#malicious compliance is the best kind of compliance
musicalhell · 1 year
Playmobil: The Movie--COPYRIGHT FRIENDLY EDITION (Musical Hell Review # 129
Now re-edited for copyright bots! May contain cats, silent movie desperadoes, and snarky re-enactment.
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valtsv · 11 months
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okay so Maja Kristiansen is another oc who exists in relation to Annie. she's a personal assistant to the Cranes and another victim of their cult/crime family. her original version, who was created for a tma rp, was an employee who got involved in the nastier side of the business in an attempt to get ahead and as a result, when she decided she wasn't so into the idea of being part of a fear cult, was tortured and lost an eye. she wears a glass one to replace it, but the horror of being forced to gouge her own eye out was enough to scare her into compliance. it soon turned into malicious compliance, however, as Maja became aligned with the Lonely (which took advantage of her self-isolation following her failure to escape the Cranes' grasp) and managed to make herself largely invisible, allowing her to avoid further notice and punishment and begin to repair her broken spirit and start to form counter-schemes of her own.
in the tma rp, Maja took over as the director of the Cranes' flagship enterprise (which dealt in real estate) after Annie did a little familicide and left several power vacuums to fill as a result. she finally got to take her revenge as she began to use the fortune amassed by the business to begin unpicking the Cranes' various complicated schemes and seek restitution for their crimes, using her insider knowledge and access to create formidable legal cases against them and their associates.
Maja is a very reserved, unexpressive woman. her experiences have hardened her and left her somewhat cracked, despite her best attempts to pick up the pieces. she speaks in a dull, harsh monotone, and her facial expression rarely changes; it's a physical effort for her to emote. her traumatic past and alignment with the Lonely have made her fairly uninterested in forming attachments to other people, and encouraged her to take a ruthless approach to conducting business, leading to her gaining a reputation for coldness. at her core, she's a decent person who wants to leave the world a better place than she found it, but she's neither friendly nor kind in her approach, seeing those qualities as weaknesses that people can exploit. she's a tall, rail-thin woman with dark auburn hair and grey eyes, and dresses very stylishly, primarily in dark and neutral tones (wine-red, earthen brown, black, dark grey, etc.).
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thereminzone · 4 months
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This work used a lot of textures! Wikimedia was my best friend, particularly for the macro shot of the wing scales used in the backdrop (H. Zell, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons) and the photo layered over the barcode (Michael Hanselmann, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons). I think it lends a really nice mixed media feel to this :D
These two are the other two members of THREAT DISPLAY!!!, the fake band for my dnd character Helvia. Rambling about them below the cut for context! Warning, it's long. And probably requires the context provided by the post I made about Helvia.
As is made probably blindingly obvious by this illustration, I continued the name of naming/loosely basing the design on a bug with a threat display, in this case being the peacock butterfly, Aglais Io! It's a really neat creature, being one of the only butterflies as far as I know to have a drastically different pattern when viewed dorsally versus ventrally
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Obviously I pulled this pattern as directly as possible for Aegis's (left) jacket, but it's also on the inner lining of Vanessa's (right) overskirt. It's better visible in the earlier basic ref for them:
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They look awfully similar.. and that's because they are twins! That's a lie, actually, but it's what the marketing of the band wants you to think. In reality, they are the same exact model of robot, meant to look human in comparison to Helvia, styled differently. They kind of have a complex about this, as would be expected if you were created and saw someone with your exact face who you are more or less put in competition with, and also told that neither of you really matter? It's a gimmick at best. They're not meant to be the real stars here, so it's easier if the public can just lump them together and let them fade into the background. I can't stress just how unimportant these two were considered in comparison to Helvia- they didn't appear in much marketing, and when they did, they were treated more like props. They weren't given unique identities, no fake memories unlike Helvia, just set into this situation with the expectation that they should know they are not important, they are not unique, and anything they do should be to further support Helvia.
Ultimately, though, they are very different people, especially in how they felt about this.
Aegis more or less resigned himself to this, he didn't see the point in trying to fight it or change the situation. He tried to not make anyone upset, stay neutral, do what was asked of him without thinking about it too hard. Sort of dissociating king? I think he internalized the fact that he's not "supposed to be a real person", and it influenced his behavior. He can acknowledge the horror of his situation, but doesn't find the point in fighting it.
Vanessa, meanwhile, finds none of it acceptable. She hates this. She hates the fact that she is a product and a tool and not even an important enough one to be given a basic sense of identity. Giving very "malicious compliance", she can't do much, but she took every opportunity to make it clear just how much she can't stand any of this. She felt that Aegis was a coward, especially because he would always be there to condescend to her, saying it's in her best interest to give up any time she got in serious trouble.
They, predictably, had a pretty rocky relationship because of this. Indirectly pitted against eachother for any amount of minimal spotlight that wasn't going to Helvia in hopes of being given any sort of grace, they also had no one else to rely on? Certainly not any staff, and CERTAINLY not Helvia, there's no one else that understood the unique horror of their situation quite so much as each other, even if they responded in wildly different ways. They had eachother's back, unspoken. Aegis telling Vanessa to 'just give up' is equally an attempt to prevent her from getting hurt further as Vanessa telling Aegis to 'stop letting this happen to you'– they just think that their respective poor coping mechanism is the way to go, when in reality it just means they each continue to be hurt. Dude these guys suck. As much as the twins marketing thing is a sore subject, in a sick way they end up actually having a sibling-adjacent relationship, I think.
As for their relationships with Helvia? Arguably more complicated.
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It's a mess. Nobody is having a good time, except maybe Helvia telling herself she's having a good time. The closer they were to her, the better shot they had at actually being treated like they were interesting or important by marketing, and it created obviously an environment that was Not Good! They each had tumultuous on-and-off relationships with her as was directly encouraged of them, regardless of how anyone actually felt. It doesn't help that Helvia herself treated them carelessly, obviously told that they were there for Her– and as someone who wholesale bought into the image she was created for, who was in denial about the fact that she was literally a product, she wasn't exactly receptive to any of their struggles. Aegis pitied her despite their similarities, while Vanessa pretty much wanted her dead. It's bad. It's sooo bad. It's messy.
As for what they're up to now? No clue yet <3 they've yet to appear and I kind of already have terminal brain illnesses about them, if the above paragraphs didn't make it already obvious. Honestly this was just me making half decent art of them to post as in introduction to them before I drop the uh. 12 page comic I made in a fugue state during finals week. So keep a look out for that, I guess!
