#malia is like wtf?
bellamysgriffin · 20 days
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ULTIMATE SHIPS CHALLENGE - Non-Endgame Ships [1/5] ↳ For our first real date, it's a start. (insp)
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aquietgirlsmess · 2 years
I’m not upset about Scott and Malia breaking up because tbh I didn’t really care about them as a couple. I didn’t mind them but I wasn’t really into them.
But I am upset about what this means for Malia’s character. I mean it annoys me that they’re sacrificing one of her relationships again for the sake of fanservice because yes bringing Allison and making Scallison a couple again is fanservice and not fanservice that I mind, mind you, because I actually love both Allison and Scallison but still you know...
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bookishbunnies · 2 years
Things that were actually good in the Teen Wolf movie:
- Coach (he has not changed and its perfect)
- Peter's introduction scene (so fucking on brand for him)
- Melissa McCall finally getting a weapon. She deserves it.
- Scott having an animal rescue next to Deatons practice. That's cute af
Things that were absolutely horrible, pathetic, and just truly character assassination in the Teen Wolf movie:
- Everything else
- Just literally the entire rest of the movie
- Especially Derek's death. Makes zero sense whatsoever, absolutely ridiculous
- And the fact that Liam and Mason never really interact?? They were best friends, wtf?
- And Malia and Parrish? Where tf did that come from
- Speaking of things that came from absolutely no where, Eli??? Who tf is his mother? And why, if he's never met Stiles, does he act exactly like Stiles. They literally just gave us a Stiles stand in. They couldn't get Dylan O'Brien to agree to this movie so they just created a stand in character
- and why tf would he go and live with Scott and Allison?? He's known them for like 5 minutes. He has other family he can live with. Like yeah probz not Malia. And Peter's not the best choice either but still makes more sense than Scott and Allison. Or like, Cora?? Or even Sheriff, since he seems to actually have a relationship with him, and Sheriff obvs has experience raising someone like Eli since he's literally just a copy of Stiles.
- So yeah, literally everything else in the movie makes no sense at all
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I can't stop thinking about the cast if they were to find out about us all
Malia: "wtf is a MaliaBakerenthusiast"
Kylie: "uhm..so this is actually insane."
Joshua: "some think hooks straight 😭"
Morgan: *known this whole time*
Ruby: "stawppp this is so cuteee"
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ghost-bison · 2 years
Ok so first of all, the Nogitsune's "divine move" didn't make any sense, wtf was that? They broke all the rules. You can't be a fox and a wolf
Then, there's the lousy excuse for Stiles and Lydia breaking up. The hell. I don't even ship them, but like NO. What, it was too hard to say that he was on an important FBI mission? Losers
Liam, Mason, Hikari, Jackson? What were yall doing here? What purpose did you serve my dudes? I freaking love Liam, and I was so excited for Hikari, and then they give us this. They barely even talked.
I was so confused during the entire movie, I didn't know whether or not Chris and Melissa were still a thing??
It wasn't explained properly enough that Malia was actually kind of Eli's aunt/cousin/sibling, like it took me a while to figure out he had grown up in her presence
Btw who tf is Eli's mom??? When they started mentioning Harris I was like oh we're probably gonna see Jennifer again right it's all linked, she came right before the Nogitsune it would make sense that she has something to do with his return and maybe she's also Eli's mom, like it was the most logical explanation if we think of the timeline but no, nope, Eli just doesn't have a mom!
Also what was Harris doing here? And the acting of the guy who plays him was weird (sorry to hate but not sorry it was really bad)
Allison coming back to stay just ruined her previous departure
They should have implied Thiam was a thing not give Liam a f*cking girlfriend
The way Allison came back was laughable
Why did they have to make Malia and Parrish a thing they interacted like twice
The random swearing every five minutes just because they could put it there smh
The way they explained Eli's reluctance to transforming being trauma and then Derek doing just the thing that traumatized Eli in order for him to transform and it working???
