#mamu 2
doweesig · 1 year
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You know what would be cool? If Wart came back and he's the new antagonist of the Yoshi series :o
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mast3r-rainb0w · 1 day
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Mamu - The Great King of Dreams by Mast3r-Rainb0w
This is a unique take I've had on Wart/Mamu, the main antagonist from the classic NES game Super Mario Bros. 2. In this instance, instead of being the villain as in the original game, he's a good guy; the benevolent ruler of the dream world, a.k.a. Subcon! It was just a fun little AU idea I've had. Anyways, enjoy my artwork!
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King Wart and Mamu are not the same person
So many people believe King Wart from SMB2USA and BSSMUSA is the same person as Mamu from Link's Awakening. I don't think this is the case, here's why. Now before I continue I would like to note while they are both called Mamu in Japan. I will be referring to them as different names for simplicity's sake.
So first off appearance wise, on the surface they similar fairly similar, especially when look at the eyes, there is some differences. For starters while the 3D model of Mamu retains his design from the original pixels, King Wart doesn't. First off in Mario Advance he has a crown with a red gem, a necklace with a red jewel, and a brown cloak. However, I think the next detail alongside with render this moot. In the art for both Super Mario Bros 2 USA and BS Super Mario USA King Wart's artwork depiction remains the same. But there are interesting differences, between Wart and Mamu. For starters, King Wart wears a crown with a green gem inside and his eyes are not like a frog's typically are. Meanwhile Mamu's are like a typical frog's eyes and he wears a crown with a blue gem in it.
There is also Mamu's eyes might even have frills around them. This is because there is a possibility he is Don Gero as stated hypothesized by one SpekUL8. That Don Gero's Mask depicts Mamu.
There is also the difference in behavior and personality between King Wart and Mamu. Mamu is the leader of the Frog Choir and seems to be a pretty decent guy, even helping out Link. We also know if you revisit his Pond there is a a sign that says he and his choir are away on tour around the world. Meanwhile, King Wart resides in Subcon and tries to overthrow it in SMB2USA and BSSMUSA. King Wart does things like places curses on the people of Subcon and even Mario, instead of being more friendly and leading a frog choir.
So what do I think is up here? I think King Wart and Mamu are 2 different universe versions of each other. This would explain the subtle differences in their appearance, and major differences in their behavior and personality. This would also line up with the fact Mario and Link do not share a timeline with each other, due to the fact their timelines work differently.
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murdercide626 · 1 year
I've been thinking about Link's Awakening lately, specifically about a particular cameo in the game.
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That would be Wart, known here by his original Japanese name "Mamu".
Since Mamu is a character who was already associated with dreams (or nightmares specifically) it got me thinking about the nature of his appearance in Link's Awakening.
Could Mamu be a foreign entity that invaded the Wind Fish's dream? Could he have some connection to the nightmare creatures infesting the island?
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He certainly doesn't seem malicious in Link's Awakening, seemingly being content to live out a singing career, unlike in his original appearance where his goal was to rule the dream world of Subcon with an army of monsters.
There are many other characters in Link's Awakening who are nods or references to other Nintendo franchises, but unlike the various expies, I believe this Mamu could actually be the original Mamu from Doki Doki Panic/Super Mario Bros. 2, and I'll give a couple reasons why I think this.
Firstly, as mentioned before, Mamu was already a character associated with dreams and nightmares. His name is even an anagram of "muma", the Japanese word for "nightmare". That said, it doesn't seem like a stretch that Mamu could find his way into the dreams of others. And the Wind Fish being a divine entity, apparently with knowledge of other worlds, that could explain Mamu making the leap from the Mario series to the Zelda series.
Secondly, after teaching Link the "Frog's Song of Soul", he disappears, nowhere to be found on the island, just a sign stating that he's gone "on tour". Since the island is nothing but the dream of the Wind Fish, and supposedly nobody can leave it, then what happened to him? Where could he have gone? Assuming Mamu was a foreign entity, could it be assumed he simply fled to another dreamscape?
Thirdly, the characters who teach Link the songs he uses all seem to have some special significance that sets them apart from the other npcs. There's Manbo, a fish who is the offspring of the "Sun Fish" (possible relation to the Wind Fish?), and Marin who is the most prominent and fleshed out character Link interacts with, and seemingly the only dream resident to cross over into the real world in some form at the end. So that just leaves Mamu. What could make him so special?