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tibbycaps · 3 months
i'd love to see chau convex and grian messing with doc and bdubs omgggg i'm imagining stuff like cutting a sliver off of the soles of bdubs' shoes every day and telling him he's shrinking. or just messing with doc's machines in general. breaking into his workspace and messing up the wiring, putting post-it notes on each machine with a silly made-up name and pretend function (e.g Deathray 9000; bakes and frosts cupcakes). talking about how old he is and how he's basically on his deathbed, when he's right there in front of them. there must be a kind of buzz to anonymous pranks. trying not to get in trouble. even if the prank seems to have an obvious culprit, if there's no way to prove who did it, then nothing can be done about it, right?
yesssss you get me.
convex in this au is very malicious compliance, rebel in any way that they can
they were more or less forced to make a pact to work with the NHO, as they were captured after living a life of crime and their options were either “work for us or go to super jail”. they make a vex pact which they must abide by, but i would imagine the pact is something along the lines of, they have to work for the NHO and help them take down criminals. so they can’t outright ignore missions from the higher-ups as that would go against the pact, but the contract failed to account for the little things like mundane office pranks. i don’t think cub and scar are very pleased at all about that lack of freedom after living a lavish criminal lifestyle for years, so they take pretty much every opportunity they can to use loopholes to make things difficult for the NHO. you Really need to spell out instructions for them quite literally or else they will take advantage of any loophole.
that being said, they have to be sure not to act too out of line, as the other option of being sent to prison for one billion years still lingers. bdubs can’t exactly call for one of their best agents to be relieved of duty and sent to prison over someone (cub) leaving push pins on his office chair, to his dismay
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thegingerwrites · 4 months
Obi-dience - An Obikin, Ella Enchanted AU set in the GFFA
Inspired by a typo I almost made yesterday and what I think is a pretty good pun
Obi-Wan Kenobi is the perfect Jedi. A skilled warrior, an expert negotiator, and a good friend, it has always been clear that Obi-Wan has a gift. People often remark that no matter what is asked of him, Obi-Wan Kenobi can deliver.
That is his gift: whatever anyone tells Obi-Wan to do, he does. The gift of obedience.
Before Obi-Wan ever came to the Temple, fate or the Force or some Stewjonian witchcraft, blessed Obi-Wan with the ability and the compulsion to do whatever he is told. The perfect child, the perfect padawan, the perfect Jedi. He is whatever anyone asks him to be.
From the moment Obi-Wan becomes aware of his dubious gift, he finds ways to work around it. When the other younglings come up with ridiculous dares or tell him to hand over his slice of Shuura cake from the refectory, he has no choice but to comply. Instead, he rebels in other ways. He shows them up in his classes, he stages pranks as a kind of revenge, and he never, ever lets anyone know about his secret gift. He learns that compliance can be a malicious thing and that there can be a vast difference between what someone says and what they mean.
After shoving a slice of cake in someone's face, attempting to climb the tallest tree in the greenhouses, and interrupting a lesson by Master Nu with an impassioned recital of the Jedi Code at the top of his lungs before refusing to say another word, Obi-Wan is sent to Master Yoda, fearing for his future with the Jedi Order. He assumes that Master Yoda is going to send him away, to the Agricorps or some kind of orphanage for wayward almost-Jedi. Clearly, he is more trouble than he is worth.
But Master Yoda is more perceptive than that. He senses that the Force moves strangely around Obi-Wan and gets Obi-Wan to describe what it feels like when someone tells him to do something. What it is like to be helpless sometimes against the need to do what he is told.
Yoda doesn't tell Obi-Wan to leave the Order. One way or the other, that decision will be made for him, when a Master comes forward to take him on as a padawan or doesn't.
What he does say still manages to change Obi-Wan's life forever.
"A great and terrible gift this is, young one. Know that already, you do. Difficult, your life will be, because of it and harder, you should not make it.
'A secret, your obedience must be. Tell no one of your gift, lest they use it against you."
Obi-Wan blinks, eyes wide. His mouth hangs open for only a moment before the words come out, "Yes, Master."
From then on, Obi-Wan tries his best to keep his head down. He wants to become a padawan, dreams of one day being a Jedi Knight, and so he tries his best in his classes, learns to turn the other cheek when others attempt to rile him. He becomes kind and thoughtful, and surrounds himself with a few good and trusted friends, who, while playful and rambunctious, would never try to order him around.
His efforts pay off when Qui-Gon decides to take him as his padawan.
It takes Qui-Gon a long time to learn what makes Obi-Wan different from other padawans. This is mainly because Obi-Wan Kenobi is already so different from himself and so different from the boy Qui-Gon heard tales about from the crechemasters when Obi-Wan was in their care. He is quiet, though curious, and rule-following to a fault. Where is the rebellious boy that was nearly kicked out of the Temple for attempting to leap into the Serenity Pond at the center of the Room of a Thousand Fountains with all of his clothes still on?
This boy does what he is told and he never talks back, even when Qui-Gon desperately wants him to. After a few years, Qui-Gon resigns himself to the idea that the Council must see him as too much of a maverick even now and that when Yoda recommended Obi-Wan to him as a padawan, citing their similarities, it was an attempt to reign him in. The equivalent of pairing the talkative kid in class with the quiet one, in the hopes that some of the latter's goodness might rub off on the former.
That is, until Melida/Daan. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are sent to rescue Master Tahl and become entangled in the conflict there. The role of the Jedi is to negotiate peace and until the Melida and the Daan are ready to do so, there is no place for the Jedi among them. Qui-Gon tells Obi-Wan it is time to leave and for once, Qui-Gon sees a fight on his young padawan's face.
His feet move toward the waiting ship's ramp in halting, laborious steps while his hands fist at his sides and his face tightens into a grimace. Obi-Wan reaches out for the nearest thing available to him, a crate of supplies in the hangar bay, and grabs on tight, even as the rest of his body tries to pull him towards the ship.
"No, Master. I can't!" Obi-Wan grunts as he loses his grip on the crate and flails for something else. "I can help them, I know I can. Please let me stay."
Qui-Gon watches in horror as Obi-Wan's body eventually wins out and he stands next to him on the ramp, clutching one of the pistons for balance. Whatever power held sway over Obi-Wan for those few fraught moments is gone as quickly as it arrived, leaving him red-faced and breathless in its absence.
