sapphicstarwars · 8 months
Sapphic Rarepair Tournament Round 2-49
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archeo-starwars · 2 years
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Star Wars Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith Issue #2
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phoenixyfriend · 11 days
Tony Stark & Natasha Romanova, now in Star Wars
IDK if you folks were ever MEGA into crossovers but did you ever engage with the kind that can more or less be summarized as "isekai but the person 'hit by truck-kun' is a character from a different canon?"
Because that's what this is.
Tony Stark isekai'd into Star Wars (random planet) after dying in Endgame. He knows the movies, but not the supplemental material, as even by the time TPM came out, he was thirty and fucked up and making a name for himself in war. Bad times.
Tony wakes up sixteen and with Nothing to his name but his skills. He does not speak the language. Mostly gets by doing shit like skinning potatoes for a kitchen and pulling weeds and whatnot while he catches up on Basic. (He is apparently fluent, or at least conversational, in French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and Dari. So Basic would be his Seventh language, and while four of those can be lumped into 'if you learn one, the next will be easier,' Dari is wildly unrelated, so I'd say he could pick up Basic a bit faster than average, especially with 16yo brain elasticity.)
A toddler, two years old with intensely red hair, runs into his shins one day and yells his name very clearly. He looks down, is a little confused, and then a nearby carer from an orphanage jogs up yelling "Nat!" The toddler is Natasha Romanoff. She remembers everything, including dying, but is about twenty-five pounds soaking wet and NOBODY will take her seriously.
It takes some… effort, to explain the situation to the carer. Yes, Tony knows Nat. He worked with uh…. her 'older brother, a man named Clint.' Tony does not currently have the resources for anyone to legally give him custody of a toddler but he's got some motivation to secure housing and a stable income.
He does that. Gets Natasha with him because of course he has to do that. It's the one person he knows. It's Nat.
Turns out she's Force Sensitive, though. A 'natural extension' of her more skillgrinding abilities to read/manipulate people. Tony is not Force Sensitive but he DID recently have a medical episode that took him to a thankfully-government-funded clinic that informed him he has a Bad Heart and will require a pacemaker despite being seventeen.
A Jedi finds Nat while passing through and they Discuss Their Options. This is when Nat is about four. There is a heavy discussion about how her mind is older than her body, so the Jedi would need to be ready for that, but also Tony needs to discuss this with Nat, who was like thirty-nine(?) when she died and thus more than capable of making her own decisions.
Despite fandom generally painting Tony as the most selfish of the Avengers and Natasha as the most coldly practical, they are still heroes who put in some Fucking Effort to become better people, and they come to the conclusion that Natasha would do much more to help this galaxy as a Jedi than as some kid in poverty on a no-name planet. So off she goes!
She's like five years younger than Obi-Wan, the story reveals.
Tony is a bit aimless and the work he's BEEN doing (probably laying down electrical lines or something at this point, IDK, he got into construction or something) gets sideswept by Damage To A Tool. He knows how to fix the tool, but he does not have a forge.
There is a forge in town. He goes to it and says that he can't afford to ask to have it fixed, but he knows how to do it himself, so could he borrow access for a small fee?
This is a Mandalorian armorer. They say no. In fact, they tell him, that would be significantly more expensive than just getting it fixed.
Buuuuuuuuuut for Reasons, the armorer decides that Tony (now 18-19 physically) can do it so long as the Armorer supervises. Tony is competent Enough that the Armorer gives him a datapad and tells him to read it and come back in a week to discuss the topic. Tony warns that Basic is far from his first language and he doesn't have a whole lot of free time, so he probably won't have read it by then. That's fine, they'll just discuss what he has read.
It's about Mando culture, in a mildly propaganda-y way, and Tony comes back to Argue About Religion more than anything. He thinks the Armorer is proselytizing, which they kind of are, but they are also more than happy to discuss the lines between the Mando culture as ethnicity and culture and religion and so on.
This becomes a regular occurence. Tony has made A Friend who has started offering him a side gig doing Basic Village Blacksmith Work that the Armorer deems too menial, like "horse"shoes.
Tony is offered an apprenticeship that he did not expect, on the condition of Becoming Mandalorian.
This is. A heavy decision.
However. Tony is a guy who is at least partly defined by his cool armor. Mandalorians are defined by their cool armor. He has been told, several times, that there are multiple ways to be a Mandalorian. So he accepts, because he decides it's worth for the chance to be somebody who can make a difference in a way he currently can't.
Ten years later, 'Initiate Romanova' goes up to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon as they prepare to leave, and neatly informs them that she has a feeling they are going to have a Bad Time on their mission in Mandalore, and that if they need emergency shelter from enemies, to go to an Armorer by the name of Tony Stark, because that's her brother so she knows that he's going to be friendly to Jedi. (Tony has sent her a small handful of messages, through channels both official and not, about big life events.)
Of course, shit hits the fan and the two plus Satine end up finding Tony's forge and he hides them in his Underground Bunker, which actually has a tunnel to a cave system that is safer than the bunker itself. Because reasons. (IN A CAVE. WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS.)
He has helper droids! They are named indirectly after friends from the Past Life, things like Spangles.
On their way back after the mission they swing by to say hi and he asks them to bring something to Natasha and it's a matryoshka doll set he made based on the Avengers (it goes based on age so the outermost is Thor, followed by I think Bruce, Rhodey, Tony, Clint, Natasha, Steve, Sam, Wanda, Vision), as well as a plushie he had custom made by somebody in town of a Bird With Archery Gear, even though she's too old for that stuff.