I'm so sad and disappointed we didn't see more Malia/Derek interactions it would have been f*king hilarious
Last but not least, Derek. Derek dying, after everything that he'd been through. After all the abuse and years of fighting. They pulled an Enzo St. John fr. Derek dying in the same way his entire family died. Burned alive. And the writers being like "Yeah but look it's okay he became a true alpha" IDGAF. HE PROBABLY DIDN'T GAF EITHER. MY DUDE WANTED TO LIVE. HE WANTED TO RAISE HIS KID. AND THEN HE DIES AND ALLISON AND SCOTT JUST KISS LOVINGLY LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED, LIKE ELI ISN'T CRYING ON THE GROUNG TRAUMATIZED AFTER WATCHING HIS FATHER BURN TO DEATH?!?! Also Malia was the one who had the most appropriate reaction like thank you for being the only one to be shocked and crying, queen. Your cousin deserved better
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
now i'm thinking about peter hale creeping on, stalking the stalk all the pack members when they go off into the adult world because despite everything they're his little hooligans to bother with his existence.
like the idea of scott tolerating peter's presence more than his own father's is hilarious to me, okay. he knows what to expect from peter. which ranges from just because you bit me doesn't make you a father figure and stop creeping out my roommates and don't make me call derek.
stiles and peter mutually stalk each other in a delicate game of one- upmanship. stiles totally doesn't mis-use his fbi agent status at all for this. peter works to make it especially hard in response.
peter being oddly supportive of lydia and she dislikes it but also the flower deliveries to her office are pretty it'd be a shame to throw them away.
peter helping new single parent derek with baby eli and it giving derek an entire full ass crisis about his uncle.
he tries to give liam life advice regularly and liam is like you are not my real dad wtf.
peter absolutely would be invasively supportive of malia in her life choices. not going to college? suggests trade school. sleeping with jordan parrish? interesting choice here's some protection.
i don't know the idea of peter settling back into something resembling his pre-fire personality where he wasn't exactly a nice normal person and had boundary issues but protective of what he sees as his. just keep an eye on him so he doesn't set up your girlfriend to get bitten and than die from rejecting the bite, okay.
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ninainthetardis · 2 years
13 reasons why Teen Wolf the Movie is a big NO (Spoilers)
No Stiles
All the characters are 30+ but still acting/talking like they were teens. And I thought Eli was the one supposed to keep the "teen" element alive!
They brought back a character who'd been dead for like 18 years at that point in the story, and unnecessarily killed one of the best characters in the show (a character that had already suffered enough and was finally in a good place and had reasons to live for)
Almost all the couples broke up, but why? I mean, how did Malia and Parrish even happened? Just because they were the only ones who stayed in BH? And Melissa and Chris? They were adults, they could have worked! I get the kids, it would not be realistic if all the couples were still together 15 years later, but at least they could have told us HOW and WHY they broke up!!!
No Isaac, no Theo, no Ethan, no Braeden (soo, who's Eli's mom if we left Derek with her and he's clearly not her son?), but mostly NO STILES
Lame plot tbh (the revenge thing was awful and how is that teacher even alive? And I mean, I rewatched the show a year ago and I didn't even remember him). Also, what happened with the hunters after the series finale?
The Nogitsune was the best villain of the show, they ruined that too (but it was a long shot from the very beginning, as in s03 Dylan O'brien did a marvellous job with that character it was nearly impossible to live up to the expectations). Even its schemes were dull, in s03 the Nogitsune was bloody brilliant
Where did the chemistry this cast used to share go?
Shouldn't Allison be the same age as she was when she died? Therefore she shouldn't be with Scott at all? She literally regenerated herself wtf this makes no seeensee, also she was with Isaac when that happened, it was already bad that in her final moments she was thinking only about Scott, but now it's like Isaac never even existed, she didn't even mention him!
They took back the stydia endgame. THE AUDACITY
Liam and Mason didn't even meet wtf
Why did Scott suddenly go full Enchantix in that scene, what was that?
Kira's substitute just being put there and robbing us of the Thiam dream (assuming that he's in a relationship with her, I mean, they only hinted at that)
I know I passed the 13 reasons, but the CGI was so awful that I have to mention that. The same goes for the dialogues.
And also, 6 seasons of "being a pack" and 15 years later they all live in different places and barely talk to each other. Disappointing.
