#mama hogg
montycapp · 2 years
okay, so…if I were to theoretically make a strangetown (from the gba and ds versions, not pc) based dating sim, which routes would people mostly be interested? vote below and I’ll choose the 4 most popular ones lol. (also not saying I’m gonna actually do this but….maybe 😏)
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deinocheirus · 5 months
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Chuck’s ma and pa. They arnt the nicest of dragons.
Mama Milkwort is convinced Chuck is the result of brood parasitism (it’s not unheard of for dragons to do it to one another). Aspen tried to “toughen him up” into a proper dragon and had no patience for Chuck’s meek personality and perceived oddness.
Chuck ran away from his mother’s lair when he was around 14 and was taken in by his uncle Hogg.
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ghelgheli · 4 months
Stuff I Read In May 2024
bold indicates favourites
Hogg, Samuel Delaney
Land Reform & its Direct Effects in Iran, OIPFG [link]
Blackshirts and Reds, Michael Parenti
Black on Both Sides, C. Riley Snorton
The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant
Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle
maintenance, crvptozoology [link]
Shimeji Simulation, Tsukumizu
If We Can Meet Tomorrow / Ashita, Kimi Ni Aetara, Aoto Hibiki
Love Thy Neighbour, Willow
Short Fiction
Let's Not, Isaac Asimov
Each an Explorer, Isaac Asimov
Blank!, Isaac Asimov
Exiting Law and Entering Revolution, Basel al-Araj [link]
Resisting the Nakba, Joseph Massad [link]
Rain is Coming, Mohammed El-Kurd [link]
Novel Evil, Miriam Gordis [link]
Queer &c.
The Logics of Gender Construction in Asian Modernities, Emiko Ochiai
“It’s Only a Penis”: Rape, Feminism, and Difference, Christine Helliwell [link]
In the Dark Room: Homosexuality and/as Blackness in James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room, Josep M. Armengol [link]
She's always a woman: Butch lesbian trans women in the lesbian community, Hannah Rossiter [link]
No Sex Please—We’re Hobbits: The Construction of Female Sexuality in The Lord of the Rings, Brenda Partridge
Toward a historiography of the lesbian transsexual, or the TERF’s nightmare, Jules Gill-Peterson [link]
Sick Woman Theory, Johanna Hedva [link]
The Myth and Tradition of the Black Bulldagger, SDiane A. Bogus [link]
This Infamous Proposal, Jules Joanne Gleeson [link]
Transing and Transpassing across Sex-Gender Walls in Iran, Afsaneh Najmabadi [link]
What Is It Like to Have a Gender Identity? Florence Ashley
Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe, Hortense J. Spillers
Egg Theory's Early Style, Grace Lavery [link]
NEVER EVER TRANSITION, lily bloodguts [link]
What Was To Be Done? Protest and Revolution in the 2010s, Jasper Bernes [link]
Anarchy and Scientific Communism, Nikolai Bukharin [link]
Against Innocence, Jackie Wang
Islamology, Ali Shariati [link]
Signals of Disorder: Sowing Anarchy in the Metropolis, A. G. Schwarz [link]
Foucault: The Faux Radical, Gabriel Rockhill [link]
Extractivism in the Anthropocene, John Bellamy Foster [link]
The Xinjiang Atrocity Propaganda Blitz, Roderic Day [link]
I Accuse This Liberal University of Terror and Violence, Fredy Perlman [link]
Public Transit, AJ Julius [link]
Film Bodies: Gender, Genre, and Excess, Linda Williams [link]
The Myth of the Boiling Point, Hasok Chang [link]
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dusksimulacre · 22 days
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So... my headcanon is that Lewis Sancho's dad is Sancho Paco Panza
The only way to align the canons, particularly with Nova Curious being an adult while her older cousin Tycho is unborn, is to have both Nova and Lewis fall out of a wormhole from the future.
Here is Sancho embracing his son for the first time.
