#man...i wish i was chandler i want to be just like him
chaotictomtom · 1 year
rewatching torchwood and im flabbergasted by owen's t boy swag, how did lil old me back in middle school realize only years later after kinning owen that i was a dude. smh.
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ddejavvu · 5 months
Omg! I saw that fic you wrote based on friends tv series and i love it! Its so freaking cute!! Reading that fic remind me of another scene of friends tv series if you dont mind writing it?
Where chandler is having a bath and everyone just comes in at one point and start having conversations in the bathroom.
Maybe reader is like the therapist of the group and everyone wants her opinion on smtg and while reader is taking a bath, one by one just starting to enter and start having conversations with her and the rest until one of marauders (reader’s bf) start shooing everyone out so reader could have a peaceful bath?
i changed this a teeny bit, i'm sorry! but i've never seen friends so i think that's okay
"Y/N," Sirius is the first to interrupt your warm bath with James, meant to soothe his sore muscles after Quidditch practice, and lull you to sleep against his chest. Thankfully, James has poured a liberal amount of strawberry bubble bath into the water, so there's foam up to your necks.
"What's'a matter, Pads?" James answers for you while you try clearing the almost-sleep from your brain, but the man scoffs at him.
"Prongs, no offence, but I need help with makeup. And you're the last person in this castle I'd come to for that."
Before James can make an affronted retort, you pipe up, smoothing a soothing hand on James's thigh beneath the bubbles, "What do you need, Sirius?"
"Black or blue liner?" He shows off his outfit, then the two eyeliner pens in his hand.
"Black," You decide with a wrinkled nose, "Blue doesn't match your earrings."
"Thanks," Sirius grins, tossing the blue pen onto the counter and leaving with the black one, "Oh-! Sorry, Rem, go ahead."
Just when you'd been about to settle back against James's chest, Remus steps in, clearly having run into Sirius on the way out. James groans, but Remus incurs less of his wrath than Sirius often does, the price of becoming siblings as well as brothers.
"I left The Nightingale on your bed," Remus informs you, "Can I take Falling Leaves?"
"The smaller one," You nod, "Not the special edition. Sorry, Rem, I know you're careful, but I can't afford a chocolate stain on it."
He rolls his eyes good-naturedly, but he'll respect your wishes. After all, he's careful in lending out special editions of his books, too.
"Thanks, Y/N!"
"Remus," James calls at the retreating form of his friend, "Do me a favor: close the door behind you!"
Remus does so, and James hooks an arm around your waist beneath the suds. It's warm and slightly pruned, and you sink into it gladly, reclining once more against his bare chest.
"Now that that's over," He gripes, his hand travelling below your waist, fingers hooking into the pudge of your thighs, "We could..."
"Don't even think about it," You pinch his thigh, just above the dome of his kneecap, ignoring his yelp in response, "This bath is to fix your sore muscles, not make new ones."
"I'm fine," James insists, burrowing his nose into the nape of your neck where fine droplets of water cling to your wispy hairs, "Please, darling, I swear I can-"
"Y/N?" Lily calls, the sweet tone of her voice matching the strawberry scent heavy in the air, "I know you're bathing, I'm sorry, but it'll only take a moment."
James holds his breath, but you use yours to call, "Come in, Lily," And he releases his in a scoff, fingers finally abandoning your thigh.
"I was just wondering if I could borrow your green sweater," Lily hums, politely avoiding any eye contact with James's muscled shoulders as he drapes his arms over the sides of the bathtub.
"G'head, babe," You smile sweetly at her, "You going to Hogsmeade?"
"The whole dorm is," She nods excitedly, "You wanna join?"
You consider it despite James's hand plunging back into the water and latching tight to your hip. Finally you decide, "No, but I might end up joining you if James can't learn to keep his hands to himself."
"Hey!" He tears his hand away from you once more, spilling water over the side of the tub when he finds purchase against the edge, "If you keep letting people barge in here, we won't be able to do anything anyways."
"Excellent point," You nod thoughtfully, and James's exasperated groan brings a smile to Lily's face that she shares giddily with you, "Lily, if you happen to see Professor McGonagall on your way over, send her in."
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Joey x reader - chance of a lifetime
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Joey platonic friend reader where the reader is a Rachel's friend who ultimately gives him a film opportunity - @asherloki 💜
Sitting at the cafe, you were sipping your coffee as you were reading over the script in your hands.
“Oh my god… (Y/N) hi!”
Looking up, you blinked as you tired to remember the face in front of you, then it finally clicked.
“Rachel! Hi!”
Getting up, you lightly hugged her and offered her a seat in front of you as you ordered her your drink.
“It’s been a while, sorry I’ve been so busy!” You laughed.
“That’s alright!” She laughed back, “I heard you were in the city. What brings you by?”
You showed her the script and she read it over while you guys had a catch up.
You hadn’t seen in her in a while and wanted to know everything that was going in with her, how her life was going and what was new.
“Woah, this is amazing! When is it going to be made?” She asked.
You shrugged a little bit and stuffed them script in your bag.
“Not sure just yet, still a lot of stuff you know finding the actors and working out filming schedules and all.”
“Well if you’ve got time we’re having a party tonight I’d love for you to come.” She smiled.
“Sure thing, just let me know when and where.” You beamed.
She gave you her address and phone number, letting you know what time it started at and rushed away to work.
You stayed at the cafe for a little bit longer before you finally headed to your hotel room to rest before getting ready.
Rachel told you it wasn’t anything fancy, so you dressed in some casual clothes and grabbed a cab to their apartment complex and stood outside a bit confused on how to get in.
“Can I help you?” A man asked.
“Oh I’m trying to get to a friends apartment, Rachel green. Do you know her?” You asked.
You looked up at him finally and you gave a huge smile as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Well if it isn’t little Ross Gellar.” You laughed.
“Oh my god (Y/N)!”
He laughed and hugged you, showing you up as he asked how things had been since high school.
“Woah, you’ve come a long way then Huh?” He chuckled.
“I suppose so, but so have you.” You smiled.
He led you into the apartment and introduced you to everyone.
You sat talking to those that were there at the time, and another two came waltzing in not long after you.
“That’s Joey and Chandler, guys this is (Y/N), a high school friend.” Rachel smiled.
“Nice to meet you guys.” You smiled.
“You too.” Chandler said.
“How you doin?” Joey smirked.
“Don’t even think about it Joey.” Rachel scolded.
You laughed as he frowned and sulked in the corner about being told not to even try and flirt with you.
The party soon began, and it was nice, relaxed and as you sat on the couch drinking Joey saw this as he chance to come talk to you.
“You’ll get told off again.”
“Not if you don’t tell Rachel.” He grinned.
You hummed, thinking this over.
“Sounds fair.” You laughed.
Joey grinned even more, sitting on the table opposite you.
“So what do you do? Rachel said she hadn’t seen you in ages because you’re always away for work.”
“Well, I’m a film writer and director, I’m always away filming or writing somewhere. I came to the city to finish a script and look for some actors.”
“You.. you know I’m an actor…” Joey said hesitantly.
“Oh really? What have you started in.”
He thought for a moment before replying.
“I played doctor drake remoray in the days of our lives.”
“Oh I loved that show! You were amazing in it!”
“Wow really? You think so?”
You nodded your head excitedly and told him what you liked about his work.
Finally after a while of talking you were getting tired and had to go home.
“Hey I’ve got to go, but it was nice meeting you all, maybe we can meet up again?” You asked.
“Of course.” Monica smiled.
“Yeah! It’s been fun!” Phoebe beamed.
You handed Rachel your hotel number and your personal number and turned to Joey.
“It was nice meeting you, and I wish you luck with your acting!”
With that you went home.
The next day, Rachel received something in the post, curious she opened it.
It was a letter and a copy of the script you showed her the day before.
She grinned as she read the letter and ran across the hallway, banging on the door.
“What?! What?!” Chandler yelled.
“Where’s Joey?!” She yelled.
“What’s going on?” Ross asked.
“Where’s Joey?!” She yelled again.
“He’s not here, he’ll be back soon.”
“When he gets back everyone come to ours.”
With that Rachel ran away again.
She was bouncing with excitement and an hour later everyone came into the apartment, confusion written all over their faces.
“What’s going on?” Monica asked.
“Yeah, you’re looking for me?” Joey said confused.
Rachel gestured for him to come over.
“Close your eyes.”
She handed the script to him and told him to open his eyes and he looked at it in confusion.
“I don’t get it.”
“Joey, (Y/N) wants you to play the lead villain in her film.”
Everyone screamed with excitement, and Joey grinned from ear to ear.
“Seriously?” He asked.
“Yeah. She just sent it today, she wants you to rehearse with her until she sorts out some more actors, to give you a head start.”
“What if it doesn’t work out…” he mumbled.
“Joey, have you heard of her works?”
He shook his head and she walked around, grabbing some films from her room and dropped them on the couch.
“Wait, wait, wait, you mean she wrote these? These are huge films!” Phoebe yelled.
Joey stared in shock, and soon excitement started to build inside of him.
You were a huge director, a huge success, and he was getting the chance of a lifetime and he was going to work the hardest he had ever worked in his life
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unhinged-summer-fun · 2 years
the one with the jellyfish
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Danktober Day 7: Chastity, Trip, National Body Language Day.
