#man i would love to see shang tsung as shaolin monk
cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Liu Kang must've been tripping balls if his best solution to Shang Tsung is to shove him into a life of poverty. Liu can claim he wants to reform them but his actions are contradicting his words as it seems like he more or less gave up on Shang and Quan Chi the moment they were born and made their lives terrible as a way to prevent their rise to power which didn't work at all.
Like just put Shang in the White Lotus and raise him yourself so you can keep an eye on him. Shao Khan got a better shot yet Quan Chi is slaving in the mines and Shang was struggling to survive.
The most weird thing about this situation is the very idea that Shang Tsung's new incarnation is bound to be evil and Liu Kang must either reform him to prevent that or let him live in conditions that limit his opportunity to grow, let alone learn magic - instead of assumption that people are born with a clean state as evilness is not inherited trait. Double so, as Liu Kang is said to craft destiny of each person, so why not just make his ex-enemy a fundamental good person or at least temper the traits that originally lead Shang Tsung to evil path in the first place, the way Fire Lord tempered with Rain's godly origin to make him less arrogant or switched Kuai Liang's power from ice to fire. He did make differences to people's original characterization and backstories (Shang Tsung himself was a human born in Earthrealm previously) and we are supposed to believe Shang Tsung couldn't be molded into a good person without putting him into harsh living conditions or couldn’t be placed in loving family to temper his behavior and surround him with people helping him to stay on right track?
At the same time, Liu Kang says Black Dragons are bad guys in all timelines and from previous game we know Kronika used Shang Tsung as a backup if she needed energy from collected souls, so I wonder if there are some rules or difficulties that Liu Kang couldn’t overcome and some characters are in fact by nature aligned with evilness? Thus his attempts to keep Shang Tsung as far from any power?  I literally spent all day thinking about it, the conflict of nature vs nurture  and how this affects Liu Kang’s reasoning for making these certain decisions, but I too think he could just put Shang Tsung between Shaolin Monks and personally oversee his progress, actually making a real effort to teach Shang Tsung to be a good person - but that of course would demand from Liu to overcome his own prejudices.
Truly, why Shao Kahn get the better deal out of three, I don't have an idea.
(And let's not forget the character intro like this:
Shang Tsung: "The squalor I endured as a child-" Geras: "Do not lie. I know the truth."
and I’m not sure if the authors made their mind, did Shang Tsung was born into poverty and neglect - as story mode implies he is on his own, using  deception to survive or we should go with his official bio, he cheated because due to laziness and insincere nature thus ended in that misery because of his own flaws and we are blaming Liu Kang way too much for this mess? But the again, Quan Chi working in mines doesn't sound inspiring much either compared to Shao Kahn's new life)
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enterwittyjokehere · 1 year
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Accidental Announcement
Raiden x (gender neutral) reader smut
⚠️ warnings:
[They/them pronouns used]
[Slight smut: 18+ only!]
[Blow j*b]
[Main character death]
"Shang Tsung, please stop this behavior before you do something irresponsible." Lord Liu Kang pleaded.
The high strung outworld sorcerer just let out a sarcastic laugh, he held a close friend of the fire God hostage.
(Y/n)'s frail hands wrapped around the towering sorcerer's own. He held them by their throat, as some prized game he had just killed.
"You think I'll find my humanity now, lord Liu Kang?" He let out another laugh, only this one was slightly more unhinged.
With his second, free hand, the sorcerer snapped (y/n)'s neck, taking their life force in. Then Shang Tsung dropped the lifeless corpse with a loud thud.
Raiden, who had been tending to his fellow former Shaolin monk, Kung Lao's, injuries, watched in horror as it happened. Raiden was a sweet man, who always seemed to see the best in people, and seeing this truly upset him.
Kung lao put a hand on Raidens shoulder, in an attempt to lift himself up off the ground, "(y/n)!"
Raiden held him down, "Kung Lao, please, stay down. You're hurt very badly."
Raiden pleaded with silent tears, Kung Lao noticed the pain of his friend and laid back down.
Liu Kang looked as though he would kill Shang Tsung, anger engulfed him similar to the flames traveling up his forearms. Earthrealm's Johnny cage had scaled the wall, that Shang Tsung was watching the champions of Earthrealm from, he was only met with a kick and fell onto his back, exhaling most of the air in his lungs.
Kenshi helped him to sit up as he gasped for air, Raiden watched, he wasn't sure what to do he wasn't sure how to help.
Netherrealm he wasn't even sure if they were dead, Shang Tsung was a powerful sorcerer and he has been playing with them this whole battle.
But something in raidens mind told him he was wrong, Shang Tsung was not that merciful.
Raiden got up, leaving Kung Lao's side, walking in between Liu Kang and Shang Tsung. He squatted down to be at (y/n)'s side, feeling for a pulse. He felt none, lightning buzzed off of him most of it siphoned into the ground.
"You kill for no reason." As always Raiden spoke clearly, he knew something no one else in the room knew and it made this situation much worse.
"Therefore you cannot be reasoned with." Raiden's words made the arrogant sorcerer smile.
He looked down at (y/n), his partner, for a few months now he and (y/n) had been 'sneaking around' to say the least. It started out as puppy love sweet and cute, (y/n) had presude Raiden, but raiden cared much for them already.
"And what will you do about it 'farm boy'?" Shang Tsung used Johnny Cages nickname, but it sounded even more demeaning coming from him.
"Nothing." Liu Kang objected, "Raiden. This is not your fight."
Though Lord Liu Kang's voice was stern, however, Raiden had to do something, he would not be able to live with himself had he allowed Shang Tsung to get away with prematurely ending his beloved's life.
"It is now, lord Liu Kang." Raiden answered, "forgive me, but I must disobey you."
Raiden removed his hat and placed it to cover (y/n)'s face, "Rest now, my love. Your fight is over."
Only Liu Kang was close enough to hear his whispered words, but Raiden knew that after his battle all his earthrealm friends would know of his secret.
As Raiden began to fight, lightning crackled and popped, the now recovered Johnny cage urged kenshi to help him move (y/n)'s lifeless body.
The two made their way over to the body of their friend, picking them up carefully, both out of respect and to not drop Raiden's hat. The energy exuding from Raiden was bitter and strong, it did not take an empath to realize how angry he was, even as he kept his cool and fought calm and collectively.
As the two friend's of Raiden and (Y/n) hosted the body up lightning struck it, sending bolts through Johnny and kenshi as well, they let go. The body of their friend slipped to the ground, Johnny reeled back as the electricity made his muscles spasm, "D*mn it"
Although, as (y/n) hit the floor they made a noise. Raiden's hat fell slightly off center and the earthrealmers watched as their beloved teammates eyes fluttered open.
"Hey gorgeous, just deciding to rejoin the fight?" Johnny said, estactic your were ok.
He was only met with a scream as they ran away from him, ducking past a very confused Kung lao. Who just shrugged with wide eyes, helplessly staring at Kenshi and Johnny.
"What?!" Shang Tsung let out, seeing you were somehow alive.
"Hail the elder gods!" Raiden teleported down off the ledge and slapped Johnny's hand, "Johnny tap in, take care of him."
With that he ran after them, Johnny looked up as a very angry Shang Tsung approached him, "why me?"
[(Y/n)'s pov]
You ran away from the strange men, that had surrounded you, they sounded familiar even looked familiar but you had no recollection of them. You ran far and fast but all the rooms in this building looked the same. To be completely honest your weren't even sure of where you were running to. You knew you had a home, but you couldn't remember it, you couldn't remember anything. Finally you came to a long winding corridor, filled to the brim with exotic weapons you stopped to grab a few, you may need them in case the odd men pose any threat to you.
You stopped arming up when you heard loud, flat footsteps approaching.
"(Y/n)!" The guy with lightning powers approached, "Oh, thank the elder gods. I-I..." He paused as you had a twisted dagger in your hands.
"Who are you?" You asked him, he raised his hands in a surrender.
"(Y/n) I mean you no harm. Do you not remember me?" He asked, his puppy dog eyes staring into your own, "Remember our nights together?"
"Nights together?" You repeated, "what do you mean?"
Raiden cleared his throat as a red hue took his tan features, "I'm not sure if explaining would help my current situation, my love."
You cocked an eyebrow at his nickname, "I don't think I can trust you." You explained "The brown haired man also made advances towards me. How can I be so 'close' to the both of you?"
"That's just how Johnny is, now please just listen before you do something you'll regret." He said, attempting to take the blade you held.
You retracted it cutting him, he winced and pulled his arm back. Tilting his head to look at the wound, showing you his little bun. (Not important for the story i just adore his little hairdo 🥰🙈🙈)
"Please give me the knife." He spoke stern but soft.
"I don't know if-"
"No, (y/n) right now, we cannot trust you." He cut you off, his words serious and stern, although his voice still held the same sweet tone. You backed away, but he persisted, "Please I will not let you hurt yourself or anyone else."
You didn't listen only turned to face him and grabbed his shoulder, pushing down on his leg and successfully getting him down on the ground. Moving to straddle him, you dug your knees into his side, holding the knife at his chest, "I would not hurt anyone unless tempted."
"You cut me. On accident." He clarified.
You couldn't think clearly it was like he was playing with you messing with your head. He grabbed your forearms in an attempt to get the blade away from him.
Only thing he did was make you strain to where you pushed back on him, almost grinding in a way. The two of you heard footsteps once more, you looked up to see the brown haired man running towards the two of you.
"Raiden. (Y/n). What the hell are you,-" You're senses faded out with an electric sizzle.
Your lifeless body fell into Raidens chest and peirced the dagger into his chest but only slightly. He winced and held you tightly in place, whispering prayers to the elder gods of outworld.
