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Here is my addition to Mermay! The rulers of the seas, Rån(Rán) and her husband Æge(Ægir). They are both jotuns but I based their design on the Vetter(a collective term for all magical creatures from Scandinavian folklore)Marmennil(Æge) and Margygr(Rån).
Marmennil(Mar = Sea, Mennil = Old man) looks like tiny mermen but they either have the face of an old man(some telling they have the face of a child). They are benevolent and will reward fishers for their kindness. (Like giving them pieces of clothing like a sock, glove, or a hat. They get cold lol) They can see into the future, warn fishers of incoming disasters, and show them good fishing spots.
Æge is a pretty chill fellow. He is mostly known for throwing parties for the Norse gods.
Margygr(Mar = Sea, Gygr = female term for a jotun/troll) is the murderhobo of the sea, and their favorite hobby is drowning young seafarers. They are a bad omen and usually show up before a terrible storm. If they throw a fish in the seafarer's boat it means there will be many casualties or a shipwreck. If she eats the fish there might still be hope for the men.
Rån is the complete opposite of Æge, she views humans as trespassers and uses her net to trap and drown seafarers with the help of her and Æge's nine daughters. Himinglæva, Duva, Blodughadda, Herving, Unn, Ronn, Bylga, Båra and Kolga.(Their names all mean "Wave" lol. They are also all the mothers of Heimdall.)
#fantasy #folklore #troll #characterdesign #faefolk #gygr #mermay #norsemythology #rån #æge #marmennill #margygr #sjøgyger #marmel #skandinavia
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manhwa-animated-cover · 4 months
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dekalko-mania · 9 months
One of the saddest dp scenes lowkey was in Kindred Spirits when Danny kept saying thank you over and over to Sam and Tucker for saving him when he thought he was really going to die.
They didn't even know exactly what they saved him from, just that he wouldn't stop thanking them. Like almost desperately.
It was played up as a wholesome moment and it was, but it's also kind of brutal when you think about it. David Kaufman did a really great job with this as well - you can HEAR the tremble in his voice at the beginning. Like despite his brave face and willingness to keep fighting, he was really terrified. The whole Vlad situation was really a wake up call - if he didn't have his friends to help him, then he might not even be half alive at all at this point.
It's also a bit of insight into what he's thinking during his brave/heroic moments. He hides the fact that he's often scared very well. Reminds me of that one quote - Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.
Scene attached for context but bro he would not STOP. Even they were like??? What is going on??
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picturejasper20 · 1 month
It took us around 20 years to have an actual confirmation that rumors of Steve Marmel wishing to make Danny Phantom more darker and serialized and expand more on Danny and Valerie's relationship were true, but better late than never.
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cosmicsponge2004 · 3 months
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pumpkinleif · 2 years
With the graphic novel coming out soon and people creeping back into the Danny Phandom after... a while... I’ve seen a couple posters wondering how a very NOT-transgender guy like Butch came up with a character with such powerful, universal trans energy. And while some of that answer is “Nicktoons were your childhood favorite and you’re trans,” I feel like it’s important to note that the initial concept art for Danny has NONE trans swag. None whatsoever.
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Look at this guy. This guy disrespects women. This guy uses Axe body spray to cover up the fact that he hasn’t showered in two weeks. This guy talks about crossfit and supports Trump.
The transgender swag was a gradual bimbofication that was brought to us by the concept art of artists such as Bob Boyle and character designers like Stephen Silver. (Also Shannon Tindle, Ernie Gilbert, Erik Wiese, Ray Angrum, Chris Graham, Ian Graham... Look, there’s a LOT of people that draw a cartoon.)
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Bob Boyle concept art ^^^
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Stephen Silver concept art. (Also notable for giving us Kim Possible’s iconic swag.) ^^^
So remember, if your favorite cartoon character has trans swag, don’t thank your pitch creators, thank your local storyboard artists or character artists today!
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prototypelq · 5 months
I have an irrationally big love for Darksiders Abomination Vault novel. I have reread it about an actual dozen times for now... I remember one time after finishing a reread, I stared at a wall for a while, only to turn back to the first page and start it up again xD
It's not just I'm weirdly obsessed with it too, the novel is extremely good and works great as a standalone entry. An especially big recommend to Darksiders fans - the story, characters (HORSES!), and worldbuilding is deliciously good.