The way I see it, after Mamu's defeat in his original appearance, he turned over a new leaf and decided to start a musical career, touring through various dream worlds. And I think he may have some connection to the other nightmare creatures on Koholint Island, though rather than fight Link to keep the island, he had the common sense to just leave when things started going south. lol
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briceterry04 · 4 months
Daisy: I hate those moments where you've already had a long day, you come home, you settle down, you make some food, you leave your phone on the counter, you grab your food, you sit down, you get yourself all nice and cozy, and only THEN do you remember "Oh my gosh... This is not my house."
Wart, coming in his throne room, seeing Daisy in his castle: WHAT THE FU-
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kingdomeromega0816 · 5 months
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This is none other than the known villain "King (Mamu) Wart", only now, he's a retired villain who had a change of heart for the better, (according to my fanfic lore).
He became good enough to become an "anti-hero", but not good enough to be an actual hero. (Thus he can be partially trusted by the heroes, but he's not fully trustworthy...)
In my fanfic, King Wart previously took the career of being in charge of a frog band as a musician and retired from evil-doing. King Wart wanted Iggy Koopa to magically create a sub-servant clone of Geno so that clone could play the flute in his frog band. (Iggy Koopa already became a good guy and a Chosen Hero of the 7 Star-Spirits).
Iggy asked Geno for one of his large string hairs to keep, Geno thought it was weird that Iggy asked for one of his hairs, but he already trusted Iggy as a pupil and friend, so he did not think too much of it. Geno agreed to cut one of his string hairs and gave it to Iggy.
King Wart wanted Iggy to make a magic Geno clone because he heard Geno play a flute very well and wanted such talent in his frog band. Iggy used a spell from star-spirit magic, while King Wart used his magic to combine it with Iggy's magic to create the clone. Iggy and King Wart made the mistake of combining the holier star-spirit magic with King Wart's darker magic and thus accidentally created the Pseudo-Genos.
(If you want to know more about King Wart's story, just visit my DeviantArt account called "unarpan0816".
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
Since no one's a sucker for Wart/Mamu from Smb2 then fine I'll do it. Lmaoooo XD. Can I have a Wart/Mamu from Smb2 X Reader fluff and smut (insert lenny face) headcanons plssss? (灬º‿º灬)♡
Of course! :D Also decided to go through the headcanon asks in my inbox since I haven’t touched it in a while. I hope you enjoy!
Wart x Reader - Headcanons
Fluff Headcanons:
Wart wasn’t the best at romantical interactions... at first. His kisses were sloppy and his hugs were brief and had little warmth... but now? Best hugger and kisser out there... in your personal opinion, of course.
Due to his large size and overall body shape, it's a little difficult to cuddle with him... but you two certainly make it work. It wasn't anything a few pillows and varying sleeping angles couldn’t fix.
Before you two could figure out the cuddling situation, you actually sat halfway on his lap... a lot. It was comfortable and warm, and made you want to sit completely still all day. He only minded when he had to do something, but otherwise, he seemed to like it with you so close to him.
You sometimes like to steal one of his purple robes that he keeps in his wardrobe. It gets cold in the castle at times, and the robe certainly helps due to how big it is on you.
NSFW Headcanons:
Wart's cock was pocketed away in a sheath below his stomach, and it took some work to get it to come out. Because of that, foreplay played a large role in sex, usually taking up ten to twenty minutes.
He also took his time with sex in general, going slow for the most part. The only time he went fast was when he had to go do something, and you were left hurting for at least a day or so.
While Wart isn't a female any way shape or form, he does lay eggs inside of you, which is the main reason he makes sure to go slow. A singular egg is around the size of a pea, so he ends up placing a few hundred inside of you each time. The eggs aren't really fertile unless you sit in a bathtub for a few months or if they're soaked in freshwater some other way, so they either dissolve or come out after a while.
...Though, there was one incident when an egg was somehow fertilized, and thus was how you got a son. He was more human than anything, but does have a handful of frog-like characteristics. Wart was definitely not expecting for something like that to happen, but he seemed mildly joyful that you two were able to procreate.
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suppermariobroth · 5 months
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Officially licensed 1989 Super Mario Bros. 2 greeting cards that depict Wart as (at least partially) friendly, directly at odds with his characterization in the game, where he is depicted as a purely malevolent entity.
Interestingly, in 1993, Wart would return in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (under his original Japanese name, Mamu, but officially recognized as the same character) and actually be friendly there, making these cards inadvertently appear prescient of the future of the character.
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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom LEAKED!