"Raiden the f*ck was that?" Johnny said approaching the two of you.
"I'm hoping it'll kind of reset them. They were gonna hurt somebody most likely themselves I had to stop them."
You felt your mind fade back into consciousness, you heard mumbled speech and the bright lights bouncing off the beige stone walls hurt your eyes. A loud ringing accompanied the the vague voices, in your ears. You looked up and saw raiden talking, his jaw turned to you a heat seeped into your hands and arms looking down you saw red and a twisted dagger, stabbed into raidens chest.
"Raiden your bleeding!" You said causing him to jump.
"God's, just-" Raiden looked at you as you pushed off him to straddle him, looking at the knife, "you know who I am?"
"Yeah, raiden I hope I would be able to identify my boyfriend." You said, carefully removing the knife and throwing it to the side, "it's not a deep wo-"
Raiden's hands cupped your face, pulling you back onto him, and into a passionate kiss. You grabbed his wrists and kissed back, it wasn't uncommon for Raiden to kiss you out of nowhere. He was quite affectionate, you were just preoccupied with his wound.
The two of you pulled away to breathe, you looked up and saw Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Kung Lao, and lord Liu Kang, staring at the two of you almost in awe.
"Shit. Raiden." You said pointing at them.
He sighed, "yeah, they came to help when you tried to skewer me."
"I did that?" You asked, placing a hand to your heart.
"Yeah, but it's fine." He said.
"No raiden we have to get you help." You said attempting to get off of him.
"Wait don't move just yet." He said pulling you back onto him.
He moved to whsiper in your ear, you scooted back onto him feeling what he had just informed you of.
"Kung lao, Kenshi can you take Johnny and Lord Liu Kang to get a medical professional. I'll stay here with Raiden."
"Knowing what we know now. I'm not sure that's the best idea." Kung lao spoke, "I don't think we should be leaving the two of you alone anymore."
You groaned, "Raiden has a boner so unless you wanna see that I suggest you do as your told."
"(Y/n)!?" Raiden yelled, hiding his face in your shirt.
Kung lao took kenshi and Liu Kang and left, however as you helped Raiden up Johnny cage looked at the bulge in his pants, "guess I'll have to start calling you farm man from now on."
With that Johnny left.
You took Raiden into one of the rooms, it had a small desk space and a chair the two of you moved to it, pushing Raiden onto the desk you kneeled down in front of him. Pulling down his pants, you took your dominate hand and began to pump, lubing him up with the slimy prec*m coming from his tip.
Raiden made his usual cute little noises, as he wiggled around needing more friction, "(y/n), please."
You knew what he wanted, Raiden loved blowjobs, he loved your mouth all over him, he also loved doing oral on you. He felt it's more intimate.
"Give me a second, love." You said as you continued to pump slowly.
You cleared your throat and kiss the tip of his pen*s, then you took him into your mouth, Raiden groaned into his arm. As you began to move around him, swirling you tougne and moving your head in the same motion you had been doing your hand.
Raiden snaked a hand into your hair, the other covered his mouth to hide his noisy moans. You used your free hand to massage his balls, making him moan even more. As Raiden got close he removed his hand from your hair, to prop his body up.
He moved against you, basically f*cking your face. Before his body curled and he came into your mouth you swallowed as much as you could and removed him from your mouth.
He licked the remaining c*m that had dripped down your face off and connected his lips to your own pulling you closer towards him.
"Careful baby, get me too wound up and you'll have to go another round." You said.
"Ooh. That's just sad." Johnny's voice said on the other side of the closed door.
"How long have you been listening, perv!" You said opening the door as, Raiden quickly failed to pull his pants up.
"Well, we got a doctor." Kung Lao said in a sour voice.
"Although, it sounded like Dr. (Y/n) fixed him up pretty well on their own." Johnny snickered.
"I'd still like for him to be looked over." You said, grabbing your partner by the arm to help him.
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starsurface · 7 months
Your writings are very good, they make me happy! Would it be possible to write Shang Tsung from the 3d era taking care of an age regressed reader that uses diapers?
Awh, thank you!!! I'm so glad that they make you happy!! <3
I will admit, i know incredibly little about this character!!!! :D (I tried to do research, but do call me our or dm if I wrote some things wrong, I can totally redo or make a pt 2 or something!!)
Like, . . . I know he’s evil. And has an island. And works for Shao Kahn. And is one of the more first big boss fights?? And that 3d is like, Deception, and Armageddon, and Shaolin Monks (the cutscenes only version of that game is so funny, the storyline is so fast).
And not even zesty evil!!! But like, actually evil. :(
Small Warning (?): It just kinda feels like there are some darker undertones in these?? Not exactly yandere like, but mildly possessive, and little to no hesitation to hurt others for you. It’s not implied that he’d kill, but it is implied that he’d use them as experiments (which I can totally change if anyone gets uncomfortable with!!!)
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG 3d era Shang Tsung w/ Regressor That Uses Diaper Hcs
🐛 I know I said he’s evil . . . but I think he adores you
🐛 Your his baby, how could he not love you!! He’s cruel and a villain, but your his Precious, he couldn’t just let you go <3
🐛 While a man of evil and Shao Kahn’s sorcerer, he would never make fun of you for using or needing padding
🐛 Babyspace regressor? You’re very tiny!! Of course you might need some help, and that’s okay!!
🐛 Toddler? Well, accidents happen all the time, and he’d rather be safe than sorry anyways
🐛 Big kid? Well he’d still classify you as a baby, but whatever you say <3
🐛 Middlespace regressor? Everyone can use diapers!! Whether for medicine or comfort, that’s your regression, and no one else’s
🐛 And if anyone were to magically tell you otherwise, well, they strangely disappear!! :O (and maybe end up in Shang Tsung’s lab)
🐛 Might get a bit grumpy if you wake him up at night, but almost any thoughts of anger or upset wash away when he sees how upset you are
🐛 . . . Although he’s also super tired and might put on your padding backwards
🐛 It is literally not his fault, it’s two am, and he has work tomorrow
🐛 Although he’d rather you wake him up than sit sobbing in bed, work or no work, you’re his first priority
🐛 He’ll also get some of those potty mattress protections, just in case you may or may not have an accident again (but only if your cool with it)
🐛 Magic show distractions!!!
🐛 He could give you something to fidget with during the process . . . Or he could use his super cool sorcerer powers and make a little light show to distract you
🐛 From what i’ve seen in almost every Shang Tsung, they have a way with words
🐛 So it’s not him buying your regression supplies, it’s Shao Kahn <3
🐛 Shang Tsung works for him, how could he not also supply for his precious baby that he gets very little time with because of how often he has to work and prepare for the tornoment?
🐛 ^ Lies, Shang Tsung can and will pause any type of working if you regress and come for him
🐛 Maybe unless he’s in the middle of an experiment, but he’s left his studies many times before
🐛 Your not really allowed to talk to Shao Kahn though :\ (Shang Tsung’s worried Shao will be mean or cruel to you in your headspace)
🐛 But you get much time with Dada!! :D
🐛 He’ll make a little regression area in his laboratory!! It’s Shang Tsung’s Island, who would tell him he couldn’t put a secret passage way into a small regression area just for you?
🐛 ^ No one, that’s who, so of course he does it!! (and Shao Kahn gets the bill for it >:3)
🐛 He does make sure to put it more where the potions or his study books are and not where his experiments are (he doesn’t like you seeing them in your headspace)
🐛 Don’t you dare ever try to touch his potions, he will get incredibly upset and you’ll get in trouble
🐛 They’re for big kids and big kids only, plus you could get seriously hurt and Dada might not be able to help you from some of them
🐛 Or you could just regress in Dada’s room, which is much comfier anyways
🐛 If you end up having any type of accidents, he’s very gentle about the process, gently shushing and comforting you, drawing you a nice bath and picking out some comfy clothes
🐛 His clothes to be exact, what could be better?
🐛 If you’re ever embarrassed about using padding, he’d call you silly
🐛 There’s no reason too!! Whether for comfort, or medical, or just because, if it works for you, then he’s more than happy to help with the process
🐛 Your his baby after all, and he’s going to make sure you have the world <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I like the Caterpillar emoji, it's cute. :3 (also they didn't have any potions :\)
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mrstsung · 5 months
Honeys. If liu kang really cared about his friend in this new game. He wouldn't have made raiden reggie the farmer champion.
Idc kung lao is not a reincarnation. He is a decedent given that name by a prideful and vain family who only wants it in for themselves. Holy shit.
This happens unfortunately in families. Unfortunately in asian families specifically but that aside. Kung lao doesn't seem to have a very good family if they are homophobic to kung jin,his nephew.
So yeah,kung lao disowning his family (besides jin,because he loves his nephew) makes sense. And he wants to bring honor to his ancestor not his immediate family
The great lao died in mortal kombat. However was shamed by his descendants family for perversion of his legacy and what he stood for. Plus he died by goros hands. All four of em. Tho this happens in a tournament,he didn't know anything about goro. So he wasn't prepared. So it was an unfair fight. So that added to it.
Sure the great lao didn't want to do this whole mortal kombat thing. Nobody does in mortal kombat,duh. That's been stated. I dont really see anyone besides shao kahn and shinnok really loving mortal kombat.
Quan chi is a hit or miss. He loves it but hates it because rules.
Shang tsung doesn't truly love it but he's fucking good at it. That's why he's tournament master.
But back to kung lao(jr)
So many people miss the point.
Mk11 and mk12/mk1 did such a disservice to the character. And if you disagree you're looking at kung lao thru tinted glasses. And not understanding the whole fucking picture.
There's nothing good about kung lao from those games.
Mk9 was great till they bodied people for shock value and not actual purpose.