Even among the Jedi, Natasha is WEIRD and SERIOUS and everyone's pretty damn sure she's going to be a Shadow, or at least do a HECK of a lot of undercover work.
IDK how this plays out but Tony is definitely keeping an eye on politics so he can figure out the Palpatine rise to power and remind Natasha in case she's forgotten because when they first split they didn't, either of them, know what to expect in regards to her memory given the whole Baby Brain issue.
"Why is Tony an Armorer"
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Okay some more thoughts!
I think Tony's aggressively atheist and consistently watching whoever claims to be Mand'alor with a critical eye in case he has to step in, and does not take any references to ka'ra with any real seriousness. That said. He's an Armorer now. A weird one who refuses like half his clients for Ethics Reasons, but technically a cultural authority figure who's allowed to argue with the Mand’alor.
fsr the initial meeting scenario with the armorer bugs me,like would they really just let him" but tbf Tony knows how to steamroll people and could probably dissect the forge in an instant.
Which, yeah, in my defense, I put this together in about two hours so some of it's a bit wonk? BUT. @threebea had a good suggestion for how/why the Armorer had Tony actually do things in the forge instead of telling him to scram:
Maybe Tony has been doing some 'crafting' on the side maybe droid repairs or modifications which is how the Armorer first sort of hears about him and then one day there's the kid that people have been mentioning the Stars aligned here's a pamphlet. He can't make a living off gizmos in his situation since most of what Star wars has is advanced tech and to do anything impressive he would need more resources and more of an understanding of the mathematics of this universe (Stares at ceiling one night trying to figure out if the law of relativity would be a thing here). That might slow him down just like… his math doesn't actually work here so on top of language he would have to learn things to do complicated stuff that he could already buy for a credit. But with armory it's concepts he knows well and adding weapons to armor especially no lethal ones is something he also knows. Mandalorian armor with UNI BEAM
When it comes to canon, he knows THE big thing (Palpatine is Sidious) and basically nothing else. He thinks he remembers the clones being Mando? but he's honestly not even sure he remembers the original Fett's first name correctly. He knows the guy is a Fett, because Boba was a cultural mainstay for Tony's childhood, so like, it was nice to have some backstory, but he's honestly not sure how likely "that baby Mand'alor that went missing" is to being Boba's plot-relevant dad. Could be an uncle for all he knows, or just a guy with the same last name.
I feel like to keep things fair Tony should be able to scale up a little harder than the average Mandalorian. Yeah all his tech knowledge is a bit out-dated and he isn't likely to get an arc reactor running in a way that'll be more powerful than anything locally available, but I feel like he'd adapt pretty darn quickly to available tech and start Improving Things Nat's skills all translate extremely well, once she's not got stumpy toddler body she's basically back to her old level PLUS telekinesis and wibbly force nonsense although I understand if that's also not the focus of the fic, being less "And now there's some Avengers Here (Powerset)" and more "And now there's some Avengers Here (Attitudes and Characters)"
Nat is very excited to Break Into Tony's Cave.
NGL this was initially going to be a Tony Raises Nat thing but I couldn't ultimately justify her NOT going the Jedi route after I realized I wanted her to be Sensitive.
There was also a discarded plot idea about her being a little older and having gone undercover in death watch, because Tony got kidnapped to work for them and got through to her, where she gets to use her Bites as a teen but I scrapped it.
I do think she successfully argues to her Master to visit him at 14 to get light armor though.
Nat's the sneakiest little initiate and also. Very, very controlled in the scary way during spars.
Natasha as a Jedi is so good. Like, she would probably have a bit of dissonance between Jedi training and the training she received as a child, and it might help her work through some things. Nat: I've known Yoda for three days but if anything happened to him I would kil-- wait uh (pivots) I would be very sad. She would try to sneak up on council members. It is like a kitten stalking a cat on the outside, but also she's a grown woman and wants to be that good. (AU of this If Quinlan ever saw this he'd adopt her: Quinlan: Tholme I found a new padawan sister. Get training Tholme: [literally just finished with Quinlan. Had planned to take a vacation. Meditate. Drink. He loves his kid but needs literally a moment here] Tholme: She's seven. Quinlan: I was four. Tholme: … Quinlan: She has a secret tragic background toooo I know you like that 😄 Tholme: [Sigh] Nat: …wait is he supposed to be Sherlock Holmes. I think he's space Sherlock Holmes. Need to ask Tony if Star Wars had Sherlock Holmes? lol yeah Tholme just feels like he could blend well with an avengers story, and a Black Widow story in particular)
Not joking when I say I considered if I could squeeze Tholme into the timeline.
Tony sends her music files that he thinks sounds Particularly Ballet to her because he remembers how much she liked dancing, as the main or even only positive thing from her Red Room training, and how she once said that if she hadn't become a spy, she thinks she'd have liked to be a ballerina.
The first time they see each other in person in years is her visiting for baby armor at 14 and is hesitant to hug him because like. Yeah he's her "brother" and there were a few years where they were acting as such and he was helping her with Basic Tasks that she doesn't like to think about too much because it's embarrassing, and they cuddled THEN, because she was Physically Baby, but they're just coworkers in reality, right? Should she hug him? If only to sell the bit to her Jedi Master?
Tony is also not the most huggy person and isn't sure if HE should hug Nat because he remembers jokey stabbing threats from when they were Avengers and like. Does she still feel that way, now that she's not a bumbling like tot?
They are both unsure of if hugging is on the table and it's the Jedi Master who says "you know, you're allowed to hug, if you want" under the impression that they aren't sure if the Jedi would allow it. And then the hug is very tight and loving because at least subconsciously they DID both want that.