I was so happy when this movie was announced. Now I feel like it was so unnecessary... I guess I never learn... I hate revivals so much. It's always like this. I'm sure I could find other stuff I didn't like about this movie, but Derek being dead is the most upsetting of them all, so I'll just end the rant here and pretend this movie never came out in the first place
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kaykayow · 6 months
Rant about season 6b of Teen Wolf:
Officially finished Teen Wolf season 6b and all I have to say is…that was one of the worst endings I’ve ever seen. Not because it was a like “bad” ending (if yk what I mean) but it just didn’t tug any of my heart strings it made me feel numb and just thinking wtf did I just watch. I cried at the end of season 6a but this just didn’t do it for me. Stiles wasn’t that present in like one of the only episode he was in. Jackson and Ethan being back was nice but it was just kinda whatever. Didn’t really get the plot bc it was weird. Didn’t like Monroe or Theo’s redemption arc (sorry Theo lovers) You’re also telling me Argent was looking for Kate with the other hunters and they didn’t find her that whole time? Argent and Mellisa was an interesting choice but alr. Didn’t care for Scott and Malia it was weird with them two. Deucalion’s (or however you spell his name) death was actually the only thing I felt upset about. Peter was mid throughout this season. Didn’t understand Nolan’s character too much (he was an odd character for me so I kind of half watched when he was on screen.) I had no complaints with Liam, Mason, Or Corey they were all actually pretty good this season. I liked Liam and Theo’s interactions, although I didn’t care for Theo being redeemed, they were a funny duo. Also your telling me that the Sheriff and Stiles didn’t interact like once? I’m just sad we didn’t get to see that because I love their father and son dynamic. Stiles got his Jeep back which was nice even though he should’ve never given it to Scott lmao (personal opinion.) Also the humor (that was like absent all through season 6b) was back in the final episode which was like a breath of fresh air. Liked seeing Derek though. Overall wasn’t a good season for a final season. It could’ve been good for an earlier one but I understand it’s a bit of a bigger issue. Anyway love Teen Wolf just was overly disappointed with what I spent 5-7 hours watching.
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harlstiel · 1 year
***There will be spoilers for the Teen Wolf Movie below. Because I, like an idiot, actually watched the damn thing.***
Everything wrong with Teen Wolf: The Movie
• Eli's Mother plothole. Who is she? Idfk. Personally, I want it to be Braeden. He was born somewhere around the s3b/s4 mark as the movie is 13 years after s6.
• I'm not a Sterek person. I was actually extremely (still kinda am) against Sterek for a very long time. But this movie? I'm questioning a lot of things. What are the complicated feelings, Derek? Hmm? Oh wait, that's right. He can't answer me because he's fucking dead.
• While we're on the topic. Why, Jeff? Why. Not only did he die of fire (like the rest of his fucking family), but he died in front of his son. Derek Hale allowed his son to watch him die. I'm not saying Derek wouldn't die for Eli (because he absolutely would), but to traumatize him like that? No. The man who was kidnapped, tortured, groomed, sexually assaulted at 15, forced to kill the girl he loved, whose family was burned inside their own home by the woman who molested him... was killed off by burning him with hellfire.
• NOBODY making a move to stop Derek from sacrificing himself in the first place? Scott just stared. Stood there. Did nothing. Wtf? Even though Jordan could've just held Void himself, like, dude. You're a Hellhound. He's a werewolf/demon thing. You were destined to kill bigger.
• Derek allowed Scott to take in Eli? Excuse? The man who hates being a werewolf and his 17(?) year old 10th grade girlfriend who died before Eli was born, and who just so happens to be related to the woman who molested him and murdered his family? Yeah, no. Why not his perfectly capable(sorta) and healthy(physically, not mentally) uncle, cousin and sister. Or at least his Grandpa Noah, Grandma Melissa or Uncle Chris. (I'm a Peter/Chris person. Sue me.). These people have been in Beacon Hills and has known him his entire life. Scott met him once when he was three.
• What happened to Stydia? Like, you can't tell me Stiles just allowed her to walk out that door without talking in some way? He loved her for fucks sake.
• Jordan and Malia? I'm not saying it's bad. It's not, I actually kinda like it. But where did it come from? No buildup whatsoever. Just BOOM sex scene.
• Liam gets like, 5 mins screen time. Despite preparing to take on the role of Alpha in s6, he's like a side character put there just to be there. He slayed those 5 minutes tho holy shit.
