#markos dance company
escapismthroughfilm · 5 months
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⋆˚。⋆ ⋆˚。⋆⋆˚。Suspiria (2018) dir. Luca Guadagnino⋆˚。⋆ ⋆˚。⋆⋆˚
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17 July 1965
            Alex Winter is a British-American actor and filmmaker. He is best known for playing Marko in The Lost Boys (1987), Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989) & Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey 1991).
            Alexander Winter was born in London, England, his mother a New York dancer and his father founded the first modern-dance company in London during the 1960s. His father Ross Winter is an Australian who danced with his mother’s troupe. His father has English ancestry and his mother is Jewish, of Ukrainian descent. When he was five his family moved to Missouri, US and then moved to New York City in 1978; they lived in Montclair, New Jersey. Winter trained as a dancer as a child and started acting when he moved to New York, initially performing on Broadway. He attended New York University in 1983 where he met aspiring filmmaker Tom Stern; the two collaborated on making short films. Winter dropped out of film school and Stern and himself moved to Hollywood, where they continued making films and music videos. Winter looked for work as an actor, including gaining his role in The Lost Boys.  Winter was a film student when he auditioned for The Lost Boys, casting agent Marion Dougherty introduced Winter to Joel Schumacher and Richard Donner. He met the filmmakers whilst dressed in 80s punk rock style clothing, during filming they had him wear hair extensions.
            Winter has an interest in the internet which inspired him to make the documentaries Downloaded (2012) and the Deep Web (2015).
            Winter has been married twice and has three children. In 2018, Winter revealed when he was aged 13, an older man sexually assaulted him whilst he was acting on Broadway. He has spoken publicly how it has affected him and how he has suffered from PTSD since he was a teenager.
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#alexwinter #thelostboys #thelostboys1987
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ar-agon · 2 years
Not Alone
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Summary: You were waiting on your friends but when they never showed the group of bikers that run the boardwalk decided to take you in.
Length: 2160
Pair: Lost boys (mainly Marko) X reader
The band was playing so loud that you could hear them from the entrance of the boardwalk. It was your weekly trip to the pier. A time when you and some friends got together. Though it had been an hour since you had gotten there and no one had shown up yet. Stood up. This wasn't the first time. They only showed up when they wanted to, but at least this time, there was some music to listen to as you sat on a bench. The revving of engines blended in with the bass. So you didn't notice the bikes parking next to you.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing alone on a night like this?" a boy asked as he sat down next to you. You jumped at the voice and looked over at him. It was one of the punks that roamed the boardwalk, the cherub. You looked around, if there was one of them here the others couldn't be far behind. You were right the other three were still on the bikes talking among each other.
"I'm waiting for my friends," you lied, "they should be here soon."
"Well, mind if I keep you company until then?" he smirked as if he knew that what you said wasn't true.
"What about your friends?" you motioned to the other punks.
"Oh, I'm sure they can deal with one night away from me."
"I'm really okay," you tried to get him to leave, "they should be here any minute."
He leaned in close enough that you could smell his cologne. "If they don't show by midnight, then you're mine," he whispered into your ear before he stood up and made his way to his friends. You let out a shaky breath as he left, his words sinking in. You curled into yourself as you tried to calm down by letting the music wash over you. You knew when the punks made a promise they kept it. That was just how they were. If you lived long enough in this town you learn a lot about who to stay away from. The punks were number one along with the surfers. They were both bad news.
"Hey baby, want to go over here and dance?" the rocker called out as he moved closer to you. He was taller than the other blond and the rowdier of the two. You shook your head looking away from them. You were wishing now that your friends would magically show up, saying sorry that they were late. You knew that wasn't going to happen, they weren't really reliable. It was a wonder why you still hung out with them. You got up from the bench where you sat for almost an hour now and walked towards the railing to try and get a better view of the band.
"Come on, I won't bite," the rocker called with a laugh.
You did nothing but shake your head again.
"Paul, leave her alone," the cherub nudged him, "she waiting on her friends."
"Oh? How long have you been waiting, babe?" he questioned. That was the question you were dreading. You didn't know if you should answer honestly. It would make you seem desperate, waiting for friends that were never going to come.
"Not long," you replied quickly.
"Are you sure about that?" he smirked.
"Yeah, why?" you asked.
"Because I think they are running late." He took your hand and pulled you towards his group.
"Why, would I lie about that," you stuttered looking at him. You looked over at the cherub punk. You didn't know why you thought he would help you but you did. You saw the smirk on his face and he shook his head. You looked back at the rocker, unsure of what to do. You were getting angry now and you wanted to run but the grip Paul had on you stopped you.
"Come on, babe. We just want to keep you company."
"And if I refuse?"
"We'll let you go of course," the cherub said throwing Paul a look.
"Oh, come on Marko. Where's the fun in that?"
"Didn't you say we were going to have a good time tonight?"
"Then you're gonna come with us and have a good time," Paul looked down at you.
You looked up at him, and then you looked back at the shorter blond. If you went with them, you wouldn't have to worry about if your friends would actually show up. You also knew that they wouldn't leave you alone until you accepted their invitation.
"Okay," you said softly.
"Good girl," Paul grinned as he started to tug you towards the group.
"Hey guys! Look who decided to join us!" Paul cried out as he neared the last two punks, "This is David, and this is Dwayne." He pointed to the last blond and the only brunette.
"Hello," you wave to them.
"So, you came after all?" Dwayne laughed.
"Yeah, we made a promise," Marko explained.
"They also pressured me into it," you added looking at the two crazy blonds.
"Sound like them," David said.
"Well then, let's get you out of here and see what we can find," Marko said as he led you away. The group followed behind you. It was weird, while everyone seemed to stay clear of them letting you walk without having to push past people. A part of you liked it. It made you feel powerful but you knew it was only because of your present company. They were leading you to the beach away from the crowded boardwalk and to the crowded band audience. There was a bonfire set up to the side of the audience and you noticed your friends had already gotten there. They were sitting around the fire and drinking something. You stared at them. How long had they been there? They didn't even come looking for you and decided to hang out without you.
"What took you so long?" your friend Billy asked as he grabbed a beer from the ice chest that someone else brought. You gasped at them and looked back at the bikers.
"I was waiting for you guys," you tell them, "for an hour! I thought you guys didn't come."
"Luna went and looked for you," Billy explained, "said she couldn't find you."
"I was at the entrance, our usual meeting spot."
Luna looked up from a bong that was being passed around, "hey, where were you," she giggled. Of course, she was high. She was always high.
"I was waiting for you guys." You turned back to the bikers.
"Well, we came here early, figured we'd grab a drink or two," Billy said.
"Whoa, hold up," Luna cut in as she took in your companions, "are those the bikers? Why are you hanging out with them?"
"They offered to hang out with me until you guys showed up," you explained, "but now they're seeming like better company than you guys."
"Hey, it's not our fault that we couldn't find you."
"Yes, yes it is. You sent the one person who is never reliable to find me," you were starting to get angry. This was not your fault at all. Marko set his hand on your shoulder as if to try and show his support, "this always happens. No matter where I go, you guys are always late. You've got to stop making these promises you can't keep."
"I'm sorry," Billy began, "we just didn't realize you were waiting for us."
"I'm always waiting for you," you answer, "I'm sick of it. I'm done. Let's go." You turned to the bikers.
"Wait, wait," Marko said holding onto your arm, "why don't you hang out with us for a little longer? See how things work out. We can take you home later if you want." You looked at him and back at your old friends. They looked at you as if waiting for your answer.
With a sigh, you nodded, "fine. I did come here to have some fun. You guys are welcome to join."
"Sweet," Paul said as he sat down next to Luna, who passed him her bong. Marko walked you to an unoccupied log.
"You alright?" he whispered seeming genuinely concerned about how you felt.
"Yeah, I'm okay. They just do this all the time," you replied grabbing the beer he passed you.
"I'm sorry," he murmured.
"It's fine," you tried to brush it off.
He sighed again and you could feel his eyes on you as you took a swig of beer. David sat next to Billy and Dwayne took up the last log by himself. The group sat in silence for a while just listening to the band and drinking. It was awkward but you were glad to be able to relax without being bothered by anyone. You knew once they left, they'd never bother you again. The band finished their song and moved on to another one. That was when Marko spoke up again.
"Come on," he held out his hand to you and you stared at it, "lets dance."
"I don't dance," you tell him with a shake of his hand.
"Live a little," Paul said from his spot on the ground now, enjoying the buzz the weed had begun to give him. You looked at him and back at Marko.
"Okay," you grabbed his hand and let him pull you to your feet. His hands moved from your hand to your hips and he began moving his body against yours. Everyone around you was watching as you danced with a biker. Your friends were waving and cheering you on. The bikers were smiling too. You laughed as your body moved to the music setting your hands on his shoulders.
"Thank you," you tell him.
"My pleasure, babe," he answered.
The song ended and the next one played. This one was slower and you knew Marko was trying to keep the mood light. He didn't want it to end as much as you did. Once it did though, he was quick to pull away. You looked at him, eyes lighter than they had been at the start of the night. It felt like you weren’t alone anymore. Somehow you knew that he and the other bikers wouldn't stand you up. Not like Billy and Luna. He smiled at you and then winked before he went to sit back down. You watched him, wondering about what he meant by 'my pleasure'. What kind of pleasure was it that he gave you? He was handsome of course, they all were. You sat back down next to him and grabbed another beer.
"That was hot," Paul chimed in.
"Oh, shut up," you replied.
"Ow," Paul grabbed his chest.
"You're jealous," Billy said.
"Are you sure that it's me, that's the one who's jealous?"
"Paul, leave him alone," you interrupted whatever Billy was going to say next.
"I just don't understand why you're with them," Billy suddenly said.
"What?" you asked, "I'm not."
"But you were dancing with one of them," Billy reminded you.
"Well, at least he wanted to do something with me."
"And we don't?"
"You never show up and when you do I have to come to find you."
"Yeah, but we've been doing that since we were kids," Billy argued.
"And I'm sick of it."
"So you're saying that we can't ever hang out?"
"What I'm saying is that if you want to hang out to actually be there," you stood up, "you know what I'm done here." As you said that you left the bonfire. You didn't wait for them to follow you out, you just walked away. You found yourself heading towards the beach. It wasn't much farther to the ocean than you were walking right now. Once you reach the beach you sat down enjoying the silence. It didn't take long for Marko to sit next to you.
"I'm okay," you tell him.
"Are you really?"
"No," you answered honestly, "but it was a long time coming. They were never really my friends."
"Babe, you're not alone anymore," Marko grabbed your hand, "not if you don't want to be."
You looked at him, "what do you mean?"
"The guys like you. I like you. We kind of want you to stick around."
You were confused. How was this different from the others? Were they going to make plans and stand you up like your old friends? No, you had a feeling they wouldn't. They're the ones that got you to actually do something while you were sitting alone.
"You're a nice person, you know that," he told you. "I like you and I think the rest of the guys do too."
"Okay," you nod, "I would like that." You smiled at him which he returned. For the first time in years, you felt like you had friends that actually cared about you. You were beginning to wonder why you hadn't hung out with them before.
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thekimspoblog · 1 month
"Suspiria" has a very simple plot: A Kansas farmgirl named Susie moves to Germany to study ballet. Over time, various members of the dance company die under mysterious circumstances. Susie begins to suspect the academy is a front for a coven of witches. Using the research of previous students who had investigated the conspiracy and met their demise, Susie finds a secret door in the administrator's office by turning a blue iris on the wall. There is a secret tunnel leading under the school. She overhears her teachers plotting to kill her, and then Susie accidentally finds herself in the bedroom of the coven's leader, Mother Elena Markos. After dodging the witch's magical attacks, Susie stabs Markos through the throat with a decorative steel peacock feather. With the boss defeated, the ballet academy burns down, and Susie runs outside into the rain to safety.
