#mario luigi wario waluigi
s-creations · 3 months
The Cactus Flower of Sarasaland Desert
The arrival of an old ally brings along a new adventure- Ope, nope we're playing a game, apparently.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario & Luigi & Wario & Waluigi, Princess Peach & Princess Daisy, Princess Daisy & Waluigi Additional Tags: Toadswort, small appearance by Captain Toad, named OCs, past relationships, Daisy's here!, small lore drops, building to something bigish, I mean it will be big, but like on the ish side, does that make sense?, violence comes from playing the game, also there is cursing, just a heads up, one f bomb is dropped, more tags to be added later if needed.
It was a quiet, comfortable morning that dawned over the Mushroom Kingdom. Cafes were already open, preparing for the earlier rises as all went about caring for the kingdom they lived in. As the sun began to reach the outer wall, the guards already stationed greeted their replacements with tired smiles. 
“Good morning you two, anything to report?” The Green-Spotted Toad asked as he passed the wrapped breakfast sandwich to his co-worker. 
The Purple-Spotted Toad shook their head, “Thankfully no. I feel like we’re due a few days of calmness after all the craziness.” 
“Ha! You’re asking for a miracle with that one,” the Orange-Spotted Toad laughed.
The Blue-Capped Toad huffed weakly as he downed his sandwich quickly. “Don’t call chaos back here. If you speak it, it’ll appear.”
“You worry too much! Let’s just relax, enjoy this morning and-”
“Um, is that a dirt cloud I see on the horizon?”
All four fell quiet as their eyes turned towards that direction. Sure enough, there was a large plume of dirt that was ever growing, coming towards the kingdom. After a moment to pause, taking in what they were seeing, there was a scramble to gather their weapons again as a desperate attempt to defend the gate. 
Only for the panic to fall away when the familiar red-cap of Captain Toad crested the hill.
“Oh! It’s just the captain! See, nothing to worry about.”
“He’s running awfully fast.”
“Maybe he’s just excited to be home. Remember when he’d been gone for like, what, 6 months? Nothing could pry him from his bed once he got back!”
“Oh, yeah! What had he been looking for?” 
“Some weird gem shaped thing. A star, I think?”
“I heard it was a heart.”
“No, no, no, it was the sun!”
“That’s not-”
“Get out of the way!”
The four guards were barreled over as Captain Toad ran past them. All letting out groans, trying to sit back up as the captain’s form disappeared into the kingdom. On his part, Captain Toad was tearing his way across the wide lands. Civilians just barely getting out of the way as he rushed by. All whispering curiously as the dust cloud disappeared, wondering what new thing had possibly been discovered. It must be important if he was running that fast. 
The guards stationed at the castle’s front scrambled to get to the doors once they realized who was approaching them. Just able to open the doors a crack to allow the rushing Toad in. 
Captain Toad’s path was finally halted when, upon entering the great hall, he collided. Hard. With Luigi. The sudden hit caused both involved to end up as a heap of pain on the polished floor. Luigi let out a low groan while the captain started to sit up. 
Mario was instantly at Luigi’s side. Helping his brother in sitting up while frantically whispering, “Are you okay?”
To which Luigi nodded slowly.
“Captain Toad, what is the meaning of this unwarranted intrusion!” Toadsworth huffed out as said Toad finally got up. 
Captain Toad’s face was flushed, breathing heavily as he tried to collect himself. “...I…saw… I have to…tell…”
“Well, spit it out good Toad, what’s going on!”
“Toadsworth,” Peach said softly. Placing a hand on her caretaker’s shoulder before addressing Captain Toad. “Try to take a few deep breaths, okay? You’re safe here.”
Instead of agreeing, Captain Toad shook his head. “West border… They… I saw them….”
“Who?” Mario worriedly asked, thinking Bowser was trying a new tactic.
The name meant nothing to the twins. Both even assumed for a moment that the captain had just merely sneezed. For the rest of the room, however, there was a clear shift. Not the same as when the BeanBean Kingdom’s letter was read. But there was a sudden nervous feeling in the air.
“Oh… Oh gosh, Toadsworth, did you?” Peach asked nervously.
“I’ve sent no correspondents to said kingdom, nor have they sent us anything in return.” The elder Toad said quietly.
“Okay, well, they’re apparently arriving now. That’s fine. We…can handle that. We had a good trial run with the Beanbean Kingdom, now to do it again!”
With that, Peach addressed the rest of the room, royalty mode engaged as she handed out orders. Checking on the guest rooms, having them all prepared just in case. Commanding for word to be sent to the kitchen to make a welcoming meal. Making sure all Toads had a job to do in order to get this place ready.  
“So…I’m assuming we’re greeting this kingdom and it’s not a threat?” inquired Luigi softly. 
“Ah, well, possibly,” Toadsworth replied, “I mean, no, I suppose that’s wrong. The last correspondence we have with the Sarasaland King was when our King was still alive and… Let’s just say it did not end well.”
“What happened?”
“A disagreement about how to proceed with the Bowser threat.”
“Was Bowser already attacking at that point?” Luigi asked.
“No. But we were aware of the strength the Koopa Kingdom was growing. With a few of the kingdoms already closing their borders, as a preemptive strike to all of this. The fear we felt was simmering at that point. King Olivine had practically begged King Matsutake to come up with some kind of plan. But…Queen Dahlia’s health was starting to decline at that point and his focus was not on the want for a war.” 
Toadsworth let out a small sigh, “I will admit, King Matsutake was not thinking straight. He was focused more on his wife and family than his kingdom. Which, in turn, angered King Olivine. The last words he shared were, ‘If you care so little for anything outside your bubble, then allow me to be one less burden’. And he left.”
“And…he never came back?” 
“If the kingdom is arriving, does that mean that they’re…attempting to reconnect?” Mario proposed. 
“Possibly, but we won’t know until they arrive. Hopefully King Olivine doesn’t view this as a chance to ‘control’.”
“Would he try?”
“If he believed it would be a way to remember his fallen friend, I do believe so. We didn’t exactly prove ourselves determined to fight back. King Olivine might have determined that this would be a good time to stake a claim.”
Mario frowned softly in thought, “...Isn’t the timing weird?”
“I mean, if this king was that concerned, wouldn’t he have arrived long before this to help? Say, after the first time Peach had been taken?” 
Toadsworth tapped his cane on the ground in thought. “Interesting point you have there… There’s also the possibility of arriving for the same reason the BeanBean Kingdom reached out. You two. See how you both actually stack up and if your arrival is something he should be concerned about.”
“Like…using us to take over another kingdom?”
 “Perhaps, if King Olivine is paranoid.”
“How concerned should we be?”
“I’m not quite sure. I will remark that it’s strange that there was no correspondence about their arrival. Even if he was still heated about the previous meeting, King Olivine always sent an announcement about him coming. He was never one for surprises. Which is a shocker, given his daughter’s personality. This is strange,” Toadsworth let out a huff, “Regardless, we’ll have to push past that for now. Answers will arrive soon enough, and hopefully, they’ll be good.”
It took about an hour to get everything as ready as they possibly could. Unable to rally the troops fast enough to offer a greeting outside as they had done for the BeanBean Kingdom. All now held in the throne room, waiting nervously for their unannounced guest to finally arrive. 
Soon enough, the grand doors opened and a dusty brown bi-pidal mouse entered the large room. Dressed in light weight garbs of blue and green, they stepped to the center. Offering a bow to Peach before speaking.
“Greetings to the current ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach.” said the mouse, voice a little squeaky but well heard. 
“Aw, they’re so cute.” Luigi whispered softly, which Mario nodded in agreement with.
“Please pardon our unannounced arrival. However, our ruler wished to reach out for help on a rather delicate matter. Please allow me to announce-”
“Dew, you’re taking too long!”
The grand doors were opened once more. But not by the guards standing by. But with a rather violent kick that forced them apart so hard they actually bounced off the walls. A princess with deep tanned skin, wearing a brilliant yellow dress with orange accents that was hefted up to not get in the way as she practically stomped her way in. Hair a deep brown was tied up in a high ponytail with a golden crown rested on top. Brilliant green eyes narrowed, focusing on the mouse in front of her. 
The mouse named Dew looked a little panicked as she was joined by the princess. “Your highness, you were supposed to wait.”
“And I was getting bored. You know I hate stuffy introductions.” 
“You mean the royal procedures.”
“Daisy?” Peach stood up from her throne, eyes wide in surprise.
“Peach!” The narrowed eyes disappeared instantly, Daisy was now beaming with wide arms outstretched towards the other. “I’ve missed you so much! It’s been so long, can you believe it? A few years feels like a few decades. Ugh, and it’s been so boring! You look great by the way, absolutely gorgeous. I’m so excited to be here I could scream!”
“Princess Daisy,” Toadsworth interrupted the princess’s ramblings, “where…is King Olivine?”
“Oh, back at the kingdom.” Daisy admitted weakly. Her emotions shifted quickly to a sheepish but clearly not caring smile. Still standing tall with her head tilted to the side.
“Back at the- Does your father even know you’re here?”
“Ah, I mean, he probably knows by now. I did take my favorite carriage and my guards. So…yeah.”
“I- You- Why would you-” Toadsworth let out a heavy sigh before muttering out, “How joyous to see you rebellious streak has remained and apparently grown over the years.”
“And I’m very happy to see you’re still a grump.” Daisy replied with a wide smirk, arms crossed. The smug look of victory quickly dropped away and shifted to amazement and curiosity as her attention shifted to Mario and Luigi. “Holy shit, no way!”