• Liam doesn't say a single word to Mason. Mason doesn't say a single word to Liam. Why? They were best friends and had this seemingly unbreakable bond in the show but now it's like mom and dad are fighting and don't acknowledge each others existence.
• Speaking of Mason, why is he (a gay black man) a cop? This could've been interpreted as either good or bad depending on how you personally want to take it, but during the time this movie was in production, the BLM movement was still pretty big.
• It's an entire game of 'Where's Waldo' but instead of Waldo actually being there, Waldo is both a giant motherfucking plothole and multiple people. Where is Corey? Where is Theo? Where is Cora? Where is Braeden? Where is Kira? Where is Isaac? WHERE. IS. STILES?
• On the Isaac and Stiles Topic, they're the two that should've been there. Isaac had the Nogitsune at the end of season 3, and took it with him to France. Why do Hikari and Liam have it in FUCKING JAPAN? How'd it get there? Why do they have it? What happened to Isaac?
• Stiles. Where is he. You're telling me that the one person who probably knew the Nogitsune more than it knew itself, wasn't at the battle. You're telling me that Stiles, the one person able to out-fox a fucking fox on multiple occasions when he was FUCKING 17 wasn't there? In all his F.B.I. glory? Because ehe could've had Cora, Braeden, Isaac and Kira in tow, and showed up in the final battle guns blazing, killing the Nogitsune, and saving his pack in his tactical F.B.I vest fresh off a secret important case like sorry I'm late, had shit to do? Then Eli could've met his father's beta, his (possible, cause I love Derek and Braeden) mother, AND the badass F.B.I. guy whose jeep he steals 24/7 and had saved his father on multiple occasions? (Bcus it's confirmed Derek talks about Stiles to Eli) And a cutesy pack scene to finish it off? (With maybe some Stira, Stisaac and/or Stora cause he showed up with them and could be dating one (or all) of them)
• Each antagonist of the movie has (or at least a reason to have) a vendetta against Stiles. We know all about the Nogitsune. Harris hated Stiles' guts, albeit for no particular reason. Even Allison could've blamed Stiles for her death in some way (not that she would, of course.) It reads as though it was written for DOB but when he didn't want to do it, they decided not to rewrite it as such.
• Why Mr. Harris in the first place-? Like, he was one of the sacrifices in S3A, so surely the NEMETON would've known he didn't actually die. And the fact that he still has beef with them just blows my mind :/
《I'll add more as I think of them》
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kseniaallis · 2 years
I won’t watch it. Never intended to. But seeing spoilers it makes me cringe so much because suddenly it makes no sense whatsoever.
spoilers, ig. but who cares?
It seems like a fever dream. I’m glad it has such a bad reviews.
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darklinaforever · 2 years
For me, the real end of Teen Wolf is episode 10 of season 6.
Seriously, everything was closed. Our characters finishing high school, Stydia together, Stiles and Scott passing the baton to the younger ones and finally Stiles and Scott in the jeep hearing about a dead body found in the woods. The circle was complete.
The rest is just fanfiction.
I didn't like Scott and Malia, hello Scott's wait for Kira... 🙄 Not to mention the delirium of giving them a Stydia kiss in the 6x20, which calms Scott enough for him to heal and regain his sight, all so that Alisson would be back in the movie like the ultimated great love.
Break Stydia ?! Wtf ?! I saluted the performance of the Holland Roden, but this storyline is farting. Let Lydia and Stiles be fucking happy !
Even if let's be realistic in view of Jeff's words, he will put them back together at some point or another if there is a sequel.
Derek who dies ? Damn what shit.
Anyway, for me, after the 6x10, the series is stopped. In my mind Stydia ended up happily married with children, and Scott found Kira !
I loved Allison and her relationship with Scott, but she died years ago, I cried so much for her character when she died, I regretted her, but I ended up mourning, like all the other characters ! His character was very much dead. (So is it me or did the actress have plastic surgery ?)
Anyway, The series still exists. Do not be demoralized by this stupid film.
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mariesstudying · 7 months
does anyone else remember watching the final season of teen wolf when it was airing and seeing Scott and Malia kiss at the end of one of the episodes towards the end of the final season???
Maybe I was an oblivious 15 year old girl, but I remember being so caught off guard by it, I yelled WTF and has to pause to process bc it was so incredibly random.
