#mals twin sister!reader
rlimagi · 2 months
Pairing: Uma x Reader
Request: Hi !! Can I please have a fluff Uma x reader fic ? Reader is Uma’s longtime girlfriend 💙 I’m so excited there’s an account for descendants fem x reader !!!!! I’m so excited to read your writing !!
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: I don’t think there’s any.
Note: I started writing this since a few days ago but I kept rewriting it because I didn’t feel satisfied with the ending. So this might have a part 2 if my brain wants to work with me again.
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You were Mal’s twin sister, which meant you had the utmost unfortunate experience of having Maleficent as your mother. You never experienced the motherly love you’ve always craved for, so you didn’t know what love felt like until you met her.
At a very young age, you found your love in books. Fairytales about princesses and magic were your favorites because they’ll always end up living happily ever after, and you wanted that so badly. But your love for what many other kids claimed, ‘nerdy’ became the reason you would always find comfort alone in your room instead of doing things a villain should do. Which meant you were a total loner.
You were a disappointment to your mother and as for your twin, you guys had always been close, though being polar opposites. Mal and Jay were the only friends you had and it stayed that way for years until one night.
You had just returned your books back to the library, if you could even call it that, the area was dark and you couldn’t see the paths clearly so you stumbled on an unfamiliar alley.
It was full of older kids, most of the kids on the isles were trouble makers but the kids there were the oldest of the bunch and the worst of them all.
“Hey! Isn’t that Maleficent’s kid?” An older boy shouted out, walking towards you as his gang backed him up. Those kids were pirates, you weren’t sure how that worked out since the isles had no open water for them to sail and rob other ships, but you weren’t going to question them.
It was ironic that you’re the daughter of one of the most evil villian, yet you could barely make eye contact with people who aren’t your sister or Jay, nor fight.
“Shouldn’t she have purple hair, like her sister? Why is it blue?” An older girl spoke up this time but she was as scary as the rest of them. You stood still as she took a few strands of your hair and examined them.
“What should we do with her? Do you reckon it’ll be a good idea if we kidnap her and ask for ransom money?” Another boy smirked, his crooked teeth showed as he cracked into laughters like the rest of his crew.
You were terrified for your life as the rest of them surrounded you but then a voice called out.
“How about you leave her alone, Henry?”
You turned around to see a girl your age but her eyes showed no fear, only confidence and dominance.
“Uma, you’re no fun. Imagine all the money we’ll get from her mom and don’t you hate her sister?” The boy she called Henry shook his head as he placed his dirty hand on your hair and messed it all up.
“Hands off or I’ll tell my mom that you’re the one who broke all her tables last week.” The pretty girl clapped back as she glared at the older boy.
Henry sighed in annoyance before gesturing to the rest of his crew to follow him out. “You’re lucky Ursula’s your mother.”
Your eyes followed as you watched them kicked everything in their way, probably out of annoyance that they got dominated by a kid 3 years younger than they were.
“Thank you.” You muttered, face reddening up when she smiled and nodded. You’ve never seen such a beauty like her before, not like you’ve met a lot of girls.
“No problem, they were annoying me all week anyways…but hey, what’s your name? I’ve never seen you around here before.” Uma smiled, her eyes were dark yet it was so sparkly for some reason.
“Oh I’m-“ You were about to introduce yourself when your sister and Jay, came out of nowhere.
“Yn! We were looking for you everywhere, where have you b-“ Mal rushed to your side, face filled with worries but she abruptly stopped mid sentence when she looked at the girl standing beside you. “Oh it’s you. Hey Shrimpy~”
Your eyes widened up in shock at your sister’s reaction to Uma. You knew your sister was a bully in a way, to other kids but it was just shocking to see her like that with your own eyes. Especially to the girl who had just saved you only a few minutes prior.
“Why are you here with her sis? You’re going to turn into a shrimp if you stand too close to her.” Mal’s grimace turned into a smirk as she pulled you away from where you were.
Uma’s smile turned sour almost immediately after Mal and Jay came. Without saying anything, she gave them both a nasty glare before running away.
“That’s so not cool, Mal.” You pushed your sister away before heading home on your own, ignoring the shouts from behind.
After that night, you secretly went out late at night looking for her. You didn’t want to look for her when the sun is bright because your sister or Jay might find out. Eventually, you found her sitting alone on a dock.
That night, you gave her the biggest apology for your sister’s behavior and asked her to be friends. Luckily, she didn’t have anything against you and agreed.
That was the day your love story started to blossom. After a year of secretly being friends, Uma she asked you to be her girlfriend and of course you agreed.
But fate separated you both after the 3rd year of your relationship, because you were invited to Auradon. You were ecstatic since all your life you’ve always dreamed of getting out of the isles, and you might have a chance of having a happily ever after like those fairytales you’ve enjoyed so much. But will you actually ever find one if your lover won’t be there with you?
When you told Uma that you won’t be going if it meant that you’ll never see her again, she got upset that you’re throwing away your dream, just for her. She didn’t want you to sacrifice your happiness like that, so ultimately you agreed but with a promise that you’ll try everything in your power to see her again.
Your life on Auradon was great, the people were nice, the food was spectacular, and it was a breath of fresh air and eventually you started to forget the life you left behind.
“Yn, can we talk?” Your older sister rushed to your side as you were lying against a big oak tree, trying to read a book.
There were a few decent books back in the isles but it couldn’t compare to the ones Auradon had. After arriving at Auradon Prep, you’ve gain a lot of friends but got close to Jane the fastest after she discovered your love for books and introduced you to a few of her favorites.
“Oh, sure! What’s up?” You smiled before patting on the grass next to you, gesturing her to sit there. Pulling your attention away from the book, you noticed Mal’s sullen expression and you knew all too well what it meant. “Spill.”
Mal sighed before the look on her face turned on into a slight frown. “I’ve just had a disagreement with the other VKs and Ben. They just don’t get me. And I tried to find you first but I swear you’re everywhere yet nowhere at the same time.”
You chuckled, patting her shoulder before asking. “You know I can’t stay still. Well then, what did you talk to them about? It can’t be that bad right?”
“No, but it’s just…” Mal stopped for a moment while her eyes drifted off to the distance, to where the isles were.
“Okay, I think I get what you’re thinking of. You want to head back and they don’t?” Mal was a hard person to read, but luckily you were her twin who could read her like an open book. Even without the spells.
“Yes! I just miss being…bad, no rules, no people throwing microphones into your face and asking invasive questions. I just miss being me, you get it right?” Of course you understood her, you could see it from miles away.
You saw how she had been dealing with her new title as Ben’s girlfriend and soon the future Queen of Auradon. It was a lot of responsibility being thrown on her, you knew she would break soon enough.
“I get it, I do miss beating up nasty old men, stealing candies, and...” the thoughts of your girlfriend flooded all over your head. “Her…” you whispered.
“And?” Mal looked at you, confused. You’ve never told any one of your friends, even Mal about the relationship between you and Uma. Mal hated Uma and the feelings were mutual with Uma, they hated each other’s guts and honesty it was hard hiding the fact that you were dating the girl your sister used to bully.
You blinked, getting caught off guard before faking a cough. “Umm, nothing!”
Mal nodded but you knew she was still a bit suspicious but chose to let it go anyways. “I think, I’m going to go back.” Mal claimed confidently as she abruptly stood up. Not even a second later, she looked at you back with vulnerable eyes. “Should I? I don’t think I’ll be coming back and I don’t want to leave if you’re all going to be mad at me for doing so. Especially you, you’re my twin and your words means the most to me.”
You sighed, following her action. “Mal, .you’re my sister and as your sister, I say you should do whatever the hell you want. No matter what, and no matter what we will always be sisters.” you wrapped your arms around her shoulders. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“Thanks, I really needed that. Do you want to come with me, maybe?” Mal chuckled before punching you jokingly.
Your breath hitched, immediately thinking of Uma. You did promise that you’ll find a way to see her again.
“Thanks Mal, but I do need to return these books back to Jane first. You go a head and I’ll find you there after I’m done.” You smiled before pointing to the piles of books that laid next to you. “I’ll know where to find you.”
“Got it.” Mal nodded. “Talk to the others for me okay? They don’t know I’m leaving, at least not yet.”
“Of course, you can always count on me.”
When you arrived at your shared dorm with Evie and Mal, a freaked out Evie rushed to your side. “Yn! There you are!” She exclaimed, pulling you inside before handing over a note. “Did you know about this?”
You looked at Mal’s goodbye note before looking back at your best friend. “Of course, she talked to me right before she left.”
“And you didn’t stop her?!” Evie gasped, pulling you to sit down on your bed.
“Nope.” You replied casually before popping a few gummies into your mouth. Your table always had sweets in stock for you to munch on. You’ve never had any sugar before but after arriving at Auradon, you’ve never gone a day without them.
“I’m planning to go too, now if you’ll excuse me.” you muttered before walking past Evie to grab a notebook which you had written down all the useful spells on. Honestly, you were cursing yourself for not thinking of a way to meet her until now.
“Wait what?” Evie asked in shock before blocking your way as you were about to head out. “Well you can’t leave, not alone anyways. We need to tell Ben about this, he’ll know how to get her back.” Evie said before pulling you with her.
“Slow down Evie! She’s just giving little old home a visit and if she decides to stay there then, well we can’t do much about it!” Your voice echoed across the halls but went unheard as Evie dragged you into Ben’s office.
The next thing you know, you were pulled into the Limo with Carlos and Jay sitting beside you. The ride to the isles wasn’t too long, but you were nervous extremely nervous yet excited at the same time. You haven’t seen her in 6 months, what if she found someone else while you’re away?
Your worries never washed away, even when you bumped into Gil after landing. He was the only person in the world who knows about your relationship with Uma. How he knew didn’t happen on person.
During your second year anniversary, you and Uma had sneaked out to go on a date late at night on top of the roof of your school’s building. It was sweet and romantic but then Gil for some odd reason was there and walked in on you two making out. He swore not to tell anyone and luckily he kept his words.
“Ben, before you go in and talk to her…you need to prepare yourself for the worse outcome, alright?” You called out to Ben right before he walked up the stairs. He frowned slightly but nodded anyways.
“This is what Mal needs, no offense you’re great and I love you for her but sometimes she just needs to get back to figure things out with this side of hers…alright you can go now I won’t stall any longer.” You patted his shoulder before pushing him slightly.
“Thanks Yn, and don’t worry. Whatever Mal decides, I’ll respect it.” Ben said before rushing up the flights of stairs.
You nodded and looked back at your other best friends who all shared the same nervous looks. Not too long after, Ben came down looking devastated and ran off into the darkness. You knew that he would get lost being all by himself so you left the VKs and followed after him.
“Ben?” You called out but got left with no response, you swore he was just there a minute ago. “Ben, buddy. Is that you?” You asked once you saw a figure walking up to you.
The alleyway was dark since there were barely any light source so it was hard to identify who it was. Not too long after, you found yourself losing consciousness.
You woke up to the sound of people yelling and running around your surroundings. “Hey, Yn! Wake up!” you felt a hand nudged yours and suddenly you were finally aware of where you were. Uma’s territory.
“Ben!? Is that you? Why am I tied up? Why are we tied up? What the hell is going on?” You whispered back, squirming as you tried your hardest to get the ropes to loosen up. Of course it didn’t but it was worth a try.
“I talked to Uma who’s like the captain here, I really messed up by forgetting about the other kids who didn’t get picked” Ben replied, deeply regretful for forgetting his main goal for the future of Auradon and the kids who were punished because of the faults of their parents. “It was my goal to bring every kid to Auradon. But then I got so busy with being a King that I had forgotten about all the innocent lives out here.”
“Wait Uma was here? Never mind, don’t blame yourself. You are an amazing person and King, we’re all forever grateful that you gave us a chance to figure out who we are. And it wasn’t your fault for forgetting, you’re still a kid who became King and suddenly got handled all the responsibilities.” You had always thought of Ben like a brother and he was amazing.
Ben was different than all the other royals, he didn’t have to care but he did by bringing 5 villian kids to Auradon and giving them a chance.
Everyone was outraged, but Ben didn’t care. He wanted change, and it’s starting to happen slowly but surely. “You can always make your goal happen, it’s never too late for anything.”
“I promise the first thing I’ll do when we get back to Auradon is find a way to get more kids out of here.” Ben said in determination. After exploring the island for a while, he could see how terrible the conditions were.
“I know you will.” you replied before everything went quiet. All the pirates stopped at their places and you could hear someone untying Ben and before you knew it, Harry walked past you with Ben being pushed towards the plank.
“Boo!” Someone whispered in your ear, scaring the living soul out of you. Then you heard a laugh, the voice of the only person you’ve ever loved. Uma.
“Hey baby, did you miss me?” Uma smirked as she moved to stand right in from of you. Her hand held up next to your face as she teasingly pinched your cheek. She had always adored the way your cheeks reddened up whenever she did that.
“Do I?” You teased back, enjoying how she acted annoyed whenever you played with her but you knew that she secretly loved it. “Kidding, of course I do! Now can you please untie me?”
“I kind of like it when you’re tied up though, that way you can’t go anywhere else.” Uma replied back jokingly but you could see it in her eyes that there was some truth in that. Ever since you guys became a couple, you had never gone a day without seeing each other at least once. And ever since you got sent to Auradon, you have been apart for longer than 6 months.
“Uma, I really wish I could bring you to Auradon with me.” You said sincerely as she untied you from the pole.
Uma stopped for a moment, looking at you with a smile before leaning in. Her hands trialed from your neck to your face before pulling you in for a much needed kiss. Even after kissing her so many times, the same spark and fluttery feeing from the first one will always reappear.
The way she looked at you, the way she touched your lips, the way it made you feel like you were floating, it was everything. She was everything.
“I know, but don’t worry. You’ll be able to bring me with you after Mal gives me the fairy godmother’s wand.”
You looked at her in confusion. Uma and Mal were clearly not on good terms so why would your sister willingly do that. “What are you saying?”
Your question was left unanswered as Uma broke eye contact, her smile turning into a mischievous grin after seeing visitors stepping in her territory.
You were confused by her sudden change of demeanor before looking the same way she was heading to, Mal and your friends were there.
You knew that it would not end well, at all.
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infiniteimaginings · 4 months
Hello there! I was wondering if maybe you could write something for Carlos de Vil and Chad from Descendants? (if it could be poly, but before they were dating iykwim, I'd be very grateful!) The thing is that the reader is the daughter of Gaston (twin sister to Gil, but she hung out with Mal and her gang when in the isle) and the reader is just everything a "lady should be". (Gaston is her father so she was kind of raised to be a housewife with the strenght to fight for herself given the need). like knows how to cook very well, is very affectionate, always hanging onto their every word (also always holding their hand or hanging from their arm), knows how to sew and definetely loves spoiling them with kisses and affection. And they just have this petty banter of fighting for reader's affection and attention and being this whiny pair of goofballs that just want their girlfriend to pay them attention. And reader is just like so loving with them <333
Playful Competition (Carlos De Vil x Fem!Reader x Chad Charming)
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Summary: Your boyfriends love your attention, this is how they get it and react to it. Pronouns: You/Yours, She/Her Warnings: None Word Count: 2.1k A/N: I did like, Reader is dating both of them, but Carlos and Chad aren't dating (yet). I hope that's what you meant. Also, this ended up going into a different direction that I thought it would, it's fluff just, not how I expected the fluff to be lol! Turned more into chad and carlos loving you and arguing over you a bit <3333
Auradon Prep had an amazing tourney team, and they played on a pretty big field where the students of the school could fill the stands and yell for their favorite team members. This isn’t about the team necessarily, it’s about two of the players on said team.