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fangirldum · 6 years
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Been aggressively watching other films to move on from Suspiria, failing so far.... lol
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lioncourtblood · 5 years
all my problems would be solved if i could live in markos tanz company even if i don’t know how to dance, i would love to be friends with all the girls over there and to walk with them at the cold nights of berlin. maybe i could die sometime but who cares?
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vechkinfan · 3 years
Lost In The Shadows ~ (Part 4)
A/N: Thanks for everyone's patience with this chapter, I don't think I would have got it finished this quickly with out my partner in crime @alycu1. She's my sounding board for all these crazy ideas and helps a ton to get our boys just right! And most importantly I hope you all enjoy the next installment!
If anyone wants to be tagged at the bottom please don't hesitate to ask!
Words: ~5.9K.... (I know, I know, but I just can't help myself with long chapters...)
Pairing: The Lost Boys X OFC, Dwayne X OFC
Warnings: None that I can think of. Perhaps David being his usual sinister David self
Summary: David fishes for answers as to why Charlie found herself in Santa Carla.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 5
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Charlie would have been flat out lying to everyone if she said she truly hated riding on the back of Dwayne's bike. Sure, the first time had been a shock to the system with how fast he preferred to go. Which was just short of trying to break the sound barrier. It was very clear he was an adrenaline junkie, just like his three friends. However, he seemed like the more sensible one of the group, preferring not to try and run over every unsuspecting bystander he drove by - a major factor of what drew Charlie to him to begin with. 
It was obvious that they were bad boys who liked to live fast, and it seemed as if Charlie was now caught up with them. 
She knew on some level their interest in her had solely to do with her being new to Santa Carla, and that newness would slowly fade. Their attention would be turned to some other unsuspecting soul, and she would be quickly forgotten. It was an inevitable fact Charlie didn't mind, she didn't move all the way out to California to make friends and have a good time. She came to be forgotten, to be left alone and those two things had yet to happen since she arrived. 
But as she sat on top of a large washed up piece of driftwood, staring out at the concert that was slowly drawing to a close several yards away, she wondered if maybe she should just enjoy their company for the time being. 
Much to her dismay she was actually having a great time with them so far, Paul had even tried to drag her up off the ground to dance with him when the band came back on for their encore number. Charlie wasn't a dancer, and when she shook her head at him, Paul just laughed loudly waving off her hesitation. That boy had zero cares in the world and didn't seem concerned if he looked stupid doing anything he tried. Charlie on the other hand worried about all that bullshit. In a way she envied Paul for his carefree attitude, she bet it was quite liberating. 
While she had been lost in her thoughts, absentmindedly waving off Paul's attempts to get her to join in, Marko had pulled her up by the arm playfully, spinning her around once she was on her feet. Gloved hands taking hold of her own as he continued to pull her upper body back and forth to the rhythm of the song. His cherub-like face held the biggest smile she had ever seen him sport.
Charlie hadn't grown up with many friends, or people who were interested in having a good time with her. Marko and Paul alone made her feel more welcomed and wanted than anyone in her life ever had. A dangerous realization she came to as she finally sat upon her driftwood perch again. She didn't want to become too attached to all their attention, she knew how her brain worked. But, how bad could it be to have a few weeks of unbridled fun for once in her life? 
"Marko and I were thinking," Paul's voice broke Charlie free from her thoughts, causing her to look up at the blonde who was now laying in the sand on his side to the left of her.
"That's dangerous,” she quips, which seemed to catch Dwayne off guard. The brunette choked suddenly on the beer he had been nursing since they arrived at the beach. 
Marko chuckled, as he reached over and shoved Paul back into the sand. "What he meant was, we were wondering, is your name short for something? Kinda have a bet going." He shrugged as he gestured towards his sand covered friend who was now trying to reach for another beer from his spot on the ground. 
"Wouldn't you like to know?" She smirks watching the two blondes glance at one another once Paul got situated with his next beer. Grins tugging at the corners of both their lips at her playfulness.
"Perhaps some of us would like to know." David, who had been eerily quiet since they arrived, spoke up. He had found a place to sit against a semi buried rock across from her, watching carefully through the dancing flames as she interacted with his friends most of the evening. "Afterall we are friends now, aren't we?" The tone of his voice sent a sharp shiver up her spine. It was dark and despite the calm nature of his appearance she heard the trenchant undertones. 
Friends? She’d have to use the term friends very loosely to describe them all. Even with how often she had started seeing Marko and Paul, and even Dwayne on occasion, she wouldn't classify them as friends yet. Didnt you have to know someone's favorite color first before you could consider them a friend? Acquaintances was a more appropriate term but, given the air of menace that seemed to linger around the bleach blonde, Charlie decided it was best to play along. 
"My name isn't short for anything, it's always been Charlie." Shrugging her shoulders, she gazed down into her lap briefly. Staring at her fingers that had been slowly picking away at the loose, fraying threads around the rip in her jean shorts. "My dad wanted a son, my name was the compromise." 
It wasn't a lie but she watched David's brow lift in question as she glanced up at everyone. It was such a subtle movement she was certain he didn't expect her to pick up on it but it rang loud and clear in her head that he didn't believe a single word that left her mouth. Which was fine, she didn't need him to believe her. David could come to his own conclusions, it didn't change the truth of the situation. 
"See! I told you it wasn't short for anything," Marko shouted as he threw open his palm towards Paul. Gesturing him to pony up the money he had bet on this little wager. 
"Do I really look like a Charlotte to you Paul?" She quarked her brow in mock offense as she watched him dig around his pants pockets. Fishing out a badly crumpled twenty dollar bill and handing it, well more like throwing it, over to Marko. 
"He thought you looked more like a Charlene, if that's any better." Dwayne added in, a smirk gracing his face as he picked at the palm of his hand. Doing his best to hide the fact he found Paul's name ideas amusing. 
There had been nonstop speculation over the last several weeks about her name. The two blondes bickering for hours between themselves about the topic. It became so annoying that David had yelled at the both of them to stop. It wasn't very often that David would show true anger around all of them, so when he did, everyone knew he wasn't going to tolerate anymore. 
Dwayne knew David wasn't as open-minded about her presence compared to Marko and Paul. Their leader was only interested in what kind of information she had to offer, since Max hadn't been much more forthcoming after her arrival. Sure, he finally threw them a bone and spoke about her when they last met up a few weeks back. But that was only after Max had caught Paul in the video store chatting Charlie up at the counter, despite having expressly told them not to bother her ever again.  
It was a stern reprimand that went in one ear and out the other with all of them. To Dwayne, Max's words were an audible warning about them staying far away - that if anything were to happen to her at their hands, there would be consequences. But that didn’t deter them. Afterall David still hadn't got his answers, and he knew his brother would stop at nothing short of mind torture to get them from her if it came to it. However, he knew David was somewhat curious as to why Charlie hadn't told Max about them; she had ample opportunities to let it slip that the two numb skulls wandered into the store every night unabashedly. Except she said nothing, lips sealed tight as if she enjoyed the little secret she was keeping from her good pal Max. 
Charlie's soft laughter caused Dwayne to shake his head clear from his train of thought. "No, that's not." 
"I think Charlie suits you better anyways." Marko shrugs carelessly before tipping back onto the sand. Placing his hands under his head as he stared up into the night sky. 
"So… what brings Charlie to the lovely Santa Carla?" David throws his arms to the side, gesturing around him. "I can’t imagine mommy and daddy really approving of this move, given it's the murder capital of the world."
“They aren’t really in the picture,” she answers vaguely, not feeling a need to divulge why, “and, to be fair, I didn’t know this was the murder capital until after I got here.”
“Not a planned trip, I take it?” David asks, tipping back the rest of his beer before wedging the empty in the sand and fishing out his cigarettes. Tapping the box against the palm of his hand, before pulling one free. 
“Planned? Are any moves really that well planned out at our age?" Charlie responds, “I was really just looking for a change of scenery. So I taped a map on the back of my bedroom door and threw some darts at it. Santa Carla was just lucky enough to get hit.” With a shrug she picks a piece of dried seaweed out of the sand and flicks it over toward Paul who, diving out of its path at the last second, playfully glares at her. Flicking some sand back in retaliation.
"Darts? You're crazy, chica." Paul chuckles loudly, finally popping open his new beer once he resituates himself after Charlie's seaweed attack.  
"Where else ya hit?" Dwayne, who had also been fairly quiet that evening, finally asks. Leaning forward on his own piece of driftwood so his elbows rested on his knees. Face framed perfectly by his long dark hair. 
Huffing an amused laugh, she tips her head back so she can look at the few stars she can see in the night sky. Most drowned out by the lights of the boardwalk unfortunately. "Somewhere off the gulf of Mexico. The other dart? I missed so badly it ricocheted off the door and embedded itself in the wall behind me."
"So it was here or nothing then?" Charlie could hear the amusement in Dwayne's voice as she tilted her head back down to look at him. 
"I'm a good swimmer but I think I made the right choice. Guess you could call it fate." Charlie rolls her eyes at her own mention of the word fate, reaching down for the drink Marko had thrown at her earlier. She had absentmindedly set it down without much thought, too busy trying to watch what was left of the concert. So when her fingers wrapped around the neck of the glass bottle, she felt how warm the drink had gotten as she brought it up to her lips. 
She paused briefly, wondering if it was a smart idea to start drinking with them. Charlie wasn't a drinker by any means, alcohol was on a self imposed ban she had placed on herself since she was old enough to know what liquor was. She had watched it destroy her father, the man was always three sheets to the wind at any time of day. It could have been 5 in the morning and he would still stumble in reeking of stale booze. Eyes glassy and bloodshot, staring at her with such contempt that she questioned if it was really her he was looking at and not something his alcohol addled brain conjured up. 
"Don't drink?" David's snide voice broke her free from her bad memories. Eyes refocusing on the beer she was holding up to her lips.  "Come on, Charlie, loosen up. What's a few sips gonna hurt?" He drly laughed before taking a drag off his cigarette. Eyes staring intently at her through the dancing flames of the fire as she pulled the bottle away and held it in her lap instead. A maliciousness lurking just behind those piercing ice blue eyes of his, one she was not quite sure was actually there or if she was just imagining it. 
David, out of the four of them, was the hardest to read for Charlie. She wasn't sure if the way he held himself around her was how he typically was when he was with the boys. But she felt like injured prey whenever he was around, like he was sniffing out her blood trail on the ground as she ran, hiding behind vague truths about her life. It was clear he was loosely fishing for answers, but for what reason, she had no idea. There was nothing in her life that made her stand out in comparison to all the other hundreds of people passing through Santa Carla on any given day.
Charlie was ordinarily plain, for lack of better words. She certainly didn't have the same pizzazz that Paul and Marko had with how they dressed. Or the devilishly good looks Dwayne was fortunate enough to be born with.  
"I'm good actually." Sighing softly, she extended her hand towards Dwayne. Shaking the full bottle at him gently, making the liquid slosh against the amber glass so it would grab his attention before he reached for a new one. "How long have you guys been in Santa Carla?" Their eyes meet momentarily as she felt Dwayne's fingers brush against her own as he took the beer from her. 
"Feels like an eternity." Paul says, which almost immediately caused Marko to snicker beside his friend. 
Marko, who still had been laying on the ground, sat up to look at her. Trying desperately to hide his smirk with his closed fist that hovered in front of his mouth. "Time seems to fly when you're having fun here." Tilting his head at his blonde counterpart, the two shared a knowing expression before breaking out in laughter. 
Again the exchange seemed like she was outside the loop of an inside joke that was just too over her head for her to understand. 
"You staying here long? Or is there another round of darts on your horizon?" David's voice broke through the two blonde's laughter, making them stop almost immediately. 
David's fingers flicked the end of his cigarette causing the ashes to drift away with the ocean breeze. Eyes locked with her own still as the sudden silence was filled by the crackling logs in the fire. The quiet was unusual, Paul and Marko rarely ever shut up so Charlie knew something was amiss. 
"As long as Max let's me work and live above the shop, I don't see why I'd leave yet." Charlie narrowed her eyes ever so slightly at David, watching as the corner of his lip turned up. "Santa Carla isn't that scary for being the murder capital.” He seemed almost amused with her answer. 
