#marketing speaker
saelterlude · 8 months
latest manhua chapter perfectly explains why i get mildly annoyed when someone refers to cheng xiaoshi and lu guang (as individuals) as time agents.
i know its bcs of translation, but time agents sounds so official and like, no? these 2 dudes arent agents. agents are cool black suits or combat gear with big agencies behind them. MIB type of stuff.
these 2 dudes are fresh graduates running a side hustle for some extra money. they aint agents. theyre the furthest thing from agents. get it straight.
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ayakashibackstreet · 4 months
Listening to a video game talk in the background of my work and like... were smartphones already so big in 2013? As in, widely adopted to the point of high schoolers bringing them to school? Was that an America/Western Europe thing? I know I have memory issues and 2013 just so happens to be the time that I have trouble remembering but... really? 2013? Was that a thing? Maybe it was and I just can't recall? Uhhh?
I know me not having a smartphone in like 2015 was weird, to the point where I was the 'retro tech' guy back near the end of middle school but... uh. I'm a little confused.
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munchboxart · 3 months
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So crazy thing, I just bought this, which is probably one of the rarest or most rarest MK figure from Re-ment. I'm only missing 2 now but to be honest, I don't really care about them
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I don't like the small Re-ment collections (the first one) and I absolutely hate the 2nd figure. Though I think these are like, more common? At least the 2nd one.
I might pick them up one day to finish the collection off but definitely not any time soon, but I'm so happy I get to finally get the first one. If that shit has eraser marks I'm going to cry (it's an eraser)
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zappster · 8 months
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Cairo Maṣr 2022
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lithopsy · 6 months
taylor swift is not “rebranding” lover as a sad album, you people are just dense
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gayvampyr · 2 years
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tumblasha · 1 year
i'm 99% certain that one day i'll be an elder and my opinion "vegans that make a big deal abt ppl eating 'pet' animals are annoying bc i have no problem eating Any Animal" will sound a lot like the edgy opinion "i'm not a bigot bc i hate everyone equally" and idk how to feel abt that
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junkandstuff · 5 months
For my birthday the other day, I treated myself to two new computer monitors since my current ones were getting wonky. But i also didnt want to get rid of the old monitors since they still worked.
So now i have 3 monitors.
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I dont know what to do with all this new power
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soysaucevictim · 5 months
I'm very "make oblique commentary on YouTube" mood...
Not going to put in usernames or whatever - because I don't think it's productive to my pt here.
OP comment was this (on a reality TV show with a moment where there was some ableism from the judges of this nature to a colorblind MUA):
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And someone wrote this in response:
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And oh man. This is very Business Major attitude about what's ultimately a creative exercise. Art will ALWAYS be subjective, a marketing dept can't know what's going to resonate with everyone. Hell, bad marketing of art is a thing - giving you expectations of one thing where it just doesn't make sense to. (Looking at you, Marketing for "Jennifer's Body".)
When it comes to individual and deeply personal experiences like disability? Fuckign- who cares if it isn't legible to people who don't have that disability, man. Trying to sand down that shit to appeal to abled folks kills any sense of authenticity here - and it will never please everyone anyways!
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trekwiz · 5 months
I watched a training on career development; the premise was that project managers should treat their career like a project. And one really stupid comment stuck with me: "salary should not be in your goals. That's like choosing your software before knowing the project requirements."
It was ironic, because one of his goals was "work-life balance at a remote workplace." 🙄
It was a lot of fluff about making lists of what you like to do at work and what you don't, and that somehow translates to finding your dream job. He discouraged using luck-based strategies, in favor of...a luck based strategy of mentoring people who will hopefully inspire you. 🙃
And I'm just like. "Ok, project manager. You haven't accounted for your assumptions."
But also. Knowing your budget is important to being a project manager. There's a minimum budget needed to succeed. If you're not planning that out early, you didn't really plan your project.
And I'm sitting there thinking that next, for me, isn't a reassessment of the tasks I perform. I like the tasks well enough. Next is getting a $50k-70k wage increase, to be in line with the industry average for people with my skills, performing my tasks, at my level of experience in this region. It's a 32 hour work week. And more paid time off.
I don't care if I get a fancy new title. I don't care if it's a more prestigious company. I don't care if there are more interesting challenges. I've grown my skills. It's past time to grow my lifestyle. And that's not going to happen from a like and dislike list, and mentoring people.