As you may know, the art book for the new Zelda game "Tears of the Kingdom" has leaked. Here with no plot spoilers are some of the biggest revelations:
Ganondorf is not the character pictured in the trailers. This is actually Ganonette, a hylian who can become like Ganondorf with the help of a special crown. Rule 34 artists are already on the job.
New crafting mechanics will not only include vehicles and weapons, but costumes and armor, runes, and living enemies. By collecting monster parts, you can now play god and make a monster that will long for a bride, killing your family if you don't make one for it.
Two new species will join the Rito, Zora and Gorons. There will be the Zonai, which are glowing slug like beings that can grow pseudopods as needed to fight and work; and the Mamu, large frog like beings that are totally not reused from Mario 2 in any way despite the fact they throw vegetables at you.
The final boss of the game will have its own sky-castle full of robots powered by a large crystal and a huge tree, and for some reason Anna Paquin and James Van Der Beek are there.
Tingle is a playable character.
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doweesig · 1 year
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The 8-bits Baddies
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leaderoffestivals · 6 months
Mikejima Madara Feature Scout 2 Ch 2: Fates and Feast
Madara: Let’s enjoy the festival together, just like we did that day. What do you say, Anzu-san? 
Scenario Writer: Yuumasu Season: Winter   Characters: Mikejima Madara. Otogari Adonis, Oogami Koga, Harukawa Sora, Akehoshi Subaru, Sakasaki Natsume, Anzu
< After a short while. Carrying out duties as the “One-Day PR General”... >
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Have you received the special Mikejima Madara’ stamp rally cards yet? They’re being handed out at the entrance!
To collect all the stamps, you’ll need to explore every nook and corner of the venue. By the time the card is filled with stamps, you’ll have covered the entirrre venue!
One can only truly appreciate the famous sights of the world by being there in person, but you can experience the culinary cultures of the world right here at this venue!
In other words, you can learn more about the world through food!
The world is an incredibly vast place, full of discoveries yet to be made! I HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY LEARNING MORE ABOUT THE WORLD WHILE INDULGING IN DELICIOUS DELIGHTS ☆]
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Madara: (Turn off the mike now, and… …
This place has been bustling since the opening hour―it looks like the efforts we put into promoting the event are paying off. 
This is splendid. Yes, this is how festivals should be, after all ♪
I’m supposed to meet with Anzu-san at the Japanese food fair around noon. 
Until then, I’ll continue to soak in the sights and the sounds of the venue, and continue livening up the atmosphere here in my role as the “One-Day PR General”―
… … Oh? I see some familiar faces over thereee―) ADONIS-SAN, KOGA-SAN! YOOHOOOOOOO ☆
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Koga: Pipe down~. Why are you yellin’ at us so loudly for? 
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Adonis: Good morning, Mikejima-senpai―
Oops―No. It would be better to address you as the PR General here, I suppose?
Madara: Nope! Feel free to address me as you usually do! Thank you both for coming! I appreciate it so much!
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Koga: Well, you’ve been yappin’ non-stop about the event at Seisoukan and hypin’ it up like crazy, haven’t you?
It piqued my curiosity enough to check it out, and I found out there’re chefs from this guy’s home country attending too.
Adonis: That’s why Oogami and I are here, to try some authentic cuisine from my homeland―
―and it’s all thanks to your enthusiastic promotion of the event. Thank you, Mikejima-senpai. 
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Madara: You’re very welcome! I hope you’ll enjoy the taste of your homeland too ☆
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Sora: HaHa~ ♪ Good morning, Giant-san! ♪
Madara: OH! It’s Sora-san and Subaru-san.
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Subaru: Yes! Since it’s an invitation from our roommate, Mamu-senpai, how could we not show up, right?
It would’ve been perfect if Hibiki-senpai could’ve come along too, but he seems to have something going on. However, in his place―
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Subaru: TADA~AH! Natsume has joined our party~ ☆
Natsume: SeriousLY? I’m not here to replace Wataru-nii-san at aLL. I’m only here because I didn’t want to let Baru-kun monopolise Sora for the entire dAY.
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Subaru: Haha! That's what you say, but deep down, you totally wanted to hang out with me, didn’t you? Awww, youuu~ ♪
Natsume: UgH. Stop tickling mE, and stop twisting things to fit your narratiVE.
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Natsume: Oh yES. Wataru-nii-san will be attending tomorrOW, together with the other members of “fine”. Isn’t that grEAT, Mikejima-senpai?
Madara: Yes, indeed. I’m very grateful to everyone who showed interest!
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Sora: Yes! Sora is so thankful to learn about such a fun event!