“Give it time,” David mumbles, smirking to himself as he takes another long drag of his cigarette. Finishing it off and throwing the butt into the fire in front of him. 
“What?” Charlie asks, not having heard him fully as the fire crackled loudly and a group of drunk kids ran past them screaming incoherently.
“He hasn’t set a time?” David says louder, keeping his earlier meaning to himself and the boys. Who had all heard what he’d actually said crystal clear. “A limit to your little arrangement? Awfully nice of him, don’t you think? I’m beginning to wonder if you aren’t providing more services than just your time at the front desk. It’s not often you hear of a wanderer being given room and board, and being paid for it to boot… not unless they’re giving their benefactor a little something on the side.” David knew he was crossing a line, but he couldn't quite help himself. The girl was infuriatingly vague about everything. Perhaps if he got her to show a little emotion he'd get somewhere finally. 
Instead of anger crossing her features which he had hoped for, he watched as Charlie burst out in laughter. Causing his smirk to falter ever so slightly and Dwayne's head to turn towards him with a raised brow. 
"You think I'm fucking Max?" Her words came off in an incredulous tone between laughs. "I think I'd have made a better deal for myself if that was the case. Perhaps, like, not working the counter of a video store almost everyday of my life?" She kicked her legs out in front of her, burying the toes of her shoes in the sand. "He's just a nice guy, who was generous when I needed it. No more, no less." Running a hand through her hair, Charlie looked towards Paul who was no longer paying much attention and instead was picking at the sand in his shirt.
"Why do you guys have such a problem with him anyways?" She casually asked, changing subjects. 
Charlie wasn't a fan of David's assumptions but she played it off the only way she knew how. Laughter. It would do her no good to get angry, he, afterall, was probably just trying to rile her up. Dwayne had a habit of doing that, he even seemed to enjoy it judging by the aggravatingly cute smirk he'd give her afterwards. David was probably no different, ruffling the feathers of the new girl to see how far he could push. It was most certainly a game to him on some level, and Charlie wasn't going to easily fall into his traps. She did that enough when she talked to Dwayne. Except with Dwayne she never felt like there was an ulterior motive lurking beneath his teasing, David though? That always felt the case. 
"There's no problem," David shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, looking over his shoulder towards the ocean. Pretending that the young couple running along the darkened shore line a few yards away had caught his attention.
Paul, who had been quiet since David took over their conversation, stood up dusting the sand off the back of his off white pants. "Max is just a fun sucker. Always stopping Marko and I from coming in to talk to the prettiest girl on the boardwalk." Walking around his friend, Paul reached out and ruffled Charlie's hair playfully before sinking down beside her. 
Rolling her eyes at his words, Charlie shoved his shoulder. Smoothing out her hair afterwards, not wanting hers to mimic the blonde's crazy mane. "Does that kind of line actually work on anyone?" Paul would flirt with anything that had a pair of boobs if given the chance. She figured he just couldn't help himself most of the time.
"You'd be surprised,” Dwayne added, hiding the coy grin he was sporting behind the beer bottle he placed against his lips. Taking a long drink of the warmed alcohol.
"Everyone but you, chica!" Paul, for the most part ignoring her earlier shove, wraps his arm around her. Allowing his head to rest on her shoulder, staring up at Charlie with flirtatiously wanton eyes that make her scoff. As if that was what would bring her to her knees in front of him. 
"Maybe she's playing hard to get.” Marko wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Paul does like a good chase." 
Charlie scrunches up her nose at the idea which makes Paul laugh. 
"It's true, I do,” Paul says with a cheeky wink and this time it’s Charlie that has to laugh. 
"You two are lucky I feel morally obligated to pay you back for saving my ass tonight. Otherwise I'd punch the both of you." Charlie smiles, enjoying the small banter the three of them seemed to have when David wasn't interrupting them. Sure they could be annoying but, secretly, she enjoyed their joking.
"What?! Why?" Marko jumped to his feet.  "Oh yeah, I remember now,” running around the fire, past David and stopping just behind Dwayne. Throwing his hands on the brunette's shoulders with a slap. “You got a thing for our Dwayne. I get it, he's a very handsome boy." Grinning wildly, Marko moved impossibly quick and caught Dwayne's cheeks between his thumb and pointer finger. Giving them a little squeeze. 
Charlie watches as Dwyane swats at Marko’s hand, his usual hardened glare etched onto his face as he looks at the blonde. It was a subtle warning, what with how his eyes narrowed ever so slightly and the grip on his beer bottle tightened. The sleeve on his leather jacket was rolled up just enough that Charlie could see the muscles of his tanned forearm tighten and loosen. Clearly irritated at the curly haired blonde but deciding not to act on it. Instead, Dwayne remained quiet as he continued to stare up at Marko. 
Scoffing at his words, Charlie stood up. Grabbing a fistful of sand in the process, only to gaze down at the coarse beige grains that were slowly leaking through the cracks of her closed fist before throwing it onto the fire. Dusting her hand off on the front of her jean shorts she watched the flames. The sand had made the fire die down briefly before bursting back to life. Illuminating all their faces in an ominous amber glow. 
"Yep, you got me!" She held her hands up in mock surrender. "My master plan is foiled. I'm just here to irritate you two by ignoring your not so subtle passes while I secretly pine over Dwayne." Shaking her head playfully, Charlie finds Dwayne's eyes. Trying her best to give him a sympathetic look, knowing she had armed the two blonde knuckleheads earlier that night by calling Dwayne her boyfriend.
Sure Dwayne hadn't seemed to mind much when the two of them were alone on the boardwalk after the three others took off to raid the liquor store. He had even lightheartedly teased her about it. But they had been alone at the time. Now they weren't, and just because he was ok with it before doesn’t mean he wants to hear the endless tirade the blonde terrors are likely to go on. 
"Really?" Paul furrows his brows in confusion at her fake confession. In true Paul fashion, he failed to hear the sarcasm in her voice. 
"No!" She shouted before sighing heavily. "I think those hair spray fumes have finally killed the last of your brain cells, Paul."  Nudging his leather boot with the tip of her shoe, Charlie couldn't help but smile seeing Paul grin at her joke. 
"Who says I use hair spray?" He wiggled his eyebrows seductively.
"Gross,” Charlie laughs, “and no, I don't want to know." She points her finger at Marko who had his mouth half open ready to tell her what Paul's secret to large, out of control hair was. Dwayne smiles watching her stop Marko in his tracks but before he can say anything David rises from his perch on the rock. 
"I think we should wrap this little party up, boys. Who's hungry?" Using his gloved hands he dusts the front of his black coat off. "Hungry, Charlie?” He asks with a mocking tone to his voice. He strode by her, usual sinister grin spread across his face as their eyes met briefly before he climbed onto his bike. 
"I'll take her back," Dwayne interjects, knowing where David was going with this little line and needing to end that immediately. He wasn't one to question David's decisions but something in his gut made him intervene. Pushing to his feet he slowly found his way between David and her, cutting their line of sight from one another. "I can meet up with you a little later." His voice was emotionless as he spoke to his brother, but they knew each other well enough for David to sense the finality that was being displayed in that decision.
Dwayne hadn't cared all that much when David crossed several lines with her earlier that night in search of why Max had brought her to Santa Carla. Hell, he barely even cared that Marko and Paul kept making pointed jokes about what they were, that thankfully all went over her head. This though? This was playing with fire. David was flying dangerously close to the sun, so to speak, if he thought it would be okay to bring her along on a hunt. 
They all knew that Charlie was human, off limits, and if Max ever found out they were going against his rule they'd be severely punished. Which only made David’s behavior all the more surprising. He never directly went against Max's authority, but since Charlie stepped into the picture, her presence had the blonde's wheels spinning. Stopping at next to nothing to get Information. Which is why David was egging her on, almost daring her to take his bait and come along. A tactic he often used on his prey for the night. So Dwayne knew he needed to bring this game of cat and mouse to an end before David did something stupid. 
Bristling at the sudden display of authority, David slowly lets his gaze shift from Charlie to Dwayne, his lips setting into a hard line. Clearly angry that this night wasn't going to end how he wanted it to. 
"I don't think I was asking you." David's voice was curt, on the verge of annoyed at that point. Tilting his head ever so slightly so he could look at Charlie again, half tempted to ignore Dwayne and glamour her into coming along. "I was asking her."
Charlie sensed the shift in atmosphere almost immediately as Dwayne got to his feet. A tension engulfing the group, one so thick it felt like she could cut it with a knife as she watched the two of them stare each other down. Swallowing thickly, she brought her hand up to rub the back of her neck awkwardly. 
"It's actually pretty late and I have work in the morning. Plus, I've bothered you guys enough already. Maybe another time." 
Nodding his head slowly David looked away. "Alright then. Maybe another time." He parroted her words, as he glanced back. 
Scoffing aloud, Marko shook his head, both in disdain for David’s behavior and in contradiction to Charlie’s answer, as he dumped sand on top of the fire. Extinguishing the flames instantly. "You aren't bothering us. Believe me, if we can put up with this one, we can put up with you." He laughed as he shoved Paul's shoulder, causing the other blonde to lose his balance and stumble to the side. 
"Thanks, Marko,” she gives him a small smile which he beams back at, as does Paul. 
"Come on,” Dwayne gently places a hand on the small of her back, “let's get you back in one piece shall we?" Nodding, Charlie let’s him lead her away from the group towards where he had parked his bike. 
Meanwhile, things having gotten too chummy for his liking, David revs his engine a few times, before spinning the back wheel aggressively so the front of his bike now faces them. Watching carefully as Charlie climbs onto the back of the bike behind Dwayne. "See you around, Charlie." With that he peels out, a blast of sand shooting out from beneath his tire as he speeds off down the shoreline. 
Having just gotten situated behind Dwayne, Charlie watches as the bleach blonde disappears into the darkness. Letting a shaky breath out that she hadn't realized she had been holding in. For a brief moment she wonders if David's soured mood was because she didn't play into his strange game of twenty questions. He didn't seem like the type of guy to always get what he sets his sights on and Charlie, not bending much on certain subjects about her life, probably pissed him off. 
She just hopes he is able to get over the fact she would never openly speak about her past or who she was as a person before her move. Things that happened in her life before Santa Carla were in the past for a reason and there was no need to dig them up. No matter how much David seemed hell bent on doing so. 
"Don't worry about him, Char," Marko shouts over the rev of his own engine. Gesturing towards the direction David flew off in. "He wouldn't be here if he didn't like you."
"He's just hangry." Paul laughs loudly as he walks his bike up on the other side of Dwayne's. "Don't take it personally." He let go of one of his handles bars, to rifle through the front pocket of his jacket. Pulling out a badly rolled joint, the end so smashed she wasn't sure it'd even light anymore. Paul didn't seem to mind though, sticking it between his lips smiling sheepishly. 
"See you round Charlie." Marko gestures with his hand towards Paul beckoning him to follow as he speeds off after David. Hooting wildly into the night air like an untamed animal.
Paul of course yells excitedly in return, well the best he can with a joint caught between his lips, trying to outdo his cohort in crime. Jumping onto the seat he kickstarts his bike, giving it a few good revs allowing the smoke from his exhaust to engulf them all before he chases after his friend. "Catch you on the flip side, babe!" His words barely register with her from the distance he was already at, but Charlie shakes her head at the display none the less. 
Glancing over his shoulder, Dwayne smiles down at Charlie who was busy watching his idiot brother weave around the few picnic tables scattered across the beach as he vanishes from sight. He hates to admit it but Marko and Paul had taken quite the liking to her, more so then he would have ever expected. Most of the time they couldn't be bothered with outsiders. The women they hung around were there for food and a good fuck if given the chance. Charlie, however, had removed herself from the food category. Fuckable was still an option in Paul's dense mind, but Dwayne knew a decent girl when he saw one and that's what Charlie was. She barely batted an eyelash when he tried to flirt with her, and the unamused smirk she had on her face when Paul tried was enough to tell Dwayne she wasn't interested. 