“Princess Daisy, language, please!” Dew called out pleadingly. But it fell on deaf, pointed ears. 
Daisy climbed the stairs two at a time with such speed that Mario and Luigi stepped away. Finding themselves trapped by the castle wall as Daisy leaned in closely.
“Oh, Daisy-” Peach weakly started.
“Oh, my, Grambi! Look at you two! Look at your ears, whoa, they’re so round. That’s so weird! Are you the heroes everyone’s talking about? You have to be. But you’re so…blah. No offense. But I’m just saying, you’re unassuming. Which is probably a good thing. An element of surprise kind of thing. What’s with the matching outfits? Kind of silly. But I like your hats!”
“Daisy!” Peach was able to pull away the other princess from the brothers. Looking a little exhausted but offered a soft smile back. “Not that it is not wonderful to see you again. But this is all so sudden. What… Why are you here?”
“Oh, well, a lot of reasons. Biggest one being that I heard you had the BeanBean Kingdom here before you even invited me back! I mean, major props for getting a kingdom out of self-exile. But still! Feeling a little left out.”
“To be fair, they sort of came here on their own,” Peach admitted, “We didn’t even know they were coming until we got the letter.” 
Daisy waved her hand. “Find, pull that one off the list. Still a little upset that you wouldn’t send an invite afterwards. But I had to find out through even more rumors and gossip that you have human heroes! Human. Heroes. Are you joking? Why would you keep something like this from me!” 
“It’s been a little crazy over here.” 
“Has your father talked about rebuilding kingdom relations?”
“Peachy-Pie, do I need to remind you that he doesn’t even know I’m here?” 
“What? I told you, I just left!”
“You didn’t even leave a note telling him where you were going?”
“No! Oh…I probably should have.” 
As Peach let out an exasperated sigh, Mario decided to step forward. “Um, Daisy. Princess Daisy. Uh, your highness?”
“You are so adorable being all unsure,” Daisy laughed, “Daisy will be just fine.”
“Okay, Daisy. Clearly this is more than just a casual visit.”
“Says who?”
Mario huffed, “Oh, I don’t know. How about the fact that you left your kingdom under secrecy? Probably in the middle of the night.” 
“Maybe I just really wanted to meet the new heroes.”
“You mean the only heroes.”
“Whatever. I’m excited, this is big news.”
“But why? Couldn’t you just, I don’t know, make us aware of your arrival? This is a whole lot of sneaking around to just see two people. Especially dangerous if you didn’t even inform your father, the king, where you would be going. Which, to me, sounds like you’re doing something beyond the scope of just wanting to visit. Wouldn’t a king want to rebuild a strong partnership with other kingdoms? Shouldn’t he be on board with that idea? So why sneak a visit? Unless this is more than just a casual meet and greet.”
For just a moment, Daisy deflated. Enough for Mario to get the idea that, whatever was happening, it was something larger than he expected. 
But there wasn’t a chance given to inquire further when the left hand side doors were opened. Allowing a flood of chaos to flow into the main hall. The kitchen staff were shouting in absolute furry as they chased Wario and Waluigi. Who were covering their heads with their hands as items were thrown at them. Attempting to argue back, but were quickly silenced. 
“What in Grambi’s name is happening?” Peach called out as she approached the chaos.
“We found these two eating from the prepared meals that you'd requested!” The closest chef responded, rolling pin brandished as a sword. 
“You’re making food you haven’t touched in years! How are we supposed to keep our hands to ourselves?” Wario argued back with a huff.
“The food was for our guests, not for you!”
“We’re guests! …Technically.”
“You’re pests!”
“Wait,” Waluigi stood a little straighter as the information fully hit him, “we have guests? Since when?”
“You absolute fucking bitch!”
Before Waluigi could turn towards the new voice, he was hit hard in the head with a yellow heeled shoe. Unable to recover when Daisy launched herself at him. Both now screaming and yelling as they rolled around on the floor. Daisy clearly trying to do as much damage as she could, as quickly as she could. While Waluigi was doing his best to keep the princess at bay. 
Just as Daisy attempted to claw at Waluigi’s eyes they were finally separated. Luigi and Peach with Waluigi. While Mario, Wario, Toadsworth, and Dew were clambered around Daisy. 
“...Hello princess.” Waluigi mumbled out weakly.
“Don’t you dare!’ Daisy hissed back, “How dare you just- Where the hell did you go and when the hell did you get back!” 
“New Donk City and a while ago. Here’s your shoe, by the way.”
Snatching it back, green eyes narrowed on Waluigi further. “That’s it? That’s all I get?” 
“Good to see your sour moods are just as puckering as before.”
There was another outcry as Daisy, heel still in hand, tried to land another hit. Held back once more. 
“Okay, so, how about this?” Peach started cautiously, “How about we go our separate ways for a bit? I’ll answer any questions you have, Daisy. To the best of my ability. And we’ll take the time to just cool off.”
While the offer wasn’t given to him, Waluigi visibly relaxed at the sound of the plan. Luigi, from his angle, was able to get a clear view of the princess in yellow. More importantly, her face. And he was a little worried when Daisy’s heavy pout suddenly shifted to a nefarious gleam. Before Luigi could question it further, said princess let out a heavy, dramagic sigh. 
“Fine, I know Waluigi’s not great with handling things on his own. He does need others to pull his weight.” 
Waluigi tensed at that. Fear replaced with a small bit of defiance. “Excuse you?”
“Well, I mean, we haven't seen each other in so long. Guess your drive to be the ‘better person’ and ‘handle things on your own’ just isn’t there anymore. Did the city make you soft?”
“Like hell I am!” 
“Waluigi…” Wario said softly as if that would, in any way, defuse the situation.
Instead he and Mario were practically barreled over as Daisy stepped forwards. Now wearing a wild smile as she practically shouts, “Then why don’t you put your pride where your mouth is! If you’re so sure you’re that man you were trying to be, then how about a little game to see your perseverance? You and me, one-on-one, a game of Striker!” 
“Striker?” Mario and Luigi asked in unison, clearly confused. 
While the rest let out a collective groan of, “Oh no…”
Waluigi sneered down at Daisy, who didn’t back down. “You’re on!”
“One hour, on the field!”
“No problem!” 
They both turned a sharp 180 and stomped down a different side hallway. Dew and Peach frantically followed Daisy while Wario tried to catch up to his brother. 
Leaving the twins in the grand hall with a group of Toads who let out a collective sigh. 
“Why do I have a feeling we’ll never have a ‘normal’ first greeting with anyone here?” Luigi frowned softly. 
On Mario’s part, he turned to Toadsworth and asked, “What is Striker?”
“An accursed game that’s far too rough for my liking… But I suppose I only have an hour to get ready what I can. Follow along you two. Let’s get you acquainted.”
With a confused shrug to each other, the twins followed Toadsworth to the back of the castle. 
“Princess Daisy, I implore you that you reconsider all of this and just talk like a-” Dew let out a small squeak as part of Daisy’s outfit was suddenly draped over her. Peach removed it with a smile before addressing her childhood friend. 
“Is this really necessary?”
Daisy’s head peeked around from the partition with a heavy frown on her face. “With how upset I am, you know this is the best way to get my aggravation out.”
“I mean… Yes, I understand. But our first time back together after so many years and you want to start it with playing a game? You came here for a reason. Whatever it is, that should be our first priority.” 
“Hey, you’re the one who didn’t invite me after ‘so many years’. I made the move to come back here on my own. The least you can do is allow for this avenue of pent up aggression! Besides, a good game can really bring us together.” 
“Even the ones where you bash everyone into the ground?”
“You know it!”
Peach let out a small sigh, “If it was over a tactics game, sure. But Strikers tends to bring out…the really competitive side of you.” 
“It’s one of my better sides.” Daisy emerged from behind the divider. Posing as she showed off the brilliant yellow-orange jersey outfit with black protective pads and helmet. 
“Glad to see it still fits.” Peach softly commented. 
“And I still make it look good. Hope Waluigi is ready to get his butt kicked!”
Daisy let out a boisterous laugh as she led the way out of the room. Peach and Dew exchanging nervous looks before following after. 
The princess dressed in sport armor led the way through the castle. The many years absence clearly did not hinder her memory of the place. As in no time, the trio were outside. Heading straight to a large field surrounded by bleachers with overgrown grass and weeds everywhere. There was a small group of Toads taking care of the foliage. Others followed along to point white lines with a few more setting up large goals on either ends of the field. 
“Wow Peach, you really let the place go.” Daisy commented. 
Peach offered a shrug with, “I haven’t really held a reason to upkeep it. But it looks like you’ll be able to play soon enough.”
Picking up the pace, Daisy made her way to the small group already waiting on the sideline. 
Waluigi was wearing a similar outfit and equipment to Daisy’s, except being purple instead of yellow. Stretching as he eyed the field, waiting tensely to finally be allowed on. Paying no attention to Daisy as she joined them. Who casually dropped an arm around the twin’s shoulders. 
“I’m assuming someone was kind enough to catch you two up to speed?” She said, giving a little shake to Mario’s shoulders. 
“We understand the basics, I suppose.” Mario answered, “Kind of like football. Just, way more intense. Like ‘I’m almost worried people are going to die if we’re not careful’ kind of situation.” 
“Nah, if you know what you’re doing, you’ll be fine. Besides, you’re just watching for today. Nothing to worry your little head over.” 
“Unless your kicks are as wildly off placed as they were when we were younger. Then we have plenty to worry over.” Waluigi replied with a monotone voice. Able to hold back a flinch as Daisy got in his face. 