Number twenty three, Chad Charming, and number one hundred and one, Carlos De Vil. Two players who absolutely couldn’t stand each other. They could barely keep their arguments off the field, almost bringing their team down completely, but they knew how to keep it down for that at least.
They argued about everything, nit-picked each other, on and off the field, and found each other's weak spots to hit harder than anywhere else. There wasn’t a moment where the two of them were together that didn’t end with them at each other's throats.
That was until they met you. 
You were light to their dark days, you were the peace to their war, you were everything to the two boys. 
Just because they loved you, didn’t mean their petty arguments ended.
After games they would both wave to you.
Chad would lock his sights on you the moment the game ended. He would give you a small wave and when you noticed he would salute. After saluting he would wink and blow you a kiss that would make your heart flutter.
Carlos on the other hand would search through the stands, whipping his head left and right because out of his own excitement of you being there, he forgot where you were sitting. When he finally met your eyes he would jump up and down, waving his arm energetically in a big wave. 
They argued half the game, but ironically they were standing next to each other after it when waiting for you to approach them. 
When you finally reach through the crowd, you wrap your arms around them, bringing them down a bit so they could hug you with one of their arms. You would give them compliments, kiss their cheeks, praise them, and more.
When you spoke to Chad he would tell you about how the coach praised him for the plays, he would ask you for your opinion on how well he played. You would attach yourself to his arm, looking up at him as he spoke, nodding as he told you about the plays.
When you finished you would look at the energetic boy next to the two of you, ready for him to tell you everything he wants. 
Carlos was practically jumping up and down, asking if you saw him do anything cool, if you cheered for him, how exhilarating it all was. You would ruffle his hair and hold his hands as he spoke with bright eyes, telling him all about how you saw him on the field.
Both boys would wonder who you would walk off with. They wondered that because Carlos hung out with the VKs, and Chad hung out with the other students of Auradon Prep.
How did they convince you to go with them this time?
Chad wrapped his arm around you with a grin, placing a sweet kiss to the lobe of your ear, “The team is having a celebration tonight for the win, wanna go get ready for it with me, Princess?”
Typically, this would win you over, if it was any other day. 
This time you smiled and tried not to lean into him, “Maybe you should shower first and then we could all go together!” You suggested happily, holding both of their hands.
When you looked at Chad, Carlos was behind you sticking his tongue out. He knew Chad was just trying to pull you away for himself, like always, so your suggestion was truly a blessing.
Chad hid his eye twitching with a smile and hummed, “Of course, Carlos come on, we’re sweaty.” He spoke sweetly, putting Carlos in a friendly enough looking headlock, physically removing him from your area.
You waved with a small laugh, “I’ll see you guys at the party!”
This wasn’t a one time event, it would happen every single day. Whether you were picking a partner, wanting to go shopping, studying, etc. They always found a way for it to be only one of them. 
Though they tried their best, sometimes it was the three of you. They couldn’t be mad at it because your smile when all of you were together made it all worth it.
You were currently in the kitchens of the schools, baking something for the two of them to share. You had placed one of the portions into the oven and decided to take a break, sitting down at one of the tables, pulling a sweater out of your bag as well as your sewing kit.
Carlos put his head on your shoulder behind you, “What’re you doing?” He asked you with a small hum, eyeing your material.
You shimmied your shoulder, the feeling of his chin moving tickled you a bit so you really couldn’t help it. “Ben ripped one of those jackets he has to wear to important, fancy parties.” You explained, holding up the royal blue suit jacket encrusted with gold thread and buttons.
Chad flipped through one of your recipe journals as he listened to the conversation from the seat next to you. “You mean the one he wears to balls?”
You nodded and hummed a small, “Mhm!” in response, beginning to sew the large rip closed.
You sewed in silence as the boys watched you, watched as your hands moved with expertise, as you didn’t even break a sweat. 
Chad chewed the inside of his cheek before looking up to your expression, “How long have you had that sewing kit?”
That question broke your concentration a bit, so you placed the tools down. “Since I was young.” You answered with a nod, standing and patting yourself down to check on the baked goods.
“Did your dad give it to you?”
Before you could answer, a gentle smile spread onto Carlos’s face as he watched you. “I did.” He answered for you, and you nodded in response.
“Carlos also got me the cooking set I’m using!”
Chad eyed the colorful cooking set, the mixing bowls, the rolling pins, the cookie cutters, the cutting board, the entirety of the tools you were using. He didn’t know why but he suddenly felt a bubble of annoyance in his stomach.
He let out a small huff, standing up a bit, “Carlos, I need to talk to you really quickly.”
Carlos raised a brow, “Okay? What do you want?”
“Outside.” Chad spoke quietly through gritted teeth, gesturing to you with his head as a signal of sorts.
The white haired boy rolled his eyes and stood, “We’ll be back!” He told you, walking out the door. 
You yelled out an “Okay!” before turning back to your tasks.
The blonde prince followed the VK outside and when Carlos stopped, Chad kept walking, grabbing Carlos by his wrist and continuing on.
Again, just because they loved you, didn’t mean that their petty fights and stupid arguments just ended. That was exactly why the two boys were at the edge of the tourney field, glaring at one another.
“How did you know to get her that?”
“Why wouldn’t I know what she likes?” Carlos asked, crossing his arms and shaking his head. He knew what this was about, it was about that kitchen set he got you. It was a magical cooking set, nothing spilled, nothing stuck to them, it wouldn’t burn or break, he thought you would like it and you did. 
“Reminder, I’ve known her way longer than you have, so I don’t exactly have to wrack my brain to remind myself of what she enjoys.” He told the blonde, his facial expression supporting his unimpressed tone. Carlos had known you for years, since the Isle, he knew you better than almost everyone. He knew you in ways that Chad never would.
Chad tilted his head, “Oh, really?” He asked with a scrunch of his nose, “Yet, I started dating her first.” He spoke with a small smirk, “So, who was it that…” He began to chuckle, “charmed her?” He asked, eyes narrowing.
A scowl began to form on Carlos’s freckled face as he sucked on his teeth. “I know what she likes.” The white haired boy spoke seriously, dropping his arms to his side as he reminded Chad of the true conversation that he was dragged there for, “You want to know how I know?”
“Please, do tell.”
“I knew she liked you.” Carlos told him, putting a finger to Chad's chest, “That’s why you started dating her first,” He spoke lowly, “because I liked her so much, to the point I even helped set her up with you.”
Chad was quiet as he watched Carlos’s expression with furrowed brows. The prince looked the boy in front of him up and down, “You-”
“I don’t need you to try and tell me how you’re better than me.” Carlos interrupted, face blank as he backed up. “You love her, I love her, and she loves us.” He continued on, looking away. “That’s all that matters to me, she loves us and I love her so much.” He sighed out, making eye contact again, moving a hand through his hair. 
Chad tilted his head at the sudden speech but continued to listen regardless, curious of where this would lead.
“I would do anything for her, and if that means putting up with you…” Carlos huffed, “I’d do it for a lifetime, just for her to be happy.”
There was silence between the two, they just looked at each other. Wind blew through the air, causing their hair to move within it, pieces of clothing ruffling a bit, but other than that it was silence.
A sudden sharp intake of breath was sounded from Chad, “I know you love her.” He told the white haired boy, looking to the ground. “I never said you didn’t.”
“Then why do you keep being such a jerk about it?” Carlos asked, looking for an answer in Chads evading eyes. “Reminder, you agreed to this.” He spoke harshly, “If you’re not okay with it anymore, tell her, and we’ll figure something out.” 
“What if she breaks up with y-” Chad couldn’t even finish his sentence when Carlos laughed. His laughter brought Chads eyes to meet his in confusion.
“Then she breaks up with me and is happy with you.” Carlos shrugged, “I wouldn’t hold it against her to choose you.” He continued, rubbing the back of his neck, “I wouldn’t even hold it against you.” Carlos spoke, puffing air out of his cheeks. “I just want her to be happy, and honestly you guys are good together.”
“She’s also happy with you.”
“Didn’t say she wasn’t.”
“Your eyes did.” Chad told him, nodding with his own words.
Carlos blinked his eyes, taking a deep breath before laughing once again. “You caught me.” He told the other in front of him, raising his hands in surrender.
Chad noticed how Carlos’s shoulders slumped down, how his eyes seemed tired. After their little ‘competitions’ he never realized that he might've been making Carlos feel like he had to try harder than he actually needed to. He knew that the freckled boy adored you, but he just now realized that even with Carlos trying his absolute hardest just to get your attention, he had to face Chad. Chad who would act smug after every ounce of affection, Chad who would pull you away, Chad who never even gave Carlos a chance.
Carlos waved his hand in front of Chads face bringing him back to reality, “You can’t just zone out mid conv-”
Carlos suddenly went silent when Chad stepped forward and wrapped his arms around him. The prince’s face was in the shorter boys shoulder, hands squeezing him gently, body warm against him.
“What are you doing?” Carlos asked, hands extended in the air to the sides as Chad continued to hold him. “Seriously, what i-”
“We’re happier with you Carlos.” Chad mumbled into his shoulder, holding him tighter.
“You have got to stop interrupting me.” Carlos told him with a small roll of his eyes until a sudden shock hit him. We’re happier with you…
Carlos stared forward, blinking as he processed the words and the arms around him. He stared forward as he wrapped his own arms around Chad, as his face buried itself into the tallers shoulder. “I’m happier with you guys too.”
Just because they had had petty arguments and unimportant fights….didn’t mean they didn’t like each other.
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that1geek06 · 1 month
Hi, how are you? Could you write Harry Hook and male reader? The reader is Audrey's brother and super shy, and he meets Harry when the group of VKs went to save Ben.
HOWDY THERE, I'm alright thank you for asking :D I hope your doing good as well, but I can DEFINITELY do this, I'm so happy that my descendents work has been liked by the fandom and its time for the FIRST ROMANTIC FIC YAYYY so I apologize if its not amazing, lmk if there's anything I can do betterr
Harry Hook x Male!Reader
Warnings: None (lmk if that's wrong)
Audrey Rose, the most popular and recognizable child of Aurora and Phillip. But not many people know or realize that she has a twin brother, Y/N.
He doesn't blame people for not knowing his lineage, he was the complete opposite of his sister. He preferred comfort over style, singularity instead of popularity, and quiet rather than loud. The only one Y/N really talked to was Ben, who would often hang out with the twin when he courted his sister. But even when the VK'S came and he got with Mal, Ben still showed his friendship and even introduced him to the darker group.
And Y/N loved the VK'S.
They just didn't care, and he admired that, without having to talk to much he became close to the small group. They almost took him under their wing and looked out for him. Basically, he never had any issues with Chad once the VK'S started hanging out with him.
So when he heard about Mal running back to the isle and the plan to get her back. He begged to go along. Ben disagreed at first but with some convincing Y/N was allowed to go with.
He had never been so excited for something before, as Evie dressed him and Ben up the clothes felt so nice, the darker tones of red and grey felt suiting, she even made his outfit to be incorporated as a hoodie which he loved.
And then finally they were off.
Ben was very nervous about being there, but with some guidance from Evie, Jay, and Carlos, they got the ways down quite quickly.
They finally made it to Mal's hideout, and Ben went up to talk to her. Y/N waiting for him to return at the bottom of the steps with the others. Though the stomping of his footsteps proved their conversation didn't go to well.
"She's not coming." Ben said annoyed and stomped off through the streets. The others paced and tried to get the attention of Mal. But Y/N ran off to catch up with Ben.
After a small jog he's back at his side, "T-try not to worry to much Ben. Mal's going through a lot, I'm sure she'll come around here soon." He said in a soft tone, trying to comfort the soon to be king.
But Ben just sighs and shakes his head, "I doubt she will, I pushed her to far.."
The two turn a corner, when suddenly they see 2 other shadows, with a low chuckle one spoke. "Well ain't this just perfect, Uma will be please with this catch. A king and a prince, aye now that's somthin' special."
They step into the light, the taller one had a kind smile on his face surprisingly, his eyes set on Ben. "I knew I recognized you Ben! My dad wishes yours would rot in the underworld by the way." Y/N was confused by the guys happiness, and turned to look at the one the spoke earlier, only to find his eyes already on him.
The boy in the red coat smirked, twirling the handheld hook in his hand. "That you did Lad. Now, lets get this crown an' beauty to Uma." And then everything went black. But Y/N wasn't scared, he only thought one thing.
Did that VK really recognize him?
Y/N slowly opens his eyes, the smell of salt water stinging his nose. He squinted and looked around, eyes adjusting to the light, he tries to move, but he finds himself tied up to a pole.
A light chuckle makes him look up, "Welcome back sleepin' beauty, sorry ya didn't geta kiss like your mum." The boy from earlier smirked, but instead of feeling threatened, Y/N's heart skipped a beat, cheeks turn a light shade of red.
"...w-who are you?" He asks in a small voice, earning a large smile from the other boy. "How rude of me, tha names Harry, and I'm sure this piece o' metal can help ya fill in the rest." He answers, twirling it around once again.
He just nods, putting together he was Captain Hooks son. "Your a quiet one aint ya. Never really talkin' much at those fancy meetings up there." Harry comments, a teasing smirk on his face as he looks him up and down.
Y/N's eyes widened at that, "You've.. noticed me? You know who I am?" He asks in such a quiet voice it was barely a whisper. And he watches as Harry's face falls for a second. He goes to answer when Ben starts to wake up. And that crazed facade comes back as he turns his attention onto the young king.
After a few minutes though the other boy who helped capture him who he learned to be Gil announced Mal and the groups arrival. They had actually brought the wand. But when she pretended to use it on dude, Y/N knew that something wasn't right.
But Uma believed it.
Harry cuts the ropes off of Ben and Y/N, complaining about how his fun was ruined, though it felt almost as if his touched lingered a little longer than normal when he cut the ropes off of Y/N.
Then Mal and Uma trade, and the two royals were back with their group.
Mal starts trying to rush Ben away as Uma attempts to use the wand, and like he suspected, it didn't work. And then a big fight breaks lose.
Y/N fights, but nothing to harm anyone, he couldn't do any such thing. Finally they get space between them and the pirates and are getting ready to make an escape, until-
"BEAUTY!!" Y/N hears Harry yell, he looks back and makes eye contact with him, the pirate smirks, still dripping wet from grabbing his hook out of the water, clothes clinging to his body.
"I always noticed ya!" He yells again, answering Y/N's question from before.
He felt is face flare up and his heart drop as he stare into the other boys eyes. Only for the contact to be broken by Jay pulling him to follow out.
In a daze Y/N followed, mind and heart hooked on the pirate that had noticed him..
