, that would be too conspicuous. Instead Hawk went about doing small tasks, like straightening pictures, or picking up small bits of unnoticed garbage and tossing them into the bin.
Such small chores were quickly finished and Starhawk went to sit on the couch in the living room. Thunderclash had left a datapad on one of the arms for Starhawk to read through to pass the time. 
The ghostly jet was about half an hour into his reading when a sound caught his attention. Small rattling and then a door being forced open a few moments after.
Someone was breaking in.
Immediately Starhawk rushed to investigate. Walls were no obstacle as he just phased through them to get to Rodimus and Thunderclash’s bedroom. The window had been opened and the intruder (or even intruders) entered the home from there. He could hear them going through some of the items in the hallway closet.
Panic setting in, Hawk rushed for Novabird’s room. There were two intruders. He didn’t recognize them, but that didn’t matter. They were making their way to the sparkling’s room.
“Frag, frag!” Hawk hissed. Nova’s door didn’t have a lock and he couldn’t yet pick up heavy items like shelves to block it. He looked at the sleeping sparkling in the crib. He doubted he could pick him up to move him to a safe hiding spot, but he’d be damned if he didn’t try.
The phantom’s fingers curled under Novabird, slightly lifting him up. Nova’s face scrunched up at the cold hands trying to pick him up and grunted unhappily.
“Shh shh! Stay quiet little Nova,” Hawk pleaded. His fingers were starting to phase through the little body, “oh please oh please oh please-!”
“Oh, what do we have here?”
Starhawk gasped as his fingers gave, and Novabird plopped back into his cushioned crib. The short drop startled the sparkling awake and he shrieked. The two intruders hissed at the sudden cry.
“Uhg, noisy little thing,” the shorter of them snarled, rubbing at their audial. Their partner merely hummed and approached the crib. Starhawk instinctively shielded his crying son with his frame, yet the stranger could not see him.
“Go away, go away!”
“This is Rodimus’ kid, right?” Hawk gagged as a hand went right through his head as the stranger held a digit out to the sparkling. Novabird grabbed the intruder’s finger, still crying but starting to calm down.
“Yeah. What of it?” Short One joined their partner next to the crib, but kept their hands on their hips, “nasty little vermin.”
Starhawk growled at the comment and tried to swat the other mech’s hand away from his son.
“Rodimus is a Prime, right?” Creepy One smiled down at Novabird, wiggling their captured finger, “and Primes have money, right?”
“I guess. Thunderclash at least has money. I think.”
Starhawk did not like where this seemed to be going.
“And I’m sure little guy’s parents love him lots,” Creepy’s smile widened, “enough to pay lots of money to get their bundle of joy back home safe and sound.”
Shorty’s eyes widened and their grin mirrored Creepy’s, “oh, I gotcha. Much easier than stealing junk.”
Hawk’s vision went red.
The duo recoiled in surprise, and Novabird screamed again.
“What was that?” Shorty looked around, “you heard that too, right?”
“I didn’t hear it,” Creepy frowned, “but I felt something.”
The phantom lunged at Creepy, talons extended as he slashed at the mech’s chest. The intruder yelped as lines appeared in his paint.
“GET OUT!” Hawk snarled, Shorty shrinking back at his voice.
“Who’s there?” They whimpered pathetically, looking around, “show yourself!”
Creepy jumped forward and scooped Novabird up from his crib, holding the screaming sparkling up, “don’t try anything stupid, or the kid gets it!”
The room shook with a furious growl and the shadows seemed to grow larger and darker, crawling towards the intruders. In the darkness, they could just make out the shape of a mangled jet, and a pair of yellow eyes glaring at them.
Novabird shrieked as he squirmed in the stranger’s rough hands, trying to pry their fingers off of him.
“Who… what are you?” Shorty hid behind their larger partner. The figure grew more distorted as the room again trembled with the phantom’s rage. The two backed towards the door anxiously.