“Say that again, you gangly limbed monstrosity.” 
“If you want to prove me wrong, do so with the game you so desperately want.” 
“I’m going to kick your ass so badly you’re not going to be able to sit for a month.”
“Your highness, please,” Dew whispered fearfully. 
Toadsworth took a more forceful approach. “None of that, Princess Daisy. And do keep your mouth in check as well, Waluigi. You’ll both have your chance to work out whatever this is on the field. Now, does anyone need a reminder of the rules? Namely those dealing with making sure to not purposely injure your partner.”
Beady eyes narrowed as they darted between Waluigi and Daisy. Both of whom gave an off handed reply of ‘No’, while not looking at anyone.
“Very well. Then we’ll make this a simple game. One round, the first person to reach 5 points wins.”
“Awww, come on! We’ll be over in 10 minutes with those limitations!” Daisy pouted. 
“Then you best make the most out of the situation as I’m not allowing a free for all. That is all I’m allowing.”
While she said nothing, Daisy’s crossed arms indicated that she wasn’t happy. But her silence said that she wasn’t going to argue back. 
In almost no time, the field was cleared off. Lines painted with two large field goals placed at opposite ends and a scoreboard behind both. The rest of the space was littered with large metal poles that allowed for space to move but added an interesting element to dodge. Curiously, the twins noted, there were a few power up boxes placed on the field as well. The group went to the stands while Daisy and Waluigi went to the field. Numerous Toads were dressed in referee outfits. Two of which were climbing into two strange shaped contraptions. Basically bowls with a propeller attached at the bottom. Mario and Luigi leaned forward in their seats with interest showing as the Toads were lifted up in the air. 
“How does that work?” Luigi eagerly asked. 
“You can ask them later. Now sit down you two. This is about to get a little crazy.” Wario warned as he gently pulled the two back down. 
Their question for clarification was answered when the ground let out a warning rumble. The painted lines gave way to metal beams that activated a semi-transparent screen of some kind that enclosed the field. The scoreboards that had been dark before suddenly lit to life. Each player's name flashing on with a large ‘0’ under each. The goals were latched down onto the stadium ground, lighting up as well with a hum of energy. 
“Whoa…” The twins whispered out,  eyes wide. 
One of the floating Toads moved to hover over the players. Who were unaffected by the sudden change. Attention still focused on each other. 
“Alright,” the Toad called out, “We’re going to make this a nice, clean game. Or, as best we can make it. One round, first person to reach 5 points wins. Are we clear?” 
There was a sharp nod from both. 
“Very well.” 
Same Toad dug into his vehicle and pulled out a very shiny green Koopa shell. Holding it up high for everyone to see. 
“Where did you get that?” Luigi asked, looking back to Peach and Toadsworth. 
“An heirloom for this specific game,” the elder Toad answered, “Handed down from countless generations.” 
“And it’s still going strong?”
“Koopa shells are something else.” 
A loud, shrilled tweet sounded. Pulling all attention back onto the field. Shell holding Toad game a little ‘Hup!’ as they tossed the shell in. Quickly darting back as the players dashed forward. 
In a blink of an eye, Daisy had claimed the shell. Giving it a hard kick to launch forward. Just barely avoiding Waluigi’s shoulder as it wizard by. The shell bounced off a few pillars before heading towards the goal. 
Waluigi grabbed one of the power ups, an Ice Flower, to quickly create a wall of ice that curved away from his goal. With a pillar of ice knocking the shell towards him. Once it was closer, Waluigi made sure to keep away from Daisy before sending it towards her goal. 
In retaliation, the desert princess actually pulled a pillar out of the ground and threw it to where it knocked the shell out of its path. Both players kept a close eye on it as it randomly knocked around the field. 
On the stands, Mario and Luigi were back on their feet. Trying to keep track of every movement as closely as they could. Leaning over the beams to get a closer look.
“This is so intense!” Luigi tapped his feet in excitement. Both pulled away slightly when the shell hit against the barrier. Uncomfortably close to their face. 
“It’s actually rather tame for both of them, to be honest,” Wario commented calmly, “Must be out of practice.” 
“You’re joking.” Mario replied, heavy disbelief hear in his voice. 
“There’s a force field up for a reason.” 
Another shell impact proved Wario’s point. Sudden enough to cause the twins to jump back. 
“So…do we have a guess as to who's winning?” Luigi asked. 
Peach hummed softly as her eyes easily followed the shell, “That’s kind of a hard question to answer. They play differently enough to counteract each other.” 
“Waluigi is all about strategy,” Wario started, “You two know he likes to ‘plan’ what he wants. He just executes it quickly when he’s on the field. Works well for a fast paced game like this. He’s thin, quick, and overthinks. He’s in and out before anyone can make a move. On the other hand, Daisy is-”
All fell quiet as Waluigi launched another ‘attack’ to the opposing goal. Which was halted almost immediately when Daisy, arms raised to at least block her face, used herself as a blockade. Her arms may become bruised. But at least she was allowed to claim the shell once more and knock it to the opposite side of the field. 
“Daisy is headstrong.” Peach finished sheepishly. Laughing at the twin’s open mouths of surprise that were turned towards her. “Waluigi may be the planner. But she is a walking powerhouse.” 
“Honestly, her goals come more from launching the shell as far away from her side as quickly as possible. Which will occasionally just put it in the goal.” Toadsworth added dryly.
The princess laughed softly, “How true.” 
A loud ‘ding’ sounded from the field, which was followed by Daisy’s loud cheering. 
“And that’s how it’s done!” Daisy pumped her first in the air. Turning to Waluigi with a smug, sly smirk on her face. “Someone seems to be slipping.” 
Waluigi let out a low grumble. Not looking away from Daisy as the shell was dropped into his opened hand. “We just got started, princess.”
“And it’ll be over before you know it. Especially if you keep playing like this.”
“At least I’m not reliant on luck.”
“I am not!”
One of the referees blew their whistle. “Calm down you two. Get your issues out with the game. That’s kind of the reason why we’re here.”
There was a quick huff as acknowledgement and the game picked up once more. 
It was clear to the twins as to why Toadsworth gave the limitation of one game with only 5 points as the marker. While this game was fast paced, neither Daisy or Waluigi backed down. It seemed that, when one scored, the other would do so only a few minutes later. However, getting to the point where one got the leg up on the other was where the true time was spent. Even with only playing as a team of one for each side, they were able to cover every position perfectly. 
It was a war of few words and many actions. 
The sun had started to sink below the horizon when the game reached its peak. Both players had made it to 4 points each and were fighting hard to keep the other back from scoring another. Both refused to back down. Both looked absolutely ragged. Those in the stands were watching on with worry. 
“Shouldn’t we stop this? I feel like this is getting a little out of hand.” Luigi fearfully asked. 
“Trust me when I say that will make this so much worse.” Peach whispered back. 
“Caged animals don’t do well being backed into a corner.” Wario added. 
On the field, the referee Toad nervously handed the shell over to Waluigi. Who took a second to stand back up to take it. As he held the shell between his hands, Waluigi let out a slow breath and looked up to Daisy. 
“...How about we just call this a draw.”
Daisy’s head snapped up. A look of shock on her face that slipped away as she laughed. 
“You…want to draw?” She snorted out, “Big, over-achieving Waluigi wants to call a draw for a game.” 
“This is going on way too long. I’m exhausted. I know you are too. We’ve proved our points, so-”
“We haven’t proven anything!”
The field fell quiet at that. All wide eyes on Daisy as she clenched her fists. Waluigi a little taken aback with how angry the princess was. 
“What? You think smooth words will just make all of this okay? That we can just forget about this game and move on?” 
“I don’t-”
“Yes you do!” Daisy stomped her foot, “Why are you like this? You don’t just get to determine for everyone how we’re supposed to move on. We’re not your little machines that you can reprogram to fit the narrative that you want.”
“I’m…” Waluigi faulted, eyes flickering over to Wario before focusing on the situation once more. “I didn’t. I don’t.” 
“Oh, shut up, yes you do! You don’t get to just re-enter our lives and pretend everything’s fine. Did you let anyone know you were coming back? You certainly didn’t when you fucking left!” 
Waluigi’s frown deepened. 
“See! This is what you do. The moment you don’t want to deal with something, you just push it away. Pretend it’s not there. Pull away, don’t let anyone know what’s happening and just let us panic.”
“Shut up! You don’t get to just dump me and then leave like none of it mattered!”
As if realizing what she’d just said, Daisy pulled back. Eyes wide as she stared down Waluigi. Who also looked just as stunned. Daisy quickly yanked her helmet off and turned away. Storming off the field as everything was powered down. Just as she reached the edge did Waluigi follow after. Tossing the shell and his own helmet away as he did so. Only able to catch up with Daisy when they were in the castle. 
“Wait- Daisy, wait, let’s just…” Waluigi reached out to gently grab at her arm. 
Daisy pulled away quickly. But she did stop, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall. Both allow a few moments to catch a breath with a stretch of heavy silence hanging between them. 
“Why did you do it?” Daisy eventually whispered. 
Waluigi bit his bottom lip, “Do what?”
“Just leave? Were we such a bad thing that you had to flee the moment you could? Get away from me?”
“No! Fuck, no, it’s just… It was bad timing.”
Daisy gave a small laugh, shaking her head. “That’s an understatement. Do you know how much you hurt me? Hurt everyone? You just get up and leave in the middle of the night and expect nothing to happen?”