Pero Tovar x F!Reader (22+ only)
Summary: Your strange time-traveling housemate doesn't seem to want to go all the way with you, but a spontaneous trip to a lakeside cabin reveals all.
Warnings: VIRGIN PERO AYAYAYAYAYAYAYY, themes of guilt/self-imposed punishment, feelings of inadequacy but it's as fast as a flu shot
Word Count: 2224
A/N: this one was really fun to write once I got the idea in my head. Any and all Friends references are tribute to my lovely spouse, the Chandler to my Joey. <3
[full danktober list here]
It wasn't often that Pero asked to leave the house. Most of the time he wanted to simply take a walk with you, but he preferred staying inside, in the comforts of home that you assured him was completely fine to enjoy. He still found the outside world, this modern age, stifling and strange. It was so alien to him he almost started screaming when he was overwhelmed enough.
Kissing though, that wasn't foreign to him.
He was obsessed with having you near, holding you and kissing you against a wall, but he'd always pull away before you could try to take things any further, before you could even think to ask to. This new break in your relationship with the strange man was… well, you were being careful about it. They didn't have Cosmopolitan during the Crusades, after all. Regardless, you felt a touch silly in the head over how often you daydreamed about getting him naked and beneath you, on top of you, behind you, fucking anywhere would have been nice at this point.
And he wasn't disapproving, no. You'd seen how affected he was by your touch. You'd heard the sharp breaths from the bathroom, the curses and the heavy stares he'd follow you with after taking himself in hand. You knew he heard similar coming from your bedroom, and that he had to truly concentrate in order to not give in to what he clearly wanted.
You had no idea why he was playing hard to get with you. He clearly adored you, followed you around like a big, loyal wolf. He turned rainy days into days of laughter, and his warmth meant that you were never left cold. Any longer without being able to understand why he didn't want to be intimate with you, you would start to think up faults in yourself.
It was this kind of melancholic doom-dreaming that he interrupted with his request.
"Yeah, sure, we can go for a walk."
"No, not… I do like our walks. You remember the story? With the jellied fish, and Joy-seph and Chand-uh-lar pissing on the woman?"
The. What?
"…oh my god, you're making a Friends reference."
"They went and tripped along the ocean."
"You are watching with me! I knew you weren't asleep!"
He glared, because that was Pero's base expression.
"Pero, you… you want to take a vacation with me?"
He reddened. "I do not wish to piss on you. If this is necessary then I do not want this."
"Okay, I can piss on my own jellyfish stings."
"I would prefer that nobody is pissing!"
"They have other options now like vinegar and—"
"I want to go to a trip and there will be no pissing or jellied fish!"
"Maybe there's jellyfish in the delta by my dad's house—"
"I've always been interested in seeing if it actually hurts—"
He basically tackled you, cutting your teasing short and letting it dissolve into laughter. "You jape at my distress. Why does it amuse you?" he said into your neck, tickling you into breathlessness.
"Because you let me do it again and again and a—"
He cut you off with a kiss, really just smiles meant to be felt and not seen. It calmed your giggles and you looked up at him.
He hovered atop you, legs tangled together in a mess of limbs. He held you secure in his arms, a large hand cradling your head to protect it from the floor. This was the exact way you were when you dreamed it last night, though there were plenty less clothes, and plenty more moans to be heard. Your eyes widened, feeling that now-familiar desperation build in your core. Pero sucked in a shuddering breath, clearly recognizing the compromising nature of your positions.
That other familiar feeling, the disappointment and fading lust, followed when he pulled away from you, keeping a respectful distance between your hips and his. He avoided your eyes, a cute blush spreading over the bridge of his nose and around the tips of his ears. "If you do not wish to trip with me, I—"
"There's a cabin my friend has in the mountains. We can be there tonight."
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The cabin itself was much too large for two people. You'd expressed your preference for coziness to your friend, you liked it small, almost to a cramped degree. They'd audibly winced as they talked through hooking you up with the guest cabin on the same property (for guests of the guests of the main cabin) and it was still about twice the size of your entire house. "Still, it's just a four-bedroom, are you sure you'll be alright with that? It's basically glamping. You can use the hot tub in the main house. You sure you want to rough it for a romantic weekend trip?"
It would do.
But Pero wasn't interested in the amenities or the threadcount on the sheets or the honors with which the on-call chef had from Le Cordon Bleu. Pero was hardly interested in there being a house at all, in fact, keeping his eyes trained on the treeline after haphazardly tossing his bags in the front hallway. You debated making a remark on it, but when he started walking off into the woods at a pace he forgot to slow down from to account for your shorter legs, you just sighed and did the same, shutting the door behind you to jog after him.
"Where are you going?" you said when you were closer. He looked your way, shaking his head a little.
"My apologies. I caught hints of the lake from the road. I wanted to look closer."
"We can do that."
The two of you walked typically in silence, just enjoying the fresh air and immersive beauty of the nature that surrounded you. Pero found a trail easily enough, and you pointed out a sign leading to the beach entrance.
Path set, you tuned out somewhat. Long drives with Pero were often times of stress and confusion, his body still not used to the feeling of acceleration and braking. You'd compromised by teaching him to ride a bicycle, which he took to like a fish to water. It made you happy to no longer be alone on your grocery runs to town. This trip necessitated the drive, though, and Pero had tried his best to sleep through most of it. It allowed for lots of silence, through which you began to find the faults you never wanted to look for.
You were strange, for him. Alien or exotic or whatever he wanted to call it, you were cleared to be romanced, but obviously too different from him to want, in that way.
Was it that his affections were mostly imagined by you? Were you conflating his want and desire into something that matched your own horniness? Your mind circled through the dark hells of self-doubt and even body image issues.
"You are frowning."
You gasped at the sudden interruption once more. God, you were letting this whole issue distract you from what you did have with him. You felt terrible. "I'm sorry, just tired from the drive."
"We can return to the house," he offered, halting in his tracks and turning away from his initial destination.
"No, I'd like to see the lake too. It'll wear off, I'm sorry."
He took a step closer, holding your face in his hands. He gazed into your eyes with an intense expression. "Do not apologize for your feelings, nor your body's needs."
"Why won't you have sex with me?" you blurted into his face.
Shocked, you stepped away from him, covering your mouth with both hands and freezing in place. Did you really just say that?
Pero, for his part, was more flustered than you had ever seen him before. He was babbling under his breath, shrugging his shoulders as he spoke quickly in a litany of languages you couldn't keep up with.
"Pero, I'm so sorry, I didn't—"
"I would not want to disappoint you," he said, loud and clear and true.
It silenced your own worried babble instantly.
"I would not want to disappoint you," he repeated, a little softer as he looked at you with pleading eyes. "For my lack of any and all experience in the matter would make me a fool before you. I cannot have that."
You felt like you couldn't breathe. He'd told you stories of his travels, how he visited brothels and had gotten thrown out when he would pick fights with customers who didn't respect their women. He'd mentioned women arriving to his room under cover of darkness, leaving as the sun rose. He'd moaned your name so clearly in the shower that you could recreate it perfectly in the theater of your dreams.
"You've never—?"
He shook his head. He no longer looked embarrassed, but he did look… afraid. Afraid of rejection, afraid of chastisement, afraid of humiliation. "I… I started thieving very young. My life took me to troubled places, isolated lands. I did terrible, terrible things. Things no wife would want to bear upon her ears or soul. I believed my forsaken heart to be a punishment for my sins, and then I met you."
Your eyes stung with tears. He'd called himself a bad man when he introduced himself to you all those months ago when he'd arrived, covered in someone else's blood and holding a sword pointed at your face. You'd explained the choicelessness of desperation to him, taught him he only does good or bad, his soul can change with what he wants to do. Nobody could damn him for trying to do good again.
"Then I thought… I thought this was a punishment, too. To behold you, to love and be able to kiss you, yet my lack of knowledge keeps me from your bed. You deserve masterful, eternal pleasure, not a bumbling fool as I've been."
He shook his head resolutely. "No. I cannot do you this dishonor."
You felt cold, the way it did when a stormcloud moved over the sun. Were someone to pass by and simply see the positioning of the two of you, only able to read the body language spoken there, they would have assumed a much darker sadness.
"Have you perhaps thought that you're punishing me as well, in this pointless sacrifice you're making?" you asked bitterly, looking away but not walking. You didn't want him to see your devastation at his refusal. A refusal, not a rejection. He loved you too much to risk ruining you. He loved you too much to risk his dignity by showing it.
He made a wounded noise, crossing the distance to hold you. You couldn't hide your emotions from him now, not when he was so close. A pitiful sniffle left you. "I did not realize, I am sorry. Please forgive me, I will do anything."
"I won't ask of you what you're not comfortable or ready for. I won't." You sniffled, looking up at him. "I love you too, Pero. We have a good life together, a good love. You're a good man, and you're good to me. How can we ever be more than that if you won't let yourself accept it?"
His hand pressed your head to his shoulder, simply embracing you as the metaphorical sun returned. He was quiet for a long while, thinking over what you'd said. "I do not fear much," he murmured at long last. "I have not feared anything in my life as greatly as I fear losing you."
"You won't," you said instantly.
You were surprised when he didn't reflexively express his doubt. All that remained were insecurities. "Even if I do not know how to satisfy you?"
"Even then."