The Jedi Master takes a pic.
Jedi master: (aw) It's one of those "we've been in life or death situations together and also grew up together kinda sorta and also we're trauma bonded," and the first opportunity to solidify Family as their dynamic they both jump in feet first. And both of them were like. Extremely lonely children probably. In different ways but still.
(It's why the Hawkeye plushie didn't make her CRY, per se, but she does start keeping it in her bed even though she's Too Old for these things.)
When it comes to hugging, Nat is understandably concerned about overstepping and like. "Taking" Morgan's place. (I'm going with Tony and Nat being friends (or at least friendly) from A1 to A2, and during the blip she stopped by for dinner once in a while. Nat doing her best to bring Child Appropriate Gifts for Morgan (she misses being Aunt Nat for the Barton kids).) Or as Bea put it: Tony: Are you spying on me or are we doing people things? Nat: Can't it be both?
Anyway, their dynamic is a weird little midpoint once they're in Star Wars but then they get to a point in the armor making where Tony takes a break on a bench and she slips in under his arm to cuddle and it's just Nice (even though he's kinda sweaty and gross from the blacksmithing).
Tony: ….. so……. is Yoda… does he look like… is he…. Nat: …???? Tony: You saw the Muppets right? Is he still a Muppet? Nat: [totally has seen the Muppets] what's a Muppet? Tony: You're killing your brother, Nat ;A;
Also the comedy of having MULTIPLE "secret languages" that nobody can translate.
It's handy, too. Between her and Tony, but also lots of languages to give different uses to. Can teach one to a specific faction for communication. OH, the poor Threepio units! She got stuck in a room with one once, and don't get my wrong, they can pick up a language fast, but they need to hear long enough sampling of it. Nat: I'm not teaching you stop asking I do agree too that Tony and Nat no matter their circumstances would be working towards stopping Palpatine. Like is this a real space is this a dream is this another dimension that just happens to be like a movie in ours? Doesn't matter the dictator is going down.
The Jedi Master is somewhat aware of the whole 'used to be an adult, sort of' thing. I don't know that they believe she's linearly matured but probably they think it's something like what I did in Jedi Babies It's definitely more explicit with a mind healer she got assigned soon after arrival.
She didn't decide whether to play it straight and "get help" or just try to game the system until she was actually sitting down. But she'd been having screaming night terrors about things she experienced in her first life, so.
She meets Anakin after TPM (if it's not avoided) when Obi-Wan's trying to settle him in and goes "ah, I know how to handle this kid." At some point Anakin and Tony end up sending each other various schematics.
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arianeemorythethird · 6 months
underrated aspect of rexwalker that has been filling my brain completely lately: they're clearly prep nerd 4 goth nerd, as per the classic alignment chart. which means that I am completely confident that rex and anakin spent a significant proportion of their canonical time together absolutely geeking out about the most random shit.
meant to be planning to lift a siege in another sector next week -> a couple hours of actual planning -> intense 2am argument over whether general zy woops of the mandalorian empire could have actually beaten general beans in the battle of sarda 2000 years if the mandalorians had access to modern blaster charger tech at the time
literally did not speak to each other for three days afterwards because they're both so salty about modern blaster charger tech and/or general beans
Generations Of Military Historians Are Wrong And It Would Have Been Totally Possible To Lift Exar Kun's Siege of Coruscant With The Resources The Republic Had To Hand. no, listen, general, hear me out!
Generations Of Military Historians Are Wrong, But In A Different Way From What You Suggested Yesterday, Rex. no I'm not just suggesting this to be contrary! you just didn't spend enough time thinking about hyperdrive engines! unlike me, who can and will spend all day thinking about hyperdrive engines.
yes, but you didn't spend ENOUGH time thinking about blaster charger tech, sir. :(
one time anakin accidentally on purpose went three hours out of his way on leave so he could visit the site of the battle of morlan dai
the battle happened 1200 years ago. now it's literally just a field with some crappy concrete buildings at one end. it's a field.
...that was what fives said when rex dragged him out there with them. rex and anakin still almost cried about it.
anyway I think it would be very on brand for anakin to have initially won rex's respect (and romantic interest) by sharing all his jedi access codes so rex could borrow from the military history section of the jedi archives.
the first time rex got access they were on leave for three days and cody legitimately thought he was dead.
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mayxthexforce · 4 months
@sithisms said:
"Dont look at me like that. I saved you from death and you glare at me like I'm the bad guy~"
[Ulic old republic war era]
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The metallic taste of his own blood pooled against his tongue.
That Mandalorian had descended upon him like an omen of death. One moment, it was all quiet. The next, a jetpack coming to life just a couple feet above him and a beskar-tipped boot landing a solid kick against his face. It was a miracle his nose hadn't broken. Although he could already tell his jaw would resent him for weeks.
Ulic hit the ground and, in the couple seconds it took him to compose himself and thrust a tense hand forward, ready to crush the windpipe of his assailant, he realized that Kun had it under control. And yet, he didn't lower his hand right away. He could almost see the force, like translucent tendrils, stretching out towards Kun, trying to tempt him, playing with his ambition, his need to always be the best, the deep rooted fear of being looked down on for every little mistake. Getting caught off guard by a Mandalorian with a jetpack was more than a LITTLE mistake. Kill him, it told him, kill him or he'll kill you.
He was nowhere near regretting any of the things he had done and would continue to do. But as headstrong as he was, even he could admit that the dark side was —at time— a karking nuisance.
Ulic finally put his hand down.
"You're getting paranoid."