Stepping away slightly, Waluigi huffed before answering. “I mean, nothing has been directly said to me about it. But there have been hints of how I’ve…messed up.”
“...Answer my question. Why did you leave?”
“Because I was pissed!” Waluigi kicked the wall. “Do you know how much it sucks being the younger brother of a con artist? The youngest son of a liar? To come from a poor family with subpar education because half the time you couldn’t get there because you had no food or sleep? I felt like I was going nowhere, being stuck here. I felt like I was in a cage and if I didn’t leave, I was just…going to be here, forever.” 
“Is…that why we didn’t last? Because you’d be stuck?” Daisy asked. 
“No… Maybe?” Waluigi sighed softly. Sliding down along what cool wall until he was sitting down. Daisy shuffled over to sit down beside him. “I don’t know. I mean, it wasn’t a bad experience. And I liked being around you. But…it felt wrong. It was better when we were just friends. With that weird feeling… I won’t lie, it was the kick off for the whole crisis.” 
“What brought you back?”
“New Donk is a big city. I may have ideas, but I’m a bit too eager, I guess. Leaving without a solid plan was a bad move. So, I came back when things were not going great. I was stuck and…I just couldn't do it anymore.” 
Daisy let out a small sigh. Gently leaning against Waluigi. “You do overthink things.”
“Yeah… I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Well, I won’t lie, it was painful. I really thought I had done something wrong. It’s good to know it’s just your craziness.”
“Hey!” Waluigi huffed, but he did laugh. 
“What, you know I’m right!” Daisy argued back, “Have you…talked to Wario about this? About any of this?”
“No…I left so suddenly and came back just as random… I don’t know, it’s hard to explain what happened.”
“Didn’t you just tell me?”
Waluigi shifted, “Kind of… Sort of. Nothing that would satisfy Wario’s questions.”
“Why are you so complicated.”
“Because life is.”
“So…was that the only reason why you were so upset?” Waluigi looked over to Daisy as best he could. 
“Well, kind of. I think you were just the final straw to get me really upset,” the princess sighed, “I did come here because of the stories and…another thing.”
“Explain later. With everything that I had heard, I figured I could toss my crown into the ring. Go up against the big bag Koopa myself.”
“You do realize that we barely escaped with our lives last time, right?”
“Sure, but I also want to know that I’m doing something to help. I really did come here to help…and to get help. I guess old emotions got in the way. Acted before I thought.” 
“Old habits die hard.”
“You know it.”
“...I don’t suppose we’re okay now?” Waluigi winced when Daisy landed a hard punch on his arm. “What the hell!”
“We aren’t even close to being ‘okay’! But I’m not as upset as I was before.” 
“At least that’s something.”
“There you two are!” Peach’s voice rang out as she and the rest from the stands rushed over. “Are you both okay?”
“As well as we can be.” Waluigi replied, rubbing his arm. 
On her part, Daisy stood back up. Stretching a bit before fixing Peach with a smile. “I believe I’m owed a few stories from you?”
Peach nodded, “Of course. Do you- How about we get you showered and changed first. Yeah?”
Daisy tilted her head in thought. “Uh, I suppose that might be a good idea. Dew, were you able to get my luggage from the carriage?”
“Of course, princess.”
As the trio of females, with Toadsworth following after, departed from the rest, Waluigi watched them go. Only pulling his attention away when by the twins.
“That was awesome!” Luigi cheered.
“Uh huh. You want to play next time?”
“Absolutely not!”
“You okay?” Mario asked. 
Waluigi gave a short nod. He stumbled slightly when Wario slapped a hand onto his shoulder. 
“You sure?” The eldest brother asked. 
Waluigi paused slightly at that. Attention darting over to Daisy once more. Who had looked back, offering a small smile. No doubt trying to convey some kind of comfort. 
“For now… I guess.”
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radiobarf · 2 years
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Happy MAR10 Day! Red carpet drip for the movie premiere!
25K notes · View notes
opt1gan · 8 months
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weach (wapeach)
5K notes · View notes
theswedishpajas · 2 years
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Just take it from me.
31K notes · View notes
slaybebe · 1 year
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Super Mario x Vogue
prints available on thatsiconic(dot)com
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weevmo · 2 years
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totally not based on something I said to my 'friends' during a round of mario karts
13K notes · View notes
masterstaff · 1 year
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miss-psyson · 3 months
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Super Mario "Yeah" buttons I've made for a silly Twitter trend that I thought I'll share ❤️
(Art obviously not made by me. And anyone is free to use them! Have fun!! ^^)
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retrogamingblog2 · 3 months
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winstein-nin · 21 days
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Mushroom Kingdom pop quiz - Wrong Answers only!
Back when I was at school, certain multiple choice questions got a kick out of me. Thus, the idea is to basically take the concept of finding humour in the wrong choices and making it into something amusing.
Initially, I only did the third one, the Wario, Mario, and Waluigi one, but when I noticed that the source has four more questions, and each of them has potential for a funny outcome, I decided to expand the idea into something more.
I hope this makes your day! It was a lot of effort to make it look as authentic as possible.
Thank you for reading.
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koopakirby · 2 months
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726 notes · View notes
s-creations · 9 months
Fire & Thunder - Chapter 1
The BeanBean Kingdom, one that has been in self-exile for centuries, has finally broken their silence. Arriving to the Mushroom Kingdom with the plan to help their heroes learn how to use their powers.
Training, unfortunately, was just one hurtle to jump over.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Luigi/Prince Peasley, Mario/Princess Peach, Mario & Luigi & Wario & Waluigi Additional Tags: Needed Training, The Main Villain Makes An Appearance, Growing Relationships, Character Lore?, In My Stories?, It's More Likely Than You Think.
‘To the Current Ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom,
Fair Princess Peach.
I, Queen Bean, current ruler of the BeanBean Kingdom, wish to reach out to establish a hopefully peaceful connection. To prove my well meaning, I’m hopeful my Kingdom will be able to help you. 
Mainly with your heroes. 
Words among the leaves and breeze hold whispers that your heroes are capable of magic. I have citizens who hold the same powers, not as powerful as your heroes, but skillful enough to extend their wisdom. 
They will be arriving to your kingdom a week after this letter arrives. Accompanying them will be my son and future heir to the BeanBean Kingdom, Prince Peasley. They wish to remain with you until they feel that your heroes are well trained. 
I do hope this is the beginning of a wonderful and fruitful partnership between our two lands. 
To Your Wellness,
Regal Queen Bean’
The Toad that had been reading from the rolled parchment let out a shaky breath as they finished. Shivering as they allowed the pent up nervousness to be released. Wide eyes going to Princess Peach, who was tense upon her throne. 
The entire hall felt close to a nervous breakdown. 
Mario and Luigi being the only exception to this uncomfortable atmosphere. Worried eyes darting around the room, attempting to find an answer before landing on each other. Sharing a shrug of confusion. 
Peach, on her part, let out a slow breath before standing and offering a smile to the nervous room. “Well, this is wonderful news! We’ll be playing host to such a powerful kingdom. This is what we need in order to put up a strong defense against Bowser. Let’s prepare for them to arrive.”
As Peach continued to delegate tasks, Mario and Luigi were gently pulled towards the hallway. The other pair of brothers looked grim as they led. Toadsworth gestured them all in before closing the door, waiting nervously. 
“Is…anyone going to explain what’s going on?” Mario eventually voiced.
Toadsworth weakly waved his hand while mumbling, “We need to wait for the princess before we discuss this.”
Peach arrived a few moments later. Her warm smile quickly disappeared when the door closed once more. “Oh goodness… Is this really happening?”
“Apparently,” Wario barely whispered.
“But isn’t this what we wanted?” Toadsworth voiced.
“Yes,” Peach gave a small whine, “But I assumed it would be the Jungle or Desert Kingdom first. This plan didn’t start with the BeanBean Kingdom.”
“Would someone be so kind as to explain to us what we’re talking about?” Mario cautiously raised his voice. 
“Oh, of course, I apologize,” Peach said softly, “We’ve talked to you about the war that defeated the last Koopa ruler. But we’ve never gone into details of the kingdoms that helped with that defeat.”
“Is the BeanBean Kingdom some place to worry about?” 
“Well, yes, they are rather powerful.”
“Or they were,” Wario added, “Until it was destroyed.”
Peach quickly shook her head, “They could still have the BeanStar.”
“Don’t you think if they did, they would use it to stop all of this?”
“If the books are as accurate as they are, then you know the use of its ability before nearly destroyed everything. I would be afraid to use it!”
“So, would that really make them that powerful?”
“Guys!” Mario called out, “Still very confused.”
“Right, right, sorry,” Peach let out another sign before continuing, “We’ve told you about the origins of the war with the Koopa Kingdom. It was quite literally them versus every kingdom who had an ability to fight back. One being the BeanBean Kingdom. They hold a very powerful artifact called the BeanStar, an item that can grant the holder any wish they want.”
“I’m going to assume it was used during this war. What happened?”
“It’s unsure of what was asked of it,” Wario continued, “But the BeanStar more or less…it blew up. Knocking out a good chunk of the Koopa Army with it. But the BeanBean Kingdom was hit hard as well. They slunk back to their borders and put up powerful barriers to keep everyone away after that battle.”
Luigi frowned, “So…no one’s conversed with them…for years?”
“Try centuries,” said Toadsworth, “We have no idea what kind of monarch we’re dealing with now.”
“We could be in luck,” Mario argued, “They’re sending someone here with the intent to help us. If anything, we need someone who knows about our abilities. Training lately has become…”
“Stagnant,” Luigi concluded.