It was like “Scott the mc can’t end the show single but we’ve killed off or removed all previous love interests, so who’s single?”
I had the exact same thought when Melissa and Alison’s dad kissed in like the final ever episode.
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lazywolfwiccan · 9 months
Teen Wolf movie plot holes that hurt my brain
Eli's entire existence
Jackson not using his Kanima or Werewolf abilities like wtf????
Why did the Nogitsune kidnap Papa Stilinski
When and why did Scott and Malia break up? I get it because Scallison but there is no reason!
When and why did Jordan and Malia start hooking up
WTF was Stiles doing? What were his fires?!
Where is Alec
Where is Theo
When did Mason become a cop
Where is Corey
How did Derek become a true Alpha and where is his body???
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Here I'll write the comments as I watch the new Teen Wolf movie, so SPOILERS!!
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1) WTF! Why would you keep a evil spirit IN A RESTAURANT?! Easily accessible to anyone. And what if you open the wrong jar while cooking?!
2) All the Scott's first scene... kinda cringe
3) I'm not gonna lie, I missed the intro song 🎶
4) I've never heard Deaton speak so much (and for my Italian friends: lo vedo un po' sciupato)
5) Derek, my beautiful love! And hello, Stiles and Derek's son (called like Stiles' grandfather, Elias. iykyk)
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6) Why do they talk about the Nemeton like they don't know it?
7) I love Derek as a dad. My heart is melting.
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8) Parrish and Malia don't make any sense.
Update from the end of the movie. Ok, I kinda like them, but they still don't make any sense.
9) Apparently Deaton can fight now. Plus every time I see the nogitsune all I can see is this:
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10) For a moment I thought I was watching the Winx... I guess some things never change. I surely didn't miss the bad special effects.
And why does everyone needs to be naked??
11) OMG!!! VICTORIAAA. This woman scares me even now
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12) I've always dislike Allison, now even more: my poor poor Derek! 😭
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Ok no, false alarm, but I don't change my opinion.
I really love Dad Derek btw.
13) I missed Peter and Chirs together. My other ship
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14) Scott to Eli: "Find your dad". What if instead you tell him where his dad is too, since you do know Derek is at home but Eli doesn't *facepalm pt.2*
15) The parallel between Dark Allison and Scott and Dark Allison and her killing spree against my precious Erica and Boyd. YOU SEE WHY I DON'T LIKE HER?! (She didn't even say sorry for that btw)
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16) The Sheriff killing Oni while sitting on the couch is on another level
17) Derek dies pt.2 (my heart can't take it anymore)
18) What?! Why, tell me why did you run against theirs swords. You literally killed yourself, Eli. *facepalm pt.3*
19) Peter, that was cringe af. And Chris wdym with 8 hours at most when we know from the show that it takes about 24h before the death?? Omg I can't with this movie
20) And now why do they care about the game? Hello, your father's going to die, Eli!!
21) Oh, she's really doing it. I didn't expect it (Allison shooting at Scott)
22) Ouch, that must hurt (Nogitsune with a new hole in the middle of his forehead)
23) I missed Chris and Peter's duo, but please give me back Peter's old hair style, this one is a death crime
24) Jackson my beautiful little lizard. I've always loved you ♡
25) How disgusting! It's like Rufus (from Kim Possible) became the Darach:
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Do you se the resemblance too? Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the nogitsune unmummified.
26) The scene is kinda cheap but gods if I missed them
27) Why are Derek's eyes blue?? They were yellow again after the the Mexican fountain of youth
Update: nevermind. They reminded me that after Derek evolves his eyes go back to blue.
28) Can anyone stay dead in this city?? Harris too, come on!
29) You're giving your son TO SCOTT?? Are you serious, Derek?? It's like a big child, he can't take care of Eli. If Stiles was there, he would tell you the same (but if Stiles was there, Eli would be with his other dad -Stiles- so Scott wouldn't be even an option but I stand for my objection)
30) HIS EYES!! HIS EYES TURNED RED LIKE A TRUE ALPHA (btw, Derek, you've always been the alpha to me)
31) They've vanished. No corpse no death. And even then, we're in Beacon Hills so what is one more resurrection, right? Right??