HiHi~ ♪ What should Sora eat first, Sora is wondering~?
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Natsume: UfufU. You may order anything you liKE. I’ll cover the bill for yOU, okAY?
Sora: YAAAY~ ♪ Thank you so much, Shisho~!
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Subaru: YAAAY~ ♪ Thanks so much, Natsume!
Natsume: Hold oN. I wasn’t talking to yOU, Baru-kun. 
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Madara: Haha, the young ones sure are energetic, aren’t theyyy―
Oh myyy? There’s another familiar face over there! HELLOOOOOO ☆
< A few hours later. At the Japanese food fair. >
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Madara: (Where’s Anzu-san now… … Hmmm?)
Whoops, did I startle you? My apologies for speaking up from behind you so suddenly! 
What are you doing, lurking behind this food stall? … … Hmmm? “I’m not lurking at all”―you say?
Hmm, hmm. You’re helping out at the food stalls that are short-staffed because of the sudden increase in visitors―
―and that’s why you’re peeling potatoes now? 
I don’t think there’s any obligation for you to help them, Anzu-san. But then again, you’re the type of person who can’t ever turn a blind eye to someone in need, huh… …
Alright, count me in! I’ll pitch in and lend a hand too ☆
Why are you holding me back nowww? … … You’re being considerate because you think I’ve been working hard as the PR General earlier? 
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Madara: HAHAHA! There’s no need to worry about me at aaall! My stamina is as boundless as the sea, you knowww!
I made the decision to take charge of this event after all, so I want to see it through to the very end!
… … You’re saying the taiyaki (1) stall owner over there seems like he’s having a hard time managing the store alone? 
Roger wilco! (2)  Leave it to me! I’ve got plenty of experience with aaall kinds of festival stalls!
< A while later… …>
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Madara: Thank you for waiting, Anzu-san! The taiyaki stand has been saved!
More specifically, we were able to increase the turnover after the stall owner and I divided the work among ourselves. We managed to clear the long line that had formed before I arrived in just thirty minutes―
And now that stall owner’s acquaintance has rushed over to help, I’m relieved of my duties now! All’s well that ends well! ☆
And as a token of appreciation for my assistance, the stall owner has given me some taiyaki too. 
Let’s eat them together, while they’re still warm. Here we gooo~ ♪
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Madara: Sweet treats savoured after performing good deeds always taste especially delicious, don't they? They're on a whole other level. 
… … Anzu-san. Thank you for appointing me to be the event’s PR General. 
That was Tsumugi-san’s idea―you say? Hahaha, well, that much is true but―
You were the one who set things in motion, right? If you hadn’t decided to liven up the event, Anzu-san, I wouldn’t even be here. 
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Madara: … … That’s right. It’s just like when you were peeling potatoes behind the food stalls. There wasn’t any obligation for you to help out at all. 
Even if ES were to be labelled as “a saboteur of other companies’ projects”, that wouldn’t tarnish your reputation as a Producer in the slightest. 
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Madara: Er, I know it’s kind of a downer for me to be asking this, but―why did you decide to take action here? 
“Because I want to see people smile”―you say? And―“Because I know how frustrating it is to see the projects one has worked so hard on fail.”
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Madara: Yes. It’s incredibly painful when one’s efforts don’t pay off, isn’t it? 
You’re sooo kind, Anzu-san. Mama is sooo glad you grew up to be such a good child ♪
You’re not my Mama―you say? HAHAHA! It’s sooo cute the way you always react to what I say so smartly! ☆
Because you wanted to see people smile, huh… … You’re right. A smile is like the sunshine that brightens up the world. 
I, too, am happy when I see you smile, Anzu-san. 
Well, now that we’re done eating, let’s get moving. 
When don’t we take a stroll together before heading back to ES? I’d like to buy some souvenirs for Tsumugi-san. 
It’d be such a shame to head back so soon, wouldn’t it? 
… … This reminds you of what we did last summer, huh? Now that you’ve mentioned it, we went to the “Rensei Festival” together, didn’t we? 
We wore matching masks and joined in the Bon Odori dance. It’s such a pity that we can’t dance today… …
Let’s enjoy the festival together, just like we did that day. What do you say, Anzu-san? 
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The End
Chapter 1
Translator’s notes: 1) Taiyaki (the street food Madara is holding in his animation) is a fish-shaped waffle filled with red bean paste or other fillings.
2) Roger Wilco: army slang for “I hear you and will comply”.
