#maple midtown
ut-anomalous · 7 months
Azreal gives Frisk their old CELL PHONE when Frisk leave the COAST and meet them and Emily. Emily accidentally calls Frisk instead of Azreal, and this is how that phone call goes.
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6 notes · View notes
ussgallifrey · 4 months
(She Moves With) Shameless Wonder | 24
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✦ Summary: Your badge clearly said SHIELD consultant, so you weren’t entirely sure where Fury was getting this whole make you an Avenger idea from. But you had a feeling it might have something to do with the recent discovery of an artifact at the bottom of the Arctic Sea.
✦ Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
✦ Warnings: Canon divergence, dialogue taken directly from Avengers: Age of Ultron, descriptions of injuries, language, momentary jealousy, people talking through their issues like actual adults; references to the Eternals, the difficulties of immortality, and the Lavender Scare; Steve Rogers actively choking on his feelings.
✦ Word Count: 9.5k
✦ Playlist: Here
✦ Cinematic Soundtrack: Here
[Master List]
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As they fly over the smoldering ruins of Midtown Manhattan, the city disappears behind them, giving way to towering trees and swaths of gray interstate. Small towns dot the landscape as the jet soars through the clouds, darting between the rose-tinged stratus and cumulus rows. Eventually, all you can see through the windows are the towering Hemlocks and blooming Maple trees of the Green Mountain National Forest.
You haven’t moved from your position beside Tony.
The physical sensation of imaginary eyes on your back keeps you from moving, let alone glancing away from the passing view. Was it cowardly? Perhaps.
But to see a look of disappointment on their faces; on Steve’s face, that would be the worst possible scenario. So, you guard yourself in the only way you can by focusing your attention on the coordinates you are nearing in on.
At least you knew that Sam and Maria were safe. Clint had been in contact with them when you arrived on the jet. They had managed to run to the roof when Rumlow’s gun jammed, allowing them to borrow an older model quadjet and escape. Hill was set to remain in the city, coordinating with search and rescue efforts as well as keeping an eye on the Legion situation while the Stark Foundation dealt with the aftermath of your collective failures.
“Uh, we’re one hundred percent on this, yeah?” Tony questions, dropping his voice to a lower register to keep the others from overhearing.
You glance down at the radar and then back out at the ascending tree-covered hill in the distance.
“It’s just that, well, I’d like to keep this intact - ”
“Tony,” you force his gaze, “The coordinates are correct.”
He holds up his hands as if to say it’s your funeral. But just before you���re set to land, he pulls the autopilot offline and takes hold of the gears.
“Okay, seriously though.”
You give him a sigh, knowing why he was entirely apprehensive.
Below the quinjet, a few hundred feet down, was a continuous forest. Thick-trunked trees lined so tightly together that the canopy kept the ground itself from being viewed from above. There was nowhere to land, not a clearing in sight. And yet…
Slowly, you ease your hands over his.
“I’m friends with a very nice inventor and a very talented illusionist,” and before you can explain yourself any further, you push the throttle forward.
The billionaire gapes at you, seconds away from calling out for you to stop before the jet passes through a shimmering blue barrier.
You pass over the controls once again, allowing Tony to land the jet -
“Just over there, if you don’t mind.”
He’s wide-eyed, but otherwise silent, as he maneuvers the quinjet through the open field surrounding the imposing white Victorian-style house. You can feel someone’s presence behind you, but your eyes remain glued to the land in front of you.
As the wheels settle into the soft ground and the engines cut out, Tony drops his hands into his lap and turns his chair toward you, blinking owlishly up at you.
“So, you have a number for this inventor friend, or - ”
“Sorry,” you smile. “He doesn’t take personal contracts anymore.”
He gives a light whistle as he moves to stand at last.
“And when you said off-grid, you really mean - ”
“Land-line and solar. Paper records only. Can’t even find the information online.”
“Right,” he claps his hands together before he raises his voice for the rest of the team to hear, “‘Kay, anyone with a phone! Power it off, we’re keeping a low profile - don’t wreck it for us.”
At last, you turn to look at the others. You’re somehow surprised and not surprised at all to see Steve standing there beside you, staring down at you with an indescribable look in his eyes.
One by one, the rest of the team turns off their phones; Clint, Natasha, and Tony, of course; before the ramp drops down into the dew-kissed clover. Thor stalks off first, ready to be as far away from the rest of you as possible. The archer guides the redhead out, followed by Tony who offers a hand to Dr. Banner. Leaving just you and the supersoldier alone in the cockpit.
There’s that look again, resting in his too-dull eyes as he gazes down at your face.
“Come on,” you implore, gently pushing past him. “They’re waiting on me.”
“You’re bleeding. You know that right?”
Pausing just a step away from him, you glance down. Taking in your armor at last, you finally notice the crimson stains weighing down your white dress, the slow-dripping liquid that’s covered your left leg. With a sort of distant fascination, you take in the damage before lifting your gaze.
“I’m fine.”
“I heal faster than you, Rogers. Didn’t even feel it. Now, come on.”
The supersoldier gulps down whatever words he was working himself up to say and instead silently follows after you, swiping up his go-bag from the bench as you descend down the ramp.
The late afternoon sun casts its golden light upon you all, leaving your skin with a sickly sticky feeling as you avoid the stares of your teammates. Tony’s straining his eyes against the sunlight just to look at the sky over the house, as if expecting to see the illusion at play from down here.
As if Sprite and Phastos would make a creation that obvious.
Past the old hand-hewn fences of a disused animal pen and the patches of wild violets, you make your way up the creaking wooden steps of the porch. The paint has long since chipped away, leaving flakes of the original gray-toned wood underneath the layers of white varnish.
“Uhm,” you finally chance a glance back at the others who have slowly followed after you. “Home sweet home,” you say as you push your shoulder into the unlocked door.
Stepping to the side, you allow the others entry. One by one they file into the old house’s central hallway. They carefully side-step the piles of books and manuscripts, while Clint unhelpfully flicks a light switch on and off with no results. Their movement alone unsettles the dust that drapes itself over every surface, their hands pull away from the walls and the cabinet only to wipe the gray mess from their fingertips.
“So, this is…” Tony draws out the question as he looks around at the strange configuration he’s standing in.
“My mortal residence, yes.”
He gives an unsure nod as if admiring the work of an elementary-aged artist and you suddenly feel even more uncomfortable at the notion of having any of them stepping foot in this place.
“Uhm, I need to go power on the generator. Top two floors have guest rooms; take your pick, nowhere’s off limits. Water should be good to run, it’s well-based. Just… make yourselves at home?”
Pressing past the tight line of people, you make for the front door. Grateful to have proper fresh air gracing your lungs as you break free. You can hear the low chatter of their voices as you disappear, probably questioning how they were supposed to make themselves even remotely comfortable in such a mess.
Releasing a breath riddled with tension, you round the side of the house where the generator box lies, covered with a simple blue tarp. In the distance, on the edge of the property where the grass grows tall and the deer like to graze, Thor stands in reflection.
With no hammer and no cloak, the dressed-down God appears to all the world as a moment of divine solitude. One you have no interest in disturbing.
It takes three tugs to get the generator powered up, and it groans and chugs as the mechanical engine kicks back to life. You can see lights turning on through the dusty window panes. But as you stand there, in the place in between two worlds, you find yourself unable to move.
Inside, the others await their host. Their likely bottled-up hatred and distrust toward your actions and decisions today remains. And across the yard, there stands your fellow immortal with his own list of accusations to throw at you.
Never before, in all your years of existence, have you felt such a massive urge to just… run away.
To disappear, in a flash, back to Olympus where you can hide out with your cowardice. Who were you, Goddess of many things? Today, surely, you were the Goddess of failures.
So, you press away from the house and move instead to rest your forearms against the wooden fence. At least, for a few moments more, this could be your own place of solace. 
The breeze ripples across the long grass, picking up the hem of your linen dress. The warm earth bares with it its own unique scent that helps guide you back to your senses. And, as you gaze down at the silver pendant still dangling from your neck, you take it into your hand.
Unable, or perhaps unwilling, to unclasp the latch, you just stare at the simple facing. Two raised vines twist along the outer shell before coming together at the top, where a single drop of flame shines downward.
You're snatched from your thoughts by the deep coo of Pallas as he soars down to the fence, landing just beside your right elbow.
“Sensed I was in trouble, did you?” you hum as your hand gently drifts up to his head. While your fingers graze over his soft downy feathers, you continue, “I’ve made a real mess of it. Should have listened to the All-Father long ago. Meddling in human affairs only leads to trouble.”
His approach is quiet, but not nearly soft enough to avoid your ears.
You turn to watch him, striding through the clover, haloed by the sun’s golden rays, as Steve nears your side. He’s stripped the upper half of his uniform away, residing in a simple gray t-shirt and his combat pants and boots. He lets out a long sigh as he moves to rest his arms against the fence on the other side of Pallas.
“You keep finding me,” you chide, eyes daring to meet his gaze.
He gives a slight shake of his head, the hint of a smile on his lips.
“Well, you’re hard to miss. Immortal owl and all.”
The bubble of a laugh bursts past your lips before you can even hope to stop it. Your fingers accidentally brush over each other as he lays a careful hand on Pallas’ back. You pull away, inspecting your nailbeds with a sudden fascination.
“I just…” he trails off for a moment as if waiting for you to meet his gaze. And when you do at last turn your head to look up at him, you find the blue of his eyes to be nearly obscured by the bright light of the overhead sun. 
“I didn’t want you to be alone right now.”
You let out a scoff, “I think you’re the only one.”
An arched brow meets your words.
With a shaky sigh, you explain yourself, “I’m the reason the tower is destroyed, why Manhattan is on red alert. I let the mutant in, and Rumlow, and I didn’t stop either of them. Or the Legion bot. Hell, Steve, I let them get away with the Abomination without even a spare thought.”
“I thought Sam and Maria were there with you.”
“They were, obviously,” you push off from the fence, moving to pace the calve-high grass. “But it is my responsibility. My job. What honest use am I right now if I can’t even see a threat when it’s standing three feet away from me?”
At that, you turn, holding your arms out in an exaggerated motion as the anger; the bitter taste of guilt and defeat, coats your tongue. When you’re met with his silence, you pull your arms inward, absently rubbing at your bare skin as you look away from his judging eyes.
“I mean, just look at us.”
You stare at Thor, still standing at the edge of the property line.
“Two Gods reduced to this,” you glance over at the supersoldier. “I don’t even have a plan for you; for Tony. I can’t tell you where Ultron is or what he’s planning to do now that we’re out of sight.”
“And the rest of us,” you continue, “I mean! You and Barton seem to be the only ones stable enough to do anything right now. Tony hides it well enough behind his jokes and his sarcasm, but - ”
“I’m not.”
You blink, words fizzling out in your throat before you can voice them.
“What?” comes the strangled sound from your lips.
Steve heaves a sigh before he too pushes away from the fence and walks over toward you. His hands are balled into fists at his sides and he’s the one avoiding your gaze now.
“I’m not okay. Not after…” he clears his throat. “I saw hell down there today. My own personal hell.”
“Steve - ”
“No,” he holds up a quick hand. “It’s just… I don’t think any one of us is hanging on by much more than a thread right now. Even if we have to be.”
His hand, a warm and gentle weight against the uncertain world currently spinning around you, slides itself against your palm. He squeezes his fingers against yours and you find your feet becoming more grounded to the Earth and your head clearing up as you gaze into his shining blue irises.
“But… I think we can be… alright.”
A soft smile eases its way onto your face for the first time in hours as you look up at the man before you.
“You’re right, probably. Like always.”