And why are you kissing anyway! Derek's dead*! (*to them, 'cause in reality Derek's alive, safe and sound. I know it)
33) Excuse me, can I see at least one tear for Derek Sourwolf Hale, please? Are y'all being serious? Scott is almost smiling!!
Also, they had a funeral for Derek but didn't invite Cora, his sisters... they didn't even tell Isaac that Allison is alive (you know, Allison, your boyfriend. I know you kinda forgot him even when you were dying but if you remember everything then Isaac is supposed to be in that everything too). They didn't even call Stiles!
35) Why does it seem that when the Sheriff was talking about the jeep he was actually talking about Stiles and Derek (or sterek as a ship/concept). No matter what, we sterek shipper will stand. Always and forever.
Final thoughts
I thought worse but at the same time it felt rush. I wanted to see more Eli and Malia bonding. Also the way the Sheriff cares about Eli it seems more like a grandfather to a grandson (if you know what I mean) but we couldn't really see that. And can we talk about Derek and Noah (John for the friends)'s partnership? Or how Derek speaks about Stiles with Noah as he's still in touch with him??
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And where is Eli come from anyway?! Are we finally normalize mpreg?
Final final thoughts
I didn't like this movie. It was like a big bad Scallison fanfiction found on wattpad (ao3 is better). A lot of things were forgotten and other changed.
There's always a but (as in the Derek's "death" *wink wink*).
This movie gave us a lot of sterek material.
I'm afraid of what Jeff Davis' mind could possibly come with for another movie, probably more about Eli's past which means a mother for sure (unfortunately the world isn't ready for mpreg yet I'm afraid) and less sterek material. But at the same time I want to see Derek alive again, I want to see how they would manage with two true alpha and how Derek and Eli's relationship would evolve.
I want a lot of things to see but I'm afraid they won't give me any of them, so I can't decide either I want another movie or not.
What do you think?
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it (SPOILERS) pt.1
Before I even start let me say that they should've just made it another 12 or 10 or hell even an 8 episode mini series
Should've opened with Isaac instead of Liam and Hikari in Japan smh. He was the last one to have the triskele box, how tf did Liam get it? (I do understand that Daniel Sharman couldn't be in the film but still...at least give me an explanation)
I don't care what they say, Hikari was supposed to be Kira and Hikari wasn't supposed to even exist. Liam and Hikari are clearly what Scott & Kira Should've been, minus the restaurant in Japan, if they'd done the right thing and brought Kira back in the last season. He said he'd wait for her😭. (Though I Stan the actress for not coming back when they were going to pay her white female castmates more than her. Honestly fuck them for that)
Why does Liam own a restaurant in Japan. How did we get here in our lives. Liam u supposed to be protecting Beacon Hills. Also idk what career I though Liam would get but it definitely wouldn't have been restaurant owner. I can see him as a coach maybe (at Devonford Prep in honor of Brett; huh maybe I did know what career I thought he'd have🤔)
Damn y'all really keeping Nogi with teas and spices. Ig hiding it in plain sight works idk 🤷‍♀️
Why Liam fall like that 😭
Damn Nogi really reminding me of the Witch from Narnia when she appeared in that ice wall thing in the second movie
also if Nogi can talk through that thing, why hasn't he manipulate someone into setting him free already
Though that Nogi was like a regular fly, not a firefly...
Scott being call "The Alpha" like they'll never know🤫 also like I thought Monroe went international w/ her hunting. Ain't no way Scott's just chillin all carefree enough to put his name on a business.
Yeah Scott save that doggie...oh and the little grl too. Also this would've been better plot wise if this was a flashback of Scott saving a little Hikari, it would explain how she's randomly apart of the pack now
Love how Scott's animal clinic looks like a mixture of Deaton's vet place and Derek's loft
Scott talking about having kids one day was how I knew they'd give him Eli at the end. Like wtf, he should be raised by his family, by other born wolves who know about the werewolf history that Derek did. Like hello we got great uncle Peter, auntie Cora, and hell even cousin Malia. Derek WOULD NOT want his SON raised by an ARGENT!
"I didn't see it. I took my eyes off the road for like two seconds to change the song on my ipod"
Wooo spooky 👻
I said ah oop jump scare Chris "I never use the front door" Argent
Poor Chris no parent ever deserves their child to die before them
Bardo! and who stayed up all night doing research about Bardo for you, huh, Mr. McTruealphaman. KIRA!