[no idea who his mother could be, the only brunette women in the same games as Sancho are Mama Hogg and Misty Waters but neither really fit]
Lewis Sancho by @niymue (thank you I love him)
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fred-the-curator · 3 months
I just listened to this little gem and it deserves to be shared with other ears On My Mama (Ross Hogg Remix) - FREE DL Uploaded by Ross Hogg via SoundCloud https://ift.tt/SxKBsXc Make the community vibrate: a like, a share, or even a comment can transform our cultural mosaic together. 🔊❤️
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creek-cabana · 4 months
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Mama Hogg at the observatory...
Figured out the basics for building the observatories that are going to be in the save. Also made some progress with sims and NPCs. Made several characters from other sims games, such as Bustin' Out and Sims 2 GBA...
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brielarsonreplyguy · 4 months
sims 2 ds game is so funny. there were these little emotional regulation tasks you had to do for the townies sometimes, and if unchecked it would stop people from coming and staying at the hotel and ruin your reputation. imagine getting a call from someone in the middle of the night like “hey so mama hogg is horny and wants to make out nasty style. if you don’t handle this i’m going to leave a bad review for the hotel on yelp. thanks”
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talynjo · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BOGO- Look What the Cat Dragged In autographed hardcover book.
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jinkies-binx · 7 years
my life lately has been sims 2 on the ds and i cant romance any of the ladies OR the alien overlord but it doesnt seem like the boys mind that i smooch more than one of em so thats something i guess
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emberphantom · 3 years
Always Sunny lines my friends and I quote out of context on a regular basis:
Art of the deal, bro. Art of the deal.
“Well I've met like a 105 people--” “You have not WHERE?!”
And so...the game...beGINS.
(Actually....we quote the Gang Escapes a lot.)
I’m a BEAR. I’M A BEAR. 
...and an Even Better Bailiff.
You bitch! You bitch!
Times up times up times up times up.
Mama needs another pop pop soda pop.
You got it, Boss Hogg.
Dennis has caaaaandy?
You'd be out of business in a week's time.
I broke out. 
🎶Oh they say the world’s your oyster, but oysters ain’t for me🎶
Just tell me where to jizz so I can give the lady her drink. 
“Have you ever read the constitution?” “YES....no.” 
“I didn’t go to school for it--” “HE DIDN’T GO TO SCHOOL FOR IT!” 
I deFINITELY wrote that!
Pizza man pizza man. I got pizza here. Who wants pizza man.
Holy shit...Dennis is spiderman.
TOOLS! I haVE to HavE my tOOLS!
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ballpitbee · 3 years
OH THEY ACTUALLY CUT OUT SO MUCH FROM THE GAME IT SUCKS,,, Xizzle was supposed to be an interactable NPC as well as one of the aliens (Burple), The Sun Deck was gonna be a building mission after you give Alfred the power recharger (He gets so excited about cleaning it and Mama Hogg calls him Alfie, he's got so many genuinely sweet scenes like that but they were all cut out) I hope I'm not annoying you with all this the game was just my entire childhood,, ALSO HORUS IS AN AMAZING CHARACTER,,
Youre not annoying me at ALL. The GBA version was my jam when I was younger so I could go on about that game too!
I'm SO mad they cut all that 🥺 Alfie thats so cute. God Alfred deserves so much. So do Xizzle and Burple. Burple was so underutilised hes so funny and mean. His dynamic with Xiz was hilarious.
AND HORUS YES. Honestly all the non human characters deserved so much more spotlight.
Feel free to DM me about sims things and stuff if you wanna talk about it! (That goes for anyone!)
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venovenous · 2 years
mama hogg
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texasazhell · 3 years
"I got Bo whipped like a good boy. He's does as Hot Boss Mama says."
👢 Annie Hogg Duke
🚘 Married to @ShineNHazzard
🐎 Sister of @TexanRadiant
🍺 Daughter of Boss Hogg
🔫 Part of @eliteworldsverse
✒ Written by #BoneHead
🚘 #DukesofHazzard
💋 RT
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heathergoffrier · 4 years
Every Mom Whose Baby Naps Well Knows These 15 Newborn Sleep Cues
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Does your new baby fight nap time and get cranky easily? You might be missing these 15 super important newborn sleep cues! Learn them here plus get a free printable guide "How To Start An Infant Sleep Schedule." Click here to download:
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It’s the middle of the afternoon and you’ve worked for 45 minutes to get your baby to nap, but she still won’t do it. Yup, I've been there. If you're like me, you've tried every trick for getting newborn to sleep. Now you feel like a failure and are even tempted to nap with your baby, even though you know it's not recommended. But let's face it, you're exhausted! Your baby never seems tired, she doesn't like her crib... what gives?!