“Hey,” his fingers wrap around yours even tighter now. “Don’t blow too much smoke, I don’t have the ego for it.”
While his eyes are fixed upon your face, you find yourself being pulled into a sudden tight embrace. You welcome the pressure, the feeling of security that drapes itself over your body as solace is found in Steve Rogers. His hands settle on the dip of your spine as you find your own arms circling his solid torso.
“Fine then,” you say, voice muffled against his shirt. “If we’re going to even dream of fixing this, I need to talk to Thor.”
At that, he gently pulls you back. A pinched brow meets your eyes and all you can do is shrug.
“I promise this place will still be standing by the time I’ve finished.”
He tilts his head lower, his gaze looking even more severe. You swat at his side.
“At ease, Captain. I know that my performance today speaks of the contrary, but I promise that I do in fact know how to be diplomatic when the time calls for it.”
So, despite Steve’s concerns, you still find yourself crossing the pasture to speak to the God of Thunder. You know that the supersoldier remains on watch, right beside Pallas, in case anything goes awry. But there’s a renewed force to your step as your desire to right the wrongs of the day pushes you forward.
“I think it wise that we refrain from speaking,” he calls over his shoulder before you even make it five feet away from him.
“Where would the fun in that be?” you question as you continue forward.
He turns, and already you can see the desire to fight gleaming in his eyes like a dancing flame.
Instead, you stand beside him, overlooking the valley of the forest laid out before you. The silence sits for a moment longer before you allow the words to come to pass.
“We are not our fathers.”
You can feel the turn of his head as he looks down at you.
“We do not need to abide by the role they set for us. We can, I think, make amends when the time calls for it.”
At this, you turn to face him fully. While his muscles ripple and tense with the memory of where you had just been standing a near hour ago, ready to rip one another to pieces like the times before, you notice the flicker of something else in his crystalline eyes.
“So, in this case, God of Thunder… I’m sorry.”
He sniffs, crossing his arms.
“We are better than mindless fights. Today, many lives could have been lost due to our desire to see battle. The ones we claim to love, those that we desire to protect, their very lives could have been forfeit thanks to our choices.”
His arms drop and a startling look takes place on his usually stoic face.
“I will not deny…” he begins, “That I may have been… brash in my actions. Though I do not regret them.”
“Of course,” you nod, allowing the words to pass. 
While you certainly didn’t agree with the sentiment, it would do nothing to further the conversation if you spoke that opinion.
“Now,” your tone lowers as you get to the heart of the true issue. “I believe that I was not the source of your anger today. Nor, do I think it was Ultron.”
He scoffs, looking away from you, “You speak out of turn.”
“I say only what is obvious.”
Settling a hand upon his large forearm, you force the God to look at you. His guilt-ridden eyes eventually dare to meet your gaze.
“What horrors did you see?”
“Now who speaks in lies?”
With a heaving sigh, Thor takes a step away from you. His boots kick through the billowing long grass as he reaches his next few words.
“I had a vision; of things to come,” he turns back toward you, his face open with a strange vulnerability. “I fear I will not find my answers here.”
“Where will you then?”
He scuffs his boot against the dirt, looking away as he answers you, “The Well of Wyrd.” Based on your incredulous expression, he elaborates, “I must seek out the waters where the Norn reside. They will give me the answers that I seek.”
“Fates,” your surmise.
“But better,” he immediately replies, unable to stop himself from comparing your pantheons.
A smile cracks at the corner of your lips as you cross your arms.
“Could your vision not be induced with the aid of some… say, mythical plants? I have several on hand.”
“Now that,” he points, voice raising to something nearly akin to glee. “That does surprise me.”
“I do hate to be too predictable,” comes the familiar phrase.
His smile begins to wane and you realize what is about to happen as the moment itself quickly approaches.
“How long will you be then?”
“You know I can not answer that. The Norn can be… difficult.”
“Well,” you sigh, chancing a look back at Steve. He’s still there by the fence, a furrowed expression on his face. “I can only wish you safe travels then, can’t I?”
“Since ripping one another apart is off the table for the time being,” he agrees with a jovial laugh.
Mjolnir comes soaring across the field, landing in his hand.
“Then yes, My Lady. My time here is done.”
Your gaze hardens, “You will return once you have the answers you seek, though. Won’t you?”
“Ah,” he guffaws. “To be predictable, would be tiring.”
You take a step back, and then another, giving yourself just enough space as Thor lifts his hammer into the air and soars upward in a sudden gust of wind that sends your hair and dress billowing backward.
He disappears over the horizon, cresting the forest’s canopy, before he vanishes from your line of sight.
You remain there for just a moment further before you turn to make your way back to the house. Steve is already jogging across the field to meet you halfway.
“What happened?” he questions, looking from you to the sky.
“He has business to attend to. Answers to seek that he will not find if he stays here.”
His features deepen into a severe frown, “More important than what’s going on right now?”
You give a shrug. Steve might be an understanding man, but the realm of Gods and visions would never be fully understood by a mortal.
“Apparently,” is all you can say in return.
While he doesn’t seem to like the answer you have for him, he nods and walks alongside you through the clover and overgrown grass.
“This is Vermont, right?” he asks after a beat of silence.
“Yeah. Athens, Vermont.”
He stops and you have to turn back to wait for him as he blinks, then laughs.
“You’re kidding me.”
A smile tugs at your lips, “Little on the nose, I know.”
“Hey, the price of land was good in the 40s. I couldn’t complain back then.”
You resume walking, Pallas ruffles his feathers as you approach. Steve nudges your shoulder with his upper arm and you can’t help but turn your head to look up at him.
“How much?”
“How much did it cost, you mean?”
He nods, a slightly boyish smile on his lips as he says, “Yeah.”
It takes a second, as you round the side of the house and near the covered porch, to remember the exact estimate, but it does come to you.
“Think it was… about five dollars for the land itself, thirty in clearing costs, and around fourteen hundred in building and masonry costs. So… $1700, give or take?”
Steve stares at you before his eyes slowly lift, taking in the three-story house, before they drop back down to your face.
“In the 40s?”
“The 1840s.”
He blinks.
You push his shoulder, walking away as you laugh, “Come on, Rogers. You honestly should know better by now.”
From behind, you can hear him making a little humming yeah, yeah I should before he follows after you, up the steps of the porch and back into the house.
While the others have at least moved from the hallway, the sound of your approach has garnered the attention of the billionaire, who sticks his head out of the archway left of the stairs. He leans against the wooden frame, crossing his arms, as he watches the two of you.
“Well, that’s nice. Glad you two can find some humor in the situation.”
Your smile falls from your face in an instant at the abrupt coolness of his words.
“Come on, Tony,” Steve sighs, trying to ease his way past you as if to stand as a human shield in front of you.
“No, no. By all means, laugh away. It’s not like we’re at our lowest point. In fact, let’s break out the good glasses and pop a bottle of bubbly,” he trails off, striding back into the main living room.
Seated on one of the cleared-off sofas, sits Bruce, with a large blanket still wrapped around his shoulders. The sound of Tony’s voice seems to cause an immediate agitation as the doctor clutches his head in his hand.
Tony remains oblivious to his discomfort, however, as he gently smacks his shoulder, “Come on, pal. We’re celebrating our unanimous defeat.”
“Knock it off,” Steve commands, tone low as he fixes his hands on his belt.
“Or, what? You wanna go a round like Blondie and 007? Speaking of, where is Break Point?”
“Gone,” you intone, meeting his dark eyes with a challenge.
His features drop for all of a microsecond before he forces an obnoxious smirk, “Fantastic. You know, this day is really shaping up to be one for the record books.”
“I think,” you start, pushing yourself past the two men to stand beside Banner, “We could all use a break away from each other. And then, when we’ve decided to focus our attention on the actual problem, maybe we can regroup.”
“You know what I think,” Tony starts to say, but Steve pushes a hand against the billionaire’s chest, effectively guiding him across the room.
“She’s right and you know it.”
“Well, just because she’s the Goddess of Wisdom doesn’t mean she’s been actually knowledgable in that struggle today - ” 
You force your attention away from the verbal sparring match, kneeling down beside Bruce instead.
“Hey,” you offer, voice lowered for his benefit.
Slow-blinking eyes meet your gaze from behind a shell of sweat-drenched hair as Bruce peers up at you.
“I’m not a startled animal.”
With a slight quirk of your lips, you reply, “I never said you were. But I can’t imagine that that - ” you spare a look over your shoulder where Tony and Steve are still going at it, “ - is helping the situation. Is there… anything I can do?”
He lets the question mull over for a moment before he moves to sit up.
“Actually, do you have somewhere more… uh, not… you know… isolated?”
Your heart drops, but you nod all the same.
“I might have somewhere more secluded if that’s what you need.”
Bruce nods, “Please.”
You offer the doctor your arm, which he takes with a very careful grasp of his fingers before you haul him up and usher him out of the room. The argument pauses for only a moment as the two men watch you exit.
While you hated the idea that Bruce felt he needed this, you understood that his situation was beyond your personal comprehension. At the Tower, before you even arrived, he had a whole system in place to deal with the aftermath of his transformations. But today had been unprecedented. So, with a weariness in your chest, you guide him out of the house toward the old barn at the edge of the cleared property.
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Steve stares at the archway for a moment longer, having missed your entire conversation with Bruce. Even Tony seems a little surprised by your sudden exit as the fight drops from his shoulders and he begins to pace around the room.
He can hear the muffled words you’re speaking to Bruce now, all the way from outside, but he certainly can’t make them out.
“Really has a thing for Bollywood movies.”
The supersoldier turns only to find Tony kneeling down next to a cabinet overflowing with VHS tapes and a small stack of DVDs. He’s holding one in his hand, scrutinizing the cover image before he grabs another, and then another.
Steve looks away, out of respect.
You may have invited them into your home, your home away from Olympus, but that didn’t entitle them to look through your things.
“Hah, would you look at that,” the billionaire grins.
In his hand, he’s holding up a white piece of stationery with a triumphant look on his face. The paper itself has yellowed some around the edges, but the careful penmanship is still fully eligible.
“Aww, to my biggest fan, Minnie - Minnie? Enjoy this free copy on behalf of your favorite actor. All my love, Sri Kingo.”
“Tony, come on.”
“What?” he blinks, pulling the note away from Steve and clutching it to his chest like a rare treasure. “Tell me you’re not the tiniest bit curious. I mean - ” he stands up, holding his hands out toward the room, “How often do we get any kind of insight into this girl’s life? Mythology books aside. Which, did you know she was supposedly birthed from the head of her own father?”
“That’s enough.”
Something entirely dangerous flashes in his eyes as he snaps the words.
Tony tilts his head.
“Man, Romanoff said you had it bad, Cap. But I gotta say, this is quite the look for you. Anyway,” before Steve can even form a retort, Tony’s already smacking his shoulder and walking away. “Better claim a room before all the good ones are gone. Which does beg the question… why so many guest rooms? Little Miss Solo Artist doesn’t strike me as the kind to make friends along the way.”
Steve looks down at the maroon carpet, “None of us are, not really.”
The billionaire’s features sort of drop for a second, before he forces the act of nonchalance back into place.
“Won’t hear me admitting that any time soon,” he says, swiping down to gather his go-bag before he backs out of the room.
With him gone, Steve finally takes the time to look around the living space. It was like a strange amalgamation of time periods all stuffed into one room. It looked far more lived in than the temple back on Olympus ever had. Here there were no halls of marble or columns of gold. Everything was not neat and kept perfectly clean. What a strange dichotomy for the literal goddess who walked among men.