"Even if I make a fool of myself?"
"Especially then."
"Even if—"
"Pero, you could piss on me after a jellyfish sting and it'd only make me love you more."
"Now that I do not believe."
You laughed, pulling back to look up at him. Something had changed in him. He looked like a long-weathered storm had passed within him, the darkness clouding his demeanor finally finding reprieve. Those eyes no longer sought disaster among the joy, and his lips no longer held back his smiles. "Ask me," he murmured.
"Pero, can I be your first time? Please?" you asked, voice a little shaky with residual nerves.
"Yes!" he answered, and before you'd even had time to blink he was grabbing your hand and pulling you back along the trail to the cabin. It was difficult to keep the pace while you were laughing so happily, but he didn't seem to mind. His focus was on you, even with a destination in mind.
When you arrived at the cabin, he took the stairs three at a time and fumbled to open the door. When the latch clicked, he turned to kiss you, pulling you back into the house—
And making the both of you trip over the bags left in the hallway.
It wasn't a bed, but it would do.
If someone were to look in from the outside, they would only see the feet at the bottom of two pairs of tangled limbs, loosened clothes, and a half-open doorway. What they would hear was love.
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See y'all tomorrow for more Farmer Joel ;)
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nickeldean · 10 months
-- March, 1987 --
"Hey, Chandler," Ross says, leaning up against the locker beside Chandler's. He'd been clinging to Chandler lately, which made more sense the more Chandler thought about it. They'd been friends since middle school, and now it was senior year, and they were planning to go to the same college, yeah, but they were getting vastly different degrees and Ross never was very good at making friends. Not that Chandler was great at it either.
Chandler sucks in a deep breath through her nose and slams her locker, leaning back against it once it's closed. "What is it now, Ross?" she asks, wishing she had a cigarette based on the look on Ross' face.
"Well," Ross sighs, "You know about the Prom, and how I haven't found a date yet," he trails off, looking over at Chandler.
Chandler snorts. "Oh God, good. Prom sucks, man, I mean, who wants to dress up like that anyway? I'm just going to stay home and watch whatever's on, probably. I think there's a Star Trek re-run tonight, if you wanna swing by," she offers, raising her eyebrows at Ross.
He only groans in response. "You know I have a math test tomorrow, and my mom will kill me," Ross says, "She'll kill you too, y'know."
"Fine, fine, whatever," Chandler relents, "So you don't want to watch Star Trek with me and you want to go to Prom? Who the hell are you?"
Ross shrugs, looking down at his feet. "I was kinda hoping you'd like, come with me to Prom. And we could watch Star Trek after on my DVR, you know I've got the good episodes on tape, and maybe like, just have fun?" Ross rambles, refusing to look at Chandler as he offers.
Chandler laughs, a full-on, throaty, uninhibited laugh, hands on her knees from its power. "Wow, good one Ross, really had me there," she says, rolling her eyes and leaning back again, chuckling some more.
"I'm not kidding, Chandler."
They both fall silent.
"Ross," Chandler starts, nervously laughing, "You know why we're best friends, right?"
Nodding, Ross answers, "We both like Star Trek and have been bullied our whole lives, yeah," he trails off, not liking the look on Chandler's face.
Chandler shakes her head and shrugs. "Not exactly, really," she mutters, "I mean, I'm your friend because you don't care that I'm weird. I smoke and I dress like I'm straight out of the Dollar Store Men's Warehouse, and you don't care."
"Well," Ross interjects, "I wouldn't say Men's Warehouse. I'd say you still look pretty, it's not like you come off as masculine or anything," he laughs to himself, but Chandler's not laughing.
"Ross, I'm not going with you to Prom."
"Why not?" Ross asks, clearly annoyed.
"Because," Chandler sighs, "Because I think I'm a lesbian."
Ross goes quiet for a moment, tapping his foot on the dirty school floor, thinking. "Well," he starts, "We wouldn't have sex after. Or kiss. You could just show up in a nice dress and we'd pretend. We could watch Star Trek after, even," Ross begs, and Chandler knows why. If they go to the Prom, and both have dates, even if they're each other, they might not be losers for once in their lives.
Chandler forces a laugh. "I'm not the dress type. Kinda butch, I guess. Been thinking of cutting my hair, actually," she admits, unsure where the line between them is, when Ross will tell her to shut up, yell and tell her she can't be a lesbian, she can't, and even though they live in New York, she's not safe. She's not safe anywhere, not with Reagan in the goddamn White House and not with Bush set to succeed him.
Ross must sense Chandler's panic, setting a hand on her shoulder gingerly and shrugging. "We are losers. Maybe you could come with me in a suit? I've got one from a couple years ago that might fit you. My parents probably wouldn't care if you took it, they love you," Ross suggests under his breath, and even if he's ashamed of Chandler in some way, he's still offering her a lot, more than anyone else has before, and so she nods, shrugging beside her friend.
"I guess I'd go to Prom with you, then," Chandler says, "But only if I get to pick out which episode we watch afterwards."
Ross smiles. "Deal."
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
Three Words; Fifteen Letters; One Expletive
Summary: where best friends may, in fact, fall for best friends. 
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“I don’t understand why you haven’t told him already, N/n. It’s clear as day that he likes you too.” You huffed. 
You were trapped, metaphorically speaking anyways. Natasha and Wanda had asked you—more like blackmailed you—into joining them for a ‘nice conversation’ in the kitchen. You knew that it would be about none other than Loki, the man who had managed to capture your heart. 
Everyone on the team had tried to convince you to finally confess your feelings to the God, but you never listened. So, they had to get creative. 
“Nat, Wanda, we’ve had this conversation too many times already. I am not confessing to Loki. End of discussion.”
“But N/n, he likes you too, what are you so afraid of?” Wanda questioned. 
“I’m not scared of anything, Wanda. I just don’t see the point in confessing.”
That couldn’t be further from the truth. You were petrified of confessing your feelings for him. The trope of best friends to lovers wasn’t like the tales you were told. Situations like Monica and Chandler or Jim and Pam didn’t happen in real life, why would it happen to you?
“You’re lying, Y/n. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Their attempt to soothe you worries were sweet but trying to breed hope for something that could never happen...it hurt. It had to stop. 
“Of course there is!” You screamed, much to the surprise of the two female avengers. “Me confessing could ruin everything. The amazing friendship that we share now could be ruined. I couldn’t live with that.”
Tears threatened to fall from your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. 
“Best friends don’t fall for best friends. That’s a trope that writers explore to make people like me feel that there is hope for it to happen. But it won’t! It just won’t...drop it, please.”
There was a pause. The two friends really wanted to respect your wishes, but they couldn’t. Everyone on the team could see that you belonged together, they weren’t going to give up their fight. 
“We won’t. You two belong together, Y/n. Why can’t you understand that?” Wanda elbowed Natasha.
“What she means, is that you could always try. There is no harm in that, N/n. Just try and confess to him.”
“What? Am I meant to walk up to him and say, ‘Hi Loki, I fucking love you!’ and then walk off? Nah-uh. Not happening. Drop the conversation, please.” The two friends grinned at each other when you began to walk back to your room.
You began to walk back to your room, your heart heavy with sorrow. Just as you were about to turn the corner, you bumped into a very muscular wall, and your eyes widened. 
“You love me?” He whispered. 
Oh no. That was not how this was meant to go. He wasn’t meant to hear any of that. 
“What? I think you must’ve heard the wrong conversation. I said, ‘Hi Loki, I fucking shove you!’ Not love. No, not love.” 
That was the best you could come up with, Y/n? Shove you?
“Well, then this will make this awkward.”
“Make what awkward-”
You were cut off mid-sentence by Loki pressing his soft lips onto yours. 
“In case you were confused. Y/n, I fucking love you.”
Maybe sometimes best friends do fall for best friends. 
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Hope you enjoyed! More to come!
Find my Masterlist here!
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andvys · 27 days
omg im back!! this is super long so im sorry for taking up your whole inbox but if you can't already tell im a huge fan of dwoht!! honey anon ❤️
He watches you for a moment, eyes tracing the spots that aren’t hidden by the covers. His fingers itch as he stares at your soft skin. He notices the scar on your shoulder, the one that a bat left, the one that you ripped off of him, saving him from a wound it would have left on his abdomen if you hadn’t saved him – you took the scar that was meant for him. 
waittt that's so romantic 🤭
All that you do is turn around in your sleep, holding onto the sheets as you stay deeply asleep. 
oh she's me
What will you think when you wake up to an empty bed? 
knowing Andy it will probably be a prelude to angst, Steve... should've known it by now 😁
He puts on a pair of gray sweatpants and a black shirt, taking his time styling his hair while his mind is still all over the place. He puts on his favorite cologne, hoping that it will drive you crazy just the way your perfume drives him crazy. 
gray sweatpants?? pics or didn't happen
“You are not a stray, but you are a cat, girl,” Argyle says to you as he steps inside, patting Steve on the shoulder, “always got her claws out, right man?” 
i fucking love Argyle 😭 hongyle or argoney is our ship name now
“Maybe you’re the one who doesn’t know how to fuck.” You murmur, narrowing your eyes at him.
oooh that hurt him
He brings his hand forward, letting go of your head so he can cup your cheek, before you can even finish your sentence or react to his touch, he leans forward and smashes his lips against yours, finally kissing you with his eyes closed and his body now pressed against yours. 