YAYY I loved this sm I hope you do tooo, and anon I hope this makes your day dreams a little easier to imagine <3
-Also, if anyone's interested, I'd be willing to make this a part two?? Tell me if I shouldd-
Lmk if there's anything I can do to improve I welcome any and all help, also, PAUSE. RN. GET A SNACK. Reading is so fun on a full stomach, but anyways, HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT MY GOOBERS, happy readingg 👾
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tabathastan · 2 months
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Mal x Sister! Hades Daughter! Reader
The two of you were close and none of your friends knew that the Mal and you were sisters until she revealed that Hades was her dad.
But you had a stone like your father’s since you were his twin unlike Mal but eventually Mal got your father’s stone as the two of you decided to make a makeshift necklace out of the both of them.
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Descendants Rambling Masterlist
♡Welcome to my page/Master list♡
My Requests are always open
I'm willing to write readers with she/her, he/him, or they/them pronouns
I'm willing to write 1-2 love interests
I only write for villains/vks unless it's a VK x reader x Ak situation (ex: mal x reader x ben, Jane x reader x Carlos)
I'll make suggestive comments/make out sessions but I don't write smut, these characters are all underage regardless of their actor's age
♡ personal favorite
✎ least favorite (i might eventually rewrite)
⋆ head canons
♤ AU
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𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻
Mal Bertha
Game Planner (He/him) After finding out how much she misses Halloween on the Isle, Mal's boyfriend does everything he can to bring her a slice of home. - Written 10/2021
Candy Apple (She/her) Evie's family history leads to her trying to back out of a chemistry project. - Written 09/2021
Carlos de Vil
Saved ♤✎ (She/her) Going back to the Isle leads to the Hook!Reader being kidnapped by her own brother, leavig Carlos to save her. - Written 10/2017
Carlos Having a Crush on You ⋆(she/her) Ben's Twin!Reader x Carlos -Written 12/2017
I've Got You✎ (She/her) Carlos has a nightmare about his mother. (Trigger Warning!!)- Written 07/2018
PB&J (They/Them) Finding out their boyfriend hates their favorite holiday leads the reader to graveling to give him a good Halloween. - Written 09/2021
I Loved You First ♡ (They/Them) Inspired by "Loved You First" By One Direction. Carlos didn't expect them to wait for him to come back to the Isle, but that doesn't make it easier to see them with someone else. (minor Gil x reader) - Written 10/2021
Dating Jay ⋆ (no pronouns used but the reader wears leggings) Jay x Cheerleader!Reader - Written 10/2018
Spidermonkey (she/her) Gothel!Reader has Jay surprise her when he sneaks through her window. Loosely inspired by twilight- Written 04/2020
Stuffed Spook (They/Them) Jay's partner gets excited by a stuffed bat and he's determined to win it. -Written 09/2021
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𝓢𝓮𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮
Letters to the Sea♤♡ (They/Them) Soulmate AU: everything you write on your skin appears on your soulmate's skin too. Uma and the Reader write letters until they can meet. - Written 07/2021
Baking (They/them) Uma watches her partner try to prepare for the Halloween escape room. Evie's Sibling!Reader - Written 10/2021
Hook's Daughter ⋆ (She/her) Harry's younger sister is Gil's closest friend (minor Gil x Jay) - Written 07/2021
Orchard (They/Them) Gil's partner takes him apple picking during his first September in Auradon - Written 09/2021
Harry Hook
Jafar's Child ⋆ (They/them) A flirty joke leads to Harry dating Jay's sibling - Written 07/2021
Fever ♡ (She/her) Harry and Captain take care of his sick girlfriend (requested) - Written 06/2021
Haunted Castle (He/him) Harry drags his scaredy-cat boyfriend to a haunted castle - Written 09/2021
Making a Splash (she/her) One wrong move leads to two people panicking and one person hurt on the docks. Jay's Sister!Reader. (Requested) - Written 12/2021
Flirting Pirate (She/her) She only hangs around the fish and chips shop to watch after he brother, it would be easier if she didn't have to deal with the flirty first mate. Gil's Sister!Reader (Requested) - Written 02/2022
Sealed With a Kiss ♡ (She/her) Ben's twin gets kidnapped with him by a pirate who's had a crush on her his whole life. Ben's Twin!Reader (Requested) - Written 04/2022
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𝓓:𝓡𝓸𝓡 𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼
Morgie le Fay
Sunday Night ♡ (She/her) After his friends let him down, Morgie runs to his girlfriend for comfort. - Written 08/2024
In Another Life (he/him) When Rapunzel's son gets thrown back in time he finds himself to be the object of two villains' affection. Minor James Hook x Reader (Requested)- Written 08/2024
I Would Be Yours (he/him) He never thought the lips he spent years thinking about would appear to him again 3 years later. Sequels to “In Another Life” (Requested)-Written 09/2024
True to Heart (he/him) Without the pressure of parents and villains, how hard is it to be true to heart? Especially when you’re holding a book that tells you your truth. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Tree Bark (they/them) Everyone deserves their time alone, sometimes though that well deserved time alone has to be interrupted by the sound of animal noises coming from a tree. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Crushing (they/them) Morgie had never been good at hiding when he had a crush on someone, and they don’t mind playing the long game with his affections (requested) - Written 08/2024
Win You Over (they/them) Magical history had always been their favorite class, but this assigned partner situation had the ability to dampen that. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Mindless Touch (she/her) Morgie hasn’t meant to upset her, he only wanted to have his hands on what was his. (TRIGGER WARNING: body image issues) (requested)-Written 08/2024
The Dominant Type ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a dominant leaning reader (requested) - Written 08/2024
Warm Greens (she/her) Red discovers she has a secret aunt when she sees her face next to the people who ruined her mother’s life. (Requested)-Written 09/2024
One Sided (he/him) If he has to listen to Morgie talk about Uliana one more time, he’s going to be sick (requested) -Written 09/2024
Love Letters (he/him) Morgie was growing far too attached to those little silver envelopes (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Babydoll ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a submissive leaning reader (Requested) -Written 09/2024
Scales (They/them) Morgie could think of 100 things he would rather do than parent a dragon with the sweetheart of Merlin Academy (requested)-Written 09/2024
Doesn't Matter (he/him) Morgana le Fay is coming to Merlin Academy's family day, and she has no idea that her son's boyfriend is a prince (Requested) - Written 09/2024
James Hook
Call of the Sirens (She/her) As Hook sells his ship to Uma, he and his wife recall a time that she had to save him back in their prime. (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Side Effects (she/her) If Hook knew the side effects that came with those Malibu sprites, would he take them? (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Red Dress (she/her) He hadn’t meant to upset her when he picked the dress out, now Hook was set on making her see how good she looked in it. (TRIGGER WARNING: Body Image issues) (Requested) - Written 08/2024
The Dominant Type ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a dominant leaning reader (requested) - Written 08/2024
Eyes on Me (They/Them) The fairy wasn’t thinking about the pirates past when they excitedly called for him. They definitely didn’t mean to upset him. (TRIGGER WARNING; animal attacks and panic attacks) (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Wake Up Slow ♡ (she/her) Everyone needs a place to fully relax, and he found his in a heavy duvet and needy hands (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Babydoll ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a submissive leaning reader (Requested) -Written 09/2024
Bloody Charming (they/them) Hook’s flirting leads to an argument being blown way out of proportion (TRIGGER WARNING: just, yeah. I got a little too silly) (Requested)- Written 09/2024
Body Better (he/him) Sometimes the weight of life can lead to your insecurities coming out in peculiar ways. (TRIGGER WARNING: Body image issues) (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Let me See (she/her) Her need to be independent keeps getting her hurt, and she really did it this time. (Requested) - Written 08/2024
Play With Fire (they/them) their mother warned them not to play with fire, now look at them getting burned (requested) -Written 09/2024
Family Lines (she/her) After seeing Bridget's sister at Family Day, Uliana will do anything to earn the girl's affection. Even being nice to her ray of sunshine sister. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Rivalry (She/her) It was only a matter of time until the two groupd of VKs either came together or tore themselves to shreds. (Requested) -Written 08/2024
Double the Trouble (she/her) Uliana might be able to date Hook’s sister, but that doesn’t mean she’s able to make Hook like the whole ordeal. (Requested) -Written 08/2024
Breathe (they/them) Sometimes the biggest villain is not knowing how people see you. (TRIGGER WARNING: Anxiety attack) (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Stylized (she/her) Artistry is the highest form of flattery and Maleficent has found herself as a princess’ muse. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Play (she/her) watching your girlfriend study can get just so boring (requested) - Written 09/2024
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𝓝𝓸 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Descendants, Not Made for Kids ⋆ Changes I'd make if I made the Descendants movies as a series for teens or adults. - Written 06/2021
Style Headcanons ⋆ How I'd restyle the main characters from the OG Descendants movies - Writen 06/2021
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
Triplets | Nikolai Lanstov x Yul Bataar! Reader
Summary: Growing up, you had to work to manipulate water. You weren't talanted like your brother or sister. You had a hard time to controlling the water when you were younger at that point before you became a powerful Tidemaker. After joining the Second Army and seperated your siblings to be a pirate, the three of you joined together again when a certian captain catches your eye.
Requested? Yes: Could i request a nikolai lantsov x yul bataar!reader? perhaps when tolya and tamar joined sturmhond, she went on a separate way choosing to be a pirate who helps the poor or captured & fighting unjust leaders. one day, for a huge mission sturmhond finds that he needs to team up with an able outside crew to succeed smoothly. after initial reluctance out of protectiveness, the twins finally suggest reader. she's a little opposite from the twins, being more quiet, but tough and able to lead her crew. throughout the mission she and sturmhond slowly bond over humor & passion for justice n they fall completely head over heels for each other and stuff.
A/N: so, I made the reader a Tidemaker since I wanted her to be like katara from the Avatar lol because she's so badass but yet so quiet and her wits.
Warnings: none? Just y/n being a badass and her crew too.
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After the war, you seperated from your siblings to go into the unknown. You've always longed for the sea and helping others and it has been years since you've saw them. You missed them dearly, but you always got the necklace that you got from them to remind that they were always with you.
Not long after, people got to knew the waterbending pirate throughout the seas. They began to grow afraid and you were the most powerful Grisha that they ever seen.
Your crew was tiny compared to the others, but they always underestimated by the different Grisha powers they held when they fought together.
Tolya and Tamar kept touch with you often as they could and you heard about Sturmhond and his stories and the adventures they had with them. So, when they reached out to you since he needed help to help the Sun Summoner and to find her amplifiers, you didn't waste a second to accept the mission.
Plus it was a win situation since you got to be reunited with them again.
Back at the ship when Sturmhond (Nikolai) had suggested that they needed a bigger crew and alliances against the Darkling, Tolya noticed immedietly when his twin looked at him with a knowing look. He knew what Tamar was asking if their younger sister would help them.
However, being the older and the protective one, he argued with Tamar that she could get hurt and the only response he got was that she can take care of herself.
Nikolai cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows toward the twins in front of them. He knew that they were talking through their eyes and he couldn't help but be curious. ''We know one, she's a pirate and she can be trusted,''
''A pirate?'' Alina questioned and narrwowed her eyes before it trailed to Nikolai. ''Or a privateer?''
Tamar chuckled as Nikolai rolled his eyes. ''A pirate,'' Tolya remarked with a smirk on his face. ''Also a Grisha, you might've heard the stories,''
''I might heard of her, she's a powerful tidemaker isn't she?'' Nikolai questioned. ''Yes, and she's our sister,'' Tamar replied. ''Alright, send her a message to meet somewhere and we will go through the plan with the amplifiers,'' Nikolai ordered them as they nodded before dismissing the meeting.
After recieving the date and the place, you couldn't grow excited since you was going to reunite with your brother and sister again. You met Sturmhond outside of the East Ravka where you guys settled down low for the night before the mission of finding the Sea Whip.
Tamar and Tolya had talked to you about the captain before gathering everybody around in the meeting room. ''Alright, thanks to our sun summoner's tracking friend over here,'' Sturmhond replied and gestured toward Mal, next to Alina before turning back to you.
He was surprised to finally meet the powerful Tidemaker he had heard stories of, only to realize that she was, well, small. He didn't know what to expect but you were different pirate of what he had seen.
''We've traversed the Bone Road to the island of Jelka,'' He explained as you looked down at the map. He watched you study the map quietly. ''As for the Sea Whip, we have some storybrook drawings, not telling what it looks like, rule of thimb for the unknown!''
After preparing the soldiers for finding the Sea Whip, you led your crew down to the caves along with Sturmhond and the sun summoner. Your second hand Natalia, who was a Squaller was next right to you and as your other hand, Ilya who was a Durast.
However, despite him being a Grisha, he carried a sword behind his back. He reminded you of his brother when you met him for the first time when you saved him by the Grisha hunters and would always act that he's older even though he's just eighteen years old.
You knew the captain was uncertian of bringing a child to the mission, but you assured him that he was more capable than he thought Ilya was, who was offended that the captain called him a child.
''There are holes in the cave floor, so, I'd be careful where you step, otherwise, no,'' You remarked after checking the water down below. ‘’No, you can’t tell, or no, there’s nothing in there?’’ Mal asked you.
‘’Whichever makes you feel more comfortable,’’ Tolya remarked. 
‘’Comfort is overrated,’’ Tamar commented, giving you a smirk on her face before turning to the crew. A strange noise appeared and you raised your hands up to prepare if the Sea Whip would charge against you.
With a shocking surprise, one of the crew got snatched by the Sea Whip. ‘’Drop the nets! Aim to kill!’’ One of them spoke. ''And here I thought that we were supposed to follow the Sun Summoners orders, do not harm the Sea whip,'' You demanded with a firm voice and looked around to spot the Sea Whip.
‘’I couldn’t see us, it’s toying with us,’’ Sturmhond replied. ‘’Conserve your ammo, or we’ll be dry by the time we need it,’’ You gasped when the Sea Whip dragged another crew. Through the corner of your eyes, you saw the Sea Whip lunge toward the Sun Summoner. ''Alina!'' You heard Mal exclaim before you used your hands to send a powerful wave against the Sea Whip.
The Sea Whip growled before it tossed to the side and it was about to charge towards you before you raised your hands and made the water knock the Sea Whip away from you. The Sea Whip went back to the water again. ‘’It sounds like it’s everywhere,’’ Sturmhond spoke as you all huddled back together and you accidentally bumped into his shoulder.
You and Sturmhond met each other's eyes before falling back to the water, focusing at the task in front of you. It was a moment of silent before the Sea Whip showed up and began to charge toward Mal against the walls. ''Mal!'' You heard Alina shout as you sent another wave to knock the Sea Whip away from Mal.
However, the Sea Whip turned toward you with a growl and was about to lunge toward you before Alina used her powers against it.
‘’It’s dead,’’ Sturmhond replied and you met his gaze before you looked at the Sea Whip in front of you.
All of you was back on the ship while placing the amplifiers on Alina's wrist and the sky had turned dark. As Alina's powers grew stronger by the minute they placed the amplifiers on her.