Leaving the room as he found it, Steve returns to the hallway where his own bag lies in a heap. Shouldering the duffle bag, he heads up the stairs. On the second floor, the hall splits off in two directions. He can hear water running somewhere on the right and muffled voices to the left. Looking toward the second set of stairs, Steve ascends to the final floor which holds only silence for him when he steps off.
Under his feet, the floorboards creak. In the sliver of sunlight peaking in through the windows, dust particles dance in haloed rays.
He finds a series of doors, all cracked open, and just chooses one along the right-hand side of the hall.
The room is musty but otherwise tidy. A canopy bed resides in the center of the room with a set of dressers occupying the rest of the space. He drops the bag down on the lilac-colored bedspread before taking a seat on the edge of the bed to begin pulling the rest of his uniform off.
As he yanks his boots free, he glances around at the scarcely decorated bedroom.
A very faint rose-patterned wallpaper covers the majority of the walls. There’s a standing mirror in the corner just opposite of where he’s sitting. And two windows; one overlooking the back of the property and the other overlooking the pasture and pen.
When he stands to begin pulling his pants free, he notices a figure walking across the yard. He nears the window and watches as you walk away from the wooden barn, chancing a look over your shoulder as you go.
A frown forms on his face when he looks back at the barn, realizing, after a beat, what’s happened.
Pulling away from the window sill, he tugs off the pants to his uniform and quickly digs out the spare set of jeans he has stowed away in his bag. For good measure, he switches out his socks as well.
After zipping the duffle closed, he carefully sets it down beside the standing dresser. That’s when his attention falls to two simple wooden frames residing on the lace runner on top of the set of drawers.
He can’t help it as he picks up the one directly in front of him.
He’s transfixed, staring down into your sepia-toned eyes as you look toward the camera.
Dressed in an elegant shirtwaist dress, your arm is carefully resting on the back of the chair where a man is sitting. He’s handsome, with tight-coiled hair and a bright grin as he gazes up at the camera too.
There’s a white flower, pressed and preserved, in between the portrait and glass frame.
Steve tries to set it down just as he found it, his fingers carefully rearrange the lace runner as he takes a step away. The other framed picture is that of a watercolored beach, with the word Caloundra in puffy yellow words above the painted skyline. But his eyes drift back to the portrait.
You look happy.
And while it was foolish of him to presume that your attachment to the human race had only been a recent occurrence, he knew how implausible that was. You even said it yourself, you had been working at SHIELD since Peggy was director. The house was from the 19th century. Clearly, you had people and acquaintances outside of this strange group of superhumans.
So, why does it tug at something in his chest with such a painful grasp when he sees you in this picture?
He wasn’t the first. Maybe that was it. The fact that he wasn’t the only man in human history to have wanted more of your time, to get to know you in such a deep fashion.
Steve startles back, looking up with widened eyes as you gently push the door of his room open.
“Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to - ” You gesture vaguely at him. “I just wanted to see if you were settled in okay.”
“Yeah, I mean. Yeah, I’m good.”
You give him a little nod as your lips form a slight pout. You’ve changed clothes since he last saw you and he’s grateful to note that any signs of dried blood have since been cleaned away. Steve stuffs his hands into his pockets and rocks back on his heels.
“Okay, well, I was just doing the rounds. I’m working myself up to talk to Tony.”
“Maybe give it a few minutes?” he proposes, raising his brows in a playful gesture.
Your body seems to sag then as you offer him a tired smile, “Probably for the best, yeah.”
You waltz into the room then before you drop down on the edge of the bed. The exact spot he had been sitting in just moments prior.
“Cronus,” you sigh, shaking your head as you rest your feet on the bed frame, kicking up the frilly bed skirt. “I feel like I’m wading through deep water right now. Like I can barely keep my head up long enough to take in everything around me.”
Well, damn. As if Steve hadn’t experienced that very same thing just hours ago. He bites his tongue instead of unleashing all of that upon you. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if he could put that vision into words yet.
“I think I know the feeling,” he says instead as he moves around the bedpost, taking a seat beside you next to the pillows.
The silence permeates the room for a moment too long as you gaze at the wall opposite you. Steve can see the reflected image you both make in the standing mirror. How close he’s sitting to you, how near your right knee is to his left. How small you appear.
“I have no idea what we’re going to do next,” you admit with a choked sound to your voice as you manage to get the words out.
Steve rests his hand upon yours, imploring you to meet his gaze. 
You do, in an instant.
“We’ll figure that out together.”
He squeezes your fingers tightly for assurance.
“God, even outside of the motivational speeches it seems like you always know what to say,” you laugh with a slight hiccup.
Your fingers wrap around his and squeeze back.
“With you,” he starts. “Words seem to come a little easier to me.”
“I’m not going to ghostwrite your speeches, you know.”
You release his hand just to shove your arm into his side, laughing as you pull away.
He cracks a smile in return, “Would never dream of it.”
Steve finds you to be simply beautiful like this. With your hair in its natural form, free of your helm and armor. Wearing casual clothes and looking at him with such a warm expression he nearly wants to speak the words that have been caught up in his throat these past few months.
But then his treacherous eyes drift over to that picture frame once again as he mentally notes the differences between the woman sitting next to him, right here and now, and the woman smiling for a camera.
Your smile wanes as you follow his gaze.
“Oh,” you say with a lingering sort of melancholy.
Before he can do anything of use to regain your attention, you’re pulling away from the bed to nab the portrait. You drop down beside him once again as you carefully dust off the frame with your thumb.
“I don’t usually do pictures. Anything that could be put into public. Well, I didn’t use to,” you give a little laugh, but your eyes are still locked on the picture. “Now it’s just candid moments caught by reporters and everyone has a camera phone these days.”
He can’t stop himself from asking, “So, what made you change your mind for this?”
Your gaze lifts for just a moment, just so you can share a look before you return your attention to the portrait - to the man seated in front of you.
“Ralph was more convincing than even Tony. We met at the premiere of Singin’ in the Rain at Radio City Music Hall,  March 1952. It was my first week back in the States after being in Europe since… well, for quite a long stay.”
Steve immediately understands what words you’ve excluded. You told him you had been in Warsaw for the reconstruction process. God only knows where else you spent your time in the post-war years.
“Anyway! This guy in line kept trying to strike up a conversation and, Cronus… he was funny. I can’t even tell you what happened in the movie outside of the giant ‘Good Morning’ dance scene. We almost got kicked out for all the gabbing we were doing.”
A strange laugh slips from your lips and Steve can see the exact moment when your emotions take hold.
“He was… he was a really good guy. He was CIA actually, set to become the youngest head of his department from what he told me. Spring of ‘54, he came banging on my door at two in the morning - I lived in Tribeca back then - well. It was the age of McCarthy and Roy Cohn and… he was set to be investigated, but someone at the office tipped him off.”
You give a shrug, “I brought him here, helped him get his papers around and the next morning he was gone. Next thing I know, seven years pass and one day I get a postcard - ” you nod your head at the watercolor beach scene on the dresser, “ - filling me in on the last few years of his life. Got himself a partner, Gary. Became your typical boring officer pusher.”
“I never…” you cough. “We never saw each other again. I mean, he tried. Definitely wanted to. But this,” you gesture vaguely at your body. “I don’t change. And nearly a decade goes by and I look the same? He was persistent though, every few years he’d ask where I was, tell me where he was, ask if we could meet up again. I always had an excuse though. Never could bring myself to tell him the truth.”
Your eyes meet his and Steve can see the palpable sorrow residing in your solem irises.
“That’s the problem, you know. Walking in eternity,” you gaze down at the picture for just a moment longer before you rise up and return the frame to its rightful resting place. You offer him a sad smile as you say, “I get to watch my friends go on and age and, one day, die. I might seem isolationist with my whole refusal to do teams thing,” you laugh. “But I promise you, that’s not the real reason. It just hurts too much.”
Before you can shrug your shoulders, or change the topic, Steve rises from the edge of the bed. He’s staring right down into your eyes with an intensity he can physically feel pounding in his chest as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into the tightest of hugs.
“Oof, okay. It’s - Steve, it’s okay, really,” you murmur into his chest.
He squeezes you even tighter as he buries his face into your shoulder.
God, what right did he have to feel jealous, for even just the briefest of moments, when the truth of your hidden grief had just been a simple story away? How had it never once occurred to him what your fate was? To have decades and centuries and millennia pass you by, watching the ones around you grow and fade into obscurity.
“I’m sorry.”
He can feel you pull back slightly, but his arms are secured around your waist so you don’t get very far. 
“For what?”
Steve lifts his head just so he can see your face properly.
“For everything, I suppose.”
Your lips quirk up into a small smile.
“I don’t think you need to apologize for anything like that, Rogers. You’re too good of a friend.”
Something halts in his chest, for just a beat of his heart, before it restarts once again. There were so many things he wanted to tell you, to reveal to you. But now was certainly not the time. So, he gives you another squeeze before he fully releases you from the embrace.
“Yeah, I could say the same about you too, you know?” he quips.
Even though his arms are no longer around you, you remain exactly where you stand.
“As much as I miss the anonymity of my past cover. And as mad as I was at Nick and, well, Thor actually, for breaking my cover. It’s nice, sometimes, to know that I don’t have to hide my true identity from you; the team, I mean.”
“But,” you add with a pointed finger. “I’m still not thrilled about the knock-off toys.”
Steve chuckles, tucking his hands back into his pockets, “Try having your face on collectible trading cards. And comics, and lunch pails. And, well, pretty much anything you can imagine.”
Your smile breaks free as you look up at him, “Well, if it hasn’t already been done I’m sure Tony will trademark it soon enough. Ooh, speaking of which - ” you look toward the door, “I should probably…”
“Yeah,” he says with a sad smile.
You make it a few steps away, hand on the door before you turn back to him.
“And Steve? Thanks for listening.”
“Anytime, sweetheart.”
With a parting smile, you disappear into the hallway and down the stairs. Steve wants to smack himself as soon as you’re out of sight.
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Thor has not returned by nightfall. Not that you were expecting him to, but the others do seem concerned by it. At least Bruce felt comfortable enough to wander back into the house before the stars came out, possibly lured by the smell of food simmering on the stove.
The pickings were slim, considering you hadn’t been to the house in almost a year now. But your pantry had been well-stocked with canned items just for an occasion like this. It was a simple stew, but it would be filling.
Steve’s been hovering close, ever since the encounter with Tony earlier that afternoon. So, you don’t fault the supersoldier when he offers to help out with the meal prepping. At least it was giving you both something to do while you tried to lull over the thought of what next currently circulating through everyone's heads.
Clint and Natasha wander down just before the food is served, both of them appearing rested and clear-headed.
“Smells good,” the redhead comments as she slips past you to grab a bowl for herself.
“I can only hope it tastes half as good as it smells,” you offer in return as you finish ladling up another bowl for Clint.
“I mean, I could kill for a pizza right about now. But I’m not gonna say no to free food,” the archer smirks as he moves to join Bruce and Natasha at the table.
It’s only when the six of you are seated at the table in the kitchen, either inhaling your food like starved animals or too distraught to do much more than push the stew around with your spoons, that Tony begins the dreaded conversation.
“Alright, let’s get it out,” he sighs, pushing away his barely touched dinner. “What’re we gonna do about this?”
“Do we?” Bruce questions, carefully looking up from his bowl. “I mean, do we need to do anything about it? Outside of the scepter, I mean.”
“And the Abomination?” you question.
“The what?” his eyes widen.
Oh, shit.
“No one told you,” you realize.
“Uh, yeah. That would have been… what happened there?”
“Yeah, actually,” Tony interjects, turning an accusatory tone toward you.