Yes papa Argent, say fuck
Well Jeff Davis said he wanted the timeline to work out so that Eli was born before Derek returned to Beacon Hills in an interview (idk where it is and I'm too lazy to find it) and after the series finale timeskip in the last season it was 2017, its now 2026 so technically it's been 11 years Scott my boy
Look at me out here fixing the timeline for everyone😁
"I got a feeling the real answers are in Beacon Hills" Yeah no shit Chris, everything's gotta do with Beacon Hills
Scott your the alpha. Be the alpha. Quit asking other people to to decisions for you, for the love of God
So Scott I understand why you left Beacon Hills but are we going to address what happend to Monroe and the internatipnal hunters Corp? No?...okay then
Chris why did you leave mama McCall. Jeff u really out here breaking everyone up. Should've got w/ Papa Stilinski so Scott and Stiles could be brothers fr "oh what could've been"
Why the pack break up? not gonna give me an explanation again...okay I'm sensing a pattern here
Yeassss!!! Business woman Lydia, we knew u could do it. And she looks very snazzy in that white outfit with her ponytail if I do say so myself. Funny how the banshee's business has to do with sound lmao it's perfect.
Lyd!😭 Thats Mrs. Martin-Stilinski to you! Shit at least call her Lyds so that you don't sound like your calling her a lid💀
Damn u think Lydia would've learned to look at stuff by now before handing it out. Nah but on a real note I feel like she should have a better understanding of her abilities by now, and have expanded on them, and had more control of them but that might be just me
I SAID ITS MRS. MARTIN-STILINSKI Ray or whatever ur name is!
Oooo the automatic writing again
Yayyy Eli Hale! In my head Eli is a nickname for Elijah, just like Derek is a nickname Frederick (if you known you know🤣)
Hale Auto?! Ain't no way. Derek ain't a mechanic. I refuse. Terrible career choice for the man. He's rich, he ain't even gotta work
Maybe Malia could be a mechanic but I doubt it, ooo a Park Ranger would be perfect.
Love how Eli just hotwired that jeep😂. Oh and just let me say this here and get it out of my system. Eli is similar to both Stiles and Scott when they were younger but he is NOT STILES. Yes he's sarcastic and a little delinquent but do you guys know how many teenagers are sarcastic little delinquents? Alot. It's a teen thing. I was the same way (minus the crimes😂) and still am sarcastic af. Love Eli as Eli, not a mini or replacement for Stiles. Love u guys to death but we went into this knowing there was no Stiles.
Jeff Davis: No Stiles.
Us: No Stiles?
Jeff Davis: No Stiles!
Boys gonna pop a damn wheelie in fucking Roscoe
Love how Parrish just calls Mason instead of tailing him
I'm fucking dead💀they was all too scared to tell Derek (me too thou bc sourwolf is scary😶)
Why is Mason a deputy? Feel like he should be working at Lydia's, like he's right under her is what I'd say he should be doing. I could see Corey, his husband, maybe being a deputy though. *gasp* or a cute little school teacher🥺
I stand by what I said earlier, Malia should be a park ranger and I add to that by saying that she should be the consultant and not Derek (though i understand they had to reintroduce his character) she spent a lot of time in those woods, and she's more intune with her animal side than anyone else
Derek still sexy af
serial arsonist...wolf pack also has a serial arsonist. I swear to God they should've just made it a spin off instead of its own thing
You definitely should call Stiles, he's head of his own supernatural devison in the FBI👍
Love how Derek was like a fugitive for most of the series and now he works w/ the police. Eli taking up that criminal mantel now😂
I mean...is it really grand theft auto if he took it from his own dads shop🤷‍♀️🤣
Derek's got ptsd from the jeep
Eli wanted to race that grl, I now headcanon that's how he flirts. Just like his daddy he's like haha look I'm better than you at something "you wanna see some real speed bitch" (flashbacks to when Derek flirted with Paige by being an ass with that basketball, like grl just wanted to play her cello in peace and quite)
Love how Derek just like slashed the tires. Really said "i don't think so. My names Derek hale. I go way back" (I'm so sorry to anyone reading this)
Part 1-5
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sunshinepixels · 2 years
bc I hate it more than I've ever hated anything in my life 😭
Allison is back from the dead and somehow stays alive by the end of the movie as if that's not unnatural af !!! Like she's a human? how is that a thing? why did they do this? I love Allison, I really do but her coming back to life and not being laid back to rest by the end of the movie was so psycho and bizarre. Idk why they made that choice but I hated it
Derek apparently had a child 15 years ago and Allison died 15 years ago so somehow he had a child in season 3? When? When would he have time to do that? He was literally with Jennifer that season 🤨 so when did he make this kid who he seemed to have always been in the life of ? the math isn't mathing. ik teen wolf math sometimes doesn't make sense but I excused it bc I like the show but since I hate this fucking movie I will not excuse it. Jeff Davis tell me how the fuck Derek somehow had a kid in season 3!?