He could just slip inside of you with ease, you’re wet enough to take him but he still wants to stretch you open with his fingers first. 
oh okay ! good for them.... good for them.... 😭
“Like hell that was a one time thing,” he mumbles against your lips as he grabs your waist with both hands and picks you up without a struggle. 
“Y-You came inside of me…” You mumble, dropping your arms to your sides. 
“I’m not on the pill, Steve!” You frown at him, pushing him away from you so you can brush past him. 
He didn’t put much thought into how awkward it would be to ask for a Plan B, but the moment he asked the old lady behind the counter, and she looked at him disapprovingly, he suddenly wished for the ground to swallow him WHOLE
“You should go to church and pray, boy.”
“Well, we fucked.” 
this is so funny to me because of the chaos and awkwardness 😭 imagine fucking you lifelong nemesis almost getting pregnant with him 😭
“Well, there isn’t,” he shrugs, “I see whoever I want and you do… the same.” He almost chokes on his own words. 
How many girls have occupied this space before? 
:(( poor blondie
You shut out your negative thoughts, letting your curiosity in. You tiptoe across his room and stop in front of his bookshelf – that’s filled with more comics and movies than books. A polaroid camera sitting on the shelf, next to a fake plant. Of course, he got himself a fake plant. 
not his ugly ass grandpa straight man alpha room 😭
He cracks a smile at your words, eyes flashing with amusement, “didn’t know Eddie was my girlfriend.” 
Neither of you called. 
nooooo 😭
You could’ve called too, he even told you to, but for some reason, you thought that it was just another way to tease you, you heard the mocking tone in his voice, you saw the smirk he looked at you with. 
no girly don't let him use you !!!
But your eyes nearly bulge out of your skull and you almost choke on the sip you just took when Eddie’s eyes grow comically wide as he takes a look at Steve’s back. Your best friend’s jaw drops before a gasp falls from his lips. 
GOODBYE THIS WHOLE THING IS SO AMUSING TO ME 😭😭 i can see the drink squirting out of eddie's nose
“I know we haven’t talked much, but um… I was wondering– cause… I love Robin, seriously but– okay um…” she stutters, closing her eyes for a moment as she shakes her head before she opens her eyes again and looks back up, “I was gonna ask if you would like to go shopping with me?” 
Suddenly, Steve lunges forward, using the hand that just hid his eye to grab yours, he opens both eyes and greets you with a smirk before he pulls you into the water. 
omg they're cute when they're not idiots 😭
“I’m just saying, I’m not even speaking out of experience, dude,” Argyle slurs, holding his hands up in surrender, “I think you can’t have sex with just one person and be happy with it – how can you even know what’s good when you’ve only been with one person!?” 
thats literally such a man thing to say. we're OVER argyle
With a sigh, you lean back in your chair, and look at your best friend, “fine… eight.” 
And, Steve… Oh, Steve is really not having the best time tonight. He knows exactly who you mean, Jacob Leeney. 
he sounds like a douchebag
No matter how fast his lips move against yours, he isn’t the one in control today, and he knows it, he can feel it… and to his surprise, he doesn’t mind it. 
YEAH you know your place boy
But just as he’s about to break the kiss to start begging for you to touch him, you roughly pull away and take a step back from him, leaving him without the warmth you just provided him with. 
“You’re basically the older version of Max,” he grins, “you’re both stubborn and act all cold even though you’re the biggest softies at heart.” 
AAA that's so cute i love max
Jennifer Mitchell stands in front of Steve in all her glory, clad in a short sundress, her boobs are nearly on full display, her dark waves falling down her tanned back as she twirls the front strand around her finger, she glances back at you when the bell above the door goes off, her plump lips are the first thing you look at – god, you can’t even lie to yourself and think that she isn't gorgeous, because she is, you’re not blind. 
But you aren’t, you aren’t the only one, you aren’t the special one, you aren’t enough for him. 
oh i have an idea! kick steve in the balls 😁
He licks his lips as he eyes the top you’re wearing, low cut and stopping just below your belly button, showing off your cleavage and your soft skin. You replaced your skirt with shorts that are even shorter than what you wore before, but they look much more comfortable, soft and perfect to… sleep in. He can’t wait to rip them off of you and dive his face into your pussy.
“Mmm, can’t remember it that well,” he shrugs, sipping his beer, “so maybe I should refresh my memory a bit.”
shove that beer up his a-
“Did Jennifer do this to you, Steve?” You murmur against his skin as you press another soft kiss to his scar, “or did she just lay there, making you do all the work?” 
“Ah,” you nod as a smirk reappears on your lips, “that confirms that no one ever rode you before.”
omg you basically took his virginity 😁
“Steve is gay.” 
Nancy has been nothing but kind and sweet to you, and you can’t help but feel guilt and regret growing inside of you for the way you once felt about her. 
she's actually the cutest ever
“You’re the prettiest girl at this party.” 
jacob is giving where the hell have you been loca
“You plan on fucking him tonight, Blondie?” He sneers, unable to hide the bitterness in his voice. 
GOODBYE i thought it was blondie talking to steve 😭
“New rule then, Blondie,” he mumbles, not stopping with the kisses on your neck, “we leave with each other when we are at the same place. So, meaning today it’s me.” 
ummm... just say you're exclusive you DUMBASS 😭
“Stevie, Stevie, Stevie!” 
AWWW CUTIES (says while ignoring this being screamed during rough sex)
“I know, baby, I know.” 
STOP THIS IS GENUINELY CUTE (and very hot i got butterflies)
“Well, did you think I’d let him steal you away from me…?” He asks, clearing his throat as he adds, “tonight?” 
go hit your head against the wall steve 😁
You turn around when your name is being called again, to find Jacob walking towards you. Oh. 
HAHAHA FUCK YOU JACOB (oh except she didn't 🤭)
“Get out.” He demands, not nicely. 
now blondie should do the thing they do in gta when they pull someone out of the car and steal it
“Would you prefer a wheelchair?” He laughs, not noticing the stunned look on your face, as you open and close your mouth a few times. “I’ll be right back, Blondie,” he shoots you a smile before he opens the door, letting light seep into the room from the bright hallway, he takes another glance at you over his shoulder before he steps out and makes his way into the bathroom. 
You are so devastatingly beautiful.
and you're still not making a damn MOVE. men 😫
“Oh wait, you probably don’t want to get it wet again,” Steve mumbles, as he looks around the room, knowing that you left your hair clip here after your shower last night. He finds it on the counter and reaches for it. 
that's what she said
You crane your neck, looking at the plate before him, excitement flashes in your eyes, “I love waffles.”
“I know you do,” he says, smiling. “What do you want with them, berries and syrup?” 
now steve needs to make me waffles too 😞
“Oh my god, Steve.” You hold your hand in front of your mouth after swallowing the first bite, looking at him in awe.
that's what she said
“That’s how you sounded last night,” he wiggles his eyebrows. 
“You eat your waffles with nutella?” 
i haven't had nutella in years and now im so hungry
The sweetness of the waffle, the chocolate and the freshness of the berry, burst in your mouth, creating the perfect combination. Your eyes widen, and you sit back as you hold your hand in front of your mouth after releasing the fork from your lips. You moan at the taste and take your time savoring the flavors.
reading this at night wasn't the best idea i think . . .
“Last time I checked, I didn’t have a vagina. I think you know that fact pretty well.”  
you have a mental one 😁
“Oh?” You tilt your head, “and where’d you learn how to cook?” 
i read this as "where'd you learn how to cock"
“You’re italian?” 
“And my cooking skills,” he smiles, nodding. “I’m gonna knock you off your feet, the next time you stay over, I’ll cook you the best pasta you ever had.” 
He stepped into an empty house after fighting against evil. 
this is so heartbreaking nooo 💔💔
He had no one to come home to. 
i can adopt you steve if you make pasta for me
“We don’t have to fuck, Blondie. You can let me eat your pussy though, it’ll help her recover.” 
is this a safe space to admit it's kinda hot when he refers to it as her lmao 😭
You pout as you turn around to face him, looking down at yourself, “wow, this is the real walk of shame.” 
You reach for the seatbelt, buckling it in as you take a deep breath, though instead of exhaling again, you freeze and your eyes widen. The smell of sex still lingers deeply in the car. 
ew you both 😭
“Couldn’t you have taken five minutes to clean up a bit?” 
“Good, I’m glad,” she nods, “we decided to do a barbecue instead of movie night, so I hope you’re hungry.” 
IM STARVING READING THIS CHAPTER. stevie do you wanna make me a burger
“Yeah, Argyle is attempting to make cocktails.”
i can think of something else involving argyle and coc—
He nods, scoffing slightly as he starts to take it out, letting his hair fall loose around his face, “well you see, I didn’t steal it, rather, I found it. Right–” He pauses as he walks over further into Steve’s room, turning away from the both of you, he slams the scrunchie on the dresser and turns back, the smile now missing, “--Here.”
“Dating?” Steve scoffs, chuckling a little as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Fuck no, it’s just sex.”
FUCK NO? oh im gonna show you fuck no you little bitch
“It’s just sex, Munson,” he says, with an unsure tone in his voice, and a bitter taste on his tongue, that he swallows harshly. “Nothing more.” 