‘’Well, then, where to now, Sun Summoner?’’ 
Not long after, Alina and her tracker went back to bed, trying to get some rest before you all were going to take down the Fold. You and the rest of Sturmhond's crew stayed awake as they chatted with each other and let out drunken laughs with each other.
You, however, watched your people getting know Sturmhond's people from above the deck. ''Why are you not joining with your crew?'' You heard his voice as he approached you from behind.
''I could ask you the same,'' You retorted with a grin on your face as he stood next to you. ''You know, when I first met you, you threw me off,'' Sturmhond replied, making you look at him. ''Really?''
''Yes, by all the terrifing stories I've heard about a powerful tidemaker, I never thought that you would be so...''
''Small,'' He finished as you let out a laugh at his statement. ''And here I thought, I was making the wrong statement,'' You replied. ''Oh, really? What was your impression of me?'' Sturmhond replied with a smirk on his face. ''That I was handsome?''
''Quite the opposite,'' You replied and letting out a sigh before turning to him. ''I thought you would be one of these nasty pirates,''
''I'm offended by your statement, besides, I'm a privateer,'' Sturmhond retorted, giving you a look. ''Well, not as much you offended Illya today, you know, for someone who's been knowing him long, he won't be keeping his mouth shut,''
''Is he always talkactive?'' Sturmhond replied and looked down at the teenager. ''Believe me, he wouldn't keep his mouth shut sometimes,'' You grunted, remembering the time on how many times Ilya would keep talking during the fights.
Back down at the dock where Tamar looked up and saw you and their captain talk with each other as she heard your laugh and the doe eyes that Nikolai sent you when you wasn't looking at him, Tamar knew that Nikolai was absolutley smitten by you.
''I bet 20 Kruge that they will confess their love by the end of this mission,'' Tolya commented, noticing Tamar's look on the lovebirds above them.
''By the end of the month? please, I bet 20 Kruge that he will confess his love when we fight against the General,'' Ilya commented, making Natalia roll her eyes.
''I'm with Tolya, Y/N's way too stubborn to confess her love so early,'' Natalia remarked.
''Oh, really? You wanna bet on this?'' Ilya challanged them.
''Why not? 20 Kruge goes to the person who had right if our captain will confess his love for y/n,'' Tolya remarked.
''Y/N is definitly going to hate us if she finds out,''
''Oh, definitly,''
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azsazz · 1 year
To My Heart
Knox x Reader
Summary: Anon Request: Oh my gosh Knox is so adorable he has my heart and the head canon that he writes letters to his mate makes my heart melt
Warnings: None
Word Count: 759
Notes: You guys he’s just so cute 😭
Knox sighs, head propped on curled fists as he watches the night sky. He’s leaned across the deep stone of his balcony, and as much as seeing the smattering of stars and the bright moon hanging high above him calms the male, he’s buzzing with nerves.
He’s tired, beyond so but he can’t sleep, and won’t until she writes him back.
His mate. The word still makes his heart rush in his chest, and he curls his fingers around the pen he’d been playing with to expel his nervous energy. His book sits open and abandoned on the lounger behind him, sketchbook tossed to the side in frustration because he couldn’t get the curve of her lips just right. Loose papers ruffle in the wind from where they’re pinned under the weight of his supplies, a gentle flutter that reflects the pounding of his heart.
Gods, he must be crazy, he thinks, pushing himself away from the overhang. Knox paces the short distance, stretching his wings as if that might stave off some of the nervous energy zipping through his body. She could be asleep, and for a fleeting moment he thinks he might just run and jump off the balcony to find out for himself. He doesn’t want to scare her away when she hardly knows the truth.
But he’d felt her amusement ringing down the bond as he read his letter. Or he assumed she was reading his letter. She could be doing several things instead; baking those treats she seems to like or maybe she’s also reading, lost in the adventures of her novel, not noticing the letter delivered on a bed of darkness.
His hands have a tremor to them, and he stuffs them into his pockets instead, rolling his eyes when his twin’s voice rings through his mind.
What are you doing? Go to sleep.
I can’t, he sends back, trying not to sound defeated. He doesn’t have an excuse, can’t think of one because he truly is bone tired after the day he’s had, training with his father and uncles this morning until noon before he’d been dragged out with Baz for drinks by the Sidra. That, had turned into his older brother stark naked in the cold waters, flirting with a wraith whose red, hot cheeks could’ve boiled the river dry.
Well, all that thinking is bothering me, she responds, and Knox knows his sister is scowling. It makes his lips twitch into a smile, her banter helping to distract him. And some of us need our beauty sleep.
He snorts. I didn’t know my twin was replaced with Zuz. Tell me sister, no midnight rendezvous? He knows she’s been sneaking out just as much as he has lately, and even though his shadows are shared with his sister and he can talk into her mind, even he doesn’t know where she slinks off to in the late hours of the night.
Not tonight, Malos yawns lazily and he cringes because he hates when she does that in his mind. Now fuck off and go to bed.
Love you too, Mal, Knox says, rolling his eyes once more as he feels the strong, steel shield of her mind slides back into place.
And then Knox is pacing again. Maybe he should go for a fly, the open air always makes him feel better. But if she does write him back then he might miss it and that’s the last thing he wants.
His attention is drawn to a whisper of darkness drifting across the night sky like its own cloud of black. It shrouds the moon as it passes and his heart jumps once, twice. Knox all but snatches the neatly folded paper from the grasp of night. He takes a deep breath and can smell her on it. It makes him shiver, like she’s right there with him, the scent of stardust and sugar invading his senses.
The flourish of her writing makes his heart ache. How delicate the curves of her letters are, how light, so the ink doesn’t seep through the paper, the thought she’d gone through to make it look so perfect for him. He traces the letters of his name idly, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he stares, heart calm in his chest as he fingers over the shape of the heart, hastily drawn and still wet, as if she drew it and sent it off before she could change her mind.
Knox takes a deep breath and opens the letter.
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bowiebond · 6 years
Harry x Fem!Reader - Horns Like A Devil
Requested: Nah, I just thought it up whil listening to Horns by Bryce Fox.
A/N: I know third person POV in reader fics isn’t exactly common, but I really wanted it to be Harry falling for the BAMF and villainous af!reader first, so I made it this way. Even though the reader is Mal’s twin, they don’t look alike really, so don’t worry about imagining yourself looking like Mal. Just imagine yourself wearing red and black, with horns like Maleficent. ENJOY
Warning: Light violence, heavy implication towards NSFW topics/making out.
~~~ The first time he sees her, it’s like a spark ignites and sets his body aflame. It’s the flames of hell that lick at his heels when she saunters into the limelight, red heels clicking against the dirty ground of the Isle. Her black tights are ripped, skirt a lethal red as it brushes her mid thighs, and her leather top a swirl of abyss black and crimson just like the two horns settled on her head. Her glowing green eyes pierce right through him the moment she comes to a standstill, letting her barely contained magic show.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Shrimpy.” (Y/N) smirked, seductive and proud just like her mother. She was the embodiment of her mother, cruel and clever and cold.
Hey! In her heart there's a hole There's a black mark on her soul
“I’d shut your mouth before you say something you regret.” Uma glowered, hand on her hip as she stood with her full height. “You don’t have your sister to protect you anymore.”
“Protect me? I don’t need her protection, urchin, I can handle myself just fine without Mal.” There was no ounce of bitterness when she said it, only fact.
“Good. Because without your whiny sister around, I plan to make a new ruling on this garbage island.” Uma tilted her head, looking (Y/N) over, and Harry did the same. There mindsets were on different path though. “I want her old turf. A pixie like you ain’t going to stop me either.”
“Hmm…How about a fight for it?” Her (e/c) eyes lit up with mischief.
“I’m never one to back down from a daughter of Maleficent.” Uma went to withdraw her sword, but (Y/N) tutted.
“Not you, sweetie. Him. I want to see if the Son of Hook is all he’s made out to be.” The corner of Harry’s lip twitched up at her words, growing into a grin.
“Let’s go then, darlin’.” He pulled his sword out, brandishing it towards the twin of his Captain’s enemy.
In her hands is my heart And she won't let go 'till it's scarred
Uma tossed her a sword for a fair fight, and she caught it was ease, flicking her wrist around with it in her gasp before pointing it at the pirate.
“The only girl you call darlin’ will be Wendy’s girl. You can call me the Queen of Hell.” She purred, eyes zeroed in on him before Harry grinned, all pearly white teeth, and spun into his attack. She blocked fluidly, the clang of steel bringing a laugh that sounded like the tinkle of bells. Controlled and smug.
Harry used his weight against her, pressing his sword and hook harder against her blade until it was practically against her throat. She only giggled though, a waft of sweet bubble-gum making his head delirious.
Ha! Tried to breathe but I can't 'Cause the air she feeds me is damned
She threw him off her in his moment of weakness, kicking him hard in the chest just as he caught her ankle.
“Loving the view, girlie.” He smirked, breathless as her heel dug into his sternum.
“So am I.” Her eyes shone green as her sword swung around and catch his hat, knocking it off his head. He let her go to catch it, blocking her new attack from where he crouched just in time. Place the hat upon his head once more, he slipped his hook around her wrist and spun her away into the wall. She gasped, (e/c) eyes narrowing and lips pursed in determination. He trailed his sword against the wall, scrapping away a decade’s worth of grime, before pausing it by the lovely (h/c) locks by her throat.
Trapping her with his arm and blade, he leant it close and relished in the moment of vulnerability on her face when she looked up at him.
“I win.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. I got you right where I want you.” The mask of vulnerability slipped away to reveal her triumph when she threw her head forward and butted her horns against his forehead hard. He backed away with a cry of pain, black lined eyes narrowing in on the daughter of Maleficent.
Moments before he could even think of attacking, she had him down on his knees with a swift knee to the gut. Her hand knocking his pirate’s hat off with mirth, hand tangling in his hair roughly to pull his head back and press her blade against the soft flesh of his neck.
“Checkmate, pirate. Turf’s all yours.” She pulled away from him as his eyes widened, surprised that he was getting the turf when he so obviously lost. (Y/N) turned to Uma, flipping the sword around to offer the handle to her. “Your first mate proved his worth. He had potential, and I believe he wouldn’t follow you unless you had more potential than even himself. Consider this my only act of generosity. The docks are all yours.”
Got a touch like a thorn 'Cause the girl she's hiding horns
Harry remembered burning with shame at losing to (Y/N), but at the same time, his blood stream is set aflame in desire. She’s everything he’s ever desired; strong, beautiful, fearless and clever.
She’s the Devil and he loved it.
When he saw her again, it’s on his way to Harriet’s ship. It’s a cool evening, puddles splashing under foot from the pervious storm as he walked. The day had been less than eventful – looting, terrorising, it got boring after the task was done.
The first thing he noticed was the emptiness of the street. Then there’s the sweet smell that had been plaguing his dreams ever since their battle. Strawberry bubble-gum, light yet rich. He turned around to the cold touch on his bicep, like the grip of death over his shoulder. Her eyes are so ordinary yet every time he looked into them it was like he was being hypnotised all over again.
“Son of Hook.” She purred, hand gliding up to his shoulder to squeeze, and he hated to admit how breathless it made him.
“Daughter of Maleficent.” He stated, brow raised as he took in her usual glory. “What, may I ask, has happened ta lead me ta such pleasurable company?” Harry grazed his hook along her hip, letting his stance turn cockier.
“I know you like me, Hook.” It was fact more than accusation. “I just wanted to let you know…” She pressed in closer and Harry let his eyes roamed down her body with lust. “I don’t feel the same.” She shoved herself off him with a wide smirk, satisfaction in her eyes. “Love is a weakness after all. I’m not an idiot like my sister.”
Harry swallowed thickly when she patted his chest patronisingly, fingers drifting down his toned stomach before pulling away at his belt. She turned on the toe of her heels and walked away with a sway that Harry couldn’t help but drink.
She got blood cold as ice And a heart made of stone
He thinks of her night and day; it’s impossible not to. She’s like a drug, cursing him to look for another hit every moment of every day. He sees her around, in the markets, around the turf, sometimes even at the fish and chips shop.
It’s like she’s haunting, taunting him with the body she knows is gorgeous and glowing green irises that make him shudder. The horns upon her head make a lot of sense now. She truly is the Devil.
But she keeps me alive She's the beast in my bones
It’s weeks later when they finally speak again. She approached him, walk filled with power before she cornered him against the wall. He throws on his best flirty smile, winking.
“Liking the view, girlie?” It reminded him of the day he fell for her.
“Maybe I am.” She said coyly, but it was obvious that it was false. She let her hand drift over his muscled arms, squeezing his bicep with a bite of her lower lip. “I need a favour.” He should have expected it.
“What’s in it for me?” He hummed, lips poised in a pout. She chuckled, letting him go with a linger.
“You can have whatever you want.” She began, looking him over appreciatively. “If, you doing to this one little thing for me.”
He listened, and he agreed, and even as he’s dangling one of the Gaston twins over the shark infested water, forcing an apology from him, he knows he should have just let it be.
She gets everything she wants When she gets me alone Like it's nothin'
“Now, about that reward ye offered,” Harry brought it up smugly, but she only smiled daintily, crimson and black swirled horns glinting in the dim light of the chip shop.
“You should ask more questions, Harry. I never said when I’d cash in your reward.” Her eyes glinted evilly as she slipped off her stool, barely giving him another glance as she left the shop. Harry snapped his teeth, smacking the table in frustration. She was always one step ahead, and somehow, it still made him hot and bothered.
She got two little horns And they get me a little bit
“You can’t run forever, (Y/N).” Harry whispered lowly into her ear, finally having the upper hand. She had been walking along the docks, loving to trespass when she could when he caught her. He pressed his body against her back, hands covering hers, so she couldn’t leave.
“You think you can hold me?” She craned her neck up to glare at him. “I’d like to see you try.”
“I don’t have to try, lassie.” Harry’s lips brushed her cheek and relished in the heat that gathered beneath his lips. “I just can.” Their lips are inches apart, but it’s a stand still to see who would break first. It’s Harry that does, lips slotting over hers as he breathed her in.
It was like the fire of hell had consumed his being, the sin of lust burning deep in his gut as he feel deeper into her web. He kisses like a starved man and she has to hold onto him as not to go over the dock, fists clenched in his scarlet jacket. Her hand made its way into his hair, and he’s under her whim in a second flat. She tugged hard, breaking the kiss and laughing like she’s unaffected by his affections.
She's the fire in the sin And I burn breathin' her in
“Oh, you’re just too cute, Hook.” She grinned, pushing him away from her and he stumbled, trying to regain his footing. “Next time, I advise you use your hands more. I hate just kissing.” She drawled, shoving his arm with her shoulder as she walked away.
Harry licked his red lips with a grin, a bubble of laughter escaping his throat.
Game on.
He’s ready to damn his soul to hell.
Now it's love suicide And I sell my soul for the high
The tensions in the air whenever they see each other after that. It’s wound tight and buzzing like static between them. The moment they’re alone though, it’s like it thickens, consuming them both when Harry grabs her by the hips and suffocates her with kisses. It’s rough and messy and perfect for them; they don’t have a name for it because she keeps her lips sealed.