Was he talking to himself out loud or addressing his fellow Sith's words? Perhaps both. Ulic didn't dwell on that. There was just no time and he'd spent long enough —pathetically too long— on the ground. Instead, he rose to his feet and summoned his lightsaber back to his hand. Standing tall– not quite as tall as Kun, but still an imposing height; and surveying their surroundings, including above them —as he wouldn't make the same mistake twice—, for any signs of danger.
"Saved me from death? You underestimate me," he noted. "I could have handled it."
Stars, I sound like Cay.
He quickly forced the thought back down into the dark corner of his mind from whence it came. Ulic refused to think much about his younger brother, refusing to let the darkness that now inhabited him taint his memories of Cay. But every now and then, like that karking Mandalorian, the thoughts of his family descended upon him in what felt like a ruthless, premeditated attack.
And, just like with that Mandalorian, there was always Kun for him to focus on, and it made things more bearable.
"Let's keep moving," he breathed out. "There's never just one of them."
The subjugation of the clans was still a work in progress.
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mando-of-esverr · 5 months
"We stand upon the ancient burial ground of a sith long forgotten. Watch yourself pup. You're at the bottom of the food chain here." He said as he would overlook a massive cave amidst a mountain region. Desert having had consumed most of the temple's entrance as the elements would devour it.
His grey hues narrowing deeply as he made his way to the old temple and rubbed his hand over glifs. The text of ancient sith.
"Reshintar..makilion.. not a name.. 'hatred free you'. A clue..or a saying?" He muttered as he would look over to Darius and huff." The next holocron is in here.." he paused as he would smirk slightly and approch him.
"Do you sense a pull of any kind, Mandalorian?"
Darius remained silent as he followed Kun to the entrance of the ancient burial ground. Just being there made the hair on his neck stand up. It felt foreboding, unfriendly, as if the air itself were warding him off from such sacred... or unhallowed ground...
He gritted his teeth and glanced around, gauging the area.
He'd spent a lot of time examining and exploring the Sith Holocron they'd found previously. The data was fragmented as if the data inside had been split up for some unknown reason. The Mando suspected why, but he kept it to himself. After all, the narrator in the first holocron had only mentioned the start of his study of Esverr. No doubt whichever ancient siths had garnered these pieces wanted to keep such powerful knowledge for themselves... or maybe for those they considered worthy.
Darius wasn't sure but somehow, handling the Holocron had made it... easier to sense the force... to sense what was around him. Like feeling a faint warmth after years of feeling nothing but cold. Even so, he definitely believed he was at the bottom of the predatory food chain here. Ergo why he was armed to the teeth in case of ambush...
"I feel a push," Darius answered, looking over at Exar Kun. He paused and considered the saying. 'Hatred free you...'
"It could be a reference," he suggested, adjusting the shoulder strap of his blaster rifle. "It could be instructions. 'Hatred free you'... it'll probably make more sense the deeper we go."
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its-a-full-galaxy · 1 month
"I will be glad to get rid of an old friend like you, Darius."
[Tassir kun]
Darius's blood ran cold. He knew that tone, that soft silky tone, like the caress of a deactivated vibroblade. He'd heard it come out of his own mouth after his capture during the liberation of Coruscant, in the times he walked Tassir's ship in Imperial uniform instead of his Beskar. He'd heard it in his head when the Batu pool had been expunged from the surface, and with every involuntary motion until he'd been rescued from Tassir's slimy grip by "Presence" and the Batu pool survivors.
His arms wanted to lock, his grip to fail, his knees to buckle with terror. But he kept his grip, holding onto the glowing red holocron he'd just grabbed. They'd come so far into the crust of Geonosis. Was this whole brain-worm thing a gambit of Tassir's to search for the Holocron? Or was it just a game he was playing now, watching his old host struggle? How had he gotten Kun in the first place??? Had the clones really been that effective against him?
Darius felt his hand prickle, like iron dust jutting from a lodestone.
Fear was the first step to the Dark Side. Fear, and then Anger, then Hate, and then Suffering. It was something his father on Esverr had told him, how Darr'thumbra clouded one's vision, one's mind, and poisoned one's soul like tree rot. It didn't cloud Kun's aim though and Darius knew Tassir could kill him in a moment with the sheer power Exar Kun possessed.
'If the Dark Side is what I need to use to get out of this, then help me,' he thought, directing his thoughts to the holocron. 'You're a sith artifact - help me! I can't use the force but if the dark side can open it up to me, then do it! Help me use the force to survive!'
The holocron glowed slightly, but he felt something, a tingling went up his arm that he couldn't tell if it was hot or cold. Then... an idea...
The Mandalorian took a breath and knelt down, bowing his head before the Sith. "You wouldn't kill your favorite, Tassir," he said in an even tone before lifting his head. "Just like Kun wouldn't kill Ulic."
Kun hated it when the man was brought up, and Darius hoped it would be enough!
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renesassing · 2 years
Hey! I saw your comment about Revan beating up Exar Kun with a baseball bat and just wanted to ask WHY do you think they'd do it? (I mean they'd totally do it, just for shits and giggles, but I'm still curious)
everything is his fault. like, all of it. the pressures the jedi order put on their generation, the council's refusal to help the republic with the mandalorians, the mandalorians invading in the first place, cathar, taris, the jedi covenant killing their padawans, the loss of ossus, all of it could've been avoided if exar kun had been less of a smug asshole. would thinga be perfect if exar kun died early? no. would things be better? revan sure fucking thinks so. they would travel back in time and bludgeon him into a bloody mess if they thought they could take him in a fight and win.