What Are You Missing?
Every baby has cranky moments and bad days every once in a while, but if your newborn is always fighting nap time, it’s possible you're missing some subtle but important sleep cues. Newborn sleep cues help you know right when to put baby down for a nap. Like, the exact moment to head for the nursery. And when you get her down in time, she’ll fall asleep much easier, with less fussing and more peaceful relax time for you.  But when you miss that window, you'll have an overtired, cranky and hard-to-get-down baby. No thanks. With a newborn sleep schedule, it's much easier to figure out when your baby might be getting tired. I created a step-by-step guide on "How To Start An Infant Sleep Schedule." Click here to download.
What Are Newborn Sleep Cues?
Newborn sleep cues are the signals every baby sends that show they’re getting tired. Even though she can’t call out, “Mommy I’m tired,” your baby communicates exactly that with her body language.  Don’t believe me? Start to watch your infant like an anteater on an ant hill: Are his hands flopping around more wildly than usual? Is he turning his face away from others? Maybe she rubs her ears or starts to stare off into space. Each of those subtle actions are baby sleep cues that you can use, if you’re on their trail, to get your kiddo to bed faster than a hound dog after a squirrel. RELATED: 17 INSANELY POWERFUL TIPS FOR GETTING NEWBORN TO SLEEP AT NIGHT
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How Do Newborn Sleep Cues Help?
Newborn sleep cues help moms in the following ways: 1- You’ll know when to put your baby down for a nap. It’s likely that your baby will show sleep cues way before you expect him to. But when you see that he's signaling “I’m tired,” you can know with confidence that it’s time for him to zonk out. 2- Using sleep cues makes it easier for baby to fall asleep. When you use newborn sleep cues, you'll be able to catch your baby in her perfect “sleep window.” A baby's sleep window is when she's most primed to go to sleep easily. Miss that window, and you’ll have a fussy, worked up and overtired baby on your hands. So much harder to put down! But if you capitalize on the signals your baby gives, you can swoop her up and sneak her back to her cozy crib for some sweet dreaming. By getting her tucked into bed, you'll be helping her give in to her own body clock that's saying it's time to rest. 3- Less stress for mom What mom wouldn’t love spending less time getting their newborn down for a nap, while needing to use less soothing and less shushing? All that equals more time for eating an actual meal, catching up on cleaning, or folding tiny adorable baby laundry while watching Fixer Upper reruns. Yassss! 4- WOW others with your baby whispering abilities Since not everyone knows these tips to get baby to sleep, some might object to you taking baby away. For example, when you scoop baby up and declare “it’s bedtime,” Great Aunt Wanda who’s visiting might protest and question whether her little sweetie pie is ready for a nap. But you’ll be able to return with a smile and a wink (without baby) after successfully getting your little one down for a peaceful siesta. 
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How Long Should I Expect Baby To Be Awake Before Showing Sleep Cues?
When you first get baby home from the hospital, you’ll have a great opportunity to start studying your newborn. You'll notice right away how long he stays awake after eating. For brand new tykes, it's usually just a few minutes, or sometimes not at all! With all the snuggles and sleeping day and night, you’ll be hyper aware of his awake time. Use those times to watch carefully for any signs that he's getting tired (see the list of newborn sleep cues below!) A good rule of thumb for baby’s awake time during the first two months is between 0-60 minutes, with the minutes lengthening out by age. It depends of course on whether he was born early or late, how much he weighs, and personality factors too. But in general, your baby should be back down for a nap after one hour of being up. That includes feeding time! (And yes, I know that sometimes early nursing periods can be 45+ minutes. My oldest was a slow eater, almost drove me bananas!) RELATED: WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO START AN INFANT SLEEP SCHEDULE? Logging Baby's Sleep And Activities Helps You Become Aware Of Sleep Cues For help in knowing when to expect baby to start acting tired, it’s a good idea to log your baby’s routine, at least for the first few weeks. If yesterday he was awake for 30 minutes after lunch, you know to pay closer attention to any sleep cues he starts dishing out today around that time. You'll be amazed at how a gentle and flexible newborn baby schedule can help you predict what baby wants and needs next. By logging their activities, you'll be able to work with your baby's current habits to help them get regular naps and even lengthen out night sleep! Talk about way less stress! I break down exactly how to start a sleep schedule in my step-by-step guide of the same name. Click here to download.