He doesn’t mind though. He melts under her touch every time, a slave to the stone-hearted fairy’s whims. Even Uma notices it, though she doesn’t say a word to him except,
“Don’t trust pixies.”
Truth be told I don't mind 'Cause her hand's my paradise
She always leaves him hanging on the edge of the cliff, body flushed and wanton and half-naked. She’s in control, and she makes sure he knows it.
“This isn’t for you, Harry. I don’t like you. I can barely stand you. But you’re body? Oh, I love that.” Her tongue is like a viper, spitting poison. He loves it nonetheless when he’s on the end of its words.
“I love when ye talk dirty, lass.” He purred, pulling her closer and claiming her neck as his, even if it’s only for a few minutes. Her moans are quiet and soft, not letting an inch of vulnerability show even when she’s stripped of her famous red and black top.
Every time he meets her, it ends the same. With the click of her heels leaving him alone, throat gasping for air.
She can crush every hope Got her heels stompin' down my throat
Her eyes are cold when she hears that Mal is back. Having always been close to her mother, she had grown to hate her twin and her bad-turned-good act.
Villains didn’t get a happily ever after, yet Mal had been granted one because she betrayed everything she knew.
It made (Y/N)’s icy blood boil.
She appeared in front of Uma, a bound King on her back, and with a simple smirk, requested revenge.
Uma wasn’t one to reject vengeance against the much-hated Mal.
She got blood cold as ice And a heart made of stone
Harry will always love the look of a sword in her hand. She looked like what she truly was; fearless and powerful. A force to be reckoned with like his beloved ocean.
When he dived into the waters to grab his hook during the battle, he hadn’t expected her hands to pull him out of danger. He’s cold and dripping, eyeliner smudged, but his grin is crazed and wide with happiness.
He pulled her close and kissed her hard, fight forgotten in favour of getting this one spontaneous kiss to seep into her frigid heart.
Her breath is warm against his blue tinted lips, and it’s like a river of molten lava has blocked off the chill of his soaked clothes. When the kiss breaks, she takes the hand cupping her cheek into hers and her eyes flash green with mischief.
“Let’s go kebab some traitors.” She said low enough for just him to hear, linking their fingers and pulled him towards to the fight. A grin splits his face as he followed.
She has his back as he fought the King, and he had hers as her sword clashed with Evie’s, their hearts synced in the motivation to cut down traitors.
When they get away, (Y/N) lashed out at a rail of the dock, eyes glowing a malicious green when her sister got away.
But she keeps me alive She's the beast in my bones
She grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket and dragged him away from the crowd of pirates, shoving him into the nearest dark alley. When Harry looks at her standing in the light outside it, he can only think of the Devil. The sun casts an orange tint to her, her horns dark and threatening as she stalked towards him and kissed him hard.
“I’m about to lose my fucking mind.” She growled against his lips, pulling her top off and throwing it aside without a care, doing the same with his roughly. The warmth of her body in so drastically different from the chill of her fingertips that Harry gasps. Her lips seal over his, nails biting into his shoulders before they scraped upwards into his dripping dark locks.
“Let me distract you then.” Harry murmured against her lips, biting her lower lip gently as his he dropped his hook aside to grip her waist.
“That’s exactly what I wanted.”
She gets everything she wants When she gets me alone Like it's nothin'
Harry remembers that afternoon in the alleyway as clear as day. He remembers her warmth, her kisses, her hands. He remembers how perfect their bodies melded together.
He even remembers look up at her horns and smiling. His little Devil was caught by the horns, just as she caught him the moment he saw them.
She got two little horns And they get me a little bit
A few months down the road, Harry finds himself reminiscing as he looked out into the ocean that Uma had gotten lost in the night of the Cotillion.
“Still waiting for your Captain, huh?” He turned to (Y/N) in surprise before a smile broke out onto his face.
“Is that jealousy I detect perhaps?” He teased. She has no reason to be jealous. He’s completely enveloped by the twin daughter of Maleficent.
“Depends.” She slipped her arm around his chest, brushing her thumb against his wavy dark hair. “My mother wants to meet you. She thinks you’ve become one of my henchmen.” Once Maleficent was returned to the Isle, it only took her time before she grew back to her human self. Without magic keeping her trapped as the size of the love in her heart, the Isle restored her.
“I’m not?” She smacked his shoulder and he chuckled, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips.
“You know you’re not.”
“So, villains can love, perhaps?” He teased.
“I wouldn’t call what we have love. Love doesn’t exist on the Isle. I’d call us…” She searched for the right word before smiling up at him. “Monogamous and loyal evil doers.” Harry laughed at her words, boisterous and loud. He looped his hook into the hole of her tights, pulling her impossibly close.
“Partners in crime.” His grin grew. “The Devil and the King.” He winked.
“I prefer ‘Queen of Hell’.” She purred with a smirk, raising her hand to play with the tip of one of her horns. “You, my dear, are Lucifer.”
She got horns like a devil Pointed at me and there's nowhere to run From the fire she breathes (x3)
Harry chuckled, forehead pressed against hers as he breathed in the sweet scent of bubble-gum. Raising his hook behind her, he circled one horn and tilted her head back to place a chaste kiss to her lips.
“Mm, I like that sound of that, lassie.”
She got two little horns And they get me a little bit
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Shuffle Playlist - Rewrite - Part of Your World - Harry Hook x Reader - part 6 - Makeovers and little sisters
guess who wrote this part last night and forgot about it the entire day~ me
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 your outfit:
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Mal stepped over a pile of green sludge as she carefully dodged a passing isle resident, they turned to snarl at her but gasped as she turned back and bared her teeth, forcing her bit of magic left in her to let her eyes glow.
The resident bolted off, not wanting to stay around the daughter of Maleficent any longer. Mal sighed, shaking her head slightly to rid of the small headache that had suddenly appeared.
“note to self, glowy eyes hurt here” she muttered to herself, she had forgotten that pushing that bit of magic up into her head had caused her headaches on the isle.
She stopped in front of Curl up and Dye, brow-raising at the sign on the door.
‘closed until midnight’
She huffed, glancing behind her to see if anyone was watching before pushing open the door and stepping inside. Immediately the low sound of music bombarded her senses, the smell of chemicals swirling around her, and the vision of paint splatters all over the walls and floors making Mal laugh.
Dizzy had been busy while she had been gone. She drew back the plastic curtains used to keep cold in those big ass refrigerators at grocery stores and peered into the hair salon, smiling as she watched dizzy spin around with her broom and dance while she swept up hair from the night before.
Mal got a good look at Dizzy’s attire as she moved about the room, dark forest green overall shorts splattered with dye and paint with multicolored pins decorating the torso, faint purple ripped leggings, a dull faded pink t-shirt underneath, bright yellowish gold-painted gloves with metalwork bits and bobs glued on, dark green sneakers with painted gold fabric laces, her family crest ring on her left pointer finger, and her usual glasses and headphones on her head. Mal smiled again, remembering Evie always trying to encourage Dizzy to create her own style than to always wear that sickly green and yellowish colored dresses her mother always made her wear.
It had looked like she had followed Evie's word. Dizzy did one last spin, her eyes going wide as she finally spotted Mal. “MAL!” she squealed, making the older teen wince a bit from the high pitch. Dizzy ripped off her headphones from her ears and tossed them around her neck, giving a wide grin at the blonde-haired Mal. “is Evie back too?!
Mal gave the young teen a shrug and shook her head “no, just me” she hummed, suppressing the smile she wanted to give to dizzy as the girl's shoulders dropped in disappointment. She took another look around the salon, letting one of her old smirks grow on her face “you’ve really gone all out here….looks good” Dizzy’s downturned eyes turned to a bright grin as she looked around at her work.
“forgot you guys don’t open till midnight….think you can break a few rules?” Dizzy pursed her lips and set the broom on an empty chair, walking over to Mal and grabbing onto her long-curled hair.
“the blonde with purple tips?” Dizzy sighed, giving Mal a bored look “completely washes out your face and I can't even tell your skin and hair apart” Mal let out a little snort and shook her head. Dizzy grabbed her arm and lead her to one of the empty salon chairs and spun her around. “how far can I go?” she hummed, leaning on her palm and smirking down at Mal.
Mal shrugged “honestly, do whatever, just make it….me” she hummed, smiling as Dizzy squealed in excitement and walked over to her huge bottles of chemicals and picked up the dark bubbling purple one. She spun around, grinning as Mal gave her a slightly nervous look.
“let's do this” Dizzy giggled, skipping over to Mal and setting the dye onto the table next to the chair and grinning down at her. Mal pressed her lips together tightly as she looked up at the scheming young teen.
“don’t burn me” she muttered, closing her eyes and slumping in the chair, preparing to let Dizzy do whatever she wanted.
“I won't ~”
You grunted as you struggled to put on the black ripped up skinny jeans you had bought two months ago, while they fit perfectly it was always a hassle to get them past your hips.
“come on you stupid- AH!” you tumbled over and hit the carpet with a loud thump, leaving you on the floor groaning in pain.
You shook your head and pulled at the hem of your jeans, laughing in victory as they finally slid over your hips and were buttoned over your stomach.
You stood from the floor and grabbed your black combat boots, quickly shoving them on and tying them. You paused, looking down and cursing, the entire time you had somehow forgotten your shirt.
You zipped up the boots and rushed over to your dresser, pausing as you saw one of Harry's rare-non ripped tank top hoodies sitting folded in your dresser. You snorted as a dumb thought came to mind, but decided to go through with it.
“time to cosplay Harry” you laughed to yourself, sliding on the large tank top and flipping the hood down. You grabbed your skull belt and slid it into the pants loops and buckled it. You stopped for a moment, looking at yourself in the standing mirror sitting next to your dresser, and crossed your arms. “It's missing something” you hummed, tilting your head.
It hit you a moment later and you grabbed your copy of Harry and Gil's dorm room key and bolted across the hallway, unlocking their door and running over to Harry's closet, grabbing one of his old black and red leather isle jackets. You smiled at the spray panted Hook symbol on the back and slid the slightly heavy jacket on, it somehow fit you perfectly, but you guessed it was because it was one of his jackets from when he was younger, and more around your size.
You grabbed one of his sets of leather gloves and slid them on, taking it upon yourself to also raid his ring stash. You smirked at the tentacle ring, and slid it onto your pinkie, it was probably your favorite one besides his ruby ring with the black band.
You looked into Harry's mirror and smirked, now you were ready. Your shoulders dropped as something silver and metal caught your eye in the mirror, you spun around, gasping as you saw Harrys hook sitting on his bed, next to his sword. “that idiot” you groaned, smacking your forehead with your palm and walking over to his bed and grabbing the precious hook and his sword. You slid the hook through your belt loop and looked around for his sword's sheath.
You found it resting against his dresser, you grabbed it and slid the sword into it, before taking off your jacket and slipping the sheath around your shoulders and letting it rest on your hip. You slid the jacket back on and bolted out of his dorm, running to Evie and Mals where the blue-haired teen was making Bens isle gear.
“Guess what the fucking idiot left!” you yelled, taking the hook from your belt and waving it in the hair. Gil and Jay face palmed as they locked their eyes onto the weapon.
Evie took one look and groaned, holding her face in her hands and shaking her head “and from the looks of it he left his sword too” she sighed, pointing at the cutlass that rested on your hip.
“fucking yep!” you yelled, waving your hands in the air and beginning to pace the room “so now he has no fucking weapons with him and I have no fucking clue what's going to happen to him! What happens if someone finds him and he can’t-“
“(y/n)!” Gil yelled, stopping you in your tracks by stepping in front of you and grabbing your shoulders “Harry knows how to take care of himself, he'll be just fine, he also knows how to stay out of trouble…he never does it but he knows how.” He patted your arm and released you, turning to Evie as she asked him to grab some extra gold fabric.
You let out a raspberry and flopped on Mal's bed, staring up at the ceiling as anxiety started to burrow into your mind. You did your best to ignore it since Harry was very much capable of taking care of himself.
He would be just fine.
Just fine.
Dizzy swung the chair back around, facing the once again purple-haired Mal towards the shattered mirrors. Mal stood, leaning down to look into one of the cracked shards and squinted at herself.
Her once mid-back length blonde purple-tipped hair had been dyed a lighter-toned purple than her natural color, now just at her collar bones in a blunt cut with her bangs in a side part and the right-side cascading down her face and brushing against her lashes.
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She looked like her but….there was something missing. She took a deep breath and hardened her features, her eyes sharpening and her jaw locking into a grimace “there I am” she hummed, standing up tall and spinning around to look at Dizzy, who grinned and threw her arms open in celebration.
“Voila” Mal hummed in a dry tone, pulling out a stash of cash she had taken before she left Auradon and handed a $50 to Dizzy, who stared wide-eyed at Mal. “for me?” she gasped, gently taking the cash and holding it close to her chest.
“yeah,” Mal smirked, cocking her hip and crossing her arms “you earned it” Mal watched the younger teen as she skipped over to the register, only to be stopped by a black leather-gloved hand.
“hand it over you runt” Davy growled, his dark blue eyes staring threateningly into Dizzy’s. Jack the monkey giving the young vk a sharp grin. Dizzy’s shoulders dropped as she handed over the once new $50 and pouted as Davy turned to the register counter and tapped it with his knuckle. “the rest of it too, don’t want the crew trashin’ the place eh?”
Dizzy kept her eye on Jack as she walked around the counter and opened the register, taking what little money was left inside and placing it into Davys open palm. He hummed, giving a taunting bow to Dizzy and turning to leave.
“Considering you don’t got a crew I assume that your running errands for some dolt captain?” Mal taunted, smirking as Davy slowly turned to glare at her.
“well well, look whose back” he purred, walking closer to her and lifting Jack to sit on one of the empty chairs “how exciting!”
“…” Mal just rose her brow, moving her wrist slightly to unlodge her switchblade from her sleeve.
“and for your information, I run under the orders of Uma now~” he chuckled, reaching forward and brushing his fingers against Mal's hair “and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I rough up her little enemy huh Jack?” Jack bounced excitedly and screeched, Davy yelped loudly as Mal suddenly grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his torso, pulled him up against her chest, and shoved her knife very close to the artery in his throat.
“touch me again and Uma will be down a man” she growled, feeling the headache return as her eyes glowed. Davy kept his eyes locked on hers, a drop of sweat trailing from his brow.
She slowly released Davy's arm and pushed him away from her, letting out a cold cackle as he stumbled over a chair and some of Dizzy’s products spilled over him. He sat up, his hair covered in pink and green shampoo as he glared at her. “this ain't over yet you imp” he snarled, holding out his hand for Jack.
The monkey leaped onto his arm and scuttled up to his shoulder, curling his tail around the pirate teen's neck. “you'll be sorry” he huffed, stomping out of the salon with a screeching monkey in his ear.
Mal rolled her eyes, walking over to Dizzy and tossing the cash she had pickpocketed back from Davy to the younger teen. “oh!” Dizzy gasped, the bright grin that had disappeared with Davy’s appearance coming back to light “thank you!”