He leaves Obi-Wan on Melida/Daan and puzzles over that scene at the ship's ramp long after the fight is over and Obi-Wan returns to the Order. He never quite manages to discover the secret of Obi-Wan's gift, but he is certain to never give him another order he cannot refuse ever again.
Even at the end of his life, when he has been cut down by Darth Maul and Obi-Wan has him cradled in his arms, Qui-Gon is sure to phrase his last wishes just so.
"He is the Chosen One, Obi-Wan. Will you train him?"
"I will, Master."
Training Anakin doesn't feel like a choice, at least not at first. Obi-Wan fights the Council for the right to train him, pushes past his own misgivings and sets aside his grief, not because he really believes in the prophecy in the way Qui-Gon did but because it was the last thing his Master ever asked of him.
At night, Obi-Wan wishes that Qui-Gon had ordered him to train Anakin, wishes that he knew how to do this one thing right. He silently begs the Force: if his obedience was ever good for anything, let it help him in this.
And yet, training Anakin is a choice, one he makes every single day. Harder at the start and then easier once he actually gets to know the boy. Anakin is stubborn and willful, scarred by his time as a slave in ways Obi-Wan will never fully understand. He doesn't make demands of Obi-Wan. He doesn't make demands of anyone. He is a kindhearted and curious boy who deeply misses his mother and has latched onto Obi-Wan like the last life-preserver on a sinking ship. It takes time for him to grow comfortable at the Temple, for him to trust that all that he loves will not be taken away from him a second time, and for him to grow into a teenager more secure in his place in the world.
The first time Anakin enacts Obi-Wan's gift against him, he is fifteen and they have been arguing. He has been sneaking out at night, fighting with one of the other padawan's, and is falling behind in his galactic history coursework. The bright and friendly young boy Obi-Wan met years ago has become sullen and moody, no more so than many other teenagers but something of an anomaly within the Temple.
Anakin stalks off to his room, slamming the automatic door behind him as best he can, and shouts at Obi-Wan through it to leave him alone.
It takes Obi-Wan a full day to realize what Anakin has done. He makes himself scarce in their rooms before Anakin wakes the next morning. He avoids meeting him in the refectory and after lessons. It is only when he cannot force himself to return to their apartments at the end of the day that he seeks out Master Yoda and begs him to contradict Anakin's order. He can't let Anakin think that Obi-Wan is so upset with him as to actually leave.
Master Yoda negates the command but before he lets Obi-Wan return to his quarters, he cautions him against allowing himself to become too attached to the boy.
This is where I think there is a lot of room to play around with this idea and probably where an actual story would take place with the rest as background.
While the premise of the fic isn’t doesn’t necessarily have to lead to obikin, that’s simply the lens through which I view the world so it does.
One night, when Anakin is still a padawan, he returns back to their quarters late after a night out where Obi-Wan is still awake and waiting for him. He stumbles into the room, brushing aside Obi-Wan’s concern, before landing on their couch instead of in his bedroom. He is drunk, clearly, but not so far gone as to be unwell. His limbs are loose and his smile is easy and he relents eagerly when Obi-Wan kneels down to pull of his boots in order to keep them off of the furniture. His eyes go wide and his smile falls as he sees Obi-Wan down there, his mouth forming a confused little ‘oh’.
Before Obi-Wan can ask what is wrong, Anakin says, “kiss me,” and Obi-Wan does. He presses up from his knees, leans over Anakin and kisses him.
It is a soft, quiet kiss on the lips. Neither of them moving beyond simple pressure. To Obi-Wan’s later shock and horror, the kiss feels good, feels right. Perhaps his mind reaches out to Anakin’s through the Force and borrows some of his alcohol-induced ease because his mind goes blank for the few brief seconds that their lips are connected, wholly at peace.
And then reality sets in and Obi-Wan pulls back sharply.
He steps back, nearly tripping over the low table in their sitting area, his hand barely grazes the skin of his lips.
“Never ask that of me again,” he tells Anakin.
And Anakin, not so far gone as to mishear the grief and heartbreak in his Master’s voice, never does.
As an adult, Obi-Wan's gift comes into play less. Few people really go around giving people orders. Obi-Wan becomes very good at stopping them before they start, redirecting people to other topics, and avoiding those who are prone to giving them.
Still, he doesn't expect Dooku to tell him to join him on Geonosis. (I think there's a really cool option where Obi-Wan goes with him or at least spends the early part of the war hearing him out) Anakin steps in almost immediately without realizing it, shouting 'no' which counteract the command.
The war itself doesn't pose as much of a problem as Obi-Wan and Yoda worry at the outset. Obi-Wan is the one giving the orders rather than receiving them and thankfully the droids' feeble commands to surrender have no effect on him.
His gift does still manage to get him into trouble on occasion. His banter with Ventress is especially charged as he parries her blades and her words. Anakin takes to leadership well, so well that on occasion he slips and manages to give Obi-Wan orders as well as his men. It doesn’t happen often, while Anakin has grown by leaps and bounds into a commander, a brother in arms, he still knows his place. Obi-Wan will always be his former master, a member of the council, and his superior. Still, when Anakin concocts a plan at a moment’s notice and tells Obi-Wan, “cover me,” before an oncoming barrage of battle droids or shouts “stay here” before running off into danger, Obi-Wan is forced to obey. It only leads to him getting shot at a handful of times.
No one but Master Yoda is aware of Obi-Wan’s secret. While Obi-Wan’s behavior is strange at times, defying explanation, no one questions it too much. He has always been this way. It would be stranger if these near misses and fits of willfulness didn’t happen to him even in the midst of a war.
When the Council asks him to go undercover as Rako Hardeen—asks not commands—Obi-Wan has reservations. Perhaps not the kind of reservations Anakin would like him to have, about the cruelty of faking his death and the convoluted nature of the plan, but about his own ability to carry out this mission and pretend to be Hardeen.
“Surely, my condition puts the entire operation in jeopardy,” he tells Master Yoda in private. “One ill-timed command and all is lost.”
“A strong and powerful Jedi you have become, young Obi-Wan, despite the difficulties your gift affords you. Quick and discerning, it has made you. Capable, you are. Trust that you can complete this mission, I do.”
Which is all Obi-Wan needs to hear before he accepts.