Mk9 is also where they grossly exaggerated his "pride" . I feel some people not be playing the same games because i remember fucking mk9-mk11 waaaaay differently.
Sure living in lius shadow would piss anyone off. But liu kang not really stopping anyone is also a problem. If his character cares so much he'd defend his friend always. Not just when it's convenient.
It feels like "no no kung laos great. Anyways..." so passive aggressive. To me
So i dunno what y'all be watching or playing but kung lao hasn't been good for a long time storywise.
Gameplay wise he kicks ass just as much as he did back then. So that hasn't changed much.
Just storymode wise. They dunno what to do with him besides making his 2nd banana for no reason.
Liu kang is the one who didn't want to be champion or a god and stated this. But they made him it anyways. Kung lao was fucking ready. But nobody gives him a chance....why?.....because you put this false fake ass persona trope on him because you don't want him to be champion or something?! Why? Why do y'all hate lao that much?
Liu hasn't earned shit it was always handed to him by the narrative.
Kung lao has earned shit. Even when they wrote him shitty.
I love liu but lao i love more. Simply because his character is way more impactful.
I dunno man. People on here i feel just don't get it. And wont.
I've been a kung lao main for years. And he's been my boy since day one. I was 10-12 yrs old when i got into mortal kombat. Sitting in front of my tv playing mk shaolin monks and the demo for mk2 religiously. Do not speak of me how kung lao is. I was there.
He's my First videogame crush too.
So yeah i take dissing him very personally. My feels aside,It's unnecessary too narratively it makes no sense.
Kung lao deserves better. Been deserving better.
Like this is no diss to liu kang,i love him too. I just wish people weren't weird and gross about him. And nrs wasn't jackasses to him and sucked his boots that much.
Kung lao is ready. And it's about time y'all make him actually fucking champion,chosen,and loved properly.
AND GIVE HIM HIS OLD PERSONALITY BACK! that cool,quiet,chill,snarky,badass,demeanor. Serious when needed,funny and loving when also needed. Like damn man.
Look at mk shaolin monks for the proper kung lao. And look at the mk95 movie for the proper liu kang.
Only kung lao is related to the great kung lao. And he doesn't need to be a reincarnation to be special.
And liu kang doesn't need ties to be special either.
Sometimes people just happen to cross paths and "destinies" which is never set in stone.
Liu kang and kung Laos are friends. But y'all dunno how to write best friends without rivalry,romance,etc.
Friendly competition between friends is not the same as rivalry and fueds.
By all means kung lao and liu kang grew up together and obviously had brotherhood trained together, and in some cases even "died" together. So there shouldn't be any bad blood in any iteration.
Im just sick of kung lao being treated wrongly by fans and canon.
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1-up-chump · 1 year
An mk ask thingy i did! Warning, its very long tho so its under the cut. Here's the blank https://www.tumblr.com/arttrampbelle/714499370612113408/mk-various-asks
• What is in your opinion the best stage?
Have to say the living forest, not just bc i love nature, but it's always left a big impression on me. The menacing trees with a life of their own, that random dead guy returning to the foliage. The whole atmosphere is just so unique to mortal kombat in terms of a fighting game. In shaolin monks its my favorite level just how memorable the scenery is, from the lumbering zombies to the trees themselves to the clay status to the snakes all around.
My second favorite might have to be the shirai-ryu fire gardens. Its just so beautiful and a perfect place to have a good fight. Reminds me truly of those old martial arts movies
• Who is your main?
Raiden, simply because i always found his flying electric move so funny bc he just flings himself and screams.
Although kung lao and scorpion are close second to who i prefer to play as, even though sub-zero is my second favorite character of all time.
• What powers/fighting type would you have if you were in mk?
Probably fire moves like liu kang, but with the legs. Something like a cool cartwheel of flames attack or breakdancing move as a special.
Although for something more sinister... bones and shadow would be a cool ability, like a cross between shinnok and noob-saibot's attacks
• Who is your fave kharacter(s)?
Raiden, baby me thought "haha funny screaming triangle man" as good enough reason to like him. Upon growing my first and only brain cell however, i appreciate his role in the lore as a mentor and protector. But also feel his character could have so much more, how i see him is a combination of many iterations of him in media. And it saddens me that, canon and fans alike, only put him in a one dimensional box thats, no offense, a generic lawful good paladin type who has all the humor and personality as wet cardboard.
Second favorite is sub-zero. Short answer: heehoo blue is my favorite color :)
Long answer: sub-zero, specifically kuai liang, is an interesting character who goes through many trials. Having to deal with the sins of not only his brother, but his clans' grandmaster as well. Having to fight a vengeful specter to having to fight those he once called brothers in arms in steel prisons that contain their souls in code.
• If you had to pick a representative realm,who's side would you be on? Or would you be on your own side,acting alone? Aka neutral.
Earthrealm, because i fricken live here!!
• If your found yourself on shang tsung's island,washed up on the beach. What is your first reaction,and what would you do first?
Panik, calm, remember as much survival tips as possible and encounter shang tsung, panik
• Would you have a master/teacher/sensei? If so...who?
(Do i really need to say it?)
Raiden and fujin would be the best teachers (both with their similar yet different approaches)
However, i would so vibe with master bo rai cho. One, i laugh at fart jokes. Two, i may like drinking. And three, approaching things with cautious optimism is always the best tactic for me.
• Fatalities,brutalities,or friendship?
I love friendship HOWEVER this is mortal kombat...
My favorite fatalities and brutalities are varied amongst characters and the games. So i would describe my favorite kinds to be...
How exaggerated they are, as in how unnecessary you are killing someone from ripping them apart to blowing them up.
How much gore there is, from gushing blood and guts to a whole skeleton popping out.
How quick they are, slow and painful or quick and... still painful.
• What stage would you NOT wanna be stuck in?
Dead pool, the smell must be atrocious. Like someone filled a chlorine soaked pool with road kill. The mix of chemicals unknown and death has to at least made one kombatant throw up.
That or the kytinn stage, god i hate that stage who thought THAT was a good idea??? The gore i can handle but bugs and the hives and the eggs eeughhhh!!! No thanks >:(
• Who would be absolutely terrifying to fight in mk. Even if it was at its fairest and you had the highest advantage.
Shao kahn due to trauma fighting this asshole many a times.
Although i gotta say the scariest might have to be either shinnok or onaga. Those two are literally beings who will end realms, compared to them? Shao kahn is a little kitten.
• Who's your least faves and why?
To be honest, i dont have a character i hate and wished didn't exist, but rather be written better. But to pick someone, it'd have to be either kronika or Stryker. Kronika bc in canon shes stupid, ugly, and annoying to fight not even fun to beat in the sense of accomplishment but rather getting it over with.
Stryker bc (acab) his character is literally just some dude. Yeah Johnny cage is a Hollywood star but also a serious fighter with chi energy, and sonya is fckin military and has her own agendas. Stryker is just some riot cop thrown into all of this and while that type of character can be done good as a vessel for the "every man" i just think he's boring.
Same goes for cassie cage and Jacqui Briggs but even with them they can be developed in the right hands. Cassie being more of Johnny's protege and Jacqui being her own woman, both who are defenders of realms through and through.
• Who's in your opinion the best character to play as? Who is the worst?
Raiden, liu kang, scorpion and sub-zero (if you can get used to them)
I'd say there is no "worst" character to play as. As that is mostly due to how they are programmed in various games. I will say in terms of "not fun" to play with, is characters that feel op with just button mashing or learning only one special move and spamming that. Yeah its easy cheese but it feels cheep and ruins fun for both the opponent and myself. Against ai? Lol. Against a player? Unfair on both sides.
• Fave game?
Shaolin monks hands down, it shows its age with the gameplay and story BUT despite that its such an amazing beat em up. From running around and throwing hands, to the fatality meter and input. To the shaolin monks shared braincell and raiden dishing out hot gamer tips. Its silly stupid fun and honestly has the truest spirit of mortal kombat.
Senseless violence in the name of survival. Morals be damned, you have a realm to defend. Feel guilty after you slice this man in half ok? Now kick the big bad guy's ass!
• Least fave game?
I've heard the special forces game is the worst and i believe them, but i haven't played it so i dont count it for me.
I gotta say playing armageddon i hate how clunky it feels.
Storywise mk 11 is the WORST (sorrynotsorry) it just... they take everything built up in 10 and spit on it. Dark raiden who? Shinnok who? They added time nonsense and basically just copied avengers infinity wars homework (i say this as someone who once loved marvel to death and still loves spiderman)
And with the addition of aftermath they did some good changes but also did worse ones too so in the grand scheme of things, nothing changed. They added these "titans" that just replace the elder gods they just killed off for funsies rather than DO SOMETHING WITH THEM.
They fucking killed off kotal UNCEREMONIOUSLY (and while im kinda neutral with him i feel for the poor kotal fans)
they fuck up Sindel's character to turn her into a "hashtag girl boss thats powerful and sexy but really in a male gazy way still"
they make raiden even more useless with their clear favor of fujin (i love him but ffs stop treating him like the nicer bro in touch with mortals more than the fucking bro who's been with them LONGER and has a mortal son figure)
Oh i forgot they kill off future hanzo so all that progress he made? For nought. For fucking nought. In the dumbest way possible (the favoritism d'vorah has REEKS she killed off two popular 2d era characters and gets no real repercussions. Love her but fuck off man)
Shang tsung is the only good thing about that whole ass game. And his ending is better than liu kangs, which feels so intrusive to kung lao's whole ass legacy. Like fuck him he can't bring honor to his own bloodline but his "bestie" can???? Tf?!?
Liu kang is favored the most but suffers from "protag syndrome" and gets dbz levels of treatment. Gets all the power ups in the end and just goes "yeah im the chosen one fuck the rest of you" without saying it like good god.