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Poll list part 2
Rouge the Bat(Sonic) vs Raphael Santiago(Shadowhunters)🎉
Death The Kid(Soul Eater) vs Tsubomi Takane(Mob Psycho 100)🎉
Berdly(Deltarune) vs Nausicaa(Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind)🎉
Din Djarin(The Mandalorian) vs Anzu Hoshino(Romantic Killer)🎉
Amethyst(Steven Universe) vs Steven Stone(Pokemon)🎉
Talfryn(The Penumbra Podcast) vs Stanley(The Stanley Parable)🎉
Clay Terran (Ace Attorney) vs Buttercup(The Powerpuff Girls)🎉
Sei Handa(Barakamon) vs Xu Xialing(Shangchi and the legend of the ten rings)🎉
Sunny(Wings of Fire) vs Beta(Horizon Forbidden West)
Dr. Sylvester Ashling(Epithet Erased) vs Marcy Wu(Amphibia)
Perry the Platypus(Phineas and Ferb) vs Lancer(Deltarune)
Serana Volkihar(The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim) vs Charlie(It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Zhongli(Genshin Impact) vs Tatsumaki(One Punch Man).
V1(Ultrakill) vs Aziraphale and Crowley(Good Omens)
Shaggy(Scooby Doo) vs Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
Reigen Arataka(Mob Psycho 100) vs Pyuko(Dannganronpa: Hope’s Chains)
Marie(Splatoon) vs Rose Cookie(Cookie Run Kingdom)
Joan D’arc(History) vs Morgana(Merlin)
Murderbot(The Murderbot Diaries) vs Royce Bracket(Transistor (game))
Ryland Grace(Project Hail Mary) vs Hollyleaf(Warrior Cats)
Wolf(Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts) vs Savathûn(Destiny video game)
Damian Wayne(DC Comics) vs Dr. Miranda Jones (Star Trek The Original Series, season 3 episode 5 Is There In Truth No Beauty?)
Keagan Máistirúin(Na Daoine Maithe (The Good People)) vs Sweetheart(Omori)
Kaitou Joker(Kaitou Joker) vs Piccolo (Dragon Ball)
Roach(Our Flag Means Death) vs Alex Fierro(Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
Aradia Megido(Homestuck) vs Hestia(Greek Mythology)
Zane Julien(Ninjago) vs Agatha Wellbelove(Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell)
Yelena Belova (Marvel) vs The Bear/Brent/The Pusher/The Fool/Shah Zaman(Ghost Quartet)
The Witch Queen(Old Gods of Appalachia) vs P03(Inscryption)
Lord Havelock Vetinari(Discworld Novels by Terry Pratchett) vs The Knight(Hollow Knight)
Power(Chainsaw Man) vs Jetstorm(Transformers Animated (2007 cartoon))
Athena Cykes(Ace Attorney) vs Grumbot(Hermitcraft)
Yuki Rurikawa(A3!) vs Anonymous/Someone(Our Dreams At Dusk)
James(Pokemon) vs Dipper Pines 1 Mabel Pines1(Gravity Falls)
Charles Emerson Winchester III (M*A*S*H) vs Chaerin Eun(Surviving Romance)
Yamori Kou (Yofukashi no uta) vs Zenyatta(Overwatch)
Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto) vs Entrapta(She-Ra Princess of Power)
Simon Snow(Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell) vs Sabo(One Piece)
Silver(Sonic) vs Gin Akutagawa(Bungou Stray Dogs)
Kankri Vantas(Homestuck) vs Madhouse Mike(Cryptid Crush)
Darius(Owl House) vs Jason Todd(DC)
Emerald Trio:Willow, Hunter,Gus (Owl House) vs Artemis(Overly Sarcastic Productions' Miscellaneous Myths)
Jo March (Little Women 2019) vs Daryl Dixon(The Walking Dead)
Bakura Ryou(YuGiOh!) vs Professor Balaam(Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun)
Granny Smith(MLP) vs Cyborg(Teen Titans)
Maki Katsuragi(Hoshiai no Sora) vs Kaladin Stormblessed(The Stormlight Archive)
Jess(Loveless) vs Asui Tsuyu(BNHA)
GIR(Invader Zim) vs Xiao(Genshin Impact)
Alexa(Xenoblade Chronicles X) vs Selah Summers(Selah and the Spades)
Felix Hugo Fradarius(Fire Emblem 3 Houses) vs Sunil Jha(Loveless)
Madeline Hatter (Ever After High) vs Maya Fey(Ace Attorney)
Kim Dokja(Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) vs Noé Archiviste(Vanitas no Carte)
Eleven(Stranger Things) vs Jinx(Arcane League of Legends)
Fitzroy Maplecourt(The Adventure Zone) vs Pidge(Voltron)
Volo(Pokemon) vs Cole Brookstone(Ninjago)
Traveler(Genshin Impact) vs Madotsuki(Yume Nikki)
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pockyyasii · 10 months
requests are open!!
༻♡⋆˚✿˖°⋆✩‧₊♡ ˚౨ৎ˚₊✩₊˚✿° ♡⋆₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊♡✩‧₊˚✿˖° ♡ ⋆₊✩౨ৎ˚♡✩༺
⁺🧸 ˖ 【 fandoms masterlist 】 ˖⁺
—⁺˖°ʚ 🎧 Book Series ɞ°⁺˖—
OUBAH, TBONA, ACFTL. (The Once Upon a Broken Heart Triology).