The reason I can’t write a fic for this yet (aside from all of the other fics I’m currently wrestling with) is because I’m not sure how I want it to end. On the one hand, I think following canon pretty closely through RotS could be very cool and angsty, leading to Obi-Wan and Anakin’s confrontation on Mustafar. Obi-Wan has to fight against both his feelings for Anakin and his gift when Anakin tells him to join him. By winning their duel, Obi-Wan breaks free from his curse at a terrible cost.
On the other hand, I also really like the idea of Palpatine finding out about Obi-Wan’s gift somehow and using it to manipulate him. He sends Obi-Wan to the Jedi Temple to commit Operation Knightfall in Anakin’s stead and actually manages to cut down a few Temple guards before crossing paths with Anakin. Palpatine ordered Obi-Wan to go to the Temple and slaughter any Jedi he met and though he does cross blades with Anakin in the halls of the Jedi Temple, he cannot bring himself to kill Anakin. He fights back against his curse and wins, leaving him and the rest of the galaxy free.
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insanelyadd · 1 year
Some Collector Character Analysis
Annoyed by people who say that the Collector's personality changed "for no reason" or who say they preferred him from season 2. Like. There is a reason he changed. He was being abused, manipulated, lied to, for 350+ years. Before that it's implied they were, at the very least, neglected by their family. I don't like when people say they preferred how he acted in season two because he was "actually threatening" or "interesting" or whatever because as someone who knows enough about this kind of thing (and that's all you're getting from me), when I see the Collector in season 2, I see a child who is reacting to their environment.
He was never evil, he was in pain and trying to conform to what he thought was expected of him by the adult that was "taking care" of him, that he thought he was friends with.
People talk about fight or flight, when there's actually three other responses, freeze, friend/fawn, and flop. I propose that the Collector's response is fawn, which is described as
"The fawn response may show up as people-pleasing, even to your detriment. You may use compliance and helpfulness to avoid abuse; you disregard your happiness and well-being no matter how poorly someone treats you. This trauma response is often used to diffuse conflict and return to a feeling of safety."
As another layer to this, I was talking to my therapist about the Collector and I asked her how a child who is very neglected might act, since I HC the Archivists were neglectful to them and also they were trapped in solitary confinement for like 2000 years minimum. And she told me "Well they would have attachment issues" either in that they cannot attach to people at all or they are instantly very attached to people. And I think it's the second one, because we see multiple times that the Collector is immediately trusting of people when he meets them. They didn't like Luz but as soon as they think they have the opportunity to befriend her, they immediately become attached. And obviously there was him trying to befriend Belos even after everything he's done to EVERYONE including them.
So I think it's super believable that they immediately attached to Belos, believing everything he was told, and trying very hard to appease and appeal to him, adopting a persona of cruelty, even if they didn't like it. He was doing it to survive, he was doing it because he was desperate for some form of love or approval.
So when we see him in season 3, the reason he's behaving differently could be multiple things:
They are now attached to King and are trying to behave more like King to appease him because that's how he lived for multiple centuries
He never was genuinely evil or malicious, at least not to the extent that he played that part in season 2, though he potentially had some more callous tendencies due to the circumstances of his family and culture
He is no longer being actively abused and the less stressful environment has drastically improved his mood and mental health
I'm willing to bet it might even be all three at once. When you're in pain you are not your best self, pain makes you behave irrationally, angrily, cruelly, especially when the pain never seems to stop, and it's even worse when you're a child and might not even recognize what's happening to you. Belos being gone, and being around King, who is also a good kid with some occasional Mal-intent, "changed" their personality because they weren't conforming themself to play the stressful role of evil side-kick in an act of self-preservation.
So anyways the Collector is cool and I love them and want to adopt them and get him some therapy.
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partywithoutsmiling · 2 months
Does barb hired the bounty hunters again to look for poppy and branch if so I can see them reluctantly accepting just because they are scared of her of turning one of them into monsters and if poppy and branch see hickory again i think they will try kill him especially poppy
Ah, sorry, I don't think you have the hang of the character portrayals as presented in the Canon, let alone in what I have in the AU XD;;
Going by the Movie Canon, it was clear the Bounty Hunters were comfortable in the Rock Territory- if that didn't imply that Rock Trolls were their frequent clients, I don't know what will.
However, up until Barb's little show on the Stage, I don't think either of them actually understood what she was actually planning. It seemed to me, that they thought her little conquest as he just politically suppressing the right of other Genres to freely express their music, not actual brainwashing/mind domination deal, so all of them were fighting essentially for the right to be an independent country (and autonomy I don't think they had up until that point, hence why they were bounty hunters)
In my AU, they would be the first to book it honestly; even if Barb wanted to employ them again (which she would not, as right now she is rather occupied by wrangling some sort of authority over her own trolls and doesn't have the time to deal with Trolls who are loyal to her only for cash at best), they would make sure to be nowhere near where she could threaten them into compliance; I would rather wager they would all run back to their respective Genre communities and spread tales over what happened, and most likely try and get their kin get up and move out of the Trolls Kingdoms.
Then we have the question of Branch and Poppy. Yes, I admit both of then showed rather merciless and violent tendencies when it came to Creek- but honestly, that little sleazeball just sentenced all of their people to death, and there doesn't exist any sort of mercy for the likes of him.
Hickory, on the other hand, while ultimatelly being revealed as one of the enemies, was a reluctant one at best- and even though Branch distrusted him the most, he came around to semi-accepting him at the end before his and Poppy's argument, and when he is in his right mind, I doubt he would just needlessly try and kill a troll; his carnage following his transformation was him acting completely out of control and something he probably won't even remember when he snaps out of it.
Poppy would never try to kill anyone (Creek aside). That's just not who she is- and while Hickory's betrayal hurt her, it was not the kind that she wouldn't forgive. Hickory's betrayal was non-malicious; by the point he did, Poppy was already learning the lesson of trying to appreciate all music, differences and all, and she would be able to understand his reason for lying, even as it hurt. Since he clearly tried to get her to hide the String and run away before she could be discovered (even if it came little too late), that 'redemption' is something she would remember.
So no, I don't believe either Branch or Poppy would act overly hostile towards the Bounty Hunters; maybe towards Chaz, but certainly not to the point of actually wanting to commit murder.