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waywardsalt · 6 months
smt iv’s shop/tavern themes are so ridiculously good, nearly all of them fit their individual locations so insanely well that they feel diegetic
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avengingseo · 6 months
Balancing Quality and Cost: How Affordable SEO Companies Maintain Value
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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) stands as a cornerstone for businesses striving to enhance their online presence. However, for many businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the cost of SEO services can often seem prohibitive. This is where affordable SEO companies step in, offering cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. But how do they manage to strike this delicate balance?
Affordable SEO companies are adept at maximizing efficiency and minimizing unnecessary expenses while delivering results that matter. Here's how they do it:
Streamlined Processes:
Affordable SEO companies have honed their processes to be as efficient as possible. They have a clear roadmap for each client, from initial site audit to ongoing optimization efforts. By streamlining workflows and eliminating inefficiencies, they can deliver high-quality services without unnecessary time and cost overheads.
Specialization and Focus:
Instead of offering a wide array of services, affordable SEO companies often specialize in core areas of SEO where they excel. This specialization allows them to focus their efforts and resources where they can provide the most value, without spreading themselves too thin. Whether it's technical SEO, content optimization, or link building, they prioritize what matters most for their clients' success.
Utilization of Tools and Technology:
Affordable SEO companies leverage a range of tools and technology to automate repetitive tasks and gain insights more efficiently. These tools help them analyze data, track performance, and identify opportunities for improvement without requiring extensive manual labor. By investing in the right tools, they can deliver results faster and at a lower cost.
Flexible Pricing Models:
Unlike traditional SEO agencies that may require long-term contracts or hefty retainers, affordable SEO companies often offer flexible pricing models. They may provide customizable packages tailored to each client's specific needs and budget constraints. This flexibility allows businesses to scale their SEO efforts according to their financial capabilities without compromising on quality.
Focus on Core Strategies:
Affordable SEO companies prioritize proven strategies that deliver tangible results rather than chasing the latest trends or fads. They understand the importance of fundamental SEO techniques such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and building quality backlinks. By focusing on these core strategies, they can deliver consistent and sustainable results without wasting resources on ineffective tactics.
Transparency and Communication:
Effective communication is key to the success of any SEO campaign. Affordable SEO companies maintain open and transparent communication channels with their clients, keeping them informed about the progress of their campaigns and any challenges encountered along the way. By fostering trust and collaboration, they can align their efforts with their clients' goals and expectations more effectively.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation:
The world of SEO is constantly evolving, with search engine algorithms undergoing frequent updates and changes. Affordable SEO companies stay ahead of the curve by investing in ongoing training and education for their team members. They continuously monitor industry trends and adapt their strategies accordingly to ensure that their clients remain competitive in the ever-changing digital landscape.
Emphasis on Results:
Ultimately, affordable SEO companies are judged by the results they deliver for their clients. Whether it's improving search engine rankings, increasing organic traffic, or generating leads and conversions, they prioritize outcomes that directly impact their clients' bottom line. By focusing on measurable results, they can demonstrate the value of their services and justify their affordability.
In conclusion, affordable SEO companies are able to keep costs down without sacrificing quality through a combination of streamlined processes, specialization, technology utilization, flexible pricing models, core strategy focus, transparent communication, continuous learning, and emphasis on results. By adopting these principles, they can provide cost-effective SEO solutions that empower businesses to enhance their online visibility and achieve their marketing objectives without breaking the bank.
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iero · 1 year
Whenever I get into my buying vinyl records mood, I always buy like 5-10 at once or none at all. 
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the-casbah-way · 9 months
i don't know how to tell you this but duolingo was a bad app this entire time
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nativeyoga · 10 months
Leah Hester - Yoga, Inspiration and Finding Peace in Life
Leah Hester, a yoga teacher and influencer, joins the Native Yoga Toddcast to discuss her journey with yoga and how it has helped her find peace and improve her life. She shares her experiences living in different places, including Costa Rica and Guatemala, and how yoga has been a constant in her life during these transitions. Leah emphasizes the importance of self-love and self-care, and how it…
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View On WordPress
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madstars-festival · 11 months
[MAD STARS through Female Eyes] Becky McOwen-Banks, Director, Creative X Global, Meta
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[MAD STARS through Female Eyes]
: Becky McOwen-Banks, Director, Creative X Global, Meta
It was the first MAD STARS event Becky McOwen-Banks, director, creative X global, Meta. She also brought their female perspective to the final juries.
Becky has been a creative director, on staff and freelance, at agencies such as M&C Saatchi London, VaynerMedia UK & EMEA, New Republique and FCB Inferno as well as an active member of the SheSays committee.