Who is the mother of Derek's child? (We all know that Stiles is the other parent) but fr why is she not mentioned at fucking all??? like it felt so unnatural, like they were specifically talking around it or some shit. I swear Eli never even says the word mom once!! how? why do they act like she doesn't exist? at this point I'm gonna assume Derek made this child asexually through budding or some shit cus wtf
IK Dylan O didn't want to be in the movie but they didn't have to do everything in their power to pretend Stiles didn't exist. The only references to him were the Jeep and Lydia's dumb dream. It made it seem like Stiles doesn't keep up with them anymore and that they don't keep up with him, and that's including his fucking dad. It's so unnatural and ew. I'm also very sad that Kira wasn't here but ik why Arden didn't want to do it. Fuck Jeff tbh. Kira was barely mentioned also, I don't think they EVER said anything about her at all. It's giving Jeff is bitter or smth.
This movie dragged so bad, it was boring as shit and I struggled to get to the 2 hour mark. It was actually painful for me to watch . I wanted to skip through every scene basically, trying to get to SOMETHING interesting, but it was rare that anything like that was going on
Some of the style choices were weird. The clothes they had Deaton in weren't right, it didn't feel like something he'd wear at all. Also so weird to see Chris in a turtleneck, idk if he's worn one before but it looked weird. Peter ate though, I have to give them that.
WHY WOULD MASON BE A FUCKING COP? What about him screams cop? 😐 He should be working with Melissa at the hospital or doing LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.
Parrish and Malia 😐 disgusting. He knew her as a teen!!! like hello?? that's weird af! I already hated him and Lydia, bc why is he going after a freshly turned 18 y/o and I was hoping that the writers would know better by now then to do this weird shit but obviously they didn't
What exactly was Harris back for? He barely explained what happened to him or what he knew? It was dumb. If they left him out, I don't think it would've impacted the movie or what we know about Harris at all. Also, I don't remember if they explained but why was he alive anyway?
Abolish Eichen House
Some of the sets were very ugg and didn't feel like teen wolf at all
Peter sniffing the ground like a dog ☠️☠️☠️ SO UGLY 😭 but so hilarious, best scene hands down
Curse count: 9 Shits and 2 Motherfuckers (both from Chris which is funny asf)
The movie was not fun, it didn't have the fun vibes of the original show, all the jokes were meh and didn't live up to the source material.
who tf is Eli's mom 😐 I'm serious
why did former best friends Mason and Liam barely say one word to each other 😐😐😐😐 idc if they had no time, they should've been hugging and crying in the background or some shit
Why did they decide to make Derek burn???? LIKE HUH??? That was sick ! The worse possible death they could've given him! Like that's TRAUMATIC!!! Like were we meant to think this was poetic or smth?? cus I don't. I just think it's sick and weird. Not only that but they made him leave his kid. at this point why'd they even give him a kid just to kill him off. it also kind of felt like they exchanged a dead person for an alive person
the way Liam and Hikari pronounced I love you in Japanese was so bad. im not a language expert but that didn't sound right at all. truly horrendous, get a language coach on set or smth cus that ain't it
them having Allison come back and go back to dating Scott felt very character regressiony for him. like ik he loved allison but so what? you don't need to always end up with your first love. he literally was able to move past her death and get in other relationships. it didn't feel like he was holding a torch for her, it felt like he was able to get past it but now it doesn't. idk it's weird
seeing clips from the tv show made me wanna take the shit off my screen and put on the real show
and lastly this movie didn't need to exist and is not canon in my head
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