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Don't you love it when they're so tiny and sleepy they'll zonk out pretty much anywhere? If only it could last! And here's the moment we've all been waiting for! Introducing,
The 15 Most Common Newborn Sleep Cues
Blank stares, eyes glazingBeing less wigglySlowing down, more calmStopping making noises, being quieterLess interactiveSucking is weaker or slowerDisengaging or avoiding eye contactPulling away from othersRed around the eyesYawningRubbing eyesHas a Sleepy lookStarts to get fussy, hard to keep happyCryingWaving and jerking limbs around We hope you enjoy the products we recommend!  This post may contain affiliate links. That means we get a portion of the commission if you click through and make a purchase, but you don't pay a cent more. Thank you for supporting our small business as we strive to help you rock mom life! What To Do After Seeing A Sleep Cue According to Tracy Hogg who wrote, "Secrets Of The Baby Whisperer," it's vital to get your baby into bed "by the third yawn." That's the advice I've always followed, and it's never let me down. Once I started seeing sleep cues, I would dance her back to her private retreat center in her pack n play or crib. Then I'd change her diaper, get her all tucked into a swaddle or sleep sack (or Baby Merlin's Sleep Suit-- don't knock it till you've tried it!) and she would conk out.
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Isn't this the cutest little puffball you've ever seen? (I know, I'm biased!) Cues That Baby is Overtired As you get to know your baby's sleep cues, you'll also become familiar with her cues for being overtired. Because while we all have the best intentions for getting them down by the third yawn, sometimes it's not possible. Maybe you're at a social gathering and you can't get away. (Not likely during these strange times, but someday maybe that will be a reality!) Or you just don't want to pause your show quite yet, or you're finally getting the chance to talk to your spouse and catch up. Whatever the reason, overtired happens. Here's how you can recognize it: wailing, intense cryingClenched fistsArching back Dropping off to sleep rapidly with barely any wake time (unless brand spankin' new) After these "wonderful" actions from your baby, you'll be more likely to capitalize on those early sleep cues and get baby down for a nap pronto the next time! RELATED: 7 NEWBORN BABY SCHEDULE MISTAKES TO AVOID
In The Heat Of The Moment 
So when you've tried every trick in the book, and you're tempted to feel like failure, STOP for a sec and think: I'm NOT a failure, I'm learning and I will get through this!What sleep cues might I have missed?Remember to look for sleep cues after the next feeding cycle (put a sticky note next to your nursing chair)Look back over this list to refresh your memory-- just take a screen shot or pin this post! You can do this mama! Be patient-- as you learn your baby's language and cues, you'll start to recognize her sleep window. Spotting it will make it that much easier to help her fall asleep, and in the meantime, you'll be able to enjoy getting to know your sweet little one!
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For my exact steps for starting a newborn baby routine, you can get my free printable guide "How To Start An Infant Sleep Schedule." Click here to download.
The "Newborn Sleep" Series
This is the fifth post in my "Newborn Sleep" Series. Be sure to check out the other posts in the series and stay tuned for new additions! When Is The Best Time To Start An Infant Sleep Schedule?  How To Start A 3-Week-Old Baby Sleep Routine 7 Newborn Baby Schedule Mistakes To Avoid 17 Insanely Powerful Tips For Getting Newborn To Sleep At Night Every Mom Whose Baby Naps Well Knows These 15 Newborn Sleep Cues (this post) Read the full article
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talynjo · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BOGO- Look What the Cat Dragged In autographed hardcover book.
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omnivorapedia · 5 years
Tabula Rasa
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Di balik fisik bayi kecil yang menggemaskan, mereka tak se-innocence itu. Betulkah mereka adalah selembar kertas kosong?