"Ready?" He asks. When he sees her nod her head and feels her warm arms wrap around his waist without him asking her to, he doesn't hesitate, taking off towards the VideoMax.
The ride was fairly quick and when Dwayne pulls up in front of the store, he peers inside the front windows seeing a few customers wandering around the aisles still. It was late but Max keeps weird hours.
He felt her slowly climb off when the bike came to an ideal stop, placing her hand against his shoulder to steady herself. 
"Thanks for tonight." Charlie smiles softly, tucking a few stray strands of her wind whipped hair behind her ears.
"Anytime, babe."
"Charlie!" When they hear someone shout her name, they both turn to see Max standing in the doorway. One hand resting on the door handle as he takes a few steps towards them. Eyeing Dwayne with his usual contemptuous look. "I was starting to worry, you're never out this late." Dwayne watches as Max’s look softens almost immediately as he grows closer to Charlie. But just as fast as it softened, his features set in a hardened expression as he turns his attention back to Dwayne. "I thought I told you to stay away from my store." Max snaps, pointing his finger towards Dwayne once he knows Charlie is ok. 
"Hey there’s no problem here, old man. I was just helping out." Shaking his head in annoyance Dwayne is about ready to drive off. Not wanting to hear Max whine about some bullshit rule.
"Cut him some slack, Max." Charlie's voice caught Dwayne off guard. It made his brows furrow in confusion as he glanced back over his shoulder in their direction. "He was just making sure I got back safe. Some creeps were getting a little out of control at the concert, he -um, what is it you said your name was again?" She asks innocently.
If his brows could furrow any further they would have, because he was not expecting her to flat out lie to cover for his sorry ass. But here she was, pretending not to know him.
"Dwayne." He states plainly. 
"That's right,” Charlie replies, “Dwayne here came to my rescue." From his spot on his bike he can see Charlie shifting her weight between her feet anxiously. Hands fiddling with the zipper of her worn out leather jacket
"Really?" Max once again eyes Dwayne incredulously, like he was shocked he was capable of being nice. In that moment Dwayne wished he could have rolled his eyes at Max, but he kept his composure.
"Yeah, it was really nice of him. Thanks again." Giving a small wave and a sneaky wink that happened so quickly he wasn't sure if he had really seen it at all, Charlie turns and places a hand on Max's upper arm. "I should have mentioned I'd be out late, next time I'll leave you a note or something. Promise." 
With that she takes off running towards the alleyway beside the store. Leaving the two of them standing there watching as her figure ducks into the darkness and vanishes completely. There’s a short pause before Max considers her far enough away that she’d be unable to hear him and it’s only then that he rounds on Dwayne. 
"I told you to leave her alone." Max says through gritted teeth, his fists clenching at his sides now, knuckles whitening from the force. Upset that Dwayne had broken the number one rule at present. 
A dry resentful laugh escapes Dwayne's mouth as he pushes his hair back away from his face. "The chick didn't even know my name, pops." He shrugs, hands now itching to rev his bike to life and get the ‘hell out of Dodge’. "I figured you'd want your little pet back in one piece. There's a lot of monsters lurking out there." He smirks at his own joke.
Scoffing, Max waves him off, storming back into the video store and slamming the door behind him in the process. Drawing the attention of a few passersby who were making their way to the nearest parking lot. 
Dwayne lingers a few seconds longer, gazing up when he notices a light turn on above the right store front window. A silhouette of Charlie quickly appearing behind the pane until she’s close enough for the lights of the boardwalk to reveal her smiling impishly at him, giving him Paul's signature ‘okay’ hand signal. 
Dwayne smiles broadly up at her, revving his engine as she waves him off. He tips his head at her before he heads off to catch up with the rest of the guys and whatever trouble they were up to. Filing away her little act of defiance to tell them later. 
Tag List: @readingafterdarkness @pitiful-anonymous-vampire @ilikechocolatemilkh @hopester08 @ninjettey @kuronovixenyami
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anna1306 · 3 years
hihi i wasn't sure if requests were open or not so feel free to ignore if not!
can i get poly!lost boys with a reader who has pretty horrific social anxiety? like if there's anyone else there apart from the boys they'll just sit there and not be able to say anything? thank you!! <333
Poly!Lost Boys x Reader with social anxiety
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Paul often jokes that he doesn't understand how they even managed to get you to themselves. You are shy beyond imagination, you don't talk much e.c.
You got with them because of Dwayne in the first place. You were trying to solve some of your problems on the Boardwalk, but couldn't bring yourself to really push it, so the people in question would do what needed to be done. So when he saw it, he helped you.
With time you have grown more comfortable with him, he was so understanding and quiet figure, that you just relaxed in his company. Then there were others and the process of getting to know them better began all over again.
Of course, now they were practically like your shadows (four very hot shadows), so you got used to them. There are absolutely no problem with them being loud or overbearing at times. You laugh with them, play, dance, ride... You are just you with them.
But when it comes to others... Nope, there is no way you can possibly bring yourself to do it. You thought you were bad at social things earlier, but now, when your four outgoing boys do anything for you - you grew worse at this.
Place an order? No, you better say it to Marko, so he would do that. Ask people to move? Oh hell no, David, help, please. Buy tickets for the concert? Paul is better at this anyway. Arguing with someone? Dwayne is a great variant to hide behind.
At first there is pride on their side. They see it as you, their lover, needing them so much, you can't do anything without them. They are heroes in your book. Then, there's teasing and laughing. Like, yeah, they can do everything for you, but... Babe, it's just buying an ice cream. This girl didn't stand before you in the line, come on.
You have to sit them and tell what you're going through. The terror, when anyone just friendly speak with you or absolute horror when someone confront you about anything. What if you say something wrong? What if they laugh at you? What if they get angry? Or worse, talk about you later some bad things?
The boys feel kinda bad for laughing at this now. They want to help, not to make you feel worse or force you into anything.
How didn't you notice it before? I literally froze to the couch, when Max came
That's just Max effect
Well... True
So they are trying to be better
Marko is always ready to fight for you. Need to confront someone? Marko's at your side, arguing and even fighting for you. Plus, he has no problems holding your hand in public, to let you know that he's with you, near you.
Dwayne is silent protector. He doesn't like to talk much, but when he sees the necessity for you to tell someone anything or to buy something, he would step in. If there's conflict, he would just step in front of you. Usually, his looks is all it takes for the conflict to solve itself.
Paul is the smoothest in these things. Someone's trying to get your attention and just chit-chat with you? He pulls all of the attention to him, so you wouldn't have to do it. If you have the necessity to be there, but not want it, he gives you the headphones (probably stolen, but still good), so you can listen to the music and don't care about anything going on around.
David is the ultimate protector. If boys for some reason (feeding, or their own things) leave you alone and there's some problem, he's there with you. Doesn't matter if he was on the other side of the Boardwalk. He's near you, his eyes letting everyone know that you shouldn't be messed with. When you get too overwhelmed, he just hugs you and lets you hide in his long coat from all these nasty humans. He hates people too, so he understands to a certain degree.
They are absolutely protective of you, when you explain them everything, so you don't have to worry about anything social. Just let them do it and love them back. They still tease you though, like not ordering something for you or letting you deal with people on your own. But not often.
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charlizekkelly · 2 years
bikes & blood; chapter XI
{poly!lost boys x oc}
word count: 3106 rating: explicit chapter warnings: mentions of death and dead bodies, touchy Paul and Marko, victim hunting David and Dwayne, alcohol...overall my favourite chapter :D (again, I'm sorry if the warnings are shitty but this fic IS DARK!!) bikes & blood masterlist
tag list(feel free to leave a comment if you want to be added to the list <3) : @henhouse-horrors @dickspaghettii
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𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐮𝐥'𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚, 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐮𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐮𝐥'𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝—𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐬.
A distant eighties track gilded across the night and through the tree line, orange-yellow light of a flickering bonfire danced across the cream-coloured sand as people crowded around the shoreline; dancing around the fire to the music that drifted across the star-filled sky. Some drank from stubbies, while others passed a bottle of alcohol back and forth amongst themselves.
A group of people danced to the music that blasted from a large, well-loved boombox; the stereo eliciting a smile across Amara's face. Fold-out chairs, driftwood logs or the occasional upturned barrel were occupied by party-goers who were content with the company of their alcohol of choice. The rumble of the group's bikes ceased as they cut their engines in sync—David's cool stare searing into those unlucky enough to capture his attention from the moonlit tree line.
Paul quickly clambered off of his bike. A brilliant grin etched into his face as he giddily helped Amara off of his bike the moment he cut the engine. Amara's heart stuttered within her chest as she turned and found David's gaze on those of the two blondes that stood beside her. Marko's ever-silent footsteps making it impossible for Amara to know when exactly he ended up beside her.
"Remember what we're here for, boys," David warned, throwing a pointed glance in Paul and Marko's direction before he dismounted his bike and strode off towards the shadow blanketed tree line.
Amara waited until she was sure the platinum blonde could no longer hear her before she spoke. Leaning forward as though whatever she was about to say was some well-kept secret. "What's the actual plan of attack, boys?"
Dwayne hesitated as he moved to walk away, peering back over his shoulder at Amara with those deep brown eyes. "Be careful."
"Aw, Marko, did you hear that? Dwayne's concerned about our safety." Paul uttered cheekily, snickering as the brunette rolled his eyes and disappeared in the opposite direction that David had gone.
Amara playfully swatted Paul's side as she fought to stifle the laughter that threatened to bubble past her lips. Marko watched on, utterly bemused, fingerless gloves brought up to his face as he subconsciously gnawed at the skin of his thumb. His hazel-eyed stare analysed the pair carefully as Paul playfully shoved Amara back; snickering as Amara stumbled and bumped into the sandy-haired blonde beside her.
Marko shook his head with merriment, interlacing their fingers together as he grabbed Amara's hand and began leading her toward the flickering flames of the bonfire. Paul traipsed beside Amara; arm slung across the top of her shoulders, all the while, his Atlantic-blue eyes scrutinised each party-goer with sinister interest.
Cataloguing each little gesture, quirk and conversation within his mind as Marko continued to lead Amara closer to the blazing fire and dancing throng of people. Paul snatched up an unopened bottle of whiskey from the floor, unscrewing the lid with nimble fingers before bringing the mouth of the bottle up to his nose; inhaling the sharp, malty smelling liquor.
Amara arched an eyebrow as the two shared a look over the top of her head. Marko's gaze expectant as he awaited some silent verdict that Paul had yet to decide. Their pace never faltering as the tall, rocker look alike brought the mouth of the bottle to his lips, swallowing a mouthful of the amber coloured liquor before he passed the bottle to Amara with a daring gleam to his eyes. Marko's attention focused on Amara in the corner of his eye, waiting to see if she'd be game enough to down the amber liquid.
Amara eyed the glass bottle within her hand, weighing up whether this was the smartest decision for the night. Fawn-brown eyes darted from one blonde to the other as they watched her patiently—Marko's words echoing throughout her head as Amara's stare came to rest on him. The curly-haired biker stood an arm's length away, his fingers laced with her own. Those charming hazel eyes locked upon Amara's face as he waited as patiently as he had done by the cliff.
Marko's expression was nothing but calm, leisurely waiting, as though he had all the time in the world. Amara glanced over towards Paul. His expression as calm and carefree as Marko's. The cool glass of the bottle rested firmly within Amara's grasp; the neck of the bottle clasped between her fist as the two watched Amara with bated breath. Pushing all her worries to the side, Amara brought the mouth of the bottle up to her lips. The sharp smell of the whiskey searing her nose as Amara tipped the bottle back and swallowed a mouthful.
Nose screwing up with distaste as a warm feeling filled Amara's chest and the amber liquid burned the back of her throat, eyes watering as though she'd spent too long chopping onions. Paul patted Amara's back softly, biting his lip as if it'd keep him from laughing—sky-blue eyes dancing with mirth as he peered down at Amara, a proud grin spreading across his face as Amara passed the bottle to Marko.