I hate it bc bad writing. But i don't mind some things about it, i love sheeva and nightwolf and frost looks so good and geras and cetrion are pretty cool and kollector is kollector.
But the pre battle dialogue? Dog shit. Most ooc writing i ever fucking saw. 90% of it i skip going "he would not fucking say that"
"DEmi GoD" my nonexistent left nutsack.
(Sorry for the rant but i just have strong opinions on this as a long time fan)
• Favorite iteration of your faves? The least fave?
The best iterations of raiden are always the most weirdest places of media. For instance, defenders of the realm cartoon and conquest. Both with their uniquely 90s stank, raiden remains the best aspect of both media. The 95 movie also has the best raiden
Least iteration is mk 11 because he just feels so... wrong, if he was dark raiden i would accept it but he's supposed to be "light" yet his personality doesn't show it. Even in the moments where he goes "dark" it doesn't feel significant enough to have impact to me. Especially with how they take his character to be too detached (yet emotionally charged, but in a way that is writen by someone who hasn't had these feelings before of caving in under pressure and responsibility)
The ideal raiden is: wise, calm unless provoked, sassy, dilf.
• Who would you love to have a drink with?
I would say bo rai cho but i think my organs would explode with alchohol.
My safest bet would either be raiden or Johnny cage (he may hit on me but i know he'd fight another drunk guy or a coat rack for me)
• Who would you play board games/videogames with?
NOT shang tsung i know this fucker cheats (and is just too smart)
I wanna play street fighter with liu kang bc he's like a big brother to me :3
• Who would you have as a sparring partner?
Liu kang, i would pick kung lao but honestly i feel like kung lao is just slightly more ferocious than liu. So my bruises would be less with the dragon than the rabbit
(Fun fact: rabbits are more aggressive than you think)
• Who is your arch nemesis?
i honestly have no clue bc i don't like having beef with anyone. So it would have to be some random antagonist who declares me to be a nemesis bc i beat them hard that one time. (I genuinely dont know, someone tell me who my nemesis would be!)
• Who if given the chance to. Would you love to sit down and have a deep conversation with?
Raiden or fujin, I'd love to hear stories from their eternal life. Asking questions about what they see about life through their eyes, their opinions about humanity, what has changed about it and what hasn't.
Shang tsung I'd actually love to talk to just to hear what he has to say. I bet he's dying to info dump culture onto someone, either ming dynasty era culture or even cultures of outworld folk. Talking about magik, dark and "light" magiks. Religion, spirituality, politics and everything else.
• Where would you like to live in the mk verse?
I mean i already live in "earthrealm" but as in a place? Sky temple, or any temple really bc temples are cool and tranquil. Aesthetic af. Although shang tsung's island is really cool as long as its cleaned up a bit.
• Would you help johnny cage with a movie if given the opportunity?
Hell yeah! Although I'd rather take a minor role.
• What's your main outfit look like?
Fitting the old style kung fu aesthetic but with a sort of modern twist. Matching more with liu kang's aesthetic but blue and more accessories
• Do you have a self insert(s/i)? If so what do they look like?
See above for self insert.
I did have a self insert turned oc, katsumi. Look on my blog for them for their convoluted lore.
• Do you self ship? If so. With who?
Raiden, but also kuai liang in a complicated genderfluid fuckery of "only when i feel masculine" way i cant really explain in short.
• If you could change 3 major things about the story. What would you change?
Mortal kombat being more important than a tournament. There are tournaments that decide fates of the realms, and there are personal challenges that have a little more lax rules.
The elder gods actually enforcing these rules via divine intervention.
I have many ideas for many characters but one thing i have in mind for kabal is that, he actually is more involved with destiny than led on. Kabal is working in the black dragon to play the long game of taking it down for good, but cetrion is secretly and subtly using him to manipulate destiny in a sort of "butterfly effect" for what she perceives as "greater good" but its biased to "order and light" and actually messes up the balance of the universe.
• If you could have the power of the crown,would you take it? If so what would you do? If not,who would you give it to and why?
I would not change anything, that sort of power has too many variables. I would still keep it so others can't access this power. I would be lying if i said i wouldn't be tempted to "juuusst change a little thing, just one thing, one little tiny insignificant thing" but ultimately any change no matter how minor always has that variable of messing things up. Changing destiny itself is always a gamble.
• What is a race/species in mk you want to be explored or expanded upon?
The kytinn, they should be more than "disgusting bugs" because there are like billions of insects with so many different shapes and sizes and colors. And not all are slimey and ugly some are so beautiful and some are really beneficial to the environment.
More shokan, can't get enough of those four arms.
Whatever species that birdman was in defenders of the realm
And the saurians, more on reptile's people plz and thank.
• What part of the lore is underrated or underused?
More about the lin kuei and the shirai-ryu, esp the shirai-ryu.
Hell, just gods in general. Raiden and fujin can't literally be the only ones. What about other pantheons? What about other realms and their gods? Rain cant be the only demi god argus produced. More about this god war thingy that happened in the lore that one time and just never gets brought up.
• Opinion on the special forces?
Good but should stay out of the spotlight as much as possible. This is mortal kombat, not call of duty and certainly not s.h.i.e.l.d.
• Opinion on the elder gods?
as useful as politicians, which is to say NOOOOOOOOT.
Jokes aside. The elder gods are so interesting and i wish we knew all of their names or most of them. How many are in counsel? What do they do most of the time?
What really IS their role in the mortal kombat universe? Were there elders before and no longer? What was shinnok really like before he went mad and evil?
• Opinion on the old timeline? New timeline?
Now here's a hot topic, i gotta say both have their pros and cons like anything.
I will say though, no writers can hold a candle to john tobias and (when he wasn't too big for his britches) ed boon's writing.
• Opinion on the "kombat kids"?
Loads of potential!
I dont mind them, hell i love kung jin and takeda. Cassie and Jacqui however leave a little room for improvement (more so on cassie's part) but i blame the writers being mostly dudes who haven't met a lot of women.
• Are you a heroic kharacter,villainous,neutral,etc?
Im probably neutral leaning heroic??
• How dirty are your willing to fight?
Depends on how dirty, are we talking dirt in the eye or psychological warfare?
For me it may depend on the stakes and context. I might fight dirty in a hairy situation. But if there is a lot at risk, probably not afraid to utilize every dick move possible.
• If tempted by an enemy to join them if it ment saving your realm,home,loved ones,friends.....would you?
Yeah, but not without trying to figure a way out/eeking out the benefits of playing mole
• If you were to be in an arranged marriage with a "bad guy" who would you rather be with? What about a "good guy"?
Had a hilarious idea cetrion gives raiden a "handmaiden" as a gift. And he's so mad bc he feels weird about being served and worshipped in that way (although all gods have an inherent desire to be worshiped)
Gotta say shang tsung may be an evil sorcerer who would steal my soul, but he'd give me a better time than shao kahn at least. At least be a bit nicer
• If you could kiss any kharacter,who would it be?
Who do you think~?
Although i gotta say mileena deserves a big smooch, she deserves a lot of tender love and care C'mon ppl are so mean to her give her sharp teeth some love
• Would you show your opponent mercy?
Yes, buuut if it's someone who's fatally wounded a "mercy kill" would probably be best. However accidents happen and "fatality" may be the only result.
But letting someone live isn't always the nicest thing to do anyways. Especially if you wound them, and their spirit, and let them deal with it.
• If you had to pick a kharacter to die or killed off,for good. (Aka no bringing back for plot,like actually they ded ded bro) who would it be?
Gotta say kabal but only at the most opportune time that really hits the hardest.
Quan chi, killed by scorpion in the most le epic way possible.
Jerrik (lol sorry jerrik)
Ermac (sorry ermac but maybe its for the best you have eternal rest. No more mortal kombat for you at least)
• Who would be a better guest kharacter?
Any street fighter bad guy (or character in general. Their crossover is LONG OVERDUE MAN. Long overdue.)
Terminator can stay bc he's been referenced before in mk as easter eggs.
Deadpool because his inability to die plus his chaos is just on brand for mortal kombat.
• Opinions on guest kharacters?
Or at the very least be the only payed dlc, and take at maximum 3 slots. And make fucking sense. And WILL NEVER EVER IN AN INFINITE AMOUNT OF YEARS BE CANON
• What rules of mk are absolutely necessary and what rules do you think would be absolutely bullshit? (This one is for people who actually give a damn about tournament rules,lore rules,and general rules that were established in lore. If you dont care. Skip this.)
The whole of mortal kombat being as fair as possible to mortals to defend themselves against threats is necessary and i wish they'd show rules against magiks. Like an official tournament they show that kombatants can't use magic, chi or otherwise, only pure skills with their physical bodies. They can use weapons provided that they were in the arena prior to kombat, they cannot use weapons given outside of kombat.
There's no bs rules that come to mind i would get rid of. There's loopholes that can be taken advantage of and getting rid of those we'd have no plot.
My problem lies mostly with canon never showing the full set of rules until convenient. And even then just how enforced are those rules? How much can raiden and/or the elder gods really do? Can someone just say "fuck the rules i can do whatever i want actually" and have 0 consequences? Some media depicts shao kahn breaking some established rules but nothing really happens except in 9, but even then im pretty sure he already broke a few minor rules anyways?
• What features would you keep,get rid of,and better utilize or polish up. Or even add?
Keep the x-ray moves those were awesome.
Turn the weird defence/offense thing into one whole convenient energy bar.
Maybe trim the fat with augments, as fun as those are, i think they shouldn't have had that much in 11 as it felt personally to me more like a mobile game with getting them and putting them on.
KEEP all of the accessibility options in 11 like i dont use half of them but i was very happy with how accommodating it was.