You stare down at your food for a moment before you push it into the center of the table, resting your arms upon the wooden surface as you gather your strength.
“Blonsky was spotted in London just after you left. Sam and I went in to deal with him. Legion drones came in and subdued him, which made us think, and assume, that they must have been sent in by Stark - ”
“Which, why the hell would I do that?” he questions with an incredulous voice.
“I made an incorrect assessment,” you fix your gaze upon the billionaire. “We set up a transfer with the acting commander and that was that. But… obviously, we were played. By Ultron.”
“Obviously,” Tony clucks.
Steve drops his spoon, making it clatter against the bowl as he glares at Tony. The billionaire quirks his lips but otherwise keeps his mouth shut.
“Back at the tower, we encountered the male mutant who was working with Rumlow.”
You can feel the supersoldier’s attention on your face, but you choose to ignore it, just in favor of getting the rest of the story out.
“A rogue bot came in, freed the rest, and from there the tower was in chaos leading to its collapse.”
“You saw the other mutant?” Natasha questions around a mouthful of food. With a nod from you, she continues her train of thought, “So, they’re both working with Ultron.”
“Maria assumed they were being promised something from him. Security, protection. I’m not sure.”
“You know,” Clint starts. “For the supposed global peacekeeper he says he is, he’s dealing with a lot of unsavory people. I mean,” he begins ticking off his fingers. “We got Strucker, and an ex-HYDRA member, and two mutants, and maybe… what was his name?”
“The Abomination.”
“Yeah, him too,” he nods. “I mean, either this guy’s wiring is a little screwball or I’m missing something here.”
“But,” Steve clears his throat. “He did gain control over the situation in London, right? And those drones were actively assisting with the injured in the city.”
“Okay, so what’s his deal then? He’s helpful when he wants to be and evil when he doesn’t?” Bruce questions, tone increasing.
Tony taps his fingers against the table for several hectic beats, “Or, Katniss is right. We’re missing something. Something bigger. I mean - ” he quickly stands from his seat, just so he can begin pacing the length of the kitchen floor. “I’m a big bad robot. I want world peace and I think the guys that have been handling it are doing a crap job.”
“He did say he wants to eliminate us,” Natasha adds.
  The billionaire hums, “So, he needs to get us out of the picture. That’s why he goes to Strucker - ”
“To get the information on Klaue and the vibranium,” Steve nods, seeing the picture opening up before him.
“But once he has that information, he doesn’t really need Strucker around,” you begin. “Unless… you need him to do something else for you? I mean, he still has the scepter at this point. But what would he need vibranium for exactly?”
“And where do the terror twins and the other two fit into this?” Clint wonders aloud.
There’s a beat of silence as everyone seems to contemplate the different scenarios.
“A distraction,” you realize. “You’re fighting one battle on one continent, I’m dealing with another on a separate continent. Before we can even regroup - ”
“There goes our meeting point,” Tony finishes.
Bruce huffs, “That’s great and all. Still doesn’t explain why the drones are actually helping people though.”
“Well, if his endgame is just to get rid of us but still remain an actual peacekeeper,” Steve ponders. “He’s got to have his hands in different pools, right?”
“And, uh, back to that global peacekeeper thing,” Bruce interrupts, pushing back in his chair to give himself a little more space from the rest of you. “Why is no one else saying it? He’s right.”
There’s a shattering silence that drapes itself over the dinner as you all stare at the doctor with varying forms of confusion and incredulousness on your faces.
“What?” he questions, a little too loudly. “I mean, he was right. You remember his little spiel at the tower, I’m… the Hulk… it’s a time bomb. You guys look at him and see an ally, but just look at Johannesburg right now.”
“Bruce,” Natasha begins to say, “That wasn’t - ”
“But it was me. All of that was me. And you!” He looks up at Tony. “You already had a failsafe made, just in case. I mean, thank God! Right? But do you have one for all of us, or am I just the special case?”
Tony, disturbingly enough, looks sheepish and nearly guilty when you turn your attention to him. Your eyes narrow at his sudden silence.
Wow. He did have something set for the rest of you.
“Man,” Clint snorts. “Are you actually siding with the thing that tried to kill us today? Cause, not a great take, gonna be honest.”
“Okay. Rage monster; one. Two destructive gods from another realm; there’s two. An assassin, a spy - ”
“Do you honestly want to finish that thought?” Clint’s attitude has fully changed as he now moves to push away from his chair.
“I mean, tell me I’m wrong here! Was today not just a sign of how fucked we are as a team? Raids on empty bases are one thing, man. But when shit is actually on the line, are we even close to being a cohesive force? Cause I don’t think we are!”
“This isn’t helping anything right now,” Steve placates.
Bruce sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face.
“All I’m trying to get at is… what if this guy takes it from here for us? We… hang up the gloves and step away from it. Just… go back to being real people.”
Your eyes immediately land on Steve.
Was that not a conversation you two had shared right after the Battle of New York? The possibility of him ever returning to a normal existence? The man seated next to you would never be able to hang up the shield, to put that part of himself away and be a normal man. No, just like yourself, there was too much fight left in him to ever dream of that scenario.
“Yeah,” Tony grins. “That’s not happening.”
“Well, maybe I’d just like to be able to walk away from this,” Bruce finally admits.
With a knowing sigh, you offer him a gentle look. While you understood where the doctor was coming from with this line of thinking, you definitely could not agree. And you voice as much.
“AI, in itself, is unstable. Even the best-made artificial intelligence will never be superior to a human brain. The way an actual living person is able to connect ideas and things together will never be achieved by a technological form. I mean… look no further than Project Insight.”
At your words, Steve’s face is drawn with instant understanding.
“HYDRA may be different than Ultron, but who and what gets to decide what is or is not a threat? What if one day it decides half the planet is deemed a risk?” The supersoldier questions. “He can just make that call? I mean… we might not be the best suited, or even the most cohesive. But I trust that, in our hands, we will make the right judgment call.”
“Not sure if I could say the same about the T-800,” Clint drawls, glancing at Bruce.
“Okay, still doesn’t answer the main question though,” Tony sighs, rubbing his forehead with a tired hand. “What the hell are we gonna do about him?”
“Well,” Natasha starts. “First things first; we gotta stick together.”
“Yeah,” you agree. “No more splitting up, jumping on separate missions. He’s intelligent and he wants to use our basic instincts to have us go running at the first sign of trouble.”
“Oh, so we’re just going to ignore danger now?” Bruce questions.
You fix him with a look, “That’s not what I mean.”
Steve’s hand settles over your left wrist.
“All I mean by that,” you restart. “Is that we need to focus on the big threat, not the tiny ones. We need to figure out where Ultron - the one with the vibranium and the scepter - is currently. And then we need to figure out how exactly we’re going to take him down.”
“Yeah,” Tony agrees. “Look, he took us down to buy himself more time. With us out of the way and his image turning favor with the public…”
Right, there was that entire side of the situation as well. One you had been aware of, but had been doing your best to ignore. Between the articles about an extravagant party from the Daily Bugle to the reports of drones saving London from a monstrous attack, the true nature of Ultron had never been shown to the general public. And distaste for you and the team had been steadily rising in the aftermath.
“And we still have to assume that he’s trying to access more than just vibranium,” Steve mulls. “Hill said he was trying to go after weapons factories and launch codes.”
“But he hasn’t gotten them?” Natasha questions with an arched brow.
Tony scoffs, “I cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school, on a dare.”
Steve fixes the billionaire with a look.
“So, what’s stopping him then?” Clint ponders.
You all sit on that thought for a moment longer.
“Well, something or someone has to be doing something. If he wanted that information, he’d have it in an instant unless something was circumventing him.”
Tony clicks his tongue, “I should probably call someone about that, actually.”
He gestures at the hallway where your rotary phone resides and you ultimately nod your head. You watch him disappear around the corner before the conversation at the table picks back up.
“I’m a robot,” Clint starts. “I want a team of superheroes dead. I have an alien scepter that can make anyone do my bidding, but I also want vibranium.” He rocks back in his chair, pillowing his head with his arms as he stares up at the ceiling. “Why do I need the vibranium?”
“Strongest metal on Earth” you add, chancing a glance at Steve.
The supersoldier hums in reply, clearly stewing over that same line of thinking.
Bruce sighs, pushing away from the table to take his empty bowl to the sink, “Whatever way you slice it, he’s looking for a way to end us. He thinks he’s better than us and that whatever we do, he can do it in an entirely superior way.”
“And he has a robotic army at his disposal,” Natasha adds, kicking her boots up onto Tony’s vacated seat.
The questions simmer for a moment, then two, before Steve raps his knuckles against the table.
“Did you guys notice, when we faced him on the ship, that he was harder to take down than at the tower?”
The redhead nods, “He’d had repairs done too.”
“Yeah, he was way more metal than the last version,” Clint snorts, resting his hand on the back of Natasha’s chair.
You blink, finally seeing the picture coming together from a handful of mismatched puzzle pieces.
“So, you’re saying the bot you faced had been… upgraded?”
Your eyes meet Steve’s as he offers you a nod.
“I’m a superior intelligence,” you say, standing from your chair. “I see what humans and gods and other creatures are doing to try and protect the world, but I know how to do it better.”
You begin pacing as the thoughts blur together into a single line of musical notes, all ringing crystal clear in your head. You follow after the melody.
“But I can’t do it in my current form. I need… I need vibranium. It’s strong, it can go blow to blow with their best. But… I’m still not physically at a point where I can take them down. I need… I need…”
The word slips free from your thoughts before you can speak it.
And as you turn to the others, hoping they’ve caught on to your line of thinking, you find three curious faces looking back at you. But Bruce… Bruce is staring at the framed creatures near the kitchen window.
The perfectly displayed Libythea cinyras, the Xerces blue, the delicate Urania sloanus. Now extinct butterflies that you had managed to find and preserve so very long, long ago.
The doctor’s wide eyes meet your knowing face.
“He needs to evolve.”
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Undertale: Anomalous.
A new Role Change AU that's A LITTLE Different than you'd Expect.
SANS takes the Role of TORIEL.
PAPYRUS takes the Role of ASGORE.
SUSIE takes the Role of UNDYNE.
NOELLE takes the Role of ALPHYS.
TORIEL takes the Role of ASRIEL.
ASGORE takes the role of CHARA.
CHARA takes the role of MONSTER KID.
ASRIEL takes the role of MUFFET.
UNDYNE takes the role of GRILLBY.
ALPHYS takes the role of BURGERPANTS.
Frisk stays the same as always, just a little change in design.
No, Monster Kid, Muffet, Grillby, MTT, Blooky, Flowey, and Burgerpants, don't appear.
The Underground is Renamed to be "The Subterranean Realm."
The SOUL is renamed to be the ESSENCE. It is Diamond Shaped.
The default font is The Earthbound Font.
The RUINS becomes The COAST, With Sans acting as Lifeguard.
SNOWDIN becomes Maple Midtown, with Emily Acting as the Maple Mage, and Azreal as her Sidekick. They are both basically zombies of 2 of the fallen humans who lost their memories, but still had leftover DT in them. They somehow can live without their souls attached to them, and as long as their souls are around, they can still feel love. Their SOULS are returned to them In true Pacifist and All neutral routes. (Except if Emily Dies)
WATERFALL becomes Cloudy Cliffs, the only area in the Subterranean Realm with Clouds. Susie is a rebellious student at the prestigious Academy where Monsters learn about their history and how to fly using Their Academy Jetpacks. Frisk is mistaken for a new student and is partnered with Chara for the assignment of going through the entirety of Cloudy Cliffs. Susie attacks Frisk because she NEEDS the A+ or she'll be sent back to live at home, and she DOES NOT want that, so she stops Frisk a lot along the way to try and get ahead of Frisk. Chara also grows pretty close to Frisk and realizes not ALL humans are bad.