"You know, we practically kissed just then," Paul announced after a beat of silence, a cheeky grin across his face as he waggled his eyebrows at Amara.
Amara blinked up at him, fighting a losing battle against the smile that threatened to bloom across her face as she rolled her eyes at the dirty-blonde haired biker. Nudging his side with her elbow playfully as Marko chuckled softly in amusement; Paul's exaggerated yelp of pain filling Amara's ears as Marko brought the bottle to his lips and swallowed a mouthful.
"I guess we all just kissed then. Hey, Paul?" Marko taunted as he passed the bottle back to Paul.
Amara snickered as Paul breathed out a huff of feigned annoyance. The retriever-like blonde poked Amara's side as though it'd stop the laughter that spilled from her lips. "It's not that funny." Paul all but whined, pouting as Marko's laughter joined with Amara's.
Amara shook her head, fighting to quell the bout of laughter. "It's your reaction that makes it so funny." Amara sucked in a breath of air as she gnawed at the skin of her bottom lip, quelling the laughter that bubbled within the back of her throat. "Your face dropped like someone had just taken your favourite toy away from you."
"Man, you looked like a kicked puppy," Marko stated, releasing Amara's hand as he grasped Paul's shoulder in a playful grip.
Paul muttered something beneath his breath, bringing the bottle of whiskey back to his lips. Tipping his head up to the sky as he swallowed a mouthful of the liquor. Marko and Amara shared a look. The laughter they had pushed aside spilling past their lips as the two snickered at the pouting blonde's expense. Marko's arm wrapped around Amara's shoulder as the heat from the fire ghosted across her skin the closer they came to the heaped pile of wood. Flames licked at the wood pile, filling the fire-lit beach with soft popping and snapping sounds that mingled with the eighties hits that blasted from the boombox.
People cheered, staggered, danced and slurred the lyrics to the music coming from the boombox. Men and women alike shoving all of their worries to the depths of their minds as they soaked in the pulsing music and salt-riddled air—partying to their heart's content without so much as a backward glance.
And, for the first time in Amara's life.
She wanted to join them.
The stars danced in the inky depths of the sky, firelight illuminating the sandy beach. All the while, music drifted upon the salt-riddled breeze of the night. Elation rippled through Amara like waves; threatening to pull her under as she tipped her head up to the sky, her hair cascading down her back as her laugh rang out across the night
Paul and Marko danced beside the girl, truly lost within the moment as they too soaked up the thrill of the night; hazel and blue eyes alike marvelling at Amara's ease around them. The two blondes knew David watched them from the edge of the tree line—his cool stare searing into the sides of their heads from across the beach—and yet, they didn't spare the snowy-blonde haired biker a single glance.
Content with watching the way Amara seemed to soak in the night. Her bay-brown curls fell freely down her back, dancing in the gentle breeze as the tipsy girl dropped her guard around the two rebellious blondes. Her impossibly dark lashes kissed the skin of her cheeks as she angled her head up towards the sky; soft smiles upturning the two blonde's lips as they subconsciously noted every little thing she did.
From the corner of Paul's and Marko's eyes, they caught the swift and deathly silent movement of David. The ivory-skinned biker's boots never once made a sound as he wove through the tree line at the edge of the beach party. His chilling icy-blue stare ensnared upon the brown-haired girl who continued to dance to the music emitting from the boombox. Straying from her only long enough to meet the many questions swimming within Paul and Marko's eyes.
David came to a stop several metres away from the energetic trio, keeping to the shadows of the tree line so that no unwanted attention was drawn towards the two blondes that watched him from either side of Amara—knowing that if any of the party-goers saw him, his chances of an oblivious meal would be squandered. David raised his eyebrows, subtly ordering Paul and Marko to do what they'd come here for.
The two glanced down at the girl between them. Marko's gaze drifting across her face while Paul searched the group of drunken people that clustered around the blazing fire—the pair familiar with the art of choosing their prey. Paul and Marko's eyes met over the top of Amara's head, an unspoken agreement passing between the two as their gazes dropped to the blissfully unaware girl.
With a glance towards their leader, the duo seamlessly led Amara deeper into the dancing party-goers. Amara and Marko conversed amongst themselves as Paul interlaced his fingers with the brunette's, leading them to the heart of the alcohol-riddled men and women on the beach. As carefree as they had been before, the blonde bikers danced to the blaring music coming from the boombox with the brunette girl.
Hands came to rest on Amara's shoulder, waist, or hips; sometimes lingering as though fighting with themselves to pull away, while others ghosted across her skin as though she'd merely imagined it. Amara didn't mind. Her mind, though fuzzy from the malty tasting whiskey, was filled with enough clarity that she knew if she uttered so much as a word; the pair would back off and cease their harmless caresses.
Amara was lost within the moment, much like the two blondes who danced with her. Paul's assortment of bracelets jingled together as the hand he'd moved away came to rest upon Amara's hip, subconsciously pulling the girl closer to his chest. The scent of coconuts, sea salt and book pages engulfing his senses as the breeze ruffled their hair.
Marko smirked devilishly, lifting his eyebrows as a knowing glint crept its way into his eyes. His gaze held Paul's when he finally lifted his stare away from the fawn-brown-eyed girl pressed into his chest. Marko held Paul's stare as he stepped closer to Amara, effectively trapping her between himself and Paul as his hand settled on the curve of her waist opposite to the side that Paul's hand rested—toned chest pressed against Amara's through the fabric of their white shirts.
David watched from the tree line, observing the trio from where he leant against a tree with one foot crossed behind the other; tendrils of smoke brushing against his face as he blew out a white-grey cloud of smoke. Malicious amusement spreading through his chest as he pulled his gaze from the magnetic trio and met Dwayne's eyes from across the beach. The ebony-haired biker inclined his head toward a cluster of men that sat upon a large, sun-leeched driftwood log.
Watching Amara dance with Paul and Marko with shared looks of desire; resentful glares thrown towards the two blondes that stood pressed against her. Dwayne waited for the subtle dip of David's head—signifying that their intended prey had fallen for the cleverly placed bait—before his umber-brown eyes left the men that reeked of beer and fell upon Amara. Orange-yellow light of the fire casting shadows across his face and the trio that danced like nobody was watching, Amara's melodic laughter rippling across the star-filled sky.
Paul and Marko reluctantly tore their attention away from Amara and to David, whose all-knowing irises burned into them. The pair waited with baited breath, every instinct of theirs going haywire as the thrill of the hunt jolted through them. Anticipation coating their tongues like honey; sweeter than any of their combined motives.
David dipped his head in that same miss-able manner as before. Matching smirks filled with malice spread across their faces, hazel and blue eyes alike finding the drunken stares of the men that watched Amara. Marko turned back towards Amara as Paul's upper lip twitched into a deathly smile; Atlantic-blue eyes void of emotion as he locked eyes with a familiar ash-blonde amongst the men.
Dwayne, sensing the budding intent within the dirty-blonde, crossed the soft sand and pulled Amara from the duo's grasps, and into his own. Wrapping an arm around her waist as the two blonde-haired bikers whined in protest. Giggling from the brown-haired girl met his ears as she laughed at Paul and Marko's matching pouts. Dwayne shook his head as he fought the grin that threatened to spread across his face, lips twitching as Amara leant into his side.
"Time to get you home," Dwayne murmured, mirth flickering within his eyes as a pout akin to the ones Paul and Marko sported grew across Amara's face.
"C'mon Dwayne, just a few more hours won't hurt." Marko pleaded, stepping forward as though to pull Amara from Dwayne's arms and into his own.
Paul nodded somewhat frantically, creeping closer to the coconut smelling girl tucked into the Wendat man's side. "Amara doesn't want to leave. Right, chika?" He stated, gesturing to the tipsy girl with a pout across her face.
"I want to stay," Amara whined, yawning behind her hand as Dwayne peered down at her.
Dwayne arched an eyebrow, unconvinced by both Amara and the blonde's statements, as he locked his dark eyes upon the smaller bikers and sighed. "Let's get you home, kleintje."
Amara furrowed her eyebrows as the olive-skinned biker began leading her back towards their bikes, Paul and Marko shoving each other playfully as they followed the two brunettes. "That's not fair." She muttered as Dwayne glanced down at her with a soft smile.
"What's not fair?"
"You telling me what I can and can't do." She huffed as Dwayne, Paul and Marko listened to the whiskey driven speech. "I mean, you don't see me telling you to put on a shirt, so why should you decide when I go home?"
Paul and Marko snickered. Dwayne's amused chuckle filled the darkness of the fading fire as he stopped several paces away from their bikes; platinum-blonde hair capturing all their attention as David sat astride his bike waiting for them.
David's gravelly voice drifted across the short distance from the bikes to the group of four. "How about this, sweetheart? If you can walk from where you are to here in a straight line, you and the boys can go back to partying."
Dwayne, catching onto where David was going, peered down at Amara as he spoke. "But if you can't, we take you straight back home. Okay?"
Amara nodded eagerly as Paul and Marko sauntered over to their bikes; knowing that neither David nor Dwayne would let either drive with Amara on the back of their bikes while she was anything but sober. Dwayne took a single step back from Amara and gestured with his hand towards the three blondes that sat perched on their bikes—urging her to cross the space without so much as staggering.
Marko toyed with the deep, red jewel that hung from his earring as Amara took three steady steps away from Dwayne, a triumphant grin across her face as she threw him a cheeky wink over her shoulder. Paul leant forward, forearms coming to rest on the handlebars of his bike as Amara took four more steps before she stumbled on a root that jutted out from the floor.
Huffing with annoyance as Dwayne wove his arm back around her waist and led her over to his bike, mounting the bike before he turned around and helped Amara on behind him. Her arms wrapped themselves around his bare abdomen as the group started their bikes, revving their engines a few times before they took off into the night. Paul's and Marko's hollers of delight echoed in Amara's ears as she rested her head upon Dwayne's cool denim jacket.
Her eyes fluttering closed as she soaked in the night; etching this night into her mind so that she would never forget it.
<previous chapter next chapter>
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TWN: Witchers; Other Films
I mentioned to @wishicouldpostfromsecondaryblogs how I was going to make a post about other roles the Netflix-canon witchers have had for fanon purposes, so here we go! (If I don't recognize any shows they've done, I'm using my own discretion to put only like four roles they're credited for on IMDb.)(*side-eyes Henry Cavill* he played Superman and is literally the main character of TWN, this post isn't about him.)(after further thought I've included Henry Cavill on here for completion's sake.)