Fuckin ACTUALLY balance the characters, use the "tank, long ranged, short ranged, speedy, glass canon" type method of balancing these characters. Give them reasonable strengths and weaknesses that can be beaten with any character with a certain strategy. If they have an op move give a fair punishment like a long cooldown time or a one time use.
For additions. I had an idea for a "karma" system (that could be optional.) For instance, certain things you do in battle can rack up good or bad karma, like for example spamming the same power move (bad karma) or blocking a lot (good karma) and once this meter fills up either way, you get a buff or debuff. Good karma could give you reduced damage or heal a little bit of health. Bad karma could disable block or disable a certain power move. Giving kombat a new experience, to your benefit or detriment. (Changing your strategy of spamming hellport when you play scorpion, you know who you are)
• Who is more aesthetically appealing?
They all have their aesthetics tbh. No one kombatant is the same (we dont count the ninjas they have to share clothes)
• If you had to have a one night stand with a kharacter who would it be?
Im not a person to really have those, but I'd have to say either raiden or Johnny cage. Im sure Johnny is no stranger to drunken one night stands
• Who in your opinion has the biggest pp? Whether in energy or literally the biggest
Shao kahn, i KNOW this man's cock huge and he has the metaphorical and literal balls to match.
Close second is raiden and hanzo. They are packing down there ;)
• Who would you say gives the best oral?
Shang tsung and fujin, Although shang tsung would win overall bc fujin wants to tease how you squirm under him, but it's rude to talk with his mouth full~
• Where in the mk verse would you liked to get fucked the most?
Shang tsung's throne room and sky temple. So sacrilegious~!
• Who would send the most chills if they did dirty talk to you?
Fujin is the master of dirty talk, he can say the most utter filth with the sweetest of face. But for me personally raiden just has a really nice voice so he could say something so tame and i melt from the vibrations of his voice.
• If you woke up next to your mk blorbo,naked,in their bed. What is your reaction?
Oh no! Anyways~
• Sexual tension training session? Thoughts?
Y e s. Although raiden would prefer such acts to a minimum, especially with anyone else present. But in private, tease him enough and he'll teach you a "personal lesson~"
• What god,elder god,or immortal kharacter would you smash?
If i couldn't pick raiden, either fujin or rain. Maybe cetrion, maybe.
• If a god caught with your mk f/o (if you have one) doing the do. What would your reaction be? Theirs?
Raiden being caught with cetrion barging in with divine nonsense and just gets so mad. The audacity of this elder, smh... i would probably be like anyone else being walked in on, shocked and annoyed.
• Who is the most husband/wife/spouce material? Who is the least?
Liu kang and kung lao are husband material the most.
Scorpion and jax are canonly husband material.
Raiden is a dilf so yeah he's husband material.
The least husband material? Im sorry it probably has to be sonya, relationships to her are already so complicated i can't see her being the upmost wife/mom material regardless what canon said. Although if you mean in the sense of "married to her work" then yeah, match made in heaven.
• Would you bring back sexy outfits? Skimpy attire for everyone? Or just keep it rather tame or realistic outfits?
Everyone in mortal kombat should have at least one sexy alt costume.
• The smuttiest,filthiest,hc you have for your faves.
Raiden enjoys eating sushi off his lover's body. And fucking in the water, either a hot springs, a bath, in the rain shower. Raiden also has to constantly hold himself back from going too rough, otherwise he's going to slam into his lover too hard and give them bruises. He wants to go deep and be as close as physically possible.
• How loud is your mk blorbo in bed?
Raiden is just very loud, especially when he kums. He's a god of thunder, how can he remain quiet when he's getting the best head of his life?
• Mk Blorbo,angry sex? What's it like? What about other faves?
Raiden doesn't like to have angry sex even if he probably should let off steam like that. But when he does, he's rough, stern and commanding. May accidentally zap his lover with the occasional stray lightning emanating from his body. But afterwards he's very attentive to make sure he didn't completely wreck them.
• Mk Blorbos Opinions on virginity?
Raiden does not care at all. Although he'll tease you if you are rather perverted for a virgin and know some things about sex.
• Mk blorbos opinions on breeding kink? Would they have this kink? Would they be willing to get into this kink?
Raiden is too cautious to actually go through with it, but if he thinks about it, he'll blush like crazy. He might indulge but he's mad careful about not accidentally having any little demigods.
• How would your fave go about asking for sex? Would they be straight up or would they give hints and play around with you? What about you?
Raiden would be straightforward but tactful about it. He probably would be dropping hints he needs sex more than he cares to admit by accident.
• How long would they wait to have sex with you? Would they be ok with rather early on or would they actually wait a bit?
Raiden tries to wait as long as possible for an established relationship. But if the tension is too much, he may crack sooner than he wanted to. But he's very resistant to such temptations first, so him asking someone for sex means there's probably been a century's worth of sexual tension.
• Would people know about your affairs or would they keep it under the radar? Or would they kinda have something in between?
Raiden prefers keeping affairs between the person he's seeing. Not that there's anything against the rules about having an affair, gods care less than mortals about such a topic. Raiden rather just not deal with the headache of being asked unnecessary questions. And not want to embarrass the person he's having sex with. On a "need to know" basis.
• Would they fuck after a fight? Would they fuck during a sparring match? Would they do this during training? What is their opinions about sexy times during kombat?
"You can have sex AFTER mortal kombat." Raiden is far too serious to desire any sort of sexual activities during kombat. However, there are certain exceptions if one can rile him up enough. But be prepared, he'll show no mercy for such "distractions."
• Turn ons? Turn offs?
Raiden will immediately pin you against the nearest surface if you kiss, lick, and or suck his neck. Especially if it's bare. He's sensitive there and its a surefire way to get pounded one way or another.
He also likes "purity" and "innocence" in a playful manner. Wear white or light colored garments under an outfit where its easy to reveal them, and it can easily make him blush and turn his hat down to hide it. Raiden will definitely make time to find a secluded area to "get a better look at such inappropriate training attire"
Raiden is immediately turned off from causing too much damage to his partner. He can cause a few bruises here and there, but hates drawing blood, and leaving scars. Kombat already does that enough as is.
He's not exactly turned off by degradation, but it just does nothing for him. Either way.
• What they seek in a sexual partner (aka what they find sexually attractive) vs what they seek in a significant other/spouce (aka marriage material)
Someone who is honest about what they want, someone who is also respectful and polite about it as well. And is good at teasing just enough to imply some sort of cheekiness. Sounds like a contradiction, but really, raiden prefers his attention grabbed, and then gently taken to reveal intentions.
But for marriage material? Has to be good with kids and has a strong sense of fairness. Who loves life and wants to defend it with their own, for themselves and others. And have a good sense of humor, and be able to get him out of a grumpy mood.
• Who would they have a dick measuring kontest with. Aka who would they have to throw hands the most with for your affections?
Shao kahn is competing for raiden's love interest solely for the flex. And is willing to do many dirty things to rile raiden up.
Which is the worst idea ever, since raiden will not be afraid to hold back and pummel shao Kahn even as a mortal within every inch of that tyrant's life.
Shang tsung would play around but unlike shao Kahn he's not stupid enough to piss raiden off to that degree. He knows when to get out when the static builds up to critical level.
• Do you like them softer/romantic or more spicy/kinky?
Depends on the mood but soft and spicy is a nice touch. Raiden can go any way, but usually he'd be more soft and romantic.
• What "bedroom" nicknames would you call them? What about what they'd call you?
Raiden loves being called "lord" or "master" in the bedroom. But he'll laugh at particularly silly nicknames like "lightning rod" or "thunder daddy". They are absolutely not sexy but its funny to him, and laughter during sex enhances it so much.
A personal nickname would be "raiun" which means "thunder cloud" but other than that his name is hot enough when you pronounce it with a Japanese accent.
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xoxoperse · 3 years
for the people who still need explainations on why kung lao deserves better, allow me to explain, since i’m tired of typing this out all the time:
it has happened too many times in recently where i’ve had to explain my stance on kung lao, mainly why i like him so damn much, and hopefully my opinion can help you finally see why my hat man is likeable.
the one thing i hear ALL THE TIME is “why do you like him? he’s a stuck-up douche!” while yes, you are right, but you are also wrong. why are you wrong? because kung lao is a misunderstood character, ever since he was created - or rather, ever since he was retconned in shaolin monks. he’s misunderstood because he just wants to prove his worth to everyone - he’s tired of being known as “liu kang’s this” or “liu kang’s that.” he has a legacy he wants to live up to, and for once not be known as liu kang’s worse half, or second best shaolin.
let me put it into an example, so you can see my stand-point and see through kung lao’s point of view: imagine that you are in school and you have a older sibling. your sibling has ALWAYS been the popular kid - they were looked up to and treated like royalty. meanwhile, you were least popular kid in school. you were always belittled because you would never live up to your sibling’s standards, per se. you were never known as your name, you were always just known as your sibling’s younger sibling, and you HATED it. would you want to make a name for yourself instead of being whoever’s little sibling?
now, let’s translate that into mortal kombat. before lao was retconned, he was originally (before shaolin monks) chosen as champion, but he wanted nothing to do with the tournament, so they had sent liu kang instead. but now, kung lao was never chosen as champion, it has always been liu kang - i personally don’t even believe that raiden has faith in kung lao, nor wants to give him the time of day to show his actual worth. all lao wants is to be treated equally and live up to his ancestor’s name, but no one will let him show - or rather, admit - his true worth, all because “he could never live up to liu kang and be champion.” in other words, he wants more than just liu kang’s respect and appreciation, because liu is truly the only one that believes in lao. yes, he does have a big mouth, but in my personal opinion, his skills make up for it, it’s just that no one else can see it. hell, it honestly seems like the only person that was really, TRULY proud of him when he defeated quan chi and shang tsung was liu, which i believe shows exactly how much of a good fighter he is.
in fairness to liu kang, kung lao should be seen as his equal, but in actuality, in talks of the game, kung lao should be treated the way liu kang is, and liu kang should be in lao’s shoes. and don’t get me wrong, i love liu kang, but lao is truly his equal, maybe even his superior.