“don’t mention it” Mal hummed looking in the mirror shards again and fluffing up her hair “oh and by the way” she walked close to Dizzy, leaning down to whisper in the girl's ear “Harrys here too, but don’t worry if you see him, he won't steal from you” Dizzy gave her an odd look “just wanted to let you know so you don’t freak out?” the younger teen slowly nodded and placed the cash into the register.
“Alright then, I’ll-where are you going?” Dizzy asked, watching ask Mal grabbed her backpack and made her way to the main door.
“back to my apartment, got nothing to do other to be there” Mal sighed, waving Dizzy goodbye and walking out of the salon, smirking as the residents that were walking around realized who she was, and scrambled to get out of her way.
She held her head high as she walked back to the hideout, yes, she might have been on the hell-like prison isle again, but she felt freer here than she had been in the past 4 months in Auradon.
Harry carefully looked around his empty dark apartment, not knowing if someone had claimed it after he left. He looked to his right, seeing one of his extra swords sitting by the door. He picked it up and flipped it in his hands, continuing to walk the large two-room apartment and keeping quiet to hear for any intruders.
“YOU’RE BACK!” Harry let out a yelp as someone slammed into his back and tackled him to the floor. He let out a low groan as the person who had tackled him giggled as she sat on his back.
“Hey CJ” he muttered, lifting his head and looking over his shoulder to see his little sister grinning down at him, her brown eyes alight with mischief. “aye, I’m back”
“haha! I told Harriet you were waiting for the right moment to strike! So where is it?! Where’s the wand” she started to palm around his jacket, searching for one of the only things that could break the barrier surrounding the isle.
Harry sat up, knocking CJ off his back and moving into his butt, crossing his legs and leaning against his knees “I’m not here fer tha’ CJ, in fact, tha’s not the plan anymore” CJ stopped in her attempt to continue searching his person, sitting back on her heels and staring at him with wide eyes.
Harry waited for CJ to yell at him for betraying her, but when she only stared at him in shock, he took his chance to explain everything. “look, CJ, I don’t have a way ta explain why I decided to turn meh back on evil, but I did, and I don’t regret it” he sighed, reaching out and holding onto CJs shoulders, watching as she slowly started to shake 
“but I promised five months ago I would get more kids off and that’s been unfortunately ignored by the council and beasty boy. I came here ta tell yeh I haven’t forgotten about yeh or Harriet, that I’m still going ta get yeh off the isle and away from da, I won't break meh promise to either of yeh.” CJ grabbed his arms and slowly took his hands off her shoulders, her eyes drifting to the floor.
“…it was that prissy Auradon girl wasn’t it” CJ snapped, her eyes snapping back up to glare into his “she turned you, made you go all goody two shoes” she snarled, yelling as she tried to stand but Harry wrapped his arms around her, easily pulling her back to the ground and into his lap “Lemme go you traitor!!! I trusted you! You were supposed to free us al-mmf!” Harry covered her mouth, shushing her.
“shut up! Let me explain what I can CJ, yes, (y/n) is one of the reasons I turned my back on evil, but she is NOT a prissy Auradon girl, she's one of the most badass lassies I've ever known, and I love her!” CJ stopped, slowly turning her head to look at him with wide eyes “I know yeh think I've betrayed yeh, but I didn’t, I betrayed da, that was it.” He stressed, shaking CJ lightly to get the point across “I realized I didn’t want da to be free, he’s a horrible person CJ, he deserves ta be here, but yeh don’t, Harriet doesn’t either, we”
 he pointed between the two of them “are not responsible for da’s actions and don’t deserve ta be punished fer what he’s done. Beasty boy agrees, and I've been trying for the last five months to get yeh and Harriet off the isle. I promise” he pulled CJ into a tight hug, hoping to convince her that he hadn’t betrayed her, or abandoned her. “I never meant ta leave you here”
It was a few moments of tense silence before CJs smaller arms wrapped around Harry's neck, her head coming to rest in the spot between his shoulder and neck “I believe you” she muttered, sniffing lightly. She and Harry sat in silence for a few moments, before CJ spoke again “you’ve changed.”
“fer the better” Harry muttered back “I’m still yer brother, and I haven’t changed in the ways yeh truly knew me, but I’m not the same as I was 6 months ago” he pulled back, giving his baby sister a soft smile, one she had only seen a few times in her life. She continued to stare at him for another moment before one of her usual shit-eating grins spread across her face. Harry mentally groaned as CJ tipped forward and shoved him to the ground
“Just because you changed big bwudda~” she teased, saying his title in a baby voice “Don’t mean the way I mess with you will….please tell me you still steal stuff? Like-you didn’t go full goody two shoes?” CJ pleaded, crossing her arms on his chest and pouting at him.
Harry snorted and  pushed her off of him, sitting up and smirking at her “you do!” CJ cheered, throwing her hands up in the air and throwing them around his torso “what's your biggest score?!”
“uhhhh, beasty boys crown” Harry smiled, remembering when he and (y/n) had decided that Ben's crown was a good thing to steal at 1 am when they were delirious from not sleeping. “no.way” CJ laughed, slapping him on the arm to encourage him to tell the story “what made you-?”
“(y/n) ‘n I were really tired from our history report at 1 am so she just suggested we take his crown and I agreed” Harry shrugged, snickering as CJ started to giggle so hard, she clutched her sides.
“ooooh my hades! That’s amazing” she snorted, letting herself fall on her side and grin up at Harry through teary eyes “…anything else?”
“(y/n) stole FGs wand a couple times?” Harry offered, falling back slightly as CJ sat up suddenly and grabbed his shoulders.
“SHE WHAT? WHY DID YOU KEEP THIS AMAZING INFORMATION FROM ME?! You want me to like her dont ya?! that’s all you had to say! I love her already when are you marrying her?” Harry felt his face flush and he slapped off CJs hands.
“I-CJ! We’ve-it’s only been six months since we started dating?! I only just admitted to myself that I love ‘er” CJ rolled her eyes.
“blah blah blah, those boradon heroes marry each other after knowing each other for five minutes, you’ve got six months, just use moms ring for her or something” Harry facepalmed and shook his head.
“CJ, I haven’t even told (y/n) tha’ I love ‘er yet, chill” CJ pouted and shoved at his shoulder.
“coward, she sounds awesome, and yet you wait to snatch her up, wait too long and I’ll lose a dope ass sister-in-law” Harry just stared at her blankly and pushed her face away from him.
“Alright, I’m done talking about tha’ ta yeh, where’s Harriet? I need ta talk ta ‘er too” CJ shrugged and stood from the floor, dusting her long scarlet jacket off.
“dunno, last I saw her was at school” Harry crossed his arms and rose his brow. “okay okay, she's hanging around her ship, the other side of Uma’s side of the Warf, the two had a truce for a couple months before well…” she gestured to him “you didn’t come back” Harry’s shoulders dropped and he shook his head.
“I didn’t mean ta leave fer so long, but beasty boy was distracted and the council was being assholes, I couldn’t do much about it” CJ rolled her eyes and smacked his shoulder.
“and you’ve already apologized about it….which is weird and never ever do it again, or I will stab you” she snarked, giving him a sharp grin and spinning around towards his front door. “Harriet’s busy right now so you’ll have to wait until she's done with it”
“wha’ is she doin’?” Harry sighed, following after CJ and leaning against the doorway.
“uhhhh captain crew stuff, dunno, she didn’t let me hang around and stuck the twins on me” she pouted, glaring off at the building in front of his.
“Sterling n’ Skipper? How are they?” he asked, smiling as CJ gave him a simple thumbs up.
“They good….as good as a Smee kid can be, Harriet’s taken to make sure everyone knows they are under the Hook family’s protection, not even Davy messes with them.” Harry uncrossed his arms and his jaw clicked.
“Davy?” he muttered; he had been wondering about what the son of Barbossa was doing “what about Davy?” CJ sighed and gave him a look.
“He’s Uma’s first mate….” she waited for his reaction, winching as Harry's icy blue eyes turned dark and he clicked his jaw again.
“….Uma thinks I left ‘er don’t she?” he muttered, looking down at his shoes and gritting his teeth.
“yeah….” CJ hummed, sticking her hands in her jacket pockets as she rocked on her heels, watching as Harry clenched his fists so hard they shook “I’m guessing you’re gonna go talk to Uma now?”
“aye” he muttered, turning and grabbing his extra sword again, looking for its sheath “I’ll see yeh later”
CJ nodded and turned, quickly going down the stairs of the building and heading back to Facilier’s arcade to hang with Freddie. “don’t let dad see you!” she yelled behind her shoulder, nodding to herself in satisfaction as Harry yelled back.
“don’t plan on letting ‘im even know I’m ‘ere!”
CJ disappeared into the alleys, leaving Harry to finish gearing up and get ready to head to the chip shop.
He needed to explain something to his oldest friend.
-end of part 6-
Here it is~ part 6, imma keep this little explanation note thing short and just say, I know CJ turned her opinion around on (y/n) and Harry being “better” pretty quickly, but really, (or at least hopeful I've made it come across clearly) Harry hasn’t changed much, the only thing about him that’s different is that he has better coping mechanisms, mentally healthier, and doesn’t steal as much as he used to. And CJ would love anyone who steals from Ben and FG, no doubt.
Yes, I changed Mal's hairstyle for D2 cuz I hate that damn pink wig and it's cut so much, so I made my own hairstyle. Also, I hope I made Mal actually intimidating in the little Mal vs Davy thing because in the OG version with Mal vs Harry she's JUST kitten pouting at him as if it’s doing anything. So, I hope I did her justice while also showing that she's still softer due to being in Auradon. (but only for Dizzy)
Also, Davy and Harry will officially meet (or reunite) next chapter, hold on to your butts! It's gonna be a rocky ride! (don’t worry bout Harry against Davy tho, Harry’s been eating actual food so he’s physically much stronger now and could easily kick Davy’s ass even without his extra sword)
also first fic/chapter of the year~
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​
@lunanight2012​ @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​ @remembered-license​
@verboetoperee​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @imtryingthisout​ 
@thesailbells​ @beccad10x​
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damndescendants · 3 years
Finally Found
Writer - @damndescendants
Requested - Yes! By @chengwaii
Hey, sorry if this is too complicated, you don’t have to do it, but could I request a Harry Hook x Reader oneshot, where reader is Ben’s sister but a member of Uma’s crew? Though she and Ben don’t know they’re related as the Reader was kidnapped when they were very young? And where she meets her parents and Ben again during the end of the third movie? Though she wants to stay with Harry, Uma, and Gil? Bonus points if Harry, Uma, and Gil are possessive and overprotective!
Disclaimer - I do not own any of Descendants’ characters and/or ideas all credit goes to the creator and producers of Disney Descendants
Pairing - Harry Hook x Reader (she/her) Descendant of - Beast and Belle Summary – At a young age, (Y/N) was kidnapped from her parents and twin brother. She was raised by Dr. Facilier and became apart of Uma’s crew. What happens when he worlds collide and she finally meets her parents and brother? Warning(s) - allusion to drinking (I think that’s it?)
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The Shadow Man was one of the most notorious villains on the Isle of the Lost and so were his two daughters. One was his true daughter, Cecilia, she was the beautiful spitting image of the man while the other was still gorgeous but not as much as a look alike. Dr. Facilier tells of the story of how he got her from his friends on the other side as a testimony of his powers. (Y/N) was beautiful and kind unlike a lot of the other villains on the isle, however, this didn’t stop her from being a pirate. She ran the crew with Uma, Harry, and Gil, the four of them inseparable. 
The same goes for now as they four of them slowly made their way towards the bridge that was pervious broken and blocked by a magical barrier. The loud booming sound drawing all of the Isle to it. 
“She did it.” (Y/N) spoke to no one in particular as they watched the bridge rebuild itself, connecting the two islands. 
“It was my plan.” Uma said happily as she smiled so bright, she outshined the bright sun that peaked out from the clouds.
“It’s time for a visit.” Harry said from besides the daughter of Dr. Facilier. He put his hand out and the girl took it without hesitation.
All of them followed Uma down the bridge as she led them to their new lives, to a new beginning.
The atmosphere of the celebration was something the girl had never experienced on the Isle of the Lost. It was light hearted and joyful. Drinks passed around, food enjoyed as they all danced to the music and mingled with one another. Although the girl had experienced Auradon when she helped Mal and the others stop Audrey, this was different. Different because this was now also their home. 
Through the loud, upbeat music played, others dance at its actual beat while Harry and (Y/N) danced slowly and in each others arms. Harry had dipped the girl back, leaning over her and pressing kisses all over her face and neck as they girl laughed carelessly. 
“Hey, there’s someone we want you two to meet.” Mal’s voice pulled the two out of their own little world. The dark haired pirate pulled the girl to a standing position, keeping his arm tightly around her as they looked at the five in front of them: Mal, Ben, Fairy Godmother, and the former king and queen. Uma and Gil, who weren’t too far from the couple, appeared behind them when they noticed their closed friends were being talked to.
“Mom, Dad, Fairy Godmother. We want you to meet Uma, Gil, Harry, and-”
“(Y/N?)” Belle cut off her son, all eyes falling to her as she looked to the girl in question, a hope glimmering in her eyes.
“How do you know my name?” The girl questioned, eyebrows furrowed and head tilted in question of the woman.
“I never thought we’d see you again.” Beast said, the same hope and excitement in his eyes.
“Oi, you may want to watch your step, I don’t care if you’re royalty or not.” Harry stepped forward in a threatening manner, hook raised. Gil and Uma also stepped up on her other side as they blocked the girl from the couple who had stepped forward to come closer to (Y/N).
“That’s their daughter.” Fairy Godmother said in realization. Silence overfell the small group that had formed. Slowly, the three from the sea had stepped back, looking towards their close friend as she looked at the woman who just informed her of a life changer.
“I-what? No, I’m a child of the shadows given to Dr. Facilier?” Her tone was uncertain as well as suddenly things began to slowly fall into place. It made more sense for her to be kidnapped than a gift of the shadows, the sketchy responses and quick dodges the Shadow Man gave when she asked about her heritage or why she wasn’t the spitting imagine of him like Cecelia was. The way the sky lit up on the night of her birthday wasn’t just a coincidence, it was the truth that was always hidden right in front of her.
It all made sense.
“You never told me you had a long lost sister?” Mal said, heading turning towards her fiancée. Ben’s gaze didn’t leave his parents as they spoke in turn for him.
“Not just a sister, a twin.” Belle said, hand gently caressing the side of the girl’s face as she took in her presence.
“You told me she was my sister, we lit lanterns on a different day than my birthday to celebrate hers. Why didn’t you tell me she was my twin?” Ben questioned, stepping forward. The four more or less huddled in their own circle. Fairy Godmother, the six other VKs, and other close friends were standing around them, watching the scene unfold, the family reunite.
“You both were so young when it happened. As you grew older, we couldn’t share that heartbreak with you.” Belle explained sadly to the boy, she turned back to the girl in front of her, “The lanterns were lit on the anniversary of when she went missing.”
“We can prove it.” Beast spoke up again, noticing the girl’s skepticism written in her features. 
“How?” Several voices asked at once, the most prominent was (Y/N)’s though.