Basil Eidenbenz: Eskel
IG: basil.eidenbenz
IMDb Profile
Height: 6'2"
Born: January 1993, Switzerland (29 years old)
Notable Roles:
Lukas Oertli in Best Friends ('Swiss youth sitcom', 2010-2012)
Lenny Brandt in The Athena (2018-2019 TV series)
Edsel in X Company (2016-2017 TV series)
Lohlein in Victoria (2016 TV series)
Paul Bullion: Lambert
IG: paulbullion
IMDb Profile
Height: 6'3"
Born: June 1988 (34 years old)
Notable Roles:
Billy Kitchen in Peaky Blinders (2014 TV series)
Berwyn Cairn in The Bastard Executioner (2015 TV miniseries)
Sardaukar Soldier in Dune (2021)
Yasen Atour: Coën
IG: yasenatour
IMDb Profile
Height: 6'
Born: June 1990 (32 years old)
Notable Roles:
Mutton in Robin Hood (2018 movie)
Reza Al-Rahman in Young Wallander (2020-2022 TV series)
director, writer, and cinematographer for Woburn (2014 short)
Nathanial Jacobs: Everard
IG: n.amosjay
IMDb Profile
Height: 6'2"
Born: n/a, his Mandy Profile says his age range is 30-40
Notable Roles:
first and foremost he was Second Assistant Editor for all of TWN S2
Second Assistant Editor for two episodes of Pennyworth (2020)
Jesse Matthew in A Killer's Mistake (2018 TV series) and 10 Steps to Murder (2019 TV series documentary)
Jota Castellano: Gwain/Gawain
IG: jota.castellano
IMDb Profile
Height: 6'
Born: n/a
Notable Roles:
Francisco in Warrior Nun (2020 TV series)
Jordi in Heroes Wanted: The Series (2018 TV series)
an unnamed role in Dancing on Glass (2022, coming soon, April 2022)
Chuey Okoye: Merek
IG: chueyokoye
IMDb Profile
Height: 5'11"
Born: n/a, his Mandy Profile says his age range is 21-31
Notable Roles:
OASIS player (uncredited) in Ready Player One (2018)
stunt performer in The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
MIT student (uncredited) in Patriots Day (2016)
Kim Bodina: Vesemir
IG: n/a
IMDb Profile
Height: 5'10"
Born: 1965 (he's married and has 3 kids)(57 years old)
Notable Roles:
Konstantin in Killing Eve (2018-2020 TV series)
Abbot in The Letter for the King (2020 TV series)
Martin in The Bridge (2011-2013 TV series)
Henry Cavill: Geralt
IG: henrycavill
IMDb Profile
Height: 6'1"
Born: May 1983 (38 years old)
Joel Adrian: Hemrik
IG: joeladrianslaatto
IMDb Profile
Height: 6'2"
Born: performs ages 24-35
Notable Roles:
stunt performer in Star Wars Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Evans in Love Me If You Dare (2015-2016 TV series)
stunt double for Patrick Wilson in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2022)
Max Kraus: Tolbert
IG: maxkrausfitness
IMDb Profile
Height: 6'1"
Born: age range is 23-33
Notable Roles:
Marko in The Space Between (2018-2022 TV series)
stunt performer in Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)
stunt performer in Jolt (2021)
Nicholas Wang: Diever
IG: hulknick
IMDb Profile
Height: 5'7"
Born: n/a
Notable Roles:
stunt performer in Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)
stunt performer (uncredited) in Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
stunt performer/stunts in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Lachlan Parkinson: Vartok
IG: lachie54
IMDb Profile
Height: 5'10"
Born: n/a
Notable Roles:
stunts in Spartacus (2010-2013 TV series)
stunt performer in Penny Dreadful (2016 TV series)
stunt performer in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
aaand that's all!!! more than one of these guys worked on F9 which is neat, but i just want credit where it's due okay
if you have any questions or w/e feel free to reach out
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luminnara · 2 years
As I promised, 💛 anon is here to write about reader and her brood of boys dancing.
They have a nice house thanks to stevie being an absolutely amazing boyfriend and the first purchase that paul made after he recieved wages from his first job at Steve's video store/cafe was a record player (or maybe a CD player, depends on the time)
Paul gets a lot of records and cds for Christmas and birthdays, and the reader and the boy brood all have one MASSIVE collection on a bookshelf in their living room.
Lots of Bon Jovi, ABBA, Blondie, Beatles, Metallica, Queen, Duran Duran, Billy Idol, R.E.M, Guns N' Roses, Tears For Fears, Aerosmith, Ths Bangles, David Bowie, Kiss, Adam And the Ants, George Michael, Kate Bush, Kim Wilde, Bonnie Tyler, The Who, Sex Pistols, etc etc
So of a night time they will have dance parties. Usually, itll start with a VERY drunk or high Marko and Paul. Like they're vibing, probably making out at the same time, just having fun. Theyll drag reader in, who's not as high but they're up for it and they're all jumping around, Marko is doing air guitar, paul is sliding around on the floor and jumping over furniture. Steve is the next to go, maybe because reader just jumped directly onto him and paul was messing with his hair, he is like the responsible one but hes down for some fun, especially when hes high.
Billy is harder to convince but hes drunk as shit so he will inevitably be a bit more loose after one of the three wild children (marko, reader, paul) just well, grinds on him essentially. He loosens up a bit, theres some good music and some cheap alcohol and weed, hes up to dance.
David and dwayne, ESPECIALLY david, that's gonna take some convincing. David has to be the grown up, and was so under max's thumb for so long, plus I imagine him being turned in the early 60s or late 50s (and hes about 22 I think) so the time he grew up, he couldnt be VULNERABLE and dance around like an idiot.
Well he can because as the months go on and he sees how happy everyone is, reader and the Hawkins boys have brought something out of his boys (even Dwayne, who has taken to joining in on certain songs and performing very elaborate lifts and steps he has no clue where he learnt them from), so after a while, david will join in. He feels comfortable.
And so in the night time, music echoes from that house as they all dance around the living room, enjoying each others company :)
End Scene
Healing the boys through the power of MUSIC
I also love the image of Christmas with the boys. Paul wearing a Santa hat. Chef’s kiss
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ballet-symphonie · 3 years
Russian + Ukrainian Theatre Updates
Updates as of March 6th, corrections, and additions welcome. More sources will be added with time. UPDATES IN RED
*Note that Ukraine-related comments are being heavily censored on most Russian forums that I read. In some cases, the forum topics "Ballet in Ukraine" are even closed to future comments or tags are blocked
National Opera of Ukraine (Kyiv State Ballet)
Opera House is closed following government orders, everything is suspended indefinitely
Former NYCB and SFB Principal Ana Sophia Scheller has left the company and the country
Several dancers have left the theater to serve in the army, notably Oleksii Potiomkin who has been very active on IG, and Lesya Vorotnyk
Companies who have offered assistance to working Ukrainian Artists include Polish National Ballet, Hungarian National Ballet, and Czech National Ballet, Bucharest National Opera
Dnipro State Opera and Ballet Theatre
6 Dancers including Canadian BBA Grad Lara Paraschiv are now working in Romania at Bucharest National Opera. Director of the Opera Daniel Jinga said the dancers have begun working with the ballet corps and some of them could be performing in a month.
"We will have the legal and technical capacity to give them collaboration contracts fairly quickly and we seek to do that because we want to help them all the way," Jinga said.
Kyiv City Ballet
Currently on tour in France since before the war started, receiving offers of aid from a wide variety of arts organizations,
Dancers staying at Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris currently
Donation portal linked on their website
Various Russian Names that have spoken/posted publically, explicitly against the war include Natalia Osipova, Diana Vishneva, Vladimir Shklyarov, Viktorina Kapitonova, Nina Ananiashvili, Olga Smirnova, Irina Kopakova, Natalia Makarova, Valentina Kozlova. Names taken from Alexei Ratmansky's public FB
Kyiv-born Alexei Ratmansky left Russia for NYC, his new ballet, set to Bach’s “Art of the Fugue,” was to have its premiere on March 30. The work is still incomplete. According to the BT website, the premiere is currently postponed due to “negotiations with the staging team"
Jacopo Tissi and David Motta Soares leaving the company as well as Erick Swolkin and Bruna Gaglianone -> The 3 Italians listed have posted safely from Rome/Milan. Jacopo Tissi now working at La Scala.
The Bolshoi Theatre’s general director, V. Urin, was among a group of Russian cultural leaders to sign a petition against the war
Chief Conductor of the Bolshoi Theater Tugan Sokhiev steps down as Music Director and Principal Conductor of BT
Bolshoi Ballet in Cinema screenings canceled
Various tours to the UK and Ireland canceled
Bolshoi Ballet Summer intensives canceled
Ratmansky's Reconstruction of “The Pharaoh’s Daughter,” is at the very least indefinitely postponed
Tours to the US (Kennedy Center) canceled (both for pandemic reasons and war reasons?)
Victor Caxieta, leaving the company (replaced by K. Kim in upcoming DQ on Mar 5th)
May Nagahisa likely leaving as well (replaced by R. Shakirova in the upcoming RJ on Mar 8th, as well as several Sevan Sonatas performances)
Other foreigners leaving including Marko Juusela, Mikhail Barkidjidzha, Aaron Osawa-Horowitz, several Japanese corps dancers
Speculation about both Mativenkos leaving, Denis danced in Spartacus recently at Mik --> Both Mativenkos have left, Denis has also resigned from the VBA
Speculation about other foreigners staying include Xander Parish (has RUS citizenship but was also replaced in upcoming Giselle) and Ekaterina Chebykina --> UPDATE Xander Parish is leaving as well, expressed concern for Chebykina on latest IG post, he and Yevseeva embraced in a long hug after their last performance of "I'm Not Scared", Chebykina's account is now private.
Ivan Vasiliev leaving the company, likely wanting to do more freelance work and possibly move his base to Moscow, still scheduled for upcoming performances with the theater (this is older news)
Andrea Lassakova and Adrian Mitchell leaving the company.
Imogen Walter, Caesar Elsner, Davide Loricchio, Daniela De Pompeis, Flavio Paciscopi, Filippo Montanari (basically every foreigner in their corps)
Nacho Duato appears to be staying? Or at least continuing to work with the company? General Director V. Kekhman confirmed Duato would arrive on Mar 15th to prepare new versions of "Don Quixote" and his first-ever opera performance "Carmen." Lots of questions about how he will fly into the country.
Stanislavsky (MAMT)
Laurent Hilaire has resigned from his position as director and will be leaving the country.
Laura Fernandez-Gromova has left and returned home safely
Speculations about Anastasia Limenko, Maria Beck leaving the company
Vaganova Ballet Academy
Letter addressed to international students from Rector N.M. Tsiskaridze posted on VBA Instagram.
"Despite very challenging situation in the world today, Vaganova Ballet Academy is above all the educational institution in the field of art. We continue to provide educational services, and all our obligations, including security, will be fulfilled in full. If any issues arise due to political restrictions, we will be there to assist in problems resolutions. We understand that the representative offices of your countries are trying to enforce you to leave Russia. We advise that you do not have to worry or panic. All decision-making will be based on monitoring the situation. We appreciate your understanding."
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ms-march · 2 years
Turn week 2022- Favorite Female Character:
Tumblr media
Lady Adrienne Fairfax
“Lady Adrienne Fairfax sat on a couch made of high-end silk in the Shippen’s ballroom, surrounded by the girls from the city she has henceforth deemed tolerable, none of which included Ms. Shippen herself. If there was one thing that was true about the girl, it was that she was as vain and dry as she was wealthy. Peggy Shippen had no discernible personality, that much was certain, her morals as fickle as southern rains. No, Adrienne would much rather enjoy the company of Miss Arabella Coxe, Anna Marie Chew, Elsie Markoe, and her dearest friend, Ann Emily Rush.
Across the room, the incredibly small circle of the insufferable Miss Shippen sat around an ornate table, playing their own game of cards, their frequent glances drawing Adrienne’s own attention. “You know,” Adrienne addressed the group, “For someone who has held such extravagant social gatherings every year since she was of age, she is getting rather old to remain,” a pause for decency passed before she spoke again, “Uninvolved. Don’t you think?” Emily Rush let out a laugh from beside her, declining much more comment.
Marie, however, did not hold her tongue as well as Miss Rush. “Well, there is no need to wonder why the guest lists have been getting so very relaxed,” she quirked her eyebrow to the blonde she was conversing with as if waiting for a response, but none came. The blonde, however, seemed to become slightly uncomfortable by the statement, her ability to mask her emotions was disheartening to Adrienne. This was a clear sign that the young lady was no socialite, and it was clear how the statement would have invoked such emotion, as the girl could not have been much younger than Peggy Shippen.
Arabella Coxe did not allow the silence to halt such a conversation as she addressed the group, “Well, who can blame her poor father? She has to strain his resources horribly. Surely, the desperation for her to get married can not be a one-sided ordeal.”
The five girls laughed at this like tittering birds. Adrienne smiled contently, mischief gleaming in her eyes as she spoke, “That much is true. I should think the next time an invitation including her comes across, I shall ignore it.” The ladies nodded silently, understanding the meaning behind her words immediately. They soon returned to their activities once more, their comfy chatter blending with the other voices in the room. Adrienne did notice, however, the arrival of some of the less virtuous vices of the King’s Army—some of which included the gambling of card games, excesses of liquor, and of course the women.
Wherever there is light to be found, there will surely be a moth nearby who cannot resist its temptations.