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How would Fujin, Quan chi Shang tsung Kung lao and Kuai Liang purpose their s/o? 💍
Thats a good one! I hope you like it, thanks for the request!
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- Needed some time to understand about marriage and what it meant between mortals, he takes the idea very serious and will only propose if he truly wants to remain the rest of his times with his beloved. Fujin used to think that a god would never be allowed to have such joy, but he understood with time that he was the one who made his own choices and not some elders who didn’t even cared for mortals.
Fujin approaches slowly, he has asked his S/O in a date. They were at the place they first meet, his beloved thought it would be something special indeed but had no idea of what was coming. He stops in front of his loved one, holding their hands and looking at their eyes in a sincere passionate glaze. Fujin’s silence is broken by his soft words, they shaken a little at his clear nervous state but by no means stop being honest.
“I’ve been known you for time enough to be sure of this, there is no problem if you don’t want to...” He gets in his knees, still holding his S/O hands “Would you marry me?” His eyes are the ones of a puppy, with a frown and an evident fear of rejection at his sharp features, still he would accept a no for an answer, Fujin has all the time in the world for getting married.
Quan Chi
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- Marriage is something that the Necromancer never thought to be possible for him, at Netherrealm such things are frowned upon and mocked by most of the demons as they torture lost souls. The idea of spending eternity with his loved one is indeed tempting, be he’s not sure if they would accept it.
Quan Chi is at the throne room, drinking from his skull chalice as he awaits his servants to bring his loved one to him. He asked his undeads to scout his S/O in safety to Netherrealm, making sure they were not mistreated. When they arrived with his dearest along, the necromancer couldn’t help but smile a lot at it as he dismissed his servants and raised from his seat. Quan Chi stepped down and walked in a slow and silent pace until reaching his S/O, offering them his hand.
“Darling, I’d like to propose to you.” He says with his evergloom voice, caressing the knuckles of their hand with his fingers as he looks them in the eyes “Eternity is a monotonous existence when alone, but with you every day would be perfect. Please, let me love you to death.” Quan Chi is a patient man, rejection is something he alredy expects and that makes him never be afraid to speak his mind. 
Shang Tsung
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- Being born and raised within Earthrealm customs had lead Shang Tsung to believe marriage as a fake idea, when he left to Outworld he almost forgot about how humankind was deluded with the idea of loving someone to death. He never thought that this idea would pass through his mind flooded by evil plans, but the soulstealer saw himself with a growing desire for proposing to his beloved.
The island was stunning then ever, the magic that raised the place seemed to be stronger. The flora was radiant, the sky bright and with a beautiful rainbow crossing it. Shang Tsung was at the courtyard of his fortress, bringing his beloved to him by magic. They were surprised by being brought for a visit, looking with him with doubt. He had thought enough about it to be sure of his decision, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with someone he truly loved and that was his first and maybe last chance of finding true happiness.
“Care to listen to a sorcerer’s pledge?” He asked, walking in circles around his S/O, watching every reaction they could have “I used to think that love was a lie, and marriage as well. After meeting you, I felt things within my soul that not even eternity was able to provide me. Would you accept marrying me?” The wizard stops in front of his beloved, showing them a beautiful ring in form of a serpent with sapphire eyes that seemed to glow. He smiled, allowing a soft expression full of hope to appear at his face, the mistery was killing him.
Kung Lao
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- Being married was never an option for Kung Lao, monks had their duties and wouldn’t allow themselves to be distracted by mundane things such as love. Kung Lao desired from the deep of his heart to one day be able to meet someone who would make him feel special, but with time he accepted that such love was not meant for him, as he was no ordinary man but instead a warrior who had sworn to protect Earthrealm. It all changed when he meet a special someone who made him relieve those old desires. He’s confident at his skills as a fighter, but is afraid to propose as he doesn’t think to be an ideal lover.
The shaolin monk was unusually quiet that day, his S/O was worried that something bad had happened, asking him what was wrong. Kung Lao remained silent for the rest of the day, leaving a grim mistery surrounding his beloved. When night falled upon them, he brought his loved one to the top roofs of the temple, joining them in stargazing.
“See those stars? They are not as bright as your smile.” He starts, smiling a lot and trying to be serious for once “I’m sorry for today, but there is something that I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while...” Kung Lao cleared his throat, needing some seconds to remember what he planned saying but his mind went blank so he had to speak from heart. “I love you. Please, let me be your chosen one... I mean, husband...” He can’t believe what he just said so he starts laughing, Kung Lao feels miserable in a weird good way and no matter the answer he gets, he will still love them.
Kuai Liang (Sub Zero II)
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- Marriage is something Kuai sees as very serious and important, he would never propose without being truly in love and sure of his words. As a traditional man, he may be the vanilla kind of lover but always romantic indeed. For the Lin Kuei marriage is more than just a civil engagement, they see it as a honour that shall endure for the nexts generations as a new family joins their clan.
Sub-Zero was overthinking again about marriage, he wanted to propose but was too shy for doing it without looking ridiculous, so he decided to write a poem. Kuai took a long time creating his love letter, it not only was about his love for them but also about their qualities and beauty from inside to outside. When he was done, he started thinking of how to delivery it. Kuai Liang was at the courtyard of the temple, he had called his S/O for an important subject there, but when they arrived he was simply building a snowman.
“Darling, care to help me?” He asked, smiling and allowing them to come closer.
As his beloved helped him with the snowman, he growned anxious. “What is this?” He pointed, it was a paper edge that was getting out of the snowman head. As his loved one pulled it, they got an envelope in hands. Kuai smiled and they got the message that it was to be read. A ring was also inside the envelope and as his S/O read the letter his heart beated faster. When they finished, he was flustered and embarassed by his idea, they holded the ring and were shocked by the proposal at such cute moment. Kuai remained silent, waiting for their answer as his anxiety growned.
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smokeybrand · 3 years
Smokey brand Postmortem: You Suck
I don’t really talk about my love for Mortal Kombat near as much as i do for Marvel, Fate, Star Wars, or Batman, but i adore that bloody franchise. Seriously, the vast majority of this blog is just Marvel and Star Wars content but, i mean, I'm an Eighties baby. That was a massive chunk of our childhoods. See? Even in an essay bout Mortal Kombat, Marvel and Star Wars found it’s way into the conversation. I have a problem but that’s not the problem i want to address in this essay. The problem i have with this one, is the f*cking Mortal Kombat release that just dropped. F*ck did they get so much wrong! I haven’t felt this frustrated with a movie since The Old Guard. I wanted this to be a Comparison but, as i tried to coalesce my thoughts about both films, it became mad apparent to me that the Nineties version of this movie would runaway with it. How is it possible that a film which came out twenty-six years ago, sh*ts all over one with modern shooting techniques and effects? How can a PG-13 movie, saturated with tongue-in-cheek camp and constant nods to the camera, do the Enter the Dragon knock-off franchise more justice that the blockbuster, R-rated, third attempt? Yeah, so this is a postmortem now.
Issue: Cole Young
Why? F*cking why? Listen, I'm all for reimaginings. I love when people can take an established work, recontextualize it, and present something new but familiar. That’s why i keep seeing Batman movies. You can only tell that dude’s story so many times but it’s how you present that story which grabs me. I like the idea of Cole. A fresh face for the audience to view these fantastical circumstances through? Good idea. I hate the execution of Cole. Punk ass weenie who literally develops powers by getting his ass kicked, portrayed by an actor who can’t act, but brought in because of his stunt background, only to nerf the physicality of the role, relegating dude’s greatest strength to his greatest weakness? F*cking, why?
Fix 1: Drop Cole Young, Start Liu Kang
Look, Liu Kang IS Mortal Kombat. He’s their Ryu. He’s their Link. He’s their guy. Drop the family. Drop the Scorpion stuff. Drop the professional fight thrower shtick Build him up as a dude who learned all of this in the Buddhist orphanage he grew up in, denying all of it as just legend and storytelling, until he’s attacked by Sub-Zero. Force him to fight Subby-boy, only to get his ass beat without his Arcana, but have Jax save him just in time. Basically follow Cole’s plot going forward with an emphasis on Liu’s training.
Issue: Shang Tsung
Listen, Ng Chin Han is a get. Dude is a decent actor and i enjoyed he take on the shapeshifter but come on? If you’re not trying to do a Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, you’re doing it wrong. Shang Tsung should be snarky, quippy, and overconfident. This dude has won nine straight Mortal Kombat tournaments. It’s fine for him to be conniving and deceitful, Deadly Alliance, but this version of Shang is just too flaccid for the title. Hell, when Tagawa came back for the game, he STILL exuded that same smarmy energy and it was perfect.
Fix 2: Give Shang Tsung more agency
I, personally, love smarmy Shang Tsung but if you want to go different, go brutal. Make Shang the spear head of the offense. Give him a seen where he is just mowing down jobber monks in Raiden’s temple before getting real intimate with Hung Lao. Have Tsung absolutely brutalized Lao as Liu watches, breaking his neck before sucking the sole out of his limp body. You got an R, Lean into that sh*t. You gotta give Liu that Chan moment. Lao’s death not only establishes Shang as a straight up force, but activates Liu’s Arcana, fulfilling the prophecy.