“It doesn’t help that all we’ve focused on is ‘suppressing’ instead of using.”
“But we don’t know what their motives are,” Toadsworth said quickly, “While jumping to conclusions isn’t beneficial towards the situation, there may be other motives involved here. Why would now be the time to reach out?”
“Because…of us?” Mario said while pointing towards himself and Luigi.
“Possibly hoping to take our means of protection for themselves.”
“We get that you're paranoid, old man,” Waluigi stepped in, “But you’re not making the situation better. If they’re willing to help, then we need to take it. Especially if this means we have somewhat of an advantage over Bowser.”
“We’ll just have to focus on being gracious hosts. Welcome them and try to make that much needed connection. We need them on our side.” Peach concluded.
Toadsworth turned to Mario and Luigi, “You two are going to have to represent our Kingdom as you are the heroes of this land.”
Well…wasn’t that just terrifying to hear. 
The week went by faster than anyone expected or enjoyed. Toadsworth being the physical reminder of how tense everyone was. Starting every day with double checking on every factor he could think of before running through his caution list. Which was really just a list of his creations that covered the worst case situations they could face. 
The day before, Peach offered (more like begged) that the brothers stay in the castle. 
“That way you’re just here. No worries about…traffic and what not.” She explained with a wobbly smile. 
It was a weak reason, but they understood the request. 
Even with how comfortable the bed was, Mario couldn’t sleep. Resting on his back while staring up at the dark canopy. He couldn’t hear Luigi’s snoring. 
“...You worried too?” Mario whispered into the darkness.
“...Yeah. It was scary enough when we were just heroes. Now we’re representing the kingdom? For another kingdom that’s been secretive for so long? And we’re being trained by people we know nothing of with powers we can barely use? It’s…It’s a lot.” 
“Yeah…it is…”
Cautiously reaching out, Mario gently grabbed onto Luigi’s wrist. Pulling his brother closer until Luigi was tucked under the older twin’s chin. The younger using Mario’s chest as a pillow. Arms wrapped around the other with Mario gently combing his fingers through Luigi’s hair. 
“We’ll be okay,” Mario said softly, “We stick together and it’ll all turn out fine. A new adventure, right?”
“...That meaning is so different from when we were in Brooklyn.”
“Yeah, it does. But I mean it. We’ll be fine.”
Luigi didn’t verbally reply. Instead trying to shuffle closer, tightening his grip around his brother.
“...Let’s try and get some sleep.”
They were both exhausted when morning arrived. Slowly shuffling out of bed and getting dressed, Mario tried to offer Luigi a comforting smile. But his nerves were seeping through and the comfort didn’t appear. 
Wario and Waluigi looked just as exhausted as the twins felt. However, they were far better put together. While Mario and Luigi wore their famous overalls with coordinating red and green shirts and hats. The other brothers were wearing…well…
“Are you in a suit?” Mario asked with a smile growing. This question aimed directly at Wario.
“Your hair l-looks nice.” Luigi attempted to give some positives to the clearly uncomfortable brother. The normally tangled locks that were hidden by a yellow cap were now brushed and slicked back. 
Waluigi, who looked far more comfortable, placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “It’s just for a few hours. You’ll be fine.”
“I’m going to suffocate.” Was the sharp reply back.
Breakfast was a quiet affair. No matter how chipper Peach attempted to be, it was clear she was as stressed, if not more, as everyone else was. So none of her words uplifted their terrified spirits. 
Once the plates were taken, the large group walked outside to the large stairs that lead up to the castle. Toadsworth rushed around, instructing as to where everyone needed to stand. The guard lining everywhere, Peach and Toadsworth at the lower set of the stairs to properly greet the visitors. The brothers were further back. Lined up so that Wario and Waluigi would be introduced first as the current mentors while Mario and Luigi would be saved for last. 
The minutes felt like hours as they waited. Mario swears his heart was beating so loudly that everyone could hear it.
Soon the sound of approaching footsteps filled the air. The first to crest the hill was a few rows of soldiers, three to each. Dressed in silver armor, a green smiling face carved into the chest plate. Carrying spears and large shields. Following the first section of soldiers was a large carriage. Vivid green and bean shaped on golden wheels with similarly colored accents. Pulling along by (as what could only be described as) flying, bean-link creatures. 
It was…strange.
The carriage, flanked from the front and back by the same looking beanish soldiers, stopped before the stairs. Right before Peach and Toadsworth. One soldier broke away from the ranks to open the opulent golden door.
First to emerge were two rather translucent beings. One red, one green, dressed similarity. Or rather held a similar appearance. It was unclear if they were dressed or if it was just ‘thicker’ skin that was a different color than their pale blue skin. Their hair appeared to be that of the Earth’s version of a jellyfish. They gave a small bow to Peach before stepping to the side.
The final traveler stepped out at this time. Vivid green skin complemented well with the fine, golden hair that framed his face. Warm brown eyes crinkled at the corners due to his smile. Fine garments of white and red with accents of gold draped over his form. A stylish rapier resting casually at his hip. 
Peach stepped forward as the new trio reached the foot of the stairway. Offering a small curtsy before announcing, “Welcome, Prince Peasley of the BeanBean Kingdom. It’s wonderful to see you here, I hope your journey went well.”
“Very much so,” Prince Peasley responded with a clear voice, "Thank you for the warm welcome, Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom. Allow me the honor of introducing Merri and Gigi, our own users of Firebrand and Thunderhand abilities.”
“Welcome to you both as well.”
Mario was pulled out of the conversation when Wario tapped his arm. “Fix your face, it’s scrunched up.”
“Is he…a bean?” Mario whispered back.
“The prince? Yeah, kind of in the name of the kingdom he hails from.”
“Peach isn’t a mushroom.”
“But the Toads are. The king was.”
“Oh… Hey Lu, what do you-” Mario faltered when, looking at his brother, he found Luigi with wide eyes. Chest puffed up with shoulders raised as if to make himself seem taller. Cheeks slowly growing a deep shade of red. Eyes practically shining.
Mario’s eyes darted between Luigi and the guests, taking a few moments to understand the situation. Getting his ultimate answer when the prince casually flipped his hair back with a warm laugh and Luigi letting out a choked gasp. 
It was Wario’s turn to have his arm hit.
“What.” He breathed out through the side of his mouth.
“Look! Look at Luigi!” Mario frantically whispered, sounding absolutely thrilled. 
Curious, Wario leaned over to get a better look at Luigi. Finding the younger twin absolutely love struck, eyes still on Peasley. Realization dawned on Wario’s quickly and a wide smile stretched across his face. 
He was less subtle with getting Waluigi’s attention. Enough so that Toadsworth flashed a warning glare at the duo before facing forward again.
“What?” Waluigi hissed out.
Wario just jerked his head towards Luigi. The other brother’s attention darted over to the younger twin. 
A smirk slowly formed on his face.
Unaware of what was transpiring, Luigi's attention was solely focused on Peasley. The moment the prince had stepped out, the younger twin felt his heart start to race. Electricity surging through him as a blush dusted over his cheeks. The only thought bouncing around the human’s brain was ‘He’s beautiful’. 
The cloud of fascination fell away hearing a few chuckles and small noises of excitement from his side. Luigi turning to find Mario and the other brothers staring right back at him. Each in a varying degree of excitement and knowing smugness.
A new type of terror settled in Luigi’s stomach.
“You like him!” Mario gleefully whispered.
“Don’t, please don’t-”
“What’s your first move going to be?” Wario leaned over, using Mario as a place to rest his arm, who didn’t seem to mind. “I know a few good ones if you’re stuck.”
“He hasn’t even talked to us yet-”
“I’m taunting you relentlessly about this until you ask him out.” Waluigi stated smugly. 
Luigi frantically gripped onto the sides of his hat. “Please don’t do this. It’s nothing, really, it’s just-”
“And here we have the main four you’ll be working with.” Peach’s voice cut through the whispering argument. Louder than normal, no doubt to inform that brothers they were finally approaching. 
They quickly stood back in their original lineup. Luigi now shaking nervously as Peach introduced the other brother’s first. 
“Wario and Waluigi have been our heroes' acting mentors.” 
“Wonderful to meet you both,” Peasley beamed as he shook their hands, “I’m to assume you’re both well versed in fighting formations.”
“Not at all.” Wario replied. 
“Oh, well, what about battle strategies?”
“None.” Waluigi answered this time.
“...So…how were you two selected for this role then?”
Toadsworth buried his face in his hand. Merri rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed, as Gigi gave a quick but covered snort. 
“Well…either way, I’m sure we’ll have much to share with each other.” Peasley said with a smile. Which faltered hearing Merri and Gigi giggling softly. They fell quiet when their prince flashed them a warning frown.
“Wonderfully said,” Peach quickly interjected and pulled the prince away, “Here are our heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom.”
Peasley’s attention was drawn to Mario fist. Who tilted his hat before shaking hands with the prince. “Mario, at your service. Thank you for arriving to help us.”
“Wonderful to meet you. You’re…human, are you not?”
“Very much so.”
“How interesting. And you are the holder of the…”
“Excellent! I can’t wait to see your strength in action.”
“Well, if strength is what you’re interested in, then you’re going to be super impressed by what my brother can do.” Taking over the introductions, Mario wrapped his arm around Luigi’s shoulders to pull him closer.