A black hand shot out and shut the door before the two could escape. Shorty wailed and all but collapsed to their knees in fear, while Creepy barred their teeth and stood defiantly.
“It’s a demon!” They hissed, eyes wide. They held Novabird up like a shield, “a messenger of Unicron!”
“I’ll show you demon,” Hawk snarled, broad wings flaring and engulfing the room completely in his rage.
Creepy was unable to see anything, not even the sparkling they were holding right in front of them. It felt like cold hands snatched the child away, and they could hear Shorty screaming and crying and begging for mercy.
“This isn’t real,” they whispered, “you can’t hurt us, you’re not real!”
“Not real?”
Moonlight returned to the room and the black figure was standing at the crib, the sparkling tucked in and sleeping soundly, despite having been crying only a moment ago.
Creepy glanced at their cowering partner, then to the phantom, their spark pounding behind their scratched chest plates.
“Not real?” The phantom repeated, eyes narrowing, “you’re stupid.”
The intruder frowned, stepping back, though their heel hit the wall.
Hawk stepped around Nova’s crib, his frame solid yet flowy like fire as he approached Creepy, “enough of my spark wants to stay behind to guard my family from the likes of you vermin. I’ve picked up a few tricks here and there, but there’s one thing I really want to test out on you tonight.”
“What?” Creepy pressed themself against the wall as cold hands grabbed his shoulders, “what are you-?”
“I’m experimenting,” Starhawk smiled as his frame dissipated, almost appearing to sink into Creepy’s chassis.
Shorty hesitantly lowered their arms and looked up at their partner, seeing their frame seize up and their eyes go white.
“H-hey. What’s wrong?”
Creepy blinked, their eyes dimming to yellow, and turned to look down at the cowering mech.
“Nothing is wrong,” they smiled, seeming oddly pleased with themself, “I’m just glad this worked.”
“What are you talking about? Hey!” Shorty yelped as Creepy grabbed their arm and yanked them up, restraining them in a tight hug, “what are you doing??”
“I’m going to make sure you both pay for this,” Hawk hissed, “I can’t believe you two, breaking into someone’s home and plotting to kidnap their child? Barbaric.”
“Roddy’s late husband,” the possessed mech smiled as they exited the baby’s room and made their way to the living room, “and that sparkling is my son.”
Shorty let out a strained whine as Creepy sat down on the couch with them still in their arms, “this is crazy. What are you gonna do to us?”
“Call my boyfriend,” Hawk answered simply.
Shorty made a face.
“Thunderclash,” the phantom clarified, then went silent as he seemingly made his call.
Thunderclash and Rodimus burst frantically into their home, but froze as soon as they saw the pair of intruders seated on their couch. The larger was stiff as a board, one arm wrapped around the other mech, and the other hand clasped over their mouth to keep them quiet.
“I… what is this?” Rodimus looked up at Thunderclash, who merely shrugged.
“Go check on Novabird, Rodimus. I can take care of these two.”
The speedster didn’t need to be told twice as he ran for Nova’s room. Thunderclash cautiously approached the couch, eying the strangers warily.
He nearly jumped when the bigger mech turned their head to look at him, and smiled.
“Hey Thunders. How was the date?”
“It… was fine. Until I got the call.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourselves. Shame these two idiots had to cut it short,” Starhawk frowned and glared at the trembling mech in his arms, “now, could you please restrain them? I’m actually really fraggin tired and it’s getting harder to move in this body. It’s also really gross in here and I want out.”
“Oh! Of course!” Thunderclash hurried to grab some tape and rope from the supply closet and was able to quickly tie up the intruders' wrists and ankles, freeing the phantom from having to possess one of them and then calling the police to arrest them.
It didn’t take long for the cops to show up and take the trembling pair away. The short one kept on blabbering on about something regarding shadows and spirits, but no one was paying any attention. Certainly not Thunderclash anyway.
