#male bosy
theaestheticmodels · 3 months
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cosmo-watches-movies · 9 months
Wilde (1997)
Triggerwarning: Homophobia, Sex (in the movie, not depicted in this blogpost)
Plot: A part of Oscar Wilde’s life story.
Spoilers beyond this
Michael plays Robbie Ross, a good friend to Oscar Wilde and, delicately put, his first male lover.
Following are my incoherent thoughts as I was watching the movie: (some gifs for context, for the other parts watch the movie and you'll get it)
starting out chill with Oscar meeting his future wife
oh who might this dashing young fella be?
lol that didn’t work did it?
Nevermind it did work
I was so not prepared for this
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This guy has a lot of thoughts in his head and none of them are holy
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Bitch what
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If someone looked at me like that I’d instantly fall for them too. Man brought his A-Game
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Oh my god this is going too fast even for me and I’m just watching
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Why would you give him lines like that?
(I refuse to clip the next part, I don't know who might read this)
What in the what I barely got into the movie, why would you do this to me
I have questions
I have so many emotions at once right now I actually feel a bit sick
I’m 16 Minutes in and my heart is breaking at the thought of where this might be going
Okay, I got used to the fact that I am actually watching a movie about gay men
Me watching a movie about a gay author: (☆ω☆ )
Me when theres actual portayal of intimacy between men: (○ □ ○ )
I swear I’m so normal about this.
Wtf Oscar why would you drop Robbie like that. I get that this was an affair, but like this? He picked that other guy up like an apple from a tree.
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Watch Robbie take this like the king he is
Oscar met yet another guy (Bosie) and seems to fall in love with him and guy #2 litterally wants to khs and/or Bosie, while Robbie has only respect, acceptance and love to give.
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lol taste of your own medicie, huh?
I hate Bosie
I love Robbie
Drama between Bosie and Wilde, which results in Oscar being sentenced to two years in prison
Oof that speech Oscar held in court tho, right in the feels
Robbie is an absolute treasure of a person. Get yourself a man like him. Don’t settle for less.
Wtf all this stress and heartbreak for Oscar and Bosie to break up after three months, the world is a cruel place
- End of incoherent thoughts-
That was heartbreaking in so many ways. The main story obviously is unbelievably tragic but we shall focus on other things. There are a lot of strong performances in this movie, the whole cast was quite good. You can strongly feel the love Robbie has for Oscar, he has this soft tone when he talks to or about him, he wants him to be happy even if it means that he himself wont be. He accepts that Oscar doesn’t love him the same way and still supports his friend under any circumstances. It's not just in the dialouge, it's also in the way Robbie talks to and looks at Oscar. He’s pure kindness, love and devotion.
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He cares so much for him it's breaking my poor little heart :c
On a less serious note, my guy really went ahead and had his first on-screen kiss be a gay kiss!?! Fuckin hell! And he did so well! Icon, king, legend, right from the start!
Because there aren't enough gifs in this already, have some more little moments I enjoyed :3
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✨Puppy dog eyes✨
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Good save xD
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Why would you hold it like that?
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I don't even know why, just thought he looked dashing in this scene
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Me too, Robbie, me too.
I probably could've written more, but that wouldn't do the movie and characters justice. Bosie's full brattiness alone is something I couldn't even capture in gifs. Kudos to Jude Law, he really made me hate that character. He's the exact opposite of Robbie. They had only two scenes together I think, but it's awesome to see their personalities clash.
I’d say you should check this movie out, especially if you’re lgbt+ yourself obviously. And then go ahead and read Oscar Wildes works, they're queer history and in general important literature anyone should know.
At the end of this I have learned that I, in fact, don’t hate love drama, I just like it if it's gay. And preferably has a certain actor in it.
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okay this is something that's been bothering me for a very long time but I've struggled to put words to it. Until just now.
I hate how often sexualisation of men, or male sexiness or male sexuality is often just sexualised male feminisation.
Now obviously femine and masculine is different and not the same as being a woman or being a man, but for the sake of this post I'll go by the common definition of masculinity vs feminity which is as following:
Feminity: feminity usually refers to the stereotypical physical or cultural traits and expectations of a cis woman
Masculinity: masculinity usually refers to the stereotypical physical and cultural traits and expectations of a cis man
Now, personally I think feminity/masculinity refers more to a aesthetic and certain way of being than it does gender, but it is still undeniably contacted to gender. Which makes the fact that Male Sexiness often involving or equaling male feminisation even more disturbing. its not just a common fetish. it's heteronormative. it's misogynistic. it's misandric. I will elaborate on why bellow.
Feminisation being equalled to sexualisation and male sexiness involving or being equalled to feminisation is something I specifically see within mlm content. In fact, the only time I see masculinity consistently being sexualised is in m/f (and often straight) media.
it's often in mlm content you see men dressed up in lingerie with feminine design, in heels, or "maid outfits". its in mlm content you see men bekng out in feminine clothing or traditionally female roles, as a way to portray them as sexy. In both fanfiction or original writing, a man's attraction to another man is often about his ass (which is not necessarily a feminine trait) or his hips. his slim waist. his large pectorals (which are often referred to as tits or boobs or breasts)
Very rarely do I see physical attraction towards men talking about anything stereotypically masculine outside of musculature. Why is it never about someone's broad shoulders, their hairyness, the bulge in their pants, their largeness.