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widevibratobitch · 10 months
Ok. Any "Terror" fic recommendations?
good lord YES countless really. idk what you're looking for specifically though.
i myself am a fitzier girlie first and foremost with some occasional fitzconte thrown in. i'll best direct you to my ao3 bookmarks, specifically to the tag i keep for my personal favourites, the crème de la crème of fics I've read and liked.
some examples under the cut.
i am a connoisseur of ✨fitzier hatesex✨ and there's surprisingly not that many of those compared to fics where they're all lovey-dovey with each other (which. dont get me wrong. i also enjoy from time to time). so i'll give you some that have truly stuck with me. it's mostly pwp sorry not sorry.
Some lovely perilous thing by cosmogram
“Oh,” James gasps, and really, it’s almost too easy. James ought to have some modicum of shame, ought to be able to master himself better than this—better than turning to a doe-eyed dissolute the second a man so much as breathes near his eager young cock. “Not here, Francis,” James pants out, voice already hitching high. “The great cabin, at the very least.”
“Here, I think,” Francis returns crisply. “On your knees.”
it's just so fucking good. very hot. i honestly don't know what else i could say about this, it's one of my personal favourites amongst personal favourites (along with the one i link next, from the same author).
Devotion by cosmogram
Francis does not seek him anymore, but neither—still worse—does Francis bother to dismiss him when James arrives of his own volition, each time with all the hope of the most wretched fool. “Oh, get to it, then,” Francis muttered with sublime disinterest that very day when James appeared in his cabin’s doorway. James had, in fact, come to talk—but he had not hesitated when Francis gestured dispassionately to the front of his trousers. He had dropped, wordlessly, to his knees to obey.
everyone give it up for erectile dysfunction! hip-hip hurray! the author sums it up well with the James Fitzjames’s Tragically Unmet Praise Kink tag. this one is a little more on the sad side, Francis is being a goddamn gremlin and James is at his most needy and pathetic. nothing hotter to me personally than sucking someone's limp dick and crying about it. i find myself thinking about this fic an ungodly amount. i love it so much. again, best of the best of the best.
nice dream by icicaille
Francis swirled the last dregs in his glass and peered into its depths. Some kind of grim satisfaction had come over him. “I’ll tell you what you want to hear,” he said. “For a certain price.” It was foolhardy beyond measure. Damning, even.
basically, Fitzjames gives Crozier a blowjob in exchange for Francis telling him some nice reassuring things he needs to hear so badly it makes him look stupid - malicious compliance from Francis of course with some nice internalised homophobia. James is, again, pathetic as all shit with a little twist at the end. no one is having a good time except for me of course.
hunger's vocabulary by icicaille
“Ah, Sir John.” Francis cleared his throat once the wardroom was near to empty. “May I borrow James? Regarding the Lloyd’s balance. We took readings that require further inspection. I’ll send him back in a gig—tonight if the weather holds, in the morning otherwise.”
chef's kiss. just two cunty cunts going at it (the dialogues are so good...) with a sprimkle of some angsty self-loathing Francis. what more could you ask for.
you are coming down with me by dazydaisy
Chapter one: “If I loved you I could perhaps fuck you as if I hated you, in order to please you, but, as you are surely aware by now Fitzjames, you and love are oil and water to me.”
Chapter two: ‘Maybe,’ James had begun to unlace the front of his trousers with a carelessness he had (shamefully) practiced, ‘if you loved yourself even a little you would be able to stop yourself from doing as I command. But, as I’m sure you know by now Francis, you and love are like oil and water. The two simply do not meet.’
Mum and dad are fighting again
pretty much what it says on the tin. just two heartbroken bitches fucking and being cruel to each other and im eating that shit up thanks
A Willing Foe and Sea-Room by ClutchHedonist
“Nnh.” Fitzjames whines around his thumb.
“None of that. Clearly, you can’t shut your own bloody mouth to save your life.” Francis huffs, “So I’ll shut it for you.”
pre-canon. Fitzjames - still as a baby lieutenant - and Crozier have a brief but very hot encounter during some Admiralty Party.
Caïssa by cosmogram
“You said you had a question,” Francis snapped, irritable already.
“Yes,” James said, flushed and resplendent still from the company next door—undaunted and loose-limbed in just the way that plucked cloying ire from a raw place in Francis. “How’s your chess game?”
A seduction.
a little bonus to the list, because i love this fic and it recently updated after a very long hiatus (it's still a wip tho but i hope the author manages to finish it, they're one of my favourite writers in this fandom). no hatesex here, it's more of a slow-burn with past Crozier/Ross and really great dialogues, as always. Neptune also makes an appearance.
Bespoke by ktula
James is trying to escape his grief after Sir John's death. Francis, in his own way, is trying to do the same. OR: The one where James Fitzjames has a bit of the genders, and his captain is surprisingly accommodating of that.
ending this rec list on a kinder and softer note, as a treat. this was one of the first fics ive read in this fandom and still one of my favourites. not really hate sex though they're still rather uncertain and wary about the other. very good, very sensual, gender-heavy. beautiful fic really.
BONUS have some excellent fitzjames/le vesconte and fitzjames/franklin - as a treat.
you don't have friends (you have admirers) by JamesFitzjames
James Fitzjames is a man who does not seek help.
each chapter deals with something different, so while the fic is unfinished it's not really some painful cliffhanger (tho i would love to see it completed one day). second chapter is some excellent, excellent Fitzconte. last chapter also has, why, of course, some really delightful ✨fitzier hatesex✨.
Hoo-ray and up she rises by TheGreenMeridian
They’re rip-roaringly drunk and laughing loud enough at each other to wake half the neighbourhood as they stumble into their lodgings.
i only like Fitzconte if it's done in a very specific way and this fic fits my needs just perfectly. just two besties being sillayyyy. what, like you never gave your bro a handjob just for shits and giggles?
Whatever morning brings by isamariposa
Brutus spends his life torn between disquiet, distaste and desperate pining for Caesar, leading to his infamous betrayal. In his own final moments, he raises a plea: “Jupiter Maximus, take pity on me. If by Your grace there is a way to atone for what I did to him, I beg You: let me do so in the afterlife.”
His wish is granted.
yes, yes, this is technically an HBO Rome fic but each chapter deals with a different time period - the third is dedicated to The Terror and can totally be read on its own. it's some truly excellent Sir John/Fitzjames with a sprimkle of some delightful Fitzconte tomfoolery. It's really, really good.
okay one last BONUS
devourer of debts by allmyloyaldead(van1lla_v1lla1n)
Cornelius Hickey receives, and devours, and adapts.