With the thieves turned almost kidnappers taken care of, Thunderclash was able to join Rodimus in Novabird’s room. The speedframe had scooped the bitty out of his crib and was pacing back and forth, holding him close to his chest and muttering to the confused and sleepy sparkling. Thunderclash frowned as he watched Rodimus fret and carefully approached.
“How’s Nova?”
Rodimus stopped his pacing and swallowed. His voice cracked as he responded, “he’s okay. He’s unharmed.”
“Thank goodness for that,” Thunderclash sighed as he stepped closer. Rodimus shuddered and all but collapsed into the larger mech’s arm, “whoa!”
“We could’ve lost him, Thunders!” He gasped, “those bastards could’ve taken him away and we’d never see him again!”
Thunderclash hugged the smaller mech closer, glancing down at Novabird. The little bitty was staring back up at him with large blue eyes, confused and curious. The thought of returning to an empty crib made his lines run cold, “but he’s here, Rodimus. He’s here and he’s safe and no one will ever harm him.”
“We never should’ve left him alone,” Rodimus buried his face against Thunder’s neck, “never again, never never never…”
Thunderclash opened his mouth. He wanted to tell him that Nova hadn’t been left alone, that he was being guarded at all times. He caught sight of Hawk’s ghost, watching them from the other end of the room. His figure was faded and most of his features looked half remembered.
“I don’t think he’d believe you,” Starhawk’s wings drooped as he shook his head, “and it might only hurt him to know anyway.”
Thunderclash shut his mouth with a frown. Alright. Maybe another time then.
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randomationality · 2 months
yeah uhhhh Optimus and Elita's sparklings for my goofy ass AU
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(i suck at making names and stories omg, and im still working on their alt modes)
Elariel is older than Trion by two stellar cycles, making her older than Terminus by three. She enjoys writing and mathematical things like her dad does since she spends more time with him than Elita, but would not want to be the same kind of scientist he was. She'd rather be an astronomer, and venture across the stars. Although, her dreams and hobbies do not match her personality. She's really confident, loud but not that annoying kind of loud, and if someone messes with her or any of her friends or family, she's ready to throw hands. So she's the one who pretty much protects the others from any kind of trouble, and handles it REALLY well. But after fights, arguments and beef of such she does get a lecture coming home, and it's happened too many times she's used to it. Elita is proud of her for doing so but Optimus is still concerned and worried.
Trion is pretty much the same, but does more strong arguments than actual combat. He's a nice and selfless mech, helping those in need even if the problems are small or irrelevant to him. Since he's with his mom more, he's more engaged in combat-like things, but he just wants to keep peace in a more physical way. But this has also somehow brought him to a liking for sport, specifically Enerush*. He doesn't really find joy in reading, not because of it being boring, but because he can't read text properly. He finds the way text is normally put too close together, making it seem like the sentences are mixing up into a bar of blur. Elariel sometimes makes fun of him for this but jokingly.
Sometimes when the two get into 'satire' roast battles, Optimus takes it too seriously and starts telling them to not make fun of the other and be nice to each other. Elita on the other hand just finds this intriguing and funny. Anything Trion and Elariel do that seem 'harmful' in a way to Optimus is just something the two just do for funny reasons.
Fun facts yay!!!
Since Elariel, Trion and Terminus are the eldest ones, they're expected to take care of the little ones which they do, but most of the time just leave them to have fun on their own. And they mostly get told off if one of the lil' ones get hurt and they weren't there to help them.
When some other bots meet the three teens, they always think Trion and Terminus are basically Elariel's two body guards, but it's the opposite. Megatron tells Terminus to be like Elariel sometimes.
Haha, nicknames:
Riri, Ella (She hates that one)
Rio, Trai, Ryan (He gets annoyed with it, but actually doesn't mind most of the time)
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justsomespiders · 11 months
pro tip:
fall in love with stupid/weird things, let yourself enjoy and love unironically.
we're learning blender rn. because we wanna make a dumb lil spider mech to scale with miniatures. because we love it. because we're enjoying life a little bit. because this stupid little desk buddy/thing/spider mech will bring us joy. that's all <3
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