Becky McOwen-Banks certainly threw herself into MAD STARS. She was a member of the Final Jury and New Stars Jury, as well as a speaker discussing Searching for Innovation? Then Shut Up and Get Out of the Way! A.K.A. Creative Entrepreneurship in Action. Here is her MAD STARS view:
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What motivated you to be so involved? What was your impression of MAD STARS 2023? 
Becky McOwen-Banks: I have been on many global awards juries, but none that ran from Asia. I was keen to join MAD STARS, see the approach, meet more amazing talent and see for myself how it has been growing as an awards to be noticed. The combination of creative showcase and marketing business focus provides a balanced view of the industry, so I was excited and honoured when invited to get involved. I believe in the power of learning and curiosity have driven me throughout my career. The opportunity to visit a city I hadn't travelled to before, spend some time with leaders and creative talent was too good to miss. It is so important that we in the West don't become myopically focussed inwards and forget that there is so much more to discover and uncover. 
You were on the final jury. What stood out for you in the jury room (and did any work stand out for you in particular)? What were you looking for in the winners? 
Becky McOwen-Banks: We had a great mix of talent and skills in the Final jury for my categories which meant lots of good discussion about the work. Identifying what is the right work for this specific awards show, at this time and within the specific category makes judging different every time. This year lots of conversations focussed around work that made a difference to the world (like Knock Knock) but also rewarded paying clients for pursuing brave thinking.
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A piece of work I loved and have shared since being home is the Ladies of Tang Dynasty for Daning Palace. I'm a typophile - I adore typography - so this was just delicious. The attention to the heart of the concept and then allowing their design minds to fly was brilliant. 
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You were also on the New Stars jury. What did you think of the standard of work and the New Stars themselves as well as the judging experience? What were you looking for in New Stars winners? 
Becky McOwen-Banks: The NEW STARS jury was tough. There was a lot of great work and so little time. The awards facilitators were very strict with us to get through all of the entries with time for good conversation. It was really interesting seeing the variation in the approaches, and also seeing how some teams seemed to really get under the skin of the issue. The ideas that linked the heart and head were the standout winners, taking such a sensitive topic out of expected channels, to reach audiences wherever they may be - and all with empathy. You won't change behaviour on any topic by shouting at people and trying to shame them. The ideas required an understanding of the educational job that was needed in order to bring people with you and allow the message to be heard as well as the empathetic tone required.  The three points I had as advice for all teams was: 
1: Really question your own thinking. Be your own biggest critic.  Would the audience REALLY respond how I am suggesting? Would it really work? What is the simple message they would actually take out and remember? If you’re not strict in your own thinking then CDs or awards juries will be and will dismiss your thinking.  Learn to stress test your own ideas. Try them from every angle and always be honest with how effective the idea may be in the actual world. It's only this way you get to water-tight thinking. 
2: Keep pushing ideas.  Some ideas simply weren't evolved far enough, despite having a good insight and idea. Creatives (particularly at the early stages in their career) need to keep pushing to deliver full campaign thinking. It's also a way to test the validity of the idea itself. You can get two executions out of most ideas but then run dry - so push for 3, 4, 5 and show this idea can go anywhere. 
3: Crafting should always be secondary to the idea - in service of the idea, not instead of it. Great design and entry boards can never hide an average idea. Some entries were beautifully crafted, when I'd advise for this time-limited exercise that they should have been focussed 90% on idea and 10% on the board. 
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Please tell me about your session. Why did you choose the topic and what were its main insights?
Becky McOwen-Banks: Searching for Innovation? Then Shut Up and Get Out of the Way comes from my MBA thesis subject. I am a creative leader committed to innovation and teams. My thesis enabled me to explore the effects that leaders have on their teams, not through their direct actions but through the team design and process they create - and subsequently if these different team designs then have a different impact on the ability to innovate. This felt like a topic that would bring together the MAD STARS audience of leaders and innovation. We are all after ways to learn and enable our teams and businesses to be better, so I thought this was a good way to share some of my findings. I've had a few enquiries for my presentation so I'm hoping that means it landed with some. The main insight is that the traits of leaders (or founders) do affect the shape of teams they create, and this does ultimately impact the ability to innovate. So, we all need to be more aware of the systems we are creating, that we are the ones inhibiting our own success. It also reveals that innovative leaders are those with interactive and interpersonal traits, and that these leaders create more fluid teams. 
Or to distill that into some simple guidance from my results:  1: Leaders who identify themselves as interactive/interpersonal create more autonomous team shapes  2: A more autonomous team shape results in more identifiable and measurable innovation with the added benefit of team positivity and confidence. 
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