You have no experience with babies at all, you have given her the bottle, you even changed her diaper, but your sister was around, and you didn’t spend the whole day alone with her. 
you're stronger than me girl cause i would not agree 😭
This is surely one of his dreams, he is convinced of it, why else would he wake up beside you, and a baby who looks like you?
NO ESCAPE FROM THIS ONE STEVE. but also imagine if you wake up after having sex with a girl to a sight of her holding a baby that looks like her 😭 i would have a heart attack
You look at him, as you pull your niece closer, holding her up, you press her against your chest, “can you believe that we made a baby overnight?” 
“Oh fuck,” he mumbles before his eyes widen further at the curse word that just left his lips, “I shouldn’t have said that, shit– I mean, I’m sorry, please forget what I just said,” he rambles, as though she understood a single thing that he said. 
Realization replaces the look in your eyes – he is entering a baby fever trance, with your niece nonetheless. It makes your smile reappear, that’s how you feel too, every time you get to spend time with her. 
couldn't be me but good for you steve!!
“Just a little bit,” you slur, and raise your hand to show him as you furrow your brows and hold your thumb and pointer finger into an L shape, “so much.” 
GIRL 😭😭 if you do something embarrassing now i SWEAR
“Yeah, I think so too, honey,” he murmurs, the nickname rolling off his tongue easily, almost normal, “you don’t feel sick, do you?” 
“Billy did,” you shrug. 
Your eyes crinkle as you beam at him, stealing his breath away with simple reactions like these. 
Steve Harrington is down bad. 
“You’re feeling okay though, right?” He whispers as he slowly brings his hand up to the side of your face and he cups your cheek. 
and then she just vomits on him— im sorry
“But nothing could take me away from you, he’d just have to suck it up,” you whisper as you peck his lips again, shutting down the worries in his head. 
And then, you finally pull him into a longer kiss. 
“Can I be with you tonight?”
“You really think I’m that disgusting?” Steve asks, not bothering to hide the hurt in his voice. 
“Eat at least half of that.” He commands and you just grumble something, cutely so, underneath your breath as you take a bite. He knew you probably didn’t eat anything at the fair, a possible reason for your drunkenness.
if she doesn't want it i can eat!!
He doesn’t notice that you had turned your head to look at him again, and a wolf whistle is heard in the room, making him turn to look at you. You have a cheeky smile on your face and he feels himself blushing slightly as he laughs, taking his pants off next, leaving him in boxers only. 
“Can’t believe I fell for you, Blondie.”
I love how you went from giving yourself and argyle a ship name to saying its over LMAO
No one should ever sit in the backseat again, I agree with you 🤭
and honey, you know this is always a safe space 😌
I love all your comments 😭 THANK YOU AGAIN 🩷 I think you're gonna like the next chapter A LOT 😌
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justdsmp1 · 2 years
⋆ 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭
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Pairing(s): Dream x Reader
About: Your friends see you for the first time
Tw: Talk of cancer, domestic violence
Word count: 910
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You sat in a hospital bed, feeling the worst. You just had to tell your friends that you have stage 4 cancer and it has spread around your body. All of them are traveling to see you before you do pass away, you were in a lot of pain but held off just for them. You had lost contact with your family, they didn't care much for you. A nurse came in with 3 boys Tommy, Toby, and Ranboo.
"Hey, boys," I say to them. They walk up to me and hug me tight.
"I'm so sorry Y/n," Toby says, looking at me sadly.
"It's alright Tubbo," I say putting my hand on his cheek. More came in, Wilbur, Phil, Niki, and Jack walk in next.
"Hey," I say softly to them. They all smile at me to try and make me feel better.
"I wish we had known sooner, so they could treat you," Will says.
"Yeah, I guess it was never meant to be" I quote our characters. Niki hugged me, cautiously and I try and squeeze her back but don't have the strength.
Karl, Quackity, and George arrive next, all saying their hellos. All of them wish for more time with you. Some were meeting you IRL for the first time. You didn't mind them seeing you like this and they all wanted to see you before you go. Wilbur started playing your favorite songs, he spent all night learning. People stopped by the room to hear the two singing.
"I heard that today was her last day" One whispered to the other.
Dream, Sapnap, and Techno arrived, you greeted them. Techno knew before everyone did, he was your bestest friend ever. Dream walked over to you, trying to look strong but couldn't on the inside, he hugged you then Sapnap as well.
Everyone crowded into your room stood around you, wishing the moment could last forever, you slowly sit up and stand up. You wanted to say proper goodbyes but fell. Dream was fast to catch you as your knees buckled. You hold onto him for dear life, Techno stood by Dream as you both dropped.
"Clay, I wish it didn't have to end like this," I say, weakly. Tears pooled into his eyes, begging to fall. I look to Techno.
"Please get better soon, don't end up like me, "I tell him. I look back at Clay and smile.
"You're so much more handsome in person," I tell him, we laugh.
"I want to tell you this though, I'm so in love with you Clay, "I tell him
"I'm so in love with you too," He tells me. I smile.
"I'm glad to hear but not don't be too heartbroken when I go, find someone," I tell him. Tears flow down his face, I look around at everyone, who knew what was about to happen. They all nod and I turn back to Clay, I smile as I take a breath in and then out but didn't breathe back in, my eyes shut.
"Y/n," He said, shaking you slowly but he knew.
"What's the time?" He mutters.
"Time of death 10:43 pm," He says, looking at his watch. He called for a nurse. When she arrived to see Y/n in the man's arms, she was confused.
"Time of Death 10:43 pm," He tells the nurse, the nurse is shocked.
Later that week, Y/n's funeral was held. Lots of people turn up except their family, well their biological family, they were their family. Everyone who was in the room with them went, Eret went, Sneeg, Kristen, Charlie, James, Ash, Scott, Lizzie, Joel, and even Mr. Beasr came with Chandler and Chris, everyone was there, celebrating their life and achievements.'
Then it was the time to look through their will, their family turned up. The person read through the will
"Then wrote something to Dream, with all my saved up money build that hotel I dreamed of opening."The person finished.
"What about us?! Anything for us?" Y/n's mother asked
"No and I'm not surprised, you treated them like shit, you didn't even visit them when they were sick, "Clay told them off.
Later in the year, Dream built that hotel, anyone welcome deals and discounts for people who have run away or been kicked out for any sort of reason, homeless people. Help them get jobs or give them jobs working for him, just helping them get back on their feet, they pay back the smallest fee in the end. They have professional people if you need to speak to someone, no discrimination, anything of the sort will end up kicked out or fired. 
He also helps people who are trying to escape domestic violence, he has police and security on site with also programs with the police to show people that the police are good people not all of them but a lot of them are. It runs so successfully, y/n would love it. A little memorial is there for Y/n flowers surround them from people who appreciate them and their idea. Every year on April 13th at 10:43 pm there is a moment of silence for them.
Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo started more fundraisers for cancer awareness, did fairs, marathons, and runs, and all sorts of things for them. 1 year later Techno joined them up above. The two best friends reunited, watching friends and family from above, they were so honored and proud of everyone. The two walked around together catching up and chatting together
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kxllingangels · 2 years
Babydoll- H.S.
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The thing to note about Chandler, Washington is that it was always raining.
Literally, always.
It dawned on me as I waded through freezing puddles and narrowly dodged being soaked by speeding cars that I wasn't sure if I'd ever gone a full day in Chandler without being trapped in some sort of downpour. My hair was dripping and all the water was making my T-shirt cling to my frame as I picked my way down the street, silently cursing myself for being convinced I could make it inside the cafe without the help of a raincoat or umbrella.
A few feet in front of me, Annie's Cafe stood.
Its loud, red awning hadn't changed since the place opened in the sixties, and the light inside the small restaurant was always warm and inviting.
I broke into a sprint, almost as if I were trying to run between the raindrops to safety. Once I managed to make it beneath the awning, I pulled open the door to the cafe and was met with the smell of coffee and freshly baked bread.
I nodded in response to the owner's greeting with a half smile and made my way to the back of the restaurant where Maren sat, polishing off a cheese danish. "You look like hell." She remarked, taking in my soggy frame and chattering teeth.
"And you have cream cheese all over your boobs." I shot back, sinking into the seat across from her. Maren grinned and scooped the pastry filling from her chest into her mouth. "Someone's grumpy this morning. Did you have a late night with Mystery Man?" She raised her eyebrows suggestively.
I groaned internally. I wished she'd just drop that subject. I didn't want to think about Harry, or about those stupid paintings. I just wanted him to be gone and stay gone.
I think.
I made a face. "No Mare, God get your head out of the-" She cut me off as the waitress came by donning a coffee pot and two mugs.
"Thank you so much!" Maren smiled brightly as the woman set the cups down, beginning to fill them. She had a yellowing name tag, and I could barely make out what the faded letters said.
Harriette. That was entirely too close to Harry's name for comfort. He really was infecting my life. Since yesterday, I'd had a terrible pit in my stomach like something awful was right around the corner. Like at any second the world would run out of oxygen or I'd be swept up in a tornado, or worse, that I would see Harry on the street and he would be happy. I worried that if I ever saw him again he'd be blissfully unaware of the wreckage he'd left behind, that it really would've been so easy for him to move on from me without a goodbye. I was worried if I saw him, we'd both realize how much better off without me he was.