At most, I see mentions of their large muscles and washboard abs. Which is a ridiculous beauty and bosy standard put upon men, but that's a different discussion.
That a men is only considered sexy to the point of sexualisation within mlm or queer media is not only a problem, but indicates deeper issues. Like I said heteronormativity. misogyny and misandry.
and here I'll explain why, in case it is not clear.
Heteronormative: It pushes masculine and feminine, male and female roles and dynamics onto a mlm couple, forcing them into a falsisfied and fake heterosexual dynamic
Misogyny: oversexualising of feminine traits or roles. Equaling and resucing feminity and anything stereotypically female to sexiness
Misandry: Equaling and reducing sexiness to feminity and anything stereotypically female. Implies and pushes the idea than masculinity cannot be or isn't sexy.
As a transmasc agender person it fills me with great dysphoria to see men's pectorals always being referred to as tits or boobs or breasts. The focus, fascination or sexualisation of big and lushus pectorals have never bothered me, but the trend of calling them tits or boobs do. Same when people cat like they function like boobs. Like a push up bra creating cleavage, or muscular pectorals requiring a bra to support them. Neither of which is true. Pectorals enlarged due to fat, aka Man-boobs (commonly referred to as moobs) are different, and could both require a bra to help support the extra weight on the chest, and as they consist of fat, not hard muscle, they could be pushed up by a push-up bras. Yet they do not get referred to as tits, boobs, nor do people talk about moobs in bras. This is also an example of fat phobia and the ridiculous body and beauty standards for men, but I'm getting of topic. My point about moobs is that in cases where a bra would be physically possible or serve a practical purpose, they are not included. But when it comes to large pecs being of muscle they will be used as to enhance the sexiness, through feminising the person and the body part. Meaning the bra - and the subsequent feminisation - is only attarctive and wanted when it can be used to sexualise.
And I am. so tired of this trend. I am all for men or masc presenting people wearing skirts, heels, make up, or lingere. but when they wear them, why not let them remain masculine. Let men and masculine people wear a skirt in a masculine way. (Have you seen Scots in kilts?? it's definitely possible for a man or masc person to look both sexy and masculine in skirt like clothing) Or why not try removing any stereotypical feminine stuff altogether? Sexualised rugged (non-washboard ab'd with cut muscles) men with chest hair and hairy arms and legs, stubble and a visible bulge. Talk about mlm physical attraction regarding a bulky torso and thick thighs. a visible bulge and a hot ass. Emphasise those broad shoulders, narrow hips and square jaw
let men be sexy for being masculine. let masculinity be sexy.
don't equal sexiness to femininity. dont equal feminity to sexiness. it's time we sexualise masculinity
edit: this is not to say that the feminisation of med or sexualisation of feminity in men is inherently bad or forbidden. I'm not trying to demonise anyone or what they are into. Explore what you like, create what you're into. I'm just trying to bring up an issue I've seen become more normal and want to bring it up to talk about it and discuss it. if you are a femboy, are into femboys or just like them please know this is not an attack on you. I am just bringing up my own experience and how I wish masculinity was more celebrated and sexualised for being masculine, as well as wishing for more content of men and masc people wearing traditional feminine stuff and STILL be masculine, or even wear it in a masculine way. or just men and masc people wearing traditional feminine things without it being sexualised
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murfpersonalblog · 9 months
LDPDL, Incarceration, and Oscar Wilde's De Profundis
I was writing this up as a tangent in another post, thinking about IRL gay men at the turn of the 20th century as another source of Gothic literature Anne Rice was inspired by when she wrote the VC, and most importantly, how IRL Victorian-Edwardian era homophobia might have affected AMC!Louis as he struggled with his own sexuality/vampirism. Particularly, a point I made awhile ago about homosexuals & the mentally ill being locked up in sanatoriums. It just got way too long and off topic, so I've decided to post this bit first.
@wordforworldisforest noted that for all the reading Louis does in Eps2-7, we NEVER see him reading in Ep1 while he's still human. Iolanta's the first time we see Louis enjoy stories (plays/opera/books), but after he marries Lestat, Louis' reading whole libraries about heterosexual & homoerotic love & marriage. So I'm wondering what bb!Louis might've read during his human lifetime, too, and why he was keeping it such a secret from everyone--what/why was he hiding? And I started thinking about Oscar Wilde.
Closeted: Oscar, Louis & Vampirism
Oscar Wilde was the MOST (in)famous gay man during the late 1880-90s while Louis was growing up. If Louis was born 1877 (as per his gravestone in Ep5), he would've been 13 when The Picture of Dorian Gray was published, and 18-20 when Oscar was arrested for sodomy from 1895-97. De Profundis is the letter Oscar wrote to his male lover (Lord Alfred "Bosie" Douglas) while he was in jail, which was published posthumously in 1905. Ain't no way Louis didn't read it, or at least hear about it. 👀
Like, Dorian Gray's a known homoerotic book that was brought in as evidence during Oscar Wilde's sodomy trials. But Louis was 13 when it came out--MAYBE it flew under the radar for him, fine. But Louis's super stylish--he followed fashion trends (even in Dubai he's STILL casket sharp). And Oscar Wilde was a fashion icon/maverick in his heyday; an international sensation. But there was ALL KINDS of sexist/homophobic crap printed about Oscar cuz of the way he looked & dressed & styled his hair & carried himself in public (newspapers, Punch magazine, etc), before his love affairs with men were even made common knowledge.