Issue: The f*cking prophecy
Bro, you gotta get rid of all the Scorpion prophecy sh*t. That doesn’t fit. It doesn’t make any sense. The prophecy is supposed to be a foreshadowing of Outworld’s downfall. Tying everything to Scorpion and Sub-Zero just because Ed Boon loves the character is kind of ridiculous. And that’s coming from me, a guy who uses Scorpion as his main since MKI. I love Scorpion, Dude is my favorite character in the entire franchise but giving him such a prominent role in this first film was a mistake.
Fix 3: Make it the Shaolin Prophecy
Have Shang Tsung send Sub-Zero into the Shaolin Temple with a team of Jobbers, probably Tarkatan or other Lin Kuei, and murder everyone. It is whispered that a great champion, kin to Master Kung Lao, would defeat the armies of Outworld, sealing Earthrealm off from the Emperor's grasp. baby Liu and Kung are saved, sent off to an orphanage in the US where they grow up in an orphanage run by a weird old man who tells stories. Eventually, the two separate, Kung returns to their homeland, Liu stays in the states, and they live their lives. Fast forward a bit and Shang gets wind that there are two survivors and he dispatches Sub-Zero to go after Liu. Fast forward to the temple, Liu reconnects with his cousin, Kung, who explains his powers activated during a battle against, let’s say... Baraka? Raiden feels it, recruits Kung Lao, who has been training in the temple ever since. He spars with Liu, teaching him the secrets her learned from Master Bo Rai Cho, until Raiden’s Temple is singed. Everything lays out like it did in the film except Liu watched Lao die at the hand of Shang, his Dragon Arcana activates, and the Sorcerer knows he dun goof’d.
Issue: Fights
The fighting sucked in this, man. It was shot like none of the principal actors were physical enough to pull off the fight scenes, which is ridiculous, because that opening scene was exceptional and those dues are old as f*ck. The dude who plays Scorpion, Hiroyuki Sanada, is f*cking sixty, man. You’re telling me these youngsters with actual stunt backgrounds, can’t give me a scrap as entertaining as a sixty year old man? Word?
Fix 4: Oh, there’s a lot here, bud
First, shoot the scraps better. Holy sh*t, that Taken editing was stupid. We live in an age of John Wick, The Raid, and Jason Bourne films, but you chose to shoot these scenes like this? Really? Bro, no. Hell, the fights in Enter the Dragon are some of the best I've eve seen and that motherf*cker dropped forty-eight years ago. Just do whatever he f*ck they did, just do it with a modern twist. Two, cast motherf*ckers that can believable execute the choreography. The chick that played Sonya in the first one, had to learn her fighting n set during the downtime of production because she as late to the shoot. THAT chick was a more believable fighter than the dude who played Cole and that was his f*cking job before he was an actor! F*cking, how?? Three, hire better stunt coordinators. These fights needed to be plotted out much better. Sure, fatalities are cool and special moves are awesome but they aren’t necessary. Liu Kang through one fireball in the first MK film and it was ll the better for it. I don’t need giant flame dragons and head claps and sh*t, i just need brutal, intense, violence inflicted upon a person. These people are in the fight for their lives. I need to feel that. Four, hire more jobbers. Too many actual named characters died in this movie. Too many actual named characters appeared in this movie. Why the f*ck was Nitara in this?
Look, there’s still SO much i would change about this flick. The costumes, the tone, the choice in music, the writing; All need to be adjusted. I would hold Scorpion back until sequel. Have him breaking out of the Netherrealm as a post credit stinger or something. This movie is broken and i think that’s because WB just made this thing to secure rights or a a backdoor pilot for HBO max content. Either way, this movie is bad, man and it didn’t have to be. You can make dope ass, martial arts films, on the cheap, especially when you “ground them in reality.” Why the f*ck didn’t that happen here? How the f*ck is the budget so high, and the film so cheap looking? I miss the ingenuity of the Eighties. Cats had to figure out how to make sh*t work because CG was too expensive. Now, that sh*t is everywhere and it’s a detriment to film. That sh*t takes casualties out of practical films and Mortal Kombat is definitely one of those.
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sunflowershayne · 5 years
mortal kombat au
bc i’m a dumb thot that’s severely attached to MK and smosh so.... uwu
ian hecox: liu kang. one of the most recognizable characters, generally considered the “hero” of the MK universe, one of the most powerful human characters, has fire magic and idk i just strongly relate ian to fire sometimes. also very fiercely protective of those he cares about, and will do whatever he can to help others. stubborn and vengeful, even when it can be petty.
noah grossman: ermac. has probably stolen at least 1,000 souls in his lifetime, has an unspeakable aura, has green magic (weed), has that one fatality where he takes out your stomach and noah is v picky so it fits i think. currently has free will and chooses his battles in self-preservation, and wants what’s best for his home and the world he grew up in. has a very strong connection to family due to having the former outworld king’s soul inside of him.
olivia sui: skarlet. is a very strange little creature with an obsession for others’ blood, one of the most powerful girls in the MK universe due to her magic, has the potential to take everything over but just wants approval. is also incredibly brutal but in a subtle way, has an ethereal and almost elegant way to her. basically i just see them both as weird gremlin women with insane amounts of power.
keith leak jr.: kung lao. very close with liu kang, iconic hat, is one of the more mundane humans due to not having a power, but is just as formidable as other kombatants due to his rage and his sheer knowledge of fighting. has a legacy he wants to live up to (the great kung lao is kinda like kung lao sr. right?), and is protective of his family (the shaolin monks). is generally more pissed off than liu kang.
courtney miller: cassie cage. sassy wlw (cassie’s not a confirmed wlw but like... come on, she’s. not straight), has latent magic within her, strong ties to her family, doesn’t rely on her power to fight with others despite being able to. strong badass woman that supports others, literally could kill a man by kicking them in the nuts. uwu-loving, selfie-taking, snapchat-filtering, ass-kicking lady that takes no prisoners.
shayne topp: johnny cage. muscular blond actor that is not-so humble about how they perceive themselves, very jokey and sarcastic, REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES, pop culture, will flirt with anyone if it means he can be out of danger. consistently shirtless, but also incredibly loyal and steadfast, and has a very good heart. will do ANYTHING for his family and friends, including defeat a literal elder god in combat.
lasercorn: scorpion. fire man made of vengeance and anger, loves his clan more than anything, literal hellspawn, has a thing for sub-zero, is actually just a skull under a ninja mask, has actual flame hair, impulsive and has a short fuse. wants nothing more than to avenge his family and clan, and does absolutely anything he can to make sure that he gets what he wants. becomes besties with sub-zero (more than besties but like.... i’m not gonna say it Out Loud lest Ed Boon come murder me in my sleep!!!!!!!!)
jovenshire: erron black. gunslingin’ rowdy boy that tries to flirt with unsuccessful results, has his own interests and goals in mind when he makes decisions, chooses battles based on how much he can gain from each possibility. listens to country music and unironically does the boot-scootin’ boogie, has strong beliefs that people are allowed to make their own decisions and do what they want. a strangely coy and erotic cowboy.
mari takahashi: kitana. ethereal princess of an entire realm, goes from wanting to please others to making her own decisions and being loyal to herself, can kill a man with just a kiss, is besties (i mean in canon they’re dating but like. Not Here!!!!) with liu kang. has hopes for the future, will do whatever it takes to prevent bad things from happening, surprisingly very violent despite being so nice.
sohinki: sub-zero. generally a chill guy that will kick your ass mercilessly when given the chance, may or may not be lasercorn’s true enemy, initially was kind of a strict dude but now he’s just chill and wants to have a good time. always seems to show up whenever others need him, and basically just takes things in stride. all around good addition to a team, but can be stubborn and unmoving.
wes johnson: mileena. very giddy at first, but calms down a bit later on, desperately wants to be considered part of a family, has a strong temper and craves some sort of control, wants stability and prosperity for themselves. proud of their accomplishments and are always looking for people to acknowledge them, big eaters. is like a younger sibling that pesters you for candy. more powerful than they know.
boze: sonya blade. no-nonsense, won’t hesitate bitch, will kill you within a moment’s notice if you cross her, strong and independent with a soft spot for her friends, idk i just really associate boze with army green, was almost definitely a very emo teen. expects a lot from cassie but loves her with all her heart, is ride or die, ambitious and knows what she wants. go-getter through and through.
damien haas: kenshi. is almost definitely a psychic, values honor, besties with shayne, is a GOOD DAD!!!!!!! (fuck mkx’s portrayal of kenshi as a father tbh!!!!!!! takeda deserves better and SO DOES KENSHI!), is 1000% a cat person, has telekinesis probably, kitanas. knows a lot of shit, is lowkey shady af, helps scorpion in the new timeline (which... damien and lasercorn are... mind brothers), helps the Kombat Kids train bc they need it
flitz: kotal kahn. sun god, can and will turn into a lion at any moment, probably just glows sometimes for fun, is real into jade (which. aren’t we all.), is less interested in conquering and more into internal affairs and uniting people, proud of his body (bc kotal’s always shirtless, y’know.), would definitely drink blood for youth and sustenance. is able to teleport and has telekinesis, but it’s just w/e y’know!
rhett & link: raiden. the protector(s) of earthrealm and savior of the MK storyline, all-powerful immortal gods, are like WAY too fucking tall, did i mention that raiden is an elder god and that rhett & link literally saved our asses? gods, truly.
defy executives: shang tsung. old-ass, musty-ass, soul-stealing bitch, is liu kang’s arch-nemesis, brought sindel back to life which literally almost killed everyone in the MK timeline until they were brought back due to the time shenanigans. fuckin’ dusty soul-grabbing bastards that don’t even have good fatalities smh.
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angermango · 7 years
kung lao for the impressions!