The card game ended as Adrienne laid her hand on the table, winning for the second time in a row. “I swear,” Arabella Coxe huffed, “I have no clue how you do it. You will have to count me out on another hand, I am afraid my pride could not handle it.”
Adrienne cracked a smile, allowing a childish giggle to escape her at this comment, “What can I say, Madam? It is a gift.”
“A gift indeed, Lady Fairfax,” spoke an unfamiliar voice behind her. The sound of military regulation shoes on the floor made her turn on the couch to meet the man as he walked toward her front. “I am afraid we have not had the pleasure of meeting quite yet. Allow me to introduce myself,” he removed his hat, bowing properly to her, “Lieutenant Gamble of the British Army, at your service.” The Lieutenant kissed her hand once it was offered and made a request for a dance.
Adrienne rose from the couch, giving a glance at Arabella and Emily as she accepted. The British officer led her out onto the dance floor for a minuet, Jonathan Cooke of the commissary, a dear friend of her father, and the tall blonde from earlier joining the dance beside them. The young officer was quite talkative, asking her all very personal questions, starting with the most obvious, and he was not pulling punches. “I do wonder, m’ lady, if you are aware that the young women who you fraternize with are daughters of known traitors.”
Coolly, Adrienne responded, “Much better dressed and interesting than any woman considered a shining jewel by the British Army, especially in Pennsylvania of all places.”
He snorted rather unceremoniously at her response as they turned, “Then do you, as an English heiress, share their views, madam?”
“Lady. An English lady, who’s father sits in the House of Lords, sir,” she corrected sharply. “I have no view on this war. Anyone who does is concerning themselves with frivolity.”
“Frivolity? That’s not what the King calls it.” They pass into another turn.
“And you would call England by any other name if the king called it so? A rose by any other name is still a rose.”
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"Home of the Lost: Chapter 3"
No warnings this time! This chapter happens simultaneously to last, so by the end of the chapter the timeline will match again. That being said I hope you like this and let me know what you think :)
Sun began to set as David opened his eyes. He felt the lure of the night - as he came to call it - and yet he knew he had to wait just a little longer. Even though the light was getting weaker, it was still enough to kill him. He looked around him, his three brothers still sleeping. He hadn't expected anything else. He always woke first, no matter what.
David was the leader of the group, having been found by Max in the early seventeenhundreds. He'd been a journalist back then, travelling the world to tell stories. He had been young, of course, but the people in London trusted him to go to the States to write reports about what was happening there. With a healthy reluctance, he boarded the ship, not knowing it would practically be the last thing he did as a human. For months, they sailed over the seas while he was making sure to pen down anything that happened during the journey. It was only when they almost reached the States that it all went wrong. Out of nowhere, they had ended up in a storm, the captain losing control of the ship. She - the ship that is - was fighting against the harsh waves, only to slam against a cliff. Water filled her up, and it didn't take long before she began to sink. Many people drowned that night, and if it wasn't for Max, David would have too.
Max had seen what had happened, however, and decided he wanted to change David upon seeing him. So that's what he did. He fed him the blood, showed him the ropes of being a vampire - and they spent almost a hundred years living and hunting together. Yes, Max might have his flaws, but David knew he was lucky with a sire like him. Max had complete power over him, and the others changed by his blood, and yet he let them do whatever they wanted. They were still free despite the fact that Max could order them around if he wanted to.
No, it was probably the best thing to have happened to him. Being a vampire was fun, more so than most realised.
Out of his three brothers, Dwayne was the only one David had changed. Dwayne had been a frequent visitor of the town where David had lived, and they became acquaintances. By the time it was time for David to move on to another town, he decided he liked Dwayne's company. He needed a companion, and offered him this immortal live. Dwayne - although he was a bit apprehensive - accepted the offer. For the past 150 they roamed the world together, Dwayne quickly becoming second in command.
Lastly, there were Marko and Paul. They weren't changed by David nor by Max. They had lived in America for a while when they stumbled across David and Dwayne. They were kind, the four boys hitting it off immediately. They had already been vampires for some time, Marko actually being a couple decades older than David, but they had agreed to performing a ritual that would bond them to David's pack. It meant their vampiric ages wouldn't matter, but that the packleader, despite his age, would just be that. Packleader. He was glad they had joined, knowing the pack was complete now. It all just fit together.
David landed on the ground, noticing the others were beginning to wake. A yawn escaped him as he stretched, making his way to the mainroom. In the years that they had lived here nothing much had changed. In the beginning it changed a lot, of course, but when they were finished, they had all agreed it was perfect the way it was.
When they moved in, back in 1907, all they had done was clean it up a bit. Make sure the floor was empty enough to walk and perhaps dance. That was it. Over the years however, more and more remains of the hotel had been moved out, thrown right next to the cave entrance.
But besides that, it was still pretty much the same. The chandelier still hangs, resting on top of the broken fountain. The elevator still laid on the ground, now covered in posters and newsclippings. The extravagant doors that had once been the entrance to the hotel now functioned as a table.
That was most of what was left of the original hotel. Over the years, the empty shelves were filled with books and magazines, or hobby supplies. David sighed as he grabbed the bottle out of a cabinet. Over the years, it just became their home more and more, more than they could have imagined when coming here. He let his eyes cross over the cave as he took a sip of the bloodwine. He noticed the half read books, the half finished mural, the leftover boxes of their dinner. Yeah. They couldn't have wished for a better home. He smiled as he picked up a red book, placing it back on the shelf.
He took a sip when he heard the others come down, already laughing and joking. Paul however stopped quickly when he saw David placing the red book back into the bookcase.
"It moved again?"
"Yeah. Not to far this time."
Paul nodded, sharing a look with Marko.
"We can't, not yet, you know that," Marko said quietly, his hand brushing over Paul's.
"I know. Doesn't mean I can't feel shit about it."
The two stayed there for a moment, sharing the uneasy silence resting between them.
"You know it's not your fault, I'm sure she knows that too."
"I hope so," Paul sighed, lighting a cigarette.
The cave was quiet as everyone made their way outside, ready to go to the boardwalk. Once every single one of them was gone, the red book began to move again. Slowly at first, until it raced though the room, hitting a wall and falling down on the ground, sliding under the bed.
The boardwalk was as busy as ever as they arrived, yet none of them had any trouble manoeuvring their bikes through the crowds. The people of Santa Carla knew better. They spread out, stepping aside to create a path through the crowd as if to was the red sea. The boys ruled the boardwalk, or at least, spread enough fear to make people realise they were not to be messed with.
"So what's the plan for tonight?" Dwayne asked as they parked their bikes. "Max wanted to speak to me, besides that, you're off to do whatever you want," David shrugged, sighing as he realised he had no more cigarettes on him.
"Great - we'll see you later!" Paul took Marko's hand and dragged him away from the other two boys, causing David to shake his head.
"Hard to imagine they're actually older than us, hm."
"Be glad they are the way they are. With all that has happened, they could have easily turned into another Max."
"Who - Paul and Marko? Absolutely not, they would have dug their own graves before letting that happen."
Dwayne chuckled. "Any idea what Max wanted?"
"Nah, probably just checking in."
He walked off, leaving David behind to talk with Max. Max was not a bad man per se. Honestly, they could have gotten someone way worse as their sire. He let the boys do whatever they wanted most of the time and hardly ever reprimanded any of them when they actually crossed a line. No, on that point, he was a rather nice and sometimes even a fair and welcoming sire. He just despised change. He had thrown a fit when David had told him he had let Marko and Paul join their group, only calming down when David agreed to ask them to become an official part of the pack by drinking David's blood. Max had been rather angry when he found out that not only had Paul and Marko joined the pack, but also their first childe - a girl they had sired. Max had been pissed, demanding to know why she hadn't been made an official pack member. David had tried to explain, telling Max that she was as a sister to all of them and that she was loyal to both Marko and Paul and that she would never betray the pack. It had taken two decades for Max to accept her, to see that she was not a threat. It had taken another one before they became close - eventually coming so far that she'd sometimes end up calling him her grandfather. Max had a problem with change and not being in control, and in those moments, Dwayne realised that maybe he wasn't the best sire one could have. After all, he had seen how both Paul and Marko could be. Of course, they were highly irresponsible at times and even borderline obnoxious and beyond annoying, but all in all, they were good sires. They had cared, always letting their sister know she was an equal to them, that her word and opinion meant as much as theirs. No, Max definitely wasn't the best sire, but he was better than nothing, and for that, Dwayne realised he was grateful.
"Where are we going?" Marko asked as Paul had dragged him all the way over the boardwalk, into a dark street.
"Well, I talked to Josephine the other day-"
"The widow?"
"That's the one. She said she might have found a way to bring her back."
"No - that's great. So, we pick it up and we bring her back tonight, right?" Marko asked, stopping to look at Paul.
"Well, not exactly. She's still working on it. I just thought we could celebrate."
"What did you have in mind?"
"A good meal," Paul grinned, kissing Marko softly, "and then we could do whatever we wanted away from the prying eyes of our brothers."
Marko chuckled, nipping Paul's bottom lip. "Let's go then. I'm starving."
Sharing a meal was something they hadn't done in a long time. They had been used to doing it the first couple of years they were together, both not needing as much blood as they do now. It was nice, romantic even. Sometimes, they made sure their victim wanted to join, enjoying a threesome before draining said victim. Sometimes, they just hypnotised their victims and drank while already starting to tease each other. No matter who they picked or why, one thing was for sure, the two boys would leave rather satisfied.
Hours of the night passed at a rather quick pace, the night always ending to early for every single vampire in town. David had already left, leaving the others to go home.
Marko had been about to initiate yet another round - ignoring Paul's complaints that he couldn't take anymore - when he had seen the sky slowly beginning to lighten. "Shit!"
Paul looked up, realising how late it was. "We gotta go."
Within seconds, both men were somewhat presentable again, as they took off, running over the almost abandoned boardwalk, back to their bikes.
"Come on man, hurry up!"
"Dave's gonna be pissed if we don't get home before sunrise!" Paul yelled, speeding up even more as he saw the faint hint of orange tainting the sky.
"Race you to the ca- ah fuck."
"What- oh shit."
By their bikes laid a girl. Thick brown curls spread out around her, her breathing shallow.
"Shit, she looks bad," Paul said as he moved some hair out if her face.
"Then we take her with us."
"She needs food, and water."
Both boys looked up, Dwayne standing in front of them. "I'll take her to the cave. You two make sure she has something to eat when she wakes up. Hurry, alright. We have forty minutes before sunrise."
Paul nodded, mounting his bike, grinning at Marko as he followed. They quickly got some food and drinks for her, making it home just in time. The girl was lying in the bed in the main room, sleeping still. Marko left the food on the table, quickly scribbling a note.
"David's going to be pissed," Paul sighed, looking at his mate.
"We couldn't leave her there. Her being here doesn't mean she needs to become a part of this."
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dreamties · 4 years
Slashers W/ a Punk S/O
T/W- q*eer is used a few times- in a positive, self affirming kind of way. But I can add other trigger warnings if needed. :)
A/n- Literally no one asked for this, but I wanted to make more HCs like the soft pastel one...so I just went wild and made them. 
I included a little bit of punk culture into this as well, because it’s not just about the fashion, but since there’s such a vast variety within punk culture I mostly stuck with my experiences in the community, and some bits and pieces from documentaries(mostly live footage from “The Decline of Western Civilization”).