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Oscar was a well-connected rich white man, and even HE caught flack from homophobes/xenophobes on both sides of the Pond for his effeminate behavior, and critiques against British and American aesthetics. While anti-Irish sentiments PALE in comparison to ACTUAL anti-black racism--(the Irish enslaved & lynched black folk same as any white racist colonizer, just look at Scarlet O'Hara--I've mentioned this before about racist Finn O'Shea, who burned the Azalea down in 1917)--Oscar being Irish definitely didn't help his reputation in British-American circles, as seen in anti-Irish caricatures from Victorian magazines like Punch.
Oscar, a world famous white man, served only TWO years of jailtime and it nearly KILLED him--so just IMAGINE what a gay black former pimp in Jim Crow South would've gone through.
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Vampirism's linked to xenophobia, as seen in my Brides of Lestat Dracula post (and speaking of Dracula....). But xenophobia against a white man's different from racism against a black man. Homophobic cops threatening Lestat's one thing--if he was on his own he'd've hypnotized the cops, ate a few of them, and skipped town long ago. He felt ZERO affinity or allegiance to the human world, populated merely by "the meat." Lestat embraced his alien status--Frenchness & vampirism, delighting in unsettling people & flouting social mores & gender norms. Since Louis insisted that they live as regular mortals, Lestat was "caught up in human affairs, too." But the ONLY one in any real danger of suffering the consequences of societal pariahism was LOUIS himself.
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(De Profundis, Wilde)
Louis enjoyed a high degree of protection living with Lestat--the magical Frenchman who gave Louis the impetus to live more or less "out" in an open-secret gay relationship. But before meeting Lestat, Louis would've had ZERO security. Louis would've been around 18 when the scandal broke & Oscar was arrested, 22 when De Profundis was partially published, and 23 when Oscar died. His downfall likely would've been a frightening reminder for teen-20s Louis to stay in the closet; validating the need to keep up his image & the lies; but also contributing to his alcoholism, avoiding going to Confession, and ultimately his resistance to Lestat.
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Loustat: Gilded Cages & Hubris/Pride before the Fall
So, I wonder how much Louis (AR/AMC) was pulling from Oscar Wilde in his own interview. Louis' access to Gothic/Victorian literature likely contributed to his excuses for Lestat's obvious vampirism (on top of NOLA's overall occult subculture); and Louis' own affinity for things that went bump in the night ("days were for sleeping off the previous night's damage," etc). But Oscar's lifestyle leading to his ruination & depression might've struck a chord with Louis too, considering his own fears/struggles with his sexuality.
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“[Louis] is so good at grieving! He wears woe as others wear velvet; sorrow flatters him like the light of candles; tears become him like jewels.” (TotBT).
Louis' life was dictated by fear--of being oppressed/disrespected, shamed, outed & ousted--publicly shunned. But vampirism proved to be the very embodiment of ostracism & imprisonment; with his Maker/"Massa" Lestat as the ultimate oppressor in their townhouse--the gilded cage/trap he built specifically for Louis. It's no coincidence that the Great Depression coincided with Loustat going "underground" to lay low after Claudia's murder sprees brought the cops to their door, and her running away from home led to Louis to stop taking care of the house or himself. (Accidia is the deadly sin Sloth.) Louis spent 14 years doing nothing but reading in the townhouse--7 while Claudia was gone, and 7ish while Lestat was gone. De Profundis was reprinted in 1912, and catholic!Bosie started openly repudiating Wilde & other homosexuals by 1918. So Louis definitely would have had time to read all of Oscar Wilde's works from 1923-37 (Claudia leaving & Lestat coming back).
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Oscar painted a grim picture of what prison was like on the inside, and what public humiliation was like on the outside. For a prideful man like Louis, shame & humiliation was his worst nightmare--Icarus "flying too close to the sun," as the Alderman put it. (Louis was in his 60s the first (& last) time he openly kissed Lestat at the Mardi Gras ball--the night he was gonna leave America for good anyway.)
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So I'm certain Oscar Wilde's scandal would've negatively colored Louis' developing outlook on his own homosexuality. And if Louis was (re)reading Wilde after Loustat's separation/divorce, it must have resonated, perhaps even moreso, as history repeated itself.
Lestat & Louis have been compared to Oscar & Bosie before. Their stories aren't perfect 1:1s ofc, but it's the overall Mess that most resembles Loustat. Oscar was an older, worldly, far better educated man; Bosie was a spoiled but broke little lordling whose hedonistic lifestyle of male prostitutes was bankrolled by Oscar. Bosie's homophobic father was determined to see Wilde ruined, and had him arrested for sodomy. Oscar was sentenced to 2 years of hard prison labor. Jailtime made Oscar reevaluate his life, his impending death, and his relationship with Bosie--"the love that dare not speak its name." Oscar was HELLA critical of Bosie in De Profundis, and after being released from jail they split up; Oscar fleeing to Paris where he soon died. Bosie converted to Roman Catholicism, and after Oscar's complete letters were published in 1912 he publicly repudiated Wilde, renouncing homosexuality and marrying an heiress, only to die penniless anyway. Ohhhhh, Louis would've eaten that news up, I know he did.