What Hickey receives from the universe and what he takes for himself, the pieces with which he sews himself together into a man, or something like one.
some incredible Hickey insanity. truly brilliant. the gifts Hickey receives from Billy, Irving and Fitzjames, short and sweet (by sweet i obviously mean gruesome and fucked up <3)
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danieyells · 3 months
I am begging for more Jin x MC x Tohma headcanons and scenes 😮‍💨💕
Twisted romance is my JAM~
- 👻💜
Although I admit, as much as I love romance stuff, I'm not the best when it comes to romantic stuff lolol but maybe that makes me better at twisted romance lololol
IDK HOW THIS TOOK ME SO LONG i mean i do know i have adhd but SORRY FOR THE WAIT ANON. Tbf everything takes me a while haha. . . .
I'm down to make headcanons and stuff, but i work better bouncing off others and being given prompts and ideas! So you can throw words or thoughts or headcanons at me and it'll be easier for me to make headcanons and stuff based on that!
Although I admit, as much as I love romance stuff, I'm not the best when it comes to romantic stuff lolol but maybe that makes me better at twisted romance lololol it really depends on what kind of twisted you're into. . . .
The thing about Jin and Tohma is they're not too cruel or malicious in general. Jin is commanding and Tohma is a little mischevous and commanding himself in a 'head servant' kind of way, and they both definitely see themselves as above the MC, but they're more about teaching compliance. The PC is a servant, a peasant undeserving and not understanding of high society environments. So they must be taught to fit Jin's needs, Tohma's standards, and high society.
Of course, being a good servant and being a good member of high society are somewhat contrasting lessons to be taught. . .they need to take care not to mix them up, or they'll be punished.
First thing's first, servants are to be seen only when needed, and not heard otherwise. They'll need to be taught not to make so much noise outside of Jin's soundproofed room--nonspeaking until you're spoken to, and most certainly no talking back or asking questions! Don't. . .don't mind Tohma. Tohma is a bad example. Don't be like Tohma.
So some stimulation torture--fancy vibrator underwear to start with, vibrators attached to the nipples and clit/penis or inside as time goes on, maybe some heavy clamps for painplay--to help them learn not to make noise while they work. Expensive toys that work at them from a distance while they're in class(they're not in the same classes--not that Jin or Tohma attend their classes anymore--so it's a higher test of their ability to restrain themself when they have no clue what they'll do and when) are maybe the next step up when they do a good job at staying quiet in private. Working them up and giving them little punishments every time they so much as whimper is a good place to start though.
Part of their duties as a servant is entertaining Jin--if they want to tease them during an event or a meeting or something, they can't just moan and whine in public, can they? Of course not. So they have to learn to be quiet. If they do a good job, they can make as much noise as they want back in Jin's room. They will be making as much noise as they can get out of them in Jin's room.
If they make noise during this little training however. . .Jin and Tohma aren't too cruel. They're more dominant than sadistic. Which isn't to say some rough sex and bruises are out of the question(punishment or otherwise), but they're more likely to give punishments that won't risk too much harm that anyone would see for something like this. Perhaps start off with tape or a gag. . .then while they're at it, perhaps they could start training their throat with a dildo gag if they start showing signs of improvement. Two birds with one stone!
However when it comes to 'high society' lessons--proper table manners, learning to dance, learning how to speak to whom--spankings and floggings and canings and hard fuckings that leave their legs shaking may be more in order as punishments for failure.
Molding the pc into Jin's ideal servant-cum-fuckdoll would be the nature of their relationship. But learning to behave in high society, that's a reward as much as actually being allowed to cum is. Thanks to Tohma's ability to project vibrations, the MC has many, many, perhaps excessive orgasms with embarassingly little contact.
The ultimate goal is to get them to obey commands without a thought or question, without Jin even having to use his stigma. They'd have a lot of training ahead of them!
Honestly this isn't as dark as I'd like it to be. I guess because I'm not sure where the limit for what you're asking for would be. . .because I could make it darker--Jin and Tohma keeping them locked away, keeping them from working and going on missions, keeping them from discovering anything relating to their curse, saying it doesn't matter, that the remainder of their life should just be used in service of him, reenforcing this until they break and they just accept that they'll die but maybe their body will be of use to them the next few months? But that's probably a lot less fun to most people lol
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cheapsweets · 6 months
The garrulous Slagzogg
My response to this week’s BestiaryPosting challenge from @maniculum
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A little rough this week, but wanted to get it out there (perfect is the enemy of good :p).
Jinhao shark fountain pen with fine, hooded nib, with Monteverde Raven Noir ink, over initial 5.6mm HB pencil sketch.
Process and resoning notes below the cut...
"The Slagzogg marks the watches of the night by its constant cry. No other creature picks up the scent of man as it does.  There are two kinds of Slagzoggs, domestic and wild. Wild Slagzoggs fly high, in a an orderly fashion, signifying those who, far away from earthly things, preserve a rule of virtuous conduct. Domestic Slagzoggs live together in villages, they cackle together all the time and rend each other with their beaks; they signify those who, although they like conventual life, nevertheless find time to gossip and slander. All wild Slagzoggs are grey in colour; I have not seen any that were of mixed colour or white. But among domestic Slagzoggs, there are not only grey but variegated and white ones. Wild Slagzoggs are the colour of ashes, that is to say, those who keep apart from this world wear the modest garb of penitence."
Okay, we know they fly. We know they have beaks. Hence, it's pretty obvious what kind of creature this is...
A pterosaur! Er... Well, there's no mention of feathers (which is probably reasonable...), perhaps I'm just tickled by the thought of medieval domesticated pterosaurs? I probably spent way too much time trying to draw a wattle fence, too. We have a farmer feeding her flock of domesticated miniature azhdarchid pterosaurs, while a few wild slagzoggs fly high overhead, looking down on their cousins below.
I went with azhdarchid pterosaurs since I felt that would be more visually distictive, and fit better in the picture given their more upright and distinctive method of locomotion on the ground. I also love the idea of a slagzogg 'village' cackling (like the one spreading its wings on top of the fence), clacking beaks, preening themselves, and generally making noise!