Maren slid the cup across from me, the creamy brown liquid lapping at the insides of the lilac coffee cup.
"Two sugars and a cream, right?" She asked, even though she already knew the answer by heart. We'd come here every Sunday since we started working together. I nodded my head in response and managed a weak smile. My therapist said that I was caught in my head entirely too often, which was true. I used to blame it on being a writer, but now I was pretty sure I was just an anxious twenty three year old disaster.
I placed the cup up to my lips, taking a sip of the coffee and closing my eyes. Maren always added the perfect amount of sugar and cream into the coffee mug, and I really appreciated that she never let the sugar crystals sink to the bottom.
"It's time to talk about mystery man." Mare said in a singsong tone.
"Maren," I groaned. "Can't we just drop it?"
She took a sip of coffee and shook her head quickly. "Absolutely not," She said, "You're keeping some elusive man a secret from me and as your best friend, I deserve to know."
Her words made my mouth twitch into a half smile despite myself.
"It's not the sexy love story you're expecting, E.L. James."
She smirked, "First, comparing me to the writer of Fifty Shades is like, the highest compliment. Second, if it's not, then you should have no problem explaining."
She was impossible.
Defeated, I leaned back against the polyester booth, sighing. "He's just somebody I used to know." I mumbled, starting to pick at my nails. Maren arched an eyebrow, waiting for more details. "Someone you used to know who paints elaborate paintings of you and calls you babydoll?"
Heat prickled my neck at that fucking name. I took a large gulp of coffee, ignoring the way it slightly burned my tongue. "His name is Harry." I offered at last. "And we were together for three years. We did everything together, he was my other half." I cleared my throat awkwardly for what I was about to say next. "And then he left. He didn't say goodbye or where he was going. He just left six months ago, and I haven't seen or heard from him since." My cheeks were hot with embarrassment.
What kind of woman was I if I couldn't make him stay?
Maren's lips were pursed. "And now he's sending paintings to your job?" She questioned.
"He's an artist." I said.
"He's an asshole." Maren confirmed.
Her brown eyes were filled with anger, and I was grateful that she didn't think I was pathetic. At least not out loud. "What kind of guy does that to his girlfriend? Three years of your life, and he just vanishes!"
I felt tears stinging my eyes. I hadn't told anyone about him leaving. My family knew we broke up, but I'd left it at that. And I didn't really have any other friends besides Maren and Dr. Vaughn.
Your therapist should not be your friend, Rory, you sound lonely as shit.
"Don't cry," Maren's voice softened. I hadn't even realized that there were tears on my cheeks until her hand gripped mine from across the table. "Ror, that guy is an idiot and he doesn't deserve your tears. Someone who loves you wouldn't do this."
She was right, of course. I knew that, but I couldn't stop the tears from flowing freely. So I told her everything, including the drawing I found on the window yesterday night. At the end, I was sobbing freely in a nearly full cafe and Maren had ordered us an entire peanut butter pie to share.
"I just don't know how he could do this to me, to us." I sniffed as I shoveled another forkful of the dessert into my mouth. "We were like a dream team, Mare. I was so in love with him, I still am in love with him. I keep looking at the two art pieces trying to make sense of them."
"It's like a fucked up puzzle." Maren said softly.
I nodded. "Exactly."
We sat there for a while, swallowing creamy peanut butter filling and rich chocolate crust in silence when suddenly Maren perked up. "Aurora!" She said, "Maybe it is a puzzle!"
I furrowed my eyebrows, waiting for her to explain.
"The pictures, maybe they're connected like a…a-"
"Scavenger hunt?" I questioned.
"Exactly!" She shouted, then remembering where we were she glanced around, ducking her head and lowering her voice a little to avoid the dirty looks being cast in our direction."The first one was you sitting in the window of the apartment, and you found the bluebird one taped exactly where you were sitting."
My stomach leapt into my throat. I dropped my fork into the nearly empty pie tin. Maybe she was onto something.
"So we have to figure out what the bluebird means. Maybe that will lead us to the next clue!"
"But what's at the end of the scavenger hunt?" I asked. "What's the prize?"
Maren swallowed the last mouthful of pie. "I guess we'll have to find out, but if it's going where I think it will, probably the answer to why Harry left."
My heart was going to go into overdrive. Maybe Maren was right. Maybe it was a scavenger hunt. Maybe, if we followed the clues I could get some closure. Or maybe, I thought foolishly, Harry will be at the end.
My eyes widened. "We have to go." I told her instantly, starting to my feet. "I know where the next clue is."
A/N: I got a request to create a taglist for Babydoll. If you'd like to be added to the list feel free to send me an ask and I'll add you! 💕
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emmaelix · 2 years
Apocalypse AU Shinso x Fem! Reader
Full Title: Apocalypse: Hitoshi Shinso X Fem! Reader
Y/n: Your Name. Y/H/C: Your Hair Color. Y/E/C: Your Eye Color. Y/S/C: Your Skin Color
Ships in This Series (Probably): Shinso X Reader/ You, Mineta X Trash, Jirou x Denki, Todoroki x Momo, Deku x Uraraka, Kirishima X Mina
Your Quirk: Space. You can make certain objects hold a lot more than they're supposed to. Think Hermione Granger's purse.
Alright. This will hopefully be a series, not sure yet. This Apocalypse AU is kind of like the Hunger Games (I watched Mockingjay last night) but without a government. Aizawa, Shinsou, and Eri are present along with all of 1-A. (Excluding Mineta because he died, Kota because he's outside guarding them with birds, and Aoyama. Because he's the one who helped start the whole thing, sorry. ) Also please note I will spell names like Jirou, Bakugou, and Shinsou as Jiro, Bakugo, and Shinso sometimes. I sometimes forget, and just wanted to let you know.
It was dark, and Y/n couldn't see her own two feet in front of her. Each noise set her on edge, making her do double takes at almost every corner. Her best friends, Mina, Momo, and Jirou stood beside her as they stopped at their bunker.
"Home sweet bunker," Y/n said sarcastically as she typed in the code to open the massive steel door. As soon as they stepped into the bunker they were assaulted by the smell of old food, clothes, and Iida's air fresheners.
"How have these air fresheners not died yet? This bunker is practically filled to the brim with teenage sweat," Jirou remarked as she fanned the air in front of her nose.
Momo sighed as she tapped one of her creations, opening a door to an elevator in front of them. "I just wish we could stay outside for a few days."
As the elevator slowly gained momentum Mina turned around slightly. "You know we can't do that, Momo. The second we set foot outside we're targets. The LOV would find us in an instant if we were all together."
"I know, but there are probably ways around that. We go on scouting in groups of three or four, why not camp that way too?"
Before anyone could respond the elevator jerked to a stop. The doors opened, revealing the common floor of the bunker. It was surprisingly well furnished, thanks to Y/n's quirk, which allowed them to carry enough of their things out of UA to live in semi-comfort.
Walking out the girls were stopped at the De-Con unit, a place to go into to remove any bugs - living or robotic - from your body before going any further in the bunker.
Once clear the doors opened to let them into the common area.
On one side of the room was a kitchen and dining area, made to cook for about forty people at a time, and manned by Lunch Rush. Another thing about Y/n's quirk was that anything stored in something with her quirk on it wouldn't deteriorate from the state it was in when placed in the bag. Meaning they could keep food for as long as necessary.
Shota Aizawa, their former teacher, and practically their guardian angel was sitting on a couch on the other side of the room.
"Mr. Aizawa! How are things down here?"
Shota looked up from the magazine he was reading to see the girls walking up to him. "Not much, Hitoshi and I just finished a routine check on the valves and everything seems to be in order."
Y/n nodded. "Where is Hitoshi?"
Mina, Jirou, and Momo all smiled knowingly. "What? I just want to know where my b- friend is. My friend. Because he is a friend," Y/n said, lying through her teeth. And not very well, either.
The thing was, Shinso wasn't just Y/n's friend. They were also dating, but secretly. Why? I dunno, really, and they're about as good at hiding it as Monica and Chandler. (They have not, however, thrown a friend under the bus. Yet.)
Aizawa nodded, clearly not convinced.
"But really, where is everyone?" Mina asked, her eyes searching for anyone other than Lunch Rush and Aizawa.
"They're playing with Eri," Aizawa said, going back to reading his parenting magazine. "They're in the other living room. Downstairs in the dorms."
A loud explosion sounded from downstairs. "It seems Bakugo may have just lost Monopoly."
The girls looked at each other before dashing to the elevator downstairs.
When they got there Bakugo was seething, Deku was cowering behind a pillow, Denki, Sero, Shoji, and Kirishima were all trying to pull Bakugo away, Todoroki and Uraraka were trying to calm down Deku, and Iida was standing in the middle of all the chaos.
"Bakugo! Stop this. You are not following safety precautions!" Iida yelled, waving his hands like a robot.
Shinso and Eri were sitting on the floor to the side and Shinso stood up when he noticed Y/n. Eri smiled, stood, and ran over.
"Y/n/n!" Y/n's heart melted as she picked the seven-year-old girl up, patting her head and resting her on one side of her body. Shinso also walked over, side hugging Y/n and waving to Mina, Jirou, and Momo. They all cooed.
"You're just in time. Bakugo won't talk to me so I can't use my quirk on him and they've been like this for twenty minutes."