Comin’ right up!
First impression: Chinese Oddjob lmao
Impression now:
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no seriously I have gained a lot of respect for his character he’s basically the Luigi of Mortal Kombat. Although I found it a bit of a surprise at first when he was characterised as more hotblooded in Shaolin Monks and MK9, his new characterisation grew on me because it fit well with the new emphasis placed on his feeling of apparent worthlessness due to the Great Kung Lao and Liu Kang’s shadows on his life. I can tell ya I empathise.
Favorite moment: The moment where he beat up Shao Kahn fair and square and then bowed to the booing crowd like a boss. Even though he died not long after, it was still an honest win and achievement.
Idea for a story: y’know sometimes you just gotta put your faves through the wringer sometimes, so I was thinking about how in MK9 they had that non-canon ladder ending where he’s the Great Kung Lao’s reincarnation/has his soul or something.
Ignoring how it seems to punch a hole in canon (didn’t Shang Tsung steal GKL’s?), I want a little story to see what happens next when everyone, especially his family and the academy, finds out the guy who was snubbed and pushed aside as second-best turned out to be the same person they’ve been worshipping and comparing him to. Instead of Lao seeing it as a good thing, years of being shunted to second banana and feeling inadequate don’t just go away. Honestly, man would probably have an existential crisis of sorts.
Also, got to bring Raiden in somehow because I am positive Raiden loved GKL like a son and he never got over GKL’s death. So following this discovery, Lao also has to figure out his relationship with Raiden since he sees Ray as a father figure but also slightly resents him for paying more attention to Liu Kang at times, and Raiden sees the monks as his sons too but never admitted it aloud to them because of what happened to GKL. I want these two emotional hot messes with awesome hats really talk it out and go somewhere, preferably making up and accepting each other as family by the end (plus Liu Kang because he deserves happiness too).
…Okay, I have thought about this story idea a lot. Like most things with me it’s something I develop and think on but either don’t write, or I write up but never publish anywhere :P
Unpopular opinion: I kind of preferred him with short hair (…lmao I cannot come up with a worse opinion of him)
Favorite relationship: With Liu Kang. I like how he and Kang are brotherly, being cousins and having grown up together, and that despite the occasional argument and feelings of envy they are thick as thieves at the end of the day.
Favorite headcanon: He’s a big animal lover and animal love him back. Bonus: He totally runs/helps out in an animal sanctuary connected to the temple, and that’s where the bunny in his Friendship comes from.
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mrstsung · 9 months
Ask game time!
Original post:
who’s your main(s)? (character you play as most often): in most mk games i play shang tsung,kung lao,scorpion,or raiden. The rest i can wing it with but those i can get down quicker than the others on the roster.
who’s your favorite character(s)?: shang tsung(big fat duuuuh!) Kung lao(my first videogame crush,so him baby),scorpion(hanzo hasashi is the only scorpion i will die on that hill). Those 3 are my top 3 faves.
what character do you think is underrated?: honestly,shinnok. I don't understand why he isn't utilized more and better. It's honestly sad and a waste of potential. Although i can say this for a majority of characters especially the "villains" or bosses. It's honestly a crime. A close 2nd is maybe onaga. Like god damn man he could have been so fucking cool.
what character do you think is overrated?: dont hate me but. Liu kang. Specifically fire god liu kang. Like don't get me wrong i love liu just tye very specific one i have in my head. Like i feel the story revolved too much around him. It was worse than johnny cage and the bladedashians and special forces trying to take center stage. And that was awful. But sadly,how they did liu kang was worse because they could have wrote it better. In fact it felt like it was leaning into liu becoming what he hated and we could have had shang tsung,lao and raiden teaming up to stop liu. Liu realized what he has done and then stop the bigger bad and exile and atone for what he's done? I mean holy shit man talk about waste of potential.
character you hate having to fight against?: ok you mean in game or as if i was actually in mortal kombat? Well. Gamewise,i still get scared fighting shao kahn,even if he isn't at his best. It's still scary. Look childhood gamer trauma rage is a bitch. (Looking at you mk:sm/mortal kombat shaolin monks for the ps2!) But one I'd be scared to fight irl would be a bit of everyone but shang tsung. Oh not because he could kick my ass,that's a given. But the fact that soul snatching sexy sob would know i like him...a lot. And that magic is scary af man come on. He can shapeshift,shoot flaming skulls,suck my...soul. with 500+yrs of martial arts experience. Wtaf,how could you not piss your pants in terror?! But anyways. Shao kahn overall tho. (Fucking bastard owes me still)
how did you get into the series?: mortal kombat shaolin monks for the ps2. But shortly after that i started to play the og arcades more. Mk2 to be specific. Then i saw the mk 95 movie. Good shit,even to this day. Mk could learn a thing or two about its roots but that would require nrs to give a fuck.
what was the first entry you played?: see above.
favorite entry in the series?: mk shaolin monks. Mk2. Somewhat of deadly alliance. Maybe 3 or 4 but im very picky with it. As much shit as i gave mk11,I'd rather take it than mk12/mk1(2023) fr. The only good thing about it is shang tsungs voice actor,and even then i just am sad how they've done things. Not even for blorbo is it worth the money or investment.
favorite entry-specific (re)design, if you have one?: honestly i prefer mk11 aesthetic wise minus a few personal nitpicks. But overall visually it's beautiful. So yeah. Mk12/mk1(2023) all it has is aesthetics and none of the spirit of mk. Honestly it feels like one big joke or excuse to do a movie cheaply as possible. I dont know man,i just am sad about mortal kombats current state. If you were an old fan like myself,you'd understand. Im not saying some things aren't interesting ideas,i just feel the execution of said ideas have been piss poor and some things honestly should have stayed in drafts. I feel they are trying too hard rn to be "relevant" and not give out a good story. Or just reinventing their own lore....AGAIN. and it's annoying at this point. So much many people are making their own lore and shit because canon lore sucks. The world Building in mk has never been solid and thats it all weakest point imho.
favorite canon ship?: i only do self shipping. I dont care for canon ships. Or canon x canon ships.
favorite non canon ship?: same thing as above.
if you could pick a guest character, who would you pick? (can be as detailed as you want here): duke nukum. It's about fucking time. But they'd butcher him now. So im not sure.
if you could pick a character from any of the earlier entries to bring back, who would you choose?: honestly they need to get their story right before adding any characters to the roster otherwise to me its lip service. But I'd love bo rai cho to return. Plz. For the love of elder gods,can i have funny drunken master back?!
which do you prefer doing first/more: completing the story mode or completing towers?: honestly if local play/ vs mode is shit. Towers and storymode mean nothing. If you can't 1v1 your friends in the same room. I dont want it. But I'd play towers above storymode. I'd love storymode more. If the story was actually good or consistent or konsistent in this case ;) . But fr in all seriousness,nrs NEEDS to get their head in the game anf out or corporate ass,if they wanna see this not blow up in their face once hype dies down and people move on to something else. Which it will happen. And is happening.
favorite fatality?: honestly i fucking love shang tsung soul swapping inside the opponent and exploding/killing them from the inside. Fucking simple but badass af. Like fr imagine seeing that shit irl,terrifying. Which is what we need. It's so extra. But it fits. Other than that. There isn't many fatalities i dont like. Cept mk11 johnny cage but thats because it goes on too damn long. We get it johnny!
favorite stage?: honestly shang's throne room,warrior shrine,the deadpool,and visually? Shirai-Ryu fire gardens. Absolutely stunning.
favorite stage theme / ost?: all of mk(original),mk2,and mk shaolin monks tracks are the best. Mk shaolin monks for atmospheric ambiance. The og arcades the first mk and mk2 for absolute bops. Tho deadly alliance has good dance and tencho edm vibes. Tho everyone can kollectively agree that the og theme is the best. Come on man!
opinion on any of the non-game media? (the live action films, mk legacy, the animated mk legends films, etc): ok mk95. Still is the goat for a reason. Mk legends films are good visual and animation wise but story is too fast paced for my taste. And can be better but still ironically,better than the current games storywise. I hate to say it but yeah. Honestly they haven't made and non game media for me that really speaks to me yet. But if they do. I'll let ya know.
skin / kosmetic you want to be in mk1?: dont care for mk12/mk1. But if they could bring back mk9 shang red robe jammies for shang that would be appreciated. Give me that much plz.
do you prefer hanzo hasashi or kuai liang as scorpion?: if you say anything else but hanzo hasashi you need to log off and not talk to me ever again. Hanzo hasashi IS SCORPION. anyone says otherwise is not a mk fan. Period. I will fight you!
which character reveal for mk1 shocked you the most?: like i said. I do not care for the new game. It's more pissing me off that shang tsung who has been a staple for mk is reduced to dlc. Twice. And you can't even get him rn in the new game less you got money or pre order codes or some shit. And that's why i feel that the new game is shit. Because you shouldn't have to pay money for a half baked game. For a character you should have already had. Especially if they are a main focus in the storymode. So yeah. Nothing shocks me.
have you ever cosplayed an mk character? if you haven’t, would you want to, and who would you choose?: i have. I have done 95 shang tsung. And am going to do a genderbent fem hanzo hasashi scorpion (THE ONLY SCORPION IS HANZO I WILL STILL STATE THIS. ONCE AGAIN!) soon. So stay tuned. Future cosplays I'd love to do is fujin,kung lao,kitana,and a genderbent Johnny cage (jenny cage?)
do you have any cool merch? (figures, posters, shirts, etc): got some cool shirts and a few cosplays and little stuff like that. Pendents. But i wanna get some figures but holy shit dudes it's expensive. Oof. But some day. Some day. I will obtain that scorpion figure. Some day. Wish they had shang tsung merch more. Ugh.
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