Peasley’s regal appearance fell once more as his attention turned towards Luigi. Not of disappointment, but one of…interest. Eyes widening as they take in the sheepishly smiling hero in green. His own mouth parting slightly as a light dusting of blue appeared on his cheeks.
The stunned stupor he was in was broken when Merri gently placed a hand on his shoulder with a whisper of, “Sire?”
“Oh, u-um, yes, wonderful to meet you as well.” Peasley attempted to recover quickly. Smile returned, but not as strong as it had been before. “Uh, if I may ask…is it true that you were able to capture a Boo?”
Before Luigi could answer, Wario entered the conversation. “A Boo? A Boo? Just one? How about a whole army captured along with their big creepy king. That’s what Luigi did.”
The younger brother laughed nervously as his shoulder was shaken vigorously, “Heh, ah, well…”
“He was also able to fend off a pod of Blue Piranha Plants,” Waluigi added, “Using nothing but his Thunderhand and a hammer.”
“Blue variety? Goodness, those are extremely dangerous. We avoid them the best we can back in my kingdom.” Peasley said, sounding very impressed.
Luigi continued to laugh weakly, “Uh…I suppose so.”
“Well, I am very excited to work alongside such powerful heroes.”
The green dressed twin twitched nervously as the prince presented his hand to be shaken once more. Relaxing slightly, Luigi reached out to gently take it in his own. Only for a large bolt of electricity arched from one hand to the other. Causing both of them to let out painful cries and parting quickly.
Luigi’s wide eyes filled with fear focused on Peasley. Who seemed surprised as the sisters and a very frantic Toadsworth worried over the prince’s hand.
“...Well, what a shocking introduction that was,” Waluigi’s smirk was quickly wiped away when Wario elbowed him hard in the gut. The taller brother letting out a pained wheeze. 
“Luigi, please don’t suffocate yourself.” Mario sighed softly as he listened to his brother let out a long whine.
Said brother was stretched fully across one of the many cushioned couches placed in the library. Face smushed into the remaining pillow that had not been thrown off in his self pity state. “Just let me die here. I don’t want to go on.”
“So you embarrassed yourself in front of new royalties that we’re trying to impress to make a strong connection with so we can create a powerful army against Bowser and one that you’re clearly interested in as such that caused your powers to flare up and hurt them. Big deal. It could be worse.” Wario’s smile slipped when Mario and Luigi glared at him.
Waluigi, who was casually leaning on the nearest bookshelf, let out a heavy sigh before saying, “I think what my thick skulled brother’s trying to inform you is that you don’t have to be worried. Prince Peasley knows of your ability, so he shouldn't be too surprised. Besides, he seemed smitten by you.”
“Yeah, before my powers did me dirty.” Luigi groaned softly. Face going back to be buried in his pillow. 
“You didn’t really give him a chance to really say anything to you.”
“More like Toadsworth pulled the royals away before you could even look his way again.” Wario huffed. 
“I think I damaged whatever thin bridge of a connection had started to be built.” Came the muffled groan of Luigi.
Mario heavily sighed at that. Sliding off the arm of the couch to pull his brother to sit up. “Alright, enough of this. You’re just embarrassed, it happens, we’re going to move on from it. We have a job to do.”
Luigi’s brow furrowed, eyes lowering to the floor. “...Maybe I just avoided a huge mistake anyway.”
“Don’t think like that.” The red dressed hero immediately dropped his voice to a whisper. 
“You know it’s true.”
“It’s not.”
Wario and Waluigi side eyes each other. Exchanging worried looks knowing they were clearly missing something. Before Waluigi could silently tell his brother to keep his mouth shut, Wario blurted out,
“What are you two talking about?”
Luigi nervously looked over, clearly unsure of what to say. Only for another noise to pull their focus. A few furiously excited barks sounded down the hall before disappearing. 
“Was that Polterpup?” Waluigi asked.
The younger twin stood quickly, the self-defeating look replaced with one of concern. “Oh no, I haven’t worked with Polterpup on greeting guests! They were supposed to stay home. Oh, this isn’t good.”
Luigi was out of the library before anyone else could comment. 
Wario turned to Mario to ask, “Are you going to explain all of that?”
Giving a gentle shake of his head, Mario replied with, “You’ll have to ask Luigi.”
Cautious footsteps gently padded against the carpeted floor. Luigi slowly made his way down the long hallways. Trying to keep his cool while straining his ears to listen out for a familiar bark.
“Come on Polterpup, where are you?” he whispered fearfully, “I don’t think our guests will be appreciative of a ghost dog just running around.”
Luigi let out a small sigh, “If they weren’t thinking about pulling out before, I’m sure they will if they see you. What a nightmare this is becoming…”
There were a few eager yips coming from around the next corner. Luigi instantly recognized the sound as Polterpup’s playful back. Given a split second to hope that the spectral pup had found some of the Toad guards and not-
“You’re very friendly, aren’t you?”
Luigi halted just before turning the corner. His entire form tensing up hearing the new yet familiar voice of Peasley.
“Of course,” the human whined softly, “Of course he would find Polterpup. Why can’t I catch a break?”
He cautiously peeked around the corner. Finding Polterpup happily laying on their back, resting at the prince’s feet. Peasley smiling softly as he ran his hand over the exposed belly. Laughing at Polterpup’s excitement.
Luigi noted that said hand was wrapped in medical dressings.
Pulling back, Luigi let out a slow sigh. “Okay, he’s not panicking. That’s good…right? How do I approach this? What will he think if he knows Polterpup’s my pet? Wow, the human can’t use his abilities and has a ghost dog that’s barely trained. Ugh, I’ll have to face that reality eventually.”
“Maybe it will be better received with Peach around? If Polterpup’s brought to her, she could soften the blow of…everything. Maybe. Is it really that bad? I should-”
Luigi was broken from his musings when Polterpup phased through the floor. Jumping at the spectral pup barking happily upon finding their owner. Who immediately picked Polterpup up.
“Polterpup, what are you doing? I told you to stay home!”
“Don’t be too upset. They were just eager to make a new friend.” There was another twitch of surprise as Peasley stepped around the corner. Offering a warm smile to the panicked human.
“P-Prince Peasley, I-I was, um,” Luigi wrapped his arms tighter around Polterpup, “H-How are you feeling?”
“Just fine, nothing to worry about. I’ll be right as rain in no time.”
“Oh, well, t-that’s wonderful to hear. Do you need help getting to the Grand Hall? O-Or I’m sure Toadsworth is offering his castle tour. We c-could find them and-”
“Well,” Peasley looked sheepish suddenly, “I’m actually…trying to find the gardens.”
Luigi blinked, “Oh...I…could…take you there?”
“Would you? I would be absolutely grateful for your help.”
“S-Sure, no problem. Just…follow me.”
Polterpup wiggled out of Luigi’s hold. Happily taking the lead as the trio made their way through the wide halls. 
“So, Polterpup is your pet?” Peasley asked.
“Um, y-yeah. How’d you know?”
“I heard your comment about him needing to stay home.”
“As well as your furious comments to yourself about allowing Princess Peach to inform me. A rather interesting plan.”
Whatever higher powered being was believed in here, please strike him down.
Luigi did his best not to stumble over his feet in embarrassment upon learning how much Peasley had heard. “U-Uh, so-sorry, I didn’t m-mean-”
“You’re fine. I understand your trepidation,” Peasley quickly appeased, “There’s a lot riding on this visit.”
“Suppose so… Oh, I-I need to thank you and your kingdom for your willingness to help.”
“No thanks are necessary. If it means helping you and your brother, as well as the Mushroom Kingdom, then we are more than happy to be here.”
There was a pause in the conversation as Luigi opened the double glass doors that lead to their destination. Peasley unable to hold back a gasp of excitement when he saw the gardens stretched before them. Clearly enamored by the numerous colors and flowers gently swaying in the gentle breeze.
“This is wonderful.” Peasley whispered, leaning over the stone banner as much as he could to take it all in. 
Luigi smiled softly. Heart and stomach doing interesting twists and flips as he cautiously stood next to the prince. 
“You, um, you like plants?”
“A bit more than ‘like’, to be honest. My entire kingdom is based around agriculture. We grow as many kinds of fruit and vegetation that you can think of. I, however, have further fascination with flowers.” 
“Mhm, I have my own garden filled with roses. I’ve been taking care of them since my father’s passing.”
“O-Oh, I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t-” Luigi felt like he almost swallowed his tongue when he stopped talking so quickly hearing Peasley let out a gentle laugh. 
“Please, don’t worry, you couldn’t have known. He’s…been gone for a while.”
“Still…I’m sorry for your loss.”
“...Thank you.”
Luigi smiled weakly, eventually clearing his throat and asking, “Would you like to take a closer look?”
“Mmm…no, I believe I should wait for the princess first before doing so. I’m fine up here…” 
He wasn’t sure if he was imagining things, but Luigi could have sworn there was more that Peasley wanted to say. But nothing else was. Instead, the quiet was comforting as they watched as Polterpup happily chased after a few birds among the foliage. 
“May I ask you something?” Peasley eventually asked, head tilted closer to Luigi with his eyes still trained on the gardens.
“Well, I guess it’s more of a clarification?” 
Luigi couldn’t help but laugh softly at Peasley’s smile. “Sure, what can I clarify for you?”
“I guess…I feel so weird asking this. But can you tell me what happened? When the Boos attacked here.”
“I mean, only if you feel that you want to,” Peasley quickly attempted to backtrack, “I didn’t mean anything, I was just curious so-”
“No, you’re okay, I understand! I-I’ve been told this isn’t a really normal occurrence for this…place. Uh, it’s just, where do you want me to start? There’s a lot to go through.” 