Another - this time visible - explosion reverberated throughout the walls of the bunker.
Mina, Jirou, and Y/n nodded. "We've got this. Momo, you go help Todoroki and Uraraka," Y/n said, putting Eri down and walking with Jiro and Mina to where Bakugo was.
"Oi! Bakugo! Shut up and stop sulking!" Y/n yelled as Mina and Jirou each grabbed one of Bakugo's arms. Kirishima, Denki, Shoji, and Sero all let go. Denki and Kirishima both smiled at their girlfriends.
Y/n opened one of her never-ending bags and shoved Bakugo in it, yelling down into it, "You can come out when you're finished having a tantrum!"
The bag she'd thrown him in had been affectionately named "Beast Tamer" for its ability to calm Bakugo down. It had a couch, All Might posters, Dynamight merch, and a kitchen stocked with some of Bakugo's favorite recipes and foods. Even though it held all that it was about the size of Eri's head.
"Maybe we stop playing-" Before Mina could finish an alarm began to blare.
"E.A.C., we've gotta move!" Shinso said, grabbing Eri and putting her on his shoulders as he ran. The rest of them ran towards the two elevators on floor two that would take them back up to the common floor, grabbing their gear from their rooms as they went.
And chapter one is finished! I think I'm gonna like this series.
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maverickcalf · 5 months
I'd like the character meme for Joey Lucas from TWW, Chandler Bing, and Ray Ferrier, please.
Joey Lucas
Sexuality Headcanon: I never really thought about it. Pan maybe? Gender Headcanon: Cis Woman... Yeah, I think so. A ship I have with said character: Joey x Josh A BROTP I have with said character:... low-key Joey and Sam A NOTP I have with said character: Joey and Al Kiefer A random headcanon: Wears headphones sometimes and lip-reads people when they think she isn't listening. General Opinion over said character: A+ I wish she was a regular she is so cool
Chandler Bing-
Sexuality Headcanon: BI! Bi DIASTER! Gender Headcanon: i do have trans man headcanons tbh A ship I have with said character: Chandler x Joey A BROTP I have with said character: Chandler x Ross, they are brothers A NOTP I have with said character: Rachel and Chandler, I dunno they are just friends A random headcanon: General Opinion over said character: I want his gender
Ray Ferrier-
Sexuality Headcanon: I have never thought about it... because HE has never thought about it. Gender Headcanon: Cis Man. Again he is just too tired to try anything else A ship I have with said character: NONE A BROTP I have with said character: NONE A NOTP I have with said character: NONE A random headcanon: He would have handled things better in the movie if he was on a normal sleep schedule. That can fuck a man up. He is pissed because he is sleepy! General Opinion over said character: Honestly I can't put him into any au in my head, which is why the ships are nothing at the moment.
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major-majoranon · 1 year
hi! 2, 4, 5 and 6 for mash asks
and 11, which i ask of everyone: fave klinger outfit + fave margaret hairstyle
2- Honestly probably Henry Blake! The 'my wife' jokes aside I think he's a much more interesting and fun character than people realise! He had a lot of respect for everyone in the camp and I felt mclean did a really good job conveying a genuine person with realistic flaws and personality!
Also honourable mention to radar bc I have a post about him in the oven and reading this actually made me realise something else i want to talk about in it!
4- this is a hard one, I found that even though I think the show as a whole is very impactful I'm not sure if any episode ever really got to me so much i cried. Abyssinia Henry and Quo Vadis Captain Chandler are the first to come to mind. I think the choice to kill Henry was so bold and unexpected in a sitcom and I found myself missing Henry so much after that it really was like I was grieving his loss too. I wish they had been able to explore the effects of seeing someone they knew killed on the other character.
Quo Vadis is I think one of the best explorations of the effect war has on people. I found it so personal and raw to see this one man behave exactly how he believed his God would and how he broke down was so tragic.
5- The episodes I remember really getting me were The novacaine mutiny and Chief surgeon who? They're both some of my favourites and I think chief surgeon did such an amazing job showing just how anti military the whole outfit was, I wish it had kept more of that!
6- in no particular order Carry On Hawkeye, the sniper and O.R.
Honestly all of the unusual episodes like deluge and the interview episodes are top of my list. I also think season four was very good but I cant actually think of any off the top of my head so they dont get top billing.
11- that yellow gone with the wind dress he wears is always the first one i think of!! I also love the one he wears when he's reading poetry on the hillside, it's just such a specific scene he created that was so in character and yet at such odds with the situation he's in.
The first one i thought of was her little pigtails from the Olympics episode! I cant say I really noticed her hair very often but I liked how much she just let go and enjoyed herself in that episode and the pigtails were such a fun way to show that.
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god-whispers · 2 years
aug 4
a little "acquired" wisdom from those who have traveled our road before.  enjoy and contemplate!
“aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in.  aim at earth and you get neither.”  — c. s. lewis
“there are many of us that are willing to do great things for the Lord, but few of us are willing to do little things.”  — dwight l. moody
“we have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.” — oswald chambers
“let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.” — gilbert k. chesterton
“he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." — jim elliot
"God does not give us everything we want, but He does fulfill His promises, leading us along the best and straightest paths to Himself.” — dietrich bonhoeffer
“the christian life is not a constant high.  i have my moments of deep discouragement.  i have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘o God, forgive me,' or ‘help me.’” - billy graham
“if you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things.  it is we, of course, to whom things look 'little' or 'big'."  — elisabeth elliot
“worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength." —  corrie ten boom
“the will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us." - billy graham
“the greater your knowledge of the goodness and grace of God on your life, the more likely you are to praise Him in the storm." - matt chandler
“we may speak about a place where there are no tears, no death, no fear, no night; but those are just the benefits of heaven.  the beauty of heaven is seeing God.” ― max lucado,
“you contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary.” ― jonathan edwards
“we never know how God will answer our prayers, but we can expect that He will get us involved in His plan for the answer.  if we are true intercessors, we must be ready to take part in God’s work on behalf of the people for whom we pray.” ― corrie ten boom
“out of 100 men, one will read the Bible, the other 99 will read the christian.” ― d.l. moody
“but I will not tell you how long or short the way will be; only that it lies across a river.  but do not fear that, for I am the great bridge builder.” ― c.s. lewis
“it was strictly forbidden to preach to other prisoners.  it was understood that whoever was caught doing this received a severe beating.  a number of us decided to pay the price for the privilege of preaching, so we accepted their [the communists' ] terms.  it was a deal; we preached and they beat us.  we were happy preaching.  they were happy beating us, so everyone was happy.” ― richard wurmbrand,
“the devil frequently fills our thoughts with great schemes, so that instead of putting our hands to what work we can do to serve our Lord, we may rest satisfied with wishing to perform impossibilities.” ― santa teresa de Jesús,
“we sinned for no reason but an incomprehensible lack of love, and He saved us for no reason but an incomprehensible excess of love.” ― peter kreeft
“when man is with God in awe and love, then he is praying.” ― karl rahner
“when you are down to nothing, God is up to something.  it is up to you to reach out to find what God is up to for you.” ― robert schuler
“this is our time on the history line of God.  this is it.  what will we do with the one deep exhale of God on this earth?  for we are but a vapor and we have to make it count.  we’re on.  direct us, Lord, and get us on our feet." — beth moore
“o God — please give Him back!  i shall keep asking You.” ― john irving
everyday my prayers include that final quote, "o God - please hive Him back!"  not to suffer but to reign - to begin the new age.  Father God - help us get those last few ushered in that will fill up the measure you have allotted (those who are willing to accept Your truth).
i would also quote again the next to last quote.  “this is our time on the history line of God."  "He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘for we are also His offspring.’" acts 17:26-28
seek Him.  share Him.  see Him.  your redemption draws near.  look up - see Him coming in the clouds with great honor and power.  maranatha!  any day now
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unfoundhoney · 3 years
being karl jacobs little sibling ↠
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↠ karl jacobs x reader ; fluff
↠ masterlist
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hello to the entire smp’s favorite
you’re a big sweetheart like your brother
you’ve got this feral teasing, satan spawn side once you get comfortable around someone but it’s more cute than anything else
karl has always adored you & been protective of you
he used to be mean to you & tease you all the time but he grew out of that & now he is the bestest big brother
he loves you ok :(
you’re the baby of the family & karl must therefore make sure no harm comes to you
no one’s allowed to bully his baby sibling unless it’s him because then it is okay
he was the older brother who would just come into your room & lie on your bed & pretend that he’s doing it to be annoying but really he just wants to spend time with you
when he got his license he would always drive you places
school, friend’s houses, mcdonald’s, the gas station at one in the morning
he likes spending time with you i just want to make that point very clear
you two have always been really close & he just loves you alright
you’re first introduced to the internet as a possible winner of one of the many “one of the crew’s siblings gets the prize” mrbeast videos
you didn’t even know what was happening karl just picked you up one day like “get in loser, we’re doing a mrbeast video”
& off you went
suddenly you’re everywhere on the internet bc people just absolutely adored the way karl would check up on you throughout the entire video
which was obviously kept in because quality content
he brings you on or all the mrbeast videos he can
like the christmas lights video?
you were there helping him & sean win
animal shelter video?
short little clip of karl facetiming you to show you the puppies & the camera just hears you “aw”ing over them
eventually karl does a stream w/ you & the plan was to play kirby’s epic yarn
but karl just gets absolutely spammed on discord
by who you may ask?
i think you already know
it’s tommyinnit begging karl to get on the smp w/ you & let him talk w/ you
tommyinnit: KARL
tommyinnit: KARL PLEASE
eventually karl relented & went on the smp & had you play
here comes big man tommy (& co.) to farm more “i spoke to my friend’s sibling” content
(you) haven’t you already done like fifteen of these videos?