Just look at how Oscar talks to Bosie in his letter, and tell me it doesn't sound like Louis' talking/complaining about Lestat:
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Plenty of scholars have pointed out Oscar's hypocritical criticism of Bosie, as he reams Bosie for filth for half the letter, then talks about not being bitter towards him & finding Jesus & forgiveness for the second half. Likewise, I've said before that Book!IWTV reads like a hit piece, Louis skulldragging Lestat while downplaying Louis' own culpability in his downfall. However, AMC!Louis takes more accountability than book!Louis, focusing on the ways HE in particular failed Claudia (and himself), rather than blaming so much of it all on Lestat. Louis' more forgiving of Lestat than Daniel/the show leans--perhaps cuz Claudia's older; able to act against Lestat the way Louis couldn't bring himself to, even for her.
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But naturally, AMC!Louis has more on his plate than book!Louis ever did, as the racial/societal challenges of their time also played a much more significant part in Lestat's relationships with Louis and Claudia souring. Louis' far more ambitious, but doomed, so his fall from grace hits that much harder, as he blames himself more for the things he could and couldn't control.
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Loumand: Wardens, Austerity & Suffering
My final point concerns Louis' time in Dubai with Armand. Here, the notion of imprisonment takes on a far more disturbing flavor, because Louis is mentally ill/traumatized. He's completely surrendered to Armand; who isn't pampering/spoiling him like a prince(ss), so much as nursing/babying him like a mental patient in a padded cell.
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Loumand's cold & hollow penthouse is the polar opposite of Loustat's lush & vibrant townhouse. They're living like monks. Ofc that tracks with Catholic austerity (see this awesome post about Louis & Anchorites); but I also suspect Louis might've consulted New Age Buddhism as a form of therapy/meditation too--cuz what's with the tangzhuang outfit? 🤨
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It's the most out-of-place piece in Louis' Dubai wardrobe of highwaisted slacks & tops. And for a show that's so dang particular about clothes & colors & cuts etc, this HAS to mean something. And considering Louis' penchant for monastic self-denial, I think De Profundis has interesting parallels with Catholicism and Buddhism.
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Like, Louis has access to all the modern marvels of science, and as much blood as he can get--"AB- fresh from the Farm," Damek, Dr. Fareed, blood banks, exotic animals, etc. Yet he's also eating human food, even though it tastes like chalk/paste, just to humble/deny/punish himself. (It's as hypocritical as it is sincere, crazy enough.)
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It's all sus, cuz we know Armand's a master hypnotist with the Mind Gift & Spell Gift. Louis' interview seems less like the confessions of a suicidal/grieving man, or the unburdening of an incarcerated/rehabilitated man's guilty conscience. Instead, Louis seems like he's speaking from the Sunken Place; like he's one trigger away from a complete and utter meltdown.
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Which makes it veeeeery interesting that Louis keeps pushing/suffering through the interview, despite his pain; while Armand seems to be VERY against the entire endeavor--the one who keeps trying to get them to stop talking about the past at all.... 👀
So yeah, this was all swirling around, keeping me from getting any effing sleep. I hate this show.
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that-one-weird-simp · 7 months
KNY Monster AU
Yeah, i made another AU... Lol also some of these designs will not be based on their canon.
The monsters are the demons.. Hashira are the researchers... More on them later..
Muzan: he is basically his finale form, just the teethy mouths on his body replace his mouth on his face, his ears are pointed and his legs are animal like, yes he does have his Tentacles.
He has a tail that looks like a spinal cord with a blade at the tip of it. He has spikes at the base of it, his hands and feet are more animal like.
His calls are growls and screeches like a banshee.. His diet is raw animal meat and fish. But only certain species of Invasive fish or else he won't eat it.. He pick, the fish also have to be fresh water.
He must be fed 400 pounds of meat twice a day, or he'll get bitchy and screeches till someone feeds him.. He needs 800 pounds daily cause he burns alot of calories from how active he is.
His containment contains a shallow to a 20 foot deep pool, long grass and spider lilies to keep him calm (also his favorite flower) ropes of cable and chains for him to climb on.
He is is like a ferret.. Crackhead then a power nap.. Then more crackhead shit..
Behavior: oddly very playful, friendly and doesn't mind if any of the researchers, he would just be curious and check them out before doing his own thing.
Kokushibo: Basically his monster self just the weird ass appendages all over him are split into two rows on his back, His mouth is normal but he can unhinged his jaw like a snake and his hair is still in its nice pony tail, he does have two horns, but the right one is bigger then the other.
His is shirtless and he has thick furr from the waist down, his legs are also animal like and he has big cloven hooves. he has a thick based tail with a wipped thin end with some furr tuff at the end of it and its about 2 ft long while is tail is 6 feet long. He keeps his normal hight.
The noises he makes.. He is like a cheetah.. He meows and purrs, he can also chirp too..he did have a twin yoriichi but he unfortunately gotten deathly sick and passed. Other then that he is like an orange tabby cat..playful and loves it when you pet him.