3) I split Madara's animated emotion into two because it's a whopping 36 seconds long.
4) It's not proofed, so if there's any feedback, please DM me.
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smallmariofindings · 2 years
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In The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, Mamu/Wart (who is confirmed to be the same character as Wart, the final boss of Super Mario Bros. 2) only faces to the side (first three images). Development files for the game contain an unused sprite of him facing the screen (last image).
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Il Piantissimo Is Not The Running Man from Ocarina of Time
So when one removes the mask of the character Il Piantissimo from Super Mario Sunshine, it is revealed they bare striking resemblance to the Running Man from Ocarina of Time. This has lead to many people creating hypotheses that Il Piantissimo and the Running Man are actually the same person, and that Hyrule exists on Mario's World. I do not the think this is the case for a few reasons.
To start off I wanna talk about the Running Man's height. So in Hyrule Historia we get to see concept art of Ganondorf from Ocarina of Time. His height is revealed to be 230 cm Tall. From here I got the closest comparison of Adult Link and Ganondorf near each other. I using Ganon's knee height I estimated Link is about 5 feet and 1 inch tall. Something I noticed is some people on the Zelda Dungeon Forums also came to a similar conclusion about Link's height. From here I compared Link to the Running Man. The Running Man appears to be a bit taller than Link by a few inches. So probably something like 5'3-5'4 feet tall.
Now in a previous post I have made I had given what I believe the canon height comparison of the Mario Cast is, and eventually alongside it the reasoning behind it. So I believe Small Mario is 3 feet and 3 inches tall, and that in 3D platformers he is always Small Mario unless he eats say a Super Mushroom like in some of the Super Mario 64 DS levels. So with that being said, Il Piantissimo is about the same height as Small Mario, thus placing him somewhere around 3'3 feet tall. This would make Il Piantissimo much shorter than the Running Man. So that alongside some other visual differences between the 2 would mean they are not the same person.
Some more reasons why they are not the same person is that the Mario World doesn't really have space for Hyrule on it. And the Mario and Zelda Timelines work completely differently from each other.
So what's going on here? Well like Mamu, Il Piantissimo and the Running Man are 2 different universe versions of each other. This would explain the height difference and other visual differences between the 2.
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thefloofyfurret · 6 months
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ranmagender · 10 months
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Subcon Update!
So as loyal readers will know, i have a fascination with placing the mario series in a timeline and one offshoot is Subcon, a dream world originating from Super Mario Bros 2 (the american one). I've done some posts about this, but I've added the warioware and rhythm heaven series into the timeline.
initially thought to be the imagination of Mario in Super Mario Bros 2 but was later proven to be a realm in and of itself in BS Super Mario Bros USA Power Challenge a Satellaview exclusive sequel to Mario Bros 2.
The character Wart or Mamu from Super Mario Bros 2 appears in Link’s Awakening which also takes place in a dream world albeit on an island. This means characters from the Zelda series also have access to this dream world.
Prince Richard appears in that game as the engine used to make Link’s Awakening was first made for a japanese exclusive gameboy game called The Frog for Whom the Bell Tolls which events gotta take place before Linl’s Awakening.
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Mad Scienstein appears in The Frog for Whom the Bell Tolls, later appearing in Wario Land 3, Wario Land 4 and Dr. Mario 64. Wario Land is of course a sequel series to the Super Mario Land series. Events from the Wario Land series are referenced in the beginning of the first WarioWare game as having happened.
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Cicada, a character from Rhythm Heaven is also featured in the WarioWare series.
Rudy, the villain from Dr. Mario 64 is referenced in the Mario x DragonQuest video game Fortune Street.
Captain Rainbow is an odd japan exclusive game about a former super hero actor who goes to an island of dreams to get his wishes fulfilled. The connection here is that Crazy Tracy from Link’s Awakening is in the game.
There’s an overarching theme of dreams and none of these games really make a whole lot of sense either together or in their own right which sort of fits the loose defined boundaries of dreams.
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luigigirl12 · 10 months
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Me getting ready to fight wart
By the way in my Mario universe instead of me fighting bowser I fight wart. Basically bowser changed his ways and he doesn't kidnap peach anymore. Wart keeps kidnapping Rosalina and its up to me and my two brothers Mario and Luigi to save her. Bowser also comes along by the way because well Rosalina is bowser's girlfriend.
For those of you who don't know who wart is well he's a frog and he first appeared in a game called doki doki panic in 1987. The time he appeared in a Mario game was in Super Mario bros 2 in 1988. In other games he is called mamu.
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