Belle gestured for her son to come over and he did. She stood besides him, pushing his hair back to reveal his right ear and the birthmark that hid behind it. It was longer and awkward in shape, seemingly following his hairline, a few freckles falling into place around it. (Y/N) could hear Harry’s breathe catch in his throat as the dark haired woman spoke again, “Ben and his twin sister had the same birthmark behind their right ears.”
The was a long second of silence as they all took in the information. (Y/N) had never seen the birthmark clearly but she was sure she had one behind her right ear as well. Gil often poked it and made some sort of joke of its shape when her hair was pulled back, Uma always made a comment on its peculiarity when she had braided the girl’s hair for her when they made time to hang out with one another, and Harry had always pressed a kiss to it when he came up to stand behind her or when he wanted to wake her when he was cuddled up behind her. 
“May I?” Belle gestured to the girl’s right ear, (Y/N) glanced to the three she was closest with, the trio giving her subtle nods in agreement before (Y/N) nodded. The woman apparently was her mother, pushed the girl’s beautiful locks back to reveal her ear and there it was, the matching birthmark, “It is you.”
She didn’t hesitate to bring the younger girl into her arms, hugging her tightly. (Y/N) took a moment before she returned the hug. She hid her face in the woman’s shoulder against the yellow fabric of her dress. A few tears slipped from her eyes as everything settled within her.. Shortly after, Ben and Beast joined in the hug. The small family reunite at last.
“This is more than an engagement party, this is a welcome home celebration.” Beast said loudly as the four separated. It was only then that they had realized that many others gathered around the group, attempting to figure out what was going on. 
“Auradon!” Fairy Godmother gathered everyone else’s attention, everyone’s eyes now on them, “I present to you the long lost Princess of Auradon! Princess (Y/N) has finally returned home!”
The crowd cheered loudly, the celebration somehow growing larger and louder. Some voices called out the girls name, others cheered in excitement over all as they returned to their own, leaving the original group to look at one another. To take in that Princess (Y/N) was officially home.
“There’s so much I want to talk to you about, learn about you, show you-”
“Alright honey, let’s not overwhelm the girl too much.” Beast cut off Belle’s rambling as his arm went around her shoulders effortlessly, “At least let her get her things settled in her room in the castle before you ask your questions.”
“Room in the castle?” The girl’s eyebrows once again knitted, she looked back to her closest friends, their faces had the same expression written across them.
“They’ve had a room set up for you for as long as I can remember.” Ben spoke up, small chuckle behind his words. He stood back besides Mal once again, her tucked under his arm as Jay, Carlos, and Evie stood besides the couple. Smiles bright across their faces.
“It’s time for you to come home, (Y/N)” Belle said softly, warm smile on her lips as she stood just in front of the former King. The confusion deepened into the girl’s expression as she gestured to the three behind her.
“My home is the Isle. Pirate’s bay is my home, Uma, Gil. They’re my home.” (Y/N) stated without hesitation. She stepped back linking her fingers with Harry’s as she looked up to him, no one missing the love in their eyes, “Harry’s my home.”
At her words, the group fell silent. The girl’s parents looked at one another, they spoke in a hush tone to one another for a moment. The four from the sea holding their breathes. That was until they noticed the smiles break out on the former King‘s and Queen’s faces as they nodded in agreement. 
“These three clearly mean a lot to you and have been there for you when we were unable to be so I think it’s only fair they come stay with us for a while.” Belle spoke. The four looked to one another, none of them able to hide the smile that broke out on their faces.
“Living in a castle sounds like an upgrade from a ship.” Uma quipped from besides her closest friend. The two girls sharing a bright smile, memories of the four spending long nights gazing at the stars and dreaming of a forever home.
“And we’ll have a cottage built for you four as quickly as possible, right besides the water. It can be your welcome home gift” The Beast spoke up again, looking between his wife and daughter as he took the former’s hand. 
“Thank you!” The girl rushed forward and hugged her parents, it felt right. The two hugging her back just as tightly. 
“Welcome home, honey.” Her mother said as they broke apart. Ben had stepped forward, extending his arms and the girl stepped into them, the twins hugging for the first time in nearly two decades.
“Glad you’re home, sis.” He smiled down at her.
“Glad to be home.” She returned the appreciation. 
After they broke apart, (Y/N) turned back on her heel and immediately hugged Uma, the two jumping in the hug in excitement. When they separated, (Y/N) turned to Gil who hugged her so tightly she thought she might break, her toes barely touching the ground. Finally, she turned to Harry who opened his arms and she didn’t hesitate. She rushed the couple steps into his arms and he effortlessly picked her up and spun her around a couple times. The four giggling in a way they never were able to in the past. Their worries suddenly dissolving right before their eyes. 
“I always told you you were my princess.” Harry said, a playful yet smug expression written across this face as his one arm wrapped tightly around the girl’s waist, her hands holding the boy’s face.
“I guess you were right.” (Y/N) teased before Harry dipped his head down and pressed a kiss to her lips, both of them smiling brightly into it.
“Hey! That is my daughter, Hook.” Beast smirked playfully at the pirate whose face began to burn bright with embarrassment. All of them laughed, (Y/N) reaching up on her tip toes and pressing a kiss to the boy’s cheek. 
Not only was the long lost Princess found but a true home for her and the ones she loved was finally found as well. That’s all the girl ever wanted.
This for sure is inspired by Tangled/Rapunzel lol I hope you enjoyed! I’m hoping I can back more into writing on this account, I miss you guys lots :( Not proofread
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Art - Mal
Mal x sister reader
Warnings: maybe angsty? Mentions of depressing thoughts
Word count: 442
Requested: Descendants imagine being Mal sister and her finding you sketch book and you have depressing art work to vent out your feelings. - @cokecola4211
Authors Note: thanks for requesting
Descendants Masterlist
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“Hey Mal, I was ju-” Y/n started as she entered their dorm room but stopped upon noticing Mal looking through a sketchbook. Her sketchbook that y/n thought she had hid.
Mal and Y/n had a love for art in common. Y/n used it more as a way to vent out any feelings she had. Feelings were viewed as weak back on the Isle, so Y/n expressed them silently through her artwork. Artwork that no one was ever supposed to find.
“What is this?” Mal asked looking up at her twin in confusion and concern.
“Mal” she sighed out, not having ever wanted to have this conversation with anyone let alone her sister.
“Y/n, you always say you draw what you feel. Is this how you’ve been feeling?” Now Mal was getting more concerned about her sister. Was she not liking Auradon?
“Mal.” Y/n stopped her sister's mind from running by just saying her name. Y/n moved to sit next to her sister on her bed. “That’s my sketchbook from the Isle.”
Mal sat there for a minute in thought before turning to face Y/n with a furrowed expression. “But we always had fun back on the Isle.?”
“We did. We had some fun. But Mal, you never got the bunt of Mom’s anger. I did. It only got worse when you first went to Auradon.” Y/n explained to her sister the short version and spared her any of the particularly nasty details. “It made me a little depressed at times.”
The two VK twins sat there in silence for a little bit. Mal was clearly digesting the new information about her sister's old home life with their mother. While Y/n sat there feeling a little better that she had told at least her sister a tiny bit of what use to go on.
“I had no idea.” Mal shook her head, not believing how she never noticed anything. “I’m a horrible sister.”
“Mal, your not a horrible sister. I hid how I felt and didn’t mention it to anyone. It’s not your fault you didn’t notice. I’ve always been the sneaker one out of the two of us.” Y/n joined pulling her sister into her embrace, trying to lighten the mood a little.
“From now on you’ll talk to me if you ever feel like this again, right?” Mal questioned her sister hoping if she did ever feel like that again she’d at least talk to her.
“You’ll be the first one I talk to. Promise.” Y/n smiled at her sister as they pulled out of their hug.
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
nikolai lantsov x reader
okayy! so im a sucker for best friends to lovers, so imma just leave you with this and i would love to see what you come up with! :) <3
♡ a little more than that - n.l ♡
this. is. such. a. good. trope.
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starstruckwillows 🂱
pairing; nikolai lantsov x reader
category; fluff
summary; toyla and tamar introduce alina to the mysterious duo that is you and nikolai
warnings/content; SHADOW AND BONE SPOILERS, bit of swearing
other; fem!reader
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since crash landing his floating ship, and returning to ravkan court to take the throne from his brother, nikolai had been in a surprisingly good mood.
he was as happy as ever to see you, sweeping you up oh-so dramatically as soon as he set eyes on you again.
usually, you were on the ship, fighting alongside sturmhond, with quite a reputation for yourself. this time, however, he'd not allowed you to accompany him.
nikolai gave you some bullshit about ship capacity, while you believed the truth to be he simply didn't need you aboard this time and didn't want to hurt your feelings.
tamar assured you neither of these were true - he was merely concerned. backstabbing the darkling was incessantly dangerous, and he didn't want to put in the crossfire.
you brushed it off.
the halls the two of you walked now, having finally been released from an exhausting meeting, were hollower than you remembered.
you'd grown up racing them, sliding down banisters and ignoring sharp tongued reprimands for your behaviour. well, nikolai's behaviour. you were a maids daughter, condemned to watching the outskirts of high society. he was a prince, and expected to act as such.
now, they were filled with more fear than ever before, tense and buzzing. maybe they always had been, and the rose tinted glasses of your childhood had protected you from that.
it didn't matter, because it was there now.
"you really think your brother will give anything up?"
nikolai sighed, throwing an arm around your shoulder. even when admitting doubt, he would be as charismatic as possible.
"i think you shouldn't worry about that darling. if i'm correct, you've got rather a lot on your hands as of current."
the small manner of organizing and shipping in and out every refugee going. how you went from dusting, to grunt work, to large scale evacuation in the royal court, you'd never know.
you suspected it was the work of your fox like best friend, however.
"well, yes, but i've always got a space in my day for your whining." playfully nudging his shoulder, he grinned down at you and linked your hands, pulling you out across the palace grounds to show you a flower patch he'd discovered.
alina hovered in an alcove with tolya and tamar when the two of you passed, and she tilted her head slightly,
"and they're... best friends?"
the twins exchanged a doubtful look.
tolya amended, "not quite."
while his sister outright shook her head, "no, they're a little more than that."
alina starkov, sun summoner, somebody with many important things to concern herself with, had mal's face flash in her head.
nikolai lantsov, future ravkan king, somebody with a war on his hands that he intended to lead, could never shake you from his thoughts.
and he didn't want to.
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@anordinarymuse @mrs-brekker15
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heliads · 3 years
Wyatt Lykensen Masterlist
Separation - Based on this request: “Y/n is Bree’s Twin Sister. Y/n is dating Wyatt except her parents didn’t know, one night Wyatt snuck in at midnight until her parents saw and took him away. Her friends teamed up & went to get Y/n & told her they will save Wyatt. Y/n told her parents that Wyatt is not a monster he is the love of her life & her parents accepted their relationship.” Imagine
Discoveries at the Dance - Based on this request: “It was the night of the Prawn, Y/n & Addison were there but depressed as Zed & Wyatt can’t make it. Addison noticed that their dates had arrived they went to Zed & Wyatt. An earthquake happened so everyone followed it and found the moonstone. Y/n’s necklace (the moonstone one Wyatt gave her) started to glow, Addison suggested to put it on the moonstone & when she did she transformed into a Werewolf” Imagine
Secret History - Based on this request: “Bucky’s parents adopted Y/N. Y/n wants to find out who she truly is. She was at cheer with her boyfriend Wyatt, which Bucky didn’t like at first. Y/n suddenly had white streaks in her hair & felt unwell. Willa told a story of a baby werewolf gone missing. They take her to the moonstone and suddenly Y/n’s eyes glowed yellow making Wyatt realize the story of the missing werewolf is true” Imagine
No Threat Goes Unnoticed - Based on this request: “Z3 Wyatt and y/n are secretly dating. when the aliens comes a-lan flirts with her and Wyatt gets jealous. a-lan wanted to ask y/n out then Wyatt basically says “ get ur hands off my girlfriend” in front of everyone.” Imagine
Hiding, Finding - Based on this request: “Y/n is Zed’s sister. With Addison, she bumped into Wyatt who asked her on a date (they are secretly dating). Addison helped her keep it a secret from Zed. On the date, Zed, Addison & Willa came out of nowhere splitting the two apart. Y/n told Zed that their love is like Addison & Zed. Zed & Willa accepted it” Imagine
Finding Out - Based on this request: “wyatt lykensen and reader are hanging out and reader needs to tell him something. they say i love you, and wyatt is shocked and runs away? wyatt finds them and it’s hurt/comfort” Imagine
Pining, Flirting, Falling - Based on this request: “gender neutral reader has feelings for wyatt. one day they see him flirting with someone else. they get upset and when he interrogates them as to why, they do that cliche "because i'm in love with you!" thing?” Imagine
Chess - Based on this request: “Wyatt Lykensen x witch reader. they were paired together for a history project. The reader is friends with Addison but in chess club. The typical smart, wallflower friend.” Imagine
One Moonstone - Based on this request: “Zombies and Descendants imagine being Mal twin sister and meeting the wolf pack.” Descendants Crossover
Foresight - You’re Lydia Martin’s twin sister and a banshee, worried by the fact that your hair stubbornly remains a startling white. After a McCall pack meeting goes sour, you end up on the run from hunters. Soon enough, you realize you’re not in Beacon Hills anymore- and the werewolf greeting you, Wyatt Lykensen, is like none you’ve ever met before. Teen Wolf Crossover Series
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The Curse of the Rose Princesss - Harry Hook x reader
The Curse of The Rose Princess - Harry Hook x fem! reader
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A male version is also available !
This is the first time I write for this fandom, i hope it's not too OOC
Trigger Warning : mention of death!
Once upon a time... Well not long ago there was a princess. A young and beautiful princess. Her name was [Y/N], and she was the twin sister of Prince Ben. The shy young girl was like her mother, Belle, and loved spending her free time in the library.
Everyone thought that because all of the villains and their kids were stuck on the Isle of the Lost, nothing bad could happen. They were wrong. When she was around 8 years old, little [Y/N] decided to go for a walk alone. No one knew what happened. When they found her hours later, she was asleep. Fairy Godmother managed to wake her up, but it was too late : somehow her father's curse had lingered in her DNA, and the spell she received activated it : she was the curse and the cursed, condamned to see roses appearing on her body until ten years later, when her time would be up and she would die. The King and Queen of Auradon tried many things, but the curse would not go away. Even the water of the Enchanted Lake did nothing. The only thing that could save her was a true love kiss, but the princess did not cared about that, everytime someone would bring this up she would just say that it wasn't an option for her. The truth was that she did not wanted a prince or one of those preppy guys of Auradon, but it was the only chooice she had.
By the time she was 16, her brother beacame king and she was completely resigned. She was the one who got the idea of the Villain Kid program, and she was happy of how it turned out, even if she wasn't Mal's biggest fan. The purple haired girl had also tried to remove the curse, without success.
With the curse, [Y/N]'s hair were slowly turning red, the color of the rose, and she could grew red roses with magic. A very little consolation for the girl who was slowly dying. She was trying to read as many books as she could, engaging as much as she could with the alternative community of Auradon by giving bands money, funding shows and safe places for the queer community she was part of.