His containment contains really long grass, a fresh water pool with some dummies so he can practice his hunting skills. He is a speed demon so everyday they would release him into a speed way type of room for him to run around and go wild in.
He also needs 800 pounds of beef daily. 400 pounds twice a day
Douma: he has a more disturbing appearance. His ScleraI is black, while his irisis are still rainbow with a slit pupil that is also black. His spine is visible and basically is sticking outof his bosy and is made of ice, same with his boney tail with a stinger at the end of it, his mouth is not normal.
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Thats what his face looks like..
He needs to eat as much as kokushibo, he burns allot of calories crawling around in the vents that are present in his containment. He has to be kept in cold temperatures, he is pretty isolated so he gets bored and lonely easily, the researchers are making him a new location so he isnt so lonely. His diet constists of fish and pork, so 800 pounds of pork in the morning, 800 pounds of fish at night. He needs the calories for climbing and crawling at a fast pace.
He is very friendly around females, males don't faze him much, he tries to charm them and cuddle em.. The researchers are currently trying to find someone who is willing to spend the time with him.
He still wears his canon cloths but the back is ripped open for his patruding spine. his legs are animal like but are built for climbing and crawling, his claws are built like that too.
His calls are a number of shrieks and screams.. Basically a distressed demonic cat that is high on crack..
Akaza: he has the skull of a mountain lion, he does have long fluffy dear ears, the rims of the ears are blue. His blue stripes are made of fur, he still does have his hair but it trails down his spine and along his tail. His tail is thin but long. Like a crocs tail. He is a Quadruped and his he has paws.
His calls are like a lions mixed with a snow leopard. His containment contains things he can climb on, punching bags for his hunting skills. a pool so he can swim in. And a grass patch so he can role in it. He is neutral around others, doesn't mind anyone much.. Unless its kyojuro who is responsible for preparing the food..
Bro is all over him liie a touch starved puppy. He is disappointed when he has to leave to feed the others. He is not picky about his food he will eat any kind of meat. At least 200 pounds a day.. 100 pounds in the morn and 100 at night.
Hantengu and his kids (clones):
All of them are quad and bipedal. Each of them have animal skulls as their faces. Urogi should be obvious..
Urogi: hawk skull, his wings are fused with his arms and he does not have the pearl belt around his waist and he has the hawk tail feathers
Karaku: fox skull, ears are long and torn, his fox tail has the leaf shape at the tip (like his fan,also they are all naked but have fur down there waist and arms and have the feet of the animal they represent)
Aizetsu: cougar skull, the tip of his tail is the tip of his spear thats in canon.
Sekido: bear skull.. Nothing much to say about him..
Zohakuten: he is ligit just a nightmare fuel wooden dragon that slithers around.. Like the traditional japanese dragon
Hantengu: he is just a wooden goblin creature that just cowers in the corner and is close to dying of old age.
They eat together and need the same amount of food... 4 tons of beef daily. there exhibit is currently in repair cause urogi decided to be a shit and reck the AC because it gets hot. So they are in a empty temporary.. Room...
Gyokko: nothing much changed about his second form he just has more monstrous features and has a croc like face and his colors are different, he is more piebald with a gradient of blues and purples. His also has betta fish fins at the end of his tail.
Gyutaro and daki: gyutaro was almost a successful experiment, he is a mix of a utah raptor, but he doesn't have the feathers just some spikes that replace them.. Instead of a pony tail on the top of his head its actually a low pony tail. He has his original torso, but his arms and legs are ones of a utah raptor.
Daki, or ume. Was almost successful.. Her genetics were mixed with what were supposed to be Kaigaku and Nakime.. She was given clothing but she is almost fully human, she can eat human food, but her behavior and biology is different..
We don't have an enclosure for them yet since we are still doing testing.
Enmu: He is an interesting one.. He has a lion like nose, half his face is metal, both sclera are black, but he kept his blue irises. His pupils are shaped as X's. There is fluff along his right arm and metal on his left. He has long fennec fox ears that are really fluffy, he has Quadruped legs, one leg is fluffy while the other is metal.. We took some pictures for reference.
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The little hairs that grow from the back of his head.. They were replaced with his ears.. His tale is a long, thick table cord attached to a grappling hook like device.
His enclosure is full of metal scraps and things for him to climb on.. He eats the metal scraps and we refill it once a month.. He screams as comunaction.. Like a baby snow leopard and a fox.. he has screaming matches with rui since the enclosures are next to each other..
Rui: he is the only one that is 95% successful.. His structure and everything, no mutations or any monstrous features.. But his biology still needs work and his vocals.. He sounds like a fox mixed with a cat.. He does haves screaming matches with enmu.. We do put them together, they seem to get along well..
*NOTE: all of the creatures shown are in the juvenile stage. This is not their final form and may mutate further*
This was one of the reported documents we found in the ruin building.. It seemed to contain immataions of beloved characters from the series kimetsu no yaiba.. Or known as demon slayer.. We have received information that the substances and technology used to make these creatures, also made the half the staff.. Their names were
Iguro obanai Shinobu kocho Kanea kocho Kanoa Tsyuri Mitsuri konroji Kyojuri rengoku Gyomei Himejima Muichiro tokito Yuichiro tokito Senami shinzugawa Genya shinazugawa Giyuu tomioka Tengen uzui Tanjiro kamado Nezuko kamado Zenitsu agatsuma Inosuke Hashibira
There has been video footage of the staff getting infected by the same substance used to create the demons. Since there is no trace of them we can assume they are all on the loose.. No doubt that the staff are also mutated creatures as well..