TFOLA. (The Folk of the Air; Cruel Prince triology)
TIG. (The Inheritance Games)
GrishaVerse. (Six of Crows)
TMC. (The Medoran Chronicles)
TIG. (The Inheritance Games)
Harry Potter
The Renegades Triology
—⁺˖°ʚ 🎧 Music ɞ°⁺˖—
>NewJeans (bias: hanni. bias wrecker: danielle)
Enhypen (bias: wonieee <33. bias wrecker: jayy)
TWICE. (bias: ot9 <;3)
Taylor Swift
—⁺˖°ʚ 🎧 TV Series ɞ°⁺˖—
Marvel (Spider-man, ITSV, ATSV, MCU)
Star Wars (Prequel, Original, Sequel, Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian)
MLB (Miraculous LadyBug)
—⁺˖°ʚ.🎧 Anime ɞ°⁺˖—
Fruits Basket
Komi Can't Communicate
TBHK (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun)
MHA (My Hero Academia)
༻♡⋆˚✿˖°⋆✩‧₊♡ ˚౨ৎ˚₊✩₊˚✿° ♡⋆₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊♡✩‧₊˚✿˖° ♡ ⋆₊✩౨ৎ˚♡✩༺
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revanknightwoman · 1 year
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olehoncho · 3 months
How I would fix Star Wars
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Part of the problem is the lack of foundation to the Star Wars universe. Too many concepts are just nebulous and improperly defined - this is why we wind up with space witches turning into mist in The Acolyte.
What is missing from Star Wars is simple - War.
I'd start with an early Old Republic series covering the Great Hyperspace War. This is the foundation of the Old Republic, technology, how the Jedi and the Sith first encounter one another.
This is important to establish as well - we need to get to the heart of what The Force is. Now as much as Yoda's explanation in Episode V is a great setup for a mystical/spirtuality - that's The Force - how do the Jedi and Sith see themselves as part of that?
If the Force is an energy field generated by life, do the Jedi and Sith each operate as an extended concept of life? That the Jedi are preservers and guardians of life, where the Sith operate under "survival of the fittest" and promote "competitive evolution" in order to strengthen the life in the galaxy? Putting forward some actual philosophy and differences between the two would go a long way. - This also plays into the people at Disney who are constantly trying to recontextualize morality in such a way that there is no good/evil and that it's all "point of view". Whether Disney should be doing such is another conversation.
After the Hyperspace War, the next series to do would be the Sith War with Exar Kun. Now, this is one of the problems that Disney faces with Star Wars - they don't want to accept the EU - they want to write their own stories. - Now we can speculate why this is the case, whether it be creative control, or rights issues, or nepotism to give work to people related to other people... again, that's another conversation.
Point is, Disney is focusing too much on "High Republic" and "Modern Star Wars" and neither of those have really been a winner for them. The Acolyte has been controversial, Rey Palpatine is not that popular of a character, another Ahsoka series is not a sure thing, even The Mandalorian has sort of run its course as it has lost its narrative focus.
Going back to the foundations gives the chance to really get weird with designs and showcase a galaxy filled with mysteries and dangers. And we wouldn't have to go back to Tatooine until we get to Knights of the Old Republic - which you could theoretically do as a movie trilogy: Backstory, Kotor I, Kotor II.
Anyways. I'm not in charge over at Disney. All I know is that I don't really have interest in what they're currently doing. I'm sure that makes me a "toxic fan" in the eyes of some people - but I think that label is improperly applied in most cases. People who harass others on social media qualify for that appelative - that ain't me.
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ospreyeamon · 2 years
on the timing of the great galactic war
Why didn’t the Reconstituted Sith Empire invade the Galactic Republic sooner? We are told that the Sith persuaded Mandalore the Ultimate that the Republic was weak, using him as a catspaw to test for vulnerabilities. That gambit exposed a plethora of weaknesses, with the Republic and Jedi stumbling from inaction to near defeat by a smaller power to civil war to precarious economic fragility. Yet, the Sith Empire took advantage of none of these catastrophes. Why?
The first decade of the Mandalorians’ campaigning is wildly successful, exposing how weak and hamstrung by corruption the Republic is. Even though the Galactic Republic usually punches below its weight militarily relative to the size of its economy and population, like the Mandalorians can be counted on to punch well above theirs, they put on a far worse showing than they did during the Exar Kun War and the Great Hyperspace War.
There are what look like a string of excellent opportunities for the Sith Empire to take advantage of. The Empire could have entered the Mandalorian Wars as Mandalore the Ultimate’s allies when he reached the boundaries of Republic space. The Empire could have waited until Revan was declared dead during the Jedi Civil War to launch their offensive. Even after the Jedi Exile’s victory over Darth Nilhus, the Republic’s economy was in such a fragile state after more than a decade of war it would have been ill prepared to fight another.
Yet, the Sith Empire waits another three-hundred years, until after those windows of opportunity closed. Instead, they carefully infiltrate the Republic and the neutral systems between their boarders to manufacture a new opening. That is very strange behaviour, considering that tipping over that calamitous row of dominoes by egging on Mandalore the Ultimate was intentional, but I do have a couple of ideas that might help explain the stalling.
A) Vitiate had no genuine interest in going to war with the Republic or Jedi during this period. While I believe that the Reconstituted Sith Empire spent the entirety of its millennia of isolation legally at war with the Republic (as there was no surrender and no peace treaty from the Sith’s perspective the Great Hyperspace War only ended with the Treaty of Coruscant; the Battle of Korriban marked a renewal of hostilities rather than a new war), I’m not convinced that Vitiate actually intended to go back and invade the Republic when he led his fleet into exile. Forever war is a convenient status quo for him politically. Anything threatening his grip over the Empire can be denounced as undermining the war effort; keeping the Republic in the front of people’s minds helps distract them from the Empire’s domestic problems. Vitiate might well have felt that he had nothing to gain from following through on his promises that the Empire would one day liberate Korriban.