HOTLAND becomes Frigid Fields, where Monster scout Noelle Holiday, is raising funds for her Father's treatment. Asriel is a Monster Scout too, and eventually, at the end of it all, we find Frost forcing you into a REAL battle so he can help Noelle.
NEW HOME becomes The Central, where we find Papyrus, Chief of the Subterranean Realm. We battle him, duh.
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These are all the currently made designs.
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OC!Sayuri x Bayverse!Leonardo
🗣️taglist: @sharpwindow @pheradream-15 @m1dnyt3-w0lf
Enchanted to Meet You: Part 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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New York City was wide awake when Sayuri was burning past the midnight oil. No slumbering eye was spared from the bright evening lights, the hustlers were still chasing their dreams on the streets, and the cars didn’t seem to stop for anything. Sayuri breathed in deeply, the city didn’t smell good but ever since she got here she has always felt a presence of energy that convinced her that she needn’t to sleep at all. Six months since, and this presence remained.
She got up from her makeshift workspace on her balcony and elected to lean against the railing. She was aware that America was going to be a whole new frontier, but she never imagined that things would be so different. She began to miss her family home. In stark contrast to this bustling epicenter of the world, instead of ambitious bulidings, there were cedars and maples so old that they were witness to her ancestors. Every person in this city was a stranger, while every person in her hometown was an old friend. The pace and gait of every matter here was hurried, but time seemed slower in her youth. And the silence… oh the silence… you could only hear the murmur of the leaves, the hum of the cicadas in the summer, and the reverence of mountains mighty.
She missed her grandmother’s weathered hand against her cheek and the fragrance of her cooking. She missed her grandfather’s kind smile, and his tight embraces. She looked back towards her computer. There was work to be finished and she can already hear her grandmother’s stern voice, scolding her to stop slacking around and get it done. Sayuri chuckled, and began to shuffle through her flashcards on electrolyte lab values.
Leo needed to get out of the Lair. With brothers of a flammable temperament, an annoying sense of humor, and an extremely imaginative mind, it was only a matter of time before a literal explosion occurred and he preferred to steer clear of it. The lack of assignments from the NYPD hasn’t been helping either, and with April and Casey on their Southeast Asian escapade, it was safe to say that everyone was bored and their extended time together has tensions running high. It has been three years since the Kraang invasion and the beginning of their partnership with the police. While Leo liked that they were being compensated now for their protection and cooperation and the cases did have its challenges, he can’t help but feel that he had reached a plateau in his life. Then again, when you’re a mutant turtle, life has a way of being naturally chaotic when you least expect it.
He strayed from midtown and began entering the Upper East Side apartments. It was a quieter part of Manhattan, and Leo often frequented the neighborhood whenever he felt a bit more overwhelmed than usual. He sat down at a random edge, overlooking Central Park. Just as he was about to cross his legs and slip into meditation, a rambling voice caught his ear.
“…Potassium range is… 3.5-5.2 mEq/L for adults and 3.4-4.7 mEq/L for kids… and my god do I really need to remember all this symptoms?! もういいよ!疲れたなー!”
It drew him to the edge of the rooftop and he slid silently into a fire escape at the side of a building. Right across from his line of sight his eyes met beheld her for the very first time…and she was ethereal. The terrapin leaned forward for a glance of the stray dark hairs that grazed her pale cheek. His eyes wandered across the bony prominences on her chest and shoulders. He breathed slowly as he watched her delicate fingers dance across the keyboard or when she caught them between her teeth. And her eyes… oh those eyes so lost in thought… when she looked so far into the night of the city her eyes were gleaming, iridescent pools of silver illuminated by all the lights. It was as if a drum was beating in his ears and another one was thundering against his plastron. There was no longer a plateau, only revelations. And every night, Leo snuck out to bear witness to them.
Three weeks has passed since she first started studying at the balcony and Sayuri couldn’t help but feel that she was being watched. It was not comfortable, but it was not in an eerie sense either. She’s always possessed a strong intuition. So naturally, as a child, she was proficient at hide-and-sneak and guessing games. Especially when it came to finding her grandmother’s stash of secret sweets. That night, Sayuri stayed inside and dimmed down the lights. She decided to work on her dining room table, facing the glass sliding door to the balcony. It was not as if she was expecting anything to happen, after all it was only a feeling, and feelings are as easily passing as they were occurring. But when Sayuri returned from her kitchen past midnight after making herself a cup of tea, she surely believed that the sight before her was simply a figment of her imagination… He appeared to be a turtle with a stance of a man, standing six feet tall behind her glass sliding door, staring right at her.
He couldn’t move. He couldn’t even breathe. It was as if there was a disconnect between his mind and his body and he couldn’t make sense of any of it. Should he wave and mouth a ‘hello’? Should he knock on her door? What if she totally freaked out and became a shut-in forever just because of him? Should he just lay there on her balcony and just shrivel up in utter embarrassment? Since the latter wasn’t an option, he fled. So swiftly that Sayuri wondered if he was ever real at all.
For weeks, Leo did not dare to return.
And every night Sayuri remained at her balcony, toiling away at the hours until she stood up from her table for one final time of the night and looked out into the city. She didn’t know what she was looking for, but she was desperate to find it.
Will definitely post a part two soon! Please reblog and leave a like if you enjoyed it!
Let me know if you want to be part of my taglist!
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popuprecordshop · 10 months
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Sat Dec 2: Pop-up at Midtown Global Market noon to 4. Free admission.
Sat Dec 2: MN Record Show at The Hook and Ladder 9am to 3pm. Admission $2.
Sun Dec 3: Pop-up at Omni Brewing in Maple Grove noon to 4. Free admission.
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What makes a bodega different from a coffee shop, an extensive guide by Peter B. Parker. 
IronStrange Bingo Round 3 | 🏥 @ironstrangebingo | Coffee Shop
Peter Parker Bingo 2023 | 🕠 @pparkerbingo | Bodega
2023 masterlist :: (ao3 link)
RATING: General WARNING: List format, black coffee
Peter Parker travels to the bodega as often as the coffee shop two streets over and they are both critical in his life. He just didn't realise how important they were to each other. | tony stark/stephen strange
isb 🏥 round 3 | ptpkb 🕠 2023
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The bodega on the corner of Queen’s is on the way home from Midtown High, the coffee shop is two streets over. 
If a pick-me-up is needed the bodega offers food that I can be brought home and cooked for dinner, but the coffee shop offers sweet treats and drinks that have far too much sugar in them for an arachnid. 
The bodega is a shop, the coffee shop only offers coffee and treats. 
When studying is required for an upcoming test the coffeeshop is quieter and not many strangers will wish you a good day, the bodega will be loud and strangers will encourage you to do your best work while distracting you at the same time, despite saying “ I won’t distract you anymore, Cara.” (Which means dear and is very nice to hear once and awhile). 
Coffee from the bodega is straight black and bitter, but the handmade rolled, squished-down flat, sandwiches make up for it. The coffee shop is the opposite their coffee is sweet and drinkable while their sandwiches are questionable. 
People know you at the Bodega is they are strangers or not, it is the epitome of the 5 connections diagram. In the coffee shop, you may see the same people but you don’t know them, except for the nice barista who will add a maple cookie with every drink order once finding out you were allergic to peppermint.
Both places feel similar to family just in different ways. 
At the coffee shop, they care about the paper they know you were slaving over last week, 4 coffees deep, the bodega care about your weight and will tell you are too thin and give you extra pasta ingredients. 
You could win the lucky lotto number only at the bodega. 
The coffee shop tries to be elegant Italian whereas the bodega is real Italian and Spanish mixed to make beautiful pasta and sweets pairings. They are both great but only at the bodega will you get comprehensive Italian lessons and support on the latest Spanish assignment. 
The bodega owner is nice and will show you all the things he is working on to improve the shop, and he doesn’t wear a name badge because he believes being able to learn names is more important than knowing them. 
They both sell great different versions of breakfast. 
The barista at the coffee shop (who is the OWNER!) is named Stephen and taught himself to make coffees to deal with his oncoming arthritis, and because he wanted to impress a guy in college. 
They both wear wedding bands and are in nice marriages where they are fond of their partner but don’t feel bad complaining about their newest mess up. 
They will both make you feel like you have a dad. (Cross that one out Peter, it is not that important). 
Sometimes it is almost as if they talk about each other, Tony (the Bodega owner) will say that his husband brought home freshly baked apple pie, from work, after they went apple picking on the weekend. Stephen then talks about his partner loving his apple pie and that is what inspired the new apple-flavoured menu for the fall season. 
It is easy to work at both according to the employees and Tony lets kids who can’t work elsewhere or can’t commit very many hours to work behind the counter when in need of money but don’t want to just take it. 
Tony also employs a really cute guy that makes you want to go to the bodega more. (No he doesn’t MJ!)
They pack up at the same time, 7 pm saying that they want to be home with their partners. Stephen closes only just before. 
But the bodega opens again around 2 am, or whenever Tony is awake. 
Both stores are inherently clean despite the clutteredness of the bodega compared to the simple modern design of the coffee shop.
They both opened the shops for their partners, Stephen’s husband (HUSBAND THEY ARE ALSO BOTH GAY! (or Bi)) loves coffee and Stephen thinks he needs to try something other than black. Tony opens early in the morning because he knows his husband likes to be awake early in the morning and in college, they would both visit the bodega before class (a  sacrifice he had to make, Tony likes to admit). 
If you work late enough you might see Stephen knock on the window of the bodega and Tony come out and kiss him before closing up shop finally.
On one night you might just be able to see a shocked Peter Parker, mouth wide open, through the window. 
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Cards: (🏥7/25) (🕠 1/25)
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creeperknight170 · 4 months
Tales from Elwroh: The Dungeon of the Crimson King (Chapter 1)
“Deep in the mountains of Drearlan lies an ancient kingdom of monsters. Their ruler, The Crimson King, is a mage so powerful that he supposedly achieved immortality before he was even fully grown. His command of humanoid monsters puts him at odds with The High Council of Goldith, and the land he rules over is a place of danger for any travelers who are reckless enough to venture into it”
“Well that just sounds like a myth” replied Charlie.
“Even if it is, you shouldn’t just jump into exploring a cave!” Alya shouted at him. “You and Jason’s reckless search for adventure is the entire reason we’re in this mess.“
The air went silent. It had been two weeks since the club’s last adventure, and two weeks since Jason disappeared in a flash of light.
“Look,” she said, grabbing her staff and turning away towards the mouth of the cave, “I know that you miss him, me and Sam do too. That’s why I’m telling you to be more careful this time. I don’t want to lose a friend to find another.”
“I understand.”
And so, the two set off into the cavern. Inside, the air reeked of mildew and blew with a wet chill as the two descended down the narrow pathway. The upper caves were always tighter to travel through than the chasms that made up the true depths of the mountain.
Sam was waiting for them at the first fork in the pathway. Normally he’d be tinkering with a gadget or playing games on a retro handheld that was modified to accept magical energy instead of batteries, but today he was simply standing in front of one of the side paths, staring into the dark cave.
“What you looking at?” asked Charlie as he leaned over his taller friend’s shoulder. Sam jerked back and elbowed Charlie straight in the nose in response.
Through the angry screaming and fair amount of vulgar language from both parties, Alya heard another voice coming from the cave branch Sam was looking through.
“Calm down boys. There’s no need to start fighting before you even encounter any monsters” said the familiar figure as she walked into view.