Characters: Billy/Stu, The Lost Boys, Norman Bates, Michael Myers
Will make one(s) for Brahms, Amanda, Helen or Daniel if asked
Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
so early 90s, the Riot Grrrl movement emerges
bands like Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, Heavens to Betsy or Sleater-Kinney
it’s a very female-powered oriented movement, but I notice that a lot of minorities tend to be drawn to this music and community (LGBT folks, people of color, etc).
both boys, and yourself, being outside of the norm and all (polyamorous relationship, gay/bi) are sort of drawn to it!
and sure there’s a lot of really great queercore/homocore bands, and there’s probably a good LGBT+ punk scene out there somewhere, but in a little town like Woodsboro? Hell no. Sticking with this fem punk movement, while again mostly a space for women in music- it’s the most accepted the three of you have felt outside of you’re relationship. 
you’ve always been pretty into the music, stuff like Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, or the short-lived Germs- but it wasn’t until you stumbled upon Riot Grrrl that you really got into it. 
the music, making zines about local-ish political issues(probably not so much Woodsboro stuff, more Cali in general and neighboring towns) and a few ones with queer themes and hand-drawn illustrations of your partners, and DIYing all your clothes
since you’re so experienced with DIYing your clothes and sewing on patches, you’ve helped repair the Ghostface costumes on numerous occasions. they kind of adore this(Stu is the only one that will- and does, frequently- admit that)
Let’s face it, the three of you do everything together- but you especially enjoy when Stu tags along for thrift dates. 
he’s the more fashionable one, and he makes the whole experience more enjoyable- cracking jokes and just being his all-around goofy self.
Woodsboro is a very little town, so they don’t have much...but they do have a few small stores- usually you’ll make a whole day/date out of it though. driving to the next town or so over, since they have more stores and a better selection, and spending hours looking for cheap, old t-shirts, belts, clothes with funky patterns. heading out for pizza after.
Billy’s more likely to get into the music and everything with you(he’s kinda,, angsty, no offense to him)- will definitely go to shows with you.
just- imagine Billy in ripped jeans. and he’d have like one or two patches sewn on to it- one of them is your all time favorite band, and the other is a band that he found on his own time, and actually really enjoyed.
Stu is dragged along with you guys, you can’t just leave him at home- he’s gonna feel left out and sad. :(
He’s mostly there to keep y’all company- he really likes the energy of the shows though!
the two of them are such a chaotic duo though, so much so that you have definitely been kicked out or banned from a few venues. all for varying reasons. good grief these men can not be tamed.
The Lost Boys
as we all know, these vampires are total punks. so they’re gonna appreciate having a s/o who’s also into that whole scene.
How you meet:
you’re a baby punk, and it’s your first show ever, and you look so nervous. you’re dressed up in pretty plain clothes, a single homemade patch for your favorite band barely hanging to your jacket side(you were mid-way sewing it, when you realized you were gonna be late if you didn’t leave asap).
it’s a few local bands, ones you’d never really heard of really. you look anxious. but when they start playing? you look so unapologetically yourself, you’re so in the moment dancing- it’s completely mesmerizing to the boys. the music isn’t even that good, but you seem to be having the time of your life.
they greet you after the show, and you’re a tiny bit flustered- cause gosh, heck, they saw you. dancing. so embarrassing. 
David is the one that introduces himself and the group, and initiates conversation. Dwayne’s a pretty quiet guy, so he just listens to what you have to say. 
Marko’s pretty excited about you, and initiates in some small conversation, he may have complimented your little patch(Marko- patch jacket KING, complimenting your jacket?? more likely than you’d think) 
and oh, oh- Paul is out there being a total chatty-cathy, and is absolutely bombarding you with questions. like, okay, Paul is pretty talkative, but the other vamps are a little worried that he’s scared you off. and you had seemed so cool :(
you end up pretty engaged in your convo with Paul though, even if all the attention is overwhelming. He ends up snagging a date for the five of you the following week.
once you start hanging out/dating:
y’all just hit it off so well those first few days. they all love how sweet & shy you are- but also how much of a badass punk babe you are.
Marko helps make your patch jacket(collecting ones for bands you enjoy, how to make your own, sewing them on, etc). you probably could have done it w/out his help, but my gosh- you weren’t going to pass up this opportunity. Marko gets really soft around you sometimes, since he doesn’t really do this activity with anyone else, it’s saved for you. 🥺🥺
Dwayne likes listening to you talking about the local scene(outside of the shows you go to- mostly about stuff he can’t attend, protests and meetings during the daylight.)
all of them(especially David) are very protective of you. I mean, generally. but also when you go to shows. they let you do whatever the heck you’re gonna do, but the mere second that someone even thinks about starting shit w/ you?? well, y’know. those vampire instincts kick in.
the four of them obviously share a lot of similar tastes in music- but they all have different favorite bands, & fave parts of the community. which, they can’t even fully participate in,, but it’s okay.
they, individually, introduce their favorite bands to you. and they get it in their head that oh, they said they liked it. they must like it as much as I do. and awkwardly coming out to the four of them, as they argue about your favorite band, “Well, actually- this *insert band they’ve never heard of or barely listen to* is my favorite.” and their just kinda like, oh, okay. please tell us more about them. 
so it’s sorta like,, you’ve been learning all this cool knowledge from them, now you get to share cool knowledge with them.
idk. I think it’s cute. 💕
Norman Bates
so first off- let’s just pretend Psycho was in at least the 70s/80s for a moment. because realistically- the punk subculture didn’t really exist back then.
baby boy is absolutely fascinated by the way you dress (mother is less thrilled though)
imagine your jacket is getting a bit weathered, and needs some repairs- so he helps you to sew edges closed, and make sure the patches aren’t on too loose, etc
he enjoys hearing your stories of all the past shows you’ve gone to. you always get so excited about them, and he finds that so endearing. But he pretty much leaves the actual punk scene to you because of these stories.
he was already worried from the stories, and made sure you were well prepared for any trouble every time you left for a show.
but one time, you were able to get him to join you. never again though. he was so nervous!
the music was too loud! and he could hardly understand what they were saying- it was so confusing!
you stayed with him most of the night, standing near the back, holding his hand. he’d gently bob his head to the music occasionally. 
but you accidentally found yourself swept into the crowd, but you looked so blissed-out in the moment, that he figured it would be okay for you to dance* over there for a little bit...right?  
*Norman is still unsure if you’d even call that dancing.
Thankfully, nothing bad happened in the mosh pit.
you gotta give him lots of attention and reassurance afterwards though- you almost scared Norman half to death D:
He’s happy enough helping you out and listening to you though- and that’s okay for you, too. you still love each other lots, even if this particular interest doesn’t overlap.
Michael Myers
he thinks you’re outfits are pretty interesting. 
he’s a little worried at first, when you start experimenting with putting things like safety pins in your ears. cause like- that’s not supposed to be in your ear, Y/n, what the fuck
if you make zines at all, Michael really enjoys watching you make the illustrations for them(not that he’ll admit to it though), and helps to find newspaper and magazine clippings to incorporate into the spreads.
you always show michael the final booklet before distributing it
he doesn’t talk a lot, so he doesn’t ask questions- but he often does the little head tilt once you give it to him. since he’s not very privy to current events, and a lot of your zines are political, you spend a lot of time explaining them in depth.
he has no use for any of this knowledge, but he listens on, intently.
Important note:
dear god do not bring this man to concerts and local shows with you.
it is a nightmare, to say the least
Michael is sort of,, emotionless sometimes, doesn’t really care for people at all, and if he does? definitely not in the same way most people do. 
so imagine combining that part of michael, the fact that he’s also a giant stabby man, with super loud, energetic- almost aggressive- sounding music and a bunch of strangers that aren’t respecting any personal boundaries. 
you need to keep him at the back of the venue- lest your local scene may go missing.
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rosemary-rabbit · 4 years
You’re wet
Marko x Reader
Warning: nothing but the pure fluff of a tiny vampire boyfriend. Gender neutral for the reader, and you also have a cat
It usually never rained in Santa Carla. In fact, it never rained in California. It was always bright and sunny while the nights were dark and warm. Today was different. A storm had rolled in from out of nowhere and there was nothing to do. Except for lay about for most of the day and enjoy yourself.
You spent most of the day listing out what you’d be doing at night with your boyfriend Marko; However, since the rain showed no signs of stopping, you guessed that tonight would be yours to keep. To keep yourself company you turned on some old records and did small tasks throughout the day. You doodled in your sketchbook, played with your cat, danced a little, and napped. In general it was just a lazy day. When you finished dancing to whatever was on your record player you decided to head downstairs. Your cat was sprawled over the counter in a blissful slumber.
You gently smiled at your feline companion and went to the cabinets to grab a box of graham crackers. As you grabbed your snack a loud crack of thunder echoed through the house. Yeah, you definitely wouldn’t be doing anything tonight. This put a frown on your face as you desperately wanted to see your boyfriend. There was never a dull moment with him. He was always up to something with his vampire antics. Sighing, you closed the cabinet and trotted back upstairs. Back in your room, you flopped onto your bed
You stretched out your legs as a gentle rumble of thunder echoed outside. You turned your head to look outside your window. It was a very dark grey, so that must’ve meant that night had fallen. You sighed and grabbed your box and began eating the crackers from inside. In the middle of a bite a loud thwack came from your window. You almost choked on your cracker but thankfully you didn’t. Coughing, you launched yourself up from your bed and noticed a pigeon on your windowsill. It was one of Marko’s! He rarely sent a pigeon but when he did there was always a note.
Unlocking your window, you pulled it open and the pigeon hopped inside. Tied to its leg was a tiny piece of paper. You grabbed it and pulled it opened. It simply read:
“I’m on my way- M”
The letters were blurry from the rain that was falling harder than earlier. When you looked up the pigeon hopped out and flew into the storm. With that, you closed your window and went to your bathroom to grab some towels. Knowing him, he would be soaking wet from the storm. You once tried to convince him and the boys that they needed an umbrella incase something like this happened. You grabbed the towels from the bathroom closet and went back to your room and set them next to your window. He’d be here any minute. You turned your back for 5 seconds when sharp taps came from the window. You whipped back around to be met with a rather sad sight. A drenched Marko sitting on the outside sill. Hiding a smile, you went over to the window and yanked it open. He immediately crawled through the window and landed on the carpet of your bedroom. He was dripping water from every part of his body.
Looking him up and down you spoke, “You’re wet.”
Laughter echoed throughout the room from both of you. You, from how ridiculous he looked and him from your statement.
“I don’t look so bad!” He stated, holding out his arms.
“You’re getting water all over my carpet!” You said, going over to him. Before you could say something he pulled you into a big hug. You let out a yelp from how cold and wet he was.
“Unhand me! You’re ruining my shirt!” You said, as he gently kissed you on the neck.
“I don’t see a problem with that.” He said, letting you go. You rolled your eyes. He grabbed a towel and started drying off his face.
“You need to take off your clothes.” You stated looking at his dripping jacket.
“No can do your highness, I didn’t bring any other clothes.” he said, moving the towel from his face.
“I have clothes you can wear! I have some sweatpants and a nice shirt you can wear.” You said moving to grab his jacket from his shoulders.
“Your cat better not touch my clothes.” He said, while slithering out from his uncomfortably wet jacket.
“She won’t.” You said, taking his jacket and going to hang it up in your shower.
“I’m going through your closet!” Marko yelled, from your room. You sprinted back into your room at lightning speed, “Not without my supervision.” He rolled his eyes and began shifting through your closet. He found the sweat pants and a black cropped t-shirt with some skeletons on it.
“I’m going to the bathroom to change.” He said, heading off down the hall.
“Okay, put your wet clothes on the shower rod and I’ll put them in the dryer later!” You said moving to grab some extra blankets from the bottom of your closet. You fluffed them out and put them on your bed so you two could cuddle when he came back. You fixed up your warm nest while he changed and when it was completed you sat in the middle of it. After a couple of minutes he emerged from the bathroom in your clothes.
“Wow, I never thought you’d look so good in my clothes.” You said, gazing up at him. Then, he struck a pose like Madonna. You giggled as he kept on posing for you.
“I know I look good.” he said, with a wink. When he was done he walked over to the bed and flopped right next to you. You looked up at his hair and noticed his curls were a lot more defined when wet. He moved his arm so you could cuddle up next to him. You leaned down and rested your head on his chest.
“Marko, You’re cold as fuck.” You said pulling the blankets up over your bodies.
“It gives me more of a reason to get close to you.” He said giving a small kiss to your forehead. You smiled and looked up at his eyes.
“I’m glad you came. Otherwise tonight would’ve been boring as all hell.” You said quietly. He smiled down at you and with that your night was made.
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