“Any point, really, I don’t mind.” Peasley leaned on his hand, brown eyes now shining as their focus stayed on Luigi. 
So…Luigi talked. Starting with the first time that Mario met the Boos and what that meant. Both with the bite and gaining a mentor with Wario. How Wario and Luigi met, Waluigi’s grand entrance, and how the other pair of brother’s started watching over the twins.
First time they used their abilities.
When E. Gadd entered into their lives. 
How King Boo had captured Mario and turned the Mushroom Castle into a terrifying maze.
When Luigi used the Poltergust the first time. 
How Luigi learned that his ability was able to keep him safe. 
How King Boo called him out for a final showdown.
And finally how Luigi was able to trap King Boo.
“I just…use the Thunderhand to power up the Poltergust and the picture frame and…” Luigi rolled his hands around the other before giving a small shrug, “King Boo was sucked in and trapped in the picture frame. Still there…unless something happened to E. Gadd. I should probably call him. Uh, anyway, that’s pretty much what happened.”
He looked over to see if Peasley was still even awake at this point. Only to find the prince staring at him in absolute fascination. “Um, Prince Peasley?”
“Oh, sorry, I was just so enthralled,” Peasley laughed softly, “I had heard stories from others before arriving here. Honestly, it was nothing more than rumors. I- We’ve been fascinated with what you and your brother have been able to accomplish. With the latest being that of your triumph over King Boo. Hearing you talk about it, talk about everything, it’s so…inspiring.”
“Uh, really? I’m sure as a prince you’ve seen a few things.” Luigi replied weakly. 
Peasley’s smile turned to one of embarrassment. But he was unable to respond when another voice called out the prince’s name.
“Prince Peasley, there you are!”
Luigi tensed when Merri and Gigi came rushing out of the double doors. Toadsworth quickly followed behind with Peach casually bringing up the rear. 
“What are you doing out here? We were so worried when we couldn’t find you in the medical wing.” Merri and Gigi spoke at the same time. Each pulling the prince’s wrapped hand up gently. 
“I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention,” Peasley attempted to calm them, “I was just-”
“Master Luigi, why would you bring our guest out in the open!” Toadsworth huffed as he stepped forward. Luigi’s already raised shoulders climbed further, ears turning a deep red. 
Peasley quickly responded with, “I was attempting to find the gardens when I left the medical wing. I asked for Luigi’s help when we came across each other in the hallway. Please don’t be upset with him.”
This caused Toadsworth to falter, a little flustered by the confession. Peach taking the chance to step into the conversation. 
“We were just concerned by your absence,” Peach said, “We’re happy to know Luigi was able to keep you company for the time.”
Luigi felt the heat move from his ears to his cheeks as Peasley offered a smile to the human, replying with, “As am I.”
The group flinched as Polterpup appeared once more. Peasley laughing as the new arrival gave a small whine as if upset they had not also received praise. 
“You were wonderful as well.”
“Now that the worries have been had, shall we get you all settled in properly?” Toadsworth gently gestured for the group to head back inside.
Peach remained back, mainly to wait for Peasley. Only to be quietly surprised as she watched said prince gently claim one of Luigi’s hands. Bowing his head to have the back of it to gently touch the prince’s forehead. 
“Thank you for staying with me. I look forward to hearing more stories and seeing your strength tomorrow.”
“I-uh- O-Of course.” Luigi replied weakly with a small smile.
Peasley released the human’s hand with a warm smile, turning to join Peach. Who was pointedly looking away as if not aware of the moment. 
However, as the doors closed behind the royalty, Peach narrowed her attention on the visiting prince. Peasley looked very pleased but flustered as well. As if not believing in his own forwardness. A content smile lay across his face. 
Quickly looking back, Peach found that Luigi had not moved. Staring at his hand in fascination. Unaware of Polterpup pawing at their human’s leg. 
It took everything for Peach to not let out a squeal of joy.
The next day began with the three brothers practically dragging Wario out of his bed. Who was complaining about having to, once again, wear another stupid, stuffy outfit.
“It’s about being presentable,” Waluigi argued back. 
“We’re going to be training!” Wario gruffly argued back.
“Not us! We’re going to be on the sidelines with Peach and the rest!”
“This is torture!”
“Get up you giant baby!”
It took about an hour for the four of them to arrive for breakfast. Toadsworth was not impressed by their tardiness. Their guests, however, seemed unbothered by it. Peasley actually pulled Luigi into a quiet conversation the moment the human sat down. Who was a little sheepish at first but opened up the further their conversation went on.
Waluigi, on his part, turned to the jellyfish sisters. “Don’t suppose you’d be up to telling us what this training day is going to start with?” 
“It’s the same training we were given,” Merri answered, “We mainly want to see what they’re currently capable of doing, as well to make sure they can easily call upon their abilities. We’re not going to go too crazy at this time.”
“Okay…but what exactly does that…mean?”
“It’s rather hard to explain it to a non-holder. The most we can suggest is to just watch.” Gigi replied with a soft giggle.
After all had their fill, the large group that also consisted of BeanBean soldiers and Toad guards made their way to the outside training grounds. Peach, Toadswroth, and Peasley taking seats under a large umbrella type mushroom. Wario and Waluigi situated nearby with the older gently tugging at the button-up collar. Merri and Gigi lead the way to the center to the flattened ground with the twins following close behind. 
“Given how reportedly strong your powers are, we decided that outside training would be best to start,” said Merri, “We would like to begin this by stating that, while we are not trained fighters, we are gifted in using these abilities.”
Gigi continued with, “We are well versed in the knowledge of both abilities. Our current goal for you both is to have complete control of your abilities. So you may use them to their full potential. Whether that’s for everyday occurrences or for fighting.”
“These powers are meant to be an extension of you and should be treated as such.”
At this, Merri moved closer to Mario. Gently lifting the hero’s arm up. She gently had her right hand travel from the crook of Mairo’s elbow up to his wrist, increasing the pressure at that point. Mario couldn’t hold back the wince feeling the tight pressure. A deep burning felt in his chest, a familiar one.
The intense massage ended when Merri’s hand moved the pressure to Mario’s palm. Both flinched back, Merri more than Mario, when the very same hand erupted into flames. The largest stream of flames the majority of that crowd had even seen before. A few even let out ‘Oohs’ and ‘Awws’ at the sight. 
“Very, very impressive!” Merri gleefully stated, “I’ve not seen such power held in many before. Granted, I only know of three holders in recent years. But the point still stands that this is amazing!”
Mario remained quiet as Merri moved to his other hand. Listening with interest as she said, “I’m aware that you’ve used Fire Flowers before. While the Firebrand seems similar, it’s also very different. First obvious being it never runs out. As long as your fire burns, the Firebrand will remain with you.”
“If handled uncaringly, Firebrand can cause a lot of damage. Fire is wild if left unkempt, destroying whatever it can reach. You need to keep your focus. You’ll be able to change its directions, create shapes and forms.”
“Like fireballs?” Mario asked. 
Merri laughed softly and nodded, “Very much so, but even more than that. My focus for you is giving you allowance to control the fire in any form. Whether it’s still in your hands or cut away from you.” 
“You are another story,” Gigi said to Luigi, “Thunderhand is also about control. However, you have a vastly different concern. The energy you release acts like that of lightning. It bounces, arches, and dances in every way it can. Holding it close will do you no good. But releasing it will result in a burst of rampant energy that will destroy everything in its path.”
“O-Oh…o-okay, great.” Luigi’s voice shook. 
“In order to get past this, you have to learn how to use yourself as a conduit. While not every bolt will follow, you will have the maneuver needed in at least somewhat of a direction. Because…”
Just as Merri did, Gigi applied a generous amount of pressure to Luigi’s palm. If Mario’s fire was a show, Luigi’s energy was a spectacle. The area even seemed to darken as the burst illuminated the area. 
Gigi let out a cheerful cry of glee, hands clapping. “Oh, amazing! Absolutely amazing! Your strength seems to hold no limit. Truly a hidden gem.”
Luigi didn’t reply. Eyes still up at the sky where the bolt had hit its peak, swallowing weakly.
“Now, if we’re going to begin, we need to start fresh. Fully fresh,” Marri and Gigi met back up to stand directly in front of the twins, “You both need to remove your gloves.” 
That caused a good portion of the audience to tense.
“Wait, what?” Mario asked weakly.
“We need you to remove your gloves.”
“I-Is that really the smartest choice?” Luigi spoke next, “I-It’s kind of the reason we have…control over these powers.”
“Did you not defeat King Boo by removing your gloves?” Gigi commented.
“S-Sure, but I s-still had to worry of hurting someone or d-damaging something.”
“Understand, this is not to make you uncomfortable,” Merri quickly took over, “You need to get used to how the full extent of that power feels flowing through you. We’re just testing for now. The moment it becomes too much, the gloves can go back on.”
From the corner of his eye, Mario saw Wario waving his arms in the air to get his attention. The older brother, quietly, but with very wide and obvious movements, pointedly gave his ‘comment’. Gesturing to Luigi, then Mario, then grasping onto Waluigi’s hand. Who was very unhappy about being roped into Wario’s…whatever this was. 
Even with the slight confusion at the beginning, Mario eventually understood. Giving a sharp nod. 
If all else fails, Mario and Luigi could cancel each other’s powers out.
“Okay,” said Mario, “Let’s try it.”
“Just be mindful, this is just a test.” Merri attempted to comfort, “We’ll pull back the moment it becomes too much.”