But even autocratic emperors can be made to bend under political pressure. Vitiate has been pontificating about vengeance and retaking Korriban Most Holy for centuries. Once the Sith and other Imperials believe that the Empire is strong enough to invade the Republic, an overwhelming expectation that plans to do so will be made is placed on Vitiate. He must at least pretend to be considering the question of renewing the war or his leadership will be undermined. Pointing the Mandalorians at the Republic is a way of doing that – the much larger Republic will bat them away, and that will settle the issue because it is still too strong for the Empire to face openly. Only the Mandalorians keep winning and the Republic and Jedi Order are a mess, but the Sith Empire isn’t properly mobilised for war because the plan wasn’t meant to work.
B) The Sith looked out through the darkness to Republic space, saw Darth Nihlus, and went nope. Kreia implies to the Jedi Exile that she has seen a terrible evil beyond the Outer-Rim where the True Sith reign. I get the impression that what she was perceiving must have been Vitiate in particular rather than the Sith Empire in general, because Kreia’s standards for unacceptable badness are so high that the Sith Empire in general seems unlikely to exceed them. If Kreia could look towards the Sith Empire and see the monster sitting at its heart, then logically the Sith could look towards the Republic and see the monster prowling around its edges.
Given that Nihlus is so consumed by his hunger that attacking another power in order to sate it would be of no concern to him, and that he can latch onto Force-adapts present on a planet to eat the entire planet, Nihlus represents a terrible threat to the Empire. This is a guy who might be able to straight up take a chunk out of Vitiate. If the Sith try invading while Nilhus’ is still active they will run directly into him because he will be drawn to them as he is to the Jedi. Worse, he will follow them back to the Empire.
If this mad dark Jedi will eat all the non-dark Jedi, the Republic, and then himself, isn’t it more efficient just to let him? If Nihlus chews his way inward all the way to Coruscant, why not leave him to do the Imperial military’s job for them? It’s not that the Sith are shying away from conflict, oh no, they’re just … showing a prudent concern for the budget.
C) Revan (and maybe the Jedi Exile) cause or exacerbate enough problems within the Sith Empire to undermine the Empire’s ability to launch a major invasion. If Drew Karpyshyn wanted me to consider Revan (2011) canon, he should have written a better novel. His Revan and Exile are neither competent nor compelling and the “Revan and Malak invaded the Republic because they were mind controlled by the Sith Emperor (then threw off the brainwashing but continued invading because why should anything these characters do make sense?)” retcon is illogical. However, the plot made by Darth Nyriss and other members of the Dark Council to kill Vitiate upon their discovery that he was responsible for the destruction of the planet Medriaas is plausible. Such a conspiracy might have been willing to work with Revan, the great strategic mind, and the Exile, who undid Nihlus Lord of Hunger, to kill Vitiate. Having those two pop up in the Empire at the same time a significant portion of the Dark Council turned on him would have been difficult for Vitiate to deal with.
Even though these efforts to prevent the Empire invading the Republic and to kill Vitiate ultimately failed, they could have led to a period of political instability that stymied the Empire’s ability to invade. Because the Sith Empire is smaller than the Galactic Republic and because they can control the timing of the eventual war so long as they maintain their secrecy, they have the incentive to wait until they believe the deck is stacked in their favour. Because Vitiate doesn’t truly care anything but himself and his ego, his greatest priorities are going to revolve around trying to ensure the Empire at large doesn’t learn the truth about what happened to Medriaas.
I also think Vitiate’s change in behaviour after this time – turning his attention away from the Sith to found a new empire on Zakuul, actually going through with invading the Republic – makes more sense if there was an ideological rebellion against him. Not a mere “I’m going to overthrow you because I want to be Emperor” attempted coup, but an actual “You suck and if none of us gets to be Emperor after you because we all die it still will have been worth it to kill you” insurrection.
My inclination is to say all of the above, though if anyone has alternate theories I’d be interested in hearing about them. It’s such a long overall window of opportunity that it feels like any single factor couldn’t be enough to cover it.
I think the greatest contributors to the timing of the Great Galactic Wars are the length of time it took for the Reconstituted Sith Empire to grow big enough to successfully invade the Republic, and the Sith Emperor being a wannabe charlatan whose political legitimacy is built upon a lie. Vitiate’s an incredibly powerful Sith – and that power does help him present as a worthy ruler because power is one of the qualities Sith value in a leader – but that’s not the basis of his claim on the title of Sith Emperor. His right to be Emperor is dependent on his status as the Empire’s protector; that he developed a plan that could have shielded the Old Empire from the Republic’s counter-invasion if only the Republic hadn’t thwarted him by destroying Medriaas, that he saved the Sith by leading to the safety of exile on Dromund Kaas, that the Empire needs him because he will be its greatest defence when it inevitably comes into conflict with the Republic and the Jedi.
All the rulers who have sought to unite the Sith worlds under them exist in the shadow of King Adas. Adas who saved his people by uniting them to hold off the Infinite Empire – who led a single planet to victory against the Rakata who controlled hundreds of worlds, dying in the final battle. Vitiate – who betrayed his people, who fled the war with the Republic, who would destroy the galaxy piece by piece to extend his own life – fails so fundamentally at living up to Adas’ mythic archetype he’s practically its inversion.