“Ms. Maple? What are you doing here?” asked Alya as she watched the elf restrain the two teenage boys from physically attacking each other.
“The guild heard about your party’s mishap and considered this mission a liability risk.” Maple responded with a sigh. “You guys aren’t officially licensed members yet until you graduate, so I was sent here to make sure no more of you get hurt.”
The club members looked at each other then silently back to Maple. As the only professional monster slayer who was willing to sign off on supervision for a high school activity, she was a valuable member of the team. As a chaperone, however, she was the strictest person who had ever run a club at Midtown High.
“So, were there any monsters?” Sam asked while straightening the tool belt he wore around his cargo pants.
“None for a good while. It should be safe until we reach the first set of ruins, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your spells and weapons prepared. Also,” Maple rummaged through her pockets and pulled out three sheets of parchment “take these maps. They don’t cover everything, but they should be enough to make it back from these upper caves if you get lost”
0 notes
brookston · 6 months
Holidays 3.15
AR-15 Appreciation Day
Birkebeinerrennet (Norway)
Bolsonaro Day (Brazil)
Brutus Day
Buzzard Day (Hinckley, Ohio)
Camp Fire Day
Constitution Day (Belarus)
Denzel Crocker Day
Diana Steroid Day
Dumbstruck Day
Escalator Day
Et tu, Brute? Day
Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
Filipino Adobo Day
International Blackadder Status Day
International Boss's Day Off
International Day Against Police Brutality (UN)
International Day of Action Against Canadian Seal Slaughter
International Day to Combat Islamophobia
International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day (a.k.a. EATAPETA Day)
International Hypatia Day
International Long Covid Awareness Day
International Redefining Wealth Day
International Stiff Person Syndrome Awareness Day
I've Got An Offer You Can't Refuse Day
J.J. Roberts’ Day (Liberia)
Kriss Donald Recognition Day (UK)
Las Fallas (Spain)
Lifeboat Day
Michael Scott’s Birthday (The Office)
National Ag Day (a.k.a. Agriculture Day)
National Brutus Day
National Cancer Critical Nurse Specialist Day (UK)
National Cat Day
National Kansas Day
National Penis Day (Japan)
National Shoe the World Day
National VO (Voice Over) Day
Open Minded Husband's Day
Peitho Asteroid Day
Planting Ceremony of the Kikuyu (Kenya)
Prey Day
Rude Awakenings Day
Swallowing Awareness Day
315 Day
True Confessions Day
Tuna Day (French Republic)
Turkey Buzzards Day
Voice Over Day
World Consumer Rights Day
World Contact Day
World Day of Action Against Seal Hunting
World Delirium Day
World Essential Workers Day
World MAP Day
World Speech Day
Youth Day (Palau; Zambia)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Espresso Martini Day
National Drink Maple Syrup Straight from the Bottle Day
National Egg Cream Day
National Peanut Lovers' Day
National Pears Helene Day
3rd Friday in March
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
I Know I Exist Day [3rd Friday]
National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence (Australia) [3rd Friday]
National Preschool Teachers Appreciation Day [3rd Friday]
National Residency Match Day [3rd Friday]
Red Nose Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
World Sleep Day [Friday of 2nd Full Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 15 (2nd Week)
Caru Cymru begins (Wales) [3rd Friday; thru 4.2]
Harmony Week (Australia)
Independence & Related Days
1848 Revolution Day (Hungary)
Maine Statehood Day (#23; 1820)
New Orchard (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Veronia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Woodshire (a.k.a. Duchy of Woodshire; Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning March 15, 2024
Dublin St. Patrick’s Festival (Dublin, Ireland) [thru 3.18]
Fallas de Valencia (Valencia, Spain) [thru 3.19]
Furnal Equinox (Toronto, Canada) [thru 3.17]
Green Mile Midtown Block Party (Atlanta, Georgia)
International Cherry Blossom Festival (Macon, Georgia) [thru 3.24]
Lollapalooza (Buenos Aires, Argentina) [thru 3.17]
Lollapalooza (Santiago, Chile) [thru 3.17]
Mortagne-au-Perche Boudin Festival (Mortagne-au-Perche, Franc} [thru 3.17]
Razor Clam & Seafood Festival (Ocean Shores, Maryland) [thru 3.17]
River Days & Craft Brew Hullabalo (Sebastian, Florida) [thru 3.17]
Shamrock Shuffle Wine, Beer & Spirits Walk (Bothell, Washington)
St. Urho Days (Menahga, Minnesota) [thru 3.16]
Toronto ConiCon (Toronto, Canada) [thru 3.17]
WOMAD (New Plymouth, New Zealand) [thru 3.17]
Feast Days
Aardvark Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Abraham, Hermit of Mesopotamia, and his niece, Mary (Christian; Saints)
Bacchanalia (Ancient Rome)
Canna Intrat (A Rush of Blood; Ancient Rome)
Cicero (Positivist; Saint)
Clement Mary Hofbauer (Christian; Saint)
Dumbstruck (Shamanism)
Ed Wood Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Feast of Anna Perenna (Goddess of the Circle of the Year; Ancient Rome)
Festival of Attis and Cybele (Attis finding Cybelle among the reeds of the River Gallus; Ancient Rome)
Hōnen Matsuri (Prosperous Year; Japan)
Ides of March (Ancient Rome)
Johann Zoffany (Artology)
Leatherwing Bat (Muppetism)
Leocritia of Cordova (Christian; Saint)
Longinus (Christian; Saint)
Louise de Marillac (Christian; Saint)
Lynda La Plante (Writerism)
Marduk's Festival (Ancient Mesopotamia)
Matrona (Christian; Virgin & Martyr)
Medicine Man Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Rhea (Greek Goddess of the Earth)
Sacred Three Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Season of Discord begins (Discordian)
Shibata Zeshin (Artology)
Zachary, pope (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Ides of March (Caesar assassinated; Ancient Rome)
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [14 of 37]
Alley to Bali (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1954)
Billboard Album Chart (Music Chart; 1945)
Destroyer, by KISS (Album; 1976)
Donnerstag aus Licht, by Karlheinz Stockhausen (Opera; 1981)
Eight is Enough (TV Series; 1977)
Forbidden Planet (Film; 1956)
14 Carrot Rabbit (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
The Froggy Froggy Duo (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1970)
From Up on Poppy Hill (Animated Studio Ghibli Film; 2013)
The Godfather (Film; 1972)
The God of Small Things, by Arundhati Roy (Novel; 1997)
Gold Diggers of 1935 (Film; 1935)
The Hidden Ball Play or Goal is Where You Find It (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 353; 1965)
House Tricks? (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1946)
I Capture the Castle, by Dodie Smith (Novel; 1948)
Ice Age (Animated Film; 2002)
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (Film; 2013)
Jack-Jack Attack (Pixar Cartoon; 1940)
Love, Death & Robots (Animated Anthology TV Series; 2019)
My Fair Lady (Broadway Musical; 1956)
My Little Chickadee (Film; 1940)
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (Film; 2019)
Part Time Pal (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1947)
Pictures At An Exhibition, by Emerson, Lake & Palmer (Concert Film; 1973)
The Riveter (Disney Cartoon; 1940)
Robot Carnival (Animated Film; 1991)
Sh-Boom, recorded by The Chords (Song; 1954)
The Slaves of Solitude, by Patrick Hamilton (Novel; 1947)
She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith (Play; 1773)
Spring Breakers (Film; 2013)
Three’s Company (TV Series; 1977)
To Pimp a Butterfly, by Kendrick Lamar (Album; 2015)
The Two Musketeers (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1952)
Vertigo (a.k.a. The Living and the Dead), by Boileau-Narcejac (Novel; 1954)
Wager at Dawn or Early to Bet (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 354; 1965)
Walden Two, by B.F. Skinner (Novel; 1948)
Wonder Park (Animated Film; 2019)
The Years, by Virginia Woolf (Novel; 1937)
Y tu Mamá También (Film; 2002)
Today’s Name Days
Clemens, Klemens, Luise, Maria (Austria)
Veljko, Vjekoslav, Zaharija (Croatia)
Ida (Czech Republic)
Zacharias (Denmark)
Valev, Valvik, Valvo (Estonia)
Risto (Finland)
Louise (France)
Siemens, Louise (Germany)
Agapios (Greece)
Kristóf (Hungary)
Luisa, Mauro (Italy)
Amalda, Amilda, Longins, Ulrika (Latvia)
Klemensas, Lionginas, Tautas, Tautgintė (Lithuania)
Chris, Christel, Christer (Norway)
Gościmir, Heloiza, Klemens, Krzysztof, Longinus, Ludwika (Poland)
Agapie (Romania)
Svetlana (Slovakia)
César, Luisa, Madrona, Raimundo (Spain)
Christel, Kristoffer (Sweden)
Eloise, Lois, Louella, Louisa, Louise, Luella, Luisa, Lulu (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 75 of 2024; 291 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 11 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 6 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 5 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 5 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 15 Green; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 2 March 2024
Moon: 34%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 19 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Epictetus]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 86 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 26 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 3.15
AR-15 Appreciation Day
Birkebeinerrennet (Norway)
Bolsonaro Day (Brazil)
Brutus Day
Buzzard Day (Hinckley, Ohio)
Camp Fire Day
Constitution Day (Belarus)
Denzel Crocker Day
Diana Steroid Day
Dumbstruck Day
Escalator Day
Et tu, Brute? Day
Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
Filipino Adobo Day
International Blackadder Status Day
International Boss's Day Off
International Day Against Police Brutality (UN)
International Day of Action Against Canadian Seal Slaughter
International Day to Combat Islamophobia
International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day (a.k.a. EATAPETA Day)
International Hypatia Day
International Long Covid Awareness Day
International Redefining Wealth Day
International Stiff Person Syndrome Awareness Day
I've Got An Offer You Can't Refuse Day
J.J. Roberts’ Day (Liberia)
Kriss Donald Recognition Day (UK)
Las Fallas (Spain)
Lifeboat Day
Michael Scott’s Birthday (The Office)
National Ag Day (a.k.a. Agriculture Day)
National Brutus Day
National Cancer Critical Nurse Specialist Day (UK)
National Cat Day
National Kansas Day
National Penis Day (Japan)
National Shoe the World Day
National VO (Voice Over) Day
Open Minded Husband's Day
Peitho Asteroid Day
Planting Ceremony of the Kikuyu (Kenya)
Prey Day
Rude Awakenings Day
Swallowing Awareness Day
315 Day
True Confessions Day
Tuna Day (French Republic)
Turkey Buzzards Day
Voice Over Day
World Consumer Rights Day
World Contact Day
World Day of Action Against Seal Hunting
World Delirium Day
World Essential Workers Day
World MAP Day
World Speech Day
Youth Day (Palau; Zambia)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Espresso Martini Day
National Drink Maple Syrup Straight from the Bottle Day
National Egg Cream Day
National Peanut Lovers' Day
National Pears Helene Day
3rd Friday in March
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
I Know I Exist Day [3rd Friday]
National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence (Australia) [3rd Friday]
National Preschool Teachers Appreciation Day [3rd Friday]
National Residency Match Day [3rd Friday]
Red Nose Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
World Sleep Day [Friday of 2nd Full Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 15 (2nd Week)
Caru Cymru begins (Wales) [3rd Friday; thru 4.2]
Harmony Week (Australia)
Independence & Related Days
1848 Revolution Day (Hungary)
Maine Statehood Day (#23; 1820)
New Orchard (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Veronia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Woodshire (a.k.a. Duchy of Woodshire; Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning March 15, 2024
Dublin St. Patrick’s Festival (Dublin, Ireland) [thru 3.18]
Fallas de Valencia (Valencia, Spain) [thru 3.19]
Furnal Equinox (Toronto, Canada) [thru 3.17]