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homomenhommes · 7 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
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976 – Cordoba, Spain:  Al-Hakam II (b.915) dies. He was the Caliph of Cordoba and ruled in Al-Andalus as an open homosexual until his death in 976. He kept a male harem which was a problem since it was essential for the Caliph to produce an heir. A resolution was reached by having the female concubine, sultana Subh, dress in male clothing and use the masculine name of Jafar. They had a son, Hisham II, who succeeded Al-Hakam and who also kept a male harem.
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1854 – Oscar (Fingal O'Flahertie Wills) Wilde (d.1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, poet, short story writer and Freemason. Known for his barbed and clever wit, he was one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London, and one of the greatest celebrities of his day. As the result of a famous trial, he suffered a dramatic downfall and was imprisoned after being convicted of 'gross indecency' for homosexual acts.
Though Wilde's sexual orientation has variously been considered bisexual, homosexual, and pederastic, Wilde himself felt he belonged to a culture of male love inspired by the Greek pederastic tradition. His most significant sexual relationships appear to have been (in chronological order) with (perhaps) Frank Miles, Constance Lloyd (Wilde's wife), Robert Baldwin Ross, and Lord Alfred Douglas. Wilde also had numerous sexual encounters with working-class male youths, who were often rent boys.
Biographers generally believe Wilde was introduced to homosexuality in 1885 (the year after his wedding) by the 17-year-old Robert Baldwin "Robbie" Ross. Neil McKenna's biography The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde (2003) theorises that Wilde was aware of his homosexuality much earlier, from the moment of his first kiss with another boy at the age of 16. According to McKenna, after arriving at Oxford in 1874, Wilde tentatively explored his sexuality, discovering that he could feel passionate romantic love for 'fair, slim' choirboys, but was more sexually drawn towards swarthy young rough trade.
Regardless of whether or not Wilde was still naïve when he first met Ross, Ross did play an important role in the development of Wilde's understanding of his own sexuality. Ross was aware of Wilde's poems before they met, and indeed had been beaten for reading them. He was also unmoved by the Victorian prohibition against homosexuality. By Richard Ellmann's account, Ross, "...so young and yet so knowing, was determined to seduce Wilde." Later, Ross boasted to Lord Alfred Douglas that he was "the first boy Oscar ever had" and there seems to have been much jealousy between them.
By the late 1870s, Wilde was already preoccupied with the philosophy of same-sex love, and had befriended a group of Uranian poets and homosexual law reformers. Wilde also met Walt Whitman in America in 1881, writing to a friend that there was 'no doubt' about the great American poet's sexual orientation — 'I have the kiss of Walt Whitman still on my lips,' he boasted. He even lived with the society painter Frank Miles, who was a few years his senior and may have been his lover. However, writes McKenna, he was unhappy with the direction of his sexual and romantic desires, and, hoping that marriage would cure him, he married Constance Lloyd in 1884.
After meeting with Lord Alfred Douglas, 'Bosie', who was 22 years old at the time, in 1891, an intimate friendship immediately sprang up between the two, but it was not initially sexual, nor did the sexuality progress far when it did eventually take place. According to Douglas, speaking in his old age, for the first six months their relations remained on a purely intellectual and emotional level. Despite the fact that
"from the second time he saw me, when he gave me a copy of Dorian Gray which I took with me to Oxford, he made overtures to me. It was not till I had known him for at least six months and after I had seen him over and over again and he had twice stayed with me in Oxford, that I gave in to him. I did with him and allowed him to do just what was done among boys at Winchester and Oxford... Sodomy never took place between us, nor was it attempted or dreamed of. Wilde treated me as an older one does a younger one at school."
After Wilde realized that Douglas only consented in order to please him, as his instincts drew him not to men but to younger boys, Wilde permanently ceased his physical attentions.
However, Wilde and his young lover embraced an hedonistic life style, and for a few years they lived together more or less openly in a number of locations. Wilde and some within his upper-class social group also began to speak about homosexual law reform, and their commitment to 'The Cause' was formalised by the founding of a highly secretive organisation called the Order of Chaeronea, of which Wilde was a member.
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Wilde & 'Bosie"
Bosie's father, the Marquess of Queensberry, became increasingly enraged at his son's involvement with Wilde. He confronted the two publicly several times, and each time Wilde was able to mollify the Marquess. Eventually, the Marquess planned to interrupt the opening night of The Importance of Being Earnest with an insulting delivery of vegetables, but somebody tipped Wilde off and he was barred from entering the theatre.
On February 18, 1895, the Marquess left a calling card at one of Wilde's clubs, the Albemarle. On the back of the card he wrote 'For Oscar Wilde posing as a Somdomite' (a misspelling of 'Sodomite').