Seorang teman pernah bercerita, anaknya (sebutlah Si A) yang kala itu duduk di kelas 1 SD, menghadapi perundungan dari teman sekelasnya hingga anaknya mengalami depresi. Si pelaku (sebutlah si B) mengintimidasi A terus menerus, bahkan jika ada teman sekelas lain yang mau dekat-dekat dengan A juga diintimidasi. Tidak ada yang berani melawan pelaku, sehingga A terkucil. Puncaknya, A jadi takut ke sekolah.
Melihat kondisi anaknya, teman saya prihatin. Ia pun melaporkan kasus ini ke guru. Tetapi, begitu kecewanya teman saya, karena pihak guru mengatakan, ia tak pernah melihat B mengintimidasi A. Di depan guru, B selalu baik. Tak putus asa, teman pun menghubungi mama dari B, dan menceritakan kejadian yang dialami anaknya. Tapi apa yang terjadi? Mama Si B malah tidak terima anaknya dibilang pelaku perundungan. “Di rumah, B itu manis banget. Dia anak yang patuh dan apa-apa selalu cerita ke saya. Mana mungkin dia nakal?” begitu jawaban mamanya. Lalu, teman saya mengambil kesimpulan, “Kok, bisa ya, ada anak-anak yang manipulatif. Kepribadian di depan teman dan di depan ibunya lain.”
Kisah si A ini cukup membekas dalam hidup kami (saya dan anak saya). Bagi anak saya, A, termasuk salah satu teman main kesayangannya. Kalau saya lihat, ketertarikannya sekarang pada observasi perilaku dan psikologi manusia, sepertinya ada keterkaitan dengan sejarah yang pernah dialaminya bersama A.  
Akal Budi Bayi dan Kekuatan Kehendak
Membaca lagi bab 3 tentang akal budi bayi, memori saya jadi berputar lagi, mengingat masa-masa anak bayi dulu. Walau sudah lama tak punya bayi (:p), saya selalu menyimpan kekaguman pada bayi. Mereka begitu rapuh, lemah, tak berdaya, bodoh, tidak bisa apa-apa, eits, apa benar begitu? Kita orang dewasa seringkali dibuat terkecoh oleh fisik si bayi yang lemah dan imut, yang tampaknya hanya bisa menjadi objek untuk ditowel-towel dan dimainin.
Saya jadi ingat film The Boss Baby. Film lama sih, tapi bagus buat ditonton. Bayi dalam film ini dikisahkan punya kekuatan super power (berpikir strategis) dan pemikiran seperti orang dewasa. Rasanya itu benar, ha…ha…ha…. Kalau saya ingat-ingat, betapa waktu Pilar bayi dulu, bisa membuat hidup saya tidak karuan. Saat ia menginginkan sesuatu, ia bisa merengek dan menangis kencang sampai ia mendapatkan apa yang ia mau. Nangisnya sampai seolah-olah seperti anak paling menderita di dunia. Bukan karena ia butuh, tapi sekadar mempermainkan perasaan saya. Wkwkwk. Saya sampai merasa perlu membaca buku Secrets of Baby Whisperer-nya Tracy Hogg dan menjadikan buku ini sebagai bible dalam menerjemahkan tangisan bayi. Tapi walau sudah baca berulang-ulang, tetap saja banyak kode-kode tangisan yang tak berhasil saya pecahkan dan berakhir dengan pecahnya tangisan saya. Duh….masa-masa itu.  
Untungnya, sebelum kenal CM, saya sudah menyadari akan hal ini, betapa dia makhluk yang bisa manipulatif dan pintar mempermainkan pengaruh, siapa yang lebih berkuasa, dia atau kita. “Aku mau mainan yang itu!” “Aku mau susu cokelat!” “Pokoknya harus!” “Sekarang!”, dan sebagainya. Kalau kita tunduk, dia akan terus mengulangnya lagi dan lagi. Makhluk imut ini menikmati pemujaan kita terhadap dirinya. Been there done that.  