(quackity) holy shit, did y/n just call tommyinnit unoriginal?
(george) i think they did oh my god
you meet tommy obviously & the other feral bois & a bunch of other smp members you bump into as you’re wandering around
karl shows you kinoko kingdom all proudly
he gets all smiley when you talk about how much you like it
you & the feral boys are kind of iconic ngl
bc you’re actually really funny you’re just kind of shy & need someone to hype you up
and these himbos are just the men for the job
karl would love to make content with you as long as you were comfortable with it
imagine doing a cooking stream but you like actually know how to cook smth & karl’s just your little assistant/hype man
(karl) go y/n, go y/n, go go go y/n
(you) i am literally putting salt in a pot of water
& then at the end karl just going full big brother braggart mode
(karl) guys this is literally the best thing i have ever eaten you all wish you had a sibling as cool as mine haha as if no one is as great as y/n so haha get rekt losers
meanwhile you in the background like “please stop”
the mrbeast crew absolutely adores you as well
chris especially is very verbal about how great you are
& there’s this clip of karl & jimmy just absolutely demolishing you & chandler in a chicken pool fight
suddenly it’s not a mrbeast video w/o a y/n cameo in some way
you are tucker’s official babysitter, what a privilege that is
it’s cool thought bc tucker loves you
you’re just such a lovable person
karl would totally love painting your nails or letting you paint his or whatever
& if you’re actually good at like nail art???
he loves you even more now wow
might help you up your fashion game or ask you for fashion advice too
he likes to show you off like a proud parent bc he just thinks you’re great & wants the world to know how great you are
would defo cry at your graduation just saying
prom/school formal?
cute picture of you all glammed up & laughing as karl is literally on the ground bowing to you
would go to as many of your games/recitals/concerts as he could if you have them
& if not he’d be sure to hype up the little achievements like a good test grade or baking a cake
basically: it’s karl’s job in life to make sure you know you are loved & appreciated
you all have one of those “siblings but besties” type of relationships
cuties, we love to see it
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love-geeky-fangirl · 2 years
Lmao that other anon needs to take a step back and realize that Rachel literally never actively sabotaged any of Ross's relationships. The whole thing with Bonnie shaving her head shouldn't have even BOTHERED Ross, like Bonnie is her own woman and can do w/e the fuck she likes with her own body, and even before Rachel falsely said she loved the look, Bonnie just noted on how she missed having a bald head. Frankly that entire scenario makes Ross look more like a jerk than Rachel. I mean, you're dating a hot woman who you have great s*x with, and you can't handle her being bald? Talk about being a shallow moron.
The whole thing with Emily is also ridiculous because Rachel came in with the intention of telling Ross, but then stopped when she saw that he loved Emily. That's the main thing, SHE DIDNT DO IT. she didn't tell Ross or convince him to say her name at the altar, he did that by himself! He pretty much shot himself in the foot with that whole situation and frankly the entire narrative made Emily look bad, not just Rachel or even the other characters who were friends of Ross' and ofc would sooner pick his side. Rachel was more of a side victim in the scenario that Ross created for himself in the first place. No one told him to say her name, she just came and wished him well even when she had bad intentions. In comparison, Ross had to LITERALLY be held back by Chandler before he would try to go and sabotage Rachel's date with Mark. He tries to run Rachel's dating life so many repeated times in the show which is something that Rachel never actively does for him. Does she consider it at times or influence it? Yeah, but she never crosses the line like withholding a phone number or message from Ross. I'm not even going to go into how godawful Ross is towards her or even the other friends and esp his sister because it'll be a mile long message but while the other friends have had bad moments, Ross is a whiny, immature, selfish grown man who constantly needs everyone around him to cater to his own selfish need for validation. That is literally what all the friends DO for him. Whenever Chandler or Joey are shitty towards the women they date, the other friends call it for what it is and they even get their comeuppance in the narrative. Ross is made fun of but is never called out for it and never changes his behavior. THIS IS WHY he's worse.
True! Like it did bug me when she tricked Pheobe into giving Julie a bad haircut or when she loaned Bonnie the razor because it was very petty. However Bonnie wanted to shave her head and would have done it anyway. Ross looked like a shallow jerk in that whole situation. When she flew to London with the intention to stop Ross's wedding it was selfish but she ended up NOT DOING IT. Instead she quietly sat there and watch him get married.
Ross is a whole other story. Like you said, he hides her messages from other guys, sent that guy that she was flirting with in season 2 away and Chandler had to PHYSICALLY restrain him from interrupting her date with Mark.
Ross is called out on his bad behavior by Monica in season 3 (I loved that scene), Joey in season 1 with that whole: "Oh no how could she (date other people)? When she never expressed any interest in you!" but mostly he is treated by the good Nice Guy who is actually really sweet just unlucky in love.
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Hi, I am the person that asked you about what you think about Chandler/Kathy, Monica/Richard, etc… Thank you! I totally agree with a lot of it. I think Rachel and Chandler also would never work. In so many ways. There something wrong about it and doesn’t feel right. Btw Phoebe and Chandler would never work too and weird. Out of the three girls Monica is definitely the right one for him. Joey and Monica wouldn’t work too of course. Richard and Monica is yucky. Kathy and Chandler’s start was toxic
Hi, thanks for asking the question, I'm sorry it took so long for me to respond. I'm glad I didn't disappoint.
The thing with Phoebe/Chandler is they're proper siblings. Or related in some way in their minds, I think. Their role in each other's life is to undo some of their trauma and give them back their childhoods and romance cannot bloom if that is the case.
I think Phoebe relies on Chandler in a way the show doesn't foreground but is definitely present.
Back before the show, when Ross was busy trying to make his marriage work, it would have just been Phoebe, Chandler and Monica. So they know each other very well.
Other than Ross and Monica, Phoebe is the only one Chandler really talks to about the trauma of his parents and while Phoebe talks a lot, Chandler is the one who understands the best.
She experienced something very similar in the streets so she's very protective of him and he her because they understand what it was like and that they want to forget rather than talk about it.
Phoebe and Chandler have that respect for each other where she goes to him for job advice and in return, she tries to make sure he's cflrtsnñe in his skin.
The pair of them are quite similar, where Phoebe became the woman who shouts to be heard and uses her trauma to guilt, Chandler folded in on himself and Chandler hopes his are never mentioned.
In fact, I think a big part of his Phoebe sees her role in his life is to actually help him recognise that he was in fact traumatised and it's okay to feel like he needs outside help.
There's also a lot of play involved in their relationship, the hide-and-seek, quick draw with the chairs etc, which is their way of combating their trauma and giving each other back a childhood they never had.
Which is why they could never work.
Chandler, despite what he says (definition of sarcasm, too) wants a serious relationship, is starved for it. Eventually, he'll learn that relationships should be a little silly and wondrous, but not at the loss of adult conversation. He can't have that with Phoebe because the purpose of their relationship has always been a safe space to express themselves and the things they wished they hadn't missed out on.
This is the first man Phoebe trusted to not be a sexual threat. Fresh off the streets and the dark things she reveals about them, she meets Chandler Bing who is gentle and kind and a little lost just like her. And he's completely not interested. The first man she doesn't have to be on her guard around. Sure, she jokes quite a bit about him that way but that evidently comes out of jealousy and trying to make him ball like Ross when she mentions there is no gravity.
Phoebe is too promiscuous/domineering/sexually frightening if the tales she tells are to be believed for Chandler. The same way Joey is too happy for just a short fling for Monica., Phoebe is too happy with short relationships and flings for Chandler.
She's never had a serious relationship as far as Chandler can tell. Not that it's a bad thing, she just doesn't want the shared life and the family. He does.
Phoebe is driven by her passions. Chandler needs someone sensible and serious.
Like Monica, and Rachel, Phoebe has never had a serious relationship and doesn't know what it entails. Where Monica and Chandler had had complementary experiences that allow them to guide each other through it, Phobe has no experience and couldn't help Chandler through a relationship or vice versa.
A lot of Phoebe is also drawn to friendship with Chandler because he's self-deprecating. Nothing goes right for him and he's okay with it, just like she is, but she doesn't read past his words into his behaviour. So she doesn't necessarily think he is more than his words. If he says he's a loser, then that's what he is.
As shown when Chandler and Monica get together, Phoebe goes on the defensive. She admits that she loves them, that she's jealous of their relationship, but she can be degrading and belittling to the first friend she made who wasn't obligated to her in any way (yes, that's Chandler. Monica, by virtue of being her roommate, was obligated to be friendly. Ross is her brother, he had to keep the peace to. Chandler doesn't but he chooses to be her friend anyway). Evidently, she feels like she is losing the one person who understands her. It gives her hope for herself, given that they're so similar, but a small part of her hates Chandler for it. He's meant to be a loser, just like her, it turns out he's not. She hates him a little for it.
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