Although Wilde's friends advised him to ignore the insult, Lord Alfred later admitted that he egged Wilde on to charge Queensberry with criminal libel. Queensberry was arrested, and in April 1895, the Crown took over the prosecution of the libel case against him. The trial lasted three days. The prosecuting counsel, Edward Clarke, was unaware that Wilde had had liaisons and romantic relationships with other males. Clarke asked Wilde directly whether there was any substance to Queensberry's accusations and Wilde denied that there was. Edward Carson, the barrister who defended Queensberry, hired investigators who were able to locate a number of youths with whom Wilde had been involved, either socially or sexually, such as the 16-year-old Walter Grainger and other newsboys and valets. Most damaging of all, among them were a number of young men who had earned money through prostitution, including one of the main witnesses, Charles Parker.
Wilde put on a tremendous display of drama in the first day of the trial, parrying Carson's cross-examination on the morals of his published works with witticisms and sarcasm, often breaking the courtroom up with laughter. However, on the second day, Carson's cross-examination was much more damaging: Wilde later admitted to perjuring himself with some of his answers. On the third day, Clarke recommended that Wilde withdraw the prosecution, and the case was dismissed. The authorities were unwilling to let matters rest.
Based on the evidence acquired by Queensberry and Carson, Wilde was arrested on April 6, 1895, at the Cadogan Hotel, London, and charged with 'committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons' under Section 11 of the 1885 Criminal Law Amendment Act. Despite pleas by friends to flee the country, Wilde chose to stay and martyr himself for his cause.
Two trials followed. The first trial ended with the jury unable to reach a verdict. The next, and last, trial was presided over by Chief Justice Sir Alfred Wills. On May 25, 1895 Wilde was convicted of gross indecency and sentenced to two years' hard labour. He was imprisoned first in Pentonville and then in Wandsworth prison in London, and finally transferred in November to Reading Prison.
Prison was harsh on Wilde's health and after he was released on May 19, 1897 he spent his last three years penniless, in self-imposed exile from society and artistic circles. After his release, he wrote the famous poem The Ballad of Reading Gaol.
Wilde spent his last days in the Hôtel d'Alsace, now known as L'Hôtel, in Paris.
Oscar Wilde died of cerebral meningitis on November 30, 1900.
Wilde is an iconic figure in modern popular culture, both as a wit and as an archetype of gay identity. His trial, imprisonment and death have made him a gay martyr and come to symbolise the inhumane attitudes and treatment with which society has confronted gay people - although it could be argued that his foolish decision to sue the Marquess of Queensberry and his own resulting trial drove an entire generation of increasingly confident homosexual men underground and set the course of gay liberation back by untold decades - but that we shall never know.
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1983 – Tyson Smith, better known by the ring name Kenny Omega, is a Canadian-born professional wrestler. He performs in All Elite Wrestling (AEW), where he is also an executive vice president.
Tyson Smith was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He grew up in Transcona, a Winnipeg suburb. As of 2016, Smith's mother worked in family services while his father worked for the Canadian government as a transport officer. Smith's affinity toward professional wrestling began during childhood when he watched tapes of WWE (then-WWF)'s Saturday Night's Main Event, which became his favorite program. Growing up, Smith played ice hockey as a goalie. He also worked at branches of retailers IGA and Costco.
Before joining AEW in 2019, Omega was known for his tenure in New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW) from 2014 to 2019, during which he held the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship, as well as other titles. A member and one-time leader of the Bullet Club stable, he incorporates elements from video games in his persona. Throughout his career, Omega has also performed as part of independent promotions worldwide, including DDT Pro-Wrestling, Jersey All Pro Wrestling, and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, as well as larger promotions, such as Ring of Honor, Impact Wrestling, and Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. While wrestling in the last two promotions, he held the Impact World Championship and AAA Mega Championship. In AEW, he has held the AEW World Championship, AEW World Tag Team Championship, and AEW World Trios Championship.
Hailed as one of the best professional wrestlers in the world, Omega was named Sports Illustrated's Wrestler of the Year in 2017 and topped Pro Wrestling Illustrated's list of top 500 male wrestlers the following year and in 2021.
In 2006, Omega became captivated by Japanese wrestler Kota Ibushi after watching him perform as part of Japanese promotion DDT Pro-Wrestling, so he uploaded videos of himself having a DDT-style match to YouTube, in hopes they would interest Ibushi into working with him. After seeing the videos, DDT invited Omega to Japan to wrestle Ibushi, which Omega accepted; he made his first appearance for the promotion in August 2008. Omega stated that wrestling in Japan had been one of his dreams, as the local scene appealed to his creative side, feeling that he was able to show his personality and express himself. He and Ibushi then formed a tag team named the Golden☆Lovers.Over the course of their careers, the relationship between Omega and his Golden☆Lovers tag team partner Kota Ibushi has been portrayed with romantic undertones. On the partnership, Omega stated in 2018: "Let people think what they want to think. If LGBT people can identify with our story, ... I'm good with that." Omega and Ibushi's partnership was chronicled in the 2019 documentary Omega Man: A Wrestling Love Story. Omega strives for inclusivity within professional wrestling and believes that "it's important to show in the 21st century that [LGBT people] should feel just as welcome to be a wrestling fan as anyone else".
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1993 – OutRage attended the Anti-Nazi League/Anti-Racist Alliance march in Plumstead England.