Green Mile Midtown Block Party (Atlanta, Georgia)
International Cherry Blossom Festival (Macon, Georgia) [thru 3.24]
Lollapalooza (Buenos Aires, Argentina) [thru 3.17]
Lollapalooza (Santiago, Chile) [thru 3.17]
Mortagne-au-Perche Boudin Festival (Mortagne-au-Perche, Franc} [thru 3.17]
Razor Clam & Seafood Festival (Ocean Shores, Maryland) [thru 3.17]
River Days & Craft Brew Hullabalo (Sebastian, Florida) [thru 3.17]
Shamrock Shuffle Wine, Beer & Spirits Walk (Bothell, Washington)
St. Urho Days (Menahga, Minnesota) [thru 3.16]
Toronto ConiCon (Toronto, Canada) [thru 3.17]
WOMAD (New Plymouth, New Zealand) [thru 3.17]
Feast Days
Aardvark Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Abraham, Hermit of Mesopotamia, and his niece, Mary (Christian; Saints)
Bacchanalia (Ancient Rome)
Canna Intrat (A Rush of Blood; Ancient Rome)
Cicero (Positivist; Saint)
Clement Mary Hofbauer (Christian; Saint)
Dumbstruck (Shamanism)
Ed Wood Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Feast of Anna Perenna (Goddess of the Circle of the Year; Ancient Rome)
Festival of Attis and Cybele (Attis finding Cybelle among the reeds of the River Gallus; Ancient Rome)
Hōnen Matsuri (Prosperous Year; Japan)
Ides of March (Ancient Rome)
Johann Zoffany (Artology)
Leatherwing Bat (Muppetism)
Leocritia of Cordova (Christian; Saint)
Longinus (Christian; Saint)
Louise de Marillac (Christian; Saint)
Lynda La Plante (Writerism)
Marduk's Festival (Ancient Mesopotamia)
Matrona (Christian; Virgin & Martyr)
Medicine Man Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Rhea (Greek Goddess of the Earth)
Sacred Three Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Season of Discord begins (Discordian)
Shibata Zeshin (Artology)
Zachary, pope (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Ides of March (Caesar assassinated; Ancient Rome)
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [14 of 37]
Alley to Bali (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1954)
Billboard Album Chart (Music Chart; 1945)
Destroyer, by KISS (Album; 1976)
Donnerstag aus Licht, by Karlheinz Stockhausen (Opera; 1981)
Eight is Enough (TV Series; 1977)
Forbidden Planet (Film; 1956)
14 Carrot Rabbit (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
The Froggy Froggy Duo (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1970)
From Up on Poppy Hill (Animated Studio Ghibli Film; 2013)
The Godfather (Film; 1972)
The God of Small Things, by Arundhati Roy (Novel; 1997)
Gold Diggers of 1935 (Film; 1935)
The Hidden Ball Play or Goal is Where You Find It (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 353; 1965)
House Tricks? (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1946)
I Capture the Castle, by Dodie Smith (Novel; 1948)
Ice Age (Animated Film; 2002)
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (Film; 2013)
Jack-Jack Attack (Pixar Cartoon; 1940)
Love, Death & Robots (Animated Anthology TV Series; 2019)
My Fair Lady (Broadway Musical; 1956)
My Little Chickadee (Film; 1940)
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (Film; 2019)
Part Time Pal (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1947)
Pictures At An Exhibition, by Emerson, Lake & Palmer (Concert Film; 1973)
The Riveter (Disney Cartoon; 1940)
Robot Carnival (Animated Film; 1991)
Sh-Boom, recorded by The Chords (Song; 1954)
The Slaves of Solitude, by Patrick Hamilton (Novel; 1947)
She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith (Play; 1773)
Spring Breakers (Film; 2013)
Three’s Company (TV Series; 1977)
To Pimp a Butterfly, by Kendrick Lamar (Album; 2015)
The Two Musketeers (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1952)
Vertigo (a.k.a. The Living and the Dead), by Boileau-Narcejac (Novel; 1954)
Wager at Dawn or Early to Bet (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 354; 1965)
Walden Two, by B.F. Skinner (Novel; 1948)
Wonder Park (Animated Film; 2019)
The Years, by Virginia Woolf (Novel; 1937)
Y tu Mamá También (Film; 2002)
Today’s Name Days
Clemens, Klemens, Luise, Maria (Austria)
Veljko, Vjekoslav, Zaharija (Croatia)
Ida (Czech Republic)
Zacharias (Denmark)
Valev, Valvik, Valvo (Estonia)
Risto (Finland)
Louise (France)
Siemens, Louise (Germany)
Agapios (Greece)
Kristóf (Hungary)
Luisa, Mauro (Italy)
Amalda, Amilda, Longins, Ulrika (Latvia)
Klemensas, Lionginas, Tautas, Tautgintė (Lithuania)
Chris, Christel, Christer (Norway)
Gościmir, Heloiza, Klemens, Krzysztof, Longinus, Ludwika (Poland)
Agapie (Romania)
Svetlana (Slovakia)
César, Luisa, Madrona, Raimundo (Spain)
Christel, Kristoffer (Sweden)
Eloise, Lois, Louella, Louisa, Louise, Luella, Luisa, Lulu (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 75 of 2024; 291 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 11 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 6 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 5 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 5 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 15 Green; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 2 March 2024
Moon: 34%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 19 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Epictetus]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 86 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 26 of 30)
0 notes
atlantaflooring123 · 7 months
Enhance Your Space with Timeless Elegance Hardwood Floors in Atlanta
In the bustling metropolis of Atlanta, where style meets sophistication, homeowners are continuously seeking ways to elevate their living spaces. Amidst the myriad of design options, one timeless choice stands out: hardwood floors. Renowned for their unparalleled beauty, durability, and versatility, hardwood floors have become a staple in Atlanta homes, adding warmth and elegance to any room.
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With its rich history and diverse architectural styles, Atlanta provides the perfect backdrop for showcasing the timeless allure of hardwood floors. Whether it's a cozy bungalow in Virginia Highland, a chic loft in Midtown, or a stately mansion in Buckhead, hardwood floors seamlessly complement any aesthetic, from classic to contemporary.
When it comes to selecting hardwood floors in Atlanta, homeowners are spoilt for choice. From traditional oak and maple to exotic species like Brazilian cherry and tigerwood, there's a vast array of options to suit every taste and preference. Each type of wood boasts its own unique grain patterns, colors, and textures, allowing homeowners to create a customized look that reflects their individual style.
Beyond aesthetics, hardwood floors offer numerous practical benefits that make them an ideal choice for Atlanta homes. With proper care and maintenance, hardwood floors can last for generations, making them a wise long-term investment. Unlike carpet or laminate flooring, hardwood floors are resistant to stains, spills, and odors, making them perfect for households with children and pets.
Moreover, hardwood floors are exceptionally easy to clean, requiring only regular sweeping and occasional mopping to keep them looking their best. This low-maintenance aspect is particularly appealing to busy Atlanta residents who prefer to spend their time enjoying the city's vibrant culture and entertainment scene rather than worrying about household chores.
In addition to their durability and ease of maintenance, hardwood floors also offer health benefits. Unlike carpet, which can harbor dust, allergens, and pet dander, hardwood floors provide a cleaner and healthier indoor environment, especially for allergy sufferers. By eliminating potential allergen traps, hardwood floors contribute to better indoor air quality, promoting overall health and well-being.
Beyond their practical benefits, hardwood floors also add value to Atlanta homes. In a competitive real estate market, hardwood floors are a highly sought-after feature that can significantly increase the resale value of a property. Prospective buyers are often willing to pay a premium for homes with hardwood floors, recognizing their timeless appeal and lasting quality.
For homeowners looking to install hardwood floors in Atlanta, there are numerous reputable flooring companies and contractors to choose from. Whether you prefer the convenience of prefinished hardwood or the customization options of site-finished flooring, experienced professionals can guide you through the selection and installation process, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience from start to finish.
hardwood floors offer a winning combination of beauty, durability, and value that make them an ideal choice for Atlanta homeowners. With their timeless elegance and practical benefits, hardwood floors have become a beloved feature in homes across the city, adding warmth and sophistication to any space. Whether you're renovating a historic property or building your dream home from scratch, hardwood floors are sure to enhance your living experience in Atlanta for years to come.
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ut-anomalous · 8 months
Undertale: Anomalous.
A new Role Change AU that's A LITTLE Different than you'd Expect.
SANS takes the Role of TORIEL. He is the Lifeguard of The COAST.
PAPYRUS takes the Role of ASGORE. He is the CHIEF of the Subterranean Realm.
SUSIE takes the Role of UNDYNE. She is a rebellious student at Cloudy Cliffs Academy.
NOELLE takes the Role of ALPHYS. She is a member of the Monster Scouts trying to raise money for her Father's treatment.
TORIEL takes the Role of ASRIEL. She is the Former queen who died in a tragic accident.
ASGORE takes the role of CHARA. He is the former King who died in a tragic accident.
CHARA takes the role of MONSTER KID. They are a human, and a student at Cloudy Cliffs academy.
ASRIEL takes the role of MUFFET. He, Like Noelle, is a member of the Monster Scouts.
UNDYNE takes the role of GRILLBY. She has a Diner Called Spears and Grease.
ALPHYS takes the role of BURGERPANTS. She is the Scout leader for the Monster Scouts and you can go to her to buy Monster Scout products.
AZREAL from HELLSPAWNTALE REBOOTED takes the role of SANS. They are the Sidekick to the Maple Mage.
EMILY from HELLSPAWNTALE REBOOTED takes the role of PAPYRUS. She is the Maple Mage.
HELLSPAWN from HELLSPAWNTALE REBOOTED takes the role of NAPSTABLOOK. She is a former Member of the Monster Scouts who likes slacking off in The COAST.
FROST from HELLSPAWNTALE REBOOTED takes the role of METTATON. He is the top fundraiser in the Monster Scouts and has a goal of helping Noelle get the money she needs for her Father.
Frisk stays the same as always, just a little change in design.
Muffet, Grillby, and Burgerpants all work at Undyne’s diner.
There are 4 locations of Spears and Grease. The one in The COAST has Muffet, the one in Maple Midtown has Grillby, the one in Cloudy Cliffs has Bpants, and the one in Frigid Fields is run by Undyne herself.
Blooky and MTT still appear in the AU. Alphys is the retired royal scientist who retired after the DT experiments. MTT is a Frigid Fields Miniboss. He’s got the box.
Blooky is a Maple Midtown Miniboss.
The Underground is Renamed to be "The Subterranean Realm."
The SOUL is renamed to be the ESSENCE. It is Diamond Shaped.
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The default Textbox font is The Earthbound Font. Menus and Battles still use Determination.
The textboxes use a purple earthbound Border.
The RUINS becomes The COAST.
SNOWDIN becomes Maple Midtown.
WATERFALL becomes Cloudy Cliffs.
HOTLAND becomes Frigid Fields.
NEW HOME becomes The Central.
The DELTA RUNE is replaced by the AMONA SOUL
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The battles are in the DELTARUNE style.
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AU and BLOG created by @its-the-univer-blog
Hellspawntale rebooted also created by Univer, @hellspawntale-rebooted
Asks are open for Frisk, Chara, Sans, Papyrus, Noelle, Azreal, Deter, Emily, Susie, Hellspawn, Frost, Asriel, Flowey, Mettaton, Blooky, Muffet, Grillby, Burgerpants, and Undyne.
Or you could just ask me if you have any questions about the AU itself.
[NAME REDACTED] Lab Entries.