We also know that 'no other creature picks up the scent of man' as well as the slagzogg... We do know at this point that the bestiary authors love their superlatives almost as much as Pokedex descriptions, but we have no reason to doubt it. So, looking at modern archosaurs with a great sense of smell... Apparently, crocodiles actually have a fairly good sense of smell, but we're looking at birds to work out how best to represent this in a creature with a beak. Now kiwis have nostrils at the end of the beak, vultures also have a great sense of smell (though they completely slipped my mind until I was most of the way through), which left me with petrels... Petrels are diving seabirds with a distinctive 'tubenose' (their nostrils form a tubular nasal passage atop the beak), and use their sense of smell to detect prey (and their colonies) at sea. It's definitely a distinctive look!
What do they use their great sense of smell for (apart from identifying their keepers, one assumes)? Maybe these are truffle hunting pterosaurs? ;)
Actually, my first thought on reading the description was the dog vultures from the Judge Dredd comics (unfortunately I can't find any pictures online), until I re-read the description and noticed the reference to beaks!
This all raises an interesting question about how I (we? I don't want to assume too much) approach these challenges.
I feel like most of the time, I'm trying very hard to approach the prompts with a completely open mind; in many ways, a lot of the fun of these challenges is seeing what designs we come up with compared to the bestiary illustrators, given the same prompts.
Occasionally I'll have a pretty good idea what the creature is meant to be, in which case I will sometimes exercise a form of 'malicious compliance' where I'm either sticking as closely as possible to the description, or more rarely pursuing a parallel direction that I know is not the 'correct' one, in order to avoid drawing anything too close to the animal I believe the prompt is referencing.
Most rarely, I just have a cool idea from the prompt (like the Blisheag) and head off in that direction instead.
Guess which one this is :D
So what I'm also learning here is that I need more practice drawing humans, and drawing pterosaurs!
As an aside, this week I discovered this site;
It's basically a giant repository of links to various images and sites relating to medieval life and culture (so for example, I looked up the links for straw hats to get some medieval straw hat references this week...). There's so many links in here that some of them will inevitably have moved or expired, but it's potentially a really good source of references! I was able to find this image (partway through drafting the drawing) that I ended up taking heavy influence from;
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prydainroyals · 10 months
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Arthur and Horatio are best friends and have been since their days as students in the Royal Naval Academy and University.
From the first day they met to their first assignments as young officers, they were absolute menaces--masters of malicious compliance and notorious for mutual prank wars that will live in legend amongst cadets for ages to come. Nonetheless, they were never prone to endangering their fellow sailors; rather, they seemed born to find every inefficiency in the system and poke and prod it with style and flair that their superiors found either brilliant or exhausting.
The Prince and the young Admiral are Navy lads through and through. The people under their watch are of the utmost importance to them, all else be damned.
Horatio's friendship with Arthur fundamentally changed the Prince's life and helped instill in him a strong sense of duty; Horatio's unbridled vanity inspired him to greater confidence; Horatio's loyalty and kindness gave Arthur more reasons to stand fast and forge on through years of grief and depression.
Arthur feels he is the best version of himself when he is with his twin sister, and Horatio. (Alice has accepted Horatio as a 'triplet' at this point.)
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niktoes · 6 months
₊˚♡˚₊ word salad headcanons for könig as your best friend ₊˚♡˚₊
♡ just konig things. prematurely posted by accident last time, so if anyone saw that, no you didn't ♡
♡ on this blog, könig's name is otto ♡
Tags: headcanon, silly platonic friend stuff, best friend könig, reader insert
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♡ Otto is a man who makes the best of friends. As an adult with a busy life, making friends is hard. Plus, he's acutely aware of the fact that he can be awkward when he's first meeting someone, and because of that he generally isn't the easiest man alive to make friends with. Most of his friendships happened because something just clicked, and everything worked from there. When it happens, the easy chemistry that lets conversation feel effortless and him feel understood? Yeah, cherished doesn't even begin to cover how close to his heart he holds your friendship. Any of hid close friendships, really, are things he values deeply. If what you need is a ride-or-die kind of guy, that is exactly what he is.
♡ This friendship looks like a relationship from the outside. Sometimes his being playful can come across as unintentionally flirtatious (wanna talk abt the 'they're dating' rumours every set of best friends has? yeah, it's like that. And he, for one, thinks its hilarious), but it's all just in good fun.
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♡ There are several ways that he might approach you having a rough time in life, whether that's due to your work or issues in your personal life. Mans is spiteful. That's just a facet of himself that can't be removed or avoided if something really rots his fucking socks. And by spiteful, I mean he's the kind of guy that'll stop in the middle of a crosswalk to very carefully tie his shoelaces if a driver's impatient and pushing the boundary on the pedestrian crossing light. Malicious compliance is his cup of tea, too, if it applies. He's been alive nearly forty years, man, so no matter what problem you're dealing with, his plots for petty vengeance come naturally and he and is not shy about sharing them with you for the sake of justice (or catharsis- that too).
♡ This could just be a him thing, but if he's your friend- like, really good friend, he fully backs you no matter what. If you're out here being confidently incorrect about something debatably unimportant, he'll agree with you until he's blue in the face out of respect. It's in private that he'll let you know how much of a hilarious dumbass you were back there, arguing with so and so about 'insert topic here' when he knew- and for that matter, he's pretty sure you knew too, that you were HEINOUSLY incorrect. It's a perk of being friends with him, but also? It's kinda... just really funny to him, and his sense of humour is catered ENTIRELY towards himself.
♡ Your interests are, to some extent, his interests by proxy. He expects pretty much the same in return where your friendship is concerned. If he hears you going on about something you're pretty interested/invested in, he's gonna put in a bit of effort to learn about it so he can hold good conversations and support the things you like. That said, again, he's gonna expect the same outta you, and a lot of his hobbies are fairly active. If you can't participate, that's fine, but showing a bit of interest goes a long way. He likes reading and cooking, too, so listen to him word vomit over books he likes and be a guinea pig when he wants to try this daring new recipe he found somewhere online. If you can participate in his active hobbies? He's dragging you along when he decides to hit the slopes and go skiing- if you've never done it before, even better, because he'll get a laugh out of you fighting for your life on the bunny hill.
♡ Otto makes some decent money, and has spending money to throw around thanks to his decorated career. Because of that, and the fact that he likes to treat himself to nice things and fancy places when he feels the vibe for it, if you're cash poor and he wants to do something with you, he's gonna pay for you. He's gonna crack jokes about it, not unkindly, but he is a bit of a shithead when he's properly comfortable with someone- and as his best friend, he is very comfortable with you. So don't worry, Daddy Warbucks has you when your wallet doesn't. Time to get culturally enriched, 'cause he wants to check out a museum or attend a concert. No, he's not gonna let you feel guilty about it, because he really enjoys taking care of the people he values when he gets the chance. You can cover lunch or something next time he feels like a day out, or something.