To me, Vitiate is interesting as a political figure while being deeply boring as a person because his main, maybe even his only, driving motivation is his desire for respect and adulation. It’s relatable in a way. We all want to be liked and respected, to have people think our ideas are good ideas and our opinions are correct opinions. Many people dream of fame and even those who don’t might like to have an achievement or creation feted without their presence, to sit anonymously in the shadows basking in the glow of I did that. But people are rarely so shallow as to be completely consumed by that desire. This is the reason Vitiate lies. He wants the Sith to believe he has equalled and surpassed Adas’ legacy, he wants the player character to believe he has a rich inner life, he wants to forge a new identity that the whole galaxy will adore as much as Zakuul does “Valkorian”.
Why does Vitiate not invade the Republic? Because he doesn’t feel it is to his benefit. Why does Vitiate invade the Republic? Because he resents the Sith Empire for his realisation that only his false face is adored – that the Empire will never accept him if the truth of his actions becomes known. Because he plans to burn the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire together while he reaps the benefits from shining Zakuul which has yet to bruise his ego.
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revanisadumbass · 1 year
the mandalorian wars went like this:
mandalore the ultimate is campaigning for the survival of his culture. he's also feeling the sting of his predecessor having shared both a bed and a failed military campaign with ulic qel-droma (and/or exar kun depending on who you ask). the ultimate mandalore decides his people will have a good fight on their own terms.
phase 1: testing the stars
it starts with the outer rim--planets outside republic or sith jurisdiction. planets they can sharpen their claws against. survivors slip through the cracks of course--a cathar family here, a crime syndicate there--but these fearful calls are easily dismissed, ignored, smothered by a galaxy still in recovery. does killing a sentient count as verd'goten? did they fight back, in the end?
phase 2: settled scores
it's a slow movement towards the mid-rim. so many worlds that resisted mandalorian occupation must now contend with the fact that occupation is no longer an option. when they strike, they do so not simply to provoke the republic, but also to cut off the head of pointless rebellion. distress calls finally come through, and when the first republic world feels mandalorian boots on its ground, the senate convenes to draft a response. after they let onderon fall and the neo-crusaders don't stop, the strategy of appeasement is reconsidered.
ten years, give or take. that's how much time the republic has to make up for. that's how long the mandalorians have slaughtered worlds while senators slept in their beds blissfully unaware and uncaring.
phase 3: the revanchist
the republic acts now, but the jedi do not, instead urging caution. the jedi are peacekeepers, not warriors, they admonish. there is a greater threat than war behind this, they warn. that of the dark side. but the jedi born outside of exar kun's war of betrayal know nothing of the grays of conflict. the mandalorian are a menace and they must be stopped, and if the council believes there is a greater threat then the newly formed republic mercy corps will find proof. make the council admit their wrongs. make the jedi and republic commit themselves wholeheartedly to halting the mandalorian crusaders.
they find dead worlds. they find genocide and enslavement. they find a righteous fury to add to their cause.
the heroes go to war.
phase 4: the star war
it ends with the outer rim--specifically with the fifth planet in the malachor system, inventively known as malachor v. it is beautiful, even with mandalorian ships blocking the moon and basilisk war droids on the ground. the republic mercy corps no longer exists because mercy cannot exist in war. war leaves only warriors and soldiers and the loyal dead in its wake. the war ends on their terms: one jedi destroys their culture while another destroys the planet. the power of a star, activated in the palm of a hand, and the story is forever changed.
the heroes never came back.
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Mandalorian Culture Master post part 2
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The Myth of Wars and Ruin
The belief that Mandalorians solely focus on war in their culture is not quite true. They use war to strengthen themselves and hone their skills as warriors. War is a way of life, but family is what the clan protects firmly. The six acts of Mandalorian life are essential more so than war. 
Many in the galaxy believe Mandalorians are animals and dangerous. This is due mostly to Exar Kun during the Great Sith war and the Mandalorian wars. Including the attack on the Jedi temple 300 years after Revan’s disappearance into the unknown regions. This accompanied by the many wars and victories Mandalroian’s completed being on the Sith side, the republic believed Mandalorian’s could never be trusted as allies or friends. 
While war is a part of their culture, Mandalorians hold their family as their number one priority. Mandalorian spouses and children are fiercely protected and if anyone harms them any clan or tribe will kill whoever hurt them. This was seen with Boba Fett when he avenged his beloved wife Sintas after she was attacked by another Mandalorian (Boba Fett’s superior officer). This occurred during his time with her on Concord Dawn during the Imperial era. 
Besides family and war, the Mandalorian’s hold the “Resol’nare” the Mandalorian guide, in the highest regard. These 6 pillars of Mandalorian Life and Culture have existed since the beginning with the Taung. 
The 6 Tenants of Mandalorian Life are... 
1 Speak the language   
2 Wear the amour  
3 Serve the clan 
4 Rally when called by mandalor 
5 Defend your children 
6 Raise them as Mandalorian 
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ashacadence · 1 year
8 Shows to get to know me better.
Tagged by @mordinette thank you!
1. Transformers prime
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2. Avatar: the last airbender
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3. Game of thrones (it’s a love/hate for this show)
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4. Last of us
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5. The blacklist (I stopped I think season 4 or 5)
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6. Glow up (on Netflix but awesome and actually good natured competition show)
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7. Ancient magus bride (it’s a love hate on the age gap being a trend for a 16yr old (sort of a common bar age area trope for mc’s in anime I feel like) with older person. I don’t personally have issues with age gap relationships that are in the zone of 21+ with older people. That’s a choice and sometimes it’s true. I just have issues when it’s literal teens. But unfortunately it’s just part of that fad to do this and it’s anime so no surprise.)
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8. Mandalorian (still haven’t watched season 3 yet)
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I’m tagging @takamatsu-kun @squigglysquidd @wafflesrock16 @generation1point5
And anyone else wanting to do this.
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