SNOWDIN becomes Maple Midtown, with Emily Acting as the Maple Mage, and Azreal as her Sidekick. They are both basically zombies of 2 of the fallen humans who lost their memories, but still had leftover DT in them. They somehow can live without their ESSENCES attached to them, and as long as their ESSENCES are around, they can still feel love. Their ESSENCES are returned to them In true Pacifist and All neutral routes. (Except if Emily Dies)
WATERFALL becomes Cloudy Cliffs, the only area in the Subterranean Realm with Clouds. Susie is a rebellious student at the prestigious Academy where Monsters learn about their history and how to fly using Their Academy Jetpacks. Frisk is mistaken for a new student and is partnered with Chara for the assignment of going through the entirety of Cloudy Cliffs. Susie attacks Frisk because she NEEDS the A+ or she'll be sent back to live at home, and she DOES NOT want that, so she stops Frisk a lot along the way to try and get ahead of Frisk. Chara also grows pretty close to Frisk and realizes not ALL humans are bad. Chara then becomes a permanent party member.
HOTLAND becomes Frigid Fields, where Monster scout Noelle Holiday, is raising funds for her Father's treatment. Asriel is a Monster Scout too, and eventually, at the end of it all, we find Frost forcing you into a REAL battle so he can help Noelle. He fights you in the SCOUT HEADQUARTERS, which is what the CORE becomes.
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robertnelson2-blog · 1 year
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Azreal and Emily. A... Thing.
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As some of you know, Azreal and Emily are two main Characters in Hellspawntale Rebooted. But, who are they REALLY? Well, that's what this post is all about. Azreal and Emily.
SECTION ONE. Their Characters.
Azreal is a kindhearted child. They are a bit shy sometimes, but not around people they trust. They do have their breaking points though, specifically when someone they care for is in danger or when their horrible excuse for a sister comes around and tries to take them away again. (sarah fucking sucks.) They are canonically the LEAST determined human to fall into the Underground and only have Saving and Loading abilities due to Univer forcing them into Azreal. (with the power of plot i bestoweth upon thee time travel.)
Emily is The Patience Soul. She was awoken by Azreals fall. She was kind of just following them (Along with Frisk, Hellspawn, and eventually Frost.) Around until.. In Waterfall, after Azreal bought some Sea Tea, and then THIS Scene happened. (Recreated with the new sprites :P)
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And with that, Emily got a crush on Azreal. However, she would not truly act on it until..
The CORE! After an encounter with an old foe, She encouraged Azreal about how they're a good person, And THAT's when Azzy started to like Emily back. Yes, yes, I know, throwing romance into a story isn't really exciting, but I found it fun.
The moment they for sure knew they liked eachother, however, was When Azreal saved Emily from Asriel (the goat one) during Twisted Timeline.
However, they did not become an official couple until the VERY end of the Christmas Arc of this Askblog, which takes place after the story of Hellspawntale Rebooted.
BOTH are mostly self aware, knowing they are part of just one of many universes. (Thanks to the In-Universe Character of Univer giving them a crash course on all things UTDR MV) They also know about the fact the Askers aren't from the same world as them. They both also have canonically played Undertale Yellow, as with the Help of Univer they can indeed download and play these games from our world.
They are, however, still just kids.
Section TWO. Azreal's LOOORRRREEEE.
Azreal is a descendant of a monster and human family. They can use Magic. They only recently learned how to, though. Magic they canonically learn to use (at some point) is:
Fireball power
Teleportation of objects and self
Plant magic
Healing spells
and Telepathy
They're kinda OP. Currently though they only have access to Fireballs.
Azreal also adopted the annoying dog and named him Toby (thanks to Univer suggesting the name HMM I WONDER WHERE THEY GOT THE IDEA)
Azreal also was friends with Frisk BEFORE their fall.
SECTION THREE. Emily: Where was she in Hellspawntale prebooted?!?
First off: We don't talk about Prebooted.
Second: Uhhh, Dead? Yeah, this section is basically to explain why Emily was added in as a main Character for prebooted.
I wanted to have someone other than chara ALSO travel with Azreal and Frisk as a ghost, HOWEVER, I ALSO kinda wanted a Love Interest for Azzy.
Emily didn't even reveal her name until New Home, by the way. Although it always was going to be "Emily." I just liked the name.
SECTION FOUR: Appearances in my other AUs?
As you may or may not know, In Univer's Underswap, Azreal and Emily appear as Robots built by undyne for Two ghost monsters (That are NOT related) to use as vessels. She based them off of (insert ambiguious anime couple she saw).
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In Undertale Anomalous, However...
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Emily takes the Role of Papyrus, and Azreal takes the role of Sans. Don't let that fool you, though! These two are NOT siblings, nor do they see eachother as Siblings. Instead, they are the corpses of 2 fallen humans, that, with the little DT they still had after the experiments, fled their coffins, and surprisingly made it all the way to Maple Midtown. There, they learned how to survive so well they basically started to function like they were monsters. Even going so far as to be able make their skin look relatively normal aside from it's strange color. They protect the citizens of Maple Midtown as The maple mage (and her "lovely" sidekick. Her words not mine.)
SECTION FIVE: Wait, Univer, I thought you were on Hiatus? What's with this post?
I finished the main story of yo-kai watch 3 so i won't be playing as excessively anymore. I'll still be playing, just more balanced. Or at least I'll try to be.
Anyway, uhhh...
Hiatus over!
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jacksondreynolds · 2 years
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Homemade heart-shaped vegan buckwheat waffles topped with chopped strawberries and bananas, drizzled with pure maple syrup, perfectly completemed with a fresh French press coffee with hot frothed soy milk, all compliments of Elizabeth 🧇 🍓 🍌 ☕️ 🌱 #veganfood #vegan #plantbased #veganlife #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #vegetarian #food #whatveganseat #govegan #veganism #foodporn #foodie #healthy #healthylifestyle #vegano #veganfoodie #veganfoodporn #vegansofinstagram #instafood #veganlifestyle #crueltyfree #veganeats #foodphotography #plantbasedfood #vegancommunity #plantbaseddiet (at MAA Midtown Phoenix) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqJpWPbP_iB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thisislizheather · 2 years
The Best of 2022
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I’ll forever love a best-of-the-year list, so off we go.
Waking up at dawn to walk through Central Park during a snowstorm.
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Above Photo: Central Park during a snowstorm, January 2022
Visiting part one of the In America exhibit at The Met. And then revisiting it a few months later with updated pieces.
Seeing Debra Messing in the play Birthday Candles on Broadway.
Finally visiting the incredible New York Transit Museum.
Taking Baby Dog to Central Park each season.
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Above Photo: Baby Dog in Central Park, February 2022
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Above Photo: Baby Dog in Central Park, April 2022
I went blonder than I’ve ever blonded before.
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Above Photo: Blonde Liz, March 2022
Seeing American Buffalo with Sam Rockwell at Circle in the Square theatre with Nathan. Just incredible.
Traveling to England, Spain, Scotland, Barbados, Las Vegas and Los Angeles! (Individual posts for those coming soon, I swear!)
Seeing Mr. Saturday Night with Billy Crystal on Broadway. Love that man.
Finding the real Amityville house and seeing it in person.
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Above Photo: The house from The Amityville Horror, July 2022
Going to Kim’s Video Store in Manhattan.
Visiting my best friend Harmeet’s lake house in the summer.
Having my first tea service with my friend Marla at the cutest place The Wild Tart - and then visiting the Elora quarry and gorge (where scenes from It were filmed).
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Above Photo: Elora Quarry, August 2022
Rediscovering my love for Halloween sitcom episodes.
Continuing to crush Halloween.
Seeing the Thierry Mugler exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum.
Visiting the newly opened Museum of Broadway.
Zucchini Lasagna
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Above Photo: Zucchini lasagna
Sour Cream Banana Bread
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Above Photo: Sour cream banana bread
Lemon Brown Butter Salmon
Antoni Porowski’s Moroccan-Style Lamb Bolognese
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Above Photo: Antoni Porowski’s lamb bolognese
Soft Pumpkin Cookies with Salted Maple Icing
Leftover Turkey Sandwiches with Stuffing Waffles
The wild mushroom soup with truffle oil & mascarpone at Giorgio’s of Gramercy.
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Above Photo: Didn’t even mind how burned this bread was THAT’S HOW GOOD THIS SOUP IS, Giorgio’s of Gramercy
The seasonal lemon poppy seed cruller at Daily Provisions.
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Above Photo: Lemon poppy seed cruller from Daily Provisions
The mussels from The Independent in Midtown.
The burger at The Sparrow Tavern in Astoria.
The chocolate peanut butter pie at The Angelika.
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Above Photo: Chocolate peanut butter pie at The Angelika
The french onion soup dumplings from Mimi Cheng’s.
The steak Diane from Dowling’s at The Carlyle.
Every single pasta at Rezdora.
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Above Photo: Truffle Raviolo (the giant raviolo with black truffles), the Grandma Walking Through Forest in Emilia (the green pasta), the Maccheroni al Pettine with duck ragu, Rezdôra NYC, March 2022
The burger au poivre at Raoul’s.
The roasted corn and couscous risotto with parmesan from Glass House Tavern.
Crab cakes from Bar Crudo in Brooklyn.
Every single thing at Bazaar Meat By Jose Andres in Las Vegas.
The absolute best BLT I’ve ever had at Sala in Astoria (served at brunch only).
The Golden Girls: I never watched it growing up but it’s wild what a great show it was.
Malice: Okay, do you know anything about this movie? If not, don’t look it up. Just watch it. I was ON CLOUD NINE watching this one. So many twists, there’s a great Alex Baldwin monologue in it, it’s just a party of a movie. Especially if you love early 90s semi-sexy psychological thrillers, WHICH I DO. Such a great movie.
Trapped: Nathan’s first season premiered and was reviewed in The Globe and Mail!
Top Gun Maverick: I know, who even am I? This is so out of character, but I loved it.
PEN15: Best new show I’ve seen in years. All women born in the mid 80s need to watch it.
The Thomas Crown Affair: Love 90s movies like this.
The Bear: Just a great first season.
The Summer I Turned Pretty: This was just a perfect summer/teen show that I didn’t know that I needed.
Barbarian: Such a perfect movie. Bill Skarsgård can do absolutely no wrong.
The Crown: Depressing to binge watch all at once, but really good overall.
Bob’s Burgers (Christmas episode): I WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT IT.
The lip exfoliator & lip butter from Three Ships.
Every single tee tree product at The Body Shop. (As well as their whole Wild Pine collection.)
The AG Hair Colour Savour Mask that Ulta has apparently stopped selling?!
Gorgeous address labels from Zazzle.
Vicks bath crystals.
Aerie black leggings with pockets.
Holler And Glow foot mask from Target.
Black, tulle slip dress from Free People.
The sandwiches at Alidoro in the West Village.
Sullivan Street Bakery.
Angelina Bakery in Bryant Park.
Literally all Kylie Skin products.
Any product described as “lip oil” - BUY SOME DAMN LIP BALM FOR THE SAME EFFECT, PEOPLE.
So many recipes from Half Baked Harvest (the ginger sesame noodles with mushrooms and the sesame garlic chili oil noodles, for example). It’s a beautifully curated site but with such lackluster flavours in the recipes.
SLT. I love pilates, but this was just wretched.
The continued celebration of The Kardashians.
Part Two of the In America exhibit at The Met.
Halloween Ends. Just a mess of a movie.
A Christmas Carol (the one-man show on Broadway) was hell on earth.
I stand by all of these opinions!
And here are my favourites from 2021, if you’re interested!
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itadon · 2 years
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