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deejadabbles · 1 year
OCs Jacen and Tiio
Just realized that I haven't made an actual post for my two Corrie Guard boys, and since it's OC sunday I want to fix that <3
These boys mostly show up in my Fox x Reader series but they might pop up in some other stories 🥰
Jacen and Tiio are batch mates and have been together through everything. They were very close with the other three in their squad as well, and got a reputation for having some of the highest scores in teamwork and unit cohesion.
Unfortunately their squad was sent to Geonosis for that first fateful battle, and they watched the other three in their squad fall.
Their brothers died without names, so the moment their natborn leaders started allowing clones to take nicknames, they named each other.
Their names are based off of characters from a random episode of a random soap opera their batch mate downloaded from the holonet when they were little. The five of them curling up in a supply closet to watch it without the kaminoans knowing is one of their best memories together and use their names as a way to honor their fallen brothers.
Jacen and Tiio knew that they may not be able to stay together once the war really started. Thankfully, Fox had heard of their high scores around team work and knew he wanted men like that for the Guard and personally requested they be sent to him on Coruscant.
(maybe Fox also knew how hard it would for them to lose so much so early in the war and wanted to give them a new close-knit unit to work with)
Now the two take pride in their positions in the Corrie Guard. They value their Commander's dedication to protecting others and want to embody that dedication in their own right.
Jacen embraced his individuality quickly, he has several tattoos: The symbol of the Coruscant Guard on his neck, lightning lines running down his right bicep (he misses the thunder storms on Kamino) and a matching tattoo with Tiio of a phoenix on his back, another tribute to their squad.
Jacen's personality can seem abrasive at first. He'll follow orders but does it in the most stiff, robotic way he can when they're given by someone he doesn't like (kind of a malicious compliance thing). If he thinks you treat him and his brother's well, though, he'll be very loyal to you. Once you've shown that you're trust worthy Jacen can actually be quite funny and charming.
(also, bit of a behind the scenes note: the spelling of Jacen's name is actually inspired by the old, no longer canon star wars books. Jacen was the name of one of Han and Leia's sons <3)
Tiio takes a little longer to show his individuality through his appearance. As said above, he does have a tattoo of a phoenix on his back to honor his squad mates, but other than that, he doesn't really care for tattoos personally. He does grow his hair out longer though and likes it to lay in curls around his head and down his neck.
Tiio is much more trusting than Jacen. More of the "give people a chance" rather than the "hold them at arms length" type. It takes a lot for Tiio to write you off as someone he doesn't like. However, like his brother, he becomes extra kind to those who prove they aren't assholes. He's a bit of a stickler for rules, but only because he views them as good guidelines how to avoid getting decommissioned or killed. Gets very nervous when Jacen gets snippy or mouthy with others and often tempers his brother's anger.
Tiio also adores animals, please let this man open an animal shelter, he wants to rescue them all!
I'm tagging the OC encouragement queen @commander-sunshine as well as @blueink-bluesoul and @dystopicjumpsuit since I think you two already love these two from their brief debut in the handmaiden's fox lol
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sudsyv2 · 1 year
soap has issues with authority unless said authority actually deserves his respect (see: price, ghost, alejandro)
he will ride the fine line of malicious compliance so hard if it means making shit harder for shitty people. his scores are perfect, his mission success rate is high but he’s so, so annoying to work with and it’s by design.
but give him a respectable and competent commanding officer? who’s fair with his praise, patient with his guides and generous with his terrible jokes? soap is the best fucking soldier ever.
he is following orders to the t. (even if in really batshit crazy ways because the man operates on some unhinged thoughts patterns.) he is going above and beyond. he is showing off the good job he did. he is offering to help out with things that technically shouldn’t be in his jurisdiction. he is constantly ready with whatever you might want and need.
(he is flirting really, really hard.)
ghost finds soap to be wonderful to work with. he is also deeply confused by the horror stories soap’s previous COs have.
Loved reading this 10/10 (actually eating this entire ask thank you 😈)
So true!!! (TINY HC COMING) I feel like soap has a mental system or a type of checklist he goes by with his superiors. Like how some people naturally can tell if another is a good person! If they don’t fill out those checks he will voluntarily make it that officers worst day. He’s a damn good soldier, he wouldn’t jeopardize an already dangerous mission but he will make it difficult for the officer.
By messing with tiny things that soap knows would drive that officer crazy or simply not listening. All around be an annoying person to work with. It’s kind of petty but soap would rather be moved to work under a different officer than be stuck with that shitty superior.
And yes! Put him under a good officer and he will show how well of a soldier he is. When he gets to work under a good person that marked of all of his mental checks than soap is almost always obeying orders like a well trained dog. (This is his way of flirting)
Imagining the amount of bad and good descriptions of soap from his previous cos 😭
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34. stupidest reason you ever got in trouble (as a kid or as an adult)
35. Best thing you ever pulled off and got away with
34. This one gets me every time, because it's so. frustrating!
I was doing a sort of "internship" in a supermarket, even though I was in my late 20s already (these "internships" are basically legal ways for companies to pay you around half what your labour is worth for the first few months of your contract - of course, once they have to legally pay you full wages, they simply won't renew your contract. But I was new to Italy, so I had to accept whatever I could get).
Obviously, being older than most people who take on these kind of jobs, I already had retail experience, and I finished the tasks set to me quicker than most interns would.
Well, I got in trouble for knowing how to do my job, because once I got everything done, "it looked like I was just chilling".
Yeah, I went for the malicious compliance route and started doing my job painfully slowly from then on.
35. I'm not very good at pulling anything off, I'll be honest, but I managed to celebrate my 24th birthday completely for free by making a "It's my birthday, buy me a drink!" pin and wearing it to a local bar. Got about 5 drinks and a tray of fries. Does that count?
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winterandwords · 10 months
Happy STS! Your character is given a shitty Christmas bonus from their work-- a la National Lampoon Christmas Vacation. Their reaction?
Thanks for the ask 💜
None of my characters have normal jobs 😂 Hypothetically, based on the kind of people they all are, the best case scenario would be some kind of malicious compliance after the holidays and the worst case scenario would be murder.
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