This was why she couldn't get why Mal wanted so much to blend in : she was ready to give up everything that made her herself to get accepted by others. So when Mal decided to go ack to the Isle, she followed along with Ben and the others VK to bring Mal back.
Finally on the Isle, she turned to a tunnel that she felt weirdly attracted to. But the VK made sure that she was following them, on the other side of the Isle. [Y/N] found it very funny to see her brother trying desperatly to be chillin' like a villain, while this felt so natural to her after years hanging around punk, goth and emo. In fact, she was even wearing her usual clothes, and here her blood red hair were not unusual. Not getting any bad look for her smokey eyes... It was so different from Auradon. And after seeing how poor it was, she decided that she and Ben would have to do something for those kids that couldn't come, so at least they had better life conditions. While following the others to Mal's hideout, she thought about it. Maybe clothes? More diverse fresh food? Medecine? These kids were not their parents, they deserved a chance. She had to find a solution for that. [Y/N] would have to talk about it with Evie later.
Soon they found themselves at the core four hideout, and Ben trying to talk to Mal. Something that clearly didn't worked. Defeated, he walked away, but didn't come back. Evie started to get worried, but soon felt relieved when she saw someone walk back. “Ben, don't scare us like that” But [Y/N] knew it was not her brother . “Don't scare ye? But that's my speciality ~” Instead of her brother stood a very hot pirate boy with guyliner. Like earlier, that feeling got to her. She remembered her mother talking about true love, but shook the thought away : she would not have her happy ending, no need to give herself false hope. The Vks learned that Harry (it was his name, that's how Evie called him, and it fitted him so well thought [Y/N]) and Uma's pirates had kidnapped the king, and Mal would have to meet Uma to get him back. Before leaving, Harry turned to [Y/N] “Your highness” and blew her a kiss. She felt herself blush, before following the Vks to the hideout as the pretty pirate walked away.
It got decided that Mal would see Uma, and that no matter what [Y/N] would stay at the hideout. When Mal got back, defeated she admited what she had promised to Uma : the magic wand for Ben. The Vks all left to get everything ready for the next day while she had to wait in the hideout. [Y/N] decided to sleep it away, curled up in an old blanket, all thoughts turned to an emo pirate.
The morning came soon, and the time to get to the docks. The princess felt amazed by the beautiful ship that was Uma's, The Lost Revenge, and even more of the certain pirate that welcomed them. Face hidden behind her hood, no one could recognize her, except him as it seemed when he threatened Mal and got told to chill by Uma.
Giving the princess a smile, he blew her a kiss and walked back to Ben. When Mal got the king back, everything seemed under control but Uma quickly discovered that the wand was fake. A fight broke, and [Y/N] found herself fighting against two pirates at the same time. Throwing one overboard, she managed to get rid of the other before being engaged in a fight with no other that Harry Hook himself. Her hood had fallen during the fight, revelling her red hair and her face to the world. “What a pleasure to meet ye again princess” She smiled at the pirate, and even manage to get over her shyness and flirt back as they fought.
She felt hurt when the time to come home came, and she had to leave him behind. Uma, Harry? Gil... They had done nothing to derserve to be on the isle, and yet they were condemned to stay. The cursed princess promised herself to do what she could to help them, within the few years she had left. They had a future, and they deserved to live a normal life where they would not have to steal to survive.
What happenend to the Cotillon took her completely by surprise. Uma, dancing with her brother, then fighting a dragon version of Mal... She tried to reason Uma, offer her a second chance but the captain and her both knew that it could not happen that way. So the goddess left, leaving the princess even more convinced of what she needed to do.
The next year, while Mal and guards were desperately trying to find Uma, the young woman was protected by [Y/N] who needed her help to put her plan on action : while Uma was trying to find her own way to get the barrier down, with Uma's help [Y/N] was organizing weekly shipment of fresh food, medecine clothes and other essentials at the destinations of the Vks stuck on the isle. Cinderella helped the princess funding the program, and soon shipment were made every week, while the Vk program was relaunched by Evie, with Dizzy, Celia and the Smee twins.
With Ben, Evie and Mal they all took a limo to get the kids. [Y/N] with a message from the captain that she hoped she could give the pretty pirate. She would often get on the ship assuring the shippment to get sure that everything was okay, and to discuss with the Vks to know if something else was needed . She would also give Harry message from Uma, and get his to the captain. A friendship had bloomed between them.
Getting out of the limo, she spotted the twins and the pirates surrounding them. Seing her friends and brother busy with the two girls, she went to the boys to welcome them. Behind them, she spotted a pirate with guyliner that send her a smile she returned. He seemed healthier, and more muscular than before. Her program definitely worked well. She greeted them, and assured Mr Smee that she would personally look after the twins. She wanted to talk to Harry, but did not got the chance to and got told by Ben it was time to go.
She still managed to slip Uma's message along with one from her in Harry's hand , putting his in her jacket before leaving. When they passed the barrier, Hades tried to escape and Mal turned into a dragon to push him back. When she got back in the limo, she had an expression on her face that [Y/N] did not liked, but she pushed it aside.
The curse was slowly creeping, getting closer. When [Y/N] was feeling intense emotions, roses would start to bloom around her. She had more red hair than brown, and her eyes were sometimes shining red.
The cursed princess had less than a year left, and would try everything to hide to those around her that she was dying. She did not wanted sadness around her, only to live at her maximum. Maybe she could even get more kids off the isle, because who would dare not realising deathwish?
Despite everything, the princess made sure that the Vks would feel at home in Auradon, and that the weekly shipment to the isle would carry on despite the people, including royalties, that were against it. It was not their place to decide who deserved it or not. It was not even [Y/N]'s place. She trusted Harry and the pirates to make sure the right persons would get what they needed, and Uma trusted them two. The girls were now friends, and the two of them were trying to get kids off the isle by their own way. But as time flew, [Y/N] got worried that she would never managed to do that.
The princess was getting ready for Jane's birthday party that would happen later today. People were getting concerned because of the missing scepter of Maleficent, but to not make people panic it had been decided that the less people knew the better. [Y/N] had a weird feeling about the day, and before leaving her room decided to switch her high heels for a pair of fancy but way more comfortable pair of plateform shoes, some custom New Rock that Ben got for her 16 birthday. She finally left the castle and drove her motorbike to the Enchanted Lake where the party was held.
When Audrey showed up, with Maleficent scepter and spelled everyone, she jumped from her hiding spot to the lake, and stayed inside until the pink smoke had dissolved. Trying to get herself dryer, she took off her jacket, revealling the roses covered in thornes covering her amrs and reaching her shoulders. She did not had to lift her sleeveless shirt to know that the roses were on her belly and chest too. Her time was almost up, it was now a matter of weeks. She noticed Jane, and felt relieved that the fae had the same idea. They filled bottles and a water gun with enchanted water in case, and left the party behind. They had a kingdom to save.
They decided to go toward Evie's place, because it was most likely that the Core four had manage to escape the curse, so they thought it was the safest place to go. That's how they found Ben and thanks to him [Y/N]'s pretty pirate. Carlos, Jay, Gil and Harry had been sent to look after the king, and the rose princess felt relieved to see them.
She ran to her emo pirate and hug him tight: with Harry and Gil, she would be safe. And it was all that mattered to her now. She also gave Gil and her brother a hug before they all head back to Evie's. Walking between Gil and Harry, she reached toward Harry's hand. He semed surprised at first, but interwined his fingers with hers, allowing the two of them to relax.
They only let go of each other's hand when [Y/N] when to hug Uma, in front of the cottage. The girl had been worried for the sea witch, hoping that the curse had not affected her. That's how she learned that Mal had promise to set set free the Vks in exchange of the ember. The princess felt relieved : she would get to see them free before the curse took over. But it did not last long: Mal admitted that she wanted to definitely close the barrier. “No ! You can't do that? What about the necessary shipment that I struggled to put in place?” “What about the kids you're leaving to rot!” Everyone was mad at Mal, betrayed. So [Y/N] had to leave the only friends she had behind? At least they would not have to see her dying... But it was a worse fate for them, they could never get out of this hell. Before the sea three left, she hug them all with all the love she had. Harry wipped off her tears before blowing her a kiss with a sad smile.It was his goodbye for her.
The last thing the rose princess saw was her favorite pirates walking away from her, before a pink smoke surrounded her and everything went pitch black.
When she gained counsciousness back, she saw the vks and her brother doing the same. She didn't knew what had happened, until Jay said that they had most likely been turned to stone like most had been at Auradon prep. They all went back there, knowing that if the spell was broken it would be were everyone would be.
Mal, with Uma's help had bet Audrey, but Sleeping Beauty's daughter was now asleep. Life sliping away from her. “Like I will soon” muttered the princess. Luckily, no one heard her. She got to say goodbye to her pirates, before going to rest. She couldn't wait for the guards to get Hadès to be sure that Audrey would wake up, [Y/N] felt way too tired for that. She was exausted, and fell asleep in her clothes.
When she learned that Audrey was safe the next day [Y/N] felt relieved, but still heartbroken for Uma, Gil and Harry. Harry, the one that could have saved her. The true love she thought she would never get. But it was too late. Everyone thought that she still had a few weeks, but Audrey's spell had accelerated the process : she knew it was now a matter of days. When everyone was busy getting Mal's coronation ready, she was getting her last wishes ready.
Her hair almost completely red styled by Dizzy to hold still her crown, with a dress that barely covered anymore the roses covering her body, full of thornes. She had been feeling particularly tired for the past few days, and she knew her time was almost up. It was a matter of hours, unsure if she would see the sun rise the next day. A next day without harry, trapped on the isle.
She managed to behave like everything was alright, but no amount of make up covered the bags under her eyes, and everyone could see how tired she was, that something was wrong. People were wondering about the roses peaking from her clothes. She hoped that from their old TV, her friends would not see that something was up. They had enough to be worried about themselves.
Standing straight beside her brother, she listen to Mal, half listening until she heard the dragon say her name “ And I've never seen [Y/N] happier than when she is with Uma, Harry and Gil” She then invited the princess and the Vks to join her, to spell the barrier. The rose princess' smile had never been bigger : finally her friends and all those Vks were free.
She was too tired to run to the bridge like many did, so she waited beside Lumière for her friends. As she finally spotted her favorites pirates, she felt dizzy and everything started spinning. The rose princess fell, and did not got up. Uma, aware of the curse was the first one to react. “Shit Audrey's spell must have accelerated the process”. Tears were rolling on Harry's face as Uma told him about the curse.
Ben was heartbroken to see his sister, lifeless in Harry's arms. Fairy Godmother, who had joined them, quietly told them it was too late, they had to say their goodbyes. Pushing aside [Y/N]'s hair, Harry lovingly kissed her forehead. “Love ye [Y/N]” With these words, the rose princess gave her last breath...
Or that was what everyone thought. The roses were slowly fading, leaving her skin bare. And with another breath, she opened her eyes, meeting Harry's gaze. Lifting her am, she softly wipped Harry's tears before embracing him. “I always thought I would never get my happy ending...” Harry broke the hug, and kissed her again : this time on her lips.
They could get their hapily ever after together, and no magic would ever get between them again.
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saintley · 3 years
i hate the ya trope that people with parents are boring so we’ll never ever talk about them. the family dynamics in the six of crows duology and the nikolai duology made them so much richer than the shadow and bone trilogy. we never really get an answer as to where alina gets her powers from, or a clear understanding of what motivates her and mal (besides each other, apparently) whereas in the later duologies we understand where the characters came from, what they value, and what they’ve been taught because of their families. 
in six of crows, every single character’s family relationships, either healthy or toxic, is instrumental to their arcs, whether because they’ve been taught prejudice, taught to hate themselves or hide themselves, set on a path for retribution or justice, or a given a belief system that anchors them. even kuwei inherits a legacy from bo yul-bayur, and finds purpose in righting the sins of the father. 
in the nikolai duology, an understanding of zoya and nikolai’s parental relationships helps us understand their ideas about love and belonging, which ultimately leads them to each other. the range of sibling relationships demonstrated in the shu storyline, from the kebben bond that drives the bataar twins and the kaat twins to the competition between the taban sisters, serves the novel’s themes of balance, love and power. these relationships drive mayu and ehri to reassess their loyalties to the taban crown based on their values, which comes in clutch for the ravkans.
exploring the familial relationships of the characters enriches the grishaverse, and none of this is to the detriment of the found family trope which is especially central in six of crows. you can show a range of family types, good relationships and bad, and it not only helps your reader understand the characters and their motivations but drives the story forward.
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
I have a handful of OCs for Stranger Things.
My first OC was for Dustin (I’m about the same age as Gaten, so it’s fine), and her name is Mallory Kay Byers. She goes by Mal most of the time, and she’s Will’s twin sister. She does karate (and has beat up about every single boy her age that ISN’T a member of the Party for bullying her boys). She and Dustin kinda get together at the Snow Ball when she marches over to him and asks him to dance since nobody else did, but they don’t REALLY get together until he’s away at Camp Know Where and they collaborate on Cerebro, and she’s basically his Suzie in my universe, but he’s still friends with Suzie so when they go to Suzie’s house to use her computer, it’s Mal doing the hacking and Suzie orchestrates the shenanigans to get her workaholic dad away from his computer.
My other OC is for Steve, and her name is Carrie Beatrice Brown. She’s best friends with Nancy, and after she breaks up with Steve, Carrie finds herself stuck babysitting the kids along with Steve when Joyce, Jonathan, Mal, and Nancy go to get the Mind Flayer out of Will. Then after they torch the tunnel system, Steve asks her out on a date and they become official, so the whole bathroom confession scene with Robin turns into Steve gushing about how he thought he was in love with Nancy, but he’s actually in love with Carrie, and he’s worried that once she goes off to college it’ll be done-zo for them. But she actually only ends up going to Ball State, which (by my calculations) is only about 30 minutes away from Hawkins, so she comes back to visit on the weekends, and the whole thing he has going on in season 4 is trying his damndest to tell her “I love you” for the first time instead of him going on all these dates and the “will they, won’t they” thing with Nancy is replaced with “Steve, don’t let Carrie go or you’re gonna hate yourself forever”.
And my newest OC is for Eddie, and her name is Kimberly Jillian Anderson. She goes by Kim most of the time, and I’m still working on developing her, but I know I want her to be the polar opposite of Eddie to make their relationship kinda confusing to anyone outside of their group. Like, she’s blonde, she plays soccer, she’s academically put together, she’s popular, and she’s a normal senior when Eddie is doing his second repeat of senior year, so she’s 18-19 and he’s like 20 or 21 so it ain’t a YEESH type of situation.
So yeah. That was a somewhat brief overview of my ST OCs. And my face claims for them are Raffey Cassidy, Olivia Cooke, and Lili Reinhart respectively.
ahh bestie your creativity is amazing!! genuinely all these oc’s sound cool and I’d read the hell out of all their stories!
I wish I had the creativity to come up with amazing characters and stuff like this but alas I’ll just have to stick to reader inserts lmao
- hope
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