Dia berkemauan keras,” kata pengasuhnya, tapi si pengasuh telah keliru menganggap bahwa badai amarah, sikap menang sendiri, keras kepala, tantrum, adalah tanda kekuatan kehendak. Seorang anak baru bisa dibilang punya kekuatan kehendak kalau ia bisa menghentikan semua badai itu, menahan dirinya untuk tetap bicara pelan meski dengan bibir bergetar. Anak bisa, karena anak juga punya nurani. Sebelum belajar berjalan pun dia sudah tahu bedanya benar dan salah. Bahkan bayi yang ada dalam gendongan bereaksi ketika kita mengatainya “nakal!”. Kekuatan kehendaknya berkembang seiring proses dia belajar seni sulit bernama ‘ketaatan’. Kalau anak tidak mau taat, tak seorang pun bisa membuatnya taat. Dan kita semua tahu betapa besar kekacauan yang bisa ditimbulkan oleh satu pemberontak cilik di rumah atau di kelas. (CM, Vol.6 Bab 3)
Dalam peperangan kehendak itu, kadang saya kalah, tapi lebih sering saya memenangkannya. Salah satu kekalahan telak yang pernah saya ingat, adalah ketika suatu pagi di hari kerja, Pi (umur dua tahunan) merengek minta jalan-jalan ke Ragunan, saat itu juga. Dan, saya mengizinkan hal itu terjadi, walau itu berarti jalan siangan ke kantor :p. Ketika dia tahu orang tuanya bisa dipermainkan, dia akan mengulanginya lagi dan lagi.
Akal Budi dan Inteligensi
Dalam bab 3 ini juga dikisahkan tentang anak-anak kecil di Konstantinopel yang mampu berceloteh dalam lima bahasa secara fasih. Siapa yang tidak tergiur untuk punya anak jenius, multitalenta, pokoknya juara. Super! Prinsip utama yang selalu diulang-ulang oleh Charlotte adalah bahwa anak terlahir sebagai pribadi utuh dengan akal budi yang lengkap, yang indahnya seindah tubuh mungilnya. Dalam dua tahun pertama kehidupannya, tanpa harus kita jejalkan berbagai pengetahuan, anak sudah banyak sekali menyerap pengetahuan. Ia belajar merangkak, Pilar berucap kata pertamanya, yaitu ‘kuda’ (believe it or not), menggerak-gerakkan kakinya mengikuti irama musik (sesuai ketukan).  
Masa-masa dua tahun pertama itulah, saya sebagai orang tua, menghadapi pertanyaan tentang benarkah jiwa manusia itu tabula rasa. Anak lahir sebagai lembaran kertas kosong. Kitalah yang akan mengisi dan menulisinya. Kitalah yang akan mengguyurinya dengan berbagai pengetahuan agar ia menjadi anak berinteligen tinggi.
Ada yang memercayai, dengan sering-sering memutarkan murotal, anak akan menjadi penghafal Quran, dengan memberinya flash card huruf-huruf dengan kertas berwarna tertentu, ia akan cepat membaca, dengan memutarkan musik klasik, ia akan menjadi jenius, dan sebagainya. Berbagai teori menjejalkan kecerdasan pada batita itu membuat saya sempat merasa overwhelmed. Saya takjub ketika melihat bagaimana orang-orang lain mendidik bayinya. Wow, saya sudah kalah kompetisi. Orang lain sudah memulai kompetisi itu bahkan ketika anak masih di dalam kandungan dan masih segumpal daging.
Kalau menurut CM, anak sudah memiliki semua daya budi yang ia butuhkan untuk belajar. Akal budi anak itulah instrument pendidikannya. Anak terlahir sudah membawa kecerdasan masing-masing. Tapi apakah itu artinya kita bisa membiarkan anak begitu saja? “Do they grow by themselves?” Inilah yang saya sukai dari CM, selalu berada di tengah-tengah.
Sekarang, di tengah dunia yang semakin kompetitif, cukup menenangkan ketika saya mulai memahami: inteligensi, seperti juga emosi, hasrat, hati nurani, dan bakat, adalah fitrah yang sudah ada dalam diri anak. Pribadi itu akan terus menyingkapkan diri. Yang perlu kita lakukan adalah terus menjadi pribadi yang bertumbuh, berusaha menjadi versi terbaik dari diri kita, dan membantu anak agar pribadinya mekar dan mengatasi kelemahan-kelemahan bawaannya.
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