Hopefully you can get the book officially, but if not, there are ways)
No idea if there are audio versions, however there is an Amazing fan-read here (incomplete as of posting, sadly)
fun fact: you can read the book and arrange the games OST in the background to play, according to current story location for additional engagement)
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astrabear · 9 months
A writer friend of mine posted this on Facebook:
A FB friend made a post asking if writers have any sort of ethical or moral responsibility regarding our writing. Most of the answers were about our only responsibility being to the "truth" of the story and characters, or the like. The following was my response. ---------- I guess I'll be the voice of dissent. As writers, we *absolutely* have a responsibility to the culture and times we live in--or rather, to the people who share them with us. Any piece of fiction longer than a short story (and many short stories as well) has a socio-political message. It may be minor, and it may well be unintentional, but it's there. It's there in the decisions we make about what characters to spotlight, and how we portray them. It's there in the attitudes we don't even mean to express. It's there in our choice of what struggles to showcase, and why characters on different sides of the issue make the choices they do. You can choose to craft your message deliberately, or not. But it will be there. It is our responsibility to be aware of what we're saying, and if what we're saying is harmful to people, to choose to say something else. If (to choose some random examples) your survivalist ammosexual turns out to be right, and his way of self-centered violence is the correct way forward? You're saying something that speaks to issues our society is facing right now. If your villain is Black or trans, and your heroes are all white or cis? That's a message. In a world of true equality, it might not be, but in this world? In a world of persecution and hate crimes and laws of deliberate oppression across multiple states? It's absolutely saying something. And what it's saying is harmful. It literally contributes, however small your audience may be, to a greater harmful attitude and world view. As a writer, you own that. And as writers, I believe we have an ethical and moral responsibility not to make things worse, if we can't make them better. And if doing harm is the only way you can be "true to the story"? Then you damn well tell a different story. As humans, our obligation is to our fellow humans, the marginalized most of all. Being a writer or an artist doesn't change that; it only changes how we go about it.
Me again. Now, this author writes novels and screenplays (Ari Marmell, he writes mostly fantasy with some sci-fi/horror, many of them have audiobook versions, some have been translated into other languages, see if your library carries anything but don't pirate minor authors who barely make enough to get by please) but this is the crux of the conflict I see in fanfic discourse.
And I don't know if it's possible to have constructive discussion between people who agree with these underlying principles (that everything communicates a political viewpoint, that what you put out into the world becomes part of a larger system of beliefs and values, that you are responsible for the effects of your work) and people who disagree with them.
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roachliquid · 9 months
Having gone through the whole show (aside from Phantom Planet, I'm saving that for its own day) I feel like I was a bit harsh on Steve Marmel. Don't get me wrong, I'm still not a fan of some of his creative choices, but it seems like he wasn't primarily responsible for the worst writing in the series; that dishonor goes to Butch Hartman and Sib Ventress, the latter of whom has everything under his belt from decent episodes to several of the series' biggest stinkers.
On the flip side, there's a strong pattern of my favorite episodes being written not by Marmel, but by Marty Isenberg. The fact that he also vanished between seasons 2 and 3 makes me think there was more to the loss of quality than just Marmel's departure.
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yorcko · 4 months
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dani-halfa · 1 year
So we all in general agree that Steven Marmel was one of the main reasons Danny Phantom was so enjoyable to watch in Season 1 and 2 and him leaving had a serious impact in overall quality of the show without having a clear direction whatsoever?
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zimmerdouche · 1 year
the mcdonald’s sauce accident post has me going down the danny phantom rabbit hole, esp for “the ultimate enemy” and realizing just how insane of a cartoon ep it was when it came out in 2005. like. bro
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sm-writes-chaos · 10 months
Finally I've gotten to write Miss. Marmel's backstory! (click for better quality)
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Transgender queen! Funnily enough when I was writing the very first draft of chapter one I called her Miss. Marmalade because I couldn't think of anything else, then I shortened it to marmel 'cause I didn't want to type out marmelade every time.
Words from image typed out under the cut
“My name isn’t really Miss. Marmel.”
Norah’s eyes widened and she leaned in closer. She waited for Miss. Marmel to continue.
“I’m not the best at coming up with fake names, so I just said Marmel. Like marmalade.” She chuckled a little.
Norah chimed in, “so why’d you have to come up with a fake name?”
“The reason I came here is because I was running away from my family.”
Norah nodded, “right you mentioned that they were bad.”
“I’m part of the Springbane family. You probably don’t know them but they're quite well known in Westwend. Mostly because of their wealth. My family is very strict and we were all expected to act certain ways and do certain things. They didn’t think becoming a jam seller would be very profitable. They didn’t approve of many of the things I did, including being a girl.”
Norah looked confused, “why wouldn’t they like you being a girl?”
“Because I wasn’t born one.”
Norah looked confused for a moment more before she seemed to get it.
“You were born male?”
“Yes, but I knew in my heart that I was a female. I tried to hide it from them, I had this one friend and she was the best person I’d ever met. She accepted me and lended me her clothes so I could dress up.” Miss. Marmel looked at the ceiling again but with a smile.
“One day my parents saw me wearing one of her dresses and everything went downhill from there. They made me train for the family business for years. As soon as I turned 18 I had saved enough money to buy a little house of my own. They still tormented me and since they had so much influence others in Westwend turned on me too. I never saw my friend again, I don’t know what happened to her. Eventually I couldn’t take the stares and comments anymore so I packed up and left for here. I know the people here wouldn’t accept me either but at least they don’t know.”
Norah took a moment to take it all in, and hugged her.
“You’ll always be Miss. Marmel to me.”
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ursaspecter · 2 years
The way Reign Storm feels like a better series finale than Phantom Planet...
A little reorganizing and rewriting would need to happen to make it make sense as a series finale, but even as it is it makes way more sense and feels more complete than Phantom Planet did.
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stophangiingdjs · 2 years
rewatching danny phantom for the first time since i was like 13 and wow. they really up and called that boy a twink.
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griffinftw · 1 year
Butch Hartman = Bob Kane
Steve Marmel = Bill Finger
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