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thebookbin · 2 years
Oscar Wilde: A Life
Matthew Sturgis
Publisher: Knopf Genre: biography Year: 2021
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I just finished Oscar Wilde: A Life by Matthew Sturgis and it sure was a doozy. I had borrowed the audiobook from Libby and it's 34 hours long. It took me over a month and multiple borrows to finish.
Sturgis' work claims to be the most comprehensive biography of Oscar Wilde, and he's probably right. It was almost too comprehensive. I was drawn to the book by my desire to learn more about queer history, and while I had known peripherally that Oscar Wilde was gay, I didn't know much more about it.
Oscar is such a polarizing figure. I would have found him insufferable if I had met him, with his witticisms and opinions about life. Yet at the same time, he was an early feminist, raised by a talented mother, he valued the opinions of his female friends, and admired the work of female artists with the same or even more dedication than he gave his male contemporaries. I think he would be considered gay in today's lexicon, because although he had a wife, Constance, and two sons with her, his romantic and sexual excitements were solely with men.
What I didn't know that Wilde's long-time lover, Alfred "Bosie" Douglas, son of the Marquess of Queensbury is the one who led to his downfall. Bosie, through his letters to and from Wilde is revealed to be incredibly selfish, childish, and angry. He is the one who insisted Wilde sue Bosie's own father for "libelous" claims about their relationship, to which Sir Douglas had intercepted one of Wilde's letters to be read aloud in court, leading to Wilde's prison sentence. Bosie was a continuous figure in Wilde's life until Wilde's death in 1899, when Douglas apparently renounced his homosexuality, turned Catholic (ew) and married a woman, even though by all accounts he was much worse and more promiscuous than Wilde himself when it came to securing the attentions of young men.
But the unintentional consequence of me reading this book is it reaffirming my leftist principles and really hit home for me the extreme class system of old-money Europe. Wilde, born to the lower gentry, was able to secure connections, and was given so many opportunities. He himself was poor, and relied off his wife's inheritance, even after their separation, but was allowed to stay in hotels and chalets for weeks or months on credit, which he may or may not eventually pay, occasionally writing, but more often living his life to the fullest extent. The man lived his life in luxury and didn't do much to earn it besides occasionally writing plays and submitting book reviews to newspapers. What I wouldn't give to live that life lol, just being artistic, gay and drunk all the time, with random lectures about being a feminist to insufferable men around me. Yeah, but this book accidentally has really class-oriented themes.
That's not to say Wilde was a "good" person, per se. He was vain, selfish, and insufferable, but worst of all, he did go through a phase of having a taste for the young men that was bordering on creepy. Like in his 30's going after late teens.
Overall, I learned a lot, but it was also just an overload of information. But then again it's described as "the most comprehensive Wilde biography" so I guess I got what I paid for, so to speak.
storygraph | bookshop.org | local houston
★★★ long-winded informative stars
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mrbones61 · 5 months
Put yourself in MY shoes I am a male (trans male) [fem parts still] and I'm working [still under aged mind you] I'm working, trying to do my job on grills [I work at McDonald's] I'm trying to get meat and such dropped and now imagine this.
You are doing your job and a manager walks back [male manager] and says "____ quit flirting with [name]" (the man that is close to mid 20s early 30s [idrk]) and out of the corner of your eye you see him... just shrug and you catch your manager (trying to get gloves and looking at him) looks at you and clear worry or shock on his face and you just ignore it and shake it off (same day, sometime later) you come back from side 2 (other side of sandwich prep table) and going over to backline (chicken & filets) and he tries to hug you, arm over the front of you and over your shoulder, keep in mind your male work friend is standing near either the back (where stock is) or over by the Qing ovens doing something and he takes notice of your demeanor and later that night when that dud leaves he brings it up and says "yeah I got a weird feeling in my gut whenever he hugged you" and you just nod and then you bring up the whole thing with the manager and the dude (he wasn't there for it) and so he says "so not only is he bosy, rude but now he's predatory" and you just nodded and the night goes on as normal since the dude had left awhile ago
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ifcasims · 3 years
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Bosie - Spectre / Peggy - M0010 EDIT
CAS thumbnail Mesh by Peggy Edit by Bosie My edit of Shockshame texture & Pastry-Box controls.
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rattlerinthewheel · 2 years
Writing smut for fandoms of films that came out in the early aughts, for pairings of which yours is the only one:
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Let the tens of hits roll in. (Anyone, uh, wanna get notified when I post some Marco/OC or Bosie/OC? They're neat, I'm proud of them.)
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classical-gentry · 3 years
It is a marvel that those red rose-leaf lips of yours should be made no less for the madness of music and song than for the madness of kissing.
Oscar Wilde to Bosie 
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randomityofme · 3 years
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spamassageindia · 3 years
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milfbro · 3 years
my art history teacher from university just posted a fucking art history/beauty standards by gender meme that was SO wrong I am beginning to question everything she ever taught me
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datdroguy · 6 years
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Mirror pics when it's obvious you're in a bathroom are so 2009 and I love it
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artsbysmarty · 6 years
What about Monaco x male!Monaco?
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Interesting choice~
(What if Man-aco was just as short as she was—)
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