The twin’s both nervously removed the gloves. Both letting out surprised gasps as their powers fully hit them. It had been awhile since they’d felt this. Mario tried to keep himself level as a few flames escaped from his mouth. Luigi unable to hold back his shaking as he felt the energy travel up and down his spine.
“Goodness…” Gigi gasped softly.
“This is much more than what we were expecting.” Merri agreed. 
“W-What-” Mario coughed softly at the smoke he tasted on his tongue, “What do we need to do now?”
“Close your eyes and slow your breathing. You need to find your core, your center, where your power is being stored.”
They did as instructed. Both falling into a contented and calm focus. It was honestly a little awkward at first. As they had no idea what they were supposed to be looking or feeling for. The back of their minds holding a small reminder that they probably looked like idiots just standing there. 
But they did eventually fall into a comfortable rhythm, slowly feeling something heavy resting between their chest and stomach. A steady pulse, not a heartbeat, but something that beats in tandem with it.
“Found it,” They responded at the same time, eyes still closed.
Wario and Waluigi mentally noticed they sounded as if they were in a trance.
“Describe it to us.” Gigi whispered her request.
“A beat…a pulse?” Luigi replied.
“It sounds like another heartbeat.” Mario stated.
“Excellent,” said Merri, “Now, Gig and I are going to step forward to help. Keep your breathing steady. Keep your focus.”
Neither flinched as Merri and Gigi moved their hands. Having them cup together just below their sternum. Keeping their own hands pressed underneath the brother’s.
“Alright, we’re going to help you on this next part,” said Gigi, “You’re going to slowly call upon your power until your hands hold a small portion of it.” 
“We’re going to help you draw it out. To keep in control and so you know what it feels like.” Merri concluded.
“Okay,” the twins calmly replied. 
It was the first time, for a while, that the twin’s neutral faces shifted. Flinching in slight pain before brows furrowed in concentration as their powers were slowly pulled out. Mario’s turning into the familiar form of a fireball. Except it was a vivid red instead of the well known orange. For Luigi, Waluigi mumbled out, “Plasma ball? Interesting.” The sphere of energy held small arches of electricity bouncing around it. If it was held instead of floating, it no doubt would have weighed a ton. 
The growth of both continued until the power formed to the size of a small ball. At that point, Merri and Gigi pulled away. Mario and Luigi finally opened their eyes. Just barely stopping themselves from falling onto their faces.
The orbs fluctuated slightly before calming once more.
“So, how are you two feeling?” Gigi asked. 
“A little strange…but okay.” Mario calmly replied. 
“It’s not as…intense as before,” Luigi added, “I think this is the most collected I’ve felt with this before.”
“That’s wonderful to hear! I will admit, your ability looks far different that what I expected,” This comment was directed towards Mario.
“Uh, yeah, I figured. It’s not like a Fire Flower.” Mario nervously chuckled, eyes on the fire he was holding.
“Well, I’m more comparing it to Bowser’s fire.”
“Wait, what?”
Merri, possibly unaware of the stressful situation, casually continued on with, “Oh, did no one tell you this? Perhaps it wasn’t known in this kingdom. The Firebrand ability comes from the Koopa lineage. Lord Bowser is the other being who holds this ability, and with strength equal to yours. Granted, he expels it through his mouth while yours is controlled by your hands. But, still, the similarities in strength is interesting.”
Now Merri heard the trepidation in the hero’s voice. “Did…no one tell you of this?”
“No!” The three around Mario jumped back as the fireball erupted. Now engulfing both arms. 
As if responding in kind to Mario’s panic, Luigi’s own ability snapped. The orb of energy gave out a small pop before charging out. Merri and Gigi darting further away at the ground starting to crack and fracture, the energy breaking it apart. 
Wario and Waluigi quickly pulled Peach, Peasley, and Toadsworth back. The rest of the audience scrambled as the cracks crawled further out. 
It happened in a span of a few seconds. The dust settled to reveal the twins in a newly formed crater. Luigi having his arms wrapped around Mario in a death grip. Small bolt of energy arching around Luigi’s form. Smoke pouring out of Mario’s mouth. 
Taking a deep breath, Luigi quietly said, “M-Mario?”
Whatever stupor the red dressed hero was in broke hearing his name. Mario pulled away with a sharp jerk. Doing his best to squash the broken feeling stirring in his stomach at Luigi’s fearful look. Instead, he tugged his gloves back on as he stumbled out of the crater. 
Upon reaching the top, Mario lifted his head. Eyes scanning to find his quickest escape route. Feeling another part of his soul breaking upon seeing the Toads flinching away. 
His breathing became ragged. 
Unable to stop the smoke billowing out of his mouth.
He reached his lowest point when he saw Peach. Who was being held back by a worried looking Wario. The princess’ eyes wide and filled with…fear?
He couldn’t stay there any longer. 
Mario pulled his cap down and rushed out of the training area. Disappearing into the castle proper as Luigi finally climbed his way out. Watching until Mario was gone and then it was his turn to take in the fearful audience. Crossing his arms to hide his hands away, Luigi slowly backed away. Very aware of the eyes following him. Unable to look anywhere but ahead of him, in fear of seeing how everyone was looking at him. 
How Peasley was looking at him.
Was he impressed with the uncontrollable power now?
While he didn’t run, Luigi left as quickly as his shaky legs would carry him. Hiding himself away in the surrounding garden. 
“Go look after Mario, we got this handled,” Wario whispered to Peach. 
Peach gave a short nod and left. Head held high as she passed her citizens and followed Mario’s footsteps. 
Peasley stumbled slightly as he was nudged towards the gardens. Turning back with a raised brow to Waluigi in quiet confusion. 
“You’re not going to believe me now. But your words are going to hold better meaning than from any of us.” The tallest brother explained. 
“...Very well.” Peasley said calmly. Straightening himself out before rushing towards the gardens. 
“You two!” Wario called out. Pointing at Merri and Gigi. Who bristled at being addressed so harshly. “We four need to have a bit of a talk. Now.”
Merri sniffed, but nodded slowly. “Very well.”
“Someone…try and clean this up?” Waluigi weakly suggested. Gesturing to the damaged area as they moved away.
Bubbling lava always held a calming effect for him. Even if it was more often seen as a river of destruction, that’s what he liked about it. Something slow moving that people took little notice of. Until it started a fire, or burned down a forest, or cooked something alive. Then they started paying attention and began cursing for not doing so sooner. 
How they just assumed they were safe…
“Lord Bowser?” 
Fiery red eyes snapped open. Taking in the magma and lava covered land below momentarily before the hulking Koopa form turned away from the arched opening. Turning to find Kamek standing behind the King, holding his wand tightly in his hands. 
“Our spies have returned with a rather interesting report.” said Kamek, answering Bowser’s unsaid question. 
“Interesting, you say? Do tell.” Bowser said, turning his full attention to his right hand Koopa. 
“Representatives of the BeanBean Kingdom have arrived to the Mushroom Kingdom.”
“The self-exiled kingdom? They’ve finally broken their silence, something big must be happening if they’ve chosen now to poke their heads out of the ground.”
“Indeed something is,” Kamek continued with a smirk, “It appears those human heroes have acquired some…special abilities.”
Bowser frowned at that, “I’m aware of their connections to the Power-Ups.”
“Not Power-Up related. An ancient power. One that I have not seen before, only read about. Another that, well, hits rather close to home.”
“Enough of your riddles, warlock, explain.”
“The coward holds the Thunderhand. A rather destructive ability locked in such a weakling.”
“And what of Mario.” Bowser growled.
“Firebrand, my Lord.”
There was a pause.
Then Bowser began to laugh. One that built up until it began to echo loudly in the grand hall.
“Well, what a wonderful surprise! I suppose it would be ill will of me if I didn’t offer my own help. Why don’t we pay the Mushroom Kingdom a long, overdue visit? It would do us all some good, I believe.” 
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radiobarf · 1 year
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Thank you Charles Martinet for giving us such a magical childhood / adulthood with your talent. Best of luck on your next big adventure! ♥
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suedoodle · 1 month
Home again! It was lovely trip and much fun was had, I already miss my friend and exploring the city; hoping to visit again next year. Our main event however was going to Collect-a-Con! We had planned this months ago, got all dressed up and hit the con floor with a mission.
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And I succeeded! I got Charles Martinet's autograph 🌟. We saw he was going to be there, so months ago I decided to do a watercolor of an older sketch that had all the boys for him to sign. He even wrote the catchphrases for all the characters while doing their voices ✍️ Mario goes "WooHoo!!!" Luigi goes "HoHo!!!" Baby Bros go "Weee!!!" Waluigi goes "WA!" Wario goes "YA Ho!!" Ptttttttt -fart noises* It was magical, he was very nice to me.
Oh boy, the con adventure was so much fun. I had a list of cards I wanted and we spent hours hunting them down. (Then I get home and see I STILL have gaps in my collection, of course 🤣) Most we were able to find! Others we could not... and it wasn't that they weren't there, just that they were waaaaaaaaaaaayyy out of my budget. Like the fabled Mario Pika and Luigi Pika cards. Oh man, they are expensive. But at least I got to see them in real life.
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The closest thing I'll ever get to owning one is if I make 'em myself 😆☝️ But yeah, good times were had.
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redcoloredbowz · 5 months
The art style for Mario: Hoops 3 on 3 is so yummy I'm going to eat that art
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somepsycho · 2 months
I liked the SMB3 Pixelart i made in my last drawing so I did more.
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